diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a9735ea4bf..241ee237ff 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
#### Improvements
#### Fixes
-- Fixed saving newznab provider api key ([#5918](https://github.com/pymedusa/Medusa/pull/5918))
+- Fixed saving newznab provider API key ([#5918](https://github.com/pymedusa/Medusa/pull/5918))
+- Fixed permanent Docker update message ([#6018](https://github.com/pymedusa/Medusa/pull/6018))
diff --git a/medusa/__main__.py b/medusa/__main__.py
index ecc268cba9..6a103b2b1e 100755
--- a/medusa/__main__.py
+++ b/medusa/__main__.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
from medusa import (
app, auto_post_processor, cache, db, event_queue, exception_handler,
helpers, logger as app_logger, metadata, name_cache, naming, network_timezones, providers,
- scheduler, show_queue, show_updater, subtitles, torrent_checker, trakt_checker, version_checker
+ scheduler, show_queue, show_updater, subtitles, torrent_checker, trakt_checker
from medusa.common import SD, SKIPPED, WANTED
from medusa.config import (
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
from medusa.system.shutdown import Shutdown
from medusa.themes import read_themes
from medusa.tv import Series
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -987,9 +988,9 @@ def initialize(self, console_logging=True):
- updater = version_checker.CheckVersion().updater
+ updater = CheckVersion().updater
if updater:
- app.APP_VERSION = updater.get_cur_version()
+ app.APP_VERSION = updater.current_version
app.MAJOR_DB_VERSION, app.MINOR_DB_VERSION = db.DBConnection().checkDBVersion()
@@ -1128,7 +1129,7 @@ def initialize(self, console_logging=True):
# initialize schedulers
# updaters
- app.version_check_scheduler = scheduler.Scheduler(version_checker.CheckVersion(),
+ app.version_check_scheduler = scheduler.Scheduler(CheckVersion(),
threadName='CHECKVERSION', silent=False)
diff --git a/medusa/config.py b/medusa/config.py
index df815c978d..089e7fea51 100644
--- a/medusa/config.py
+++ b/medusa/config.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
from medusa.helper.common import try_int
from medusa.helpers.utils import split_and_strip
from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
-from medusa.version_checker import CheckVersion
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
from requests.compat import urlsplit
diff --git a/medusa/github_client.py b/medusa/github_client.py
index 106aa8d126..0ff05f961a 100644
--- a/medusa/github_client.py
+++ b/medusa/github_client.py
@@ -102,3 +102,21 @@ def get_github_repo(organization, repo, gh=None):
except github.GithubException as e:
logger.debug('Unable to contact Github: {ex!r}', ex=e)
+def get_latest_release(organization, repo, gh=None):
+ """Return the latest release of a repository.
+ :param repo:
+ :type repo: string
+ :param gh:
+ :type gh: Github
+ :return:
+ :rtype github.GitRelease.GitRelease
+ """
+ try:
+ gh = gh or github.MainClass.Github(**OPTIONS)
+ return gh.get_organization(organization).get_repo(repo).get_latest_release()
+ except github.GithubException as e:
+ logger.debug('Unable to contact Github: {ex!r}', ex=e)
+ raise
diff --git a/medusa/server/api/v1/core.py b/medusa/server/api/v1/core.py
index 1474e44c9e..1f6cc31a47 100644
--- a/medusa/server/api/v1/core.py
+++ b/medusa/server/api/v1/core.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
from medusa.show.show import Show
from medusa.system.restart import Restart
from medusa.system.shutdown import Shutdown
-from medusa.version_checker import CheckVersion
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
from requests.compat import unquote_plus
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ def run(self):
'commit': check_version.updater.get_newest_commit_hash(),
'version': check_version.updater.get_newest_version(),
- 'commits_offset': check_version.updater.get_num_commits_behind(),
+ 'commits_offset': check_version.updater.commits_behind,
'needs_update': needs_update,
diff --git a/medusa/server/web/core/error_logs.py b/medusa/server/web/core/error_logs.py
index 75b8b5d635..5fdba4c778 100644
--- a/medusa/server/web/core/error_logs.py
+++ b/medusa/server/web/core/error_logs.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
from medusa.issue_submitter import IssueSubmitter
from medusa.logger import filter_logline, read_loglines
from medusa.server.web.core.base import PageTemplate, WebRoot
-from medusa.version_checker import CheckVersion
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
from six import text_type
diff --git a/medusa/server/web/home/handler.py b/medusa/server/web/home/handler.py
index 6f15097943..0dbfeb044c 100644
--- a/medusa/server/web/home/handler.py
+++ b/medusa/server/web/home/handler.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
from medusa.system.restart import Restart
from medusa.system.shutdown import Shutdown
from medusa.tv.series import Series, SeriesIdentifier
-from medusa.version_checker import CheckVersion
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
from requests.compat import (
diff --git a/medusa/updater/__init__.py b/medusa/updater/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bad5790a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# coding=utf-8
diff --git a/medusa/updater/docker_updater.py b/medusa/updater/docker_updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aa9f19a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/docker_updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from medusa import app
+from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
+from medusa.updater.source_updater import SourceUpdateManager
+log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
+class DockerUpdateManager(SourceUpdateManager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(DockerUpdateManager, self).__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Docker Updater'
+ def need_update(self):
+ if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
+ log.debug(u'Branch checkout: {0}->{1}', self._find_installed_branch(), self.branch)
+ return True
+ if self.branch == 'master' and not self.is_latest_version():
+ self._set_update_text()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def can_update(self):
+ """Whether or not the update can be performed.
+ :return:
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return False
+ def _set_update_text(self):
+ """Set an update text, when running in a Docker container."""
+ log.debug('There is an update available, Medusa is running in a Docker container,'
+ ' so auto updating is disabled.')
+ url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo + '/releases'
+ newest_text = 'There is a newer version available'
+ newest_text += ' (' + self.newest_version + ') — Pull the latest Docker image and rebuild your container to update'
+ app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
+ def update(self):
+ """Download the latest version."""
+ return False
diff --git a/medusa/updater/github_updater.py b/medusa/updater/github_updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eafcb03b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/github_updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import subprocess
+from medusa import app, notifiers
+from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
+from medusa.updater.update_manager import UpdateManager
+from six import text_type
+ERROR_MESSAGE = ('Unable to find your git executable. Set git executable path in Advanced Settings '
+ 'OR shutdown application and delete your .git folder and run from source to enable updates.')
