xuhuaiyu cluster_L File: xuhuaiyu File: xuhuaiyu Type: cpu Time: Sep 4, 2018 at 9:17am (CST) Duration: 5mins, Total samples = 356.84s (118.90%) Showing nodes accounting for 336.65s, 94.34% of 356.84s total Dropped 688 nodes (cum <= 1.78s) Dropped 70 edges (freq <= 0.36s) Showing top 80 nodes out of 106 N1 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor (*HashAggExec) execute 19.21s (5.38%) of 306.56s (85.91%) N4 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor/aggfuncs (*avgOriginal4DistinctFloat64) UpdatePartialResult 21.50s (6.03%) of 125.89s (35.28%) N1->N4 125.89s N3 runtime mapaccess2_faststr 60.89s (17.06%) of 86.56s (24.26%) N1->N3 52.20s N10 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor (*HashAggExec) getPartialResults 3.62s (1.01%) of 46.20s (12.95%) N1->N10 46.20s N9 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor (*HashAggExec) getGroupKey 5.18s (1.45%) of 28.95s (8.11%) N1->N9 28.95s N13 runtime newobject 1.53s (0.43%) of 17.79s (4.99%) N1->N13 13.01s N33 github com/pingcap/tidb/distsql (*selectResult) Next 0.13s (0.036%) of 12.09s (3.39%) N1->N33 11.97s N18 runtime mapassign_faststr 1.11s (0.31%) of 9.33s (2.61%) N1->N18 4.01s N37 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/chunk (*Iterator4Chunk) Next 3.99s (1.12%) N1->N37 3.99s N44 runtime growslice 0.07s (0.02%) of 2.07s (0.58%) N1->N44 1.12s N2 github com/pingcap/tidb/server (*Server) onConn 0 of 306.56s (85.91%) N74 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor (*recordSet) Next 0 of 306.60s (85.92%) N2->N74 306.56s N12 runtime memeqbody 23.25s (6.52%) N3->N12 23.24s N15 runtime aeshashbody 8.78s (2.46%) N3->N15 1.59s N7 runtime mapaccess2 70.31s (19.70%) of 73.76s (20.67%) N4->N7 73.75s N8 runtime mapassign 6.78s (1.90%) of 25.79s (7.23%) N4->N8 25.79s N30 github com/pingcap/tidb/expression (*Column) EvalReal 4.85s (1.36%) N4->N30 4.85s N5 runtime mallocgc 13.58s (3.81%) of 31.34s (8.78%) N69 runtime (*mcache) nextFree 0.13s (0.036%) of 9.16s (2.57%) N5->N69 9.16s N31 runtime heapBitsSetType 4.74s (1.33%) N5->N31 4.74s N16 runtime memclrNoHeapPointers 9.29s (2.60%) N5->N16 0.44s N6 runtime systemstack 0.26s (0.073%) of 46.30s (12.98%) N51 runtime gcDrain 0.37s (0.1%) of 31.81s (8.91%) N6->N51 31.80s N75 runtime (*mcache) nextFree func1 0.07s (0.02%) of 8.80s (2.47%) N6->N75 8.80s N77 runtime largeAlloc 0 of 3.07s (0.86%) N6->N77 3.07s N57 runtime wakep 0.01s (0.0028%) of 2.46s (0.69%) N6->N57 1.23s N17 runtime f64hash 2.08s (0.58%) of 8.77s (2.46%) N7->N17 3.42s N71 runtime growWork 0.12s (0.034%) of 6.38s (1.79%) N8->N71 6.38s N39 runtime hashGrow 0.63s (0.18%) of 5.86s (1.64%) N8->N39 4.94s N8->N17 3.52s N28 runtime typedmemmove 1.45s (0.41%) of 3.10s (0.87%) N8->N28 1.73s N50 runtime (*hmap) newoverflow 0.33s (0.092%) of 1.82s (0.51%) N8->N50 1.55s N8->N13 0.88s N45 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec EncodeValue 1.02s (0.29%) of 10.09s (2.83%) N9->N45 10.09s N34 runtime slicebytetostring 1.16s (0.33%) of 7.41s (2.08%) N9->N34 7.41s N42 github com/pingcap/tidb/expression (*Column) Eval 1.56s (0.44%) of 5.56s (1.56%) N9->N42 5.56s N10->N3 34.34s N10->N18 5.28s N72 github com/pingcap/tidb/executor/aggfuncs (*avgOriginal4DistinctFloat64) AllocPartialResult 0.15s (0.042%) of 1.97s (0.55%) N10->N72 1.97s N32 runtime makeslice 0.38s (0.11%) of 3.86s (1.08%) N10->N32 0.98s N11 runtime scanobject 12.89s (3.61%) of 31s (8.69%) N19 runtime heapBitsForObject 10.09s (2.83%) N11->N19 9.93s N22 runtime greyobject 8.15s (2.28%) of 8.18s (2.29%) N11->N22 8.18s N13->N5 16.26s N14 runtime gcBgMarkWorker 0.01s (0.0028%) of 31.81s (8.91%) N14->N6 31.80s N35 runtime memhash 2.31s (0.65%) of 6.72s (1.88%) N17->N35 6.69s N80 runtime growWork_faststr 0.04s (0.011%) of 6.91s (1.94%) N18->N80 6.91s N18->N39 0.91s N20 runtime memmove 4.29s (1.20%) N21 