diff --git a/content/blog/2018-06-07-you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.md b/content/blog/2018-06-07-you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.md
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--- a/content/blog/2018-06-07-you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.md
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-title: "You Probably Don't Need Derived State"
+title: "你可能不需要使用派生 state"
author: [bvaughn]
-React 16.4 included a [bugfix for getDerivedStateFromProps](/blog/2018/05/23/react-v-16-4.html#bugfix-for-getderivedstatefromprops) which caused some existing bugs in React components to reproduce more consistently. If this release exposed a case where your application was using an anti-pattern and didn't work properly after the fix, we're sorry for the churn. In this post, we will explain some common anti-patterns with derived state and our preferred alternatives.
+React 16.4 版本修复了一个 [getDerivedStateFromProps 的 bug](/blog/2018/05/23/react-v-16-4.html#bugfix-for-getderivedstatefromprops),这个 bug 会在 React components 复现一些已知的 bug。如果这个版本导致出现的问题,导致您在修复过之后还已知出现的话,我们非常抱歉。在这篇文章里,我们会展示一些常见的反面模式,和相对应的,我们推荐的模式。
-For a long time, the lifecycle `componentWillReceiveProps` was the only way to update state in response to a change in props without an additional render. In version 16.3, [we introduced a replacement lifecycle, `getDerivedStateFromProps`](/blog/2018/03/29/react-v-16-3.html#component-lifecycle-changes) to solve the same use cases in a safer way. At the same time, we've realized that people have many misconceptions about how to use both methods, and we've found anti-patterns that result in subtle and confusing bugs. The `getDerivedStateFromProps` bugfix in 16.4 [makes derived state more predictable](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/12898), so the results of misusing it are easier to notice.
+在很长一段时间内,生命周期函数 `componentWillReceiveProps` 是响应 Props 变化之后进行更新的唯一方式。16.3 版本里, [我们介绍了一个替代版的生命周期函数: `getDerivedStateFromProps`](/blog/2018/03/29/react-v-16-3.html#component-lifecycle-changes),尝试用一个更安全的方式达到同样的目的。与此同时,我们意识到人们对如何使用这两种方法存在许多误解,并且我们发现反模式会导致细微而混乱的错误。16.4 版本修复的这个 bug, [让派生 state 更加可控](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/12898),会让滥用导致的 bug 更容易被发现。
-> Note
+> 注意
-> All of the anti-patterns described in this post apply to both the older `componentWillReceiveProps` and the newer `getDerivedStateFromProps`.
+> 下面所有的反面模式中,`componentWillReceiveProps` 和 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 都是通用的。
- This blog post will cover the following topics:
-* [When to use derived state](#when-to-use-derived-state)
-* [Common bugs when using derived state](#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state)
- * [Anti-pattern: Unconditionally copying props to state](#anti-pattern-unconditionally-copying-props-to-state)
- * [Anti-pattern: Erasing state when props change](#anti-pattern-erasing-state-when-props-change)
-* [Preferred solutions](#preferred-solutions)
-* [What about memoization?](#what-about-memoization)
+ 这篇blog包含以下主题:
+* [什么时候使用派生 state ](#when-to-use-derived-state)
+* [派生 state 的常见 bug](#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state)
+ * [反面模式 [1]:直接复制 props 到 state 上](#anti-pattern-unconditionally-copying-props-to-state)
+ * [反面模式:在 props 变化后修改 state ](#anti-pattern-erasing-state-when-props-change)
+* [建议的模式](#preferred-solutions)
+* [尝试一下 memoization ?](#what-about-memoization)
-## When to Use Derived State {#when-to-use-derived-state}
+## 什么时候使用派生 state {#when-to-use-derived-state}
-`getDerivedStateFromProps` exists for only one purpose. It enables a component to update its internal state as the result of **changes in props**. Our previous blog post provided some examples, like [recording the current scroll direction based on a changing offset prop](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#updating-state-based-on-props) or [loading external data specified by a source prop](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#fetching-external-data-when-props-change).
