diff --git a/.changeset/dirty-files-talk.md b/.changeset/dirty-files-talk.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e901486371a0..000000000000
--- a/.changeset/dirty-files-talk.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-'@primer/react': patch
-Update TooltipProps to extend from StyledTooltip props
diff --git a/.changeset/flat-drinks-retire.md b/.changeset/flat-drinks-retire.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e8856b1c9c..000000000000
--- a/.changeset/flat-drinks-retire.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-'@primer/react': minor
-Tooltip: Address accessibility remediations and refactor styles towards more static styling
diff --git a/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx b/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx
index 90dab885ac85..c50776cae4cc 100644
--- a/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx
+++ b/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ title: Tooltip
status: Alpha
-import data from '../../src/Tooltip/Tooltip.docs.json'
+import data from '../../src/Tooltip.docs.json'
The Tooltip component adds a tooltip to add context to interactive elements on the page.
@@ -20,85 +20,10 @@ A tooltip may only be used on an element that is interactive such as a button or
## Examples
-### Default (As a label type)
-```jsx live
-### As a description type
-```jsx live
-### With direction
```jsx live
-### With wrap
-```jsx live
-### With no delay
-```jsx live
-### With align
-```jsx live
diff --git a/generated/components.json b/generated/components.json
index 5f410ab0fe21..cd2307492bde 100644
--- a/generated/components.json
+++ b/generated/components.json
@@ -229,6 +229,44 @@
"subcomponents": []
+ "tooltip": {
+ "id": "tooltip",
+ "name": "Tooltip",
+ "status": "alpha",
+ "a11yReviewed": false,
+ "stories": [],
+ "props": [
+ {
+ "name": "align",
+ "type": "'left' | 'right'"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "direction",
+ "type": "'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw'",
+ "description": "Sets where the tooltip renders in relation to the target."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "noDelay",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "description": "When set to `true`, tooltip appears without any delay."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "aria-label",
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "Text used in `aria-label` (for accessibility)"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "wrap",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "description": "Use `true` to allow text within tooltip to wrap."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sx",
+ "type": "SystemStyleObject"
+ }
+ ],
+ "subcomponents": []
+ },
"truncate": {
"id": "truncate",
"name": "Truncate",
@@ -4644,61 +4682,6 @@
- "tooltip": {
- "id": "tooltip",
- "name": "Tooltip",
- "status": "alpha",
- "a11yReviewed": false,
- "stories": [
- {
- "id": "components-tooltip--default",
- "code": "() => (\n \n \n \n \n \n)"
- }
- ],
- "props": [
- {
- "name": "align",
- "type": "'left' | 'right'"
- },
- {
- "name": "aria-label",
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Should be utilised for label type tooltips and it is going to be used to label the tooltip trigger."
- },
- {
- "name": "direction",
- "type": "'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw'",
- "defaultValue": "n",
- "description": "Sets where the tooltip renders in relation to the target."
- },
- {
- "name": "noDelay",
- "type": "boolean",
- "description": "When set to `true`, tooltip appears without any delay."
- },
- {
- "name": "text",
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Should be utilised for description type tooltips and it is going to be used to describe the tooltip trigger."
- },
- {
- "name": "type",
- "type": "'label' | 'description'",
- "defaultValue": "label",
- "description": "The type of tooltip. `label` is used for labelling the element that triggers tooltip. `description` is used for describing or adding a suplementary information to the element that triggers the tooltip."
- },
- {
- "name": "wrap",
- "type": "boolean",
- "description": "Use `true` to allow text within tooltip to wrap."
- },
- {
- "name": "sx",
- "type": "SystemStyleObject"
- }
- ],
- "subcomponents": []
- },
"tree_view": {
"id": "tree_view",
"name": "TreeView",
diff --git a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.docs.json b/src/Tooltip.docs.json
similarity index 54%
rename from src/Tooltip/Tooltip.docs.json
rename to src/Tooltip.docs.json
index d964fadd4aee..d4b88a8c6eca 100644
--- a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.docs.json
+++ b/src/Tooltip.docs.json
@@ -9,15 +9,9 @@
"name": "align",
"type": "'left' | 'right'"
- {
- "name": "aria-label",
- "type": "string",
- "description": "Should be utilised for label type tooltips and it is going to be used to label the tooltip trigger."
- },
"name": "direction",
"type": "'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw'",
- "defaultValue": "n",
"description": "Sets where the tooltip renders in relation to the target."
@@ -26,15 +20,9 @@
"description": "When set to `true`, tooltip appears without any delay."
