diff --git a/content/blog/2018-03-27-update-on-async-rendering.md b/content/blog/2018-03-27-update-on-async-rendering.md
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-title: Update on Async Rendering
+title: 异步渲染之更新
author: [bvaughn]
-For over a year, the React team has been working to implement asynchronous rendering. Last month during his talk at JSConf Iceland, [Dan unveiled some of the exciting new possibilities async rendering unlocks](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html). Now we'd like to share with you some of the lessons we've learned while working on these features, and some recipes to help prepare your components for async rendering when it launches.
+一年多来,React 团队一直致力于实现异步渲染。上个月,在 JSConf 冰岛的演讲中,[Dan 展示了异步渲染带来的新可能性](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html)。现在,我们希望与你分享我们在使用这些功能时学到的一些经验教训,以及一些帮助你在组件启动时准备异步渲染的方法。
-One of the biggest lessons we've learned is that some of our legacy component lifecycles tend to encourage unsafe coding practices. They are:
* `componentWillMount`
* `componentWillReceiveProps`
* `componentWillUpdate`
-These lifecycle methods have often been misunderstood and subtly misused; furthermore, we anticipate that their potential misuse may be more problematic with async rendering. Because of this, we will be adding an "UNSAFE_" prefix to these lifecycles in an upcoming release. (Here, "unsafe" refers not to security but instead conveys that code using these lifecycles will be more likely to have bugs in future versions of React, especially once async rendering is enabled.)
+这些生命周期方法经常被误解和滥用;此外,我们预计,在异步渲染中,它们潜在的误用问题可能更大。我们将在即将发布的版本中为这些生命周期添加 “UNSAFE_” 前缀。(这里的 “unsafe” 不是指安全性,而是表示使用这些生命周期的代码在 React 的未来版本中更有可能出现 bug,尤其是在启用异步渲染之后。)
-## Gradual Migration Path {#gradual-migration-path}
+## 逐步迁移路径 {#gradual-migration-path}
-[React follows semantic versioning](/blog/2016/02/19/new-versioning-scheme.html), so this change will be gradual. Our current plan is:
+[React 遵循语义版本控制](/blog/2016/02/19/new-versioning-scheme.html),因此这种变化将是逐步的。我们目前的计划是:
-* **16.3**: Introduce aliases for the unsafe lifecycles, `UNSAFE_componentWillMount`, `UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps`, and `UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate`. (Both the old lifecycle names and the new aliases will work in this release.)
-* **A future 16.x release**: Enable deprecation warning for `componentWillMount`, `componentWillReceiveProps`, and `componentWillUpdate`. (Both the old lifecycle names and the new aliases will work in this release, but the old names will log a DEV-mode warning.)
-* **17.0**: Remove `componentWillMount`, `componentWillReceiveProps`, and `componentWillUpdate` . (Only the new "UNSAFE_" lifecycle names will work from this point forward.)
+* **16.3**:为不安全的生命周期引入别名,`UNSAFE_componentWillMount`、`UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps` 和 `UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate`。(旧的生命周期名称和新的别名都可以在此版本中使用。)
+* **未来 16.x 版本**:为 `componentWillMount`、`componentWillReceiveProps` 和 `componentWillUpdate` 启用废弃告警。(旧的生命周期名称和新的别名都将在这个版本中工作,但是旧的名称在开发模式下会产生一个警告。)
+* **17.0**:删除 `componentWillMount`、`componentWillReceiveProps` 和 `componentWillUpdate`。(在此版本之后,只有新的 "UNSAFE_" 生命周期名称可以使用。)
-**Note that if you're a React application developer, you don't have to do anything about the legacy methods yet. The primary purpose of the upcoming version 16.3 release is to enable open source project maintainers to update their libraries in advance of any deprecation warnings. Those warnings will not be enabled until a future 16.x release.**
+**注意,如果你是 React 应用程序开发人员,则无需对这些过时的方法执行任何操作。即将发布的 16.3 版本的主要目的是使开源项目维护人员能够在任何废弃警告之前更新他们的库。在未来的 16.x 版本发布之前,不会启用这些警告。**
-We maintain over 50,000 React components at Facebook, and we don't plan to rewrite them all immediately. We understand that migrations take time. We will take the gradual migration path along with everyone in the React community.
