diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index 44fbcf9ad3fb..33a2074bba3b 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -1074,6 +1074,15 @@ matrix:
+ - PHP_VERSION: 7.1
+ TEST_SUITE: selenium
+ BEHAT_SUITE: webUIWebdavLocks
+ DB_TYPE: mariadb
+ USE_SERVER: true
# caldav test
TEST_SUITE: caldav
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml b/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
index 6fb2f14495b2..3901101a6569 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
+++ b/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
@@ -324,6 +324,18 @@ default:
- WebUILoginContext:
- WebUISharingContext:
+ webUIWebdavLocks:
+ paths:
+ - %paths.base%/../features/webUIWebdavLocks
+ contexts:
+ - FeatureContext: *common_feature_context_params
+ - WebDavLockingContext:
+ - WebUIFilesContext:
+ - WebUIGeneralContext:
+ - WebUILoginContext:
+ - WebUIWebDavLockingContext:
+ - WebUISharingContext:
filename: report.xml
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebDavLockingContext.php b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebDavLockingContext.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ddc490c2083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebDavLockingContext.php
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Artur Neumann artur@jankaritech.com
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
+use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;
+use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
+use TestHelpers\WebDavHelper;
+require_once 'bootstrap.php';
+ * context containing API steps needed for the locking mechanism of webdav
+ */
+class WebDavLockingContext implements Context {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var FeatureContext
+ */
+ private $featureContext;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var string[][]
+ */
+ private $tokenOfLastLock = [];
+ /**
+ * @When the user :user locks file/folder :file using the WebDAV API setting following properties
+ * @Given the user :user has locked file/folder :file setting following properties
+ *
+ * @param string $user
+ * @param string $file
+ * @param TableNode $properties table with no heading with | property | value |
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function lockFileUsingWebDavAPI($user, $file, TableNode $properties) {
+ $baseUrl = $this->featureContext->getBaseUrl();
+ $password = $this->featureContext->getPasswordForUser($user);
+ $body
+ = "" .
+ " ";
+ $headers = [];
+ $propertiesRows = $properties->getRows();
+ foreach ($propertiesRows as $property) {
+ if ($property[0] === "depth") { //depth is set in the header not in the xml
+ $headers["Depth"] = $property[1];
+ } else {
+ $body .= "";
+ }
+ }
+ $body .= "";
+ $response = WebDavHelper::makeDavRequest(
+ $baseUrl, $user, $password, "LOCK", $file, $headers, $body, null,
+ $this->featureContext->getDavPathVersion()
+ );
+ $responseXml = $this->featureContext->getResponseXml($response);
+ $responseXml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
+ $xmlPart = $responseXml->xpath("//d:locktoken/d:href");
+ $this->tokenOfLastLock[$user][$file] = (string)$xmlPart[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @When the user :user unlocks the last created lock of file/folder :file using the WebDAV API
+ *
+ * @param string $user
+ * @param string $file
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function unlockLastLockUsingWebDavAPI($user, $file) {
+ $baseUrl = $this->featureContext->getBaseUrl();
+ $password = $this->featureContext->getPasswordForUser($user);
+ $headers = ["Lock-Token" => $this->tokenOfLastLock[$user][$file]];
+ WebDavHelper::makeDavRequest(
+ $baseUrl, $user, $password, "UNLOCK", $file, $headers, null, null,
+ $this->featureContext->getDavPathVersion()
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @Then :count locks should be reported for file/folder :file of user :user by the WebDAV API
+ *
+ * @param int $count
+ * @param string $file
+ * @param string $user
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function numberOfLockShouldBeReported($count, $file, $user) {
+ $baseUrl = $this->featureContext->getBaseUrl();
+ $password = $this->featureContext->getPasswordForUser($user);
+ $body
+ = "" .
+ " " .
+ "" .
+ "";
+ $response = WebDavHelper::makeDavRequest(
+ $baseUrl, $user, $password, "PROPFIND", $file, null, $body, null,
+ $this->featureContext->getDavPathVersion()
+ );
+ $responseXml = $this->featureContext->getResponseXml($response);
+ $responseXml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
+ $xmlPart = $responseXml->xpath("//d:response//d:lockdiscovery/d:activelock");
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertCount(
+ (int)$count, $xmlPart,
+ "expected $count lock(s) for '$file' but found " . \count($xmlPart)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will run before EVERY scenario.