- "name": "text",
+ "name": "aria-label",
"type": "string",
- "description": "Should be utilised for description type tooltips and it is going to be used to describe the tooltip trigger."
- },
- {
- "name": "type",
- "type": "'label' | 'description'",
- "defaultValue": "label",
- "description": "The type of tooltip. `label` is used for labelling the element that triggers tooltip. `description` is used for describing or adding a suplementary information to the element that triggers the tooltip."
+ "description": "Text used in `aria-label` (for accessibility)"
"name": "wrap",
diff --git a/src/Tooltip.tsx b/src/Tooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28fb1c8645f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+import classnames from 'classnames'
+import React from 'react'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
+import {get} from './constants'
+import sx, {SxProp} from './sx'
+import {ComponentProps} from './utils/types'
+const TooltipBase = styled.span`
+ position: relative;
+ &::before {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1000001;
+ display: none;
+ width: 0px;
+ height: 0px;
+ color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ pointer-events: none;
+ content: '';
+ border: 6px solid transparent;
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ &::after {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1000000;
+ display: none;
+ padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
+ font: normal normal 11px/1.5 ${get('fonts.normal')};
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
+ color: ${get('colors.fg.onEmphasis')};
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ text-transform: none;
+ letter-spacing: normal;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ white-space: pre;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ content: attr(aria-label);
+ background: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ border-radius: ${get('radii.1')};
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ // delay animation for tooltip
+ @keyframes tooltip-appear {
+ from {
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ to {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ }
+ &:hover,
+ &:active,
+ &:focus,
+ &:focus-within {
+ &::before,
+ &::after {
+ display: inline-block;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ animation-name: tooltip-appear;
+ animation-duration: 0.1s;
+ animation-fill-mode: forwards;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-in;
+ animation-delay: 0.4s;
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-no-delay:hover,
+ &.tooltipped-no-delay:active,
+ &.tooltipped-no-delay:focus,
+ &.tooltipped-no-delay:focus-within {
+ &::before,
+ &::after {
+ animation-delay: 0s;
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-multiline:hover,
+ &.tooltipped-multiline:active,
+ &.tooltipped-multiline:focus,
+ &.tooltipped-multiline:focus-within {
+ &::after {
+ display: table-cell;
+ }
+ }
+ // Tooltipped south
+ &.tooltipped-s,
+ &.tooltipped-se,
+ &.tooltipped-sw {
+ &::after {
+ top: 100%;
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-top: 6px;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ top: auto;
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: -7px;
+ margin-right: -6px;
+ border-bottom-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-se {
+ &::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -${get('space.3')};
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-sw::after {
+ margin-right: -${get('space.3')};
+ }
+ // Tooltips above the object
+ &.tooltipped-n,
+ &.tooltipped-ne,
+ &.tooltipped-nw {
+ &::after {
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 6px;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ top: -7px;
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: auto;
+ margin-right: -6px;
+ border-top-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-ne {
+ &::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -${get('space.3')};
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-nw::after {
+ margin-right: -${get('space.3')};
+ }
+ // Move the tooltip body to the center of the object.
+ &.tooltipped-s::after,
+ &.tooltipped-n::after {
+ transform: translateX(50%);
+ }
+ // Tooltipped to the left
+ &.tooltipped-w {
+ &::after {
+ right: 100%;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ margin-right: 6px;
+ transform: translateY(50%);
+ }
+ &::before {
+ top: 50%;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ left: -7px;
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ border-left-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ }
+ }
+ // tooltipped to the right
+ &.tooltipped-e {
+ &::after {
+ bottom: 50%;
+ left: 100%;
+ margin-left: 6px;
+ transform: translateY(50%);
+ }
+ &::before {
+ top: 50%;
+ right: -7px;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ border-right-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-multiline {
+ &::after {
+ width: max-content;
+ max-width: 250px;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ white-space: pre-line;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-s::after,
+ &.tooltipped-n::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-w::after,
+ &.tooltipped-e::after {
+ right: 100%;
+ }
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-align-right-2::after {
+ right: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-align-right-2::before {
+ right: 15px;
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-align-left-2::after {
+ left: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ &.tooltipped-align-left-2::before {
+ left: 10px;
+ }
+ ${sx};
+export type TooltipProps = {
+ direction?: 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw'
+ text?: string
+ noDelay?: boolean
+ align?: 'left' | 'right'
+ wrap?: boolean
+} & ComponentProps
+function Tooltip({direction = 'n', children, className, text, noDelay, align, wrap, ...rest}: TooltipProps) {
+ const classes = classnames(
+ className,
+ `tooltipped-${direction}`,
+ align && `tooltipped-align-${align}-2`,
+ noDelay && 'tooltipped-no-delay',
+ wrap && 'tooltipped-multiline',
+ )
+ return (
+ {children}
+ )
+Tooltip.alignments = ['left', 'right']
+Tooltip.directions = ['n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw']
+export default Tooltip
diff --git a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.features.stories.tsx b/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.features.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5a6ebec44d..000000000000
--- a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.features.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import {Meta} from '@storybook/react'
-import {BaseStyles, ThemeProvider, IconButton, Button} from '..'