+我们在 Facebook 上维护了超过 50,000 个 React 组件,我们不打算立即重写它们。我们知道迁移需要时间。我们将与 React 社区中的每个人一起采取逐步迁移的方式。
-## Migrating from Legacy Lifecycles {#migrating-from-legacy-lifecycles}
+## 迁移过时的生命周期 {#migrating-from-legacy-lifecycles}
-If you'd like to start using the new component APIs introduced in React 16.3 (or if you're a maintainer looking to update your library in advance) here are a few examples that we hope will help you to start thinking about components a bit differently. Over time, we plan to add additional "recipes" to our documentation that show how to perform common tasks in a way that avoids the problematic lifecycles.
+如果你想开始使用 React 16.3 中引入的新组件 API(或者如果你是维护人员,希望提前更新你的库),下面是一些示例,我们希望它们将帮助你开始以不同的方式思考组件。随着时间的推移,我们计划在文档中添加额外的“方法”,来说明如何以避免有问题的生命周期的方式执行常见任务。
-Before we begin, here's a quick overview of the lifecycle changes planned for version 16.3:
-* We are **adding the following lifecycle aliases**: `UNSAFE_componentWillMount`, `UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps`, and `UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate`. (Both the old lifecycle names and the new aliases will be supported.)
-* We are **introducing two new lifecycles**, static `getDerivedStateFromProps` and `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate`.
+在开始之前,下面是关于 16.3 版本计划的生命周期变更的快速概述:
+* 我们将**添加以下生命周期别名**:`UNSAFE_componentWillMount`、`UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps` 和 `UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate`。(将同时支持旧的生命周期名称和新别名。)
+* 我们将**引入两个新的生命周期**,静态的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 和 `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate`。
-### New lifecycle: `getDerivedStateFromProps` {#new-lifecycle-getderivedstatefromprops}
+### 新的生命周期:`getDerivedStateFromProps` {#new-lifecycle-getderivedstatefromprops}
-The new static `getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle is invoked after a component is instantiated as well as before it is re-rendered. It can return an object to update `state`, or `null` to indicate that the new `props` do not require any `state` updates.
+新的静态 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 生命周期方法在组件实例化之后以及重新渲染之前调用。它可以返回一个对象来更新 `state`,或者返回 `null` 来表示新的 `props` 不需要任何 `state` 的更新。
-Together with `componentDidUpdate`, this new lifecycle should cover all use cases for the legacy `componentWillReceiveProps`.
+与 `componentDidUpdate` 一起,这个新的生命周期涵盖过时的 `componentWillReceiveProps` 的所有用例。
->Both the older `componentWillReceiveProps` and the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` methods add significant complexity to components. This often leads to [bugs](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state). Consider **[simpler alternatives to derived state](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html)** to make components predictable and maintainable.
+>旧的 `componentWillReceiveProps` 和新的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 方法都会增加组件的复杂性。这经常会导致 [bug](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state)。考虑使用 **[派生 state 的简单替代方法](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html)** 让组件可预测且可维护。
-### New lifecycle: `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` {#new-lifecycle-getsnapshotbeforeupdate}
+### 新的生命周期:`getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` {#new-lifecycle-getsnapshotbeforeupdate}
-The new `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` lifecycle is called right before mutations are made (e.g. before the DOM is updated). The return value for this lifecycle will be passed as the third parameter to `componentDidUpdate`. (This lifecycle isn't often needed, but can be useful in cases like manually preserving scroll position during rerenders.)
+新的 `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` 生命周期方法在更新之前(如:更新 DOM 之前)被调用。此生命周期的返回值将作为第三个参数传递给 `componentDidUpdate`。(通常不需要,但在重新渲染过程中手动保留滚动位置等情况下非常有用。)
-Together with `componentDidUpdate`, this new lifecycle should cover all use cases for the legacy `componentWillUpdate`.
+与 `componentDidUpdate` 一起,这个新的生命周期涵盖过时的 `componentWillUpdate` 的所有用例。
-You can find their type signatures [in this gist](https://gist.github.com/gaearon/88634d27abbc4feeb40a698f760f3264).
+你可以[在这个 gist](https://gist.github.com/gaearon/88634d27abbc4feeb40a698f760f3264)中找到他们的类型签名。
-We'll look at examples of how both of these lifecycles can be used below.
