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index 53dc0bd3e1a..00000000000
--- a/modules/glimpseBidAdapter.js
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-import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
-import { BANNER } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
-import { getStorageManager } from '../src/storageManager.js';
-import {
- isArray,
- isEmpty,
- isEmptyStr,
- isStr,
- isPlainObject,
-} from '../src/utils.js';
-const GVLID = 1012;
-const BIDDER_CODE = 'glimpse';
-const storageManager = getStorageManager({bidderCode: BIDDER_CODE});
-const ENDPOINT = 'https://market.glimpsevault.io/public/v1/prebid';
- vault: {
- jwt: 'gp_vault_jwt',
- },
-export const spec = {
- gvlid: GVLID,
- code: BIDDER_CODE,
- supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER],
- /**
- * Determines if the bid request is valid
- * @param bid {BidRequest} The bid to validate
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- isBidRequestValid: (bid) => {
- const pid = bid?.params?.pid;
- return isStr(pid) && !isEmptyStr(pid);
- },
- /**
- * Builds the http request
- * @param validBidRequests {BidRequest[]}
- * @param bidderRequest {BidderRequest}
- * @returns {ServerRequest}
- */
- buildRequests: (validBidRequests, bidderRequest) => {
- const url = buildQuery(bidderRequest);
- const auth = getVaultJwt();
- const referer = getReferer(bidderRequest);
- const imp = validBidRequests.map(processBidRequest);
- const fpd = getFirstPartyData(bidderRequest.ortb2);
- const data = {
- auth,
- data: {
- referer,
- imp,
- fpd,
- },
- };
- return {
- method: 'POST',
- url,
- data: JSON.stringify(data),
- options: {},
- };
- },
- /**
- * Parse http response
- * @param response {ServerResponse}
- * @returns {Bid[]}
- */
- interpretResponse: (response) => {
- if (isValidResponse(response)) {
- const { auth, data } = response.body;
- setVaultJwt(auth);
- const bids = data.bids.map(processBidResponse);
- return bids;
- }
- return [];
- },
-function setVaultJwt(auth) {
- storageManager.setDataInLocalStorage(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY.vault.jwt, auth);
-function getVaultJwt() {
- return (
- storageManager.getDataFromLocalStorage(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY.vault.jwt) || ''
- );
-function getReferer(bidderRequest) {
- // TODO: is 'page' the right value here?
- return bidderRequest?.refererInfo?.page || '';
-function buildQuery(bidderRequest) {
- let url = appendQueryParam(ENDPOINT, 'ver', '$prebid.version$');
- const timeout = bidderRequest.timeout;
- url = appendQueryParam(url, 'tmax', timeout);
- if (gdprApplies(bidderRequest)) {
- const consentString = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString;
- url = appendQueryParam(url, 'gdpr', consentString);
- }
- if (ccpaApplies(bidderRequest)) {
- url = appendQueryParam(url, 'ccpa', bidderRequest.uspConsent);
- }
- return url;
-function appendQueryParam(url, key, value) {
- if (!value) {
- return url;
- }
- const prefix = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?';
- return `${url}${prefix}${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
-function gdprApplies(bidderRequest) {
- return Boolean(bidderRequest?.gdprConsent?.gdprApplies);
-function ccpaApplies(bidderRequest) {
- return (
- isStr(bidderRequest.uspConsent) &&
- !isEmptyStr(bidderRequest.uspConsent) &&
- bidderRequest.uspConsent?.substr(1, 3) !== '---'
- );
-function processBidRequest(bid) {
- const sizes = normalizeSizes(bid.sizes);
- return {
- bid: bid.bidId,
- pid: bid.params.pid,
- sizes,
- };
-function normalizeSizes(sizes) {
- const isSingleSize =
- isArray(sizes) &&
- sizes.length === 2 &&
- !isArray(sizes[0]) &&
- !isArray(sizes[1]);
- if (isSingleSize) {
- return [sizes];
- }
- return sizes;
-function getFirstPartyData(ortb2) {
- let fpd = ortb2 || {};
- optimizeObject(fpd);
- return fpd;
-function optimizeObject(obj) {
- if (!isPlainObject(obj)) {
- return;
- }
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
- optimizeObject(value);
- // only delete empty object, array, or string
- if (
- (isPlainObject(value) || isArray(value) || isStr(value)) &&
- isEmpty(value)
- ) {
- delete obj[key];
- }
- }
-function isValidResponse(bidResponse) {
- const auth = bidResponse?.body?.auth;
- const bids = bidResponse?.body?.data?.bids;
- return isStr(auth) && isArray(bids) && !isEmpty(bids);
-function processBidResponse(bid) {
- const meta = bid.meta || {};
- meta.advertiserDomains = bid.meta?.advertiserDomains || [];
- return {
- ...bid,
- meta,
- };
diff --git a/modules/glimpseBidAdapter.md b/modules/glimpseBidAdapter.md
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index e82c5d8f32e..00000000000
--- a/modules/glimpseBidAdapter.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Overview
-Module Name: Glimpse Protocol Bid Adapter
-Module Type: Bidder Adapter
-Maintainer: publisher@glimpseprotocol.io
-# Description
-This module connects publishers to Glimpse Protocol's demand sources via Prebid.js. Our innovative marketplace protects
-consumer privacy while allowing precise targeting. It is compliant with GDPR, DPA and CCPA.
-The Glimpse Adapter supports banner formats.
