diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1f245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# to use orbs, must use version >= 2.1
+version: 2.1
+ # import Cypress orb by specifying an exact version x.y.z
+ # or the latest version 1.x.x using "@1" syntax
+ cypress: cypress-io/cypress@1
+ build:
+ jobs:
+ # "cypress" is the name of the imported orb
+ # "run" is the name of the job defined in Cypress orb
+ - cypress/run:
+ name: Run_QUICK_tests
+ context:
+ - paylike
+ spec: cypress/integration/quick_test.js
+ filters:
+ branches:
+ only:
+ - cypress_tests
+ - cypress/run:
+ name: Run_FULL_tests
+ requires:
+ - Run_QUICK_tests
+ context:
+ - paylike
+ spec: cypress/integration/full_test.js
+ filters:
+ branches:
+ only:
+ - cypress_tests
+ # the following must run after all test passed
+ # to show latest supported version in repository readme.md file
+ - cypress/run:
+ name: Run_LOG_VERSION_remotely
+ requires:
+ - Run_FULL_tests
+ context:
+ - paylike
+ spec: cypress/integration/log_version.js
+ filters:
+ branches:
+ only:
+ - cypress_tests
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1f1025f..74d2e94 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9315eb8..3b98806 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ You can also find information about the plugin here: https://paylike.io/plugins/
## Supported Prestashop versions
-* The plugin has been tested with most versions of Prestashop at every iteration. We recommend using the latest version of Prestashop, but if that is not possible for some reason, test the plugin with your Prestashop version and it would probably function properly.
-* Prestashop version last tested on: **
+[![Last succesfull test](https://log.derikon.ro/api/v1/log/read?tag=prestashop16&view=svg&label=PrestaShop&key=ecommerce&background=A31208)](https://log.derikon.ro/api/v1/log/read?tag=prestashop16&view=html)
+* The plugin has been tested with most versions of Prestashop at every iteration. We recommend using the latest version of Prestashop, but if that is not possible for some reason, test the plugin with your Prestashop version and it would probably function properly.
## Installation
@@ -23,9 +24,9 @@ Once you have installed Prestashop, follow these simple steps:
1. Signup at [paylike.io](https://paylike.io) (it’s free)
1. Create a live account
1. Create an app key for your CS-Cart website
-1. Zip the paylikepayment folder.
+1. Zip the paylikepayment folder (or use the zip provided).
2. Log in as administrator and upload the zip you just created under modules/add a new module (plus icon in the top right corner).
-3. You will be redirected to a list that contains the Paylike plugin. Click the green button that says install, and then in the confirmation popup, click proceed with the installation.
+3. You will be redirected to a list that contains the Paylike plugin. Click the green button that says install, and then in the confirmation popup, click proceed with the installation.
4. You will be redirected to the settings screen where you need to add the Public and App key that you can find in your Paylike account.
## Updating settings
@@ -34,10 +35,42 @@ Under the extension settings, you can:
* Update the payment method text in the payment gateways list
* Update the payment method description in the payment gateways list
* Update the credit card logos that you want to show (you can change which one you accept under the paylike account).
- * Update the title that shows up in the payment popup
+ * Update the title that shows up in the payment popup
* Update the popup description, choose whether you want to show the popup (the cart contents will show up instead)
* Add test/live keys
* Set payment mode (test/live)
* Change the capture type (Instant/Manual via Paylike Tool)
+## Limitations
+ * In order to use the Paylike module you'll need to set "Number of decimals" option to match the paylike supported decimals. Since this is a global setting that affects all currencies you cannot use at the same time currencies with different decimals.
+ Change this option from: Admin -> Preferences -> General
+ * Paylike doesn't provide support for customizable decimals display. In order to display the correct values durring the payment process you'll need to set "Decimals" option to value "True" for the "Edit" panel of the currencies used in your store.
+ Change this option from: Admin -> Localization -> Currencies
+## How to capture / manage transactions
+* Managing orders payment is possible by accessing Admin panel -> Orders section.
+ 1. Click on order and find "PROCESS PAYLIKE PAYMENT" section.
+ 2. Select proper action from dropdown field.
+ 3. Click on `Process Action`. Done!
+1. Capture
+ * In Instant mode, the orders are captured automatically
+ * In Delayed mode you can do this in "PROCESS PAYLIKE PAYMENT" section by selecting `Capture` from dropdown field.
+2. Refund
+ * To Refund an order you can do this in "PROCESS PAYLIKE PAYMENT" section by selecting `Refund` from dropdown field.
+3. Void
+ * To Void an order you can do this in "PROCESS PAYLIKE PAYMENT" section by selecting `Void` from dropdown field. The order must be captured prior to void action.
+## Available features
+1. Capture
+ * Opencart admin panel: full capture
+ * Paylike admin panel: full/partial capture
+2. Refund
+ * Opencart admin panel: full/partial refund
+ * Paylike admin panel: full/partial refund
+3. Void
+ * Opencart admin panel: full void
+ * Paylike admin panel: full/partial void
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diff --git a/Testing.md b/Testing.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#Testing with Cypress
+As you can see the plugin is bundled with Cypress testing on this repository. You can use the tests, if you have some experience with testing.
+## Requirements
+* A framework/shop installation is required, in which you need to have the sample theme installed and products displayed on the homepage.
+* You need to have Paylike module installed and configured (**test keys** required)
+* You need to have some other currencies configured in store, then set them in `cypress.env.json` file (these will be used to make payments with every currency specified)
+* You also need to have an account with previous purchases for which you set the credentials in the `cypress.env.json` file
+* *For testing purpose, product stock management and sending order emails need to be disabled (if applicable).*
+## Getting started
+1. Run following commands into plugin folder (as in this repo)
+ ```bash
+ npm install cypress --save-dev
+ ```
+2. Copy and rename `cypress.env.json.example` file in the root folder and fill the data as explained bellow:
+ "ENV_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED": false, // 'true' if you have HTTP auth when accessing website
+ "ENV_HTTP_USER": "", // if you have HTTP auth when accessing website
+ "ENV_HTTP_PASS": "",
+ "ENV_ADMIN_URL": "", // like http(s)://baseUrl/administrator
+ "ENV_CLIENT_USER": "", // frontend user
+ "ENV_ADMIN_USER": "", // admin user
+ "REMOTE_LOG_URL": "", // if you want to send log information about framework/shop & paylike module versions
+ "ENV_CURRENCIES_TO_TEST": ["USD", "EUR"], // currencies used to make payments with in Full test
+ "ENV_CARD_NUMBER": 4100000000000000,
+ "ENV_CARD_EXPIRY": 1226,
+ "ENV_CARD_CVV": 654
+3. Start the Cypress testing server.
