diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/de.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/de.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d724edb5..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/de.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Aktionen"
- links:
- back: "Zurück"
- cancel: "Abbrechen"
- confirm: "Sind Sie sicher?"
- destroy: "Löschen"
- new: "Neu"
- edit: "Bearbeiten"
- titles:
- edit: "Bearbeiten"
- save: "Speichern"
- new: "Neu"
- delete: "Löschen"
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/en-GB.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/en-GB.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6b06d342..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/en-GB.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Actions"
- links:
- back: "Back"
- cancel: "Cancel"
- confirm: "Are you sure?"
- destroy: "Delete"
- new: "New"
- edit: "Edit"
- titles:
- edit: "Edit"
- save: "Save"
- new: "New"
- delete: "Delete"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/en-US.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/en-US.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d377ced64..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/en-US.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Actions"
- links:
- back: "Back"
- cancel: "Cancel"
- confirm: "Are you sure?"
- destroy: "Delete"
- new: "New"
- edit: "Edit"
- titles:
- edit: "Edit"
- save: "Save"
- new: "New"
- delete: "Delete"
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/es.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/es.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 292f59e4d6..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/es.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Acciones"
- links:
- back: "Volver"
- cancel: "Cancelar"
- confirm: "¿Está seguro?"
- destroy: "Borrar"
- new: "Nuevo"
- edit: "Editar"
- titles:
- edit: "Editar"
- save: "Guardar"
- new: "Nuevo"
- delete: "Borrar"
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/fr-FR.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/fr-FR.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6570c158f6..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/fr-FR.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- helpers:
- actions: "Actions"
- links:
- back: "Retour"
- cancel: "Annuler"
- confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr?"
- destroy: "Supprimer"
- new: "Nouveau"
- edit: "Modifier"
- titles:
- edit: "Modifier"
- save: "Enregistrer"
- new: "Nouveau"
- delete: "Supprimer"
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/fr.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/fr.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b71db6ad69..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/fr.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- helpers:
- actions: "Actions"
- links:
- back: "Retour"
- cancel: "Annuler"
- confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr?"
- destroy: "Supprimer"
- new: "Nouveau"
- edit: "Modifier"
- titles:
- edit: "Modifier"
- save: "Enregistrer"
- new: "Nouveau"
- delete: "Supprimer"
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/pt-BR.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/pt-BR.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5edcf697aa..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/pt-BR.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Ações"
- links:
- back: "Volte"
- cancel: "Cancelar"
- confirm: "Are you sure?"
- destroy: "Você tem certeza?"
- new: "Novo"
- edit: "Editar"
- titles:
- edit: "Editar"
- save: "Salve"
- new: "Novo"
- delete: "Excluir"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/bootstrap/tr-TR.bootstrap.yml b/config/locales/bootstrap/tr-TR.bootstrap.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6b06d342..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/bootstrap/tr-TR.bootstrap.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- helpers:
- actions: "Actions"
- links:
- back: "Back"
- cancel: "Cancel"
- confirm: "Are you sure?"
- destroy: "Delete"
- new: "New"
- edit: "Edit"
- titles:
- edit: "Edit"
- save: "Save"
- new: "New"
- delete: "Delete"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.de.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64aab87406..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for German. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Gesendet durch das Kontaktformular. %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Nachricht von %{name} mit der E-Mail Adresse %{email}"
- subject: "Nachricht von %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Kontaktiere Uns"
- email: "E-Mail"
- message: "Nachricht"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Betreff"
- submit: "Abschicken"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Beide Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden."
- success: "Die Nachricht wurde erfolgreich versendet."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.el.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.el.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd85d1448..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.el.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Localization file for Greek
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Εστάλη μέσω της φόρμας επικοινωνίας από τον/την %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Εστάλη από τον/την %{name} από τη διεύθυνση %{email}"
- subject: "Μήνυμα φόρμας επικοινωνίας από %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Επικοινωνία"
- email: "Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου"
- message: "Μήνυμα"
- name: "Όνομα"
- subject: "Θέμα"
- submit: "Αποστολή"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε και τα δύο πεδία."
- success: "Το μήνυμά σας εστάλη επιτυχώς."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b809b0e54..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Sent by contact form from %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Sent by %{name} from %{email}"
- subject: "Contact Us message from %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contact Us"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Message"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Subject"
- submit: "Submit"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "You must enter both fields."
- success: "Contact email was successfully sent."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-US.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-US.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f5573366..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.en-US.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Sent by contact form from %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Sent by %{name} from %{email}"
- subject: "Contact Us message from %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contact Us"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Message"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Subjecter"
- submit: "Submit"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "You must enter both fields."
- success: "Contact email was successfully sent."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.es.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.es.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ac8edaa9..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.es.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for Spanish. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Enviado por el formulario de contacto desde %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Enviado por %{name} con la dirección %{email}"
- subject: "Mensaje de contacto de %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contactanos"
- email: "Correo electrónico"
- message: "Mensaje"
- name: "Nombre"
- subject: "Tema"
- submit: "Enviar"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Debes de ingresar ambos campos."
- success: "El correo electrónico de contacto fue enviado con éxito."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr-FR.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr-FR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 578c331e45..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr-FR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Envoyé depuis le fomulaire de contact par %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Envoyé par %{name} depuis %{email}"
- subject: "Message 'Contactez nous' de %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contactez Nous"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Message"
- name: "Nom"
- subject: "Sujet"
- submit: "Envoyer"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Merci de saisir les deux champs."
- success: "Votre message a bien été envoyé."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e78a259a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.fr.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Envoyé depuis le fomulaire de contact par %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Envoyé par %{name} depuis %{email}"
- subject: "Message 'Contactez nous' de %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contactez Nous"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Message"
- name: "Nom"
- subject: "Sujet"
- submit: "Envoyer"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Merci de saisir les deux champs."
- success: "Votre message a bien été envoyé."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.he.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.he.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b254cad9..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.he.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "נשלח על ידי קונטקט פורם מאת %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "נשלח על ידי %{name} מאת %{email}"
- subject: "צור קשר, הודעה מאת %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "צור קשר"
- email: "מייל"
- message: "הודעה"
- name: "שם"
- subject: "נושא"
- submit: "שלח"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "הנך צריך למלא את שתי השדות."
- success: "הטופס נשלח בהצלחה."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.it.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.it.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0a490268..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.it.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Inviato dal formato di contatto. %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Sent by %{name} from %{email}"
- subject: "Contact Us message from %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contattaci"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Messaggio"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Subject"
- submit: "Inviare"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Devi inserire entrambi i campi."
- success: "La mail di contatto è stata inviata."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ja.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ja.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d6e1ba8d..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ja.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "お問い合せメールを送信しました : %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "%{name} さんがお問い合せメールを送信しました : %{email}"
- subject: "お問い合わせメール : %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "お問い合わせ"
- email: "メールアドレス"
- message: "お問い合せ内容"
- name: "お名前"
- subject: "件名"
- submit: "送信する"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "すべての項目を入力してください。"
- success: "お問い合わせを送信しました。"
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pl.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pl.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b7fd3a81..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pl.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Wysłane przez formularz kontaktowy z %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Wysłane przez %{name} z %{email}"
- subject: "Wiadomość od %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Kontakt z nami"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Wiadomość"
- name: "Imię"
- subject: "Temat"
- submit: "Wyślij"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Musisz wypełnić oba pola."
- success: "Twój email został wysłany"
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-BR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d53e2e150c..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-BR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Enviado pelo formulário de contato. %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Enviado por %{name} de %{email}"
- subject: "Contate-nos: nova mensagem de %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contate-nos"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Mensagem"
- name: "Nome"
- subject: "Assunto"
- submit: "Enviar"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Você tem de preencher ambos os campos."
- success: "Email de contato foi enviado com sucesso."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-PT.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-PT.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd6a60064..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.pt-PT.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Enviado pelo formulário de contacto. %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Enviado por %{name} de %{email}"
- subject: "Contacte-nos: nova mensagem de %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contacte-nos"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Mensagem"
- name: "Nome"
- subject: "Assunto"
- submit: "Enviar"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Tem de preencher ambos os campos."
- success: "Email de contacto foi enviado com sucesso."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ru.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ru.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b46fe5830..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.ru.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Отправлено через контактную форму через %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Отправлено от %{name} через %{email}"
- subject: "Контактное сообщение от %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Свяжитесь с Нами"
- email: "Электронная Почта"
- message: "Сообщение"
- name: "Имя"
- subject: "Тематика"
- submit: "Отправить"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "Вы должны заполнить оба поля."
- success: "Контактное сообщение отправлено."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b809b0e54..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "Sent by contact form from %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Sent by %{name} from %{email}"
- subject: "Contact Us message from %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "Contact Us"
- email: "Email"
- message: "Message"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Subject"
- submit: "Submit"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "You must enter both fields."
- success: "Contact email was successfully sent."
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh-TW.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh-TW.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c71c0993a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh-TW.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "由【聯絡我們】頁發送 %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "由 %{name} 寄出 從 %{email}"
- subject: "由 %{email} 寄出的訊息"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "聯絡我們"
- email: "電子郵件"
- message: "訊息"
- name: "姓名"
- subject: "主題"
- submit: "發送"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "請檢查是否正確填寫所有欄位。"
- success: "訊息已成功送出。"
diff --git a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh.yml b/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a0a714c5..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/contact_us/contact_us.zh.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "由contact form发送。 %{email}"
- sent_by_name: "Sent by %{name} from %{email}"
- subject: "Contact Us message from %{email}"
- contacts:
- new: &new
- contact_us: "联系我们"
- email: "邮箱"
- message: "消息"
- name: "Name"
- subject: "Subject"
- submit: "发送"
- new_formtastic:
- <<: *new
- new_simple_form:
- <<: *new
- notices:
- error: "请正确输入邮箱与信息。"
- success: "邮件已成功发送。"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.de.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d96808876e..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung. Bitte melden Sie sich an."
- send_instructions: "Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Bestätigung Ihres Zugangs."
- resend_instructions: "Sende Anleitung zur Bestätigung erneut"
- confirmed_and_signed_in: "Vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung. Sie sind jetzt angemeldet."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Falls Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in unserer Datenbank existiert, erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Bestätigung Ihres Zugangs."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Sie sind bereits angemeldet."
- inactive: "Ihr Konto ist nicht mehr aktiv. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um Ihr Konto zu reaktivieren."
- invalid: "E-Mail-Adresse oder Passwort ungültig."
- invalid_token: "Ungültiges Authentifizierungs-Token."
- locked: "Ihr Zugang ist gesperrt."
- not_found_in_database: "E-Mail-Adresse oder Passwort ungültig."
- timeout: "Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte melden Sie sich erneut an."
- unauthenticated: "Sie müssen sich anmelden oder registrieren, um fortzufahren."
- unconfirmed: "Sie müssen Ihren Zugang bestätigen, um fortzufahren."
- mailer:
- app_name: "DMPonline"
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "DMPonline - Bestätigung Ihres Zugangs"
- link: "Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Zugang zu bestätigen"
- email: "
Willkommen zu DMPonline, %{email}
- Danke für Ihre Registrierung bei %{app_link}. Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse:
- %{confirmation_link} (oder kopieren Sie %{confirmation_direct_url} in Ihren Browser).
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "DMPonline - Passwort zurücksetzen"
- link: "Ändere mein Passwort"
- email: "Hallo %{resource_email}!
- Jemand hat einen Link angefordert, um Ihr Passwort für %{app_link} zurückzusetzen. Dies kann durch den unteren Link geschehen.
- %{reset_password_link}
- Wenn diese Anfrage nicht von Ihnen ist, können Sie diese Email ignorieren.
- Ihr Passwort ändert sich erst, wenn Sie obigen Link verwenden, um ein Neues zu setzen.
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "DMPonline - Zugang entsperren"
- link: "Entsperre meinen Zugang"
- email: "Hallo %{resource_email}!
- Ihr %{app_link} Zugang würde wegen übermäßiger Anmeldungsversuche gesperrt.
- Verwenden Sie den unteren Link, um Ihren Zugang zu entsperren:
- %{unlock_link}
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Sie konnten mit Ihrem %{kind}-Zugang nicht authentifiziert werden, da '%{reason}'."
- success: "Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit Ihrem %{kind}-Zugang angemeldet."
- passwords:
- no_token: "Sie können diese Seite nur über einen Verweis in einer E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts aufrufen. Sollten Sie einen solchen Verweis aufgerufen haben, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie die vollständige URL aufgerufen haben."
- send_instructions: "Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Falls Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in unserer Datenbank existiert, erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts."
- updated: "Ihr Passwort wurde geändert. Sie sind jetzt angemeldet."
- updated_not_active: "Ihr Passwort wurde geändert."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Ihr Zugang wurde gelöscht."
- signed_up: "Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert. Sie können sich jedoch z.Z. nicht anmelden, da Ihr Zugang inaktiv ist."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert. Sie können sich jedoch z.Z. nicht anmelden, da Ihr Zugang gesperrt ist."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Sie haben kürzlich eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Bestätigung Ihres Zugangs erhalten. Bitte öffnen Sie den dort angegebenen URL um Ihren Zugang zu aktivieren."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Sie haben erfoglreich die Nutzerdetails geändert, jedoch muss Ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse überprüft werden. Sie haben eine entsprechende E-Mail erhalten; bitte öffnen Sie den dort angegebenen URL um Ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen."
- updated: "Ihre Zugang wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Erfolgreich angemeldet."
- signed_out: "Erfolgreich abgemeldet."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Entsperrung Ihres Zugangs."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Falls Deine E-Mail-Adresse in unserer Datenbank existiert, erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Entsperrung Ihres Zugangs."
- resend_unlock_instructions: "Sende erneut Anleitung zur Entsperrung."
- unlocked: "Ihr Zugang wurde erfolgreich entsperrt. Bitte melden Sie sich an um fortzufahren."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "wurde bereits bestätigt. Bitte versuchen Sie, sich anzumelden."
- confirmation_period_expired: "muss innerhalb %{period} bestätigt werden, bitte wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
- expired: "ist abgelaufen, bitte erneut anfordern"
- not_found: "nicht gefunden"
- not_locked: "war nicht gesperrt"
- not_saved:
- one: "Ein Fehler hat verhindert, dass %{resource} gespeichert werden konnte:"
- other: "%{count} Fehler haben verhindert, dass %{resource} gespeichert werden konnte:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4937af88c0..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed. Please sign in."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "You are already signed in."
- inactive: "Your account is no longer active. Please contact us to reactivate your account."
- invalid: "Invalid email or password."
- invalid_token: "Invalid authentication token."
- invited: "You have a pending invitation, accept it to finish creating your account."
- locked: "Your account is locked."
- not_found_in_database: "Invalid email or password."
- timeout: "Your session expired, please sign in again to continue."
- unauthenticated: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."
- unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Confirm your DMPonline account"
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Reset password instructions"
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Unlock Instructions"
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account."
- passwords:
- no_token: "You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
- updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
- updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."
- signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated."
- signed_up_but_locked: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam filter."
- update_needs_confirmation: "You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address."
- updated: "You updated your account successfully."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Signed in successfully."
- signed_out: "Signed out successfully."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes."
- unlocked: "Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "was already confirmed, please try signing in"
- confirmation_period_expired: "needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one"
- expired: "has expired, please request a new one"
- not_found: "not found"
- not_locked: "was not locked"
- not_saved:
- one: "1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.en-US.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.en-US.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f9464a3a0a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.en-US.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed. Please sign in."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "You are already signed in."
- inactive: "Your account is no longer active. Please contact us to reactivate your account."
- invalid: "Invalid email or password."
- invalid_token: "Invalid authentication token."
- invited: "You have a pending invitation, accept it to finish creating your account."
- locked: "Your account is locked."
- not_found_in_database: "Invalid email or password."
- timeout: "Your session expired, please sign in again to continue."
- unauthenticated: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."
- unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Confirm your DMPonline account"
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Reset password instructions"
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Unlock Instructions"
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account."
- passwords:
- no_token: "You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
- updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
- updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."
- signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated."
- signed_up_but_locked: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam filter."
- update_needs_confirmation: "You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address."
- updated: "You updated your account successfully."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Signed in successfully."
- signed_out: "Signed out successfully."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes."
- unlocked: "Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "was already confirmed, please try signing in"
- confirmation_period_expired: "needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one"
- expired: "has expired, please request a new one"
- not_found: "not found"
- not_locked: "was not locked"
- not_saved:
- one: "1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.es.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.es.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d1ac4407ab..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.es.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Traducciones adicionales en https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Su cuenta ha sido confirmada."
- send_instructions: "Recibira un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones sobre cómo restablecer su contraseña."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si su correo electrónico existe en nuestra base de datos recibirás un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones sobre cómo reiniciar su contraseña."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Ya ha sido identificado."
- inactive: "Su cuenta ya no está activa. Por favor contáctenos para reactivar su cuenta."
- invalid: "Correo o contraseña inválidos."
- invalid_token: "Cadena de autenticación invalida."
- locked: "Su cuenta ha sido bloqueada."
- not_found_in_database: "Correo o contraseña inválidos."
- timeout: "su sesión ha expirado, por favor identifíquese de nuevo para continuar."
- unauthenticated: "Necesita iniciar sesión o registrarse para continuar."
- unconfirmed: "Debe confirmar su cuenta para continuar."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Instrucciones de confirmación"
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña"
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Instrucciones de desbloqueo"
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "No se le ha podido autorizar de %{kind} debido a \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Identificado correctamente de %{kind}."
- passwords:
- no_token: "No puede acceder a esta página sino es por medio de un enlace para restablecer contraseña. Si ha accedido desde el enlace para restablecer la contraseña, asegúrese de que la URL esté completa."
- send_instructions: "Recibira un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo restablecer su contraseña en unos minutos."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si su correo electrónico existe en nuestra base de datos, recibira un enlace para restablecer la contraseña en unos minutos."
- updated: "Su contraseña ha cambiado correctamente. Ha sido identificado correctamente."
- updated_not_active: "Su contraseña se ha cambiado correctamente."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "¡Adiós! Su cuenta ha sido cancelada. Esperamos volver a verle pronto."
- signed_up: "¡Bienvenido! Usted ha sido identificado."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Se ha registrado correctamente, pero no ha podido iniciar sesión porque su cuenta no ha sido activada."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Se ha registrado correctamente, pero no ha podido iniciar sesión porque su cuenta está bloqueada."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Se le ha enviado un mensaje con un enlace de confirmación. Por favor visite el enlace para activar su cuenta."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Ha actualizado su cuenta correctamente, sin embargo necesitamos verificar su nueva cuenta de correo. Por favor revise su correo electrónico y visite el enlace para finalizar la confirmación de su nueva dirección de correo electrónico."
