from typing import TypeVar from typing import Type from typing import List from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from typing import Any from typing import NoReturn from typing import Callable from typing import ClassVar from typing import Set from typing import Sequence from typing import cast from typing import Union from typing import NewType from typing import Generic from typing import overload # from typing import Protocol # from typing import runtime from abc import ABCMeta from abc import abstractmethod if __name__ == '__main__': __name__ = 'pyksp.new_base_types' from .new_abstract import KspObject from .new_abstract import NameBase from .new_abstract import NameVar from .new_abstract import AstRoot from .new_abstract import AstString from .new_abstract import AstBase from .new_abstract import HasInit from .new_abstract import KSP T = TypeVar('T') KT = TypeVar('KT', int, float, str) KVT = TypeVar('KVT', bound='KspVar') NT = TypeVar('NT', int, float) # AT = TypeVar('AT', bound='KspVar[KT]') ATU = Union['KspVar[KT]', 'AstBase[KT]', 'Magic[KT]', KT] STU = Union['KspVar[KT]', 'AstBase[KT]', 'Magic[KT]', str] NTU = Union['KspVar[NT]', 'AstBase[NT]', 'ProcessNum[NT]', NT] NotVarNTU = Union['AstBase[NT]', 'ProcessNum[NT]', NT] @overload def get_value(value: ATU[int]) -> int: ... @overload def get_value(value: ATU[str]) -> str: ... @overload def get_value(value: ATU[float]) -> float: ... def get_value(value: ATU[KT]) -> KT: if isinstance(value, (int, str, float)): return value if isinstance(value, KspVar): return value._value if isinstance(value, AstBase): return value.get_value() raise TypeError(f"Can't infer type of {value}") @overload def get_compiled(value: ATU[int]) -> str: ... @overload def get_compiled(value: ATU[str]) -> str: ... @overload def get_compiled(value: ATU[float]) -> str: ... def get_compiled(value: ATU[KT]) -> str: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return f'{value}' if isinstance(value, str): return f'"{value}"' if isinstance(value, KspVar): return if isinstance(value, AstBase): return value.expand() raise TypeError(f"Can't infer type of {value}") class Magic(KSP, Generic[KT]): ... class ConcatsStrings(Magic[str]): def __add__(self, other: STU) -> 'AstConcatString': ... def __radd__(self, other: STU) -> 'AstConcatString': ... def __iadd__(self: T, other: STU) -> T: ... class AstConcatString(AstBase[str], ConcatsStrings): def expand(self) -> str: ... def get_value(self) -> str: ... FT = TypeVar('FT', bound=Callable[..., Any]) def ducktype_num_magic(method: FT) -> FT: def wrpapper(self: 'ProcessNum[NT]', other: NTU[NT]) -> Any: other = self._check_for_int(other) # type: ignore value = get_value(other) if not isinstance(value, self._ref_type): raise TypeError( f'incompatible type: {type(other)}' + f'-> {NTU[self._ref_type]}') # type: ignore return method(self, other) return cast(FT, wrpapper) class ProcessNum(Magic[NT], Generic[NT]): _ref_type: Type[NT] def _check_for_int(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> Union[NTU[NT], float]: if isinstance(other, int) and issubclass(self._ref_type, float): return float(other) return other def __neg__(self) -> 'AstNeg[NT]': return AstNeg(self) def __invert__(self) -> 'AstNot[NT]': return AstNot(self) @ducktype_num_magic def __add__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstAdd[NT]': return AstAdd(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __radd__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstAdd[NT]': return AstAdd(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __sub__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstSub[NT]': return AstSub(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rsub__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstSub[NT]': return AstSub(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __mul__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstMul[NT]': return AstMul(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rmul__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstMul[NT]': return AstMul(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __truediv__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstDiv[NT]': return AstDiv(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rtruediv__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstDiv[NT]': return AstDiv(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __mod__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstMod[NT]': return AstMod(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rmod__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstMod[NT]': return AstMod(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __pow__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstPow[NT]': return AstPow(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rpow__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstPow[NT]': return AstPow(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __and__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstAnd[NT]': return AstAnd(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __rand__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstAnd[NT]': return AstAnd(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __or__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstOr[NT]': return