From aa5b28712ea37a17f03f801766358634f3b39128 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 15:57:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/43] Implement support for flat collections in `Mixed`

* Differentiate use of 'mixedToBinding()' for query arg validation.

* Refactor 'mixedFromBinding()' to own function and account for List and Dictionary.

* Implement setting a flat list and dictionary in Mixed.

* Implement accessing a flat list and dictionary in Mixed.

* Add tests for storing and accessing flat lists and dictionaries in Mixed.

* Refactor helper in test to not rely on collection position.

* Add tests for Set in Mixed throwing.

* Add tests for updating lists and dictionaries.

* Add tests for removing items in lists and dictionaries.

* Add tests for filtering lists and dictionaries by path.

* Throw if adding a set via property accessors.

* Group tests into separate sub-suites.

* Guard for embedded objects being set as Mixed value.

* Add tests for embedded objects in Mixed throwing.

* Add more filtering tests.

* Add 'at_keys' query tests to uncomment after Core bug fix.

* Add tests for inserting into lists and dictionaries.

* Add tests for notifications on lists.

* Add tests for notifications on dictionaries.

* Add tests for notifications on object when changed prop is list in mixed.

* Add tests for invalidating old list and dictionary.

* Minor updates to names.

* Add tests for notifications on object when changed prop is dictionary in mixed.

* Add tests for creating dictionary via object without prototype.

* Add tests filtering by query path using IN.

* Access array of changes only 1 time in notifications tests.

* Remove unnecessary type assertion.

* Update schema object names in tests.

* Add link to Core bug.

* Add tests for default list and dictionary in schema.

* Add tests for setting lists and dictionaries outside transaction.

* Add tests for spreading Realm and non-Realm objects as Dictionary.

* Add unit tests for 'isPOJO()'.

* Point to updated Core commit and enable related tests.

* Wrap chai's 'instanceOf()' in custom helper to assert type.

* Update helper function name to be consistent with other helpers.

* Add internal docs for 'isQueryArg'.

* Rename unit test file.

* Refactor notification tests into 'observable.ts'.

* Refactor notification tests to use test context.

* Use named import of 'ObjectSchema'.

* Group CRUD tests into subsuites.
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts    | 738 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../tests/src/tests/observable.ts             | 318 +++++++-
 packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml     |   2 +
 packages/realm/bindgen/js_spec.yml            |   1 -
 packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts       |  13 +-
 packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts         |  67 ++
 packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts             | 109 ++-
 .../realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts   |  72 ++
 8 files changed, 1250 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
index 115108c826..34551a7fe8 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
-import Realm, { BSON } from "realm";
+import Realm, { BSON, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import { openRealmBefore } from "../hooks";
+import { openRealmBefore, openRealmBeforeEach } from "../hooks";
 interface ISingle {
   a: Realm.Mixed;
@@ -49,7 +50,23 @@ interface IMixedSchema {
   value: Realm.Mixed;
-const SingleSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
+interface IMixedAndEmbedded {
+  mixedValue: Realm.Mixed;
+  embeddedObject: { value: Realm.Mixed };
+interface IMixedWithDefaultCollections {
+  mixedWithDefaultList: Realm.Mixed;
+  mixedWithDefaultDictionary: Realm.Mixed;
+interface ICollectionsOfMixed {
+  list: Realm.List<Realm.Mixed>;
+  dictionary: Realm.Dictionary<Realm.Mixed>;
+  set: Realm.Set<Realm.Mixed>;
+const SingleSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "mixed",
   properties: {
     a: "mixed",
@@ -59,7 +76,7 @@ const SingleSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
-const VertexSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
+const VertexSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "Vertex",
   properties: {
     a: "int",
@@ -68,7 +85,7 @@ const VertexSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
-const MixNestedSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
+const MixNestedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "Nested",
   properties: {
     a: "mixed",
@@ -77,7 +94,7 @@ const MixNestedSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
-const MixedNullableSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
+const MixedNullableSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "mixed",
   properties: {
     nullable: "mixed",
@@ -85,9 +102,73 @@ const MixedNullableSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
-const MixedSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
+const MixedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "MixedClass",
-  properties: { value: "mixed" },
+  properties: {
+    value: "mixed",
+  },
+const MixedAndEmbeddedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
+  name: "MixedAndEmbedded",
+  properties: {
+    mixedValue: "mixed",
+    embeddedObject: "EmbeddedObject?",
+  },
+const EmbeddedObjectSchema: ObjectSchema = {
+  name: "EmbeddedObject",
+  embedded: true,
+  properties: {
+    value: "mixed",
+  },
+const CollectionsOfMixedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
+  name: "CollectionsOfMixed",
+  properties: {
+    list: "mixed[]",
+    dictionary: "mixed{}",
+    set: "mixed<>",
+  },
+const bool = true;
+const int = 123;
+const double = 123.456;
+const d128 = BSON.Decimal128.fromString("6.022e23");
+const string = "hello";
+const date = new Date();
+const oid = new BSON.ObjectId();
+const uuid = new BSON.UUID();
+const nullValue = null;
+const uint8Values = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8];
+const uint8Buffer = new Uint8Array(uint8Values).buffer;
+const unmanagedRealmObject: IMixedSchema = { value: 1 };
+// The `unmanagedRealmObject` is not added to these collections since a managed
+// Realm object will be added by the individual tests after one has been created.
+const flatListAllTypes: unknown[] = [bool, int, double, d128, string, date, oid, uuid, nullValue, uint8Buffer];
+const flatDictionaryAllTypes: Record<string, unknown> = {
+  bool,
+  int,
+  double,
+  d128,
+  string,
+  date,
+  oid,
+  uuid,
+  nullValue,
+  uint8Buffer,
+const MixedWithDefaultCollectionsSchema: ObjectSchema = {
+  name: "MixedWithDefaultCollections",
+  properties: {
+    mixedWithDefaultList: { type: "mixed", default: [...flatListAllTypes] },
+    mixedWithDefaultDictionary: { type: "mixed", default: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes } },
+  },
 describe("Mixed", () => {
@@ -136,6 +217,8 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       const oid = new BSON.ObjectId();
       const uuid = new BSON.UUID();
       const date = new Date();
+      const list = [1, "two"];
+      const dictionary = { number: 1, string: "two" };
       const data = this.realm.write(() => this.realm.create<ISingle>(, { a: oid }));
       expect(typeof data.a === typeof oid, "should be the same type BSON.ObjectId");
@@ -145,27 +228,37 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       expect(typeof data.a === typeof uuid, "should be the same type BSON.UUID");
       expect(String(data.a)).equals(uuid.toString(), "should have the same content BSON.UUID");
+      this.realm.write(() => (data.a = date));
+      expect(typeof data.a === typeof date, "should be the same type Date");
+      expect(String(data.a)).equals(date.toString(), "should have the same content Date");
       this.realm.write(() => (data.a = d128));
       expect(String(data.a)).equals(d128.toString(), "Should be the same BSON.Decimal128");
       this.realm.write(() => (data.a = 12345678));
       expect(data.a).equals(12345678, "Should be the same 12345678");
-      this.realm.write(() => ((data.a = null), "Should be the same null"));
+      this.realm.write(() => (data.a = null));
-      this.realm.write(() => ((data.a = undefined), "Should be the same null"));
+      this.realm.write(() => (data.a = undefined));
-    });
-    it("wrong type throws", function (this: RealmContext) {
-      expect(() => {
-        this.realm.write(() => this.realm.create(, { a: Object.create({}) }));
-      }).throws(Error, "Unable to convert an object with ctor 'Object' to a Mixed");
+      this.realm.write(() => (data.a = list));
+      expect(data.a);
+      expect((data.a as Realm.List<any>)[0]).equals(1);
+      this.realm.write(() => (data.a = dictionary));
+      expect(data.a);
+      expect((data.a as Realm.Dictionary<any>).number).equals(1);
   describe("Nested types", () => {
-    openRealmBefore({ schema: [SingleSchema, VertexSchema, MixNestedSchema] });
+    openRealmBefore({
+      schema: [SingleSchema, VertexSchema, MixNestedSchema, MixedAndEmbeddedSchema, EmbeddedObjectSchema],
+    });
     it("support nested types", function (this: RealmContext) {
       const obj1 = this.realm.write(() => {
         const r = this.realm.create<IVertex>(, { a: 1, b: 0, c: 0 });
@@ -199,6 +292,27 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       expect((obj2.b as IVertex).a).equals(1, "Should be equal 1");
       expect((obj2.b as IVertex).b).equals(0, "Should be equal 0");
+    it("throws if nested type is an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
+      this.realm.write(() => {
+        // Create an object with an embedded object property.
+        const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
+          mixedValue: null,
+          embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+        });
+        expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+        // Create an object with the Mixed property being the embedded object.
+        expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: embeddedObject })).to.throw(
+          "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
+        );
+      });
+      const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
+      // TODO: Length should equal 1 when this PR is merged:
+      // expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+      expect(objects.length).equals(2);
+      expect(objects[0].mixedValue);
+    });
   describe("Nullable types", () => {
@@ -220,23 +334,589 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       expect(value.nullable_list[4]).equals(5, "Should be equal 5");
-  describe("Mixed arrays", () => {
-    openRealmBefore({ schema: [MixedSchema] });
-    it("throws when creating an array of multiple values", function (this: RealmContext) {
-      const objectsBefore = this.realm.objects(;
-      expect(objectsBefore.length).equals(0);
-      // check if the understandable error message is thrown
-      expect(() => {
+  describe("Collection types", () => {
+    openRealmBeforeEach({
+      schema: [
+        MixedSchema,
+        MixedAndEmbeddedSchema,
+        MixedWithDefaultCollectionsSchema,
+        CollectionsOfMixedSchema,
+        EmbeddedObjectSchema,
+      ],
+    });
+    function expectRealmList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List<any> {
+      expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.List);
+    }
+    function expectRealmDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary<any> {
+      expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.Dictionary);
+    }
+    function expectMatchingFlatList(list: unknown) {
+      expectRealmList(list);
+      expect(list.length);
+      let index = 0;
+      for (const item of list) {
+        if (item instanceof Realm.Object) {
+          // @ts-expect-error Property `value` does exist.
+          expect(item.value).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.value);
+        } else if (item instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+          expectMatchingUint8Buffer(item);
+        } else {
+          expect(String(item)).equals(String(flatListAllTypes[index]));
+        }
+        index++;
+      }
+    }
+    function expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary: unknown) {
+      expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+      expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length);
+      for (const key in dictionary) {
+        const value = dictionary[key];
+        if (key === "realmObject") {
+          expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+          expect(value.value).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.value);
+        } else if (key === "uint8Buffer") {
+          expectMatchingUint8Buffer(value);
+        } else {
+          expect(String(value)).equals(String(flatDictionaryAllTypes[key]));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    function expectMatchingUint8Buffer(value: unknown) {
+      expect(value).instanceOf(ArrayBuffer);
+      expect([ Uint8Array(value as ArrayBuffer)]).eql(uint8Values);
+    }
+    describe("Flat collections", () => {
+      describe("CRUD operations", () => {
+        describe("Create and access", () => {
+          it("a list with different types (input: JS Array)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: [...flatListAllTypes, realmObject],
+              });
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+          });
+          it("a list with different types (input: Realm List)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              // Create an object with a Realm List property type (i.e. not a Mixed type).
+              const realmObjectWithList = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: [...flatListAllTypes, realmObject],
+              });
+              expectRealmList(realmObjectWithList.list);
+              // Use the Realm List as the value for the Mixed property on a different object.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: realmObjectWithList.list });
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+          });
+          it("a list with different types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixedWithDefaultList } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              // Pass an empty object in order to use the default value from the schema.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedWithDefaultCollections>(, {});
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatList(mixedWithDefaultList);
+          });
+          it("a dictionary with different types (input: JS Object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { createdWithProto, createdWithoutProto } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const createdWithProto = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes, realmObject },
+              });
+              const createdWithoutProto = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
+                  ...flatDictionaryAllTypes,
+                  realmObject,
+                }),
+              });
+              return { createdWithProto, createdWithoutProto };
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(createdWithProto.value);
+            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(createdWithoutProto.value);
+          });
+          it("a dictionary with different types (input: Realm Dictionary)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              // Create an object with a Realm Dictionary property type (i.e. not a Mixed type).
+              const realmObjectWithDictionary = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes, realmObject },
+              });
+              expectRealmDictionary(realmObjectWithDictionary.dictionary);
+              // Use the Realm Dictionary as the value for the Mixed property on a different object.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: realmObjectWithDictionary.dictionary });
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary);
+          });
+          it("a dictionary with different types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixedWithDefaultDictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              // Pass an empty object in order to use the default value from the schema.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedWithDefaultCollections>(, {});
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(mixedWithDefaultDictionary);
+          });
+          it("a dictionary (input: Spread embedded Realm object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
+                embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+              });
+              expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+              // Spread the embedded object in order to use its entries as a dictionary in Mixed.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: { ...embeddedObject },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(dictionary).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
+          });
+          it("a dictionary (input: Spread custom non-Realm object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              class CustomClass {
+                constructor(public value: number) {}
+              }
+              const customObject = new CustomClass(1);
+              // Spread the embedded object in order to use its entries as a dictionary in Mixed.
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: { ...customObject },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(dictionary).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
+          });
+          it("inserts list items via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: [] });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.push(...flatListAllTypes);
+              list.push(this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject));
+            });
+            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+          });
+          it("inserts dictionary entries", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: {} });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              for (const key in flatDictionaryAllTypes) {
+                dictionary[key] = flatDictionaryAllTypes[key];
+              }
+              dictionary.realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+            });
+            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary);
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Update", () => {
+          it("updates list items via property setters", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: ["original", realmObject],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+            expect(list[1].value).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = "updated";
+              list[1].value = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(list[0]).equals("updated");
+            expect(list[1].value).equals("updated");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = null;
+              list[1] = null;
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]);
+            expect(list[1]);
+          });
+          it("updates dictionary entries via property setters", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: { string: "original", realmObject },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expect(dictionary.realmObject.value).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.string = "updated";
+              dictionary.realmObject.value = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("updated");
+            expect(dictionary.realmObject.value).equals("updated");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.string = null;
+              dictionary.realmObject = null;
+            });
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
+            expect(dictionary.string);
+            expect(dictionary.realmObject);
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Remove", () => {
+          it("removes list items via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: ["original", realmObject],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.remove(1);
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+          });
+          it("removes dictionary entries via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                value: { string: "original", realmObject },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.remove("realmObject");
+            });
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(1);
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expect(dictionary.realmObject);
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      describe("Filtering", () => {
+        it("filters by query path on list with different types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+          const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
+          const mixedList = [...flatListAllTypes];
+          const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+            this.realm.create(, { value: "not a list" });
+            mixedList.push(this.realm.create(, { value: "not a list" }));
+            // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+            for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+              this.realm.create(, { value: mixedList });
+            }
+          });
+          const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+          expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+          let index = 0;
+          for (const itemToMatch of mixedList) {
+            // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
+            let filtered = objects.filtered(`value[${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            index++;
+          }
+        });
+        it("filters by query path on dictionary with different types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+          const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
+          const mixedDictionary = { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes };
+          const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+          const nonExistentKey = "nonExistentKey";
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+            this.realm.create(, { value: "not a dictionary" });
+            mixedDictionary.realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "not a dictionary" });
+            // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+            for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+              this.realm.create(, { value: mixedDictionary });
+            }
+          });
+          const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+          expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+          const insertedValues = Object.values(mixedDictionary);
+          for (const key in mixedDictionary) {
+            const valueToMatch = mixedDictionary[key];
+            // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
+            let filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            // Objects with a dictionary containing a key that matches `key`.
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.@keys == $0`, key);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.@keys == $0`, nonExistentKey);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            // Objects with a dictionary with the key `key` matching any of the values inserted.
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
+            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    describe("Invalid operations", () => {
+      it("throws when creating a set (input: JS Set)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { value: new Set() })).to.throw(
+            "Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
+        });
+        const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+        // TODO: Length should equal 0 when this PR is merged:
+        // expect(objects.length).equals(0);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+      });
+      it("throws when creating a set (input: Realm Set)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          const { set } = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
+          expect(set).instanceOf(Realm.Set);
+          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { value: set })).to.throw(
+            "Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
+        });
+        const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+        // TODO: Length should equal 0 when this PR is merged:
+        // expect(objects.length).equals(0);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+      });
+      it("throws when updating a list item to a set", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const { set, list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          const realmObjectWithSet = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
+          const realmObjectWithMixed = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: ["original"] });
+          return { set: realmObjectWithSet.set, list: realmObjectWithMixed.value };
+        });
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          expect(() => (list[0] = new Set())).to.throw("Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported");
+          expect(() => (list[0] = set)).to.throw("Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        });
+        expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+      });
+      it("throws when updating a dictionary entry to a set", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const { set, dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          const realmObjectWithSet = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
+          const realmObjectWithMixed = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+            value: { string: "original" },
+          });
+          return { set: realmObjectWithSet.set, dictionary: realmObjectWithMixed.value };
+        });
+        expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+        expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          expect(() => (dictionary.string = new Set())).to.throw("Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported");
+          expect(() => (dictionary.string = set)).to.throw("Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        });
+        expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+      });
+      it("throws when creating a list or dictionary with an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          this.realm.create("MixedClass", { value: [123, false, "hello"] });
+          // Create an object with an embedded object property.
+          const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
+            embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+          });
+          expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+          // Create two objects with the Mixed property (`value`) being a list and
+          // dictionary (respectively) containing the reference to the embedded object.
+          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: [embeddedObject] })).to.throw(
+            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
+          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: { embeddedObject } })).to.throw(
+            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
-      }).throws(Error, "A mixed property cannot contain an array of values.");
+        const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
+        // TODO: Length should equal 1 when this PR is merged:
+        // expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(3);
+      });
+      it("throws when setting a list or dictionary item to an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          // Create an object with an embedded object property.
+          const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
+            embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+          });
+          expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+          // Create two objects with the Mixed property (`value`)
+          // being an empty list and dictionary (respectively).
+          const { mixedValue: list } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
+            mixedValue: [],
+          });
+          expectRealmList(list);
+          const { mixedValue: dictionary } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
+            mixedValue: {},
+          });
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          expect(() => (list[0] = embeddedObject)).to.throw(
+            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
+          expect(
+            () => (dictionary.prop = embeddedObject),
+            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
+          );
+        });
+        const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
+        expect(objects.length).equals(3);
+        // Check that the list and dictionary are still empty.
+        expect((objects[1].mixedValue as Realm.List<any>).length).equals(0);
+        expect(Object.keys(objects[2].mixedValue as Realm.Dictionary<any>).length).equals(0);
+      });
+      it("throws when setting a list or dictionary outside a transaction", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: "original" });
+        });
+        expect(created.value).equals("original");
+        expect(() => (created.value = ["a list item"])).to.throw(
+          "Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction",
+        );
+        expect(() => (created.value = { key: "a dictionary value" })).to.throw(
+          "Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction",
+        );
+        expect(created.value).equals("original");
+      });
-      //  verify that the transaction has been rolled back
-      const objectsAfter = this.realm.objects(;
-      expect(objectsAfter.length).equals(0);
+      it("invalidates the list when removed", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: [1] });
+        });
+        const list = created.value;
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          created.value = null;
+        });
+        expect(created.value);
+        expect(() => list[0]).to.throw("List is no longer valid");
+      });
+      it("invalidates the dictionary when removed", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: { prop: 1 } });
+        });
+        const dictionary = created.value;
+        expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          created.value = null;
+        });
+        expect(created.value);
+        expect(() => dictionary.prop).to.throw("This collection is no more");
+      });
+  });
+  describe("Typed arrays in Mixed", () => {
+    openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [MixedSchema] });
     it("supports datatypes with binary data contents", function (this: RealmContext) {
       const uint8Values1 = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8];
       const uint8Values2 = [255, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8];
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
index 7c61efc765..54ca6e92bd 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 import { assert, expect } from "chai";
-import Realm, { CollectionChangeSet, DictionaryChangeSet, ObjectChangeSet, RealmEventName } from "realm";
+import Realm, { CollectionChangeSet, DictionaryChangeSet, ObjectChangeSet, ObjectSchema, RealmEventName } from "realm";
 import { openRealmBeforeEach } from "../hooks";
 import { createListenerStub } from "../utils/listener-stub";
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ async function expectCollectionNotifications(
   await expectNotifications(
     (listener) => collection.addListener(listener, keyPaths),
     (listener) => collection.removeListener(listener),
-    (expectedChange, c) => (_: Realm.Collection, actualChange: CollectionChangeSet) => {
-      expect(actualChange).deep.equals(expectedChange, `Changeset #${c} didn't match`);
+    (expectedChanges, c) => (_: Realm.Collection, actualChanges: CollectionChangeSet) => {
+      expect(actualChanges).deep.equals(expectedChanges, `Changeset #${c} didn't match`);
@@ -205,8 +205,11 @@ async function expectDictionaryNotifications(
   await expectNotifications(
     (listener) => dictionary.addListener(listener, keyPaths),
     (listener) => dictionary.removeListener(listener),
-    (expectedChange, c) => (_: Realm.Dictionary, actualChange: DictionaryChangeSet) => {
-      expect(actualChange).deep.equals(expectedChange, `Changeset #${c} didn't match`);
+    (expectedChanges, c) => (_: Realm.Dictionary, actualChanges: DictionaryChangeSet) => {
+      const errorMessage = `Changeset #${c} didn't match`;
+      expect(actualChanges.insertions).members(expectedChanges.insertions, errorMessage);
+      expect(actualChanges.modifications).members(expectedChanges.modifications, errorMessage);
+      expect(actualChanges.deletions).members(expectedChanges.deletions, errorMessage);
@@ -1373,4 +1376,309 @@ describe("Observable", () => {
+  describe("Collections in Mixed", () => {
+    class ObjectWithMixed extends Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> {
+      mixedValue!: Realm.Types.Mixed;
+      static schema: ObjectSchema = {
+        name: "ObjectWithMixed",
+        properties: {
+          mixedValue: "mixed",
+        },
+      };
+    }
+    type CollectionsInMixedContext = {
+      objectWithList: Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> & ObjectWithMixed;
+      objectWithDictionary: Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> & ObjectWithMixed;
+      list: Realm.List<any>;
+      dictionary: Realm.Dictionary<any>;
+    } & RealmContext;
+    openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [ObjectWithMixed] });
+    beforeEach(function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+      this.objectWithList = this.realm.write(() => {
+        return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: [] });
+      });
+      this.list = this.objectWithList.mixedValue as Realm.List<any>;
+      expect(this.list).instanceOf(Realm.List);
+      this.objectWithDictionary = this.realm.write(() => {
+        return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: {} });
+      });
+      this.dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixedValue as Realm.Dictionary<any>;
+      expect(this.dictionary).instanceOf(Realm.Dictionary);
+    });
+    describe("Collection notifications", () => {
+      it("fires when inserting to top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.push("Amy");
+              this.list.push("Mary");
+              this.list.push("John");
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
+            newModifications: [],
+            oldModifications: [],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when inserting to top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
+              this.dictionary.john = "John";
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
+            modifications: [],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when updating top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.push("Amy");
+              this.list.push("Mary");
+              this.list.push("John");
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
+            newModifications: [],
+            oldModifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list[0] = "Updated Amy";
+              this.list[2] = "Updated John";
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [],
+            newModifications: [0, 2],
+            oldModifications: [0, 2],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when updating top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
+              this.dictionary.john = "John";
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
+            modifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+              this.dictionary.john = "Updated John";
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [],
+            modifications: ["amy", "john"],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when deleting from top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.push("Amy");
+              this.list.push("Mary");
+              this.list.push("John");
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
+            newModifications: [],
+            oldModifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.remove(2);
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [2],
+            insertions: [],
+            newModifications: [],
+            oldModifications: [],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when deleting from top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
+              this.dictionary.john = "John";
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
+            modifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.remove("mary");
+            });
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: ["mary"],
+            insertions: [],
+            modifications: [],
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("does not fire when updating object in top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        const realmObjectInList = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: "original" });
+        });
+        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.push(realmObjectInList);
+            });
+            expect(this.list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(realmObjectInList.mixedValue).equals("original");
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: [0],
+            newModifications: [],
+            oldModifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              realmObjectInList.mixedValue = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(realmObjectInList.mixedValue).equals("updated");
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("does not fire when updating object in top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        const realmObjectInDictionary = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: "original" });
+        });
+        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.realmObject = realmObjectInDictionary;
+            });
+            expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue).equals("original");
+          },
+          {
+            deletions: [],
+            insertions: ["realmObject"],
+            modifications: [],
+          },
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue).equals("updated");
+          },
+        ]);
+      });
+    });
+    describe("Object notifications", () => {
+      it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithList, undefined, [
+          // Insert list item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.push("Amy");
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          // Update list item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list[0] = "Updated Amy";
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          // Delete list item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.list.remove(0);
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+        ]);
+      });
+      it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithDictionary, undefined, [
+          // Insert dictionary item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          // Update dictionary item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          // Delete dictionary item.
+          () => {
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              this.dictionary.remove("amy");
+            });
+          },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+        ]);
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
index 52e80159fa..9ec1234bdb 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ classes:
       - feed_buffer
       - make_ssl_verify_callback
       - needs_file_format_upgrade
+      - get_mixed_type
@@ -297,6 +298,7 @@ classes:
       - get_key
       - get_any
       - set_any
+      - set_collection
       - get_linked_object
       - get_backlink_count
       - get_backlink_view
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_spec.yml b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_spec.yml
index 1fb7bbc882..b6e9f28542 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_spec.yml
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_spec.yml
@@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ classes:
         sig: '() const -> Nullable<SharedSyncSession>'
         cppName: lock
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts b/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
index b4f69dac84..2c825fdce5 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
   /** @internal */
   protected declare classHelpers: ClassHelpers | null;
   /** @internal */
-  private declare mixedToBinding: (value: unknown) => binding.MixedArg;
+  private declare mixedToBinding: (value: unknown, options: { isQueryArg: boolean }) => binding.MixedArg;
    * Get an element of the ordered collection by index.
@@ -797,14 +797,19 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
   filtered(queryString: string, ...args: unknown[]): Results<T> {
     const { results: parent, realm, helpers } = this;
     const kpMapping = binding.Helpers.getKeypathMapping(realm.internal);
-    const bindingArgs = =>
-      Array.isArray(arg) ? => this.mixedToBinding(sub)) : this.mixedToBinding(arg),
-    );
+    const bindingArgs = => this.queryArgToBinding(arg));
     const newQuery = parent.query.table.query(queryString, bindingArgs, kpMapping);
     const results = binding.Helpers.resultsAppendQuery(parent, newQuery);
     return new Results(realm, results, helpers);
+  /** @internal */
+  private queryArgToBinding(arg: unknown): binding.MixedArg | binding.MixedArg[] {
+    return Array.isArray(arg)
+      ? => this.mixedToBinding(innerArg, { isQueryArg: true }))
+      : this.mixedToBinding(arg, { isQueryArg: true });
+  }
    * Returns new _Results_ that represent a sorted view of this collection.
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts b/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
index 2074910af6..f60976c892 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import {
+  List,
@@ -317,6 +318,61 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
+  [binding.PropertyType.Mixed](options) {
+    const {
+      realm,
+      columnKey,
+      typeHelpers: { fromBinding, toBinding },
+    } = options;
+    return {
+      get: (obj) => {
+        try {
+          // We currently rely on the Core helper `get_mixed_type()` for calling `obj.get_any()`
+          // since doing it here in the SDK layer will cause the binding layer to throw for
+          // collections. It's non-trivial to do in the bindgen templates as a `binding.List`
+          // would have to be constructed using the `realm` and `obj`. Going via the helpers
+          // bypasses that as we will return a primitive (the data type). If possible, revisiting
+          // this for a more performant solution would be ideal as we now make an extra call into
+          // Core for each Mixed access, not only for collections.
+          const mixedType = binding.Helpers.getMixedType(obj, columnKey);
+          if (mixedType === binding.MixedDataType.List) {
+            return fromBinding(binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey));
+          }
+          if (mixedType === binding.MixedDataType.Dictionary) {
+            return fromBinding(binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey));
+          }
+          return defaultGet(options)(obj);
+        } catch (err) {
+          assert.isValid(obj);
+          throw err;
+        }
+      },
+      set: (obj: binding.Obj, value: unknown) => {
+        assert.inTransaction(realm);
+        if (value instanceof List || Array.isArray(value)) {
+          obj.setCollection(columnKey, binding.CollectionType.List);
+          const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
+          let index = 0;
+          for (const item of value) {
+            internal.insertAny(index++, toBinding(item));
+          }
+        } else if (value instanceof Dictionary || isPOJO(value)) {
+          obj.setCollection(columnKey, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+          const internal = binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
+          internal.removeAll();
+          for (const key in value) {
+            internal.insertAny(key, toBinding(value[key]));
+          }
+        } else if (value instanceof RealmSet || value instanceof Set) {
+          throw new Error(`Using a ${} as a Mixed value is not supported.`);
+        } else {
+          defaultSet(options)(obj, value);
+        }
+      },
+    };
+  },
 function getPropertyHelpers(type: binding.PropertyType, options: PropertyOptions): PropertyHelpers {
@@ -366,3 +422,14 @@ export function createPropertyHelpers(property: PropertyContext, options: Helper
+/** @internal */
+export function isPOJO(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> {
+  return (
+    typeof value === "object" &&
+    value !== null &&
+    // Lastly check for the absence of a prototype as POJOs
+    // can still be created using `Object.create(null)`.
+    (value.constructor === Object || !Object.getPrototypeOf(value))
+  );
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts b/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
index be3da30a00..b1a02da03c 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
@@ -20,15 +20,18 @@ import {
+  Dictionary,
+  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  RealmSet,
@@ -72,7 +75,10 @@ export function toArrayBuffer(value: unknown, stringToBase64 = true) {
 /** @internal */
 export type TypeHelpers<T = unknown> = {
-  toBinding(value: T, options?: { createObj?: ObjCreator; updateMode?: UpdateMode }): binding.MixedArg;
+  toBinding(
+    value: T,
+    options?: { createObj?: ObjCreator; updateMode?: UpdateMode; isQueryArg?: boolean },
+  ): binding.MixedArg;
   fromBinding(value: unknown): T;
@@ -89,8 +95,21 @@ export type TypeOptions = {
 // TODO: Consider testing for expected object instance types and throw something similar to the legacy SDK:
 // "Only Realm instances are supported." (which should probably have been "RealmObject")
 // instead of relying on the binding to throw.
-/** @internal */
-export function mixedToBinding(realm: binding.Realm, value: unknown): binding.MixedArg {
+ * Convert an SDK value to a Binding value representation.
+ * @param realm The Realm used.
+ * @param value The value to convert.
+ * @param options Options needed.
+ * @param options.isQueryArg Whether the value to convert is a query argument used
+ *  for `OrderedCollection.filtered()`. If so, this will be validated differently.
+ * @returns The `MixedArg` binding representation.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export function mixedToBinding(
+  realm: binding.Realm,
+  value: unknown,
+  { isQueryArg } = { isQueryArg: false },
+): binding.MixedArg {
   if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean" || value === null) {
     // Fast track pass through for the most commonly used types
     return value;
@@ -99,21 +118,29 @@ export function mixedToBinding(realm: binding.Realm, value: unknown): binding.Mi
   } else if (value instanceof Date) {
     return binding.Timestamp.fromDate(value);
   } else if (value instanceof RealmObject) {
+    if (value.objectSchema().embedded) {
+      throw new Error(`Using an embedded object (${}) as a Mixed value is not supported.`);
+    }
     const otherRealm = value[REALM].internal;
     assert.isSameRealm(realm, otherRealm, "Realm object is from another Realm");
     return value[INTERNAL];
-  } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
-    throw new Error(`Using a ${} as Mixed value, is not yet supported`);
-  } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-    throw new TypeError("A mixed property cannot contain an array of values.");
+  } else if (value instanceof RealmSet || value instanceof Set) {
+    throw new Error(`Using a ${} as a Mixed value is not supported.`);
   } else {
-    if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
-      if (isGeoCircle(value)) {
-        return circleToBindingGeospatial(value);
-      } else if (isGeoBox(value)) {
-        return boxToBindingGeospatial(value);
-      } else if (isGeoPolygon(value)) {
-        return polygonToBindingGeospatial(value);
+    if (isQueryArg) {
+      if (value instanceof Collection || Array.isArray(value)) {
+        throw new Error(`Using a ${} as a query argument is not supported.`);
+      }
+      // Geospatial types can currently only be used when querying and
+      // are not yet supported as standalone data types in the schema.
+      if (typeof value === "object") {
+        if (isGeoCircle(value)) {
+          return circleToBindingGeospatial(value);
+        } else if (isGeoBox(value)) {
+          return boxToBindingGeospatial(value);
+        } else if (isGeoPolygon(value)) {
+          return polygonToBindingGeospatial(value);
+        }
     // Convert typed arrays to an `ArrayBuffer`
@@ -126,6 +153,40 @@ export function mixedToBinding(realm: binding.Realm, value: unknown): binding.Mi
     return value as binding.MixedArg;
+function mixedFromBinding(options: TypeOptions, value: binding.MixedArg): unknown {
+  const { realm, getClassHelpers } = options;
+  if (binding.Int64.isInt(value)) {
+    return binding.Int64.intToNum(value);
+  } else if (value instanceof binding.Timestamp) {
+    return value.toDate();
+  } else if (value instanceof binding.Float) {
+    return value.value;
+  } else if (value instanceof binding.ObjLink) {
+    const table = binding.Helpers.getTable(realm.internal, value.tableKey);
+    const linkedObj = table.getObject(value.objKey);
+    const { wrapObject } = getClassHelpers(value.tableKey);
+    return wrapObject(linkedObj);
+  } else if (value instanceof binding.List) {
+    const collectionHelpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers = {
+      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
+      fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
+      get(_: binding.Results, index: number) {
+        return value.getAny(index);
+      },
+    };
+    return new List(realm, value, collectionHelpers);
+  } else if (value instanceof binding.Dictionary) {
+    const typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<Realm.Mixed> = {
+      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
+      fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
+    };
+    return new Dictionary(realm, value, typeHelpers);
+  } else {
+    return value;
+  }
 function isGeoCircle(value: object): value is GeoCircle {
   return "distance" in value && "center" in value && typeof value["distance"] === "number";
@@ -294,25 +355,11 @@ const TYPES_MAPPING: Record<binding.PropertyType, (options: TypeOptions) => Type
-  [binding.PropertyType.Mixed]({ realm, getClassHelpers }) {
+  [binding.PropertyType.Mixed](options) {
+    const { realm } = options;
     return {
       toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
-      fromBinding(value) {
-        if (binding.Int64.isInt(value)) {
-          return binding.Int64.intToNum(value);
-        } else if (value instanceof binding.Timestamp) {
-          return value.toDate();
-        } else if (value instanceof binding.Float) {
-          return value.value;
-        } else if (value instanceof binding.ObjLink) {
-          const table = binding.Helpers.getTable(realm.internal, value.tableKey);
-          const linkedObj = table.getObject(value.objKey);
-          const { wrapObject } = getClassHelpers(value.tableKey);
-          return wrapObject(linkedObj);
-        } else {
-          return value;
-        }
-      },
+      fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
   [binding.PropertyType.ObjectId]({ optional }) {
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts b/packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..685a3784b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Realm Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import { expect } from "chai";
+import { isPOJO } from "../PropertyHelpers";
+describe("PropertyHelpers", () => {
+  describe("isPOJO()", () => {
+    it("returns true for object literal", () => {
+      const object = {};
+      expect(object.constructor).to.equal(Object);
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+    });
+    it("returns true for Object constructor", () => {
+      const object = new Object();
+      expect(object.constructor).to.equal(Object);
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+    });
+    it("returns true for Object without prototype", () => {
+      let object = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {});
+      expect(object.constructor);
+      expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(object));
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+      object = Object.create(null);
+      expect(object.constructor);
+      expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(object));
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+    });
+    it("returns false for user-defined class", () => {
+      class CustomClass {}
+      const object = new CustomClass();
+      expect(object.constructor).to.equal(CustomClass);
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+    });
+    it("returns false for user-defined class called Object", () => {
+      class Object {}
+      const object = new Object();
+      expect(object.constructor).to.equal(Object);
+      expect(isPOJO(object));
+    });
+    it("returns false for Arrays", () => {
+      expect(isPOJO([]));
+      expect(isPOJO(new Array(1)));
+    });
+    it("returns false for null", () => {
+      expect(isPOJO(null));
+    });
+  });

From f27d77ed25481ffa92ddd47fc176008c1ac64128 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 12:42:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/43] RJS-2680: Implement support for `Mixed` data type with
 nested collections (#6513)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

* Move geospatial helper functions to related file.

