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User Acceptance Tests

Kelson edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 11 revisions

Source code

  • Changelog has been updated
  • README is still up2date
  • git tag set properly
  • Docker image build (change repo for testing): docker build docker


  • Global installation works on Linux with nodejs 10: sudo npm install -g openzim/mwoffliner
  • Version is printed properly: mwoffliner --version and mwoffliner -v
  • Help is printed properly: mwoffliner --help and mwoffliner -h and mwoffliner

Basic Wikipedia

  • Simple dump: mwoffliner --mwUrl= --adminEmail="" --verbose
  • Last mwoffliner execution was OK echo $? (0 should be printed)
  • ZIM file has been created properly: zimdump -C out/wikipedia_bm_all_2019-03.zim and zimcheck out/wikipedia_bm_all_2019-03.zim

Also do same as above with en top 100:

  • mwoffliner --mwUrl= --verbose
  • zimdump -L ./out/wikipedia_en_100_2019-04.zim | grep html | wc -l should be 100

Complexer Wikipedia case

  • Based on custom article & favicon: mwoffliner --verbose --mwUrl="" --customZimFavicon="" --customZimTitle="Football by Wikipedia" --customZimDescription="Wikipedia articles dedicated to Football" --articleList=

Home page

  • Only articles in --articleList are mirrored (not the default home page)
  • Using --articleList implies using the default thumbnailed welcome page
  • Wiki home page properly retrieved if no --articleList or --customMainPage
  • --customMainPage works properly even if article is not in the list of --articleList
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