diff --git a/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.js b/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.js
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index 99f313b9484..00000000000
--- a/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-import {
- _each,
- deepAccess,
- getBidIdParameter,
- isArray,
- isFn,
- isPlainObject,
- isStr,
- logError,
- logWarn
-} from '../src/utils.js';
-import {registerBidder} from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
-import {BANNER, VIDEO} from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
-import {Renderer} from '../src/Renderer.js';
-import {find, includes} from '../src/polyfill.js';
-import {parseDomain} from '../src/refererDetection.js';
-const BIDDER_CODE = 'emx_digital';
-const ENDPOINT = 'hb.emxdgt.com';
-const RENDERER_URL = 'https://js.brealtime.com/outstream/1.30.0/bundle.js';
-const ADAPTER_VERSION = '1.5.1';
-const DEFAULT_CUR = 'USD';
- { key: 'idl_env', source: 'liveramp.com', rtiPartner: 'idl', queryParam: 'idl' },
- { key: 'uid2.id', source: 'uidapi.com', rtiPartner: 'UID2', queryParam: 'uid2' }
-export const emxAdapter = {
- validateSizes: (sizes) => {
- if (!isArray(sizes) || typeof sizes[0] === 'undefined') {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Sizes should be an array');
- return false;
- }
- return sizes.every(size => isArray(size) && size.length === 2);
- },
- checkVideoContext: (bid) => {
- return ((bid && bid.mediaTypes && bid.mediaTypes.video && bid.mediaTypes.video.context) && ((bid.mediaTypes.video.context === 'instream') || (bid.mediaTypes.video.context === 'outstream')));
- },
- buildBanner: (bid) => {
- let sizes = [];
- bid.mediaTypes && bid.mediaTypes.banner && bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes ? sizes = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes : sizes = bid.sizes;
- if (!emxAdapter.validateSizes(sizes)) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': could not detect mediaType banner sizes. Assigning to bid sizes instead');
- sizes = bid.sizes
- }
- return {
- format: sizes.map((size) => {
- return {
- w: size[0],
- h: size[1]
- };
- }),
- w: sizes[0][0],
- h: sizes[0][1]
- };
- },
- formatVideoResponse: (bidResponse, emxBid, bidRequest) => {
- bidResponse.vastXml = emxBid.adm;
- if (bidRequest.bidderRequest && bidRequest.bidderRequest.bids && bidRequest.bidderRequest.bids.length > 0) {
- const matchingBid = find(bidRequest.bidderRequest.bids, bid => bidResponse.requestId && bid.bidId && bidResponse.requestId === bid.bidId && bid.mediaTypes && bid.mediaTypes.video && bid.mediaTypes.video.context === 'outstream');
- if (matchingBid) {
- bidResponse.renderer = emxAdapter.createRenderer(bidResponse, {
- id: emxBid.id,
- });
- }
- }
- return bidResponse;
- },
- isMobile: () => {
- return (/(ios|ipod|ipad|iphone|android)/i).test(navigator.userAgent);
- },
- isConnectedTV: () => {
- return (/(smart[-]?tv|hbbtv|appletv|googletv|hdmi|netcast\.tv|viera|nettv|roku|\bdtv\b|sonydtv|inettvbrowser|\btv\b)/i).test(navigator.userAgent);
- },
- getDevice: () => {
- return {
- ua: navigator.userAgent,
- js: 1,
- dnt: (navigator.doNotTrack === 'yes' || navigator.doNotTrack === '1' || navigator.msDoNotTrack === '1') ? 1 : 0,
- h: screen.height,
- w: screen.width,
- devicetype: emxAdapter.isMobile() ? 1 : emxAdapter.isConnectedTV() ? 3 : 2,
- language: (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage),
- };
- },
- cleanProtocols: (video) => {
- if (video.protocols && includes(video.protocols, 7)) {
- // not supporting VAST protocol 7 (VAST 4.0);
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': VAST 4.0 is currently not supported. This protocol has been filtered out of the request.');
- video.protocols = video.protocols.filter(protocol => protocol !== 7);
- }
- return video;
- },
- outstreamRender: (bid) => {
- bid.renderer.push(function () {
- let params = (bid && bid.params && bid.params[0] && bid.params[0].video) ? bid.params[0].video : {};
- window.emxVideoQueue = window.emxVideoQueue || [];
- window.queueEmxVideo({
- id: bid.adUnitCode,
- adsResponses: bid.vastXml,
- options: params
- });
- if (window.emxVideoReady && window.videojs) {
- window.emxVideoReady();
- }
- });
- },
- createRenderer: (bid, rendererParams) => {
- const renderer = Renderer.install({
- id: rendererParams.id,
- loaded: false
- });
- try {
- renderer.setRender(emxAdapter.outstreamRender);
- } catch (err) {
