From cad60c06300ee360f89bc8683e9f71d0a2fcf819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dominik Schmidt Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 11:35:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add status to ios_mdm_tables --- docs/modules/ROOT/pages/ios_mdm_tables.adoc | 85 +++++++++++++++++++ .../templates/ios_mdm_tables.adoc.tmpl | 2 + 2 files changed, 87 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/ios_mdm_tables.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/ios_mdm_tables.adoc index 22802e2ba..732a25f21 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/ios_mdm_tables.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/ios_mdm_tables.adoc @@ -6,47 +6,56 @@ tag::app[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |app-store-link |string |`` |URL for the app in the App Store. +|advanced |enable-review-prompt |bool |`true` |Enable/disable review prompt. +|advanced |feedback-email |string |`` |Email address to send feedback to. +|advanced |recommend-to-friend-enabled |bool |`true` |Enables/disables the recommend to a friend entry in the settings. +|advanced |send-feedback-enabled |bool |`true` |Enables/disables the send feedback entry in the settings. +|advanced |enable-ui-animations |bool |`true` |Enable/disable UI animations. +|debugOnly |is-beta-build |bool |`false` |Controls if the app is built for beta or release purposes. +|debugOnly |show-beta-warning |bool |`false` |Controls whether a warning should be shown on the first run of a beta version. +|debugOnly |=== end::app[] @@ -59,17 +68,20 @@ tag::authentication[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |browser-session-class |string |`operating-system` |Alternative browser session class to use instead of `ASWebAuthenticationSession`. Please also see Compile Time Configuration if you want to use this. +|supported |browser-session-prefers-ephermal |bool |`false` |Indicates whether the app should ask iOS for a private authentication (web) session for OAuth2 or OpenID Connect. Private authentication sessions do not share cookies and other browsing data with the user's normal browser. Apple only promises that [this setting]( will be honored if the user has set Safari as default browser. +|supported |=== end::authentication[] @@ -82,17 +94,20 @@ tag::bookmarks[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |default-url |string | |The default URL for the creation of new bookmarks. +|supported |url-editable |bool |`true` |Controls whetehr the server URL in the text field during the creation of new bookmarks can be changed. +|supported |=== end::bookmarks[] @@ -105,12 +120,14 @@ tag::connection[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |cookie-support-enabled |bool |`false` |Enable or disable per-process, in-memory cookie storage. +|supported |user-agent |string @@ -126,56 +143,67 @@ The following placeholders can be used to make it dynamic: - `{{}}` : the name of the operating system running on the device (f.ex. `iOS`, `iPadOS`) - `{{os.version}}`: the version of operating system running on the device (f.ex. `13.2.2`) +|supported |always-request-private-link |bool |`false` |Controls whether private links are requested with regular PROPFINDs. +|advanced |plain-http-policy |string |`warn` |Policy regarding the use of plain (unencryped) HTTP URLs for creating bookmarks. A value of `warn` will create an issue (typically then presented to the user as a warning), but ultimately allow the creation of the bookmark. A value of `forbidden` will block the use of `http`-URLs for the creation of new bookmarks. +|advanced |action-concurrency-budgets |dictionary |`map[actions:10 all:0 download:3 download-wifi-and-cellular:3 download-wifi-only:2 transfer:6 upload:3 upload-cellular-and-wifi:3 upload-wifi-only:2]` |Concurrency budgets available for sync actions by action category. +|advanced |allow-background-url-sessions |bool |`true` |Allow the use of background URL sessions. Note: depending on iOS version, the app may still choose not to use them. This settings is overriden by `force-background-url-sessions`. +|debugOnly |connection-minimum-server-version |string |`10.0` |The minimum server version required. +|debugOnly |force-background-url-sessions |bool |`false` |Forces the use of background URL sessions. Overrides `allow-background-url-sessions`. +|debugOnly |override-availability-signal |bool | |Override the availability signal, so the host is considered to always be in maintenance mode (`true`) or never in maintenance mode (`false`). +|debugOnly |override-reachability-signal |bool | |Override the reachability signal, so the host is always considered reachable (`true`) or unreachable (`false`). +|debugOnly |thumbnail-available-for-mime-type-prefixes |stringArray |`[*]` |Provide hints that thumbnails are available for items whose MIME-Type starts with any of the strings provided in this array. Providing an empty array turns off thumbnail loading. Providing `["*"]` turns on thumbnail loading for all items. +|debugOnly |active-simulations |stringArray |`[]` |Active Host simulation extensions. +|debugOnly |=== end::connection[] @@ -188,12 +216,14 @@ tag::diagnostics[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |enabled |bool |`false` |Controls whether additional diagnostic options and information is available throughout the user interface. +|advanced |=== end::diagnostics[] @@ -206,22 +236,26 @@ tag::display settings[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |prevent-dragging-files |bool |`false` |Controls whether drag and drop should be prevented for items inside the app. +|advanced |show-hidden-files |bool |`false` |Controls whether hidden files (i.e. files starting with `.` ) should also be shown. +|advanced |sort-folders-first |bool |`false` |Controls whether folders are shown at the top. +|advanced |=== end::display settings[] @@ -234,57 +268,68 @@ tag::endpoints[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |endpoint-capabilities |string |`ocs/v2.php/cloud/capabilities` |Endpoint to use for retrieving server capabilities. +|advanced |endpoint-recipients |string |`ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/sharees` |Path of the sharing recipient API endpoint. +|advanced |endpoint-remote-shares |string |`ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares` |Path of the remote shares API endpoint. +|advanced |endpoint-shares |string |`ocs/v2.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares` |Path of the shares API endpoint. +|advanced |endpoint-status |string |`status.php` |Endpoint to retrieve basic status information and detect an ownCloud installation. +|advanced |endpoint-thumbnail |string |`index.php/apps/files/api/v1/thumbnail` |Path of the thumbnail endpoint. +|advanced |endpoint-user |string |`ocs/v2.php/cloud/user` |Endpoint to use for retrieving information on logged in user. +|advanced |endpoint-webdav |string |`remote.php/dav/files` |Endpoint to use for WebDAV. +|advanced |endpoint-webdav-meta |string |`remote.php/dav/meta` |Endpoint to use for WebDAV metadata. +|advanced |well-known |string |`.well-known` |Path of the .well-known endpoint. +|advanced |=== end::endpoints[] @@ -297,17 +342,20 @@ tag::licensing[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |disable-appstore-licensing |bool |`false` |Enables/disables App Store licensing support. +|debugOnly |disable-enterprise-licensing |bool |`false` |Enables/disables Enterprise licensing support. +|debugOnly |=== end::licensing[] @@ -320,72 +368,86 @@ tag::logging[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |log-level |int |`4` |Log level +|supported |log-privacy-mask |bool |`false` |Controls whether certain objects in log statements should be masked for privacy. +|supported |log-blank-filtered-messages |bool |`false` |Controls whether filtered out messages should still be logged, but with the message replaced with `-`. +|advanced |log-colored |bool |`false` |Controls whether log levels should be replaced with colored emojis. +|advanced |log-enabled-components |stringArray |`[writer.stderr writer.file option.log-requests-and-responses]` |List of enabled logging system components. +|advanced |log-format |string |`text` |Determines the format that log messages are saved in +|advanced |log-maximum-message-size |int |`0` |Maximum length of a log message before the message is truncated. A value of 0 means no limit. +|advanced |log-omit-matching |stringArray | |If set, omits logs messages containing any of the exact terms in this array. +|advanced |log-omit-tags |stringArray | |If set, omits all log messages tagged with tags in this array. +|advanced |log-only-matching |stringArray | |If set, only logs messages containing at least one of the exact terms in this array. +|advanced |log-only-tags |stringArray | |If set, omits all log messages not tagged with tags in this array. +|advanced |log-single-lined |bool |`true` |Controls whether messages spanning more than one line should be broken into their individual lines and each be logged with the complete lead-in/lead-out sequence. +|advanced |log-synchronous |bool |`false` |Controls whether log messages should be written synchronously (which can impact performance) or asynchronously (which can loose messages in case of a crash). +|advanced |=== end::logging[] @@ -398,37 +460,44 @@ tag::oauth2[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |oa2-authorization-endpoint |string |`index.php/apps/oauth2/authorize` |OAuth2 authorization endpoint. +|advanced |oa2-client-id |string |`mxd5OQDk6es5LzOzRvidJNfXLUZS2oN3oUFeXPP8LpPrhx3UroJFduGEYIBOxkY1` |OAuth2 Client ID. +|advanced |oa2-client-secret |string |`KFeFWWEZO9TkisIQzR3fo7hfiMXlOpaqP8CFuTbSHzV1TUuGECglPxpiVKJfOXIx` |OAuth2 Client Secret. +|advanced |oa2-redirect-uri |string |`oc://` |OAuth2 Redirect URI. +|advanced |oa2-token-endpoint |string |`index.php/apps/oauth2/api/v1/token` |OAuth2 token endpoint. +|advanced |oa2-expiration-override-seconds |int | |OAuth2 Expiration Override - lets OAuth2 tokens expire after the provided number of seconds (useful to prompt quick `refresh_token` requests for testing) +|debugOnly |=== end::oauth2[] @@ -441,17 +510,20 @@ tag::oidc[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |oidc-redirect-uri |string |`oc://` |OpenID Connect Redirect URI +|supported |oidc-scope |string |`openid offline_access email profile` |OpenID Connect Scope +|supported |=== end::oidc[] @@ -464,22 +536,26 @@ tag::policies[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |local-copy-expiration |int |`604800` |The number of seconds that a file hasn't been downloaded, modified or opened after which the local copy is removed. +|advanced |local-copy-expiration-enabled |bool |`true` |Controls whether local copies should automatically be removed after they haven't been downloaded, modified or opened for a period of time. +|advanced |vacuum-sync-anchor-ttl |bool |`60` |Number of seconds since the removal of an item after which the metadata entry may be finally removed. +|debugOnly |=== end::policies[] @@ -492,12 +568,14 @@ tag::privacy[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |add-accept-language-header |bool |`true` |Add an `Accept-Language` HTTP header using the preferred languages set on the device. +|advanced |=== end::privacy[] @@ -510,17 +588,20 @@ tag::release notes[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |lastSeenAppVersion |string | |The last-seen app version. +|debugOnly |lastSeenReleaseNotesVersion |string | |The app version for which the release notes were last shown. +|debugOnly |=== end::release notes[] @@ -533,6 +614,7 @@ tag::security[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status |connection-certificate-extended-validation-rule @@ -549,16 +631,19 @@ Examples of expressions: - `serverCertificate.parentCertificate.commonName == "Let's Encrypt Authority X3"`: the common name of the parent certificate must be "Let's Encrypt Authority X3". - `serverCertificate.publicKeyData.sha256Hash.asFingerPrintString == "2A 00 98 90 BD … F7"`: the SHA-256 fingerprint of the public key of the server certificate needs to match the provided value. +|advanced |connection-renewed-certificate-acceptance-rule |string |`(bookmarkCertificate.publicKeyData == serverCertificate.publicKeyData) OR ((check.parentCertificatesHaveIdenticalPublicKeys == true) AND (serverCertificate.passedValidationOrIsUserAccepted == true))` |Rule that defines the criteria that need to be met for OCConnection to accept a renewed certificate and update the bookmark's certificate automatically instead of prompting the user. Used when the extended validation rule fails. Set this to `never` if the user should always be prompted when a server's certificate changed. +|advanced |transparent-temporary-redirect |bool |`true` |Controls whether 307 redirects are handled transparently at the HTTP pipeline level (by resending the headers and body). +|advanced |=== end::security[] diff --git a/tools/GenerateDocs/templates/ios_mdm_tables.adoc.tmpl b/tools/GenerateDocs/templates/ios_mdm_tables.adoc.tmpl index d21438bfe..3b1864617 100644 --- a/tools/GenerateDocs/templates/ios_mdm_tables.adoc.tmpl +++ b/tools/GenerateDocs/templates/ios_mdm_tables.adoc.tmpl @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ tag::{{$category | strings.ToLower }}[] |Type |Default |Description +|Status {{$options := $config | jsonpath (print "$[?(@.category=='" $category "')]") }} {{- if eq (printf "%T" $options) "map[string]interface {}"}} @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ tag::{{$category | strings.ToLower }}[] |{{- $option.type}} |{{- if has $option "defaultValue"}}`{{$option.defaultValue}}`{{end}} |{{- if has $option "description"}}{{$option.description}}{{end}} +|{{- $option.status}} {{end}} {{- end}} |===