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Release Process

Sebastian Schuberth edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 7 revisions
  • Any core-dev can technically do releases. So far, only @sschuberth has done releases, so ask him in case of questions.
  • Once a week, before the ORT Community Meeting, the core-dev checks out the latest main and runs these commands locally:
    • ./gradlew releaseVersion (to create a local release tag in Git)
    • git push origin <tag> (to push the created <tag> and trigger the release workflow on GitHub)
  • Then remotely:
    • Wait for the release workflow to succeed.
    • Inspect the releases page for proper notes / artifacts being published.
    • Login at OSSRH and:
      • Go to the Staging Repositories (select on the left-hand side under Build Promotion).
      • If no staging repository is shown, click on Refresh in the top bar.
      • Click on the staging repository, and use Content tab in the bottom area to inspect the artifacts for completeness and consistency.
      • From the top bar, Close the staging repository.
      • Wait for the Release button to not be grayed out (eventually click on Refresh again).
    • Wait for artifacts to get published on Maven Central.
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