+ ```bash
+ npx cypress open
+ ```
+4. In the interface, we can choose which test to run
+## Getting Problems?
+Since this is a frontend test, its not always consistent, due to delays or some glitches regarding overlapping elements. If you can't get over an issue please open an issue and we'll take a look.
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diff --git a/cypress.env.json.example b/cypress.env.json.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91c87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress.env.json.example
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "ENV_HTTP_USER": "",
+ "ENV_HTTP_PASS": "",
+ "ENV_ADMIN_URL": "",
+ "ENV_CARD_NUMBER": 4100000000000000,
+ "ENV_CARD_EXPIRY": 1226,
+ "ENV_CARD_CVV": 654
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diff --git a/cypress.json b/cypress.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e26dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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diff --git a/cypress/fixtures/example.json b/cypress/fixtures/example.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e4254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/fixtures/example.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "name": "Using fixtures to represent data",
+ "email": "hello@cypress.io",
+ "body": "Fixtures are a great way to mock data for responses to routes"
diff --git a/cypress/integration/full_test.js b/cypress/integration/full_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d34b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/integration/full_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+'use strict';
+import { TestMethods } from '../support/test_methods.js';
+describe('paylike plugin full test', () => {
+ /**
+ * Login into admin and frontend to store cookies.
+ */
+ before(() => {
+ TestMethods.loginIntoClientAccount();
+ TestMethods.loginIntoAdminBackend();
+ });
+ /**
+ * Run this on every test case bellow
+ * - preserve cookies between tests
+ */
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Cypress.Cookies.defaults({
+ preserve: (cookie) => {
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ let captureModes = ['Instant', 'Delayed'];
+ let currenciesToTest = Cypress.env('ENV_CURRENCIES_TO_TEST');
+ context(`make payments in "${captureModes[0]}" mode`, () => {
+ /** Modify Paylike settings. */
+ it(`change Paylike capture mode to "${captureModes[0]}"`, () => {
+ TestMethods.changePaylikeCaptureMode(captureModes[0]);
+ });
+ /** Make Instant payments */
+ for (var currency of currenciesToTest) {
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'refund');
+ }
+ });
+ context(`make payments in "${captureModes[1]}" mode`, () => {
+ /** Modify Paylike settings. */
+ it(`change Paylike capture mode to "${captureModes[1]}"`, () => {
+ TestMethods.changePaylikeCaptureMode(captureModes[1]);
+ });
+ for (var currency of currenciesToTest) {
+ /**
+ * HARDCODED currency
+ */
+ if ('USD' == currency || 'RON' == currency) {
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'capture');
+ /** In "delayed" mode we check "void" action too. */
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'void');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+}); // describe
diff --git a/cypress/integration/log_version.js b/cypress/integration/log_version.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f5326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/integration/log_version.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+'use strict';
+import { TestMethods } from '../support/test_methods.js';
+describe('paylike plugin version log remotely', () => {
+ /**
+ * Go to backend site admin
+ */
+ before(() => {
+ TestMethods.loginIntoAdminBackend();
+ });
+ /** Send log after full test finished. */
+ it('log shop & paylike versions remotely', () => {
+ TestMethods.logVersions();
+ });
+}); // describe
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/integration/quick_test.js b/cypress/integration/quick_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cadf428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/integration/quick_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+'use strict';
+import { TestMethods } from '../support/test_methods.js';
+describe('paylike plugin quick test', () => {
+ /**
+ * Login into admin and frontend to store cookies.
+ */
+ before(() => {
+ TestMethods.loginIntoClientAccount();
+ TestMethods.loginIntoAdminBackend();
+ });
+ /**
+ * Run this on every test case bellow
+ * - preserve cookies between tests
+ */
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Cypress.Cookies.defaults({
+ preserve: (cookie) => {
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ let currency = Cypress.env('ENV_CURRENCY_TO_CHANGE_WITH');
+ let captureMode = 'Delayed';
+ /**
+ * Modify Paylike capture mode
+ */
+ it('modify Paylike settings for capture mode', () => {
+ TestMethods.changePaylikeCaptureMode(captureMode);
+ });
+ /** Pay and process order. */
+ /** Capture */
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'capture');
+ /** Refund last created order (previously captured). */
+ it('Process last order captured from admin panel to be refunded', () => {
+ TestMethods.processOrderFromAdmin('refund', currency);
+ });
+ /** Capture */
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'capture');
+ /** Partial refund last created order (previously captured). */
+ it('Process last order captured from admin panel to be refunded', () => {
+ TestMethods.processOrderFromAdmin('refund', currency, /*partialAmount*/ true);
+ });
+ /** Void */
+ TestMethods.payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, 'void');
+}); // describe
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/plugins/index.js b/cypress/plugins/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b2bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/plugins/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// ***********************************************************
+// This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
+// You can change the location of this file or turn off loading
+// the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option.