-# Test Parameters
-const adUnits = [
- {
- code: 'banner-div-a',
- mediaTypes: {
- banner: {
- sizes: [[300, 250]],
- },
- },
- bids: [
- {
- bidder: 'glimpse',
- params: {
- pid: 'e53a7f564f8f44cc913b',
- },
- },
- ],
- },
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--- a/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter.js
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@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-import { logError } from '../src/utils.js';
-import adapter from '../libraries/analyticsAdapter/AnalyticsAdapter.js';
-import adapterManager from '../src/adapterManager.js';
-import CONSTANTS from '../src/constants.json';
-const {
-const prebidVersion = '$prebid.version$';
-const adapterConfig = {
- /** Name of the `rta` function, override only when instructed. */
- rtaFunctionName: 'rta',
- /** This is optional but highly recommended. The value returned by the
- * function will be used as ad impression ad unit attribute value.
- *
- * As such if you have placement (10293845) or ad unit codes
- * (div-gpt-ad-124984-0) but you want these to be translated to meaningful
- * values like 'SIDEBAR-AD-01-MOBILE' then this function shall express this
- * mapping.
- */
- getAdUnitName: function(placementOrAdUnitCode) {
- return placementOrAdUnitCode;
- },
- /**
- * Function used to extract placement/adUnitCode (depending on prebid
- * version).
- *
- * The extracted value will be passed to the `getAdUnitName()` for mapping into
- * human friendly value.
- */
- getPlacementOrAdUnitCode: function(bid, version) {
- return version[0] === '0' ? bid.placementCode : bid.adUnitCode;
- },
- /**
- * Optional reference to Google Publisher Tag (gpt)
- */
- googlePublisherTag: false,
- /**
- * Do not override unless instructed. Useful for testing. Allows to redefined
- * the event that triggers the ad impression event.
- */
- wireGooglePublisherTag: function(gpt, cb) {
- gpt.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) {
- cb(event.slot);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Map which keeps BID_WON events. Keyed by adId property.
- */
- prebidWinnersCache: {},
- /**
- * Map which keeps all BID_RESPONSE events. Keyed by adId property.
- */
- prebidBidResponsesCache: {},
- /**
- * Decides if the GPT slot contains prebid ad impression or not.
- *
- * When BID_WON event is emitted adid is added to prebidWinnersCache,
- * then we check if prebidWinnersCache contains slot.hb_adid.
- *
- * This function is optional and used only when googlePublisherTag is provided.
- *
- * Default implementation uses slot's `hb_adid` targeting parameter.
- *
- * @param slot the gpt slot
- */
- isPrebidAdImpression: function(slot) {
- const hbAdIdTargeting = slot.getTargeting('hb_adid');
- if (hbAdIdTargeting.length > 0) {
- const hbAdId = hbAdIdTargeting[0];
- return typeof this.prebidWinnersCache[hbAdId] !== 'undefined';
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * If isPrebidAdImpression decides that slot contain prebid ad impression,
- * this function should return prebids highest ad impression partner for that
- * slot.
- *
- * Default implementation uses slot's `hb_adid` targeting value to find
- * highest bid response and when present then returns `bidder`.
- *
- * @param instanceConfig merged analytics adapter instance configuration
- * @param slot the gpt slot for which the name of the highest bidder shall be
- * returned
- * @param version the version of the prebid.js library
- */
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionPartner: function(instanceConfig, slot, version) {
- const bid = getHighestPrebidBidResponseBySlotTargeting(
- instanceConfig,
- slot,
- version
- );
- // this is bid response event has `bidder` while bid won has bidderCode property
- return bid ? bid.bidderCode || bid.bidder : null;
- },
- /**
- * If isPrebidAdImpression decides that slot contain prebid ad impression,
- * this function should return prebids highest ad impression value for that
- * slot.
- *
- * Default implementation uses slot's `hb_adid` targeting value to find
- * highest bid response and when present then returns `cpm`.
- *
- * @param instanceConfig merged analytics adapter instance configuration
- * @param slot the gpt slot for which the highest ad impression value shall be
- * returned
- * @param version the version of the prebid.js library
- */
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionValue: function(instanceConfig, slot, version) {
- const bid = getHighestPrebidBidResponseBySlotTargeting(
- instanceConfig,
- slot,
- version
- );
- return bid ? bid.cpm : null;
- },
- /**
- * This function should return proper ad unit name for slot given as a
- * parameter. Unit names returned by this function should be meaningful, for
- * example 'FOO_728x90_TOP'. The values returned shall be inline with
- * `getAdUnitName`.
- *
- * Required when googlePublisherTag is defined.
- *
- * @param slot the gpt slot to translate into friendly name
- * @param version the version of the prebid.js library
- */
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: (slot, version) => {
- throw 'Required when googlePublisherTag is defined.';
- },
- /**
- * Function used to prepare and return parameters provided to rta.
- * More information will be in docs given by LiveYield team.
- *
- * When googlePublisherTag is not provided, second parameter(slot) will always
- * equal null.