AstOr(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __ror__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstOr[NT]': return AstOr(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __eq__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstEq[NT]': return AstEq(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __ne__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstNe[NT]': return AstNe(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __lt__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstLt[NT]': return AstLt(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __gt__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstGt[NT]': return AstGt(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __le__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstLe[NT]': return AstLe(self, other) @ducktype_num_magic def __ge__(self, other: NTU[NT]) -> 'AstGe[NT]': return AstGe(self, other) def __abs__(self) -> 'AstAbs[NT]': return AstAbs(self) def __int__(self) -> 'AstInt[NT]': if not issubclass(self._ref_type, float): raise TypeError('availble only for KSP float expression') return AstInt(self) def __float__(self) -> 'AstFloat[NT]': if not issubclass(self._ref_type, int): raise TypeError('availble only for KSP int expression') return AstFloat(self) class AstOperator(AstBase[NT], ProcessNum[NT]): arg1: NTU[NT] arg2: Optional[NTU[NT]] string: ClassVar[str] priority: ClassVar[int] class AstOperatorUnary(AstOperator[NT]): def __init__(self, arg1: NTU[NT]) -> None: self.arg1 = arg1 self.arg1_pure: NT = get_value(arg1) self.arg1_str: str = get_compiled(arg1) class AstOperatorUnaryStandart(AstOperatorUnary[NT]): def expand(self) -> str: return f'{self.string}{self.arg1_str}' class AstOperatorDouble(AstOperatorUnary[NT]): def __init__(self, arg1: NTU[NT], arg2: NTU[NT]) -> None: self.arg1 = arg1 self.arg1_pure: NT = get_value(arg1) self.arg1_str: str = get_compiled(arg1) self.arg2 = arg2 self.arg2_pure: NT = get_value(arg2) self.arg2_str: str = get_compiled(arg2) class AstOperatorDoubleStandart(AstOperatorDouble[NT]): def _expand_with_string(self, string: str) -> str: pr: List[int] = list() for arg in (self.arg1, self.arg2): if isinstance(arg, AstOperator): pr.append(arg.priority) continue pr.append(0) if self.priority <= pr[1]: self.arg2_str = f'({self.arg2_str})' if self.priority < pr[0]: self.arg1_str = f'({self.arg1_str})' return f'{self.arg1_str} {string} {self.arg2_str}' def expand(self) -> str: return self._expand_with_string(self.string) class AstOperatorUnaryeBracket(AstOperatorUnary[NT]): def expand(self) -> str: return f'{self.string}({self.arg1_str})' class AstOperatorDoubleBracket(AstOperatorDouble[NT]): def expand(self) -> str: return f'{self.string}({self.arg1_str}, {self.arg2_str})' class AstBool(AstBase[NT]): @abstractmethod def __bool__(self) -> bool: ... class AstCanBeBool(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): string_bool: ClassVar[str] def expand_bool(self) -> str: return self._expand_with_string(self.string_bool) class AstNeg(AstOperatorUnaryStandart[NT]): priority = 2 string = '-' def get_value(self) -> NT: return -self.arg1_pure class AstNot(AstOperatorUnaryStandart[NT]): priority = 2 string = '.not.' def get_value(self) -> NT: return ~self.arg1_pure class AstNot(AstOperatorUnaryStandart[NT]): priority = 2 string = '.not.' def get_value(self) -> NT: return ~self.arg1_pure class AstAbs(AstOperatorUnaryeBracket[NT]): priority = 2 string = 'abs' def get_value(self) -> NT: return abs(self.arg1_pure) class AstInt(AstOperatorUnaryeBracket[NT]): priority = 2 string = 'int_to_real' def get_value(self) -> NT: return int(self.arg1_pure) class AstFloat(AstOperatorUnaryeBracket[NT]): priority = 2 string = 'real_to_int' def get_value(self) -> NT: return float(self.arg1_pure) class AstAdd(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT]): priority = 4 string = '+' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure + self.arg2_pure class AstSub(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT]): priority = 4 string = '-' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure - self.arg2_pure class AstDiv(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT]): priority = 3 string = '/' def get_value(self) -> NT: try: if isinstance(self.arg1_pure, int): return self.arg1_pure // self.arg2_pure else: return self.arg1_pure / self.arg2_pure except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 class AstMul(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT]): priority = 3 string = '*' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure * self.arg2_pure class AstMod(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT]): priority = 3 string = 'mod' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure % self.arg2_pure class AstPow(AstOperatorDoubleBracket[NT]): priority = 1 string = 'pow' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure ** self.arg2_pure class AstAnd(AstCanBeBool[NT]): priority = 8 string = '.and.' string_bool = 'and' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure & self.arg2_pure def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1 and self.arg2: return True return False class AstOr(AstCanBeBool[NT]): priority = 8 string = '.or.' string_bool = 'or' def get_value(self) -> NT: return self.arg1_pure | self.arg2_pure def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1 