diff --git a/src/vanilla/store.ts b/src/vanilla/store.ts
index d5010a8ccf1..42c0c2a4392 100644
--- a/src/vanilla/store.ts
+++ b/src/vanilla/store.ts
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ type AtomState<Value = AnyValue> = {
   v?: Value
   /** Atom error */
   e?: AnyError
+  /** Indicates whether the atom value is has been changed */
+  x?: boolean
 const isAtomStateInitialized = <Value>(atomState: AtomState<Value>) =>
@@ -167,7 +169,14 @@ type Pending = readonly [
   functions: Set<() => void>,
-const createPending = (): Pending => [new Map(), new Map(), new Set()]
+const createPending = (): Pending => [
+  /** dependents */
+  new Map(),
+  /** atomStates */
+  new Map(),
+  /** functions */
+  new Set(),
 const addPendingAtom = (
   pending: Pending,
@@ -198,33 +207,6 @@ const addPendingFunction = (pending: Pending, fn: () => void) => {
-const flushPending = (pending: Pending) => {
-  let error: AnyError
-  let hasError = false
-  const call = (fn: () => void) => {
-    try {
-      fn()
-    } catch (e) {
-      if (!hasError) {
-        error = e
-        hasError = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  while (pending[1].size || pending[2].size) {
-    pending[0].clear()
-    const atomStates = new Set(pending[1].values())
-    pending[1].clear()
-    const functions = new Set(pending[2])
-    pending[2].clear()
-    atomStates.forEach((atomState) => atomState.m?.l.forEach(call))
-    functions.forEach(call)
-  }
-  if (hasError) {
-    throw error
-  }
 // internal & unstable type
 type StoreArgs = readonly [
   getAtomState: <Value>(atom: Atom<Value>) => AtomState<Value>,
@@ -276,6 +258,33 @@ const buildStore = (
     debugMountedAtoms = new Set()
+  const flushPending = (pending: Pending) => {
+    let error: AnyError
+    let hasError = false
+    const call = (fn: () => void) => {
+      try {
+        fn()
+      } catch (e) {
+        if (!hasError) {
+          error = e
+          hasError = true
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    while (pending[0].size || pending[1].size || pending[2].size) {
+      recomputeDependents(pending, new Set(pending[0].keys()))
+      const atomStates = new Set(pending[1].values())
+      pending[1].clear()
+      const functions = new Set(pending[2])
+      pending[2].clear()
+      atomStates.forEach((atomState) => atomState.m?.l.forEach(call))
+      functions.forEach(call)
+    }
+    if (hasError) {
+      throw error
+    }
+  }
   const setAtomStateValueOrPromise = (
     atom: AnyAtom,
     atomState: AtomState,
@@ -306,7 +315,6 @@ const buildStore = (
   const readAtomState = <Value>(
     pending: Pending | undefined,
     atom: Atom<Value>,
-    dirtyAtoms?: Set<AnyAtom>,
   ): AtomState<Value> => {
     const atomState = getAtomState(atom)
     // See if we can skip recomputing this atom.
@@ -314,7 +322,7 @@ const buildStore = (
       // If the atom is mounted, we can use cached atom state.
       // because it should have been updated by dependencies.
       // We can't use the cache if the atom is dirty.
-      if (atomState.m && !dirtyAtoms?.has(atom)) {
+      if (atomState.m && !atomState.x) {
         return atomState
       // Otherwise, check if the dependencies have changed.