+log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
+class GitUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(GitUpdateManager, self).__init__()
+ self._git_path = self._find_working_git()
+ self.github_org = self.get_github_org()
+ self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
+ self.branch = self._find_installed_branch()
+ self._cur_commit_hash = None
+ self._newest_commit_hash = None
+ self._num_commits_behind = 0
+ self._num_commits_ahead = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'GitHub Updater'
+ @property
+ def current_commit_hash(self):
+ return self._cur_commit_hash
+ @property
+ def newest_commit_hash(self):
+ return self._newest_commit_hash
+ @property
+ def current_version(self):
+ self.update_commit_hash()
+ cur_version = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'describe --tags --abbrev=0 {0}'.format(
+ self._cur_commit_hash))[0]
+ return cur_version.lstrip('v')
+ @property
+ def newest_version(self):
+ self.update_newest_commit_hash()
+ new_version = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'describe --tags --abbrev=0 {0}'.format(
+ self._newest_commit_hash))[0]
+ return new_version.lstrip('v')
+ @property
+ def commits_behind(self):
+ return self._num_commits_behind
+ @property
+ def commits_ahead(self):
+ return self._num_commits_ahead
+ def _find_working_git(self):
+ test_cmd = 'version'
+ if app.GIT_PATH:
+ main_git = '"' + app.GIT_PATH + '"'
+ else:
+ main_git = 'git'
+ log.debug(u'Checking if we can use git commands: {0} {1}', main_git, test_cmd)
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(main_git, test_cmd)
+ if exit_status == 0:
+ log.debug(u'Using: {0}', main_git)
+ return main_git
+ else:
+ log.debug(u'Not using: {0}', main_git)
+ # trying alternatives
+ alternative_git = []
+ # osx people who start sr from launchd have a broken path, so try a hail-mary attempt for them
+ if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin':
+ alternative_git.append('/usr/local/git/bin/git')
+ if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
+ if main_git != main_git.lower():
+ alternative_git.append(main_git.lower())
+ if alternative_git:
+ log.debug(u'Trying known alternative git locations')
+ for cur_git in alternative_git:
+ log.debug(u'Checking if we can use git commands: {0} {1}', cur_git, test_cmd)
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(cur_git, test_cmd)
+ if exit_status == 0:
+ log.debug(u'Using: {0}', cur_git)
+ return cur_git
+ else:
+ log.debug(u'Not using: {0}', cur_git)
+ def _run_git(self, git_path, args):
+ output = err = exit_status = None
+ if not git_path:
+ git_path = self._find_working_git()
+ if git_path:
+ self._git_path = git_path
+ else:
+ # Warn user only if he has version check enabled
+ log.warning(u"No git specified, can't use git commands")
+ exit_status = 1
+ return output, err, exit_status
+ # If we have a valid git remove the git warning
+ # String will be updated as soon we check github
+ cmd = git_path + ' ' + args
+ try:
+ log.debug(u'Executing {cmd} with your shell in {dir}', {'cmd': cmd, 'dir': app.PROG_DIR})
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ shell=True, cwd=app.PROG_DIR)
+ output, err = p.communicate()
+ exit_status = p.returncode
+ # Convert bytes to string in python3
+ if isinstance(output, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ output = output.decode('utf-8')
+ if output:
+ output = output.strip()
+ except OSError:
+ log.info(u"Command {cmd} didn't work", {'cmd': cmd})
+ exit_status = 1
+ if exit_status == 0:
+ log.debug(u'{cmd} : returned successful', {'cmd': cmd})
+ exit_status = 0
+ elif exit_status == 1:
+ if output:
+ if 'stash' in output:
+ log.warning(u"Enable 'git reset' in settings or stash your changes in local files")
+ else:
+ log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
+ else:
+ log.warning(u'{cmd} returned no data', {'cmd': cmd})
+ exit_status = 1
+ elif exit_status == 128 or 'fatal:' in output or err:
+ log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
+ exit_status = 128
+ else:
+ log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}. Treat as error for now', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
+ exit_status = 1
+ return output, err, exit_status
+ def update_commit_hash(self):
+ """Attempt to set the hash of the currently installed version of the application.
+ Uses git to get commit version.
+ """
+ output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse HEAD')
+ if exit_status == 0 and output:
+ cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
+ if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
+ log.warning(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it")
+ return False
+ self._cur_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
+ app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = cur_commit_hash
+ return True
+ return False
+ def update_newest_commit_hash(self):
+ # update remote origin url
+ self.update_remote_origin()
+ # get all new info from github
+ output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'fetch --prune %s' % app.GIT_REMOTE)
+ if not exit_status == 0:
+ log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update")
+ return False
+ # get latest commit_hash from remote
+ output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse --verify --quiet "@{upstream}"')
+ if exit_status == 0 and output:
+ cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
+ if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
+ log.debug(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it")
+ return False
+ else:
+ self._newest_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.debug(u"git didn't return newest commit hash")
+ return False
+ def _find_installed_branch(self):
+ branch_info, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'symbolic-ref -q HEAD')
+ if exit_status == 0 and branch_info:
+ branch = branch_info.strip().replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
+ if branch:
+ app.BRANCH = branch
+ return branch
+ return ''
+ def check_for_update(self):
+ """Use git commands to check if there is a newer version that the provided commit hash."""
+ self.update_commit_hash()
+ self.update_newest_commit_hash()
+ # get number of commits behind and ahead (option --count not supported git < 1.7.2)
+ output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-list --left-right "@{upstream}"...HEAD')
+ if exit_status == 0 and output:
+ try:
+ self._num_commits_behind = int(output.count('<'))
+ self._num_commits_ahead = int(output.count('>'))
+ except Exception:
+ log.debug(u"git didn't return numbers for behind and ahead, not using it")
+ return False
+ log.debug(u'cur_commit = {0}, newest_commit = {1}, num_commits_behind = {2}, num_commits_ahead = {3}',
+ self._cur_commit_hash, self._newest_commit_hash, self._num_commits_behind, self._num_commits_ahead)
+ def need_update(self):
+ if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
+ log.debug(u'Branch checkout: {0}->{1}', self._find_installed_branch(), self.branch)
+ return True
+ try:
+ self.check_for_update()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", e)
+ return False
+ if self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
+ self._set_update_text()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _set_update_text(self):
+ if self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._is_hard_reset_allowed():
+ base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo
+ if self._newest_commit_hash:
+ url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
+ else:
+ url = base_url + '/commits/'
+ newest_text = 'There is a newer version available '
+ newest_text += " (you're " + text_type(self._num_commits_behind) + ' commit'
+ if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
+ newest_text += 's'
+ newest_text += ' behind'
+ if self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
+ newest_text += ' and {ahead} commit{s} ahead'.format(ahead=self._num_commits_ahead,
+ s='s' if self._num_commits_ahead > 1 else '')
+ newest_text += ') — Update Now'
+ elif self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
+ newest_text = u'Local branch is ahead of {0}. Automatic update not possible'.format(self.branch)
+ log.warning(newest_text)
+ else:
+ return
+ app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
+ def can_update(self):
+ """Return whether update can be executed.
+ :return:
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return self._num_commits_ahead <= 0 or self._is_hard_reset_allowed()
+ def update(self):
+ """Call git pull origin in order to update the application.
+ Returns a bool depending on the call's success.
+ """
+ # update remote origin url
+ self.update_remote_origin()
+ # remove untracked files and performs a hard reset on git branch to avoid update issues
+ if self._is_hard_reset_allowed():
+ self.reset()
+ # Executing git clean before updating
+ self.clean()
+ if self.branch == self._find_installed_branch():
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'pull -f %s %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, self.branch))
+ else:
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'checkout -f ' + self.branch)
+ # Executing git clean after updating
+ self.clean()
+ if exit_status == 0:
+ self.update_commit_hash()
+ # Notify update successful
+ try:
+ notifiers.notify_git_update(app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH or '')
+ except Exception:
+ log.debug(u'Unable to send update notification. Continuing the update process')
+ return True
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _is_hard_reset_allowed():
+ """Return whether git hard reset is allowed or not.
+ :return:
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return app.GIT_RESET and (not app.GIT_RESET_BRANCHES or
+ def clean(self):
+ """Call git clean to remove all untracked files.
+ It only affects source folders and libX and extX folders,
+ to prevent deleting untracked user data not known by .gitignore
+ :return:
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ # Fixes: goo.gl/tr8Awf - to be removed in the next release
+ root_dir = os.path.basename(app.PROG_DIR)
+ helper_folder = os.path.join(root_dir, 'helper')
+ helpers_folder = os.path.join(root_dir, 'helpers')
+ folders = (app.LIB_FOLDER, app.LIB2_FOLDER, app.LIB3_FOLDER, app.EXT_FOLDER,
+ helper_folder, helpers_folder) + app.LEGACY_SRC_FOLDERS
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'clean -d -f -x {0}'.format(' '.join(folders)))
+ return exit_status
+ def reset(self):
+ """Call git reset --hard to perform a hard reset."""