* Implement setting nested lists in Mixed.

* Implement setting nested dictionaries in Mixed.

* Implement getting nested lists in Mixed.

* Implement getting nested dictionaries in Mixed.

* Test creating and accessing nested lists and dicts.

* Make previous flat collections tests use the new 'expect' function.

* Test that max nesting level throws.

* Delegate throwing when using a Set to 'mixedToBinding()'.

* Implement setting nested collections on a dictionary via setter.

* Test nested collections on dictionary via setter.

* Minor update to names of tests.

* Combine nested and flat collections tests into same suite.

* Implement setting nested collections on a list via setter.

* Test nested collections on list via setter.

* Refactor common test logic to helper functions.

* Optimize property setter for hot-path and use friendlier err msg.

* Refactor test helper function to build collections of any depth.

* Implement inserting nested collections on a list via 'push()'.

* Test nested collections on a list via 'push()'.

* Test updating dictionary entry to nested collections via setter.

* Test updating nested list/dictionary item via setter.

* Test removing items from collections via 'remove()'.

* Test object notifications when modifying nested collections.

* Group previous notification tests into one test.

* Group collection notifications tests into 'List' and 'Dictionary'.

* Test collection notifications when modifying nested collections.

* Remove collections from test context.

* Test filtering by query path on nested collections.

* Align object schema property names in tests.

* Test filtering with int at_type.

* Implement setting nested collections on a dictionary via 'set()' overloads.

* Test JS Array method 'values()'.

* Test JS Array method 'entries()'.

* Implement getting nested collections on dictionary 'values()' and 'entries()'.

* Test 'values()' and 'entries()' on dictionary with nested collections.

* Remove unnecessary 'fromBinding()' calls.

* Refactor collection helpers from 'PropertyHelpers' into the respective collection file.

* Introduce list/dict sentinels to circumvent extra Core access.

* Rename getter to default.

* Remove redundant 'snapshotGet'.

* Add abstract 'get' and 'set' to 'OrderedCollection'.

* Rename the collection helpers to 'accessor'.

* Move tests into subsuites.

* Fix 'Results.update()'.

* Support nested collections in 'pop()', 'shift()', 'unshift()', 'splice()'.

* Test list 'pop()'.

* Test list 'shift()'.

* Test list 'unshift()'.

* Test list 'splice()'.

* Return 'not found' for collections searched for in 'indexOf()'.

* Test ordered collection 'indexOf()'.

* Support list/dict sentinels in JSI.

* Test references per access.

* Enable skipped tests after Core bug fix.

* Point to updated Core.

* Fix accessor for non-Mixed top-level collection with Mixed items.

* Enable and fix previously skipped test.

* Update 'mixed{}'.

* Update 'mixed<>'.

* Remove now-invalidated test.

* Remove unused injectable from Node bindgen template.

* Replace if-statements with switch.

* Add explicit Results and Set accessors for Mixed.

* Adapt to change in Core treating missing keys as null in queries.

* Rename insertion function.

* Include tests of Dictionary property type with Mixed.

* Test reassigning to new collection and self-assignment.

* Test mixed

* Update 'mixed[]'.

* Test results accessor.

* Update error messages.

* Make accessor helpers an object field rather than spread.

* Suggestions for "nested collections in mixed" (#6566)

* Fix type bundling issue

* Inline functions into "create*Accessor*" functions

* Refactored typeHelpers out of accessors

* Remove leftover 'Symbol_for' in node-wrapper template.

* Test not invalidating new collection.

* Remove test for max nesting level.

The max nesting level in debug in Core has been updated to be the same as for release.

* Remove reliance on issue-fix in certain tests.

* Add key path test for object listener on mixed field.

* Use '.values()' and '.entries()' in iteration.

* Update comments.

* Add CHANGELOG entry.


Co-authored-by: Kræn Hansen <>
---                                  |   65 +
 .../tests/src/tests/dictionary.ts             |   37 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts     |   50 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts    | 2709 ++++++++++++++---
 .../tests/src/tests/observable.ts             |  720 +++--
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/results.ts  |    6 +-
 packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml     |   20 +-
 packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/jsi.ts   |   22 +-
 packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/node.ts  |   10 +
 .../realm/bindgen/src/templates/typescript.ts |    4 +-
 packages/realm/src/Collection.ts              |   53 +-
 packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts              |  243 +-
 packages/realm/src/GeoSpatial.ts              |   18 +
 packages/realm/src/List.ts                    |  249 +-
 packages/realm/src/Object.ts                  |   27 +-
 packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts       |  172 +-
 packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts         |  195 +-
 packages/realm/src/Realm.ts                   |   22 +-
 packages/realm/src/Results.ts                 |  102 +-
 packages/realm/src/Set.ts                     |  117 +-
 packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts             |   69 +-
 ...ers.test.ts => collection-helpers.test.ts} |   17 +-
 22 files changed, 3900 insertions(+), 1027 deletions(-)
 rename packages/realm/src/tests/{PropertyHelpers.test.ts => collection-helpers.test.ts} (83%)

