Manage subscriptions and feature access with customizable plans in FilamentPHP
thanks for Laravel Subscriptions you can review it before use this package.
- Manage plans
- Manage features
- Manage subscriptions
- multi-tenancy support
- Native Filament subscriptions support
- Subscription Middleware
- Subscription Page like Spark
- Subscription Events
- Subscription Facade Hook
- Subscription Webhooks
- Subscription Payments Integrations
composer require tomatophp/filament-subscriptions
we need the Media Library plugin to be installed and migrated you can use this command to publish the migration
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="medialibrary-migrations"
now you need to publish your migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravelcm\Subscriptions\SubscriptionServiceProvider"
after that please run this command
php artisan filament-subscriptions:install
finally register the plugin on /app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php
now on your User.php model or any auth model you like you need to add this trait
namespace App\Models;
use Laravelcm\Subscriptions\Traits\HasPlanSubscriptions;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasPlanSubscriptions;
To configure the billing provider for your application, use the FilamentSubscriptionsProvider
use TomatoPHP\FilamentSubscriptions\FilamentSubscriptionsProvider;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentSubscriptions\Filament\Pages\Billing;
use Filament\Panel;
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
->tenantBillingProvider(new FilamentSubscriptionsProvider());
This setup allows users to manage their billing through a link in the tenant menu.
To enforce a subscription requirement for any part of your application, use the requiresTenantSubscription()
use Filament\Panel;
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
Users without an active subscription will be redirected to the billing page.
You can register new subscriber type by using this code
use TomatoPHP\FilamentSubscriptions\Facades\FilamentSubscriptions;
public function boot()
You can create your own billing class and register it in config/laravel-subscriptions.php
'pages' => [
'billing' => Billing::class,
we add events everywhere on the subscription process and here is the list of events
all events have the same payload
return [
"old" => //Plan,
"new" => //Plan,
"subscription" => //Subscription,
you can use the facade hook to add your custom logic to the subscription process
use TomatoPHP\FilamentSubscriptions\Facades\FilamentSubscriptions;
FilamentSubscriptions::afterSubscription(function (array $data){
// your logic here
FilamentSubscriptions::afterRenew(function (array $data){
// your logic here
FilamentSubscriptions::afterChange(function (array $data){
// your logic here
FilamentSubscriptions::afterCanceling(function (array $data){
// your logic here
you can publish config file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-subscriptions-config"
you can publish views file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-subscriptions-views"
you can publish languages file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-subscriptions-lang"
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