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+title: Customer-Managed Agents
+title_tag: Get started with Customer-Managed Agents
+meta_desc: Customer-Managed Agents allows you to self-host deployment agents and get all the power and flexiblity of Pulumi Deployments in your isolated environments
+ pulumicloud:
+ parent: deployments
+ weight: 2
+Customer-Managed Agents allow you to self-host deployment agents bringing the same power and flexibility as Pulumi-hosted deployments. Self-hosting your agents comes with many benefits:
+- **Host anywhere**: You can host the deployment agents anywhere to manage infrastructure, even within your fully private VPCs
+- **Any hardware, any environment1**: Run the agents on any hardware of your choice and configure the environment that meets your needs
+- **Mix & match**: You can use standard Pulumi-hosted deployments for your development stacks and use self-hosted Customer-Managed Agents for your private network infrastructure. You can mix and match to suit your unique needs
+- **Multiple pools**: You can set up multiple deployment agent pools, assign stacks to specific pools, and scale agents dynamically to increase your deployment concurrency. Customers can have up to 150 concurrent deployments
+- **Meet compliance**: You can configure the agents with the credentials needed to manage your infrastructure. This way your cloud provider credentials never leave your private network
+1 *Currently Linux and MacOS are supported*
+Customer-Managed Agents support all the [deployment triggers](/docs/pulumi-cloud/deployments/#deployment-triggers) currently offered by Pulumi Deployments such as click to deploy, the Pulumi Deployments REST API, git push to deploy, Review Stacks, and remote Automation API.
+{{% notes "info" %}}
+Customer-Managed Agents is available on the Business Critical edition of Pulumi Cloud. [Contact sales](/contact/?form=sales) if you are interested and want to enable Customer-Managed Agents. If you are a self-hosted Pulumi Cloud customer, please [get in touch](https://share.hsforms.com/1YajiJ73sSuGn5RoTkyvKxg2mxud) to be notified when it is available.
+{{% /notes %}}
+## Using Customer-Managed Agents
+Before you begin, ensure you have installed the [Pulumi Github App](/docs/using-pulumi/continuous-delivery/github-app/) and updated the [source control settings](/docs/pulumi-cloud/deployments/get-started) of the stack you want to use Deployment agents. [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/) is a requirement for running the agent.
+1. Go to **Deployment runners** under Organization Settings
+2. Create a new pool. Ensure to copy and save the token
+3. Install the agents as per the instructions on the page
+4. Verify the agent status by refreshing the page
+5. Configure a stack to use the agent by going to the Deploy tab within Stack Settings, and selecting the pool you created under the **Deployment Runner** pool drop-down
+6. **(Optional)** Add more agents to the pool to increase concurrency by using the same token
+7. Verify setup by doing a 'pulumi refresh' through the **Actions** drop-down in your stack page
+Agents poll Pulumi Cloud every 30 seconds to check for pending deployments and will disappear from the Pool details page 1-2 hours after being offline. On the deployments page, you can see all the deployments including pending deployments, and which deployment agents were used in a deployment.
+{{% notes "info" %}}
+If you are running the agent inside a firewall ensure to allow outbound requests to api.pulumi.com. Ensure agents have the cloud provider credentials to be able to deploy in your environments.
+{{% /notes %}}
+## Providing Credentials to Agents
+There are two methods to provide cloud provider credentials to the agents:
+1. Use [OpenID Connect (OIDC) to generate credentials](/docs/pulumi-cloud/oidc)
+2. Directly provide credentials to agents through environment variables configured in the host, or passing the environment variables when invoking the binary. Example:
+ ```bash
+ VARIABLE=value customer-managed-deployment-agent run
+ ```
+ You also need to update the `pulumi-deployment-agent.yaml` configuration file by setting `env_forward_allowlist`. The configuration file can be found in the directory where the agent is extracted. `env_forward_allowlist` expects an array of strings. Example:
+ ```yaml
+ token: pul-d2d2….
+ version: v0.0.5
+ env_forward_allowlist:
+ - key_one
+ - key_two
+ - key_three
+ ```