-## Examples {#examples}
-- [Initializing state](#initializing-state)
-- [Fetching external data](#fetching-external-data)
-- [Adding event listeners (or subscriptions)](#adding-event-listeners-or-subscriptions)
-- [Updating `state` based on props](#updating-state-based-on-props)
-- [Invoking external callbacks](#invoking-external-callbacks)
-- [Side effects on props change](#side-effects-on-props-change)
-- [Fetching external data when props change](#fetching-external-data-when-props-change)
-- [Reading DOM properties before an update](#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update)
+## 示例 {#examples}
+- [初始化 state](#initializing-state)
+- [获取外部数据](#fetching-external-data)
+- [添加事件监听器(或订阅)](#adding-event-listeners-or-subscriptions)
+- [基于 props 更新 `state`](#updating-state-based-on-props)
+- [调用外部回调](#invoking-external-callbacks)
+- [props 更新的副作用](#side-effects-on-props-change)
+- [props 更新时获取外部数据](#fetching-external-data-when-props-change)
+- [更新前读取 DOM 属性](#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update)
-> Note
+> 注意
-> For brevity, the examples below are written using the experimental class properties transform, but the same migration strategies apply without it.
+> 为了简洁起见,以下示例是使用实验性的类属性转换编写的,但是相同的迁移策略在没有它的情况下也适用。
-### Initializing state {#initializing-state}
+### 初始化 state {#initializing-state}
-This example shows a component with `setState` calls inside of `componentWillMount`:
+这个例子显示了组件在 `componentWillMount` 中调用 `setState`:
-The simplest refactor for this type of component is to move state initialization to the constructor or to a property initializer, like so:
+对于这种类型的组件,最简单的重构是将 state 的初始化,移到构造函数或属性的初始化器内,如下所示:
-### Fetching external data {#fetching-external-data}
+### 获取外部数据 {#fetching-external-data}
-Here is an example of a component that uses `componentWillMount` to fetch external data:
+以下是使用 `componentWillMount` 获取外部数据的组件的示例:
-The above code is problematic for both server rendering (where the external data won't be used) and the upcoming async rendering mode (where the request might be initiated multiple times).
-The recommended upgrade path for most use cases is to move data-fetching into `componentDidMount`:
+大多数用例推荐的升级方式是将数据获取移到 `componentDidMount`:
-There is a common misconception that fetching in `componentWillMount` lets you avoid the first empty rendering state. In practice this was never true because React has always executed `render` immediately after `componentWillMount`. If the data is not available by the time `componentWillMount` fires, the first `render` will still show a loading state regardless of where you initiate the fetch. This is why moving the fetch to `componentDidMount` has no perceptible effect in the vast majority of cases.
+有一个常见的误解是,在 `componentWillMount` 中获取数据可以避免第一次渲染为空的状态。实际上,这是不对的,因为 React 总是在 `componentWillMount` 之后立即执行 `render`。如果在 `componentWillMount` 触发时数据不可用,那么第一次 `render` 仍然会显示加载的状态,而不管你在哪里初始化获取数据。这就是为什么在绝大多数情况下,将获取数据移到 `componentDidMount` 没有明显效果的原因。
-> Note
+> 注意
-> Some advanced use-cases (e.g. libraries like Relay) may want to experiment with eagerly prefetching async data. An example of how this can be done is available [here](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/89700e525ff423a75ffb63b1b1e30a8f).
+> 一些高级用例(如:Relay 库)可能尝试提前获取异步数据。[这里](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/89700e525ff423a75ffb63b1b1e30a8f)提供了一个如何实现的示例。
-> In the longer term, the canonical way to fetch data in React components will likely be based on the “suspense” API [introduced at JSConf Iceland](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html). Both simple data fetching solutions and libraries like Apollo and Relay will be able to use it under the hood. It is significantly less verbose than either of the above solutions, but will not be finalized in time for the 16.3 release.
