From 3be658e49fb2d2fe1397dffffa4bf80648eca144 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Herman Our upcoming, ongoing or most recent livestream.
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From e1ac9005b8dfb0be6a620137de0810bc19f18363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ainali CircuLaw is a knowledge platform dedicated to enabling the transition to a circular economy by identifying opportunities in current law to support a circular future. Amidst the escalating climate crisis, the global community is under significant pressure to transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy. With the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan and the Dutch government's commitment to a 50% reduction in the use of primary raw materials by 2030, formal commitment to this transition is taking shape. CircuLaw identifies opportunities in current law to support this circular future. We're helping launch the CircuLaw open source ecosystem by: Mature codebases and communities fully meet the Standard for Public Code. Digital Omgevingsbeleid lets you explore laws and policies, view where they apply and compare them to previous versions. This way, policies are easier to understand and always up to date. Digital Omgevingsbeleid was built in response to the 2022 Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) in the Netherlands. For example, if someone wants to build a windfarm, they can quickly understand what's allowed on their prospective site. Digital Omgevingsbeleid also makes it easier for a civil servant considering new regulation to see how the new regulations will interact with regulations that already apply. We are helping the Omgevingsbeleid team by: A template project containing 'Community Health Files' and relevant checklists. Its intention is to be a practical starter when releasing a project as Open Source. It was created in a general way to be usable for anyone, and proposes well known conventions and de-facto standards when possible. We're helping launch the Open Source Project Template development by: Open Source Project Template maintainers have made a commitment to meeting the criteria of the Standard for Public Code. Repositories which use the Open Source Project Template will be naturally well positioned to meet the criteria of the Standard for Public Code.
- OpenZaak is a case management platform for municipalities that want to deliver citizen-friendly services online. It is a ready-to-use backend solution that acts as a directory of case registration, including metadata describing the case. OpenZaak implements the Dutch national API standards for case management, developed by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG). We're helping launch the OpenZaak open source ecosystem by: We're working closely with the commissioning municipalities to help them grow OpenZaak to a trusted codebase with: OpenZaak maintainers see meeting the Standard for Public Code as integral to achieving their vision. Signalen makes it easier for residents to make a report, and helps the city respond to the most important things first. It includes: We're helping Amsterdam and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) define a governance structure, including shared feature roadmaps and technical steering. We're also helping make the codebase more conducive to collaboration, including: The VNG wants to make it 'one click deployable' from their Common Ground appstore. Amsterdam, the VNG and 's-Hertogenbosch have asked for our expertise while they refactor the codebase to be more modular and reusable while it's in production in Amsterdam.Codebases we work with
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- Stage 1: Assessment
Stage 2: Incubation
Stage 3: Mature
Codebases we work with
-Digital Omgevingsbeleid
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-How we're helping
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- Codebases we work with
-Open Source Project Template
- What it is
-How we're helping
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- Codebases we work with
- What it is
-How we're helping
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- Codebases we work with
- What it is
-How we're helping