- *
- * @param resolution the original ad impression details
- * @param slot gpt slot, will be empty in pure Prebid.js-case (when
- * googlePublisherTag is not provided)
- * @param hbPartner the name of the highest bidding partner
- * @param hbValue the value of the highest bid
- * @param version version of the prebid.js library
- */
- postProcessResolution: (resolution, slot, hbPartner, hbValue, version) => {
- return resolution;
- }
-const cpmToMicroUSD = v => (isNaN(v) ? 0 : Math.round(v * 1000));
-const getHighestPrebidBidResponseBySlotTargeting = function(
- instanceConfig,
- slot,
- version
-) {
- const hbAdIdTargeting = slot.getTargeting('hb_adid');
- if (hbAdIdTargeting.length > 0) {
- const hbAdId = hbAdIdTargeting[0];
- return (
- instanceConfig.prebidWinnersCache[hbAdId] ||
- instanceConfig.prebidBidResponsesCache[hbAdId]
- );
- }
- return null;
-const liveyield = Object.assign(adapter({ analyticsType: 'bundle' }), {
- track({ eventType, args }) {
- switch (eventType) {
- args.bids.forEach(function(b) {
- try {
- window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'bidRequested',
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getAdUnitName(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getPlacementOrAdUnitCode(
- b,
- prebidVersion
- )
- ),
- args.bidderCode
- );
- } catch (e) {
- logError(e);
- }
- });
- break;
- liveyield.instanceConfig.prebidBidResponsesCache[args.adId] = args;
- var cpm = args.statusMessage === 'Bid available' ? args.cpm : null;
- try {
- window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'addBid',
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getAdUnitName(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getPlacementOrAdUnitCode(
- args,
- prebidVersion
- )
- ),
- args.bidder || 'unknown',
- cpmToMicroUSD(cpm),
- typeof args.bidder === 'undefined',
- args.statusMessage !== 'Bid available'
- );
- } catch (e) {
- logError(e);
- }
- break;
- window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'biddersTimeout',
- args
- );
- break;
- case BID_WON:
- liveyield.instanceConfig.prebidWinnersCache[args.adId] = args;
- if (liveyield.instanceConfig.googlePublisherTag) {
- break;
- }
- try {
- const ad = liveyield.instanceConfig.getAdUnitName(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getPlacementOrAdUnitCode(
- args,
- prebidVersion
- )
- );
- if (!ad) {
- logError(
- 'Cannot find ad by unit name: ' +
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getAdUnitName(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getPlacementOrAdUnitCode(
- args,
- prebidVersion
- )
- )
- );
- break;
- }
- if (!args.bidderCode || !args.cpm) {
- logError('Bidder code or cpm is not valid');
- break;
- }
- const resolution = { targetings: [] };
- resolution.prebidWon = true;
- resolution.prebidPartner = args.bidderCode;
- resolution.prebidValue = cpmToMicroUSD(parseFloat(args.cpm));
- const resolutionToUse = liveyield.instanceConfig.postProcessResolution(
- resolution,
- null,
- resolution.prebidPartner,
- resolution.prebidValue,
- prebidVersion
- );
- window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'resolveSlot',
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getAdUnitName(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.getPlacementOrAdUnitCode(
- args,
- prebidVersion
- )
- ),
- resolutionToUse
- );
- } catch (e) {
- logError(e);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-liveyield.originEnableAnalytics = liveyield.enableAnalytics;
- * Minimal valid config:
- *
- * ```
- * {
- * provider: 'liveyield',
- * options: {
- * // will be provided by the LiveYield team
- * customerId: 'UUID',
- * // will be provided by the LiveYield team,
- * customerName: 'Customer Name',
- * // do NOT use window.location.host, use constant value
- * customerSite: 'Fixed Site Name',
- * // this is used to be inline with GA 'sessionizer' which closes the session on midnight (EST-time).
- * sessionTimezoneOffset: '-300'
- * }
- * }
- * ```
- */
-liveyield.enableAnalytics = function(config) {
- if (!config || !config.provider || config.provider !== 'liveyield') {
- logError('expected config.provider to equal liveyield');
- return;
- }
- if (!config.options) {
- logError('options must be defined');
- return;
- }
- if (!config.options.customerId) {
- logError('options.customerId is required');
- return;
- }
- if (!config.options.customerName) {
- logError('options.customerName is required');
- return;
- }
- if (!config.options.customerSite) {
- logError('options.customerSite is required');
- return;
- }
- if (!config.options.sessionTimezoneOffset) {
- logError('options.sessionTimezoneOffset is required');
- return;
- }
- liveyield.instanceConfig = Object.assign(
- { prebidWinnersCache: {}, prebidBidResponsesCache: {} },
- adapterConfig,
- config.options
- );
- if (typeof window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName] !== 'function') {
- logError(
- `Function ${liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName} is not defined.` +
- `Make sure that LiveYield snippet in included before the Prebid Analytics configuration.`
- );
- return;
- }
- if (liveyield.instanceConfig.googlePublisherTag) {
- liveyield.instanceConfig.wireGooglePublisherTag(
- liveyield.instanceConfig.googlePublisherTag,
- onSlotRenderEnded(liveyield.instanceConfig)
- );
- }
- const additionalParams = {
- customerTimezone: config.options.customerTimezone,
- contentId: config.options.contentId,
- contentPart: config.options.contentPart,
- contentAuthor: config.options.contentAuthor,
- contentTitle: config.options.contentTitle,
- contentCategory: config.options.contentCategory,
- contentLayout: config.options.contentLayout,
