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ExperiPie (TPIE++) is a new pool design with unlimited possibilities. The ExperiPie is based on the Diamond standard, this standard ensures contracts can grow beyond their restricted size. (extra info)


There are basically two motivations, governance participation and yield farming.

In the current DeFi space there are lot’s of opportunities to participate in governance of various protocols. The ExperiPie uses a very flexible CallFacet which makes it possible to execute any call on behalf of the pool. The ExperiPie will be used to participate in governance protocols to benefit PieDao participants.

Yield farm opportunities can show up any time, not everyone has the liquidity or attention to fulfill every opportunity. Using the ExperiPie everyone can pool their tokens. Through the flexible nature of the pool it is possible to use active governance to take any yield farm opportunity.

See the forum post for more information.

Depends on

Call Managers

CallManagers are addresses which are whitelisted to trigger arbitrary calls from the ExperiPie. A whitelisted caller can be added by calling addCaller(_newCaller) on the ExperiPie from the contract owner. ⚠️ This should be used with caution as it allows any token within an ExperiPie to be pulled out ⚠️. Only trusted addresses or smart contracts should be added as callers.

Lending Manager

The lendingManager allows the owner of that instance to withdraw and deposit tokens into lending lending protocols which are whitelisted in the lendingRegistry. The owner of the lendingManager instance can move tokens between whitelisted lending protocols in the lendingRegistry.

For a lending manager to be able to manage a ExperiPie's tokens it needs to be whitelisted as a caller.

The owner of the lending manager instance can lend, unlend and bounce(hopping between protocols).

These functions have the following interface and should be called on the Lending Manager contract.

    @notice Move underlying to a lending protocol
    @param _underlying Address of the underlying token
    @param _amount Amount of underlying to lend
    @param _protocol Bytes32 protocol key to lend to
function lend(address _underlying, uint256 _amount) bytes32 _protocol) public;

    @notice Unlend wrapped token from its lending protocol
    @param _wrapped Address of the wrapped token
    @param _amount Amount of the wrapped token to unlend
function unlend(address _wrapped, uint256 _amount) public;

    @notice Unlend and immediately lend in a different protocol
    @param _wrapped Address of the wrapped token to bounce to another protocol
    @param _amount Amount of the wrapped token to bounce to the other protocol
    @param _toProtocol Protocol to deposit bounced tokens in
function bounce(address _wrapped, uint256 _amount, bytes32 _toProtocol) external;

Lending Registry

The lending registry keeps track of all lending protocols and wrapped tokens. Only tokens and protocols registered in this registry can be used by the LendingManager. Currently supported lending protocols are Compound and Aave.

Contract address: 0xB739Dcf499306B191D9D4fa5255A8f20066a6a96

With the following functions protocols and wrapped tokens can be added:

    @notice Set which protocl a wrapped token belongs to
    @param _wrapped Address of the wrapped token
    @param _protocol Bytes32 key of the protocol
function setWrappedToProtocol(address _wrapped, bytes32 _protocol) external;

    @notice Set what is the underlying for a wrapped token
    @param _wrapped Address of the wrapped token
    @param _underlying Address of the underlying token
function setWrappedToUnderlying(address _wrapped, address _underlying) external;

    @notice Set the logic contract for the protocol
    @param _protocol Bytes32 key of the procol
    @param _logic Address of the lending logic contract for that protocol
function setProtocolToLogic(bytes32 _protocol, address _logic) external;

    @notice Set the wrapped token for the underlying deposited in this protocol
    @param _underlying Address of the unerlying token
    @param _protocol Bytes32 key of the protocol
    @param _wrapped Address of the wrapped token
function setUnderlyingToProtocolWrapped(address _underlying, bytes32 _protocol, address _wrapped) external;

Lending logic contracts

Protocol Key Address
Compound 0x561ca898cce9f021c15a441ef41899706e923541cee724530075d1a1144761c7 0xB9a13E1D9c5dad1557C3B9B20ab99fb0FB16cCA7
Aave 0xa9699be9874dcc3e11474d7d87b44bb314eb412a1960f1478100f7e2ccd4a6eb 0x6Eb123bbd02324600AcF8a53575547EEB0a43135
Cream 0x40e45d329815e79a55e43916f11f7a0112a31146f63a4fcaea413df0567a0bb2 0x280190cF9E6519eB772a2f444fAF080523246DB3
XSushi 0xeafaa563273a4fdf984f5a9f1836dba7d5800658b802d449eb6ee18fce3d7c81 0x38e0eb114BEC4efcD8b1AC2C4b0c7335AFC1491D
YGov 0xf910d6d870f2fa35287ad95c43b0b1ebabfab3cbb469515dc168cd48e2a9c218 0x4c5b1fC5dcE8A96f1eaF1Ffa3d86546c2c939909

Lending logic contracts return the calls needed to lend or unlend from a protocol.

Deploying the factory

npx buidler deploy-pie-factory --network mainnet

Deploying an ExperiPie

  1. Create an allocation file like this one
  2. run npx buidler deploy-pie-from-factory --allocation [PATH_TO_ALLOCATION] --factory [FACTORY_ADDRESS] --network mainnet
  3. Copy the tx hash and search on Etherscan to find the address
  4. Verify the contract: npx buidler verify [PIE_ADDRESS] --constructor-args ./verify/experiPie.js --network mainnet


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