+`getDerivedStateFromProps` 的存在只有一个目的:让组件在 **props 变化**时更新 state。上一个 blog 展示了一些示例,比如 [props 的 offset 变化时,修改当前的滚动方向](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#updating-state-based-on-props)和[根据 props 变化加载外部数据](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#fetching-external-data-when-props-change)。
-We did not provide many examples, because as a general rule, **derived state should be used sparingly**. All problems with derived state that we have seen can be ultimately reduced to either (1) unconditionally updating state from props or (2) updating state whenever props and state don't match. (We'll go over both in more detail below.)
+我们没有提供很多示例,应为有**保守使用派生 state ** 这个规则。大部分使用派生 state 导致的问题,不外乎两个原因:1,直接复制 props 到 state 上;2,如果 props 和 state 不一致就更新 state。下面的示例包含了这两种情况。
-* If you're using derived state to memoize some computation based only on the current props, you don't need derived state. See [What about memoization?](#what-about-memoization) below.
-* If you're updating derived state unconditionally or updating it whenever props and state don't match, your component likely resets its state too frequently. Read on for more details.
+* 如果你只是为了缓存(memoize)基于当前 props 计算后的结果的话,你就没必要使用派生 state。[尝试一下 memoization?](#what-about-memoization)。
+* 如果只是用来保存 props 或者和当前 state 比较之后不一致后更新 state,那你的组件应该是太频繁的更新了 state。请继续阅读。
-## Common Bugs When Using Derived State {#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state}
+##派生 state 的常见 bug {#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state}
-The terms ["controlled"](/docs/forms.html#controlled-components) and ["uncontrolled"](/docs/uncontrolled-components.html) usually refer to form inputs, but they can also describe where any component's data lives. Data passed in as props can be thought of as **controlled** (because the parent component _controls_ that data). Data that exists only in internal state can be thought of as **uncontrolled** (because the parent can't directly change it).
+名词[“受控”](/docs/forms.html#controlled-components)和[“非受控”](/docs/uncontrolled-components.html)通常用来指代表单的 inputs,但是也可以用来描述数据频繁更新的组件。用 props 传入数据的话,组件可以被认为是**受控**(因为组件被父级传入的 props 控制)。数据只保存在组件内部的 state 的话,是**非受控**组件(因为外部没办法直接控制 state)。
-The most common mistake with derived state is mixing these two; when a derived state value is also updated by `setState` calls, there isn't a single source of truth for the data. The [external data loading example](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#fetching-external-data-when-props-change) mentioned above may sound similar, but it's different in a few important ways. In the loading example, there is a clear source of truth for both the "source" prop and the "loading" state. When the source prop changes, the loading state should **always** be overridden. Conversely, the state is overridden only when the prop **changes** and is otherwise managed by the component.
+常见的错误就是把两者混为一谈。当一个派生 state 值也被 `setState` 方法更新时,这个值就不是一个单一来源的值了。[加载外部数据示例](/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#fetching-external-data-when-props-change)描述的行为和这个类似,但是有很重要的区别。在加载外部数据示例中,数据 `source` 和 `loading` 都有非常清晰并且唯一的数据来源。当 prop 改变时,`loading` 的状态**一定**会改变。相反,state 只有在 prop 改变时才会改变,除非组件内部还有其他行为改变这个状态。
-Problems arise when any of these constraints are changed. This typically comes in two forms. Let's take a look at both.
-### Anti-pattern: Unconditionally copying props to state {#anti-pattern-unconditionally-copying-props-to-state}
+### 反面模式: 直接复制 prop 到 state {#anti-pattern-unconditionally-copying-props-to-state}
-A common misconception is that `getDerivedStateFromProps` and `componentWillReceiveProps` are only called when props "change". These lifecycles are called any time a parent component rerenders, regardless of whether the props are "different" from before. Because of this, it has always been unsafe to _unconditionally_ override state using either of these lifecycles. **Doing so will cause state updates to be lost.**
+最常见的误解就是 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 和 `componentWillReceiveProps` 只会在 props “改变”时才会调用。实际上只要父级重新渲染时,这两个生命周期函数就会重新调用,不管 props 有没有“变化”。所以,在这两个方法内直接复制(_unconditionally_)props 到 state 是不安全的。**这样做会导致 state 后没有正确渲染**。
-Let’s consider an example to demonstrate the problem. Here is a `EmailInput` component that "mirrors" an email prop in state:
+重现一下这个问题。这个 `EmailInput` 组件复制 props 到 state:
class EmailInput extends Component {
state = { email: this.props.email };
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
- // This will erase any local state updates!