- contentVariants: config.options.contentVariants,
- contentTimezone: config.options.contentTimezone,
- cstringDim1: config.options.cstringDim1,
- cstringDim2: config.options.cstringDim2,
- cintDim1: config.options.cintDim1,
- cintDim2: config.options.cintDim2,
- cintArrayDim1: config.options.cintArrayDim1,
- cintArrayDim2: config.options.cintArrayDim2,
- cuniqueStringMet1: config.options.cuniqueStringMet1,
- cuniqueStringMet2: config.options.cuniqueStringMet2,
- cavgIntMet1: config.options.cavgIntMet1,
- cavgIntMet2: config.options.cavgIntMet2,
- csumIntMet1: config.options.csumIntMet1,
- csumIntMet2: config.options.csumIntMet2
- };
- Object.keys(additionalParams).forEach(
- key => additionalParams[key] == null && delete additionalParams[key]
- );
- window[liveyield.instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'create',
- config.options.customerId,
- config.options.customerName,
- config.options.customerSite,
- config.options.sessionTimezoneOffset,
- additionalParams
- );
- liveyield.originEnableAnalytics(config);
-const onSlotRenderEnded = function(instanceConfig) {
- const addDfpDetails = (resolution, slot) => {
- const responseInformation = slot.getResponseInformation();
- if (responseInformation) {
- resolution.dfpAdvertiserId = responseInformation.advertiserId;
- resolution.dfpLineItemId = responseInformation.sourceAgnosticLineItemId;
- resolution.dfpCreativeId = responseInformation.creativeId;
- }
- };
- const addPrebidDetails = (resolution, slot) => {
- if (instanceConfig.isPrebidAdImpression(slot)) {
- resolution.prebidWon = true;
- }
- const highestPrebidAdImpPartner = instanceConfig.getHighestPrebidAdImpressionPartner(
- instanceConfig,
- slot,
- prebidVersion
- );
- const highestPrebidAdImpValue = instanceConfig.getHighestPrebidAdImpressionValue(
- instanceConfig,
- slot,
- prebidVersion
- );
- if (highestPrebidAdImpPartner) {
- resolution.prebidPartner = highestPrebidAdImpPartner;
- }
- if (highestPrebidAdImpValue) {
- resolution.prebidValue = cpmToMicroUSD(
- parseFloat(highestPrebidAdImpValue)
- );
- }
- };
- return slot => {
- const resolution = { targetings: [] };
- addDfpDetails(resolution, slot);
- addPrebidDetails(resolution, slot);
- const resolutionToUse = instanceConfig.postProcessResolution(
- resolution,
- slot,
- resolution.highestPrebidAdImpPartner,
- resolution.highestPrebidAdImpValue,
- prebidVersion
- );
- window[instanceConfig.rtaFunctionName](
- 'resolveSlot',
- instanceConfig.getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot(slot, prebidVersion),
- resolutionToUse
- );
- };
- adapter: liveyield,
- code: 'liveyield'
-export default liveyield;
diff --git a/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter.md b/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e602361a1..00000000000
--- a/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Overview
-Module Name: LiveYield Analytics Adapter
-Module Type: Analytics Adapter
-Maintainer: liveyield@pubocean.com
-# Description
-To install the LiveYield Tracker following snippet shall be added at the top of
-the page.
-z=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);z.unshift(+new Date());
-(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(z)},i[r].t=1,i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
-# Test Parameters
-The LiveYield team will provide you configurations for each of your sites, it
-will be similar to:
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- // will be provided by the LiveYield team
- customerId: 'UUID',
- // will be provided by the LiveYield team,
- customerName: 'Customer Name',
- // do NOT use window.location.host, use constant value
- customerSite: 'Fixed Site Name',
- // this is used to be inline with GA 'sessionizer' which closes the session on midnight (EST-time).
- sessionTimezoneOffset: '-300'
- }
-Additional documentation and support will be provided by the LiveYield team as
-part of the onboarding process.
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/glimpseBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/glimpseBidAdapter_spec.js
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index 353e61c7859..00000000000
--- a/test/spec/modules/glimpseBidAdapter_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { spec } from 'modules/glimpseBidAdapter.js';
-import { newBidder } from 'src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
-import { config } from 'src/config';
-import { BANNER } from '../../../src/mediaTypes';
-const ENDPOINT = 'https://market.glimpsevault.io/public/v1/prebid';
-const nonStringValues = [null, undefined, 123, true, {}, [], () => {}];
-const nonArrayValues = [null, undefined, 123, true, {}, 'str', () => {}];
-const mock = {
- bidRequest: {
- bidder: 'glimpse',
- bidId: '26a80b71cfd671',
- bidderRequestId: '133baeded6ac94',
- auctionId: '96692a73-307b-44b8-8e4f-ddfb40341570',
- adUnitCode: 'banner-div-a',
- sizes: [[300, 250]],
- params: {
- pid: 'glimpse-demo-300x250',
- },
- },
- bidderRequest: {
- bidderCode: 'glimpse',
- bidderRequestId: '133baeded6ac94',
- auctionId: '96692a73-307b-44b8-8e4f-ddfb40341570',
- timeout: 3000,
- gdprConsent: {
- consentString:
- vendorData: {},
- gdprApplies: true,
- },
- uspConsent: '1YYY',
- refererInfo: {
- numIframes: 0,
- reachedTop: true,
- page: 'https://demo.glimpseprotocol.io/prebid/desktop',
- stack: ['https://demo.glimpseprotocol.io/prebid/desktop'],
- },
- },
- bidResponse: {
- auth: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkISJ9.1p6T0ORhJ6riLprhXBGdzRhG3Q1egM27uFhPGNapPxs',
- data: {
- bids: [
- {
- requestId: '133baeded6ac94',
- creativeId: 'glimpse-demo-300x250',
- adUnitCode: 'banner-div-a',
- currency: 'GBP',
- ad: '
Hello, World!
