diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/app.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c6568835..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/*newcap false*/
-/*jshint newcap:false*/
- paths: {
- jquery: '../bower_components/jquery/jquery',
- 'troopjs-bundle': 'lib/troopjs-bundle'
- }
-}, [
- 'require',
- 'jquery',
- 'troopjs-bundle'
-], function Deps(parentRequire, $) {
- 'use strict';
- // Application and plug-ins
- parentRequire([
- 'widget/application',
- 'troopjs-jquery/weave',
- 'troopjs-jquery/destroy',
- 'troopjs-jquery/hashchange',
- 'troopjs-jquery/action'
- ], function App(Application) {
- // Hook ready
- $(document).ready(function () {
- Application($(this.body), 'app/todos').start();
- });
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/config.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afe1cf3c68..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- store: 'todos-troopjs'
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/lib/troopjs-bundle.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/lib/troopjs-bundle.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c75f37953c..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/lib/troopjs-bundle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3436 +0,0 @@
-* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-0-gf886cba
-* http://troopjs.com/
-* Copyright (c) 2012 Mikael Karon
-* Licensed MIT
- * TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
- *
- * parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
- *
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
- var FACTORIES = {
- "node" : function () {
- // Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
- var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
- return function fetchText(path, callback) {
- callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
- };
- },
- "browser" : function () {
- // Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
- var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
- var progId;
- var XHR;
- var i;
- if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
- XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- progId = progIds[i];
- try {
- new ActiveXObject(progId);
- XHR = function(){
- return new ActiveXObject(progId);
- };
- break;
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- if (!XHR){
- throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
- }
- }
- return function fetchText(url, callback) {
- var xhr = new XHR();
- xhr.open('GET', url, true);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
- // Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
- // visible via console output in the browser.
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- callback(xhr.responseText);
- }
- };
- xhr.send(null);
- };
- },
- "rhino" : function () {
- var encoding = "utf-8";
- var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
- // Why Java, why is this so awkward?
- return function fetchText(path, callback) {
- var file = new java.io.File(path);
- var input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(file), encoding));
- var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
- var line;
- var content = "";
- try {
- line = input.readLine();
- // Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
- // http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html
- // Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
- // http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4508058
- if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
- // Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
- // and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
- // only appear at the top of a file.
- line = line.substring(1);
- }
- stringBuffer.append(line);
- while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
- stringBuffer.append(lineSeparator);
- stringBuffer.append(line);
- }
- // Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
- content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
- } finally {
- input.close();
- }
- callback(content);
- };
- },
- "borked" : function () {
- return function fetchText() {
- throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
- };
- }
- };
- var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
- var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
- var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
- var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
- var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
- var EMPTY = "";
- var REPLACE = {
- "\"" : "\\\"",
- "\n" : "\\n",
- "\t" : "\\t",
- "\r" : "\\r"
- };
- /**
- * Compiles template
- *
- * @param body Template body
- * @returns {Function}
- */
- function compile(body) {
- var blocks = [];
- var length = 0;
- function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
- blocks[length] = prefix
- ? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
- : "\";" + block + "o += \"";
- return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
- }
- function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
- return blocks[token];
- }
- function replace(original, token) {
- return REPLACE[token] || token;
- }
- return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
- // Sanitize body before we start templating
- + body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
- // Replace script blocks with tokens
- .replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
- // Replace unwanted tokens
- .replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
- // Replace tokens with script blocks
- .replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
- + "\"; return o; }")
- // Clean
- .replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
- }
- var buildMap = {};
- var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
- ? "node"
- : (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
- ? "browser"
- : typeof Packages !== "undefined"
- ? "rhino"
- : "borked" ]();
- return {
- load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
- var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
- fetchText(path, function (text) {
- try {
- text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
- }
- catch (err) {
- err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
- throw(err);
- }
- if (config.isBuild) {
- buildMap[name] = text;
- }
- // IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
- // sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
- /*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
- else {
- text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
- }
- /*@end@*/
- load.fromText(name, text);
- // Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
- // is fully parse, which will happen after this
- // execution.
- parentRequire([name], function (value) {
- load(value);
- });
- });
- },
- write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
- if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
- }
- }
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
- *
- * Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
- * https://github.com/millermedeiros/Hasher
- *
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
- var INTERVAL = "interval";
- var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
- var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
- var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
- // hack based on this: http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/issues/detail?id=47#c13
- var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
- function getHash(window) {
- // parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
- // decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
- // also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
- var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
- return result && result[1]
- ? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
- : "";
- }
- function Frame(document) {
- var self = this;
- var element;
- self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
- element.src = "about:blank";
- element.style.display = "none";
- }
- Frame.prototype = {
- getElement : function () {
- return this.element;
- },
- getHash : function () {
- return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
- },
- update : function (hash) {
- var self = this;
- var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
- // Quick return if hash has not changed
- if (self.getHash() === hash) {
- return;
- }
- // update iframe content to force new history record.
- // based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.
- document.open();
- document.write("' + document.title + ' ");
- document.close();
- }
- };
- $.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
- /**
- * @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
- * when binding the event.
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- * @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
- * to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
- * beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
- */
- setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
- var window = this;
- // Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
- // FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
- if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
- return false;
- }
- // Make sure we're always a window
- if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
- throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
- }
- var $window = $(window);
- var hash = getHash(window);
- var location = window.location;
- $window.data(INTERVAL, window.setInterval(_isIE
- ? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
- var document = window.document;
- var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
- var frame = new Frame(document);
- document.body.appendChild(frame.getElement());
- frame.update(hash);
- return function hashChangeInterval() {
- var oldHash = hash;
- var newHash;
- var windowHash = getHash(window);
- var frameHash = frame.getHash();
- // Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
- // Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
- // update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
- if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
- // Fix IE8 while offline
- newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
- if (hash !== newHash) {
- hash = newHash;
- frame.update(hash);
- $window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
- }
- // Sync location.hash with frameHash
- location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
- ? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
- : frameHash);
- }
- // detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
- else if (windowHash !== hash) {
- // Fix IE8 while offline
- newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
- if (hash !== newHash) {
- hash = newHash;
- $window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
- }
- }
- };
- })()
- : function hashChangeInterval() {
- var oldHash = hash;
- var newHash;
- var windowHash = getHash(window);
- if (windowHash !== hash) {
- // Fix IE8 while offline
- newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
- if (hash !== newHash) {
- hash = newHash;
- $window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
- }
- }
- }, 25));
- },
- /**
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- */
- teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
- var window = this;
- // Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
- if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
- return false;
- }
- window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
- }
- };
- * TroopJS Utils getargs module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
- var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
- var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
- var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
- var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
- var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
- return function getargs() {
- var self = this;
- var result = [];
- var length;
- var from;
- var to;
- var i;
- var c;
- var a;
- var q = false;
- // Iterate over string
- for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
- // Get char
- c = self.charAt(i);
- switch(c) {
- case "\"" :
- case "'" :
- // If we are currently quoted...
- if (q === c) {
- // Stop quote
- q = false;
- // Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string)
- PUSH.call(result, SUBSTRING.call(self, from, to));
- }
- // Otherwise
- else {
- // Start quote
- q = c;
- }
- // Update from/to
- from = to = i + 1;
- break;
- case "," :
- // Continue if we're quoted
- if (q) {
- to = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- // If we captured something...
- if (from !== to) {
- a = SUBSTRING.call(self, from, to);
- if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
- a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
- }
- else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
- a = +a;
- }
- // Store result
- PUSH.call(result, a);
- }
- // Update from/to
- from = to = i + 1;
- break;
- case " " :
- case "\t" :
- // Continue if we're quoted
- if (q) {
- to = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- // Update from/to
- if (from === to) {
- from = to = i + 1;
- }
- break;
- default :
- // Update to
- to = i + 1;
- }
- }
- // If we captured something...
- if (from !== to) {
- a = SUBSTRING.call(self, from, to);
- if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
- a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
- }
- else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
- a = +a;
- }
- // Store result
- PUSH.call(result, a);
- }
- return result;
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
- var FALSE = false;
- var NULL = null;
- var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
- var ACTION = "action";
- var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
- var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
- var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
- /**
- * Namespace iterator
- * @param namespace (string) namespace
- * @param index (number) index
- */
- function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
- return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
- }
- /**
- * Action handler
- * @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
- */
- function onAction($event) {
- // Set $target
- var $target = $(this);
- // Get argv
- var argv = SLICE.call(arguments, 1);
- // Extract type
- var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
- ? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
- // Extract name
- var name = $event[ACTION];
- // Reset $event.type
- $event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
- // Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
- $target.trigger($event, argv);
- // No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
- if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
- // Reset $event.type
- $event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
- // Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
- $target.trigger($event, argv);
- // Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
- if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
- // Reset $event.type
- $event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
- // Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
- $target.trigger($event, argv);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Internal handler
- *
- * @param $event jQuery event
- */
- function handler($event) {
- // Get closest element that has an action defined
- var $target = $($event.target).closest("[data-action]");
- // Fail fast if there is no action available
- if ($target.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Extract all data in one go
- var $data = $target.data();
- // Extract matches from 'data-action'
- var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
- // Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
- if (matches === NULL) {
- return;
- }
- // Extract action name
- var name = matches[1];
- // Extract action namespaces
- var namespaces = matches[2];
- // Extract action args
- var args = matches[3];
- // If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
- if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
- return;
- }
- // Split args by separator (if there were args)
- var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
- ? getargs.call(args)
- : [];
- // Iterate argv to determine arg type
- $.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
- if (value in $data) {
- argv[i] = $data[value];
- }
- });
- $target
- // Trigger exclusive ACTION event
- .trigger($.Event($event, {
- type: ACTION + "!",
- action: name
- }), argv);
- // Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
- $event.stopPropagation();
- }
- $.event.special[ACTION] = {
- /**
- * @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
- * when binding the event.
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- * @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
- * to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
- * beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
- */
- setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
- $(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
- },
- /**
- * Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
- * @param handleObj (Object)
- */
- add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
- var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
- if (events.length !== 0) {
- $(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
- * @param handleObj (Object)
- */
- remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
- var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
- if (events.length !== 0) {
- $(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
- }
- },
- /**
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- */
- teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
- $(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
- }
- };
- $.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
- return $(this).trigger({
- type: ACTION + "!",
- action: name
- }, SLICE.call(arguments, 1));
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "require" ], function WeaveModule($, getargs, parentRequire) {
- var NULL = null;
- var ARRAY = Array;
- var FUNCTION = Function;
- var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
- var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
- var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
- var POP = ARRAY_PROTO.pop;
- var $WHEN = $.when;
- var THEN = "then";
- var WEAVE = "weave";
- var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
- var WOVEN = "woven";
- var WEAVING = "weaving";
- var PENDING = "pending";
- var DESTROY = "destroy";
- var DATA = "data-";
- var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
- var SELECTOR_UNWEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVING + "],[" + DATA_WOVEN + "]";
- /**
- * Generic destroy handler.
- * Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
- */
- function onDestroy() {
- $(this).unweave();
- }
- $.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
- ? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
- if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
- widgets = RegExp($.map(getargs.call(widgets), function (widget) {
- return "^" + widget + "$";
- }).join("|"), "m");
- }
- return function (element, context, isXml) {
- var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
- return weave === UNDEFINED
- ? false
- : widgets === UNDEFINED
- ? true
- : widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
- };
- })
- : function (element, index, match) {
- var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
- return weave === UNDEFINED
- ? false
- : match === UNDEFINED
- ? true
- : RegExp($.map(getargs.call(match[3]), function (widget) {
- return "^" + widget + "$";
- }).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
- };
- $.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
- ? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
- if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
- widgets = RegExp($.map(getargs.call(widgets), function (widget) {
- return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
- }).join("|"), "m");
- }
- return function (element, context, isXml) {
- var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
- return woven === UNDEFINED
- ? false
- : widgets === UNDEFINED
- ? true
- : widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
- };
- })
- : function (element, index, match) {
- var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
- return woven === UNDEFINED
- ? false
- : match === UNDEFINED
- ? true
- : RegExp($.map(getargs.call(match[3]), function (widget) {
- return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
- }).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
- };
- $.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
- var widgets = [];
- var i = 0;
- var $elements = $(this);
- var arg = arguments;
- var argc = arg.length;
- // If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
- var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
- ? POP.call(arg)
- : $.Deferred();
- $elements
- // Reduce to only elements that can be woven
- // Iterate
- .each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
- // Defer weave
- $.Deferred(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
- var $element = $(element);
- var $data = $element.data();
- var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
- var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
- var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
- // Link deferred
- dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
- $element
- // Remove DATA_WEAVING
- .removeAttr(DATA_WEAVING)
- // Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
- .attr(DATA_WOVEN, JOIN.call(arguments, " "));
- });
- // Wait for all pending deferred
- $WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
- var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
- var mark = i;
- var j = 0;
- var matches;
- // Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task
- PUSH.call(pending, dfdWeave);
- $element
- // Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
- .removeAttr(DATA_WEAVE)
- // Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
- .attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
- // Bind destroy event
- .bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
- // Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
- while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
- // Defer widget
- $.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
- var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
- var k;
- var l;
- var kMax;
- var value;
- // Add to widgets
- widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
- // Link deferred
- dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
- woven[_j] = widget;
- }, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
- // Get widget name
- var name = matches[1];
- // Set initial argv
- var argv = [ $element, name ];
- // Append values from arg to argv
- for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
- argv[l] = arg[k];
- }
- // Get widget args
- var args = matches[2];
- // Any widget arguments
- if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
- // Convert args using getargs
- args = getargs.call(args);
- // Append typed values from args to argv
- for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
- // Get value
- value = args[k];
- // Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
- argv[l] = value in $data
- ? $data[value]
- : value;
- }
- }
- // Require module
- parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
- // Defer start
- $.Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
- // Constructed and initialized instance
- var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
- // Link deferred
- dfdStart.then(function doneStart() {
- dfdWidget.resolve(widget);
- }, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
- // Start
- widget.start(dfdStart);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- // Slice out widgets woven for this element
- $WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
- }, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
- });
- });
- // When all widgets are resolved, resolve original deferred
- $WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- return $elements;
- };
- $.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave(deferred) {
- var widgets = [];
- var i = 0;
- var $elements = $(this);
- // Create default deferred if none was passed
- deferred = deferred || $.Deferred();
- $elements
- // Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
- // Iterate
- .each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
- // Defer unweave
- $.Deferred(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
- var $element = $(element);
- var $data = $element.data();
- var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
- var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
- // Link deferred
- dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
- $element
- // Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
- .attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
- // Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
- .unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
- // Remove data fore WEAVE
- delete $data[WEAVE];
- });
- // Wait for all pending deferred
- $WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
- var mark = i;
- var widget;
- // Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task
- PUSH.call(pending, dfdUnweave);
- // Remove WOVEN data
- delete $data[WOVEN];
- $element
- // Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
- .removeAttr(DATA_WOVEN);
- // Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
- while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
- // Defer widget
- $.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
- // Add to unwoven and pending
- widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
- // $.Deferred stop
- $.Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
- // Link deferred
- dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
- dfdWidget.resolve(widget);
- }, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
- // Stop
- widget.stop(dfdStop);
- });
- });
- }
- // Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
- $WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
- });
- });
- });
- // When all deferred are resolved, resolve original deferred
- $WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- return $elements;
- };
- $.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
- var result = [];
- var widgets = arguments.length > 0
- ? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
- return "^" + widget + "$";
- }).join("|"), "m")
- $(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
- if (!$.hasData(element)) {
- return;
- }
- PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
- ? $.data(element, WOVEN)
- : $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
- return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
- ? woven
- }));
- });
- return result;
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
- var NULL = null;
- var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
- var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
- var W = "w";
- var H = "h";
- var _W = "_" + W;
- var _H = "_" + H;
- /**
- * Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
- */
- function reverse(a, b) {
- return b - a;
- }
- /**
- * Internal onResize handler
- * @param $event
- */
- function onResize($event) {
- var $self = $(this);
- var width = $self.width();
- var height = $self.height();
- // Iterate all dimensions
- $.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
- var w = dimension[W];
- var h = dimension[H];
- var _w;
- var _h;
- var i;
- i = w.length;
- _w = w[i - 1];
- while(w[--i] < width) {
- _w = w[i];
- }
- i = h.length;
- _h = h[i - 1];
- while(h[--i] < height) {
- _h = h[i];
- }
- // If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
- if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
- dimension[_W] = _w;
- dimension[_H] = _h;
- $self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
- }
- });
- }
- $.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
- /**
- * @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
- * when binding the event.
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- * @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
- * to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
- * beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
- */
- setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
- $(this)
- .bind(RESIZE, onResize)
- .data(DIMENSIONS, {});
- },
- /**
- * Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
- * @param handleObj (Object)
- */
- add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
- var self = this;
- var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
- var dimension = {};
- var w = dimension[W] = [];
- var h = dimension[H] = [];
- var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
- var matches;
- while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
- dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
- }
- w.sort(reverse);
- h.sort(reverse);
- $.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
- },
- /**
- * Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
- * @param handleObj (Object)
- */
- remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
- delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
- },
- /**
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- */
- teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
- $(this)
- .removeData(DIMENSIONS)
- .unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
- }
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
- $.event.special.destroy = {
- remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
- var self = this;
- handleObj.handler.call(self, $.Event({
- "type" : handleObj.type,
- "data" : handleObj.data,
- "namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
- "target" : self
- }));
- }
- };
- * TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
- *
- * Heavy inspiration from https://github.com/cowboy/jquery-resize.git
- *
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
- var NULL = null;
- var RESIZE = "resize";
- var W = "w";
- var H = "h";
- var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
- /**
- * Iterator
- * @param index
- * @param self
- */
- function iterator(index, self) {
- // Get data
- var $data = $.data(self);
- // Get reference to $self
- var $self = $(self);
- // Get previous width and height
- var w = $self.width();
- var h = $self.height();
- // Check if width or height has changed since last check
- if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
- $self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Internal interval
- */
- function interval() {
- $ELEMENTS.each(iterator);
- }
- $.event.special[RESIZE] = {
- /**
- * @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
- * when binding the event.
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- * @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
- * to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
- * beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
- */
- setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
- var self = this;
- // window has a native resize event, exit fast
- if ($.isWindow(self)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Store data
- var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
- // Get reference to $self
- var $self = $(self);
- // Initialize data
- $data[W] = $self.width();
- $data[H] = $self.height();
- // Add to tracked collection
- $ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
- // If this is the first element, start interval
- if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
- INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
- }
- },
- /**
- * @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
- * binding the event.
- */
- teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
- var self = this;
- // window has a native resize event, exit fast
- if ($.isWindow(self)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remove data
- $.removeData(self, RESIZE);
- // Remove from tracked collection
- $ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
- // If this is the last element, stop interval
- if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
- clearInterval(INTERVAL);
- }
- }
- };
- * TroopJS Utils merge module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
- var ARRAY = Array;
- var OBJECT = Object;
- return function merge(source) {
- var target = this;
- var key = null;
- var i;
- var iMax;
- var value;
- var constructor;
- for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
- source = arguments[i];
- for (key in source) {
- value = source[key];
- constructor = value.constructor;
- if (!(key in target)) {
- target[key] = value;
- }
- else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
- target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
- }
- else if (constructor === OBJECT) {
- merge.call(target[key], value);
- }
- else {
- target[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
- };
- * TroopJS Utils grep component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/grep',[ "jquery" ], function GrepModule($) {
- return $.grep;
- * TroopJS Utils tr component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
- var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
- return function tr(callback) {
- var self = this;
- var result = [];
- var i;
- var length = self.length;
- var key;
- // Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
- if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- result.push(callback.call(self, self[i], i));
- }
- // Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
- } else if (self){
- for (key in self) {
- result.push(callback.call(self, self[key], key));
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- * ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
-* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
-* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
- */
-define('compose',[], function(){
- // function for creating instances from a prototype
- function Create(){
- }
- var delegate = Object.create ?
- function(proto){
- return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
- } :
- function(proto){
- Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
- var instance = new Create();
- Create.prototype = null;
- return instance;
- };
- function validArg(arg){
- if(!arg){
- throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
- }
- return arg;
- }
- // this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
- function mixin(instance, args, i){
- // use prototype inheritance for first arg
- var value, argsLength = args.length;
- for(; i < argsLength; i++){
- var arg = args[i];
- if(typeof arg == "function"){
- // the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
- var prototype = arg.prototype;
- for(var key in prototype){
- value = prototype[key];
- var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
- if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
- var existing = instance[key];
- if(value == required){
- // it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
- value = existing;
- }
- else if(!own){
- // if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
- // TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
- if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([].slice.call(args, 0, i), true))){
- // this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
- value = existing;
- }else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
- // the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
- console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
- }
- }
- }
- if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
- // apply modifier
- value.install.call(instance, key);
- }else{
- instance[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }else{
- // it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
- for(var key in validArg(arg)){
- var value = arg[key];
- if(typeof value == "function"){
- if(value.install){
- // apply modifier
- value.install.call(instance, key);
- continue;
- }
- if(key in instance){
- if(value == required){
- // required requirement met
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- // add it to the instance
- instance[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- // allow for override (by es5 module)
- Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
- mixin = newMixin;
- };
- function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
- // searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
- for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
- var prototype = prototypes[i];
- if(prototype[name] == method){
- // found it
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Decorator branding
- function Decorator(install, direct){
- function Decorator(){
- if(direct){
- return direct.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
- }
- Decorator.install = install;
- return Decorator;
- }
- Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
- // aspect applier
- function aspect(handler){
- return function(advice){
- return Decorator(function install(key){
- var baseMethod = this[key];
- (advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
- }, advice);
- };
- };
- // around advice, useful for calling super methods too
- Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
- return advice.call(target, base);
- });
- Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
- return function(){
- var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
- if(results !== stop){
- return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
- }
- };
- });
- var stop = Compose.stop = {};
- var undefined;
- Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
- return function(){
- var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
- var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
- return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
- };
- });
- // rename Decorator for calling super methods
- Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
- if(fromKey){
- return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
- }
- return Decorator(function(key){
- if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
- (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
- throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
- }
- });
- };
- // Composes an instance
- Compose.create = function(base){
- // create the instance
- var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
- var argsLength = arguments.length;
- // for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
- for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
- var arg = arguments[i];
- if(typeof arg == "function"){
- instance = arg.call(instance) || instance;
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- // The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
- function required(){
- throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
- };
- Compose.required = required;
- // get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
- function extend(){
- var args = [this];
- args.push.apply(args, arguments);
- return Compose.apply(0, args);
- }
- // Compose a constructor
- function Compose(base){
- var args = arguments;
- var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
- args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
- mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
- function Constructor(){
- var instance;
- if(this instanceof Constructor){
- // called with new operator, can proceed as is
- instance = this;
- }else{
- // we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
- // create the instance ourself.
- Create.prototype = prototype;
- instance = new Create();
- }
- // call all the constructors with the given arguments
- for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
- var constructor = constructors[i];
- var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
- if(typeof result == "object"){
- if(result instanceof Constructor){
- instance = result;
- }else{
- for(var j in result){
- if(result.hasOwnProperty(j)){
- instance[j] = result[j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- // create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
- Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
- return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
- };
- // now get the prototypes and the constructors
- var constructors = getBases(args),
- constructorsLength = constructors.length;
- if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
- args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
- }
- var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
- Constructor.extend = extend;
- if(!Compose.secure){
- prototype.constructor = Constructor;
- }
- Constructor.prototype = prototype;
- return Constructor;
- };
- Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
- // apply to the target
- return thisObject ?
- mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object
- extend.apply.call(Compose, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
- };
- Compose.call = function(thisObject){
- // call() should correspond with apply behavior
- return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
- };
- function getBases(args, prototype){
- // this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
- // constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
- var bases = [];
- function iterate(args, checkChildren){
- outer:
- for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
- var arg = args[i];
- var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
- arg.prototype : arg;
- if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
- var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
- if(argGetBases){
- iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
- }else{
- for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
- if(target == bases[j]){
- continue outer;
- }
- }
- bases.push(target);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- iterate(args, true);
- return bases;
- }
- // returning the export of the module
- return Compose;
-})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
- define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
- function(deps, factory){
- if(typeof module !="undefined"){
- module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
- // require("./configure");
- }else{
- Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
- }
- });
- * TroopJS Utils URI module
- *
- * parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan
- *
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
- var NULL = null;
- var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
- var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
- var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
- var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
- var TOSTRING_STRING = TOSTRING.call(String.prototype);
- var TOSTRING_FUNCTION = TOSTRING.call(Function.prototype);
- var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
- var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
- var AUTHORITY = "authority";
- var PATH = "path";
- var QUERY = "query";
- var ANCHOR = "anchor";
- var KEYS = [ "source",
- "userInfo",
- "user",
- "password",
- "host",
- "port",
- // Store current Compose.secure setting
- var SECURE = Compose.secure;
- // Prevent Compose from creating constructor property
- Compose.secure = true;
- function Query(arg) {
- var result = {};
- var matches;
- var key = NULL;
- var value;
- var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
- result.toString = Query.toString;
- if (TOSTRING.call(arg) === TOSTRING_OBJECT) {
- for (key in arg) {
- result[key] = arg[key];
- }
- } else {
- while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
- key = matches[1];
- if (key in result) {
- value = result[key];
- if (TOSTRING.call(value) === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
- value[value.length] = matches[2];
- }
- else {
- result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
- }
- }
- else {
- result[key] = matches[2];
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- Query.toString = function toString() {
- var self = this;
- var key = NULL;
- var value = NULL;
- var values;
- var query = [];
- var i = 0;
- var j;
- for (key in self) {
- if (TOSTRING.call(self[key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
- continue;
- }
- query[i++] = key;
- }
- query.sort();
- while (i--) {
- key = query[i];
- value = self[key];
- if (TOSTRING.call(value) === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
- values = value.slice(0);
- values.sort();
- j = values.length;
- while (j--) {
- value = values[j];
- values[j] = value === ""
- ? key
- : key + "=" + value;
- }
- query[i] = values.join("&");
- }
- else {
- query[i] = value === ""
- ? key
- : key + "=" + value;
- }
- }
- return query.join("&");
- };
- // Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
- function Path(arg) {
- var result = [];
- result.toString = Path.toString;
- PUSH.apply(result, TOSTRING.call(arg) === TOSTRING_ARRAY
- ? arg
- : SPLIT.call(arg, "/"));
- return result;
- }
- Path.toString = function() {
- return this.join("/");
- };
- var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
- var self = this;
- var value;
- var matches;
- var i;
- if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
- i = matches.length;
- while (i--) {
- value = matches[i];
- if (value) {
- self[KEYS[i]] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- if (QUERY in self) {
- self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
- }
- if (PATH in self) {
- self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
- }
- });
- URI.prototype.toString = function () {
- var self = this;
- var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
- var i;
- var key;
- if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
- uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
- }
- if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
- uri[2] = "";
- }
- if (!(PATH in self)) {
- uri[3] = "";
- }
- if (!(QUERY in self)) {
- uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
- }
- if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
- uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
- }
- i = uri.length;
- while (i--) {
- key = uri[i];
- if (key in self) {
- uri[i] = self[key];
- }
- }
- return uri.join("");
- };
- // Restore Compose.secure setting
- Compose.secure = SECURE;
- URI.Path = Path;
- URI.Query = Query;
- return URI;
- * TroopJS Utils each component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/each',[ "jquery" ], function EachModule($) {
- return $.each;
- * TroopJS Utils callbacks component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/callbacks',[ "jquery" ], function CallbacksModule($) {
- return $.Callbacks;
- * TroopJS Utils unique component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
- return function unique(callback) {
- var self = this;
- var length = self.length;
- var result = [];
- var value;
- var i;
- var j;
- var k;
- add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
- value = self[i];
- while(j < k) {
- if (callback.call(self, value, result[j++]) === true) {
- continue add;
- }
- }
- result[k++] = value;
- }
- return result;
- };
- * TroopJS Utils when component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/when',[ "jquery" ], function WhenModule($) {
- return $.when;
- * TroopJS Utils deferred component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-utils/deferred',[ "jquery" ], function DeferredModule($) {
- return $.Deferred;
- * TroopJS event/emitter module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose) {
- var TRUE = true;
- var FALSE = false;
- var FUNCTION = Function;
- var MEMORY = "memory";
- var CONTEXT = "context";
- var CALLBACK = "callback";
- var LENGTH = "length";
- var HEAD = "head";
- var TAIL = "tail";
- var NEXT = "next";
- var HANDLED = "handled";
- var HANDLERS = "handlers";
- var ROOT = {};
- var COUNT = 0;
- return Compose(function EventEmitter() {
- this[HANDLERS] = {};
- }, {
- /**
- * Subscribe to a event
- *
- * @param event Event to subscribe to
- * @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
- * @param memory (optional) do we want the last value applied to callbacks
- * @param callback Callback for this event
- * @returns self
- */
- on : function on(event /*, context, memory, callback, callback, ..*/) {
- var self = this;
- var arg = arguments;
- var length = arg[LENGTH];
- var context = arg[1];
- var memory = arg[2];
- var callback = arg[3];
- var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
- var handler;
- var handled;
- var head;
- var tail;
- var offset;
- // No context or memory was supplied
- if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
- memory = FALSE;
- context = ROOT;
- offset = 1;
- }
- // Only memory was supplied
- else if (context === TRUE || context === FALSE) {
- memory = context;
- context = ROOT;
- offset = 2;
- }
- // Context was supplied, but not memory
- else if (memory instanceof FUNCTION) {
- memory = FALSE;
- offset = 2;
- }
- // All arguments were supplied
- else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
- offset = 3;
- }
- // Something is wrong, return fast
- else {
- return self;
- }
- // Have handlers
- if (event in handlers) {
- // Get handlers
- handlers = handlers[event];
- // Create new handler
- handler = {
- "callback" : arg[offset++],
- "context" : context
- };
- // Get tail handler
- tail = TAIL in handlers
- // Have tail, update handlers.tail.next to point to handler
- ? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
- // Have no tail, update handlers.head to point to handler
- : handlers[HEAD] = handler;
- // Iterate handlers from offset
- while (offset < length) {
- // Set tail -> tail.next -> handler
- tail = tail[NEXT] = {
- "callback" : arg[offset++],
- "context" : context
- };
- }
- // Set tail handler
- handlers[TAIL] = tail;
- // Want memory and have memory
- if (memory && MEMORY in handlers) {
- // Get memory
- memory = handlers[MEMORY];
- // Get handled
- handled = memory[HANDLED];
- // Optimize for arguments
- if (memory[LENGTH] > 0 ) {
- // Loop through handlers
- while(handler) {
- // Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
- if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Store handled
- handler[HANDLED] = handled;
- // Apply handler callback
- handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], memory);
- // Update handler
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- }
- }
- // Optimize for no arguments
- else {
- // Loop through handlers
- while(handler) {
- // Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
- if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Store handled
- handler[HANDLED] = handled;
- // Call handler callback
- handler[CALLBACK].call(handler[CONTEXT]);
- // Update handler
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // No handlers
- else {
- // Create head and tail
- head = tail = {
- "callback" : arg[offset++],
- "context" : context
- };
- // Iterate handlers from offset
- while (offset < length) {
- // Set tail -> tail.next -> handler
- tail = tail[NEXT] = {
- "callback" : arg[offset++],
- "context" : context
- };
- }
- // Create event list
- handlers[event] = {
- "head" : head,
- "tail" : tail
- };
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Unsubscribes from event
- *
- * @param event Event to unsubscribe from
- * @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
- * @param callback (optional) Callback to unsubscribe, if none
- * are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
- * @returns self
- */
- off : function off(event /*, context, callback, callback, ..*/) {
- var self = this;
- var arg = arguments;
- var length = arg[LENGTH];
- var context = arg[1];
- var callback = arg[2];
- var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
- var handler;
- var head;
- var previous;
- var offset;
- // No context or memory was supplied
- if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
- callback = context;
- context = ROOT;
- offset = 1;
- }
- // All arguments were supplied
- else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
- offset = 2;
- }
- // Something is wrong, return fast
- else {
- return self;
- }
- // Fast fail if we don't have subscribers
- if (!(event in handlers)) {
- return self;
- }
- // Get handlers
- handlers = handlers[event];
- // Get head
- head = handlers[HEAD];
- // Loop over remaining arguments
- while (offset < length) {
- // Store callback
- callback = arg[offset++];
- // Get first handler
- handler = previous = head;
- // Loop through handlers
- do {
- // Check if this handler should be unlinked
- if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && handler[CONTEXT] === context) {
- // Is this the first handler
- if (handler === head) {
- // Re-link head and previous, then
- // continue
- head = previous = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Unlink current handler, then continue
- previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Update previous pointer
- previous = handler;
- } while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
- }
- // Update head and tail
- if (head && previous) {
- handlers[HEAD] = head;
- handlers[TAIL] = previous;
- }
- else {
- delete handlers[HEAD];
- delete handlers[TAIL];
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Emit an event
- *
- * @param event Event to emit
- * @param arg (optional) Argument
- * @returns self
- */
- emit : function emit(event /*, arg, arg, ..*/) {
- var self = this;
- var arg = arguments;
- var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
- var handler;
- // Store handled
- var handled = arg[HANDLED] = COUNT++;
- // Have handlers
- if (event in handlers) {
- // Get handlers
- handlers = handlers[event];
- // Remember arguments
- handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
- // Get first handler
- handler = handlers[HEAD];
- // Optimize for arguments
- if (arg[LENGTH] > 0) {
- // Loop through handlers
- while(handler) {
- // Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
- if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Update handled
- handler[HANDLED] = handled;
- // Apply handler callback
- handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], arg);
- // Update handler
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- }
- }
- // Optimize for no arguments
- else {
- // Loop through handlers
- while(handler) {
- // Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
- if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- continue;
- }
- // Update handled
- handler[HANDLED] = handled;
- // Call handler callback
- handler[CALLBACK].call(handler[CONTEXT]);
- // Update handler
- handler = handler[NEXT];
- }
- }
- }
- // No handlers
- else if (arg[LENGTH] > 0){
- // Create handlers and store with event
- handlers[event] = handlers = {};
- // Remember arguments
- handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
- }
- return this;
- }
- });
- * TroopJS base component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter", "config" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter, config) {
- var COUNT = 0;
- var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
- var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
- }, {
- displayName : "core/component",
- /**
- * Application configuration
- */
- config : config
- });
- /**
- * Generates string representation of this object
- * @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
- */
- Component.prototype.toString = function () {
- var self = this;
- return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
- };
- return Component;
- * TroopJS pubsub/hub module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
- var from = Compose.from;
- return Compose.create(Component, {
- displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
- subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
- unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
- publish : from(Component, "emit")
- });
- * TroopJS gadget component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "compose", "./base", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Compose, Component, Deferred, hub) {
- var NULL = null;
- var FUNCTION = Function;
- var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
- var RE_SIG = /^sig\/(.+)/;
- var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
- var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
- var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
- var MEMORY = "memory";
- var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
- return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
- var self = this;
- var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
- var base;
- var callbacks;
- var callback;
- var i;
- var j;
- var jMax;
- var signals = {};
- var signal;
- var matches;
- var key = null;
- // Iterate base chain (while there's a prototype)
- for (i = bases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- base = bases[i];
- add: for (key in base) {
- // Get value
- callback = base[key];
- // Continue if value is not a function
- if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Match signature in key
- matches = RE_SIG.exec(key);
- if (matches !== NULL) {
- // Get signal
- signal = matches[1];
- // Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
- if (signal in signals) {
- // Get callbacks (for this signal)
- callbacks = signals[signal];
- // Reset counters
- j = jMax = callbacks.length;
- // Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
- while (j--) {
- if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
- continue add;
- }
- }
- // Add callback to callbacks chain
- callbacks[jMax] = callback;
- }
- else {
- // First callback
- signals[signal] = [ callback ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Extend self
- Compose.call(self, {
- signal : function onSignal(signal, deferred) {
- var _self = this;
- var _callbacks;
- var _j;
- var head = deferred;
- // Only trigger if we have callbacks for this signal
- if (signal in signals) {
- // Get callbacks
- _callbacks = signals[signal];
- // Reset counter
- _j = _callbacks.length;
- // Build deferred chain from end to 1
- while (--_j) {
- // Create new deferred
- head = Deferred(function (dfd) {
- // Store callback and deferred as they will have changed by the time we exec
- var _callback = _callbacks[_j];
- var _deferred = head;
- // Add done handler
- dfd.done(function done() {
- _callback.call(_self, signal, _deferred);
- });
- });
- }
- // Execute first sCallback, use head deferred
- _callbacks[0].call(_self, signal, head);
- }
- else if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return _self;
- }
- });
- }, {
- displayName : "core/component/gadget",
- "sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
- var key = NULL;
- var value;
- var matches;
- var topic;
- // Loop over each property in gadget
- for (key in self) {
- // Get value
- value = self[key];
- // Continue if value is not a function
- if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Match signature in key
- matches = RE_HUB.exec(key);
- if (matches !== NULL) {
- // Get topic
- topic = matches[2];
- // Subscribe
- hub.subscribe(topic, self, matches[1] === MEMORY, value);
- // Store in subscriptions
- subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = [topic, self, value];
- // NULL value
- self[key] = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- "sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
- var subscription;
- // Loop over subscriptions
- while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
- hub.unsubscribe(subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
- }
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Calls hub.publish in self context
- * @returns self
- */
- publish : function publish() {
- var self = this;
- PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Calls hub.subscribe in self context
- * @returns self
- */
- subscribe : function subscribe() {
- var self = this;
- SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
- * @returns self
- */
- unsubscribe : function unsubscribe() {
- var self = this;
- UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
- return self;
- },
- start : function start(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- deferred = deferred || Deferred();
- Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
- dfdStart.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- Deferred(function deferredInitialize(dfdInitialize) {
- dfdInitialize.then(function doneInitialize() {
- self.signal("start", dfdStart);
- }, dfdStart.reject, dfdStart.notify);
- self.signal("initialize", dfdInitialize);
- });
- });
- return self;
- },
- stop : function stop(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- deferred = deferred || Deferred();
- Deferred(function deferredFinalize(dfdFinalize) {
- dfdFinalize.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
- dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
- self.signal("finalize", dfdFinalize);
- }, dfdFinalize.reject, dfdFinalize.notify);
- self.signal("stop", dfdStop);
- });
- });
- return self;
- }
- });
- * TroopJS service component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
- return Gadget.extend({
- displayName : "core/component/service"
- });
- * TroopJS widget component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/component/widget',[ "./gadget", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, Deferred) {
- var NULL = null;
- var FUNCTION = Function;
- var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
- var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
- var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
- var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
- var $ONE = $.fn.one;
- var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
- var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
- var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
- var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
- var $ELEMENT = "$element";
- var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
- var ONE = "one";
- var THEN = "then";
- var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
- var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
- /**
- * Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
- * @param topic event topic
- * @param widget target widget
- * @param handler target handler
- * @returns {Function} proxied handler
- */
- function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
- /**
- * Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
- * @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
- */
- return function handlerProxy() {
- // Add topic to front of arguments
- UNSHIFT.call(arguments, topic);
- // Apply with shifted arguments to handler
- return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
- * @param $fn jQuery method
- * @returns {Function} proxied render
- */
- function renderProxy($fn) {
- /**
- * Renders contents into element
- * @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
- * @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
- * @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
- * @returns self
- */
- function render(/* contents, data, ..., deferred */) {
- var self = this;
- var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
- var arg = arguments;
- // Shift contents from first argument
- var contents = SHIFT.call(arg);
- // Assume deferred is the last argument
- var deferred = arg[arg.length - 1];
- // If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
- if (deferred === UNDEFINED || !(deferred[THEN] instanceof FUNCTION)) {
- deferred = Deferred();
- }
- // Defer render (as weaving it may need to load async)
- Deferred(function deferredRender(dfdRender) {
- // Link deferred
- dfdRender.then(function renderDone() {
- // Trigger refresh
- $element.trigger(REFRESH, arguments);
- // Resolve outer deferred
- deferred.resolve();
- }, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- // Notify that we're about to render
- dfdRender.notify("beforeRender", self);
- // Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
- $fn.call($element, contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
- // Notify that we're rendered
- dfdRender.notify("afterRender", self);
- // Weave element
- $element.find(ATTR_WEAVE).weave(dfdRender);
- });
- return self;
- }
- return render;
- }
- return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
- if (displayName) {
- self.displayName = displayName;
- }
- }, {
- displayName : "core/component/widget",
- "sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
- var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
- var key = NULL;
- var value;
- var matches;
- var topic;
- // Loop over each property in widget
- for (key in self) {
- // Get value
- value = self[key];
- // Continue if value is not a function
- if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Match signature in key
- matches = RE.exec(key);
- if (matches !== NULL) {
- // Get topic
- topic = matches[2];
- // Replace value with a scoped proxy
- value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
- // Either ONE or BIND element
- (matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
- // Store in $proxies
- $proxies[$proxies.length] = [topic, value];
- // NULL value
- self[key] = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- "sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
- var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
- var $proxy;
- // Loop over subscriptions
- while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
- $element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
- }
- delete self[$ELEMENT];
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Weaves all children of $element
- * @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
- * @returns self
- */
- weave : function weave(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WEAVE).weave(deferred);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
- * @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
- * @returns self
- */
- unweave : function unweave(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].find(ATTR_WOVEN).andSelf().unweave(deferred);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Binds event from $element, exactly once
- * @returns self
- */
- one : function one() {
- var self = this;
- $ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Binds event to $element
- * @returns self
- */
- bind : function bind() {
- var self = this;
- $BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Unbinds event from $element
- * @returns self
- */
- unbind : function unbind() {
- var self = this;
- $UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Triggers event on $element
- * @returns self
- */
- trigger : function trigger() {
- var self = this;
- $TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
- return self;
- },
- /**
- * Renders content and inserts it before $element
- */
- before : renderProxy($.fn.before),
- /**
- * Renders content and inserts it after $element
- */
- after : renderProxy($.fn.after),
- /**
- * Renders content and replaces $element contents
- */
- html : renderProxy($.fn.html),
- /**
- * Renders content and replaces $element contents
- */
- text : renderProxy($.fn.text),
- /**
- * Renders content and appends it to $element
- */
- append : renderProxy($.fn.append),
- /**
- * Renders content and prepends it to $element
- */
- prepend : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
- /**
- * Empties widget
- * @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
- * @returns self
- */
- empty : function empty(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- // Ensure we have deferred
- deferred = deferred || Deferred();
- // Create deferred for emptying
- Deferred(function emptyDeferred(dfdEmpty) {
- // Link deferred
- dfdEmpty.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- // Get element
- var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
- // Detach contents
- var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
- // Trigger refresh
- $element.trigger(REFRESH, self);
- // Use timeout in order to yield
- setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
- // Get DOM elements
- var contents = $contents.get();
- // Remove elements from DOM
- $contents.remove();
- // Resolve deferred
- dfdEmpty.resolve(contents);
- }, 0);
- });
- return self;
- }
- });
- * TroopJS dimensions/service module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/dimensions/service',[ "../component/service" ], function DimensionsServiceModule(Service) {
- var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
- var $ELEMENT = "$element";
- function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
- $event.data.publish(DIMENSIONS, w, h);
- }
- return Service.extend(function DimensionsService($element, dimensions) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
- self[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
- }, {
- displayName : "core/dimensions/service",
- "sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- },
- "sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- },
- "sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- }
- });
- * TroopJS store/base module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/store/base',[ "compose", "../component/gadget" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget) {
- var STORAGE = "storage";
- return Gadget.extend({
- storage : Compose.required,
- set : function set(key, value, deferred) {
- // JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
- this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- // Resolve deferred
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve(value);
- }
- },
- get : function get(key, deferred) {
- // Get value from 'key', parse JSON
- var value = JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key));
- // Resolve deferred
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve(value);
- }
- },
- remove : function remove(key, deferred) {
- // Remove key
- this[STORAGE].removeItem(key);
- // Resolve deferred
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- },
- clear : function clear(deferred) {
- // Clear
- this[STORAGE].clear();
- // Resolve deferred
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- }
- });
- * TroopJS store/session module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
- return Compose.create(Store, {
- displayName : "core/store/session",
- storage: window.sessionStorage
- });
- * TroopJS store/local module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
- return Compose.create(Store, {
- displayName : "core/store/local",
- storage : window.localStorage
- });
- * TroopJS route/router module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/route/router',[ "../component/service", "troopjs-utils/uri" ], function RouterModule(Service, URI) {
- var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
- var $ELEMENT = "$element";
- var ROUTE = "route";
- var RE = /^#/;
- function onHashChange($event) {
- var self = $event.data;
- // Create URI
- var uri = URI($event.target.location.hash.replace(RE, ""));
- // Convert to string
- var route = uri.toString();
- // Did anything change?
- if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
- // Store new value
- self[ROUTE] = route;
- // Publish route
- self.publish(ROUTE, uri);
- }
- }
- return Service.extend(function RouterService($element) {
- this[$ELEMENT] = $element;
- }, {
- displayName : "core/route/router",
- "sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- "sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].trigger(HASHCHANGE);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- },
- "sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
- var self = this;
- self[$ELEMENT].unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
- if (deferred) {
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- return self;
- }
- });
- * TroopJS widget/placeholder component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/widget/placeholder',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "require" ], function WidgetPlaceholderModule(Widget, Deferred, parentRequire) {
- var FUNCTION = Function;
- var POP = Array.prototype.pop;
- var HOLDING = "holding";
- var DATA_HOLDING = "data-" + HOLDING;
- var $ELEMENT = "$element";
- var TARGET = "target";
- var THEN = "then";
- function release(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
- var self = this;
- var arg = arguments;
- var argc = arg.length;
- // If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
- var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
- ? POP.call(arg)
- : Deferred();
- Deferred(function deferredRelease(dfdRelease) {
- var i;
- var iMax;
- var name;
- var argv;
- // We're already holding something, resolve with cache
- if (HOLDING in self) {
- dfdRelease
- .done(deferred.resolve)
- .resolve(self[HOLDING]);
- }
- else {
- // Add done handler to release
- dfdRelease.then([ function doneRelease(widget) {
- // Set DATA_HOLDING attribute
- self[$ELEMENT].attr(DATA_HOLDING, widget);
- // Store widget
- self[HOLDING] = widget;
- }, deferred.resolve ], deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- // Get widget name
- name = self[TARGET];
- // Set initial argv
- argv = [ self[$ELEMENT], name ];
- // Append values from arg to argv
- for (i = 0, iMax = arg.length; i < iMax; i++) {
- argv[i + 2] = arg[i];
- }
- // Require widget by name
- parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
- // Defer require
- Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdRequire) {
- // Constructed and initialized instance
- var widget = Widget
- .apply(Widget, argv);
- // Link deferred
- dfdRequire.then(function doneStart() {
- dfdRelease.resolve(widget);
- }, dfdRelease.reject, dfdRelease.notify);
- // Start
- widget.start(dfdRequire);
- });
- });
- }
- });
- return self;
- }
- function hold(deferred) {
- var self = this;
- deferred = deferred || Deferred();
- Deferred(function deferredHold(dfdHold) {
- var widget;
- // Link deferred
- dfdHold.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- // Check that we are holding
- if (HOLDING in self) {
- // Get what we're holding
- widget = self[HOLDING];
- // Cleanup
- delete self[HOLDING];
- // Remove DATA_HOLDING attribute
- self[$ELEMENT].removeAttr(DATA_HOLDING);
- // Stop
- widget.stop(dfdHold);
- }
- else {
- dfdHold.resolve();
- }
- });
- return self;
- }
- return Widget.extend(function WidgetPlaceholder($element, name, target) {
- this[TARGET] = target;
- }, {
- displayName : "core/widget/placeholder",
- "sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
- this.hold(deferred);
- },
- release : release,
- hold : hold
- });
- * TroopJS route/placeholder module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/route/placeholder',[ "../widget/placeholder" ], function RoutePlaceholderModule(Placeholder) {
- var NULL = null;
- var ROUTE = "route";
- return Placeholder.extend(function RoutePlaceholderWidget($element, name) {
- this[ROUTE] = RegExp($element.data("route"));
- }, {
- "displayName" : "core/route/placeholder",
- "hub:memory/route" : function onRoute(topic, uri) {
- var self = this;
- var matches = self[ROUTE].exec(uri.path);
- if (matches !== NULL) {
- self.release.apply(self, matches.slice(1));
- }
- else {
- self.hold();
- }
- }
- });
- * TroopJS widget/application component
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/widget/application',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function ApplicationModule(Widget, Deferred) {
- return Widget.extend({
- displayName : "core/widget/application",
- "sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
- this.weave(deferred);
- },
- "sig/stop" : function stop(signal, deferred) {
- this.unweave(deferred);
- }
- });
- * TroopJS pubsub/topic module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
-/*global define:true */
-define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
- var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
- var TOSTRING_ARRAY = TOSTRING.call(Array.prototype);
- function comparator (a, b) {
- return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
- }
- var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.topic = topic;
- self.publisher = publisher;
- self.parent = parent;
- self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
- }, {
- displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
- /**
- * Traces topic origin to root
- * @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
- */
- trace : function trace() {
- var current = this;
- var constructor = current.constructor;
- var parent;
- var item;
- var stack = "";
- var i;
- var u;
- var iMax;
- while (current) {
- if (TOSTRING.call(current) === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
- u = unique.call(current, comparator);
- for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
- item = u[i];
- u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
- ? item.trace()
- : item.topic;
- }
- stack += u.join(",");
- break;
- }
- parent = current.parent;
- stack += parent
- ? current.publisher + ":"
- : current.publisher;
- current = parent;
- }
- return stack;
- }
- });
- /**
- * Generates string representation of this object
- * @returns Instance topic
- */
- Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
- return this.topic;
- };
- return Topic;
- * TroopJS remote/ajax module
- * @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon
- * Released under the MIT license.