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec (*Decoder) DecodeOne 1.95s (0.55%) of 8.65s (2.42%) N59 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec DecodeVarint 0.46s (0.13%) of 1.95s (0.55%) N21->N59 1.95s N58 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec appendFloatToChunk 0.41s (0.11%) of 1.83s (0.51%) N21->N58 1.83s N23 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec encode 1.74s (0.49%) of 9.08s (2.54%) N36 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec encodeSignedInt 2.54s (0.71%) of 5.68s (1.59%) N23->N36 5.68s N46 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/github com/juju/errors Trace 1.83s (0.51%) N23->N46 1.66s N24 runtime evacuate_faststr 2.96s (0.83%) of 6.87s (1.93%) N24->N15 3.11s N24->N28 0.37s N25 runtime evacuate 3.51s (0.98%) of 6.26s (1.75%) N25->N17 1.83s N25->N28 0.76s N26 runtime futex 3.72s (1.04%) N27 runtime (*mheap) alloc 0.15s (0.042%) of 9.83s (2.75%) N27->N16 8.17s N28->N20 1.43s N29 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/google golang org/grpc/transport (*http2Client) reader 0 of 3.76s (1.05%) N64 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/golang org/x/net/http2 (*Framer) ReadFrame 0.06s (0.017%) of 1.81s (0.51%) N29->N64 1.81s N29->N32 1.01s N32->N5 3.48s N43 github com/pingcap/tidb/distsql (*selectResult) readRowsData 1.11s (0.31%) of 9.76s (2.74%) N33->N43 9.76s N53 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/github com/pingcap/tipb/go-tipb (*SelectResponse) Unmarshal 1.56s (0.44%) of 2.16s (0.61%) N33->N53 2.16s N34->N5 5.45s N34->N20 0.80s N35->N15 4.02s N52 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/codec EncodeVarint 1.04s (0.29%) of 3.13s (0.88%) N36->N52 3.13s N38 github com/pingcap/tidb/util/chunk Row GetDatum 3.71s (1.04%) of 3.82s (1.07%) N70 runtime makeBucketArray 0.13s (0.036%) of 5.23s (1.47%) N39->N70 5.23s N40 runtime mcall 0.04s (0.011%) of 4.60s (1.29%) N79 runtime park_m 0.05s (0.014%) of 4.09s (1.15%) N40->N79 4.09s N41 runtime schedule 0.08s (0.022%) of 4.45s (1.25%) N49 runtime findrunnable 0.37s (0.1%) of 3.04s (0.85%) N41->N49 3.04s N41->N57 1.23s N42->N38 3.82s N43->N21 8.65s N44->N5 1.38s N44->N20 0.60s N45->N23 9.07s N47 github com/pingcap/tidb/session (*session) ExecRestrictedSQL 0 of 1.80s (0.5%) N47->N13 0.43s N48 syscall Syscall 1.96s (0.55%) of 2.09s (0.59%) N49->N26 0.99s N50->N13 1.25s N51->N11 30.95s N52->N20 0.38s N53->N44 0.54s N54 github com/pingcap/tidb/store/tikv (*copIteratorWorker) run 0 of 3.13s (0.88%) N68 github com/pingcap/tidb/store/tikv (*copIteratorWorker) handleTaskOnce 0.01s (0.0028%) of 3.06s (0.86%) N54->N68 3.06s N55 runtime (*mcentral) grow 0.03s (0.0084%) of 7.66s (2.15%) N55->N27 6.87s N55->N16 0.46s N56 runtime newarray 0.44s (0.12%) of 5.10s (1.43%) N56->N5 4.66s N67 runtime startm 0.06s (0.017%) of 2.61s (0.73%) N57->N67 2.45s N60 runtime (*mcentral) cacheSpan 0.31s (0.087%) of 8.66s (2.43%) N60->N55 7.66s N61 github com/pingcap/tidb/domain (*Domain) updateStatsWorker 0 of 1.94s (0.54%) N61->N47 1.79s N62 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/google golang org/grpc invoke 0 of 2.60s (0.73%) N65 github com/pingcap/tidb/vendor/google golang org/grpc (*parser) recvMsg 0 of 1.94s (0.54%) N62->N65 1.93s N63 io ReadAtLeast 0.02s (0.0056%) of 1.90s (0.53%) N63->N48 1.16s N66 io ReadFull 0 of 1.90s (0.53%) N64->N66 1.46s N65->N32 1.50s N65->N66 0.44s N66->N63 1.90s N78 runtime futexwakeup 0.01s (0.0028%) of 2.58s (0.72%) N67->N78 2.51s N73 github com/pingcap/tidb/store/tikv (*rpcClient) SendRequest 0.01s (0.0028%) of 2.85s (0.8%) N68->N73 2.85s N69->N6 8.80s N70->N56 5.10s N71->N25 6.26s N72->N13 1.66s N73->N62 2.60s N74->N1 306.56s N76 runtime (*mcache) refill 0.07s (0.02%) of 8.73s (2.45%) N75->N76 8.73s N76->N60 8.66s N77->N27 2.96s N78->N26 2.57s N79->N41 4.02s N80->N24 6.87s