diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Test/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Tests.csproj b/src/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Test/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Tests.csproj
index 9e9c02c504..225e1c4d7f 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Test/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Tests.csproj
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Test/ReactiveUI.Fody.Analyzer.Tests.csproj
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ $(NoWarn);MSB3243
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet6_0.verified.txt b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet6_0.verified.txt
index 418ec591e2..08891ca66e 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet6_0.verified.txt
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet6_0.verified.txt
@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ namespace ReactiveUI
public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveUI.ReactiveCommandBase
+ protected ReactiveCommand([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] {
+ "Result",
+ "Cancel"})] System.Func, System.Action>>> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
protected ReactiveCommand(System.Func> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
public override System.IObservable CanExecute { get; }
public override System.IObservable IsExecuting { get; }
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet7_0.verified.txt b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet7_0.verified.txt
index b3fc73c125..a5fc5ef9f0 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet7_0.verified.txt
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet7_0.verified.txt
@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ namespace ReactiveUI
public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveUI.ReactiveCommandBase
+ protected ReactiveCommand([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] {
+ "Result",
+ "Cancel"})] System.Func, System.Action>>> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
protected ReactiveCommand(System.Func> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
public override System.IObservable CanExecute { get; }
public override System.IObservable IsExecuting { get; }
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet8_0.verified.txt b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet8_0.verified.txt
index d6688f5094..e38976eadc 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet8_0.verified.txt
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.DotNet8_0.verified.txt
@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ namespace ReactiveUI
public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveUI.ReactiveCommandBase
+ protected ReactiveCommand([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] {
+ "Result",
+ "Cancel"})] System.Func, System.Action>>> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
protected ReactiveCommand(System.Func> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
public override System.IObservable CanExecute { get; }
public override System.IObservable IsExecuting { get; }
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.Net4_7.verified.txt b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.Net4_7.verified.txt
index dcec3c8cb9..f8a1b294b7 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.Net4_7.verified.txt
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/API/ApiApprovalTests.ReactiveUI.Net4_7.verified.txt
@@ -693,6 +693,9 @@ namespace ReactiveUI
public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveUI.ReactiveCommandBase
+ protected ReactiveCommand([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNames(new string?[]?[] {
+ "Result",
+ "Cancel"})] System.Func, System.Action>>> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
protected ReactiveCommand(System.Func> execute, System.IObservable? canExecute, System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler? outputScheduler) { }
public override System.IObservable CanExecute { get; }
public override System.IObservable IsExecuting { get; }
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/Commands/ReactiveCommandTest.cs b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/Commands/ReactiveCommandTest.cs
index 51e84ed87b..e3fa8380cd 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/Commands/ReactiveCommandTest.cs
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.Tests/Commands/ReactiveCommandTest.cs
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Input;
using DynamicData;
+using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.Reactive.Testing;
using ReactiveUI.Testing;
@@ -1163,49 +1164,116 @@ public void SynchronousCommandsFailCorrectly()
public async Task ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskHandlesTaskExceptionAsync()
+ {
+ using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
+ var subj = new Subject();
+ var isExecuting = false;
+ Exception? fail = null;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
+ async _ =>
+ {
+ await subj.Take(1);
+ throw new Exception("break execution");
+ },
+ outputScheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
+ fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(async x =>
+ {
+ isExecuting = x;
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false, true, false}");
+ });
+ fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(async ex =>
+ {
+ fail = ex;
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Exception");
+ });