- // Do not do this.
+ // 这会覆盖所有组件内的 state 更新!
+ // 不要这样做。
this.setState({ email: nextProps.email });
-At first, this component might look okay. State is initialized to the value specified by props and updated when we type into the ``. But if our component's parent rerenders, anything we've typed into the `` will be lost! ([See this demo for an example.](https://codesandbox.io/s/m3w9zn1z8x)) This holds true even if we were to compare `nextProps.email !== this.state.email` before resetting.
+乍看之下还可以。 state 的初始值是 props 传来的,当在 `` 里输入时,修改 state。但是如果父组件重新渲染,我们输入的所有东西都会丢失!([查看这个示例](https://codesandbox.io/s/m3w9zn1z8x)),即使在重置 state 前比较 `nextProps.email !== this.state.email` 仍然会导致更新。
-In this simple example, adding `shouldComponentUpdate` to rerender only when the email prop has changed could fix this. However in practice, components usually accept multiple props; another prop changing would still cause a rerender and improper reset. Function and object props are also often created inline, making it hard to implement a `shouldComponentUpdate` that reliably returns true only when a material change has happened. [Here is a demo that shows that happening.](https://codesandbox.io/s/jl0w6r9w59) As a result, `shouldComponentUpdate` is best used as a performance optimization, not to ensure correctness of derived state.
+这个小例子中,使用 `shouldComponentUpdate` ,比较 props 的 email 是不是修改再决定要不要重新渲染。但是在实践中,一个组件会接收多个 prop,任何一个 prop 的改变都会导致重新渲染和不正确的状态重置。加上行内函数和对象 prop,创建一个完全可靠的 `shouldComponentUpdate` 会变得越来越难。[这个示例展示了这个情况](https://codesandbox.io/s/jl0w6r9w59)。而且 `shouldComponentUpdate` 的最佳实践是用于性能提升,而不是改正不合适的派生 state。
-Hopefully it's clear by now why **it is a bad idea to unconditionally copy props to state**. Before reviewing possible solutions, let's look at a related problematic pattern: what if we were to only update the state when the email prop changes?
+希望以上能解释清楚为什么**直接复制 prop 到 state 是一个非常糟糕的想法**。在寻找解决方案之前,让我们看看一个相关的问题:假如我们只使用 props 中的 email 属性更新组件呢?
-### Anti-pattern: Erasing state when props change {#anti-pattern-erasing-state-when-props-change}
+### 反面模式: 在 props 变化后修改 state {#anti-pattern-erasing-state-when-props-change}
-Continuing the example above, we could avoid accidentally erasing state by only updating it when `props.email` changes:
+继续上面的示例,我们可以只使用 `props.email` 来更新组件,这样能防止修改 state 导致的 bug:
class EmailInput extends Component {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
- // Any time props.email changes, update state.
+ // 只要 props.email 改变,就改变 state
if (nextProps.email !== this.props.email) {
email: nextProps.email
@@ -90,32 +90,32 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
-> Note
+> 注意
-> Even though the example above shows `componentWillReceiveProps`, the same anti-pattern applies to `getDerivedStateFromProps`.
+> 示例中使用了 `componentWillReceiveProps` ,使用 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 也是一样。
-We've just made a big improvement. Now our component will erase what we've typed only when the props actually change.