- logWarn('Prebid Error calling setRender on renderer', err);
- }
- return renderer;
- },
- buildVideo: (bid) => {
- let videoObj = Object.assign(bid.mediaTypes.video, bid.params.video);
- if (isArray(bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0])) {
- videoObj['w'] = bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][0];
- videoObj['h'] = bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][1];
- } else {
- videoObj['w'] = bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0];
- videoObj['h'] = bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[1];
- }
- return emxAdapter.cleanProtocols(videoObj);
- },
- parseResponse: (bidResponseAdm) => {
- try {
- return decodeURIComponent(bidResponseAdm.replace(/%(?![0-9][0-9a-fA-F]+)/g, '%25'));
- } catch (err) {
- logError('emx_digitalBidAdapter', 'error', err);
- }
- },
- getSite: (refInfo) => {
- // TODO: do the fallbacks make sense?
- return {
- domain: refInfo.domain || parseDomain(refInfo.topmostLocation),
- page: refInfo.page || refInfo.topmostLocation,
- ref: refInfo.ref || window.document.referrer
- }
- },
- getGdpr: (bidRequests, emxData) => {
- if (bidRequests.gdprConsent) {
- emxData.regs = {
- ext: {
- gdpr: bidRequests.gdprConsent.gdprApplies === true ? 1 : 0
- }
- };
- }
- if (bidRequests.gdprConsent && bidRequests.gdprConsent.gdprApplies) {
- emxData.user = {
- ext: {
- consent: bidRequests.gdprConsent.consentString
- }
- };
- }
- return emxData;
- },
- getSupplyChain: (bidderRequest, emxData) => {
- if (bidderRequest.bids[0] && bidderRequest.bids[0].schain) {
- emxData.source = {
- ext: {
- schain: bidderRequest.bids[0].schain
- }
- };
- }
- return emxData;
- },
- // supporting eids
- getEids(bidRequests) {
- .map(emxAdapter.getUserId(bidRequests))
- .filter(x => x);
- },
- getUserId(bidRequests) {
- return ({ key, source, rtiPartner }) => {
- let id = deepAccess(bidRequests, `userId.${key}`);
- return id ? emxAdapter.formatEid(id, source, rtiPartner) : null;
- };
- },
- formatEid(id, source, rtiPartner) {
- return {
- source,
- uids: [{
- id,
- ext: { rtiPartner }
- }]
- };
- }
-export const spec = {
- code: BIDDER_CODE,
- gvlid: 183,
- supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER, VIDEO],
- isBidRequestValid: function (bid) {
- if (!bid || !bid.params) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Missing bid or bid params.');
- return false;
- }
- if (bid.bidder !== BIDDER_CODE) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Must use "emx_digital" as bidder code.');
- return false;
- }
- if (!bid.params.tagid || !isStr(bid.params.tagid)) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Missing tagid param or tagid present and not type String.');
- return false;
- }
- if (bid.mediaTypes && bid.mediaTypes.banner) {
- let sizes;
- bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes ? sizes = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes : sizes = bid.sizes;
- if (!emxAdapter.validateSizes(sizes)) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Missing sizes in bid');
- return false;
- }
- } else if (bid.mediaTypes && bid.mediaTypes.video) {
- if (!emxAdapter.checkVideoContext(bid)) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Missing video context: instream or outstream');
- return false;
- }
- if (!bid.mediaTypes.video.playerSize) {
- logWarn(BIDDER_CODE + ': Missing video playerSize');
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- buildRequests: function (validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
- const emxImps = [];
- const timeout = bidderRequest.timeout || '';
- const timestamp = Date.now();
- const url = 'https://' + ENDPOINT + ('?t=' + timeout + '&ts=' + timestamp + '&src=pbjs');
- const secure = location.protocol.indexOf('https') > -1 ? 1 : 0;
- const device = emxAdapter.getDevice();
- const site = emxAdapter.getSite(bidderRequest.refererInfo);
- _each(validBidRequests, function (bid) {
- let tagid = getBidIdParameter('tagid', bid.params);
- let bidfloor = parseFloat(getBidFloor(bid)) || 0;
- let isVideo = !!bid.mediaTypes.video;
- let data = {
- id: bid.bidId,
- tid: bid.transactionId,
- tagid,
- secure
- };
- // adding gpid support
- let gpid = deepAccess(bid, 'ortb2Imp.ext.data.adserver.adslot');
- if (!gpid) {
- gpid = deepAccess(bid, 'ortb2Imp.ext.data.pbadslot');
- }
- if (gpid) {
- data.ext = {gpid: gpid.toString()};
- }
- let typeSpecifics = isVideo ? { video: emxAdapter.buildVideo(bid) } : { banner: emxAdapter.buildBanner(bid) };