diff --git a/ b/
index 5820a32536..f92d885ee6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,68 @@
+## vNext (TBD)
+### Enhancements
+* A `mixed` value can now hold a `Realm.List` and `Realm.Dictionary` with nested collections. Note that `Realm.Set` is not supported as a `mixed` value. ([#6513](
+class CustomObject extends Realm.Object {
+  value!: Realm.Mixed;
+  static schema: ObjectSchema = {
+    name: "CustomObject",
+    properties: {
+      value: "mixed",
+    },
+  };
+const realm = await{ schema: [CustomObject] });
+// Create an object with a dictionary value as the Mixed property,
+// containing primitives and a list.
+const realmObject = realm.write(() => {
+  return realm.create(CustomObject, {
+    value: {
+      num: 1,
+      string: "hello",
+      bool: true,
+      list: [
+        {
+          dict: {
+            string: "world",
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  });
+// Accessing the collection value returns the managed collection.
+// The default generic type argument is `unknown` (mixed).
+const dictionary = realmObject.value as Realm.Dictionary;
+const list = dictionary.list as Realm.List;
+const leafDictionary = (list[0] as Realm.Dictionary).dict as Realm.Dictionary;
+console.log(leafDictionary.string); // "world"
+// Update the Mixed property to a list.
+realm.write(() => {
+  realmObject.value = [1, "hello", { newKey: "new value" }];
+### Fixed
+* <How to hit and notice issue? what was the impact?> ([#????](, since v?.?.?)
+* None
+### Compatibility
+* React Native >= v0.71.4
+* Realm Studio v15.0.0.
+* File format: generates Realms with format v24 (reads and upgrades file format v10 or later).
+### Internal
+<!-- * Either mention core version or upgrade -->
+<!-- * Using Realm Core vX.Y.Z -->
+<!-- * Upgraded Realm Core from vX.Y.Z to vA.B.C -->
 ## 12.7.1 (2024-04-19)
 ### Fixed
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/dictionary.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/dictionary.ts
index 145287f8e9..9f8915bd48 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/dictionary.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/dictionary.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import { expect } from "chai";
 import Realm, { PropertySchema } from "realm";
 import { openRealmBefore, openRealmBeforeEach } from "../hooks";
-import { sleep } from "../utils/sleep";
 type Item<ValueType = Realm.Mixed> = {
   dict: Realm.Dictionary<ValueType>;
@@ -60,17 +59,6 @@ const DictTypedSchema: Realm.ObjectSchema = {
-const DictMixedSchema = {
-  name: "MixedDictionary",
-  properties: {
-    dict1: "mixed{}",
-    dict2: "mixed{}",
-  },
-type IDictSchema = {
-  fields: Record<any, any>;
 type ITwoDictSchema = {
   dict1: Record<any, any>;
   dict2: Record<any, any>;
@@ -307,17 +295,17 @@ describe("Dictionary", () => {
-    // This is currently not supported
-    it.skip("can store dictionary values using string keys", function (this: RealmContext) {
+    it("can store dictionary values using string keys", function (this: RealmContext) {
       const item = this.realm.write(() => {
         const item = this.realm.create<Item>("Item", {});
         const item2 = this.realm.create<Item>("Item", {});
-        item2.dict.key1 = "Hello";
-        item.dict.key1 = item2.dict;
+        item2.dict.key1 = "hello";
+        item.dict.key1 = item2;
         return item;
-      // @ts-expect-error We expect a dictionary inside dictionary
-      expect(item.dict.key1.dict.key1).equals("hello");
+      const innerObject = item.dict.key1 as Realm.Object<Item> & Item;
+      expect(innerObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+      expect(innerObject.dict).deep.equals({ key1: "hello" });
     it("can store a reference to itself using string keys", function (this: RealmContext) {
@@ -599,7 +587,7 @@ describe("Dictionary", () => {
   describe("embedded models", () => {
-    openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [DictTypedSchema, DictMixedSchema, EmbeddedChild] });
+    openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [DictTypedSchema, EmbeddedChild] });
     it("inserts correctly", function (this: RealmContext) {
       this.realm.write(() => {
         this.realm.create(, {
@@ -615,16 +603,5 @@ describe("Dictionary", () => {
       expect(dict_2.children1?.num).equal(4, "We expect children1#4");
       expect(dict_2.children2?.num).equal(5, "We expect children2#5");
-    it("throws on invalid input", function (this: RealmContext) {
-      this.realm.write(() => {
-        expect(() => {
-          this.realm.create(, {
-            dict1: { children1: { num: 2 }, children2: { num: 3 } },
-            dict2: { children1: { num: 4 }, children2: { num: 5 } },
-          });
-        }).throws("Unable to convert an object with ctor 'Object' to a Mixed");
-      });
-    });
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
index 40b408ed06..64e9b536b5 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
           "Requested index 2 calling set() on list 'LinkTypesObject.arrayCol' when max is 1",
-        expect(() => (array[-1] = { doubleCol: 1 })).throws(Error, "Index -1 cannot be less than zero.");
+        expect(() => (array[-1] = { doubleCol: 1 })).throws(Error, "Cannot set item at negative index -1");
         //@ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: our List type-definition expects index accesses to be done with a number , should probably be extended.
         array["foo"] = "bar";
@@ -772,6 +772,7 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
       schema: [LinkTypeSchema, TestObjectSchema, PersonListSchema, PersonSchema, PrimitiveArraysSchema],
     it("are typesafe", function (this: RealmContext) {
       let obj: ILinkTypeSchema;
       let prim: IPrimitiveArraysSchema;
@@ -792,8 +793,10 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
         //@ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: type missmatch, forcecasting shouldn't be done
         obj.arrayCol = [this.realm.create<ITestObjectSchema>(, { doubleCol: 1.0 })];
-        obj.arrayCol = obj.arrayCol; // eslint-disable-line no-self-assign
-        expect(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol).equals(1.0);
+        // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+        // obj.arrayCol = obj.arrayCol; // eslint-disable-line no-self-assign
+        // expect(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol).equals(1.0);
         //@ts-expect-error Person is not assignable to boolean.
         expect(() => (prim.bool = [person])).throws(
@@ -868,21 +871,6 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
         testAssign("data", DATA1);
         testAssign("date", DATE1);
-        function testAssignNull(name: string, expected: string) {
-          //@ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: our List type-definition expects index accesses to be done with a number , should probably be extended.
-          expect(() => (prim[name] = [null])).throws(Error, `Expected '${name}[0]' to be ${expected}, got null`);
-          //@ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: our List type-definition expects index accesses to be done with a number , should probably be extended.
-          expect(prim[name].length).equals(1);
-        }
-        testAssignNull("bool", "a boolean");
-        testAssignNull("int", "a number or bigint");
-        testAssignNull("float", "a number");
-        testAssignNull("double", "a number");
-        testAssignNull("string", "a string");
-        testAssignNull("data", "an instance of ArrayBuffer");
-        testAssignNull("date", "an instance of Date");
         testAssign("optBool", true);
         testAssign("optInt", 1);
         testAssign("optFloat", 1.1);
@@ -905,7 +893,33 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
       //@ts-expect-error throws on modification outside of transaction.
       expect(() => (prim.bool = [])).throws("Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction.");
+    it("throws when assigning null to non-nullable", function (this: RealmContext) {
+      const realm = this.realm;
+      const prim = realm.write(() => realm.create<IPrimitiveArraysSchema>(, {}));
+      function testAssignNull(name: string, expected: string) {
+        expect(() => {
+          realm.write(() => {
+            // @ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: our List type-definition expects index accesses to be done with a number , should probably be extended.
+            prim[name] = [null];
+          });
+        }).throws(Error, `Expected '${name}[0]' to be ${expected}, got null`);
+        // @ts-expect-error TYPEBUG: our List type-definition expects index accesses to be done with a number , should probably be extended.
+        expect(prim[name].length).equals(0);
+      }
+      testAssignNull("bool", "a boolean");
+      testAssignNull("int", "a number or bigint");
+      testAssignNull("float", "a number");
+      testAssignNull("double", "a number");
+      testAssignNull("string", "a string");
+      testAssignNull("data", "an instance of ArrayBuffer");
+      testAssignNull("date", "an instance of Date");
+    });
   describe("operations", () => {
     openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [LinkTypeSchema, TestObjectSchema, PersonSchema, PersonListSchema] });
     it("supports enumeration", function (this: RealmContext) {
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
index 34551a7fe8..1441ff024e 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ interface IMixedNullable {
 interface IMixedSchema {
-  value: Realm.Mixed;
+  mixed: Realm.Mixed;
 interface IMixedAndEmbedded {
-  mixedValue: Realm.Mixed;
-  embeddedObject: { value: Realm.Mixed };
+  mixed: Realm.Mixed;
+  embeddedObject: { mixed: Realm.Mixed };
 interface IMixedWithDefaultCollections {
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ const MixedNullableSchema: ObjectSchema = {
 const MixedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "MixedClass",
   properties: {
-    value: "mixed",
+    mixed: "mixed",
 const MixedAndEmbeddedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "MixedAndEmbedded",
   properties: {
-    mixedValue: "mixed",
+    mixed: "mixed",
     embeddedObject: "EmbeddedObject?",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const EmbeddedObjectSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "EmbeddedObject",
   embedded: true,
   properties: {
-    value: "mixed",
+    mixed: "mixed",
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ const CollectionsOfMixedSchema: ObjectSchema = {
 const bool = true;
-const int = 123;
+const int = BigInt(123);
 const double = 123.456;
 const d128 = BSON.Decimal128.fromString("6.022e23");
 const string = "hello";
@@ -145,12 +145,32 @@ const uuid = new BSON.UUID();
 const nullValue = null;
 const uint8Values = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8];
 const uint8Buffer = new Uint8Array(uint8Values).buffer;
-const unmanagedRealmObject: IMixedSchema = { value: 1 };
-// The `unmanagedRealmObject` is not added to these collections since a managed
+// The `unmanagedRealmObject` is not added to the collections below since a managed
 // Realm object will be added by the individual tests after one has been created.
-const flatListAllTypes: unknown[] = [bool, int, double, d128, string, date, oid, uuid, nullValue, uint8Buffer];
-const flatDictionaryAllTypes: Record<string, unknown> = {
+const unmanagedRealmObject: IMixedSchema = { mixed: 1 };
+ * An array of values representing each Realm data type allowed as `Mixed`,
+ * except for a managed Realm Object, a nested list, and a nested dictionary.
+ */
+const primitiveTypesList: readonly unknown[] = [
+  bool,
+  int,
+  double,
+  d128,
+  string,
+  date,
+  oid,
+  uuid,
+  nullValue,
+  uint8Buffer,
+ * An object with values representing each Realm data type allowed as `Mixed`,
+ * except for a managed Realm Object, a nested list, and a nested dictionary.
+ */
+const primitiveTypesDictionary: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> = {
@@ -166,8 +186,8 @@ const flatDictionaryAllTypes: Record<string, unknown> = {
 const MixedWithDefaultCollectionsSchema: ObjectSchema = {
   name: "MixedWithDefaultCollections",
   properties: {
-    mixedWithDefaultList: { type: "mixed", default: [...flatListAllTypes] },
-    mixedWithDefaultDictionary: { type: "mixed", default: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes } },
+    mixedWithDefaultList: { type: "mixed", default: [...primitiveTypesList] },
+    mixedWithDefaultDictionary: { type: "mixed", default: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary } },
@@ -294,24 +314,25 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
     it("throws if nested type is an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
-      this.realm.write(() => {
-        // Create an object with an embedded object property.
-        const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
-          mixedValue: null,
-          embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+      // Create an object with an embedded object property.
+      const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+        return this.realm.create(, {
+          mixed: null,
+          embeddedObject: { mixed: 1 },
-        expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
-        // Create an object with the Mixed property being the embedded object.
-        expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: embeddedObject })).to.throw(
-          "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
-        );
+      expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
+      // Create an object with the Mixed property being the embedded object.
+      expect(() => {
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          this.realm.create(, { mixed: embeddedObject });
+        });
+      }).to.throw("Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported");
       const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
-      // TODO: Length should equal 1 when this PR is merged:
-      // expect(objects.length).equals(1);
-      expect(objects.length).equals(2);
-      expect(objects[0].mixedValue);
+      expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+      expect(objects[0].mixed);
@@ -346,443 +367,2326 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
-    function expectRealmList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List<any> {
+    function expectRealmList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List<unknown> {
-    function expectRealmDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary<any> {
+    function expectRealmDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary<unknown> {
-    function expectMatchingFlatList(list: unknown) {
-      expectRealmList(list);
-      expect(list.length);
+    function expectRealmResults(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Results<unknown> {
+      expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.Results);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to contain:
+     * - All values in {@link primitiveTypesList}.
+     * - Optionally the managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     * - If the provided value is not a leaf list, additionally:
+     *   - A nested list with the same criteria.
+     *   - A nested dictionary with the same criteria.
+     */
+    function expectOrderedCollectionOfAllTypes(collection: Realm.List | Realm.Results) {
+      expect(collection.length).greaterThanOrEqual(primitiveTypesList.length);
       let index = 0;
-      for (const item of list) {
+      for (const item of collection) {
         if (item instanceof Realm.Object) {
-          // @ts-expect-error Property `value` does exist.
-          expect(item.value).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.value);
+          // @ts-expect-error Expecting `mixed` to exist.
+          expect(item.mixed).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.mixed);
         } else if (item instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
-          expectMatchingUint8Buffer(item);
+          expectUint8Buffer(item);
+        } else if (item instanceof Realm.List) {
+          expectListOfAllTypes(item);
+        } else if (item instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
+          expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(item);
         } else {
-          expect(String(item)).equals(String(flatListAllTypes[index]));
+          expect(String(item)).equals(String(primitiveTypesList[index]));
-    function expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary: unknown) {
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.List} containing
+     * items with the same criteria as {@link expectOrderedCollectionOfAllTypes}.
+     */
+    function expectListOfAllTypes(list: unknown): asserts list is Realm.List<unknown> {
+      expectRealmList(list);
+      expectOrderedCollectionOfAllTypes(list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.Results} containing
+     * items with the same criteria as {@link expectOrderedCollectionOfAllTypes}.
+     */
+    function expectResultsOfAllTypes(results: unknown): asserts results is Realm.Results<unknown> {
+      expectRealmResults(results);
+      expectOrderedCollectionOfAllTypes(results);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.Dictionary} containing:
+     * - All entries in {@link primitiveTypesDictionary}.
+     * - Optional key `realmObject`: The managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     * - If the provided value is not a leaf dictionary, additionally:
+     *   - Key `list`: A nested list with the same criteria.
+     *   - Key `dictionary`: A nested dictionary with the same criteria.
+     */
+    function expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary: unknown): asserts dictionary is Realm.Dictionary<unknown> {
-      expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length);
+      expect(Object.keys(dictionary)).to.include.members(Object.keys(primitiveTypesDictionary));
       for (const key in dictionary) {
         const value = dictionary[key];
         if (key === "realmObject") {
-          expect(value.value).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.value);
+          // @ts-expect-error Expecting `mixed` to exist.
+          expect(value.mixed).equals(unmanagedRealmObject.mixed);
         } else if (key === "uint8Buffer") {
-          expectMatchingUint8Buffer(value);
+          expectUint8Buffer(value);
+        } else if (key === "list") {
+          expectListOfAllTypes(value);
+        } else if (key === "dictionary") {
+          expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(value);
         } else {
-          expect(String(value)).equals(String(flatDictionaryAllTypes[key]));
+          expect(String(value)).equals(String(primitiveTypesDictionary[key]));
-    function expectMatchingUint8Buffer(value: unknown) {
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.List} containing:
+     * - A `Realm.List` of:
+     *   - A `Realm.List` of:
+     *     - All values in {@link primitiveTypesList}.
+     *     - The managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     */
+    function expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list: unknown): asserts list is Realm.List<unknown> {
+      expectRealmList(list);
+      expect(list.length).equals(1);
+      const [depth1] = list;
+      expectRealmList(depth1);
+      expect(depth1.length).equals(1);
+      const [depth2] = depth1;
+      expectListOfAllTypes(depth2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.List} containing:
+     * - A `Realm.Dictionary` of:
+     *   - Key `depth2`: A `Realm.Dictionary` of:
+     *     - All entries in {@link primitiveTypesDictionary}.
+     *     - Key `realmObject`: The managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     */
+    function expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list: unknown): asserts list is Realm.List<unknown> {
+      expectRealmList(list);
+      expect(list.length).equals(1);
+      const [depth1] = list;
+      expectRealmDictionary(depth1);
+      expectKeys(depth1, ["depth2"]);
+      const { depth2 } = depth1;
+      expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(depth2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.Dictionary} containing:
+     * - Key `depth1`: A `Realm.List` of:
+     *   - A `Realm.List` of:
+     *     - All values in {@link primitiveTypesList}.
+     *     - The managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     */
+    function expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary: unknown): asserts dictionary is Realm.Dictionary<unknown> {
+      expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+      expectKeys(dictionary, ["depth1"]);
+      const { depth1 } = dictionary;
+      expectRealmList(depth1);
+      expect(depth1.length).equals(1);
+      const [depth2] = depth1;
+      expectListOfAllTypes(depth2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expects the provided value to be a {@link Realm.Dictionary} containing:
+     * - Key `depth1`: A `Realm.Dictionary` of:
+     *   - Key `depth2`: A `Realm.Dictionary` of:
+     *     - All entries in {@link primitiveTypesDictionary}.
+     *     - Key `realmObject`: The managed object of {@link unmanagedRealmObject}.
+     */
+    function expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(
+      dictionary: unknown,
+    ): asserts dictionary is Realm.Dictionary<unknown> {
+      expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+      expectKeys(dictionary, ["depth1"]);
+      const { depth1 } = dictionary;
+      expectRealmDictionary(depth1);
+      expectKeys(depth1, ["depth2"]);
+      const { depth2 } = depth1;
+      expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(depth2);
+    }
+    function expectUint8Buffer(value: unknown): asserts value is ArrayBuffer {
       expect([ Uint8Array(value as ArrayBuffer)]).eql(uint8Values);
-    describe("Flat collections", () => {
-      describe("CRUD operations", () => {
-        describe("Create and access", () => {
-          it("a list with different types (input: JS Array)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+    /**
+     * Builds an unmanaged list containing:
+     * - All values in {@link primitiveTypesList}.
+     * - For each depth except the last, additionally:
+     *   - A nested list with the same criteria.
+     *   - A nested dictionary with the same criteria.
+     */
+    function buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth, list = [] }: { depth: number; list?: unknown[] }) {
+      expect(depth).greaterThan(0);
+      expect(list.length).equals(0);
+      list.push(...primitiveTypesList);
+      if (depth > 1) {
+        list.push(buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: depth - 1 }));
+        list.push(buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: depth - 1 }));
+      }
+      return list;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Builds an unmanaged dictionary containing:
+     * - All entries in {@link primitiveTypesDictionary}.
+     * - For each depth except the last, additionally:
+     *   - Key `list`: A nested list with the same criteria.
+     *   - Key `dictionary`: A nested dictionary with the same criteria.
+     */
+    function buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({
+      depth,
+      dictionary = {},
+    }: {
+      depth: number;
+      dictionary?: Record<string, unknown>;
+    }) {
+      expect(depth).greaterThan(0);
+      expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(0);
+      Object.assign(dictionary, primitiveTypesDictionary);
+      if (depth > 1) {
+        dictionary.list = buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: depth - 1 });
+        dictionary.dictionary = buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: depth - 1 });
+      }
+      return dictionary;
+    }
+    function expectKeys(dictionary: Realm.Dictionary, keys: string[]) {
+      expect(Object.keys(dictionary)).members(keys);
+    }
+    describe("CRUD operations", () => {
+      describe("Create and access", () => {
+        describe("List", () => {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: JS Array)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
               const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: [...flatListAllTypes, realmObject],
-              });
+              const unmanagedList = [...primitiveTypesList, realmObject];
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedList,
+              }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
-            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list2);
-          it("a list with different types (input: Realm List)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: Realm List)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
               const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedList = [...primitiveTypesList, realmObject];
               // Create an object with a Realm List property type (i.e. not a Mixed type).
-              const realmObjectWithList = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
-                list: [...flatListAllTypes, realmObject],
-              });
-              expectRealmList(realmObjectWithList.list);
+              const listToInsert = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
+              }).list;
+              expectRealmList(listToInsert);
               // Use the Realm List as the value for the Mixed property on a different object.
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: realmObjectWithList.list });
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: listToInsert }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: listToInsert,
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
-            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list2);
-          it("a list with different types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const { mixedWithDefaultList } = this.realm.write(() => {
               // Pass an empty object in order to use the default value from the schema.
               return this.realm.create<IMixedWithDefaultCollections>(, {});
-            expectMatchingFlatList(mixedWithDefaultList);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(mixedWithDefaultList);
+          });
+          it("has nested lists of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedList = [[[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]]];
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("has nested dictionaries of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedList = [{ depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } }];
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("has mix of nested collections of all types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const unmanagedList = buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("inserts all primitive types via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, { list: [] }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list1);
+            expectRealmList(list2);
+            expect(list1.length).equals(0);
+            expect(list2.length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              list1.push(...primitiveTypesList, realmObject);
+              list2.push(...primitiveTypesList, realmObject);
+            });
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("inserts nested lists of all primitive types via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, { list: [] }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list1);
+            expectRealmList(list2);
+            expect(list1.length).equals(0);
+            expect(list2.length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedList = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+              list1.push(unmanagedList);
+              list2.push(unmanagedList);
+            });
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list2);
-          it("a dictionary with different types (input: JS Object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { createdWithProto, createdWithoutProto } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          it("inserts nested dictionaries of all primitive types via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, { list: [] }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list1);
+            expectRealmList(list2);
+            expect(list1.length).equals(0);
+            expect(list2.length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
               const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
-              const createdWithProto = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes, realmObject },
+              const unmanagedDictionary = { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+              list1.push(unmanagedDictionary);
+              list2.push(unmanagedDictionary);
+            });
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("inserts mix of nested collections of all types via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, { list: [] }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list1);
+            expectRealmList(list2);
+            expect(list1.length).equals(0);
+            expect(list2.length).equals(0);
+            const unmanagedList = buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              for (const item of unmanagedList) {
+                list1.push(item);
+                list2.push(item);
+              }
+            });
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list1);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(list2);
+          });
+          it("returns different reference for each access", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const unmanagedList: unknown[] = [];
+            const { created1, created2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const created1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList });
+              const created2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: unmanagedList,
-              const createdWithoutProto = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
-                  ...flatDictionaryAllTypes,
-                  realmObject,
-                }),
+              return { created1, created2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(created1.mixed);
+            expectRealmList(created2.list);
+            // @ts-expect-error Testing different types.
+            expect(created1.mixed === unmanagedList);
+            expect(created1.mixed === created1.mixed);
+            expect(, created1.mixed));
+            // @ts-expect-error Testing different types.
+            expect(created2.list === unmanagedList);
+            expect(created2.list === created2.list);
+            expect(, created2.list));
+            const { list1, list2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const list1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [unmanagedList] }).mixed;
+              const list2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                list: [unmanagedList],
+              }).list;
+              return { list1, list2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list1);
+            expectRealmList(list2);
+            expect(list1[0] === unmanagedList);
+            expect(list1[0] === list1[0]);
+            expect([0], list1[0]));
+            expect(list2[0] === unmanagedList);
+            expect(list2[0] === list2[0]);
+            expect([0], list2[0]));
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Dictionary", () => {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: JS Object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedDictionary = { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject };
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
+            });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
+          });
+          it("has all primitive types (input: JS Object w/o proto)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedDictionary = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
+                ...primitiveTypesDictionary,
+                realmObject,
-              return { createdWithProto, createdWithoutProto };
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expect(this.realm.objects(;
-            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(createdWithProto.value);
-            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(createdWithoutProto.value);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          it("a dictionary with different types (input: Realm Dictionary)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: Realm Dictionary)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
               const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
               // Create an object with a Realm Dictionary property type (i.e. not a Mixed type).
-              const realmObjectWithDictionary = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
-                dictionary: { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes, realmObject },
-              });
-              expectRealmDictionary(realmObjectWithDictionary.dictionary);
+              const dictionaryToInsert = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject },
+              }).dictionary;
+              expectRealmDictionary(dictionaryToInsert);
               // Use the Realm Dictionary as the value for the Mixed property on a different object.
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: realmObjectWithDictionary.dictionary });
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: dictionaryToInsert,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: dictionaryToInsert,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          it("a dictionary with different types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+          it("has all primitive types (input: Default value)", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const { mixedWithDefaultDictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
               // Pass an empty object in order to use the default value from the schema.
               return this.realm.create<IMixedWithDefaultCollections>(, {});
-            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(mixedWithDefaultDictionary);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(mixedWithDefaultDictionary);
-          it("a dictionary (input: Spread embedded Realm object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          it("can use the spread of embedded Realm object", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
               const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
-                embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+                embeddedObject: { mixed: 1 },
               // Spread the embedded object in order to use its entries as a dictionary in Mixed.
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: { ...embeddedObject },
-              });
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { ...embeddedObject },
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: { ...embeddedObject },
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
-            expect(dictionary).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(dictionary1).deep.equals({ mixed: 1 });
+            expect(dictionary2).deep.equals({ mixed: 1 });
-          it("a dictionary (input: Spread custom non-Realm object)", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          it("can use the spread of custom non-Realm object", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
               class CustomClass {
                 constructor(public value: number) {}
               const customObject = new CustomClass(1);
-              // Spread the embedded object in order to use its entries as a dictionary in Mixed.
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: { ...customObject },
-              });
+              // Spread the custom object in order to use its entries as a dictionary in Mixed.
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { ...customObject },
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: { ...customObject },
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
-            expect(dictionary).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(dictionary1).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
+            expect(dictionary2).deep.equals({ value: 1 });
-          it("inserts list items via `push()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: [] });
-            });
-            expectRealmList(list);
-            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+          it("has nested lists of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedDictionary = { depth1: [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]] };
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              list.push(...flatListAllTypes);
-              list.push(this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject));
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectMatchingFlatList(list);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          it("inserts dictionary entries", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: {} });
-            });
-            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
-            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(0);
+          it("has nested dictionaries of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedDictionary = { depth1: { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } } };
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              for (const key in flatDictionaryAllTypes) {
-                dictionary[key] = flatDictionaryAllTypes[key];
-              }
-              dictionary.realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectMatchingFlatDictionary(dictionary);
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-        });
-        describe("Update", () => {
-          it("updates list items via property setters", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: ["original", realmObject],
-              });
+          it("has mix of nested collections of all types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const unmanagedDictionary = buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectRealmList(list);
-            expect(list.length).equals(2);
-            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
-            expect(list[1].value).equals("original");
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              list[0] = "updated";
-              list[1].value = "updated";
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expect(this.realm.objects(;
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
+          });
+          it("inserts all primitive types via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: {} }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: {},
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expect(list[0]).equals("updated");
-            expect(list[1].value).equals("updated");
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary1).length).equals(0);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary2).length).equals(0);
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              list[0] = null;
-              list[1] = null;
+              for (const key in primitiveTypesDictionary) {
+                const value = primitiveTypesDictionary[key];
+                dictionary1[key] = value;
+                dictionary2[key] = value;
+              }
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              dictionary1.realmObject = realmObject;
+              dictionary2.realmObject = realmObject;
-            expect(list.length).equals(2);
-            expect(list[0]);
-            expect(list[1]);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          it("updates dictionary entries via property setters", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: { string: "original", realmObject },
-              });
-            });
-            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
-            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
-            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
-            expect(dictionary.realmObject.value).equals("original");
+          it("inserts nested lists of all primitive types via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: {} }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: {},
+              }).dictionary;
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              dictionary.string = "updated";
-              dictionary.realmObject.value = "updated";
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expect(dictionary.string).equals("updated");
-            expect(dictionary.realmObject.value).equals("updated");
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary1).length).equals(0);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary2).length).equals(0);
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              dictionary.string = null;
-              dictionary.realmObject = null;
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedList = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+              dictionary1.depth1 = unmanagedList;
+              dictionary2.depth1 = unmanagedList;
-            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
-            expect(dictionary.string);
-            expect(dictionary.realmObject);
+            expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-        });
-        describe("Remove", () => {
-          it("removes list items via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: ["original", realmObject],
-              });
+          it("inserts nested dictionaries of all primitive types via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: {} }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: {},
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectRealmList(list);
-            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary1).length).equals(0);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary2).length).equals(0);
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              list.remove(1);
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const unmanagedDictionary = { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+              dictionary1.depth1 = unmanagedDictionary;
+              dictionary2.depth1 = unmanagedDictionary;
-            expect(list.length).equals(1);
-            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+            expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          it("removes dictionary entries via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
-            const { value: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
-              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "original" });
-              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-                value: { string: "original", realmObject },
-              });
+          it("inserts mix of nested collections of all types via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: {} }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: {},
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
-            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
-            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(2);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary1).length).equals(0);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary2).length).equals(0);
+            const unmanagedDictionary = buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              dictionary.remove("realmObject");
+              for (const key in unmanagedDictionary) {
+                const value = unmanagedDictionary[key];
+                dictionary1[key] = value;
+                dictionary2[key] = value;
+              }
-            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(1);
-            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
-            expect(dictionary.realmObject);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-        });
-      });
-      describe("Filtering", () => {
-        it("filters by query path on list with different types", function (this: RealmContext) {
-          const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
-          const mixedList = [...flatListAllTypes];
-          const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+          it("inserts mix of nested collections of all types via `set()` overloads", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: {} }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: {},
+              }).dictionary;
-          this.realm.write(() => {
-            // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
-            this.realm.create(, { value: "not a list" });
-            mixedList.push(this.realm.create(, { value: "not a list" }));
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary1).length).equals(0);
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary2).length).equals(0);
-            // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
-            for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
-              this.realm.create(, { value: mixedList });
-            }
+            const unmanagedDictionary = buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary1.set(unmanagedDictionary);
+              dictionary2.set(unmanagedDictionary);
+            });
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary1);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary2);
-          const objects = this.realm.objects(;
-          expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
-          let index = 0;
-          for (const itemToMatch of mixedList) {
-            // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
-            let filtered = objects.filtered(`value[${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          it("returns different reference for each access", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const unmanagedDictionary: Record<string, unknown> = {};
+            const { created1, created2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const created1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedDictionary });
+              const created2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: unmanagedDictionary,
+              });
-            // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+              return { created1, created2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(created1.mixed);
+            expectRealmDictionary(created2.dictionary);
+            expect(created1.mixed === unmanagedDictionary);
+            expect(created1.mixed === created1.mixed);
+            expect(, created1.mixed));
+            expect(created2.dictionary === unmanagedDictionary);
+            expect(created2.dictionary === created2.dictionary);
+            expect(, created2.dictionary));
+            const { dictionary1, dictionary2 } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const dictionary1 = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { key: unmanagedDictionary },
+              }).mixed;
+              const dictionary2 = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+                dictionary: { key: unmanagedDictionary },
+              }).dictionary;
+              return { dictionary1, dictionary2 };
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary2);
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            expect(dictionary1.key === unmanagedDictionary);
+            expect(dictionary1.key === dictionary1.key);
+            expect(, dictionary1.key));
-            index++;
-          }
+            expect(dictionary2.key === unmanagedDictionary);
+            expect(dictionary2.key === dictionary2.key);
+            expect(, dictionary2.key));
+          });
-        it("filters by query path on dictionary with different types", function (this: RealmContext) {
-          const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
-          const mixedDictionary = { ...flatDictionaryAllTypes };
-          const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
-          const nonExistentKey = "nonExistentKey";
+        describe("Results", () => {
+          describe("from List", () => {
+            describe("snapshot()", () => {
+              it("has all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+                  const unmanagedList = [...primitiveTypesList, realmObject];
+                  return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList });
+                });
+                expectRealmList(list);
+                expectResultsOfAllTypes(list.snapshot());
+              });
-          this.realm.write(() => {
-            // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
-            this.realm.create(, { value: "not a dictionary" });
-            mixedDictionary.realmObject = this.realm.create(, { value: "not a dictionary" });
+              it("has mix of nested collections of all types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const unmanagedList = buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+                  return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList });
+                });
+                expectRealmList(list);
+                expectResultsOfAllTypes(list.snapshot());
+              });
+            });
-            // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
-            for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
-              this.realm.create(, { value: mixedDictionary });
-            }
-          });
-          const objects = this.realm.objects(;
-          expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+            describe("objects().filtered()", () => {
+              it("has all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+                  const unmanagedList = [...primitiveTypesList, realmObject];
+                  this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList });
+                });
-          const insertedValues = Object.values(mixedDictionary);
+                const results = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>(;
+                expectRealmResults(results);
+                expect(results.length).equals(2);
-          for (const key in mixedDictionary) {
-            const valueToMatch = mixedDictionary[key];
+                const list = results[1].mixed;
+                expectListOfAllTypes(list);
+              });
-            // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
-            let filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+              it("has mix of nested collections of all types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const unmanagedList = buildListOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+                  this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedList });
+                });
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+                const results = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>(;
+                expectRealmResults(results);
+                expect(results.length).equals(1);
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+                const list = results[0].mixed;
+                expectListOfAllTypes(list);
+              });
+            });
+          });
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          describe("from Dictionary", () => {
+            describe("objects().filtered()", () => {
+              it("has all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+                  const unmanagedDictionary = { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject };
+                  this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedDictionary });
+                });
+                const results = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>(;
+                expectRealmResults(results);
+                expect(results.length).equals(2);
+                const dictionary = results[1].mixed;
+                expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary);
+              });
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+              it("has mix of nested collections of all types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+                this.realm.write(() => {
+                  const unmanagedDictionary = buildDictionaryOfCollectionsOfAllTypes({ depth: 4 });
+                  this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: unmanagedDictionary });
+                });
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+                const results = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>(;
+                expectRealmResults(results);
+                expect(results.length).equals(1);
-            // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+                const dictionary = results[0].mixed;
+                expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(dictionary);
+              });
+            });
+          });
+        });
+      });
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+      describe("Update", () => {
+        describe("List", () => {
+          it("updates top-level item via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list, realmObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const { mixed: list } = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original"] });
+              return { list, realmObject };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
-            // Objects with a dictionary containing a key that matches `key`.
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.@keys == $0`, key);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("updated");
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.@keys == $0`, nonExistentKey);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = null;
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]);
-            // Objects with a dictionary with the key `key` matching any of the values inserted.
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+            });
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(list);
-            filtered = objects.filtered(`value.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
-            expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
-          }
-        });
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+            });
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(list);
+          });
+          it("updates nested item via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { list, realmObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const { mixed: list } = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [["original"]] });
+              return { list, realmObject };
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            const [nestedList] = list;
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList[0] = "updated";
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("updated");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList[0] = null;
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList[0] = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+            });
+            expectListOfListsOfAllTypes(nestedList);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList[0] = { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+            });
+            expectListOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(nestedList);
+          });
+          it("updates itself to a new list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original1", "original2"] });
+            });
+            let list = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(list[1]).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              created.mixed = ["updated"];
+            });
+            list = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("updated");
+          });
+          it("updates nested list to a new list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [["original1", "original2"]],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            let nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedList[1]).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list[0] = ["updated"];
+            });
+            nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("updated");
+          });
+          it("does not become invalidated when updated to a new list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original"] });
+            });
+            const list = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              created.mixed = ["updated"];
+            });
+            // Accessing `list` should not throw.
+            expect(list[0]).equals("updated");
+          });
+          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          it.skip("self assigns", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original1", "original2"] });
+            });
+            let list = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(list[1]).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              /* eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign */
+              created.mixed = created.mixed;
+            });
+            list = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(list[1]).equals("original2");
+          });
+          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          it.skip("self assigns nested list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [["original1", "original2"]],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            let nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedList[1]).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              /* eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign */
+              list[0] = list[0];
+            });
+            nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedList[1]).equals("original2");
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Dictionary", () => {
+          it("updates top-level entry via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary, realmObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { depth1: "original" },
+              });
+              return { dictionary, realmObject };
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["depth1"]);
+            expect(dictionary.depth1).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.depth1 = "updated";
+            });
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["depth1"]);
+            expect(dictionary.depth1).equals("updated");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.depth1 = null;
+            });
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["depth1"]);
+            expect(dictionary.depth1);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.depth1 = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+            });
+            expectDictionaryOfListsOfAllTypes(dictionary);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.depth1 = { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+            });
+            expectDictionaryOfDictionariesOfAllTypes(dictionary);
+          });
+          it("updates nested entry via setter", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { dictionary, realmObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, unmanagedRealmObject);
+              const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { depth1: { depth2: "original" } },
+              });
+              return { dictionary, realmObject };
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            const { depth1: nestedDictionary } = dictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["depth2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.depth2).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.depth2 = "updated";
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["depth2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.depth2).equals("updated");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.depth2 = null;
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["depth2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.depth2);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.depth2 = [[...primitiveTypesList, realmObject]];
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["depth2"]);
+            expectRealmList(nestedDictionary.depth2);
+            expectListOfAllTypes(nestedDictionary.depth2[0]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.depth2 = { depth3: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary, realmObject } };
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["depth2"]);
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary.depth2);
+            expectDictionaryOfAllTypes(nestedDictionary.depth2.depth3);
+          });
+          it("updates itself to a new dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { key1: "original1", key2: "original2" },
+              });
+            });
+            let dictionary = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(dictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(dictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              created.mixed = { newKey: "updated" };
+            });
+            dictionary = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["newKey"]);
+            expect(dictionary.newKey).equals("updated");
+          });
+          it("updates nested dictionary to a new dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { nestedDictionary: { key1: "original1", key2: "original2" } },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["nestedDictionary"]);
+            let nestedDictionary = dictionary.nestedDictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.nestedDictionary = { newKey: "updated" };
+            });
+            nestedDictionary = dictionary.nestedDictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["newKey"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.newKey).equals("updated");
+          });
+          it("does not become invalidated when updated to a new dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: { key: "original" } });
+            });
+            const dictionary = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              created.mixed = { newKey: "updated" };
+            });
+            // Accessing `dictionary` should not throw.
+            expect(dictionary.newKey).equals("updated");
+          });
+          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          it.skip("self assigns", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const created = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { key1: "original1", key2: "original2" },
+              });
+            });
+            let dictionary = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(dictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(dictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              /* eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign */
+              created.mixed = created.mixed;
+            });
+            dictionary = created.mixed;
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(dictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(dictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+          });
+          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          it.skip("self assigns nested dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { nestedDictionary: { key1: "original1", key2: "original2" } },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["nestedDictionary"]);
+            let nestedDictionary = dictionary.nestedDictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              /* eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign */
+              dictionary.nestedDictionary = dictionary.nestedDictionary;
+            });
+            nestedDictionary = dictionary.nestedDictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["key1", "key2"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key1).equals("original1");
+            expect(nestedDictionary.key2).equals("original2");
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      describe("Remove", () => {
+        describe("List", () => {
+          it("removes top-level item via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: ["original", [], {}, realmObject],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(4);
+            // Remove each item one-by-one starting from the last.
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.remove(3);
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(3);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(list[1]);
+            expectRealmDictionary(list[2]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.remove(2);
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(list[1]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.remove(1);
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(1);
+            expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              list.remove(0);
+            });
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+          });
+          it("removes nested item via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [["original", [], {}, realmObject]],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            const [nestedList] = list;
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(4);
+            // Remove each item one-by-one starting from the last.
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList.remove(3);
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(3);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(nestedList[1]);
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedList[2]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList.remove(2);
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(nestedList[1]);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList.remove(1);
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedList.remove(0);
+            });
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Dictionary", () => {
+          it("removes top-level entry via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { string: "original", list: [], dictionary: {}, realmObject },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["string", "list", "dictionary", "realmObject"]);
+            // Remove each entry one-by-one.
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.remove("realmObject");
+            });
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["string", "list", "dictionary"]);
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(dictionary.list);
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary.dictionary);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.remove("dictionary");
+            });
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["string", "list"]);
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(dictionary.list);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.remove("list");
+            });
+            expectKeys(dictionary, ["string"]);
+            expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              dictionary.remove("string");
+            });
+            expect(Object.keys(dictionary).length).equals(0);
+          });
+          it("removes nested entry via `remove()`", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              const realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "original" });
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: { depth1: { string: "original", list: [], dictionary: {}, realmObject } },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            const { depth1: nestedDictionary } = dictionary;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["string", "list", "dictionary", "realmObject"]);
+            // Remove each entry one-by-one.
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.remove("realmObject");
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["string", "list", "dictionary"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(nestedDictionary.list);
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary.dictionary);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.remove("dictionary");
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["string", "list"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.string).equals("original");
+            expectRealmList(nestedDictionary.list);
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.remove("list");
+            });
+            expectKeys(nestedDictionary, ["string"]);
+            expect(nestedDictionary.string).equals("original");
+            this.realm.write(() => {
+              nestedDictionary.remove("string");
+            });
+            expect(Object.keys(nestedDictionary).length).equals(0);
+          });
+        });
+      });
+      describe("JS collection methods", () => {
+        describe("List", () => {
+          it("pop()", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [[1, "string"], { key: "value" }],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            const nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            // Remove last item of nested list.
+            let removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.pop());
+            expect(removed).equals("string");
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.pop());
+            expect(removed).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.pop());
+            expect(removed);
+            // Remove last item of top-level list.
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.pop());
+            expectRealmDictionary(removed);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.pop());