- updated: "Ha actualizado tu cuenta correctamente."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Ha iniciado sesión satisfactoriamente."
- signed_out: "Ha cerrado la sesión satisfactoriamente."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "Recibira un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones sobre cómo desbloquear su cuenta."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si su cuenta existe, recibira un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones sobre cómo desbloquear su cuenta."
- unlocked: "Su cuenta ha sido desbloqueada. Por favor inicie sesión para continuar."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "ya ha sido confirmado, por favor intente iniciar sesión."
- confirmation_period_expired: "necesita ser confirmado en %{period}, por favor vuelva a solicitarla."
- expired: "ha expirado, por favor vuelva a solicitarla."
- not_found: "no se ha encontró."
- not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado."
- not_saved:
- one: "1 error impidió que este %{resource} fuese guardado:"
- other: "%{count} errores impidieron que este %{resource} fuese guardado:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.fr-FR.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.fr-FR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52d55e7538..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.fr-FR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Votre compte a bien été validé. Veuillez vous connecter."
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour activer votre compte."
- resend_instructions: "Envoyer de nouveau les directives"
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour valider votre compte."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Vous êtes déjà connecté(e)."
- inactive: "Votre compte n'est plus actif. Merci de nous contacter pour réactiver votre compte."
- invalid: "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect."
- invalid_token: "Jeton d'authentification incorrect."
- locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé."
- not_found_in_database: "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect."
- timeout: "Votre session est expirée. Veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer."
- unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous inscrire pour continuer."
- unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre compte pour continuer."
- mailer:
- app_name: "Assistant PGD"
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Valider votre compte Assistant PGD"
- link: "Cliquer ici pour activer votre compte"
- email: "Bienvenue dans l'Assistant PGD, %{email}
- Merci de vous être inscrit(e) à %{app_link}. Veuillez confirmer votre adresse électronique :
- %{confirmation_link} (ou copier %{confirmation_direct_url} dans votre navigateur).
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe"
- link: "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Un changement de mot de passe a été demandé pour %{app_link}. Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.
- %{reset_password_link}
- Si vous n'avez pas demandé ce changement, veuillez ignorer ce message.
- Votre mot de passe ne sera pas changé tant que vous n'aurez pas accédé au lien ci-dessus pour en créer un nouveau.
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Directives de déverrouillage"
- link: "Déverrouiller mon compte"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Votre compte %{app_link} a été verrouillé à la suite d'un trop grand nombre de tentatives d'authentification.
- Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour déverrouiller votre compte :
- %{unlock_link}
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Nous n'avons pas pu vous authentifier à partir de %{kind} parce que '%{reason}'."
- success: "Authentification réussie à partir du compte %{kind}."
- passwords:
- no_token: "Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à cette page sans y avoir été dirigé par un courriel de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Si vous avez été dirigé vers cette page à partir d’un courriel de réinitialisation, assurez-vous d'utiliser l'adresse URL complète fournie."
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un lien de récupération du mot de passe par courriel."
- updated: "Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié. Vous êtes maintenant connecté."
- updated_not_active: "Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Votre compte a bien été supprimé. Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt."
- signed_up: "Bienvenu(e)! Vous êtes bien inscrit(e)."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter, car votre compte n'est pas encore activé."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter, car votre compte est verrouillé."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Un message contenant un lien de confirmation a été envoyé à votre adresse électronique. Ouvrez ce lien pour activer votre compte. Si vous n’avez pas reçu le courriel de confirmation, vérifiez votre filtre antipourriel."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Votre compte a bien été mis à jour, mais nous devons vérifier votre nouvelle adresse électronique. Vérifiez vos courriels et cliquez sur le lien de confirmation pour finaliser la validation de votre nouvelle adresse électronique."
- updated: "Votre compte a bien été modifié."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Connecté"
- signed_out: "Déconnecté"
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour déverrouiller votre compte."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre compte existe, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour le déverrouiller."
- resend_unlock_instructions: "Envoyer de nouveau les directives de déverouillage."
- unlocked: "Votre compte a bien été déverrouillé. Veuillez vous connecter pour continuer."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "a déjà été validé, essayez de vous connecter."
- confirmation_period_expired: "à confirmer dans les %{period}. Veuillez faire une nouvelle demande."
- expired: "a expiré, veuillez faire une nouvelle demande."
- not_found: "n'a pas été trouvé"
- not_locked: "n'était pas verrouillé"
- not_saved:
- one: "Une erreur a empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :"
- other: "%{count} erreurs ont empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :"
- blank: "Ce champ ne peut être vide"
- activerecord:
- attributes:
- user:
- email: "Courriel: "
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.fr.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.fr.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e96803845c..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.fr.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Votre compte a bien été validé. Veuillez vous connecter."
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour activer votre compte."
- resend_instructions: "Envoyer de nouveau les directives"
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour valider votre compte."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Vous êtes déjà connecté(e)."
- inactive: "Votre compte n'est plus actif. Merci de nous contacter pour réactiver votre compte."
- invalid: "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect."
- invalid_token: "Jeton d'authentification incorrect."
- locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé."
- not_found_in_database: "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect."
- timeout: "Votre session est expirée. Veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer."
- unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous inscrire pour continuer."
- unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre compte pour continuer."
- mailer:
- app_name: "Assistant PGD"
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Valider votre compte Assistant PGD"
- link: "Cliquer ici pour activer votre compte"
- email: "Bienvenue dans l'Assistant PGD, %{email}
- Merci de vous être inscrit(e) à %{app_link}. Veuillez confirmer votre adresse électronique :
- %{confirmation_link} (ou copier %{confirmation_direct_url} dans votre navigateur).
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe"
- link: "Réinitialiser mon mot de passe"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Un changement de mot de passe a été demandé pour %{app_link}. Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.
- %{reset_password_link}
- Si vous n'avez pas demandé ce changement, veuillez ignorer ce message.
- Votre mot de passe ne sera pas changé tant que vous n'aurez pas accédé au lien ci-dessus pour en créer un nouveau.
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Directives de déverrouillage"
- link: "Déverrouiller mon compte"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Votre compte %{app_link} a été verrouillé à la suite d'un trop grand nombre de tentatives d'authentification.
- Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour déverrouiller votre compte :
- %{unlock_link}
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Nous n'avons pas pu vous authentifier à partir de %{kind} parce que '%{reason}'."
- success: "Authentification réussie à partir du compte %{kind}."
- passwords:
- no_token: "Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à cette page sans y avoir été dirigé par un courriel de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Si vous avez été dirigé vers cette page à partir d’un courriel de réinitialisation, assurez-vous d'utiliser l'adresse URL complète fournie."
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un lien de récupération du mot de passe par courriel."
- updated: "Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié. Vous êtes maintenant connecté."
- updated_not_active: "Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Votre compte a bien été supprimé. Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt."
- signed_up: "Bienvenu(e)! Vous êtes bien inscrit(e)."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter, car votre compte n'est pas encore activé."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter, car votre compte est verrouillé."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Un message contenant un lien de confirmation a été envoyé à votre adresse électronique. Ouvrez ce lien pour activer votre compte. Si vous n’avez pas reçu le courriel de confirmation, vérifiez votre filtre antipourriel."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Votre compte a bien été mis à jour, mais nous devons vérifier votre nouvelle adresse électronique. Vérifiez vos courriels et cliquez sur le lien de confirmation pour finaliser la validation de votre nouvelle adresse électronique."
- updated: "Votre compte a bien été modifié."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Connecté"
- signed_out: "Déconnecté"
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour déverrouiller votre compte."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Si votre compte existe, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour le déverrouiller."
- resend_unlock_instructions: "Envoyer de nouveau les directives de déverouillage."
- unlocked: "Votre compte a bien été déverrouillé. Veuillez vous connecter pour continuer."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "a déjà été validé, essayez de vous connecter."
- confirmation_period_expired: "à confirmer dans les %{period}. Veuillez faire une nouvelle demande."
- expired: "a expiré, veuillez faire une nouvelle demande."
- not_found: "n'a pas été trouvé"
- not_locked: "n'était pas verrouillé"
- not_saved:
- one: "Une erreur a empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :"
- other: "%{count} erreurs ont empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :"
- blank: "Ce champ ne peut être vide"
- activerecord:
- attributes:
- user:
- email: "Courriel: "
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.pt-BR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1890a701..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.pt-BR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Sua conta foi confirmada com sucesso. Por favor, inscreva-se."
- send_instructions: "Você receberá um e-mail com instruções sobre como confirmar sua conta em alguns minutos."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Se o seu endereço de e-mail existir em nosso banco de dados, você receberá um e-mail com instruções sobre como confirmar sua conta em alguns minutos."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "Você já está inscrito."
- inactive: "Sua conta não está mais ativa. Entre em contato para reativar sua conta."
- invalid: "Email ou senha inválidos."
- invalid_token: "Token de autenticação inválido."
- invited: "Você tem um convite pendente, aceite-o para concluir a criação da sua conta."
- locked: "Sua conta está bloqueada."
- not_found_in_database: "Email ou senha inválidos."
- timeout: "Sua sessão expirou, faça login novamente para continuar."
- unauthenticated: "Você precisa fazer login ou se inscrever antes de continuar."
- unconfirmed: "Você precisa confirmar sua conta antes de continuar."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Confirme sua conta DMPRoadmap"
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Redefinir instruções de senha"
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Desbloquear instruções"
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Não foi possível autenticá-lo de %{kind} porque \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Autenticado com sucesso da conta %{kind}."
- passwords:
- no_token: "Você não pode acessar esta página sem receber um email de redefinição de senha. Se você receber um email de redefinição de senha, verifique se usou o URL completo fornecido."
- send_instructions: "Você receberá um email com instruções sobre como redefinir sua senha em alguns minutos."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Se o seu endereço de email existir em nosso banco de dados, você receberá um link de recuperação de senha em seu endereço de email em alguns minutos."
- updated: "Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso. Agora você está conectado."
- updated_not_active: "Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Tchau! Sua conta foi cancelada com sucesso. Esperamos te ver novamente em breve."
- signed_up: "Bem vinda! Você se inscreveu com sucesso."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "Você se inscreveu com sucesso. No entanto, não poderíamos fazer o seu login porque sua conta ainda não está ativada."
- signed_up_but_locked: "Você se inscreveu com sucesso. No entanto, não poderíamos fazer login porque sua conta está bloqueada."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Uma mensagem com um link de confirmação foi enviada para o seu endereço de email. Por favor, abra o link para ativar sua conta. Se você não receber o email de confirmação, verifique seu filtro de spam."
- update_needs_confirmation: "Você atualizou sua conta com sucesso, mas precisamos confirmar seu novo endereço de e-mail. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail e clique no link de confirmação para finalizar a confirmação do seu novo endereço de email."
- updated: "Você atualizou sua conta com sucesso."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Conectado com sucesso."
- signed_out: "Saiu com sucesso."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "Você receberá um email com instruções sobre como desbloquear sua conta em alguns minutos."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "Se a sua conta existir, você receberá um email com instruções sobre como desbloqueá-lo em alguns minutos."
- unlocked: "Sua conta foi desbloqueada com sucesso. Por favor, entre para continuar."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "já foi confirmado, por favor, tente entrar"
- confirmation_period_expired: "precisa ser confirmado dentro de %{período}, solicite um novo"
- expired: "expirou, solicite um novo"
- not_found: "não encontrado"
- not_locked: "não estava trancado"
- not_saved:
- one: "1 erro proibiu que %{resource} fosse salvo:"
- other: "%{count} erros proibiram que esse %{resource} fosse salvo:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise.tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise.tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4937af88c0..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise.tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed. Please sign in."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
- failure:
- already_authenticated: "You are already signed in."
- inactive: "Your account is no longer active. Please contact us to reactivate your account."
- invalid: "Invalid email or password."
- invalid_token: "Invalid authentication token."
- invited: "You have a pending invitation, accept it to finish creating your account."
- locked: "Your account is locked."
- not_found_in_database: "Invalid email or password."
- timeout: "Your session expired, please sign in again to continue."
- unauthenticated: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."
- unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: "Confirm your DMPonline account"
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: "Reset password instructions"
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: "Unlock Instructions"
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"."
- success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account."
- passwords:
- no_token: "You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided."
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
- updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
- updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully."
- registrations:
- destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."
- signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."
- signed_up_but_inactive: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated."
- signed_up_but_locked: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked."
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam filter."
- update_needs_confirmation: "You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address."
- updated: "You updated your account successfully."
- sessions:
- signed_in: "Signed in successfully."
- signed_out: "Signed out successfully."
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes."
- send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes."
- unlocked: "Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue."
- errors:
- messages:
- already_confirmed: "was already confirmed, please try signing in"
- confirmation_period_expired: "needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one"
- expired: "has expired, please request a new one"
- not_found: "not found"
- not_locked: "was not locked"
- not_saved:
- one: "1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.de.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dccce7d1e6..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'Eine Einladungs-E-Mail wurde an %{email} versendet.'
- invitation_token_invalid: 'Das bereitgestellte Einladungs-Token ist ungültig.'
- updated: 'Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich gesetzt. Sie sind jetzt angemeldet.'
- no_invitations_remaining: "Keine Einladungen verbleibend."
- invitation_removed: 'Ihre Einladung wurde entfernt.'
- new:
- header: "Einladung versenden"
- submit_button: "Einladung senden"
- edit:
- header: "Passwort setzen"
- submit_button: "Passwort setzen"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: 'DMPonline - Anleitung zur Einladung'
- link: "Klicken Sie hier, um die Einladung anzunehmen"
- email: "Hallo %{resource_email}!
- Ein Kollege hat Sie eingeladen, um an seinem Datenmanagementplan (DMP) %{app_link}
- %{invitation_link} (oder kopiere %{invitation_direct_url} in Deinen Browser).
- Falls Sie die Einladung nicht annehmen wollen, ignorieren Sie bitte diese E-Mail.
- Ihr Zugang wird nicht erstellt, bevor sie obigen Link besuchen und Ihr Passwort setzen.
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index abf0919b37..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'An invitation email has been sent to %{email}.'
- invitation_token_invalid: 'The invitation token provided is not valid!'
- updated: 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.'
- no_invitations_remaining: "No invitations remaining"
- invitation_removed: 'Your invitation was removed.'
- new:
- header: "Send invitation"
- submit_button: "Send an invitation"
- edit:
- header: "Set your password"
- submit_button: "Set my password"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: 'Invitation instructions'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-US.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-US.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 117862ff0a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.en-US.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'An invitation email has been sent to %{email}.'
- invitation_token_invalid: 'The invitation token provided is not valid!'
- updated: 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.'
- no_invitations_remaining: "No invitations remaining"
- invitation_removed: 'Your invitation was removed.'
- new:
- header: "Send invitation"
- submit_button: "Send an invitation"
- edit:
- header: "Set your password"
- submit_button: "Set my password"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: 'Invitation instructions'
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.es.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.es.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2bfa8040..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.es.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'Un correo de invitación ha sido enviado a %{email}.'
- invitation_token_invalid: '¡El codigo de invitación no es valido!'
- updated: 'La contraseña ha sido creada. Estás conectado.'
- no_invitations_remaining: "No quedan invitaciones"
- invitation_removed: 'Su invitación fue eliminada.'
- new:
- header: "Enviar invitación"
- submit_button: "Enviar una invitación"
- edit:
- header: "Enviar su contraseña"
- submit_button: "Enviar mi contraseña"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: 'Instrucciones para tu invitación'
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr-FR.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr-FR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee860f527..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr-FR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: "Un courriel d'invitation a été envoyé à %{email}."
- invitation_token_invalid: "Le jeton d'invitation fourni n'est pas valide!"
- updated: "Votre mot de passe a été défini avec succès. Vous êtes maintenant connecté(e)."
- no_invitations_remaining: "Aucune invitation restante"
- invitation_removed: "Votre invitation a été supprimée."
- new:
- header: "Envoyer une invitation"
- submit_button: "Envoyer une invitation"
- edit:
- header: "Définir votre mot de passe"
- submit_button: "Définir mon mot de passe"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: "Directives de confirmation"
- link: "Cliquez ici pour accepter cette invitation"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Vous avez été invité(e) par un(e) de vos collègues à contribuer à son plan de gestion de données (PGD) dans %{app_link}
- %{invitation_link} (ou copier %{invitation_direct_url} dans votre navigateur).
- Si vous ne voulez pas accepter l'invitation, veuillez ignorer ce message.
- Votre compte ne sera pas créé tant que vous n'aurez pas accédé au lien ci-dessus et choisi un mot de passe.
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35272dbf49..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.fr.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: "Un courriel d'invitation a été envoyé à %{email}."
- invitation_token_invalid: "Le jeton d'invitation fourni n'est pas valide!"
- updated: "Votre mot de passe a été défini avec succès. Vous êtes maintenant connecté(e)."
- no_invitations_remaining: "Aucune invitation restante"
- invitation_removed: "Votre invitation a été supprimée."
- new:
- header: "Envoyer une invitation"
- submit_button: "Envoyer une invitation"
- edit:
- header: "Définir votre mot de passe"
- submit_button: "Définir mon mot de passe"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: "Directives de confirmation"
- link: "Cliquez ici pour accepter cette invitation"
- email: "Bonjour %{resource_email}!
- Vous avez été invité(e) par un(e) de vos collègues à contribuer à son plan de gestion de données (PGD) dans %{app_link}
- %{invitation_link} (ou copier %{invitation_direct_url} dans votre navigateur).
- Si vous ne voulez pas accepter l'invitation, veuillez ignorer ce message.
- Votre compte ne sera pas créé tant que vous n'aurez pas accédé au lien ci-dessus et choisi un mot de passe.
diff --git a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index abf0919b37..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/devise/devise_invitable.tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- devise:
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'An invitation email has been sent to %{email}.'
- invitation_token_invalid: 'The invitation token provided is not valid!'
- updated: 'Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.'
- no_invitations_remaining: "No invitations remaining"
- invitation_removed: 'Your invitation was removed.'
