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Elisa Costa lizacosx

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Nicollas Prado nicollasprado
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Software

Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Natal/RN

Jean Dias jeanmfdias

MazzaFC Brazil

Felipe Salles sallesfelipe
Devops | Network | Cloud | Infra

Rio de Janeiro

Rameson Jacó JacobbV

QyuDev. Patos, Brazil

João Leal joaoVitorLeal
Python | Java | SQL | JDBC | Backend

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Michael Bullet Bulletdev
<> Full cycle Developer - DevOps; Not a Programmer, i'm a problem solver </> ☕ @ClubeDoJava My dream? become Java Champion & Microsoft MVP

@ClubeDoJava Bahia

Luciano Neves lucianonevesln
Desenvolvedor e Contador.

São Paulo - Brazil

Wallace Espindola wallaceespindola
Sr. Software Engineer & Architect, Backend Java & Python Dev, Tech-Writer & Speaker

W-Tech IT Solutions Brussels

Luis Rodrigues luisr-1
I'm a Software Quality Engineer who loves cats, addicted to music and coffee, and also a technology enthusiast.

São Paulo

Rodrigo Santucci rodrigosantucci
Developer, absorving and sharing knowledgement

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Rodrigo Cardoso rcardoso91

Rio de Janeiro \ Brasil

Raí Rafael Santos Silva rairfs
Desenvolvedor Back-end Java/Spring e Front-end Angular.

GFT Brasil Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil.

Ítalo Baciliere ItaloBaciliere
Software Developer. Perdi o meu git anterior, com isso estarei recomeçando a partir deste.

F1RST Digital Services Minas Gerias, Brasil

Vitor Lany 🧊 vitorlany
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Yugo Sakamoto yugoccp
I help professional web developers to design and build robust architectures so they can influence important decisions and lead their teams to success
Luiz Gustavo S. Real lgsreal
Java Developer | College Professor | AI Enthusiast

Fundunesp São Paulo, Brazil

José Vitor da Silva Sousa jvitosousa
Cursando Engenharia de Software Puc-Minas

Puc Minas Belo Horizonte

Daniel Tikamori danieltikamori
Solutions Architect and Software Engineer. I am passionate about solving issues, technology, marketing, and business.
Matheus Oliveira da Silva omatheusmesmo
Systems Analyst at Neogrid and Music Teacher. I'm finishing my degree in ADS, and here I post personal projects and aim to contribute to Open Source.

Neogrid São Paulo, SP

Vitorino.Vinicius ViniciusVitorinoSantos
Técnico em desenvolvimento de sistemas/ Analista de sistemas/ Full Stack Developer/ .Apaixonado por desenvolvimento de software.

Free Curitiba


Freelancer Earth

Nthingtech Nthingtech

São Paulo, Brazil

Vinicius Silva vinnisv

Belo Horizonte - MG

Lucas L llpti2024
35 Back-End Java student at EBAC from Brazil, Software Engineer - InfNet , passionate about web, app and software development.


Wellyson Freitas wellyfrs
Senior Software Engineer at @n26

@N26 Barcelona, Spain

João Kavalciuki JoaoKavalciuki

Mercado Livre Osasco, SP

Rafael Oliveira rafaDev42
Hello, I'm a systems development student and I'm looking for new connections and continuous learning. I'm looking for my first opportunity. Welcome!

São Paulo

Luiz Carmo luizcarmoo
Embarking on a journey to become a Software Engineer, embracing every pixel of possibility.


Lucas Camargo da Silva Lcamargodasilva

Foz do Iguaçu - PR

Eduardo Oliveira eduardovieiraoliveiraa
Programador Java PL | Backend Enthusiast | Solucionador de Problemas Complexos

CooperAlfa Chapecó

Software Developer - Building Dynamic Code Palhoça-SC