- width: 300,
- height: 250,
- cpm: 1.04,
- netRevenue: true,
- mediaType: 'banner',
- ttl: 300,
- },
- ],
- },
- },
-const getBidRequest = () => getDeepCopy(mock.bidRequest);
-const getBidderRequest = () => ({
- bids: [getBidRequest()],
- ...getDeepCopy(mock.bidderRequest),
-const getBidResponse = () => ({
- body: getDeepCopy(mock.bidResponse),
-function getDeepCopy(object) {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
-describe('GlimpseProtocolAdapter', () => {
- const glimpseAdapter = newBidder(spec);
- describe('spec', () => {
- it('Has defined the glimpse gvlid', () => {
- expect(spec.gvlid).to.equal(1012);
- });
- it('Has defined glimpse as the bidder', () => {
- expect(spec.code).to.equal('glimpse');
- });
- it('Has defined valid mediaTypes', () => {
- expect(spec.supportedMediaTypes).to.deep.equal([BANNER]);
- });
- });
- describe('Inherited functions', () => {
- it('Functions exist and are valid types', () => {
- expect(glimpseAdapter.callBids).to.exist.and.to.be.a('function');
- expect(glimpseAdapter.getSpec).to.exist.and.to.be.a('function');
- });
- });
- describe('isBidRequestValid', () => {
- it('Returns true if placement id is non-empty string', () => {
- const bidRequest = getBidRequest();
- const isValidBidRequest = spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest);
- expect(isValidBidRequest).to.be.true;
- });
- it('Returns false if no pid is provided', () => {
- const bidRequest = getBidRequest();
- delete bidRequest.params.pid;
- const isValidBidRequest = spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest);
- expect(isValidBidRequest).to.be.false;
- });
- it('Returns false if pid is empty string', () => {
- const bidRequest = getBidRequest();
- bidRequest.params.pid = '';
- const isValidBidRequest = spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest);
- expect(isValidBidRequest).to.be.false;
- });
- it('Returns false if pid is not string', () => {
- const bidRequest = getBidRequest();
- const invalidPids = nonStringValues;
- invalidPids.forEach((invalidPid) => {
- bidRequest.params.pid = invalidPid;
- const isValidBidRequest = spec.isBidRequestValid(bidRequest);
- expect(isValidBidRequest).to.be.false;
- });
- });
- });
- describe('buildRequests', () => {
- const bidRequests = [getBidRequest()];
- const bidderRequest = getBidderRequest();
- it('Adds additional info to api request query', () => {
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, bidderRequest);
- const url = new URL(request.url);
- const queries = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
- expect(queries.get('ver')).to.exist;
- expect(queries.get('tmax')).to.exist;
- expect(queries.get('gdpr')).to.equal(
- bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString
- );
- expect(queries.get('ccpa')).to.equal(bidderRequest.uspConsent);
- });
- it('Has correct payload shape', () => {
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, bidderRequest);
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(payload.auth).to.be.a('string');
- expect(payload.data).to.be.an('object');
- expect(payload.data.referer).to.be.a('string');
- expect(payload.data.imp).to.be.an('array');
- expect(payload.data.fpd).to.be.an('object');
- });
- it('Has referer information', () => {
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, bidderRequest);
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const expected = mock.bidderRequest.refererInfo.page;
- expect(payload.data.referer).to.equal(expected);
- });
- it('Has correct bids (imp) shape', () => {
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, bidderRequest);
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const imp = payload.data.imp;
- imp.forEach((i) => {
- expect(i.bid).to.be.a('string');
- expect(i.pid).to.be.a('string');
- expect(i.sizes).to.be.an('array').that.deep.include([300, 250]);
- });
- });
- });
- describe('interpretResponse', () => {
- it('Returns valid bids', () => {
- const bidResponse = getBidResponse();
- const bids = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse);
- expect(bids).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(bids[0].adUnitCode).to.equal(mock.bidRequest.adUnitCode);
- });
- it('Returns no bids if auth is not string', () => {
- const bidResponse = getBidResponse();
- const invalidAuths = nonStringValues;
- invalidAuths.forEach((invalidAuth) => {
- bidResponse.body.auth = invalidAuth;
- const bids = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse);
- expect(bids).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- });
- it('Returns no bids if bids is empty', () => {
- const bidResponse = getBidResponse();
- bidResponse.body.data.bids = [];
- const bids = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse);
- expect(bids).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- it('Returns no bids if bids is not array', () => {
- const bidResponse = getBidResponse();
- const invalidBids = nonArrayValues;
- invalidBids.forEach((invalidBid) => {
- bidResponse.body.data.bids = invalidBid;
- const bids = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse);
- expect(bids).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- });
- it('Contains advertiserDomains', () => {
- const bidResponse = getBidResponse();
- const bids = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse);
- bids.forEach((bid) => {
- expect(bid.meta.advertiserDomains).to.be.an('array');
- });
- });
- });
- describe('optimize request fpd data', () => {
- const bidRequests = [getBidRequest()];
- const bidderRequest = getBidderRequest();
- const fpdMockBase = {
- site: {
- keywords: 'site,keywords',
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataArray: ['data1', 'data2'],
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- dataString: 'data1,data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- user: {
- keywords: 'user,keywords',
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataArray: ['data1', 'data2'],
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- dataString: 'data1,data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- };
- it('should keep all non-empty fields', () => {
- const fpdMock = fpdMockBase;
- const expected = fpdMockBase;
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {...bidderRequest, ortb2: fpdMock});
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const fpd = payload.data.fpd;
- expect(fpd).to.deep.equal(expected);
- });
- it('should remove all empty objects', () => {
- const fpdMock = getDeepCopy(fpdMockBase);
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataObject = {};
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider = {};
- const expected = {
- site: {
- keywords: 'site,keywords',
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataArray: ['data1', 'data2'],
- dataString: 'data1,data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- user: {
- keywords: 'user,keywords',
- },
- };
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {...bidderRequest, ortb2: fpdMock});
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const fpd = payload.data.fpd;
- expect(fpd).to.deep.equal(expected);
- });
- it('should remove all empty arrays', () => {
- const fpdMock = getDeepCopy(fpdMockBase);
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataArray = [];
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataArray = [];