- new:
- header: "Send invitation"
- submit_button: "Send an invitation"
- edit:
- header: "Set your password"
- submit_button: "Set my password"
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: 'Invitation instructions'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/faker/faker.de.yml b/config/locales/faker/faker.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a92c7c399..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/faker/faker.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
- faker:
- language:
- names:
- - Danakil-Sprache
- - Abchasisch
- - Afrikaans
- - Akan-Sprache
- - Albanisch
- - Amharisch
- - Arabisch
- - Aragonesisch
- - Armenisch
- - Assamesisch
- - Awarisch
- - Avestisch
- - Aymará-Sprache
- - Aserbeidschanisch
- - Baschkirisch
- - Bambara-Sprache
- - Baskisch
- - Weißrussisch
- - Bengali
- - Bihari
- - Beach-la-mar
- - Tibetisch
- - Bosnisch
- - Bretonisch
- - Bulgarisch
- - Birmanisch
- - Katalanisch
- - Tschechisch
- - Chamorro-Sprache
- - Tschetschenisch
- - Chinesisch
- - Kirchenslawisch
- - Tschuwaschisch
- - Kornisch
- - Korsisch
- - Cree-Sprache
- - Kymrisch
- - Tschechisch
- - Dänisch
- - Deutsch
- - Maledivisch
- - Niederländisch
- - Dzongkha
- - Neugriechisch
- - Englisch
- - Esperanto
- - Estnisch
- - Baskisch
- - Ewe-Sprache
- - Färöisch
- - Persisch
- - Fidschi-Sprache
- - Finnisch
- - Französisch
- - Französisch
- - Friesisch
- - Ful
- - Georgisch
- - Deutsch
- - Gälisch-Schottisch
- - Irisch
- - Galicisch
- - Manx
- - Neugriechisch
- - Guaraní-Sprache
- - Gujarati-Sprache
- - Haïtien
- - Haussa-Sprache
- - Hebräisch
- - Herero-Sprache
- - Hindi
- - Hiri-Motu
- - Kroatisch
- - Ungarisch
- - Armenisch
- - Ibo-Sprache
- - Isländisch
- - Ido
- - Lalo-Sprache
- - Inuktitut
- - Interlingue
- - Interlingua
- - Bahasa Indonesia
- - Inupik
- - Isländisch
- - Italienisch
- - Javanisch
- - Japanisch
- - Grönländisch
- - Kannada
- - Kaschmiri
- - Georgisch
- - Kanuri-Sprache
- - Kasachisch
- - Kambodschanisch
- - Kikuyu-Sprache
- - Rwanda-Sprache
- - Kirgisisch
- - Komi-Sprache
- - Kongo-Sprache
- - Koreanisch
- - Kwanyama-Sprache
- - Kurdisch
- - Laotisch
- - Latein
- - Lettisch
- - Limburgisch
- - Lingala
- - Litauisch
- - Luxemburgisch
- - Luba-Katanga-Sprache
- - Ganda-Sprache
- - Makedonisch
- - Marschallesisch
- - Malayalam
- - Maori-Sprache
- - Marathi
- - Malaiisch
- - Makedonisch
- - Malagassi-Sprache
- - Maltesisch
- - Mongolisch
- - Maori-Sprache
- - Malaiisch
- - Birmanisch
- - Nauruanisch
- - Navajo-Sprache
- - Ndebele-Sprache
- - Ndebele-Sprache
- - Ndonga
- - Nepali
- - Niederländisch
- - Nynorsk
- - Bokmål
- - Norwegisch
- - Nyanja-Sprache
- - Okzitanisch
- - Ojibwa-Sprache
- - Oriya-Sprache
- - Galla-Sprache
- - Ossetisch
- - Pandschabi-Sprache
- - Persisch
- - Pali
- - Polnisch
- - Portugiesisch
- - Paschtu
- - Quechua-Sprache
- - Rätoromanisch
- - Rumänisch
- - Rumänisch
- - Rundi-Sprache
- - Russisch
- - Sango-Sprache
- - Sanskrit
- - Singhalesisch
- - Slowakisch
- - Slowakisch
- - Slowenisch
- - Nordsaamisch
- - Samoanisch
- - Schona-Sprache
- - Sindhi-Sprache
- - Somali
- - Süd-Sotho-Sprache
- - Spanisch
- - Albanisch
- - Sardisch
- - Serbisch
- - Swasi-Sprache
- - Sundanesisch
- - Swahili
- - Schwedisch
- - Tahitisch
- - Tamil
- - Tatarisch
- - Telugu-Sprache
- - Tadschikisch
- - Tagalog
- - Thailändisch
- - Tibetisch
- - Tigrinja-Sprache
- - Tongaisch
- - Tswana-Sprache
- - Tsonga-Sprache
- - Turkmenisch
- - Türkisch
- - Twi-Sprache
- - Uigurisch
- - Ukrainisch
- - Urdu
- - Usbekisch
- - Venda-Sprache
- - Vietnamesisch
- - Volapük
- - Kymrisch
- - Wallonisch
- - Wolof-Sprache
- - Xhosa-Sprache
- - Jiddisch
- - Yoruba-Sprache
- - Zhuang
- - Chinesisch
- - Zulu-Sprache
- abbreviations:
- - aa
- - ab
- - af
- - ak
- - sq
- - am
- - ar
- - an
- - hy
- - as
- - av
- - ae
- - ay
- - az
- - ba
- - bm
- - eu
- - be
- - bn
- - bh
- - bi
- - bo
- - bs
- - br
- - bg
- - my
- - ca
- - cs
- - ch
- - ce
- - zh
- - cu
- - cv
- - kw
- - co
- - cr
- - cy
- - cs
- - da
- - de
- - dv
- - nl
- - dz
- - el
- - en
- - eo
- - et
- - eu
- - ee
- - fo
- - fa
- - fj
- - fi
- - fr
- - fr
- - fy
- - ff
- - ka
- - de
- - gd
- - ga
- - gl
- - gv
- - el
- - gn
- - gu
- - ht
- - ha
- - he
- - hz
- - hi
- - ho
- - hr
- - hu
- - hy
- - ig
- - is
- - io
- - ii
- - iu
- - ie
- - ia
- - id
- - ik
- - is
- - it
- - jv
- - ja
- - kl
- - kn
- - ks
- - ka
- - kr
- - kk
- - km
- - ki
- - rw
- - ky
- - kv
- - kg
- - ko
- - kj
- - ku
- - lo
- - la
- - lv
- - li
- - ln
- - lt
- - lb
- - lu
- - lg
- - mk
- - mh
- - ml
- - mi
- - mr
- - ms
- - mk
- - mg
- - mt
- - mn
- - mi
- - ms
- - my
- - na
- - nv
- - nr
- - nd
- - ng
- - ne
- - nl
- - nn
- - nb
- - 'no'
- - ny
- - oc
- - oj
- - or
- - om
- - os
- - pa
- - fa
- - pi
- - pl
- - pt
- - ps
- - qu
- - rm
- - ro
- - ro
- - rn
- - ru
- - sg
- - sa
- - si
- - sk
- - sk
- - sl
- - se
- - sm
- - sn
- - sd
- - so
- - st
- - es
- - sq
- - sc
- - sr
- - ss
- - su
- - sw
- - sv
- - ty
- - ta
- - tt
- - te
- - tg
- - tl
- - th
- - bo
- - ti
- - to
- - tn
- - ts
- - tk
- - tr
- - tw
- - ug
- - uk
- - ur
- - uz
- - ve
- - vi
- - vo
- - cy
- - wa
- - wo
- - xh
- - yi
- - yo
- - za
- - zh
- - zu
diff --git a/config/locales/faker/faker.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/faker/faker.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 70a2f7fabf..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/faker/faker.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
- faker:
- language:
- names:
- - Afar
- - Abkhazian
- - Afrikaans
- - Akan
- - Albanian
- - Amharic
- - Arabic
- - Aragonese
- - Armenian
- - Assamese
- - Avaric
- - Avestan
- - Aymara
- - Azerbaijani
- - Bashkir
- - Bambara
- - Basque
- - Belarusian
- - Bengali
- - Bihari languages
- - Bislama
- - Tibetan
- - Bosnian
- - Breton
- - Bulgarian
- - Burmese
- - Catalan; Valencian
- - Czech
- - Chamorro
- - Chechen
- - Chinese
- - Church Slavic
- - Chuvash
- - Cornish
- - Corsican
- - Cree
- - Welsh
- - Czech
- - Danish
- - German
- - Divehi
- - Dutch
- - Dzongkha
- - Greek
- - English
- - Esperanto
- - Estonian
- - Basque
- - Ewe
- - Faroese
- - Persian
- - Fijian
- - Finnish
- - French
- - French
- - Western Frisian
- - Fulah
- - Georgian
- - German
- - Gaelic
- - Irish
- - Galician
- - Manx
- - Guarani
- - Gujarati
- - Haitian
- - Hausa
- - Hebrew
- - Herero
- - Hindi
- - Hiri Motu
- - Croatian
- - Hungarian
- - Armenian
- - Igbo
- - Icelandic
- - Ido
- - Sichuan Yi
- - Inuktitut
- - Interlingue
- - Interlingua
- - Indonesian
- - Inupiaq
- - Icelandic
- - Italian
- - Javanese
- - Japanese
- - Kalaallisut
- - Kannada
- - Kashmiri
- - Georgian
- - Kanuri
- - Kazakh
- - Central Khmer
- - Kikuyu
- - Kinyarwanda
- - Kirghiz
- - Komi
- - Kongo
- - Korean
- - Kuanyama
- - Kurdish
- - Lao
- - Latin
- - Latvian
- - Limburgan
- - Lingala
- - Lithuanian
- - Luxembourgish
- - Luba-Katanga
- - Ganda
- - Macedonian
- - Marshallese
- - Malayalam
- - Maori
- - Marathi
- - Malay
- - Macedonian
- - Malagasy
- - Maltese
- - Mongolian
- - Maori
- - Malay
- - Burmese
- - Nauru
- - Navajo
- - Ndebele
- - Ndebele
- - Ndonga
- - Nepali
- - Dutch
- - Norwegian Nynorsk
- - Bokmål
- - Norwegian
- - Chichewa
- - Occitan
- - Ojibwa
- - Oriya
- - Oromo
- - Ossetian
- - Panjabi
- - Persian
- - Pali
- - Polish
- - Portuguese
- - Pushto
- - Quechua
- - Romansh
- - Romanian
- - Romanian
- - Rundi
- - Russian
- - Sango
- - Sanskrit
- - Sinhala
- - Slovak
- - Slovak
- - Slovenian
- - Northern Sami
- - Samoan
- - Shona
- - Sindhi
- - Somali
- - Sotho
- - Spanish
- - Albanian
- - Sardinian
- - Serbian
- - Swati
- - Sundanese
- - Swahili
- - Swedish
- - Tahitian
- - Tamil
- - Tatar
- - Telugu
- - Tajik
- - Tagalog
- - Thai
- - Tibetan
- - Tigrinya
- - Tonga
- - Tswana
- - Tsonga
- - Turkmen
- - Turkish
- - Twi
- - Uighur
- - Ukrainian
- - Urdu
- - Uzbek
- - Venda
- - Vietnamese
- - Volapük
- - Welsh
- - Walloon
- - Wolof
- - Xhosa
- - Yiddish
- - Yoruba
- - Zhuang
- - Chinese
- - Zulu
- abbreviations:
- - aa
- - ab
- - af
- - ak
- - sq
- - am
- - ar
- - an
- - hy
- - as
- - av
- - ae
- - ay
- - az
- - ba
- - bm
- - eu
- - be
- - bn
- - bh
- - bi
- - bo
- - bs
- - br
- - bg
- - my
- - ca
- - cs
- - ch
- - ce
- - zh
- - cu
- - cv
- - kw
- - co
- - cr
- - cy
- - cs
- - da
- - de
- - dv
- - nl
- - dz
- - el
- - en
- - eo
- - et
- - eu
- - ee
- - fo
- - fa
- - fj
- - fi
- - fr
- - fr
- - fy
- - ff
- - ka
- - de
- - gd
- - ga
- - gl
- - gv
- - el
- - gn
- - gu
- - ht
- - ha
- - he
- - hz
- - hi
- - ho
- - hr
- - hu
- - hy
- - ig
- - is
- - io
- - ii
- - iu
- - ie
- - ia
- - id
- - ik
- - is
- - it
- - jv
- - ja
- - kl
- - kn
- - ks
- - ka
- - kr
- - kk
- - km
- - ki
- - rw
- - ky
- - kv
- - kg
- - ko
- - kj
- - ku
- - lo
- - la
- - lv
- - li
- - ln
- - lt
- - lb
- - lu
- - lg
- - mk
- - mh
- - ml
- - mi
- - mr
- - ms
- - mk
- - mg
- - mt
- - mn
- - mi
- - ms
- - my
- - na
- - nv
- - nr
- - nd
- - ng
- - ne
- - nl
- - nn
- - nb
- - 'no'
- - ny
- - oc
- - oj
- - or
- - om
- - os
- - pa
- - fa
- - pi
- - pl
- - pt
- - ps
- - qu
- - rm
- - ro
- - ro
- - rn
- - ru
- - sg
- - sa
- - si
- - sk
- - sk
- - sl
- - se
- - sm
- - sn
- - sd
- - so
- - st
- - es
- - sq
- - sc
- - sr
- - ss
- - su
- - sw
- - sv
- - ty
- - ta
- - tt
- - te
- - tg
- - tl
- - th
- - bo
- - ti
- - to
- - tn
- - ts
- - tk
- - tr
- - tw
- - ug
- - uk
- - ur
- - uz
- - ve
- - vi
- - vo
- - cy
- - wa
- - wo
- - xh
- - yi
- - yo
- - za
- - zh
- - zu
diff --git a/config/locales/faker/faker.fr.yml b/config/locales/faker/faker.fr.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5622533e2..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/faker/faker.fr.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
- faker:
- language:
- names:
- - afar
- - abkhaze
- - afrikaans
- - akan
- - albanais
- - amharique
- - arabe
- - aragonais
- - arménien
- - assamais
- - avar
- - avestique
- - aymara
- - azéri
- - bachkir
- - bambara
- - basque
- - biélorusse
- - bengali
- - langues biharis
- - bichlamar
- - tibétain
- - bosniaque
- - breton
- - bulgare
- - birman
- - catalan
- - tchèque
- - chamorro
- - tchétchène
- - chinois
- - slavon d'église
- - tchouvache
- - cornique
- - corse
- - cree
- - gallois
- - tchèque
- - danois
- - allemand
- - maldivien
- - néerlandais
- - dzongkha
- - grec moderne
- - anglais
- - espéranto
- - estonien
- - basque
- - éwé
- - féroïen
- - persan
- - fidjien
- - finnois
- - français
- - français
- - frison occidental
- - peul
- - géorgien
- - allemand
- - gaélique
- - irlandais
- - galicien
- - manx
- - grec
- - guarani
- - goudjrati
- - haïtien
- - haoussa
- - hébreu
- - herero
- - hindi
- - hiri motu
- - croate
- - hongrois
- - arménien
- - igbo
- - islandais
- - ido
- - yi de Sichuan
- - inuktitut
- - interlingue
- - interlingua
- - indonésien
- - inupiaq
- - islandais
- - italien
- - javanais
- - japonais
- - groenlandais
- - kannada
- - kashmiri
- - géorgien
- - kanouri
- - kazakh
- - khmer central
- - kikuyu
- - rwanda
- - kirghiz
- - kom
- - kongo
- - coréen
- - kuanyama
- - kurde
- - lao
- - latin
- - letton
- - limbourgeois
- - lingala
- - lituanien
- - luxembourgeois
- - luba-katanga
- - ganda
- - macédonien
- - marshall
- - malayalam
- - maori
- - marathe
- - malais
- - macédonien
- - malgache
- - maltais
- - mongol
- - maori
- - malais
- - birman
- - nauruan
- - navaho
- - ndébélé du Sud
- - ndébélé du Nord
- - ndonga
- - népalais
- - néerlandais
- - norvégien nynorsk
- - norvégien bokmål
- - norvégien
- - chichewa
- - occitan
- - ojibwa
- - oriya
- - galla
- - ossète
- - pendjabi
- - persan
- - pali
- - polonais
- - portugais
- - pachto
- - quechua
- - romanche
- - roumain
- - roumain
- - rundi
- - russe
- - sango
- - sanskrit
- - singhalais
- - slovaque
- - slovaque
- - slovène
- - sami du Nord
- - samoan
- - shona
- - sindhi
- - somali
- - sotho du Sud
- - espagnol
- - albanais
- - sarde
- - serbe
- - swati
- - soundanais
- - swahili
- - suédois
- - tahitien
- - tamoul
- - tatar
- - télougou
- - tadjik
- - tagalog
- - thaï
- - tibétain
- - tigrigna
- - tongan
- - tswana
- - tsonga
- - turkmène
- - turc
- - twi
- - ouïgour
- - ukrainien
- - ourdou
- - ouszbek
- - venda
- - vietnamien
- - volapük
- - gallois
- - wallon
- - wolof
- - xhosa
- - yiddish
- - yoruba
- - zhuang
- - chinois
- - zoulou
- abbreviations:
- - aa
- - ab
- - af
- - ak
- - sq
- - am
- - ar
- - an
- - hy
- - as
- - av
- - ae
- - ay
- - az
- - ba
- - bm
- - eu
- - be
- - bn
- - bh
- - bi
- - bo
- - bs
- - br
- - bg
- - my
- - ca
- - cs
- - ch
- - ce
- - zh
- - cu
- - cv
- - kw
- - co
- - cr
- - cy
- - cs
- - da
- - de
- - dv
- - nl
- - dz
- - el
- - en
- - eo
- - et
- - eu
- - ee
- - fo
- - fa
- - fj
- - fi
- - fr
- - fr
- - fy
- - ff
- - ka
- - de
- - gd
- - ga
- - gl
- - gv
- - el
- - gn
- - gu
- - ht
- - ha
- - he
- - hz
- - hi
- - ho
- - hr
- - hu
- - hy
- - ig
- - is
- - io
- - ii
- - iu
- - ie
- - ia
- - id
- - ik
- - is
- - it
- - jv
- - ja
- - kl
- - kn
- - ks
- - ka
- - kr
- - kk
- - km
- - ki
- - rw
- - ky
- - kv
- - kg
- - ko
- - kj
- - ku
- - lo
- - la
- - lv
- - li
- - ln
- - lt
- - lb
- - lu
- - lg
- - mk
- - mh
- - ml
- - mi
- - mr
- - ms
- - mk
- - mg
- - mt
- - mn
- - mi
- - ms
- - my
- - na
- - nv
- - nr
- - nd
- - ng
- - ne
- - nl
- - nn
- - nb
- - 'no'
- - ny
- - oc
- - oj
- - or
- - om
- - os
- - pa
- - fa
- - pi
- - pl
- - pt
- - ps
- - qu
- - rm
- - ro
- - ro
- - rn
- - ru
- - sg
- - sa
- - si
- - sk
- - sk
- - sl
- - se
- - sm
- - sn
- - sd
- - so
- - st
- - es
- - sq
- - sc
- - sr
- - ss
- - su
- - sw
- - sv
- - ty
- - ta
- - tt
- - te
- - tg
- - tl
- - th
- - bo
- - ti
- - to
- - tn
- - ts
- - tk
- - tr
- - tw
- - ug
- - uk
- - ur
- - uz
- - ve
- - vi
- - vo
- - cy
- - wa
- - wo
- - xh
- - yi
- - yo
- - za
- - zh
- - zu
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.de.yml b/config/locales/localization.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4edacf77cb..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- time:
- formats:
- devise:
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- accept_until_format: "%d. %B %Y %H:%M"
- default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- long: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- short: "%d. %B, %H:%M Uhr"
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%d.%m.%Y"
- long: "%e. %B %Y"
- short: "%e. %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "€"
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n %"
- precision: 1
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " und "
- two_words_connector: " und "
- words_connector: ", "
- i18n:
- transliterate:
- rule:
- ß: ss
- ä: ae
- é: e
- ö: oe
- ü: ue
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
- say_no: false
- say_yes: true
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/localization.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f23c35336..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%d-%m-%Y"
- long: "%d %B, %Y"
- short: "%d %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- format: "%u%n"
- precision: 2
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "£"
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 3
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n%"
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: ", and "
- two_words_connector: " and "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
- say_no: false
- say_yes: true
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.en-US.yml b/config/locales/localization.en-US.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6e9c659f..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.en-US.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%m-%d-%Y"
- long: "%B %d, %Y"
- short: "%b %d"
- csv: "%m/%d/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :month
- - :day
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- format: "%u%n"
- precision: 2
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "$"
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 3
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n%"
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: ", and "
- two_words_connector: " and "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z"
- long: "%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p"
- short: "%d %b %I:%M %p"
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.es.yml b/config/locales/localization.es.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcf539f13..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.es.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- time:
- formats:
- devise:
- mailer:
- invitation_instructions:
- accept_until_format: "%d de %B de %Y, %H:%M"
- default: "%A, %-d de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- long: "%-d de %B de %Y %H:%M"
- short: "%-d de %b %H:%M"
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%-d/%-m/%Y"
- long: "%-d de %B de %Y"
- short: "%-d de %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "€"
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 3
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 1
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n %"
- precision: 1
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " y "
- two_words_connector: " y "
- words_connector: ", "
- i18n:
- transliterate:
- rule:
- á: a
- é: e
- í: i
- ñ: "n"
- ó: o
- ú: u
- ü: u
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 1
- say_no: false
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.fi.yml b/config/locales/localization.fi.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f3411eda..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.fi.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%-d.%-m.%Y"
- long: "%A %e. %Bta %Y"
- short: "%d. %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "€"
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- precision: 3
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " ja "
- two_words_connector: " ja "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%A %e. %Bta %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- long: "%e. %Bta %Y %H.%M"
- short: "%e.%m. %H.%M"
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.fr-FR.yml b/config/locales/localization.fr-FR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ff3752f1..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.fr-FR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%d/%m/%Y"
- short: "%e %b"
- long: "%e %B %Y"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "€"
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- precision: 3
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n%"
- precision: 1
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " et "
- two_words_connector: " et "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%d %B %Y %Hh %Mmin %Ss"
- long: "%A %d %B %Y %Hh%M"
- short: "%d %b %Hh%M"
- i18n:
- transliterate:
- rule:
- à: a
- â: a
- æ: ae
- ç: c
- è: e
- é: e
- ê: e
- ë: e
- î: i
- ï: i
- ô: o
- ù: u
- û: u
- ü: u
- ÿ: "y"
- œ: oe
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/localization.pt-BR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0049aac46a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.pt-BR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%m-%d-%Y"
- short: "%m/%d/%Y"
- long: "%B %d, %Y"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - dia
- - meses
- - ano
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- custom: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"
- long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- format: "%u %n"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: R$
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 3
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- format: "%n%"
- precision: 1
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
- say_no: false
- say_yes: true
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " e "
- two_words_connector: " e "
- words_connector: ", "
- i18n:
- transliterate:
- rule:
- ª: a
- º: o
- à: a
- á: a
- â: a
- ã: a
- æ: Ae
- ç: c
- é: e
- ê: e
- í: i
- ó: o
- õ: o
- ú: u
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.sv-FI.yml b/config/locales/localization.sv-FI.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0985d1321f..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.sv-FI.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- long: "%e %B %Y"
- short: "%e %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: kr
- format:
- delimiter: " "
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 1
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%n%"
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " och "
- two_words_connector: " och "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- long: "%e %B %Y %H:%M"
- short: "%e %b %H:%M"
- spree:
- date_picker:
- first_day: 0
diff --git a/config/locales/localization.tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/localization.tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 73eec50dd0..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/localization.tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# THIS FILE CONTAINS LOCALIZATION KEYS : date and number formats, number precisions,
-# number separators and all non-textual values depending on the language.
