{ "name": "terminate_after", "description": "Indexes the whole document corpus using a setup that will lead to a larger indexing throughput than the default settings and produce a smaller index (higher compression rate). Document ids are unique so all index operations are append only. After that a couple of queries are run.", "default": false, "schedule": [ { "name": "check-cluster-health", "operation": { "operation-type": "cluster-health", "index": "nyc_taxis", "request-params": { "wait_for_status": "{{cluster_health | default('green')}}", "wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true" }, "retry-until-success": true } }, { "operation": "default-terminate-after-10000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 3 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "default-terminate-after-100000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 3 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "default-terminate-after-1000000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 3 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-10000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 50 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 2 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-100000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 50 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 2 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-1000000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 50 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 2 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "date_histogram_agg-10000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 1.5 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "date_histogram_agg-100000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 1.5 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} }, { "operation": "date_histogram_agg-1000000", "warmup-iterations": 50, "iterations": 100 {%- if not target_throughput %} ,"target-throughput": 1.5 {%- elif target_throughput is string and target_throughput.lower() == 'none' %} {%- else %} ,"target-throughput": {{ target_throughput | tojson }} {%- endif %} {%-if search_clients is defined and search_clients %} ,"clients": 1 {%- endif %} } ] } { "name": "date_histogram_agg-10000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 10000, "query": { "range": { "dropoff_datetime": { "gte": "01/01/2015", "lte": "21/01/2015", "format": "dd/MM/yyyy" } } }, "aggs": { "dropoffs_over_time": { "date_histogram": { "field": "dropoff_datetime", "calendar_interval": "day" } } } } }, { "name": "date_histogram_agg-100000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 100000, "query": { "range": { "dropoff_datetime": { "gte": "01/01/2015", "lte": "21/01/2015", "format": "dd/MM/yyyy" } } }, "aggs": { "dropoffs_over_time": { "date_histogram": { "field": "dropoff_datetime", "calendar_interval": "day" } } } } }, { "name": "date_histogram_agg-1000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 1000000, "query": { "range": { "dropoff_datetime": { "gte": "01/01/2015", "lte": "21/01/2015", "format": "dd/MM/yyyy" } } }, "aggs": { "dropoffs_over_time": { "date_histogram": { "field": "dropoff_datetime", "calendar_interval": "day" } } } } }, { "name": "default-terminate-after-10000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 10000000 } }, { "name": "default-terminate-after-100000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 100000000 } }, { "name": "default-terminate-after-1000000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "size": 1, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 1000000000 } }, { "name": "range", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "query": { "range": { "total_amount": { "gte": 5, "lt": 15 } } } } }, { "name": "distance_amount_agg", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 0, "aggs": { "distance_histo": { "histogram": { "field": "distance", "interval": 1 }, "aggs": { "total_amount_stats": { "stats": { "field": "total_amount" } } } } } } }, { "name": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-10000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "query": { "bool": { "filter": { "range": { "trip_distance": { "lt": 50, "gte": 0 } } } } }, "aggs": { "distance_histo": { "histogram": { "field": "trip_distance", "interval": 1 }, "aggs": { "total_amount_stats": { "stats": { "field": "total_amount" } } } } }, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 100000000 } }, { "name": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-100000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "query": { "bool": { "filter": { "range": { "trip_distance": { "lt": 50, "gte": 0 } } } } }, "aggs": { "distance_histo": { "histogram": { "field": "trip_distance", "interval": 1 }, "aggs": { "total_amount_stats": { "stats": { "field": "total_amount" } } } } }, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 100000000 } }, { "name": "distance_amount_agg-terminate-after-1000000000", "operation-type": "search", "body": { "size": 1, "query": { "bool": { "filter": { "range": { "trip_distance": { "lt": 50, "gte": 0 } } } } }, "aggs": { "distance_histo": { "histogram": { "field": "trip_distance", "interval": 1 }, "aggs": { "total_amount_stats": { "stats": { "field": "total_amount" } } } } }, "track_total_hits": true, "terminate_after": 1000000000 } }