+A `popup` element represents transient application UI that “pops up” in the
+[top layer](https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#top-layer) of a web document, enabling the user to
+perform some task in a timely and immediate fashion. `popup` is similar to the `dialog` element, but
+is distinguished by its transient nature (“light dismiss” behaviors) and mutual exclusivity: only
+one `popup` element may be rendered at a time, with the exception of nested `popup`s.
+ Examples of popups include: button menus, listboxes used for item selection e.g. comboboxes,
+ "teaching" UI, and other progressive-disclosure widgets or content pickers.
+The `open` IDL attribute, on getting, must return the last value to which it was set. On setting,
+it must be set to the new value. When the element is created, it must be set to `false`.
+## Showing a `popup` element
+A `popup` element and its contents must not be rendered unless:
+- The `initiallyopen` attribute is specified
+- The `show()` method is invoked
+- Or the `popup` element has been invoked through user interaction with an element whose `popup`
+ attribute references the `popup` element's ID
+This requirement may be implemented indirectly through the style layer. For example,
+user agents that
+[support the suggested default rendering](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/infrastructure.html#renderingUA)
+implement this requirement using the CSS rules described in the
+[Rendering section](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#rendering).
The popup stack
+This specification introduces a new stacking layer in the document
+[top layer](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/zindex.html), called the **popup stack**. Each document has
+one popup stack.
+The popup stack is an [ordered set](https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#ordered-set) of elements,
+rendered in the order they appear in the set. The last element in the set is rendered last,
+and thus appears on top.
+Showing or hiding a `popup` element adds or removes the element from the popup stack, respectively.
+### The `initiallyopen` attribute
+The `initiallyopen` attribute is a
+[boolean attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#boolean-attribute).
+When specified, it indicates that the popup element will be shown upon document load, such that the
+user can interact with it.
+When a `popup` element becomes
+[browsing-context connected](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#becomes-browsing-context-connected), the
+user agent must run the following steps, given a popup element _candidate subject_:
+1. If the `initiallyopen` content attribute is specified on the _candidate subject_, run the
+ [showing a `popup` element steps](#showing-popup-steps).
+2. Otherwise, set the _candidate subject_'s _open state_ to `false`.
+ As a result of following this run step: in the event that initiallyopen is specified on multiple
+ popups, the last of these popups (with the initiallyopen attribute) in the DOM order will be the
+ popup that is rendered upon document load.
+### The `show()` method
+The `show()` method renders the `popup` element, such that the user can interact with it.
+ New!
+ I’m some sort of educational UI…
+The show() method steps are to run the [showing a `popup` element steps](#showing-popup-steps) with
+### The `popup` attribute
+The `popup` attribute indicates that a related `popup` element should be shown or hidden as the
+user interacts with the element where the `popup` attribute is specified. If the attribute is
+specified, the attribute's value must be the ID of a `popup` element in the same
+[node document](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-document).
+**Example:** Invoking the `button` element in this example should show/hide the `popup` element,
+depending on whether or not the `popup` element is currently shown:
+The `popup` attribute is supported on a subset of
+[interactive elements](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html):
+- `button`
+- `input` in the `button` state
+- `input` in the `email`, `number`, `search`, `tel`, `text`, or `url` states
+#### Showing/hiding a `popup` element via the `popup` attribute
+When an element with the `popup` attribute specified receives a user interaction that should show
+the related `popup` element, this element shall be known as the `popup` element's _invoker_.
+ Multiple elements may have a popup attribute that refers to the same popup element. A given popup
+ element only has 0 or 1 invokers at a given time. For example, if the popup element was shown
+ programmatically, the invoker is null. Otherwise, the element that the user actually interacted
+ with to show the popup is its sole invoker.
+If the _invoker_ is a `button` element or an `input` element in the `button` state, and the
+_invoker_ is activated; OR the _invoker_ is an input in the `email`, `number`, `search`, `tel`,
+`text`, or `url` states and focus is set to the _invoker_, the user agent must run the following
+1. Let _subject_ be the first element in tree order with the ID referenced by the `popup` attribute
+ specified on the _invoker_. If there is no such element, or the _subject_ is not a `popup`
+ element, then return.
