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Juan Pablo Rivera Caicedo rom101415

Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit Mexico

David McGee blackfob

Richmond BC Canada

LukeHopson LukeHopson
Studying Computer Science at UNC Charlotte.
stets stets

cincinnati, ohio

HOYOUNG SON thsghdud13
GeoInfomatic Engineering & Computer Science Engineering at Inha Univ.


Matic Lubej mlubej
Data scientist at Planet Labs, background in Particle Physics.

EO Research Team @ Sinergise Ljubljana, Slovenia

intrinsic tech intrinsic-tech
Transformational ML, RL, and MLOps services to help you design, build, and operate production-ready products.

Intrinsic Tech

Johann Desloires j-desloires
Passionate about leveraging satellite data and machine learning to revolutionize agriculture.


Jakob Miksch JakobMiksch
Geospatial Developer

@siticom Heidelberg, Germany, Europe

Adriana Sato drisato

São Paulo, Brasil

Mehdi SS. Joud MSSJoud
A researcher in satellite geodesy, data fusion, and ML e.g., Attention Mech. Adv. Earth system monitoring through SAR, GRACE, and AI. @zarvanda & @AAUGeodesy.

@aaugeodesy Copenhagen, Denmark

Josh Manto josh-ai2
I am a data science undergraduate student @ Duke University.
Shunan Feng fsn1995
冯树楠 Postdoc at Aarhus University

Aarhus University Copenhagen

Paloma Avena palomaavena
Data Analyst | GIS | PD&I | GeoHab | DSPC™ | SFPC™ | BIFPC™


Jose Moreno Ortega jmoreno11

E.ON Digital Technology GmbH

Florent florentdemelezi
Rawan Elframawy rawann31
Senior student at Nile University. Artificial Intelligence School.

VAIS Egypt

Felipe felipealencar
Research Scientist. Ph.D. in Computer Science. Lecturer. Software Engineer. Freesurfer.

Saint Louis University Saint Louis, MO, US

RS-eco RS-eco
Data scientist & ecologist working on land-use and climate impacts on biodiversity.


Christian Málaga RealGuyab
Spacial Analyst professional Learning Python GIS Teaching Qgis


Adrián Di Paolo Adrok24
Interests: Physics, Astronomy, Programming. From Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. (The art cat was generated with TL)

Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fábio Franco Uechi fabito
MLOps engineer @halter

Halter Auckland - New Zealand

ryand2d ryand2d


Jalyn Gearries jalyngearries
Ecoinformatics PhD student at Northern Arizona University using remote sensing to monitor riparian vegetation along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon N.P.
Peter Whitman peterwhitman
Solutions engineer at Planet Labs with expertise in remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS)

Planet Labs Saint Paul, MN

Akhil Singh Rana AkhilSinghRana
Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Planet Labs Gmbh Friedrichshafen, Germany