- const expected = {
- site: {
- keywords: 'site,keywords',
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- dataString: 'data1,data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- user: {
- keywords: 'user,keywords',
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- dataString: 'data1,data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- };
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {...bidderRequest, ortb2: fpdMock});
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const fpd = payload.data.fpd;
- expect(fpd).to.deep.equal(expected);
- });
- it('should remove all empty strings', () => {
- const fpdMock = getDeepCopy(fpdMockBase);
- fpdMock.site.keywords = '';
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataString = '';
- fpdMock.user.keywords = '';
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataString = '';
- const expected = {
- site: {
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataArray: ['data1', 'data2'],
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- user: {
- ext: {
- data: {
- fpdProvider: {
- dataArray: ['data1', 'data2'],
- dataObject: {
- data1: 'data1',
- data2: 'data2',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- };
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {...bidderRequest, ortb2: fpdMock});
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const fpd = payload.data.fpd;
- expect(fpd).to.deep.equal(expected);
- });
- it('should remove all empty fields', () => {
- const fpdMock = getDeepCopy(fpdMockBase);
- fpdMock.site.keywords = '';
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataArray = [];
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataObject = {};
- fpdMock.site.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataString = '';
- fpdMock.user.keywords = '';
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataArray = [];
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataObject = {};
- fpdMock.user.ext.data.fpdProvider.dataString = '';
- const expected = {};
- const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests, {...bidderRequest, ortb2: fpdMock});
- const payload = JSON.parse(request.data);
- const fpd = payload.data.fpd;
- expect(fpd).to.deep.equal(expected);
- });
- });
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec4eaf9acd..00000000000
--- a/test/spec/modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-import CONSTANTS from 'src/constants.json';
-import liveyield from 'modules/liveyieldAnalyticsAdapter.js';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-const events = require('src/events');
-const {
-describe('liveyield analytics adapter', function() {
- const rtaCalls = [];
- window.rta = function() {
- rtaCalls.push({ callArgs: arguments });
- };
- beforeEach(function() {
- sinon.stub(events, 'getEvents').returns([]);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- events.getEvents.restore();
- });
- describe('initialization', function() {
- afterEach(function() {
- rtaCalls.length = 0;
- });
- it('it should require provider', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({});
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it('should require config.options', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({ provider: 'liveyield' });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it('should require options.customerId', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({ provider: 'liveyield', options: {} });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it('should require options.customerName', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa'
- }
- });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it('should require options.customerSite', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean'
- }
- });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it('should require options.sessionTimezoneOffset', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com'
- }
- });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- });
- it("should throw error, when 'rta' function is not defined ", function() {
- const keepMe = window.rta;
- delete window.rta;
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12
- }
- });
- expect(rtaCalls).to.be.empty;
- window.rta = keepMe;
- });
- it('should initialize when all required parameters are passed', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12
- }
- });
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['0']).to.match(/create/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['1']).to.match(
- /d6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa/
- );
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['2']).to.match(/pubocean/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['4']).to.match(/12/);
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- });
- it('should allow to redefine rta function name', function() {
- const keepMe = window.rta;
- window.abc = keepMe;
- delete window.rta;
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- rtaFunctionName: 'abc',
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'test',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 25
- }
- });
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['0']).to.match(/create/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['1']).to.match(
- /d6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa/
- );
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['2']).to.match(/test/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['4']).to.match(/25/);
- window.rta = keepMe;
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- });
- it('should handle custom parameters', function() {
- liveyield.enableAnalytics({
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'test2',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 38,
- contentTitle: 'testTitle',
- contentAuthor: 'testAuthor',
- contentCategory: 'testCategory'
- }
- });
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['0']).to.match(/create/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['2']).to.match(/test2/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['4']).to.match(/38/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['5'].contentTitle).to.match(/testTitle/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['5'].contentAuthor).to.match(/testAuthor/);
- expect(rtaCalls[0].callArgs['5'].contentCategory).to.match(
- /testCategory/
- );
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- });
- });
- describe('handling events', function() {
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12
- }
- };
- beforeEach(function() {
- rtaCalls.length = 0;
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- });
- it('should handle BID_REQUESTED event', function() {
- const bidRequest = {
- bidderCode: 'appnexus',
- bids: [
- {
- params: {
- placementId: '10433394'
- },
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- transactionId: '2f481ff1-8d20-4c28-8e36-e384e9e3eec6',
- sizes: '300x250,300x600',
- bidId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcfb7'
- }
- ]
- };
- events.emit(BID_REQUESTED, bidRequest);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('bidRequested');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1']).to.equal('div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2']).to.equal('appnexus');