- let bidfloorObj = bidfloor > 0 ? { bidfloor, bidfloorcur: DEFAULT_CUR } : {};
- let emxBid = Object.assign(data, typeSpecifics, bidfloorObj);
- emxImps.push(emxBid);
- });
- let emxData = {
- id: bidderRequest.auctionId,
- imp: emxImps,
- device,
- site,
- };
- emxData = emxAdapter.getGdpr(bidderRequest, Object.assign({}, emxData));
- emxData = emxAdapter.getSupplyChain(bidderRequest, Object.assign({}, emxData));
- if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
- emxData.us_privacy = bidderRequest.uspConsent;
- }
- // adding eid support
- if (bidderRequest.userId) {
- let eids = emxAdapter.getEids(bidderRequest);
- if (eids.length > 0) {
- if (emxData.user && emxData.user.ext) {
- emxData.user.ext.eids = eids;
- } else {
- emxData.user = {
- ext: {eids}
- };
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- method: 'POST',
- url,
- data: JSON.stringify(emxData),
- options: {
- withCredentials: true
- },
- bidderRequest
- };
- },
- interpretResponse: function (serverResponse, bidRequest) {
- let emxBidResponses = [];
- let response = serverResponse.body || {};
- if (response.seatbid && response.seatbid.length > 0 && response.seatbid[0].bid) {
- response.seatbid.forEach(function (emxBid) {
- emxBid = emxBid.bid[0];
- let isVideo = false;
- let adm = emxAdapter.parseResponse(emxBid.adm) || '';
- let bidResponse = {
- requestId: emxBid.id,
- cpm: emxBid.price,
- width: emxBid.w,
- height: emxBid.h,
- creativeId: emxBid.crid || emxBid.id,
- dealId: emxBid.dealid || null,
- currency: 'USD',
- netRevenue: true,
- ttl: emxBid.ttl,
- ad: adm
- };
- if (emxBid.adm && emxBid.adm.indexOf(' -1) {
- isVideo = true;
- bidResponse = emxAdapter.formatVideoResponse(bidResponse, Object.assign({}, emxBid), bidRequest);
- }
- bidResponse.mediaType = (isVideo ? VIDEO : BANNER);
- // support for adomain in prebid 5.0
- if (emxBid.adomain && emxBid.adomain.length) {
- bidResponse.meta = {
- advertiserDomains: emxBid.adomain
- };
- }
- emxBidResponses.push(bidResponse);
- });
- }
- return emxBidResponses;
- },
- getUserSyncs: function (syncOptions, responses, gdprConsent, uspConsent) {
- const syncs = [];
- const consentParams = [];
- if (syncOptions.iframeEnabled) {
- let url = 'https://biddr.brealtime.com/check.html';
- if (gdprConsent && typeof gdprConsent.consentString === 'string') {
- // add 'gdpr' only if 'gdprApplies' is defined
- if (typeof gdprConsent.gdprApplies === 'boolean') {
- consentParams.push(`gdpr=${Number(gdprConsent.gdprApplies)}&gdpr_consent=${gdprConsent.consentString}`);
- } else {
- consentParams.push(`?gdpr_consent=${gdprConsent.consentString}`);
- }
- }
- if (uspConsent && typeof uspConsent.consentString === 'string') {
- consentParams.push(`usp=${uspConsent.consentString}`);
- }
- if (consentParams.length > 0) {
- url = url + '?' + consentParams.join('&');
- }
- syncs.push({
- type: 'iframe',
- url: url
- });
- }
- return syncs;
- }
-// support floors module in prebid 5.0
-function getBidFloor(bid) {
- if (!isFn(bid.getFloor)) {
- return parseFloat(getBidIdParameter('bidfloor', bid.params));
- }
- let floor = bid.getFloor({
- currency: DEFAULT_CUR,
- mediaType: '*',
- size: '*'
- });
- if (isPlainObject(floor) && !isNaN(floor.floor) && floor.currency === 'USD') {
- return floor.floor;
- }
- return null;
diff --git a/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.md b/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.md
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index 03ba554c5ad..00000000000
--- a/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Overview
-Module Name: EMX Digital Adapter
-Module Type: Bidder Adapter
-Maintainer: git@emxdigital.com
-# Description
-The EMX Digital adapter provides publishers with access to the EMX Marketplace. The adapter is GDPR compliant. Please note that the adapter supports Banner and Video (Instream & Outstream) media types.
-Note: The EMX Digital adapter requires approval and implementation guidelines from the EMX team, including existing publishers that work with EMX Digital. Please reach out to your account manager or prebid@emxdigital.com for more information.
-The bidder code should be ```emx_digital```
-The params used by the bidder are :
-```tagid``` - string (mandatory)
-```bidfloor``` - string (optional)
-# Test Parameters
-var adUnits = [{
- code: 'banner-div',
- mediaTypes: {
- banner: {
- sizes: [
- [300, 250], [300, 600]