+> 从长远来看,在 React 组件中获取数据的标准方法应该基于 “suspense” API [在冰岛 JSConf 提出](/blog/2018/03/01/sneak-peek-beyond-react-16.html)。无论是简单的数据获取解决方案,还是像 Apollo 和 Relay 这样的库,都可以在内部使用它。它比上面的任何一个解决方案都要简洁,但是不会在 16.3 版本发布之前完成。
-> When supporting server rendering, it's currently necessary to provide the data synchronously – `componentWillMount` was often used for this purpose but the constructor can be used as a replacement. The upcoming suspense APIs will make async data fetching cleanly possible for both client and server rendering.
+> 当支持服务器渲染时,需要同步获取数据——`componentWillMount` 经常用于此目的,也可以用构造函数替代。即将推出的 suspense API 将使异步数据获取对于客户端和服务器渲染都是完全有可能的。
-### Adding event listeners (or subscriptions) {#adding-event-listeners-or-subscriptions}
+### 添加事件监听器(或订阅) {#adding-event-listeners-or-subscriptions}
-Here is an example of a component that subscribes to an external event dispatcher when mounting:
-Unfortunately, this can cause memory leaks for server rendering (where `componentWillUnmount` will never be called) and async rendering (where rendering might be interrupted before it completes, causing `componentWillUnmount` not to be called).
+遗憾的是,这可能导致服务器渲染(永远不会调用 `componentWillUnmount`)和异步渲染(在渲染完成之前可能被中断,导致不调用 `componentWillUnmount`)的内存泄漏。
-People often assume that `componentWillMount` and `componentWillUnmount` are always paired, but that is not guaranteed. Only once `componentDidMount` has been called does React guarantee that `componentWillUnmount` will later be called for clean up.
+人们通常认为 `componentWillMount` 和 `componentWillUnmount` 是成对出现的,但这并不能保证。只有调用了 `componentDidMount` 之后,React 才能保证稍后调用 `componentWillUnmount` 进行清理。
-For this reason, the recommended way to add listeners/subscriptions is to use the `componentDidMount` lifecycle:
+因此,添加监听器/订阅的推荐方法是使用 `componentDidMount` 生命周期:
-Sometimes it is important to update subscriptions in response to property changes. If you're using a library like Redux or MobX, the library's container component should handle this for you. For application authors, we've created a small library, [`create-subscription`](https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/master/packages/create-subscription), to help with this. We'll publish it along with React 16.3.
+有时,更新订阅来响应属性变更非常重要。如果你正在使用像 Redux 或 MobX 这样的库,库的容器组件应该为你处理了这个问题。对于应用程序作者,我们创建了一个小型库,[`create-subscription`](https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/master/packages/create-subscription),来帮助解决这个问题。我们将它与 React 16.3 一起发布。
-Rather than passing a subscribable `dataSource` prop as we did in the example above, we could use `create-subscription` to pass in the subscribed value:
+我们可以使用 `create-subscription` 来传递订阅的值,而不是像上面示例那样传递一个可订阅的 `dataSource` prop:
-> Note
+> 注意:
-> Libraries like Relay/Apollo should manage subscriptions manually with the same techniques as `create-subscription` uses under the hood (as referenced [here](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/d569177d70b50b58bff69c3c4a5353f3)) in a way that is most optimized for their library usage.
+> 像 Relay/Apollo 这样的库,内部应该使用了与 `create-subscription` 相同的技术,用最适合他们库使用的方式手动管理订阅(参考[这里](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/d569177d70b50b58bff69c3c4a5353f3))。
-### Updating `state` based on `props` {#updating-state-based-on-props}
+### 基于 `props` 更新 `state` {#updating-state-based-on-props}
->Both the older `componentWillReceiveProps` and the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` methods add significant complexity to components. This often leads to [bugs](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state). Consider **[simpler alternatives to derived state](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html)** to make components predictable and maintainable.
+>旧的 `componentWillReceiveProps` 和新的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 方法都会给组件增加明显的复杂性。这通常会导致 [bug](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html#common-bugs-when-using-derived-state)。考虑 **[派生 state 的简单替代方法](/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html)** 使组件可预测且可维护。
-Here is an example of a component that uses the legacy `componentWillReceiveProps` lifecycle to update `state` based on new `props` values:
+这是一个示例,组件使用过时的 `componentWillReceiveProps` 生命周期基于新的 `props` 更新 `state`:
-Although the above code is not problematic in itself, the `componentWillReceiveProps` lifecycle is often mis-used in ways that _do_ present problems. Because of this, the method will be deprecated.