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false}");
+ Assert.False(isExecuting);
+ Assert.Null(fail);
+ fixture.Execute().Subscribe();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {true}");
+ Assert.True(isExecuting);
+ Assert.Null(fail);
+ subj.OnNext(Unit.Default);
+ // Wait to allow execution to complete
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false}");
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Exception");
+ Assert.False(isExecuting);
+ Assert.Equal("break execution", fail?.Message);
+ testSequencer.Dispose();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskThenCancelSetsIsExecutingFalseOnlyAfterCancellationCompleteAsync()
+ {
+ using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
+ var statusTrail = new List<(int Position, string Status)>();
+ var position = 0;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async (token) =>
- using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
- var subj = new Subject();
- var isExecuting = false;
- Exception? fail = null;
- var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
- async _ =>
- {
- await subj.Take(1);
- throw new Exception("break execution");
- },
- outputScheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
- fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(async x =>
+ // Phase 1: command execution has begun.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1");
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "started command"));
+ try
- isExecuting = x;
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false, true, false}");
- });
- fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(async ex =>
+ await Task.Delay(10000, token);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
- fail = ex;
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Exception");
- });
+ // Phase 2: command task has detected cancellation request.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2");
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false}");
- Assert.False(isExecuting);
- Assert.Null(fail);
+ // Phase 3: test has observed IsExecuting while cancellation is in progress.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3");
+ throw;
+ }
- fixture.Execute().Subscribe();
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {true}");
- Assert.True(isExecuting);
- Assert.Null(fail);
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "finished command"));
+ });
- subj.OnNext(Unit.Default);
+ var latestIsExecutingValue = false;
+ fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(isExecuting =>
+ {
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, $"command executing = {isExecuting}"));
+ Volatile.Write(ref latestIsExecutingValue, isExecuting);
+ });
- // Wait to allow execution to complete
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Executing {false}");
- await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Exception");
- Assert.False(isExecuting);
- Assert.Equal("break execution", fail?.Message);
- testSequencer.Dispose();
+ var disposable = fixture.Execute().Subscribe();
+ // Phase 1: command execution has begun.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1");
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue("IsExecuting should be true when execution is underway");
+ disposable.Dispose();
+ // Phase 2: command task has detected cancellation request.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2");
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue("IsExecuting should remain true while cancellation is in progress");
+ // Phase 3: test has observed IsExecuting while cancellation is in progress.
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3");
+ var start = Environment.TickCount;
+ while (unchecked(Environment.TickCount - start) < 1000 && Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue))
+ {
+ await Task.Yield();
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeFalse("IsExecuting should be false once cancellation completes");
+ statusTrail.Should().Equal(
+ (0, "command executing = False"),
+ (1, "command executing = True"),
+ (2, "started command"),
+ (3, "command executing = False"));
+ }
public async Task ReactiveCommandExecutesFromInvokeCommand()
@@ -1233,20 +1301,259 @@ public void ShouldCallAsyncMethodOnSettingReactiveSetpoint() =>
// set
var fooVm = new Mocks.FooViewModel(new());
- Assert.Equal(42, fooVm.Foo.Value); // initial value unchanged
+ fooVm.Foo.Value.Should().Be(42, "initial value unchanged");
// act
scheduler.AdvanceByMs(11); // async processing
- Assert.Equal(0, fooVm.Foo.Value); // value set to default Setpoint value
+ fooVm.Foo.Value.Should().Be(0, "value set to default Setpoint value");
fooVm.Setpoint = 123;
scheduler.AdvanceByMs(5); // async task processing
// assert
- Assert.Equal(0, fooVm.Foo.Value); // value unchanged as async task still processing
+ fooVm.Foo.Value.Should().Be(0, "value unchanged as async task still processing");
scheduler.AdvanceByMs(6); // process async setpoint setting
- Assert.Equal(123, fooVm.Foo.Value);
+ fooVm.Foo.Value.Should().Be(123, "value set to Setpoint value");
return Task.CompletedTask;
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskHandlesExecuteCancellation()
+ {
+ using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
+ var statusTrail = new List<(int Position, string Status)>();
+ var position = 0;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
+ async cts =>
+ {
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "started command"));
+ try
+ {
+ await Task.Delay(10000, cts);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
+ {
+ // User Handles cancellation.