+ * It will set the properties for this object.
+ *
+ * @BeforeScenario
+ *
+ * @param BeforeScenarioScope $scope
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function before(BeforeScenarioScope $scope) {
+ // Get the environment
+ $environment = $scope->getEnvironment();
+ // Get all the contexts you need in this context
+ $this->featureContext = $environment->getContext('FeatureContext');
+ }
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebUIWebDavLockingContext.php b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebUIWebDavLockingContext.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77d7e5dda81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/WebUIWebDavLockingContext.php
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Artur Neumann artur@jankaritech.com
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
+use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;
+use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext;
+use Page\FilesPage;
+use Page\SharedWithYouPage;
+require_once 'bootstrap.php';
+ * context containing webUI steps needed for the locking mechanism of webdav
+ */
+class WebUIWebDavLockingContext extends RawMinkContext implements Context {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var FilesPage
+ */
+ private $filesPage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var SharedWithYouPage
+ */
+ private $sharedWithYouPage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var WebUIGeneralContext
+ */
+ private $webUIGeneralContext;
+ private $uploadConflictDialogTitle = "file conflict";
+ /**
+ * WebUIFilesContext constructor.
+ *
+ * @param FilesPage $filesPage
+ * @param SharedWithYouPage $sharedWithYouPage
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ FilesPage $filesPage,
+ SharedWithYouPage $sharedWithYouPage
+ ) {
+ $this->filesPage = $filesPage;
+ $this->sharedWithYouPage = $sharedWithYouPage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @When the user unlocks the lock no :lockNumber of file/folder :file on the webUI
+ *
+ * @param int $lockNumber
+ * @param string $file
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function unlockFileOnTheWebui($lockNumber, $file) {
+ $this->closeDetailsDialog();
+ $pageObject = $this->webUIGeneralContext->getCurrentPageObject();
+ $fileRow = $pageObject->findFileRowByName($file, $this->getSession());
+ $fileRow->deleteLockByNumber($lockNumber, $this->getSession());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @Then file/folder :file should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ *
+ * @param string $file
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function theFileShouldBeMarkedAsLockedOnTheWebui($file) {
+ $this->closeDetailsDialog();
+ $pageObject = $this->webUIGeneralContext->getCurrentPageObject();
+ $fileRow = $pageObject->findFileRowByName($file, $this->getSession());
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(
+ $fileRow->getLockState(),
+ "'$file' should be marked as locked, but its not"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @Then file/folder :file should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ *
+ * @param string $file
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function theFileShouldNotBeMarkedAsLockedOnTheWebui($file) {
+ $this->closeDetailsDialog();
+ $pageObject = $this->webUIGeneralContext->getCurrentPageObject();
+ $fileRow = $pageObject->findFileRowByName($file, $this->getSession());
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse(
+ $fileRow->getLockState(),
+ "'$file' should not be marked as locked, but it is"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @Then file/folder :file should be marked as locked by user :lockedBy in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ *
+ * @param string $file
+ * @param string $lockedBy
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function theFileShouldBeMarkedAsLockedByUserInLocksTab(
+ $file, $lockedBy
+ ) {
+ $this->closeDetailsDialog();
+ $pageObject = $this->webUIGeneralContext->getCurrentPageObject();
+ $fileRow = $pageObject->findFileRowByName($file, $this->getSession());
+ $lockDialog = $fileRow->openLockDialog();
+ $locks = $lockDialog->getAllLocks();
+ foreach ($locks as $lock) {
+ $locker = $lock->getLockingUser();
+ if ($lockedBy === $locker) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("cannot find a lock set by $lockedBy");
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will run before EVERY scenario.
+ * It will set the properties for this object.