+// You can read more here:
+// https://on.cypress.io/plugins-guide
+// ***********************************************************
+// This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to
+// the project's config changing)
+ * @type {Cypress.PluginConfig}
+ */
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+module.exports = (on, config) => {
+ // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
+ // `config` is the resolved Cypress config
diff --git a/cypress/support/commands.js b/cypress/support/commands.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81c6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/commands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// ***********************************************
+// For more comprehensive examples of custom
+// commands please read more here:
+// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
+// ***********************************************
+// -- This is a parent command --
+// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
+// -- This is a child command --
+// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
+// -- This is a dual command --
+// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
+// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
+// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
+ * Parent commands
+ */
+ * Go to specified Url
+ * Enhanced with auth for HTTP protected websites
+ */
+ Cypress.Commands.add('goToPage', (pageUrl) => {
+ /** Check if pageUrl is NOT a ful url, then add admin url to it. */
+ if (! pageUrl.match(/^http/g)) {
+ pageUrl = Cypress.env('ENV_ADMIN_URL') + pageUrl;
+ }
+ if (Cypress.env('ENV_HTTP_AUTH_ENABLED')) {
+ cy.visit(pageUrl, {
+ auth: {
+ username: Cypress.env('ENV_HTTP_USER'),
+ password: Cypress.env('ENV_HTTP_PASS'),
+ },
+ });
+ } else {
+ cy.visit(pageUrl);
+ }
+ * Login into an account
+ * {String} usernameInputSelector
+ * {String} passwordInputSelector
+ * {String} type
+ */
+ Cypress.Commands.add('loginIntoAccount', (usernameInputSelector, passwordInputSelector, type) => {
+ /** Select username & password inputs, then press enter. */
+ if ('client' === type || 'user' === type) {
+ var username = Cypress.env('ENV_CLIENT_USER');
+ var password = Cypress.env('ENV_CLIENT_PASS');
+ } else if ('admin' === type) {
+ var username = Cypress.env('ENV_ADMIN_USER');
+ var password = Cypress.env('ENV_ADMIN_PASS');
+ }
+ cy.get(usernameInputSelector).clear().type(username);
+ cy.get(passwordInputSelector).clear().type(`${password}{enter}`);
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ * Select an option containing part of string in its text body
+ * {String} elementSelector
+ * {String} optionTextPart
+ */
+ Cypress.Commands.add('selectOptionContaining', (elementSelector, optionTextPart) => {
+ cy.get(elementSelector)
+ .find('option')
+ .contains(optionTextPart)
+ .then($option => {
+ cy.get(elementSelector).select($option.text());
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/support/currencies.js b/cypress/support/currencies.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7642a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/currencies.js
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+export var PaylikeCurrencies = {
+ /**
+ * Return the number that should be used to compute cents from the total amount
+ *
+ * @param {String} currency_iso_code
+ *
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+ get_paylike_currency_multiplier(currency_iso_code) {
+ var currency = this.get_paylike_currency(currency_iso_code);
+ if (currency['exponent']) {
+ return Math.pow(10, currency['exponent']);
+ } else {
+ return Math.pow(10, 2);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {String} currency_iso_code
+ * @returns
+ */
+ get_paylike_currency(currency_iso_code) {
+ var currencies = {
+ "AED": {
+ "code": "AED",
+ "currency": "United Arab Emirates dirham",
+ "numeric" : "784",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AFN": {
+ "code": "AFN",
+ "currency": "Afghan afghani",
+ "numeric" : "971",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ALL": {
+ "code": "ALL",
+ "currency": "Albanian lek",
+ "numeric" : "008",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AMD": {
+ "code": "AMD",
+ "currency": "Armenian dram",
+ "numeric" : "051",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ANG": {
+ "code": "ANG",
+ "currency": "Netherlands Antillean guilder",
+ "numeric" : "532",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AOA": {
+ "code": "AOA",
+ "currency": "Angolan kwanza",
+ "numeric" : "973",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ARS": {
+ "code": "ARS",
+ "currency": "Argentine peso",
+ "numeric" : "032",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AUD": {
+ "code": "AUD",
+ "currency": "Australian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "036",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AWG": {
+ "code": "AWG",
+ "currency": "Aruban florin",
+ "numeric" : "533",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "AZN": {
+ "code": "AZN",
+ "currency": "Azerbaijani manat",
+ "numeric" : "944",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BAM": {
+ "code": "BAM",
+ "currency": "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark",
+ "numeric" : "977",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BBD": {
+ "code": "BBD",
+ "currency": "Barbados dollar",
+ "numeric" : "052",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BDT": {
+ "code": "BDT",
+ "currency": "Bangladeshi taka",
+ "numeric" : "050",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BGN": {
+ "code": "BGN",
+ "currency": "Bulgarian lev",
+ "numeric" : "975",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BHD": {
+ "code": "BHD",
+ "currency": "Bahraini dinar",
+ "numeric" : "048",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "BIF": {
+ "code": "BIF",
+ "currency": "Burundian franc",
+ "numeric" : "108",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "BMD": {
+ "code": "BMD",
+ "currency": "Bermudian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "060",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BND": {
+ "code": "BND",
+ "currency": "Brunei dollar",
+ "numeric" : "096",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BOB": {
+ "code": "BOB",
+ "currency": "Boliviano",
+ "numeric" : "068",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BRL": {
+ "code": "BRL",
+ "currency": "Brazilian real",
+ "numeric" : "986",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BSD": {
+ "code": "BSD",
+ "currency": "Bahamian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "044",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BTN": {
+ "code": "BTN",
+ "currency": "Bhutanese ngultrum",
+ "numeric" : "064",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BWP": {
+ "code": "BWP",
+ "currency": "Botswana pula",
+ "numeric" : "072",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "BYR": {
+ "code": "BYR",
+ "currency": "Belarusian ruble",
+ "numeric" : "974",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "BZD": {
+ "code": "BZD",
+ "currency": "Belize dollar",
+ "numeric" : "084",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CAD": {
+ "code": "CAD",
+ "currency": "Canadian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "124",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CDF": {
+ "code": "CDF",
+ "currency": "Congolese franc",
+ "numeric" : "976",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CHF": {
+ "code": "CHF",
+ "currency": "Swiss franc",
+ "numeric" : "756",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CLP": {
+ "code": "CLP",
+ "currency": "Chilean peso",
+ "numeric" : "152",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "CNY": {
+ "code": "CNY",
+ "currency": "Chinese yuan",
+ "numeric" : "156",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "COP": {
+ "code": "COP",
+ "currency": "Colombian peso",
+ "numeric" : "170",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CRC": {
+ "code": "CRC",
+ "currency": "Costa Rican colon",
+ "numeric" : "188",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CUP": {
+ "code": "CUP",
+ "currency": "Cuban peso",
+ "numeric" : "192",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CVE": {
+ "code": "CVE",
+ "currency": "Cape Verde escudo",
+ "numeric" : "132",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "CZK": {
+ "code": "CZK",
