Node.js Docker image containing a BitTorrent tracker. The Node service is using Feross Aboukhadijeh's excellent bittorrent-tracker library.
Besides HTTP and UDP the tracker also supports WebSockets.
docker run --rm -i -t henkel/bittorrent-tracker:latest
By default port 8000 is exposed. In order to run a detached tracker at port 8100, just call
docker run --name bittorrent-tracker -d -p 8100:8000 henkel/bittorrent-tracker:latest
The container is stateless and you can easily update to the latest version at any time:
docker stop bittorrent-tracker
docker rm bittorrent-tracker
docker pull henkel/bittorrent-tracker:latest
Follow the usage instructions to re-start the service.
Copyright (C) 2016 Philipp Henkel
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE file for more details.