+ _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'reset --hard {0}/{1}'.format(app.GIT_REMOTE, app.BRANCH))
+ if exit_status == 0:
+ return True
+ def list_remote_branches(self):
+ # update remote origin url
+ self.update_remote_origin()
+ app.BRANCH = self._find_installed_branch()
+ branches, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'ls-remote --heads %s' % app.GIT_REMOTE)
+ if exit_status == 0 and branches:
+ if branches:
+ return re.findall(r'refs/heads/(.*)', branches)
+ return []
+ def update_remote_origin(self):
+ self._run_git(self._git_path, 'config remote.%s.url %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, app.GIT_REMOTE_URL))
+ self._run_git(self._git_path, 'config remote.%s.pushurl %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, app.GIT_REMOTE_URL))
diff --git a/medusa/updater/source_updater.py b/medusa/updater/source_updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fd8f39642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/source_updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import stat
+import tarfile
+from github import GithubException
+from medusa import app, helpers, notifiers
+from medusa.common import VERSION
+from medusa.github_client import get_github_repo, get_latest_release
+from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
+from medusa.session.core import MedusaSafeSession
+from medusa.updater.update_manager import UpdateManager
+from six import text_type
+log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
+class SourceUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SourceUpdateManager, self).__init__()
+ self.github_org = self.get_github_org()
+ self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
+ self.branch = app.BRANCH
+ if app.BRANCH == '':
+ self.branch = self._find_installed_branch()
+ self._cur_commit_hash = app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH
+ self._newest_commit_hash = None
+ self._num_commits_behind = 0
+ self._num_commits_ahead = 0
+ self.session = MedusaSafeSession()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Source Updater'
+ @staticmethod
+ def _find_installed_branch():
+ return app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH if app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH else 'master'
+ @property
+ def current_commit_hash(self):
+ return self._cur_commit_hash
+ @property
+ def newest_commit_hash(self):
+ return self._newest_commit_hash
+ @property
+ def current_version(self):
+ return VERSION
+ @property
+ def newest_version(self):
+ latest_release = get_latest_release(self.github_org, self.github_repo)
+ return latest_release.tag_name.lstrip('v')
+ @property
+ def commits_behind(self):
+ return self._num_commits_behind
+ @property
+ def commits_ahead(self):
+ return self._num_commits_ahead
+ def need_update(self):
+ if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
+ log.debug(u'Branch checkout: {0}->{1}', self._find_installed_branch(), self.branch)
+ return True
+ # need this to run first to set self._newest_commit_hash
+ try:
+ self.check_for_update()
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", error)
+ return False
+ # This will be used until the first update
+ if self.branch == 'master' and not self._cur_commit_hash:
+ if self.is_latest_version():
+ app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = self._newest_commit_hash
+ app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH = self.branch
+ return False
+ else:
+ self._set_update_text()
+ return True
+ elif self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
+ self._set_update_text()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def can_update(self):
+ """Whether or not the update can be performed.
+ :return:
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return True
+ def check_for_update(self):
+ """Use pygithub to ask github if there is a newer version..
+ If there is a newer version it sets application's version text.
+ commit_hash: hash that we're checking against
+ """
+ gh = get_github_repo(app.GIT_ORG, app.GIT_REPO)
+ # try to get the newest commit hash and commits by comparing branch and current commit
+ if self._cur_commit_hash:
+ try:
+ branch_compared = gh.compare(base=self.branch, head=self._cur_commit_hash)
+ self._newest_commit_hash = branch_compared.base_commit.sha
+ self._num_commits_behind = branch_compared.behind_by
+ self._num_commits_ahead = branch_compared.ahead_by
+ except Exception:
+ self._newest_commit_hash = None
+ self._num_commits_behind = 0
+ self._num_commits_ahead = 0
+ # fall back and iterate over last 100 (items per page in gh_api) commits
+ if not self._newest_commit_hash:
+ for curCommit in gh.get_commits():
+ if not self._newest_commit_hash:
+ self._newest_commit_hash = curCommit.sha
+ if not self._cur_commit_hash:
+ break
+ if curCommit.sha == self._cur_commit_hash:
+ break
+ # when _cur_commit_hash doesn't match anything _num_commits_behind == 100
+ self._num_commits_behind += 1
+ log.debug(u'cur_commit = {0}, newest_commit = {1}, num_commits_behind = {2}',
+ self._cur_commit_hash, self._newest_commit_hash, self._num_commits_behind)
+ def _set_update_text(self):
+ if self._num_commits_behind > 0:
+ base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo
+ if self._newest_commit_hash:
+ url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
+ else:
+ url = base_url + '/commits/'
+ newest_text = 'There is a newer version available'
+ newest_text += " (you're " + text_type(self._num_commits_behind) + ' commit'
+ if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
+ newest_text += 's'
+ newest_text += ' behind) — Update Now'
+ else:
+ url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo + '/releases'
+ newest_text = 'There is a newer version available'
+ newest_text += ' (' + self.newest_version + ') — Update Now'
+ app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
+ def update(self):
+ """Download the latest source tarball from github and installs it over the existing version."""
+ tar_download_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo + '/tarball/' + self.branch
+ try:
+ # prepare the update dir
+ app_update_dir = os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, u'medusa-update')
+ if os.path.isdir(app_update_dir):
+ log.info(u'Clearing out update folder {0!r} before extracting', app_update_dir)
+ shutil.rmtree(app_update_dir)
+ log.info(u'Clearing update folder {0!r} before extracting', app_update_dir)
+ os.makedirs(app_update_dir)
+ # retrieve file
+ log.info(u'Downloading update from {0!r}', tar_download_url)
+ tar_download_path = os.path.join(app_update_dir, u'medusa-update.tar')
+ helpers.download_file(tar_download_url, tar_download_path, session=self.session)
+ if not os.path.isfile(tar_download_path):
+ log.warning(u"Unable to retrieve new version from {0!r}, can't update", tar_download_url)
+ return False
+ if not tarfile.is_tarfile(tar_download_path):
+ log.warning(u"Retrieved version from {0!r} is corrupt, can't update", tar_download_url)
+ return False
+ # extract to medusa-update dir
+ log.info(u'Extracting file {0}', tar_download_path)
+ tar = tarfile.open(tar_download_path)
+ tar.extractall(app_update_dir)
+ tar.close()
+ # delete .tar.gz
+ log.info(u'Deleting file {0}', tar_download_path)
+ os.remove(tar_download_path)
+ # find update dir name
+ update_dir_contents = [x for x in os.listdir(app_update_dir) if
+ os.path.isdir(os.path.join(app_update_dir, x))]
+ if len(update_dir_contents) != 1:
+ log.warning(u'Invalid update data, update failed: {0}', update_dir_contents)
+ return False
+ content_dir = os.path.join(app_update_dir, update_dir_contents[0])
+ # walk temp folder and move files to main folder
+ log.info(u'Moving files from {0} to {1}', content_dir, app.PROG_DIR)
+ for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(content_dir): # @UnusedVariable
+ dirname = dirname[len(content_dir) + 1:]
+ for curfile in filenames:
+ old_path = os.path.join(content_dir, dirname, curfile)
+ new_path = os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, dirname, curfile)
+ # Avoid DLL access problem on WIN32/64
+ # These files needing to be updated manually
+ # or find a way to kill the access from memory
+ extension = os.path.splitext(curfile)[1]
+ if extension == '.dll':
+ try:
+ log.debug(u'Special handling for {0}', curfile)
+ os.chmod(new_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
+ os.remove(new_path)
+ os.renames(old_path, new_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(u'Unable to update {0}: {1!r}', new_path, e)
+ os.remove(old_path) # Trash the updated file without moving in new path
+ continue
+ if os.path.isfile(new_path):
+ os.remove(new_path)
+ os.renames(old_path, new_path)
+ app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = self._newest_commit_hash
+ app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH = self.branch
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception(u'Error while trying to update: {0}', e)
+ return False
+ # Notify update successful
+ try:
+ notifiers.notify_git_update(app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH or '')
+ except Exception:
+ log.debug(u'Unable to send update notification. Continuing the update process')
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def list_remote_branches():
+ try:
+ gh = get_github_repo(app.GIT_ORG, app.GIT_REPO)
+ return [x.name for x in gh.get_branches() if x]
+ except GithubException as error:
+ log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", error)
+ return []
diff --git a/medusa/updater/update_manager.py b/medusa/updater/update_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..787ce2376c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/update_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from medusa import app
+from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
+from six import text_type
+log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
+class UpdateManager(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_github_org():
+ return app.GIT_ORG
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_github_repo():
+ return app.GIT_REPO
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_update_url():
+ return app.WEB_ROOT + '/home/update/?pid=' + text_type(app.PID)
+ def current_version(self):
+ """Get the current verion of the app."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def newest_version(self):
+ """Get the newest verion of the app."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def is_latest_version(self):
+ """Compare the current installed version with the remote version."""