- }
- },
- bids: [
- {
- bidder: 'emx_digital',
- params: {
- tagid: '25251',
- }
- }]
-# Video Example
-var adUnits = [{
- code: 'video-div',
- mediaTypes: {
- video: {
- context: 'instream', // also applicable for 'outstream'
- playerSize: [640, 480]
- }
- },
- bids: [
- {
- bidder: 'emx_digital',
- params: {
- tagid: '25251',
- video: {
- skippable: true,
- playback_methods: ['auto_play_sound_off']
- }
- }
- }]
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter_spec.js
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index d80d0f3e875..00000000000
--- a/test/spec/modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { spec } from 'modules/emx_digitalBidAdapter.js';
-import * as utils from 'src/utils.js';
-import { newBidder } from 'src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
-describe('emx_digital Adapter', function () {
- describe('callBids', function () {
- const adapter = newBidder(spec);
- it('exists and is a function', function () {
- expect(adapter.callBids).to.exist.and.to.be.a('function');
- });
- });
- describe('isBidRequestValid', function () {
- describe('banner request validity', function () {
- let bid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251'
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'banner': {
- 'sizes': [[300, 250]]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- let badBid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251'
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'banner': {
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- let noBid = {};
- let otherBid = {
- 'bidder': 'emxdigital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251'
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'banner': {
- 'sizes': [[300, 250]]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- let noMediaSizeBid = {
- 'bidder': 'emxdigital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251'
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'banner': {}
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- it('should return true when required params found', function () {
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(bid)).to.equal(true);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(badBid)).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(noBid)).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(otherBid)).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(noMediaSizeBid)).to.equal(false);
- });
- });
- describe('video request validity', function () {
- let bid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251',
- 'video': {}
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'instream',
- 'playerSize': [640, 480]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- let noInstreamBid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251',
- 'video': {
- 'protocols': [1, 7]
- }
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'something_random'
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- let outstreamBid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251',
- 'video': {}
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'outstream',
- 'playerSize': [640, 480]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- it('should return true when required params found', function () {
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(bid)).to.equal(true);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(noInstreamBid)).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid(outstreamBid)).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('should contain tagid param', function () {
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid({
- bidder: 'emx_digital',
- params: {},
- mediaTypes: {
- banner: {
- sizes: [[300, 250]]
- }
- }
- })).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid({
- bidder: 'emx_digital',
- params: {
- tagid: ''
- },
- mediaTypes: {
- banner: {
- sizes: [[300, 250]]
- }
- }
- })).to.equal(false);
- expect(spec.isBidRequestValid({
- bidder: 'emx_digital',
- params: {
- tagid: '123'
- },
- mediaTypes: {
- banner: {
- sizes: [[300, 250]]
- }
- }
- })).to.equal(true);
- });
- });
- });
- describe('buildRequests', function () {
- let bidderRequest = {
- 'bidderCode': 'emx_digital',
- 'auctionId': 'e19f1eff-8b27-42a6-888d-9674e5a6130c',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'timeout': 1500,
- 'refererInfo': {
- 'numIframes': 0,
- 'reachedTop': true,
