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Releases: rddill-IBM/ZeroToCognitive

Update to support current release of Watson STT and TTS

06 Nov 19:47
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The latest release of Watson Speech to Text and Text to Speech changed both the authentication mechanism and also how some of the APIs work This has necessitated changes to the code and answers for Chapter 3 (Speech to Text) and Chapter 4 (Text to Speech). Chapters 5 & following have the corrected code placed into the HTML/js, env.json, and controller/features folders.

##Changes: ##

env.json: Watson is now looking for an apikey and url instead of a userid and password

Speech To Text
token generation, not documented by IBM for nodeJS, is completely different in this release. So the server code (speech-to-text.js) has been rewritten to support the new iam based approach for generating a token. The token id in the browser side has also changed.

Text to Speech
The process to connect to the service and to run the synthesize process is also completely new on the server side. There are no changes on the browser side. Also, it seems that the initial invocation of synthesize always fails - there's some kind of race condition involved. So the server code forces an initial synthesize to get that error out of the way. You'll see this in the first few lines of the server side code.

To get the latest version of this repository onto your local system, assuming that you have followed the recommendation to first fork this repository and then clone from your own id, issue the two following commands.
The first command tells git to use this repository as the upstream master. You only need execute this command once during the life of your local cloned repository.

git remote add upstream

The second command tells git to retrieve the latest information from the upstream master and integrate it into your local, cloned copy

git pull upstream master

Add intent and entity files to Chapter 10

02 May 18:55
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The Build Your Own Chat Bot in Ten Minutes tutorial referenced in Chapter 10 is no longer available, however the tutorial is designed to use the intents and entities from that outside tutorial. Two new files have been added to Chapter10/Documentation:

  • Ten_Min_intents
  • Ten_Min_entities

After you create your workspace in Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation) import these two files before you start building your dialog.

Update node engine for Cloudant support

26 Apr 20:30
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IBM Cloud has updated the version of cloudant in production and it is no longer compatible with the default nodejs V6 engine. Cloudant is used to support the security system for Chapters 7 and following, so this release updates package.json to specify an "engines": {"node" : ">=8.10"},

Update Chapter 9

02 Feb 21:48
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Chapter 9, Visual Recognition, has been updated to check to see if there are any faces in the provided image and, if found, to draw a rectangle around the first face in the returned array. Additional error handling has been added to both the server and browser code.

Update Chapter 11 to Watson Discovery

15 Jan 19:20
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Chapter 11 has been simplified and updated, replacing Retrieve and Rank with Watson Discovery. Because of all of the services offered with Watson Discovery, the user experience is vastly simplified and most of the work to configure, upload and train Watson Discovery is now done through the IBM Cloud Web interface.

There is a new ReadMe file for this chapter which explains how to use Discovery, the process to upload and train and the small amount of code now required to support a query interface to Discovery.

Update Chapter09 Visual Recognition

05 Jan 20:30
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One of the services used in the original tutorial, 'find a similar image' has been deprecated, so both the tutorial and the underlying story are broken. The replacement is to continue to use the visual classifier service and implement a simple visual authenticator.

In this updated chapter, you'll take movie of your face and separate it (automatically) into a series of images. The same technique can be used for any 'thing', so in a consumer products space, for example, you could take a movie of a product, simply by walking around the product, and then use the technique in this tutorial for creating a series of images from that movie.

Once the 'positive' images of your face have been created, we will create some other image sets to use for comparison.

The tutorial implements drag and drop to load images from your local file system and then classifies them based on the image sets you have created.

Please see the readme.pdf file in Chapter09 for instructions for this new tutorial

Updated Chapter 8 to use Discovery News

02 Nov 18:56
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Chapter 8 code and readme have been updated to use Watson Discovery News instead of Alchemy News.

There will be a subsequent release with a Chapter 11 update to replace Retrieve and Rank with Discovery.