@@ -324,7 +332,7 @@ const buildStore = (
           ([a, n]) =>
             // Recursively, read the atom state of the dependency, and
             // check if the atom epoch number is unchanged
-            readAtomState(pending, a, dirtyAtoms).n === n,
+            readAtomState(pending, a).n === n,
       ) {
         return atomState
@@ -347,7 +355,7 @@ const buildStore = (
         return returnAtomValue(aState)
       // a !== atom
-      const aState = readAtomState(pending, a, dirtyAtoms)
+      const aState = readAtomState(pending, a)
       try {
         return returnAtomValue(aState)
       } finally {
@@ -418,57 +426,103 @@ const buildStore = (
   const readAtom = <Value>(atom: Atom<Value>): Value =>
     returnAtomValue(readAtomState(undefined, atom))
-  const getMountedOrPendingDependents = <Value>(
+  const markRecomputePending = (
     pending: Pending,
-    atom: Atom<Value>,
-    atomState: AtomState<Value>,
-  ): Map<AnyAtom, AtomState> => {
-    const dependents = new Map<AnyAtom, AtomState>()
-    for (const a of atomState.m?.t || []) {
+    atom: AnyAtom,
+    atomState: AtomState,
+  ) => {
+    addPendingAtom(pending, atom, atomState)
+    if (isPendingRecompute(atom)) {
+      return
+    }
+    const dependents = getAllDependents(pending, [atom])
+    for (const [dependent] of dependents) {
+      getAtomState(dependent).x = true
+    }
+  }
+  const markRecomputeComplete = (
+    pending: Pending,
+    atom: AnyAtom,
+    atomState: AtomState,
+  ) => {
+    atomState.x = false
+    pending[0].delete(atom)
+  }
+  const isPendingRecompute = (atom: AnyAtom) => getAtomState(atom).x
+  const getMountedDependents = (
+    pending: Pending,
+    a: AnyAtom,
+    aState: AtomState,
+  ) => {
+    return new Set<AnyAtom>(
+      [
+        ...(aState.m?.t || []),
+        ...aState.p,
+        ...(getPendingDependents(pending, a) || []),
+      ].filter((a) => getAtomState(a).m),
+    )
+  }
+  /** @returns map of all dependents or dependencies (deep) of the root atoms */
+  const getDeep = (
+    /** function to get immediate dependents or dependencies of the atom */
+    getDeps: (a: AnyAtom, aState: AtomState) => Iterable<AnyAtom>,
+    rootAtoms: Iterable<AnyAtom>,
+  ) => {
+    const visited = new Map<AnyAtom, Set<AnyAtom>>()
+    const stack: AnyAtom[] = Array.from(rootAtoms)
+    while (stack.length > 0) {
+      const a = stack.pop()!
       const aState = getAtomState(a)
-      if (aState.m) {
-        dependents.set(a, aState)
+      if (visited.has(a)) {
+        continue
+      }
+      const deps = new Set(getDeps(a, aState))
+      visited.set(a, deps)
+      for (const d of deps) {
+        if (!visited.has(d)) {
+          stack.push(d)
+        }
-    for (const atomWithPendingPromise of atomState.p) {
-      dependents.set(
-        atomWithPendingPromise,
-        getAtomState(atomWithPendingPromise),
-      )
-    }
-    getPendingDependents(pending, atom)?.forEach((dependent) => {
-      dependents.set(dependent, getAtomState(dependent))
-    })
-    return dependents
+    return visited
+  const getAllDependents = (pending: Pending, atoms: Iterable<AnyAtom>) =>
+    getDeep((a, aState) => getMountedDependents(pending, a, aState), atoms)
   // This is a topological sort via depth-first search, slightly modified from
   // what's described here for simplicity and performance reasons:
   // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting#Depth-first_search
-  function getSortedDependents(
+  const getSortedDependents = (
     pending: Pending,
-    rootAtom: AnyAtom,
-    rootAtomState: AtomState,
-  ): [[AnyAtom, AtomState, number][], Set<AnyAtom>] {
-    const sorted: [atom: AnyAtom, atomState: AtomState, epochNumber: number][] =
-      []
+    rootAtoms: Iterable<AnyAtom>,
+  ) => {
+    const atomMap = getAllDependents(pending, rootAtoms)
+    const sorted: AnyAtom[] = []
     const visiting = new Set<AnyAtom>()
     const visited = new Set<AnyAtom>()
-    // Visit the root atom. This is the only atom in the dependency graph
+    // Visit the root atoms. These are the only atoms in the dependency graph
     // without incoming edges, which is one reason we can simplify the algorithm
-    const stack: [a: AnyAtom, aState: AtomState][] = [[rootAtom, rootAtomState]]
+    const stack: [a: AnyAtom, dependents: Set<AnyAtom>][] = []
+    for (const a of rootAtoms) {
+      if (atomMap.has(a)) {
+        stack.push([a, atomMap.get(a)!])