- 'page': 'https://example.com/index.html?pbjs_debug=true',
- 'domain': 'example.com',
- 'ref': 'https://referrer.com'
- },
- 'bids': [{
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251'
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'banner': {
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ]
- }
- },
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'auctionId': 'e19f1eff-8b27-42a6-888d-9674e5a6130c',
- 'transactionId': 'd7b773de-ceaa-484d-89ca-d9f51b8d61ec',
- }]
- };
- let request = spec.buildRequests(bidderRequest.bids, bidderRequest);
- it('sends bid request to ENDPOINT via POST', function () {
- expect(request.method).to.equal('POST');
- });
- it('contains the correct options', function () {
- expect(request.options.withCredentials).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('contains a properly formatted endpoint url', function () {
- const url = request.url.split('?');
- const queryParams = url[1].split('&');
- expect(queryParams[0]).to.match(new RegExp('^t=\d*', 'g'));
- expect(queryParams[1]).to.match(new RegExp('^ts=\d*', 'g'));
- });
- it('builds bidfloor value from bid param when getFloor function does not exist', function () {
- const bidRequestWithFloor = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- bidRequestWithFloor[0].params.bidfloor = 1;
- const requestWithFloor = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithFloor, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(requestWithFloor.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].bidfloor).to.equal(bidRequestWithFloor[0].params.bidfloor);
- });
- it('builds bidfloor value from getFloor function when it exists', function () {
- const floorResponse = { currency: 'USD', floor: 3 };
- const bidRequestWithGetFloor = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- bidRequestWithGetFloor[0].getFloor = () => floorResponse;
- const requestWithGetFloor = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithGetFloor, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(requestWithGetFloor.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].bidfloor).to.equal(3);
- });
- it('builds bidfloor value from getFloor when both floor and getFloor function exists', function () {
- const floorResponse = { currency: 'USD', floor: 3 };
- const bidRequestWithBothFloors = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- bidRequestWithBothFloors[0].params.bidfloor = 1;
- bidRequestWithBothFloors[0].getFloor = () => floorResponse;
- const requestWithBothFloors = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithBothFloors, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(requestWithBothFloors.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].bidfloor).to.equal(3);
- });
- it('empty bidfloor value when floor and getFloor is not defined', function () {
- const bidRequestWithoutFloor = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- const requestWithoutFloor = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithoutFloor, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(requestWithoutFloor.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].bidfloor).to.not.exist;
- });
- it('builds request properly', function () {
- const data = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(Array.isArray(data.imp)).to.equal(true);
- expect(data.id).to.equal(bidderRequest.auctionId);
- expect(data.imp.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(data.imp[0].id).to.equal('30b31c2501de1e');
- expect(data.imp[0].tid).to.equal('d7b773de-ceaa-484d-89ca-d9f51b8d61ec');
- expect(data.imp[0].tagid).to.equal('25251');
- expect(data.imp[0].secure).to.equal(0);
- expect(data.imp[0].vastXml).to.equal(undefined);
- });
- it('properly sends site information and protocol', function () {
- request = spec.buildRequests(bidderRequest.bids, bidderRequest);
- request = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(request.site).to.have.property('domain', 'example.com');
- expect(request.site).to.have.property('page', 'https://example.com/index.html?pbjs_debug=true');
- expect(request.site).to.have.property('ref', 'https://referrer.com');
- });
- it('builds correctly formatted request banner object', function () {
- let bidRequestWithBanner = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithBanner, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].video).to.equal(undefined);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner).to.exist.and.to.be.a('object');