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "starting cancelling command"));
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ // dummy cleanup
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3"); // #3
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "finished cancelling command"));
+ throw;
+ }
+ return Unit.Default;
+ },
+ outputScheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
+ Exception? fail = null;
+ fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => fail = ex);
+ var latestIsExecutingValue = false;
+ fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(isExecuting =>
+ {
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, $"command executing = {isExecuting}"));
+ Volatile.Write(ref latestIsExecutingValue, isExecuting);
+ });
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ var result = false;
+ var disposable = fixture.Execute().Subscribe(_ => result = true);
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue();
+ statusTrail.Any(x => x.Status == "started command").Should().BeTrue();
+ disposable.Dispose();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3"); // #3
+ var start = Environment.TickCount;
+ while (unchecked(Environment.TickCount - start) < 1000 && Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue))
+ {
+ await Task.Yield();
+ }
+ // No result expected as cancelled
+ result.Should().BeFalse();
+ statusTrail.Should().Equal(
+ (0, "command executing = False"),
+ (1, "command executing = True"),
+ (2, "started command"),
+ (3, "starting cancelling command"),
+ (4, "finished cancelling command"),
+ (5, "command executing = False"));
+ (fail as OperationCanceledException).Should().NotBeNull();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskHandlesTaskException() =>
+ new TestScheduler().With(
+ async scheduler =>
+ {
+ var subj = new Subject();
+ Exception? fail = null;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
+ async cts =>
+ {
+ await subj.Take(1);
+ throw new Exception("break execution");
+ },
+ outputScheduler: scheduler);
+ fixture.IsExecuting.ToObservableChangeSet(ImmediateScheduler.Instance).Bind(out var isExecuting).Subscribe();
+ fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => fail = ex);
+ isExecuting[0].Should().BeFalse();
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ fixture.Execute().Subscribe();
+ scheduler.AdvanceByMs(10);
+ isExecuting[1].Should().BeTrue();
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ scheduler.AdvanceByMs(10);
+ subj.OnNext(Unit.Default);
+ scheduler.AdvanceByMs(10);
+ isExecuting[2].Should().BeFalse();
+ fail?.Message.Should().Be("break execution");
+ // Required for correct async / await task handling
+ await Task.Delay(0);
+ });
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskHandlesCancellation()
+ {
+ using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
+ var statusTrail = new List<(int Position, string Status)>();
+ var position = 0;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
+ async cts =>
+ {
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "started command"));
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ try
+ {
+ await Task.Delay(10000, cts);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
+ {
+ // User Handles cancellation.
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "starting cancelling command"));
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ // dummy cleanup
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "finished cancelling command"));
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3"); // #3
+ throw;
+ }
+ return Unit.Default;
+ },
+ outputScheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
+ Exception? fail = null;
+ fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => fail = ex);
+ var latestIsExecutingValue = false;
+ fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(isExecuting =>
+ {
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, $"command executing = {isExecuting}"));
+ Volatile.Write(ref latestIsExecutingValue, isExecuting);
+ });
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ var result = false;
+ var disposable = fixture.Execute().Subscribe(_ => result = true);
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue();
+ statusTrail.Any(x => x.Status == "started command").Should().BeTrue();
+ disposable.Dispose();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 3"); // #3
+ var start = Environment.TickCount;
+ while (unchecked(Environment.TickCount - start) < 1000 && Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue))
+ {
+ await Task.Yield();
+ }
+ // No result expected as cancelled
+ result.Should().BeFalse();
+ statusTrail.Should().Equal(
+ (0, "command executing = False"),
+ (1, "command executing = True"),
+ (2, "started command"),
+ (3, "starting cancelling command"),
+ (4, "finished cancelling command"),
+ (5, "command executing = False"));
+ (fail as OperationCanceledException).Should().NotBeNull();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task ReactiveCommandCreateFromTaskHandlesCompletion()
+ {
+ using var testSequencer = new TestSequencer();
+ var statusTrail = new List<(int Position, string Status)>();
+ var position = 0;
+ var fixture = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(
+ async cts =>
+ {
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "started command"));
+ try
+ {
+ await Task.Delay(1000, cts);
+ }
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
+ {
+ // User Handles cancellation.
