From 4e7daaa6a6c34604323308e5c5e92c62f63efb21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: grajzer <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 10:33:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] TargetVideo adapter dev-docs

 dev-docs/bidders/ | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dev-docs/bidders/

diff --git a/dev-docs/bidders/ b/dev-docs/bidders/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1254581744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-docs/bidders/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+layout: bidder
+title: TargetVideo
+description: Prebid TargetVideo Bidder Adaptor
+biddercode: targetVideo
+media_types: video
+gdpr_supported: true
+prebid_member: true
+userIds: criteo, unifiedId, netId, identityLink, flocId, uid2
+schain_supported: true
+coppa_supported: true
+usp_supported: true
+getFloor: true
+pbjs: true
+pbs: true
+gvl_id: 32
+### Table of Contents
+- [Bid Params](#targetvideo-bid-params)
+- [Video Object](#targetvideo-video-object)
+<a name="targetvideo-bid-params" />
+#### Bid Params
+{: .table .table-bordered .table-striped }
+| Name                | Scope    | Description                                                                                                                                                                   | Example                                               | Type             |
+| `placementId`       | required | The placement ID from TargetVideo.  You may identify a placement using the `invCode` and `member` instead of a placement ID. The `placementID` parameter can be either a `string` or `integer` for Prebid.js, however `integer` is preferred. Legacy code can retain the `string` value. **Prebid Server requires an integer value.**                                                    | `234234`                                            | `integer`         |
+<a name="targetvideo-video-object" />
+#### Video Object
+{: .table .table-bordered .table-striped }
+| Name              | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | Type             |
+| `minduration` | Integer that defines the minimum video ad duration in seconds. | `integer` |
+| `maxduration` | Integer that defines the maximum video ad duration in seconds. | `integer` |
+|`context` | A string that indicates the type of video ad requested.  Allowed values: `"pre_roll"`; `"mid_roll"`; `"post_roll"`; `"outstream"`. | `string` |
+| `skippable` | Boolean which, if `true`, means the user can click a button to skip the video ad.  Defaults to `false`. | `boolean` |
+|`skipoffset`| Integer that defines the number of seconds until an ad can be skipped.  Assumes `skippable` setting was set to `true`. | `integer` |
+| `playback_method` | A string that sets the playback method supported by the publisher.  Allowed values: `"auto_play_sound_on"`; `"auto_play_sound_off"`; `"click_to_play"`; `"mouse_over"`; `"auto_play_sound_unknown"`. | `string` |
+| `frameworks` | Array of integers listing API frameworks supported by the publisher.  Allowed values: None: `0`; VPAID 1.0: `1`; VPAID 2.0: `2`; MRAID 1.0: `3`; MRAID 2.0: `4`; ORMMA: `5`; OMID 1.0 `6`. | `Array<integer>` |