This is an actively maintained fork of go module, initally intended for internal use only and later made public.
Golang package for m3u8 (ported m3u8 gem
provides easy generation and parsing of m3u8 playlists defined in the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Internet Draft published by Apple.
- The library completely implements version 20 of the HLS Internet Draft.
- Provides parsing of an m3u8 playlist into an object model from any File, io.Reader or string.
- Provides ability to write playlist to a string via String()
- Distinction between a master and media playlist is handled automatically (single Playlist class).
- Optionally, the library can automatically generate the audio/video codecs string used in the CODEC attribute based on specified H.264, AAC, or MP3 options (such as Profile/Level).
go get
Create a master playlist and child playlists for adaptive bitrate streaming:
import (
playlist := m3u8.NewPlaylist()
Create a new playlist item:
item := &m3u8.PlaylistItem{
Width: pointer.ToInt(1920),
Height: pointer.ToInt(1080),
Profile: pointer.ToString("high"),
Level: pointer.ToString("4.1"),
AudioCodec: pointer.ToString("aac-lc"),
Bandwidth: 540,
URI: "test.url",
Add alternate audio, camera angles, closed captions and subtitles by creating MediaItem instances and adding them to the Playlist:
item := &m3u8.MediaItem{
Type: "AUDIO",
GroupID: "audio-lo",
Name: "Francais",
Language: pointer.ToString("fre"),
AssocLanguage: pointer.ToString("spoken"),
AutoSelect: pointer.ToBool(true),
Default: pointer.ToBool(false),
Forced: pointer.ToBool(true),
URI: pointer.ToString("frelo/prog_index.m3u8"),
Create a standard playlist and add MPEG-TS segments via SegmentItem. You can also specify options for this type of playlist, however these options are ignored if playlist becomes a master playlist (anything but segments added):
playlist := &m3u8.Playlist{
Target: 12,
Sequence: 1,
Version: pointer.ToInt(1),
Cache: pointer.ToBool(false),
Items: []m3u8.Item{
Duration: 11,
Segment: "test.ts",
You can also access the playlist as a string:
var str string
str = playlist.String()
Alternatively you can set codecs rather than having it generated automatically:
item := &m3u8.PlaylistItem{
Width: pointer.ToInt(1920),
Height: pointer.ToInt(1080),
Codecs: pointer.ToString("avc1.66.30,mp4a.40.2"),
Bandwidth: 540,
URI: "test.url",
Parse from file
playlist, err := m3u8.ReadFile("path/to/file")
Read from string
playlist, err := m3u8.ReadString(string)
Read from generic io.Reader
playlist, err := m3u8.Read(reader)
Access items in playlist:
gore> playlist.Items[0]
gore> playlist.Items[1]
- Values for audio_codec (codec name): aac-lc, he-aac, mp3
- Values for profile (H.264 Profile): baseline, main, high.
- Values for level (H.264 Level): 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1.
Not all Levels and Profiles can be combined and validation is not currently implemented, consult H.264 documentation for further details.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Run tests
go test ./test/...
, make sure they all pass and new features are covered - Commit your changes
git commit -am "Add new features"
- Push to the branch
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a new Pull Request
MIT License - See LICENSE for details