+我们已经做了一个很大的改进。现在组件只会在 prop 改变时才会改变。
-There is still a subtle problem. Imagine a password manager app using the above input component. When navigating between details for two accounts with the same email, the input would fail to reset. This is because the prop value passed to the component would be the same for both accounts! This would be a surprise to the user, as an unsaved change to one account would appear to affect other accounts that happened to share the same email. ([See demo here.](https://codesandbox.io/s/mz2lnkjkrx))
+但是仍然有个问题。想象一下,如果这是一个密码输入组件,拥有同样 email 的两个账户进行切换时,这个输入框不会重置(用来让用户重新登录)。因为父组件传来的 prop 值没有变化!这会让用户非常惊讶,因为这看起来像是帮助一个用户分享了另外一个用户的密码,([查看这个示例](https://codesandbox.io/s/mz2lnkjkrx))。
-This design is fundamentally flawed, but it's also an easy mistake to make. ([I've made it myself!](https://twitter.com/brian_d_vaughn/status/959600888242307072)) Fortunately there are two alternatives that work better. The key to both is that **for any piece of data, you need to pick a single component that owns it as the source of truth, and avoid duplicating it in other components.** Let's take a look at each of the alternatives.
-## Preferred Solutions {#preferred-solutions}
+## 建议的模式 {#preferred-solutions}
-### Recommendation: Fully controlled component {#recommendation-fully-controlled-component}
+### 建议:完全可控的组件 {#recommendation-fully-controlled-component}
-One way to avoid the problems mentioned above is to remove state from our component entirely. If the email address only exists as a prop, then we don't have to worry about conflicts with state. We could even convert `EmailInput` to a lighter-weight function component:
+阻止上述问题发生的一个方法是,从组件里删除 state。如果 prop 里包含了 email,我们就没必要担心它和 state 冲突。我们甚至可以把 `EmailInput` 转换成一个轻量的函数组件:
function EmailInput(props) {
return ;
-This approach simplifies the implementation of our component, but if we still want to store a draft value, the parent form component will now need to do that manually. ([Click here to see a demo of this pattern.](https://codesandbox.io/s/7154w1l551))
-### Recommendation: Fully uncontrolled component with a `key` {#recommendation-fully-uncontrolled-component-with-a-key}
+### 建议:有 key 的非可控组件 {#recommendation-fully-uncontrolled-component-with-a-key}
-Another alternative would be for our component to fully own the "draft" email state. In that case, our component could still accept a prop for the _initial_ value, but it would ignore subsequent changes to that prop:
+另外一个选择是让组件自己存储临时的 email state。在这种情况下,组件仍然可以从 prop 接收“初始值”,但是更改之后的值就和 prop 没关系了:
class EmailInput extends Component {
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
-In order to reset the value when moving to a different item (as in our password manager scenario), we can use the special React attribute called `key`. When a `key` changes, React will [_create_ a new component instance rather than _update_ the current one](/docs/reconciliation.html#keys). Keys are usually used for dynamic lists but are also useful here. In our case, we could use the user ID to recreate the email input any time a new user is selected:
+在这密码管理器的例子中,为了在不同的页面切换不同的值,我们可以使用 `key` 这个特殊的 React 属性。当 `key` 变化时, React 会[创建一个新的而不是更新一个既有的组件](/docs/reconciliation.html#keys)。 Keys 一般用来渲染动态列表,但是这里也可以使用。在这个示例里,当用户输入时,我们使用 user ID 当作 key 重新创建一个新的 email input 组件:
-Each time the ID changes, the `EmailInput` will be recreated and its state will be reset to the latest `defaultEmail` value. ([Click here to see a demo of this pattern.](https://codesandbox.io/s/6v1znlxyxn)) With this approach, you don't have to add `key` to every input. It might make more sense to put a `key` on the whole form instead. Every time the key changes, all components within the form will be recreated with a freshly initialized state.
+每次 ID 更改,都会重新创建 `EmailInput` ,并将其状态重置为最新的 `defaultEmail` 值。([点击查看这个模式的演示](https://codesandbox.io/s/6v1znlxyxn)) 使用此方法,不用为每次输入都添加 `key`,在整个表单上添加 `key` 更有位合理。每次 key 变化,表单里的所有组件都会用新的初始值重新创建。
-In most cases, this is the best way to handle state that needs to be reset.