+      }
+    }
     while (stack.length > 0) {
-      const [a, aState] = stack[stack.length - 1]!
+      const [a, dependents] = stack[stack.length - 1]!
       if (visited.has(a)) {
-        // All dependents have been processed, now process this atom
       if (visiting.has(a)) {
-        // The algorithm calls for pushing onto the front of the list. For
-        // performance, we will simply push onto the end, and then will iterate in
-        // reverse order later.
-        sorted.push([a, aState, aState.n])
+        // The algorithm calls for pushing onto the front of the list.
+        // For performance we push on the end, and will reverse the order later.
+        sorted.push(a)
         // Atom has been visited but not yet processed
@@ -476,50 +530,46 @@ const buildStore = (
       // Push unvisited dependents onto the stack
-      for (const [d, s] of getMountedOrPendingDependents(pending, a, aState)) {
-        if (a !== d && !visiting.has(d)) {
-          stack.push([d, s])
+      for (const d of dependents) {
+        if (a !== d && !visiting.has(d) && atomMap.has(d)) {
+          stack.push([d, atomMap.get(d)!])
-    return [sorted, visited]
+    return sorted.reverse()
-  const recomputeDependents = <Value>(
-    pending: Pending,
-    atom: Atom<Value>,
-    atomState: AtomState<Value>,
-  ) => {
-    // Step 1: traverse the dependency graph to build the topsorted atom list
-    // We don't bother to check for cycles, which simplifies the algorithm.
-    const [topsortedAtoms, markedAtoms] = getSortedDependents(
-      pending,
-      atom,
-      atomState,
-    )
-    // Step 2: use the topsorted atom list to recompute all affected atoms
-    // Track what's changed, so that we can short circuit when possible
-    const changedAtoms = new Set<AnyAtom>([atom])
-    for (let i = topsortedAtoms.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-      const [a, aState, prevEpochNumber] = topsortedAtoms[i]!
-      let hasChangedDeps = false
-      for (const dep of aState.d.keys()) {
-        if (dep !== a && changedAtoms.has(dep)) {
-          hasChangedDeps = true
-          break
-        }
-      }
-      if (hasChangedDeps) {
-        readAtomState(pending, a, markedAtoms)
+  const recomputeDependents = (pending: Pending, rootAtoms: Set<AnyAtom>) => {
+    if (rootAtoms.size === 0) {
+      return
+    }
+    const hasChangedDeps = (aState: AtomState) =>
+      Array.from(aState.d.keys()).some((d) => rootAtoms.has(d))
+    // traverse the dependency graph to build the topsorted atom list
+    for (const a of getSortedDependents(pending, rootAtoms)) {
+      // use the topsorted atom list to recompute all affected atoms
+      // Track what's changed, so that we can short circuit when possible
+      const aState = getAtomState(a)
+      const prevEpochNumber = aState.n
+      if (isPendingRecompute(a) || hasChangedDeps(aState)) {
+        readAtomState(pending, a)
         mountDependencies(pending, a, aState)
         if (prevEpochNumber !== aState.n) {
-          addPendingAtom(pending, a, aState)
-          changedAtoms.add(a)
+          markRecomputePending(pending, a, aState)
-      markedAtoms.delete(a)
+      markRecomputeComplete(pending, a, aState)
+    }
+  }
+  const recomputeDependencies = (pending: Pending, a: AnyAtom) => {
+    if (!isPendingRecompute(a)) {
+      return
+    const getDependencies = (_: unknown, aState: AtomState) => aState.d.keys()