-import {Tooltip} from '.'
-import {SearchIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react'
-import Box from '../Box'
-export default {
- title: 'Components/Tooltip/Features',
- component: Tooltip,
- decorators: [
- Story => {
- return (
- )
- },
- ],
-} as Meta
-// As a label for an IconButton
-export const TooltipLabelTypeTooltip = () => (
-// As a label for an IconButton
-export const TooltipNativeHTMLButton = () => (
-// As a supplementary description for a button
-export const TooltipDescriptionTypeTooltip = () => (
-// As a supplementary description for an IconButton
-export const TooltipIconButtonWithDescription = () => (
-export const TooltipWithDirection = () => (
-export const TooltipNoDelay = () => (
-export const TooltipWithAlign = () => (
-export const TooltipWithWrap = () => (
diff --git a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx b/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index badfd7e7993e..000000000000
--- a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-import React, {Children, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'
-import Box from '../Box'
-import sx, {SxProp} from '../sx'
-import {useId} from '../hooks/useId'
-import {isFocusable} from '@primer/behaviors/utils'
-import {invariant} from '../utils/invariant'
-import styled from 'styled-components'
-import {get} from '../constants'
-import {useOnEscapePress} from '../hooks/useOnEscapePress'
-import {ComponentProps} from '../utils/types'
-const StyledTooltip = styled.div`
- // tooltip element itself
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 1000000;
- padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
- font: normal normal 11px/1.5 ${get('fonts.normal')};
- -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
- color: ${get('colors.fg.onEmphasis')};
- text-align: center;
- text-decoration: none;
- text-shadow: none;
- text-transform: none;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- white-space: normal;
- background: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- border-radius: ${get('radii.1')};
- width: max-content;
- opacity: 0;
- max-width: 250px;
- @media (forced-colors: active) {
- outline: 1px solid transparent;
- }
- /* tooltip element should be rendered visually hidden when it is not opened. */
- &:not([data-state='open']) {
- /* Visually hidden styles */
- width: 1px;
- height: 1px;
- padding: 0;
- margin: -1px;
- overflow: hidden;
- clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- white-space: nowrap;
- border-width: 0;
- }
- // the caret
- &::before {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 1000001;
- color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- content: '';
- border: 6px solid transparent;
- opacity: 0;
- }
- // This is needed to keep the tooltip open when the user leaves the trigger element to hover tooltip
- &::after {
- position: absolute;
- display: block;
- right: 0;
- left: 0;
- height: 8px;
- content: '';
- }
- // delay animation for tooltip
- @keyframes tooltip-appear {
- from {
- opacity: 0;
- }
- to {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- }
- /* South, East, Southeast, Southwest before */
- &[data-direction='n']::before,
- &[data-direction='ne']::before,
- &[data-direction='nw']::before {
- top: 100%;
- border-top-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- }
- &[data-direction='s']::before,
- &[data-direction='se']::before,
- &[data-direction='sw']::before {
- bottom: 100%;
- border-bottom-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- }
- &[data-direction='n']:before,
- &[data-direction='s']:before {
- right: 50%;
- margin-right: -6px;
- }
- &[data-direction='ne']::before,
- &[data-direction='se']::before {
- left: 0;
- margin-left: 6px;
- }
- &[data-direction='sw']::before,
- &[data-direction='nw']::before {
- right: 0;
- margin-right: 6px;
- }
- /* South, East, Southeast, Southwest after */
- &[data-direction='n']::after,
- &[data-direction='ne']::after,
- &[data-direction='nw']::after {
- top: 100%;
- }
- &[data-direction='s']::after,
- &[data-direction='se']::after,
