#!/bin/bash echo "#################################" echo "#### Jenkins Build ############" echo "#################################" # Enable tracing and exit on first failure set -xe # This is the default set of browsers to use on the CI server unless overridden via env variable if [[ -z "$BROWSERS" ]] then BROWSERS="Chrome,Firefox,Opera,/Users/jenkins/bin/safari.sh" fi # CLEAN # rm -f angular.min.js.gzip.size rm -f angular.js.size # BUILD # npm install --color false grunt ci-checks package --no-color mkdir -p test_out # UNIT TESTS # grunt test:unit --browsers $BROWSERS --reporters=dots,junit --no-colors --no-color # END TO END TESTS # grunt test:ci-protractor # DOCS APP TESTS # grunt test:docs --browsers $BROWSERS --reporters=dots,junit --no-colors --no-color # Promises/A+ TESTS # grunt test:promises-aplus --no-color # CHECK SIZE # gzip -c < build/angular.min.js > build/angular.min.js.gzip echo "YVALUE=`ls -l build/angular.min.js | cut -d" " -f 8`" > angular.min.js.size echo "YVALUE=`ls -l build/angular.min.js.gzip | cut -d" " -f 8`" > angular.min.js.gzip.size