- */
-define('troopjs-core/remote/ajax',[ "../component/service", "../pubsub/topic", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, Topic, $, merge) {
- return Service.extend({
- displayName : "core/remote/ajax",
- "hub/ajax" : function request(topic, settings, deferred) {
- // Request
- $.ajax(merge.call({
- "headers": {
- "x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
- "x-components": topic instanceof Topic ? topic.trace() : topic
- }
- }, settings)).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/application.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/application.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 697585bf34..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/application.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
-/*jshint newcap:false*/
- 'troopjs-core/widget/application',
- 'troopjs-core/route/router',
- 'jquery'
-], function ApplicationModule(Application, Router, $) {
- 'use strict';
- function Forward(signal, deferred) {
- var services = $.map(this.services, function map(service) {
- return $.Deferred(function deferredSignal(deferSignal) {
- service.signal(signal, deferSignal);
- });
- });
- if (deferred) {
- $.when.apply($, services).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
- }
- }
- return Application.extend({
- 'sig/initialize': Forward,
- 'sig/finalize': Forward,
- 'sig/start': Forward,
- 'sif/stop': Forward,
- services: [Router($(window))]
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/clear.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/clear.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a778941c..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/clear.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget',
- 'jquery'
-], function ClearModule(Widget, $) {
- 'use strict';
- function filter(item) {
- return item === null || !item.completed;
- }
- return Widget.extend({
- 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) {
- var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length;
- this.$element.text('Clear completed (' + count + ')').toggle(count > 0);
- },
- 'dom/click': function onClear() {
- this.publish('todos/clear');
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/count.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/count.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bcbd11631..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/count.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget',
- 'jquery'
-], function CountModule(Widget, $) {
- 'use strict';
- function filter(item) {
- return item === null || item.completed;
- }
- return Widget.extend({
- 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) {
- var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length;
- this.$element.html('' + count + ' ' + (count === 1 ? 'item' : 'items') + ' left');
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/create.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/create.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe1526cd8..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/create.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget'
-], function CreateModule(Widget) {
- 'use strict';
- var ENTER_KEY = 13;
- return Widget.extend({
- 'dom/keyup': function onKeyUp(topic, $event) {
- var $element = this.$element;
- var value;
- if ($event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
- value = $element.val().trim();
- if (value !== '') {
- this.publish('todos/add', value);
- $element.val('');
- }
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/display.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/display.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3404664031..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/display.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget',
- 'jquery'
-], function DisplayModule(Widget, $) {
- 'use strict';
- function filter(item) {
- return item === null;
- }
- return Widget.extend({
- 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) {
- var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length;
- this.$element.toggle(count > 0);
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/escape.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/escape.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9256272896..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/escape.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
-/*jshint quotmark:false*/
- 'jquery'
-], function EscapeModule($) {
- 'use strict';
- var invert = function (obj) {
- var result = {};
- var key;
- for (key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- result[obj[key]] = key;
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- var fallbackKeys = function (obj) {
- var keys = [];
- var key;
- if (obj !== Object(obj)) {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
- }
- for (key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- keys[keys.length] = key;
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
- var keys = Object.keys || fallbackKeys;
- var entityMap = {};
- entityMap.escape = {
- '&': '&',
- '<': '<',
- '>': '>',
- '"': '"',
- "'": ''',
- '/': '/'
- };
- entityMap.unescape = invert(entityMap.escape);
- var entityRegexes = {
- escape: new RegExp('[' + keys(entityMap.escape).join('') + ']', 'g'),
- unescape: new RegExp('(' + keys(entityMap.unescape).join('|') + ')', 'g')
- };
- var exports = {};
- $.each(['escape', 'unescape'], function (i, method) {
- exports[method] = function (string) {
- if (string === null) {
- return '';
- }
- return ('' + string).replace(entityRegexes[method], function (match) {
- return entityMap[method][match];
- });
- };
- });
- return exports;
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/filters.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/filters.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b83e27df6a..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/filters.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget',
- 'jquery'
-], function FiltersModule(Widget, $) {
- 'use strict';
- return Widget.extend({
- 'hub:memory/route': function onRoute(topic, uri) {
- this.publish('todos/filter', uri.source);
- },
- 'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(topic, filter) {
- filter = filter || '/';
- // Update UI
- $('a[href^="#"]')
- .removeClass('selected')
- .filter('[href="#' + filter + '"]')
- .addClass('selected');
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/item.html b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/item.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a582354752..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/item.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-var i = data.i;
-var item = data.item;
-var title = data.itemTitle;
-var completed = item.completed;
- data-action="status(<%= i %>)">
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/list.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/list.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dab74ca87..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/list.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- './escape',
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget',
- 'troopjs-core/store/local',
- 'jquery',
- 'troopjs-requirejs/template!./item.html'
-], function ListModule(Escaper, Widget, store, $, template) {
- 'use strict';
- var ENTER_KEY = 13;
- var ESCAPE_KEY = 27;
- var FILTER_ACTIVE = 'filter-active';
- var FILTER_COMPLETED = 'filter-completed';
- function filter(item) {
- return item === null;
- }
- return Widget.extend(function ListWidget() {
- var self = this;
- // Defer initialization
- $.Deferred(function deferredInit(deferInit) {
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Set items (empty or compacted) - then resolve
- store.set(self.config.store, items === null ? [] : $.grep(items, filter, true), deferInit);
- });
- })
- .done(function doneInit(items) {
- // Iterate each item
- $.each(items, function itemIterator(i, item) {
- // Append to self
- self.append(template, {
- i: i,
- item: item,
- itemTitle: Escaper.escape(item.title)
- });
- });
- })
- .done(function doneInit(items) {
- self.publish('todos/change', items);
- });
- }, {
- 'hub/todos/add': function onAdd(topic, title) {
- var self = this;
- // Defer set
- $.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Get the next index
- var i = items.length;
- // Create new item, store in items
- var item = items[i] = {
- completed: false,
- title: title
- };
- // Append new item to self
- self.append(template, {
- i: i,
- item: item,
- itemTitle: Escaper.escape(item.title)
- });
- // Set items and resolve set
- store.set(self.config.store, items, deferSet);
- });
- })
- .done(function doneSet(items) {
- self.publish('todos/change', items);
- });
- },
- 'hub/todos/mark': function onMark(topic, value) {
- this.$element.find(':checkbox').prop('checked', value).change();
- },
- 'hub/todos/clear': function onClear() {
- this.$element.find('.completed .destroy').click();
- },
- 'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(topic, filter) {
- var $element = this.$element;
- switch (filter) {
- case '/completed':
- $element
- .removeClass(FILTER_ACTIVE)
- break;
- case '/active':
- $element
- .removeClass(FILTER_COMPLETED)
- .addClass(FILTER_ACTIVE);
- break;
- default:
- $element.removeClass(FILTER_ACTIVE + ' ' + FILTER_COMPLETED);
- }
- },
- 'dom/action.change.click.dblclick.focusout.keyup': $.noop,
- 'dom/action/status.change': function onStatus(topic, $event, index) {
- var self = this;
- var $target = $($event.target);
- var completed = $target.prop('checked');
- // Update UI
- $target
- .closest('li')
- .toggleClass('completed', completed)
- .toggleClass('active', !completed);
- // Defer set
- $.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Update completed
- items[index].completed = completed;
- // Set items and resolve set
- store.set(self.config.store, items, deferSet);
- });
- })
- .done(function doneSet(items) {
- self.publish('todos/change', items);
- });
- },
- 'dom/action/delete.click': function onDelete(topic, $event, index) {
- var self = this;
- // Update UI
- $($event.target)
- .closest('li')
- .remove();
- // Defer set
- $.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- // Get the items
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Delete item
- items[index] = null;
- // Set items and resolve set
- store.set(self.config.store, items, deferSet);
- });
- })
- .done(function doneSet(items) {
- self.publish('todos/change', items);
- });
- },
- 'dom/action/prepare.dblclick': function onPrepare(topic, $event, index) {
- var self = this;
- // Get LI and update
- var $li = $($event.target)
- .closest('li')
- .addClass('editing');
- // Get INPUT and disable
- var $input = $li
- .find('input')
- .prop('disabled', true);
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- // Get items
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Update input value, enable and select
- $input
- .val(items[index].title)
- .removeProp('disabled')
- .focus();
- })
- .fail(function failGet() {
- $li.removeClass('editing');
- });
- },
- 'dom/action/commit.keyup': function onCommitKeyUp(topic, $event) {
- var $target = $($event.target);
- var keyCode = $event.originalEvent.keyCode;
- if (keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
- $target.focusout();
- }
- if (keyCode === ESCAPE_KEY) {
- $target
- .closest('li.editing')
- .removeClass('editing');
- $target.val(store.get(this.config.store));
- }
- },
- 'dom/action/commit.focusout': function onCommitFocusOut(topic, $event, index) {
- var self = this;
- var $target = $($event.target);
- var title = $target.val().trim();
- if (title === '') {
- $target
- .closest('li.editing')
- .removeClass('editing')
- .find('.destroy')
- .click();
- } else {
- // Defer set
- $.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
- // Disable
- $target.prop('disabled', true);
- // Defer get
- $.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
- // Get items
- store.get(self.config.store, deferGet);
- })
- .done(function doneGet(items) {
- // Update text
- items[index].title = title;
- // Set items and resolve set
- store.set(self.config.store, items, deferSet);
- });
- })
- .done(function doneSet(items) {
- // Update UI
- $target
- .closest('li')
- .removeClass('editing')
- .find('label')
- .text(title);
- self.publish('todos/change', items);
- })
- .always(function alwaysSet() {
- // Enable
- $target.removeProp('disabled');
- });
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/mark.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/mark.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 532e8fd7fa..0000000000
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/js/widget/mark.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*global define*/
- 'jquery',
- 'troopjs-core/component/widget'
-], function MarkModule($, Widget) {
- 'use strict';
- return Widget.extend({
- 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) {
- var total = 0;
- var count = 0;
- var $element = this.$element;
- $.each(items, function iterator(i, item) {
- if (item === null) {
- return;
- }
- if (item.completed) {
- count++;
- }
- total++;
- });
- $element
- .prop('indeterminate', count !== 0 && count !== total)
- .prop('checked', count === total);
- },
- 'dom/change': function onMark(topic, $event) {
- this.publish('todos/mark', $($event.target).prop('checked'));
- }
- });
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower.json b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02b1e539c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "name" : "todomvc-troopjs",
+ "version" : "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
+ "main" : "index.html",
+ "dependencies" : {
+ "todomvc-common" : "*",
+ "requirejs" : "~2.1",
+ "jquery" : "~2.0",
+ "troopjs-bundle" : "https://github.com/troopjs/troopjs-bundle/archive/build/2.x.zip"
+ }
diff --git a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js
similarity index 51%
rename from labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js
rename to labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js
index 7893ca9e11..c492c14d82 100644
--- a/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js
+++ b/labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/bower_components/jquery/jquery.js
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
- * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.8.2
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v2.0.1
* http://jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle.js
* http://sizzlejs.com/
- * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
+ * Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* http://jquery.org/license
- * Date: Thu Sep 20 2012 21:13:05 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
+ * Date: 2013-05-24T16:44Z
(function( window, undefined ) {
+// Can't do this because several apps including ASP.NET trace
+// the stack via arguments.caller.callee and Firefox dies if
+// you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. (#13335)
+// Support: Firefox 18+
+//"use strict";
// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
@@ -19,10 +25,14 @@ var
// The deferred used on DOM ready
+ // Support: IE9
+ // For `typeof xmlNode.method` instead of `xmlNode.method !== undefined`
+ core_strundefined = typeof undefined,
// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
- document = window.document,
location = window.location,
- navigator = window.navigator,
+ document = window.document,
+ docElem = document.documentElement,
// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
_jQuery = window.jQuery,
@@ -30,13 +40,22 @@ var
// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
_$ = window.$,
+ // [[Class]] -> type pairs
+ class2type = {},
+ // List of deleted data cache ids, so we can reuse them
+ core_deletedIds = [],
+ core_version = "2.0.1",
// Save a reference to some core methods
- core_push = Array.prototype.push,
- core_slice = Array.prototype.slice,
- core_indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
- core_toString = Object.prototype.toString,
- core_hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- core_trim = String.prototype.trim,
+ core_concat = core_deletedIds.concat,
+ core_push = core_deletedIds.push,
+ core_slice = core_deletedIds.slice,
+ core_indexOf = core_deletedIds.indexOf,
+ core_toString = class2type.toString,
+ core_hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty,
+ core_trim = core_version.trim,
// Define a local copy of jQuery
jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
@@ -45,70 +64,48 @@ var
// Used for matching numbers
- core_pnum = /[\-+]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/.source,
- // Used for detecting and trimming whitespace
- core_rnotwhite = /\S/,
- core_rspace = /\s+/,
+ core_pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,
- // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP (here's looking at you, Safari 5.0 and IE)
- rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
+ // Used for splitting on whitespace
+ core_rnotwhite = /\S+/g,
// A simple way to check for HTML strings
// Prioritize #id over to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
- rquickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
+ // Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <)
+ rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
// Match a standalone tag
rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
- // JSON RegExp
- rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
- rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
- rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g,
- rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/g,
// Matches dashed string for camelizing
rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi,
// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
- return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase();
+ return letter.toUpperCase();
// The ready event handler and self cleanup method
- DOMContentLoaded = function() {
- if ( document.addEventListener ) {
- document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
- jQuery.ready();
- } else if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
- // we're here because readyState === "complete" in oldIE
- // which is good enough for us to call the dom ready!
- document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
- jQuery.ready();
- }
- },
- // [[Class]] -> type pairs
- class2type = {};
+ completed = function() {
+ document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false );
+ window.removeEventListener( "load", completed, false );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ };
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+ // The current version of jQuery being used
+ jquery: core_version,
constructor: jQuery,
init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {
- var match, elem, ret, doc;
+ var match, elem;
- // Handle $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
+ // HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
if ( !selector ) {
return this;
- // Handle $(DOMElement)
- if ( selector.nodeType ) {
- this.context = this[0] = selector;
- this.length = 1;
- return this;
- }
// Handle HTML strings
if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
@@ -125,15 +122,29 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
if ( match[1] ) {
context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
- doc = ( context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document );
// scripts is true for back-compat
- selector = jQuery.parseHTML( match[1], doc, true );
+ jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML(
+ match[1],
+ context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,
+ true
+ ) );
+ // HANDLE: $(html, props)
if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
- this.attr.call( selector, context, true );
+ for ( match in context ) {
+ // Properties of context are called as methods if possible
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) {
+ this[ match ]( context[ match ] );
+ // ...and otherwise set as attributes
+ } else {
+ this.attr( match, context[ match ] );
+ }
+ }
- return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+ return this;
// HANDLE: $(#id)
} else {
@@ -142,13 +153,7 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
- // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
- // by name instead of ID
- if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
- return rootjQuery.find( selector );
- }
- // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+ // Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
this.length = 1;
this[0] = elem;
@@ -168,6 +173,12 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
+ // HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
+ } else if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+ this.context = this[0] = selector;
+ this.length = 1;
+ return this;
// HANDLE: $(function)
// Shortcut for document ready
} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
@@ -185,17 +196,9 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
// Start with an empty selector
selector: "",
- // The current version of jQuery being used
- jquery: "1.8.2",
// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
length: 0,
- // The number of elements contained in the matched element set
- size: function() {
- return this.length;
- },
toArray: function() {
return core_slice.call( this );
@@ -214,22 +217,15 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
// (returning the new matched element set)
- pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
+ pushStack: function( elems ) {
// Build a new jQuery matched element set
var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
ret.prevObject = this;
ret.context = this.context;
- if ( name === "find" ) {
- ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector;
- } else if ( name ) {
- ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
- }
// Return the newly-formed element set
return ret;
@@ -248,11 +244,8 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
return this;
- eq: function( i ) {
- i = +i;
- return i === -1 ?
- this.slice( i ) :
- this.slice( i, i + 1 );
+ slice: function() {
+ return this.pushStack( core_slice.apply( this, arguments ) );
first: function() {
@@ -263,9 +256,10 @@ jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
return this.eq( -1 );
- slice: function() {
- return this.pushStack( core_slice.apply( this, arguments ),
- "slice", core_slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+ eq: function( i ) {
+ var len = this.length,
+ j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 );
+ return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[j] ] : [] );
map: function( callback ) {
@@ -353,6 +347,9 @@ jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+ // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
+ expando: "jQuery" + ( core_version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
noConflict: function( deep ) {
if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
window.$ = _$;
@@ -389,11 +386,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
- // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
- if ( !document.body ) {
- return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
- }
// Remember that the DOM is ready
jQuery.isReady = true;
@@ -418,12 +410,10 @@ jQuery.extend({
return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
- isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
- return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
- },
+ isArray: Array.isArray,
isWindow: function( obj ) {
- return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
+ return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
isNumeric: function( obj ) {
@@ -431,38 +421,40 @@ jQuery.extend({
type: function( obj ) {
- return obj == null ?
- String( obj ) :
- class2type[ core_toString.call(obj) ] || "object";
+ if ( obj == null ) {
+ return String( obj );
+ }
+ // Support: Safari <= 5.1 (functionish RegExp)
+ return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
+ class2type[ core_toString.call(obj) ] || "object" :
+ typeof obj;
isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
- // Must be an Object.
- // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
- // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
- if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+ // Not plain objects:
+ // - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]"
+ // - DOM nodes
+ // - window
+ if ( jQuery.type( obj ) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
return false;
+ // Support: Firefox <20
+ // The try/catch suppresses exceptions thrown when attempting to access
+ // the "constructor" property of certain host objects, ie. |window.location|
+ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=814622
try {
- // Not own constructor property must be Object
if ( obj.constructor &&
- !core_hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
- !core_hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
+ !core_hasOwn.call( obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf" ) ) {
return false;
} catch ( e ) {
- // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
return false;
- // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
- // if last one is own, then all properties are own.
- var key;
- for ( key in obj ) {}
- return key === undefined || core_hasOwn.call( obj, key );
+ // If the function hasn't returned already, we're confident that
+ // |obj| is a plain object, created by {} or constructed with new Object
+ return true;
isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
@@ -479,72 +471,52 @@ jQuery.extend({
// data: string of html
// context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document
- // scripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string
- parseHTML: function( data, context, scripts ) {
- var parsed;
+ // keepScripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string
+ parseHTML: function( data, context, keepScripts ) {
if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
return null;
if ( typeof context === "boolean" ) {
- scripts = context;
- context = 0;
+ keepScripts = context;
+ context = false;
context = context || document;
+ var parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data ),
+ scripts = !keepScripts && [];
// Single tag
- if ( (parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data )) ) {
+ if ( parsed ) {
return [ context.createElement( parsed[1] ) ];
- parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts ? null : [] );
- return jQuery.merge( [],
- (parsed.cacheable ? jQuery.clone( parsed.fragment ) : parsed.fragment).childNodes );
- },
- parseJSON: function( data ) {
- if ( !data || typeof data !== "string") {
- return null;
- }
- // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
- data = jQuery.trim( data );
+ parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts );
- // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
- if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
- return window.JSON.parse( data );
+ if ( scripts ) {
+ jQuery( scripts ).remove();
- // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
- // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
- if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
- .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
- .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
- return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();
- }
- jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
+ return jQuery.merge( [], parsed.childNodes );
+ parseJSON: JSON.parse,
// Cross-browser xml parsing
parseXML: function( data ) {
var xml, tmp;
if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) {
return null;
+ // Support: IE9
try {
- if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard
- tmp = new DOMParser();
- xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
- } else { // IE
- xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
- xml.async = "false";
- xml.loadXML( data );
- }
- } catch( e ) {
+ tmp = new DOMParser();
+ xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
+ } catch ( e ) {
xml = undefined;
- if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
+ if ( !xml || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
return xml;
@@ -553,16 +525,25 @@ jQuery.extend({
noop: function() {},
// Evaluates a script in a global context
- // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
- // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context
- globalEval: function( data ) {
- if ( data && core_rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
- // We use execScript on Internet Explorer
- // We use an anonymous function so that context is window
- // rather than jQuery in Firefox
- ( window.execScript || function( data ) {
- window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
- } )( data );
+ globalEval: function( code ) {
+ var script,
+ indirect = eval;
+ code = jQuery.trim( code );
+ if ( code ) {
+ // If the code includes a valid, prologue position
+ // strict mode pragma, execute code by injecting a
+ // script tag into the document.
+ if ( code.indexOf("use strict") === 1 ) {
+ script = document.createElement("script");
+ script.text = code;
+ document.head.appendChild( script ).parentNode.removeChild( script );
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, avoid the DOM node creation, insertion
+ // and removal by using an indirect global eval
+ indirect( code );
+ }
@@ -578,21 +559,25 @@ jQuery.extend({
// args is for internal usage only
each: function( obj, callback, args ) {
- var name,
+ var value,
i = 0,
length = obj.length,
- isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( obj );
+ isArray = isArraylike( obj );
if ( args ) {
- if ( isObj ) {
- for ( name in obj ) {
- if ( callback.apply( obj[ name ], args ) === false ) {
+ if ( isArray ) {
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
+ if ( value === false ) {
} else {
- for ( ; i < length; ) {
- if ( callback.apply( obj[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
+ for ( i in obj ) {
+ value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args );
+ if ( value === false ) {
@@ -600,15 +585,19 @@ jQuery.extend({
// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
} else {
- if ( isObj ) {
- for ( name in obj ) {
- if ( callback.call( obj[ name ], name, obj[ name ] ) === false ) {
+ if ( isArray ) {
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
+ if ( value === false ) {
} else {
- for ( ; i < length; ) {
- if ( callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i++ ] ) === false ) {
+ for ( i in obj ) {
+ value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] );
+ if ( value === false ) {
@@ -618,35 +607,22 @@ jQuery.extend({
return obj;
- // Use native String.trim function wherever possible
- trim: core_trim && !core_trim.call("\uFEFF\xA0") ?
- function( text ) {
- return text == null ?
- "" :
- core_trim.call( text );
- } :
- // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
- function( text ) {
- return text == null ?
- "" :
- ( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" );
- },
+ trim: function( text ) {
+ return text == null ? "" : core_trim.call( text );
+ },
// results is for internal usage only
makeArray: function( arr, results ) {
- var type,
- ret = results || [];
+ var ret = results || [];
if ( arr != null ) {
- // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
- // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
- type = jQuery.type( arr );
- if ( arr.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( arr ) ) {
- core_push.call( ret, arr );
+ if ( isArraylike( Object(arr) ) ) {
+ jQuery.merge( ret,
+ typeof arr === "string" ?
+ [ arr ] : arr
+ );
} else {
- jQuery.merge( ret, arr );
+ core_push.call( ret, arr );
@@ -654,25 +630,7 @@ jQuery.extend({
inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) {
- var len;
- if ( arr ) {
- if ( core_indexOf ) {
- return core_indexOf.call( arr, elem, i );
- }
- len = arr.length;
- i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- // Skip accessing in sparse arrays
- if ( i in arr && arr[ i ] === elem ) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
+ return arr == null ? -1 : core_indexOf.call( arr, elem, i );
merge: function( first, second ) {
@@ -684,7 +642,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
for ( ; j < l; j++ ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
} else {
while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
@@ -717,12 +674,11 @@ jQuery.extend({
// arg is for internal usage only
map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
- var value, key,
- ret = [],
+ var value,
i = 0,
length = elems.length,
- // jquery objects are treated as arrays
- isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ;
+ isArray = isArraylike( elems ),
+ ret = [];
// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
if ( isArray ) {
@@ -736,8 +692,8 @@ jQuery.extend({
// Go through every key on the object,
} else {
- for ( key in elems ) {
- value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg );
+ for ( i in elems ) {
+ value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
if ( value != null ) {
ret[ ret.length ] = value;
@@ -746,7 +702,7 @@ jQuery.extend({
// Flatten any nested arrays
- return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
+ return core_concat.apply( [], ret );
// A global GUID counter for objects
@@ -772,7 +728,7 @@ jQuery.extend({
// Simulated bind
args = core_slice.call( arguments, 2 );
proxy = function() {
- return fn.apply( context, args.concat( core_slice.call( arguments ) ) );
+ return fn.apply( context || this, args.concat( core_slice.call( arguments ) ) );
// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
@@ -783,46 +739,46 @@ jQuery.extend({
// Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection
// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
- access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, pass ) {
- var exec,
- bulk = key == null,
- i = 0,
- length = elems.length;
+ access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ length = elems.length,
+ bulk = key == null;
// Sets many values
- if ( key && typeof key === "object" ) {
+ if ( jQuery.type( key ) === "object" ) {
+ chainable = true;
for ( i in key ) {
- jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], 1, emptyGet, value );
+ jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw );
- chainable = 1;
// Sets one value
} else if ( value !== undefined ) {
- // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
- exec = pass === undefined && jQuery.isFunction( value );
+ chainable = true;
- if ( bulk ) {
- // Bulk operations only iterate when executing function values
- if ( exec ) {
- exec = fn;
- fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
- return exec.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
- };
+ if ( !jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ raw = true;
+ }
- // Otherwise they run against the entire set
- } else {
+ if ( bulk ) {
+ // Bulk operations run against the entire set
+ if ( raw ) {
fn.call( elems, value );
fn = null;
+ // ...except when executing function values
+ } else {
+ bulk = fn;
+ fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
+ return bulk.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
+ };
if ( fn ) {
- for (; i < length; i++ ) {
- fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ fn( elems[i], key, raw ? value : value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) );
- chainable = 1;
return chainable ?
