This package implements a quantile approximation sketch analyzed in "Optimal Quantile Approximation in Streams" by Zohar Karnin, Kevin Lang, Edo Liberty.
Given a stream of comparable items, given in arbitrary order, the sketch provides the quantiles of the items. The sketch is mergeable hence can be applied in a distributed environemnt. For an error (in the rank of a given item) of e*n, with n being the total number of items, the sketch requires O(e) memory, as opposed to a random sample requiring O(e^2).
In addition to the standard quantile sketch, there is a vector version aimed for entry-wise quantiles for a stream of vector. For d-dimensional vectors the end result is the same as having d sperate sketches, but the computation and memory overhead is significantly smaller.
git clone
cd quantiles-scala-kll
sbt package test
Both the QuantileSketch and VectorQuantileSketch have 3 functions
- update: update the sketch with a single item.
- merge: merge two sketches into a single sketch
- quantiles(q): Produce an array containing the quantiles 1.0/q,...,1-1.0/q
Operations (1) and (2) can be used repeatedly without hurting the output of the sketch. Namely, they can be use in a mapreduce framework, or treeAggregate (spark) framework, etc.