+大部分情况下,这是处理重置 state 的最好的办法。
-> Note
+> 注意
-> While this may sound slow, the performance difference is usually insignificant. Using a key can even be faster if the components have heavy logic that runs on updates since diffing gets bypassed for that subtree.
+> 这听起来很慢,但是这点的性能是可以忽略的。如果在组件树的更新上有很重的逻辑,这样反而会更快,因为省略了子组件 diff。
-#### Alternative 1: Reset uncontrolled component with an ID prop {#alternative-1-reset-uncontrolled-component-with-an-id-prop}
+#### 选项一:用 prop 的 ID 重置非受控组件 {#alternative-1-reset-uncontrolled-component-with-an-id-prop}
-If `key` doesn't work for some reason (perhaps the component is very expensive to initialize), a workable but cumbersome solution would be to watch for changes to "userID" in `getDerivedStateFromProps`:
+如果某些情况下 `key` 不起作用(可能是组件初始化的开销太大),一个麻烦但是可行的方案是在 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 观察 `userID` 的变化:
class EmailInput extends Component {
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
- // Any time the current user changes,
- // Reset any parts of state that are tied to that user.
- // In this simple example, that's just the email.
+ // 只要当前 user 变化,
+ // 重置所有跟 user 相关的状态。
+ // 这个例子中,只有 email 和 user 相关。
if (props.userID !== state.prevPropsUserID) {
return {
prevPropsUserID: props.userID,
@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
-This also provides the flexibility to only reset parts of our component's internal state if we so choose. ([Click here to see a demo of this pattern.](https://codesandbox.io/s/rjyvp7l3rq))
+如果你乐意,你也可以只重置一小部分 state ([点击查看这个模式的演示](https://codesandbox.io/s/rjyvp7l3rq))。
-> Note
+> 注意
-> Even though the example above shows `getDerivedStateFromProps`, the same technique can be used with `componentWillReceiveProps`.
+>上面的示例使用了 `getDerivedStateFromProps`,用 `componentWillReceiveProps` 也一样。
-#### Alternative 2: Reset uncontrolled component with an instance method {#alternative-2-reset-uncontrolled-component-with-an-instance-method}
+#### 选项二:使用实例方法重置非受控组件 {#alternative-2-reset-uncontrolled-component-with-an-instance-method}
-More rarely, you may need to reset state even if there's no appropriate ID to use as `key`. One solution is to reset the key to a random value or autoincrementing number each time you want to reset. One other viable alternative is to expose an instance method to imperatively reset the internal state:
+更少见的情况是,即使没有合适的 `key`,我们也想重新创建组件。一种解决方案是给一个随机值或者递增的值当作 `key`,另外一种是用示例方法强制重置内部状态:
class EmailInput extends Component {
@@ -200,30 +200,30 @@ class EmailInput extends Component {
-The parent form component could then [use a `ref` to call this method](/docs/glossary.html#refs). ([Click here to see a demo of this pattern.](https://codesandbox.io/s/l70krvpykl))
+然后父级组件可以[使用 `ref` 调用这个方法](/docs/glossary.html#refs)。([点击查看这个模式的演示](https://codesandbox.io/s/l70krvpykl))。
-Refs can be useful in certain cases like this one, but generally we recommend you use them sparingly. Even in the demo, this imperative method is nonideal because two renders will occur instead of one.
+refs 在某些情况下很有用,比如这个。但通常我们建议谨慎使用。即使是做一个演示,这个命令式的方法也是非理想的,因为这会导致两次而不是一次渲染。
-### Recap {#recap}
+### 概括 {#recap}
-To recap, when designing a component, it is important to decide whether its data will be controlled or uncontrolled.