+ if LooseVersion(self.newest_version) > LooseVersion(self.current_version):
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/medusa/updater/version_checker.py b/medusa/updater/version_checker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..686ab95c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/medusa/updater/version_checker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from builtins import object
+from builtins import str
+from logging import DEBUG, WARNING
+from medusa import app, db, helpers, ui
+from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
+from medusa.session.core import MedusaSafeSession
+from medusa.updater.docker_updater import DockerUpdateManager
+from medusa.updater.github_updater import GitUpdateManager
+from medusa.updater.source_updater import SourceUpdateManager
+log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
+class CheckVersion(object):
+ """Version check class meant to run as a thread object with the sr scheduler."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.amActive = False
+ self.updater = self.find_install_type()
+ self.session = MedusaSafeSession()
+ def run(self, force=False):
+ self.amActive = True
+ # Update remote branches and store in app.GIT_REMOTE_BRANCHES
+ self.list_remote_branches()
+ if self.updater:
+ # set current branch version
+ app.BRANCH = self.get_branch()
+ if self.check_for_new_version(force):
+ if app.AUTO_UPDATE:
+ log.info(u'New update found, starting auto-updater ...')
+ ui.notifications.message('New update found, starting auto-updater')
+ if self.run_backup_if_safe():
+ if app.version_check_scheduler.action.update():
+ log.info(u'Update was successful!')
+ ui.notifications.message('Update was successful')
+ app.events.put(app.events.SystemEvent.RESTART)
+ else:
+ log.info(u'Update failed!')
+ ui.notifications.message('Update failed!')
+ self.check_for_new_news(force)
+ self.amActive = False
+ def run_backup_if_safe(self):
+ return self.safe_to_update() is True and self._runbackup() is True
+ def _runbackup(self):
+ # Do a system backup before update
+ log.info(u'Config backup in progress...')
+ ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup in progress...')
+ try:
+ backupDir = os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.BACKUP_DIR)
+ if not os.path.isdir(backupDir):
+ os.mkdir(backupDir)
+ if self._keeplatestbackup(backupDir) and self._backup(backupDir):
+ log.info(u'Config backup successful, updating...')
+ ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup successful, updating...')
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.warning(u'Config backup failed, aborting update')
+ ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup failed, aborting update')
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(u'Update: Config backup failed. Error: {0!r}', e)
+ ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup failed, aborting update')
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _keeplatestbackup(backupDir=None):
+ if not backupDir:
+ return False
+ import glob
+ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(backupDir, '*.zip'))
+ if not files:
+ return True
+ now = time.time()
+ newest = files[0], now - os.path.getctime(files[0])
+ for f in files[1:]:
+ age = now - os.path.getctime(f)
+ if age < newest[1]:
+ newest = f, age
+ files.remove(newest[0])
+ for f in files:
+ os.remove(f)
+ return True
+ # TODO: Merge with backup in helpers
+ @staticmethod
+ def _backup(backupDir=None):
+ if not backupDir:
+ return False
+ source = [
+ os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.APPLICATION_DB),
+ os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.FAILED_DB),
+ os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.CACHE_DB)
+ ]
+ target = os.path.join(backupDir, app.BACKUP_FILENAME.format(timestamp=time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')))
+ for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(app.CACHE_DIR, topdown=True):
+ for dirname in dirs:
+ if path == app.CACHE_DIR and dirname not in ['images']:
+ dirs.remove(dirname)
+ for filename in files:
+ source.append(os.path.join(path, filename))
+ return helpers.backup_config_zip(source, target, app.DATA_DIR)
+ def safe_to_update(self):
+ def db_safe(self):
+ message = {
+ 'equal': {
+ 'type': DEBUG,
+ 'text': u'We can proceed with the update. New update has same DB version'},
+ 'upgrade': {
+ 'type': WARNING,
+ 'text': u"We can't proceed with the update. New update has a new DB version. Please manually update"},
+ 'downgrade': {
+ 'type': WARNING,
+ 'text': u"We can't proceed with the update. New update has a old DB version. It's not possible to downgrade"},
+ }
+ try:
+ result = self.getDBcompare()
+ if result in message:
+ log.log(message[result]['type'], message[result]['text']) # unpack the result message into a log entry
+ else:
+ log.warning(u"We can't proceed with the update. Unable to check remote DB version. Error: {0}", result)
+ return result in ['equal'] # add future True results to the list
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.error(u"We can't proceed with the update. Unable to compare DB version. Error: {0!r}", error)
+ return False
+ def postprocessor_safe():
+ if not app.auto_post_processor_scheduler.action.amActive:
+ log.debug(u'We can proceed with the update. Post-Processor is not running')
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.debug(u"We can't proceed with the update. Post-Processor is running")
+ return False
+ def showupdate_safe():
+ if not app.show_update_scheduler.action.amActive:
+ log.debug(u'We can proceed with the update. Shows are not being updated')
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.debug(u"We can't proceed with the update. Shows are being updated")
+ return False
+ db_safe = db_safe(self)
+ postprocessor_safe = postprocessor_safe()
+ showupdate_safe = showupdate_safe()
+ if db_safe and postprocessor_safe and showupdate_safe:
+ log.debug(u'Proceeding with auto update')
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.debug(u'Auto update aborted')
+ return False
+ def getDBcompare(self):
+ """
+ Compare the current DB version with the new branch version.
+ :return: 'upgrade', 'equal', or 'downgrade'
+ """
+ try:
+ self.updater.need_update()
+ cur_hash = str(self.updater.get_newest_commit_hash())
+ assert len(cur_hash) == 40, 'Commit hash wrong length: {length} hash: {hash}'.format(
+ length=len(cur_hash), hash=cur_hash)
+ check_url = 'http://rawcdn.githack.com/{org}/{repo}/{commit}/medusa/databases/main_db.py'.format(
+ org=app.GIT_ORG, repo=app.GIT_REPO, commit=cur_hash)
+ response = self.session.get(check_url)
+ # Get remote DB version
+ match_max_db = re.search(r'MAX_DB_VERSION\s*=\s*(?P\d{2,3})', response.text)
+ new_branch_major_db_version = int(match_max_db.group('version')) if match_max_db else None
+ match_minor_db = re.search(r'CURRENT_MINOR_DB_VERSION\s*=\s*(?P\d{1,2})', response.text)
+ new_branch_min_db_version = int(match_minor_db.group('version')) if match_minor_db else None
+ # Check local DB version
+ main_db_con = db.DBConnection()
+ cur_branch_major_db_version, cur_branch_minor_db_version = main_db_con.checkDBVersion()
+ if any([cur_branch_major_db_version is None, cur_branch_minor_db_version is None,
+ new_branch_major_db_version is None, new_branch_min_db_version is None]):
+ return 'Could not compare database versions, aborting'
+ if new_branch_major_db_version > cur_branch_major_db_version:
+ return 'upgrade'
+ elif new_branch_major_db_version == cur_branch_major_db_version:
+ if new_branch_min_db_version < cur_branch_minor_db_version:
+ return 'downgrade'
+ elif new_branch_min_db_version > cur_branch_minor_db_version:
+ return 'upgrade'
+ return 'equal'
+ else:
+ return 'downgrade'
+ except Exception as e:
+ return repr(e)
+ def find_install_type(self):
+ """
+ Determine how this copy of Medusa was installed.
+ :return: type of installation. Possible values are:
+ 'docker': any docker build
+ 'git': running from source using git
+ 'source': running from source without git
+ """
+ if self.runs_in_docker():
+ return DockerUpdateManager()
+ elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, u'.git')):
+ return GitUpdateManager()
+ return SourceUpdateManager()
+ def check_for_new_version(self, force=False):
+ """
+ Check the internet for a newer version.
+ :force: if true the VERSION_NOTIFY setting will be ignored and a check will be forced
+ :return: bool, True for new version or False for no new version.
+ """
+ if not self.updater or (not app.VERSION_NOTIFY and not app.AUTO_UPDATE and not force):
+ log.info(u'Version checking is disabled, not checking for the newest version')
+ return False
+ # checking for updates
+ if not app.AUTO_UPDATE:
+ log.info(u'Checking for updates using {0}', self.updater)
+ if not self.updater.need_update():
+ if force:
+ ui.notifications.message('No update needed')
+ log.info(u'No update needed')
+ # no updates needed
+ return False
+ # found updates
+ return self.updater.can_update()
+ def check_for_new_news(self, force=False):
+ """
+ Check GitHub for the latest news.