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.w).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][0]);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.h).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][1]);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.format[0].w).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][0]);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.format[0].h).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][1]);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.format[1].w).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[1][0]);
- expect(data.imp[0].banner.format[1].h).to.equal(bidRequestWithBanner[0].mediaTypes.banner.sizes[1][1]);
- });
- it('builds correctly formatted request video object for instream', function () {
- let bidRequestWithVideo = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- bidRequestWithVideo[0].mediaTypes = {
- video: {
- context: 'instream',
- playerSize: [[640, 480]]
- },
- };
- bidRequestWithVideo[0].params.video = {};
- let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithVideo, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].video).to.exist.and.to.be.a('object');
- expect(data.imp[0].video.w).to.equal(bidRequestWithVideo[0].mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][0]);
- expect(data.imp[0].video.h).to.equal(bidRequestWithVideo[0].mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][1]);
- });
- it('builds correctly formatted request video object for outstream', function () {
- let bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids);
- bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo[0].mediaTypes = {
- video: {
- context: 'outstream',
- playerSize: [[640, 480]]
- },
- };
- bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo[0].params.video = {};
- let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo, bidderRequest);
- const data = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(data.imp[0].video).to.exist.and.to.be.a('object');
- expect(data.imp[0].video.w).to.equal(bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo[0].mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][0]);
- expect(data.imp[0].video.h).to.equal(bidRequestWithOutstreamVideo[0].mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0][1]);
- });
- it('shouldn\'t contain a user obj without GDPR information', function () {
- let request = spec.buildRequests(bidderRequest.bids, bidderRequest)
- request = JSON.parse(request.data)
- expect(request).to.not.have.property('user');
- });
- it('should have the right gdpr info when enabled', function () {
- let consentString = 'OIJSZsOAFsABAB8EMXZZZZZ+A==';
- const gdprBidderRequest = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- gdprBidderRequest.gdprConsent = {
- 'consentString': consentString,
- 'gdprApplies': true
- };
- let request = spec.buildRequests(gdprBidderRequest.bids, gdprBidderRequest);
- request = JSON.parse(request.data)
- expect(request.regs.ext).to.have.property('gdpr', 1);
- expect(request.user.ext).to.have.property('consent', consentString);
- });
- it('should\'t contain consent string if gdpr isn\'t applied', function () {
- const nonGdprBidderRequest = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- nonGdprBidderRequest.gdprConsent = {
- 'gdprApplies': false
- };
- let request = spec.buildRequests(nonGdprBidderRequest.bids, nonGdprBidderRequest);
- request = JSON.parse(request.data)
- expect(request.regs.ext).to.have.property('gdpr', 0);
- expect(request).to.not.have.property('user');
- });
- it('should add us privacy info to request', function() {
- const uspBidderRequest = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- let consentString = '1YNN';
- uspBidderRequest.uspConsent = consentString;
- let request = spec.buildRequests(uspBidderRequest.bids, uspBidderRequest);
- request = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(request.us_privacy).to.exist;
- expect(request.us_privacy).to.exist.and.to.equal(consentString);
- });
- it('should add schain object to request', function() {
- const schainBidderRequest = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- schainBidderRequest.bids[0].schain = {
- 'complete': 1,
- 'ver': '1.0',
- 'nodes': [
- {
- 'asi': 'testing.com',
- 'sid': 'abc',
- 'hp': 1
- }
- ]
- };
- let request = spec.buildRequests(schainBidderRequest.bids, schainBidderRequest);