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "starting cancelling command"));
+ // dummy cleanup
+ await Task.Delay(5000, CancellationToken.None);
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "finished cancelling command"));
+ throw;
+ }
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, "finished command"));
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ return Unit.Default;
+ },
+ outputScheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
+ Exception? fail = null;
+ fixture.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => fail = ex);
+ var latestIsExecutingValue = false;
+ fixture.IsExecuting.Subscribe(isExecuting =>
+ {
+ statusTrail.Add((position++, $"command executing = {isExecuting}"));
+ Volatile.Write(ref latestIsExecutingValue, isExecuting);
+ });
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ var result = false;
+ fixture.Execute().Subscribe(_ => result = true);
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 1"); // #1
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeTrue();
+ await testSequencer.AdvancePhaseAsync("Phase 2"); // #2
+ var start = Environment.TickCount;
+ while (unchecked(Environment.TickCount - start) < 1000 && Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue))
+ {
+ await Task.Yield();
+ }
+ result.Should().BeTrue();
+ statusTrail.Should().Equal(
+ (0, "command executing = False"),
+ (1, "command executing = True"),
+ (2, "started command"),
+ (3, "finished command"),
+ (4, "command executing = False"));
+ fail.Should().BeNull();
+ // Check execution completed
+ Volatile.Read(ref latestIsExecutingValue).Should().BeFalse();
+ }
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI.WinUI/ReactiveUI.WinUI.csproj b/src/ReactiveUI.WinUI/ReactiveUI.WinUI.csproj
index 295ea854fb..5a6c0c7b9d 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI.WinUI/ReactiveUI.WinUI.csproj
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI.WinUI/ReactiveUI.WinUI.csproj
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
mvvm;reactiveui;rx;reactive extensions;observable;LINQ;events;winui
+ $(NoWarn);NETSDK1206
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI/Mixins/ObservableMixins.cs b/src/ReactiveUI/Mixins/ObservableMixins.cs
index abb299343f..38aa8cd41f 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI/Mixins/ObservableMixins.cs
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI/Mixins/ObservableMixins.cs
@@ -21,4 +21,101 @@ public static IObservable WhereNotNull(this IObservable observable) =>
.Where(x => x is not null)
.Select(x => x!);
\ No newline at end of file
+ ///
+ /// Converts an asynchronous action into an observable sequence. Each subscription
+ /// to the resulting sequence causes the action to be started. The CancellationToken
+ /// passed to the asynchronous action is tied to the observable sequence's subscription
+ /// that triggered the action's invocation and can be used for best-effort cancellation.
+ ///
+ /// Asynchronous action to convert.
+ /// An observable sequence exposing a Unit value upon completion of the action, or an exception.
+ internal static IObservable<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)> FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(
+ Func actionAsync) => Observable.Defer(
+ () =>
+ {
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var result = Observable.FromAsync(
+ async ctsBase =>
+ {
+ using var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, ctsBase);
+ await actionAsync(linkedCts.Token);
+ });
+ return Observable.Return<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)>((result, () => cts.Cancel()));
+ });
+ ///
+ /// Converts an asynchronous action into an observable sequence. Each subscription
+ /// to the resulting sequence causes the action to be started. The CancellationToken
+ /// passed to the asynchronous action is tied to the observable sequence's subscription
+ /// that triggered the action's invocation and can be used for best-effort cancellation.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the parameter.
+ /// Asynchronous action to convert.
+ /// The parameter.
+ /// An observable sequence exposing a Unit value upon completion of the action, or an exception.
+ internal static IObservable<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)> FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(
+ Func actionAsync, TParam param) => Observable.Defer(
+ () =>
+ {
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var result = Observable.FromAsync(
+ async ctsBase =>
+ {
+ using var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, ctsBase);
+ await actionAsync(param, linkedCts.Token);
+ });
+ return Observable.Return<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)>((result, () => cts.Cancel()));
+ });
+ ///
+ /// Converts an asynchronous action into an observable sequence. Each subscription
+ /// to the resulting sequence causes the action to be started. The CancellationToken
+ /// passed to the asynchronous action is tied to the observable sequence's subscription
+ /// that triggered the action's invocation and can be used for best-effort cancellation.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the result.
+ /// Asynchronous action to convert.
+ /// An observable sequence exposing a Unit value upon completion of the action, or an exception.
+ internal static IObservable<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)> FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(
+ Func> actionAsync) => Observable.Defer(
+ () =>
+ {
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var result = Observable.FromAsync(
+ async ctsBase =>
+ {
+ var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, ctsBase);
+ return await actionAsync(linkedCts.Token);
+ });
+ return Observable.Return<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)>((result, () => cts.Cancel()));
+ });
+ ///
+ /// Converts an asynchronous action into an observable sequence. Each subscription
+ /// to the resulting sequence causes the action to be started. The CancellationToken
+ /// passed to the asynchronous action is tied to the observable sequence's subscription
+ /// that triggered the action's invocation and can be used for best-effort cancellation.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the parameter.
+ /// The type of the result.
+ /// Asynchronous action to convert.
+ /// The parameter.
+ /// An observable sequence exposing a Unit value upon completion of the action, or an exception.