-Instead of trying to **"mirror" a prop value in state**, make the component **controlled**, and consolidate the two diverging values in the state of some parent component. For example, rather than a child accepting a "committed" `props.value` and tracking a "draft" `state.value`, have the parent manage both `state.draftValue` and `state.committedValue` and control the child's value directly. This makes the data flow more explicit and predictable.
+不要直接复制(mirror) props 的值到 state 中,而是去实现一个**受控**的组件,然后在父组件里合并两个值。比如,不要在子组件里被动的接受 `props.value` 并跟踪一个临时的 `state.value`,而要在父组件里管理 `state.draftValue` 和 `state.committedValue`,直接控制子组件里的值。这样数据才更加明确可预测。
-For **uncontrolled** components, if you're trying to reset state when a particular prop (usually an ID) changes, you have a few options:
-* **Recommendation: To reset _all internal state_, use the `key` attribute.**
-* Alternative 1: To reset _only certain state fields_, watch for changes in a special property (e.g. `props.userID`).
-* Alternative 2: You can also consider fall back to an imperative instance method using refs.
+对于**不受控**的组件,当你想在 prop 变化(通常是 ID )时重置 state 的话,可以选择一下几种方式:
+* **建议: 重置内部所有的初始 state,使用 `key` 属性**
+* 选项一:仅更改某些字段,观察特殊属性的变化(比如 `props.userID`)。
+* 选项二:使用 ref 调用实例方法。
-## What about memoization? {#what-about-memoization}
+## 尝试一下 memoization? {#what-about-memoization}
-We've also seen derived state used to ensure an expensive value used in `render` is recomputed only when the inputs change. This technique is known as [memoization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization).
+我们上面用到了————仅在输入变化时,重新计算 `render` 需要使用的值————这个技术叫做 [memoization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization)。
-Using derived state for memoization isn't necessarily bad, but it's usually not the best solution. There is inherent complexity in managing derived state, and this complexity increases with each additional property. For example, if we add a second derived field to our component state then our implementation would need to separately track changes to both.
+把派生 state 用作 memoization 并不是什么坏事情,但是这并不是好的方法。管理派生 state 本来就很复杂,而且这种复杂度是随着需要管理的属性变得越来越庞大。比如,如果我们想在组件 state 里添加第二个派生 state,那就需要写两份跟踪变化的逻辑。
-Let's look at an example of one component that takes one prop—a list of items—and renders the items that match a search query entered by the user. We could use derived state to store the filtered list:
+这里有个示例,组件使用一个 prop ————一个列表————并在用户输入查询条件时显示匹配的项,我们可以使用派生 state 存储过滤后的列表:
class Example extends Component {
@@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ class Example extends Component {
// *******************************************************
- // NOTE: this example is NOT the recommended approach.
- // See the examples below for our recommendations instead.
+ // 注意:这个例子不是建议的方法。
+ // 下面的例子才是建议的方法。
// *******************************************************
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
- // Re-run the filter whenever the list array or filter text change.
- // Note we need to store prevPropsList and prevFilterText to detect changes.
+ // 列表变化或者过滤文本变化时都重新过滤。
+ // 注意我们要存储 prevFilterText 和 prevPropsList 来检测变化。
if (
props.list !== state.prevPropsList ||
state.prevFilterText !== state.filterText
@@ -267,13 +267,13 @@ class Example extends Component {
-This implementation avoids recalculating `filteredList` more often than necessary. But it is more complicated than it needs to be, because it has to separately track and detect changes in both props and state in order to properly update the filtered list. In this example, we could simplify things by using `PureComponent` and moving the filter operation into the render method:
+这个实现避免了重复计算 `filteredList`,但是过于复杂。因为它必须单独追踪并检测 prop 和 state 的变化,在能及时的更新过滤后的 list。我们可以使用 `PureComponent`,把过滤操作放到 render 方法里来简化这个组件:
-// PureComponents only rerender if at least one state or prop value changes.
-// Change is determined by doing a shallow comparison of state and prop keys.