+ *
+ * @BeforeScenario @webUI
+ *
+ * @param BeforeScenarioScope $scope
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function before(BeforeScenarioScope $scope) {
+ // Get the environment
+ $environment = $scope->getEnvironment();
+ // Get all the contexts you need in this context
+ $this->webUIGeneralContext = $environment->getContext('WebUIGeneralContext');
+ }
+ /**
+ * closes any open details dialog but ignores any error (e.g. no dialog open)
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function closeDetailsDialog() {
+ $pageObject = $this->webUIGeneralContext->getCurrentPageObject();
+ try {
+ $pageObject->closeDetailsDialog();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ //ignoge if dialog cannot be closed
+ //most likely there is no dialog open
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/FileRow.php b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/FileRow.php
index 7d3f2a1bb973..b3ad88b53ac5 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/FileRow.php
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/FileRow.php
@@ -56,10 +56,12 @@ class FileRow extends OwncloudPage {
protected $notMarkedFavoriteXpath = "//span[contains(@class,'icon-star')]";
protected $markedFavoriteXpath = "//span[contains(@class,'icon-starred')]";
protected $shareStateXpath = "//span[@class='state']";
+ protected $lockStateXpath = "//span[contains(@class,'icon-lock')]";
protected $sharerXpath = "//a[@data-action='Share']";
protected $acceptShareBtnXpath = "//span[@class='fileactions']//a[contains(@class,'accept')]";
protected $declinePendingShareBtnXpath = "//a[@data-action='Reject']";
protected $sharingDialogXpath = ".//div[@class='dialogContainer']";
+ protected $lockDialogId = "lockTabView";
protected $highlightsXpath = "//div[@class='highlights']";
@@ -211,6 +213,52 @@ public function openSharingDialog(Session $session) {
return $sharingDialogPage;
+ /**
+ * opens the lock dialog that list all locks of the given file row
+ *
+ * @throws ElementNotFoundException
+ * @return LockDialog
+ */
+ public function openLockDialog() {
+ $element = $this->rowElement->find("xpath", $this->lockStateXpath);
+ $this->assertElementNotNull(
+ $element,
+ __METHOD__ .
+ " xpath $this->lockStateXpath could not find lock button in row"
+ );
+ $element->click();
+ $lockDailogElement = $this->findById($this->lockDialogId);
+ $this->assertElementNotNull(
+ $lockDailogElement,
+ __METHOD__ .
+ " id $this->lockDialogId could not find lock dialog"
+ );
+ $this->waitFor(
+ STANDARD_UI_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC / 1000, [$lockDailogElement, 'isVisible']
+ );
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var LockDialog $lockDialog
+ */
+ $lockDialog = $this->getPage("FilesPageElement\\LockDialog");
+ $lockDialog->setElement($lockDailogElement);
+ return $lockDialog;
+ }
+ /**
+ * deletes a lock by its order in the list
+ *
+ * @param int $number
+ * @param Session $session
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function deleteLockByNumber($number, Session $session) {
+ $lockDialog = $this->openLockDialog();
+ $lockDialog->deleteLockByNumber($number, $session);
+ }
* finds the input field to rename the file/folder
@@ -419,6 +467,21 @@ public function unmarkFavorite() {
+ /**
+ * returns the lock state
+ *
+ * @throws ElementNotFoundException
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function getLockState() {
+ $element = $this->rowElement->find("xpath", $this->lockStateXpath);
+ if ($element === null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $element->isVisible();
+ }
* returns the share state (only works on the "Shared with you" page)
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialog.php b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialog.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e89718935798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialog.php
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Artur Neumann artur@jankaritech.com
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+namespace Page\FilesPageElement;
+use Behat\Mink\Session;
+use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
+use Page\OwncloudPage;
+use Page\FilesPageElement\LockDialogElement\LockEntry;
+ * The Lock Dialog, lists all the locks and gives a posibility to delete them
+ *
+ */
+class LockDialog extends OwncloudPage {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var string $path
+ */
+ protected $path = '/index.php/apps/files/';
+ /**
+ * @var NodeElement of this dialog
+ */
+ protected $dialogElement;
+ protected $lockEntriesXpath = "//div[@class='lock-entry']";
+ /**
+ * sets the NodeElement for the current dialog
+ * a little bit like __construct() but as we access this "sub-page-object"
+ * from an other Page Object by
+ * $this->getPage("FilesPageElement\\LockDialog")
+ * there is no real __construct() that can take arguments
+ *
+ * @param NodeElement $dialogElement
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function setElement(NodeElement $dialogElement) {
+ $this->dialogElement = $dialogElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return LockEntry[]
+ */
+ public function getAllLocks() {
+ $lockEntryElements = $this->dialogElement->findAll("xpath", $this->lockEntriesXpath);
+ $lockEntries = [];
+ foreach ($lockEntryElements as $lockEntryElement) {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var LockEntry $lockEntry
+ */
+ $lockEntry = $this->getPage("FilesPageElement\\LockDialogElement\\LockEntry");
+ $lockEntry->setElement($lockEntryElement);
+ $lockEntries[] = $lockEntry;
+ }
+ return $lockEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * find the lock by it order in the list
+ *
+ * @param int $number
+ * @param Session $session
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function deleteLockByNumber($number, Session $session) {
+ $lockEntryElements = $this->dialogElement->findAll("xpath", $this->lockEntriesXpath);
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var LockEntry $lockEntry
+ */
+ $lockEntry = $this->getPage("FilesPageElement\\LockDialogElement\\LockEntry");
+ $lockEntry->setElement($lockEntryElements[$number - 1]);
+ $lockEntry->delete($session);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param string $user
+ * @param string $resource
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function deleteLockByUserAndLockingResource($user, $resource) {
+ throw new \Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialogElement/LockEntry.php b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialogElement/LockEntry.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c01aa8bc12ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/lib/FilesPageElement/LockDialogElement/LockEntry.php
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Artur Neumann artur@jankaritech.com
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ *
+ */
+namespace Page\FilesPageElement\LockDialogElement;
+use Behat\Mink\Session;
+use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
+use Page\OwncloudPage;
+ * A single Lock Entry
+ *
+ */
+class LockEntry extends OwncloudPage {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @var string $path
+ */
+ protected $path = '/index.php/apps/files/';
+ /**
+ * @var NodeElement of this dialog
+ */
+ protected $lockElement;
+ protected $lockDescriptionXpath = "/div";
+ protected $lockingUserExtractPattern = "/^(.*)\shas locked/";
+ protected $unlockButtonXpath = "/a[@class='unlock']";
+ /**
+ * sets the NodeElement for the current entry
+ * a little bit like __construct() but as we access this "sub-page-object"
+ * from an other Page Object by
+ * $this->getPage("FilesPageElement\\LockDialog")
+ * there is no real __construct() that can take arguments
+ *
+ * @param NodeElement $lockElement
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function setElement(NodeElement $lockElement) {
+ $this->lockElement = $lockElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ * delete the lock
+ *
+ * @param Session $session
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function delete(Session $session) {
+ $unlockButton = $this->lockElement->find("xpath", $this->unlockButtonXpath);
+ $this->assertElementNotNull(
+ $unlockButton,
+ __METHOD__ . " xpath $this->unlockButtonXpath " .
+ " cannot find unlock button"
+ );
+ $unlockButton->click();
+ $this->waitForAjaxCallsToStartAndFinish($session);
+ }
+ /**
+ * gets the user that has locked the ressource
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLockingUser() {
+ $lockDescriptionElement = $this->lockElement->find(
+ "xpath", $this->lockDescriptionXpath
+ );
+ $this->assertElementNotNull(
+ $lockDescriptionElement,
+ __METHOD__ . " xpath $this->lockDescriptionXpath " .
+ " cannot find lock description element"
+ );
+ $matches = [];
+ if (\preg_match(
+ $this->lockingUserExtractPattern,
+ $lockDescriptionElement->getText(),
+ $matches
+ )
+ ) {
+ return $matches [1];
+ }
+ throw new \Exception(
+ "could not extract locking user name from lock description '" .