+ internal static IObservable<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)> FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(
+ Func> actionAsync, TParam param) => Observable.Defer(
+ () =>
+ {
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var result = Observable.FromAsync(
+ async cancelFromRx =>
+ {
+ using var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, cancelFromRx);
+ return await actionAsync(param, linkedCts.Token);
+ });
+ return Observable.Return<(IObservable Result, Action Cancel)>((result, () => cts.Cancel()));
+ });
diff --git a/src/ReactiveUI/ReactiveCommand/ReactiveCommand.cs b/src/ReactiveUI/ReactiveCommand/ReactiveCommand.cs
index db3180c943..f0dfc4bbfb 100644
--- a/src/ReactiveUI/ReactiveCommand/ReactiveCommand.cs
+++ b/src/ReactiveUI/ReactiveCommand/ReactiveCommand.cs
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ public static ReactiveCommand CreateFromTask(
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
- return CreateFromObservable(() => Observable.FromAsync(execute), canExecute, outputScheduler);
+ return CreateFromObservableCancellable(() => ObservableMixins.FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(execute), canExecute, outputScheduler);
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ public static ReactiveCommand CreateFromTask(
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
- return CreateFromObservable(() => Observable.FromAsync(execute), canExecute, outputScheduler);
+ return CreateFromObservableCancellable(() => ObservableMixins.FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(execute), canExecute, outputScheduler);
@@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ public static ReactiveCommand CreateFromTask(
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
- return CreateFromObservable(
- param => Observable.FromAsync(ct => execute(param, ct)),
+ return CreateFromObservableCancellable(
+ param => ObservableMixins.FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(ct => execute(param, ct)),
@@ -663,11 +663,76 @@ public static ReactiveCommand CreateFromTask(
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
- return CreateFromObservable(
- param => Observable.FromAsync(ct => execute(param, ct)),
+ return CreateFromObservableCancellable(
+ param => ObservableMixins.FromAsyncWithAllNotifications(ct => execute(param, ct)),
+ ///
+ /// Creates a parameterless with asynchronous execution logic.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the parameter.
+ /// The type of the command's result.
+ /// Provides an observable representing the command's asynchronous execution logic.
+ /// An optional observable that dictates the availability of the command for execution.
+ /// An optional scheduler that is used to surface events. Defaults to RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.
+ ///
+ /// The ReactiveCommand instance.
+ ///
+ /// execute.
+ internal static ReactiveCommand CreateFromObservableCancellable(
+ Func Result, Action Cancel)>> execute,
+ IObservable? canExecute = null,
+ IScheduler? outputScheduler = null)
+ {
+ if (execute is null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
+ }
+ return new ReactiveCommand(
+ _ => execute(),
+ canExecute,
+ outputScheduler);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a with asynchronous execution logic that takes a parameter of type .
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Provides an observable representing the command's asynchronous execution logic.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// An optional observable that dictates the availability of the command for execution.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// An optional scheduler that is used to surface events. Defaults to RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The ReactiveCommand instance.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The type of the parameter passed through to command execution.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The type of the command's result.
+ ///
+ internal static ReactiveCommand CreateFromObservableCancellable(
+ Func Result, Action Cancel)>> execute,
+ IObservable? canExecute = null,
+ IScheduler? outputScheduler = null)
+ {
+ if (execute is null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(execute));
+ }
+ return new ReactiveCommand(
+ execute,
+ canExecute,
+ outputScheduler);
+ }
@@ -696,7 +761,7 @@ public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveCommandBase _exceptions;
- private readonly Func> _execute;
+ private readonly Func Result, Action Cancel)>> _execute;
[SuppressMessage("Design", "CA2213: Dispose member", Justification = "Internal use only")]
private readonly Subject _executionInfo;
private readonly IObservable _isExecuting;
@@ -705,7 +770,9 @@ public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveCommandBase _synchronizedExecutionInfo;
- /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class for work
+ /// that signals cancellation through a separate callback (as opposed to cancelling by
+ /// unsubscribing).
/// The Func to perform when the command is executed.
/// A observable which has a value if the command can execute.