or self.arg2: return True return False class AstEq(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '=' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure == self.arg2_pure: return True return False class AstNe(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '#' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure != self.arg2_pure: return True return False class AstLt(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '<' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure < self.arg2_pure: return True return False class AstGt(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '>' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure > self.arg2_pure: return True return False class AstLe(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '<=' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure <= self.arg2_pure: return True return False class AstGe(AstOperatorDoubleStandart[NT], AstBool[NT]): priority = 7 string = '>=' def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self.arg1_pure >= self.arg2_pure: return True return False class KspVar(KspObject, HasInit, Generic[KT]): names_count: int = 0 class Persist: """Class for mark persistence of variable. can be: KspVar.not_persistent KspVar.persistent KspVar.inst_persistent KspVar.read_persistent""" def __init__(self, line: str='') -> None: self.line = line not_persistent: ClassVar[Persist] = Persist() persistent: ClassVar[Persist] = Persist('make_persistent') inst_persistent: ClassVar[Persist] = Persist('make_instr_persistent') read_persistent: ClassVar[Persist] = Persist('make_persistent') def __init__(self, value: KT, name: str='', persist: Persist=not_persistent, preserve_name: bool=False, *, local: bool=False) -> None: if local: assert name sup_name = NameBase(name) has_init = False else: if not name: name = f'Var{KspVar.names_count}' KspVar.names_count += 1 sup_name = NameVar(name, preserve=preserve_name) has_init = True super().__init__(sup_name, has_init=has_init) self._value: KT = value if isinstance(value, int): = '$' elif isinstance(value, str): = '@' elif isinstance(value, float): = '~' else: raise TypeError(f"Can't infer type of value {value}") self._ref_type: Type[KT] = type(value) self._init_val: KT = value self._persist: KspVar.Persist = persist @abstractmethod def get_decl_line(self) -> List[str]: ... def generate_init(self) -> List[str]: out = self.get_decl_line() if self._persist is not self.not_persistent: out.append(f'{self._persist.line}({})') if self._persist is self.read_persistent: out.append(f'read_persistent_var({})') return out @property def val(self) -> KT: return self._value def read(self) -> None: self._persist = self.persistent out = self.get_out() out.put_immediatly(AstString(f'read_persistent_var({})')) @abstractmethod def __ilshift__(self: KVT, other: ATU) -> KVT: ... def copy(self: KVT, name: str, prefix: str, postfix: str) -> KVT: obj = self.__class__(self._value, name=name, local=True) = prefix = postfix return obj class Str(KspVar[str], ConcatsStrings): def __ilshift__(self, other: STU) -> 'Str': if not isinstance(other, (KspVar, AstBase, str)): raise TypeError('incompatible type for assignement: ' + f'{type(other)} -> {STU}') # type: ignore value = get_value(other) if not isinstance(value, str): value = f'{value}' name = prefix = postfix = if isinstance(other, Str): ret_obj = other.copy(name, prefix, postfix) ret_obj._value = value else: ret_obj = Str(value, name, local=True) = prefix = postfix otpt = self.get_out() otpt.put_immediatly(AstAssign(self, other)) return ret_obj def get_decl_line(self) -> List[str]: out = [f'declare {}'] if self._init_val: out.append(f'{} := {self._init_val}') return out class Num(KspVar[NT], ProcessNum[NT]): def __ilshift__(self, other: ATU[NT]) -> 'Num[NT]': other = self._check_for_int(other) # type: ignore value = get_value(other) assert isinstance(value, self._ref_type), \ f'assigned to a value of wrong type: {value}' name = prefix = postfix = if isinstance(other, Num): ret_obj = other.copy(name, prefix, postfix) ret_obj._value = value else: ret_obj = Num(value, name, local=True) = prefix = postfix otpt = self.get_out() otpt.put_immediatly(AstAssign(self, other)) return ret_obj def get_decl_line(self) -> List[str]: value = '' if self._init_val: value = f' := {self._init_val}' out = [f'declare {}{value}'] return out class AstAssign(AstRoot): def __init__(self, to_arg: 'KspVar', from_arg: ATU) -> None: self.to_arg: 'KspVar' = to_arg self.from_arg: ATU = from_arg def expand(self) -> str: to = if isinstance(self.from_arg, (int, float)): from_str = f'{self.from_arg}' elif isinstance(self.from_arg, str): from_str = f'"{self.from_arg}"' elif isinstance(self.from_arg, KspVar): from_str = elif isinstance(self.from_arg, AstBase): from_str = self.from_arg.expand() else: raise TypeError(f"Can't infer type of value {self.from_arg}") return f'{to} := {from_str}' def get_value(self) -> NoReturn: raise self.NullError out = KSP.new_out() a = Str('3') # get_value(1) # get_value('s') b = Num(4, name='b', local=True) get_value(b) c = Num(5) print( b <<= c print(b, b.val, b <<= 15 a <<= 3 if b == c: print('True') else: print(False) d = Num(4.1, 'd') # reveal_type(d) d <<= 3 print(d.val) get_value(d) # reveal_type(d) # b <<= 3.1 # d <<= b d <<= -d reveal_type(-d) print(out.get())