-# These values must not reach the translator, so they are separated in this file.
-# More info here: https://translation.io/blog/gettext-is-better-than-rails-i18n#localization
-# You can edit and/or add new localization keys here, they won't be touched by Translation.io.
-# If you want to add a new localization key prefix, use the option described here:
-# https://github.com/translation/rails#custom-localization-key-prefixes
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%d.%m.%Y"
- long: "%e %B %Y, %A"
- short: "%e %b"
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- format: "%n %u"
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "₺"
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 2
- separator: ","
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- format: "%%n"
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: " ve "
- two_words_connector: " ve "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a %d.%b.%y %H:%M"
- long: "%e %B %Y, %A, %H:%M"
- short: "%e %B, %H:%M"
diff --git a/config/locales/tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 679ccaef44..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists"
- has_many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist"
- date:
- abbr_day_names:
- - Sun
- - Mon
- - Tue
- - Wed
- - Thu
- - Fri
- - Sat
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Jan
- - Feb
- - Mar
- - Apr
- - May
- - Jun
- - Jul
- - Aug
- - Sep
- - Oct
- - Nov
- - Dec
- day_names:
- - Sunday
- - Monday
- - Tuesday
- - Wednesday
- - Thursday
- - Friday
- - Saturday
- formats:
- default: "%d-%m-%Y"
- long: "%d %B, %Y"
- short: "%d %b"
- csv: "%d/%m/%Y"
- readable: "%d %B %Y"
- month_names:
- -
- - January
- - February
- - March
- - April
- - May
- - June
- - July
- - August
- - September
- - October
- - November
- - December
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- about_x_hours:
- one: about 1 hour
- other: about %{count} hours
- about_x_months:
- one: about 1 month
- other: about %{count} months
- about_x_years:
- one: about 1 year
- other: about %{count} years
- almost_x_years:
- one: almost 1 year
- other: almost %{count} years
- half_a_minute: half a minute
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: less than a minute
- other: less than %{count} minutes
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: less than 1 second
- other: less than %{count} seconds
- over_x_years:
- one: over 1 year
- other: over %{count} years
- x_days:
- one: 1 day
- other: "%{count} days"
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minute
- other: "%{count} minutes"
- x_months:
- one: 1 month
- other: "%{count} months"
- x_years:
- one: 1 year
- other: "%{count} years"
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 second
- other: "%{count} seconds"
- prompts:
- day: Day
- hour: Hour
- minute: Minute
- month: Month
- second: Seconds
- year: Year
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- accepted: must be accepted
- blank: can't be blank
- confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute}
- empty: can't be empty
- equal_to: must be equal to %{count}
- even: must be even
- exclusion: is reserved
- greater_than: must be greater than %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
- inclusion: is not included in the list
- invalid: is invalid
- less_than: must be less than %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count}
- not_a_number: is not a number
- not_an_integer: must be an integer
- odd: must be odd
- taken: has already been taken
- too_long:
- one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
- other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
- too_short:
- one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
- other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
- wrong_length:
- one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
- other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
- template:
- body: 'There were problems with the following fields:'
- header:
- one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Please select
- submit:
- create: Create %{model}
- submit: Save %{model}
- update: Update %{model}
- number:
- currency:
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- format: "%u%n"
- precision: 2
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: "£"
- format:
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 3
- separator: "."
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- human:
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- billion: Billion
- million: Million
- quadrillion: Quadrillion
- thousand: Thousand
- trillion: Trillion
- unit: ''
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- gb: GB
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- tb: TB
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- support:
- array:
- last_word_connector: ", and "
- two_words_connector: " and "
- words_connector: ", "
- time:
- am: am
- formats:
- default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- pm: pm
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.de.yml b/config/locales/translation.de.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7281133b2a..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.de.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/de
- date:
- day_names:
- - Sonntag
- - Montag
- - Dienstag
- - Mittwoch
- - Donnerstag
- - Freitag
- - Samstag
- abbr_day_names:
- - So
- - Mo
- - Di
- - Mi
- - Do
- - Fr
- - Sa
- month_names:
- -
- - Januar
- - Februar
- - März
- - April
- - Mai
- - Juni
- - Juli
- - August
- - September
- - Oktober
- - November
- - Dezember
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Jan
- - Feb
- - Mär
- - Apr
- - Mai
- - Jun
- - Jul
- - Aug
- - Sep
- - Okt
- - Nov
- - Dez
- time:
- am: vormittags
- pm: nachmittags
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: Tausend
- million: Million
- billion: Milliarde
- trillion: Trillion
- quadrillion: Quadrillion
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: ist kein Listeneintrag
- exclusion: ist reserviert
- invalid: ist ungültig
- confirmation: stimmt nicht mit %{attribute} überein
- accepted: muss akzeptiert werden
- empty: muss ausgefüllt werden
- blank: muss ausgefüllt werden
- present: darf nicht ausgefüllt werden
- too_long:
- one: ist zu lang (mehr als ein Zeichen)
- other: ist zu lang (mehr als %{count} Zeichen)
- too_short:
- one: ist zu kurz (weniger als ein Zeichen)
- other: ist zu kurz (weniger als %{count} Zeichen)
- wrong_length:
- one: hat die falsche Länge (muss genau ein Zeichen sein)
- other: hat die falsche Länge (muss genau %{count} Zeichen lang sein)
- not_a_number: ist keine Zahl
- not_an_integer: muss ganzzahlig sein
- greater_than: muss größer als %{count} sein
- greater_than_or_equal_to: muss größer oder gleich %{count} sein
- equal_to: muss genau %{count} sein
- less_than: muss kleiner als %{count} sein
- less_than_or_equal_to: muss kleiner oder gleich %{count} sein
- other_than: darf nicht gleich %{count} sein
- odd: muss eine ungerade Zahl sein
- even: muss eine gerade Zahl sein
- taken: ist bereits vergeben
- already_confirmed: wurde bereits bestätigt. Bitte versuchen Sie, sich anzumelden.
- confirmation_period_expired: muss innerhalb von %{period} bestätigt werden.
- Bitte fordern Sie einen neuen an.
- expired: ist abgelaufen. Bitte fordern Sie einen neuen an.
- not_found: nicht gefunden
- not_locked: war nicht gesperrt
- not_saved:
- one: 'Ein Fehler hat verhindert, dass %{resource} gespeichert werden konnte:'
- other: "%{count} Fehler haben verhindert, dass %{resource} gespeichert werden
- konnte:"
- model_invalid: 'Gültigkeitsprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen: %{errors}'
- required: muss ausgefüllt werden
- unavailable_session: "Session %{id} ist nicht mehr im Arbeitsspeicher verfügbar.
- \n\nSollte Ihr System auf einem Multi-Process-Server (wie Unicorn oder Puma)
- laufen, dann speichert der Prozess, den diese Anfrage ansteuert, keine %{id}
- im Arbeitspeicher. Sie sollten die Anzahl der Prozesse/Arbeiter auf eins (1)
- setzen oder einen anderen Server für die Entwicklung verwenden."
- unacceptable_request: " Im Accept-Header wird eine unterstützte Version erwartet."
- connection_refused: |-
- Ups! Konnte keine Verbindung zur Web-Console-Middleware herstellen.
- Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass ein Rails-Development-Server läuft.
- template:
- body: 'Bei den folgenden Feldern gibt es Unstimmigkeiten:'
- header:
- one: 'Ein Fehler hat verhindert, dass %{model} gespeichert werden konnte:'
- other: "%{count} Fehler haben verhindert, dass %{model} gespeichert werden
- konnte:"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Gültigkeitsprüfung fehlgeschlagen: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Datensatz kann nicht gelöscht werden, da ein abhängiger %{record}
- existiert.
- has_many: Datensatz kann nicht gelöscht werden, da abhängige %{record} existieren.
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: einer halben Minute
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: weniger als eine Sekunde
- other: weniger als %{count} Sekunden
- x_seconds:
- one: einer Sekunde
- other: "%{count} Sekunden"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: weniger als eine Minute
- other: weniger als %{count} Minuten
- x_minutes:
- one: einer Minute
- other: "%{count} Minuten"
- about_x_hours:
- one: etwa eine Stunde
- other: etwa %{count} Stunden
- x_days:
- one: einem Tag
- other: "%{count} Tagen"
- about_x_months:
- one: etwa einem Monat
- other: etwa %{count} Monaten
- x_months:
- one: einem Monat
- other: "%{count} Monaten"
- about_x_years:
- one: etwa einem Jahr
- other: etwa %{count} Jahre
- over_x_years:
- one: mehr als einem Jahr
- other: mehr als %{count} Jahren
- almost_x_years:
- one: fast einem Jahr
- other: fast %{count} Jahren
- x_years:
- one: einem Jahr
- other: "%{count} Jahren"
- prompts:
- year: Jahr
- month: Monat
- day: Tag
- hour: Stunde
- minute: Minute
- second: Sekunde
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Bitte wählen Sie
- submit:
- create: "%{model} erstellen"
- update: "%{model} aktualisieren"
- submit: "%{model} speichern"
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: Einträge
- one: Eintrag
- other: Einträge
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: Kein %{entry_name} gefunden
- one: Zeige %{count} %{entry_name}
- other: Zeige alle %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Zeige %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} von
- insgesamt %{total}
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} wurde erfolgreich angelegt."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} wurde erfolgreich zerstört."
- alert: "%{resource_name} konnte nicht zerstört werden."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde erfolgreich bestätigt.
- send_instructions: Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung,
- wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen können.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Falls Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in unserer Datenbank existiert,
- erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung, wie Sie Ihre
- E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen können.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Sie sind bereits angemeldet.
- inactive: Ihr Konto ist noch nicht aktiviert.
- invalid: "%{authentication_keys} oder Passwort ungültig."
- locked: Ihr Zugang ist gesperrt.
- last_attempt: Sie haben noch einen Versuch, bevor Ihr Konto gesperrt wird.
- not_found_in_database: "%{authentication_keys} oder Passwort ungültig."
- timeout: Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Um fortzufahren, melden Sie sich bitte
- erneut an.
- unauthenticated: Sie müssen sich anmelden oder registrieren, um fortzufahren.
- unconfirmed: Sie müssen erst Ihre E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen, um fortzufahren.
- invited: Akzeptieren Sie die offene Einladung, um die Erstellung Ihres Accounts
- abzuschließen.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Anleitung für die Bestätigung
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Anleitung zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Anleitung zum Entsperren des Zugangs
- email_changed:
- subject: E-Mail geändert
- password_change:
- subject: Passwort geändert
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Anleitung zu Einladungen
- hello: Hallo %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Jemand hat Sie auf die Seite %{url} eingeladen. Klicken
- Sie auf den untenstehenden Link, um die Einladung anzunehmen.
- accept: Einladung annehmen
- accept_until: Diese Einladung wird am %{due_date} fällig.
- ignore: Wenn Sie die Einladung nicht annehmen möchten, ignorieren Sie diese
- E-Mail. Ihr Konto wird erst erstellt, wenn Sie den obigen Link öffnen und
- Ihr Passwort festlegen.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Sie konnten mit Ihrem %{kind}-Zugang nicht authentifiziert werden,
- da '%{reason}'.
- success: Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit Ihrem %{kind}-Zugang angemeldet.
- passwords:
- no_token: Sie können auf diese Seite nur zugreifen, indem Sie den Link aufrufen,
- der in der E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts angegeben ist. Stellen Sie
- bitte sicher, dass Sie die vollständige URL in die Adresszeile kopiert haben.
- send_instructions: Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung
- zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Falls Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in unserer Datenbank existiert,
- erhalten Sie in wenigen Minuten einen Link zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts
- an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse.
- updated: Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert. Sie sind jetzt angemeldet.
- updated_not_active: Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Tschüs! Ihr Zugang wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert. Wir hoffen, Sie
- bald wiederzusehen.
- signed_up: Willkommen! Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert.
- signed_up_but_inactive: Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert. Dennoch können
- Sie sich nicht einloggen, solange Ihr Zugang noch nicht aktiviert ist.
- signed_up_but_locked: Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert. Dennoch können
- Sie sich nicht einloggen, da Ihr Zugang gesperrt ist.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Eine Nachricht mit einem Bestätigungslink wurde an
- Ihre E-Mail-Adresse verschickt. Bitte folgen Sie dem Link, um Ihr Konto zu
- aktivieren.
- update_needs_confirmation: Sie haben Ihren Zugang erfoglreich aktualisiert,
- jedoch muss Ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse überprüft werden. Sie sollten dazu gerade
- eine entsprechende E-Mail erhalten haben. Bitte folgen Sie dem dort angegebenen
- Link um Ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen.
- updated: Ihre Zugang wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Ihr Zugang wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Da Ihr
- Kennwort geändert wurde, müssen Sie sich jedoch erneut anmelden.
- sessions:
- signed_in: Erfolgreich angemeldet.
- signed_out: Erfolgreich abgemeldet.
- already_signed_out: Erfolgreich abgemeldet.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung
- zur Entsperrung Ihres Zugangs.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Falls Ihr Zugang existiert, erhalten Sie in wenigen
- Minuten eine E-Mail mit einer Anleitung zur Entsperrung.
- unlocked: Ihr Zugang wurde erfolgreich entsperrt. Bitte melden Sie sich an um
- fortzufahren.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: Eine Einladungs-E-Mail wurde an %{email} versendet.
- invitation_token_invalid: Das bereitgestellte Einladungs-Token ist ungültig!
- updated: Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich gesetzt. Sie sind jetzt angemeldet.
- updated_not_active: Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich gesetzt.
- no_invitations_remaining: Keine Einladungen verbleibend
- invitation_removed: Ihre Einladung wurde entfernt.
- new:
- header: Einladung versenden
- submit_button: Eine Einladung versenden
- edit:
- header: Vergeben Sie ein Passwort
- submit_button: Setze mein Passwort
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Gesendet über das Kontaktformular von %{email}
- sent_by_name: Gesendet von %{name} über die E-Mail-Adresse %{email}
- subject: '"Kontaktiere uns"-Nachricht von %{email}'
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Kontaktieren Sie uns
- email: E-Mail
- message: Nachricht
- name: Name
- subject: Betreff
- submit: Abschicken
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Kontaktiere Uns
- email: E-Mail
- message: Nachricht
- name: Name
- subject: Betreff
- submit: Abschicken
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Kontaktiere Uns
- email: E-Mail
- message: Nachricht
- name: Name
- subject: Betreff
- submit: Abschicken
- notices:
- error: Beide Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.