@@ -834,8 +790,29 @@ jQuery.extend({
length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
- now: function() {
- return ( new Date() ).getTime();
+ now: Date.now,
+ // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations.
+ // Note: this method belongs to the css module but it's needed here for the support module.
+ // If support gets modularized, this method should be moved back to the css module.
+ swap: function( elem, options, callback, args ) {
+ var ret, name,
+ old = {};
+ // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
+ elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
+ }
+ ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] );
+ // Revert the old values
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
+ }
+ return ret;
@@ -849,4498 +826,4315 @@ jQuery.ready.promise = function( obj ) {
// discovered by ChrisS here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12282#comment:15
if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
- setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
- // Standards-based browsers support DOMContentLoaded
- } else if ( document.addEventListener ) {
- // Use the handy event callback
- document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+ setTimeout( jQuery.ready );
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
- // If IE event model is used
} else {
- // Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes
- document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
- // If IE and not a frame
- // continually check to see if the document is ready
- var top = false;
- try {
- top = window.frameElement == null && document.documentElement;
- } catch(e) {}
- if ( top && top.doScroll ) {
- (function doScrollCheck() {
- if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
- try {
- // Use the trick by Diego Perini
- // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
- top.doScroll("left");
- } catch(e) {
- return setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 50 );
- }
+ // Use the handy event callback
+ document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false );
- // and execute any waiting functions
- jQuery.ready();
- }
- })();
- }
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ window.addEventListener( "load", completed, false );
return readyList.promise( obj );
// Populate the class2type map
-jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
+jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) {
class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-// All jQuery objects should point back to these
-rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
-// String to Object options format cache
-var optionsCache = {};
+function isArraylike( obj ) {
+ var length = obj.length,
+ type = jQuery.type( obj );
-// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
-function createOptions( options ) {
- var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {};
- jQuery.each( options.split( core_rspace ), function( _, flag ) {
- object[ flag ] = true;
- });
- return object;
+ if ( jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return type === "array" || type !== "function" &&
+ ( length === 0 ||
+ typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj );
- * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
- *
- * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
- * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
- *
- * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
- * "fired" multiple times.
- *
- * Possible options:
- *
- * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
- *
- * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
- * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
- * values (like a Deferred)
- *
- * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
+// All jQuery objects should point back to these
+rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v1.9.4-pre
+ * http://sizzlejs.com/
- * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
+ * Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ * Date: 2013-05-15
-jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
+(function( window, undefined ) {
- // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
- // (we check in cache first)
- options = typeof options === "string" ?
- ( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
- jQuery.extend( {}, options );
+var i,
+ support,
+ cachedruns,
+ Expr,
+ getText,
+ isXML,
+ compile,
+ outermostContext,
+ sortInput,
+ // Local document vars
+ setDocument,
+ document,
+ docElem,
+ documentIsHTML,
+ rbuggyQSA,
+ rbuggyMatches,
+ matches,
+ contains,
- var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
- memory,
- // Flag to know if list was already fired
- fired,
- // Flag to know if list is currently firing
- firing,
- // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
- firingStart,
- // End of the loop when firing
- firingLength,
- // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
- firingIndex,
- // Actual callback list
- list = [],
- // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
- stack = !options.once && [],
- // Fire callbacks
- fire = function( data ) {
- memory = options.memory && data;
- fired = true;
- firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
- firingStart = 0;
- firingLength = list.length;
- firing = true;
- for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
- if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
- memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
- break;
- }
- }
- firing = false;
- if ( list ) {
- if ( stack ) {
- if ( stack.length ) {
- fire( stack.shift() );
- }
- } else if ( memory ) {
- list = [];
- } else {
- self.disable();
- }
+ // Instance-specific data
+ expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()),
+ preferredDoc = window.document,
+ dirruns = 0,
+ done = 0,
+ classCache = createCache(),
+ tokenCache = createCache(),
+ compilerCache = createCache(),
+ hasDuplicate = false,
+ sortOrder = function() { return 0; },
+ // General-purpose constants
+ strundefined = typeof undefined,
+ MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31,
+ // Instance methods
+ hasOwn = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
+ arr = [],
+ pop = arr.pop,
+ push_native = arr.push,
+ push = arr.push,
+ slice = arr.slice,
+ // Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one
+ indexOf = arr.indexOf || function( elem ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ len = this.length;
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ if ( this[i] === elem ) {
+ return i;
- },
- // Actual Callbacks object
- self = {
- // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
- add: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- // First, we save the current length
- var start = list.length;
- (function add( args ) {
- jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
- var type = jQuery.type( arg );
- if ( type === "function" && ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) ) {
- list.push( arg );
- } else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
- // Inspect recursively
- add( arg );
- }
- });
- })( arguments );
- // Do we need to add the callbacks to the
- // current firing batch?
- if ( firing ) {
- firingLength = list.length;
- // With memory, if we're not firing then
- // we should call right away
- } else if ( memory ) {
- firingStart = start;
- fire( memory );
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Remove a callback from the list
- remove: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
- var index;
- while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
- list.splice( index, 1 );
- // Handle firing indexes
- if ( firing ) {
- if ( index <= firingLength ) {
- firingLength--;
- }
- if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
- firingIndex--;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Control if a given callback is in the list
- has: function( fn ) {
- return jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1;
- },
- // Remove all callbacks from the list
- empty: function() {
- list = [];
- return this;
- },
- // Have the list do nothing anymore
- disable: function() {
- list = stack = memory = undefined;
- return this;
- },
- // Is it disabled?
- disabled: function() {
- return !list;
- },
- // Lock the list in its current state
- lock: function() {
- stack = undefined;
- if ( !memory ) {
- self.disable();
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Is it locked?
- locked: function() {
- return !stack;
- },
- // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
- fireWith: function( context, args ) {
- args = args || [];
- args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
- if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) {
- if ( firing ) {
- stack.push( args );
- } else {
- fire( args );
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
- fire: function() {
- self.fireWith( this, arguments );
- return this;
- },
- // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
- fired: function() {
- return !!fired;
- }
- };
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
- return self;
+ booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
- Deferred: function( func ) {
- var tuples = [
- // action, add listener, listener list, final state
- [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ],
- [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ],
- [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ]
- ],
- state = "pending",
- promise = {
- state: function() {
- return state;
- },
- always: function() {
- deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments );
- return this;
- },
- then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) {
- var fns = arguments;
- return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
- jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
- var action = tuple[ 0 ],
- fn = fns[ i ];
- // deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer
- deferred[ tuple[1] ]( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ?
- function() {
- var returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
- if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
- returned.promise()
- .done( newDefer.resolve )
- .fail( newDefer.reject )
- .progress( newDefer.notify );
- } else {
- newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] );
- }
- } :
- newDefer[ action ]
- );
- });
- fns = null;
- }).promise();
- },
- // Get a promise for this deferred
- // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
- promise: function( obj ) {
- return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise;
- }
- },
- deferred = {};
+ // Regular expressions
- // Keep pipe for back-compat
- promise.pipe = promise.then;
+ // Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
+ whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
+ characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
- // Add list-specific methods
- jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
- var list = tuple[ 2 ],
- stateString = tuple[ 3 ];
+ // Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
+ // An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors
+ // Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
+ identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
- // promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add
- promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add;
+ // Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
+ attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace +
+ "*(?:([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]",
- // Handle state
- if ( stateString ) {
- list.add(function() {
- // state = [ resolved | rejected ]
- state = stateString;
+ // Prefer arguments quoted,
+ // then not containing pseudos/brackets,
+ // then attribute selectors/non-parenthetical expressions,
+ // then anything else
+ // These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors
+ // needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter
+ pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes.replace( 3, 8 ) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)",
- // [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock
- }, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock );
- }
+ // Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
+ rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
- // deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ] = list.fire
- deferred[ tuple[0] ] = list.fire;
- deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith;
- });
+ rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
+ rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*" ),
- // Make the deferred a promise
- promise.promise( deferred );
+ rsibling = new RegExp( whitespace + "*[+~]" ),
+ rattributeQuotes = new RegExp( "=" + whitespace + "*([^\\]'\"]*)" + whitespace + "*\\]", "g" ),
- // Call given func if any
- if ( func ) {
- func.call( deferred, deferred );
- }
+ rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
+ ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
- // All done!
- return deferred;
+ matchExpr = {
+ "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+ "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
+ "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
+ "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
+ "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
+ "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
+ "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
+ "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
+ "bool": new RegExp( "^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i" ),
+ // For use in libraries implementing .is()
+ // We use this for POS matching in `select`
+ "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
+ whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
- // Deferred helper
- when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) {
- var i = 0,
- resolveValues = core_slice.call( arguments ),
- length = resolveValues.length,
- // the count of uncompleted subordinates
- remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0,
+ rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
- // the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
- deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),
+ // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
+ rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
+ rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
+ rheader = /^h\d$/i,
+ rescape = /'|\\/g,
+ // CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters
+ runescape = new RegExp( "\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig" ),
+ funescape = function( _, escaped, escapedWhitespace ) {
+ var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
+ // NaN means non-codepoint
+ // Support: Firefox
+ // Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x"
+ return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ?
+ escaped :
+ // BMP codepoint
+ high < 0 ?
+ String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
+ // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
+ String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
+ };
- // Update function for both resolve and progress values
- updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) {
- return function( value ) {
- contexts[ i ] = this;
- values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? core_slice.call( arguments ) : value;
- if( values === progressValues ) {
- deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values );
- } else if ( !( --remaining ) ) {
- deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values );
- }
- };
- },
+// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
+try {
+ push.apply(
+ (arr = slice.call( preferredDoc.childNodes )),
+ preferredDoc.childNodes
+ );
+ // Support: Android<4.0
+ // Detect silently failing push.apply
+ arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
+} catch ( e ) {
+ push = { apply: arr.length ?
- progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts;
+ // Leverage slice if possible
+ function( target, els ) {
+ push_native.apply( target, slice.call(els) );
+ } :
- // add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved
- if ( length > 1 ) {
- progressValues = new Array( length );
- progressContexts = new Array( length );
- resolveContexts = new Array( length );
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) {
- resolveValues[ i ].promise()
- .done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) )
- .fail( deferred.reject )
- .progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) );
- } else {
- --remaining;
- }
- }
+ // Support: IE<9
+ // Otherwise append directly
+ function( target, els ) {
+ var j = target.length,
+ i = 0;
+ // Can't trust NodeList.length
+ while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
+ target.length = j - 1;
+ };
- // if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master
- if ( !remaining ) {
- deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues );
- }
+function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+ var match, elem, m, nodeType,
+ // QSA vars
+ i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
- return deferred.promise();
+ if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
+ setDocument( context );
-jQuery.support = (function() {
- var support,
- all,
- a,
- select,
- opt,
- input,
- fragment,
- eventName,
- i,
- isSupported,
- clickFn,
- div = document.createElement("div");
- // Preliminary tests
- div.setAttribute( "className", "t" );
- div.innerHTML = "
- all = div.getElementsByTagName("*");
- a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[ 0 ];
- a.style.cssText = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5";
- // Can't get basic test support
- if ( !all || !all.length ) {
- return {};
- }
- // First batch of supports tests
- select = document.createElement("select");
- opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
- input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[ 0 ];
- support = {
- // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
- leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
- // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
- // IE will insert them into empty tables
- tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
- // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
- // This requires a wrapper element in IE
- htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
- // Get the style information from getAttribute
- // (IE uses .cssText instead)
- style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
- // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
- // (IE normalizes it by default)
- hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ),
- // Make sure that element opacity exists
- // (IE uses filter instead)
- // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
- opacity: /^0.5/.test( a.style.opacity ),
- // Verify style float existence
- // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
- cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
- // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
- // that it defaults to "on".
- // (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
- checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ),
- // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
- // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
- optSelected: opt.selected,
- // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7)
- getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t",
- // Tests for enctype support on a form(#6743)
- enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype,
- // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems
- // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works
- html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav>",
- // jQuery.support.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.8 since we don't support Quirks Mode
- boxModel: ( document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ),
- // Will be defined later
- submitBubbles: true,
- changeBubbles: true,
- focusinBubbles: false,
- deleteExpando: true,
- noCloneEvent: true,
- inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
- shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
- reliableMarginRight: true,
- boxSizingReliable: true,
- pixelPosition: false
- };
- // Make sure checked status is properly cloned
- input.checked = true;
- support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
- // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
- // (WebKit marks them as disabled)
- select.disabled = true;
- support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
+ context = context || document;
+ results = results || [];
- // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
- // Fails in Internet Explorer
- try {
- delete div.test;
- } catch( e ) {
- support.deleteExpando = false;
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
- if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
- div.attachEvent( "onclick", clickFn = function() {
- // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
- // bound event handlers (IE does this)
- support.noCloneEvent = false;
- });
- div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent("onclick");
- div.detachEvent( "onclick", clickFn );
+ if ( (nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) {
+ return [];
- // Check if a radio maintains its value
- // after being appended to the DOM
- input = document.createElement("input");
- input.value = "t";
- input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" );
- support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
+ if ( documentIsHTML && !seed ) {
- input.setAttribute( "checked", "checked" );
+ // Shortcuts
+ if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+ if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
+ if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
+ elem = context.getElementById( m );
+ // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+ // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+ if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+ // Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
+ // by name instead of ID
+ if ( elem.id === m ) {
+ results.push( elem );
+ return results;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return results;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Context is not a document
+ if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
+ contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) {
+ results.push( elem );
+ return results;
+ }
+ }
- // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
- input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+ } else if ( match[2] ) {
+ push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
+ return results;
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+ } else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
+ push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
+ return results;
+ }
+ }
- div.appendChild( input );
- fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild );
+ // QSA path
+ if ( support.qsa && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( selector )) ) {
+ nid = old = expando;
+ newContext = context;
+ newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector;
- // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
- support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
+ // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+ // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+ // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+ // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+ if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+ groups = tokenize( selector );
- // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked
- // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7)
- support.appendChecked = input.checked;
+ if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) {
+ nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" );
+ } else {
+ context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+ }
+ nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] ";
- fragment.removeChild( input );
- fragment.appendChild( div );
+ i = groups.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] );
+ }
+ newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && context.parentNode || context;
+ newSelector = groups.join(",");
+ }
- // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
- // http://perfectionkills.com/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
- // We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
- // are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
- // avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
- // to go haywire. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP
- if ( div.attachEvent ) {
- for ( i in {
- submit: true,
- change: true,
- focusin: true
- }) {
- eventName = "on" + i;
- isSupported = ( eventName in div );
- if ( !isSupported ) {
- div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
- isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
+ if ( newSelector ) {
+ try {
+ push.apply( results,
+ newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
+ );
+ return results;
+ } catch(qsaError) {
+ } finally {
+ if ( !old ) {
+ context.removeAttribute("id");
+ }
+ }
- support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
- // Run tests that need a body at doc ready
- jQuery(function() {
- var container, div, tds, marginDiv,
- divReset = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;overflow:hidden;",
- body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- if ( !body ) {
- // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
- return;
- }
+ // All others
+ return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
- container = document.createElement("div");
- container.style.cssText = "visibility:hidden;border:0;width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:1px";
- body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
- // Construct the test element
- div = document.createElement("div");
- container.appendChild( div );
- // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
- // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
- // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
- // determining if an element has been hidden directly using
- // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
- // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
- // (only IE 8 fails this test)
- div.innerHTML = "
- tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
- tds[ 0 ].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none";
- isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
- tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
- tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
- // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
- // (IE <= 8 fail this test)
- support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
- // Check box-sizing and margin behavior
- div.innerHTML = "";
- div.style.cssText = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;";
- support.boxSizing = ( div.offsetWidth === 4 );
- support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== 1 );
+ * For feature detection
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to test for native support
+ */
+function isNative( fn ) {
+ return rnative.test( fn + "" );
- // NOTE: To any future maintainer, we've window.getComputedStyle
- // because jsdom on node.js will break without it.
- if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
- support.pixelPosition = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || {} ).top !== "1%";
- support.boxSizingReliable = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { width: "4px" } ).width === "4px";
+ * Create key-value caches of limited size
+ * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
+ * property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
+ * deleting the oldest entry
+ */
+function createCache() {
+ var keys = [];
- // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
- // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
- // info see bug #3333
- // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
- // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
- marginDiv = document.createElement("div");
- marginDiv.style.cssText = div.style.cssText = divReset;
- marginDiv.style.marginRight = marginDiv.style.width = "0";
- div.style.width = "1px";
- div.appendChild( marginDiv );
- support.reliableMarginRight =
- !parseFloat( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || {} ).marginRight );
+ function cache( key, value ) {
+ // Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
+ if ( keys.push( key += " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
+ // Only keep the most recent entries
+ delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
+ return (cache[ key ] = value);
+ }
+ return cache;
- if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
- // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
- // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
- // them layout
- // (IE < 8 does this)
- div.innerHTML = "";
- div.style.cssText = divReset + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1";
- support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 );
+ * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
+ */
+function markFunction( fn ) {
+ fn[ expando ] = true;
+ return fn;
- // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
- // (IE 6 does this)
- div.style.display = "block";
- div.style.overflow = "visible";
- div.innerHTML = "";
- div.firstChild.style.width = "5px";
- support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 );
+ * Support testing using an element
+ * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result
+ */
+function assert( fn ) {
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
- container.style.zoom = 1;
+ try {
+ return !!fn( div );
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ } finally {
+ // Remove from its parent by default
+ if ( div.parentNode ) {
+ div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
+ // release memory in IE
+ div = null;
+ }
- // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
- body.removeChild( container );
- container = div = tds = marginDiv = null;
- });
- // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
- fragment.removeChild( div );
- all = a = select = opt = input = fragment = div = null;
- return support;
-var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/,
- rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
+ * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs
+ * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes
+ * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied if the test fails
+ * @param {Boolean} test The result of a test. If true, null will be set as the handler in leiu of the specified handler
+ */
+function addHandle( attrs, handler, test ) {
+ attrs = attrs.split("|");
+ var current,
+ i = attrs.length,
+ setHandle = test ? null : handler;
- cache: {},
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ // Don't override a user's handler
+ if ( !(current = Expr.attrHandle[ attrs[i] ]) || current === handler ) {
+ Expr.attrHandle[ attrs[i] ] = setHandle;
+ }
+ }
- deletedIds: [],
+ * Fetches boolean attributes by node
+ * @param {Element} elem
+ * @param {String} name
+ */
+function boolHandler( elem, name ) {
+ // XML does not need to be checked as this will not be assigned for XML documents
+ var val = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
+ return val && val.specified ?
+ val.value :
+ elem[ name ] === true ? name.toLowerCase() : null;
- // Remove at next major release (1.9/2.0)
- uuid: 0,
+ * Fetches attributes without interpolation
+ * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx
+ * @param {Element} elem
+ * @param {String} name
+ */
+function interpolationHandler( elem, name ) {
+ // XML does not need to be checked as this will not be assigned for XML documents
+ return elem.getAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2 );
- // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
- // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery
- expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
+ * Uses defaultValue to retrieve value in IE6/7
+ * @param {Element} elem
+ * @param {String} name
+ */
+function valueHandler( elem ) {
+ // Ignore the value *property* on inputs by using defaultValue
+ // Fallback to Sizzle.attr by returning undefined where appropriate
+ // XML does not need to be checked as this will not be assigned for XML documents
+ if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" ) {
+ return elem.defaultValue;
+ }
- // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
- // attempt to add expando properties to them.
- noData: {
- "embed": true,
- // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
- "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
- "applet": true
- },
+ * Checks document order of two siblings
+ * @param {Element} a
+ * @param {Element} b
+ * @returns Returns -1 if a precedes b, 1 if a follows b
+ */
+function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
+ var cur = b && a,
+ diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 &&
+ ( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) -
+ ( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE );
- hasData: function( elem ) {
- elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ];
- return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem );
- },
+ // Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
+ if ( diff ) {
+ return diff;
+ }
- data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
- if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- return;
+ // Check if b follows a
+ if ( cur ) {
+ while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
+ if ( cur === b ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
- var thisCache, ret,
- internalKey = jQuery.expando,
- getByName = typeof name === "string",
- // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7
- // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary
- isNode = elem.nodeType,
- // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is
- // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically
- cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
- // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows
- // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache
- id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey;
+ return a ? 1 : -1;
- // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an
- // object that has no data at all
- if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) {
- return;
- }
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
+ * @param {String} type
+ */
+function createInputPseudo( type ) {
+ return function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
+ };
- if ( !id ) {
- // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data
- // ends up in the global cache
- if ( isNode ) {
- elem[ internalKey ] = id = jQuery.deletedIds.pop() || jQuery.guid++;
- } else {
- id = internalKey;
- }
- }
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
+ * @param {String} type
+ */
+function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
+ return function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
+ };
- if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
- cache[ id ] = {};
+ * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
+ * @param {Function} fn
+ */
+function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
+ return markFunction(function( argument ) {
+ argument = +argument;
+ return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+ var j,
+ matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
+ i = matchIndexes.length;
- // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object
- // is serialized using JSON.stringify
- if ( !isNode ) {
- cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop;
+ // Match elements found at the specified indexes
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
+ seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
+ }
- }
+ });
+ });
- // An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets
- // shallow copied over onto the existing cache
- if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) {
- if ( pvt ) {
- cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name );
- } else {
- cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name );
- }
- }
+ * Detect xml
+ * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
+ */
+isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+ // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+ // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+ var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
+ return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
- thisCache = cache[ id ];
+// Expose support vars for convenience
+support = Sizzle.support = {};
- // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data
- // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined
- // data.
- if ( !pvt ) {
- if ( !thisCache.data ) {
- thisCache.data = {};
- }
+ * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
+ * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
+ * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
+ */
+setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
+ var doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
- thisCache = thisCache.data;
- }
+ // If no document and documentElement is available, return
+ if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
+ return document;
+ }
- if ( data !== undefined ) {
- thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data;
- }
+ // Set our document
+ document = doc;
+ docElem = doc.documentElement;
- // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names
- // If a data property was specified
- if ( getByName ) {
+ // Support tests
+ documentIsHTML = !isXML( doc );
- // First Try to find as-is property data
- ret = thisCache[ name ];
+ /* Attributes
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Test for null|undefined property data
- if ( ret == null ) {
+ // Support: IE<8
+ // Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties (excepting IE8 booleans)
+ support.attributes = assert(function( div ) {
- // Try to find the camelCased property
- ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ];
- }
- } else {
- ret = thisCache;
- }
+ // Support: IE<8
+ // Prevent attribute/property "interpolation"
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ addHandle( "type|href|height|width", interpolationHandler, div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#" );
- return ret;
- },
+ // Support: IE<9
+ // Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies
+ addHandle( booleans, boolHandler, div.getAttribute("disabled") == null );
- removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
- if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- return;
- }
+ div.className = "i";
+ return !div.getAttribute("className");
+ });
- var thisCache, i, l,
+ // Support: IE<9
+ // Retrieving value should defer to defaultValue
+ support.input = assert(function( div ) {
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ div.firstChild.setAttribute( "value", "" );
+ return div.firstChild.getAttribute( "value" ) === "";
+ });
- isNode = elem.nodeType,
+ // IE6/7 still return empty string for value,
+ // but are actually retrieving the property
+ addHandle( "value", valueHandler, support.attributes && support.input );
- // See jQuery.data for more information
- cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
- id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando;
+ /* getElement(s)By*
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no
- // purpose in continuing
- if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
- return;
- }
+ // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
+ support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( div ) {
+ div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") );
+ return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
+ });
- if ( name ) {
+ // Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted
+ support.getElementsByClassName = assert(function( div ) {
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Support: Safari<4
+ // Catch class over-caching
+ div.firstChild.className = "i";
+ // Support: Opera<10
+ // Catch gEBCN failure to find non-leading classes
+ return div.getElementsByClassName("i").length === 2;
+ });
- thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data;
+ // Support: IE<10
+ // Check if getElementById returns elements by name
+ // The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programatically-set names,
+ // so use a roundabout getElementsByName test
+ support.getById = assert(function( div ) {
+ docElem.appendChild( div ).id = expando;
+ return !doc.getElementsByName || !doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length;
+ });
- if ( thisCache ) {
+ // ID find and filter
+ if ( support.getById ) {
+ Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById( id );
+ // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+ // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+ return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
+ var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+ return function( elem ) {
+ return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
+ };
+ };
+ } else {
+ // Support: IE6/7
+ // getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut
+ delete Expr.find["ID"];
- // Support array or space separated string names for data keys
- if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
+ Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
+ var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
+ return function( elem ) {
+ var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return node && node.value === attrId;
+ };
+ };
+ }
- // try the string as a key before any manipulation
- if ( name in thisCache ) {
- name = [ name ];
- } else {
+ // Tag
+ Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
+ function( tag, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) {
+ return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
+ }
+ } :
+ function( tag, context ) {
+ var elem,
+ tmp = [],
+ i = 0,
+ results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
- // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists
- name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
- if ( name in thisCache ) {
- name = [ name ];
- } else {
- name = name.split(" ");
- }
+ // Filter out possible comments
+ if ( tag === "*" ) {
+ while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( elem );
- for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- delete thisCache[ name[i] ];
- }
- // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue
- // and let the cache object itself get destroyed
- if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) {
- return;
- }
+ return tmp;
+ return results;
+ };
+ // Class
+ Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && documentIsHTML ) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
+ };
- // See jQuery.data for more information
- if ( !pvt ) {
- delete cache[ id ].data;
+ /* QSA/matchesSelector
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object
- // had been the only thing left in it
- if ( !isEmptyDataObject( cache[ id ] ) ) {
- return;
+ // QSA and matchesSelector support
+ // matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
+ rbuggyMatches = [];
+ // qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21)
+ // We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error
+ // whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe
+ // So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error
+ // See http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13378
+ rbuggyQSA = [];
+ if ( (support.qsa = isNative(doc.querySelectorAll)) ) {
+ // Build QSA regex
+ // Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
+ assert(function( div ) {
+ // Select is set to empty string on purpose
+ // This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
+ // setting a boolean content attribute,
+ // since its presence should be enough
+ // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Support: IE8
+ // Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly
+ if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
+ rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")" );
- }
- // Destroy the cache
- if ( isNode ) {
- jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ], true );
+ // Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+ // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+ if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
+ rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
+ }
+ });
- // Use delete when supported for expandos or `cache` is not a window per isWindow (#10080)
- } else if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || cache != cache.window ) {
- delete cache[ id ];
+ assert(function( div ) {
- // When all else fails, null
- } else {
- cache[ id ] = null;
- }
- },
+ // Support: Opera 10-12/IE8
+ // ^= $= *= and empty values
+ // Should not select anything
+ // Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
+ // The type attribute is restricted during .innerHTML assignment
+ var input = doc.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute( "type", "hidden" );
+ div.appendChild( input ).setAttribute( "t", "" );
- // For internal use only.