- });
- it('should handle BID_REQUESTED event with invalid args', function() {
- const bidRequest = {
- bids: [
- {
- params: {
- placementId: '10433394'
- },
- transactionId: '2f481ff1-8d20-4c28-8e36-e384e9e3eec6',
- sizes: '300x250,300x600',
- bidId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcf'
- },
- {
- params: {
- placementId: '31034023'
- },
- transactionId: '2f481ff1-8d20-4c28-8e36-e384e9e3eec6',
- sizes: '300x250,300x600',
- bidId: '3dkg0404fmd0',
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcf'
- }
- ]
- };
- events.emit(BID_REQUESTED, bidRequest);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('bidRequested');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1']).to.equal(undefined);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2']).to.equal(undefined);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('bidRequested');
- });
- it('should handle BID_RESPONSE event', function() {
- const bidResponse = {
- height: 250,
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- adId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- source: 'client',
- requestId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- cpm: 0.5,
- creativeId: 29681110,
- currency: 'USD',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 300,
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcfb7',
- responseTimestamp: 1522265866110,
- requestTimestamp: 1522265863600,
- bidder: 'appnexus',
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- timeToRespond: 2510,
- size: '300x250'
- };
- events.emit(BID_RESPONSE, bidResponse);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('addBid');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1']).to.equal('div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2']).to.equal('appnexus');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['3']).to.equal(500);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['4']).to.equal(false);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['5']).to.equal(false);
- });
- it('should handle BID_RESPONSE event with undefined bidder and cpm', function() {
- const bidResponse = {
- height: 250,
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- adId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- source: 'client',
- requestId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- creativeId: 29681110,
- currency: 'USD',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 300,
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcfb7',
- responseTimestamp: 1522265866110,
- requestTimestamp: 1522265863600,
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- timeToRespond: 2510,
- size: '300x250'
- };
- events.emit(BID_RESPONSE, bidResponse);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('addBid');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2']).to.equal('unknown');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['3']).to.equal(0);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['4']).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('should handle BID_RESPONSE event with undefined status message and adUnitCode', function() {
- const bidResponse = {
- height: 250,
- adId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- source: 'client',
- requestId: '2eddfdc0c791dc',
- cpm: 0.5,
- creativeId: 29681110,
- currency: 'USD',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 300,
- auctionId: 'a5b849e5-87d7-4205-8300-d063084fcfb7',
- responseTimestamp: 1522265866110,
- requestTimestamp: 1522265863600,
- bidder: 'appnexus',
- timeToRespond: 2510,
- size: '300x250'
- };
- events.emit(BID_RESPONSE, bidResponse);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('addBid');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1']).to.equal(undefined);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['3']).to.equal(0);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['5']).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('should handle BID_TIMEOUT', function() {
- const bidTimeout = [
- {
- bidId: '2baa51527bd015',
- bidder: 'bidderOne',
- adUnitCode: '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0',
- auctionId: '66529d4c-8998-47c2-ab3e-5b953490b98f'
- },
- {
- bidId: '6fe3b4c2c23092',
- bidder: 'bidderTwo',
- adUnitCode: '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0',
- auctionId: '66529d4c-8998-47c2-ab3e-5b953490b98f'
- }
- ];
- events.emit(BID_TIMEOUT, bidTimeout);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('biddersTimeout');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1'].length).to.equal(2);
- });
- it('should handle BID_WON event', function() {
- const bidWon = {
- adId: '4587fec4900b81',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- requestId: '4587fec4900b81',
- cpm: 1.962,
- creativeId: 2126,
- currency: 'EUR',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 302,
- auctionId: '914bedad-b145-4e46-ba58-51365faea6cb',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- responseTimestamp: 1530628534437,
- requestTimestamp: 1530628534219,
- bidderCode: 'testbidder4',
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- timeToRespond: 218,
- size: '300x250',
- status: 'rendered'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['0']).to.equal('resolveSlot');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['1']).to.equal('div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2'].prebidWon).to.equal(true);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2'].prebidPartner).to.equal('testbidder4');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2'].prebidValue).to.equal(1962);
- });
- it('should throw error, invoking BID_WON event without adUnitCode', function() {
- const bidWon = {
- adId: '4587fec4900b81',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- requestId: '4587fec4900b81',
- cpm: 1.962,
- creativeId: 2126,
- currency: 'EUR',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 302,
- auctionId: '914bedad-b145-4e46-ba58-51365faea6cb',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- responseTimestamp: 1530628534437,
- requestTimestamp: 1530628534219,
- timeToRespond: 218,
- bidderCode: 'testbidder4',
- size: '300x250',
- status: 'rendered'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- expect(rtaCalls[1]).to.be.undefined;
- });
- it('should throw error, invoking BID_WON event without bidderCode', function() {
- const bidWon = {
- adId: '4587fec4900b81',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- requestId: '4587fec4900b81',
- cpm: 1.962,
- creativeId: 2126,
- currency: 'EUR',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 302,
- auctionId: '914bedad-b145-4e46-ba58-51365faea6cb',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- responseTimestamp: 1530628534437,
- requestTimestamp: 1530628534219,
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- timeToRespond: 218,
- size: '300x250',
- status: 'rendered'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- expect(rtaCalls[1]).to.be.undefined;
- });
- });
- describe('googletag use case', function() {
- beforeEach(function() {
- rtaCalls.length = 0;
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- liveyield.disableAnalytics();
- });
- it('should ignore BID_WON events when gpt is provided', function() {