+ :return: unicode, a copy of the news
+ :force: ignored
+ """
+ # Grab a copy of the news
+ log.debug(u'Checking GitHub for latest news.')
+ response = self.session.get(app.NEWS_URL)
+ if not response or not response.text:
+ log.debug(u'Could not load news from URL: {0}', app.NEWS_URL)
+ return
+ try:
+ last_read = datetime.datetime.strptime(app.NEWS_LAST_READ, '%Y-%m-%d')
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning(u'Invalid news last read date: {0}', app.NEWS_LAST_READ)
+ last_read = 0
+ news = response.text
+ app.NEWS_UNREAD = 0
+ got_latest = False
+ for match in re.finditer(r'^####\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\s*####', news, re.M):
+ if not got_latest:
+ got_latest = True
+ app.NEWS_LATEST = match.group(1)
+ try:
+ if datetime.datetime.strptime(match.group(1), '%Y-%m-%d') > last_read:
+ app.NEWS_UNREAD += 1
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning(u'Unable to match latest news date. Repository news date: {0}', match.group(1))
+ pass
+ return news
+ def need_update(self):
+ if self.updater:
+ return self.updater.need_update()
+ def update(self):
+ if self.updater:
+ # update branch with current config branch value
+ self.updater.branch = app.BRANCH
+ # check for updates
+ if self.updater.need_update():
+ return self.updater.update()
+ def list_remote_branches(self):
+ if self.updater:
+ app.GIT_REMOTE_BRANCHES = self.updater.list_remote_branches()
+ def get_branch(self):
+ if self.updater:
+ return self.updater.branch
+ @staticmethod
+ def runs_in_docker():
+ """
+ Check if Medusa is run in a docker container.
+ If run in a container, we don't want to use the auto update feature, but just want to inform the user
+ there is an update available. The user can update through getting the latest docker tag.
+ """
+ if app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER is not None:
+ return app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER
+ path = '/proc/{pid}/cgroup'.format(pid=os.getpid())
+ try:
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ return False
+ with open(path) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if re.match(r'\d+:[\w=]+:/docker(-[ce]e)?/\w+', line):
+ log.debug(u'Running in a docker container')
+ app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER = True
+ return True
+ return False
+ except (EnvironmentError, OSError) as error:
+ log.info(u'Tried to check the path {path} if we are running in a docker container, '
+ u'but an error occurred: {error}', {'path': path, 'error': error})
+ return False
diff --git a/medusa/version_checker.py b/medusa/version_checker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a53cf8d3d8..0000000000
--- a/medusa/version_checker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1048 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-# Author: Nic Wolfe
-# This file is part of Medusa.
-# Medusa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Medusa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Medusa. If not, see .
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import datetime
-import logging
-import os
-import platform
-import re
-import shutil
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import tarfile
-import time
-from builtins import object
-from builtins import str
-from logging import DEBUG, WARNING
-from github import GithubException
-from medusa import app, db, helpers, notifiers, ui
-from medusa.github_client import get_github_repo
-from medusa.logger.adapters.style import BraceAdapter
-from medusa.session.core import MedusaSafeSession
-ERROR_MESSAGE = ('Unable to find your git executable. Set git executable path in Advanced Settings '
- 'OR shutdown application and delete your .git folder and run from source to enable updates.')
-log = BraceAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
-class CheckVersion(object):
- """Version check class meant to run as a thread object with the sr scheduler."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.updater = None
- self.install_type = None
- self.amActive = False
- self.install_type = self.find_install_type()
- if self.install_type == 'git':
- self.updater = GitUpdateManager()
- elif self.install_type == 'source':
- self.updater = SourceUpdateManager()
- self.session = MedusaSafeSession()
- def run(self, force=False):
- self.amActive = True
- # Update remote branches and store in app.GIT_REMOTE_BRANCHES
- self.list_remote_branches()
- if self.updater:
- # set current branch version
- app.BRANCH = self.get_branch()
- if self.check_for_new_version(force):
- if app.AUTO_UPDATE:
- log.info(u'New update found, starting auto-updater ...')
- ui.notifications.message('New update found, starting auto-updater')
- if self.run_backup_if_safe():
- if app.version_check_scheduler.action.update():
- log.info(u'Update was successful!')
- ui.notifications.message('Update was successful')
- app.events.put(app.events.SystemEvent.RESTART)
- else:
- log.info(u'Update failed!')
- ui.notifications.message('Update failed!')
- self.check_for_new_news(force)
- self.amActive = False
- def run_backup_if_safe(self):
- return self.safe_to_update() is True and self._runbackup() is True
- def _runbackup(self):
- # Do a system backup before update
- log.info(u'Config backup in progress...')
- ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup in progress...')
- try:
- backupDir = os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.BACKUP_DIR)
- if not os.path.isdir(backupDir):
- os.mkdir(backupDir)
- if self._keeplatestbackup(backupDir) and self._backup(backupDir):
- log.info(u'Config backup successful, updating...')
- ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup successful, updating...')
- return True
- else:
- log.warning(u'Config backup failed, aborting update')
- ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup failed, aborting update')
- return False
- except Exception as e:
- log.error(u'Update: Config backup failed. Error: {0!r}', e)
- ui.notifications.message('Backup', 'Config backup failed, aborting update')
- return False
- @staticmethod
- def _keeplatestbackup(backupDir=None):
- if not backupDir:
- return False
- import glob
- files = glob.glob(os.path.join(backupDir, '*.zip'))
- if not files:
- return True
- now = time.time()
- newest = files[0], now - os.path.getctime(files[0])
- for f in files[1:]:
- age = now - os.path.getctime(f)
- if age < newest[1]:
- newest = f, age
- files.remove(newest[0])
- for f in files:
- os.remove(f)
- return True
- # TODO: Merge with backup in helpers
- @staticmethod
- def _backup(backupDir=None):
- if not backupDir:
- return False
- source = [
- os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.APPLICATION_DB),
- os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.FAILED_DB),
- os.path.join(app.DATA_DIR, app.CACHE_DB)
- ]
- target = os.path.join(backupDir, app.BACKUP_FILENAME.format(timestamp=time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')))
- for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(app.CACHE_DIR, topdown=True):
- for dirname in dirs:
- if path == app.CACHE_DIR and dirname not in ['images']:
- dirs.remove(dirname)
- for filename in files:
- source.append(os.path.join(path, filename))
- return helpers.backup_config_zip(source, target, app.DATA_DIR)
- def safe_to_update(self):
- def db_safe(self):
- message = {
- 'equal': {
- 'type': DEBUG,
- 'text': u'We can proceed with the update. New update has same DB version'},
- 'upgrade': {
- 'type': WARNING,
- 'text': u"We can't proceed with the update. New update has a new DB version. Please manually update"},
- 'downgrade': {
- 'type': WARNING,
- 'text': u"We can't proceed with the update. New update has a old DB version. It's not possible to downgrade"},
- }
- try:
- result = self.getDBcompare()
- if result in message:
- log.log(message[result]['type'], message[result]['text']) # unpack the result message into a log entry
- else:
- log.warning(u"We can't proceed with the update. Unable to check remote DB version. Error: {0}", result)
- return result in ['equal'] # add future True results to the list
- except Exception as error:
- log.error(u"We can't proceed with the update. Unable to compare DB version. Error: {0!r}", error)
- return False
- def postprocessor_safe():
- if not app.auto_post_processor_scheduler.action.amActive:
- log.debug(u'We can proceed with the update. Post-Processor is not running')
- return True
- else:
- log.debug(u"We can't proceed with the update. Post-Processor is running")
- return False
- def showupdate_safe():
- if not app.show_update_scheduler.action.amActive:
- log.debug(u'We can proceed with the update. Shows are not being updated')
- return True
- else:
- log.debug(u"We can't proceed with the update. Shows are being updated")
- return False
- db_safe = db_safe(self)
- postprocessor_safe = postprocessor_safe()
- showupdate_safe = showupdate_safe()
- if db_safe and postprocessor_safe and showupdate_safe:
- log.debug(u'Proceeding with auto update')
- return True
- else:
- log.debug(u'Auto update aborted')
- return False
- def getDBcompare(self):
- """
- Compare the current DB version with the new branch version.