@@ -715,7 +782,7 @@ public class ReactiveCommand : ReactiveCommandBase
/// Thrown if any dependent parameters are null.
protected internal ReactiveCommand(
- Func> execute,
+ Func Result, Action Cancel)>> execute,
IObservable? canExecute,
IScheduler? outputScheduler)
@@ -728,11 +795,11 @@ protected internal ReactiveCommand(
(acc, next) => next.Demarcation switch
- {
- ExecutionDemarcation.Begin => acc + 1,
- ExecutionDemarcation.End => acc > 0 ? acc - 1 : acc = 0,
- _ => acc
- })
+ {
+ ExecutionDemarcation.Begin => acc + 1,
+ ExecutionDemarcation.End => acc > 0 ? acc - 1 : acc = 0,
+ _ => acc
+ })
.Select(inFlightCount => inFlightCount > 0)
@@ -758,6 +825,38 @@ protected internal ReactiveCommand(
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// The Func to perform when the command is executed.
+ /// A observable which has a value if the command can execute.
+ /// The scheduler where to send output after the main execution.
+ ///
+ /// execute.
+ ///
+ /// Thrown if any dependent parameters are null.
+ protected internal ReactiveCommand(
+ Func> execute,
+ IObservable? canExecute,
+ IScheduler? outputScheduler)
+ : this(
+ p =>
+ {
+ var resultObservable = execute(p);
+ return Observable.Defer(
+ () =>
+ {
+ var cancelationSubject = new Subject();
+ void Cancel() => cancelationSubject.OnNext(Unit.Default);
+ return Observable
+ .Return((resultObservable.TakeUntil(cancelationSubject), (Action)Cancel));
+ });
+ },
+ canExecute,
+ outputScheduler)
+ {
+ }
private enum ExecutionDemarcation
@@ -783,22 +882,31 @@ public override IObservable Execute(TParam parameter)
return Observable.Defer(
() =>
- {
- _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateBegin());
- return Observable.Empty;
- })
- .Concat(_execute(parameter))
- .Do(result => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateResult(result)))
- .Catch(
- ex =>
- {
- _exceptions.OnNext(ex);
- return Observable.Throw(ex);
- })
- .Finally(() => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateEnd()))
- .PublishLast()
- .RefCount();
+ {
+ _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateBegin());
+ return Observable<(IObservable, Action)>.Empty;
+ })
+ .Concat(_execute(parameter))
+ .SelectMany(sourceAndCancellation =>
+ {
+ var (sourceObservable, cancelCallback) = sourceAndCancellation;
+ var sharedSource = sourceObservable.Publish().RefCount(2);
+ // This is the subscription that survives for however long sourceObservable takes to complete (or fail).
+ sharedSource
+ .Do(result => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateResult(result)))
+ .Catch(
+ ex =>
+ {
+ _exceptions.OnNext(ex);
+ return Observable.Empty();
+ })
+ .Finally(() => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateEnd()))
+ .Subscribe();
+ // TODO: Check if it is a problem that we always cancel, even on normal completion!!!
+ return sharedSource.Finally(() => cancelCallback());
+ });
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -809,39 +917,11 @@ public override IObservable Execute(TParam parameter)
- public override IObservable Execute()
- {
- try
- {
- return Observable.Defer(
- () =>
- {
- _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateBegin());
- return Observable.Empty;
- })
- .Concat(_execute(default!))
- .Do(result => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateResult(result)))
- .Catch(
- ex =>
- {
- _exceptions.OnNext(ex);
- return Observable.Throw(ex);
- })
- .Finally(() => _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateEnd()))
- .PublishLast()
- .RefCount();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- _synchronizedExecutionInfo.OnNext(ExecutionInfo.CreateEnd());
- _exceptions.OnNext(ex);
- return Observable.Throw(ex);
- }
- }
+ public override IObservable Execute() => Execute(default!);
- public override IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver observer) => _results.Subscribe(observer);
+ public override IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver observer) =>
+ _results.Subscribe(observer);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
@@ -866,11 +946,13 @@ private ExecutionInfo(ExecutionDemarcation demarcation, TResult result)
public TResult Result { get; }
- public static ExecutionInfo CreateBegin() => new(ExecutionDemarcation.Begin, default!);
+ public static ExecutionInfo CreateBegin() =>
+ new(ExecutionDemarcation.Begin, default!);
public static ExecutionInfo CreateResult(TResult result) =>
new(ExecutionDemarcation.Result, result);
- public static ExecutionInfo CreateEnd() => new(ExecutionDemarcation.End, default!);
+ public static ExecutionInfo CreateEnd() =>
+ new(ExecutionDemarcation.End, default!);