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: true,
- wireGooglePublisherTag: function() {
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- const bidWon = {
- adId: 'ignore_me',
- mediaType: 'banner',
- requestId: '4587fec4900b81',
- cpm: 1.962,
- creativeId: 2126,
- currency: 'EUR',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: 302,
- auctionId: '914bedad-b145-4e46-ba58-51365faea6cb',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- responseTimestamp: 1530628534437,
- requestTimestamp: 1530628534219,
- bidderCode: 'hello',
- adUnitCode: 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0',
- timeToRespond: 218,
- size: '300x250',
- status: 'rendered'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- expect(rtaCalls.length).to.equal(1);
- });
- it('should subscribe to slotRenderEnded', function() {
- var googletag;
- var callback;
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: function(gpt, cb) {
- googletag = gpt;
- callback = cb;
- }
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- expect(googletag).to.equal('testGPT');
- expect(typeof callback).to.equal('function');
- });
- it('should handle BID_WON event for prebid', function() {
- var call;
- const slot = {
- getResponseInformation: function() {
- const dfpInfo = {
- dfpAdvertiserId: 1,
- dfpLineItemId: 2,
- dfpCreativeId: 3
- };
- return dfpInfo;
- },
- getTargeting: function(v) {
- return ['4587fec4900b81'];
- }
- };
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: function(gpt, cb) {
- call = cb;
- },
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionPartner: function(slot, version) {
- return 'testbidder4';
- },
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionValue: function(slot, version) {
- return 12;
- },
- postProcessResolution: function(
- resolution,
- slot,
- hbPartner,
- hbValue,
- version
- ) {
- return resolution;
- },
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: function(slot, version) {
- return 'testUnit';
- }
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- const bidWon = {
- adId: '4587fec4900b81'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- call(slot);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2'].prebidWon).to.equal(true);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs['2'].prebidPartner).to.equal('testbidder4');
- });
- it('should handle BID_WON event for dfp', function() {
- let call;
- const slot = {
- getResponseInformation: function() {
- const dfpInfo = {
- dfpAdvertiserId: 1,
- dfpLineItemId: 2,
- dfpCreativeId: 3
- };
- return dfpInfo;
- }
- };
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: function(gpt, cb) {
- call = cb;
- },
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionPartner: function(slot, version) {
- return 'testbidder4';
- },
- getHighestPrebidAdImpressionValue: function(slot, version) {
- return 12;
- },
- postProcessResolution: function(slot, version) {
- return { partner: slot.prebidPartner, value: slot.prebidValue };
- },
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: function(slot, version) {
- return 'testUnit';
- },
- isPrebidAdImpression: function(slot) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- call(slot);
- expect(rtaCalls.length).to.equal(2);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[0]).to.equal('resolveSlot');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[1]).to.equal('testUnit');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[2].partner).to.equal('testbidder4');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[2].value).to.equal(12000);
- });
- it('should work with defaults: prebid won', () => {
- let call;
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: (gpt, cb) => (call = cb),
- getAdUnitName: adUnitCode =>
- adUnitCode === 'PREBID_UNIT' ? 'ADUNIT' : null,
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: slot =>
- slot.getSlotElementId() === 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- ? 'ADUNIT'
- : null
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- const bidResponse = {
- adId: 'defaults_with_cache',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- cpm: 0.5,
- bidder: 'appnexus',
- adUnitCode: 'PREBID_UNIT'
- };
- events.emit(BID_RESPONSE, bidResponse);
- const bidWon = {
- adId: bidResponse.adId,
- cpm: 1.962, // adjusted, this one shall be used, not the one from bidResponse
- bidderCode: 'appnexus_from_bid_won_event',
- adUnitCode: 'PREBID_UNIT'
- };
- events.emit(BID_WON, bidWon);
- const slot = {
- getTargeting: key => (key === 'hb_adid' ? [bidResponse.adId] : []),
- getResponseInformation: () => null,
- getSlotElementId: () => 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- };
- call(slot);
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[0]).to.equal('resolveSlot');
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[1]).to.equal('ADUNIT');
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[2]).to.deep.equal({
- targetings: [],
- prebidWon: true,
- prebidPartner: 'appnexus_from_bid_won_event',
- prebidValue: 1962
- });
- });
- it('should work with defaults: dfp won, prebid bid response', () => {
- let call;
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: (gpt, cb) => (call = cb),
- getAdUnitName: adUnitCode =>
- adUnitCode === 'PREBID_UNIT' ? 'ADUNIT' : null,
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: slot =>
- slot.getSlotElementId() === 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- ? 'ADUNIT'
- : null
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- const bidResponse = {
- adId: 'defaults_with_cache_no_prebid_win',
- statusMessage: 'Bid available',
- cpm: 0.5,
- bidder: 'appnexus',
- adUnitCode: 'PREBID_UNIT'
- };
- events.emit(BID_RESPONSE, bidResponse);
- const slot = {
- getTargeting: key => (key === 'hb_adid' ? [bidResponse.adId] : []),
- getResponseInformation: () => null,
- getSlotElementId: () => 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- };
- call(slot);
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[0]).to.equal('resolveSlot');
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[1]).to.equal('ADUNIT');
- expect(rtaCalls[2].callArgs[2]).to.deep.equal({
- targetings: [],
- prebidPartner: 'appnexus',
- prebidValue: 500
- });
- });
- it('should work with defaults: dfp won, without prebid', () => {
- let call;
- const options = {
- provider: 'liveyield',
- options: {
- customerId: 'd6a6f8da-190f-47d6-ae11-f1a4469083fa',
- customerName: 'pubocean',
- customerSite: 'scribol.com',
- sessionTimezoneOffset: 12,
- googlePublisherTag: 'testGPT',
- wireGooglePublisherTag: (gpt, cb) => (call = cb),
- getAdUnitName: adUnitCode =>
- adUnitCode === 'PREBID_UNIT' ? 'ADUNIT' : null,
- getAdUnitNameByGooglePublisherTagSlot: slot =>
- slot.getSlotElementId() === 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- ? 'ADUNIT'
- : null
- }
- };
- liveyield.enableAnalytics(options);
- const slot = {
- getTargeting: key => (key === 'hb_adid' ? ['does-not-exist'] : []),
- getResponseInformation: () => null,
- getSlotElementId: () => 'div-gpt-ad-1438287399331-0'
- };
- call(slot);
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[0]).to.equal('resolveSlot');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[1]).to.equal('ADUNIT');
- expect(rtaCalls[1].callArgs[2]).to.deep.equal({
- targetings: []
- });
- });
- });