+2. Get the _subject_'s _open state_.
+3. If _subject_'s _open state_ is `true`, run
+ [hiding a `popup` element steps](#hiding-current-popups), with _subject_ and _invoker_.
+4. Otherwise, run [showing a `popup` element steps](#showing-popup-steps) with _subject_ and _invoker_.
+ Should we have a way to suppress these steps upon focus, so that the author can enable the popup
+ to be shown upon text entry (or some other logic) instead?
+ Showing a popup element steps
+The **showing a `popup` element steps**, given a popup element _candidate subject_ and an optional
+element _invoker_, and an optional element _anchor element_, are:
+1. Run the [hiding currently-shown `popup` elements steps](#hiding-current-popups), with the
+ _candidate subject_, _invoker_ if it was given, and _anchor element_ if it was given.
+2. Add the _candidate subject_ to _candidate subject_'s
+ [node document](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-document)'s [popup stack](#popup-stack).
+3. Set the _candidate subject_'s _open state_ to `true`.
+4. If the `popup` element was shown as a result of a user interaction with an `invoker`,
+ set the _candidate subject_'s _invoker_ to _invoker_.
+5. Let _focusableArea_ be the result of [getting the focusable area
+ steps](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#get-the-focusable-area) given _candidate subject_.
+6. Run the [focusing steps](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#focusing-steps) given _focusableArea_.
+ Without the presence of the autofocus or delegatefocus attribute, focus remains on the active
+ element. This behavior is to enable scenarios where the popup is used in a composite control. For
+ example, a combobox where the user expects their focus to stay in the text input instead of moving
+ automatically to the listbox popup as and when it appears.
+## Setting initial focus with the `autofocus` attribute
+The [autofocus](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#the-autofocus-attribute)
+content attribute allows the author to indicate that an element is to be focused as soon as the
+page is loaded or as soon as the `popup` within which it finds itself is shown.
+When specified on the `popup` element, it indicates that when the `popup` element is shown, focus
+moves to the `popup` element.
The popup itself will receive focus.
+When specified on a descendent of the `popup` element, it indicates that when the `popup` element is
+shown, focus should move to the descendent of the `popup` element where `autofocus` is specified.
Text goes here
+## Setting initial focus with the `delegatesfocus` attribute
+The `delegatesfocus` content attribute is a
+[boolean attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#boolean-attribute).
+When specified, it indicates that when the `popup` element is shown, focus will move to the first
+focusable descendent of the `popup` element.
I am not a focusable element.
Nor am I.
+## Anchoring a `popup` to another element
+Many popups have a visual-logical relationship with another element that may not be a part of the
+`popup` element's ancestry chain. For example, a `button` may control a `popup` element, and the
+`popup` needs to be positioned with respect to this `button`. Or the `popup` element may simply be
+used to draw attention to or describe another element. The `anchor` attribute indicates this
+relationship. When specified, the attribute's value must be the ID of an element in the same
+[node document](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-document) as the `popup` element.
+ New!
+ I’m some sort of educational UI…
+The target of the `anchor` attribute participates in determining whether a candidate `popup` element
+is "nested" in a currently-shown `popup`; refer to hiding
+currently-shown popup elements steps.
+ Whenever there is a spec to point to for CSS anchored positioning, call out here that the anchor
+ attribute is used to help resolve CSS anchor() functions.
+## Hiding a `popup` element
+### The `hide()` method
+The `hide()` method hides a `popup` element. The `hide()` method steps are to run the
+[hiding a `popup` element steps](#hiding-popup-steps) with
+### Light dismissal
+"Light dismiss" describes the behavior of a component which dismisses itself automatically when a
+user performs an action that implies that they are finished interacting with the component. The
+actions that trigger light dismiss are:
+- The user presses the escape key.
+- A focus change occurs (because of either user interaction or script), where the focus target is
+ outside of the contents of the component. This includes the case where the user invokes a
+ non-focusable element, which causes focus to jump to the nearest focusable ancestor of that element.
+- An OS-level focus change occurs such that the window containing the component no longer has focus.
+ For example, the user switches to a different browser tab or switches to a different application.