+ $lockDescriptionElement->getText() . "'"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function getLockingResource() {
+ throw new \Exception("not yet implemented");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/webUIWebdavLocks/locks.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIWebdavLocks/locks.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fadf39283df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/webUIWebdavLocks/locks.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+@webUI @insulated @disablePreviews
+Feature: Locks
+ As a user
+ I would like to be able to delete locks of files and folders
+ So that I can access files with locks that have not been cleared
+ Background:
+ #do not set email, see bugs in https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/32250#issuecomment-434615887
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |brand-new-user|
+ And user "brand-new-user" has logged in using the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the lock symbols at the correct files/folders
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ When the user browses to the files page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data.tar.gz" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the display name of a user in the locking details
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |displayname |
+ |user-with-display-name|My fancy name|
+ Given the user "user-with-display-name" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "user-with-display-name" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ When the user re-logs in with username "user-with-display-name" and password "%regular%" using the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "My fancy name" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "My fancy name" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the display name of a user in the locking details (user has set email address)
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |displayname |email |
+ |user-with-display-name|My fancy name|mail@oc.org|
+ Given the user "user-with-display-name" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "user-with-display-name" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ When the user re-logs in with username "user-with-display-name" and password "%regular%" using the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "My fancy name (mail@oc.org)" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "My fancy name (mail@oc.org)" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the user name of a user in the locking details (user has set email address)
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |email |
+ |user-with-email |mail@oc.org|
+ Given the user "user-with-email" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "user-with-email" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ When the user re-logs in with username "user-with-email" and password "%regular%" using the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "user-with-email (mail@oc.org)" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "user-with-email (mail@oc.org)" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the lock symbols at the correct files/folders on the favorites page
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ When the user marks folder "simple-folder" as favorite using the webUI
+ And the user marks folder "simple-empty-folder" as favorite using the webUI
+ And the user marks file "data.zip" as favorite using the webUI
+ And the user marks file "data.tar.gz" as favorite using the webUI
+ And the user browses to the favorites page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data.tar.gz" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ @skip @issue-33867
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the lock symbols at the correct files/folders on the shared-with-others page
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |receiver |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "data.zip" with user "receiver"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "data.tar.gz" with user "receiver"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "simple-folder" with user "receiver"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "simple-empty-folder" with user "receiver"
+ When the user browses to the shared-with-others page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data.tar.gz" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ @skip @issue-33867
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the lock symbols at the correct files/folders on the shared-by-link page
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has created a public link share with settings
+ | path | data.zip |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has created a public link share with settings
+ | path | data.tar.gz |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has created a public link share with settings
+ | path | simple-folder |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has created a public link share with settings
+ | path | simple-empty-folder |
+ When the user browses to the shared-by-link page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data.tar.gz" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ @skip @issue-33867
+ Scenario: setting a lock shows the lock symbols at the correct files/folders on the shared-with-you page
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "sharer" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ And user "sharer" has shared file "data.zip" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And user "sharer" has shared file "data.tar.gz" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "simple-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "simple-empty-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ When the user browses to the shared-with-you page
+ Then folder "simple-folder (2)" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder (2)" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "simple-empty-folder (2)" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data (2).tar.gz" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Scenario: clicking other tabs does not change the lock symbol
+ When the user opens the share dialog for folder "simple-folder"
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Scenario: lock set on a shared file shows the lock information for all involved users
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ |receiver |
+ |receiver2 |
+ And group "receiver-group" has been created
+ And user "receiver2" has been added to group "receiver-group"
+ And user "sharer" has shared file "data.zip" with user "receiver"
+ And user "sharer" has shared file "data.tar.gz" with group "receiver-group"
+ And user "receiver" has shared file "data (2).zip" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And the user "sharer" has locked file "data.zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver" has locked file "data (2).zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "data (2).zip" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked file "data.tar (2).gz" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ When the user browses to the files page
+ Then file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked by user "sharer" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked by user "receiver" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data (2).zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But file "data.zip" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ When the user re-logs in as "sharer" using the webUI
+ Then file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "sharer" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "receiver" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.tar.gz" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.tar.gz" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ When the user re-logs in as "receiver2" using the webUI
