diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 84cfdbf6..efba8bcd 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -155,6 +155,21 @@ The current pillar version is being developped using [Pharo11](www.pharo.org). To contribute, the easiest way to to follow the previous scripts and send PullRequests. Use the latest dev-8 as a root for your changes. +### Cleaning first + +First remove existing packages from the Pharo distribution. +``` +IceRepository registry + detect: [ :each | #('Microdown' 'NewTools-DocumentationReader') includes: each name ] + ifFound: [ :aRepository | aRepository forget ]. +"This, however, needs to stay :)" +#( 'BeautifulComments' 'BaselineOfBeautifulComments' 'BaselineOfMicrodownDev' 'BaselineOfMicrodown' 'Microdown' 'Microdown-Tests' 'Microdown-MicrodownRichTextComposer' 'Microdown-ResolvePath' +'Microdown-ResolvePath-Tests' 'NewTools-DocumentationReader-Tests' 'BaselineOfNewToolsDocumentationReader' 'Microdown-RichTextComposer' 'Microdown-RichTextPresenter' 'Microdown-RichTextPresenter-Tests' 'Spec2-Microdown' +'NewTools-DocumentationReader') do: [ :each | + (RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: each ifAbsent: [ nil ]) + ifNotNil: [ :aPackage | aPackage removeFromSystem ] ] +``` + The following script can be useful if you develop usin the launcher and want to try to execute the image as from a pillar command ```