Nothing against beards, blame Github for suggesting that title
This application is designed to gauge a PayrollHero applicant's:
- familiarity with code patterns,
- adherence to best practices,
- ability to write tests and documentation, and
- command of Ruby and Rails as a whole
Fork this repository and submit a pull request.
You (we mean the prospective developer candidate) will submit a pull request to this repository containing any refactorings, tests, documentation, and improvements to demonstrate your skills and experience.
On your pull request description use the template below:
This pull request showcases {{my awesome skills}}.
Here are the issues that I've addressed in this pull request:
* {{ Multiple spaces between two words. }}
I've noticed a few things in the current code that didn't feel right but wasn't able
to address at the moment. They are the following:
* {{ There are no trolls under the bridge. }}
I've learned a few stuff from this exercise. They are:
* {{ The author of this exercise committed a crime to the software development
community. }}
If this project used `tabs` instead of `spaces` I would have {{ used tabs also | used
spaces regardless | changed all tabs to spaces }}.
I have a few suggestions for this exercise. They are:
* {{ Use more gifs. }}
{{ I would like to continue this job application. || I want to back out. }}
Below is a class reationship diagram describing the models I used for this app. You may use an online diagraming tool
like Lucidchart to make your own.
People have beards. Sometimes you need it trimmed, other times you need it shaved. This application tracks who those people are and whether they want one or the other.
And also sometimes people like massages too I hear. Maybe track those as well.
Feel free to add a way to create new users. We've included a rake task somewhere in there that'll give you a preliminary list of users to play with. We'll let you figure out how to get that thing running
- Any tests added must pass, coverage is up to you.
- The people reviewing your PR will be evaluating your code. New gems are permitted but it is encouraged you write your own stuff.
- The following specifications must be met:
- The application MUST run.
- It must track who has been shaved, trimmed and/or massaged.
- The status of each entity must be changeable.
- Any other feature will be considered "fluff" (ie: don't bother adding a search function).
Aside from that, anything goes.
- Quality over quantity.
- Don't forget your fundamentals. MVC and Rest are Best practices for a reason.
- However, implementing a (decent) SPA will net you bonus points.
- We do not necessarilly require TDD, though proving your application does what it's supposed to without us having to boot it up will also net you bonus points (hint: acceptance).
- Don't be afraid to remove stuff.