+ Then file "data.tar (2).gz" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.tar (2).gz" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a lock on a folder shows the symbols at the sub-elements
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ Then folder "simple-empty-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-empty-folder" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ Scenario: setting a depth:0 lock on a folder does not shows the symbols at the sub-elements
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | depth | 0 |
+ When the user browses to the files page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ When the user opens folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ Then folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "data.zip" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Scenario: unlocking by webDAV deletes the lock symbols at the correct files/folders
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ When the user "brand-new-user" unlocks the last created lock of folder "simple-folder" using the WebDAV API
+ And the user browses to the files page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Scenario Outline: deleting the only remaining lock of a file/folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ And the user unlocks the lock no 1 of folder "simple-folder" on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: deleting the only remaining lock of a file/folder and reloading the page
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | exclusive |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ And the user unlocks the lock no 1 of folder "simple-folder" on the webUI
+ And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: deleting the only remaining lock of a folder by deleting it from a file in folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has opened folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ When the user browses to the files page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: deleting the only remaining lock of a folder by deleting it from a file in folder and reloading the page
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has opened folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ And the user reloads the current page of the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-empty-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ When the user browses to the files page
+ Then folder "simple-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for folder "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario: deleting the first one of multiple shared locks on the webUI
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |receiver1 |
+ |receiver2 |
+ And the user has created folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver2"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver2"
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" on the webUI
+ Then folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ Scenario: deleting the second one of multiple shared locks on the webUI
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |receiver1 |
+ |receiver2 |
+ And the user has created folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver2"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver2"
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 2 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 2 of folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" on the webUI
+ Then folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ Scenario: deleting the last one of multiple shared locks on the webUI
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |receiver1 |
+ |receiver2 |
+ And the user has created folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver1"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver2"
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared folder "/FOLDER_TO_SHARE" with user "receiver2"
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "receiver2" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | shared |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 3 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ Then file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 3 of folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" on the webUI
+ Then folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" should be marked as locked by user "receiver2" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ And 2 locks should be reported for folder "FOLDER_TO_SHARE" of user "receiver2" by the WebDAV API
+ Scenario Outline: deleting a lock that was created by an other user
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |receiver1 |
+ And user "brand-new-user" has shared file "/lorem.txt" with user "receiver1"
+ And the user "receiver1" has locked file "lorem (2).txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unlocks the lock no 1 of file "lorem.txt" on the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | Could not unlock, please contact the lock owner receiver1 |
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "receiver1" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem (2).txt" of user "receiver1" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: deleting a locked file
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user deletes file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file "lorem.txt" is locked and cannot be deleted. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "lorem.txt" should exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: moving a locked file
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user moves file "lorem.txt" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | Could not move "lorem.txt" because either the file or the target are locked. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "lorem.txt" should exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: moving a file trying to overwrite a locked file
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "/simple-folder/lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user moves file "lorem.txt" into folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | Could not move "lorem.txt" because either the file or the target are locked. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "lorem.txt" should exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: moving a file into a locked folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "/simple-empty-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user moves file "lorem.txt" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "/simple-empty-folder/lorem.txt" should exist
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "lorem.txt" should not exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should not be listed on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "/simple-empty-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: renaming of a locked file
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "a-renamed-file.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file "lorem.txt" is locked and can not be renamed. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "lorem.txt" should exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: uploading a file, trying to overwrite a locked file
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user uploads overwriting file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file lorem.txt is currently locked, please try again later |
+ And the content of "lorem.txt" should not have changed
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: uploading a file, trying to overwrite a file in a locked folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has opened folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ When the user uploads overwriting file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file lorem.txt is currently locked, please try again later |
+ And the content of "lorem.txt" should not have changed