- _data: function( elem, name, data ) {
- return jQuery.data( elem, name, data, true );
- },
+ if ( div.querySelectorAll("[t^='']").length ) {
+ rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")" );
+ }
- // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
- acceptData: function( elem ) {
- var noData = elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ // FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
+ // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
+ if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) {
+ rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
+ }
- // nodes accept data unless otherwise specified; rejection can be conditional
- return !noData || noData !== true && elem.getAttribute("classid") === noData;
+ // Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
+ div.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
+ rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
+ });
- data: function( key, value ) {
- var parts, part, attr, name, l,
- elem = this[0],
- i = 0,
- data = null;
- // Gets all values
- if ( key === undefined ) {
- if ( this.length ) {
- data = jQuery.data( elem );
+ if ( (support.matchesSelector = isNative( (matches = docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
+ docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
+ docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
+ docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) {
- attr = elem.attributes;
- for ( l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- name = attr[i].name;
- if ( !name.indexOf( "data-" ) ) {
- name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) );
+ assert(function( div ) {
+ // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+ // on a disconnected node (IE 9)
+ support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" );
+ // This should fail with an exception
+ // Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+ matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" );
+ rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
+ });
+ }
- dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
- }
+ rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
+ rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
+ /* Contains
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ // Element contains another
+ // Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent
+ // As in, an element does not contain itself
+ contains = isNative(docElem.contains) || docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+ function( a, b ) {
+ var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
+ bup = b && b.parentNode;
+ return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
+ adown.contains ?
+ adown.contains( bup ) :
+ a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
+ ));
+ } :
+ function( a, b ) {
+ if ( b ) {
+ while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
+ if ( b === a ) {
+ return true;
- jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true );
+ return false;
+ };
- return data;
- }
+ /* Sorting
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Sets multiple values
- if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.data( this, key );
- });
- }
+ // Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27)
+ // Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
+ support.sortDetached = assert(function( div1 ) {
+ // Should return 1, but returns 4 (following)
+ return div1.compareDocumentPosition( doc.createElement("div") ) & 1;
+ });
- parts = key.split( ".", 2 );
- parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
- part = parts[1] + "!";
+ // Document order sorting
+ sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
+ function( a, b ) {
- return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+ // Flag for duplicate removal
+ if ( a === b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
- if ( value === undefined ) {
- data = this.triggerHandler( "getData" + part, [ parts[0] ] );
+ var compare = b.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( b );
- // Try to fetch any internally stored data first
- if ( data === undefined && elem ) {
- data = jQuery.data( elem, key );
- data = dataAttr( elem, key, data );
+ if ( compare ) {
+ // Disconnected nodes
+ if ( compare & 1 ||
+ (!support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
+ // Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
+ if ( a === doc || contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( b === doc || contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
+ return 1;
- return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
- this.data( parts[0] ) :
- data;
+ // Maintain original order
+ return sortInput ?
+ ( indexOf.call( sortInput, a ) - indexOf.call( sortInput, b ) ) :
+ 0;
- parts[1] = value;
- this.each(function() {
- var self = jQuery( this );
+ return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+ }
- self.triggerHandler( "setData" + part, parts );
- jQuery.data( this, key, value );
- self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + part, parts );
- });
- }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, false );
- },
+ // Not directly comparable, sort on existence of method
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+ } :
+ function( a, b ) {
+ var cur,
+ i = 0,
+ aup = a.parentNode,
+ bup = b.parentNode,
+ ap = [ a ],
+ bp = [ b ];
- removeData: function( key ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.removeData( this, key );
- });
+ // Exit early if the nodes are identical
+ if ( a === b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ return 0;
+ // Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
+ } else if ( !aup || !bup ) {
+ return a === doc ? -1 :
+ b === doc ? 1 :
+ aup ? -1 :
+ bup ? 1 :
+ sortInput ?
+ ( indexOf.call( sortInput, a ) - indexOf.call( sortInput, b ) ) :
+ 0;
+ // If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
+ } else if ( aup === bup ) {
+ return siblingCheck( a, b );
+ }
+ // Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
+ cur = a;
+ while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+ ap.unshift( cur );
+ }
+ cur = b;
+ while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
+ bp.unshift( cur );
+ }
+ // Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+ while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i ?
+ // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
+ siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
+ // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
+ ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
+ bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
+ 0;
+ };
+ return doc;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
+ return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
+ // Set document vars if needed
+ if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+ setDocument( elem );
-function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
- // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
- // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
- if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+ expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
- var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+ if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML &&
+ ( !rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test( expr ) ) &&
+ ( !rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( expr ) ) ) {
- data = elem.getAttribute( name );
+ try {
+ var ret = matches.call( elem, expr );
- if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
- try {
- data = data === "true" ? true :
- data === "false" ? false :
- data === "null" ? null :
- // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
- +data + "" === data ? +data :
- rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
- data;
- } catch( e ) {}
+ // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+ if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
+ // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+ // fragment in IE 9
+ elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
- // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
- jQuery.data( elem, key, data );
+ return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [elem] ).length > 0;
- } else {
- data = undefined;
- }
+Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
+ // Set document vars if needed
+ if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
+ setDocument( context );
+ return contains( context, elem );
- return data;
+Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
+ // Set document vars if needed
+ if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
+ setDocument( elem );
+ }
+ var fn = Expr.attrHandle[ name.toLowerCase() ],
+ // Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807)
+ val = ( fn && hasOwn.call( Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase() ) ?
+ fn( elem, name, !documentIsHTML ) :
+ undefined );
+ return val === undefined ?
+ support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ?
+ elem.getAttribute( name ) :
+ (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
+ val.value :
+ null :
+ val;
-// checks a cache object for emptiness
-function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) {
- var name;
- for ( name in obj ) {
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+ throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
- // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty
- if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) {
- continue;
+ * Document sorting and removing duplicates
+ * @param {ArrayLike} results
+ */
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+ var elem,
+ duplicates = [],
+ j = 0,
+ i = 0;
+ // Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
+ hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
+ sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
+ results.sort( sortOrder );
+ if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+ while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
+ if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
+ j = duplicates.push( i );
+ }
- if ( name !== "toJSON" ) {
- return false;
+ while ( j-- ) {
+ results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
- return true;
- queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
- var queue;
+ return results;
- if ( elem ) {
- type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
- queue = jQuery._data( elem, type );
+ * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+ var node,
+ ret = "",
+ i = 0,
+ nodeType = elem.nodeType;
- // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
- if ( data ) {
- if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
- queue = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
- } else {
- queue.push( data );
- }
+ if ( !nodeType ) {
+ // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+ for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
+ // Do not traverse comment nodes
+ ret += getText( node );
+ }
+ } else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+ // Use textContent for elements
+ // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153)
+ if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
+ return elem.textContent;
+ } else {
+ // Traverse its children
+ for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+ ret += getText( elem );
- return queue || [];
+ } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+ return elem.nodeValue;
+ }
+ // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
+ return ret;
+Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ // Can be adjusted by the user
+ cacheLength: 50,
+ createPseudo: markFunction,
+ match: matchExpr,
+ attrHandle: {},
+ find: {},
+ relative: {
+ ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
+ " ": { dir: "parentNode" },
+ "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
+ "~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
- dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
- type = type || "fx";
+ preFilter: {
+ "ATTR": function( match ) {
+ match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
- var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
- startLength = queue.length,
- fn = queue.shift(),
- hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ),
- next = function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
- };
+ // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
+ match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
- // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
- if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
- fn = queue.shift();
- startLength--;
- }
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
+ }
- if ( fn ) {
+ return match.slice( 0, 4 );
+ },
- // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
- // automatically dequeued
- if ( type === "fx" ) {
- queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
+ "CHILD": function( match ) {
+ /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
+ 1 type (only|nth|...)
+ 2 what (child|of-type)
+ 3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
+ 4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
+ 5 sign of xn-component
+ 6 x of xn-component
+ 7 sign of y-component
+ 8 y of y-component
+ */
+ match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
+ if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
+ // nth-* requires argument
+ if ( !match[3] ) {
+ Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+ }
+ // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
+ // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
+ match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
+ match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
+ // other types prohibit arguments
+ } else if ( match[3] ) {
+ Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- // clear up the last queue stop function
- delete hooks.stop;
- fn.call( elem, next, hooks );
- }
+ return match;
+ },
- if ( !startLength && hooks ) {
- hooks.empty.fire();
- }
- },
+ "PSEUDO": function( match ) {
+ var excess,
+ unquoted = !match[5] && match[2];
- // not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one
- _queueHooks: function( elem, type ) {
- var key = type + "queueHooks";
- return jQuery._data( elem, key ) || jQuery._data( elem, key, {
- empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
- jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue", true );
- jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true );
- })
- });
- }
+ if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
+ return null;
+ }
- queue: function( type, data ) {
- var setter = 2;
+ // Accept quoted arguments as-is
+ if ( match[3] && match[4] !== undefined ) {
+ match[2] = match[4];
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- data = type;
- type = "fx";
- setter--;
- }
+ // Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
+ } else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
+ // Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
+ (excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
+ // advance to the next closing parenthesis
+ (excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
- if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
- return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+ // excess is a negative index
+ match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
+ match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
+ }
+ // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
+ return match.slice( 0, 3 );
+ },
- return data === undefined ?
- this :
- this.each(function() {
- var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
+ filter: {
- // ensure a hooks for this queue
- jQuery._queueHooks( this, type );
+ "TAG": function( nodeNameSelector ) {
+ var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+ return nodeNameSelector === "*" ?
+ function() { return true; } :
+ function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
+ };
+ },
- if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- }
- });
- },
- dequeue: function( type ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- });
- },
- // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
- // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
- delay: function( time, type ) {
- time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
- type = type || "fx";
+ "CLASS": function( className ) {
+ var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
- return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
- var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
- hooks.stop = function() {
- clearTimeout( timeout );
- };
- });
- },
- clearQueue: function( type ) {
- return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
- },
- // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
- // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
- promise: function( type, obj ) {
- var tmp,
- count = 1,
- defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
- elements = this,
- i = this.length,
- resolve = function() {
- if ( !( --count ) ) {
- defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
+ return pattern ||
+ (pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
+ classCache( className, function( elem ) {
+ return pattern.test( typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class") || "" );
+ });
+ },
+ "ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
+ return function( elem ) {
+ var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
+ if ( result == null ) {
+ return operator === "!=";
+ }
+ if ( !operator ) {
+ return true;
- };
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- obj = type;
- type = undefined;
- }
- type = type || "fx";
+ result += "";
- while( i-- ) {
- tmp = jQuery._data( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" );
- if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) {
- count++;
- tmp.empty.add( resolve );
- }
- }
- resolve();
- return defer.promise( obj );
- }
-var nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified,
- rclass = /[\t\r\n]/g,
- rreturn = /\r/g,
- rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
- rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
- rclickable = /^a(?:rea|)$/i,
- rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
- getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute;
+ return operator === "=" ? result === check :
+ operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
+ operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
+ operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+ operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
+ operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
+ operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ };
+ },
- attr: function( name, value ) {
- return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- },
+ "CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
+ var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
+ forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
+ ofType = what === "of-type";
- removeAttr: function( name ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
- });
- },
+ return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
- prop: function( name, value ) {
- return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- },
+ // Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
+ function( elem ) {
+ return !!elem.parentNode;
+ } :
- removeProp: function( name ) {
- name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- return this.each(function() {
- // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window)
- try {
- this[ name ] = undefined;
- delete this[ name ];
- } catch( e ) {}
- });
- },
+ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start,
+ dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
+ parent = elem.parentNode,
+ name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+ useCache = !xml && !ofType;
- addClass: function( value ) {
- var classNames, i, l, elem,
- setClass, c, cl;
+ if ( parent ) {
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( j ) {
- jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
- });
- }
+ // :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
+ if ( simple ) {
+ while ( dir ) {
+ node = elem;
+ while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
+ if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
+ start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
- classNames = value.split( core_rspace );
+ start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = this[ i ];
+ // non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
+ if ( forward && useCache ) {
+ // Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
+ outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {});
+ cache = outerCache[ type ] || [];
+ nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
+ diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
+ node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) {
- elem.className = value;
+ while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
- } else {
- setClass = " " + elem.className + " ";
+ // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
+ (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
- for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
- if ( setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) < 0 ) {
- setClass += classNames[ c ] + " ";
+ // When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
+ outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
+ break;
+ }
- }
- elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
+ // Use previously-cached element index if available
+ } else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) {
+ diff = cache[1];
- removeClass: function( value ) {
- var removes, className, elem, c, cl, i, l;
+ // xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
+ } else {
+ // Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
+ while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
+ (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
+ if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) {
+ // Cache the index of each encountered element
+ if ( useCache ) {
+ (node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
+ }
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( j ) {
- jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
- });
- }
- if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
- removes = ( value || "" ).split( core_rspace );
+ if ( node === elem ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = this[ i ];
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
+ // Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
+ diff -= last;
+ return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ "PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
+ // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
+ // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
+ // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
+ var args,
+ fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
+ Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
- className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " );
+ // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
+ // arguments are needed to create the filter function
+ // just as Sizzle does
+ if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
+ return fn( argument );
+ }
- // loop over each item in the removal list
- for ( c = 0, cl = removes.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
- // Remove until there is nothing to remove,
- while ( className.indexOf(" " + removes[ c ] + " ") >= 0 ) {
- className = className.replace( " " + removes[ c ] + " " , " " );
+ // But maintain support for old signatures
+ if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
+ args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
+ return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
+ markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
+ var idx,
+ matched = fn( seed, argument ),
+ i = matched.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] );
+ seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
- }
- elem.className = value ? jQuery.trim( className ) : "";
- }
+ }) :
+ function( elem ) {
+ return fn( elem, 0, args );
+ };
- }
- return this;
+ return fn;
+ }
- toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
- var type = typeof value,
- isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
+ pseudos: {
+ // Potentially complex pseudos
+ "not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+ // Trim the selector passed to compile
+ // to avoid treating leading and trailing
+ // spaces as combinators
+ var input = [],
+ results = [],
+ matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( i ) {
- jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
- });
- }
+ return matcher[ expando ] ?
+ markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
+ var elem,
+ unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
+ i = seed.length;
- return this.each(function() {
- if ( type === "string" ) {
- // toggle individual class names
- var className,
- i = 0,
- self = jQuery( this ),
- state = stateVal,
- classNames = value.split( core_rspace );
+ // Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+ seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
+ }
+ }
+ }) :
+ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ input[0] = elem;
+ matcher( input, null, xml, results );
+ return !results.pop();
+ };
+ }),
- while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
- // check each className given, space separated list
- state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
- self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
- }
+ "has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
+ return function( elem ) {
+ return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
+ };
+ }),
- } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
- if ( this.className ) {
- // store className if set
- jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className );
- }
+ "contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
+ return function( elem ) {
+ return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
+ };
+ }),
- // toggle whole className
- this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
- }
- });
- },
+ // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
+ // is based solely on the element's language value
+ // being equal to the identifier C,
+ // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
+ // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
+ // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
+ "lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
+ // lang value must be a valid identifier
+ if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
+ Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
+ }
+ lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
+ return function( elem ) {
+ var elemLang;
+ do {
+ if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
+ elem.lang :
+ elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
+ elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
+ return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
+ }
+ } while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
+ return false;
+ };
+ }),
- hasClass: function( selector ) {
- var className = " " + selector + " ",
- i = 0,
- l = this.length;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
+ // Miscellaneous
+ "target": function( elem ) {
+ var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
+ return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id;
+ },
- return false;
- },
+ "root": function( elem ) {
+ return elem === docElem;
+ },
- val: function( value ) {
- var hooks, ret, isFunction,
- elem = this[0];
+ "focus": function( elem ) {
+ return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
+ },
- if ( !arguments.length ) {
- if ( elem ) {
- hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ // Boolean properties
+ "enabled": function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === false;
+ },
- if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
- }
- ret = elem.value;
- return typeof ret === "string" ?
- // handle most common string cases
- ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
- // handle cases where value is null/undef or number
- ret == null ? "" : ret;
- }
- return;
- }
- isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
- return this.each(function( i ) {
- var val,
- self = jQuery(this);
- if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
- return;
- }
+ "disabled": function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
- if ( isFunction ) {
- val = value.call( this, i, self.val() );
- } else {
- val = value;
- }
+ "checked": function( elem ) {
+ // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
+ var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
+ },
- // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
- if ( val == null ) {
- val = "";
- } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
- val += "";
- } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
- val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) {
- return value == null ? "" : value + "";
- });
+ "selected": function( elem ) {
+ // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+ // options in Safari work properly
+ if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
- // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
- if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
- this.value = val;
- }
- });
- }
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
- valHooks: {
- option: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
- // uses .value. See #6932
- var val = elem.attributes.value;
- return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+ // Contents
+ "empty": function( elem ) {
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
+ // :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)),
+ // not comment, processing instructions, or others
+ // Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut
+ // Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?")
+ for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
- select: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var value, i, max, option,
- index = elem.selectedIndex,
- values = [],
- options = elem.options,
- one = elem.type === "select-one";
- // Nothing was selected
- if ( index < 0 ) {
- return null;
- }
+ "parent": function( elem ) {
+ return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
+ },
- // Loop through all the selected options
- i = one ? index : 0;
- max = one ? index + 1 : options.length;
- for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
- option = options[ i ];
+ // Element/input types
+ "header": function( elem ) {
+ return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
- // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
- if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
- (!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
+ "input": function( elem ) {
+ return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
- // Get the specific value for the option
- value = jQuery( option ).val();
+ "button": function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
+ },
- // We don't need an array for one selects
- if ( one ) {
- return value;
- }
+ "text": function( elem ) {
+ var attr;
+ // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
+ // use getAttribute instead to test this case
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
+ elem.type === "text" &&
+ ( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === elem.type );
+ },
- // Multi-Selects return an array
- values.push( value );
- }
- }
+ // Position-in-collection
+ "first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
+ return [ 0 ];
+ }),
- // Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset()
- if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) {
- return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val();
- }
+ "last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+ return [ length - 1 ];
+ }),
- return values;
- },
+ "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+ return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
+ }),
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- var values = jQuery.makeArray( value );
+ "even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+ matchIndexes.push( i );
+ }
+ return matchIndexes;
+ }),
- jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() {
- this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
- });
+ "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
+ var i = 1;
+ for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
+ matchIndexes.push( i );
+ }
+ return matchIndexes;
+ }),
- if ( !values.length ) {
- elem.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- return values;
+ "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+ var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+ for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
+ matchIndexes.push( i );
- }
- },
+ return matchIndexes;
+ }),
- // Unused in 1.8, left in so attrFn-stabbers won't die; remove in 1.9
- attrFn: {},
+ "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
+ var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
+ for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
+ matchIndexes.push( i );
+ }
+ return matchIndexes;
+ })
+ }
- attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
- var ret, hooks, notxml,
- nType = elem.nodeType;
+// Add button/input type pseudos
+for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
+ Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
+for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
+ Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
- // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
- if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
- return;
- }
+function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) {
+ var matched, match, tokens, type,
+ soFar, groups, preFilters,
+ cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
- if ( pass && jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.fn[ name ] ) ) {
- return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value );
- }
+ if ( cached ) {
+ return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
+ }
- // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
- if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) {
- return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
- }
+ soFar = selector;
+ groups = [];
+ preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
- notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+ while ( soFar ) {
- // All attributes are lowercase
- // Grab necessary hook if one is defined
- if ( notxml ) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
+ // Comma and first run
+ if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
+ if ( match ) {
+ // Don't consume trailing commas as valid
+ soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
+ }
+ groups.push( tokens = [] );
- if ( value !== undefined ) {
- if ( value === null ) {
- jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
- return;
+ matched = false;
- } else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
+ // Combinators
+ if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
+ matched = match.shift();
+ tokens.push({
+ value: matched,
+ // Cast descendant combinators to space
+ type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
+ });
+ soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+ }
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" );
- return value;
+ // Filters
+ for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
+ (match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
+ matched = match.shift();
+ tokens.push({
+ value: matched,
+ type: type,
+ matches: match
+ });
+ soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+ }
- } else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
- return ret;
- } else {
- ret = elem.getAttribute( name );
- // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
- return ret === null ?
- undefined :
- ret;
+ if ( !matched ) {
+ break;
- },
+ }
- removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
- var propName, attrNames, name, isBool,
- i = 0;
+ // Return the length of the invalid excess
+ // if we're just parsing
+ // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
+ return parseOnly ?
+ soFar.length :
+ soFar ?
+ Sizzle.error( selector ) :
+ // Cache the tokens
+ tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
- if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+function toSelector( tokens ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ len = tokens.length,
+ selector = "";
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ selector += tokens[i].value;
+ }
+ return selector;
- attrNames = value.split( core_rspace );
+function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
+ var dir = combinator.dir,
+ checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode",
+ doneName = done++;
- for ( ; i < attrNames.length; i++ ) {
- name = attrNames[ i ];
+ return combinator.first ?
+ // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
+ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+ return matcher( elem, context, xml );
+ }
+ }
+ } :
- if ( name ) {
- propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- isBool = rboolean.test( name );
+ // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
+ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ var data, cache, outerCache,
+ dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName;
- // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal)
- // Do not do this for boolean attributes (see #10870)
- if ( !isBool ) {
- jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" );
+ // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
+ if ( xml ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+ if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
- elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName );
- // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
- if ( isBool && propName in elem ) {
- elem[ propName ] = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
+ outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
+ if ( (cache = outerCache[ dir ]) && cache[0] === dirkey ) {
+ if ( (data = cache[1]) === true || data === cachedruns ) {
+ return data === true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cache = outerCache[ dir ] = [ dirkey ];
+ cache[1] = matcher( elem, context, xml ) || cachedruns;
+ if ( cache[1] === true ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- }
- },
+ };
- attrHooks: {
- type: {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
- if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
- jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
- } else if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
- // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
- // Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value
- // This is for element creation
- var val = elem.value;
- elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
- if ( val ) {
- elem.value = val;
- }
- return value;
+function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
+ return matchers.length > 1 ?
+ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ var i = matchers.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+ return false;
- },
- // Use the value property for back compat
- // Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954)
- value: {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
- return nodeHook.get( elem, name );
- }
- return name in elem ?