+尽管上面的代码本身没有问题,但是 `componentWillReceiveProps` 生命周期经常被误用,_会_ 产生问题。因此,该方法将被废弃。
-As of version 16.3, the recommended way to update `state` in response to `props` changes is with the new `static getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle. It is called when a component is created and each time it re-renders due to changes to props or state:
+从 16.3 版本开始,当 `props` 变化时,建议使用新的 `static getDerivedStateFromProps` 生命周期更新 `state`。创建组件以及每次组件由于 props 或 state 的改变而重新渲染时都会调用该生命周期:
-You may notice in the example above that `props.currentRow` is mirrored in state (as `state.lastRow`). This enables `getDerivedStateFromProps` to access the previous props value in the same way as is done in `componentWillReceiveProps`.
+在上面的示例中,你可能会注意到 `props.currentRow` 在 state 中的镜像(`state.lastRow`)。这使得 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 能够像在 `componentWillReceiveProps` 中相同的方式访问上一个 props 的值。
-You may wonder why we don't just pass previous props as a parameter to `getDerivedStateFromProps`. We considered this option when designing the API, but ultimately decided against it for two reasons:
-* A `prevProps` parameter would be null the first time `getDerivedStateFromProps` was called (after instantiation), requiring an if-not-null check to be added any time `prevProps` was accessed.
-* Not passing the previous props to this function is a step toward freeing up memory in future versions of React. (If React does not need to pass previous props to lifecycles, then it does not need to keep the previous `props` object in memory.)
+你可能想知道为什么我们不将上一个 props 作为参数传递给 `getDerivedStateFromProps`。我们在设计 API 时考虑过这个方案,但最终决定不采用它,原因有两个:
+* `prevProps` 参数在第一次调用 `getDerivedStateFromProps`(实例化之后)时为 null,需要在每次访问 `prevProps` 时添加 if-not-null 检查。
+* 在 React 的未来版本中,不传递上一个 props 给这个方法是为了释放内存。(如果 React 无需传递上一个 props 给生命周期,那么它就无需保存上一个 `props` 对象在内存中。)
-> Note
+> 注意
-> If you're writing a shared component, the [`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat) polyfill enables the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle to be used with older versions of React as well. [Learn more about how to use it below.](#open-source-project-maintainers)
+> 如果你正在编写共享组件,[`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat) polyfill 可以在旧版本的 React 里面使用新的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 生命周期。[在下面了解更多如何使用。](#open-source-project-maintainers)
-### Invoking external callbacks {#invoking-external-callbacks}
+### 调用外部回调 {#invoking-external-callbacks}
-Here is an example of a component that calls an external function when its internal state changes:
+下面是一个组件的示例,它在内部 state 发生变化时调用了外部函数:
-Sometimes people use `componentWillUpdate` out of a misplaced fear that by the time `componentDidUpdate` fires, it is "too late" to update the state of other components. This is not the case. React ensures that any `setState` calls that happen during `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` are flushed before the user sees the updated UI. In general, it is better to avoid cascading updates like this, but in some cases they are necessary (for example, if you need to position a tooltip after measuring the rendered DOM element).
+有时人们使用 `componentWillUpdate` 是出于一种错误的担心,即当 `componentDidUpdate` 触发时,更新其他组件的 state 已经"太晚"了。事实并非如此。React 可确保在用户看到更新的 UI 之前,刷新在 `componentDidMount` 和 `componentDidUpdate` 期间发生的任何 `setState` 调用。通常,最好避免这样的级联更新,但在某些情况下,这些更新是必需的(例如:如果你需要在测量渲染的 DOM 元素后,定位工具的提示)。
-Either way, it is unsafe to use `componentWillUpdate` for this purpose in async mode, because the external callback might get called multiple times for a single update. Instead, the `componentDidUpdate` lifecycle should be used since it is guaranteed to be invoked only once per update:
+不管怎样,在异步模式下使用 `componentWillUpdate` 都是不安全的,因为外部回调可能会在一次更新中被多次调用。相反,应该使用 `componentDidUpdate` 生命周期,因为它保证每次更新只调用一次:
-### Side effects on props change {#side-effects-on-props-change}
+### props 更新的副作用 {#side-effects-on-props-change}
-Similar to the [example above](#invoking-external-callbacks), sometimes components have side effects when `props` change.
