The app is now ready for iOS 13:
- It supports the beautiful Dark Mode
Improvements relevant to users
- Implemented haptic feedback when buttons are pressed. Note, this is only available from iPhone 7 onwards
- Enhanced the colorpicker, so that it is easier to select the desired color
- Optimized screen usage, so that more information can be displayed
- Changed order of the rollershutter button
- Fixed backwards compatibility with OpenHAB 1.x connections
- Enhanced video component by adding mjpeg support
- Improved the representation of the rollershutter component
- Enhanced authentication process for remote and local connections. This should ensure Basic Auth works in cases where the URL is discovered via Bonjour.
- Fixed data parsing issue
- Changed logic regards showing SSL certificate warning
- Improved handling of sitemaps
- Improved video URL handling on cell reuse
Behind the scenes
- URLSession wrapped in Alamofire for network access, AFNetworking completely removed
- Improved handling of SSL certificate warning
- Display of icons when connected via https
- Setting authorization header also for icons
- Caching of icons with Kingfisher - SDWebImage purged from code base
- Converted direct URLSession usage in OpenHABTracker to use NetworkConnection.shared.manager instead to ensure that auth handling is handled properly - in particular when a 401 is returned from the server.
- Refactored HTTP Basic Auth to use the taskDidReceiveChallenge delegate so it only includes the Authorization header if requested by the server.
- Completed migration from AFNetworking to Alamofire: purged AlamofireRememberingSecurityPolicy.swift: init(policies: [String: ServerTrustPolicy]) to override ancestor, uncommented evaluateClientTrust and handleAuthenticationChallenge Reworked NetworkManager to it compile successfully with AlamofireRememberingSecurityPolicy Removed main.m, openHAB-Prefix.pch files, openHAB-Bridging-Header.h, openHABTests-Bridging-Header.h
- Fixed retain cycle in setWillSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge closure
- SFSymbols as source of icons for iOS 13 to eventually replace DynamicButton
- Build improvements
- Swift Package Manager to replace CocoaPod where possible
- Improved fastlane
- Improved test coverage for instance for large JSON files, XML trimming whitespace, improved logic
- Many bug fixes: correct recognition of labelValue
- Refactoring:
- Completed onReceiveSessionTaskChallenge and onReceiveSessionChallenge for image download
- Recursive traversal of widgets data structure
- Refinement of swiftlint, usage of swiftformat
- Update to recent versions of SideMenu: clearing widgets to ensure cell invalidation on sitemap change
- Access to UserDefaults via Preferences to avoid typing errors and improve consistency
- Migrated from responseJSON to responseData
- Reworked XML parsing: now completely based on Fuzi framework
- Setting the FrameUITableViewCell font and color to match Apple's Guidelines
- Retain cycle in loadPage fixed
- Cache invalidation on sitemap change fixed
- URLSession wrapped in Alamofire for network access, AFNetworking completely removed