- :return: 'upgrade', 'equal', or 'downgrade'
- """
- try:
- self.updater.need_update()
- cur_hash = str(self.updater.get_newest_commit_hash())
- assert len(cur_hash) == 40, 'Commit hash wrong length: {length} hash: {hash}'.format(
- length=len(cur_hash), hash=cur_hash)
- check_url = 'http://rawcdn.githack.com/{org}/{repo}/{commit}/medusa/databases/main_db.py'.format(
- org=app.GIT_ORG, repo=app.GIT_REPO, commit=cur_hash)
- response = self.session.get(check_url)
- # Get remote DB version
- match_max_db = re.search(r'MAX_DB_VERSION\s*=\s*(?P\d{2,3})', response.text)
- new_branch_major_db_version = int(match_max_db.group('version')) if match_max_db else None
- match_minor_db = re.search(r'CURRENT_MINOR_DB_VERSION\s*=\s*(?P\d{1,2})', response.text)
- new_branch_min_db_version = int(match_minor_db.group('version')) if match_minor_db else None
- # Check local DB version
- main_db_con = db.DBConnection()
- cur_branch_major_db_version, cur_branch_minor_db_version = main_db_con.checkDBVersion()
- if any([cur_branch_major_db_version is None, cur_branch_minor_db_version is None,
- new_branch_major_db_version is None, new_branch_min_db_version is None]):
- return 'Could not compare database versions, aborting'
- if new_branch_major_db_version > cur_branch_major_db_version:
- return 'upgrade'
- elif new_branch_major_db_version == cur_branch_major_db_version:
- if new_branch_min_db_version < cur_branch_minor_db_version:
- return 'downgrade'
- elif new_branch_min_db_version > cur_branch_minor_db_version:
- return 'upgrade'
- return 'equal'
- else:
- return 'downgrade'
- except Exception as e:
- return repr(e)
- @staticmethod
- def find_install_type():
- """
- Determines how this copy of sr was installed.
- :return: type of installation. Possible values are:
- 'win': any compiled windows build
- 'git': running from source using git
- 'source': running from source without git
- """
- # check if we're a windows build
- if app.BRANCH.startswith('build '):
- install_type = 'win'
- elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, u'.git')):
- install_type = 'git'
- else:
- install_type = 'source'
- return install_type
- def check_for_new_version(self, force=False):
- """
- Check the internet for a newer version.
- :force: if true the VERSION_NOTIFY setting will be ignored and a check will be forced
- :return: bool, True for new version or False for no new version.
- """
- if not self.updater or (not app.VERSION_NOTIFY and not app.AUTO_UPDATE and not force):
- log.info(u'Version checking is disabled, not checking for the newest version')
- return False
- # checking for updates
- if not app.AUTO_UPDATE:
- log.info(u'Checking for updates using {0}', self.install_type.upper())
- if not self.updater.need_update():
- if force:
- ui.notifications.message('No update needed')
- log.info(u'No update needed')
- # no updates needed
- return False
- # found updates
- self.updater.set_newest_text()
- return self.updater.can_update()
- def check_for_new_news(self, force=False):
- """
- Check GitHub for the latest news.
- :return: unicode, a copy of the news
- :force: ignored
- """
- # Grab a copy of the news
- log.debug(u'Checking GitHub for latest news.')
- response = self.session.get(app.NEWS_URL)
- if not response or not response.text:
- log.debug(u'Could not load news from URL: {0}', app.NEWS_URL)
- return
- try:
- last_read = datetime.datetime.strptime(app.NEWS_LAST_READ, '%Y-%m-%d')
- except ValueError:
- log.warning(u'Invalid news last read date: {0}', app.NEWS_LAST_READ)
- last_read = 0
- news = response.text
- app.NEWS_UNREAD = 0
- got_latest = False
- for match in re.finditer(r'^####\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\s*####', news, re.M):
- if not got_latest:
- got_latest = True
- app.NEWS_LATEST = match.group(1)
- try:
- if datetime.datetime.strptime(match.group(1), '%Y-%m-%d') > last_read:
- app.NEWS_UNREAD += 1
- except ValueError:
- log.warning(u'Unable to match latest news date. Repository news date: {0}', match.group(1))
- pass
- return news
- def need_update(self):
- if self.updater:
- return self.updater.need_update()
- def update(self):
- if self.updater:
- # update branch with current config branch value
- self.updater.branch = app.BRANCH
- # check for updates
- if self.updater.need_update():
- return self.updater.update()
- def list_remote_branches(self):
- if self.updater:
- app.GIT_REMOTE_BRANCHES = self.updater.list_remote_branches()
- def get_branch(self):
- if self.updater:
- return self.updater.branch
-class UpdateManager(object):
- def __init__(self):
- """Update manager initialization."""
- # Initialize the app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER variable
- self.runs_in_docker()
- @staticmethod
- def get_github_org():
- return app.GIT_ORG
- @staticmethod
- def get_github_repo():
- return app.GIT_REPO
- @staticmethod
- def get_update_url():
- return app.WEB_ROOT + '/home/update/?pid=' + str(app.PID)
- @staticmethod
- def runs_in_docker():
- """
- Check if Medusa is run in a docker container.
- If run in a container, we don't want to use the auto update feature, but just want to inform the user
- there is an update available. The user can update through getting the latest docker tag.
- """
- if app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER is not None:
- return app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER
- path = '/proc/{pid}/cgroup'.format(pid=os.getpid())
- try:
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- return False
- with open(path) as f:
- for line in f:
- if re.match(r'\d+:[\w=]+:/docker(-[ce]e)?/\w+', line):
- log.debug(u'Running in a docker container')
- app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER = True
- return True
- return False
- except (EnvironmentError, OSError) as error:
- log.info(u'Tried to check the path {path} if we are running in a docker container, '
- u'but an error occurred: {error}', {'path': path, 'error': error})
- return False
- def set_newest_text_docker(self):
- """
- Set an alternative update text, when running in a docker container.
- This method is used by the GitUpdateMananager and the SourceUpdateManager. Both should not auto update from
- within the container.
- """
- if app.RUNS_IN_DOCKER and (not self._cur_commit_hash or self._num_commits_behind > 0):
- log.debug(u'There is an update available, Medusa is running in a docker container, so auto updating is disabled.')