- request = JSON.parse(request.data);
- expect(request.source.ext.schain).to.exist;
- expect(request.source.ext.schain).to.have.property('complete', 1);
- expect(request.source.ext.schain).to.have.property('ver', '1.0');
- expect(request.source.ext.schain.nodes[0].asi).to.equal(schainBidderRequest.bids[0].schain.nodes[0].asi);
- });
- it('should add liveramp identitylink id to request', () => {
- const idl_env = '123';
- const bidRequestWithID = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- bidRequestWithID.userId = { idl_env };
- let requestWithID = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithID.bids, bidRequestWithID);
- requestWithID = JSON.parse(requestWithID.data);
- expect(requestWithID.user.ext.eids[0]).to.deep.equal({
- source: 'liveramp.com',
- uids: [{
- id: idl_env,
- ext: {
- rtiPartner: 'idl'
- }
- }]
- });
- });
- it('should add gpid to request if present', () => {
- const gpid = '/12345/my-gpt-tag-0';
- let bid = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest.bids[0]);
- bid.ortb2Imp = { ext: { data: { adserver: { adslot: gpid } } } };
- bid.ortb2Imp = { ext: { data: { pbadslot: gpid } } };
- let requestWithGPID = spec.buildRequests([bid], bidderRequest);
- requestWithGPID = JSON.parse(requestWithGPID.data);
- expect(requestWithGPID.imp[0].ext.gpid).to.exist.and.equal(gpid);
- });
- it('should add UID 2.0 to request', () => {
- const uid2 = { id: '456' };
- const bidRequestWithUID = utils.deepClone(bidderRequest);
- bidRequestWithUID.userId = { uid2 };
- let requestWithUID = spec.buildRequests(bidRequestWithUID.bids, bidRequestWithUID);
- requestWithUID = JSON.parse(requestWithUID.data);
- expect(requestWithUID.user.ext.eids[0]).to.deep.equal({
- source: 'uidapi.com',
- uids: [{
- id: uid2.id,
- ext: {
- rtiPartner: 'UID2'
- }
- }]
- });
- });
- });
- describe('interpretResponse', function () {
- let bid = {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251',
- 'video': {}
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'instream',
- 'playerSize': [640, 480]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '30b31c2501de1e',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- };
- const bid_outstream = {
- 'bidderRequest': {
- 'bids': [{
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25251',
- 'video': {}
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'outstream',
- 'playerSize': [640, 480]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '987654321cba',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- }, {
- 'bidder': 'emx_digital',
- 'params': {
- 'tagid': '25252',
- 'video': {}
- },
- 'mediaTypes': {
- 'video': {
- 'context': 'instream',
- 'playerSize': [640, 480]
- }
- },
- 'adUnitCode': 'adunit-code',
- 'sizes': [
- [300, 250],
- [300, 600]
- ],
- 'bidId': '987654321dcb',
- 'bidderRequestId': '22edbae3120bf6',
- 'auctionId': '1d1a01234a475'
- }]
- }
- };
- const serverResponse = {
- 'id': '12819a18-56e1-4256-b836-b69a10202668',
- 'seatbid': [{
- 'bid': [{
- 'adid': '123456abcde',
- 'adm': '',
- 'crid': '3434abab34',
- 'h': 250,
- 'id': '987654321cba',
- 'price': 0.5,
- 'ttl': 300,
- 'w': 300,
- 'adomain': ['example.com']
- }],
- 'seat': '1356'
- }, {
- 'bid': [{
- 'adid': '123456abcdf',
- 'adm': '',
- 'crid': '3434abab35',
- 'h': 600,
- 'id': '987654321dcb',
- 'price': 0.5,
- 'ttl': 300,
- 'w': 300
- }]
- }]
- };
- const expectedResponse = [{
- 'requestId': '12819a18-56e1-4256-b836-b69a10202668',
- 'cpm': 0.5,
- 'width': 300,
- 'height': 250,
- 'creativeId': '3434abab34',
- 'dealId': null,
- 'currency': 'USD',
- 'netRevneue': true,
- 'mediaType': 'banner',
- 'ad': '',
- 'ttl': 300,
- 'meta': {
- 'advertiserDomains': ['example.com']
- }
- }, {
- 'requestId': '12819a18-56e1-4256-b836-b69a10202668',
- 'cpm': 0.7,
- 'width': 300,
- 'height': 600,
- 'creativeId': '3434abab35',
- 'dealId': null,
- 'currency': 'USD',
- 'netRevneue': true,
- 'mediaType': 'banner',
- 'ad': '',
- 'ttl': 300
- }];
- it('should properly format bid response', function () {
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({
- body: serverResponse
- });