- elem.value :
- null;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
- return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+ return true;
+ } :
+ matchers[0];
+function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
+ var elem,
+ newUnmatched = [],
+ i = 0,
+ len = unmatched.length,
+ mapped = map != null;
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
+ if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+ newUnmatched.push( elem );
+ if ( mapped ) {
+ map.push( i );
- // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used
- elem.value = value;
- },
+ }
- propFix: {
- tabindex: "tabIndex",
- readonly: "readOnly",
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "class": "className",
- maxlength: "maxLength",
- cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
- cellpadding: "cellPadding",
- rowspan: "rowSpan",
- colspan: "colSpan",
- usemap: "useMap",
- frameborder: "frameBorder",
- contenteditable: "contentEditable"
- },
+ return newUnmatched;
- prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
- var ret, hooks, notxml,
- nType = elem.nodeType;
+function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
+ if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
+ postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
+ }
+ if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
+ postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
+ }
+ return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
+ var temp, i, elem,
+ preMap = [],
+ postMap = [],
+ preexisting = results.length,
- // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
- if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
- return;
- }
+ // Get initial elements from seed or context
+ elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
- notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+ // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
+ matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
+ condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
+ elems,
- if ( notxml ) {
- // Fix name and attach hooks
- name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
- }
+ matcherOut = matcher ?
+ // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
+ postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
- if ( value !== undefined ) {
- if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
+ // ...intermediate processing is necessary
+ [] :
- } else {
- return ( elem[ name ] = value );
- }
+ // ...otherwise use results directly
+ results :
+ matcherIn;
- } else {
- if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
- return ret;
+ // Find primary matches
+ if ( matcher ) {
+ matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
+ }
- } else {
- return elem[ name ];
+ // Apply postFilter
+ if ( postFilter ) {
+ temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
+ postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
+ // Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
+ i = temp.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
+ matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
+ }
- },
- propHooks: {
- tabIndex: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
- // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
- var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
+ if ( seed ) {
+ if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
+ if ( postFinder ) {
+ // Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
+ temp = [];
+ i = matcherOut.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
+ // Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
+ temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
+ }
+ }
+ postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
+ }
+ // Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
+ i = matcherOut.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
+ (temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
- return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
- parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) :
- rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
- 0 :
- undefined;
+ seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
-// Hook for boolean attributes
-boolHook = {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- // Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties
- // Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported
- var attrNode,
- property = jQuery.prop( elem, name );
- return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ?
- name.toLowerCase() :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- var propName;
- if ( value === false ) {
- // Remove boolean attributes when set to false
- jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+ // Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
} else {
- // value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false
- // Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property
- propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- if ( propName in elem ) {
- // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
- elem[ propName ] = true;
+ matcherOut = condense(
+ matcherOut === results ?
+ matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
+ matcherOut
+ );
+ if ( postFinder ) {
+ postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
+ } else {
+ push.apply( results, matcherOut );
- elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() );
- return name;
- }
+ });
-// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute
-if ( !getSetAttribute ) {
+function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
+ var checkContext, matcher, j,
+ len = tokens.length,
+ leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
+ implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
+ i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
- fixSpecified = {
- name: true,
- id: true,
- coords: true
- };
+ // The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
+ matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+ return elem === checkContext;
+ }, implicitRelative, true ),
+ matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
+ return indexOf.call( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
+ }, implicitRelative, true ),
+ matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
+ return ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
+ (checkContext = context).nodeType ?
+ matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
+ matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
+ } ];
- // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7
- // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue
- nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- var ret;
- ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
- return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.value !== "" : ret.specified ) ?
- ret.value :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- // Set the existing or create a new attribute node
- var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
- if ( !ret ) {
- ret = document.createAttribute( name );
- elem.setAttributeNode( ret );
- }
- return ( ret.value = value + "" );
- }
- };
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
+ matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
+ } else {
+ matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
- // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 )
- // This is for removals
- jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- if ( value === "" ) {
- elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" );
- return value;
+ // Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
+ if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
+ // Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
+ j = ++i;
+ for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
+ if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ return setMatcher(
+ i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
+ i > 1 && toSelector(
+ // If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
+ tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ).concat({ value: tokens[ i - 2 ].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
+ ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
+ matcher,
+ i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
+ j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
+ j < len && toSelector( tokens )
+ );
- });
- });
- // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429)
- // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value
- jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
- get: nodeHook.get,
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- if ( value === "" ) {
- value = "false";
- }
- nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+ matchers.push( matcher );
- };
+ }
+ return elementMatcher( matchers );
+function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
+ // A counter to specify which element is currently being matched
+ var matcherCachedRuns = 0,
+ bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
+ byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
+ superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, expandContext ) {
+ var elem, j, matcher,
+ setMatched = [],
+ matchedCount = 0,
+ i = "0",
+ unmatched = seed && [],
+ outermost = expandContext != null,
+ contextBackup = outermostContext,
+ // We must always have either seed elements or context
+ elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", expandContext && context.parentNode || context ),
+ // Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
+ dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1);
-// Some attributes require a special call on IE
-if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) {
- jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
- return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
+ if ( outermost ) {
+ outermostContext = context !== document && context;
+ cachedruns = matcherCachedRuns;
- });
- });
-if ( !jQuery.support.style ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks.style = {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // Return undefined in the case of empty string
- // Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names
- return elem.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- return ( elem.style.cssText = value + "" );
- }
- };
-// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
-// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
-if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
- jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ // Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
+ // Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below
+ for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( byElement && elem ) {
+ j = 0;
+ while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
+ if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
+ results.push( elem );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( outermost ) {
+ dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+ cachedruns = ++matcherCachedRuns;
+ }
+ }
- if ( parent ) {
- parent.selectedIndex;
+ // Track unmatched elements for set filters
+ if ( bySet ) {
+ // They will have gone through all possible matchers
+ if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
+ matchedCount--;
+ }
- // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
- if ( parent.parentNode ) {
- parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ // Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
+ if ( seed ) {
+ unmatched.push( elem );
+ }
- return null;
- }
- });
-// IE6/7 call enctype encoding
-if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) {
- jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding";
+ // Apply set filters to unmatched elements
+ matchedCount += i;
+ if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
+ j = 0;
+ while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
+ matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
+ }
-// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
-if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
- jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
- jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
- return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
- }
- };
- });
-jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
- jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
- return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
- }
- }
- });
-var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
- rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*|)(?:\.(.+)|)$/,
- rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/,
- rkeyEvent = /^key/,
- rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
- rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
- hoverHack = function( events ) {
- return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" );
- };
- * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
- * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
- */
-jQuery.event = {
- add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
- var elemData, eventHandle, events,
- t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj,
- handleObjIn, handlers, special;
- // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho)
- if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
- if ( handler.handler ) {
- handleObjIn = handler;
- handler = handleObjIn.handler;
- selector = handleObjIn.selector;
- }
- // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
- if ( !handler.guid ) {
- handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
- }
- // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
- events = elemData.events;
- if ( !events ) {
- elemData.events = events = {};
- }
- eventHandle = elemData.handle;
- if ( !eventHandle ) {
- elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) {
- // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
- // when an event is called after a page has unloaded
- return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
- jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
- undefined;
- };
- // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
- eventHandle.elem = elem;
- }
- // Handle multiple events separated by a space
- // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
- types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " );
- for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
- tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
- type = tns[1];
- namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
- // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
- type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- // Update special based on newly reset type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ if ( seed ) {
+ // Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
+ if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
+ setMatched[i] = pop.call( results );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // handleObj is passed to all event handlers
- handleObj = jQuery.extend({
- type: type,
- origType: tns[1],
- data: data,
- handler: handler,
- guid: handler.guid,
- selector: selector,
- needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ),
- namespace: namespaces.join(".")
- }, handleObjIn );
+ // Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
+ setMatched = condense( setMatched );
+ }
- // Init the event handler queue if we're the first
- handlers = events[ type ];
- if ( !handlers ) {
- handlers = events[ type ] = [];
- handlers.delegateCount = 0;
+ // Add matches to results
+ push.apply( results, setMatched );
- // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
- if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
- // Bind the global event handler to the element
- if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
- elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+ // Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
+ if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
+ ( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
- } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
- elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
- }
+ Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
- if ( special.add ) {
- special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
- if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
- handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
- }
+ // Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
+ if ( outermost ) {
+ dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
+ outermostContext = contextBackup;
- // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
- if ( selector ) {
- handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
+ return unmatched;
+ };
+ return bySet ?
+ markFunction( superMatcher ) :
+ superMatcher;
+compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, group /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+ var i,
+ setMatchers = [],
+ elementMatchers = [],
+ cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
+ if ( !cached ) {
+ // Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
+ if ( !group ) {
+ group = tokenize( selector );
+ }
+ i = group.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ cached = matcherFromTokens( group[i] );
+ if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
+ setMatchers.push( cached );
} else {
- handlers.push( handleObj );
+ elementMatchers.push( cached );
- // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
- jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
- // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
- elem = null;
- },
- global: {},
+ // Cache the compiled function
+ cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
+ }
+ return cached;
- // Detach an event or set of events from an element
- remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
+function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ len = contexts.length;
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
+ }
+ return results;
- var t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount,
- j, events, special, eventType, handleObj,
- elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem );
+function select( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+ var i, tokens, token, type, find,
+ match = tokenize( selector );
- if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
- return;
- }
+ if ( !seed ) {
+ // Try to minimize operations if there is only one group
+ if ( match.length === 1 ) {
- // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
- types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" ");
- for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
- tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
- type = origType = tns[1];
- namespaces = tns[2];
+ // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+ tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
+ if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
+ support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML &&
+ Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
- // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
- if ( !type ) {
- for ( type in events ) {
- jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
+ context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
+ if ( !context ) {
+ return results;
- continue;
+ selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- eventType = events[ type ] || [];
- origCount = eventType.length;
- namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+ // Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
+ i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ token = tokens[i];
- // Remove matching events
- for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
- handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+ // Abort if we hit a combinator
+ if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
+ // Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
+ if ( (seed = find(
+ token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
+ rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && context.parentNode || context
+ )) ) {
- if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
- ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
- ( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
- ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
- eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+ // If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
+ tokens.splice( i, 1 );
+ selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
+ if ( !selector ) {
+ push.apply( results, seed );
+ return results;
+ }
- if ( handleObj.selector ) {
- eventType.delegateCount--;
- }
- if ( special.remove ) {
- special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+ break;
- // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
- // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
- if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) {
- if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) {
- jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
- }
- delete events[ type ];
- }
+ }
- // Remove the expando if it's no longer used
- if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
- delete elemData.handle;
+ // Compile and execute a filtering function
+ // Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
+ compile( selector, match )(
+ seed,
+ context,
+ !documentIsHTML,
+ results,
+ rsibling.test( selector )
+ );
+ return results;
- // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty
- // so use it instead of delete
- jQuery.removeData( elem, "events", true );
- }
- },
+// Deprecated
+Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
- // Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached.
- // Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers.
- customEvent: {
- "getData": true,
- "setData": true,
- "changeData": true
- },
+// Easy API for creating new setFilters
+function setFilters() {}
+setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
+Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
- trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
- // Don't do events on text and comment nodes
- if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {
- return;
- }
+// One-time assignments
- // Event object or event type
- var cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType,
- type = event.type || event,
- namespaces = [];
+// Sort stability
+support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
- // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
- if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
- return;
- }
+// Initialize against the default document
- if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
- // Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces)
- type = type.slice(0, -1);
- exclusive = true;
- }
+// Support: Chrome<<14
+// Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function
+[0, 0].sort( sortOrder );
+support.detectDuplicates = hasDuplicate;
- if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
- // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
- namespaces = type.split(".");
- type = namespaces.shift();
- namespaces.sort();
- }
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
+jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
- if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && !jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
- // No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers
- return;
- }
- // Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string
- event = typeof event === "object" ?
- // jQuery.Event object
- event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
- // Object literal
- new jQuery.Event( type, event ) :
- // Just the event type (string)
- new jQuery.Event( type );
+})( window );
+// String to Object options format cache
+var optionsCache = {};
- event.type = type;
- event.isTrigger = true;
- event.exclusive = exclusive;
- event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." );
- event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
- ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : "";
- // Handle a global trigger
- if ( !elem ) {
- // TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document
- cache = jQuery.cache;
- for ( i in cache ) {
- if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) {
- jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Clean up the event in case it is being reused
- event.result = undefined;
- if ( !event.target ) {
- event.target = elem;
- }
- // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
- data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : [];
- data.unshift( event );
- // Allow special events to draw outside the lines
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
- // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
- eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]];
- if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
- cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode;
- for ( old = elem; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
- eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]);
- old = cur;
- }
- // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
- if ( old === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) {
- eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]);
- }
- }
+// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
+function createOptions( options ) {
+ var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {};
+ jQuery.each( options.match( core_rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) {
+ object[ flag ] = true;
+ });
+ return object;
- // Fire handlers on the event path
- for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
+ * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
+ *
+ * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
+ * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
+ *
+ * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
+ * "fired" multiple times.
+ *
+ * Possible options:
+ *
+ * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
+ * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
+ * values (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
+ *
+ * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
+ *
+ */
+jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
- cur = eventPath[i][0];
- event.type = eventPath[i][1];
+ // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
+ // (we check in cache first)
+ options = typeof options === "string" ?
+ ( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) :
+ jQuery.extend( {}, options );
- handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" );
- if ( handle ) {
- handle.apply( cur, data );
- }
- // Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler
- handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
- if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
- event.preventDefault();
+ var // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
+ memory,
+ // Flag to know if list was already fired
+ fired,
+ // Flag to know if list is currently firing
+ firing,
+ // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
+ firingStart,
+ // End of the loop when firing
+ firingLength,
+ // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
+ firingIndex,
+ // Actual callback list
+ list = [],
+ // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
+ stack = !options.once && [],
+ // Fire callbacks
+ fire = function( data ) {
+ memory = options.memory && data;
+ fired = true;
+ firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
+ firingStart = 0;
+ firingLength = list.length;
+ firing = true;
+ for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
+ if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) {
+ memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add
+ break;
+ }
- }
- event.type = type;
- // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
- if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
- if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) &&
- !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
- // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
- // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
- // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
- if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || event.target.offsetWidth !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
- old = elem[ ontype ];
- if ( old ) {
- elem[ ontype ] = null;
- }
- // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
- jQuery.event.triggered = type;
- elem[ type ]();
- jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
- if ( old ) {
- elem[ ontype ] = old;
+ firing = false;
+ if ( list ) {
+ if ( stack ) {
+ if ( stack.length ) {
+ fire( stack.shift() );
+ } else if ( memory ) {
+ list = [];
+ } else {
+ self.disable();
- }
- return event.result;
- },
- dispatch: function( event ) {
- // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
- event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
- var i, j, cur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related,
- handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []),
- delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
- args = core_slice.call( arguments ),
- run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace,
- special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {},
- handlerQueue = [];
- // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
- args[0] = event;
- event.delegateTarget = this;
- // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
- if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events
- // Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
- if ( delegateCount && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) {
- for ( cur = event.target; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
- // Don't process clicks (ONLY) on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764)
- if ( cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click" ) {
- selMatch = {};
- matches = [];
- for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
- handleObj = handlers[ i ];
- sel = handleObj.selector;
- if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) {
- selMatch[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ?
- jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0 :
- jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length;
- }
- if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) {
- matches.push( handleObj );
- }
- }
- if ( matches.length ) {
- handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches });
+ },
+ // Actual Callbacks object
+ self = {
+ // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
+ add: function() {
+ if ( list ) {
+ // First, we save the current length
+ var start = list.length;
+ (function add( args ) {
+ jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
+ var type = jQuery.type( arg );
+ if ( type === "function" ) {
+ if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) {
+ list.push( arg );
+ }
+ } else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) {
+ // Inspect recursively
+ add( arg );
+ }
+ });
+ })( arguments );
+ // Do we need to add the callbacks to the
+ // current firing batch?
+ if ( firing ) {
+ firingLength = list.length;
+ // With memory, if we're not firing then
+ // we should call right away
+ } else if ( memory ) {
+ firingStart = start;
+ fire( memory );
- }
- }
- // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
- if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) {
- handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
- }
- // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
- for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
- matched = handlerQueue[ i ];
- event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
- for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) {
- handleObj = matched.matches[ j ];
- // Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or
- // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
- if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
- event.data = handleObj.data;
- event.handleObj = handleObj;
- ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
- .apply( matched.elem, args );
- if ( ret !== undefined ) {
- event.result = ret;
- if ( ret === false ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Remove a callback from the list
+ remove: function() {
+ if ( list ) {
+ jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
+ var index;
+ while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
+ list.splice( index, 1 );
+ // Handle firing indexes
+ if ( firing ) {
+ if ( index <= firingLength ) {
+ firingLength--;
+ }
+ if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
+ firingIndex--;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Check if a given callback is in the list.
+ // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached.
+ has: function( fn ) {
+ return fn ? jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 : !!( list && list.length );
+ },
+ // Remove all callbacks from the list
+ empty: function() {
+ list = [];
+ firingLength = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Have the list do nothing anymore
+ disable: function() {
+ list = stack = memory = undefined;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Is it disabled?
+ disabled: function() {
+ return !list;
+ },
+ // Lock the list in its current state
+ lock: function() {
+ stack = undefined;
+ if ( !memory ) {
+ self.disable();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Is it locked?
+ locked: function() {
+ return !stack;
+ },
+ // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
+ fireWith: function( context, args ) {
+ args = args || [];
+ args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
+ if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) {
+ if ( firing ) {
+ stack.push( args );
+ } else {
+ fire( args );
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
+ fire: function() {
+ self.fireWith( this, arguments );
+ return this;
+ },
+ // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
+ fired: function() {
+ return !!fired;
- }
- // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
- if ( special.postDispatch ) {
- special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
- }
- return event.result;
- },
- // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
- // *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 ***
- props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
- fixHooks: {},
- keyHooks: {
- props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
- filter: function( event, original ) {
+ };
- // Add which for key events
- if ( event.which == null ) {
- event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
- }
+ return self;
- return event;
- }
- },
+ Deferred: function( func ) {
+ var tuples = [
+ // action, add listener, listener list, final state
+ [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ],
+ [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ],
+ [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ]
+ ],
+ state = "pending",
+ promise = {
+ state: function() {
+ return state;
+ },
+ always: function() {
+ deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments );
+ return this;
+ },
+ then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) {
+ var fns = arguments;
+ return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
+ jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
+ var action = tuple[ 0 ],
+ fn = jQuery.isFunction( fns[ i ] ) && fns[ i ];
+ // deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer
+ deferred[ tuple[1] ](function() {
+ var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
+ returned.promise()
+ .done( newDefer.resolve )
+ .fail( newDefer.reject )
+ .progress( newDefer.notify );
+ } else {
+ newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [ returned ] : arguments );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ fns = null;
+ }).promise();
+ },
+ // Get a promise for this deferred
+ // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
+ promise: function( obj ) {
+ return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise;
+ }
+ },
+ deferred = {};
- mouseHooks: {
- props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
- filter: function( event, original ) {
- var eventDoc, doc, body,
- button = original.button,
- fromElement = original.fromElement;
+ // Keep pipe for back-compat
+ promise.pipe = promise.then;
- // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
- if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
- eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
- doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
- body = eventDoc.body;
+ // Add list-specific methods
+ jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
+ var list = tuple[ 2 ],
+ stateString = tuple[ 3 ];
- event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
- event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 );
- }
+ // promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add
+ promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add;
- // Add relatedTarget, if necessary
- if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) {
- event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement;
- }
+ // Handle state
+ if ( stateString ) {
+ list.add(function() {
+ // state = [ resolved | rejected ]
+ state = stateString;
- // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
- // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
- if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
- event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
+ // [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock
+ }, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock );
- return event;
- }
- },
- fix: function( event ) {
- if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
- return event;
- }
- // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
- var i, prop,
- originalEvent = event,
- fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {},
- copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
- event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
- for ( i = copy.length; i; ) {
- prop = copy[ --i ];
- event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
- }
+ // deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ]
+ deferred[ tuple[0] ] = function() {
+ deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments );
+ return this;
+ };
+ deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith;
+ });
- // Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2)
- if ( !event.target ) {
- event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document;
- }
+ // Make the deferred a promise
+ promise.promise( deferred );
- // Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari)
- if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
- event.target = event.target.parentNode;
+ // Call given func if any
+ if ( func ) {
+ func.call( deferred, deferred );
- // For mouse/key events, metaKey==false if it's undefined (#3368, #11328; IE6/7/8)
- event.metaKey = !!event.metaKey;
- return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
+ // All done!
+ return deferred;
- special: {
- load: {
- // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
- noBubble: true
- },
+ // Deferred helper
+ when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ resolveValues = core_slice.call( arguments ),
+ length = resolveValues.length,
- focus: {
- delegateType: "focusin"
- },
- blur: {
- delegateType: "focusout"
- },
+ // the count of uncompleted subordinates
+ remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0,
- beforeunload: {
- setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
- // We only want to do this special case on windows
- if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
- this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
- }
+ // the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that.
+ deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(),
+ // Update function for both resolve and progress values
+ updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) {
+ return function( value ) {
+ contexts[ i ] = this;
+ values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? core_slice.call( arguments ) : value;
+ if( values === progressValues ) {
+ deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values );
+ } else if ( !( --remaining ) ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values );
+ }
+ };
- teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
- if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
- this.onbeforeunload = null;
- }
- }
- }
- },
+ progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts;
- simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
- // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
- // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
- // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
- var e = jQuery.extend(
- new jQuery.Event(),
- event,
- { type: type,
- isSimulated: true,
- originalEvent: {}
+ // add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved
+ if ( length > 1 ) {
+ progressValues = new Array( length );
+ progressContexts = new Array( length );
+ resolveContexts = new Array( length );
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) {
+ resolveValues[ i ].promise()
+ .done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) )
+ .fail( deferred.reject )
+ .progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) );
+ } else {
+ --remaining;
+ }
- );
- if ( bubble ) {
- jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
- } else {
- jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e );
- }
- if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
-// Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed.
-// The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now.
-jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch;
-jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
- function( elem, type, handle ) {
- if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
- elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
- } :
- function( elem, type, handle ) {
- var name = "on" + type;
- if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
- // #8545, #7054, preventing memory leaks for custom events in IE6-8 –
- // detachEvent needed property on element, by name of that event, to properly expose it to GC
- if ( typeof elem[ name ] === "undefined" ) {
- elem[ name ] = null;
- }
- elem.detachEvent( name, handle );
+ // if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master
+ if ( !remaining ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues );
- };
-jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
- // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
- if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
- return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
- }
- // Event object
- if ( src && src.type ) {
- this.originalEvent = src;
- this.type = src.type;
- // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
- // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
- this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
- src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
- // Event type
- } else {
- this.type = src;
- }
- // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
- if ( props ) {
- jQuery.extend( this, props );
- }
- // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
- this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now();
- // Mark it as fixed
- this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
+ return deferred.promise();
+ }
+jQuery.support = (function( support ) {
+ var input = document.createElement("input"),
+ fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
+ div = document.createElement("div"),
+ select = document.createElement("select"),
+ opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
-function returnFalse() {
- return false;
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
+ // Finish early in limited environments
+ if ( !input.type ) {
+ return support;
+ }
-// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
-// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
-jQuery.Event.prototype = {
- preventDefault: function() {
- this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+ input.type = "checkbox";
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- if ( !e ) {
- return;
- }
+ // Support: Safari 5.1, iOS 5.1, Android 4.x, Android 2.3
+ // Check the default checkbox/radio value ("" on old WebKit; "on" elsewhere)
+ support.checkOn = input.value !== "";
- // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
- if ( e.preventDefault ) {
- e.preventDefault();
+ // Must access the parent to make an option select properly
+ // Support: IE9, IE10
+ support.optSelected = opt.selected;
- // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
- } else {
- e.returnValue = false;
- }
- },
- stopPropagation: function() {
- this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+ // Will be defined later
+ support.reliableMarginRight = true;
+ support.boxSizingReliable = true;
+ support.pixelPosition = false;
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- if ( !e ) {
- return;
- }
- // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
- if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- },
- stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
- this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
- this.stopPropagation();
- },
- isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
- isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
- isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
+ // Make sure checked status is properly cloned
+ // Support: IE9, IE10
+ input.checked = true;
+ support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
-// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
- mouseenter: "mouseover",
- mouseleave: "mouseout"
-}, function( orig, fix ) {
- jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
- delegateType: fix,
- bindType: fix,
+ // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
+ // (WebKit marks them as disabled)
+ select.disabled = true;
+ support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
- handle: function( event ) {
- var ret,
- target = this,
- related = event.relatedTarget,
- handleObj = event.handleObj,
- selector = handleObj.selector;
+ // Check if an input maintains its value after becoming a radio
+ // Support: IE9, IE10
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.value = "t";
+ input.type = "radio";
+ support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
- // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
- // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
- if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
- event.type = handleObj.origType;
- ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
- event.type = fix;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
+ // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
+ input.setAttribute( "checked", "t" );
+ input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
-// IE submit delegation
-if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
+ fragment.appendChild( input );
- jQuery.event.special.submit = {
- setup: function() {
- // Only need this for delegated form submit events
- if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
- return false;
- }
+ // Support: Safari 5.1, Android 4.x, Android 2.3
+ // old WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
+ support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
- // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted
- jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) {
- // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807)
- var elem = e.target,
- form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined;
- if ( form && !jQuery._data( form, "_submit_attached" ) ) {
- jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) {
- event._submit_bubble = true;
- });
- jQuery._data( form, "_submit_attached", true );
- }
- });
- // return undefined since we don't need an event listener
- },
+ // Support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari
+ // Beware of CSP restrictions (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP)
+ support.focusinBubbles = "onfocusin" in window;
- postDispatch: function( event ) {
- // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree
- if ( event._submit_bubble ) {
- delete event._submit_bubble;
- if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true );
- }
- }
- },
+ div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box";
+ div.cloneNode( true ).style.backgroundClip = "";
+ support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box";
- teardown: function() {
- // Only need this for delegated form submit events
- if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
- return false;
- }
+ // Run tests that need a body at doc ready
+ jQuery(function() {
+ var container, marginDiv,
+ // Support: Firefox, Android 2.3 (Prefixed box-sizing versions).
