- Banning Users
- Muting/Unmuting Users (INCOMPLETE)
- Pinning Messages
- Purging Messages
- Sockpuppet Functionality
fallacy features functionality to ban MXIDs or globs of MXIDs.
!fallacy ban <glob>
If the supplied glob is a literal MXID, it will resort to preemptively banning the user rather than iterating over the members list.
fallacy features incomplete functionality to mute/unmute users.
This feature is seriously flawed due to how it works. fallacy must use power levels to demote/promote users to properly prevent them from sending messages; when used on an admin it renders them unable to unmute themselves or use their moderation tools, resulting in disastrous consequences. This could be potentially mitigated by persisting the user's previous power level to a database and restoring it on unmute (non-admins) and/or refusing to mute admins altogether.
!fallacy mute <mxid>
!fallacy unmute <mxid>
fallacy features functionality to pin messages.
!fallacy pin
Pins the message you replied to, otherwise makes angry noises.
fallacy features the ability to purge messages, for the good of mankind.
!fallacy purge
!fallacy purge <mxid> <int>
This command can be used two ways:
- replying and deleting messages from all users
- deleting messages from a specific user, with optional limit
The first option deletes all messages newer and including the message you replied to. This can be effectively demonstrated with a simple example.
<duck> 1:11:11 hello
<duck> 1:11:12 spam
<duck> 1:11:13 spam
<duck> 1:11:14 spam
<the admin should reply to the first message (hello) with "!fallacy purge">
The second option allows you to delete all message from a specific user, with an optional limit on the messages to purge. Omission of the limit is understood to mean to purge all messages from that user.
fallacy features the functionality to allow any admin to use the bot to communicate a message.
say <text>