+// PureComponents 只会在 state 或者 prop 的值修改时才会再次渲染。
+// 通过对 state 和 prop 的 key 做浅比较( shallow comparison )来确定有没有变化。
class Example extends PureComponent {
- // State only needs to hold the current filter text value:
+ // state 只需要保存 filter 的值:
state = {
filterText: ""
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ class Example extends PureComponent {
render() {
- // The render method on this PureComponent is called only if
- // props.list or state.filterText has changed.
+ // PureComponent 的 render 只有
+ // 在 props.list 或 state.filterText 变化时才会调用
const filteredList = this.props.list.filter(
item => item.text.includes(this.state.filterText)
@@ -299,16 +299,16 @@ class Example extends PureComponent {
-The above approach is much cleaner and simpler than the derived state version. Occasionally, this won't be good enough—filtering may be slow for large lists, and `PureComponent` won't prevent rerenders if another prop were to change. To address both of these concerns, we could add a memoization helper to avoid unnecessarily re-filtering our list:
+上面的方法比派生 state 版本更加清晰明了。只有在过滤很大的列表时,这样做的效率不是很好。当有 prop 改变时 `PureComponent` 不会阻止再次渲染。为了解决这两个问题,我们可以添加 memoization 帮助函数来阻止非必要的过滤:
import memoize from "memoize-one";
class Example extends Component {
- // State only needs to hold the current filter text value:
+ // state 只需要保存当前的 filter 值:
state = { filterText: "" };
- // Re-run the filter whenever the list array or filter text changes:
+ // 在 list 或者 filter 变化时,重新运行 filter:
filter = memoize(
(list, filterText) => list.filter(item => item.text.includes(filterText))
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ class Example extends Component {
render() {
- // Calculate the latest filtered list. If these arguments haven't changed
- // since the last render, `memoize-one` will reuse the last return value.
+ // 计算最新的过滤后的 list。
+ // 如果和上次 render 参数一样,`memoize-one` 会重复使用上一次的值。
const filteredList = this.filter(this.props.list, this.state.filterText);
return (
@@ -332,16 +332,22 @@ class Example extends Component {
-This is much simpler and performs just as well as the derived state version!
+这样更简单,而且和派生 state 版本一样好!
-When using memoization, remember a couple of constraints:
+在使用 memoization 时,请记住这些约束:
-1. In most cases, you'll want to **attach the memoized function to a component instance**. This prevents multiple instances of a component from resetting each other's memoized keys.
-1. Typically you'll want to use a memoization helper with a **limited cache size** in order to prevent memory leaks over time. (In the example above, we used `memoize-one` because it only caches the most recent arguments and result.)
-1. None of the implementations shown in this section will work if `props.list` is recreated each time the parent component renders. But in most cases, this setup is appropriate.
+1. 大部分情况下, **每个组件内部都要引入 memoized 方法**,已免实例之间相互影响。
+2. 一般情况下,我们会**限制 memoization 帮助函数的缓存空间**,以免内存泄漏。(上面的例子中,使用 `memoize-one` 只缓存最后一次的参数和结果)。
+3. 如果每次父组件都传入新的 `props.list` ,那本文提到的问题都不会遇到。在大多数情况下,这种方式是可取的。
-## In closing {#in-closing}
+## 结束语 {#in-closing}
-In real world applications, components often contain a mix of controlled and uncontrolled behaviors. This is okay! If each value has a clear source of truth, you can avoid the anti-patterns mentioned above.
-It is also worth re-iterating that `getDerivedStateFromProps` (and derived state in general) is an advanced feature and should be used sparingly because of this complexity. If your use case falls outside of these patterns, please share it with us on [GitHub](https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/issues/new) or [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjs)!
+`getDerivedStateFromProps` (以及其他派生 state)是一个高级复杂的功能,应该保守使用,这个再怎么重申也不过分。如果你的用法不属于上述这些模式,请在 [GitHub](https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/issues/new) 或 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/reactjs) 与我们分享!
+ [1] 反面模式是 anti-patterns 的翻译,参考[ wiki 页面](https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E5%8F%8D%E9%9D%A2%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F)。