- &[data-direction='sw']::after {
- bottom: 100%;
- }
- /* West before and after */
- &[data-direction='w']::before {
- top: 50%;
- bottom: 50%;
- left: 100%;
- margin-top: -6px;
- border-left-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- }
- &[data-direction='w']::after {
- position: absolute;
- display: block;
- height: 100%;
- width: 8px;
- content: '';
- bottom: 0;
- left: 100%;
- }
- /* East before and after */
- &[data-direction='e']::after {
- position: absolute;
- display: block;
- height: 100%;
- width: 8px;
- content: '';
- bottom: 0;
- right: 100%;
- margin-left: -8px;
- }
- &[data-direction='e']::before {
- top: 50%;
- bottom: 50%;
- right: 100%;
- margin-top: -6px;
- border-right-color: ${get('colors.neutral.emphasisPlus')};
- }
- /* Animation styles */
- &[data-state='open'],
- &[data-state='open']::before {
- animation-name: tooltip-appear;
- animation-duration: 0.1s;
- animation-fill-mode: forwards;
- animation-timing-function: ease-in;
- animation-delay: 0.4s;
- }
- /* Position of the tooltip element when it is opened. */
- &[data-state='open'] {
- &[data-no-delay='true'],
- &[data-no-delay='true']::before {
- animation-delay: 0s;
- }
- &[data-direction='s'],
- &[data-direction='se'],
- &[data-direction='sw'] {
- top: 100%;
- right: 50%;
- margin-top: 6px;
- }
- &[data-direction='n'],
- &[data-direction='ne'],
- &[data-direction='nw'] {
- bottom: 100%;
- margin-bottom: 6px;
- right: 50%;
- }
- &[data-direction='n'],
- &[data-direction='s'] {
- transform: translateX(50%);
- }
- &[data-direction='se'] {
- right: auto;
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -${get('space.3')};
- }
- &[data-direction='ne'] {
- right: auto;
- left: 50%;
- margin-left: -${get('space.3')};
- }
- &[data-direction='sw'] {
- margin-right: -${get('space.3')};
- }
- &[data-direction='e'] {
- bottom: 50%;
- left: 100%;
- margin-left: 6px;
- transform: translateY(50%);
- }
- &[data-direction='w'] {
- bottom: 50%;
- right: 100%;
- margin-right: 6px;
- transform: translateY(50%);
- }
- /* Align and wrap styles */
- &[data-align='left'] {
- right: 100%;
- margin-left: 0;
- }
- &[data-align='left']::before {
- right: 40px;
- }
- &[data-align='right'] {
- right: 0;
- margin-right: 0;
- }
- &[data-align='right']::before {
- right: 72px;
- }
- &[data-wrap='true'] {
- display: table-cell;
- width: max-content;
- max-width: 250px;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- white-space: pre-line;
- border-collapse: separate;
- }
- &[data-wrap='true'][data-direction='n'],
- &[data-wrap='true'][data-direction='s'] {
- transform: translateX(-50%);
- right: auto;
- left: 50%;
- }
- &[data-wrap='true'][data-direction='w'],
- &[data-wrap='true'][data-direction='e'] {
- right: 100%;
- }
- }
- ${sx};
-export type TooltipProps = React.PropsWithChildren<
- {
- direction?: 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw'
- text?: string
- noDelay?: boolean
- align?: 'left' | 'right'
- wrap?: boolean
- type?: 'label' | 'description'
- 'aria-label'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-label']
- } & SxProp &
- ComponentProps
-export type TriggerPropsType = {
- 'aria-describedby'?: string
- 'aria-labelledby'?: string
- 'aria-label'?: string
- onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler
- onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler
- onMouseEnter?: React.MouseEventHandler
- ref?: React.RefObject
-export const Tooltip = ({
- direction = 'n',
- // used for description type
- text,
- // used for label type
- 'aria-label': label,
- align,
- wrap,
- noDelay,
- type = 'label',
- children,
- ...rest
-}: TooltipProps) => {
- const id = useId()
- const triggerRef = useRef(null)
- const child = Children.only(children)
- const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
- // we need this check for every render
- if (__DEV__) {
- // Practically, this is not a conditional hook, it is a compile time check
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
- useEffect(() => {
- if (triggerRef.current) {
- // Has trigger element or any of its children interactive elements?
- const isTriggerInteractive = isFocusable(triggerRef.current)
- const triggerChildren = triggerRef.current.childNodes
- const hasInteractiveChild = Array.from(triggerChildren).some(child => {
- return child instanceof HTMLElement && isFocusable(child)
- })
- invariant(
- isTriggerInteractive || hasInteractiveChild,
- 'The `Tooltip` component expects a single React element that contains interactive content. Consider using a `
diff --git a/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/Tooltip.test.tsx.snap b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/Tooltip.test.tsx.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d461c34404c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__tests__/__snapshots__/Tooltip.test.tsx.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`Tooltip renders consistently 1`] = `
+.c0 {
+ position: relative;
+.c0::before {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1000001;
+ display: none;
+ width: 0px;
+ height: 0px;
+ color: #24292f;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ content: '';
+ border: 6px solid transparent;
+ opacity: 0;
+.c0::after {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1000000;
+ display: none;
+ padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
+ font: normal normal 11px/1.5 -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","Noto Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji";
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-align: center;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: none;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ text-transform: none;
+ -webkit-letter-spacing: normal;
+ -moz-letter-spacing: normal;
+ -ms-letter-spacing: normal;
+ letter-spacing: normal;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ white-space: pre;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ content: attr(aria-label);
+ background: #24292f;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ opacity: 0;
+.c0:focus-within::after {
+ display: inline-block;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: none;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ -webkit-animation-name: tooltip-appear;
+ animation-name: tooltip-appear;
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 0.1s;
+ animation-duration: 0.1s;
+ -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
+ animation-fill-mode: forwards;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-in;
+ -webkit-animation-delay: 0.4s;
+ animation-delay: 0.4s;
+.c0.tooltipped-no-delay:focus-within::after {
+ -webkit-animation-delay: 0s;
+ animation-delay: 0s;
+.c0.tooltipped-multiline:focus-within::after {
+ display: table-cell;
+.c0.tooltipped-sw::after {
+ top: 100%;
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-top: 6px;
+.c0.tooltipped-sw::before {
+ top: auto;
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: -7px;
+ margin-right: -6px;
+ border-bottom-color: #24292f;
+.c0.tooltipped-se::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -16px;
+.c0.tooltipped-sw::after {
+ margin-right: -16px;
+.c0.tooltipped-nw::after {
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 6px;
+.c0.tooltipped-nw::before {
+ top: -7px;
+ right: 50%;
+ bottom: auto;
+ margin-right: -6px;
+ border-top-color: #24292f;
+.c0.tooltipped-ne::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -16px;
+.c0.tooltipped-nw::after {
+ margin-right: -16px;
+.c0.tooltipped-n::after {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateX(50%);
+ transform: translateX(50%);
+.c0.tooltipped-w::after {
+ right: 100%;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ margin-right: 6px;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateY(50%);
+ transform: translateY(50%);
+.c0.tooltipped-w::before {
+ top: 50%;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ left: -7px;
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ border-left-color: #24292f;
+.c0.tooltipped-e::after {
+ bottom: 50%;
+ left: 100%;
+ margin-left: 6px;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateY(50%);
+ transform: translateY(50%);
+.c0.tooltipped-e::before {
+ top: 50%;
+ right: -7px;
+ bottom: 50%;
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ border-right-color: #24292f;
+.c0.tooltipped-multiline::after {
+ width: -webkit-max-content;
+ width: -moz-max-content;
+ width: max-content;
+ max-width: 250px;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ white-space: pre-line;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+.c0.tooltipped-multiline.tooltipped-n::after {
+ right: auto;
+ left: 50%;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateX(-50%);
+ transform: translateX(-50%);
+.c0.tooltipped-multiline.tooltipped-e::after {
+ right: 100%;
+.c0.tooltipped-align-right-2::after {
+ right: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+.c0.tooltipped-align-right-2::before {
+ right: 15px;
+.c0.tooltipped-align-left-2::after {
+ left: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+.c0.tooltipped-align-left-2::before {
+ left: 10px;
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index cd1d3b4de92b..335f542f4433 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ export type {
} from './Timeline'
export {default as Token, IssueLabelToken, AvatarToken} from './Token'
export type {TokenProps} from './Token'
-export {Tooltip} from './Tooltip'
+export {default as Tooltip} from './Tooltip'
export type {TooltipProps} from './Tooltip'
export {default as Truncate} from './Truncate'
export type {TruncateProps} from './Truncate'
diff --git a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Tooltip.stories.tsx
similarity index 54%
rename from src/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx
rename to src/stories/Tooltip.stories.tsx
index e51629f8e05c..316b0f469b3b 100644
--- a/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.stories.tsx
+++ b/src/stories/Tooltip.stories.tsx
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import React from 'react'
import {Meta} from '@storybook/react'
-import {BaseStyles, ThemeProvider, Button} from '..'
-import {Tooltip} from '../Tooltip'
+import {BaseStyles, ThemeProvider, IconButton} from '..'
import Box from '../Box'
+import Tooltip from '../Tooltip'
+import {SearchIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react'
export default {
- title: 'Components/Tooltip',
+ title: 'Components/Tooltip/Default',
component: Tooltip,
decorators: [
@@ -21,11 +22,10 @@ export default {
} as Meta
-// As a label for an IconButton
-export const Default = () => (
+export const IconButtonTooltip = () => (
- 🥦