+ divReset = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box",
+ body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[ 0 ];
- // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above
- jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" );
+ if ( !body ) {
+ // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
+ return;
- };
-// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix
-if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
+ container = document.createElement("div");
+ container.style.cssText = "border:0;width:0;height:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px";
+ // Check box-sizing and margin behavior.
+ body.appendChild( container ).appendChild( div );
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Support: Firefox, Android 2.3 (Prefixed box-sizing versions).
+ div.style.cssText = "-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%";
- jQuery.event.special.change = {
+ // Workaround failing boxSizing test due to offsetWidth returning wrong value
+ // with some non-1 values of body zoom, ticket #13543
+ jQuery.swap( body, body.style.zoom != null ? { zoom: 1 } : {}, function() {
+ support.boxSizing = div.offsetWidth === 4;
+ });
- setup: function() {
+ // Use window.getComputedStyle because jsdom on node.js will break without it.
+ if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
+ support.pixelPosition = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || {} ).top !== "1%";
+ support.boxSizingReliable = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { width: "4px" } ).width === "4px";
- if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) {
- // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click
- // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle.
- // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur.
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
- jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) {
- if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) {
- this._just_changed = true;
- }
- });
- jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) {
- if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) {
- this._just_changed = false;
- }
- // Allow triggered, simulated change events (#11500)
- jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true );
- });
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs
- jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) {
- var elem = e.target;
+ // Support: Android 2.3
+ // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
+ // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. (#3333)
+ // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
+ marginDiv = div.appendChild( document.createElement("div") );
+ marginDiv.style.cssText = div.style.cssText = divReset;
+ marginDiv.style.marginRight = marginDiv.style.width = "0";
+ div.style.width = "1px";
- if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !jQuery._data( elem, "_change_attached" ) ) {
- jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) {
- if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true );
- }
- });
- jQuery._data( elem, "_change_attached", true );
- }
- });
- },
+ support.reliableMarginRight =
+ !parseFloat( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || {} ).marginRight );
+ }
- handle: function( event ) {
- var elem = event.target;
+ body.removeChild( container );
+ });
- // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above
- if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) {
- return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
- }
- },
+ return support;
+})( {} );
- teardown: function() {
- jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" );
+ Implementation Summary
+ 1. Enforce API surface and semantic compatibility with 1.9.x branch
+ 2. Improve the module's maintainability by reducing the storage
+ paths to a single mechanism.
+ 3. Use the same single mechanism to support "private" and "user" data.
+ 4. _Never_ expose "private" data to user code (TODO: Drop _data, _removeData)
+ 5. Avoid exposing implementation details on user objects (eg. expando properties)
+ 6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014
+var data_user, data_priv,
+ rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/,
+ rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
- return !rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
+function Data() {
+ // Support: Android < 4,
+ // Old WebKit does not have Object.preventExtensions/freeze method,
+ // return new empty object instead with no [[set]] accessor
+ Object.defineProperty( this.cache = {}, 0, {
+ get: function() {
+ return {};
- };
+ });
+ this.expando = jQuery.expando + Math.random();
-// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
-if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) {
- jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
+Data.uid = 1;
+Data.accepts = function( owner ) {
+ // Accepts only:
+ // - Node
+ // - Node.ELEMENT_NODE
+ // - Object
+ // - Any
+ return owner.nodeType ?
+ owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 : true;
- // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout
- var attaches = 0,
- handler = function( event ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true );
- };
+Data.prototype = {
+ key: function( owner ) {
+ // We can accept data for non-element nodes in modern browsers,
+ // but we should not, see #8335.
+ // Always return the key for a frozen object.
+ if ( !Data.accepts( owner ) ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
- setup: function() {
- if ( attaches++ === 0 ) {
- document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
- }
- },
- teardown: function() {
- if ( --attaches === 0 ) {
- document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
- }
- }
- };
- });
+ var descriptor = {},
+ // Check if the owner object already has a cache key
+ unlock = owner[ this.expando ];
+ // If not, create one
+ if ( !unlock ) {
+ unlock = Data.uid++;
- on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) {
- var origFn, type;
+ // Secure it in a non-enumerable, non-writable property
+ try {
+ descriptor[ this.expando ] = { value: unlock };
+ Object.defineProperties( owner, descriptor );
- // Types can be a map of types/handlers
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-Object, selector, data )
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // && selector != null
- // ( types-Object, data )
- data = data || selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- for ( type in types ) {
- this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
+ // Support: Android < 4
+ // Fallback to a less secure definition
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ descriptor[ this.expando ] = unlock;
+ jQuery.extend( owner, descriptor );
- return this;
- if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
- // ( types, fn )
- fn = selector;
- data = selector = undefined;
- } else if ( fn == null ) {
- if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
- // ( types, selector, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = undefined;
- } else {
- // ( types, data, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- } else if ( !fn ) {
- return this;
+ // Ensure the cache object
+ if ( !this.cache[ unlock ] ) {
+ this.cache[ unlock ] = {};
- if ( one === 1 ) {
- origFn = fn;
- fn = function( event ) {
- // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
- jQuery().off( event );
- return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
- fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
- }
- return this.each( function() {
- jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
- });
- },
- one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
- },
- off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
- var handleObj, type;
- if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
- // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event
- handleObj = types.handleObj;
- jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
- handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
- handleObj.selector,
- handleObj.handler
- );
- return this;
- }
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-object [, selector] )
- for ( type in types ) {
- this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
- }
- return this;
- }
- if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
- // ( types [, fn] )
- fn = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
- });
+ return unlock;
+ set: function( owner, data, value ) {
+ var prop,
+ // There may be an unlock assigned to this node,
+ // if there is no entry for this "owner", create one inline
+ // and set the unlock as though an owner entry had always existed
+ unlock = this.key( owner ),
+ cache = this.cache[ unlock ];
- bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
- },
- unbind: function( types, fn ) {
- return this.off( types, null, fn );
- },
+ // Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args
+ if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+ cache[ data ] = value;
+ // Handle: [ owner, { properties } ] args
+ } else {
+ // Fresh assignments by object are shallow copied
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( cache ) ) {
+ jQuery.extend( this.cache[ unlock ], data );
+ // Otherwise, copy the properties one-by-one to the cache object
+ } else {
+ for ( prop in data ) {
+ cache[ prop ] = data[ prop ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cache;
+ },
+ get: function( owner, key ) {
+ // Either a valid cache is found, or will be created.
+ // New caches will be created and the unlock returned,
+ // allowing direct access to the newly created
+ // empty data object. A valid owner object must be provided.
+ var cache = this.cache[ this.key( owner ) ];
+ return key === undefined ?
+ cache : cache[ key ];
+ },
+ access: function( owner, key, value ) {
+ // In cases where either:
+ //
+ // 1. No key was specified
+ // 2. A string key was specified, but no value provided
+ //
+ // Take the "read" path and allow the get method to determine
+ // which value to return, respectively either:
+ //
+ // 1. The entire cache object
+ // 2. The data stored at the key
+ //
+ if ( key === undefined ||
+ ((key && typeof key === "string") && value === undefined) ) {
+ return this.get( owner, key );
+ }
+ // [*]When the key is not a string, or both a key and value
+ // are specified, set or extend (existing objects) with either:
+ //
+ // 1. An object of properties
+ // 2. A key and value
+ //
+ this.set( owner, key, value );
+ // Since the "set" path can have two possible entry points
+ // return the expected data based on which path was taken[*]
+ return value !== undefined ? value : key;
+ },
+ remove: function( owner, key ) {
+ var i, name, camel,
+ unlock = this.key( owner ),
+ cache = this.cache[ unlock ];
+ if ( key === undefined ) {
+ this.cache[ unlock ] = {};
+ } else {
+ // Support array or space separated string of keys
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( key ) ) {
+ // If "name" is an array of keys...
+ // When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature,
+ // keys will be converted to camelCase.
+ // Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove
+ // both plain key and camelCase key. #12786
+ // This will only penalize the array argument path.
+ name = key.concat( key.map( jQuery.camelCase ) );
+ } else {
+ camel = jQuery.camelCase( key );
+ // Try the string as a key before any manipulation
+ if ( key in cache ) {
+ name = [ key, camel ];
+ } else {
+ // If a key with the spaces exists, use it.
+ // Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace
+ name = camel;
+ name = name in cache ?
+ [ name ] : ( name.match( core_rnotwhite ) || [] );
+ }
+ }
- live: function( types, data, fn ) {
- jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn );
- return this;
+ i = name.length;
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ delete cache[ name[ i ] ];
+ }
+ }
- die: function( types, fn ) {
- jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn );
- return this;
+ hasData: function( owner ) {
+ return !jQuery.isEmptyObject(
+ this.cache[ owner[ this.expando ] ] || {}
+ );
+ discard: function( owner ) {
+ if ( owner[ this.expando ] ) {
+ delete this.cache[ owner[ this.expando ] ];
+ }
+ }
- delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
+// These may be used throughout the jQuery core codebase
+data_user = new Data();
+data_priv = new Data();
+ acceptData: Data.accepts,
+ hasData: function( elem ) {
+ return data_user.hasData( elem ) || data_priv.hasData( elem );
- undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
- // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
- return arguments.length === 1 ? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector || "**", fn );
+ data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+ return data_user.access( elem, name, data );
- trigger: function( type, data ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
- });
+ removeData: function( elem, name ) {
+ data_user.remove( elem, name );
- triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
- if ( this[0] ) {
- return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], true );
- }
+ // TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced
+ // with direct calls to data_priv methods, these can be deprecated.
+ _data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+ return data_priv.access( elem, name, data );
- toggle: function( fn ) {
- // Save reference to arguments for access in closure
- var args = arguments,
- guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++,
+ _removeData: function( elem, name ) {
+ data_priv.remove( elem, name );
+ }
+ data: function( key, value ) {
+ var attrs, name,
+ elem = this[ 0 ],
i = 0,
- toggler = function( event ) {
- // Figure out which function to execute
- var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
- jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
+ data = null;
- // Make sure that clicks stop
- event.preventDefault();
+ // Gets all values
+ if ( key === undefined ) {
+ if ( this.length ) {
+ data = data_user.get( elem );
- // and execute the function
- return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
- };
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !data_priv.get( elem, "hasDataAttrs" ) ) {
+ attrs = elem.attributes;
+ for ( ; i < attrs.length; i++ ) {
+ name = attrs[ i ].name;
- // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
- toggler.guid = guid;
- while ( i < args.length ) {
- args[ i++ ].guid = guid;
+ if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
+ name = jQuery.camelCase( name.slice(5) );
+ dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
+ }
+ }
+ data_priv.set( elem, "hasDataAttrs", true );
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
- return this.click( toggler );
- },
+ // Sets multiple values
+ if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ data_user.set( this, key );
+ });
+ }
- hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
- return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
- }
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+ var data,
+ camelKey = jQuery.camelCase( key );
-jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
- "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
- "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
+ // The calling jQuery object (element matches) is not empty
+ // (and therefore has an element appears at this[ 0 ]) and the
+ // `value` parameter was not undefined. An empty jQuery object
+ // will result in `undefined` for elem = this[ 0 ] which will
+ // throw an exception if an attempt to read a data cache is made.
+ if ( elem && value === undefined ) {
+ // Attempt to get data from the cache
+ // with the key as-is
+ data = data_user.get( elem, key );
+ if ( data !== undefined ) {
+ return data;
+ }
- // Handle event binding
- jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
- if ( fn == null ) {
- fn = data;
- data = null;
- }
+ // Attempt to get data from the cache
+ // with the key camelized
+ data = data_user.get( elem, camelKey );
+ if ( data !== undefined ) {
+ return data;
+ }
- return arguments.length > 0 ?
- this.on( name, null, data, fn ) :
- this.trigger( name );
- };
+ // Attempt to "discover" the data in
+ // HTML5 custom data-* attrs
+ data = dataAttr( elem, camelKey, undefined );
+ if ( data !== undefined ) {
+ return data;
+ }
- if ( rkeyEvent.test( name ) ) {
- jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.keyHooks;
- }
+ // We tried really hard, but the data doesn't exist.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set the data...
+ this.each(function() {
+ // First, attempt to store a copy or reference of any
+ // data that might've been store with a camelCased key.
+ var data = data_user.get( this, camelKey );
+ // For HTML5 data-* attribute interop, we have to
+ // store property names with dashes in a camelCase form.
+ // This might not apply to all properties...*
+ data_user.set( this, camelKey, value );
+ // *... In the case of properties that might _actually_
+ // have dashes, we need to also store a copy of that
+ // unchanged property.
+ if ( key.indexOf("-") !== -1 && data !== undefined ) {
+ data_user.set( this, key, value );
+ }
+ });
+ }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true );
+ },
- if ( rmouseEvent.test( name ) ) {
- jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks;
+ removeData: function( key ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ data_user.remove( this, key );
+ });
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
- * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license
- * http://sizzlejs.com/
- */
-(function( window, undefined ) {
-var cachedruns,
- assertGetIdNotName,
- Expr,
- getText,
- isXML,
- contains,
- compile,
- sortOrder,
- hasDuplicate,
- outermostContext,
+function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
+ var name;
- baseHasDuplicate = true,
- strundefined = "undefined",
+ // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
+ // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
+ if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+ data = elem.getAttribute( name );
- expando = ( "sizcache" + Math.random() ).replace( ".", "" ),
+ if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+ try {
+ data = data === "true" ? true :
+ data === "false" ? false :
+ data === "null" ? null :
+ // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
+ +data + "" === data ? +data :
+ rbrace.test( data ) ? JSON.parse( data ) :
+ data;
+ } catch( e ) {}
- Token = String,
- document = window.document,
- docElem = document.documentElement,
- dirruns = 0,
- done = 0,
- pop = [].pop,
- push = [].push,
- slice = [].slice,
- // Use a stripped-down indexOf if a native one is unavailable
- indexOf = [].indexOf || function( elem ) {
- var i = 0,
- len = this.length;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( this[i] === elem ) {
- return i;
+ // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
+ data_user.set( elem, key, data );
+ } else {
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
+ var queue;
+ if ( elem ) {
+ type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
+ queue = data_priv.get( elem, type );
+ // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
+ if ( data ) {
+ if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray( data ) ) {
+ queue = data_priv.access( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
+ } else {
+ queue.push( data );
+ }
+ return queue || [];
- return -1;
- // Augment a function for special use by Sizzle
- markFunction = function( fn, value ) {
- fn[ expando ] = value == null || value;
- return fn;
- },
+ dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
+ type = type || "fx";
- createCache = function() {
- var cache = {},
- keys = [];
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
+ startLength = queue.length,
+ fn = queue.shift(),
+ hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ),
+ next = function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
+ };
- return markFunction(function( key, value ) {
- // Only keep the most recent entries
- if ( keys.push( key ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
- delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
- }
+ // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
+ if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
+ fn = queue.shift();
+ startLength--;
+ }
- return (cache[ key ] = value);
- }, cache );
- },
+ hooks.cur = fn;
+ if ( fn ) {
- classCache = createCache(),
- tokenCache = createCache(),
- compilerCache = createCache(),
+ // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
+ // automatically dequeued
+ if ( type === "fx" ) {
+ queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
+ }
- // Regex
+ // clear up the last queue stop function
+ delete hooks.stop;
+ fn.call( elem, next, hooks );
+ }
- // Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
- whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters
- characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[-\\w]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
+ if ( !startLength && hooks ) {
+ hooks.empty.fire();
+ }
+ },
- // Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters
- // An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors)
- // Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
- identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ),
+ // not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one
+ _queueHooks: function( elem, type ) {
+ var key = type + "queueHooks";
+ return data_priv.get( elem, key ) || data_priv.access( elem, key, {
+ empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
+ data_priv.remove( elem, [ type + "queue", key ] );
+ })
+ });
+ }
- // Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
- operators = "([*^$|!~]?=)",
- attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace +
- "*(?:" + operators + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]",
+ queue: function( type, data ) {
+ var setter = 2;
- // Prefer arguments not in parens/brackets,
- // then attribute selectors and non-pseudos (denoted by :),
- // then anything else
- // These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors
- // needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter
- pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\((?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\2|([^()[\\]]*|(?:(?:" + attributes + ")|[^:]|\\\\.)*|.*))\\)|)",
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ data = type;
+ type = "fx";
+ setter--;
+ }
- // For matchExpr.POS and matchExpr.needsContext
- pos = ":(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
- "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)",
+ if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
+ return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+ }
- // Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
- rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
+ return data === undefined ?
+ this :
+ this.each(function() {
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
- rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
- rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ),
- rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
+ // ensure a hooks for this queue
+ jQuery._queueHooks( this, type );
- // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
- rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/,
+ if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ dequeue: function( type ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ });
+ },
+ // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
+ // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
+ delay: function( time, type ) {
+ time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
+ type = type || "fx";
- rnot = /^:not/,
- rsibling = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/,
- rendsWithNot = /:not\($/,
+ return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
+ var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
+ hooks.stop = function() {
+ clearTimeout( timeout );
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ clearQueue: function( type ) {
+ return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+ },
+ // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
+ // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
+ promise: function( type, obj ) {
+ var tmp,
+ count = 1,
+ defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
+ elements = this,
+ i = this.length,
+ resolve = function() {
+ if ( !( --count ) ) {
+ defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
+ }
+ };
- rheader = /h\d/i,
- rinputs = /input|select|textarea|button/i,
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ obj = type;
+ type = undefined;
+ }
+ type = type || "fx";
- rbackslash = /\\(?!\\)/g,
+ while( i-- ) {
+ tmp = data_priv.get( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" );
+ if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) {
+ count++;
+ tmp.empty.add( resolve );
+ }
+ }
+ resolve();
+ return defer.promise( obj );
+ }
+var nodeHook, boolHook,
+ rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g,
+ rreturn = /\r/g,
+ rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i;
- matchExpr = {
- "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
- "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ),
- "NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ),
- "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ),
- "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
- "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
- "POS": new RegExp( pos, "i" ),
- "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|nth|first|last)-child(?:\\(" + whitespace +
- "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
- "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
- // For use in libraries implementing .is()
- "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|" + pos, "i" )
+ attr: function( name, value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- // Support
- // Used for testing something on an element
- assert = function( fn ) {
- var div = document.createElement("div");
+ removeAttr: function( name ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
+ });
+ },
- try {
- return fn( div );
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- } finally {
- // release memory in IE
- div = null;
- }
+ prop: function( name, value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
- assertTagNameNoComments = assert(function( div ) {
- div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
- return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
- }),
+ removeProp: function( name ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ delete this[ jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name ];
+ });
+ },
- // Check if getAttribute returns normalized href attributes
- assertHrefNotNormalized = assert(function( div ) {
- div.innerHTML = "";
- return div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== strundefined &&
- div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#";
- }),
- // Check if attributes should be retrieved by attribute nodes
- assertAttributes = assert(function( div ) {
- div.innerHTML = "";
- var type = typeof div.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");
- // IE8 returns a string for some attributes even when not present
- return type !== "boolean" && type !== "string";
- }),
+ addClass: function( value ) {
+ var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j,
+ i = 0,
+ len = this.length,
+ proceed = typeof value === "string" && value;
- // Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted
- assertUsableClassName = assert(function( div ) {
- // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
- div.innerHTML = "";
- if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || !div.getElementsByClassName("e").length ) {
- return false;
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( j ) {
+ jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) );
+ });
- // Safari 3.2 caches class attributes and doesn't catch changes
- div.lastChild.className = "e";
- return div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 2;
- }),
+ if ( proceed ) {
+ // The disjunction here is for better compressibility (see removeClass)
+ classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [];
- // Check if getElementById returns elements by name
- // Check if getElementsByName privileges form controls or returns elements by ID
- assertUsableName = assert(function( div ) {
- // Inject content
- div.id = expando + 0;
- div.innerHTML = "";
- docElem.insertBefore( div, docElem.firstChild );
- // Test
- var pass = document.getElementsByName &&
- // buggy browsers will return fewer than the correct 2
- document.getElementsByName( expando ).length === 2 +
- // buggy browsers will return more than the correct 0
- document.getElementsByName( expando + 0 ).length;
- assertGetIdNotName = !document.getElementById( expando );
- // Cleanup
- docElem.removeChild( div );
- return pass;
- });
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ?
+ ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) :
+ " "
+ );
-// If slice is not available, provide a backup
-try {
- slice.call( docElem.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
-} catch ( e ) {
- slice = function( i ) {
- var elem,
- results = [];
- for ( ; (elem = this[i]); i++ ) {
- results.push( elem );
+ if ( cur ) {
+ j = 0;
+ while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) {
+ if ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 ) {
+ cur += clazz + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ elem.className = jQuery.trim( cur );
+ }
+ }
- return results;
- };
-function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
- results = results || [];
- context = context || document;
- var match, elem, xml, m,
- nodeType = context.nodeType;
+ return this;
+ },
- if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- return results;
- }
+ removeClass: function( value ) {
+ var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j,
+ i = 0,
+ len = this.length,
+ proceed = arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === "string" && value;
- if ( nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) {
- return [];
- }
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( j ) {
+ jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( proceed ) {
+ classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [];
- xml = isXML( context );
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ // This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass)
+ cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ?
+ ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) :
+ ""
+ );
- if ( !xml && !seed ) {
- if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
- // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
- if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
- if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
- elem = context.getElementById( m );
- // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
- // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
- if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
- // Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items
- // by name instead of ID
- if ( elem.id === m ) {
- results.push( elem );
- return results;
+ if ( cur ) {
+ j = 0;
+ while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) {
+ // Remove *all* instances
+ while ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) >= 0 ) {
+ cur = cur.replace( " " + clazz + " ", " " );
- } else {
- return results;
- }
- } else {
- // Context is not a document
- if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) &&
- contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) {
- results.push( elem );
- return results;
+ elem.className = value ? jQuery.trim( cur ) : "";
- // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
- } else if ( match[2] ) {
- push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByTagName( selector ), 0) );
- return results;
- // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
- } else if ( (m = match[3]) && assertUsableClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
- push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByClassName( m ), 0) );
- return results;
- }
- // All others
- return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed, xml );
-Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
- return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
+ return this;
+ },
-Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
- return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [ elem ] ).length > 0;
+ toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
+ var type = typeof value,
+ isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
-// Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
-function createInputPseudo( type ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
- };
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( i ) {
+ jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
+ });
+ }
-// Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
-function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
- };
+ return this.each(function() {
+ if ( type === "string" ) {
+ // toggle individual class names
+ var className,
+ i = 0,
+ self = jQuery( this ),
+ state = stateVal,
+ classNames = value.match( core_rnotwhite ) || [];
-// Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
-function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
- return markFunction(function( argument ) {
- argument = +argument;
- return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
- var j,
- matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
- i = matchIndexes.length;
+ while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
+ // check each className given, space separated list
+ state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
+ self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
+ }
- // Match elements found at the specified indexes
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
- seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
+ // Toggle whole class name
+ } else if ( type === core_strundefined || type === "boolean" ) {
+ if ( this.className ) {
+ // store className if set
+ data_priv.set( this, "__className__", this.className );
+ // If the element has a class name or if we're passed "false",
+ // then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it).
+ // Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything),
+ // falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored.
+ this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : data_priv.get( this, "__className__" ) || "";
- });
+ },
- * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
- * @param {Array|Element} elem
- */
-getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
- var node,
- ret = "",
- i = 0,
- nodeType = elem.nodeType;
+ hasClass: function( selector ) {
+ var className = " " + selector + " ",
+ i = 0,
+ l = this.length;
+ for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- if ( nodeType ) {
- if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
- // Use textContent for elements
- // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153)
- if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
- return elem.textContent;
- } else {
- // Traverse its children
- for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
- ret += getText( elem );
+ return false;
+ },
+ val: function( value ) {
+ var hooks, ret, isFunction,
+ elem = this[0];
+ if ( !arguments.length ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ ret = elem.value;
+ return typeof ret === "string" ?