+ "currency": "Czech koruna",
+ "numeric" : "203",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "DJF": {
+ "code": "DJF",
+ "currency": "Djiboutian franc",
+ "numeric" : "262",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "DKK": {
+ "code": "DKK",
+ "currency": "Danish krone",
+ "numeric" : "208",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "DOP": {
+ "code": "DOP",
+ "currency": "Dominican peso",
+ "numeric" : "214",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "DZD": {
+ "code": "DZD",
+ "currency": "Algerian dinar",
+ "numeric" : "012",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "EGP": {
+ "code": "EGP",
+ "currency": "Egyptian pound",
+ "numeric" : "818",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ERN": {
+ "code": "ERN",
+ "currency": "Eritrean nakfa",
+ "numeric" : "232",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ETB": {
+ "code": "ETB",
+ "currency": "Ethiopian birr",
+ "numeric" : "230",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "EUR": {
+ "code": "EUR",
+ "currency": "Euro",
+ "numeric" : "978",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "FJD": {
+ "code": "FJD",
+ "currency": "Fiji dollar",
+ "numeric" : "242",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "FKP": {
+ "code": "FKP",
+ "currency": "Falkland Islands pound",
+ "numeric" : "238",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GBP": {
+ "code": "GBP",
+ "currency": "Pound sterling",
+ "numeric" : "826",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GEL": {
+ "code": "GEL",
+ "currency": "Georgian lari",
+ "numeric" : "981",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GHS": {
+ "code": "GHS",
+ "currency": "Ghanaian cedi",
+ "numeric" : "936",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GIP": {
+ "code": "GIP",
+ "currency": "Gibraltar pound",
+ "numeric" : "292",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GMD": {
+ "code": "GMD",
+ "currency": "Gambian dalasi",
+ "numeric" : "270",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GNF": {
+ "code": "GNF",
+ "currency": "Guinean franc",
+ "numeric" : "324",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "GTQ": {
+ "code": "GTQ",
+ "currency": "Guatemalan quetzal",
+ "numeric" : "320",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "GYD": {
+ "code": "GYD",
+ "currency": "Guyanese dollar",
+ "numeric" : "328",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "HKD": {
+ "code": "HKD",
+ "currency": "Hong Kong dollar",
+ "numeric" : "344",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "HNL": {
+ "code": "HNL",
+ "currency": "Honduran lempira",
+ "numeric" : "340",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "HRK": {
+ "code": "HRK",
+ "currency": "Croatian kuna",
+ "numeric" : "191",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "HTG": {
+ "code": "HTG",
+ "currency": "Haitian gourde",
+ "numeric" : "332",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "HUF": {
+ "code": "HUF",
+ "currency": "Hungarian forint",
+ "numeric" : "348",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "IDR": {
+ "code": "IDR",
+ "currency": "Indonesian rupiah",
+ "numeric" : "360",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ILS": {
+ "code": "ILS",
+ "currency": "Israeli new shekel",
+ "numeric" : "376",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "INR": {
+ "code": "INR",
+ "currency": "Indian rupee",
+ "numeric" : "356",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "IQD": {
+ "code": "IQD",
+ "currency": "Iraqi dinar",
+ "numeric" : "368",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "IRR": {
+ "code": "IRR",
+ "currency": "Iranian rial",
+ "numeric" : "364",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ISK": {
+ "code": "ISK",
+ "currency": "Icelandic króna",
+ "numeric" : "352",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "JMD": {
+ "code": "JMD",
+ "currency": "Jamaican dollar",
+ "numeric" : "388",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "JOD": {
+ "code": "JOD",
+ "currency": "Jordanian dinar",
+ "numeric" : "400",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "JPY": {
+ "code": "JPY",
+ "currency": "Japanese yen",
+ "numeric" : "392",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "KES": {
+ "code": "KES",
+ "currency": "Kenyan shilling",
+ "numeric" : "404",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "KGS": {
+ "code": "KGS",
+ "currency": "Kyrgyzstani som",
+ "numeric" : "417",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "KHR": {
+ "code": "KHR",
+ "currency": "Cambodian riel",
+ "numeric" : "116",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "KMF": {
+ "code": "KMF",
+ "currency": "Comoro franc",
+ "numeric" : "174",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "KPW": {
+ "code": "KPW",
+ "currency": "North Korean won",
+ "numeric" : "408",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "KRW": {
+ "code": "KRW",
+ "currency": "South Korean won",
+ "numeric" : "410",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "KWD": {
+ "code": "KWD",
+ "currency": "Kuwaiti dinar",
+ "numeric" : "414",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "KYD": {
+ "code": "KYD",
+ "currency": "Cayman Islands dollar",
+ "numeric" : "136",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "KZT": {
+ "code": "KZT",
+ "currency": "Kazakhstani tenge",
+ "numeric" : "398",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "LAK": {
+ "code": "LAK",
+ "currency": "Lao kip",
+ "numeric" : "418",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "LBP": {
+ "code": "LBP",
+ "currency": "Lebanese pound",
+ "numeric" : "422",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "LKR": {
+ "code": "LKR",
+ "currency": "Sri Lankan rupee",
+ "numeric" : "144",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "LRD": {
+ "code": "LRD",
+ "currency": "Liberian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "430",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "LSL": {
+ "code": "LSL",
+ "currency": "Lesotho loti",
+ "numeric" : "426",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MAD": {
+ "code": "MAD",
+ "currency": "Moroccan dirham",
+ "numeric" : "504",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MDL": {
+ "code": "MDL",
+ "currency": "Moldovan leu",
+ "numeric" : "498",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MGA": {
+ "code": "MGA",
+ "currency": "Malagasy ariary",
+ "numeric" : "969",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MKD": {
+ "code": "MKD",
+ "currency": "Macedonian denar",
+ "numeric" : "807",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MMK": {
+ "code": "MMK",
+ "currency": "Myanmar kyat",
+ "numeric" : "104",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MNT": {
+ "code": "MNT",
+ "currency": "Mongolian tögrög",
+ "numeric" : "496",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MOP": {
+ "code": "MOP",
+ "currency": "Macanese pataca",
+ "numeric" : "446",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MRU": {
+ "code": "MRU",
+ "currency": "Mauritanian ouguiya",
+ "numeric" : "929",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MUR": {
+ "code": "MUR",
+ "currency": "Mauritian rupee",
+ "numeric" : "480",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MVR": {
+ "code": "MVR",
+ "currency": "Maldivian rufiyaa",
+ "numeric" : "462",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MWK": {
+ "code": "MWK",
+ "currency": "Malawian kwacha",
+ "numeric" : "454",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MXN": {
+ "code": "MXN",
+ "currency": "Mexican peso",
+ "numeric" : "484",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MYR": {
+ "code": "MYR",
+ "currency": "Malaysian ringgit",
+ "numeric" : "458",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "MZN": {
+ "code": "MZN",
+ "currency": "Mozambican metical",
+ "numeric" : "943",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NAD": {
+ "code": "NAD",
+ "currency": "Namibian dollar",
+ "numeric" : "516",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NGN": {
+ "code": "NGN",
+ "currency": "Nigerian naira",
+ "numeric" : "566",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NIO": {
+ "code": "NIO",
+ "currency": "Nicaraguan córdoba",
+ "numeric" : "558",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NOK": {
+ "code": "NOK",
+ "currency": "Norwegian krone",
+ "numeric" : "578",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NPR": {