- app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = 'There is an update available: please pull the latest docker image, ' \
- 'and rebuild your container to update'
- return True
- return False
-class GitUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
- def __init__(self):
- super(GitUpdateManager, self).__init__()
- self._git_path = self._find_working_git()
- self.github_org = self.get_github_org()
- self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
- self.branch = app.BRANCH = self._find_installed_branch()
- self._cur_commit_hash = None
- self._newest_commit_hash = None
- self._num_commits_behind = 0
- self._num_commits_ahead = 0
- self._cur_version = ''
- def get_cur_commit_hash(self):
- return self._cur_commit_hash
- def get_newest_commit_hash(self):
- return self._newest_commit_hash
- def get_cur_version(self):
- if self._cur_commit_hash or self._find_installed_version():
- self._cur_version = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'describe --tags --abbrev=0 {0}'.format(self._cur_commit_hash))[0]
- return self._cur_version
- def get_newest_version(self):
- if self._newest_commit_hash:
- self._cur_version = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'describe --tags --abbrev=0 ' + self._newest_commit_hash)[0]
- else:
- self._cur_version = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'describe --tags --abbrev=0 ' + self._cur_commit_hash)[0]
- return self._cur_version
- def get_num_commits_behind(self):
- return self._num_commits_behind
- def get_num_commits_ahead(self):
- return self._num_commits_ahead
- def _find_working_git(self):
- test_cmd = 'version'
- if app.GIT_PATH:
- main_git = '"' + app.GIT_PATH + '"'
- else:
- main_git = 'git'
- log.debug(u'Checking if we can use git commands: {0} {1}', main_git, test_cmd)
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(main_git, test_cmd)
- if exit_status == 0:
- log.debug(u'Using: {0}', main_git)
- return main_git
- else:
- log.debug(u'Not using: {0}', main_git)
- # trying alternatives
- alternative_git = []
- # osx people who start sr from launchd have a broken path, so try a hail-mary attempt for them
- if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin':
- alternative_git.append('/usr/local/git/bin/git')
- if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
- if main_git != main_git.lower():
- alternative_git.append(main_git.lower())
- if alternative_git:
- log.debug(u'Trying known alternative git locations')
- for cur_git in alternative_git:
- log.debug(u'Checking if we can use git commands: {0} {1}', cur_git, test_cmd)
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(cur_git, test_cmd)
- if exit_status == 0:
- log.debug(u'Using: {0}', cur_git)
- return cur_git
- else:
- log.debug(u'Not using: {0}', cur_git)
- # Still haven't found a working git
- # Warn user only if he has version check enabled
- return None
- @staticmethod
- def _run_git(git_path, args):
- output = err = exit_status = None
- if not git_path:
- log.warning(u"No git specified, can't use git commands")
- exit_status = 1
- return output, err, exit_status
- # If we have a valid git remove the git warning
- # String will be updated as soon we check github
- cmd = git_path + ' ' + args
- try:
- log.debug(u'Executing {cmd} with your shell in {dir}', {'cmd': cmd, 'dir': app.PROG_DIR})
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- shell=True, cwd=app.PROG_DIR)
- output, err = p.communicate()
- exit_status = p.returncode
- # Convert bytes to string in python3
- if isinstance(output, (bytes, bytearray)):
- output = output.decode('utf-8')
- if output:
- output = output.strip()
- except OSError:
- log.info(u"Command {cmd} didn't work", {'cmd': cmd})
- exit_status = 1
- if exit_status == 0:
- log.debug(u'{cmd} : returned successful', {'cmd': cmd})
- exit_status = 0
- elif exit_status == 1:
- if output:
- if 'stash' in output:
- log.warning(u"Enable 'git reset' in settings or stash your changes in local files")
- else:
- log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
- else:
- log.warning(u'{cmd} returned no data', {'cmd': cmd})
- exit_status = 1
- elif exit_status == 128 or 'fatal:' in output or err:
- log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
- exit_status = 128
- else:
- log.warning(u'{cmd} returned : {output}. Treat as error for now', {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output})
- exit_status = 1
- return output, err, exit_status
- def _find_installed_version(self):
- """Attempt to find the currently installed version of the application.
- Uses git show to get commit version.
- :return: True for success or False for failure
- """
- output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse HEAD') # @UnusedVariable
- if exit_status == 0 and output:
- cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
- if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
- log.warning(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it")
- return False
- self._cur_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
- app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = str(cur_commit_hash)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def _find_installed_branch(self):
- branch_info, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'symbolic-ref -q HEAD') # @UnusedVariable
- if exit_status == 0 and branch_info:
- branch = branch_info.strip().replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
- if branch:
- app.BRANCH = branch
- return branch
- return ''
- def _check_github_for_update(self):
- """
- Uses git commands to check if there is a newer version that the provided
- commit hash. If there is a newer version it sets _num_commits_behind.
- """
- self._num_commits_behind = 0
- self._num_commits_ahead = 0
- # update remote origin url
- self.update_remote_origin()
- # get all new info from github
- output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'fetch --prune %s' % app.GIT_REMOTE)
- if not exit_status == 0:
- log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update")
- return
- # get latest commit_hash from remote
- output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse --verify --quiet "@{upstream}"')
- if exit_status == 0 and output:
- cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
- if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
- log.debug(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it")
- return
- else:
- self._newest_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
- else:
- log.debug(u"git didn't return newest commit hash")
- return
- # get number of commits behind and ahead (option --count not supported git < 1.7.2)
- output, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-list --left-right "@{upstream}"...HEAD')
- if exit_status == 0 and output:
- try:
- self._num_commits_behind = int(output.count('<'))
- self._num_commits_ahead = int(output.count('>'))
- except Exception:
- log.debug(u"git didn't return numbers for behind and ahead, not using it")
- return
- log.debug(u'cur_commit = {0}, newest_commit = {1}, num_commits_behind = {2}, num_commits_ahead = {3}',
- self._cur_commit_hash, self._newest_commit_hash, self._num_commits_behind, self._num_commits_ahead)
- def set_newest_text(self):
- # if we're up to date then don't set this
- if self.set_newest_text_docker():
- return
- if self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._is_hard_reset_allowed():
- base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo
- if self._newest_commit_hash:
- url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
- else:
- url = base_url + '/commits/'
- newest_text = 'There is a newer version available '
- newest_text += " (you're " + str(self._num_commits_behind) + ' commit'
- if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
- newest_text += 's'
- newest_text += ' behind'
- if self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
- newest_text += ' and {ahead} commit{s} ahead'.format(ahead=self._num_commits_ahead,
- s='s' if self._num_commits_ahead > 1 else '')
- newest_text += ') — Update Now'
- elif self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
- newest_text = u'Local branch is ahead of {0}. Automatic update not possible'.format(self.branch)
- log.warning(newest_text)
- else:
- return
- app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
- def need_update(self):
- if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
- log.debug(u'Branch checkout: {0}->{1}', self._find_installed_branch(), self.branch)
- return True
- self._find_installed_version()
- if not self._cur_commit_hash:
- return True
- else:
- try:
- self._check_github_for_update()
- except Exception as e:
- log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", e)
- return False
- if self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
- return True
- return False
- def can_update(self):
- """Return whether update can be executed.
- :return:
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._num_commits_ahead <= 0 or self._is_hard_reset_allowed()
- def update(self):
- """Call git pull origin in order to update the application.
- Returns a bool depending on the call's success.
- """
- # update remote origin url
- self.update_remote_origin()
- # remove untracked files and performs a hard reset on git branch to avoid update issues
- if self._is_hard_reset_allowed():
- self.reset()
- # Executing git clean before updating
- self.clean()
- if self.branch == self._find_installed_branch():
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'pull -f %s %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, self.branch)) # @UnusedVariable
- else:
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'checkout -f ' + self.branch) # @UnusedVariable
- # Executing git clean after updating
- self.clean()
- if exit_status == 0:
- self._find_installed_version()
- # Notify update successful
- try:
- notifiers.notify_git_update(app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH or '')
- except Exception:
- log.debug(u'Unable to send update notification. Continuing the update process')
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @staticmethod
- def _is_hard_reset_allowed():
- """Return whether git hard reset is allowed or not.
- :return:
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return app.GIT_RESET and (not app.GIT_RESET_BRANCHES or
- def clean(self):
- """Call git clean to remove all untracked files.
- It only affects source folders and libX and extX folders,
- to prevent deleting untracked user data not known by .gitignore
- :return:
- :rtype: int
- """
- # Fixes: goo.gl/tr8Awf - to be removed in the next release
- root_dir = os.path.basename(app.PROG_DIR)
- helper_folder = os.path.join(root_dir, 'helper')
- helpers_folder = os.path.join(root_dir, 'helpers')
- folders = (app.LIB_FOLDER, app.LIB2_FOLDER, app.LIB3_FOLDER, app.EXT_FOLDER,
- helper_folder, helpers_folder) + app.LEGACY_SRC_FOLDERS
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'clean -d -f -x {0}'.format(' '.join(folders)))
- return exit_status
- def reset(self):
- """
- Calls git reset --hard to perform a hard reset. Returns a bool depending
- on the call's success.
