* [~clearPlacements()](#module_$PREBID_GLOBAL$..clearPlacements)
* ~~[~options](#module_$PREBID_GLOBAL$..options) : Object
### $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$~clearPlacements()
When a request for bids is made any stale bids remaining will be cleared for
a placement included in the outgoing bid request.
**Kind**: inner method of [$PREBID_GLOBAL$](#module_$PREBID_GLOBAL$)
### ~~$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$~options : Object
Set config for server to server header bidding
**Kind**: inner typedef of [$PREBID_GLOBAL$](#module_$PREBID_GLOBAL$)
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| enabled | boolean
| enables S2S bidding |
| bidders | Array.<string>
| bidders to request S2S === optional params below === |
| endpoint | string
| endpoint to contact |
| timeout | number
| timeout for S2S bidders - should be lower than `pbjs.requestBids({timeout})` |
| adapter | string
| adapter code to use for S2S |
| syncEndpoint | string
| endpoint URL for syncing cookies |
| cookieSet | boolean
| enables cookieSet functionality |