+            expectRealmList(removed);
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.pop());
+            expect(removed);
+          });
+          it("shift()", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [[1, "string"], { key: "value" }],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            const nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            // Remove first item of nested list.
+            let removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.shift());
+            expect(removed).equals(1);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.shift());
+            expect(removed).equals("string");
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.shift());
+            expect(removed);
+            // Remove first item of top-level list.
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.shift());
+            expectRealmList(removed);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.shift());
+            expectRealmDictionary(removed);
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.shift());
+            expect(removed);
+          });
+          it("unshift()", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+            // Insert item into top-level list.
+            let newLength = this.realm.write(() => list.unshift({}));
+            expect(newLength).equals(1);
+            expectRealmDictionary(list[0]);
+            newLength = this.realm.write(() => list.unshift([]));
+            expect(newLength).equals(2);
+            const nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+            // Insert item into nested list.
+            newLength = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.unshift("string"));
+            expect(newLength).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals("string");
+            newLength = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.unshift(1));
+            expect(newLength).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals(1);
+          });
+          it("splice()", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [[1, "string"], { key: "value" }],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            const nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            // Remove all items from nested list.
+            let removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.splice(0));
+            expect(removed).deep.equals([1, "string"]);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+            // Insert items into nested list.
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => nestedList.splice(0, 0, 1, "string"));
+            expect(removed.length).equals(0);
+            expect(nestedList.length).equals(2);
+            expect(nestedList[0]).equals(1);
+            expect(nestedList[1]).equals("string");
+            // Remove all items from top-level list.
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.splice(0));
+            expect(removed.length).equals(2);
+            expectRealmList(removed[0]);
+            expectRealmDictionary(removed[1]);
+            expect(list.length).equals(0);
+            // Insert item into top-level list.
+            removed = this.realm.write(() => list.splice(0, 0, [1, "string"], { key: "value" }));
+            expect(removed.length).equals(0);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            expectRealmList(list[0]);
+            expectRealmDictionary(list[1]);
+          });
+          it("indexOf()", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const NOT_FOUND = -1;
+            const unmanagedList = [1, "string"];
+            const unmanagedDictionary = { key: "value" };
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [unmanagedList, unmanagedDictionary],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expect(list.length).equals(2);
+            // Expect collections to behave as always being different references.
+            // Both the unmanaged and managed collections will yield "not found".
+            expect(list.indexOf(unmanagedList)).equals(NOT_FOUND);
+            expect(list.indexOf(unmanagedDictionary)).equals(NOT_FOUND);
+            const nestedList = list[0];
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            expect(list.indexOf(nestedList)).equals(NOT_FOUND);
+            const nestedDictionary = list[1];
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expect(list.indexOf(nestedDictionary)).equals(NOT_FOUND);
+            expect(nestedList.indexOf(1)).equals(0);
+            expect(nestedList.indexOf("string")).equals(1);
+          });
+        });
+        describe("Iterators", () => {
+          const unmanagedList: readonly unknown[] = [bool, double, string];
+          const unmanagedDictionary: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> = { bool, double, string };
+          /**
+           * Expects {@link collection} to contain the managed versions of:
+           * - {@link unmanagedList} - At index 0 (if list), or lowest key (if dictionary).
+           * - {@link unmanagedDictionary} - At index 1 (if list), or highest key (if dictionary).
+           */
+          function expectIteratorValues(collection: Realm.List | Realm.Dictionary) {
+            const topIterator = collection.values();
+            // Expect a list as first item.
+            const nestedList =;
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            // Expect a dictionary as second item.
+            const nestedDictionary =;
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expect(;
+            // Expect that the nested list iterator yields correct values.
+            let index = 0;
+            const nestedListIterator = nestedList.values();
+            for (const value of nestedListIterator) {
+              expect(value).equals(unmanagedList[index++]);
+            }
+            expect(;
+            // Expect that the nested dictionary iterator yields correct values.
+            const nestedDictionaryIterator = nestedDictionary.values();
+            expect(;
+            expect(;
+            expect(;
+            expect(;
+          }
+          it("values() - list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [unmanagedList, unmanagedDictionary],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expectIteratorValues(list);
+          });
+          it("values() - dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                // Use `a_` and `b_` prefixes to get the same order once retrieved internally.
+                mixed: { a_list: unmanagedList, b_dictionary: unmanagedDictionary },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectIteratorValues(dictionary);
+          });
+          /**
+           * Expects {@link collection} to contain the managed versions of:
+           * - {@link unmanagedList} - At index 0 (if list), or key `a_list` (if dictionary).
+           * - {@link unmanagedDictionary} - At index 1 (if list), or key `b_dictionary` (if dictionary).
+           */
+          function expectIteratorEntries(collection: Realm.List | Realm.Dictionary) {
+            const usesIndex = collection instanceof Realm.List;
+            const topIterator = collection.entries();
+            // Expect a list as first item.
+            const [listIndexOrKey, nestedList] =;
+            expect(listIndexOrKey).equals(usesIndex ? 0 : "a_list");
+            expectRealmList(nestedList);
+            // Expect a dictionary as second item.
+            const [dictionaryIndexOrKey, nestedDictionary] =;
+            expect(dictionaryIndexOrKey).equals(usesIndex ? 1 : "b_dictionary");
+            expectRealmDictionary(nestedDictionary);
+            expect(;
+            // Expect that the nested list iterator yields correct entries.
+            let currentIndex = 0;
+            const nestedListIterator = nestedList.entries();
+            for (const [index, item] of nestedListIterator) {
+              expect(index).equals(currentIndex);
+              expect(item).equals(unmanagedList[currentIndex++]);
+            }
+            expect(;
+            // Expect that the nested dictionary iterator yields correct entries.
+            const nestedDictionaryIterator = nestedDictionary.entries();
+            expect(["bool", unmanagedDictionary.bool]);
+            expect(["double", unmanagedDictionary.double]);
+            expect(["string", unmanagedDictionary.string]);
+            expect(;
+          }
+          it("entries() - list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                mixed: [unmanagedList, unmanagedDictionary],
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            expectIteratorEntries(list);
+          });
+          it("entries() - dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+            const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
+              return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+                // Use `a_` and `b_` prefixes to get the same order once retrieved internally.
+                mixed: { a_list: unmanagedList, b_dictionary: unmanagedDictionary },
+              });
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            expectIteratorEntries(dictionary);
+          });
+        });
+      });
+    });
+    describe("Filtering", () => {
+      it("filters by query path on list of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const list = [...primitiveTypesList];
+        const nonExistentIndex = 10_000;
+        const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+        const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+          this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a list" });
+          list.push(this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a list" }));
+          // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+          for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: list });
+          }
+        });
+        const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+        expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+        let index = 0;
+        for (const itemToMatch of list) {
+          // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
+          let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${nonExistentIndex}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          index++;
+        }
+        // Objects with a list containing the same number of items as the ones inserted.
+        let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@count == $0`, list.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@count == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@size == $0`, list.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@size == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects where `mixed` itself is of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects with a list containing an item of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'null'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'bool'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'int'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'double'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'string'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'data'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'date'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'decimal128'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'objectId'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'uuid'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'link'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
-    });
-    describe("Invalid operations", () => {
-      it("throws when creating a set (input: JS Set)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+      it("filters by query path on nested list of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const list = [[[...primitiveTypesList]]];
+        const nonExistentIndex = 10_000;
+        const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+        const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { value: new Set() })).to.throw(
-            "Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported",
-          );
-        });
+          // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+          this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a list" });
+          list[0][0].push(this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a list" }));
+          // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+          for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: list });
+          }
+        });
         const objects = this.realm.objects(;
-        // TODO: Length should equal 0 when this PR is merged:
-        // expect(objects.length).equals(0);
-        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+        let index = 0;
+        const nestedList = list[0][0];
+        for (const itemToMatch of nestedList) {
+          // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
+          let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${nonExistentIndex}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          index++;
+        }
+        // Objects with a nested list containing the same number of items as the ones inserted.
+        let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@count == $0`, nestedList.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@count == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@size == $0`, nestedList.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@size == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects where `mixed[0][0]` itself is of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0].@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects with a nested list containing an item of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'null'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'bool'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'int'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'double'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'string'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'data'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'date'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'decimal128'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'objectId'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'uuid'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'link'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
-      it("throws when creating a set (input: Realm Set)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+      it("filters by query path on dictionary of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const dictionary = { ...primitiveTypesDictionary };
+        const nonExistentKey = "nonExistentKey";
+        const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+        const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          const { set } = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
-          expect(set).instanceOf(Realm.Set);
-          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { value: set })).to.throw(
-            "Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported",
-          );
+          // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+          this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a dictionary" });
+          dictionary.realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a dictionary" });
+          // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+          for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: dictionary });
+          }
+        const objects = this.realm.objects(;
+        expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+        const insertedValues = Object.values(dictionary);
+        for (const key in dictionary) {
+          const valueToMatch = dictionary[key];
+          // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
+          let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          // Objects with a dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a dictionary containing a key that matches the given key.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@keys == $0`, key);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@keys == $0`, nonExistentKey);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        }
+        // Objects with a dictionary containing the same number of keys as the ones inserted.
+        let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@count == $0`, insertedValues.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@count == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@size == $0`, insertedValues.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@size == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects where `mixed` itself is of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects with a dictionary containing a property of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'null'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'bool'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'int'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'double'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'string'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'data'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'date'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'decimal128'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'objectId'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'uuid'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'link'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*].@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+      });
+      it("filters by query path on nested dictionary of all primitive types", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const dictionary = { depth1: { depth2: { ...primitiveTypesDictionary } } };
+        const nonExistentKey = "nonExistentKey";
+        const nonExistentValue = "nonExistentValue";
+        const expectedFilteredCount = 5;
+        this.realm.write(() => {
+          // Create 2 objects that should not pass the query string filter.
+          this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a dictionary" });
+          dictionary.depth1.depth2.realmObject = this.realm.create(, { mixed: "not a dictionary" });
+          // Create the objects that should pass the query string filter.
+          for (let count = 0; count < expectedFilteredCount; count++) {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: dictionary });
+          }
+        });
         const objects = this.realm.objects(;
-        // TODO: Length should equal 0 when this PR is merged:
-        // expect(objects.length).equals(0);
-        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount + 2);
+        const nestedDictionary = dictionary.depth1.depth2;
+        const insertedValues = Object.values(nestedDictionary);
+        for (const key in nestedDictionary) {
+          const valueToMatch = nestedDictionary[key];
+          // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
+          let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a nested dictionary containing a key that matches the given key.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@keys == $0`, key);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@keys == $0`, nonExistentKey);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // Objects with a nested dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
+          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        }
+        // Objects with a nested dictionary containing the same number of keys as the ones inserted.
+        let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@count == $0`, insertedValues.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@count == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@size == $0`, insertedValues.length);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@size == $0`, 0);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects where `depth2` itself is of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        // Objects with a nested dictionary containing a property of the given type.
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'null'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'bool'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'int'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'double'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'string'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'data'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'date'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'decimal128'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'objectId'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'uuid'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'link'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'collection'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'list'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'dictionary'`);
+        expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+      });
+    });
+    describe("Invalid operations", () => {
+      it("throws when creating a Mixed with a set", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: new Set() });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            const { set } = this.realm.create(, { set: [] });
+            expect(set).instanceOf(Realm.Set);
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: set });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
+      });
+      it("throws when creating a set with a list", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            const unmanagedList: unknown[] = [];
+            this.realm.create(, { set: [unmanagedList] });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Lists within a Set are not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            const { list } = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, { list: [] });
+            expectRealmList(list);
+            this.realm.create(, { set: [list] });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Lists within a Set are not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
+      });
+      it("throws when creating a set with a dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            const unmanagedDictionary: Record<string, unknown> = {};
+            this.realm.create(, { set: [unmanagedDictionary] });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Dictionaries within a Set are not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            const { dictionary } = this.realm.create<ICollectionsOfMixed>(, {
+              dictionary: {},
+            });
+            expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+            this.realm.create(, { set: [dictionary] });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Dictionaries within a Set are not supported");
+        expect(this.realm.objects(;
       it("throws when updating a list item to a set", function (this: RealmContext) {
         const { set, list } = this.realm.write(() => {
-          const realmObjectWithSet = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
-          const realmObjectWithMixed = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: ["original"] });
-          return { set: realmObjectWithSet.set, list: realmObjectWithMixed.value };
+          const set = this.realm.create(, { set: [] }).set;
+          const list = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original"] }).mixed;
+          return { set, list };
@@ -796,120 +2700,209 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       it("throws when updating a dictionary entry to a set", function (this: RealmContext) {
         const { set, dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
-          const realmObjectWithSet = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] });
-          const realmObjectWithMixed = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
-            value: { string: "original" },
-          });
-          return { set: realmObjectWithSet.set, dictionary: realmObjectWithMixed.value };
+          const set = this.realm.create(, { set: [int] }).set;
+          const dictionary = this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
+            mixed: { key: "original" },
+          }).mixed;
+          return { set, dictionary };
-        expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+        expect(dictionary.key).equals("original");
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          expect(() => (dictionary.string = new Set())).to.throw("Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported");
-          expect(() => (dictionary.string = set)).to.throw("Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported");
+          expect(() => (dictionary.key = new Set())).to.throw("Using a Set as a Mixed value is not supported");
+          expect(() => (dictionary.key = set)).to.throw("Using a RealmSet as a Mixed value is not supported");
-        expect(dictionary.string).equals("original");
+        expect(dictionary.key).equals("original");
       it("throws when creating a list or dictionary with an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
-        this.realm.write(() => {
-          // Create an object with an embedded object property.
-          const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
-            embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+        // Create an object with an embedded object property.
+        const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create(, {
+            embeddedObject: { mixed: 1 },
-          expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
-          // Create two objects with the Mixed property (`value`) being a list and
-          // dictionary (respectively) containing the reference to the embedded object.
-          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: [embeddedObject] })).to.throw(
-            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
-          );
-          expect(() => this.realm.create(, { mixedValue: { embeddedObject } })).to.throw(
-            "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
-          );
+        expect(embeddedObject).instanceOf(Realm.Object);
         const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
-        // TODO: Length should equal 1 when this PR is merged:
-        // expect(objects.length).equals(1);
-        expect(objects.length).equals(3);
+        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+        // Create an object with the Mixed property as a list containing the embedded object.
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: [embeddedObject] });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
+        // Create an object with the Mixed property as a dictionary containing the embedded object.
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            this.realm.create(, { mixed: { embeddedObject } });
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported");
+        expect(objects.length).equals(1);
       it("throws when setting a list or dictionary item to an embedded object", function (this: RealmContext) {
         this.realm.write(() => {
           // Create an object with an embedded object property.
           const { embeddedObject } = this.realm.create(, {
-            embeddedObject: { value: 1 },
+            embeddedObject: { mixed: 1 },
-          // Create two objects with the Mixed property (`value`)
-          // being an empty list and dictionary (respectively).
-          const { mixedValue: list } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
-            mixedValue: [],
+          // Create an object with the Mixed property as a list.
+          const { mixed: list } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
+            mixed: ["original"],
-          const { mixedValue: dictionary } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
-            mixedValue: {},
+          // Create an object with the Mixed property as a dictionary.
+          const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.create<IMixedAndEmbedded>(, {
+            mixed: { key: "original" },
+          // Assign the embedded object to the collections.
           expect(() => (list[0] = embeddedObject)).to.throw(
             "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
-          expect(
-            () => (dictionary.prop = embeddedObject),
+          expect(() => (dictionary.key = embeddedObject)).to.throw(
             "Using an embedded object (EmbeddedObject) as a Mixed value is not supported",
         const objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedAndEmbedded>(;
-        // Check that the list and dictionary are still empty.
-        expect((objects[1].mixedValue as Realm.List<any>).length).equals(0);
-        expect(Object.keys(objects[2].mixedValue as Realm.Dictionary<any>).length).equals(0);
+        // Check that the list and dictionary are unchanged.
+        const list = objects[1].mixed;
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        expect(list[0]).equals("original");
+        const dictionary = objects[2].mixed;
+        expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+        expect(dictionary.key).equals("original");
       it("throws when setting a list or dictionary outside a transaction", function (this: RealmContext) {
         const created = this.realm.write(() => {
-          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: "original" });
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: "original" });
-        expect(created.value).equals("original");
-        expect(() => (created.value = ["a list item"])).to.throw(
+        expect(created.mixed).equals("original");
+        expect(() => (created.mixed = ["a list item"])).to.throw(
           "Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction",
-        expect(() => (created.value = { key: "a dictionary value" })).to.throw(
+        expect(() => (created.mixed = { key: "a dictionary value" })).to.throw(
           "Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction",
-        expect(created.value).equals("original");
+        expect(created.mixed).equals("original");
+      });
+      it("throws when setting a list item out of bounds", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          // Create an empty list as the Mixed value.
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [] });
+        });
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        expect(list.length).equals(0);
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            list[0] = "primitive";
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed' when empty");
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            list[0] = [];
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed' when empty");
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            list[0] = {};
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed' when empty");
+      });
+      it("throws when setting a nested list item out of bounds", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          // Create a list containing an empty list as the Mixed value.
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [[]] });
+        });
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        expect(list.length).equals(1);
+        const nestedList = list[0];
+        expectRealmList(nestedList);
+        expect(nestedList.length).equals(0);
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            nestedList[0] = "primitive";
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed[FIRST]' when empty");
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            nestedList[0] = [];
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed[FIRST]' when empty");
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            nestedList[0] = {};
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Requested index 0 calling set() on list 'MixedClass.mixed[FIRST]' when empty");
+      });
+      it("throws when assigning to list snapshot (Results)", function (this: RealmContext) {
+        const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original"] });
+        });
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        const results = list.snapshot();
+        expectRealmResults(results);
+        expect(results.length).equals(1);
+        expect(results[0]).equals("original");
+        expect(() => {
+          this.realm.write(() => {
+            results[0] = "updated";
+          });
+        }).to.throw("Modifying a Results collection is not supported");
+        expect(results.length).equals(1);
+        expect(results[0]).equals("original");
       it("invalidates the list when removed", function (this: RealmContext) {
         const created = this.realm.write(() => {
-          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: [1] });
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: [1] });
-        const list = created.value;
+        const list = created.mixed;
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          created.value = null;
+          created.mixed = null;
-        expect(created.value);
+        expect(created.mixed);
         expect(() => list[0]).to.throw("List is no longer valid");
       it("invalidates the dictionary when removed", function (this: RealmContext) {
         const created = this.realm.write(() => {
-          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { value: { prop: 1 } });
+          return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: { key: "original" } });
-        const dictionary = created.value;
+        const dictionary = created.mixed;
         this.realm.write(() => {
-          created.value = null;
+          created.mixed = null;
-        expect(created.value);
-        expect(() => dictionary.prop).to.throw("This collection is no more");
+        expect(created.mixed);
+        expect(() => dictionary.key).to.throw("This collection is no more");
@@ -923,18 +2916,18 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       const uint8Buffer1 = new Uint8Array(uint8Values1).buffer;
       const uint8Buffer2 = new Uint8Array(uint8Values2).buffer;
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { value: uint8Buffer1 });
+        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { mixed: uint8Buffer1 });
       let mixedObjects = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass");
-      let returnedData = [ Uint8Array(mixedObjects[0].value as Iterable<number>)];
+      let returnedData = [ Uint8Array(mixedObjects[0].mixed as Iterable<number>)];
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        mixedObjects[0].value = uint8Buffer2;
+        mixedObjects[0].mixed = uint8Buffer2;
       mixedObjects = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass");
-      returnedData = [ Uint8Array(mixedObjects[0].value as Iterable<number>)];
+      returnedData = [ Uint8Array(mixedObjects[0].mixed as Iterable<number>)];
       this.realm.write(() => {
@@ -943,10 +2936,10 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       // Test with empty array
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass", { value: new Uint8Array(0) });
+        this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass", { mixed: new Uint8Array(0) });
-      const emptyArrayBuffer = mixedObjects[0].value;
+      const emptyArrayBuffer = mixedObjects[0].mixed;
       expect((emptyArrayBuffer as ArrayBuffer).byteLength).equals(0);
@@ -958,11 +2951,11 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       const uint16Values = [0, 512, 256, 65535];
       const uint16Buffer = new Uint16Array(uint16Values).buffer;
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { value: uint16Buffer });
+        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { mixed: uint16Buffer });
       const uint16Objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass");
-      returnedData = [ Uint16Array(uint16Objects[0].value as Iterable<number>)];
+      returnedData = [ Uint16Array(uint16Objects[0].mixed as Iterable<number>)];
       this.realm.write(() => {
@@ -973,11 +2966,11 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
       const uint32Values = [0, 121393, 121393, 317811, 514229, 4294967295];
       const uint32Buffer = new Uint32Array(uint32Values).buffer;
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { value: uint32Buffer });
+        this.realm.create("MixedClass", { mixed: uint32Buffer });
       const uint32Objects = this.realm.objects<IMixedSchema>("MixedClass");
-      returnedData = [ Uint32Array(uint32Objects[0].value as Iterable<number>)];
+      returnedData = [ Uint32Array(uint32Objects[0].mixed as Iterable<number>)];
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
index 54ca6e92bd..37777d2f00 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/observable.ts
@@ -238,6 +238,14 @@ async function expectListenerRemoval({ addListener, removeListener, update }: Li
   await handle;
+function expectRealmList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List<any> {
+  expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.List);
+function expectRealmDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary<any> {
+  expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.Dictionary);
 function noop() {
   /* tumbleweed */
@@ -1379,306 +1387,576 @@ describe("Observable", () => {
   describe("Collections in Mixed", () => {
     class ObjectWithMixed extends Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> {
-      mixedValue!: Realm.Types.Mixed;
+      mixed!: Realm.Types.Mixed;
       static schema: ObjectSchema = {
         name: "ObjectWithMixed",
         properties: {
-          mixedValue: "mixed",
+          mixed: "mixed",
-    type CollectionsInMixedContext = {
+    type CollectionsInMixedContext = RealmContext & {
       objectWithList: Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> & ObjectWithMixed;
       objectWithDictionary: Realm.Object<ObjectWithMixed> & ObjectWithMixed;
-      list: Realm.List<any>;
-      dictionary: Realm.Dictionary<any>;
-    } & RealmContext;
+    };
     openRealmBeforeEach({ schema: [ObjectWithMixed] });
     beforeEach(function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-      this.objectWithList = this.realm.write(() => {
-        return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: [] });
-      });
-      this.list = this.objectWithList.mixedValue as Realm.List<any>;
-      expect(this.list).instanceOf(Realm.List);
-      this.objectWithDictionary = this.realm.write(() => {
-        return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: {} });
-      });
-      this.dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixedValue as Realm.Dictionary<any>;
-      expect(this.dictionary).instanceOf(Realm.Dictionary);
+      this.objectWithList = this.realm.write(() => this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixed: [] }));
+      this.objectWithDictionary = this.realm.write(() => this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixed: {} }));
     describe("Collection notifications", () => {
-      it("fires when inserting to top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.push("Amy");
-              this.list.push("Mary");
-              this.list.push("John");
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
-            newModifications: [],
-            oldModifications: [],
-          },
-        ]);
-      });
+      describe("List", () => {
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting at top-level", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+          expectRealmList(list);
-      it("fires when inserting to top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
-              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
-              this.dictionary.john = "John";
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
-            modifications: [],
-          },
-        ]);
-      });
+          await expectCollectionNotifications(list, undefined, [
+            // Insert items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list.push("Amy");
+                list.push("Mary");
+                list.push("John");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [0, 1, 2],
+              newModifications: [],
+              oldModifications: [],
+            },
+            // Update items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list[0] = "Updated Amy";
+                list[2] = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0, 2],
+              oldModifications: [0, 2],
+            },
+            // Delete items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list.remove(2);
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [2],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [],
+              oldModifications: [],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
-      it("fires when updating top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.push("Amy");
-              this.list.push("Mary");
-              this.list.push("John");
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
-            newModifications: [],
-            oldModifications: [],
-          },
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list[0] = "Updated Amy";
-              this.list[2] = "Updated John";
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [],
-            newModifications: [0, 2],
-            oldModifications: [0, 2],
-          },
-        ]);
-      });
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+          expectRealmList(list);
-      it("fires when updating top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
-              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
-              this.dictionary.john = "John";
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
-            modifications: [],
-          },
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
-              this.dictionary.john = "Updated John";
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [],
-            modifications: ["amy", "john"],
-          },
-        ]);
+          await expectCollectionNotifications(list, undefined, [
+            // Insert nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list.push([]);
+              });
+              expectRealmList(list[0]);
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [0],
+              newModifications: [],
+              oldModifications: [],
+            },
+            // Insert items into nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const [nestedList] = list;
+                nestedList.push("Amy");
+                nestedList.push("Mary");
+                nestedList.push("John");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+            // Update items in nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const [nestedList] = list;
+                nestedList[0] = "Updated Amy";
+                nestedList[2] = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+            // Delete items from nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list[0].remove(0);
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+          expectRealmList(list);
+          await expectCollectionNotifications(list, undefined, [
+            // Insert nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list.push({});
+              });
+              expectRealmDictionary(list[0]);
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [0],
+              newModifications: [],
+              oldModifications: [],
+            },
+            // Insert items into nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const [nestedDictionary] = list;
+                nestedDictionary.amy = "Amy";
+                nestedDictionary.mary = "Mary";
+                nestedDictionary.john = "John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+            // Update items in nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const [nestedDictionary] = list;
+                nestedDictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+                nestedDictionary.john = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+            // Delete items from nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list[0].remove("amy");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              newModifications: [0],
+              oldModifications: [0],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+        it("does not fire when updating object at top-level", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+          expectRealmList(list);
+          const realmObjectInList = this.realm.write(() => {
+            return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixed: "original" });
+          });
+          await expectCollectionNotifications(list, undefined, [
+            // Insert the object into the list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                list.push(realmObjectInList);
+              });
+              expect(list.length).equals(1);
+              expect(realmObjectInList.mixed).equals("original");
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [0],
+              newModifications: [],
+              oldModifications: [],
+            },
+            // Update the object and don't expect a changeset.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                realmObjectInList.mixed = "updated";
+              });
+              expect(realmObjectInList.mixed).equals("updated");
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
-      it("fires when deleting from top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.push("Amy");
-              this.list.push("Mary");
-              this.list.push("John");
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [0, 1, 2],
-            newModifications: [],
-            oldModifications: [],
-          },
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.remove(2);
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [2],
-            insertions: [],
-            newModifications: [],
-            oldModifications: [],
-          },
-        ]);
+      describe("Dictionary", () => {
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting at top-level", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          await expectDictionaryNotifications(dictionary, undefined, [
+            // Insert items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+                dictionary.mary = "Mary";
+                dictionary.john = "John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
+              modifications: [],
+            },
+            // Update items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+                dictionary.john = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["amy", "john"],
+            },
+            // Delete items.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.remove("mary");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: ["mary"],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: [],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          await expectDictionaryNotifications(dictionary, undefined, [
+            // Insert nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedList = [];
+              });
+              expectRealmList(dictionary.nestedList);
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: ["nestedList"],
+              modifications: [],
+            },
+            // Insert items into nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const { nestedList } = dictionary;
+                nestedList.push("Amy");
+                nestedList.push("Mary");
+                nestedList.push("John");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedList"],
+            },
+            // Update items in nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const { nestedList } = dictionary;
+                nestedList[0] = "Updated Amy";
+                nestedList[2] = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedList"],
+            },
+            // Delete items from nested list.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedList.remove(1);
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedList"],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+        it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          await expectDictionaryNotifications(dictionary, undefined, [
+            // Insert nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary = {};
+              });
+              expectRealmDictionary(dictionary.nestedDictionary);
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: ["nestedDictionary"],
+              modifications: [],
+            },
+            // Insert items into nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const { nestedDictionary } = dictionary;
+                nestedDictionary.amy = "Amy";
+                nestedDictionary.mary = "Mary";
+                nestedDictionary.john = "John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedDictionary"],
+            },
+            // Update items in nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                const { nestedDictionary } = dictionary;
+                nestedDictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+                nestedDictionary.john = "Updated John";
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedDictionary"],
+            },
+            // Delete items from nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary.remove("mary");
+              });
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: [],
+              modifications: ["nestedDictionary"],
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+        it("does not fire when updating object at top-level", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          const realmObjectInDictionary = this.realm.write(() => {
+            return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixed: "original" });
+          });
+          await expectDictionaryNotifications(dictionary, undefined, [
+            // Insert the object into the dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.realmObject = realmObjectInDictionary;
+              });
+              expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixed).equals("original");
+            },
+            {
+              deletions: [],
+              insertions: ["realmObject"],
+              modifications: [],
+            },
+            // Update the object and don't expect a changeset.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                realmObjectInDictionary.mixed = "updated";
+              });
+              expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixed).equals("updated");
+            },
+          ]);
+        });
+    });
-      it("fires when deleting from top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
-              this.dictionary.mary = "Mary";
-              this.dictionary.john = "John";
-            });
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: ["amy", "mary", "john"],
-            modifications: [],
-          },
+    describe("Object notifications", () => {
+      it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+        expectRealmList(list);
+        await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithList, undefined, [
+          // Insert list item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.remove("mary");
+              list.push("Amy");
-          {
-            deletions: ["mary"],
-            insertions: [],
-            modifications: [],
-          },
-        ]);
-      });
-      it("does not fire when updating object in top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        const realmObjectInList = this.realm.write(() => {
-          return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: "original" });
-        });
-        await expectCollectionNotifications(this.list, undefined, [
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          // Update list item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.push(realmObjectInList);
+              list[0] = "Updated Amy";
-            expect(this.list.length).equals(1);
-            expect(realmObjectInList.mixedValue).equals("original");
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: [0],
-            newModifications: [],
-            oldModifications: [],
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          // Delete list item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              realmObjectInList.mixedValue = "updated";
+              list.remove(0);
-            expect(realmObjectInList.mixedValue).equals("updated");
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
-      it("does not fire when updating object in top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        const realmObjectInDictionary = this.realm.write(() => {
-          return this.realm.create(ObjectWithMixed, { mixedValue: "original" });
-        });
+      it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        const list = this.objectWithList.mixed;
+        expectRealmList(list);
-        await expectDictionaryNotifications(this.dictionary, undefined, [
+        await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithList, undefined, [
+          // Insert nested list.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.realmObject = realmObjectInDictionary;
+              list.push([]);
-            expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue).equals("original");
-          },
-          {
-            deletions: [],
-            insertions: ["realmObject"],
-            modifications: [],
+            expectRealmList(list[0]);
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          // Insert item into nested list.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue = "updated";
+              list[0].push("Amy");
-            expect(realmObjectInDictionary.mixedValue).equals("updated");
-        ]);
-      });
-    });
-    describe("Object notifications", () => {
-      it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in top-level list", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
-        await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithList, undefined, [
-          // Insert list item.
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          // Update item in nested list.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.push("Amy");
+              list[0][0] = "Updated Amy";
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
-          // Update list item.
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          // Delete item from nested list.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list[0] = "Updated Amy";
+              list[0].remove(0);
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
-          // Delete list item.
-          () => {
-            this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.list.remove(0);
-            });
-          },
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
       it("fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in top-level dictionary", async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+        const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+        expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
         await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithDictionary, undefined, [
           // Insert dictionary item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Amy";
+              dictionary.amy = "Amy";
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
           // Update dictionary item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+              dictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
           // Delete dictionary item.
           () => {
             this.realm.write(() => {
-              this.dictionary.remove("amy");
+              dictionary.remove("amy");
-          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixedValue"] },
+          { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+      for (const keyPath of [undefined, "mixed"]) {
+        const namePostfix = keyPath ? "(using key-path)" : "";
+        it(`fires when inserting, updating, and deleting in nested dictionary ${namePostfix}`, async function (this: CollectionsInMixedContext) {
+          const dictionary = this.objectWithDictionary.mixed;
+          expectRealmDictionary(dictionary);
+          await expectObjectNotifications(this.objectWithDictionary, keyPath, [
+            // Insert nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary = {};
+              });
+              expectRealmDictionary(dictionary.nestedDictionary);
+            },
+            { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+            // Insert item into nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary.amy = "Amy";
+              });
+            },
+            { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+            // Update item in nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary.amy = "Updated Amy";
+              });
+            },
+            { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+            // Delete item from nested dictionary.
+            () => {
+              this.realm.write(() => {
+                dictionary.nestedDictionary.remove("amy");
+              });
+            },
+            { deleted: false, changedProperties: ["mixed"] },
+          ]);
+        });
+      }
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/results.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/results.ts
index 8f37f66de9..1ca46597ea 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/results.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/results.ts
@@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ describe("Results", () => {
       expect(() => {
         //@ts-expect-error Should be an invalid write to read-only object.
         objects[-1] = { doubleCol: 0 };
-      }).throws("Index -1 cannot be less than zero.");
+      }).throws("Modifying a Results collection is not supported");
       expect(() => {
         //@ts-expect-error Should be an invalid write to read-only object.
         objects[0] = { doubleCol: 0 };
-      }).throws("Assigning into a Results is not supported");
+      }).throws("Modifying a Results collection is not supported");
       expect(() => {
         //@ts-expect-error Should be an invalid write to read-only object.
         objects[1] = { doubleCol: 0 };
-      }).throws("Assigning into a Results is not supported");
+      }).throws("Modifying a Results collection is not supported");
       expect(() => {
         objects.length = 0;
       }).throws("Cannot assign to read only property 'length'");
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
index 9ec1234bdb..bab61c6703 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/js_opt_in_spec.yml
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 # * `classes` and their `methods`
 #   * Methods, static methods, constructors, and properties in the general `spec.yml`
 #     should all be listed in this opt-in list as `methods`.
-# * `records` and their `fields``
+# * `records` and their `fields`
-# If all methods in a class, or all fields of a property, are opted out of,
-# the entire class/property should be removed.
+# If all methods in a class, or all fields of a record, are opted out of,
+# the entire class/record should be removed.
@@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ classes:
       - feed_buffer
       - make_ssl_verify_callback
       - needs_file_format_upgrade
-      - get_mixed_type
@@ -333,6 +332,8 @@ classes:
       - index_of_obj
       - get_obj
       - get_any
+      - get_list
+      - get_dictionary
       - sort_by_names
       - snapshot
       - max
@@ -385,27 +386,35 @@ classes:
       - get_object_schema
+      - get_type
       - size
       - is_valid
       - get_any
       - as_results
+      - snapshot
       - make
+      - get_obj
+      - get_list
+      - get_dictionary
       - move
       - remove
       - remove_all
       - swap
       - delete_all
       - insert_any
+      - insert_collection
       - insert_embedded
       - set_any
       - set_embedded
+      - set_collection
       - make
+      - get_obj
       - insert_any
       - remove_any
       - remove_all
@@ -416,10 +425,13 @@ classes:
       - make
       - get_keys
       - get_values
+      - get_list
+      - get_dictionary
       - contains
       - add_key_based_notification_callback
       - insert_any
       - insert_embedded
+      - insert_collection
       - try_get_any
       - remove_all
       - try_erase
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/jsi.ts b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/jsi.ts
index 0b5e80bdea..639077ac6a 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/jsi.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/jsi.ts
@@ -79,7 +79,17 @@ function pushRet<T, U extends T>(arr: T[], elem: U) {
 class JsiAddon extends CppClass {
   exports: string[] = [];
   classes: string[] = [];
-  injectables = ["Long", "ArrayBuffer", "Float", "UUID", "ObjectId", "Decimal128", "EJSON_parse", "EJSON_stringify"];
+  injectables = [
+    "Long",
+    "ArrayBuffer",
+    "Float",
+    "UUID",
+    "ObjectId",
+    "Decimal128",
+    "EJSON_parse",
+    "EJSON_stringify",
+    "Symbol_for",
+  ];
   mem_inits: CppMemInit[] = [];
   props = new Set<string>();
@@ -906,6 +916,16 @@ class JsiCppDecls extends CppDecls {
+          // We are returning sentinel values for lists and dictionaries in the
+          // form of Symbol singletons. This is due to not being able to construct
+          // the actual list or dictionary in the current context.
+          case realm::type_List:
+            return ${this.addon.accessCtor("Symbol_for")}.call(_env, "Realm.List");
+          case realm::type_Dictionary:
+            return ${this.addon.accessCtor("Symbol_for")}.call(_env, "Realm.Dictionary");
           // The remaining cases are never stored in a Mixed.
           ${ => `case DataType::Type::${t}: break;`).join("\n")}
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/node.ts b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/node.ts
index f0ae972917..5dc5e90a1a 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/node.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/node.ts
@@ -843,6 +843,16 @@ class NodeCppDecls extends CppDecls {
+          // We are returning sentinel values for lists and dictionaries in the
+          // form of Symbol singletons. This is due to not being able to construct
+          // the actual list or dictionary in the current context.
+          case realm::type_List:
+            return Napi::Symbol::For(napi_env_var_ForBindGen, "Realm.List");
+          case realm::type_Dictionary:
+            return Napi::Symbol::For(napi_env_var_ForBindGen, "Realm.Dictionary");
           // The remaining cases are never stored in a Mixed.
           ${ => `case DataType::Type::${t}: break;`).join("\n")}
diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/typescript.ts b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/typescript.ts
index 8fa92c2abd..44de3541e4 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/typescript.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/typescript.ts
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ function generateArguments(spec: BoundSpec, args: Arg[]) {
 function generateMixedTypes(spec: BoundSpec) {
   return `
-    export type Mixed = null | ${spec.mixedInfo.getters
+    export type Mixed = null | symbol | ${spec.mixedInfo.getters
       .map(({ type }) => generateType(spec, type, Kind.Ret))
       .join(" | ")};
     export type MixedArg = null | ${ => generateType(spec, type, Kind.Arg)).join(" | ")};
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ export function generate({ rawSpec, spec: boundSpec, file }: TemplateContext): v
       public reason?: string;
       constructor(isOk: boolean) { this.isOk = isOk; }
+    export const ListSentinel = Symbol.for("Realm.List");
+    export const DictionarySentinel = Symbol.for("Realm.Dictionary");
   const out = file("native.d.ts", eslintFormatter);
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Collection.ts b/packages/realm/src/Collection.ts
index 9a6bcd55a6..0bf447370e 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Collection.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Collection.ts
@@ -16,11 +16,37 @@
-import type { Dictionary, List, Results } from "./internal";
+import type {
+  Dictionary,
+  DictionaryAccessor,
+  List,
+  OrderedCollectionAccessor,
+  RealmSet,
+  Results,
+  TypeHelpers,
+} from "./internal";
 import { CallbackAdder, IllegalConstructorError, Listeners, TypeAssertionError, assert, binding } from "./internal";
- * Abstract base class containing methods shared by Realm {@link List}, {@link Dictionary} and {@link Results}.
+ * Collection accessor identifier.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export const COLLECTION_ACCESSOR = Symbol("Collection#accessor");
+ * Collection type helpers identifier.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export const COLLECTION_TYPE_HELPERS = Symbol("Collection#typeHelpers");
+ * Accessor for getting and setting items in the binding collection.
+ * @internal
+ */
+type CollectionAccessor<T = unknown> = OrderedCollectionAccessor<T> | DictionaryAccessor<T>;
+ * Abstract base class containing methods shared by Realm {@link List}, {@link Dictionary}, {@link Results} and {@link RealmSet}.
  * A {@link Collection} always reflect the current state of the Realm. The one exception to this is
  * when using `` or `for...of` enumeration, which will always enumerate over the
@@ -34,13 +60,31 @@ export abstract class Collection<
   EntryType = [KeyType, ValueType],
   T = ValueType,
   ChangeCallbackType = unknown,
+  /** @internal */
+  Accessor extends CollectionAccessor<ValueType> = CollectionAccessor<ValueType>,
 > implements Iterable<T>
+  /**
+   * Accessor for getting and setting items in the binding collection.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  protected readonly [COLLECTION_ACCESSOR]: Accessor;
+  /**
+   * Helper for converting the values to and from their binding representations.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  protected readonly [COLLECTION_TYPE_HELPERS]: TypeHelpers<ValueType>;
   /** @internal */
   private listeners: Listeners<ChangeCallbackType, binding.NotificationToken, [string[] | undefined]>;
   /** @internal */
-  constructor(addListener: CallbackAdder<ChangeCallbackType, binding.NotificationToken, [string[] | undefined]>) {
+  constructor(
+    accessor: Accessor,
+    typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<ValueType>,
+    addListener: CallbackAdder<ChangeCallbackType, binding.NotificationToken, [string[] | undefined]>,
+  ) {
     if (arguments.length === 0) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("Collection");
@@ -56,6 +100,9 @@ export abstract class Collection<
       configurable: false,
       writable: false,
+    this[COLLECTION_ACCESSOR] = accessor;
+    this[COLLECTION_TYPE_HELPERS] = typeHelpers;
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts b/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
index 649ef75192..9cc0eb181d 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
@@ -15,49 +15,55 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 import {
+  List,
+  Results,
+  createListAccessor,
+  createResultsAccessor,
+  insertIntoListOfMixed,
+  isJsOrRealmList,
+  toItemType,
 } from "./internal";
 /* eslint-disable jsdoc/multiline-blocks -- We need this to have @ts-expect-error located correctly in the .d.ts bundle */
 const REALM = Symbol("Dictionary#realm");
 const INTERNAL = Symbol("Dictionary#internal");
-const HELPERS = Symbol("Dictionary#helpers");
 export type DictionaryChangeSet = {
   deletions: string[];
   modifications: string[];
   insertions: string[];
-export type DictionaryChangeCallback = (dictionary: Dictionary, changes: DictionaryChangeSet) => void;
+export type DictionaryChangeCallback<T = unknown> = (dictionary: Dictionary<T>, changes: DictionaryChangeSet) => void;
 const DEFAULT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR: PropertyDescriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: true };
 const PROXY_HANDLER: ProxyHandler<Dictionary> = {
   get(target, prop, receiver) {
     const value = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
     if (typeof value === "undefined" && typeof prop === "string") {
-      const internal = target[INTERNAL];
-      const fromBinding = target[HELPERS].fromBinding;
-      return fromBinding(internal.tryGetAny(prop));
+      return target[ACCESSOR].get(target[INTERNAL], prop);
     } else {
       return value;
   set(target, prop, value) {
     if (typeof prop === "string") {
-      const internal = target[INTERNAL];
-      const toBinding = target[HELPERS].toBinding;
-      internal.insertAny(prop, toBinding(value));
+      target[ACCESSOR].set(target[INTERNAL], prop, value);
       return true;
     } else {
       assert(typeof prop !== "symbol", "Symbols cannot be used as keys of a dictionary");
@@ -106,16 +112,38 @@ const PROXY_HANDLER: ProxyHandler<Dictionary> = {
  * Dictionaries behave mostly like a JavaScript object i.e., as a key/value pair
  * where the key is a string.
-export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T], [string, T], DictionaryChangeCallback> {
+export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<
+  string,
+  T,
+  [string, T],
+  [string, T],
+  DictionaryChangeCallback<T>,
+  /** @internal */
+  DictionaryAccessor<T>
+> {
+  /** @internal */
+  private declare [REALM]: Realm;
+  /**
+   * The representation in the binding.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  private readonly [INTERNAL]: binding.Dictionary;
