NProgress ========= Slim progress bars for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium. Installation ------------ Add [nprogress.js] and [nprogress.css] to your project. ```html <script src='nprogress.js'></script> <link rel='stylesheet' href='nprogress.css'/> ``` NProgress is available via [bower] and [npm] and [spm]. $ bower install --save nprogress $ npm install --save nprogress [bower]: [npm]: [spm]: Basic usage ----------- Simply call `start()` and `done()` to control the progress bar. ~~~ js NProgress.start(); NProgress.done(); ~~~ ### Turbolinks (version 5+) Ensure you're using Turbolinks 5+, and use this: (explained [here]( ~~~ js $(document).on('turbolinks:click', function() { NProgress.start(); }); $(document).on('turbolinks:render', function() { NProgress.done(); NProgress.remove(); }); ~~~ ### Turbolinks (version 3 and below) Ensure you're using Turbolinks 1.3.0+, and use this: (explained [here]( ~~~ js $(document).on('page:fetch', function() { NProgress.start(); }); $(document).on('page:change', function() { NProgress.done(); }); $(document).on('page:restore', function() { NProgress.remove(); }); ~~~ ### Pjax Try this: (explained [here]( ~~~ js $(document).on('pjax:start', function() { NProgress.start(); }); $(document).on('pjax:end', function() { NProgress.done(); }); ~~~ Ideas ----- * Add progress to your Ajax calls! Bind it to the jQuery `ajaxStart` and `ajaxStop` events. * Make a fancy loading bar even without Turbolinks/Pjax! Bind it to `$(document).ready` and `$(window).load`. Advanced usage -------------- __Percentages:__ To set a progress percentage, call `.set(n)`, where *n* is a number between `0..1`. ~~~ js NProgress.set(0.0); // Sorta same as .start() NProgress.set(0.4); NProgress.set(1.0); // Sorta same as .done() ~~~ __Incrementing:__ To increment the progress bar, just use `.inc()`. This increments it with a random amount. This will never get to 100%: use it for every image load (or similar). ~~~ js; ~~~ If you want to increment by a specific value, you can pass that as a parameter: ~~~ js; // This will get the current status value and adds 0.2 until status is 0.994 ~~~ __Force-done:__ By passing `true` to `done()`, it will show the progress bar even if it's not being shown. (The default behavior is that *.done()* will not do anything if *.start()* isn't called) ~~~ js NProgress.done(true); ~~~ __Get the status value:__ To get the status value, use `.status` Configuration ------------- #### `minimum` Changes the minimum percentage used upon starting. (default: `0.08`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ minimum: 0.1 }); ~~~ #### `maximum` Changes the maximum percentage the bar will increment to. (default: `0.994`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ minimum: 0.1 }); ~~~ #### `template` You can change the markup using `template`. To keep the progress bar working, keep an element with `role='bar'` in there. See the [default template] for reference. ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ template: "<div class='....'>...</div>" }); ~~~ #### `easing` and `speed` Adjust animation settings using *easing* (a CSS easing string) and *speed* (in ms). (default: `ease` and `200`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ easing: 'ease', speed: 500 }); ~~~ #### `trickle` Turn off the automatic incrementing behavior by setting this to `false`. (default: `true`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ trickle: false }); ~~~ #### `trickleSpeed` Adjust how often to trickle/increment, in ms. ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ trickleSpeed: 200 }); ~~~ #### `showSpinner` Turn off loading spinner by setting it to false. (default: `true`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); ~~~ #### `parent` specify this to change the parent container. (default: `body`) ~~~ js NProgress.configure({ parent: '#container' }); ~~~ Customization ------------- Just edit `nprogress.css` to your liking. Tip: you probably only want to find and replace occurrences of `#29d`. The included CSS file is pretty minimal... in fact, feel free to scrap it and make your own! Resources --------- * [New UI Pattern: Website Loading Bars]( ( Support ------- __Bugs and requests__: submit them through the project's issues tracker.<br> []( ) __Questions__: ask them at StackOverflow with the tag *nprogress*.<br> []( ) __Chat__: join us at<br> []( ) [default template]: [Turbolinks]: [nprogress.js]: [nprogress.css]: Thanks ------ **NProgress** © 2013-2014, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the [MIT License].<br> Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from [contributors]. > []( · > GitHub [@rstacruz]( · > Twitter [@rstacruz]( [MIT License]: [contributors]: []( []( "View this project on npm") [](