+ "code": "NPR",
+ "currency": "Nepalese rupee",
+ "numeric" : "524",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "NZD": {
+ "code": "NZD",
+ "currency": "New Zealand dollar",
+ "numeric" : "554",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "OMR": {
+ "code": "OMR",
+ "currency": "Omani rial",
+ "numeric" : "512",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "PAB": {
+ "code": "PAB",
+ "currency": "Panamanian balboa",
+ "numeric" : "590",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PEN": {
+ "code": "PEN",
+ "currency": "Peruvian Sol",
+ "numeric" : "604",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PGK": {
+ "code": "PGK",
+ "currency": "Papua New Guinean kina",
+ "numeric" : "598",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PHP": {
+ "code": "PHP",
+ "currency": "Philippine peso",
+ "numeric" : "608",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PKR": {
+ "code": "PKR",
+ "currency": "Pakistani rupee",
+ "numeric" : "586",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PLN": {
+ "code": "PLN",
+ "currency": "Polish złoty",
+ "numeric" : "985",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "PYG": {
+ "code": "PYG",
+ "currency": "Paraguayan guaraní",
+ "numeric" : "600",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "QAR": {
+ "code": "QAR",
+ "currency": "Qatari riyal",
+ "numeric" : "634",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "RON": {
+ "code": "RON",
+ "currency": "Romanian leu",
+ "numeric" : "946",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "RSD": {
+ "code": "RSD",
+ "currency": "Serbian dinar",
+ "numeric" : "941",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "RUB": {
+ "code": "RUB",
+ "currency": "Russian ruble",
+ "numeric" : "643",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "RWF": {
+ "code": "RWF",
+ "currency": "Rwandan franc",
+ "numeric" : "646",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "SAR": {
+ "code": "SAR",
+ "currency": "Saudi riyal",
+ "numeric" : "682",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SBD": {
+ "code": "SBD",
+ "currency": "Solomon Islands dollar",
+ "numeric" : "090",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SCR": {
+ "code": "SCR",
+ "currency": "Seychelles rupee",
+ "numeric" : "690",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SDG": {
+ "code": "SDG",
+ "currency": "Sudanese pound",
+ "numeric" : "938",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SEK": {
+ "code": "SEK",
+ "currency": "Swedish krona",
+ "numeric" : "752",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SGD": {
+ "code": "SGD",
+ "currency": "Singapore dollar",
+ "numeric" : "702",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SHP": {
+ "code": "SHP",
+ "currency": "Saint Helena pound",
+ "numeric" : "654",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SLL": {
+ "code": "SLL",
+ "currency": "Sierra Leonean leone",
+ "numeric" : "694",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SOS": {
+ "code": "SOS",
+ "currency": "Somali shilling",
+ "numeric" : "706",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SRD": {
+ "code": "SRD",
+ "currency": "Surinamese dollar",
+ "numeric" : "968",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "STN": {
+ "code": "STN",
+ "currency": "São Tomé and Príncipe dobra",
+ "numeric" : "930",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SYP": {
+ "code": "SYP",
+ "currency": "Syrian pound",
+ "numeric" : "760",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "SZL": {
+ "code": "SZL",
+ "currency": "Swazi lilangeni",
+ "numeric" : "748",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "THB": {
+ "code": "THB",
+ "currency": "Thai baht",
+ "numeric" : "764",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TJS": {
+ "code": "TJS",
+ "currency": "Tajikistani somoni",
+ "numeric" : "972",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TMT": {
+ "code": "TMT",
+ "currency": "Turkmenistani manat",
+ "numeric" : "934",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TND": {
+ "code": "TND",
+ "currency": "Tunisian dinar",
+ "numeric" : "788",
+ "exponent": 3,
+ },
+ "TOP": {
+ "code": "TOP",
+ "currency": "Tongan paʻanga",
+ "numeric" : "776",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TRY": {
+ "code": "TRY",
+ "currency": "Turkish lira",
+ "numeric" : "949",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TTD": {
+ "code": "TTD",
+ "currency": "Trinidad and Tobago dollar",
+ "numeric" : "780",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TWD": {
+ "code": "TWD",
+ "currency": "New Taiwan dollar",
+ "numeric" : "901",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "TZS": {
+ "code": "TZS",
+ "currency": "Tanzanian shilling",
+ "numeric" : "834",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "UAH": {
+ "code": "UAH",
+ "currency": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
+ "numeric" : "980",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "UGX": {
+ "code": "UGX",
+ "currency": "Ugandan shilling",
+ "numeric" : "800",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "USD": {
+ "code": "USD",
+ "currency": "United States dollar",
+ "numeric" : "840",
+ "funding" : true,
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "UYU": {
+ "code": "UYU",
+ "currency": "Uruguayan peso",
+ "numeric" : "858",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "UZS": {
+ "code": "UZS",
+ "currency": "Uzbekistan som",
+ "numeric" : "860",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "VES": {
+ "code": "VEF",
+ "currency": "Venezuelan bolívar",
+ "numeric" : "928",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "VND": {
+ "code": "VND",
+ "currency": "Vietnamese dong",
+ "numeric" : "704",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "VUV": {
+ "code": "VUV",
+ "currency": "Vanuatu vatu",
+ "numeric" : "548",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "WST": {
+ "code": "WST",
+ "currency": "Samoan tala",
+ "numeric" : "882",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "XAF": {
+ "code": "XAF",
+ "currency": "CFA franc BEAC",
+ "numeric" : "950",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "XCD": {
+ "code": "XCD",
+ "currency": "East Caribbean dollar",
+ "numeric" : "951",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "XOF": {
+ "code": "XOF",
+ "currency": "CFA franc BCEAO",
+ "numeric" : "952",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "XPF": {
+ "code": "XPF",
+ "currency": "CFP franc",
+ "numeric" : "953",
+ "exponent": 0,
+ },
+ "YER": {
+ "code": "YER",
+ "currency": "Yemeni rial",
+ "numeric" : "886",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ZAR": {
+ "code": "ZAR",
+ "currency": "South African rand",
+ "numeric" : "710",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ZMK": {
+ "code": "ZMK",
+ "currency": "Zambian kwacha",
+ "numeric" : "894",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ },
+ "ZWL": {
+ "code": "ZWL",
+ "currency": "Zimbabwean dollar",
+ "numeric" : "716",
+ "exponent": 2,
+ }
+ };
+ if (currencies[currency_iso_code]) {
+ return currencies[currency_iso_code];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/support/index.js b/cypress/support/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b470c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// ***********************************************************
+// This example support/index.js is processed and
+// loaded automatically before your test files.
+// This is a great place to put global configuration and
+// behavior that modifies Cypress.
+// You can change the location of this file or turn off
+// automatically serving support files with the
+// 'supportFile' configuration option.
+// You can read more here:
+// https://on.cypress.io/configuration
+// ***********************************************************
+// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
+import './commands'
+// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
+// require('./commands')
+ * ****************************************************************************
+ * *********************** custom code for prestashop 1.6 *********************
+ * ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * We need this because a third-party JS code has not been loaded correctly,
+ * so errors are blocking the testing process.
+ *
+ * We want to get over some errors, not all of them.