+When a `popup` element is shown and a light dismiss interaction occurs:
+1. If a keypress event for the `ESCAPE` key was fired, run [hiding a `popup` element
+ steps](#hiding-popup-steps), with the _candidate subject_ set to the top-most `popup` element in
+ the [popup stack](#pop-stack).
+2. If a focus change occurs, the user agent must set the _start node_ to the element which received
+ the focus event and run [Hiding currently-shown `popup` elements steps](#hiding-current-popups).
+3. Otherwise, the user agent must set the _start node_ to null and run [Hiding currently-shown
+ `popup` elements steps](#hiding-current-popups).
+ Hiding currently-shown popup elements steps
+The **hiding currently-shown `popup` elements steps**, given an optional popup element
+_candidate subject_, an optional element _invoker_, and an optional element _anchor element_, and an
+optional element _start node_, are as follows.
+For each popup element _subject_ in the
+[node document](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-document)'s [popup stack](#popup-stack):
+1. If _candidate subject_ is null, run the
+ [hiding a `popup` element steps](#hiding-popup-steps), with _subject_ as _candidate subject_.
+2. Otherwise, starting with the _candidate subject_, walk the
+ [flat tree](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#flattening) to determine whether the _subject_
+ is an ancestor to the _candidate subject_. If this condition is met, then return.
+3. Otherwise, if the _invoker_ is not null, starting with the _invoker_, walk the
+ [flat tree](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#flattening) to determine whether the _subject_
+ is an ancestor to the _invoker_. If this condition is met, then return.
+4. Otherwise, if the _anchor element_ is not null, starting with the _anchor element_, walk the
+ [flat tree](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#flattening) to determine whether the _subject_
+ is an ancestor to the _anchor element_. If this condition is met, then return.
+5. If _start node_ is not null:
+6. If the _start node_ is the _subject_, then return.
+7. Otherwise, starting with the _start node_, walk the
+ [flat tree](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#flattening) to determine whether the _subject_
+ is an ancestor to the _start node_. If this condition is met, then return.
+8. Otherwise, for this _subject_, run the
+ [hiding a `popup` element steps](#hiding-popup-steps), with _subject_ as _candidate subject_, and
+ optional element _invoker_.
+ Hiding a popup element steps
+The **hiding a `popup` element steps**, given a `popup` element _candidate subject_ and an optional
+element _invoker_, are as follows:
+1. Remove the _candidate subject_ from the
+ [node document](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-document)'s [popup stack](#popup-stack).
+2. Set the _candidate subject_'s _open state_ to `false`.
+3. Set the _candidate subject_'s _invoker_ to _null_.
+4. [Queue an element task](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-an-element-task)
+ on the [user interaction task source](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#user-interaction-task-source)
+ given the _candidate subject_ element to
+ [fire an event](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event-fire)
+ named `hide` at _candidate subject_.
+## HTML Incubation Text: User Interaction > Focus > Processing Model
+**If _focus target_ is a `popup` element**
+1. If the `delegatesfocus` attribute is specified on _focus target_, return the first focusable
+ descendent element of _focus target_, in
+ [tree order](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-order), that is not inert.
+2. If there is no such descendent, but `delegatesfocus` is specified, return the _focus target_.
+3. Otherwise, if the `autofocus` attribute is specified on _focus target_, return the _focus target_.
+4. Otherwise, if the `autofocus` attribute is specified on a descendent element of _focus target_,
+ return the first such descendent element of _focus target_, in
+ [tree order](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-order), that is not inert.
+5. Otherwise, return.
diff --git a/research/src/styles/spec.css b/research/src/styles/spec.css
index dc942d04a..bbc20b7c6 100644
--- a/research/src/styles/spec.css
+++ b/research/src/styles/spec.css
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+dl {
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ padding: 1em;
+dd {
+ margin: 0 0 0 1em;
+dd + dt {
+ margin-top: .5em;
.question {
background: #F7F781;
position: relative;
@@ -43,14 +56,4 @@
padding: 0 .5em;
margin-right: .5em;
font-weight: bold;
-.todo::before {
- background: #c78f2c;
- content: "Question";
- width: max-content;
- color: white;
- padding: 0 .5em;
- margin-right: .5em;
- font-weight: bold;
\ No newline at end of file