This is my workspace for the The Odin Project, an open source curriculum for full stack JS. I completed the course in March 2021 and recommend it highly.
Below, you can see some of the projects with links to the code and live sites.
live | repo | simple task tracking for teams
- full stack app, hand coded with node, express, mongo, passport, and react
- front end hosted on netlify with CD from github
- express app hosted on heroku, db hosted on atlas
- heroku might take a minute to warm up
Each of the projects below is focused on a limited number of learning objectives, so none of them are 'complete' or particularly polished.
live | repo | google home page
live | repo | rock paper scissors
live | repo | etch-a-sketch ... DOM manipulation
live | repo | library ... objects and constructors
live | repo | tic tac toe ... factory functions
live | repo | restaurant ... classes, ES6 modules, webpack
live | repo | todo ... Single Responsibility Principle
live | repo | slider ... dynamic UI
live | repo | weather ... forms, JSON, apis, async
live | repo | CV tool with class components ... state, props, inputs, lists
live | repo | CV tool with functional components ... lifecycle methods, hooks
xxxx | repo | testing
live | repo | library catalog ... node, express, mongo ... CRUD, MVC, routes and controllers, view templates, deployment
live | repo | auth and security basics ... node, express, passportjs, dotenv, mongo
xxxx | repo | REST, curl
xxxx | repo | JWT
xxxx | repo | testing