- success: Kontakt-E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Erster"
- last: Letzter »
- previous: "‹ Vorheriger"
- next: Nächster ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: Die reCAPTCHA-Überprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen
- Sie es erneut.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Ups, wir konnten Ihre reCAPTCHA-Antwort nicht validieren.
- Bitte versuche es erneut.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.en-GB.yml b/config/locales/translation.en-GB.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0780e4cca7..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.en-GB.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/ualbertalib/dmp-assistant-test/en-GB
- date:
- day_names:
- - Sunday
- - Monday
- - Tuesday
- - Wednesday
- - Thursday
- - Friday
- - Saturday
- abbr_day_names:
- - Sun
- - Mon
- - Tue
- - Wed
- - Thu
- - Fri
- - Sat
- month_names:
- -
- - January
- - February
- - March
- - April
- - May
- - June
- - July
- - August
- - September
- - October
- - November
- - December
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Jan
- - Feb
- - Mar
- - Apr
- - May
- - Jun
- - Jul
- - Aug
- - Sep
- - Oct
- - Nov
- - Dec
- time:
- am: am
- pm: pm
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: Thousand
- million: Million
- billion: Billion
- trillion: Trillion
- quadrillion: Quadrillion
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: is not included in the list
- exclusion: is reserved
- invalid: is invalid
- confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute}
- accepted: must be accepted
- empty: can't be empty
- blank: can't be blank
- present: must be blank
- too_long:
- one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
- other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
- too_short:
- one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
- other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
- wrong_length:
- one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
- other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
- not_a_number: is not a number
- not_an_integer: must be an integer
- greater_than: must be greater than %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
- equal_to: must be equal to %{count}
- less_than: must be less than %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count}
- other_than: must be other than %{count}
- odd: must be odd
- even: must be even
- taken: has already been taken
- already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
- confirmation_period_expired: needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please
- request a new one
- expired: has expired, please request a new one
- not_found: not found
- not_locked: was not locked
- not_saved:
- one: '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:'
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
- model_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
- required: must exist
- unavailable_session:
- unacceptable_request:
- connection_refused:
- template:
- body: 'There were problems with the following fields:'
- header:
- one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
- unavailable_session:
- unacceptable_request:
- connection_refused:
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists
- has_many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: half a minute
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: less than 1 second
- other: less than %{count} seconds
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 second
- other: "%{count} seconds"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: less than a minute
- other: less than %{count} minutes
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minute
- other: "%{count} minutes"
- about_x_hours:
- one: about 1 hour
- other: about %{count} hours
- x_days:
- one: 1 day
- other: "%{count} days"
- about_x_months:
- one: about 1 month
- other: about %{count} months
- x_months:
- one: 1 month
- other: "%{count} months"
- about_x_years:
- one: about 1 year
- other: about %{count} years
- over_x_years:
- one: over 1 year
- other: over %{count} years
- almost_x_years:
- one: almost 1 year
- other: almost %{count} years
- x_years:
- one: 1 year
- other: "%{count} years"
- prompts:
- year: Year
- month: Month
- day: Day
- hour: Hour
- minute: Minute
- second: Seconds
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Please select
- submit:
- create: Create %{model}
- update: Update %{model}
- submit: Save %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero:
- one:
- other:
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: No %{entry_name} found
- one: Displaying %{count} %{entry_name}
- other: Displaying all %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Displaying %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last}
- of %{total} in total
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice:
- update:
- notice:
- destroy:
- notice:
- alert:
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed:
- recaptcha_unreachable:
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed.
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- confirm your account in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your email exists on our database, you will receive
- an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
- inactive: Your account was not activated yet.
- invalid: Invalid email or password.
- locked: Your account is locked.
- last_attempt: You have one more attempt before your account will be locked.
- not_found_in_database: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
- timeout: Your session expired, please sign in again to continue.
- unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
- unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing.
- invited:
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Confirmation instructions
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Reset password instructions
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Unlock Instructions
- email_changed:
- subject: Email Changed
- password_change:
- subject: Password Changed
- invitation_instructions:
- subject:
- hello:
- someone_invited_you:
- accept:
- accept_until:
- ignore:
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
- success: Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account.
- passwords:
- no_token: You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email.
- If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the
- full URL provided.
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- reset your password in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your email exists on our database, you will receive
- a password recovery link on your email
- updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in.
- updated_not_active: Your password was changed successfully.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you
- again soon.
- signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
- signed_up_but_inactive: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not
- sign you in because your account is not yet activated.
- signed_up_but_locked: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not
- sign you in because your account is locked.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: A message with a confirmation link has been sent
- to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account.
- update_needs_confirmation: You updated your account successfully, but we need
- to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the
- confirm link to finalise confirming your new email address.
- updated: You updated your account successfully.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Your account has been updated successfully, but since
- your password was changed, you need to sign in again
- sessions:
- signed_in: Signed in successfully.
- signed_out: Signed out successfully.
- already_signed_out: Signed out successfully.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- unlock your account in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email
- with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes.
- unlocked: Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.
- invitations:
- send_instructions:
- invitation_token_invalid:
- updated:
- updated_not_active:
- no_invitations_remaining:
- invitation_removed:
- new:
- header:
- submit_button:
- edit:
- header:
- submit_button:
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form:
- sent_by_name:
- subject:
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us:
- email:
- message:
- name:
- subject:
- submit:
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us:
- email:
- message:
- name:
- subject:
- submit:
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us:
- email:
- message:
- name:
- subject:
- submit:
- notices:
- error:
- success:
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« First"
- last: Last »
- previous: "‹ Prev"
- next: Next ›
- truncate: "…"
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.en-US.yml b/config/locales/translation.en-US.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3751efc8b3..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.en-US.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/en-US
- date:
- day_names:
- - Sunday
- - Monday
- - Tuesday
- - Wednesday
- - Thursday
- - Friday
- - Saturday
- abbr_day_names:
- - Sun
- - Mon
- - Tue
- - Wed
- - Thu
- - Fri
- - Sat
- month_names:
- -
- - January
- - February
- - March
- - April
- - May
- - June
- - July
- - August
- - September
- - October
- - November
- - December
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Jan
- - Feb
- - Mar
- - Apr
- - May
- - Jun
- - Jul
- - Aug
- - Sep
- - Oct
- - Nov
- - Dec
- time:
- am: am
- pm: pm
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: Thousand
- million: Million
- billion: Billion
- trillion: Trillion
- quadrillion: Quadrillion
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: is not included in the list
- exclusion: is reserved
- invalid: is invalid
- confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute}
- accepted: must be accepted
- empty: can't be empty
- blank: can't be blank
- present: must be blank
- too_long:
- one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
- other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
- too_short:
- one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
- other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
- wrong_length:
- one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
- other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
- not_a_number: is not a number
- not_an_integer: must be an integer
- greater_than: must be greater than %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
- equal_to: must be equal to %{count}
- less_than: must be less than %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count}
- other_than: must be other than %{count}
- odd: must be odd
- even: must be even
- taken: has already been taken
- already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
- confirmation_period_expired: needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please
- request a new one
- expired: has expired, please request a new one
- not_found: not found
- not_locked: was not locked
- not_saved:
- one: '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:'
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
- model_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
- required: must exist
- unavailable_session:
- unacceptable_request:
- connection_refused:
- template:
- body: 'There were problems with the following fields:'
- header:
- one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
- other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists
- has_many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: half a minute
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: less than 1 second
- other: less than %{count} seconds
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 second
- other: "%{count} seconds"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: less than a minute
- other: less than %{count} minutes
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minute
- other: "%{count} minutes"
- about_x_hours:
- one: about 1 hour
- other: about %{count} hours
- x_days:
- one: 1 day
- other: "%{count} days"
- about_x_months:
- one: about 1 month
- other: about %{count} months
- x_months:
- one: 1 month
- other: "%{count} months"
- about_x_years:
- one: about 1 year
- other: about %{count} years
- over_x_years:
- one: over 1 year
- other: over %{count} years
- almost_x_years:
- one: almost 1 year
- other: almost %{count} years
- x_years:
- one: 1 year
- other: "%{count} years"
- prompts:
- year: Year
- month: Month
- day: Day
- hour: Hour
- minute: Minute
- second: Seconds
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Please select
- submit:
- create: Create %{model}
- update: Update %{model}
- submit: Save %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero:
- one:
- other:
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: No %{entry_name} found
- one: Displaying %{count} %{entry_name}
- other: Displaying all %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Displaying %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last}
- of %{total} in total
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice:
- update:
- notice:
- destroy:
- notice:
- alert:
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed. Please sign in.
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- confirm your account in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you
- will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account
- in a few minutes.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
- inactive: Your account is no longer active. Please contact us to reactivate
- your account.
- invalid: Invalid email or password.
- locked: Your account is locked.
- last_attempt:
- not_found_in_database: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
- timeout: Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue.
- unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
- unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing.
- invited: You have a pending invitation, accept it to finish creating your account.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Confirm your DMPonline account
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Reset password instructions
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Unlock Instructions
- email_changed:
- subject: Email changed
- password_change:
- subject:
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Invitation instructions
- hello:
- someone_invited_you:
- accept: Accept invitation
- accept_until: 'This invitation will be due in %{due_date}.
- '
- ignore:
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
- success: Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account.
- passwords:
- no_token: You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email.
- If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the
- full URL provided.
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- reset your password in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you
- will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes.
- updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in.
- updated_not_active: Your password was changed successfully.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you
- again soon.
- signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
- signed_up_but_inactive: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not
- sign you in because your account is not yet activated.
- signed_up_but_locked: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not
- sign you in because your account is locked.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: A message with a confirmation link has been sent
- to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account. If you
- do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam filter.
- update_needs_confirmation: You updated your account successfully, but we need
- to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the
- confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address.
- updated: You updated your account successfully.
- updated_but_not_signed_in:
- sessions:
- signed_in: Signed in successfully.
- signed_out: Signed out successfully.
- already_signed_out: Signed out successfully.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to
- unlock your account in a few minutes.
- send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email
- with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes.
- unlocked: Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: An invitation email has been sent to %{email}.
- invitation_token_invalid: The invitation token provided is not valid!
- updated: Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.
- updated_not_active:
- no_invitations_remaining: No invitations remaining
- invitation_removed: Your invitation was removed.
- new:
- header: Send invitation
- submit_button: Send an invitation
- edit:
- header: Set your password
- submit_button: Set my password
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Sent by contact form from %{email}
- sent_by_name: Sent by %{name} from %{email}
- subject: Contact Us message from %{email}
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Contact Us
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Name
- subject: Subject
- submit: Submit
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Contact Us
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Name
- subject: Subject
- submit: Submit
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Contact Us
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Name
- subject: Subject
- submit: Submit
- notices:
- error: You must enter both fields.
- success: Contact email was successfully sent.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« First"
- last: Last »
- previous: "‹ Prev"
- next: Next ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed:
- recaptcha_unreachable:
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.es.yml b/config/locales/translation.es.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1adb863ec2..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.es.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/es
- date:
- day_names:
- - domingo
- - lunes
- - martes
- - miércoles
- - jueves
- - viernes
- - sábado
- abbr_day_names:
- - dom
- - lun
- - mar
- - mié
- - jue
- - vie
- - sáb
- month_names:
- -
- - enero
- - febrero
- - marzo
- - abril
- - mayo
- - junio
- - julio
- - agosto
- - septiembre
- - octubre
- - noviembre
- - diciembre
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - ene
- - feb
- - mar
- - abr
- - may
- - jun
- - jul
- - ago
- - sep
- - oct
- - nov
- - dic
- time:
- am: am
- pm: pm
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: mil
- million: Millón
- billion: mil millones
- trillion: Trillones
- quadrillion: mil billones
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: no está incluido en la lista
- exclusion: está reservado
- invalid: no es válido
- confirmation: no coincide
- accepted: debe ser aceptado
- empty: no puede estar vacío
- blank: no puede estar en blanco
- present: debe estar en blanco
- too_long:
- one: es demasiado largo (1 carácter máximo)
- other: es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo)
- too_short:
- one: es demasiado corto (1 carácter mínimo)
- other: es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo)
- wrong_length:
- one: no tiene la longitud correcta (1 carácter exactos)
- other: no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos)
- not_a_number: no es un número
- not_an_integer: debe ser un entero
- greater_than: debe ser mayor que %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count}
- equal_to: debe ser igual a %{count}
- less_than: debe ser menor que %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: debe ser menor que o igual a %{count}
- other_than: debe ser distinto de %{count}
- odd: debe ser impar
- even: debe ser par
- taken: ya está en uso
- already_confirmed: ya ha sido confirmado, por favor intente iniciar sesión.
- confirmation_period_expired: necesita ser confirmado en %{period}, por favor
- vuelva a solicitarla.
- expired: ha expirado, por favor vuelva a solicitarla.
- not_found: no se ha encontró.
- not_locked: no estaba bloqueado.
- not_saved:
- one: '1 error impidió que este %{resource} fuese guardado:'
- other: "%{count} errores impidieron que este %{resource} fuese guardado:"
- model_invalid: 'La validación falló: %{errors}'
- required: debe existir
- unavailable_session: |-
- Sesión %{id} ya no se encuentra disponible en la memoria.
- Si le sucede a ejecutar en un servidor multi-proceso (como el unicornio o Puma) el proceso de
- esta solicitud golpe no almacena %{id} en la memoria. Considere girando el número de
- procesos / trabajadores a uno (1) o el uso de un servidor diferente en el desarrollo.
- unacceptable_request: Una versión compatible Se espera que en la cabecera Aceptar.
- connection_refused: |-
- Ups! No se pudo conectar a la consola Web de middleware.
- Por favor asegúrese de que un servidor de desarrollo carriles se está ejecutando.
- template:
- body: 'Se encontraron problemas con los siguientes campos:'
- header:
- one: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontró 1 error
- other: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontraron %{count} errores
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'La validación falló: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existe un %{record} dependiente
- has_many: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existen %{record} dependientes
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: medio minuto
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: menos de 1 segundo
- other: menos de %{count} segundos
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 segundo
- other: "%{count} segundos"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: menos de 1 minuto
- other: menos de %{count} minutos
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minuto
- other: "%{count} minutos"
- about_x_hours:
- one: alrededor de 1 hora
- other: alrededor de %{count} horas
- x_days:
- one: 1 día
- other: "%{count} días"
- about_x_months:
- one: alrededor de 1 mes
- other: alrededor de %{count} meses
- x_months:
- one: 1 mes
- other: "%{count} meses"
- about_x_years:
- one: alrededor de 1 año
- other: alrededor de %{count} años
- over_x_years:
- one: más de 1 año
- other: más de %{count} años
- almost_x_years:
- one: casi 1 año
- other: casi %{count} años
- x_years:
- one: 1 año
- other: "%{count} años"
- prompts:
- year: Año
- month: Mes
- day: Día
- hour: Hora
- minute: Minutos
- second: Segundos
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Por favor seleccione
- submit:
- create: Crear %{model}
- update: Actualizar %{model}
- submit: Guardar %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: entradas
- one: entrada
- other: entradas
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: No se han encontrado %{entry_name}
- one: Mostrando %{count} %{entry_name}
- other: Mostrando un total de %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Mostrando %{first} - %{last} %{entry_name}
- de %{total} en total
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} fue creado con éxito."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} se ha actualizado correctamente."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} fue destruido con éxito."
- alert: "%{resource_name} no podía ser destruida."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Su cuenta ha sido confirmada.
- send_instructions: Recibira un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones
- sobre cómo restablecer su contraseña.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si su correo electrónico existe en nuestra base
- de datos recibirás un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones
- sobre cómo reiniciar su contraseña.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Ya ha sido identificado.
- inactive: Su cuenta ya no está activa. Por favor contáctenos para reactivar
- su cuenta.
- invalid: Correo o contraseña inválidos.
- locked: Su cuenta ha sido bloqueada.
- last_attempt: Tiene un intento más antes de que su cuenta está bloqueada.
- not_found_in_database: Correo o contraseña inválidos.
- timeout: su sesión ha expirado, por favor identifíquese de nuevo para continuar.
- unauthenticated: Necesita iniciar sesión o registrarse para continuar.
- unconfirmed: Debe confirmar su cuenta para continuar.
- invited: Usted tiene una invitación pendiente, lo aceptan para terminar de crear
- su cuenta.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Instrucciones de confirmación
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Instrucciones de desbloqueo
- email_changed:
- subject: Correo electrónico modificado
- password_change:
- subject: Contraseña cambiada
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Instrucciones para tu invitación
- hello: Hola %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Alguien te ha invitado a %{url}, puede aceptar que a
- través del siguiente enlace.
- accept: Aceptar la invitacion
- accept_until: Esta invitación se entregará en %{due_date}.
- ignore: Si no desea aceptar la invitación, ignore este correo electrónico.
Su cuenta no se creará hasta que acceda al enlace anterior y establezca
- su contraseña.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: No se le ha podido autorizar de %{kind} debido a "%{reason}".
- success: Identificado correctamente de %{kind}.
- passwords:
- no_token: No puede acceder a esta página sino es por medio de un enlace para
- restablecer contraseña. Si ha accedido desde el enlace para restablecer la
- contraseña, asegúrese de que la URL esté completa.
- send_instructions: Recibira un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo
- restablecer su contraseña en unos minutos.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si su correo electrónico existe en nuestra base
- de datos, recibira un enlace para restablecer la contraseña en unos minutos.
- updated: Su contraseña ha cambiado correctamente. Ha sido identificado correctamente.
- updated_not_active: Su contraseña se ha cambiado correctamente.
- registrations:
- destroyed: "¡Adiós! Su cuenta ha sido cancelada. Esperamos volver a verle pronto."
- signed_up: "¡Bienvenido! Usted ha sido identificado."
- signed_up_but_inactive: Se ha registrado correctamente, pero no ha podido iniciar
- sesión porque su cuenta no ha sido activada.
- signed_up_but_locked: Se ha registrado correctamente, pero no ha podido iniciar
- sesión porque su cuenta está bloqueada.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Se le ha enviado un mensaje con un enlace de confirmación.
- Por favor visite el enlace para activar su cuenta.
- update_needs_confirmation: Ha actualizado su cuenta correctamente, sin embargo
- necesitamos verificar su nueva cuenta de correo. Por favor revise su correo
- electrónico y visite el enlace para finalizar la confirmación de su nueva
- dirección de correo electrónico.
