Copyright (C) 2015 Taylor University, CG Cookie

Created by Dr. Jon Denning and Spring 2015 COS 424 class

Some code copied from CG Cookie Retopoflow project

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import bpy
import bgl

from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Euler
import math
import time

from bpy.types import Operator
from bpy.types import SpaceView3D

from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import location_3d_to_region_2d, region_2d_to_vector_3d
from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import region_2d_to_location_3d, region_2d_to_origin_3d

from .common.debug import debugger
from .common.utils import registered_object_add, registered_check

#from .lib.common_classes import TextBox
#from . import key_maps

class ModalOperator(Operator):

    def initialize(self, FSM=None):
        # make sure that the appropriate functions are defined!
        # note: not checking signature, though :(
        dfns = {
            'start_poll':       'start_poll(self,context)',
            'start':            'start(self,context)',
            'end':              'end(self,context)',
            'end_commit':       'end_commit(self,context)',
            'end_cancel':       'end_cancel(self,context)',
            'update':           'update(self,context)',
            'draw_postview':    'draw_postview(self,context)',
            'draw_postpixel':   'draw_postpixel(self,context)',
            'modal_wait':       'modal_wait(self,context,eventd)',
        lbad = [fnname for fnname in dfns.keys() if not hasattr(self, fnname)]
        if lbad:
            print('Critical Error! Missing definitions for the following functions:')
            for fnname in lbad: print('  %s' % dfns[fnname])
            assert False, 'Modal operator missing definitions: %s' % ','.join(dfns[fnname] for fnname in lbad)

        self.FSM = {} if not FSM else dict(FSM)
        self.FSM['main'] = self.modal_main
        self.FSM['nav']  = self.modal_nav
        self.FSM['wait'] = self.modal_wait


        self.initialized = True

    def get_event_details(self, context, event):
        Construct an event dictionary that is *slightly* more
        convenient than stringing together a bunch of logical

        event_ctrl  = 'CTRL+'  if event.ctrl  else ''
        event_shift = 'SHIFT+' if event.shift else ''
        event_alt   = 'ALT+'   if event.alt   else ''
        event_oskey = 'OSKEY+' if event.oskey else ''
        event_ftype = event_ctrl + event_shift + event_alt + event_oskey + event.type

        event_pressure = 1 if not hasattr(event, 'pressure') else event.pressure

        return {
            'context': context,
            'region':  context.region,
            'r3d':     context.space_data.region_3d,

            'ctrl':    event.ctrl,
            'shift':   event.shift,
            'alt':     event.alt,
            'value':   event.value,
            'type':    event.type,
            'ftype':   event_ftype,
            'press':   event_ftype if event.value=='PRESS'   else None,
            'release': event_ftype if event.value=='RELEASE' else None,

            'mouse':   (float(event.mouse_region_x), float(event.mouse_region_y)),
            'pressure': event_pressure,

    def handle_exception(self, serious=False):
        errormsg, errorhash = debugger.get_exception_info_and_hash()
        # if max number of exceptions occur within threshold of time, abort!
        curtime = time.time()
        self.exceptions_caught += [(errormsg, curtime)]
        # keep exceptions that have occurred within the last 5 seconds
        self.exceptions_caught = [(m,t) for m,t in self.exceptions_caught if curtime-t < 5]
        # if we've seen the same message before (within last 5 seconds), assume
        # that something has gone badly wrong
        c = sum(1 for m,t in self.exceptions_caught if m == errormsg)
        if serious or c > 1:
            print('Something went wrong. Please start an error report with CG Cookie so we can fix it!')
            #show_error_message('Something went wrong. Please start an error report with CG Cookie so we can fix it!', wrap=240)
            self.exception_quit = True
        self.fsm_mode = 'main'
    # Draw handler function

    def draw_callback_postview(self, context):
        if not registered_check(): return
        bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS)    # save OpenGL attributes
        try: self.draw_postview(context)
        except: self.handle_exception()
        bgl.glPopAttrib()                           # restore OpenGL attributes

    def draw_callback_postpixel(self, context):
        if not registered_check(): return
        bgl.glPushAttrib(bgl.GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS)    # save OpenGL attributes
        try: self.draw_postpixel(context)
        except: self.handle_exception()
        bgl.glPopAttrib()                           # restore OpenGL attributes

    # FSM modal functions

    def modal_nav(self, context, eventd):
        Determine/handle navigation events.
        FSM passes control through to underlying panel if we're in 'nav' state
        handle_nav = False
        handle_nav |= eventd['ftype'] in self.events_nav

        if handle_nav:
            self.post_update   = True
            self.is_navigating = True
            return 'main' if eventd['value']=='RELEASE' else 'nav'

        self.is_navigating = False
        return ''

    def modal_main(self, context, eventd):
        Main state of FSM.
        This state checks if navigation is occurring.
        This state calls auxiliary wait state to see into which state we transition.

        # handle general navigationvrot = context.space_data.region_3d.view_rotation
        nmode = self.FSM['nav'](context, eventd)
        if nmode: return nmode

        # accept / cancel
        if eventd['press'] in {'RET', 'NUMPAD_ENTER'}:
            # commit the operator
            # (e.g., create the mesh from internal data structure)
            return 'finish'
        if eventd['press'] in {'ESC'}:
            # cancel the operator
            return 'cancel'

        # handle general waiting
            nmode = self.FSM['wait'](context, eventd)
            if nmode: return nmode
            return ''

        return ''

    def modal_start(self, context):
        get everything ready to be run as modal tool
        self.fsm_mode      = 'main'
        self.mode_pos      = (0, 0)
        self.cur_pos       = (0, 0)
        self.is_navigating = False
        self.cb_pv_handle  = SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self.draw_callback_postview, (context, ), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW')
        self.cb_pp_handle  = SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self.draw_callback_postpixel, (context, ), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')

        self.footer = ''
        self.footer_last = ''
        try: self.start(context)
        except: self.handle_exception()

    def modal_end(self, context):
        finish up stuff, as our tool is leaving modal mode
        try: self.end(context)
        except: self.handle_exception()
        SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self.cb_pv_handle, "WINDOW")
        SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self.cb_pp_handle, "WINDOW")

    def modal(self, context, event):
        Called by Blender while our tool is running modal.
        This is the heart of the finite state machine.
        # if something bad happened, bail!
        if not registered_check() or self.exception_quit:
            print('Something bad happened, so we are bailing!')
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        if not context.area: return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

        context.area.tag_redraw()       # force redraw

        eventd = self.get_event_details(context, event)

            self.cur_pos  = eventd['mouse']
            nmode = self.FSM[self.fsm_mode](context, eventd)
            self.mode_pos = eventd['mouse']
            return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

        if nmode == 'wait': nmode = 'main'

        self.is_navigating = (nmode == 'nav')
        if nmode == 'nav':
            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}     # pass events (mouse,keyboard,etc.) on to region

        if nmode in {'finish','cancel'}:
            if nmode == 'finish':
            return {'FINISHED'} if nmode == 'finish' else {'CANCELLED'}

        if nmode: self.fsm_mode = nmode

        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}    # tell Blender to continue running our tool in modal

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        called by Blender when the user invokes (calls/runs) our tool
        assert getattr(self, 'initialized', False), 'Must initialize operator before invoking'
        if not registered_check(): return {'CANCELLED'}
        #print('clearing exceptions')
        self.exceptions_caught = []
        self.exception_quit = False
            if not self.start_poll(context):    # can the tool get started?
                return {'CANCELLED'}
            return {'CANCELLED'}
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}    # tell Blender to continue running our tool in modal