# jest-canvas-mock

> Mock `canvas` when run unit test cases with jest. For more browser environment, you can use [jest-electron](https://github.com/hustcc/jest-electron) for real browser runtime.

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## Install

This should only be installed as a development dependency (`devDependencies`) as it is only designed for testing.

npm i --save-dev jest-canvas-mock

## Setup

In your `package.json` under the `jest`, create a `setupFiles` array and add `jest-canvas-mock` to the array.

  "jest": {
    "setupFiles": ["jest-canvas-mock"]

If you already have a `setupFiles` attribute you can also append `jest-canvas-mock` to the array.

  "jest": {
    "setupFiles": ["./__setups__/other.js", "jest-canvas-mock"]

More about in [configuration section](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/configuration.html#content).

## Setup file

Alternatively you can create a new setup file which then requires this module or
add the `require` statement to an existing setup file.


import 'jest-canvas-mock';
// or

Add that file to your `setupFiles` array:

"jest": {
  "setupFiles": [

## Reset

If you reset the jest mocks (for example, with `jest.resetAllMocks()`), you can
call `setupJestCanvasMock()` to re-create it.

import { setupJestCanvasMock } from 'jest-canvas-mock';

beforeEach(() => {

## Mock Strategy

This mock strategy implements all the canvas functions and actually verifies the parameters. If a
known condition would cause the browser to throw a `TypeError` or a `DOMException`, it emulates the
error. For instance, the `CanvasRenderingContext2D#arc` function will throw a `TypeError` if the
radius is negative, or if it was not provided with enough parameters.

// arc throws a TypeError when the argument length is less than 5
expect(() => ctx.arc(1, 2, 3, 4)).toThrow(TypeError);

// when radius is negative, arc throws a dom exception when all parameters are finite
expect(() => ctx.arc(0, 0, -10, 0, Math.PI * 2)).toThrow(DOMException);

The function will do `Number` type coercion and verify the inputs exactly like the browser does. So
this is valid input.

expect(() => ctx.arc('10', '10', '20', '0', '6.14')).not.toThrow();

Another part of the strategy is to validate input types. When using the
`CanvasRenderingContext2D#fill` function, if you pass it an invalid `fillRule` it will throw a
`TypeError` just like the browser does.

expect(() => ctx.fill('invalid!')).toThrow(TypeError);
expect(() => ctx.fill(new Path2D(), 'invalid!')).toThrow(TypeError);

We try to follow the ECMAScript specification as closely as possible.

## Snapshots

There are multiple ways to validate canvas state using snapshots. There are currently three methods
attached to the `CanvasRenderingContext2D` class. The first way to use this feature is by using the
`__getEvents` method.

 * In order to see which functions and properties were used for the test, you can use `__getEvents`
 * to gather this information.
const events = ctx.__getEvents();

expect(events).toMatchSnapshot(); // jest will assert the events match the snapshot

The second way is to inspect the current path associated with the context.

ctx.arc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
ctx.moveTo(6, 7);
ctx.rect(6, 7, 8, 9);

 * Any method that modifies the current path (and subpath) will be pushed to an event array. When
 * using the `__getPath` method, that array will sliced and usable for snapshots.
const path = ctx.__getPath();

The third way is to inspect all of the successful draw calls submitted to the context.

ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

 * Every drawImage, fill, stroke, fillText, or strokeText function call will be logged in an event
 * array. This method will return those events here for inspection.
const calls = ctx.__getDrawCalls();

In some cases it may be useful to clear the events or draw calls that have already been logged.

// Clear events

// Clear draw calls

Finally, it's possible to inspect the clipping region calls by using the `__getClippingRegion`

const clippingRegion = ctx.__getClippingRegion();

The clipping region cannot be cleared because it's based on the stack values and when the `.clip()`
function is called.

## Override default mock return value

You can override the default mock return value in your test to suit your need. For example, to override return value of `toDataURL`:


## Contributors

- [@hustcc](https://github.com/hustcc)
- [@jtenner](https://github.com/jtenner)
- [@evanoc0](https://github.com/evanoc0)
- [@lekha](https://github.com/lekha)
- [@yonatankra](https://github.com/yonatankra)
- [@LitoMore](https://github.com/LitoMore)
- [@hrd543](https://github.com/hrd543)
- [@danielrentz](https://github.com/danielrentz)

## License