+ // handle most common string cases
+ ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
+ // handle cases where value is null/undef or number
+ ret == null ? "" : ret;
- } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
- return elem.nodeValue;
- }
- // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
- } else {
- // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
- for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
- // Do not traverse comment nodes
- ret += getText( node );
+ return;
- }
- return ret;
-isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
- // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
- // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
- var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
- return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+ isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
-// Element contains another
-contains = Sizzle.contains = docElem.contains ?
- function( a, b ) {
- var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
- bup = b && b.parentNode;
- return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && adown.contains && adown.contains(bup) );
- } :
- docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
- function( a, b ) {
- return b && !!( a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) & 16 );
- } :
- function( a, b ) {
- while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
- if ( b === a ) {
- return true;
+ return this.each(function( i ) {
+ var val;
+ if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( isFunction ) {
+ val = value.call( this, i, jQuery( this ).val() );
+ } else {
+ val = value;
+ }
+ // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
+ if ( val == null ) {
+ val = "";
+ } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
+ val += "";
+ } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
+ val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) {
+ return value == null ? "" : value + "";
+ });
- }
- return false;
- };
-Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
- var val,
- xml = isXML( elem );
+ hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
- if ( !xml ) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- }
- if ( (val = Expr.attrHandle[ name ]) ) {
- return val( elem );
- }
- if ( xml || assertAttributes ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( name );
+ // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
+ if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
+ this.value = val;
+ }
+ });
- val = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
- return val ?
- typeof elem[ name ] === "boolean" ?
- elem[ name ] ? name : null :
- val.specified ? val.value : null :
- null;
-Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ valHooks: {
+ option: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
+ // uses .value. See #6932
+ var val = elem.attributes.value;
+ return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ var value, option,
+ options = elem.options,
+ index = elem.selectedIndex,
+ one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
+ values = one ? null : [],
+ max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
+ i = index < 0 ?
+ max :
+ one ? index : 0;
- // Can be adjusted by the user
- cacheLength: 50,
+ // Loop through all the selected options
+ for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
+ option = options[ i ];
- createPseudo: markFunction,
+ // IE6-9 doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551)
+ if ( ( option.selected || i === index ) &&
+ // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
+ ( jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null ) &&
+ ( !option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" ) ) ) {
- match: matchExpr,
+ // Get the specific value for the option
+ value = jQuery( option ).val();
- // IE6/7 return a modified href
- attrHandle: assertHrefNotNormalized ?
- {} :
- {
- "href": function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
- },
- "type": function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute("type");
- }
- },
+ // We don't need an array for one selects
+ if ( one ) {
+ return value;
+ }
- find: {
- "ID": assertGetIdNotName ?
- function( id, context, xml ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !xml ) {
- var m = context.getElementById( id );
- // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
- // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
- return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+ // Multi-Selects return an array
+ values.push( value );
+ }
- } :
- function( id, context, xml ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !xml ) {
- var m = context.getElementById( id );
- return m ?
- m.id === id || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && m.getAttributeNode("id").value === id ?
- [m] :
- undefined :
- [];
- }
+ return values;
- "TAG": assertTagNameNoComments ?
- function( tag, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) {
- return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
- }
- } :
- function( tag, context ) {
- var results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
- // Filter out possible comments
- if ( tag === "*" ) {
- var elem,
- tmp = [],
- i = 0;
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ var optionSet, option,
+ options = elem.options,
+ values = jQuery.makeArray( value ),
+ i = options.length;
- for ( ; (elem = results[i]); i++ ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- tmp.push( elem );
- }
+ while ( i-- ) {
+ option = options[ i ];
+ if ( (option.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(option).val(), values ) >= 0) ) {
+ optionSet = true;
- return tmp;
- return results;
- },
- "NAME": assertUsableName && function( tag, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== strundefined ) {
- return context.getElementsByName( name );
- }
- },
- "CLASS": assertUsableClassName && function( className, context, xml ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && !xml ) {
- return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
+ // force browsers to behave consistently when non-matching value is set
+ if ( !optionSet ) {
+ elem.selectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ return values;
- relative: {
- ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
- " ": { dir: "parentNode" },
- "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
- "~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
- },
- preFilter: {
- "ATTR": function( match ) {
- match[1] = match[1].replace( rbackslash, "" );
- // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
- match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rbackslash, "" );
- if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
- match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
- }
+ attr: function( elem, name, value ) {
+ var hooks, ret,
+ nType = elem.nodeType;
- return match.slice( 0, 4 );
- },
+ // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
+ if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+ return;
+ }
- "CHILD": function( match ) {
- /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
- 1 type (only|nth|...)
- 2 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
- 3 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
- 4 sign of xn-component
- 5 x of xn-component
- 6 sign of y-component
- 7 y of y-component
- */
- match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
+ // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
+ if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === core_strundefined ) {
+ return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
+ }
- if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
- // nth-child requires argument
- if ( !match[2] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
+ // All attributes are lowercase
+ // Grab necessary hook if one is defined
+ if ( nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ) ) {
+ name = name.toLowerCase();
+ hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] ||
+ ( jQuery.expr.match.bool.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
+ }
- // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
- // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
- match[3] = +( match[3] ? match[4] + (match[5] || 1) : 2 * ( match[2] === "even" || match[2] === "odd" ) );
- match[4] = +( ( match[6] + match[7] ) || match[2] === "odd" );
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
- // other types prohibit arguments
- } else if ( match[2] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
+ if ( value === null ) {
+ jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
- return match;
- },
+ } else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
- "PSEUDO": function( match ) {
- var unquoted, excess;
- if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
- return null;
+ } else {
+ elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" );
+ return value;
- if ( match[3] ) {
- match[2] = match[3];
- } else if ( (unquoted = match[4]) ) {
- // Only check arguments that contain a pseudo
- if ( rpseudo.test(unquoted) &&
- // Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
- (excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
- // advance to the next closing parenthesis
- (excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
+ } else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
+ return ret;
- // excess is a negative index
- unquoted = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
- match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
- }
- match[2] = unquoted;
- }
+ } else {
+ ret = jQuery.find.attr( elem, name );
- // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
- return match.slice( 0, 3 );
+ // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
+ return ret == null ?
+ undefined :
+ ret;
- filter: {
- "ID": assertGetIdNotName ?
- function( id ) {
- id = id.replace( rbackslash, "" );
- return function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute("id") === id;
- };
- } :
- function( id ) {
- id = id.replace( rbackslash, "" );
- return function( elem ) {
- var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- return node && node.value === id;
- };
- },
- "TAG": function( nodeName ) {
- if ( nodeName === "*" ) {
- return function() { return true; };
- }
- nodeName = nodeName.replace( rbackslash, "" ).toLowerCase();
- return function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
- };
- },
- "CLASS": function( className ) {
- var pattern = classCache[ expando ][ className ];
- if ( !pattern ) {
- pattern = classCache( className, new RegExp("(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)") );
- }
- return function( elem ) {
- return pattern.test( elem.className || (typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class")) || "" );
- };
- },
+ removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
+ var name, propName,
+ i = 0,
+ attrNames = value && value.match( core_rnotwhite );
- "ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
- return function( elem, context ) {
- var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
+ if ( attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ while ( (name = attrNames[i++]) ) {
+ propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- if ( result == null ) {
- return operator === "!=";
- }
- if ( !operator ) {
- return true;
+ // Boolean attributes get special treatment (#10870)
+ if ( jQuery.expr.match.bool.test( name ) ) {
+ // Set corresponding property to false
+ elem[ propName ] = false;
- result += "";
- return operator === "=" ? result === check :
- operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
- operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
- operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
- operator === "$=" ? check && result.substr( result.length - check.length ) === check :
- operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
- operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.substr( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
- false;
- };
- },
- "CHILD": function( type, argument, first, last ) {
- if ( type === "nth" ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var node, diff,
- parent = elem.parentNode;
- if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
+ elem.removeAttribute( name );
+ }
+ }
+ },
- if ( parent ) {
- diff = 0;
- for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- diff++;
- if ( elem === node ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ attrHooks: {
+ type: {
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
+ // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
+ // Reset value to default in case type is set after value during creation
+ var val = elem.value;
+ elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
+ if ( val ) {
+ elem.value = val;
- // Incorporate the offset (or cast to NaN), then check against cycle size
- diff -= last;
- return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
- };
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ },
- return function( elem ) {
- var node = elem;
- switch ( type ) {
- case "only":
- case "first":
- while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
+ propFix: {
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ "class": "className"
+ },
- if ( type === "first" ) {
- return true;
- }
+ prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
+ var ret, hooks, notxml,
+ nType = elem.nodeType;
- node = elem;
+ // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
+ if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+ return;
+ }
- /* falls through */
- case "last":
- while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
+ notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
- return true;
- }
- };
- },
+ if ( notxml ) {
+ // Fix name and attach hooks
+ name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+ hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
+ }
- "PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
- // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
- // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
- // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
- var args,
- fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
- Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ return hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ?
+ ret :
+ ( elem[ name ] = value );
- // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
- // arguments are needed to create the filter function
- // just as Sizzle does
- if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
- return fn( argument );
- }
+ } else {
+ return hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ?
+ ret :
+ elem[ name ];
+ }
+ },
- // But maintain support for old signatures
- if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
- args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
- return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
- markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
- var idx,
- matched = fn( seed, argument ),
- i = matched.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] );
- seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
- }
- }) :
- function( elem ) {
- return fn( elem, 0, args );
- };
+ propHooks: {
+ tabIndex: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.hasAttribute( "tabindex" ) || rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.href ?
+ elem.tabIndex :
+ -1;
+ }
+ }
- return fn;
+// Hooks for boolean attributes
+boolHook = {
+ set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+ if ( value === false ) {
+ // Remove boolean attributes when set to false
+ jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+ } else {
+ elem.setAttribute( name, name );
- },
+ return name;
+ }
+jQuery.each( jQuery.expr.match.bool.source.match( /\w+/g ), function( i, name ) {
+ var getter = jQuery.expr.attrHandle[ name ] || jQuery.find.attr;
- pseudos: {
- "not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
- // Trim the selector passed to compile
- // to avoid treating leading and trailing
- // spaces as combinators
- var input = [],
- results = [],
- matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
+ jQuery.expr.attrHandle[ name ] = function( elem, name, isXML ) {
+ var fn = jQuery.expr.attrHandle[ name ],
+ ret = isXML ?
+ undefined :
+ /* jshint eqeqeq: false */
+ // Temporarily disable this handler to check existence
+ (jQuery.expr.attrHandle[ name ] = undefined) !=
+ getter( elem, name, isXML ) ?
- return matcher[ expando ] ?
- markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
- var elem,
- unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
- i = seed.length;
+ name.toLowerCase() :
+ null;
- // Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
- seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
- }
- }
- }) :
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- input[0] = elem;
- matcher( input, null, xml, results );
- return !results.pop();
- };
- }),
+ // Restore handler
+ jQuery.expr.attrHandle[ name ] = fn;
- "has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
- };
- }),
+ return ret;
+ };
- "contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
- };
- }),
+// Support: IE9+
+// Selectedness for an option in an optgroup can be inaccurate
+if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
+ jQuery.propHooks.selected = {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent && parent.parentNode ) {
+ parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
- "enabled": function( elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === false;
- },
+ "tabIndex",
+ "readOnly",
+ "maxLength",
+ "cellSpacing",
+ "cellPadding",
+ "rowSpan",
+ "colSpan",
+ "useMap",
+ "frameBorder",
+ "contentEditable"
+], function() {
+ jQuery.propFix[ this.toLowerCase() ] = this;
- "disabled": function( elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === true;
- },
+// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
+jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
+ jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
+ return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
+ jQuery.valHooks[ this ].get = function( elem ) {
+ // Support: Webkit
+ // "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
+ return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
+ };
+ }
+var rkeyEvent = /^key/,
+ rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
+ rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
+ rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
- "checked": function( elem ) {
- // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
- var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
- },
+function returnTrue() {
+ return true;
- "selected": function( elem ) {
- // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
- // options in Safari work properly
- if ( elem.parentNode ) {
- elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- }
+function returnFalse() {
+ return false;
- return elem.selected === true;
- },
+function safeActiveElement() {
+ try {
+ return document.activeElement;
+ } catch ( err ) { }
- "parent": function( elem ) {
- return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
- },
+ * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
+ * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
- "empty": function( elem ) {
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
- // :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)),
- // not comment, processing instructions, or others
- // Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut
- // Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?")
- var nodeType;
- elem = elem.firstChild;
- while ( elem ) {
- if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || (nodeType = elem.nodeType) === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
- return false;
- }
- elem = elem.nextSibling;
- }
- return true;
- },
+ global: {},
- "header": function( elem ) {
- return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
- },
+ add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
- "text": function( elem ) {
- var type, attr;
- // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
- // use getAttribute instead to test this case
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
- (type = elem.type) === "text" &&
- ( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === type );
- },
+ var handleObjIn, eventHandle, tmp,
+ events, t, handleObj,
+ special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
+ elemData = data_priv.get( elem );
- // Input types
- "radio": createInputPseudo("radio"),
- "checkbox": createInputPseudo("checkbox"),
- "file": createInputPseudo("file"),
- "password": createInputPseudo("password"),
- "image": createInputPseudo("image"),
+ // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects)
+ if ( !elemData ) {
+ return;
+ }
- "submit": createButtonPseudo("submit"),
- "reset": createButtonPseudo("reset"),
+ // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
+ if ( handler.handler ) {
+ handleObjIn = handler;
+ handler = handleObjIn.handler;
+ selector = handleObjIn.selector;
+ }
- "button": function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
- },
+ // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
+ if ( !handler.guid ) {
+ handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
+ }
- "input": function( elem ) {
- return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
- },
+ // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
+ if ( !(events = elemData.events) ) {
+ events = elemData.events = {};
+ }
+ if ( !(eventHandle = elemData.handle) ) {
+ eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) {
+ // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
+ // when an event is called after a page has unloaded
+ return typeof jQuery !== core_strundefined && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
+ jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
+ undefined;
+ };
+ // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
+ eventHandle.elem = elem;
+ }
- "focus": function( elem ) {
- var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
- return elem === doc.activeElement && (!doc.hasFocus || doc.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href);
- },
+ // Handle multiple events separated by a space
+ types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""];
+ t = types.length;
+ while ( t-- ) {
+ tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+ type = origType = tmp[1];
+ namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
+ // There *must* be a type, no attaching namespace-only handlers
+ if ( !type ) {
+ continue;
+ }
- "active": function( elem ) {
- return elem === elem.ownerDocument.activeElement;
- },
+ // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // Positional types
- "first": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- return [ 0 ];
- }),
+ // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
+ type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- "last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- return [ length - 1 ];
- }),
+ // Update special based on newly reset type
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
- }),
+ // handleObj is passed to all event handlers
+ handleObj = jQuery.extend({
+ type: type,
+ origType: origType,
+ data: data,
+ handler: handler,
+ guid: handler.guid,
+ selector: selector,
+ needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ),
+ namespace: namespaces.join(".")
+ }, handleObjIn );
- "even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < length; i += 2 ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
+ // Init the event handler queue if we're the first
+ if ( !(handlers = events[ type ]) ) {
+ handlers = events[ type ] = [];
+ handlers.delegateCount = 0;
+ // Only use addEventListener if the special events handler returns false
+ if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
+ if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
+ elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+ }
+ }
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- for ( var i = 1; i < length; i += 2 ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
+ if ( special.add ) {
+ special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
+ if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
+ handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
+ }
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- for ( var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; --i >= 0; ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
+ // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
+ if ( selector ) {
+ handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
+ } else {
+ handlers.push( handleObj );
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- for ( var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; ++i < length; ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
+ // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
+ jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
+ }
+ // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
+ elem = null;
+ },
+ // Detach an event or set of events from an element
+ remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
+ var j, origCount, tmp,
+ events, t, handleObj,
+ special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
+ elemData = data_priv.hasData( elem ) && data_priv.get( elem );
+ if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
+ types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""];
+ t = types.length;
+ while ( t-- ) {
+ tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+ type = origType = tmp[1];
+ namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
+ // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
+ if ( !type ) {
+ for ( type in events ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
+ }
+ continue;
- return matchIndexes;
- })
- }
-function siblingCheck( a, b, ret ) {
- if ( a === b ) {
- return ret;
- }
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
+ handlers = events[ type ] || [];
+ tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" );
+ // Remove matching events
+ origCount = j = handlers.length;
+ while ( j-- ) {
+ handleObj = handlers[ j ];
- var cur = a.nextSibling;
+ if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
+ ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
+ ( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
+ ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
+ handlers.splice( j, 1 );
- while ( cur ) {
- if ( cur === b ) {
- return -1;
- }
+ if ( handleObj.selector ) {
+ handlers.delegateCount--;
+ }
+ if ( special.remove ) {
+ special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+ }
+ }
+ }
- cur = cur.nextSibling;
- }
+ // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
+ // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
+ if ( origCount && !handlers.length ) {
+ if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) {
+ jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
+ }
- return 1;
+ delete events[ type ];
+ }
+ }
-sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ?
- function( a, b ) {
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
+ // Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
+ delete elemData.handle;
+ data_priv.remove( elem, "events" );
+ },
- return ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ?
- a.compareDocumentPosition :
- a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4
- ) ? -1 : 1;
- } :
- function( a, b ) {
- // The nodes are identical, we can exit early
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
+ trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
- // Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes
- } else if ( a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex ) {
- return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- }
+ var i, cur, tmp, bubbleType, ontype, handle, special,
+ eventPath = [ elem || document ],
+ type = core_hasOwn.call( event, "type" ) ? event.type : event,
+ namespaces = core_hasOwn.call( event, "namespace" ) ? event.namespace.split(".") : [];
- var al, bl,
- ap = [],
- bp = [],
- aup = a.parentNode,
- bup = b.parentNode,
- cur = aup;
+ cur = tmp = elem = elem || document;
- // If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
- if ( aup === bup ) {
- return siblingCheck( a, b );
+ // Don't do events on text and comment nodes
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+ return;
+ }
- // If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
- } else if ( !aup ) {
- return -1;
+ // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
+ if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
- } else if ( !bup ) {
- return 1;
+ if ( type.indexOf(".") >= 0 ) {
+ // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
+ namespaces = type.split(".");
+ type = namespaces.shift();
+ namespaces.sort();
+ ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type;
- // Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
- // to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
- while ( cur ) {
- ap.unshift( cur );
- cur = cur.parentNode;
+ // Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string
+ event = event[ jQuery.expando ] ?
+ event :
+ new jQuery.Event( type, typeof event === "object" && event );
+ // Trigger bitmask: & 1 for native handlers; & 2 for jQuery (always true)
+ event.isTrigger = onlyHandlers ? 2 : 3;
+ event.namespace = namespaces.join(".");
+ event.namespace_re = event.namespace ?
+ new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ) :
+ null;
+ // Clean up the event in case it is being reused
+ event.result = undefined;
+ if ( !event.target ) {
+ event.target = elem;
- cur = bup;
+ // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
+ data = data == null ?
+ [ event ] :
+ jQuery.makeArray( data, [ event ] );
- while ( cur ) {
- bp.unshift( cur );
- cur = cur.parentNode;
+ // Allow special events to draw outside the lines
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ if ( !onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
+ return;
- al = ap.length;
- bl = bp.length;
+ // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
+ // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
+ if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- // Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
- for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
- if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
- return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
+ bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
+ if ( !rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ) {
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
+ eventPath.push( cur );
+ tmp = cur;
- }
- // We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
- return i === al ?
- siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
- siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
- };
+ // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
+ if ( tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) {
+ eventPath.push( tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window );
+ }
+ }
-// Always assume the presence of duplicates if sort doesn't
-// pass them to our comparison function (as in Google Chrome).
-[0, 0].sort( sortOrder );
-baseHasDuplicate = !hasDuplicate;
+ // Fire handlers on the event path
+ i = 0;
+ while ( (cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
-// Document sorting and removing duplicates
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
- var elem,
- i = 1;
+ event.type = i > 1 ?
+ bubbleType :
+ special.bindType || type;
- hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
- results.sort( sortOrder );
+ // jQuery handler
+ handle = ( data_priv.get( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && data_priv.get( cur, "handle" );
+ if ( handle ) {
+ handle.apply( cur, data );
+ }
- if ( hasDuplicate ) {
- for ( ; (elem = results[i]); i++ ) {
- if ( elem === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
- results.splice( i--, 1 );
+ // Native handler
+ handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
+ if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
- }
+ event.type = type;
- return results;
+ // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
+ if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
-Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
- throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+ if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( eventPath.pop(), data ) === false) &&
+ jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
-function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) {
- var matched, match, tokens, type, soFar, groups, preFilters,
- cached = tokenCache[ expando ][ selector ];
+ // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
+ // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
+ if ( ontype && jQuery.isFunction( elem[ type ] ) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- if ( cached ) {
- return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
- }
+ // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
+ tmp = elem[ ontype ];
- soFar = selector;
- groups = [];
- preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
+ if ( tmp ) {
+ elem[ ontype ] = null;
+ }
- while ( soFar ) {
+ // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
+ jQuery.event.triggered = type;
+ elem[ type ]();
+ jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
- // Comma and first run
- if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
- if ( match ) {
- soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length );
+ if ( tmp ) {
+ elem[ ontype ] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
- groups.push( tokens = [] );
- matched = false;
+ return event.result;
+ },
- // Combinators
- if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
- tokens.push( matched = new Token( match.shift() ) );
- soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
+ dispatch: function( event ) {
- // Cast descendant combinators to space
- matched.type = match[0].replace( rtrim, " " );
- }
+ // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
+ event = jQuery.event.fix( event );
- // Filters
- for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
- if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
- // The last two arguments here are (context, xml) for backCompat
- (match = preFilters[ type ]( match, document, true ))) ) {
+ var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj,
+ handlerQueue = [],
+ args = core_slice.call( arguments ),
+ handlers = ( data_priv.get( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || [],
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {};
- tokens.push( matched = new Token( match.shift() ) );
- soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
- matched.type = type;
- matched.matches = match;
- }
- }
+ // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
+ args[0] = event;
+ event.delegateTarget = this;
- if ( !matched ) {
- break;
+ // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
+ if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
+ return;
- }
- // Return the length of the invalid excess
- // if we're just parsing
- // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
- return parseOnly ?
- soFar.length :
- soFar ?
- Sizzle.error( selector ) :
- // Cache the tokens
- tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
+ // Determine handlers
+ handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call( this, event, handlers );
-function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
- var dir = combinator.dir,
- checkNonElements = base && combinator.dir === "parentNode",
- doneName = done++;
+ // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
+ i = 0;
+ while ( (matched = handlerQueue[ i++ ]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
+ event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
- return combinator.first ?
- // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( checkNonElements || elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return matcher( elem, context, xml );
- }
- }
- } :
+ j = 0;
+ while ( (handleObj = matched.handlers[ j++ ]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
- // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching
- if ( !xml ) {
- var cache,
- dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName + " ",
- cachedkey = dirkey + cachedruns;
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( checkNonElements || elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( (cache = elem[ expando ]) === cachedkey ) {
- return elem.sizset;
- } else if ( typeof cache === "string" && cache.indexOf(dirkey) === 0 ) {
- if ( elem.sizset ) {
- return elem;
- }
- } else {
- elem[ expando ] = cachedkey;
- if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- elem.sizset = true;
- return elem;
- }
- elem.sizset = false;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( checkNonElements || elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- return elem;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
+ // Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or
+ // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
+ if ( !event.namespace_re || event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
-function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
- return matchers.length > 1 ?
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- var i = matchers.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } :
- matchers[0];
+ event.handleObj = handleObj;
+ event.data = handleObj.data;
-function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
- var elem,
- newUnmatched = [],
- i = 0,
- len = unmatched.length,
- mapped = map != null;
+ ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
+ .apply( matched.elem, args );
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
- if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- newUnmatched.push( elem );
- if ( mapped ) {
- map.push( i );
+ if ( ret !== undefined ) {
+ if ( (event.result = ret) === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
- }
- return newUnmatched;
-function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
- if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
- postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
- }
- if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
- postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
- }
- return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
- // Positional selectors apply to seed elements, so it is invalid to follow them with relative ones
- if ( seed && postFinder ) {
- return;
+ // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
+ if ( special.postDispatch ) {
+ special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
- var i, elem, postFilterIn,
- preMap = [],
- postMap = [],
- preexisting = results.length,
- // Get initial elements from seed or context
- elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [], seed ),
- // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
- matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
- condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
- elems,
+ return event.result;
+ },
- matcherOut = matcher ?
- // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
- postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
+ handlers: function( event, handlers ) {
+ var i, matches, sel, handleObj,
+ handlerQueue = [],
+ delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
+ cur = event.target;
- // ...intermediate processing is necessary
- [] :
+ // Find delegate handlers
+ // Black-hole SVG