diff --git a/modules/sovrnBidAdapter.js b/modules/sovrnBidAdapter.js
index a2fef49eaed..bf2f7f7b777 100644
--- a/modules/sovrnBidAdapter.js
+++ b/modules/sovrnBidAdapter.js
@@ -1,156 +1,82 @@
-var CONSTANTS = require('src/constants.json');
-var utils = require('src/utils.js');
-var bidfactory = require('src/bidfactory.js');
-var bidmanager = require('src/bidmanager.js');
-var adloader = require('src/adloader');
-var adaptermanager = require('src/adaptermanager');
- * Adapter for requesting bids from Sovrn
- */
-var SovrnAdapter = function SovrnAdapter() {
- var sovrnUrl = 'ap.lijit.com/rtb/bid';
- function _callBids(params) {
- var sovrnBids = params.bids || [];
- _requestBids(sovrnBids);
- }
- function _requestBids(bidReqs) {
- // build bid request object
- var domain = window.location.host;
- var page = window.location.pathname + location.search + location.hash;
- var sovrnImps = [];
- // build impression array for sovrn
+import * as utils from 'src/utils';
+import { registerBidder } from 'src/adapters/bidderFactory';
+import { BANNER } from 'src/mediaTypes';
+import { REPO_AND_VERSION } from 'src/constants';
+export const spec = {
+ code: 'sovrn',
+ supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER],
+ /**
+ * Check if the bid is a valid zone ID in either number or string form
+ * @param {object} bid the Sovrn bid to validate
+ * @return boolean for whether or not a bid is valid
+ */
+ isBidRequestValid: function(bid) {
+ return !!(bid.params.tagid && !isNaN(parseFloat(bid.params.tagid)) && isFinite(bid.params.tagid));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Format the bid request object for our endpoint
+ * @param {BidRequest[]} bidRequests Array of Sovrn bidders
+ * @return object of parameters for Prebid AJAX request
+ */
+ buildRequests: function(bidReqs) {
+ let sovrnImps = [];
utils._each(bidReqs, function (bid) {
- var tagId = utils.getBidIdParameter('tagid', bid.params);
- var bidFloor = utils.getBidIdParameter('bidfloor', bid.params);
- var adW = 0;
- var adH = 0;
- // sovrn supports only one size per tagid, so we just take the first size if there are more
- // if we are a 2 item array of 2 numbers, we must be a SingleSize array
- var bidSizes = Array.isArray(bid.params.sizes) ? bid.params.sizes : bid.sizes;
- var sizeArrayLength = bidSizes.length;
- if (sizeArrayLength === 2 && typeof bidSizes[0] === 'number' && typeof bidSizes[1] === 'number') {
- adW = bidSizes[0];
- adH = bidSizes[1];
- } else {
- adW = bidSizes[0][0];
- adH = bidSizes[0][1];
- }
- var imp =
- {
- id: bid.bidId,
- banner: {
- w: adW,
- h: adH
- },
- tagid: tagId,
- bidfloor: bidFloor
- };
- sovrnImps.push(imp);
+ sovrnImps.push({
+ id: bid.bidId,
+ banner: { w: 1, h: 1 },
+ tagid: utils.getBidIdParameter('tagid', bid.params),
+ bidfloor: utils.getBidIdParameter('bidfloor', bid.params)
+ });
- // build bid request with impressions
- var sovrnBidReq = {
+ const sovrnBidReq = {
id: utils.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),
imp: sovrnImps,
site: {
- domain: domain,
- page: page
+ domain: window.location.host,
+ page: window.location.pathname + location.search + location.hash
- var scriptUrl = '//' + sovrnUrl + '?callback=window.$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.sovrnResponse' +
- '&br=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sovrnBidReq));
- adloader.loadScript(scriptUrl);
- }
- function addBlankBidResponses(impidsWithBidBack) {
- var missing = utils.getBidderRequestAllAdUnits('sovrn');
- if (missing) {
- missing = missing.bids.filter(bid => impidsWithBidBack.indexOf(bid.bidId) < 0);
- } else {
- missing = [];
- }
- missing.forEach(function (bidRequest) {
- // Add a no-bid response for this bid request.
- var bid = {};
- bid = bidfactory.createBid(2, bidRequest);
- bid.bidderCode = 'sovrn';
- bidmanager.addBidResponse(bidRequest.placementCode, bid);
- });
- }
- // expose the callback to the global object:
- $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.sovrnResponse = function (sovrnResponseObj) {
- var impidsWithBidBack = [];
- // valid response object from sovrn
- if (sovrnResponseObj && sovrnResponseObj.id && sovrnResponseObj.seatbid && sovrnResponseObj.seatbid.length !== 0 &&
- sovrnResponseObj.seatbid[0].bid && sovrnResponseObj.seatbid[0].bid.length !== 0) {
- sovrnResponseObj.seatbid[0].bid.forEach(function (sovrnBid) {
- var responseCPM;
- var placementCode = '';
- var id = sovrnBid.impid;
- var bid = {};
- var bidObj = utils.getBidRequest(id);
- if (bidObj) {
- placementCode = bidObj.placementCode;
- bidObj.status = CONSTANTS.STATUS.GOOD;
- responseCPM = parseFloat(sovrnBid.price);
- if (responseCPM !== 0) {
- sovrnBid.placementCode = placementCode;
- sovrnBid.size = bidObj.sizes;
- var responseAd = sovrnBid.adm;
- // build impression url from response
- var responseNurl = '';
- // store bid response
- // bid status is good (indicating 1)
- bid = bidfactory.createBid(1, bidObj);
- bid.creative_id = sovrnBid.id;
- bid.bidderCode = 'sovrn';
- bid.cpm = responseCPM;
- // set ad content + impression url
- // sovrn returns