- updated: Ha actualizado tu cuenta correctamente.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Su cuenta se ha actualizado correctamente, pero como
- se cambió su contraseña, debe iniciar sesión nuevamente
- sessions:
- signed_in: Ha iniciado sesión satisfactoriamente.
- signed_out: Ha cerrado la sesión satisfactoriamente.
- already_signed_out: Ha cerrado la sesión satisfactoriamente.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Recibira un correo electrónico en unos minutos con instrucciones
- sobre cómo desbloquear su cuenta.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si su cuenta existe, recibira un correo electrónico
- en unos minutos con instrucciones sobre cómo desbloquear su cuenta.
- unlocked: Su cuenta ha sido desbloqueada. Por favor inicie sesión para continuar.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: Un correo de invitación ha sido enviado a %{email}.
- invitation_token_invalid: "¡El codigo de invitación no es valido!"
- updated: La contraseña ha sido creada. Estás conectado.
- updated_not_active: Su contraseña se ha establecido satisfactoriamente.
- no_invitations_remaining: No quedan invitaciones
- invitation_removed: Su invitación fue eliminada.
- new:
- header: Enviar invitación
- submit_button: Enviar una invitación
- edit:
- header: Enviar su contraseña
- submit_button: Enviar mi contraseña
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Enviado por el formulario de contacto desde %{email}
- sent_by_name: Enviado por %{name} con la dirección %{email}
- subject: Mensaje de contacto de %{email}
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Contactanos
- email: Correo electrónico
- message: Mensaje
- name: Nombre
- subject: Tema
- submit: Enviar
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Contactanos
- email: Correo electrónico
- message: Mensaje
- name: Nombre
- subject: Tema
- submit: Enviar
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Contactanos
- email: Correo electrónico
- message: Mensaje
- name: Nombre
- subject: Tema
- submit: Enviar
- notices:
- error: Debes de ingresar ambos campos.
- success: El correo electrónico de contacto fue enviado con éxito.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Primera"
- last: Última »
- previous: "‹ Anterior"
- next: Siguiente ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: La verificación reCAPTCHA falló, por favor intente nuevamente.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Vaya, no hemos podido validar su respuesta reCAPTCHA.
- Inténtalo de nuevo.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.fi.yml b/config/locales/translation.fi.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba54b4959..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.fi.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/fi
- date:
- day_names:
- - sunnuntai
- - maanantai
- - tiistai
- - keskiviikko
- - torstai
- - perjantai
- - lauantai
- abbr_day_names:
- - su
- - ma
- - ti
- - ke
- - to
- - pe
- - la
- month_names:
- -
- - tammikuu
- - helmikuu
- - maaliskuu
- - huhtikuu
- - toukokuu
- - kesäkuu
- - heinäkuu
- - elokuu
- - syyskuu
- - lokakuu
- - marraskuu
- - joulukuu
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - tammi
- - helmi
- - maalis
- - huhti
- - touko
- - kesä
- - heinä
- - elo
- - syys
- - loka
- - marras
- - joulu
- time:
- am: aamupäivä
- pm: iltapäivä
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: tavu
- other: tavua
- kb: kt
- mb: Mt
- gb: Gt
- tb: Tt
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: tuhatta
- million: miljoonaa
- billion: miljardia
- trillion: biljoonaa
- quadrillion: tuhatta biljoonaa
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: ei löydy listasta
- exclusion: on varattu
- invalid: on kelvoton
- confirmation: ei vastaa %{attribute}
- accepted: on hyväksyttävä
- empty: ei voi olla tyhjä
- blank: ei voi olla tyhjä
- present: täytyy olla tyhjä
- too_long:
- one: on liian pitkä (saa olla enintään 1 merkki)
- other: on liian pitkä (saa olla enintään %{count} merkkiä)
- too_short:
- one: on liian lyhyt (oltava vähintään 1 merkki)
- other: on liian lyhyt (oltava vähintään %{count} merkkiä)
- wrong_length:
- one: on väärän pituinen (täytyy olla täsmälleen 1 merkki)
- other: on väärän pituinen (täytyy olla täsmälleen %{count} merkkiä)
- not_a_number: ei ole luku
- not_an_integer: ei ole kokonaisluku
- greater_than: täytyy olla suurempi kuin %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: täytyy olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}
- equal_to: täytyy olla yhtä suuri kuin %{count}
- less_than: täytyy olla pienempi kuin %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: täytyy olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}
- other_than: täytyy olla muu kuin %{count}
- odd: täytyy olla pariton
- even: täytyy olla parillinen
- taken: on jo käytössä
- already_confirmed: on jo vahvistettu, yritä kirjautua sisään
- confirmation_period_expired: on vahvistettava sisällä %{period}, pyydä uusi
- expired: on vanhentunut, pyydä uusi
- not_found: ei löytynyt
- not_locked: ei ollut lukittu
- not_saved:
- one: 'Yksi virhe esti kohteen %{resource} tallennuksen:'
- other: "%{count} virhettä estivät kohteen %{resource} tallennuksen:"
- model_invalid: 'Validointi epäonnistui: %{errors}'
- required: täytyy olla
- unavailable_session: Istunnon %{id} ei ole enää saatavilla muistissa. Jos satut
- ajaa usean prosessin palvelimen (kuten Unicorn tai Puma) prosessi. Tämä pyyntö
- osuma ei tallenna %{id} muistiin. Tarkastellaan kääntämällä määrä prosessit
- / työntekijät yhteen (1) tai käyttämällä eri palvelinta kehittämiseen.
- unacceptable_request: Pitää olla tuettu versio Hyväksytty otsikossa.
- connection_refused: Oho! Yhteys nettikonsolin väliohjelmistoon epäonnistui. Varmista,
- että palvelin on käynnissä.
- template:
- body: 'Seuraavat kentät aiheuttivat ongelmia:'
- header:
- one: Virhe esti mallin %{model} tallentamisen
- other: "%{count} virhettä esti mallin %{model} tallentamisen"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Vahvistus epäonnistui: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Ei voida poistaa mallia koska tästä riippuvainen %{record} löytyy
- has_many: Ei voida poistaa mallia koska tästä riippuvaisia %{record} löytyy
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: puoli minuuttia
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: alle sekunti
- other: alle %{count} sekuntia
- x_seconds:
- one: sekunti
- other: "%{count} sekuntia"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: alle minuutti
- other: alle %{count} minuuttia
- x_minutes:
- one: minuutti
- other: "%{count} minuuttia"
- about_x_hours:
- one: noin tunti
- other: noin %{count} tuntia
- x_days:
- one: päivä
- other: "%{count} päivää"
- about_x_months:
- one: noin kuukausi
- other: noin %{count} kuukautta
- x_months:
- one: kuukausi
- other: "%{count} kuukautta"
- about_x_years:
- one: noin vuosi
- other: noin %{count} vuotta
- over_x_years:
- one: yli vuosi
- other: yli %{count} vuotta
- almost_x_years:
- one: melkein vuosi
- other: melkein %{count} vuotta
- x_years:
- one: vuosi
- other: "%{count} vuotta"
- prompts:
- year: vuosi
- month: kuukausi
- day: päivä
- hour: tunti
- minute: minuutti
- second: sekunteja
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Valitse
- submit:
- create: Luo %{model}
- update: Päivitä %{model}
- submit: Tallenna %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: merkinnät
- one: merkintä
- other: merkinnät
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: "%{entry_name} ei löytynyt"
- one: Näytetään 1 %{entry_name}
- other: Näytetään %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Näytetään %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last}
- of %{total} yhteensä
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} luominen onnistui."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} päivitys onnistui."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} tuhoaminen onnistui."
- alert: "%{resource_name} ei voitu tuhota."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Sähköpostiosoitteen vahvistaminen onnistui.
- send_instructions: Saat muutamassa minuutissa sähköpostiisi ohjeet, miten vahvistaa
- sähköpostiosoitteesi.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Jos sähköpostiosoitteesi löytyy tietokannastamme,
- saat sähköpostiisi muutamissa minuutissa ohjeet, miten sähköpostiosoite vahvistetaan.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Olet jo kirjautunut sisään.
- inactive: Et ole aktivoinut vielä tiliäsi.
- invalid: "%{authentication_keys} tai salasana oli väärin."
- locked: Tilisi on lukittu.
- last_attempt: Sinulla on jäljellä enää yksi yritys ennen kuin tilisi lukitaan.
- not_found_in_database: "%{authentication_keys} tai salasana oli väärin."
- timeout: Istuntosi on vanhentunut. Kirjaudu uudelleen sisään.
- unauthenticated: Kirjaudu sisään tai rekisteröidy jatkaaksesi.
- unconfirmed: Voit jatkaa heti kun olet vahvistanut tilisi.
- invited: Tilisi tulee voimaan, kun hyväksyt kutsun.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Ohjeet tilin vahvistamiseen
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Ohjeet salasanan vaihtamiseksi
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Lukituksen avaaminen
- email_changed:
- subject: Sähköposti muuttunut
- password_change:
- subject: Salasana vaihdettu
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Ohjeet kutsumiseksi
- hello: Hei %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Joku on kutsunut sinut %{url}, voit hyväksyä sen alla
- olevasta linkistä.
- accept: Hyväksy kutsu
- accept_until: Tämä kutsu vanhenee %{due_date}.
- ignore: Jos et halua hyväksyä kutsua, jätä tämä viesti huomiotta. Tilisi ei
- ole luotu, ennen kuin käytät yllä olevaa linkkiä ja määrität salasanasi.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Ei voitu todentaa sinua %{kind} koska "%{reason}".
- success: Todennus onnistunut kohteesta %{kind} tili.
- passwords:
- no_token: Et pääse tälle sivulle muuta kuin salasananvaihto sähköpostin kautta.
- Jos tulit sähköpostin salasananvaihtolinkin kautta, varmista, että käytit
- kokonaista URL-linkkiä.
- send_instructions: Saat sähköpostiisi ohjeet salasanan vaihtamiseen muutamassa
- minuutissa.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Jos sähköpostiosoitteesi on jo tietokannassamme,
- saat salasanan palautuslinkin sähköpostiosoitteesi muutamassa minuutissa.
- updated: Salasanan vaihtaminen onnistui. Olet nyt kirjautunut sisään.
- updated_not_active: Salasanan vaihtaminen onnistui.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Hei hei! Tilisi lakkauttaminen onnistui. Toivottavasti näemme taas
- pian.
- signed_up: Tervetuloa! Olet rekisteröitynyt onnistuneesti.
- signed_up_but_inactive: Olet rekisteröitynyt onnistuneesti. Et pääse kuitenkaan
- kirjautumaan sisään ennen kuin tilisi on aktivoitu.
- signed_up_but_locked: Olet rekisteröitynyt onnistuneesti. Et pääse kuitenkaan
- kirjautumaan sisään, sillä tilisi on lukittu.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Vahvistuslinkki on lähetetty sähköpostiosoitteesi.
- Näpsäytä linkkiä tilin aktivoimiseksi.
- update_needs_confirmation: Päivitit tilisi onnistuneesti, mutta meidän on vahvistettava
- uusi sähköpostiosoitteesi. Tarkista sähköpostisi ja näpsäytä vahvistuslinkkiä
- uuden sähköpostiosoitteen vahvistamiseksi.
- updated: Tilisi päivittäminen onnistui.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Tilisi päivittäminen onnistui, mutta koska salasanasi
- on muutettu, sinun täytyy kirjautua uudelleen
- sessions:
- signed_in: Sisäänkirjautuminen onnistui.
- signed_out: Uloskirjautuminen onnistui.
- already_signed_out: Uloskirjautuminen onnistui.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Saat pian sähköpostin, jossa on ohjeet tilisi lukituksen
- poistamiseen.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Jos sinulla on jo tili, saat sähköpostiisi ohjeet,
- miten avata se muutamassa minuutissa.
- unlocked: Tilisi lukitus on nyt poistettu. Kirjaudu vielä sisään.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: 'Kutsu on lähetetty osoitteeseen: %{email}.'
- invitation_token_invalid: Kutsun tunniste ei kelpaa!
- updated: Salasanan asettaminen onnistui. Olet nyt kirjautunut sisään.
- updated_not_active: Salasanan asettaminen onnistui.
- no_invitations_remaining: Ei kutsuja jäljellä
- invitation_removed: Kutsusi poistettiin.
- new:
- header: Lähetä kutsu
- submit_button: Lähetä kutsu
- edit:
- header: Aseta salasana
- submit_button: Aseta salasana
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: 'Lähetetty %{email} -osoitteesta yhteydenottolomakkeella '
- sent_by_name: Lähettäjältä %{name} osoitteesta %{email}
- subject: Ota yhteyttä viesti osoitteesta %{email}
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Ota yhteyttä
- email: Sähköposti
- message: Viesti
- name: Nimi
- subject: Aihe
- submit: Lähetä
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Ota yhteyttä
- email: Sähköposti
- message: Viesti
- name: Nimi
- subject: Aihe
- submit: Lähetä
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Ota yhteyttä
- email: Sähköposti
- message: Viesti
- name: Nimi
- subject: Aihe
- submit: Lähetä
- notices:
- error: Molemmat kentät on täytettävä.
- success: Sähköpostin lähettäminen onnistui.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Ensimmäinen"
- last: Viimeinen »
- previous: "‹ Edellinen"
- next: Seuraava ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: reCAPTCHA-vahvistus epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Hups, emme vahvistaneet reCAPTCHA-vastaustasi. Yritä
- uudelleen.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.fr-FR.yml b/config/locales/translation.fr-FR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c8aa66c383..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.fr-FR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/fr-FR
- date:
- day_names:
- - dimanche
- - lundi
- - mardi
- - mercredi
- - jeudi
- - vendredi
- - samedi
- abbr_day_names:
- - dim
- - lun
- - mar
- - mer
- - jeu
- - ven
- - sam
- month_names:
- -
- - janvier
- - février
- - mars
- - avril
- - mai
- - juin
- - juillet
- - août
- - septembre
- - octobre
- - novembre
- - décembre
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - jan.
- - fév.
- - mar.
- - avr.
- - mai
- - juin
- - juil.
- - août
- - sept.
- - oct.
- - nov.
- - déc.
- time:
- am: am
- pm: pm
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: octet
- other: octets
- kb: ko
- mb: Mo
- gb: Go
- tb: To
- pb: Po
- eb: Eo
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: millier
- million: million
- billion: milliard
- trillion: billion
- quadrillion: million de milliards
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste
- exclusion: n'est pas disponible
- invalid: n'est pas valide
- confirmation: ne concorde pas avec %{attribute}
- accepted: doit être accepté(e)
- empty: doit être rempli(e)
- blank: doit être rempli(e)
- present: doit être vide
- too_long:
- one: est trop long (pas plus d'un caractère)
- other: est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)
- too_short:
- one: est trop court (au moins un caractère)
- other: est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)
- wrong_length:
- one: ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter un seul caractère)
- other: ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)
- not_a_number: n'est pas un nombre
- not_an_integer: doit être un nombre entier
- greater_than: doit être supérieur à %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}
- equal_to: doit être égal à %{count}
- less_than: doit être inférieur à %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}
- other_than: doit être différent de %{count}
- odd: doit être impair
- even: doit être pair
- taken: n'est pas disponible
- already_confirmed: a déjà été validé, essayez de vous connecter.
- confirmation_period_expired: à confirmer dans les %{period}. Veuillez faire
- une nouvelle demande.
- expired: a expiré, veuillez faire une nouvelle demande.
- not_found: n'a pas été trouvé
- not_locked: n'était pas verrouillé
- not_saved:
- one: 'Une erreur a empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :'
- other: "%{count} erreurs ont empêché d’enregistrer ce(tte) %{resource} :"
- model_invalid: 'Validation échouée : %{errors}'
- required: doit exister
- unavailable_session: |-
- La session %{id} n'est plus disponible en mémoire.
- Si vous utilisez un serveur multi-processus (comme Unicorn ou Puma), le processus
- cet appel de requête ne stocke pas %{id} en mémoire. Pensez à tourner le nombre de
- processus / travailleurs à un (1) ou en utilisant un serveur différent en développement.
- unacceptable_request: Une version prise en charge est attendue dans l'en-tête
- Accept.
- connection_refused: |-
- Oops! Impossible de se connecter au middleware Console Web.
- Assurez-vous que le serveur de développement de rails est en cours d'exécution.
- template:
- body: 'Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants : '
- header:
- one: 'Impossible d''enregistrer ce(tte) %{model} : 1 erreur'
- other: 'Impossible d''enregistrer ce(tte) %{model} : %{count} erreurs'
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'La validation a échoué : %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer l'enregistrement car un(e) %{record}
- dépendant(e) existe
- has_many: Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer l'enregistrement parce que les %{record}
- dépendants existent
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: une demi-minute
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: moins d'une seconde
- other: moins de %{count} secondes
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 seconde
- other: "%{count} secondes"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: moins d'une minute
- other: moins de %{count} minutes
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minute
- other: "%{count} minutes"
- about_x_hours:
- one: environ une heure
- other: environ %{count} heures
- x_days:
- one: 1 jour
- other: "%{count} jours"
- about_x_months:
- one: environ un mois
- other: environ %{count} mois
- x_months:
- one: 1 mois
- other: "%{count} mois"
- about_x_years:
- one: environ un an
- other: environ %{count} ans
- over_x_years:
- one: plus d'un an
- other: plus de %{count} ans
- almost_x_years:
- one: presqu'un an
- other: presque %{count} ans
- x_years:
- one: 1 an
- other: "%{count} ans"
- prompts:
- year: Année
- month: Mois
- day: Jour
- hour: Heure
- minute: Minute
- second: Seconde
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Veuillez sélectionner
- submit:
- create: Créer un(e) %{model}
- update: Modifier ce(tte) %{model}
- submit: Enregistrer ce(tte) %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: les entrées
- one: entrée
- other: les entrées
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: Aucun %{entry_name} trouvé
- one: "%{count} %{entry_name}"
- other: "tous les %{count} %{entry_name}"
- more_pages:
- display_entries: "%{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} sur %{total}
- au total"
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} a été créé avec succès."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} a été mis à jour avec succès."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} a été détruit avec succès."
- alert: "%{resource_name} n'a pas pu être détruit."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Votre compte a bien été validé. Veuillez vous connecter.
- send_instructions: Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant
- les directives pour activer votre compte.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre
- base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant
- les directives pour valider votre compte.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Vous êtes déjà connecté(e).
- inactive: Votre compte n'est plus actif. Merci de nous contacter pour réactiver
- votre compte.
- invalid: Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect.
- locked: Votre compte est verrouillé.
- last_attempt: Vous avez une autre tentative avant que votre compte soit verrouillé.
- not_found_in_database: Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect.
- timeout: Votre session est expirée. Veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer.
