# zspotify
Fork of https://github.com/Footsiefat/zspotify

Spotify song downloader without injecting into the windows client



    - Python 3.8 or greater
    - ffmpeg*

Python packages:

    - pip install -r requirements.txt

\*ffmpeg can be installed via apt for Debian-based distros or by downloading the binaries from [ffmpeg.org](https://ffmpeg.org) and placing them in your %PATH% in Windows.

Command line usage:
  python zspotify.py                              Loads search prompt to find then download a specific track, album or playlist

Extra command line options:
  -p, --playlist       Downloads a saved playlist from your account
  -ls, --liked-songs   Downloads all the liked songs from your account

Special hardcoded options:
  ROOT_PATH           Change this path if you don't like the default directory where ZSpotify saves the music

  SKIP_EXISTING_FILES Set this to False if you want ZSpotify to overwrite files with the same name rather than skipping the song

  MUSIC_FORMAT        Set this to "ogg" if you would rather that format audio over "mp3"
  RAW_AUDIO_AS_IS     Set this to True to only stream the audio to a file and do no re-encoding or post processing
  FORCE_PREMIUM       Set this to True if ZSpotify isn't automatically detecting that you are using a premium account

## **Docker:**

  docker run -it -v $(pwd)/docker/config:/config -v $(pwd)/docker/download:/download jsavargas/zspotify
  docker-compose run --rm zspotify

## **Changelog:**

**v1.8 (23 Oct 2021):**
- exclude album_type single
- Added progress bar for downloads.
- Changed welcome banner and removed unnecessary debug print statements.
- Show single progress bar for entire album.
- Added a small delay between downloading each track when downloading in bulk to help with downloading issues and potential bans.

**v1.7 (21 Oct 2021):**
- Added docker support
- Added range download example 1-10 example: SELECT ITEM BY ID: 1-10
- Added download all albums by artist
- Added subfolders for each disc
- Naming tracks: "artist - album - track-number. name"
- Setting Limit in 50 items

**v1.6 (20 Oct 2021):**
- Added Pillow to requirements.txt.
- Removed websocket-client from requirements.txt because librespot-python added it to their dependency list.
- Made it hide your password when you type it in.
- Added manual override to force premium quality if zspotify cannot auto detect it.
- Added option to just download the raw audio with no re-encoding at all.
- Added Shebang line so it runs smoother on Linux.
- Made it download the entire track at once now so it is more efficent and fixed a bug users encountered.