+类似于[上面的例子](#invoking-external-callbacks),有时候组件在 `props` 发生变化时会产生副作用。
-Like `componentWillUpdate`, `componentWillReceiveProps` might get called multiple times for a single update. For this reason it is important to avoid putting side effects in this method. Instead, `componentDidUpdate` should be used since it is guaranteed to be invoked only once per update:
+与 `componentWillUpdate` 类似,`componentWillReceiveProps` 可能在一次更新中被多次调用。因此,避免在此方法中产生副作用非常重要。相反,应该使用 `componentDidUpdate`,因为它保证每次更新只调用一次:
-### Fetching external data when `props` change {#fetching-external-data-when-props-change}
+### `props` 更新时获取外部数据 {#fetching-external-data-when-props-change}
-Here is an example of a component that fetches external data based on `props` values:
+下面是一个组件的示例,它根据 `props` 的值获取外部数据:
-The recommended upgrade path for this component is to move data updates into `componentDidUpdate`. You can also use the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle to clear stale data before rendering the new props:
+此组件的推荐升级路径是将数据更新移动到 `componentDidUpdate`。你还可以使用新的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 生命周期,在渲染新的 props 之前清除旧数据:
-> Note
+> 注意
-> If you're using an HTTP library that supports cancellation, like [axios](https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios), then it's simple to cancel an in-progress request when unmounting. For native Promises, you can use an approach like [the one shown here](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/982ab689a41097237f6e9860db7ca8d6).
+> 如果你正在使用支持取消的 HTTP 库,例如 [axios](https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios) 那么在卸载时取消正在进行的请求非常简单。对于原生的 Promise,你可以使用类似[此处所示](https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/982ab689a41097237f6e9860db7ca8d6)的方法。
-### Reading DOM properties before an update {#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update}
+### 更新前读取 DOM 属性 {#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update}
-Here is an example of a component that reads a property from the DOM before an update in order to maintain scroll position within a list:
+下面是一个组件的示例,该组件在更新之前从 DOM 中读取属性,以便在列表中保持滚动的位置:
-In the above example, `componentWillUpdate` is used to read the DOM property. However with async rendering, there may be delays between "render" phase lifecycles (like `componentWillUpdate` and `render`) and "commit" phase lifecycles (like `componentDidUpdate`). If the user does something like resize the window during this time, the `scrollHeight` value read from `componentWillUpdate` will be stale.
+在上面的示例中,`componentWillUpdate` 用于读取 DOM 属性。但是,对于异步渲染,“渲染”阶段的生命周期(如 `componentWillUpdate` 和 `render`)和"提交"阶段的生命周期(如 `componentDidUpdate`)之间可能存在延迟。如果用户在这段时间内调整窗口大小,那么从 `componentWillUpdate` 读取的 `scrollHeight` 值将过时。
-The solution to this problem is to use the new "commit" phase lifecycle, `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate`. This method gets called _immediately before_ mutations are made (e.g. before the DOM is updated). It can return a value for React to pass as a parameter to `componentDidUpdate`, which gets called _immediately after_ mutations.
+这个问题的解决方案是使用新的“提交”阶段生命周期 `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate`。这个方法在发生变化 _前立即_ 被调用(例如在更新 DOM 之前)。它可以返回一个 React 的值作为参数传递给 `componentDidUpdate` 方法,该方法在发生变化 _后立即_ 被调用。
-The two lifecycles can be used together like this:
-> Note
+> 注意
-> If you're writing a shared component, the [`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat) polyfill enables the new `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` lifecycle to be used with older versions of React as well. [Learn more about how to use it below.](#open-source-project-maintainers)
+> 如果你正在编写共享组件,那么 [`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat) polyfill 可以使新的 `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` 生命周期与旧版本的 React 一起使用。[在下面了解更多如何使用。](#open-source-project-maintainers)
-## Other scenarios {#other-scenarios}
+## 其他场景 {#other-scenarios}
-While we tried to cover the most common use cases in this post, we recognize that we might have missed some of them. If you are using `componentWillMount`, `componentWillUpdate`, or `componentWillReceiveProps` in ways that aren't covered by this blog post, and aren't sure how to migrate off these legacy lifecycles, please [file a new issue against our documentation](https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/issues/new) with your code examples and as much background information as you can provide. We will update this document with new alternative patterns as they come up.