- unauthenticated: Vous devez vous connecter ou vous inscrire pour continuer.
- unconfirmed: Vous devez confirmer votre compte pour continuer.
- invited: Vous avez une invitation en attente, acceptez-la pour terminer la création
- de votre compte.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Valider votre compte Assistant PGD
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Directives de déverrouillage
- email_changed:
- subject: Email modifié
- password_change:
- subject: Mot de passe changé
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Directives de confirmation
- hello: Bonjour %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Quelqu'un vous a invité à %{url}, vous pouvez l'accepter
- via le lien ci-dessous.
- accept: Accepter l'invitation
- accept_until: Cette invitation sera due dans %{due_date}.
- ignore: Si vous ne voulez pas accepter l'invitation, veuillez ignorer cet
- email.
Votre compte ne sera créé que lorsque vous aurez accédé au
- lien ci-dessus et défini votre mot de passe.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Nous n'avons pas pu vous authentifier à partir de %{kind} parce que
- '%{reason}'.
- success: Authentification réussie à partir du compte %{kind}.
- passwords:
- no_token: Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à cette page sans y avoir été dirigé par
- un courriel de réinitialisation du mot de passe. Si vous avez été dirigé vers
- cette page à partir d’un courriel de réinitialisation, assurez-vous d'utiliser
- l'adresse URL complète fournie.
- send_instructions: Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant
- les directives pour réinitialiser le mot de passe.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si votre adresse électronique existe dans notre
- base de données, vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un lien de récupération
- du mot de passe par courriel.
- updated: Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié. Vous êtes maintenant connecté.
- updated_not_active: Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Votre compte a bien été supprimé. Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt.
- signed_up: Bienvenu(e)! Vous êtes bien inscrit(e).
- signed_up_but_inactive: Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez
- pas vous connecter, car votre compte n'est pas encore activé.
- signed_up_but_locked: Vous êtes bien inscrit(e). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas
- vous connecter, car votre compte est verrouillé.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Un message contenant un lien de confirmation a été
- envoyé à votre adresse électronique. Ouvrez ce lien pour activer votre compte.
- Si vous n’avez pas reçu le courriel de confirmation, vérifiez votre filtre
- antipourriel.
- update_needs_confirmation: Votre compte a bien été mis à jour, mais nous devons
- vérifier votre nouvelle adresse électronique. Vérifiez vos courriels et cliquez
- sur le lien de confirmation pour finaliser la validation de votre nouvelle
- adresse électronique.
- updated: Votre compte a bien été modifié.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Votre compte a été mis à jour avec succès, mais depuis
- la modification de votre mot de passe, vous devez vous reconnecter.
- sessions:
- signed_in: Connecté
- signed_out: Déconnecté
- already_signed_out: Déconnecté
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Vous recevrez dans quelques minutes un courriel contenant
- les directives pour déverrouiller votre compte.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Si votre compte existe, vous recevrez dans quelques
- minutes un courriel contenant les directives pour le déverrouiller.
- unlocked: Votre compte a bien été déverrouillé. Veuillez vous connecter pour
- continuer.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: Un courriel d'invitation a été envoyé à %{email}.
- invitation_token_invalid: Le jeton d'invitation fourni n'est pas valide!
- updated: Votre mot de passe a été défini avec succès. Vous êtes maintenant connecté(e).
- updated_not_active: Votre mot de passe a été défini avec succès.
- no_invitations_remaining: Aucune invitation restante
- invitation_removed: Votre invitation a été supprimée.
- new:
- header: Envoyer une invitation
- submit_button: Envoyer une invitation
- edit:
- header: Définir votre mot de passe
- submit_button: Définir mon mot de passe
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Envoyé depuis le fomulaire de contact par %{email}
- sent_by_name: Envoyé par %{name} depuis %{email}
- subject: Message 'Contactez nous' de %{email}
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Contactez Nous
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Nom
- subject: Sujet
- submit: Envoyer
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Contactez Nous
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Nom
- subject: Sujet
- submit: Envoyer
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Contactez Nous
- email: Email
- message: Message
- name: Nom
- subject: Sujet
- submit: Envoyer
- notices:
- error: Merci de saisir les deux champs.
- success: Votre message a bien été envoyé.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Premier"
- last: Dernier »
- previous: "‹ Précédent"
- next: Suivant ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: La vérification reCAPTCHA a échoué, veuillez réessayer.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Oups, nous n'avons pas réussi à valider votre réponse
- reCAPTCHA. Veuillez réessayer.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/translation.pt-BR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ec57cc42..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.pt-BR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/pt-BR
- date:
- day_names:
- - Domingo
- - Segunda-feira
- - Terça-feira
- - Quarta-feira
- - Quinta-feira
- - Sexta-feira
- - Sábado
- abbr_day_names:
- - Dom
- - Seg
- - Ter
- - Qua
- - Qui
- - Sex
- - Sab
- month_names:
- -
- - Janeiro
- - Fevereiro
- - Março
- - Abril
- - Maio
- - Junho
- - Julho
- - Agosto
- - Setembro
- - Outubro
- - Novembro
- - Dezembro
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Jan
- - Fev
- - Mar
- - Abr
- - Mai
- - Jun
- - Jul
- - Ago
- - Set
- - Out
- - Nov
- - Dez
- time:
- am: am
- pm: pm
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: mil
- million: Milhões
- billion: Bilhões
- trillion: Trilhões
- quadrillion: Quatrilhões
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: não está incluído na lista
- exclusion: não está disponível
- invalid: não é válido
- confirmation: não é igual a %{attribute}
- accepted: deve ser aceito
- empty: não pode ficar vazio
- blank: não pode ficar em branco
- present: deve ficar em branco
- too_long:
- one: 'é muito longo (máximo: 1 caracter)'
- other: 'é muito longo (máximo: %{count} caracteres)'
- too_short:
- one: 'é muito curto (mínimo: 1 caracter)'
- other: 'é muito curto (mínimo: %{count} caracteres)'
- wrong_length:
- one: não possui o tamanho esperado (1 caracter)
- other: não possui o tamanho esperado (%{count} caracteres)
- not_a_number: não é um número
- not_an_integer: não é um número inteiro
- greater_than: deve ser maior que %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: deve ser maior ou igual a %{count}
- equal_to: deve ser igual a %{count}
- less_than: deve ser menor que %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: deve ser menor ou igual a %{count}
- other_than: deve ser diferente de %{count}
- odd: deve ser ímpar
- even: deve ser par
- taken: já está em uso
- already_confirmed: já foi confirmado, por favor, tente entrar
- confirmation_period_expired: precisa ser confirmado dentro de %{período}, solicite
- um novo
- expired: expirou, solicite um novo
- not_found: não encontrado
- not_locked: não estava trancado
- not_saved:
- one: '1 erro proibiu que %{resource} fosse salvo:'
- other: "%{count} erros proibiram que esse %{resource} fosse salvo:"
- model_invalid: 'A validação falhou: %{errors}'
- required: é obrigatório(a)
- unavailable_session: |
- A sessão %{id} não está mais disponível na memória.
- Se acontecer de você executar em um servidor com vários processos (como Unicorn ou Puma), o processo
- esta solicitação não armazena %{id} na memória. Considere transformar o número de
- processos / trabalhadores para um (1) ou usando um servidor diferente em desenvolvimento.
- unacceptable_request: 'Uma versão suportada é esperada no cabeçalho Accept.
- '
- connection_refused: |
- Opa! Falha ao conectar-se ao middleware do console da Web.
- Por favor, certifique-se de que um servidor de desenvolvimento de trilhos está sendo executado.
- template:
- body: 'Por favor, verifique o(s) seguinte(s) campo(s):'
- header:
- one: 'Não foi possível gravar %{model}: 1 erro'
- other: 'Não foi possível gravar %{model}: %{count} erros'
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'A validação falhou: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Não é possível excluir o registro pois existe um %{record} dependente
- has_many: Não é possível excluir o registro pois existem %{record} dependentes
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: meio minuto
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: menos de 1 segundo
- other: menos de %{count} segundos
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 segundo
- other: "%{count} segundos"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: menos de um minuto
- other: menos de %{count} minutos
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minuto
- other: "%{count} minutos"
- about_x_hours:
- one: aproximadamente 1 hora
- other: aproximadamente %{count} horas
- x_days:
- one: 1 dia
- other: "%{count} dias"
- about_x_months:
- one: aproximadamente 1 mês
- other: aproximadamente %{count} meses
- x_months:
- one: 1 mês
- other: "%{count} meses"
- about_x_years:
- one: aproximadamente 1 ano
- other: aproximadamente %{count} anos
- over_x_years:
- one: mais de 1 ano
- other: mais de %{count} anos
- almost_x_years:
- one: quase 1 ano
- other: quase %{count} anos
- x_years:
- one: 1 ano
- other: "%{count} anos"
- prompts:
- year: Ano
- month: Mês
- day: Dia
- hour: Hora
- minute: Minuto
- second: Segundo
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Por favor selecione
- submit:
- create: Criar %{model}
- update: Atualizar %{model}
- submit: Salvar %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: entradas
- one: entrada
- other: entradas
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: Nenhum %{entry_name} encontrado
- one: Exibindo 1 %{entry_name}
- other: Exibindo %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Exibindo %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last}
- de um total de %{total}
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} foi criado com êxito."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} foi atualizado com sucesso."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} foi destruído com sucesso."
- alert: "%{resource_name} não pôde ser destruído."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Sua conta foi confirmada com sucesso. Por favor, inscreva-se.
- send_instructions: Você receberá um e-mail com instruções sobre como confirmar
- sua conta em alguns minutos.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Se o seu endereço de e-mail existir em nosso banco
- de dados, você receberá um e-mail com instruções sobre como confirmar sua
- conta em alguns minutos.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Você já está inscrito.
- inactive: Sua conta não está mais ativa. Entre em contato para reativar sua
- conta.
- invalid: Email ou senha inválidos.
- locked: Sua conta está bloqueada.
- last_attempt: Você tem mais uma tentativa antes de sua conta está bloqueada.
- not_found_in_database: Email ou senha inválidos.
- timeout: Sua sessão expirou, faça login novamente para continuar.
- unauthenticated: Você precisa fazer login ou se inscrever antes de continuar.
- unconfirmed: Você precisa confirmar sua conta antes de continuar.
- invited: Você tem um convite pendente, aceite-o para concluir a criação da sua
- conta.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Confirme sua conta DMPRoadmap
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Redefinir instruções de senha
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Desbloquear instruções
- email_changed:
- subject: E-mail alterado
- password_change:
- subject: Senha alterada
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Instruções de convite
- hello: Olá %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Alguém convidou você para %{url}, você pode aceitá-lo
- através do link abaixo.
- accept: Aceitar convite
- accept_until: Este convite será devido em %{due_date}.
- ignore: Se você não quiser aceitar o convite, ignore este e-mail.
- conta não será criada até que você acesse o link acima e defina sua senha.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Não foi possível autenticá-lo de %{kind} porque "%{reason}".
- success: Autenticado com sucesso da conta %{kind}.
- passwords:
- no_token: Você não pode acessar esta página sem receber um email de redefinição
- de senha. Se você receber um email de redefinição de senha, verifique se usou
- o URL completo fornecido.
- send_instructions: Você receberá um email com instruções sobre como redefinir
- sua senha em alguns minutos.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Se o seu endereço de email existir em nosso banco
- de dados, você receberá um link de recuperação de senha em seu endereço de
- email em alguns minutos.
- updated: Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso. Agora você está conectado.
- updated_not_active: Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Tchau! Sua conta foi cancelada com sucesso. Esperamos te ver novamente
- em breve.
- signed_up: Bem vinda! Você se inscreveu com sucesso.
- signed_up_but_inactive: Você se inscreveu com sucesso. No entanto, não poderíamos
- fazer o seu login porque sua conta ainda não está ativada.
- signed_up_but_locked: Você se inscreveu com sucesso. No entanto, não poderíamos
- fazer login porque sua conta está bloqueada.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Uma mensagem com um link de confirmação foi enviada
- para o seu endereço de email. Por favor, abra o link para ativar sua conta.
- Se você não receber o email de confirmação, verifique seu filtro de spam.
- update_needs_confirmation: Você atualizou sua conta com sucesso, mas precisamos
- confirmar seu novo endereço de e-mail. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail e clique
- no link de confirmação para finalizar a confirmação do seu novo endereço de
- email.
- updated: Você atualizou sua conta com sucesso.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Sua conta foi atualizada com sucesso, mas, como sua
- senha foi alterada, você precisa fazer login novamente
- sessions:
- signed_in: Conectado com sucesso.
- signed_out: Saiu com sucesso.
- already_signed_out: Saiu com sucesso.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Você receberá um email com instruções sobre como desbloquear
- sua conta em alguns minutos.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Se a sua conta existir, você receberá um email com
- instruções sobre como desbloqueá-lo em alguns minutos.
- unlocked: Sua conta foi desbloqueada com sucesso. Por favor, entre para continuar.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: Um e-mail de convite foi enviado para %{email}.
- invitation_token_invalid: O token de convite fornecido não é válido!
- updated: Sua senha foi definida com sucesso. Agora você está logado.
- updated_not_active: Sua senha foi definida com sucesso.
- no_invitations_remaining: Não há convites restantes
- invitation_removed: Seu convite foi removido.
- new:
- header: Enviar convite
- submit_button: Envie um convite
- edit:
- header: Defina sua senha
- submit_button: Defina minha senha
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Enviado pelo formulário de contato. %{email}
- sent_by_name: Enviado por %{name} de %{email}
- subject: 'Contate-nos: nova mensagem de %{email}'
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Contate-nos
- email: Email
- message: Mensagem
- name: Nome
- subject: Assunto
- submit: Enviar
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Contate-nos
- email: Email
- message: Mensagem
- name: Nome
- subject: Assunto
- submit: Enviar
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Contate-nos
- email: Email
- message: Mensagem
- name: Nome
- subject: Assunto
- submit: Enviar
- notices:
- error: Você tem de preencher ambos os campos.
- success: Email de contato foi enviado com sucesso.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Primeiro"
- last: Último »
- previous: "‹ Anterior"
- next: Próximo ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: A verificação do reCAPTCHA falhou. Tente novamente.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Ops, não foi possível validar sua resposta do reCAPTCHA.
- Por favor, tente novamente.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.sv-FI.yml b/config/locales/translation.sv-FI.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d69fecbe..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.sv-FI.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/sv-FI
- date:
- day_names:
- - söndag
- - måndag
- - tisdag
- - onsdag
- - torsdag
- - fredag
- - lördag
- abbr_day_names:
- - sön
- - mån
- - tis
- - ons
- - tor
- - fre
- - lör
- month_names:
- -
- - januari
- - februari
- - mars
- - april
- - maj
- - juni
- - juli
- - augusti
- - september
- - oktober
- - november
- - december
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - jan
- - feb
- - mar
- - apr
- - maj
- - jun
- - jul
- - aug
- - sep
- - okt
- - nov
- - dec
- time:
- am: AM
- pm: E.M
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: Tusen
- million: Miljon
- billion: Miljard
- trillion: Biljon
- quadrillion: Biljard
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: finns inte i listan
- exclusion: är reserverat
- invalid: har fel format
- confirmation: stämmer inte överens
- accepted: måste vara accepterad
- empty: får ej vara tom
- blank: måste anges
- present: får inte anges
- too_long:
- one: är för lång (max är 1 tecken)
- other: är för lång (max är %{count} tecken)
- too_short:
- one: är för kort (minst 1 tecken)
- other: är för kort (minimum är %{count} tecken)
- wrong_length:
- one: är fel längd (ska vara 1 tecken)
- other: är fel längd (ska vara %{count} tecken)
- not_a_number: är inte ett nummer
- not_an_integer: måste vara ett heltal
- greater_than: måste vara större än %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: måste vara större än eller lika med %{count}
- equal_to: måste vara lika med %{count}
- less_than: måste vara mindre än %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: måste vara mindre än eller lika med %{count}
- other_than: måste vara annat än %{count}
- odd: måste vara udda
- even: måste vara jämnt
- taken: används redan
- already_confirmed: var redan bekräftad
- confirmation_period_expired: måste bekräftas inom %{period}, var god be om en
- ny
- expired: har gått ut, vänligen be om en ny
- not_found: hittas inte
- not_locked: var inte låst
- not_saved:
- one: '1 fel hindrade detta %{resource} från att sparas:'
- other: "%{count} fel hindrade detta %{resource} från att sparas:"
- model_invalid: 'Validering misslyckades: %{errors}'
- required: måste finnas
- unavailable_session: |-
- Session %{id} är inte längre tillgänglig i minnet.
- Om du råkar köra på en multi-process-server (som Unicorn eller Puma) processen
- den här förfrågan träffar inte %{id} i minnet. Överväg att vrida antalet
- processer / arbetare till en (1) eller använder en annan server i utveckling.
- unacceptable_request: En stödd version förväntas i Accept header.
- connection_refused: |-
- hoppsan! Misslyckades att ansluta till middleware-konsolen.
- Se till att en railsutvecklingsserver körs.
- template:
- body: 'Det var problem med följande fält:'
- header:
- one: Ett fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas
- other: "%{count} fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Ett fel uppstod: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Kan inte ta bort post då beroende %{record} finns
- has_many: Kan inte ta bort poster då beroende %{record} finns
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: en halv minut
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: mindre än en sekund
- other: mindre än %{count} sekunder
- x_seconds:
- one: en sekund
- other: "%{count} sekunder"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: mindre än en minut
- other: mindre än %{count} minuter
- x_minutes:
- one: en minut
- other: "%{count} minuter"
- about_x_hours:
- one: ungefär en timme
- other: ungefär %{count} timmar
- x_days:
- one: en dag
- other: "%{count} dagar"
- about_x_months:
- one: ungefär en månad
- other: ungefär %{count} månader
- x_months:
- one: en månad
- other: "%{count} månader"
- about_x_years:
- one: ungefär ett år
- other: ungefär %{count} år
- over_x_years:
- one: mer än ett år
- other: mer än %{count} år
- almost_x_years:
- one: nästan ett år
- other: nästan %{count} år
- x_years:
- one: ett år
- other: "%{count} år"
- prompts:
- year: År
- month: Månad
- day: Dag
- hour: Timme
- minute: Minut
- second: Sekund
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Välj
- submit:
- create: Skapa %{model}
- update: Ändra %{model}
- submit: Spara %{model}
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: anteckningar
- one: inträde
- other: anteckningar
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: Nej %{entry_name} hittades
- one: Visar %{count} %{entry_name}
- other: Visar alla %{count} %{entry_name}
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Visar %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} av %{total}
- totalt
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} skapades med framgång."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} har uppdaterats."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} framgångsrikt förstördes."
- alert: "%{resource_name} kunde inte förstöras."
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Ditt konto är bekräftat. Du kan nu logga in.
- send_instructions: Du får strax ett epost-meddelande med instruktioner hur du
- bekräftar ditt konto.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Om din e-postadress finns i vår databas får du ett
- mail med instruktioner för hur du bekräftar din e-postadress inom några minuter.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Du är redan inloggad.
- inactive: Ditt konto är ännu ej aktiverat.
- invalid: Ogiltlig e-post eller lösenord.
- locked: Ditt konto är låst.
- last_attempt: Du har ytterligare ett försök innan ditt konto är låst.
- not_found_in_database: Ogiltlig e-post eller lösenord.
- timeout: Din session har avslutats, logga in på nytt för att fortsätta.
- unauthenticated: Du behöver logga in eller registrera dig innan du kan fortsätta.
- unconfirmed: Du behöver bekräfta ditt konto innan du kan fortsätta.
- invited: Du har en väntande inbjudan, acceptera den för att slutföra skapa ditt
- konto.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Instruktioner för att bekräfta konto
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Instruktioner för att återställa lösenordet
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Instruktioner för upplåsning
- email_changed:
- subject: E-post ändrad
- password_change:
- subject: Lösenordet ändrat
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Inbjudningsanvisningar
- hello: Hej %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Någon har bjudit in dig till %{url}, du kan acceptera
- den via länken nedan.
- accept: Acceptera inbjudan
- accept_until: Denna inbjudan beror på %{due_date}.
- ignore: Om du inte vill acceptera inbjudan, ignorerar du det här e-postmeddelandet.
Ditt konto kommer inte att skapas förrän du öppnar länken ovan och
- anger ditt lösenord.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Kunde inte verifiera dig från %{kind} eftersom "%{reason}".
- success: Succesfullt autentiserad från %{kind} konto.
- passwords:
- no_token: Du kan inte komma åt den här sidan utan att komma från ett e-postmeddelande
- för lösenordsåterställning. Om du kommer från ett lösenordsåterställt e-postmeddelande,
- var vänlig och se till att du använde hela webbadressen.
- send_instructions: Du får ett mail med instruktioner om hur du återställer ditt
- lösenord om några minuter.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Om din e-postadress finns i vår databas, får du
- en länk för återställning av lösenord på din e-postadress om några minuter.
- updated: Ditt lösenord har ändrats framgångsrikt. Du är nu inloggad.
- updated_not_active: Ditt lösenord har ändrats framgångsrikt.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Adjö! Ditt konto har blivit avstängt. Vi hoppas att vi ses snart
- igen.
- signed_up: Välkommen! Du har anmält dig framgångsrikt.
- signed_up_but_inactive: Du har anmält dig framgångsrikt. Vi kunde dock inte
- logga in dig eftersom ditt konto ännu inte är aktiverat.
- signed_up_but_locked: Du har anmält dig framgångsrikt. Vi kunde dock inte logga
- in eftersom ditt konto är låst.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: Ett meddelande med en bekräftelse länk har skickats
- till din e-postadress. Vänligen följ länken för att aktivera ditt konto.
- update_needs_confirmation: Du har uppdaterat ditt konto med framgång, men vi
- måste verifiera din nya e-postadress. Vänligen kolla din email och följ bekräfta
- länken för att bekräfta din nya e-postadress.
- updated: Ditt konto har uppdaterats framgångsrikt.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Ditt konto har uppdaterats, men eftersom ditt lösenord
- har ändrats måste du logga in igen
- sessions:
- signed_in: Inloggad med framgång.
- signed_out: Utloggad framgångsrikt.
- already_signed_out: Utloggad framgångsrikt.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Du får strax ett epost-meddelande med instruktioner hur du
- låser upp ditt konto.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Om ditt konto finns, får du ett mail med instruktioner
- om hur du låser upp det på några minuter.
- unlocked: Ditt konto är upplåst. Du är nu inloggad.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: Ett inbjudningsmeddelande har skickats till %{email}.
- invitation_token_invalid: Anbudsinfordran är inte giltig!
- updated: Ditt lösenord har upprättats. Du är nu inloggad.
- updated_not_active: Ditt lösenord har upprättats.
- no_invitations_remaining: Inga inbjudningar kvar
- invitation_removed: Din inbjudan har tagits bort.
- new:
- header: Skicka inbjudan
- submit_button: Skicka en inbjudan
- edit:
- header: Ange ditt lösenord
- submit_button: Ange mitt lösenord
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: Skickat av kontaktformulär från %{email}
- sent_by_name: Skickat av %{name} från %{email}
- subject: Kontakta oss meddelande från %{email}
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Kontakta oss
- email: E-post
- message: Meddelande
- name: Namn
- subject: Ämne
- submit: Skicka
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Kontakta oss
- email: E-post
- message: Meddelande
- name: Namn
- subject: Ämne
- submit: Skicka
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Kontakta oss
- email: E-post
- message: Meddelande
- name: Namn
- subject: Ämne
- submit: Skicka
- notices:
- error: Du måste ange båda fälten.
- success: Kontaktadressen skickades med framgång.
- views:
- pagination:
- first: "« Första"
- last: Sista »
- previous: "‹ Föregående"
- next: Nästa ›
- truncate: "…"
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: verifiering av reCAPTCHA misslyckades, försök igen.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Oj, vi kunde inte validera ditt reCAPTCHA-svar. Var god
- försök igen.
diff --git a/config/locales/translation.tr-TR.yml b/config/locales/translation.tr-TR.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d79430fb2..0000000000
--- a/config/locales/translation.tr-TR.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# To update this file, use this translation interface:
-# https://translation.io/dcc-user/roadmap/tr-TR
- views:
- pagination:
- truncate: "…"
- first: "« İlk"
- last: Son »
- previous: "‹ Önceki"
- next: Sonraki ›
- date:
- day_names:
- - Pazar
- - Pazartesi
- - Salı
- - Çarşamba
- - Perşembe
- - Cuma
- - Cumartesi
- abbr_day_names:
- - Pzr
- - Pzt
- - Sal
- - Çrş
- - Prş
- - Cum
- - Cts
- month_names:
- -
- - Ocak
- - Şubat
- - Mart
- - Nisan
- - Mayıs
- - Haziran
- - Temmuz
- - Ağustos
- - Eylül
- - Ekim
- - Kasım
- - Aralık
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - Oca
- - Şub
- - Mar
- - Nis
- - May
- - Haz
- - Tem
- - Ağu
- - Eyl
- - Eki
- - Kas
- - Ara
- time:
- am: öğleden önce
- pm: öğleden sonra
- number:
- human:
- storage_units:
- units:
- byte:
- one: Bayt
- other: Bayt
- kb: KB
- mb: MB
- gb: GB
- tb: TB
- pb: PB
- eb: EB
- decimal_units:
- units:
- thousand: Bin
- million: Milyon
- billion: Milyar
- trillion: Trilyon
- quadrillion: Katrilyon
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- model_invalid: 'Doğrulama başarısız oldu: %{errors}'
- inclusion: listede yer almıyor
- exclusion: kullanılamaz
- invalid: geçersiz
- confirmation: "%{attribute} özniteliğiyle uyuşmuyor"
- accepted: kabul edilmeli
- empty: boş bırakılamaz
- blank: boş bırakılamaz
- present: boş bırakılmalı
- too_long:
- one: çok uzun (en fazla 1 karakter)
- other: çok uzun (en fazla %{count} karakter)
- too_short:
- one: çok kısa (en az 1 karakter)
- other: çok kısa (en az %{count} karakter)
- wrong_length:
- one: hatalı uzunlukta (1 karakter olmalı)
- other: hatalı uzunlukta (%{count} karakter olmalı)
- not_a_number: bir sayı değil
- not_an_integer: tam sayı olmalı
- greater_than: "%{count} sayısından büyük olmalı"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} sayısına eşit veya büyük olmalı"
- equal_to: tam olarak %{count} adet olmalı
- less_than: "%{count} sayısından küçük olmalı"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} sayısına eşit veya küçük olmalı"
- other_than: "%{count} sayısından farklı olmalı"
- odd: tek sayı olmalı
- even: çift olmalı
- required: doldurulmalı
- taken: hali hazırda kullanılmakta
- already_confirmed: zaten onaylanmış, lütfen giriş yapmayı deneyin
- confirmation_period_expired: "%{period} içinde onaylanması gerekmektedir, lütfen
- yeni bir tane isteyiniz."
- expired: süresi doldu, lütfen yeni bir tane talep edin
- not_found: bulunamadı
- not_locked: kilitlenmemiş
- not_saved:
- one: '1 hata bu %{resource} dosyasının kaydedilmesini engelledi:'
- other: "%{count} hata bu %{resource} dosyasının kaydedilmesini engelledi:"
- template:
- body: 'Lütfen aşağıdaki hataları düzeltiniz:'
- header:
- one: 1 hata oluştuğu için %{model} kaydedilemedi
- other: "%{count} hata oluştuğu için %{model} kaydedilemedi"
- unavailable_session: |
- Oturum %{id} artık bellekte mevcut değil.
- Unicorn veya Puma gibi bir çoklu-işlem sunucusunda çalışıyorsanız, bu isteğe karşılık gelen işlem, %{id}'i bellekte saklamaz. İşlem/çalışan sayısını bir (1) olarak ayarlamayı ya da geliştirme ortamında farklı bir sunucu kullanmayı değerlendirin.
- unacceptable_request: Accept header'da desteklenen bir sürüm bekleniyor.
- connection_refused: |-
- Hata! Web Konsolu ara katman yazılımına bağlanılamadı.
- Lütfen bir Rails geliştirme sunucusunun çalıştığından emin olun.
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- record_invalid: 'Doğrulama başarısız oldu: %{errors}'
- restrict_dependent_destroy:
- has_one: Bağlı bir kayıt %{record} bulunduğu için kayıt silinemedi
- has_many: Bağlı kayıtlar %{record} bulunduğu için kayıt silinemedi
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: yarım dakika
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: 1 saniyeden az
- other: "%{count} saniyeden az"
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 saniye
- other: "%{count} saniye"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: 1 dakikadan az
- other: "%{count} dakikadan az"
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 dakika
- other: "%{count} dakika"
- about_x_hours:
- one: yaklaşık 1 saat
- other: yaklaşık %{count} saat
- x_days:
- one: 1 gün
- other: "%{count} gün"
- about_x_months:
- one: yaklaşık 1 ay
- other: yaklaşık %{count} ay
- x_months:
- one: 1 ay
- other: "%{count} ay"
- about_x_years:
- one: yaklaşık 1 yıl
- other: yaklaşık %{count} yıl
- over_x_years:
- one: 1 yıldan fazla
- other: "%{count} yıldan fazla"
- almost_x_years:
- one: neredeyse 1 yıl
- other: neredeyse %{count} yıl
- x_years:
- one: 1 yıl
- other: "%{count} yıl"
- prompts:
- year: Yıl
- month: Ay
- day: Gün
- hour: Saat
- minute: Dakika
- second: Saniye
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: Lütfen seçiniz
- submit:
- create: "%{model} Ekle"
- update: "%{model} Güncelle"
- submit: "%{model} Kaydet"
- page_entries_info:
- entry:
- zero: girdiler
- one: giriş
- other: girdiler
- one_page:
- display_entries:
- zero: "%{entry_name} bulunamadı"
- one: "1 %{entry_name} görüntüleniyor"
- other: "Tüm %{count} %{entry_name} görüntüleniyor"
- more_pages:
- display_entries: Toplam %{total} %{entry_name}; %{first} - %{last}
- arası görüntüleniyor.
- flash:
- actions:
- create:
- notice: "%{resource_name} başarıyla oluşturuldu."
- update:
- notice: "%{resource_name} başarıyla güncellendi."
- destroy:
- notice: "%{resource_name} başarıyla yok edildi."
- alert: "%{resource_name} yok edilemedi."
- recaptcha:
- errors:
- verification_failed: reCAPTCHA doğrulaması başarısız oldu, lütfen tekrar deneyin.
- recaptcha_unreachable: Hata! reCAPTCHA yanıtınızı doğrulayamadık. Lütfen tekrar
- deneyin.
- devise:
- confirmations:
- confirmed: Hesabınız başarıyla onaylandı.
- send_instructions: Birkaç dakika içinde hesabınızı nasıl onaylayacağınızı anlatan
- bir e-posta alacaksınız.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Eğer e-posta adresiniz sistemimizde kayıtlı ise,
- birkaç dakika içinde hesabınızı nasıl onaylayacağınızı anlatan bir e-posta
- alacaksınız.
- failure:
- already_authenticated: Zaten giriş yaptınız.
- inactive: Hesabınız henüz aktive edilmemiş.
- invalid: Geçersiz %{authentication_keys} veya geçersiz şifre.
- locked: Hesabınız kilitlendi.
- last_attempt: Hesabınız askıya alınmadan önce son bir deneme hakkınız kaldı.
- not_found_in_database: Geçersiz %{authentication_keys} veya geçersiz şifre.
- timeout: Oturumunuz sonlandı. Devam etmek için, lütfen yeniden giriş yapınız.
- unauthenticated: Devam etmeden önce giriş yapmanız veya kayıt olmanız gereklidir.
- unconfirmed: Devam etmeden önce hesabınızı onaylamalısınız.
- invited: Bekleyen bir davetiniz var, hesap oluşturmayı tamamlamak için daveti
- kabul ediniz.
- mailer:
- confirmation_instructions:
- subject: Onaylama talimatları
- reset_password_instructions:
- subject: Şifre sıfırlama talimatları
- unlock_instructions:
- subject: Hesap kilidini kaldırma talimatları
- email_changed:
- subject: E-posta değiştirildi
- password_change:
- subject: Şifre Değişti
- invitation_instructions:
- subject: Davet yönergeleri
- hello: Merhaba %{email}
- someone_invited_you: Birisi sizi %{url} adresine davet etti, aşağıdaki bağlantıya
- tıklayarak daveti kabul edebilirsiniz.
- accept: Daveti kabul et
- accept_until: Bu davetiye %{due_date} tarihine kadar geçerli olacaktır.
- ignore: Daveti kabul etmek istemiyorsanız, lütfen bu e-postayı dikkate almayın.
- Hesabınızın oluşturulması için yukarıdaki bağlantıya tıklayıp şifrenizi
- belirlemeniz gerekmektedir.
- omniauth_callbacks:
- failure: Hesabınızı %{kind} aracılığıyla doğrulayamadık, çünkü "%{reason}".
- success: "%{kind} aracılığıyla hesabınız onaylandı."
- passwords:
- no_token: 'Bu sayfaya şifre sıfırlama e-postasındaki bağlantıya tıklayarak erişmeniz
- gerekmektedir. Bağlantıyı kopyalayıp tarayıcınıza yapıştırarak gelmeye çalıştıysanız,
- URL adresinin doğru olduğundan emin olun. '
- send_instructions: Birkaç dakika içinde şifrenizi nasıl sıfırlayacağınız ile
- ilgili bir e-posta alacaksınız.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Eğer e-posta adresiniz sistemimizde kayıtlı ise,
- birkaç dakika içinde e-posta adresinize bir hesap kurtarma bağlantısı gönderilecektir.
- updated: Şifreniz başarıyla değiştirildi. Şu an giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz.
- updated_not_active: Şifreniz başarıyla değiştirildi.
- registrations:
- destroyed: Hesabınız başarıyla kapatıldı. En kısa sürede tekrar görüşmek üzere!
- signed_up: Başarıyla giriş yaptınız. Hoşgeldiniz!
- signed_up_but_inactive: Kaydınız başarıyla gerçekleşti. Fakat, hesabınız henüz
- aktive edilmediği için oturumunuzu açamadık.
- signed_up_but_locked: Kaydınız başarıyla gerçekleşti. Fakat, hesabınız kilitlendiği
- için siteye giriş yapamadınız.
- signed_up_but_unconfirmed: E-posta adresinize hesap aktifleştirme bağlantısını
- içeren bir e-posta gönderildi. Hesabınızı aktifleştirmek için lütfen e-posta
- ile gönderilen bağlantıyı açın.
- update_needs_confirmation: Hesabınızı başarıyla güncellediniz, fakat yeni e-posta
- adresinizin doğrulanması gerekiyor. Yeni e-posta hesabınızın onaylanması için
- lütfen size gönderdiğimiz e-postada bulunan onay bağlantısına tıklayın.
- updated: Hesabınız başarıyla güncellendi.
- updated_but_not_signed_in: Hesabınız başarıyla güncellendi, ancak şifreniz değiştirildiği
- için tekrar giriş yapmanız gerekiyor.
- sessions:
- signed_in: Başarıyla giriş yapıldı.
- signed_out: Başarıyla çıkış yapıldı.
- already_signed_out: Başarıyla çıkış yapıldı.
- unlocks:
- send_instructions: Birkaç dakika içerisinde hesap kilidi açma talimatlarını
- içeren bir e-posta alacaksınız.
- send_paranoid_instructions: Eğer hesabınız varsa, birkaç dakika içerisinde hesap
- kilidi açma talimatlarını içeren bir e-posta alacaksınız.
- unlocked: Hesabınızın kilidi başarıyla kaldırıldı. Devam etmek için lütfen giriş
- yapın.
- invitations:
- send_instructions: "%{email} adresine bir davet e-postası gönderildi."
- invitation_token_invalid: Gönderilen davetiye tokenı geçerli değil!
- updated: Şifreniz başarıyla oluşturuldu. Şu an oturum açtınız.
- updated_not_active: Şifreniz başarıyla oluşturuldu.
- no_invitations_remaining: Kalan davet yok!
- invitation_removed: Davetiniz iptal edildi.
- new:
- header: Davetiye gönder
- submit_button: Davet gönder
- edit:
- header: Şifrenizi belirleyin.
- submit_button: Şifre belirle.
- contact_us:
- contact_mailer:
- contact_email:
- sent_by_contact_form: "%{email} e-posta adresinden iletişim formu ile gönderilmiştir"
- sent_by_name: "%{email} e-posta adresinden %{name} tarafından gönderilmiştir"
- subject: "%{email} e-posta adresinden gelen Bize Ulaşın mesajı"
- contacts:
- new:
- contact_us: Bize Ulaşın
- email: E-posta
- message: İleti
- name: isim
- subject: Konu
- submit: Gönder
- new_formtastic:
- contact_us: Bize Ulaşın
- email: E-posta
- message: İleti
- name: İsim
- subject: Konu
- submit: Gönder
- new_simple_form:
- contact_us: Bize Ulaşın
- email: E-posta
- message: İleti
- name: İsim
- subject: Konu
- submit: Gönder
- notices:
- error: Her iki alanı da doldurmalısınız.
- success: İletişim e-postası başarıyla gönderildi.