- The blend mode will be restored to the default value (BLEND_ALPHA).
- The renderer will call rlViewport(rlGetFramebufferWidth(), rlGetFramebufferHeight()) and restore FBO status after rendering.
- This library assumes that you only use CCW. It won't be a problem if you never change it.
- GL_STENCIL_TEST is not disabled and glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1) is not called in this library compared with the official OpenGL renderer.
- glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1) will be called.
You can copy Resources/ in the zip downloaded from Live2D official page to the target directory of raylib-live2d-test.
Due to some copyright issues, you should download the core by yourself at Live2D official page. See Core/README.txt
- Backface culling status is chaned.
- The blend mode will be restored to the default value (BLEND_ALPHA).
- The renderer will call rlViewport(rlGetFramebufferWidth(), rlGetFramebufferHeight()) and restore FBO status after rendering.
- This library assumes that you only use CCW. It won't be a problem if you never change it.
- GL_STENCIL_TEST is not disabled and glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1) is not called in this library compared with the official OpenGL renderer.
- glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1) will be called.
You can copy Resources/ in the zip downloaded from Live2D official page to the target directory of raylib-live2d-test.
Due to some copyright issues, you should download the core by yourself at Live2D official page. See Core/README.txt
You should check the LICENSE.md file in framework/ first
All changes are under the Apache License 2.0
- Anisotropy
- CMake
- Voice and lipSync
- Disposal (l2dReleaseModel, l2dUnload?, textures...)