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: uploading a new file into a locked folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has opened folder "simple-folder" using the webUI
+ When the user uploads file "new-lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then file "new-lorem.txt" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And file "new-lorem.txt" should be marked as locked by user "brand-new-user" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/new-lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: deleting a file in a public share of a locked folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has created a new public link for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI with
+ | permission | read-write |
+ When the public accesses the last created public link using the webUI
+ And the user deletes folder "lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file "lorem.txt" is locked and cannot be deleted. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" should exist
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: renaming a file in a public share of a locked folder
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has created a new public link for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI with
+ | permission | read-write |
+ When the public accesses the last created public link using the webUI
+ And the user renames file "lorem.txt" to "a-renamed-file.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file "lorem.txt" is locked and can not be renamed. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" should exist
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "simple-folder/a-renamed-file.txt" should not exist
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: moving a locked file into an other folder in a public share
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has created a new public link for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI with
+ | permission | read-write |
+ When the public accesses the last created public link using the webUI
+ And the user moves file "lorem.txt" into folder "simple-empty-folder" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | Could not move "lorem.txt" because either the file or the target are locked. |
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" should exist
+ And as "brand-new-user" file "simple-folder/simple-empty-folder/lorem.txt" should not exist
+ And file "lorem.txt" should be listed on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: uploading a file, trying to overwrite a file in a locked folder in a public share
+ Given the user "brand-new-user" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ And the user has created a new public link for folder "simple-folder" using the webUI with
+ | permission | read-write |
+ When the public accesses the last created public link using the webUI
+ And the user uploads overwriting file "lorem.txt" using the webUI
+ Then notifications should be displayed on the webUI with the text
+ | The file lorem.txt is currently locked, please try again later |
+ And the content of "simple-folder/lorem.txt" should not have changed
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: decline locked folder
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And user "sharer" has created folder "/to-share-folder"
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "to-share-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "to-share-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ When the user declines share "to-share-folder" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ Then folder "to-share-folder" should not be listed on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder" of user "sharer" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: accept previously declined locked folder
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And user "sharer" has created folder "/to-share-folder"
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "to-share-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "to-share-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ When the user declines share "to-share-folder" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And the user accepts share "to-share-folder" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ Then folder "to-share-folder" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "to-share-folder" should be marked as locked by user "sharer" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder" of user "sharer" by the WebDAV API
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ Scenario Outline: accept previously declined locked folder but create a folder with same name in between
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And user "sharer" has created folder "/to-share-folder"
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "to-share-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "to-share-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ When the user declines share "to-share-folder" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And user "brand-new-user" creates folder "to-share-folder" using the WebDAV API
+ And the user accepts share "to-share-folder" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ Then folder "to-share-folder (2)" should be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And folder "to-share-folder (2)" should be marked as locked by user "sharer" in the locks tab of the details panel on the webUI
+ But folder "to-share-folder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder" of user "sharer" by the WebDAV API
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "to-share-folder (2)" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ @skip @issue-33885
+ Scenario Outline: creating a subfolder structure that is the same as the structure of a declined & locked share
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And user "sharer" has created folder "/parent"
+ And user "sharer" has created folder "/parent/subfolder"
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "parent" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "parent" with user "brand-new-user"
+ When the user declines share "parent" offered by user "sharer" using the webUI
+ And user "brand-new-user" creates folder "parent" using the WebDAV API
+ And user "brand-new-user" creates folder "parent/subfolder" using the WebDAV API
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ Then folder "parent" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ When the user opens folder "parent" using the webUI
+ Then folder "subfolder" should not be marked as locked on the webUI
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "parent" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ And 0 locks should be reported for file "parent/subfolder" of user "brand-new-user" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |
+ @skip @issue-33847
+ Scenario Outline: unsharing a locked file/folder
+ Given these users have been created:
+ |username |
+ |sharer |
+ And the user "sharer" has locked file "lorem.txt" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And the user "sharer" has locked folder "simple-folder" setting following properties
+ | lockscope | |
+ And user "sharer" has shared file "lorem.txt" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And user "sharer" has shared folder "simple-folder" with user "brand-new-user"
+ And the user has browsed to the files page
+ When the user unshares file "lorem (2).txt" using the webUI
+ And the user unshares folder "simple-folder (2)" using the webUI
+ Then as "brand-new-user" file "lorem (2).txt" should not exist
+ And as "brand-new-user" folder "simple-folder (2)" should not exist
+ And file "lorem (2).txt" should not be listed on the webUI
+ And folder "simple-folder (2)" should not be listed on the webUI
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "lorem.txt" of user "sharer" by the WebDAV API
+ And 1 locks should be reported for file "simple-folder/lorem.txt" of user "sharer" by the WebDAV API
+ Examples:
+ | lockscope |
+ | exclusive |
+ | shared |