+ */
+ Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
+ /**
+ * we expect a 3rd party library error with message '... is not defined'
+ * and don't want to fail the test so we return false
+ *
+ */
+ if (err.message.includes('$ is not defined')) {
+ return false
+ }
+ /** if other libraries don't load, we skip these errors. */
+ // if (err.message.includes("Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'substring')")) {
+ // return false
+ // }
+ /**
+ * we still want to ensure there are no other unexpected
+ * errors, so we let them fail the test
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/support/test_helper.js b/cypress/support/test_helper.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02de6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/test_helper.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import { PaylikeCurrencies } from './currencies.js';
+export let PaylikeTestHelper = {
+ /**
+ * Fill Paylike popup and submit the form
+ */
+ fillAndSubmitPaylikePopup() {
+ cy.get('#card-number').type(`${Cypress.env('ENV_CARD_NUMBER')}`);
+ cy.get('#card-expiry').type(`${Cypress.env('ENV_CARD_EXPIRY')}`);
+ cy.get('#card-code').type(`${Cypress.env('ENV_CARD_CVV')}{enter}`);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Filter amount text with symbols
+ * Get it in currency minor unit
+ *
+ * @param {Object} $unfilteredAmount
+ * @param {String} currency
+ *
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+ filterAndGetAmountInMinor($unfilteredAmount, currency) {
+ var formattedAmount = this.filterAndGetAmountInMajorUnit($unfilteredAmount);
+ /** Get multiplier based on currency code. */
+ var multiplier = PaylikeCurrencies.get_paylike_currency_multiplier(currency);
+ return Math.ceil(Math.round(formattedAmount * multiplier));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Filter amount text with symbols
+ * Get it in currency major unit
+ *
+ * @param {Object} $unfilteredAmount
+ *
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+ filterAndGetAmountInMajorUnit($unfilteredAmount) {
+ /** Replace any character except numbers, commas, points */
+ var filtered = ($unfilteredAmount.text()).replace(/[^0-9,.][a-z.]*/g, '')
+ var matchPointFirst = filtered.match(/\..*,/g);
+ var matchCommaFirst = filtered.match(/,.*\./g);
+ if (matchPointFirst) {
+ var amountAsText = (filtered.replace('.', '')).replace(',', '.');
+ } else if (matchCommaFirst) {
+ var amountAsText = filtered.replace(',', '');
+ } else {
+ var amountAsText = filtered.replace(',', '.');
+ }
+ return parseFloat(amountAsText);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get currency name based on code provided
+ *
+ * @param {String} currencyCode
+ */
+ getCurrencyName(currencyCode) {
+ var currencyObject = PaylikeCurrencies.get_paylike_currency(currencyCode);
+ return currencyObject['currency'];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set position=relative on selected element
+ * Useful when an element cover another element
+ *
+ * @param {String} selector
+ */
+ setPositionRelativeOn(selector) {
+ cy.get(selector).then(($selectedElement) => {
+ $selectedElement.attr('style', 'position:relative;');
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set visibility=visible on selected element
+ * Useful when an element must be clicked but is hidden
+ *
+ * @param {String} selector
+ */
+ setVisibleOn(selector) {
+ cy.get(selector).each(($selector) => {
+ $selector.css({'visibility':'visible', 'opacity': '100'})
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get a random int/float between 0 and provided max
+ * @param {int|float} max
+ * @returns int|float
+ */
+ getRandomInt(max) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
+ },
diff --git a/cypress/support/test_methods.js b/cypress/support/test_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec17b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/test_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+'use strict';
+import { PaylikeTestHelper } from './test_helper.js';
+export var TestMethods = {
+ /** Admin & frontend user credentials. */
+ StoreUrl: (Cypress.env('ENV_ADMIN_URL').match(/^(?:http(?:s?):\/\/)?(?:[^@\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/\n?]+)/im))[0],
+ AdminUrl: Cypress.env('ENV_ADMIN_URL'),
+ RemoteVersionLogUrl: Cypress.env('REMOTE_LOG_URL'),
+ /** Construct some variables to be used bellow. */
+ ShopName: 'prestashop16',
+ PaylikeName: 'paylike',
+ OrderStatusForCapture: '',
+ /** We need to have "&module_name=paylikepayment" at the end because permission error accessing the link. */
+ PaymentMethodAdminUrl: '/index.php?controller=AdminModules&configure=paylikepayment&module_name=paylikepayment',
+ ModulesAdminUrl: '/index.php?controller=AdminModules&filterCategory=payments_gateways',
+ OrdersPageAdminUrl: '/index.php?controller=AdminOrders',
+ /**
+ * Login to admin backend account
+ */
+ loginIntoAdminBackend() {
+ cy.goToPage(this.AdminUrl);
+ cy.loginIntoAccount('input[name=email]', 'input[name=passwd]', 'admin');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Login to client|user frontend account
+ */
+ loginIntoClientAccount() {
+ cy.goToPage(this.StoreUrl + '/login?&back=my-account');
+ cy.loginIntoAccount('input[id=email]', 'input[name=passwd]', 'client');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Modify Paylike settings
+ * @param {String} captureMode
+ */
+ changePaylikeCaptureMode(captureMode) {
+ /** Go to Paylike payment method. */
+ this.goToPageAndIgnoreWarning(this.PaymentMethodAdminUrl);
+ /**
+ * Get order statuses to be globally used.
+ */
+ this.getPaylikeOrderStatuses();
+ /** Select capture mode. */
+ cy.get('#PAYLIKE_CHECKOUT_MODE').select(captureMode);
+ /** Save. */
+ cy.get('#module_form_submit_btn').click();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Make payment with specified currency and process order
+ *
+ * @param {String} currency
+ * @param {String} paylikeAction
+ * @param {Boolean} partialAmount
+ */
+ payWithSelectedCurrency(currency, paylikeAction, partialAmount = false) {
+ /** Make an instant payment. */
+ it(`makes a Paylike payment with "${currency}"`, () => {
+ this.makePaymentFromFrontend(currency);
+ });
+ /** Process last order from admin panel. */
+ it(`process (${paylikeAction}) an order from admin panel`, () => {
+ this.processOrderFromAdmin(paylikeAction, currency, partialAmount);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Make an instant payment
+ * @param {String} currency
+ */
+ makePaymentFromFrontend(currency) {
+ /** Go to store frontend. */
+ cy.goToPage(this.StoreUrl);
+ /** Change currency. */
+ this.changeShopCurrency(currency);
+ cy.wait(300);
+ /** Select random product. */
+ var randomInt = PaylikeTestHelper.getRandomInt(/*max*/ 6);
+ cy.get('.replace-2x.img-responsive').eq(randomInt).click();
+ /** Add to cart. */
+ cy.get('#add_to_cart').click();
+ /** Wait to add to cart. */
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ /** Go to checkout. */
+ cy.goToPage(this.StoreUrl + '/quick-order');
+ /** Agree Terms & Conditions. */
+ cy.get('#cgv').click();
+ /** Wait amount to be available. */
+ cy.wait(1500);
+ /** Check amount. */
+ cy.get('#total_price').then($grandTotal => {
+ var expectedAmount = PaylikeTestHelper.filterAndGetAmountInMinor($grandTotal, currency);
+ cy.window().then(win => {
+ expect(expectedAmount).to.eq(Number(win.amount));
+ });
+ });
+ /** Show Paylike popup. */
+ cy.get('.paylike-payment').click();
+ /**
+ * Fill in Paylike popup.