+尽管我们试图在这篇博文中涵盖最常见的用例,但是我们意识到依然可能会遗漏其中的一些用例。如果你正在以本博文未涵盖的方式使用 `componentWillMount`、`componentWillUpdate` 或者 `componentWillReceiveProps`,并且不确定如何迁移这些过时的生命周期,请[根据我们的文档提交一个新的 issue](https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/issues/new),附上你的代码示例,并提供尽可能多的背景信息。当出现新的替代用例时,我们将用它们更新此文档。
-## Open source project maintainers {#open-source-project-maintainers}
+## 开源项目维护者 {#open-source-project-maintainers}
-Open source maintainers might be wondering what these changes mean for shared components. If you implement the above suggestions, what happens with components that depend on the new static `getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle? Do you also have to release a new major version and drop compatibility for React 16.2 and older?
+开源维护者可能想知道这些变化对共享组件意味着什么。如果你实现了上述建议,那么依赖于新的静态 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 生命周期的组件会发生什么情况呢?你是否还必须发布一个新的主要版本,删除 React 16.2 以及更旧版本的兼容代码?
-Fortunately, you do not!
-When React 16.3 is published, we'll also publish a new npm package, [`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat). This package polyfills components so that the new `getDerivedStateFromProps` and `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` lifecycles will also work with older versions of React (0.14.9+).
+当 React 16.3 发布时,我们还将发布一个新的 npm 包,[`react-lifecycles-compat`](https://github.com/reactjs/react-lifecycles-compat)。它提供了组件的 polyfill,以便新的 `getDerivedStateFromProps` 和 `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` 生命周期也适用于旧版本的 React(0.14.9+)。
-To use this polyfill, first add it as a dependency to your library:
+要使用此 polyfill,首先将其作为依赖项添加到库中:
# Yarn
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ yarn add react-lifecycles-compat
npm install react-lifecycles-compat --save
-Next, update your components to use the new lifecycles (as described above).
-Lastly, use the polyfill to make your component backwards compatible with older versions of React:
+最后,使用 polyfill 让组件向后兼容旧版本的 React:
diff --git a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-after.js b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-after.js
index 3456732cb1..13516284b0 100644
--- a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-after.js
+++ b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-after.js
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
// highlight-line
// highlight-range{1-18}
componentDidMount() {
- // Event listeners are only safe to add after mount,
- // So they won't leak if mount is interrupted or errors.
+ // 事件监听器只有在挂载后添加才是安全的,
+ // 因此,如果挂载中断或错误,它们不会泄漏。
- // External values could change between render and mount,
- // In some cases it may be important to handle this case.
+ // 外部值可能在渲染和挂载期间改变,
+ // 在某些情况下,处理这种情况很重要。
if (
this.state.subscribedValue !==
diff --git a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-before.js b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-before.js
index ac0574dba0..2817a6c322 100644
--- a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-before.js
+++ b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-before.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
subscribedValue: this.props.dataSource.value,
- // This is not safe; it can leak!
+ // 这是不安全的,它会导致内存泄漏!
diff --git a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-create-subscription.js b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-create-subscription.js
index d636db4993..63e29af71b 100644
--- a/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-create-subscription.js
+++ b/examples/update-on-async-rendering/adding-event-listeners-create-subscription.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {createSubscription} from 'create-subscription';
const Subscription = createSubscription({
getCurrentValue(sourceProp) {
- // Return the current value of the subscription (sourceProp).
+ // 返回订阅的当前值(sourceProp)。
return sourceProp.value;
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ const Subscription = createSubscription({
- // Subscribe (e.g. add an event listener) to the subscription (sourceProp).
- // Call callback(newValue) whenever a subscription changes.
+ // 订阅(例如:向订阅(sourceProp)添加事件监听器。
+ // 每当订阅发生变化时,调用回调函数(新值)。
- // Return an unsubscribe method.
+ // 返回取消订阅方法。
return function unsubscribe() {
-// Rather than passing the subscribable source to our ExampleComponent,
-// We could just pass the subscribed value directly:
+// 我们可以直接传递订阅的值,
+// 而不是将可订阅的源传递给我们的 ExampleComponent: