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p3nt4 edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 15 revisions


The command line client of Nuages.


To setup the client:

npm install

To run the client:

./  - Connect to http://localhost:3030
./ http(s)://host:port - Connect to a remote host


 !login <username>                          - Login to Nuages
 !implants                                  - List implants
 !implants <id>                             - Show an implant
 !implants <id> del                         - Delete an implant
 !implants <id> kill                        - Kill an implant
 !implants <id> config                      - Get the configuration from the implant
 !implants <id> config <option> <value> - Reconfigure the implant
 !implants all [Command..]                  - Apply the command to all implants
 !implant [Command..]                       - Apply the command to the current implant
 !shell <implant>                           - Start interracting with an implant
 !put <fileId> [path]                       - Start a download job on the current implant
 !get <path>                                - Start an upload job on the current implant
 cd <path>                                  - Change path on the current implant
 !interact [program]                        - Start an interactive channel
 !channels                                  - List interactive channels
 !channels <id>                             - Show channel details
 !channels <id> interact                    - Interact with channel
 !channels <id> del                         - Delete channel
 !tunnels                                   - List active tunnels
 !tunnels <id>                              - Show tunnel details
 !tunnels socks <port> [ip]                 - Create a new socks tunnel
 !tunnels tcp <rhost> <rport> <lport> [lip] - Create a new tcp tunnel
 !tunnels <id> del                          - Delete tunnel
 !files                                     - List files
 !files upload <path>                       - Upload a file from the local client
 !files <id> download <path>                - Download a file to the local client
 !files <id> del                            - Delete a file
 !options                                   - Show options
 !setg <option> <value>                     - Set a global option
 !unsetg <option>                           - Unset a global option
 !set <option> <value>                      - Set a module option
 !unset <option>                            - Unset a module option
 !use <path>                                - Select a module or handler
 !modules                                   - List loaded modules
 !modules load <path>                       - Load a module
 !modules load all                          - Load all modules
 !modules <path> del                        - Delete a module
 !run                                       - Run the module or handler
 !autorun                                   - Autorun the module on new implants
 !autoruns                                  - List module autoruns
 !autoruns clear                            - Clear module autoruns
 !handlers                                  - List loaded handlers
 !handlers load <path>                      - Load a handler
 !handlers load all                         - Load all handler
 !handlers <path> del                       - Delete a handler
 !listeners                                 - List active handlers
 !listeners <id>                            - Show listener details
 !listeners <id> start                      - Start listener
 !listeners <id> stop                       - Stop listener
 !listeners <id> del                        - Delete listener
 !jobs                                      - Display the last jobs
 !jobs <id>                                 - Display a job and its result
 !jobs <id> save <path>                     - Save the job result to the local client
 !jobs search <command>                     - Search jobs by command
 !help                                      - Print this message
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