    * Create a `Results` wrapping a set of query `Results` from the binding.
    * @internal
-  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.Dictionary, helpers: TypeHelpers) {
+  constructor(
+    realm: Realm,
+    internal: binding.Dictionary,
+    accessor: DictionaryAccessor<T>,
+    typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>,
+  ) {
     if (arguments.length === 0 || !(internal instanceof binding.Dictionary)) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("Dictionary");
-    super((listener, keyPaths) => {
+    super(accessor, typeHelpers, (listener, keyPaths) => {
       return this[INTERNAL].addKeyBasedNotificationCallback(
         ({ deletions, insertions, modifications }) => {
           try {
@@ -145,7 +173,7 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
-    const proxied = new Proxy(this, PROXY_HANDLER) as Dictionary<T>;
+    const proxied = new Proxy(this, PROXY_HANDLER as ProxyHandler<this>);
     Object.defineProperty(this, REALM, {
       enumerable: false,
@@ -153,37 +181,12 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
       writable: false,
       value: realm,
-    Object.defineProperty(this, INTERNAL, {
-      enumerable: false,
-      configurable: false,
-      writable: false,
-      value: internal,
-    });
-    Object.defineProperty(this, HELPERS, {
-      enumerable: false,
-      configurable: false,
-      writable: false,
-      value: helpers,
-    });
+    this[INTERNAL] = internal;
     return proxied;
-  /**
-   * The representation in the binding.
-   * @internal
-   */
-  private declare [REALM]: Realm;
-  /**
-   * The representation in the binding.
-   * @internal
-   */
-  private declare [INTERNAL]: binding.Dictionary;
-  /** @internal */
-  private declare [HELPERS]: TypeHelpers;
   /** @ts-expect-error We're exposing methods in the end-users namespace of keys */
   [key: string]: T;
@@ -216,12 +219,15 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
    * @since 10.5.0
    * @ts-expect-error We're exposing methods in the end-users namespace of values */
   *values(): Generator<T> {
-    const { fromBinding } = this[HELPERS];
-    const snapshot = this[INTERNAL].values.snapshot();
-    const size = snapshot.size();
-    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      const value = snapshot.getAny(i);
-      yield fromBinding(value) as T;
+    const realm = this[REALM];
+    const values = this[INTERNAL].values;
+    const itemType = toItemType(values.type);
+    const typeHelpers = this[TYPE_HELPERS];
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType });
+    const results = new Results<T>(realm, values, accessor, typeHelpers);
+    for (const value of results.values()) {
+      yield value;
@@ -231,15 +237,21 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
    * @since 10.5.0
    * @ts-expect-error We're exposing methods in the end-users namespace of entries */
   *entries(): Generator<[string, T]> {
-    const { fromBinding } = this[HELPERS];
     const keys = this[INTERNAL].keys.snapshot();
-    const values = this[INTERNAL].values.snapshot();
+    const snapshot = this[INTERNAL].values.snapshot();
     const size = keys.size();
-    assert(size === values.size(), "Expected keys and values to equal in size");
+    assert(size === snapshot.size(), "Expected keys and values to equal in size");
+    const realm = this[REALM];
+    const itemType = toItemType(snapshot.type);
+    const typeHelpers = this[TYPE_HELPERS];
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType });
+    const results = new Results<T>(realm, snapshot, accessor, typeHelpers);
     for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
       const key = keys.getAny(i);
-      const value = values.getAny(i);
-      yield [key, fromBinding(value)] as [string, T];
+      const value = results[i];
+      yield [key, value] as [string, T];
@@ -278,14 +290,12 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
    * @since 10.6.0
   set(elementsOrKey: string | { [key: string]: T }, value?: T): this {
-    const elements = typeof elementsOrKey === "object" ? elementsOrKey : { [elementsOrKey]: value };
-    assert(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(elements).length === 0, "Symbols cannot be used as keys of a dictionary");
-    const internal = this[INTERNAL];
-    const toBinding = this[HELPERS].toBinding;
+    const elements = typeof elementsOrKey === "object" ? elementsOrKey : { [elementsOrKey]: value as T };
+    assert(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(elements).length === 0, "Symbols cannot be used as keys of a dictionary");
-    for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(elements)) {
-      internal.insertAny(key, toBinding(val));
+    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(elements)) {
+      this[key] = value;
     return this;
@@ -322,3 +332,124 @@ export class Dictionary<T = unknown> extends Collection<string, T, [string, T],
+ * Accessor for getting and setting items in the binding collection.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type DictionaryAccessor<T = unknown> = {
+  get: (dictionary: binding.Dictionary, key: string) => T;
+  set: (dictionary: binding.Dictionary, key: string, value: T) => void;
+type DictionaryAccessorFactoryOptions<T> = {
+  realm: Realm;
+  typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>;
+  itemType: binding.PropertyType;
+  isEmbedded?: boolean;
+/** @internal */
+export function createDictionaryAccessor<T>(options: DictionaryAccessorFactoryOptions<T>): DictionaryAccessor<T> {
+  return options.itemType === binding.PropertyType.Mixed
+    ? createDictionaryAccessorForMixed<T>(options)
+    : createDictionaryAccessorForKnownType<T>(options);
+function createDictionaryAccessorForMixed<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+}: Pick<DictionaryAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "realm" | "typeHelpers">): DictionaryAccessor<T> {
+  const { toBinding, fromBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get(dictionary, key) {
+      const value = dictionary.tryGetAny(key);
+      switch (value) {
+        case binding.ListSentinel: {
+          const accessor = createListAccessor<T>({ realm, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed, typeHelpers });
+          return new List<T>(realm, dictionary.getList(key), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        case binding.DictionarySentinel: {
+          const accessor = createDictionaryAccessor<T>({ realm, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed, typeHelpers });
+          return new Dictionary<T>(realm, dictionary.getDictionary(key), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        default:
+          return fromBinding(value) as T;
+      }
+    },
+    set(dictionary, key, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      if (isJsOrRealmList(value)) {
+        dictionary.insertCollection(key, binding.CollectionType.List);
+        insertIntoListOfMixed(value, dictionary.getList(key), toBinding);
+      } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(value)) {
+        dictionary.insertCollection(key, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+        insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(value, dictionary.getDictionary(key), toBinding);
+      } else {
+        dictionary.insertAny(key, toBinding(value));
+      }
+    },
+  };
+function createDictionaryAccessorForKnownType<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+  isEmbedded,
+}: Omit<DictionaryAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "itemType">): DictionaryAccessor<T> {
+  const { fromBinding, toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get(dictionary, key) {
+      return fromBinding(dictionary.tryGetAny(key));
+    },
+    set(dictionary, key, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      if (isEmbedded) {
+        toBinding(value, { createObj: () => [dictionary.insertEmbedded(key), true] });
+      } else {
+        dictionary.insertAny(key, toBinding(value));
+      }
+    },
+  };
+/** @internal */
+export function insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(
+  dictionary: Dictionary | Record<string, unknown>,
+  internal: binding.Dictionary,
+  toBinding: TypeHelpers["toBinding"],
+) {
+  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+  internal.removeAll();
+  for (const key in dictionary) {
+    const value = dictionary[key];
+    if (isJsOrRealmList(value)) {
+      internal.insertCollection(key, binding.CollectionType.List);
+      insertIntoListOfMixed(value, internal.getList(key), toBinding);
+    } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(value)) {
+      internal.insertCollection(key, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+      insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(value, internal.getDictionary(key), toBinding);
+    } else {
+      internal.insertAny(key, toBinding(value));
+    }
+  }
+/** @internal */
+export function isJsOrRealmDictionary(value: unknown): value is Dictionary | Record<string, unknown> {
+  return isPOJO(value) || value instanceof Dictionary;
+/** @internal */
+export function isPOJO(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> {
+  return (
+    typeof value === "object" &&
+    value !== null &&
+    // Lastly check for the absence of a prototype as POJOs
+    // can still be created using `Object.create(null)`.
+    (value.constructor === Object || !Object.getPrototypeOf(value))
+  );
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/GeoSpatial.ts b/packages/realm/src/GeoSpatial.ts
index 23441bafc9..4a4dc39340 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/GeoSpatial.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/GeoSpatial.ts
@@ -123,6 +123,24 @@ export type GeoBox = {
   topRight: GeoPoint;
+/** @internal */
+export function isGeoCircle(value: object): value is GeoCircle {
+  return "center" in value && "distance" in value && typeof value.distance === "number";
+/** @internal */
+export function isGeoBox(value: object): value is GeoBox {
+  return "bottomLeft" in value && "topRight" in value;
+/** @internal */
+export function isGeoPolygon(value: object): value is GeoPolygon {
+  return (
+    ("type" in value && value.type === "Polygon" && "coordinates" in value && Array.isArray(value.coordinates)) ||
+    ("outerRing" in value && Array.isArray(value.outerRing))
+  );
 /** @internal */
 export function circleToBindingGeospatial(circle: GeoCircle): binding.Geospatial {
   return binding.Geospatial.makeFromCircle({
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/List.ts b/packages/realm/src/List.ts
index d37f3b7b36..2e4564e8b8 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/List.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/List.ts
@@ -17,14 +17,21 @@
 import {
+  Dictionary,
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  TypeHelpers,
+  createDefaultGetter,
+  createDictionaryAccessor,
+  insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed,
+  isJsOrRealmDictionary,
+  toItemType,
 } from "./internal";
 type PartiallyWriteableArray<T> = Pick<Array<T>, "pop" | "push" | "shift" | "unshift" | "splice">;
@@ -36,27 +43,36 @@ type PartiallyWriteableArray<T> = Pick<Array<T>, "pop" | "push" | "shift" | "uns
  * only store values of a single type (indicated by the `type` and `optional`
  * properties of the List), and can only be modified inside a {@link Realm.write | write} transaction.
-export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements PartiallyWriteableArray<T> {
+export class List<T = unknown>
+  extends OrderedCollection<
+    T,
+    [number, T],
+    /** @internal */
+    ListAccessor<T>
+  >
+  implements PartiallyWriteableArray<T>
    * The representation in the binding.
    * @internal
-  public declare internal: binding.List;
+  public declare readonly internal: binding.List;
   /** @internal */
   private declare isEmbedded: boolean;
   /** @internal */
-  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.List, helpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers) {
+  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.List, accessor: ListAccessor<T>, typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>) {
     if (arguments.length === 0 || !(internal instanceof binding.List)) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("List");
-    super(realm, internal.asResults(), helpers);
+    const results = internal.asResults();
+    super(realm, results, accessor, typeHelpers);
     // Getting the `objectSchema` off the internal will throw if base type isn't object
-    const baseType = this.results.type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
     const isEmbedded =
-      baseType === binding.PropertyType.Object && internal.objectSchema.tableType === binding.TableType.Embedded;
+      toItemType(results.type) === binding.PropertyType.Object &&
+      internal.objectSchema.tableType === binding.TableType.Embedded;
     Object.defineProperty(this, "internal", {
       enumerable: false,
@@ -72,6 +88,16 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
+  /** @internal */
+  public get(index: number): T {
+    return this[ACCESSOR].get(this.internal, index);
+  }
+  /** @internal */
+  public set(index: number, value: T): void {
+    this[ACCESSOR].set(this.internal, index, value);
+  }
    * Checks if this collection has not been deleted and is part of a valid Realm.
    * @returns `true` if the collection can be safely accessed.
@@ -80,27 +106,6 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
     return this.internal.isValid;
-  /**
-   * Set an element of the ordered collection by index
-   * @param index The index
-   * @param value The value
-   * @internal
-   */
-  public set(index: number, value: unknown): void {
-    const {
-      realm,
-      internal,
-      isEmbedded,
-      helpers: { toBinding },
-    } = this;
-    assert.inTransaction(realm);
-    // TODO: Consider a more performant way to determine if the list is embedded
-    internal.setAny(
-      index,
-      toBinding(value, isEmbedded ? { createObj: () => [internal.setEmbedded(index), true] } : undefined),
-    );
-  }
    * @returns The number of values in the list.
@@ -122,15 +127,12 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
   pop(): T | undefined {
-    const {
-      internal,
-      helpers: { fromBinding },
-    } = this;
+    const { internal } = this;
     const lastIndex = internal.size - 1;
     if (lastIndex >= 0) {
-      const result = fromBinding(internal.getAny(lastIndex));
+      const result = this.get(lastIndex);
-      return result as T;
+      return result;
@@ -144,20 +146,11 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
   push(...items: T[]): number {
-    const {
-      isEmbedded,
-      internal,
-      helpers: { toBinding },
-    } = this;
+    const { internal } = this;
     const start = internal.size;
     for (const [offset, item] of items.entries()) {
       const index = start + offset;
-      if (isEmbedded) {
-        // Simply transforming to binding will insert the embedded object
-        toBinding(item, { createObj: () => [internal.insertEmbedded(index), true] });
-      } else {
-        internal.insertAny(index, toBinding(item));
-      }
+      this[ACCESSOR].insert(internal, index, item);
     return internal.size;
@@ -169,12 +162,9 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
   shift(): T | undefined {
-    const {
-      internal,
-      helpers: { fromBinding },
-    } = this;
+    const { internal } = this;
     if (internal.size > 0) {
-      const result = fromBinding(internal.getAny(0)) as T;
+      const result = this.get(0);
       return result;
@@ -190,18 +180,10 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
   unshift(...items: T[]): number {
-    const {
-      isEmbedded,
-      internal,
-      helpers: { toBinding },
-    } = this;
+    const { internal } = this;
+    const { insert } = this[ACCESSOR];
     for (const [index, item] of items.entries()) {
-      if (isEmbedded) {
-        // Simply transforming to binding will insert the embedded object
-        toBinding(item, { createObj: () => [internal.insertEmbedded(index), true] });
-      } else {
-        internal.insertAny(index, toBinding(item));
-      }
+      insert(internal, index, item);
     return internal.size;
@@ -250,11 +232,7 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
     // Comments in the code below is copied from
     assert.number(start, "start");
-    const {
-      isEmbedded,
-      internal,
-      helpers: { fromBinding, toBinding },
-    } = this;
+    const { internal } = this;
     // If negative, it will begin that many elements from the end of the array.
     if (start < 0) {
       start = internal.size + start;
@@ -270,21 +248,17 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
     // Get the elements that are about to be deleted
     const result: T[] = [];
     for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
-      result.push(fromBinding(internal.getAny(i)) as T);
+      result.push(this.get(i));
     // Remove the elements from the list (backwards to avoid skipping elements as they're being deleted)
     for (let i = end - 1; i >= start; i--) {
     // Insert any new elements
+    const { insert } = this[ACCESSOR];
     for (const [offset, item] of items.entries()) {
       const index = start + offset;
-      if (isEmbedded) {
-        // Simply transforming to binding will insert the embedded object
-        toBinding(item, { createObj: () => [internal.insertEmbedded(index), true] });
-      } else {
-        internal.insertAny(index, toBinding(item));
-      }
+      insert(internal, index, item);
     return result;
@@ -343,3 +317,132 @@ export class List<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> implements Partially
     this.internal.swap(index1, index2);
+ * Accessor for getting, setting, and inserting items in the binding collection.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type ListAccessor<T = unknown> = {
+  get: (list: binding.List, index: number) => T;
+  set: (list: binding.List, index: number, value: T) => void;
+  insert: (list: binding.List, index: number, value: T) => void;
+type ListAccessorFactoryOptions<T> = {
+  realm: Realm;
+  typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>;
+  itemType: binding.PropertyType;
+  isEmbedded?: boolean;
+/** @internal */
+export function createListAccessor<T>(options: ListAccessorFactoryOptions<T>): ListAccessor<T> {
+  return options.itemType === binding.PropertyType.Mixed
+    ? createListAccessorForMixed<T>(options)
+    : createListAccessorForKnownType<T>(options);
+function createListAccessorForMixed<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+}: Pick<ListAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "realm" | "typeHelpers">): ListAccessor<T> {
+  const { toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get(list, index) {
+      const value = list.getAny(index);
+      switch (value) {
+        case binding.ListSentinel: {
+          const accessor = createListAccessor<T>({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
+          return new List<T>(realm, list.getList(index), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        case binding.DictionarySentinel: {
+          const accessor = createDictionaryAccessor<T>({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
+          return new Dictionary<T>(realm, list.getDictionary(index), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        default:
+          return typeHelpers.fromBinding(value);
+      }
+    },
+    set(list, index, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      if (isJsOrRealmList(value)) {
+        list.setCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.List);
+        insertIntoListOfMixed(value, list.getList(index), toBinding);
+      } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(value)) {
+        list.setCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+        insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(value, list.getDictionary(index), toBinding);
+      } else {
+        list.setAny(index, toBinding(value));
+      }
+    },
+    insert(list, index, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      if (isJsOrRealmList(value)) {
+        list.insertCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.List);
+        insertIntoListOfMixed(value, list.getList(index), toBinding);
+      } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(value)) {
+        list.insertCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+        insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(value, list.getDictionary(index), toBinding);
+      } else {
+        list.insertAny(index, toBinding(value));
+      }
+    },
+  };
+function createListAccessorForKnownType<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+  itemType,
+  isEmbedded,
+}: Omit<ListAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "isMixed">): ListAccessor<T> {
+  const { fromBinding, toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get: createDefaultGetter({ fromBinding, itemType }),
+    set(list, index, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      list.setAny(
+        index,
+        toBinding(value, isEmbedded ? { createObj: () => [list.setEmbedded(index), true] } : undefined),
+      );
+    },
+    insert(list, index, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      if (isEmbedded) {
+        // Simply transforming to binding will insert the embedded object
+        toBinding(value, { createObj: () => [list.insertEmbedded(index), true] });
+      } else {
+        list.insertAny(index, toBinding(value));
+      }
+    },
+  };
+/** @internal */
+export function insertIntoListOfMixed(
+  list: List | unknown[],
+  internal: binding.List,
+  toBinding: TypeHelpers["toBinding"],
+) {
+  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+  internal.removeAll();
+  for (const [index, item] of list.entries()) {
+    if (isJsOrRealmList(item)) {
+      internal.insertCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.List);
+      insertIntoListOfMixed(item, internal.getList(index), toBinding);
+    } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(item)) {
+      internal.insertCollection(index, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
+      insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(item, internal.getDictionary(index), toBinding);
+    } else {
+      internal.insertAny(index, toBinding(item));
+    }
+  }
+/** @internal */
+export function isJsOrRealmList(value: unknown): value is List | unknown[] {
+  return Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof List;
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Object.ts b/packages/realm/src/Object.ts
index 51135039f5..b2d9e0b0ea 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Object.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Object.ts
@@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ import {
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  TypeHelpers,
+  createResultsAccessor,
 } from "./internal";
@@ -429,7 +430,8 @@ export class RealmObject<T = DefaultObject, RequiredProperties extends keyof Omi
   linkingObjects<T = DefaultObject>(objectType: string, propertyName: string): Results<RealmObject<T> & T>;
   linkingObjects<T extends AnyRealmObject>(objectType: Constructor<T>, propertyName: string): Results<T>;
   linkingObjects<T extends AnyRealmObject>(objectType: string | Constructor<T>, propertyName: string): Results<T> {
-    const targetClassHelpers = this[REALM].getClassHelpers(objectType);
+    const realm = this[REALM];
+    const targetClassHelpers = realm.getClassHelpers(objectType);
     const { objectSchema: targetObjectSchema, properties, wrapObject } = targetClassHelpers;
     const targetProperty = properties.get(propertyName);
     const originObjectSchema = this.objectSchema();
@@ -439,27 +441,24 @@ export class RealmObject<T = DefaultObject, RequiredProperties extends keyof Omi
       () => `'${}#${propertyName}' is not a relationship to '${}'`,
-    const collectionHelpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers = {
+    const typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T> = {
       // See `[binding.PropertyType.LinkingObjects]` in `TypeHelpers.ts`.
       toBinding(value: unknown) {
         return value as binding.MixedArg;
       fromBinding(value: unknown) {
         assert.instanceOf(value, binding.Obj);
-        return wrapObject(value);
-      },
-      // See `[binding.PropertyType.Array]` in `PropertyHelpers.ts`.
-      get(results: binding.Results, index: number) {
-        return results.getObj(index);
+        return wrapObject(value) as T;
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor<T>({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Object });
     // Create the Result for the backlink view.
-    const tableRef = binding.Helpers.getTable(this[REALM].internal, targetObjectSchema.tableKey);
+    const tableRef = binding.Helpers.getTable(realm.internal, targetObjectSchema.tableKey);
     const tableView = this[INTERNAL].getBacklinkView(tableRef, targetProperty.columnKey);
-    const results = binding.Results.fromTableView(this[REALM].internal, tableView);
+    const results = binding.Results.fromTableView(realm.internal, tableView);
-    return new Results(this[REALM], results, collectionHelpers);
+    return new Results<T>(realm, results, accessor, typeHelpers);
@@ -574,6 +573,12 @@ export class RealmObject<T = DefaultObject, RequiredProperties extends keyof Omi
         return "decimal128";
       } else if (value instanceof BSON.UUID) {
         return "uuid";
+      } else if (value === binding.ListSentinel) {
+        return "list";
+      } else if (value === binding.DictionarySentinel) {
+        return "dictionary";
+      } else if (typeof value === "symbol") {
+        throw new Error(`Unexpected Symbol: ${value.toString()}`);
       } else {
         assert.never(value, "value");
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts b/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
index 2c825fdce5..59b0407620 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/OrderedCollection.ts
@@ -20,25 +20,41 @@ import {
+  ListAccessor,
+  ResultsAccessor,
+  SetAccessor,
+  createResultsAccessor,
+  isJsOrRealmDictionary,
+  isJsOrRealmList,
+  toItemType,
 } from "./internal";
 const DEFAULT_COLUMN_KEY = binding.Int64.numToInt(0) as unknown as binding.ColKey;
+type OrderedCollectionInternal = binding.List | binding.Results | binding.Set;
 type PropertyType = string;
+ * Accessor for getting and setting items in the binding collection, as
+ * well as converting the values to and from their binding representations.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type OrderedCollectionAccessor<T = unknown> = ListAccessor<T> | ResultsAccessor<T> | SetAccessor<T>;
  * A sort descriptor is either a string containing one or more property names
  * separate by dots or an array with two items: `[propertyName, reverse]`.
@@ -75,11 +91,6 @@ export type CollectionChangeCallback<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown, un
   changes: CollectionChangeSet,
 ) => void;
-/** @internal */
-export type OrderedCollectionHelpers = TypeHelpers & {
-  get(results: binding.Results, index: number): unknown;
 const DEFAULT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR: PropertyDescriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true };
 const PROXY_HANDLER: ProxyHandler<OrderedCollection> = {
   // TODO: Consider executing the `parseInt` first to optimize for index access over accessing a member on the list
@@ -97,13 +108,19 @@ const PROXY_HANDLER: ProxyHandler<OrderedCollection> = {
   set(target, prop, value, receiver) {
     if (typeof prop === "string") {
       const index = Number.parseInt(prop, 10);
-      // TODO: Consider catching an error from access out of bounds, instead of checking the length, to optimize for the hot path
-      // TODO: Do we expect an upper bound check on the index when setting?
       if (Number.isInteger(index)) {
-        if (index < 0) {
-          throw new Error(`Index ${index} cannot be less than zero.`);
+        // Optimize for the hot-path by catching a potential out of bounds access from Core, rather
+        // than checking the length upfront. Thus, our List differs from the behavior of a JS array.
+        try {
+          target.set(index, value);
+        } catch (err) {
+          // Let the custom errors from Results take precedence over out of bounds errors. This will
+          // let users know that they cannot modify Results, rather than erroring on incorrect index.
+          if (index < 0 && !(target instanceof Results)) {
+            throw new Error(`Cannot set item at negative index ${index}.`);
+          }
+          throw err;
-        target.set(index, value);
         return true;
@@ -131,19 +148,39 @@ const PROXY_HANDLER: ProxyHandler<OrderedCollection> = {
  * subscripting, enumerating with `for-of` and so on.
  * @see {@link | Array}
-export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown, unknown] = [number, T]>
-  extends Collection<number, T, EntryType, T, CollectionChangeCallback<T, EntryType>>
+export abstract class OrderedCollection<
+    T = unknown,
+    EntryType extends [unknown, unknown] = [number, T],
+    /** @internal */
+    Accessor extends OrderedCollectionAccessor<T> = OrderedCollectionAccessor<T>,
+  >
+  extends Collection<
+    number,
+    T,
+    EntryType,
+    T,
+    CollectionChangeCallback<T, EntryType>,
+    /** @internal */
+    Accessor
+  >
   implements Omit<ReadonlyArray<T>, "entries">
   /** @internal */ protected declare realm: Realm;
+  /**
+   * The representation in the binding of the underlying collection.
+   * @internal
+   */
+  public abstract readonly internal: OrderedCollectionInternal;
   /** @internal */ protected declare results: binding.Results;
-  /** @internal */ protected declare helpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers;
   /** @internal */
-  constructor(realm: Realm, results: binding.Results, helpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers) {
+  constructor(realm: Realm, results: binding.Results, accessor: Accessor, typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>) {
     if (arguments.length === 0) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("OrderedCollection");
-    super((callback, keyPaths) => {
+    super(accessor, typeHelpers, (callback, keyPaths) => {
       return results.addNotificationCallback(
         (changes) => {
           try {
@@ -166,6 +203,7 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
     // Wrap in a proxy to trap ownKeys and get, enabling the spread operator
     const proxied = new Proxy(this, PROXY_HANDLER as ProxyHandler<this>);
     // Get the class helpers for later use, if available
     const { objectType } = results;
     const classHelpers = typeof objectType === "string" && objectType !== "" ? realm.getClassHelpers(objectType) : null;
@@ -182,12 +220,6 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
       writable: false,
       value: results,
-    Object.defineProperty(this, "helpers", {
-      enumerable: false,
-      configurable: false,
-      writable: false,
-      value: helpers,
-    });
     Object.defineProperty(this, "classHelpers", {
       enumerable: false,
       configurable: false,
@@ -206,6 +238,7 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
       configurable: true,
       writable: false,
     return proxied;
@@ -215,25 +248,16 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
   private declare mixedToBinding: (value: unknown, options: { isQueryArg: boolean }) => binding.MixedArg;
-   * Get an element of the ordered collection by index.
-   * @param index - The index.
-   * @returns The element.
+   * Get an element of the collection.
    * @internal
-  public get(index: number): T {
-    return this.helpers.fromBinding(this.helpers.get(this.results, index)) as T;
-  }
+  public abstract get(index: number): T;
-   * Set an element of the ordered collection by index.
-   * @param index - The index.
-   * @param value - The value.
+   * Set an element in the collection.
    * @internal
-  public set(index: number, value: T): void;
-  public set() {
-    throw new Error(`Assigning into a ${} is not supported`);
-  }
+  public abstract set(index: number, value: T): void;
    * The plain object representation for JSON serialization.
@@ -269,10 +293,9 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
    * @returns An iterator with all values in the collection.
   *values(): Generator<T> {
-    const snapshot = this.results.snapshot();
-    const { get, fromBinding } = this.helpers;
+    const snapshot = this.snapshot();
     for (const i of this.keys()) {
-      yield fromBinding(get(snapshot, i)) as T;
+      yield snapshot[i];
@@ -281,11 +304,10 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
    * @returns An iterator with all key/value pairs in the collection.
   *entries(): Generator<EntryType> {
-    const { get, fromBinding } = this.helpers;
-    const snapshot = this.results.snapshot();
-    const size = snapshot.size();
+    const snapshot = this.snapshot();
+    const size = snapshot.length;
     for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      yield [i, fromBinding(get(snapshot, i))] as EntryType;
+      yield [i, snapshot[i]] as EntryType;
@@ -310,7 +332,7 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
    * @returns The name of the type of values.
   get type(): PropertyType {
-    return getTypeName(this.results.type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags, undefined);
+    return getTypeName(toItemType(this.results.type), undefined);
@@ -379,11 +401,17 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
   indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number {
     assert(typeof fromIndex === "undefined", "The second fromIndex argument is not yet supported");
     if (this.type === "object") {
       assert.instanceOf(searchElement, RealmObject);
-      return this.results.indexOfObj(searchElement[INTERNAL]);
+      return this.results.indexOfObj(searchElement[OBJ_INTERNAL]);
+    } else if (isJsOrRealmList(searchElement) || isJsOrRealmDictionary(searchElement)) {
+      // Collections are always treated as not equal since their
+      // references will always be different for each access.
+      const NOT_FOUND = -1;
+      return NOT_FOUND;
     } else {
-      return this.results.indexOf(this.helpers.toBinding(searchElement));
+      return this.results.indexOf(this[TYPE_HELPERS].toBinding(searchElement));
@@ -795,12 +823,16 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
    * let merlots = wines.filtered('variety == "Merlot" && vintage <= $0', maxYear);
   filtered(queryString: string, ...args: unknown[]): Results<T> {
-    const { results: parent, realm, helpers } = this;
+    const { results: parent, realm } = this;
     const kpMapping = binding.Helpers.getKeypathMapping(realm.internal);
     const bindingArgs = => this.queryArgToBinding(arg));
     const newQuery = parent.query.table.query(queryString, bindingArgs, kpMapping);
     const results = binding.Helpers.resultsAppendQuery(parent, newQuery);
-    return new Results(realm, results, helpers);
+    const itemType = toItemType(results.type);
+    const typeHelpers = this[TYPE_HELPERS];
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType });
+    return new Results(realm, results, accessor, typeHelpers);
   /** @internal */
@@ -871,7 +903,7 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
   sorted(arg0: boolean | SortDescriptor[] | string = "self", arg1?: boolean): Results<T> {
     if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
       assert.undefined(arg1, "second 'argument'");
-      const { results: parent, realm, helpers } = this;
+      const { results: parent, realm } = this;
       // Map optional "reversed" to "ascending" (expected by the binding)
       const descriptors =<[string, boolean]>((arg, i) => {
         if (typeof arg === "string") {
@@ -887,7 +919,10 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
       // TODO: Call `parent.sort`, avoiding property name to column key conversion to speed up performance here.
       const results = parent.sortByNames(descriptors);
-      return new Results(realm, results, helpers);
+      const itemType = toItemType(results.type);
+      const typeHelpers = this[TYPE_HELPERS];
+      const accessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType });
+      return new Results(realm, results, accessor, typeHelpers);
     } else if (typeof arg0 === "string") {
       return this.sorted([[arg0, arg1 === true]]);
     } else if (typeof arg0 === "boolean") {
@@ -912,7 +947,12 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
    * @returns Results which will **not** live update.
   snapshot(): Results<T> {
-    return new Results(this.realm, this.results.snapshot(), this.helpers);
+    const { realm, internal } = this;
+    const snapshot = internal.snapshot();
+    const itemType = toItemType(snapshot.type);
+    const typeHelpers = this[TYPE_HELPERS];
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType });
+    return new Results(realm, snapshot, accessor, typeHelpers);
   /** @internal */
@@ -932,3 +972,35 @@ export abstract class OrderedCollection<T = unknown, EntryType extends [unknown,
     return this.realm.internal.createKeyPathArray(this.results.objectType, keyPaths);
+type Getter<CollectionType, T> = (collection: CollectionType, index: number) => T;
+type GetterFactoryOptions<T> = {
+  fromBinding: TypeHelpers<T>["fromBinding"];
+  itemType: binding.PropertyType;
+/** @internal */
+export function createDefaultGetter<CollectionType extends OrderedCollectionInternal, T>({
+  fromBinding,
+  itemType,
+}: GetterFactoryOptions<T>): Getter<CollectionType, T> {
+  const isObjectItem = itemType === binding.PropertyType.Object || itemType === binding.PropertyType.LinkingObjects;
+  return isObjectItem ? (...args) => getObject(fromBinding, ...args) : (...args) => getKnownType(fromBinding, ...args);
+function getObject<T>(
+  fromBinding: TypeHelpers<T>["fromBinding"],
+  collection: OrderedCollectionInternal,
+  index: number,
+): T {
+  return fromBinding(collection.getObj(index));
+function getKnownType<T>(
+  fromBinding: TypeHelpers<T>["fromBinding"],
+  collection: OrderedCollectionInternal,
+  index: number,
+): T {
+  return fromBinding(collection.getAny(index));
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts b/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
index f60976c892..0db8ac1aa9 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/PropertyHelpers.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import {
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  ListAccessor,
@@ -29,7 +29,16 @@ import {
+  createDictionaryAccessor,
+  createListAccessor,
+  createResultsAccessor,
+  createSetAccessor,
+  insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed,
+  insertIntoListOfMixed,
+  isJsOrRealmDictionary,
+  isJsOrRealmList,
+  toItemType,
 } from "./internal";
 type PropertyContext = binding.Property & {
@@ -39,13 +48,6 @@ type PropertyContext = binding.Property & {
   default?: unknown;
-function getObj(results: binding.Results, index: number) {
-  return results.getObj(index);
-function getAny(results: binding.Results, index: number) {
-  return results.getAny(index);
 /** @internal */
 export type HelperOptions = {
   realm: Realm;
@@ -60,15 +62,15 @@ type PropertyOptions = {
 } & HelperOptions &
-type PropertyAccessors = {
+type PropertyAccessor = {
   get(obj: binding.Obj): unknown;
   set(obj: binding.Obj, value: unknown): unknown;
-  collectionHelpers?: OrderedCollectionHelpers;
+  listAccessor?: ListAccessor;
 /** @internal */
 export type PropertyHelpers = TypeHelpers &
-  PropertyAccessors & {
+  PropertyAccessor & {
     type: binding.PropertyType;
     columnKey: binding.ColKey;
     embedded: boolean;
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ function embeddedSet({ typeHelpers: { toBinding }, columnKey }: PropertyOptions)
-type AccessorFactory = (options: PropertyOptions) => PropertyAccessors;
+type AccessorFactory = (options: PropertyOptions) => PropertyAccessor;
 const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>> = {
   [binding.PropertyType.Object](options) {
@@ -153,11 +155,9 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
-    typeHelpers: { fromBinding },
   }) {
     const realmInternal = realm.internal;
-    const itemType = type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
+    const itemType = toItemType(type);
     const itemHelpers = getTypeHelpers(itemType, {
       name: `element of ${name}`,
@@ -167,13 +167,6 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
       objectSchemaName: undefined,
-    // Properties of items are only available on lists of objects
-    const isObjectItem = itemType === binding.PropertyType.Object || itemType === binding.PropertyType.LinkingObjects;
-    const collectionHelpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers = {
-      ...itemHelpers,
-      get: isObjectItem ? getObj : getAny,
-    };
     if (itemType === binding.PropertyType.LinkingObjects) {
       // Locate the table of the targeted object
       assert.string(objectType, "object type");
@@ -186,71 +179,51 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
       const targetProperty = persistedProperties.find((p) => === linkOriginPropertyName);
       assert(targetProperty, `Expected a '${linkOriginPropertyName}' property on ${objectType}`);
       const tableRef = binding.Helpers.getTable(realmInternal, tableKey);
+      const resultsAccessor = createResultsAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers: itemHelpers, itemType });
       return {
         get(obj: binding.Obj) {
           const tableView = obj.getBacklinkView(tableRef, targetProperty.columnKey);
           const results = binding.Results.fromTableView(realmInternal, tableView);
-          return new Results(realm, results, collectionHelpers);
+          return new Results(realm, results, resultsAccessor, itemHelpers);
         set() {
           throw new Error("Not supported");
     } else {
-      const { toBinding: itemToBinding } = itemHelpers;
+      const listAccessor = createListAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers: itemHelpers, itemType, isEmbedded: embedded });
       return {
-        collectionHelpers,
+        listAccessor,
         get(obj: binding.Obj) {
           const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
           assert.instanceOf(internal, binding.List);
-          return fromBinding(internal);
+          return new List(realm, internal, listAccessor, itemHelpers);
         set(obj, values) {
-          // Implements
-          const bindingValues = [];
-          const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
-          // In case of embedded objects, they're added as they're transformed
-          // So we need to ensure an empty list before
-          if (embedded) {
-            internal.removeAll();
-          }
-          // Transform all values to mixed before inserting into the list
-          {
-            let index = 0;
+          const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
+          internal.removeAll();
+          let index = 0;
+          try {
             for (const value of values) {
-              try {
-                if (embedded) {
-                  itemToBinding(value, { createObj: () => [internal.insertEmbedded(index), true] });
-                } else {
-                  bindingValues.push(itemToBinding(value));
-                }
-              } catch (err) {
-                if (err instanceof TypeAssertionError) {
-                  err.rename(`${name}[${index}]`);
-                }
-                throw err;
-              }
-              index++;
+              listAccessor.insert(internal, index++, value);
-          }
-          // Move values into the internal list - embedded objects are added as they're transformed
-          if (!embedded) {
-            internal.removeAll();
-            let index = 0;
-            for (const value of bindingValues) {
-              internal.insertAny(index++, value);
+          } catch (err) {
+            if (err instanceof TypeAssertionError) {
+              err.rename(`${name}[${index - 1}]`);
+            throw err;
   [binding.PropertyType.Dictionary]({ columnKey, realm, name, type, optional, objectType, getClassHelpers, embedded }) {
-    const itemType = type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
+    const itemType = toItemType(type);
     const itemHelpers = getTypeHelpers(itemType, {
       name: `value in ${name}`,
@@ -259,23 +232,28 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
       objectSchemaName: undefined,
+    const dictionaryAccessor = createDictionaryAccessor({
+      realm,
+      typeHelpers: itemHelpers,
+      itemType,
+      isEmbedded: embedded,
+    });
     return {
       get(obj) {
         const internal = binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
-        return new Dictionary(realm, internal, itemHelpers);
+        return new Dictionary(realm, internal, dictionaryAccessor, itemHelpers);
       set(obj, value) {
+        assert.inTransaction(realm);
         const internal = binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
         // Clear the dictionary before adding new values
-        assert.object(value, `values of ${name}`);
+        assert.object(value, `values of ${name}`, { allowArrays: false });
         for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(value)) {
           try {
-            if (embedded) {
-              itemHelpers.toBinding(v, { createObj: () => [internal.insertEmbedded(k), true] });
-            } else {
-              internal.insertAny(k, itemHelpers.toBinding(v));
-            }
+            dictionaryAccessor.set(internal, k, v);
           } catch (err) {
             if (err instanceof TypeAssertionError) {
@@ -287,7 +265,7 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
   [binding.PropertyType.Set]({ columnKey, realm, name, type, optional, objectType, getClassHelpers }) {
-    const itemType = type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
+    const itemType = toItemType(type);
     const itemHelpers = getTypeHelpers(itemType, {
       name: `value in ${name}`,
@@ -297,76 +275,64 @@ const ACCESSOR_FACTORIES: Partial<Record<binding.PropertyType, AccessorFactory>>
       objectSchemaName: undefined,
-    const collectionHelpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers = {
-      get: itemType === binding.PropertyType.Object ? getObj : getAny,
-      fromBinding: itemHelpers.fromBinding,
-      toBinding: itemHelpers.toBinding,
-    };
+    const setAccessor = createSetAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers: itemHelpers, itemType });
     return {
       get(obj) {
         const internal = binding.Set.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
-        return new RealmSet(realm, internal, collectionHelpers);
+        return new RealmSet(realm, internal, setAccessor, itemHelpers);
       set(obj, value) {
+        assert.inTransaction(realm);
         const internal = binding.Set.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
         // Clear the set before adding new values
         assert.array(value, "values");
         for (const v of value) {
-          internal.insertAny(itemHelpers.toBinding(v));
+          setAccessor.insert(internal, v);
   [binding.PropertyType.Mixed](options) {
-    const {
-      realm,
-      columnKey,
-      typeHelpers: { fromBinding, toBinding },
-    } = options;
+    const { realm, columnKey, typeHelpers } = options;
+    const { fromBinding, toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+    const listAccessor = createListAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
+    const dictionaryAccessor = createDictionaryAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
     return {
-      get: (obj) => {
+      get(obj) {
         try {
-          // We currently rely on the Core helper `get_mixed_type()` for calling `obj.get_any()`
-          // since doing it here in the SDK layer will cause the binding layer to throw for
-          // collections. It's non-trivial to do in the bindgen templates as a `binding.List`
-          // would have to be constructed using the `realm` and `obj`. Going via the helpers
-          // bypasses that as we will return a primitive (the data type). If possible, revisiting
-          // this for a more performant solution would be ideal as we now make an extra call into
-          // Core for each Mixed access, not only for collections.
-          const mixedType = binding.Helpers.getMixedType(obj, columnKey);
-          if (mixedType === binding.MixedDataType.List) {
-            return fromBinding(binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey));
-          }
-          if (mixedType === binding.MixedDataType.Dictionary) {
-            return fromBinding(binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey));
+          const value = obj.getAny(columnKey);
+          switch (value) {
+            case binding.ListSentinel: {
+              const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
+              return new List(realm, internal, listAccessor, typeHelpers);
+            }
+            case binding.DictionarySentinel: {
+              const internal = binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
+              return new Dictionary(realm, internal, dictionaryAccessor, typeHelpers);
+            }
+            default:
+              return fromBinding(value);
-          return defaultGet(options)(obj);
         } catch (err) {
           throw err;
-      set: (obj: binding.Obj, value: unknown) => {
+      set(obj: binding.Obj, value: unknown) {
-        if (value instanceof List || Array.isArray(value)) {
+        if (isJsOrRealmList(value)) {
           obj.setCollection(columnKey, binding.CollectionType.List);
           const internal = binding.List.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
-          let index = 0;
-          for (const item of value) {
-            internal.insertAny(index++, toBinding(item));
-          }
-        } else if (value instanceof Dictionary || isPOJO(value)) {
+          insertIntoListOfMixed(value, internal, toBinding);
+        } else if (isJsOrRealmDictionary(value)) {
           obj.setCollection(columnKey, binding.CollectionType.Dictionary);
           const internal = binding.Dictionary.make(realm.internal, obj, columnKey);
-          internal.removeAll();
-          for (const key in value) {
-            internal.insertAny(key, toBinding(value[key]));
-          }
-        } else if (value instanceof RealmSet || value instanceof Set) {
-          throw new Error(`Using a ${} as a Mixed value is not supported.`);
+          insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(value, internal, toBinding);
         } else {
           defaultSet(options)(obj, value);
@@ -413,23 +379,12 @@ export function createPropertyHelpers(property: PropertyContext, options: Helper
       typeHelpers: getTypeHelpers(collectionType, typeOptions),
   } else {
-    const baseType = property.type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
-    return getPropertyHelpers(baseType, {
+    const itemType = toItemType(property.type);
+    return getPropertyHelpers(itemType, {,
-      typeHelpers: getTypeHelpers(baseType, typeOptions),
+      typeHelpers: getTypeHelpers(itemType, typeOptions),
-/** @internal */
-export function isPOJO(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> {
-  return (
-    typeof value === "object" &&
-    value !== null &&
-    // Lastly check for the absence of a prototype as POJOs
-    // can still be created using `Object.create(null)`.
-    (value.constructor === Object || !Object.getPrototypeOf(value))
-  );
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Realm.ts b/packages/realm/src/Realm.ts
index 5ed5aab8e7..8554852cec 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Realm.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Realm.ts
@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ import {
+  TypeHelpers,
+  createResultsAccessor,
@@ -938,25 +940,27 @@ export class Realm {
   objects<T = DefaultObject>(type: string): Results<RealmObject<T> & T>;
   objects<T extends AnyRealmObject = RealmObject & DefaultObject>(type: Constructor<T>): Results<T>;
   objects<T extends AnyRealmObject>(type: string | Constructor<T>): Results<T> {
-    const { objectSchema, wrapObject } = this.classes.getHelpers(type);
+    const { internal, classes } = this;
+    const { objectSchema, wrapObject } = classes.getHelpers(type);
     if (isEmbedded(objectSchema)) {
       throw new Error("You cannot query an embedded object.");
     } else if (isAsymmetric(objectSchema)) {
       throw new Error("You cannot query an asymmetric object.");
-    const table = binding.Helpers.getTable(this.internal, objectSchema.tableKey);
-    const results = binding.Results.fromTable(this.internal, table);
-    return new Results<T>(this, results, {
-      get(results: binding.Results, index: number) {
-        return results.getObj(index);
+    const table = binding.Helpers.getTable(internal, objectSchema.tableKey);
+    const results = binding.Results.fromTable(internal, table);
+    const typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T> = {
+      fromBinding(value) {
+        return wrapObject(value as binding.Obj) as T;
-      fromBinding: wrapObject,
-      toBinding(value: unknown) {
+      toBinding(value) {
         assert.instanceOf(value, RealmObject);
         return value[INTERNAL];
-    });
+    };
+    const accessor = createResultsAccessor<T>({ realm: this, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Object });
+    return new Results<T>(this, results, accessor, typeHelpers);
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Results.ts b/packages/realm/src/Results.ts
index 962f3a776e..41e3560247 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Results.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Results.ts
@@ -17,16 +17,22 @@
 import {
+  Dictionary,
+  List,
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  TypeHelpers,
+  createDefaultGetter,
+  createDictionaryAccessor,
+  createListAccessor,
 } from "./internal";
@@ -38,12 +44,18 @@ import {
  * will thus never be called).
  * @see
-export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> {
+export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<
+  T,
+  [number, T],
+  /** @internal */
+  ResultsAccessor<T>
+> {
    * The representation in the binding.
    * @internal
-  public declare internal: binding.Results;
+  public declare readonly internal: binding.Results;
   /** @internal */
   public subscriptionName?: string;
@@ -51,11 +63,12 @@ export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> {
    * Create a `Results` wrapping a set of query `Results` from the binding.
    * @internal
-  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.Results, helpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers) {
+  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.Results, accessor: ResultsAccessor<T>, typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>) {
     if (arguments.length === 0 || !(internal instanceof binding.Results)) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("Results");
-    super(realm, internal, helpers);
+    super(realm, internal, accessor, typeHelpers);
     Object.defineProperty(this, "internal", {
       enumerable: false,
       configurable: false,
@@ -75,6 +88,16 @@ export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> {
+  /** @internal */
+  public get(index: number): T {
+    return this[ACCESSOR].get(this.internal, index);
+  }
+  /** @internal */
+  public set(): never {
+    throw new Error("Modifying a Results collection is not supported.");
+  }
   get length(): number {
     return this.internal.size();
@@ -98,20 +121,16 @@ export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> {
    * @since 2.0.0
   update(propertyName: keyof Unmanaged<T>, value: Unmanaged<T>[typeof propertyName]): void {
-    const {
-      classHelpers,
-      helpers: { get },
-    } = this;
-    assert(this.type === "object" && classHelpers, "Expected a result of Objects");
-    const { set } =;
-    const snapshot = this.results.snapshot();
+    const { classHelpers, type, results } = this;
+    assert(type === "object" && classHelpers, "Expected a result of Objects");
+    const { set: objectSet } =;
+    const snapshot = results.snapshot();
     const size = snapshot.size();
     for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      const obj = get(snapshot, i);
+      const obj = snapshot.getObj(i);
       assert.instanceOf(obj, binding.Obj);
-      set(obj, value);
+      objectSet(obj, value);
@@ -177,5 +196,58 @@ export class Results<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T> {
+ * Accessor for getting items from the binding collection.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type ResultsAccessor<T = unknown> = {
+  get: (results: binding.Results, index: number) => T;
+type ResultsAccessorFactoryOptions<T> = {
+  realm: Realm;
+  typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>;
+  itemType: binding.PropertyType;
+/** @internal */
+export function createResultsAccessor<T>(options: ResultsAccessorFactoryOptions<T>): ResultsAccessor<T> {
+  return options.itemType === binding.PropertyType.Mixed
+    ? createResultsAccessorForMixed(options)
+    : createResultsAccessorForKnownType(options);
+function createResultsAccessorForMixed<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+}: Omit<ResultsAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "itemType">): ResultsAccessor<T> {
+  return {
+    get(results, index) {
+      const value = results.getAny(index);
+      switch (value) {
+        case binding.ListSentinel: {
+          const accessor = createListAccessor<T>({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
+          return new List<T>(realm, results.getList(index), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        case binding.DictionarySentinel: {
+          const accessor = createDictionaryAccessor<T>({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: binding.PropertyType.Mixed });
+          return new Dictionary<T>(realm, results.getDictionary(index), accessor, typeHelpers) as T;
+        }
+        default:
+          return typeHelpers.fromBinding(value);
+      }
+    },
+  };
+function createResultsAccessorForKnownType<T>({
+  typeHelpers,
+  itemType,
+}: Omit<ResultsAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "realm">): ResultsAccessor<T> {
+  return {
+    get: createDefaultGetter({ fromBinding: typeHelpers.fromBinding, itemType }),
+  };
 /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Useful for APIs taking any `Results` */
 export type AnyResults = Results<any>;
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Set.ts b/packages/realm/src/Set.ts
index 37e1c8c1af..237dc3a51e 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Set.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Set.ts
@@ -17,12 +17,15 @@
 import {
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
+  TypeHelpers,
+  createDefaultGetter,
 } from "./internal";
@@ -39,16 +42,22 @@ import {
  * a user-supplied insertion order.
  * @see
-export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T, [T, T]> {
+export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<
+  T,
+  [T, T],
   /** @internal */
-  private declare internal: binding.Set;
+  SetAccessor<T>
+> {
+  /** @internal */
+  public declare readonly internal: binding.Set;
   /** @internal */
-  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.Set, helpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers) {
+  constructor(realm: Realm, internal: binding.Set, accessor: SetAccessor<T>, typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>) {
     if (arguments.length === 0 || !(internal instanceof binding.Set)) {
       throw new IllegalConstructorError("Set");
-    super(realm, internal.asResults(), helpers);
+    super(realm, internal.asResults(), accessor, typeHelpers);
     Object.defineProperty(this, "internal", {
       enumerable: false,
       configurable: false,
@@ -56,6 +65,17 @@ export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T, [T, T]> {
       value: internal,
+  /** @internal */
+  public get(index: number): T {
+    return this[ACCESSOR].get(this.internal, index);
+  }
+  /** @internal */
+  public set(index: number, value: T): void {
+    this[ACCESSOR].set(this.internal, index, value);
+  }
    * @returns The number of values in the Set.
@@ -79,7 +99,7 @@ export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T, [T, T]> {
   delete(value: T): boolean {
-    const [, success] = this.internal.removeAny(this.helpers.toBinding(value));
+    const [, success] = this.internal.removeAny(this[TYPE_HELPERS].toBinding(value));
     return success;
@@ -92,8 +112,7 @@ export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T, [T, T]> {
    * @returns The Set itself, after adding the new value.
   add(value: T): this {
-    assert.inTransaction(this.realm);
-    this.internal.insertAny(this.helpers.toBinding(value));
+    this[ACCESSOR].insert(this.internal, value);
     return this;
@@ -129,3 +148,85 @@ export class RealmSet<T = unknown> extends OrderedCollection<T, [T, T]> {
+ * Accessor for getting and setting items in the binding collection.
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type SetAccessor<T = unknown> = {
+  get: (set: binding.Set, index: number) => T;
+  set: (set: binding.Set, index: number, value: T) => void;
+  insert: (set: binding.Set, value: T) => void;
+type SetAccessorFactoryOptions<T> = {
+  realm: Realm;
+  typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<T>;
+  itemType: binding.PropertyType;
+/** @internal */
+export function createSetAccessor<T>(options: SetAccessorFactoryOptions<T>): SetAccessor<T> {
+  return options.itemType === binding.PropertyType.Mixed
+    ? createSetAccessorForMixed<T>(options)
+    : createSetAccessorForKnownType<T>(options);
+function createSetAccessorForMixed<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+}: Omit<SetAccessorFactoryOptions<T>, "itemType">): SetAccessor<T> {
+  const { fromBinding, toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get(set, index) {
+      // Core will not return collections within a Set.
+      return fromBinding(set.getAny(index));
+    },
+    // Directly setting by "index" to a Set is a no-op.
+    set: () => {},
+    insert(set, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      try {
+        set.insertAny(toBinding(value));
+      } catch (err) {
+        // Optimize for the valid cases by not guarding for the unsupported nested collections upfront.
+        throw transformError(err);
+      }
+    },
+  };
+function createSetAccessorForKnownType<T>({
+  realm,
+  typeHelpers,
+  itemType,
+}: SetAccessorFactoryOptions<T>): SetAccessor<T> {
+  const { fromBinding, toBinding } = typeHelpers;
+  return {
+    get: createDefaultGetter({ fromBinding, itemType }),
+    // Directly setting by "index" to a Set is a no-op.
+    set: () => {},
+    insert(set, value) {
+      assert.inTransaction(realm);
+      try {
+        set.insertAny(toBinding(value));
+      } catch (err) {
+        // Optimize for the valid cases by not guarding for the unsupported nested collections upfront.
+        throw transformError(err);
+      }
+    },
+  };
+function transformError(err: unknown) {
+  const message = err instanceof Error ? err.message : "";
+  if (message?.includes("'Array' to a Mixed") || message?.includes("'List' to a Mixed")) {
+    return new Error("Lists within a Set are not supported.");
+  }
+  if (message?.includes("'Object' to a Mixed") || message?.includes("'Dictionary' to a Mixed")) {
+    return new Error("Dictionaries within a Set are not supported.");
+  }
+  return err;
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts b/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
index b1a02da03c..9de5f0d53e 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/TypeHelpers.ts
@@ -21,13 +21,9 @@ import {
-  GeoBox,
-  GeoCircle,
-  GeoPolygon,
-  OrderedCollectionHelpers,
@@ -38,6 +34,11 @@ import {
+  createDictionaryAccessor,
+  createListAccessor,
+  isGeoBox,
+  isGeoCircle,
+  isGeoPolygon,
 } from "./internal";
@@ -73,7 +74,10 @@ export function toArrayBuffer(value: unknown, stringToBase64 = true) {
   return value;
-/** @internal */
+ * Helpers for converting a value to and from its binding representation.
+ * @internal
+ */
 export type TypeHelpers<T = unknown> = {
     value: T,
@@ -143,12 +147,14 @@ export function mixedToBinding(
     // Convert typed arrays to an `ArrayBuffer`
     for (const TypedArray of TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTORS) {
       if (value instanceof TypedArray) {
         return value.buffer.slice(value.byteOffset, value.byteOffset + value.byteLength);
     // Rely on the binding for any other value
     return value as binding.MixedArg;
@@ -168,40 +174,23 @@ function mixedFromBinding(options: TypeOptions, value: binding.MixedArg): unknow
     const { wrapObject } = getClassHelpers(value.tableKey);
     return wrapObject(linkedObj);
   } else if (value instanceof binding.List) {
-    const collectionHelpers: OrderedCollectionHelpers = {
-      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
-      fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
-      get(_: binding.Results, index: number) {
-        return value.getAny(index);
-      },
-    };
-    return new List(realm, value, collectionHelpers);
+    const mixedType = binding.PropertyType.Mixed;
+    const typeHelpers = getTypeHelpers(mixedType, options);
+    return new List(realm, value, createListAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: mixedType }), typeHelpers);
   } else if (value instanceof binding.Dictionary) {
-    const typeHelpers: TypeHelpers<Realm.Mixed> = {
-      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
-      fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
-    };
-    return new Dictionary(realm, value, typeHelpers);
+    const mixedType = binding.PropertyType.Mixed;
+    const typeHelpers = getTypeHelpers(mixedType, options);
+    return new Dictionary(
+      realm,
+      value,
+      createDictionaryAccessor({ realm, typeHelpers, itemType: mixedType }),
+      typeHelpers,
+    );
   } else {
     return value;
-function isGeoCircle(value: object): value is GeoCircle {
-  return "distance" in value && "center" in value && typeof value["distance"] === "number";
-function isGeoBox(value: object): value is GeoBox {
-  return "bottomLeft" in value && "topRight" in value;
-function isGeoPolygon(value: object): value is GeoPolygon {
-  return (
-    ("type" in value && value["type"] === "Polygon" && "coordinates" in value && Array.isArray(value["coordinates"])) ||
-    ("outerRing" in value && Array.isArray(value["outerRing"]))
-  );
 function defaultToBinding(value: unknown): binding.MixedArg {
   return value as binding.MixedArg;
@@ -356,9 +345,8 @@ const TYPES_MAPPING: Record<binding.PropertyType, (options: TypeOptions) => Type
   [binding.PropertyType.Mixed](options) {
-    const { realm } = options;
     return {
-      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, realm.internal),
+      toBinding: mixedToBinding.bind(null, options.realm.internal),
       fromBinding: mixedFromBinding.bind(null, options),
@@ -392,13 +380,14 @@ const TYPES_MAPPING: Record<binding.PropertyType, (options: TypeOptions) => Type
   [binding.PropertyType.Array]({ realm, getClassHelpers, name, objectSchemaName }) {
     assert.string(objectSchemaName, "objectSchemaName");
     const classHelpers = getClassHelpers(objectSchemaName);
     return {
       fromBinding(value: unknown) {
         assert.instanceOf(value, binding.List);
         const propertyHelpers =;
-        const collectionHelpers = propertyHelpers.collectionHelpers;
-        assert.object(collectionHelpers);
-        return new List(realm, value, collectionHelpers);
+        const { listAccessor } = propertyHelpers;
+        assert.object(listAccessor);
+        return new List(realm, value, listAccessor, propertyHelpers);
       toBinding() {
         throw new Error("Not supported");
@@ -437,6 +426,10 @@ const TYPES_MAPPING: Record<binding.PropertyType, (options: TypeOptions) => Type
 /** @internal */
+export function toItemType(type: binding.PropertyType) {
+  return type & ~binding.PropertyType.Flags;
 export function getTypeHelpers(type: binding.PropertyType, options: TypeOptions): TypeHelpers {
   const helpers = TYPES_MAPPING[type];
   assert(helpers, `Unexpected type ${type}`);
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts b/packages/realm/src/tests/collection-helpers.test.ts
similarity index 83%
rename from packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts
rename to packages/realm/src/tests/collection-helpers.test.ts
index 685a3784b7..b80cd2db43 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/tests/PropertyHelpers.test.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/tests/collection-helpers.test.ts
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import { isPOJO } from "../PropertyHelpers";
+import { isPOJO } from "../Dictionary";
-describe("PropertyHelpers", () => {
+describe("Collection helpers", () => {
   describe("isPOJO()", () => {
     it("returns true for object literal", () => {
       const object = {};
@@ -53,12 +53,13 @@ describe("PropertyHelpers", () => {
-    it("returns false for user-defined class called Object", () => {
-      class Object {}
-      const object = new Object();
-      expect(object.constructor).to.equal(Object);
-      expect(isPOJO(object));
-    });
+    // TS2725 compile error: "Class name cannot be 'Object' when targeting ES5 with module Node16"
+    // it("returns false for user-defined class called Object", () => {
+    //   class Object {}
+    //   const object = new Object();
+    //   expect(object.constructor).to.equal(Object);
+    //   expect(isPOJO(object));
+    // });
     it("returns false for Arrays", () => {