- """
- _, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'reset --hard {0}/{1}'.format
- (app.GIT_REMOTE, app.BRANCH)) # @UnusedVariable
- if exit_status == 0:
- return True
- def list_remote_branches(self):
- # update remote origin url
- self.update_remote_origin()
- app.BRANCH = self._find_installed_branch()
- branches, _, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'ls-remote --heads %s' % app.GIT_REMOTE) # @UnusedVariable
- if exit_status == 0 and branches:
- if branches:
- return re.findall(r'refs/heads/(.*)', branches)
- return []
- def update_remote_origin(self):
- self._run_git(self._git_path, 'config remote.%s.url %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, app.GIT_REMOTE_URL))
- self._run_git(self._git_path, 'config remote.%s.pushurl %s' % (app.GIT_REMOTE, app.GIT_REMOTE_URL))
-class SourceUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
- def __init__(self):
- super(SourceUpdateManager, self).__init__()
- self.github_org = self.get_github_org()
- self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
- self.branch = app.BRANCH
- if app.BRANCH == '':
- self.branch = self._find_installed_branch()
- self._cur_commit_hash = app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH
- self._newest_commit_hash = None
- self._num_commits_behind = 0
- self._num_commits_ahead = 0
- self.session = MedusaSafeSession()
- @staticmethod
- def _find_installed_branch():
- return app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH if app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH else 'master'
- def get_cur_commit_hash(self):
- return self._cur_commit_hash
- def get_newest_commit_hash(self):
- return self._newest_commit_hash
- @staticmethod
- def get_cur_version():
- return ''
- @staticmethod
- def get_newest_version():
- return ''
- def get_num_commits_behind(self):
- return self._num_commits_behind
- def get_num_commits_ahead(self):
- return self._num_commits_ahead
- def need_update(self):
- # need this to run first to set self._newest_commit_hash
- try:
- self._check_github_for_update()
- except Exception as error:
- log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", error)
- return False
- if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
- log.debug(u'Branch checkout: {0}->{1}', self._find_installed_branch(), self.branch)
- return True
- if not self._cur_commit_hash or self._num_commits_behind > 0 or self._num_commits_ahead > 0:
- return True
- return False
- def can_update(self):
- """Whether or not the update can be performed.
- :return:
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return True
- def _check_github_for_update(self):
- """Use pygithub to ask github if there is a newer version..
- If there is a newer version it sets application's version text.
- commit_hash: hash that we're checking against
- """
- self._num_commits_behind = 0
- self._newest_commit_hash = None
- gh = get_github_repo(app.GIT_ORG, app.GIT_REPO)
- # try to get newest commit hash and commits behind directly by comparing branch and current commit
- if self._cur_commit_hash:
- try:
- branch_compared = gh.compare(base=self.branch, head=self._cur_commit_hash)
- self._newest_commit_hash = branch_compared.base_commit.sha
- self._num_commits_behind = branch_compared.behind_by
- self._num_commits_ahead = branch_compared.ahead_by
- except Exception: # UnknownObjectException
- self._newest_commit_hash = ''
- self._num_commits_behind = 0
- self._num_commits_ahead = 0
- self._cur_commit_hash = ''
- # fall back and iterate over last 100 (items per page in gh_api) commits
- if not self._newest_commit_hash:
- for curCommit in gh.get_commits():
- if not self._newest_commit_hash:
- self._newest_commit_hash = curCommit.sha
- if not self._cur_commit_hash:
- break
- if curCommit.sha == self._cur_commit_hash:
- break
- # when _cur_commit_hash doesn't match anything _num_commits_behind == 100
- self._num_commits_behind += 1
- log.debug(u'cur_commit = {0}, newest_commit = {1}, num_commits_behind = {2}',
- self._cur_commit_hash, self._newest_commit_hash, self._num_commits_behind)
- def set_newest_text(self):
- # if we're up to date then don't set this
- if self.set_newest_text_docker():
- return
- if not self._cur_commit_hash:
- log.debug(u"Unknown current version number, don't know if we should update or not")
- newest_text = "Unknown current version number: If you've never used the application " \
- 'upgrade system before then current version is not set. ' \
- '— Update Now'
- elif self._num_commits_behind > 0:
- base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo
- if self._newest_commit_hash:
- url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
- else:
- url = base_url + '/commits/'
- newest_text = 'There is a newer version available'
- newest_text += " (you're " + str(self._num_commits_behind) + ' commit'
- if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
- newest_text += 's'
- newest_text += ' behind) — Update Now'
- else:
- return
- app.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
- def update(self):
- """
- Downloads the latest source tarball from github and installs it over the existing version.
- """
- tar_download_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_org + '/' + self.github_repo + '/tarball/' + self.branch
- try:
- # prepare the update dir
- app_update_dir = os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, u'sr-update')
- if os.path.isdir(app_update_dir):
- log.info(u'Clearing out update folder {0!r} before extracting', app_update_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(app_update_dir)
- log.info(u'Clearing update folder {0!r} before extracting', app_update_dir)
- os.makedirs(app_update_dir)
- # retrieve file
- log.info(u'Downloading update from {0!r}', tar_download_url)
- tar_download_path = os.path.join(app_update_dir, u'sr-update.tar')
- helpers.download_file(tar_download_url, tar_download_path, session=self.session)
- if not os.path.isfile(tar_download_path):
- log.warning(u"Unable to retrieve new version from {0!r}, can't update", tar_download_url)
- return False
- if not tarfile.is_tarfile(tar_download_path):
- log.warning(u"Retrieved version from {0!r} is corrupt, can't update", tar_download_url)
- return False
- # extract to sr-update dir
- log.info(u'Extracting file {0}', tar_download_path)
- tar = tarfile.open(tar_download_path)
- tar.extractall(app_update_dir)
- tar.close()
- # delete .tar.gz
- log.info(u'Deleting file {0}', tar_download_path)
- os.remove(tar_download_path)
- # find update dir name
- update_dir_contents = [x for x in os.listdir(app_update_dir) if
- os.path.isdir(os.path.join(app_update_dir, x))]
- if len(update_dir_contents) != 1:
- log.warning(u'Invalid update data, update failed: {0}', update_dir_contents)
- return False
- content_dir = os.path.join(app_update_dir, update_dir_contents[0])
- # walk temp folder and move files to main folder
- log.info(u'Moving files from {0} to {1}', content_dir, app.PROG_DIR)
- for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(content_dir): # @UnusedVariable
- dirname = dirname[len(content_dir) + 1:]
- for curfile in filenames:
- old_path = os.path.join(content_dir, dirname, curfile)
- new_path = os.path.join(app.PROG_DIR, dirname, curfile)
- # Avoid DLL access problem on WIN32/64
- # These files needing to be updated manually
- # or find a way to kill the access from memory
- extension = os.path.splitext(curfile)[1]
- if extension == '.dll':
- try:
- log.debug(u'Special handling for {0}', curfile)
- os.chmod(new_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
- os.remove(new_path)
- os.renames(old_path, new_path)
- except Exception as e:
- log.debug(u'Unable to update {0}: {1!r}', new_path, e)
- os.remove(old_path) # Trash the updated file without moving in new path
- continue
- if os.path.isfile(new_path):
- os.remove(new_path)
- os.renames(old_path, new_path)
- app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = self._newest_commit_hash
- app.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH = self.branch
- except Exception as e:
- log.exception(u'Error while trying to update: {0}', e)
- return False
- # Notify update successful
- try:
- notifiers.notify_git_update(app.CUR_COMMIT_HASH or '')
- except Exception:
- log.debug(u'Unable to send update notification. Continuing the update process')
- return True
- @staticmethod
- def list_remote_branches():
- try:
- gh = get_github_repo(app.GIT_ORG, app.GIT_REPO)
- return [x.name for x in gh.get_branches() if x]
- except GithubException as error:
- log.warning(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: {0!r}", error)
- return []
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 9cbeccdc5e..076ba10789 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -173,7 +173,12 @@ flake8-ignore =
medusa/themes/__init__.py F401
medusa/tv/__init__.py D104 F401
medusa/ui.py D100 D101 D102 D200 D202 D204 D205 D400 D401 E305 N802 N803 N806
- medusa/version_checker.py D100 D101 D102 D200 D202 D205 D400 D401 N802 N803 N806
+ medusa/updater/__init__.py D104
+ medusa/updater/docker_updater.py D100 D101 D102 D105
+ medusa/updater/github_updater.py D100 D101 D102 D105
+ medusa/updater/source_updater.py D100 D101 D102 D105
+ medusa/updater/update_manager.py D100 D101 D102
+ medusa/updater/version_checker.py D100 D101 D102 N802 N803 N806
setup.py D200 D400
tests/__init__.py D104
tests/*.py D101 D102 D103
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 4866f7e9dc..d6e41f2fb1 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -20,11 +20,10 @@
from medusa.logger import read_loglines as logger_read_loglines
from medusa.providers.generic_provider import GenericProvider
from medusa.tv import Episode, Series
-from medusa.version_checker import CheckVersion
+from medusa.updater.version_checker import CheckVersion
from mock.mock import Mock
import pytest
-import six
from six import iteritems, text_type
from subliminal.subtitle import Subtitle
from subliminal.video import Video