Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | The ID of the product | [optional] |
company_id | Number | The ID of the company | [optional] |
name | String | The name of the product | [optional] |
code | String | The product code | [optional] |
description | String | The description of the product | [optional] |
unit | String | The unit in which this product is sold | [optional] |
tax | Number | The tax percentage | [optional] [default to 0] |
category | String | The category of the product | [optional] |
active_flag | Boolean | Whether this product will be made active or not | [optional] [default to true] |
selectable | Boolean | Whether this product can be selected in deals or not | [optional] [default to true] |
first_char | String | The first letter of the product name | [optional] |
visible_to | VisibleTo | The visibility of the product. If omitted, the visibility will be set to the default visibility setting of this item type for the authorized user.<table><tr><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner & followers (private)</td></tr><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Entire company (shared)</td></tr></table> | [optional] |
owner_id | Number | The ID of the user who will be marked as the owner of this product. When omitted, the authorized user ID will be used | [optional] |
files_count | Number | The count of files | [optional] |
add_time | String | The date and time when the product was added to the deal | [optional] |
update_time | String | The date and time when the product was updated to the deal | [optional] |
deal_id | Number | The ID of the deal | [optional] |