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).length).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).length);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).requestId).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).requestId);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).bidderCode).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).bidderCode);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).cpm).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).cpm);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).creativeId).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).creativeId);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).width).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).width);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).height).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).height);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).ttl).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).ttl);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).adId).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).adId);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).currency).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).currency);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).netRevenue).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).netRevenue);
- expect(Object.keys(result[0]).ad).to.equal(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]).ad);
- });
- it('should return multiple bids', function () {
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({
- body: serverResponse
- });
- expect(Array.isArray(result.seatbid))
- const ad0 = result[0];
- const ad1 = result[1];
- expect(ad0.ad).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm);
- expect(ad0.cpm).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].price);
- expect(ad0.creativeId).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].crid);
- expect(ad0.currency).to.equal('USD');
- expect(ad0.netRevenue).to.equal(true);
- expect(ad0.requestId).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].id);
- expect(ad0.ttl).to.equal(300);
- expect(ad1.ad).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].adm);
- expect(ad1.cpm).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].price);
- expect(ad1.creativeId).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].crid);
- expect(ad1.currency).to.equal('USD');
- expect(ad1.netRevenue).to.equal(true);
- expect(ad1.requestId).to.equal(serverResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].id);
- expect(ad1.ttl).to.equal(300);
- });
- it('returns a banner bid for non-xml creatives', function () {
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({
- body: serverResponse
- }, { bidRequest: bid }
- );
- const ad0 = result[0];
- const ad1 = result[1];
- expect(ad0.mediaType).to.equal('banner');
- expect(ad0.ad.indexOf('';
- vastServerResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].adm = '';
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({
- body: vastServerResponse
- }, { bidRequest: bid }
- );
- const ad0 = result[0];
- const ad1 = result[1];
- expect(ad0.mediaType).to.equal('video');
- expect(ad0.ad.indexOf(' -1).to.equal(true);
- expect(ad0.vastXml).to.equal(vastServerResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm);
- expect(ad0.ad).to.exist.and.to.be.a('string');
- expect(ad1.mediaType).to.equal('video');
- expect(ad1.ad.indexOf(' -1).to.equal(true);
- expect(ad1.vastXml).to.equal(vastServerResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].adm);
- expect(ad1.ad).to.exist.and.to.be.a('string');
- });
- it('returns a renderer for outstream video creatives', function () {
- const vastServerResponse = utils.deepClone(serverResponse);
- vastServerResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm = '';
- vastServerResponse.seatbid[1].bid[0].adm = '';
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({body: vastServerResponse}, bid_outstream);
- const ad0 = result[0];
- const ad1 = result[1];
- expect(ad0.renderer).to.exist.and.to.be.a('object');
- expect(ad0.renderer.url).to.equal('https://js.brealtime.com/outstream/1.30.0/bundle.js');
- expect(ad0.renderer.id).to.equal('987654321cba');
- expect(ad1.renderer).to.equal(undefined);
- });
- it('handles nobid responses', function () {
- let serverResponse = {
- 'bids': []
- };
- let result = spec.interpretResponse({
- body: serverResponse
- });
- expect(result.length).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should not throw an error when decoding an improperly encoded adm', function () {
- const badAdmServerResponse = utils.deepClone(serverResponse);
- badAdmServerResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm = '