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+layout: "mysql"
+page_title: "MySQL: mysql_ti_config"
+sidebar_current: "docs-mysql-resource-ti-config-variable"
+description: |-
+ Manages a TiKV or PD variables on a TiDB cluster.
+# mysql\_ti\_config
+The ``mysql_ti_config`` resource manages a TiKV or PD variables on a TiDB cluster.
+~> **Note on TiDB:** Possible TiKV or PD variables are available [here](https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/dynamic-config)
+~> **Note about `destroy`:** `destroy` is trying restore default values as described [here](https://github.com/petoju/terraform-provider-mysql/blob/master/mysql/resource_ti_config_defaults.go).
+ Unfortunately not every variable support this.
+## Example Usage
+### PD
+resource "mysql_ti_config" "log_level" {
+ name = "log.level"
+ value = "warn"
+ type = "pd"
+#### Set variable for all PD instances
+resource "mysql_ti_config" "log_level" {
+ name = "log.level"
+ value = "warn"
+ type = "pd"
+#### Set variable for one PD instance only
+resource "mysql_ti_config" "log_level" {
+ name = "log.level"
+ value = "warn"
+ type = "pd"
+ instance = ""
+## TiKV
+### Set varibale for all TiKV instances
+resource "mysql_ti_config" "split_qps_threshold" {
+ name = "split.qps-threshold"
+ value = "100"
+ type = "tikv"
+#### Set variable for one TiKV instance only
+resource "mysql_ti_config" "split_qps_threshold" {
+ name = "split.qps-threshold"
+ value = "10"
+ type = "tikv"
+ instance = ""
+## Argument Reference
+The following arguments are supported:
+* `name` - (Required) The name of the configuration variable.
+* `value` - (Required) The value of the configuration variable as string.
+* `type` - (Required) The instance type to configure. Possible values are tikv or pd.
+## Attributes Reference
+No further attributes are exported.
+## Import
+TiKV or PD variable can be imported using global variable name.
+General template to import is
+```terraform import mysql_ti_config. ```
+```terraform import mysql_ti_config. ```
+### Simple example
+#### TiKV example
+terraform import 'mysql_ti_config.split_qps_threshold' 'tikv#split-qps-threshold'
+Import value for specific instance
+terraform import 'mysql_ti_config.split_qps_threshold' 'tikv#split-qps-threshold#'
+#### PD example
+terraform import 'mysql_ti_config.log_level' 'pd#log.level'