+ */
+ PaylikeTestHelper.fillAndSubmitPaylikePopup();
+ cy.get('#center_column', {timeout: 10000}).should('contain', 'Congratulations');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Process last order from admin panel
+ * @param {String} paylikeAction
+ * @param {Boolean} partialAmount
+ */
+ processOrderFromAdmin(paylikeAction, currency = '', partialAmount = false) {
+ /** Go to admin orders page. */
+ cy.goToPage(this.OrdersPageAdminUrl);
+ PaylikeTestHelper.setPositionRelativeOn('#header_infos');
+ PaylikeTestHelper.setPositionRelativeOn('.page-head');
+ /** Click on first (latest in time) order from orders table. */
+ cy.get('table.order tbody tr').first().click();
+ /**
+ * Take specific action on order
+ */
+ this.paylikeActionOnOrderAmount(paylikeAction, currency, partialAmount);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Capture an order amount
+ * @param {String} paylikeAction
+ * @param {Boolean} partialAmount
+ */
+ paylikeActionOnOrderAmount(paylikeAction, currency = '', partialAmount = false) {
+ /** Select paylike action. */
+ cy.get('#paylike_action').select(paylikeAction);
+ if ('refund' === paylikeAction) {
+ cy.get('#total_order .amount').then(($totalAmount) => {
+ var majorAmount = PaylikeTestHelper.filterAndGetAmountInMajorUnit($totalAmount, currency);
+ /**
+ * Subtract 2 from total amount.
+ * Assume that we have products with total amount > 2 units
+ */
+ if (partialAmount) {
+ majorAmount -= 2
+ }
+ cy.get('input[name=paylike_amount_to_refund]').clear().type(`${majorAmount}`);
+ cy.get('input[name=paylike_refund_reason]').clear().type('automatic refund');
+ });
+ }
+ /** Submit and check errors not exists. */
+ cy.get('#submit_paylike_action').click();
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ cy.get('#alert.alert-info').should('not.exist');
+ cy.get('#alert.alert-warning').should('not.exist');
+ cy.get('#alert.alert-danger').should('not.exist');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Change shop currency in frontend
+ */
+ changeShopCurrency(currency) {
+ cy.get('#setCurrency div.current').click();
+ cy.get('ul[id="first-currencies"] li a').contains(currency).click();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get Paylike order statuses from settings
+ */
+ getPaylikeOrderStatuses() {
+ /** Get order status for capture. */
+ cy.get('#PAYLIKE_ORDER_STATUS > option[selected=selected]').then($captureStatus => {
+ this.OrderStatusForCapture = $captureStatus.text();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get Shop & Paylike versions and send log data.
+ */
+ logVersions() {
+ /** Get framework version. */
+ cy.get('#shop_version').then($frameworkVersion => {
+ var frameworkVersion = ($frameworkVersion.text()).replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
+ cy.wrap(frameworkVersion).as('frameworkVersion');
+ });
+ this.goToPageAndIgnoreWarning(this.ModulesAdminUrl);
+ /** Get Paylike version. */
+ cy.get('#anchorPaylikepayment .module_name').invoke('text').then($pluginVersion => {
+ var pluginVersion = $pluginVersion.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');
+ cy.wrap(pluginVersion).as('pluginVersion');
+ });
+ /** Get global variables and make log data request to remote url. */
+ cy.get('@frameworkVersion').then(frameworkVersion => {
+ cy.get('@pluginVersion').then(pluginVersion => {
+ cy.request('GET', this.RemoteVersionLogUrl, {
+ key: frameworkVersion,
+ tag: this.ShopName,
+ view: 'html',
+ ecommerce: frameworkVersion,
+ plugin: pluginVersion
+ }).then((resp) => {
+ expect(resp.status).to.eq(200);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Go to page & ignore token warning
+ */
+ goToPageAndIgnoreWarning(pageUri) {
+ cy.goToPage(pageUri);
+ /**
+ * Accept token warning.
+ * This warning show up even if we set the token on url.
+ * So, we do not set it and click on the button.
+ */
+ cy.get(`a[href*="${pageUri}"]`).click();
+ },
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+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "ansi-styles": "^4.0.0",
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+ "wrappy": {
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+ "integrity": "sha1-x+sXyT4RLLEIb6bY5R+wZnt5pfk=",
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+ }
+ }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2d64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "cypress": "^9.3.1"
+ }
diff --git a/paylikepayment.zip b/paylikepayment.zip
index d46eb60..dcf1b04 100644
Binary files a/paylikepayment.zip and b/paylikepayment.zip differ
diff --git a/paylikepayment/api/Adapter.php b/paylikepayment/api/Adapter.php
index 5c892b4..4579fcb 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/api/Adapter.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/api/Adapter.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@
* The purpose of this is to abstract the requests
* so that this can be changed depending on the environment.
- * @version 1.0.0
if (!class_exists('Paylike\\Adapter')) {
class Adapter
diff --git a/paylikepayment/api/Card.php b/paylikepayment/api/Card.php
index a0330bb..e94a198 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/api/Card.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/api/Card.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
@@ -15,8 +14,7 @@
* Class Card
* @package Paylike
* Handles card operations.
- *
- * @version 1.0.0
+ *
if (!class_exists('Paylike\\Card')) {
class Card
diff --git a/paylikepayment/api/Client.php b/paylikepayment/api/Client.php
index ec3d023..846a64e 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/api/Client.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/api/Client.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
diff --git a/paylikepayment/api/Transaction.php b/paylikepayment/api/Transaction.php
index 8799022..15090e3 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/api/Transaction.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/api/Transaction.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@
* @package Paylike
* Handles transaction operations.
- * @version 1.0.0
if (!class_exists('Paylike\\Transaction')) {
class Transaction
diff --git a/paylikepayment/controllers/front/paymentreturn.php b/paylikepayment/controllers/front/paymentreturn.php
index 847b963..3ba1431 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/controllers/front/paymentreturn.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/controllers/front/paymentreturn.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.6
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
diff --git a/paylikepayment/paylikepayment.php b/paylikepayment/paylikepayment.php
index ef862dc..8ef0abb 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/paylikepayment.php
+++ b/paylikepayment/paylikepayment.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.6
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ class PaylikePayment extends PaymentModule {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = 'paylikepayment';
$this->tab = 'payments_gateways';
- $this->version = '1.0.6';
+ $this->version = '1.1.1';
$this->author = 'DerikonDevelopment';
$this->bootstrap = true;
$this->module_key = '1d083bab290f652fb6fb7ae35f9f0942';
@@ -269,25 +268,32 @@ public function getContent() {
public function renderCurrencyWarning() {
$currencies = Currency::getCurrencies();
$warning_currencies = array();
+ $warning_decimals = array();
foreach ( $currencies as $currency ) {
- if ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 1 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 0 ) {
+ if ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 1 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 0 ) {
$warning_currencies[0][] = $currency['iso_code'];
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 10 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 1 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 10 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 1 ) {
$warning_currencies[1][] = $currency['iso_code'];
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 100 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 2 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 100 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 2 ) {
$warning_currencies[2][] = $currency['iso_code'];
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 1000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 3 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 1000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 3 ) {
$warning_currencies[3][] = $currency['iso_code'];
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 10000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 4 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $currency['iso_code'] ) == 10000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 4 ) {
$warning_currencies[4][] = $currency['iso_code'];
+ if ( !$currency['decimals'] ) {
+ $warning_decimals[] = $currency['iso_code'];
+ }
- if ( count( $warning_currencies ) ) {
+ if ( count( $warning_currencies ) || count( $warning_decimals ) ) {
'warning_currencies_decimal' => $warning_currencies,
- 'preferences_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink( 'AdminPreferences' )
+ 'warning_currencies_display_decimals' => $warning_decimals,
+ 'preferences_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink( 'AdminPreferences' ),
+ 'currencies_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink( 'AdminCurrencies' )
@@ -624,7 +630,7 @@ public function getModalForAddMoreLogo() {
public function hookHeader() {
/*if(Configuration::get('PAYLIKE_STATUS') == 'enabled' && $this->context->controller->php_self == 'order') {
- $this->context->controller->addJs('https://sdk.paylike.io/3.js');
+ $this->context->controller->addJs('https://sdk.paylike.io/6.js');
@@ -682,15 +688,15 @@ public function hookPayment( $params ) {
$total = $cart->getOrderTotal( true, Cart::BOTH );
// echo "Total : ".$total;
- if ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 1 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 0 ) {
+ if ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 1 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 0 ) {
return false;
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 10 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 1 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 10 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 1 ) {
return false;
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 100 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 2 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 100 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 2 ) {
return false;
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 1000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 3 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 1000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 3 ) {
return false;
- } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 10000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) != 4 ) {
+ } elseif ( $this->getPaylikeCurrencyMultiplier( $this->context->currency->iso_code ) == 10000 && Configuration::get( 'PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION' ) > 4 ) {
return false;
$currency = new Currency( (int) $params['cart']->id_currency );
@@ -715,6 +721,7 @@ public function hookPayment( $params ) {
$this->context->smarty->assign( array(
+ 'active_status' => Tools::getvalue( 'PAYLIKE_TRANSACTION_MODE' ),
'PS_SSL_ENABLED' => ( Configuration::get( 'PS_SSL_ENABLED' ) ? 'https' : 'http' ),
'http_host' => Tools::getHttpHost(),
@@ -727,6 +734,7 @@ public function hookPayment( $params ) {
'popup_description' => $popup_description,
'currency_code' => $currency_code,
'amount' => $amount,
+ 'exponent' => $this->getPaylikeCurrency( $currency_code )['exponent'],
'id_cart' => Tools::jsonEncode( $params['cart']->id ),
'paylike_products' => Tools::jsonEncode( $products_array ),
'name' => $name,
diff --git a/paylikepayment/views/js/backoffice.js b/paylikepayment/views/js/backoffice.js
index 372ea29..0fa0edf 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/views/js/backoffice.js
+++ b/paylikepayment/views/js/backoffice.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
diff --git a/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/currency-warning.tpl b/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/currency-warning.tpl
index 49fc5d9..aa56329 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/currency-warning.tpl
+++ b/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/currency-warning.tpl
@@ -3,18 +3,35 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
- {l s='Note: Due to prestashop standards we need to abide to, currencies decimals must match the paylike supported decimals. In order to use the Paylike module for the following currencies, you\'ll need to set "Number of decimals" option to the number shown bellow from tab. Since this is a global setting that affects all currencies you cannot use at the same time currencies with different decimals.' mod='paylikepayment'}
- {l s='Preferences -> General' mod='paylikepayment'}
- {foreach from=$warning_currencies_decimal key=decimals item=currency}
- {foreach from=$currency item=iso_code}
- {$iso_code} {l s='supports only' mod='paylikepayment'} {$decimals} {l s='decimals' mod='paylikepayment'}
+{if $warning_currencies_decimal|@count}
+ {l s='Note: Due to prestashop standards we need to abide to, currencies decimals number must be less or equal to paylike supported number of decimals. In order to use the Paylike module for the following currencies, you\'ll need to set "Number of decimals" option to the number or less then the value shown bellow from tab. Since this is a global setting that affects all currencies you cannot use at the same time currencies with different decimals.' mod='paylikepayment'}
+ {l s='Preferences -> General' mod='paylikepayment'}
+ {foreach from=$warning_currencies_decimal key=decimals item=currency}
+ {foreach from=$currency item=iso_code}
+ {$iso_code} {l s='supports only' mod='paylikepayment'} {$decimals} {l s='decimals' mod='paylikepayment'}
+ {/foreach}
- {/foreach}
\ No newline at end of file
+ {/if}
+ {if $warning_currencies_display_decimals|@count}
+ {l s='Warning: Paylike doesn`t provide support for customizable decimals display. In order to display the correct values durring the payment process you`ll need to set "Decimals" option to value "True" for the edit menu of the currencies listed below.' mod='paylikepayment'}
+ {l s='Localization -> Currencies' mod='paylikepayment'}
+ {foreach from=$warning_currencies_decimal key=decimals item=currency}
+ {foreach from=$currency item=iso_code}
+ {$iso_code}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/foreach}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/modal.tpl b/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/modal.tpl
index e6aba25..1e0a7aa 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/modal.tpl
+++ b/paylikepayment/views/templates/admin/modal.tpl
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
* @author DerikonDevelopment
* @copyright Copyright (c) permanent, DerikonDevelopment
* @license Addons PrestaShop license limitation
- * @version 1.0.0
* @link http://www.derikon.com/
diff --git a/paylikepayment/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl b/paylikepayment/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl
index 852e4bc..791844b 100644
--- a/paylikepayment/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl
+++ b/paylikepayment/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl
@@ -20,41 +20,50 @@