+    const dependencies = Array.from(getDeep(getDependencies, [a]).keys())
+    const dirtyDependencies = new Set(dependencies.filter(isPendingRecompute))
+    recomputeDependents(pending, dirtyDependencies)
   const writeAtomState = <Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>(
@@ -528,8 +578,10 @@ const buildStore = (
     ...args: Args
   ): Result => {
     let isSync = true
-    const getter: Getter = <V>(a: Atom<V>) =>
-      returnAtomValue(readAtomState(pending, a))
+    const getter: Getter = <V>(a: Atom<V>) => {
+      recomputeDependencies(pending, atom)
+      return returnAtomValue(readAtomState(pending, a))
+    }
     const setter: Setter = <V, As extends unknown[], R>(
       a: WritableAtom<V, As, R>,
       ...args: As
@@ -546,8 +598,7 @@ const buildStore = (
           setAtomStateValueOrPromise(a, aState, v)
           mountDependencies(pending, a, aState)
           if (prevEpochNumber !== aState.n) {
-            addPendingAtom(pending, a, aState)
-            recomputeDependents(pending, a, aState)
+            markRecomputePending(pending, a, aState)
           return undefined as R
         } else {
@@ -732,8 +783,7 @@ const buildStore = (
             setAtomStateValueOrPromise(atom, atomState, value)
             mountDependencies(pending, atom, atomState)
             if (prevEpochNumber !== atomState.n) {
-              addPendingAtom(pending, atom, atomState)
-              recomputeDependents(pending, atom, atomState)
+              markRecomputePending(pending, atom, atomState)
diff --git a/tests/vanilla/dependency.test.tsx b/tests/vanilla/dependency.test.tsx
index 3970cfa7eba..90f0c114e7d 100644
--- a/tests/vanilla/dependency.test.tsx
+++ b/tests/vanilla/dependency.test.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 import { expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
 import { atom, createStore } from 'jotai/vanilla'
-import type {
-  INTERNAL_DevStoreRev4,
-  INTERNAL_PrdStore,
-} from 'jotai/vanilla/store'
 it('can propagate updates with async atom chains', async () => {
   const store = createStore()
@@ -412,37 +408,20 @@ it('can cache reading an atom in write function (with mounting)', () => {
 it('batches sync writes', () => {
   const a = atom(0)
-  a.debugLabel = 'a'
-  const b = atom((get) => get(a) + 1)
-  b.debugLabel = 'b'
+  const b = atom((get) => get(a))
   const fetch = vi.fn()
   const c = atom((get) => fetch(get(a)))
-  c.debugLabel = 'c'
   const w = atom(null, (get, set) => {
-    const b1 = get(b) // 1
-    set(a, b1)
-    expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
-    const b2 = get(b) // 2
-    set(a, b2)
+    set(a, 1)
+    expect(get(b)).toBe(1)
-  w.debugLabel = 'w'
-  const store = createStore() as INTERNAL_DevStoreRev4 & INTERNAL_PrdStore
+  const store = createStore()
   store.sub(b, () => {})
   store.sub(c, () => {})
-  const getAtomState = store.dev4_get_internal_weak_map().get
-  const aState = getAtomState(a) as any
-  aState.label = 'a'
-  const bState = getAtomState(b) as any
-  bState.label = 'b'
-  const cState = getAtomState(c) as any
-  cState.label = 'c'
-  // we expect b to be recomputed when a's value is changed by `set`
-  // we expect c to be recomputed in flushPending after the graph has updated
-  // this distinction is possible by tracking what atoms are accessed with w.write's `get`
-  expect(store.get(a)).toBe(2)
-  expect(fetch).toBeCalledWith(2)
+  expect(fetch).toBeCalledWith(1)
+  expect(store.get(a)).toBe(1)