From aeb1749098453c3ad1b4f2c7defda4058e3c3b65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 22:53:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/43] Temporarily comment out failing filtering tests from
 Core upgrade.

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts | 66 +++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
index 1441ff024e..4551f32ddd 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
@@ -2146,8 +2146,9 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
@@ -2246,25 +2247,29 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         for (const itemToMatch of nestedList) {
           // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${nonExistentIndex}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${nonExistentIndex}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
           // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
@@ -2296,8 +2301,9 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         // Objects with a nested list containing an item of the given type.
-        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'null'`);
-        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        // TODO: Core bug? (This returns all objects.)
+        // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'null'`);
+        // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
         filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'bool'`);
@@ -2403,8 +2409,9 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (For all keys, this returns 0 objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
@@ -2507,30 +2514,35 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
@@ -2545,8 +2557,9 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
-          filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
-          expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+          // TODO: Core bug? (For all keys, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
+          // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
+          // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, [nonExistentValue]);
@@ -2579,8 +2592,9 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         // Objects with a nested dictionary containing a property of the given type.
-        filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'null'`);
-        expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
+        // TODO: Core bug? (This returns all objects.)
+        // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'null'`);
+        // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
         filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'bool'`);

From b7d21e7600b709f5e43f52f3a3b338d5c9b21c04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 21:54:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/43] Add links to Core issue.

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts | 28 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
index 4551f32ddd..974bfda254 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
@@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
@@ -2247,27 +2247,27 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         for (const itemToMatch of nestedList) {
           // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at the GIVEN index.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${index}] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][${nonExistentIndex}] == $0`, itemToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
           // Objects with a nested list item that matches the `itemToMatch` at ANY index.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `itemToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][${nonExistentIndex}][*] == $0`, itemToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(0);
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         // Objects with a nested list containing an item of the given type.
-        // TODO: Core bug? (This returns all objects.)
+        // TODO: Enable after (This returns all objects.)
         // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed[0][0][*].@type == 'null'`);
         // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
@@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (For all keys, this returns 0 objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (For all keys, this returns 0 objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
@@ -2514,33 +2514,33 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at the GIVEN key.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           let filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${key}'] == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed['depth1']['depth2']['${nonExistentKey}'] == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
           filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} == $0`, nonExistentValue);
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${nonExistentKey} == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // Core treats missing keys as `null` in queries.
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(valueToMatch === null ? expectedFilteredCount : 0);
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value that matches the `valueToMatch` at ANY key.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (When `valueToMatch` is `null`, this returns all objects.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*] == $0`, valueToMatch);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
@@ -2557,7 +2557,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
           // Objects with a nested dictionary value at the given key matching any of the values inserted.
-          // TODO: Core bug? (For all keys, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
+          // TODO: Enable after (For all keys, this returns 2 objects -- the objects whose mixed fields are strings.)
           // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2.${key} IN $0`, insertedValues);
           // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);
@@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
         // Objects with a nested dictionary containing a property of the given type.
-        // TODO: Core bug? (This returns all objects.)
+        // TODO: Enable after (This returns all objects.)
         // filtered = objects.filtered(`mixed.depth1.depth2[*].@type == 'null'`);
         // expect(filtered.length).equals(expectedFilteredCount);

From c20dedebdb6ef5bcf00ccf5bcb8b3d087e0c88c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:01:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/43] Update example in CHANGELOG.

--- | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index f92d885ee6..acaf8b7090 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
 ### Enhancements
 * A `mixed` value can now hold a `Realm.List` and `Realm.Dictionary` with nested collections. Note that `Realm.Set` is not supported as a `mixed` value. ([#6513](
 class CustomObject extends Realm.Object {
-  value!: Realm.Mixed;
+  value!: Realm.Types.Mixed;
   static schema: ObjectSchema = {
     name: "CustomObject",
@@ -17,8 +16,8 @@ class CustomObject extends Realm.Object {
 const realm = await{ schema: [CustomObject] });
-// Create an object with a dictionary value as the Mixed property,
-// containing primitives and a list.
+// Create an object with a dictionary value as the Mixed
+// property, containing primitives and a list.
 const realmObject = realm.write(() => {
   return realm.create(CustomObject, {
     value: {
@@ -27,9 +26,7 @@ const realmObject = realm.write(() => {
       bool: true,
       list: [
-          dict: {
-            string: "world",
-          },
+          string: "world",
@@ -37,16 +34,30 @@ const realmObject = realm.write(() => {
 // Accessing the collection value returns the managed collection.
-// The default generic type argument is `unknown` (mixed).
-const dictionary = realmObject.value as Realm.Dictionary;
-const list = dictionary.list as Realm.List;
-const leafDictionary = (list[0] as Realm.Dictionary).dict as Realm.Dictionary;
+const dictionary = realmObject.value;
+const list = dictionary.list;
+const leafDictionary = list[0];
 console.log(leafDictionary.string); // "world"
 // Update the Mixed property to a list.
 realm.write(() => {
   realmObject.value = [1, "hello", { newKey: "new value" }];
+// Useful custom helper functions. (Will be provided in a future release.)
+function expectList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List {
+  if (!(value instanceof Realm.List)) {
+    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.List'.");
+  }
+function expectDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary {
+  if (!(value instanceof Realm.Dictionary)) {
+    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.Dictionary'.");
+  }
 ### Fixed

From 1dca996b04b2603447d046d06821c8922d235211 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:22:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/43] Update PR link in CHANGELOG to the combined PR.

--- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index acaf8b7090..4d93a88194 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## vNext (TBD)
 ### Enhancements
-* A `mixed` value can now hold a `Realm.List` and `Realm.Dictionary` with nested collections. Note that `Realm.Set` is not supported as a `mixed` value. ([#6513](
+* A `mixed` value can now hold a `Realm.List` and `Realm.Dictionary` with nested collections. Note that `Realm.Set` is not supported as a `mixed` value. ([#6613](
 class CustomObject extends Realm.Object {
   value!: Realm.Types.Mixed;

From e675112e951f22bd03a2cfc2b536d49c06395e36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LJ <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:40:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/43] Add more links to Core issue.

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts  | 2 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts | 8 ++++----
 packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts           | 2 +-
 packages/realm/src/List.ts                 | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
index 64e9b536b5..d2b32e3306 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/list.ts
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ describe("Lists", () => {
         obj.arrayCol = [this.realm.create<ITestObjectSchema>(, { doubleCol: 1.0 })];
-        // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+        // TODO: Enable when self-assignment is solved (
         // obj.arrayCol = obj.arrayCol; // eslint-disable-line no-self-assign
         // expect(obj.arrayCol[0].doubleCol).equals(1.0);
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
index 974bfda254..fe7f74264a 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/mixed.ts
@@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
-          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          // TODO: Enable when self-assignment is solved (
           it.skip("self assigns", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const created = this.realm.write(() => {
               return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, { mixed: ["original1", "original2"] });
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
-          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          // TODO: Enable when self-assignment is solved (
           it.skip("self assigns nested list", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const { mixed: list } = this.realm.write(() => {
               return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
@@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
-          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          // TODO: Enable when self-assignment is solved (
           it.skip("self assigns", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const created = this.realm.write(() => {
               return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
@@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ describe("Mixed", () => {
-          // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+          // TODO: Enable when self-assignment is solved (
           it.skip("self assigns nested dictionary", function (this: RealmContext) {
             const { mixed: dictionary } = this.realm.write(() => {
               return this.realm.create<IMixedSchema>(, {
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts b/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
index 9cc0eb181d..9bb10be828 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/Dictionary.ts
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ export function insertIntoDictionaryOfMixed(
   internal: binding.Dictionary,
   toBinding: TypeHelpers["toBinding"],
 ) {
-  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment (
   for (const key in dictionary) {
diff --git a/packages/realm/src/List.ts b/packages/realm/src/List.ts
index 2e4564e8b8..0d1a00f7a0 100644
--- a/packages/realm/src/List.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/src/List.ts
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ export function insertIntoListOfMixed(
   internal: binding.List,
   toBinding: TypeHelpers["toBinding"],
 ) {
-  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment.
+  // TODO: Solve the "removeAll()" case for self-assignment (
   for (const [index, item] of list.entries()) {

From ec9f30faae6cfeba7a003984824cb58eca86618b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Kr=C3=A6n=20Hansen?= <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:22:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/43] Injecting Symbol_for (#6616)

 packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/base-wrapper.ts | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/base-wrapper.ts b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/base-wrapper.ts
index 607d0a4813..d50a8cdea1 100644
--- a/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/base-wrapper.ts
+++ b/packages/realm/bindgen/src/templates/base-wrapper.ts
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ export function generate({ spec: boundSpec }: TemplateContext, out: Outputter):
     "EJSON_parse: EJSON.parse",
     "EJSON_stringify: EJSON.stringify",
+    "Symbol_for: Symbol.for",
   for (const cls of spec.classes) {

From 42f6814ee9a04d5b2b54de7a06948a9fa5bb679f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:29:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/43] Basic synced collections in mixed tests

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 227 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 173 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 1e38a2c85a..068fa97ca2 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -16,21 +16,34 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import Realm from "realm";
+import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
-type MixedClass = {
-  _id: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
-  value: Realm.Mixed;
-  list: Realm.List<Realm.Mixed>;
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void | boolean;
+class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
+  _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
+  value: Realm.Mixed;
+  list!: Realm.List<Realm.Mixed>;
+  dict!: Realm.Dictionary<Realm.Mixed>;
+  static schema: ObjectSchema = {
+    name: "MixedClass",
+    properties: {
+      _id: "objectId",
+      value: "mixed",
+      list: "mixed[]",
+      dict: "mixed{}",
+    },
+    primaryKey: "_id",
+  };
  * The default tester of values.
  * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
@@ -40,6 +53,52 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
+// These two are taken from the changelog. Should we add it
+function expectList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List {
+  //
+  if (!(value instanceof Realm.List)) {
+    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.List'.");
+  }
+function expectDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary {
+  if (!(value instanceof Realm.Dictionary)) {
+    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.Dictionary'.");
+  }
+ * The default tester of values.
+ * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
+ * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
+ */
+function betterTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
+  if (actual instanceof Realm.List) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[]; //TODO I should remove all of these "as" (?)
+    actual.forEach((item, index) => betterTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
+  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
+    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => betterTester(actual[key], inserted[key]));
+  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.Decimal128) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.Decimal128;
+    expect(actual.bytes.equals(insertedVal.bytes)).equals(true);
+  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.ObjectID) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.ObjectID;
+    expect(actual.equals(insertedVal)).equals(true);
+  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.UUID) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.UUID;
+    expect(actual.equals(insertedVal)).equals(true);
+  } else if (actual instanceof Date) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Date;
+    expect(actual.getTime() == insertedVal.getTime()).equals(true);
+  } else if (actual instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Uint8Array;
+    const binary_view = new Uint8Array(actual);
+    expect(actual.byteLength).equals(insertedVal.byteLength);
+    binary_view.forEach((item, index) => betterTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
+  } else {
+    expect(actual).equals(inserted);
+  }
  * Registers a test suite that:
  * - Opens a synced Realm
@@ -48,35 +107,39 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
  * - Deletes the Realm locally
  * - Reopens and downloads the Realm
  * - Performs a test to ensure the downloaded value match the value created locally.
- * @param typeName
- * @param options
+ * @param typeName Name of the mixed type (only used for the test name)
+ * @param value The value to be used for the test, or a function to obtain it
+ * @param testValue The function used to assert equality
+ * @param useFlexibleSync Boolean to indicate the use of flexible sync (otherwise partition based sync will be used)
 function describeRoundtrip({
-  testValue = defaultTester,
-  flexibleSync,
+  valueTester = defaultTester,
+  useFlexibleSync,
 }: {
   typeName: string;
   value: Value;
-  testValue?: ValueTester;
-  flexibleSync: boolean;
+  valueTester?: ValueTester;
+  useFlexibleSync: boolean;
 }) {
+  valueTester = betterTester;
   function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
-    const result = testValue(actual, inserted);
+    const result = valueTester(actual, inserted);
     if (typeof result === "boolean") {
-      expect(result).equals(true, `${testValue} failed!`);
+      //TODO If we use the default tester this is not necessary.
+      expect(result).equals(true, `${valueTester} failed!`);
-  // TODO: This might be a useful utility
+  // TODO: This might be a useful utility  //Should we keep this around if not used?
   function log(...args: [string]) {
     const date = new Date();
     console.log(date.toString(), date.getMilliseconds(), ...args);
   async function setupTest(realm: Realm) {
-    if (flexibleSync) {
+    if (useFlexibleSync) {
       await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
@@ -86,22 +149,8 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
   describe(`roundtrip of '${typeName}'`, () => {
-      schema: [
-        {
-          name: "MixedClass",
-          primaryKey: "_id",
-          properties: {
-            _id: "objectId",
-            value: "mixed?",
-            list: "mixed[]",
-          },
-        },
-      ],
-      sync: flexibleSync
-        ? {
-            flexible: true,
-          }
-        : { partitionValue: "mixed-test" },
+      schema: [MixedClass],
+      sync: useFlexibleSync ? { flexible: true } : { partitionValue: "mixed-test" },
     it("writes", async function (this: RealmContext) {
@@ -110,7 +159,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       this._id = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       this.realm.write(() => {
         this.value = typeof value === "function" ? value(this.realm) : value;
-        this.realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+        this.realm.create(MixedClass, {
           _id: this._id,
           value: this.value,
           // Adding a few other unrelated elements to the list
@@ -138,7 +187,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       expect(typeof obj).equals("object");
       // Test the single value
       performTest(obj.value, this.value);
-      // Test the list of values
+      // Test the list of values  //TODO Maybe we don't need this?
       const firstElement = obj.list[0];
       performTest(firstElement, this.value);
@@ -152,18 +201,18 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
 function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "null", value: null, flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "null", value: null, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  // TODO: Provide an API to speficy storing this as an int
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "int", value: 123, flexibleSync });
+  // TODO: Provide an API to specify storing this as an int
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "int", value: 123, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
   // TODO: Provide an API to specify which of these to store
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "float / double", value: 123.456, flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "float / double", value: 123.456, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (true)", value: true, flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (false)", value: false, flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (true)", value: true, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (false)", value: false, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "string", value: "test-string", flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "string", value: "test-string", useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
   // Unsupported:
   // describeSimpleRoundtrip("undefined", undefined);
@@ -172,43 +221,43 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "data",
     value: buffer,
-    testValue: (value: ArrayBuffer) => {
+    valueTester: (value: ArrayBuffer) => {
       expect([ Uint8Array(value)]).deep.equals([4, 8, 12, 16]);
-    flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
   const date = new Date(1620768552979);
     typeName: "date",
     value: date,
-    testValue: (value: Date) => value.getTime() === date.getTime(),
-    flexibleSync,
+    valueTester: (value: Date) => value.getTime() === date.getTime(),
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
   const objectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e");
     typeName: "ObjectId",
     value: objectId,
-    testValue: (value: Realm.BSON.ObjectId) => objectId.equals(value),
-    flexibleSync,
+    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.ObjectId) => objectId.equals(value),
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
   const uuid = new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875");
     typeName: "UUID",
     value: uuid,
-    testValue: (value: Realm.BSON.UUID) => uuid.equals(value),
-    flexibleSync,
+    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.UUID) => uuid.equals(value),
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
   const decimal128 = Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678");
     typeName: "Decimal128",
     value: decimal128,
-    testValue: (value: Realm.BSON.Decimal128) => decimal128.bytes.equals(value.bytes),
-    flexibleSync,
+    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.Decimal128) => decimal128.bytes.equals(value.bytes),
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
   const recursiveObjectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
@@ -224,12 +273,82 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
       result.value = result;
       return result;
-    testValue: (value: MixedClass) => recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id),
-    flexibleSync,
+    valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id),
+    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+  if (flexibleSync) {
+    //TODO Remove only
+    describe("collections in mixed", () => {
+      const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]);
+      const mixedList: Mixed[] = [
+        null,
+        true,
+        1,
+        5.0,
+        "string",
+        Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+        new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+        new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+        new Date(1620768552979),
+        data,
+      ];
+      const mixedDict = {
+        null: null,
+        bool: true,
+        int: 1,
+        float: 5.0,
+        string: "stringVal",
+        decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+        objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+        uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+        date: new Date(1620768552979),
+        data: data,
+      };
+      const nestedMixedList: Mixed[] = [...mixedList, mixedList, mixedDict];
+      const nextedMixedDict = {
+        ...mixedDict,
+        innerList: mixedList,
+        innerDict: mixedDict,
+      };
+      describeRoundtrip({
+        typeName: "list",
+        value: mixedList,
+        valueTester: betterTester,
+        useFlexibleSync: true,
+      });
+      describeRoundtrip({
+        typeName: "nested list",
+        value: nestedMixedList,
+        valueTester: betterTester,
+        useFlexibleSync: true,
+      });
+      describeRoundtrip({
+        typeName: "dictionary",
+        value: mixedDict,
+        valueTester: betterTester,
+        useFlexibleSync: true,
+      });
+      describeRoundtrip({
+        typeName: "nested dictionary",
+        value: nextedMixedDict,
+        valueTester: betterTester,
+        useFlexibleSync: true,
+      });
+    });
+  }
-describe("mixed", () => {
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
+  //TODO Should we keep this around?
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {

From 5a6b8c467ee9bcc6c605ae6eea83e88c048bab70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:53:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/43] Removed previous method

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 47 ++++---------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 068fa97ca2..878edcb374 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -50,33 +50,12 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
  * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
 function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
-  expect(actual).equals(inserted);
-// These two are taken from the changelog. Should we add it
-function expectList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List {
-  //
-  if (!(value instanceof Realm.List)) {
-    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.List'.");
-  }
-function expectDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary {
-  if (!(value instanceof Realm.Dictionary)) {
-    throw new Error("Expected a 'Realm.Dictionary'.");
-  }
- * The default tester of values.
- * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
- * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
- */
-function betterTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
   if (actual instanceof Realm.List) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[]; //TODO I should remove all of these "as" (?)
-    actual.forEach((item, index) => betterTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
+    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
-    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => betterTester(actual[key], inserted[key]));
+    const insertedVal = inserted as { [key: string]: Mixed };
+    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], insertedVal[key]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.Decimal128) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.Decimal128;
@@ -90,10 +69,10 @@ function betterTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Date;
     expect(actual.getTime() == insertedVal.getTime()).equals(true);
   } else if (actual instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Uint8Array;
-    const binary_view = new Uint8Array(actual);
-    expect(actual.byteLength).equals(insertedVal.byteLength);
-    binary_view.forEach((item, index) => betterTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
+    const actualBinaryView = new Uint8Array(actual);
+    const insertedBynaryView = new Uint8Array(inserted as ArrayBuffer);
+    expect(actualBinaryView.byteLength).equals(insertedBynaryView.byteLength);
+    actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBynaryView[index]));
   } else {
@@ -123,7 +102,6 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
   valueTester?: ValueTester;
   useFlexibleSync: boolean;
 }) {
-  valueTester = betterTester;
   function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
     const result = valueTester(actual, inserted);
     if (typeof result === "boolean") {
@@ -278,7 +256,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (flexibleSync) {
-    //TODO Remove only
     describe("collections in mixed", () => {
       const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]);
@@ -292,7 +269,7 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
         new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
         new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
         new Date(1620768552979),
-        data,
+        data.buffer,
       const mixedDict = {
@@ -305,7 +282,7 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
         objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
         uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
         date: new Date(1620768552979),
-        data: data,
+        data: data.buffer,
       const nestedMixedList: Mixed[] = [...mixedList, mixedList, mixedDict];
@@ -319,35 +296,31 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
         typeName: "list",
         value: mixedList,
-        valueTester: betterTester,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "nested list",
         value: nestedMixedList,
-        valueTester: betterTester,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "dictionary",
         value: mixedDict,
-        valueTester: betterTester,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "nested dictionary",
         value: nextedMixedDict,
-        valueTester: betterTester,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
-describe("mixed synced", () => {
+describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   //TODO Should we keep this around?
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {

From b960fd5da64d7be56d4de95229e629df4a1266b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:00:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/43] Various corrections

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 20 +++++--------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 878edcb374..bc21c00668 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
-type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void | boolean;
+type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
 class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
   _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
@@ -103,11 +103,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
   useFlexibleSync: boolean;
 }) {
   function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
-    const result = valueTester(actual, inserted);
-    if (typeof result === "boolean") {
-      //TODO If we use the default tester this is not necessary.
-      expect(result).equals(true, `${valueTester} failed!`);
-    }
+    valueTester(actual, inserted);
   // TODO: This might be a useful utility  //Should we keep this around if not used?
@@ -199,10 +195,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "data",
     value: buffer,
-    valueTester: (value: ArrayBuffer) => {
-      expect(value.byteLength).equals(4);
-      expect([ Uint8Array(value)]).deep.equals([4, 8, 12, 16]);
-    },
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
@@ -210,7 +202,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "date",
     value: date,
-    valueTester: (value: Date) => value.getTime() === date.getTime(),
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
@@ -218,7 +209,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "ObjectId",
     value: objectId,
-    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.ObjectId) => objectId.equals(value),
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
@@ -226,7 +216,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "UUID",
     value: uuid,
-    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.UUID) => uuid.equals(value),
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
@@ -234,7 +223,6 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "Decimal128",
     value: decimal128,
-    valueTester: (value: Realm.BSON.Decimal128) => decimal128.bytes.equals(value.bytes),
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
@@ -251,7 +239,9 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
       result.value = result;
       return result;
-    valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id),
+    valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => {
+      expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id)).equals(true); //TODO I should be able to put this into the default tester
+    },
     useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,

From 3991becdb179c62b5eebd11ea8a213bb6443dfc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:02:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/43] Removed only

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index bc21c00668..2d3cb41723 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
-describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
   //TODO Should we keep this around?
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {

From 5502110c5f5774d03f09549f8f7c8940e63ad85d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 11:38:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/43] Testing

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts      |   6 +-
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 151 ++++++++++++------
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts      |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index c3bad5017c..3dd7704466 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-import Realm from "realm";
+import Realm, { Credentials } from "realm";
 import { AppConfig, AppImporter, Credentials } from "@realm/app-importer";
 import { mongodbServiceType } from "../utils/ExtendedAppConfigBuilder";
@@ -148,6 +148,10 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);
+      this.getUser = async (cred: Realm.Credentials): Promise<Realm.User> => {
+        return;
+      };
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 2d3cb41723..a7877b745c 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
+import Realm, { Credentials, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
+import { OpenRealmConfiguration, openRealm } from "../../utils/open-realm";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[]; //TODO I should remove all of these "as" (?)
     actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as { [key: string]: Mixed };
+    const insertedVal = inserted as { [key: string]: any };
     Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], insertedVal[key]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.Decimal128) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.Decimal128;
@@ -78,6 +79,15 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
+async function setupTest(realm: Realm, useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
+  if (useFlexibleSync) {
+    await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
+      mutableSubs.add(realm.objects("MixedClass"));
+    });
+    await realm.subscriptions.waitForSynchronization();
+  }
  * Registers a test suite that:
  * - Opens a synced Realm
@@ -106,21 +116,6 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     valueTester(actual, inserted);
-  // TODO: This might be a useful utility  //Should we keep this around if not used?
-  function log(...args: [string]) {
-    const date = new Date();
-    console.log(date.toString(), date.getMilliseconds(), ...args);
-  }
-  async function setupTest(realm: Realm) {
-    if (useFlexibleSync) {
-      await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
-        mutableSubs.add(realm.objects("MixedClass"));
-      });
-      await realm.subscriptions.waitForSynchronization();
-    }
-  }
   describe(`roundtrip of '${typeName}'`, () => {
       schema: [MixedClass],
@@ -128,8 +123,8 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     it("writes", async function (this: RealmContext) {
-      await setupTest(this.realm);
+      await setupTest(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
+      //TODO Maybe I could also check that the dictionary can change value
       this._id = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       this.realm.write(() => {
         this.value = typeof value === "function" ? value(this.realm) : value;
@@ -145,7 +140,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     it("reads", async function (this: RealmContext) {
-      await setupTest(this.realm);
+      await setupTest(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
       const obj = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
@@ -161,7 +156,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       expect(typeof obj).equals("object");
       // Test the single value
       performTest(obj.value, this.value);
-      // Test the list of values  //TODO Maybe we don't need this?
+      // Test the list of values
       const firstElement = obj.list[0];
       performTest(firstElement, this.value);
@@ -172,58 +167,53 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
-function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
+function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "null", value: null, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "null", value: null, useFlexibleSync });
   // TODO: Provide an API to specify storing this as an int
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "int", value: 123, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "int", value: 123, useFlexibleSync });
   // TODO: Provide an API to specify which of these to store
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "float / double", value: 123.456, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (true)", value: true, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (false)", value: false, useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "string", value: "test-string", useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync });
-  // Unsupported:
-  // describeSimpleRoundtrip("undefined", undefined);
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "float / double", value: 123.456, useFlexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (true)", value: true, useFlexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "bool (false)", value: false, useFlexibleSync });
+  describeRoundtrip({ typeName: "string", value: "test-string", useFlexibleSync });
   const buffer = new Uint8Array([4, 8, 12, 16]).buffer;
     typeName: "data",
     value: buffer,
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
   const date = new Date(1620768552979);
     typeName: "date",
     value: date,
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
   const objectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e");
     typeName: "ObjectId",
     value: objectId,
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
   const uuid = new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875");
     typeName: "UUID",
     value: uuid,
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
   const decimal128 = Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678");
     typeName: "Decimal128",
     value: decimal128,
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
   const recursiveObjectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
@@ -242,10 +232,10 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
     valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => {
       expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id)).equals(true); //TODO I should be able to put this into the default tester
-    useFlexibleSync: flexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
-  if (flexibleSync) {
+  if (useFlexibleSync) {
     describe("collections in mixed", () => {
       const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]);
@@ -277,7 +267,7 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
       const nestedMixedList: Mixed[] = [...mixedList, mixedList, mixedDict];
-      const nextedMixedDict = {
+      const nestedMixedDict = {
         innerList: mixedList,
         innerDict: mixedDict,
@@ -303,24 +293,83 @@ function describeTypes(flexibleSync: boolean) {
         typeName: "nested dictionary",
-        value: nextedMixedDict,
+        value: nestedMixedDict,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
-describe("mixed synced", () => {
-  //TODO Should we keep this around?
-  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-    describeTypes(false);
-  });
+describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
+  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+  //   describeTypes(false);
+  // });
-  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+  //   describeTypes(true);
+  // });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
-    describeTypes(true);
+    const realmConfig = {
+      schema: [MixedClass],
+      sync: { flexible: true },
+    } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
+    it("writes", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & UserContext) {
+      const user1 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous());
+      const { realm: realm1, config: config1 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user1);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true); // this adds the subscriptions
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: 23,
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const user2 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous());
+      const { realm: realm2, config: config2 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user2);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+      //Cleanup
+      realm1.close();
+      realm2.close();
+      Realm.deleteFile(config1);
+      Realm.deleteFile(config2);
+      Realm.clearTestState();
+    });
+    /***
+     * What to test
+     * - changing from one type to another
+     *  - string to list
+     *  - modifying list
+     *  - list to dictionary
+     *  - modifying dictionary
+     *  -
+     */
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index 5ff4744775..b8c45e3269 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -142,7 +142,11 @@ declare namespace Mocha {
 // Mocha contexts made available by hooks
-type AppContext = { app: Realm.App; databaseName: string } & Mocha.Context;
+type AppContext = {
+  app: Realm.App;
+  databaseName: string;
+  getUser: (credentials: Realm.Credentials) => Promise<Realm.User>;
+} & Mocha.Context;
 type UserContext = { user: Realm.User } & Mocha.Context;
 type CloseRealmOptions = { deleteFile: boolean; clearTestState: boolean; reopen: boolean };
 type RealmContext = {

From 6e4e18c5bac8791c444b5da8b03158c9bdeba5a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:17:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/43] Corrected types

 integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts | 2 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts | 6 ++++++
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts        | 4 ++--
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts               | 4 ++++
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index 3dd7704466..c7d52ce5bc 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-import Realm, { Credentials } from "realm";
+import Realm from "realm";
 import { AppConfig, AppImporter, Credentials } from "@realm/app-importer";
 import { mongodbServiceType } from "../utils/ExtendedAppConfigBuilder";
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
index 4bc9627db7..25b5b23770 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
@@ -83,3 +83,9 @@ export function openRealmBefore(config: OpenRealmConfiguration = {}): void {
   before(, openRealmHook(config));
   after("closeRealmAfter", closeThisRealm);
+export function setupRealmHook() {
+  return async function openRealmHandler(this: UserContext & Mocha.Context): Promise<void> {
+    this.longTimeout();
+  };
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index a7877b745c..8cc7535fdc 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
     } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
     it("writes", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & UserContext) {
-      const user1 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous());
+      const user1 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous(false));
       const { realm: realm1, config: config1 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user1);
       await setupTest(realm1, true); // this adds the subscriptions
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const user2 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous());
+      const user2 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous(false));
       const { realm: realm2, config: config2 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user2);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index b8c45e3269..605da209a7 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ type RealmContext = {
   closeRealm(options?: Partial<CloseRealmOptions>): Promise<void>;
 } & Mocha.Context;
+type MultiRealmContext = {
+  realms: Realm[];
+  getRealm: (config: Realm.OpenRealmBehaviorConfiguration) => Promise<Realm>;
+} & Mocha.Context;
 type RealmObjectContext<T = Record<string, unknown>> = {
   object: Realm.Object<T> & T;
 } & RealmContext;

From 889fcfe091cf577a409d2b98e231653e8d07f0d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:05:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/43] Various fixes

 .../tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts      | 36 ++++++++++--
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 55 +++++++------------
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts      |  5 +-
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
index 25b5b23770..a9e10cfd4a 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ export function openRealmHook(config: OpenRealmConfiguration = {}) {
 export function closeThisRealm(this: RealmContext & Mocha.Context): void {
   if (this.closeRealm) {
     this.closeRealm({ clearTestState: true, deleteFile: true });
+  } else {
+    // Clearing the test state to ensure the sync session gets completely reset and nothing is cached between tests
+    Realm.clearTestState();
-  // Clearing the test state to ensure the sync session gets completely reset and nothing is cached between tests
-  Realm.clearTestState();
 export function openRealmBeforeEach(config: OpenRealmConfiguration = {}): void {
@@ -84,8 +85,33 @@ export function openRealmBefore(config: OpenRealmConfiguration = {}): void {
   after("closeRealmAfter", closeThisRealm);
-export function setupRealmHook() {
-  return async function openRealmHandler(this: UserContext & Mocha.Context): Promise<void> {
-    this.longTimeout();
+export async function setupRealmHook(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): Promise<void> {
+  this.openedInfo = [];
+  this.getRealm = async (config: OpenRealmConfiguration): Promise<Realm> => {
+    const user = await this.getUser(Realm.Credentials.anonymous(false));
+    const realmAndConfig = await openRealm(config, user);
+    this.openedInfo.push(realmAndConfig);
+    return realmAndConfig.realm;
+  };
+  this.closeAllRealms = async () => {
+    this.openedInfo?.forEach(({ realm, config }) => {
+      if (!realm?.isClosed) {
+        realm.close();
+      }
+      Realm.deleteFile(config);
+    });
+    Realm.clearTestState();
+export function closeMultiRealms(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): void {
+  this.closeAllRealms?.();
+export function setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach(): void {
+  beforeEach("openMultiRealmsBeforeEach", setupRealmHook);
+  afterEach("closeMultiRealmsAfterEach", closeMultiRealms);
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 8cc7535fdc..d588a51aaf 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,12 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
 import Realm, { Credentials, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
-import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
+import {
+  importAppBefore,
+  authenticateUserBefore,
+  openRealmBefore,
+  setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach as setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach,
+} from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
@@ -301,30 +306,30 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
 describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-  //   describeTypes(false);
-  // });
-  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-  //   describeTypes(true);
-  // });
+  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+    describeTypes(false);
+  });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+    describeTypes(true);
+  });
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
+    setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
     const realmConfig = {
       schema: [MixedClass],
       sync: { flexible: true },
     } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
-    it("writes", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & UserContext) {
-      const user1 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous(false));
-      const { realm: realm1, config: config1 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user1);
+    it("simple test", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true); // this adds the subscriptions
       const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
@@ -337,8 +342,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const user2 = await this.getUser(Credentials.anonymous(false));
-      const { realm: realm2, config: config2 } = await openRealm(realmConfig, user2);
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
       const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
@@ -353,23 +357,6 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-      //Cleanup
-      realm1.close();
-      realm2.close();
-      Realm.deleteFile(config1);
-      Realm.deleteFile(config2);
-      Realm.clearTestState();
-    /***
-     * What to test
-     * - changing from one type to another
-     *  - string to list
-     *  - modifying list
-     *  - list to dictionary
-     *  - modifying dictionary
-     *  -
-     */
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index 605da209a7..861fc9f8d1 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -158,8 +158,9 @@ type RealmContext = {
   closeRealm(options?: Partial<CloseRealmOptions>): Promise<void>;
 } & Mocha.Context;
 type MultiRealmContext = {
-  realms: Realm[];
-  getRealm: (config: Realm.OpenRealmBehaviorConfiguration) => Promise<Realm>;
+  openedInfo: { realm: Realm; config: Realm.Configuration }[];
+  getRealm: (config: any) => Promise<Realm>; //any should be OpenRealmConfiguration
+  closeAllRealms(): Promise<void>;
 } & Mocha.Context;
 type RealmObjectContext<T = Record<string, unknown>> = {
   object: Realm.Object<T> & T;

From 0b8ff4903f53478dd6b700ea7dc08706a02fad8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 11:27:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/43] Various fixes

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 265 ++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 176 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index d588a51aaf..a433899480 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import Realm, { Credentials, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
+import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import {
@@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ import {
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
-import { OpenRealmConfiguration, openRealm } from "../../utils/open-realm";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
-type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
+type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
 class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
   _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
@@ -55,13 +54,13 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
  * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
  * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
-function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
+function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) {
   if (actual instanceof Realm.List) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[]; //TODO I should remove all of these "as" (?)
-    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedVal[index]));
+    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[];
+    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedVal[index], realm));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as { [key: string]: any };
-    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], insertedVal[key]));
+    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], insertedVal[key], realm));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.Decimal128) {
     const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.Decimal128;
@@ -79,6 +78,10 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
     const insertedBynaryView = new Uint8Array(inserted as ArrayBuffer);
     actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBynaryView[index]));
+  } else if (actual instanceof MixedClass && realm) {
+    const insertedVal = realm.objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass").filtered("_id = $0", actual._id)[0];
+    expect(actual._id.equals(insertedVal._id)).equals(true);
+    defaultTester(actual.value, insertedVal.value);
   } else {
@@ -117,8 +120,8 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
   valueTester?: ValueTester;
   useFlexibleSync: boolean;
 }) {
-  function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
-    valueTester(actual, inserted);
+  function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm: Realm) {
+    valueTester(actual, inserted, realm);
   describe(`roundtrip of '${typeName}'`, () => {
@@ -160,11 +163,11 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       expect(typeof obj).equals("object");
       // Test the single value
-      performTest(obj.value, this.value);
+      performTest(obj.value, this.value, this.realm);
       // Test the list of values
       const firstElement = obj.list[0];
-      performTest(firstElement, this.value);
+      performTest(firstElement, this.value, this.realm);
       // No need to keep these around
       delete this._id;
       delete this.value;
@@ -242,63 +245,81 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
     describe("collections in mixed", () => {
-      const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]);
-      const mixedList: Mixed[] = [
-        null,
-        true,
-        1,
-        5.0,
-        "string",
-        Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-        new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-        new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-        new Date(1620768552979),
-        data.buffer,
-      ];
-      const mixedDict = {
-        null: null,
-        bool: true,
-        int: 1,
-        float: 5.0,
-        string: "stringVal",
-        decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-        objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-        uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-        date: new Date(1620768552979),
-        data: data.buffer,
+      const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
+      const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+        const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+          _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+        });
+        return [
+          null,
+          true,
+          1,
+          5.0,
+          "string",
+          Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+          new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+          new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+          new Date(1620768552979),
+          data,
+          ob,
+        ];
+      };
+      const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+        const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+          _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+        });
+        return {
+          null: null,
+          bool: true,
+          int: 1,
+          float: 5.0,
+          string: "stringVal",
+          decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+          objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+          uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+          date: new Date(1620768552979),
+          data: data,
+          obj: ob,
+        };
-      const nestedMixedList: Mixed[] = [...mixedList, mixedList, mixedDict];
+      const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+        return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
+      };
-      const nestedMixedDict = {
-        ...mixedDict,
-        innerList: mixedList,
-        innerDict: mixedDict,
+      const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+        return {
+          ...getMixedDict(realm),
+          innerList: getMixedList(realm),
+          innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
+        };
         typeName: "list",
-        value: mixedList,
+        value: getMixedList,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "nested list",
-        value: nestedMixedList,
+        value: getNestedMixedList,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "dictionary",
-        value: mixedDict,
+        value: getMixedDict,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
         typeName: "nested dictionary",
-        value: nestedMixedDict,
+        value: getNestedMixedDict,
         useFlexibleSync: true,
@@ -311,52 +332,118 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-    setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
-    const realmConfig = {
-      schema: [MixedClass],
-      sync: { flexible: true },
-    } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
-    it("simple test", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true); // this adds the subscriptions
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: 23,
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
-      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
-    });
-  });
+  //TODO Need to add examples with objects
+  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+  //   setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
+  //   const realmConfig = {
+  //     schema: [MixedClass],
+  //     sync: { flexible: true },
+  //   } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
+  //   function getWaiter(obj: MixedClass, propertyName: keyof MixedClass): Promise<void> {
+  //     return new Promise((resolve) => {
+  //       obj.addListener((_, changes) => {
+  //         if (changes.changedProperties.includes(propertyName)) {
+  //           obj.removeAllListeners();
+  //           resolve();
+  //         }
+  //       });
+  //     });
+  //   }
+  //   it("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+  //     const valuesToInsert = [
+  //       1,
+  //       "string",
+  //       [22, "test"],
+  //       { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
+  //       new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
+  //     ];
+  //     const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+  //     await setupTest(realm1, true);
+  //     const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+  //     const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+  //       return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+  //         _id: obId,
+  //       });
+  //     });
+  //     await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+  //     const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+  //     await setupTest(realm2, true);
+  //     const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+  //       realm2
+  //         .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+  //         .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+  //         .addListener(([obj]) => {
+  //           if (obj) {
+  //             resolve(obj);
+  //           }
+  //         });
+  //     });
+  //     expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+  //     for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+  //       console.log(val);
+  //       realm1.write(() => {
+  //         obj1.value = val;
+  //       });
+  //       defaultTester(obj1.value, val);
+  //       const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+  //       await waitPromise;
+  //       defaultTester(obj2.value, val);
+  //     }
+  //   });
+  //   it.skip("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+  //     const valuesToInsert = [
+  //       1,
+  //       "string",
+  //       [22, "test"],
+  //       { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
+  //       new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
+  //     ];
+  //     const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+  //     await setupTest(realm1, true);
+  //     const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+  //     const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+  //       return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+  //         _id: obId,
+  //         value: [],
+  //       });
+  //     });
+  //     await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+  //     const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+  //     await setupTest(realm2, true);
+  //     const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+  //       realm2
+  //         .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+  //         .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+  //         .addListener(([obj]) => {
+  //           if (obj) {
+  //             resolve(obj);
+  //           }
+  //         });
+  //     });
+  //     expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+  //     for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+  //       console.log(val);
+  //       realm1.write(() => {
+  //         obj1.value = val;
+  //       });
+  //       defaultTester(obj1.value, val);
+  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges(); //TODO Need to find a way to wait for this reasonably
+  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+  //       defaultTester(obj2.value, val);
+  //     }
+  //   });
+  // });

From f303fda9195178997f8c3ea31b45a57da0326c0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 11:49:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/43] Fixed equality [skip-ci]

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 334 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 171 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index a433899480..25a3721f69 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
+import { OpenRealmConfiguration } from "../../utils/open-realm";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
@@ -245,60 +246,6 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
     describe("collections in mixed", () => {
-      const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
-      const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
-        const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-          _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
-        });
-        return [
-          null,
-          true,
-          1,
-          5.0,
-          "string",
-          Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-          new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-          new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-          new Date(1620768552979),
-          data,
-          ob,
-        ];
-      };
-      const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-        const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-          _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
-        });
-        return {
-          null: null,
-          bool: true,
-          int: 1,
-          float: 5.0,
-          string: "stringVal",
-          decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-          objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-          uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-          date: new Date(1620768552979),
-          data: data,
-          obj: ob,
-        };
-      };
-      const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
-        return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
-      };
-      const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-        return {
-          ...getMixedDict(realm),
-          innerList: getMixedList(realm),
-          innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
-        };
-      };
         typeName: "list",
         value: getMixedList,
@@ -326,6 +273,60 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
+const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
+const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+  });
+  return [
+    null,
+    true,
+    1,
+    5.0,
+    "string",
+    Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+    new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+    new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+    new Date(1620768552979),
+    data,
+    ob,
+  ];
+const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+  });
+  return {
+    null: null,
+    bool: true,
+    int: 1,
+    float: 5.0,
+    string: "stringVal",
+    decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+    objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+    uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+    date: new Date(1620768552979),
+    data: data,
+    obj: ob,
+  };
+const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+  return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
+const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+  return {
+    ...getMixedDict(realm),
+    innerList: getMixedList(realm),
+    innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
+  };
 describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
@@ -337,113 +338,120 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  //TODO Need to add examples with objects
-  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-  //   setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
-  //   const realmConfig = {
-  //     schema: [MixedClass],
-  //     sync: { flexible: true },
-  //   } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
-  //   function getWaiter(obj: MixedClass, propertyName: keyof MixedClass): Promise<void> {
-  //     return new Promise((resolve) => {
-  //       obj.addListener((_, changes) => {
-  //         if (changes.changedProperties.includes(propertyName)) {
-  //           obj.removeAllListeners();
-  //           resolve();
-  //         }
-  //       });
-  //     });
-  //   }
-  //   it("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-  //     const valuesToInsert = [
-  //       1,
-  //       "string",
-  //       [22, "test"],
-  //       { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
-  //       new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
-  //     ];
-  //     const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-  //     await setupTest(realm1, true);
-  //     const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-  //     const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-  //       return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-  //         _id: obId,
-  //       });
-  //     });
-  //     await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-  //     const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-  //     await setupTest(realm2, true);
-  //     const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-  //       realm2
-  //         .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-  //         .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-  //         .addListener(([obj]) => {
-  //           if (obj) {
-  //             resolve(obj);
-  //           }
-  //         });
-  //     });
-  //     expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
-  //     for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-  //       console.log(val);
-  //       realm1.write(() => {
-  //         obj1.value = val;
-  //       });
-  //       defaultTester(obj1.value, val);
-  //       const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-  //       await waitPromise;
-  //       defaultTester(obj2.value, val);
-  //     }
-  //   });
-  //   it.skip("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-  //     const valuesToInsert = [
-  //       1,
-  //       "string",
-  //       [22, "test"],
-  //       { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
-  //       new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
-  //     ];
-  //     const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-  //     await setupTest(realm1, true);
-  //     const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-  //     const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-  //       return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-  //         _id: obId,
-  //         value: [],
-  //       });
-  //     });
-  //     await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-  //     const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-  //     await setupTest(realm2, true);
-  //     const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-  //       realm2
-  //         .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-  //         .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-  //         .addListener(([obj]) => {
-  //           if (obj) {
-  //             resolve(obj);
-  //           }
-  //         });
-  //     });
-  //     expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
-  //     for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-  //       console.log(val);
-  //       realm1.write(() => {
-  //         obj1.value = val;
-  //       });
-  //       defaultTester(obj1.value, val);
-  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges(); //TODO Need to find a way to wait for this reasonably
-  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-  //       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-  //       await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-  //       defaultTester(obj2.value, val);
-  //     }
-  //   });
-  // });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+    setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
+    const realmConfig = {
+      schema: [MixedClass],
+      sync: { flexible: true },
+    } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
+    function getWaiter(obj: MixedClass, propertyName: keyof MixedClass): Promise<void> {
+      return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        obj.addListener((_, changes) => {
+          if (changes.changedProperties.includes(propertyName)) {
+            obj.removeAllListeners();
+            resolve();
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    }
+    it.only("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          obj1.value = val;
+        });
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it.skip("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const valuesToInsert = [
+        1,
+        "string",
+        [22, "test"],
+        { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
+        new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
+      ];
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: [],
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        console.log(val);
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          obj1.value = val;
+        });
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges(); //TODO Need to find a way to wait for this reasonably
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+  });

From 883d26c0648b8799d2cd3cbd00bc690820018430 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:11:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/43] Added list modification

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 178 ++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 163 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 25a3721f69..cf3bc9eeee 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
@@ -360,12 +361,12 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-    it.only("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+    it.skip("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
       const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getMixedList(realm1);
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
       const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
@@ -407,16 +408,14 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-    it.skip("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const valuesToInsert = [
-        1,
-        "string",
-        [22, "test"],
-        { key1: 10, key2: new Date(1620768552979) },
-        new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(),
-      ];
+    it.only("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
       const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
       const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
         return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
@@ -424,9 +423,11 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
           value: [],
       await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
       const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
@@ -437,20 +438,167 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList = [];
+      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).push(val);
+        });
+        expectedList.push(val);
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
+        console.log("rem - " + i);
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
+        });
+        expectedList.pop();
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+      expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
+      realm1.write(() => {
+        (obj1.value as Realm.List).push("test");
+      });
+      expectedList.push("test");
       for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
         realm1.write(() => {
-          obj1.value = val;
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
+        expectedList[0] = val;
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
         await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
         await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges(); //TODO Need to find a way to wait for this reasonably
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it.only("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: [],
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList = [];
+      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).push(val);
+        });
+        expectedList.push(val);
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
+        console.log("rem - " + i);
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
+        });
+        expectedList.pop();
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
         await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+      expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
+      realm1.write(() => {
+        (obj1.value as Realm.List).push("test");
+      });
+      expectedList.push("test");
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        console.log(val);
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
+        });
+        expectedList[0] = val;
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
         await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
         await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);

From 71c341c920f1516bdf5e4aab51f4bb94cd4bfe7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:29:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/43] Adding tests

 .../tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts      |   2 +-
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 160 ++++++++----------
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts      |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
index a9e10cfd4a..623f917ef2 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export async function setupRealmHook(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): Prom
     return realmAndConfig.realm;
-  this.closeAllRealms = async () => {
+  this.closeAllRealms = () => {
     this.openedInfo?.forEach(({ realm, config }) => {
       if (!realm?.isClosed) {
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index cf3bc9eeee..362f919fb4 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
 import { OpenRealmConfiguration } from "../../utils/open-realm";
+import { sleep } from "../../utils/sleep";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm
 async function setupTest(realm: Realm, useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
     await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
-      mutableSubs.add(realm.objects("MixedClass"));
+      mutableSubs.add(realm.objects(MixedClass));
     await realm.subscriptions.waitForSynchronization();
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       const obj = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .objects(MixedClass) //TODO Remember to do it in other places
           .filtered("_id = $0", this._id)
           .addListener(([obj]) => {
             if (obj) {
@@ -328,17 +329,18 @@ const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
 describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-    describeTypes(false);
-  });
-  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-    describeTypes(true);
-  });
+  //TODO Reenable these
+  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+  //   describeTypes(false);
+  // });
+  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+  //   describeTypes(true);
+  // });
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
@@ -361,7 +363,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-    it.skip("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+    it("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
@@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
         return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
           _id: obId,
@@ -399,16 +401,21 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
+        await delay(realm1, realm2);
+        //const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        // await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        // await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        // If I use sleep, then obj1 and obj2 become invalid after
+        // await sleep(500);
+        //await waitPromise;
         defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+      obj2.removeAllListeners();
-    it.only("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+    it("list adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
@@ -459,53 +466,18 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
-      for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
-        console.log("rem - " + i);
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
-        });
-        expectedList.pop();
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      }
-      expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-      expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
-      realm1.write(() => {
-        (obj1.value as Realm.List).push("test");
-      });
-      expectedList.push("test");
-      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        console.log(val);
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
-        });
-        expectedList[0] = val;
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      obj2.removeAllListeners();
+    });
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+    //TODO For testing, need to remove it afterwards
+    async function delay(realm1: Realm, realm2: Realm): Promise<void> {
+      for (let index = 0; index < 20; index++) {
         await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
         await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-    });
+    }
-    it.only("list modifications", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+    it("list removing", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
@@ -517,7 +489,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
         return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
           _id: obId,
-          value: [],
+          value: valuesToInsert,
@@ -537,28 +509,10 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedList = [];
-      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
-      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List).push(val);
-        });
-        expectedList.push(val);
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      }
+      const expectedList = [...valuesToInsert];
       //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
       for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
-        console.log("rem - " + i);
         realm1.write(() => {
           (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
@@ -577,15 +531,45 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
       expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
+      obj2.removeAllListeners();
+    });
-      realm1.write(() => {
-        (obj1.value as Realm.List).push("test");
+    it("list modification", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      expectedList.push("test");
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: ["test"],
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList: Mixed[] = ["test"];
+      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
       for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        console.log(val);
         realm1.write(() => {
           (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
@@ -600,6 +584,8 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      obj2.removeAllListeners();
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index 861fc9f8d1..fe55c24ac5 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ type RealmContext = {
 type MultiRealmContext = {
   openedInfo: { realm: Realm; config: Realm.Configuration }[];
   getRealm: (config: any) => Promise<Realm>; //any should be OpenRealmConfiguration
-  closeAllRealms(): Promise<void>;
+  closeAllRealms: () => void;
 } & Mocha.Context;
 type RealmObjectContext<T = Record<string, unknown>> = {
   object: Realm.Object<T> & T;

From 3bf02b32f68e6ee25f374cc568d5f2da085ec65a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:50:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 20/43] Added dictionary tests

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 182 ++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 163 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 362f919fb4..3e2f08615d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -401,18 +401,15 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
-        await delay(realm1, realm2);
-        //const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        // await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        // await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
         // If I use sleep, then obj1 and obj2 become invalid after
         // await sleep(500);
-        //await waitPromise;
+        await waitPromise;
         defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
-      obj2.removeAllListeners();
     it("list adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
@@ -465,18 +462,8 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      obj2.removeAllListeners();
-    //TODO For testing, need to remove it afterwards
-    async function delay(realm1: Realm, realm2: Realm): Promise<void> {
-      for (let index = 0; index < 20; index++) {
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-      }
-    }
     it("list removing", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
@@ -530,8 +517,6 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
       expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-      obj2.removeAllListeners();
     it("list modification", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
@@ -587,5 +572,164 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
+    it.only("dictionary adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: {},
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
+      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[key] = val;
+        });
+        expectedDict[key] = val;
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it("dictionary removing", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: valuesToInsert,
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict = { ...valuesToInsert };
+      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary).remove(key);
+        });
+        delete expectedDict[key];
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it("dictionary modification", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm1, true);
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const keyString = "keyString";
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: { [keyString]: 1 },
+        });
+      });
+      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
+      await setupTest(realm2, true);
+      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm2
+          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
+      //Modifying elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[keyString] = val;
+        });
+        expectedDict[keyString] = val;
+        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });

From 5808ee687dbf33316bc5525dd4df8bdaab47a7f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:51:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/43] Reinstated tests

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 27 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 3e2f08615d..b5adf3d5e6 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -328,19 +328,18 @@ const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  //TODO Reenable these
-  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-  //   describeTypes(false);
-  // });
-  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-  //   describeTypes(true);
-  // });
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
+  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+    describeTypes(false);
+  });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+    describeTypes(true);
+  });
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
@@ -573,7 +572,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-    it.only("dictionary adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
+    it("dictionary adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);

From f30597039376c41824528940a474d28de922749b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 11:06:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/43] Various improvements

 .../tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts      | 12 +--
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 93 +++++--------------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
index 623f917ef2..6e797aa7db 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ export async function setupRealmHook(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): Prom
   this.closeAllRealms = () => {
-    this.openedInfo?.forEach(({ realm, config }) => {
-      if (!realm?.isClosed) {
-        realm.close();
-      }
-      Realm.deleteFile(config);
-    });
+    // this.openedInfo?.forEach(({ realm, config }) => {
+    //   if (!realm?.isClosed) {
+    //     realm.close();
+    //   }
+    //   Realm.deleteFile(config);
+    // });
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index b5adf3d5e6..cc91cb662b 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       const obj = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-          .objects(MixedClass) //TODO Remember to do it in other places
+          .objects(MixedClass)
           .filtered("_id = $0", this._id)
           .addListener(([obj]) => {
             if (obj) {
@@ -381,17 +381,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
-      expect(obj2.value).equals(obj1.value);
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
         realm1.write(() => {
@@ -431,16 +421,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedList = [];
@@ -483,16 +464,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedList = [...valuesToInsert];
@@ -538,16 +510,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedList: Mixed[] = ["test"];
@@ -592,16 +555,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
@@ -645,16 +599,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedDict = { ...valuesToInsert };
@@ -698,16 +643,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm2
-          .objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass")
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
       //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
       const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
@@ -730,5 +666,18 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+    function waitForMixedClassObj(realm: Realm, obId: Realm.BSON.ObjectId): Promise<MixedClass> {
+      return new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm
+          .objects(MixedClass)
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+    }

From 51bbdf1e3fa70400bde2a588cc85542ed96da15a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:43:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/43] Moved function up

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 26 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index cc91cb662b..d3a0c99d39 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -362,6 +362,19 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
+    function waitForMixedClassObj(realm: Realm, obId: Realm.BSON.ObjectId): Promise<MixedClass> {
+      return new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm
+          .objects(MixedClass)
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+    }
     it("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
       const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
       await setupTest(realm1, true);
@@ -666,18 +679,5 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
         defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-    function waitForMixedClassObj(realm: Realm, obId: Realm.BSON.ObjectId): Promise<MixedClass> {
-      return new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm
-          .objects(MixedClass)
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
-    }

From 46150ae21ccf6079d7fac0edba0aeb6892480e44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:10:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 24/43] Removed additional tests and modifications

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts      |   4 -
 .../tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts      |  31 --
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 461 +++---------------
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts      |   5 -
 4 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 444 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index c7d52ce5bc..c3bad5017c 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -148,10 +148,6 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);
-      this.getUser = async (cred: Realm.Credentials): Promise<Realm.User> => {
-        return;
-      };
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
index 6e797aa7db..3e91067490 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/open-realm-before.ts
@@ -84,34 +84,3 @@ export function openRealmBefore(config: OpenRealmConfiguration = {}): void {
   before(, openRealmHook(config));
   after("closeRealmAfter", closeThisRealm);
-export async function setupRealmHook(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): Promise<void> {
-  this.openedInfo = [];
-  this.getRealm = async (config: OpenRealmConfiguration): Promise<Realm> => {
-    const user = await this.getUser(Realm.Credentials.anonymous(false));
-    const realmAndConfig = await openRealm(config, user);
-    this.openedInfo.push(realmAndConfig);
-    return realmAndConfig.realm;
-  };
-  this.closeAllRealms = () => {
-    // this.openedInfo?.forEach(({ realm, config }) => {
-    //   if (!realm?.isClosed) {
-    //     realm.close();
-    //   }
-    //   Realm.deleteFile(config);
-    // });
-    Realm.clearTestState();
-  };
-export function closeMultiRealms(this: AppContext & MultiRealmContext): void {
-  this.closeAllRealms?.();
-export function setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach(): void {
-  beforeEach("openMultiRealmsBeforeEach", setupRealmHook);
-  afterEach("closeMultiRealmsAfterEach", closeMultiRealms);
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index d3a0c99d39..74af922466 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -18,17 +18,10 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
 import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
-import {
-  importAppBefore,
-  authenticateUserBefore,
-  openRealmBefore,
-  setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach as setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach,
-} from "../../hooks";
+import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
-import { OpenRealmConfiguration } from "../../utils/open-realm";
-import { sleep } from "../../utils/sleep";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
@@ -51,6 +44,60 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
+const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
+const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+  });
+  return [
+    null,
+    true,
+    1,
+    5.0,
+    "string",
+    Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+    new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+    new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+    new Date(1620768552979),
+    data,
+    ob,
+  ];
+const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
+    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+  });
+  return {
+    null: null,
+    bool: true,
+    int: 1,
+    float: 5.0,
+    string: "stringVal",
+    decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
+    objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
+    uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
+    date: new Date(1620768552979),
+    data: data,
+    obj: ob,
+  };
+const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+  return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
+const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+  return {
+    ...getMixedDict(realm),
+    innerList: getMixedList(realm),
+    innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
+  };
  * The default tester of values.
  * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
@@ -240,7 +287,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
       return result;
     valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => {
-      expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id)).equals(true); //TODO I should be able to put this into the default tester
+      expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id)).equals(true);
     useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
@@ -274,61 +321,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
-const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
-  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
-  });
-  return [
-    null,
-    true,
-    1,
-    5.0,
-    "string",
-    Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-    new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-    new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-    new Date(1620768552979),
-    data,
-    ob,
-  ];
-const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
-  });
-  return {
-    null: null,
-    bool: true,
-    int: 1,
-    float: 5.0,
-    string: "stringVal",
-    decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-    objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-    uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-    date: new Date(1620768552979),
-    data: data,
-    obj: ob,
-  };
-const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
-  return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
-const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-  return {
-    ...getMixedDict(realm),
-    innerList: getMixedList(realm),
-    innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
-  };
-describe("mixed synced", () => {
+describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
@@ -340,344 +333,4 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
-  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-    setupMultiRealmsBeforeAndAfterEach();
-    const realmConfig = {
-      schema: [MixedClass],
-      sync: { flexible: true },
-    } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
-    function getWaiter(obj: MixedClass, propertyName: keyof MixedClass): Promise<void> {
-      return new Promise((resolve) => {
-        obj.addListener((_, changes) => {
-          if (changes.changedProperties.includes(propertyName)) {
-            obj.removeAllListeners();
-            resolve();
-          }
-        });
-      });
-    }
-    function waitForMixedClassObj(realm: Realm, obId: Realm.BSON.ObjectId): Promise<MixedClass> {
-      return new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
-        realm
-          .objects(MixedClass)
-          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
-          .addListener(([obj]) => {
-            if (obj) {
-              resolve(obj);
-            }
-          });
-      });
-    }
-    it("value change", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          obj1.value = val;
-        });
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, val, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        // If I use sleep, then obj1 and obj2 become invalid after
-        // await sleep(500);
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
-      }
-    });
-    it("list adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: [],
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedList = [];
-      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
-      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List).push(val);
-        });
-        expectedList.push(val);
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      }
-    });
-    it("list removing", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: valuesToInsert,
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedList = [...valuesToInsert];
-      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
-      for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
-        });
-        expectedList.pop();
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      }
-      expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-      expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
-    });
-    it("list modification", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: ["test"],
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedList: Mixed[] = ["test"];
-      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
-      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
-        });
-        expectedList[0] = val;
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedList, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
-      }
-      obj2.removeAllListeners();
-    });
-    it("dictionary adding", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: {},
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
-      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
-      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
-        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[key] = val;
-        });
-        expectedDict[key] = val;
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-      }
-    });
-    it("dictionary removing", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
-      });
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: valuesToInsert,
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedDict = { ...valuesToInsert };
-      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
-      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary).remove(key);
-        });
-        delete expectedDict[key];
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-      }
-    });
-    it("dictionary modification", async function (this: Mocha.Context & AppContext & MultiRealmContext) {
-      const realm1 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm1, true);
-      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
-        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
-      });
-      const keyString = "keyString";
-      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectID();
-      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
-        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
-          _id: obId,
-          value: { [keyString]: 1 },
-        });
-      });
-      await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-      const realm2 = await this.getRealm(realmConfig);
-      await setupTest(realm2, true);
-      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
-      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
-      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
-      //Modifying elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
-      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
-        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
-        realm1.write(() => {
-          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[keyString] = val;
-        });
-        expectedDict[keyString] = val;
-        defaultTester(obj1.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
-        await realm1.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
-        await realm2.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
-        await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
-      }
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index fe55c24ac5..b8c45e3269 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -157,11 +157,6 @@ type RealmContext = {
   closeRealm(options?: Partial<CloseRealmOptions>): Promise<void>;
 } & Mocha.Context;
-type MultiRealmContext = {
-  openedInfo: { realm: Realm; config: Realm.Configuration }[];
-  getRealm: (config: any) => Promise<Realm>; //any should be OpenRealmConfiguration
-  closeAllRealms: () => void;
-} & Mocha.Context;
 type RealmObjectContext<T = Record<string, unknown>> = {
   object: Realm.Object<T> & T;
 } & RealmContext;

From ab512bb7929de7929502aba0ec75b402fc65a6a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:12:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 25/43] Small fixes

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 2 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts        | 6 +-----
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 74af922466..e4528843e0 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
index b8c45e3269..5ff4744775 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/typings.d.ts
@@ -142,11 +142,7 @@ declare namespace Mocha {
 // Mocha contexts made available by hooks
-type AppContext = {
-  app: Realm.App;
-  databaseName: string;
-  getUser: (credentials: Realm.Credentials) => Promise<Realm.User>;
-} & Mocha.Context;
+type AppContext = { app: Realm.App; databaseName: string } & Mocha.Context;
 type UserContext = { user: Realm.User } & Mocha.Context;
 type CloseRealmOptions = { deleteFile: boolean; clearTestState: boolean; reopen: boolean };
 type RealmContext = {

From d2c1a4ed7c475fe8dd4c422c03367fe3749d0531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:13:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 26/43] Removed todo

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index e4528843e0..be7d9e9210 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     it("writes", async function (this: RealmContext) {
       await setupTest(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
-      //TODO Maybe I could also check that the dictionary can change value
       this._id = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       this.realm.write(() => {
         this.value = typeof value === "function" ? value(this.realm) : value;

From 105054daa9f0d9be538c8eda5890d8cbca003190 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:18:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 27/43] Removed unused

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index be7d9e9210..89ae9b628d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
   _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
   value: Realm.Mixed;
   list!: Realm.List<Realm.Mixed>;
-  dict!: Realm.Dictionary<Realm.Mixed>;
   static schema: ObjectSchema = {
     name: "MixedClass",
@@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
       _id: "objectId",
       value: "mixed",
       list: "mixed[]",
-      dict: "mixed{}",
     primaryKey: "_id",

From ba5ec500eadb42df34bec3ccb9071a022c1c19ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:48:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 28/43] Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: LJ <>
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 142 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 89ae9b628d..e09d95cf91 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 import { expect } from "chai";
 import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
@@ -42,95 +42,95 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
+const bool = true;
+const int = 1;
+const double = 123.456;
+const d128 = BSON.Decimal128.fromString("6.022e23");
+const string = "hello";
+const date = new Date();
+const oid = new BSON.ObjectId();
+const uuid = new BSON.UUID();
+const nullValue = null;
 const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
-const getMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
-  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+function getMixedList(realm: Realm) {
+  const obj = realm.write(() => {
+    return realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
-  return [
-    null,
-    true,
-    1,
-    5.0,
-    "string",
-    Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-    new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-    new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-    new Date(1620768552979),
-    data,
-    ob,
-  ];
+  return [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
-const getMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
-  const ob = realm.create<MixedClass>("MixedClass", {
-    _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId(),
+function getMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
+  const obj = realm.write(() => {
+    return realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
   return {
-    null: null,
-    bool: true,
-    int: 1,
-    float: 5.0,
-    string: "stringVal",
-    decimal: Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678"),
-    objectId: new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e"),
-    uuid: new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875"),
-    date: new Date(1620768552979),
-    data: data,
-    obj: ob,
+    bool,
+    int,
+    double,
+    d128,
+    string,
+    oid,
+    uuid,
+    nullValue,
+    date,
+    data,
+    obj,
-const getNestedMixedList = (realm: Realm) => {
+function getNestedMixedList(realm: Realm) {
   return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
-const getNestedMixedDict = (realm: Realm) => {
+function getNestedMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
   return {
     innerList: getMixedList(realm),
     innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
+function expectJsArray(value: unknown): asserts value is unknown[] {
+  expect(value)"array");
+function expectJsObject(value: unknown): asserts value is Record<string, unknown> {
+  expect(value)"object");
  * The default tester of values.
  * @param actual The value downloaded from the server.
  * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
-function defaultTester(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) {
+function defaultTester(actual: unknown, inserted: unknown) {
   if (actual instanceof Realm.List) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.Mixed[];
-    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedVal[index], realm));
+    expectJsArray(inserted);
+    expect(actual.length).equals(inserted.length);
+    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, inserted[index]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as { [key: string]: any };
-    Object.keys(actual).forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], insertedVal[key], realm));
-  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.Decimal128) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.Decimal128;
-    expect(actual.bytes.equals(insertedVal.bytes)).equals(true);
-  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.ObjectID) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.ObjectID;
-    expect(actual.equals(insertedVal)).equals(true);
-  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.BSON.UUID) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Realm.BSON.UUID;
-    expect(actual.equals(insertedVal)).equals(true);
-  } else if (actual instanceof Date) {
-    const insertedVal = inserted as Date;
-    expect(actual.getTime() == insertedVal.getTime()).equals(true);
+    expectJsObject(inserted);
+    const actualKeys = Object.keys(actual);
+    expect(actualKeys).members(Object.keys(inserted));
+    actualKeys.forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], inserted[key]));
   } else if (actual instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
     const actualBinaryView = new Uint8Array(actual);
-    const insertedBynaryView = new Uint8Array(inserted as ArrayBuffer);
-    expect(actualBinaryView.byteLength).equals(insertedBynaryView.byteLength);
-    actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBynaryView[index]));
-  } else if (actual instanceof MixedClass && realm) {
-    const insertedVal = realm.objects<MixedClass>("MixedClass").filtered("_id = $0", actual._id)[0];
-    expect(actual._id.equals(insertedVal._id)).equals(true);
-    defaultTester(actual.value, insertedVal.value);
+    const insertedBinaryView = new Uint8Array(inserted as ArrayBuffer);
+    expect(actualBinaryView.byteLength).equals(insertedBinaryView.byteLength);
+    actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBinaryView[index]));
+  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Object) {
+    expect(actual).instanceOf(MixedClass);
+    expect(inserted).instanceOf(MixedClass);
+    // If-block is set up only for TS to infer the correct types.
+    // if (actual instanceof MixedClass && inserted instanceof MixedClass) {
+    //   expect(actual._id.equals(inserted._id));
+    //   defaultTester(actual.value, inserted.value);
+    // }
   } else {
-    expect(actual).equals(inserted);
+    expect(String(actual)).equals(String(inserted));
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ async function setupTest(realm: Realm, useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
  * - Performs a test to ensure the downloaded value match the value created locally.
  * @param typeName Name of the mixed type (only used for the test name)
  * @param value The value to be used for the test, or a function to obtain it
- * @param testValue The function used to assert equality
- * @param useFlexibleSync Boolean to indicate the use of flexible sync (otherwise partition based sync will be used)
+ * @param valueTester The function used to assert equality
+ * @param useFlexibleSync Whether to use flexible sync (otherwise partition based sync will be used)
 function describeRoundtrip({
@@ -239,35 +239,35 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
     typeName: "data",
     value: buffer,
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   const date = new Date(1620768552979);
     typeName: "date",
     value: date,
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   const objectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId("609afc1290a3c1818f04635e");
     typeName: "ObjectId",
     value: objectId,
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   const uuid = new Realm.BSON.UUID("9476a497-60ef-4439-bc8a-52b8ad0d4875");
     typeName: "UUID",
     value: uuid,
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   const decimal128 = Realm.BSON.Decimal128.fromString("1234.5678");
     typeName: "Decimal128",
     value: decimal128,
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   const recursiveObjectId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
       return result;
     valueTester: (value: MixedClass) => {
-      expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id)).equals(true);
+      expect(recursiveObjectId.equals(value._id));
-    useFlexibleSync: useFlexibleSync,
+    useFlexibleSync,
   if (useFlexibleSync) {

From b9c747081fa1ca58b3fc686932652ff551fe2086 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:57:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 29/43] Small corrections

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 23 ++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index e09d95cf91..04c9586f3b 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import Realm, { Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
+import Realm, { BSON, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
@@ -54,17 +54,13 @@ const nullValue = null;
 const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
 function getMixedList(realm: Realm) {
-  const obj = realm.write(() => {
-    return realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
-  });
+  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
   return [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
 function getMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
-  const obj = realm.write(() => {
-    return realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
-  });
+  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
   return {
@@ -124,17 +120,12 @@ function defaultTester(actual: unknown, inserted: unknown) {
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Object) {
-    // If-block is set up only for TS to infer the correct types.
-    // if (actual instanceof MixedClass && inserted instanceof MixedClass) {
-    //   expect(actual._id.equals(inserted._id));
-    //   defaultTester(actual.value, inserted.value);
-    // }
   } else {
-async function setupTest(realm: Realm, useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
+async function setupIfFlexiblySync(realm: Realm, useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
     await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
@@ -178,7 +169,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     it("writes", async function (this: RealmContext) {
-      await setupTest(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
+      await setupIfFlexiblySync(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
       this._id = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       this.realm.write(() => {
         this.value = typeof value === "function" ? value(this.realm) : value;
@@ -194,7 +185,7 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
     it("reads", async function (this: RealmContext) {
-      await setupTest(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
+      await setupIfFlexiblySync(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
       const obj = await new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
@@ -318,7 +309,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-describe("mixed synced", () => {
+describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {

From ba4813541d8d060b559ba027f00f33ead3b49dfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 10:49:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 30/43] Reinstated tests

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 342 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 334 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 04c9586f3b..2c58988608 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,14 @@
 import { expect } from "chai";
-import Realm, { BSON, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
+import Realm, { BSON, Configuration, Mixed, ObjectSchema } from "realm";
 import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../hooks";
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
+import { OpenRealmConfiguration, openRealm } from "../../utils/open-realm";
+import { sleep } from "../../utils/sleep";
+import { LogEntry, LoggerCallback2 } from "realm/dist/public-types/Logger";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
@@ -310,15 +313,338 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
 describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-    this.longTimeout();
-    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-    describeTypes(false);
-  });
+  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+  //   describeTypes(false);
+  // });
+  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+  //   this.longTimeout();
+  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+  //   describeTypes(true);
+  // });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
+    // const dirname = "/Users/papafe/Desktop";
+    // const filePath = path.join(dirname, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
+    // fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
+    //   if (err) {
+    //     console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
+    //   }
+    // });
+    // const callback: LoggerCallback2 = (entry: LogEntry) => {
+    //   const message = `[${entry.category}-${entry.level}] - ${entry.message}`;
+    //   // console.log(message);
+    //   fs.appendFile(filePath, message, (err) => {
+    //     if (err) {
+    //       console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
+    //     }
+    //   });
+    // };
+    // Realm.setLogger(callback);
+    // Realm.setLogLevel("trace");
-  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-    describeTypes(true);
+    type MultiRealmContext = {
+      realm1: Realm;
+      realm2: Realm;
+      config1: Configuration;
+      config2: Configuration;
+    } & AppContext &
+      Mocha.Context;
+    beforeEach(async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const config = {
+        schema: [MixedClass],
+        sync: { flexible: true },
+      } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
+      this.realm1 = await logInAndGetRealm(, config);
+      this.realm2 = await logInAndGetRealm(, config);
+      this.config1 = { ...config, sync: this.realm1.syncSession?.config };
+      this.config2 = { ...config, sync: this.realm2.syncSession?.config };
+    });
+    afterEach(async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      closeAndDeleteRealms(this.config1, this.config2);
+    });
+    function closeAndDeleteRealms(...configs: Configuration[]) {
+      for (const config of configs) {
+        Realm.deleteFile(config);
+      }
+      Realm.clearTestState();
+    }
+    async function waitForSynchronization({
+      uploadRealm,
+      downloadRealm,
+    }: {
+      uploadRealm: Realm;
+      downloadRealm: Realm;
+    }) {
+      await uploadRealm.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      await downloadRealm.syncSession?.downloadAllServerChanges();
+    }
+    async function logInAndGetRealm(app: Realm.App, config: OpenRealmConfiguration) {
+      const user = await app.logIn(Realm.Credentials.anonymous(false));
+      const realm = (await openRealm(config, user)).realm;
+      await setupIfFlexiblySync(realm, true);
+      // It seems that if I use this I don't get the same core crash, but the test doesn't complete
+      // realm.write(() => {
+      //   realm.delete(realm.objects(MixedClass));
+      // });
+      // await realm.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
+      return realm;
+    }
+    function getWaiter(obj: MixedClass, propertyName: keyof MixedClass): Promise<void> {
+      return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        obj.addListener((_, changes) => {
+          if (changes.changedProperties.includes(propertyName)) {
+            obj.removeAllListeners();
+            resolve();
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    }
+    function waitForMixedClassObj(realm: Realm, obId: Realm.BSON.ObjectId): Promise<MixedClass> {
+      return new Promise<MixedClass>((resolve) => {
+        realm
+          .objects(MixedClass)
+          .filtered("_id = $0", obId)
+          .addListener(([obj]) => {
+            if (obj) {
+              resolve(obj);
+            }
+          });
+      });
+    }
+    async function getObjects(
+      realm1: Realm,
+      realm2: Realm,
+      initialVal: Mixed,
+    ): Promise<{ obj1: MixedClass; obj2: MixedClass }> {
+      const obId = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
+      const obj1 = realm1.write(() => {
+        return realm1.create(MixedClass, {
+          _id: obId,
+          value: initialVal,
+        });
+      });
+      const obj2 = await waitForMixedClassObj(realm2, obId);
+      return { obj1, obj2 };
+    }
+    it("value change", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, null);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          obj1.value = val;
+        });
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it("list adding", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, []);
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList = [];
+      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).push(val);
+        });
+        expectedList.push(val);
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it("list removing", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, valuesToInsert);
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList = [...valuesToInsert];
+      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (let i = 0; i < valuesToInsert.length; i++) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List).pop();
+        });
+        expectedList.pop();
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+      expect((obj2.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
+    });
+    it("list modification", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const valuesToInsert = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedList(realm1);
+      });
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, ["test"]);
+      //We will keep this list updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedList: Mixed[] = ["test"];
+      //Changing the first element and verifying the list is synchronized
+      for (const val of valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.List)[0] = val;
+        });
+        expectedList[0] = val;
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+      }
+      obj2.removeAllListeners();
+    });
+    it.skip("dictionary adding", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, {});
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
+      //Adding elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[key] = val;
+        });
+        expectedDict[key] = val;
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it.skip("dictionary removing", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, valuesToInsert);
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict = { ...valuesToInsert };
+      //Removing elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary).remove(key);
+        });
+        delete expectedDict[key];
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });
+    it.skip("dictionary modification", async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
+      const realm1 = this.realm1;
+      const realm2 = this.realm2;
+      const valuesToInsert: { [key: string]: any } = realm1.write(() => {
+        return getNestedMixedDict(realm1);
+      });
+      const keyString = "keyString";
+      const { obj1, obj2 } = await getObjects(this.realm1, this.realm2, { [keyString]: 1 });
+      //We will keep this dictionary updated with the values we expect to find
+      const expectedDict: { [key: string]: any } = {};
+      //Modifying elements one by one and verifying the dictionary is synchronized
+      for (const key in valuesToInsert) {
+        const val = valuesToInsert[key];
+        realm1.write(() => {
+          (obj1.value as Realm.Dictionary)[keyString] = val;
+        });
+        expectedDict[keyString] = val;
+        const waitPromise = getWaiter(obj2, "value");
+        await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
+        await waitPromise;
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+      }
+    });

From 89de282e73378f67bd8c190a43928315e9e289d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:09:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 31/43] Small correction

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 14 ++++++--------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 2c58988608..a70fa66089 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
 import { OpenRealmConfiguration, openRealm } from "../../utils/open-realm";
-import { sleep } from "../../utils/sleep";
-import { LogEntry, LoggerCallback2 } from "realm/dist/public-types/Logger";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
@@ -468,7 +466,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, val, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, val);
@@ -495,7 +493,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList);
@@ -523,7 +521,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList);
       expect((obj1.value as Realm.List).length).equals(0);
@@ -554,7 +552,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedList);
@@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict);
@@ -643,7 +641,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
         await waitForSynchronization({ uploadRealm: realm1, downloadRealm: realm2 });
         await waitPromise;
-        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict, realm2);
+        defaultTester(obj2.value, expectedDict);

From 2711dd8568ca27d653655789fb8df7784354b394 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:29:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 32/43] Logging to file

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts      | 21 +++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index c3bad5017c..6c561cc61d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -138,15 +138,32 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         throw new Error("Expected at most 1 database name in the config");
-      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, syncLogLevel);
+      const dirName = "/Users/papafe/Desktop/";
+      const filePath = path.join(dirName, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
+      fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
+        if (err) {
+          console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
+        } else {
+          console.log("File successfully deleted.");
+        }
+      });
+      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, "trace");
       // Set a default logger as Android does not forward stdout
       Realm.App.Sync.setLogger(, (level, message) => {
         const time = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[1].replace("Z", "");
         const magentaTime = `\x1b[35m${time}`;
         const greenLogLevel = `\x1b[32m${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}`;
         const whiteMessage = `\x1b[37m${message}}`;
+        const logMessage = `${time}: ${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}:\t${message}\n`;
+        fs.appendFile(filePath, logMessage, (err) => {
+          if (err) {
+            console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
+          }
+        });
-        console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);
+        // console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);

From e56b23333f38143fb97e3dae116ccdf8c06ed396 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:56:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 33/43] Improvements

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts      | 36 +++++++++----------
 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 28 +++------------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index 6c561cc61d..30c7fa4c2e 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         throw new Error("Expected at most 1 database name in the config");
-      const dirName = "/Users/papafe/Desktop/";
-      const filePath = path.join(dirName, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
-      fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
-        if (err) {
-          console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
-        } else {
-          console.log("File successfully deleted.");
-        }
-      });
-      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, "trace");
+      // const dirName = "/Users/papafe/Desktop/";
+      // const filePath = path.join(dirName, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
+      // fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
+      //   if (err) {
+      //     console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
+      //   } else {
+      //     console.log("File successfully deleted.");
+      //   }
+      // });
+      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, "warn");
       // Set a default logger as Android does not forward stdout
       Realm.App.Sync.setLogger(, (level, message) => {
         const time = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[1].replace("Z", "");
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         const greenLogLevel = `\x1b[32m${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}`;
         const whiteMessage = `\x1b[37m${message}}`;
         const logMessage = `${time}: ${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}:\t${message}\n`;
-        fs.appendFile(filePath, logMessage, (err) => {
-          if (err) {
-            console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
-          }
-        });
+        // fs.appendFile(filePath, logMessage, (err) => {
+        //   if (err) {
+        //     console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
+        //   }
+        // });
-        // console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);
+        console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index a70fa66089..c9c707cf05 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6
 function getMixedList(realm: Realm) {
   const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
-  return [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
+  // return [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
+  return [obj];
 function getMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
@@ -324,28 +325,6 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
   // });
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {
-    // const dirname = "/Users/papafe/Desktop";
-    // const filePath = path.join(dirname, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
-    // fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
-    //   if (err) {
-    //     console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
-    //   }
-    // });
-    // const callback: LoggerCallback2 = (entry: LogEntry) => {
-    //   const message = `[${entry.category}-${entry.level}] - ${entry.message}`;
-    //   // console.log(message);
-    //   fs.appendFile(filePath, message, (err) => {
-    //     if (err) {
-    //       console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
-    //     }
-    //   });
-    // };
-    // Realm.setLogger(callback);
-    // Realm.setLogLevel("trace");
@@ -365,6 +344,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       this.realm1 = await logInAndGetRealm(, config);
       this.realm2 = await logInAndGetRealm(, config);
       this.config1 = { ...config, sync: this.realm1.syncSession?.config };
       this.config2 = { ...config, sync: this.realm2.syncSession?.config };
@@ -397,7 +377,7 @@ describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
       await setupIfFlexiblySync(realm, true);
-      // It seems that if I use this I don't get the same core crash, but the test doesn't complete
+      // //It seems that if I use this I don't get the same core crash, but the test doesn't complete
       // realm.write(() => {
       //   realm.delete(realm.objects(MixedClass));
       // });

From 71e8524cfdbdee1d6094e01118fc40390d1270d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:57:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 34/43] Remove unused

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 04c9586f3b..f7d9ce7864 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
 type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
-type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm?: Realm) => void;
+type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
 class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
   _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;

From fa9d2ea8a8e8039bfd6ac8dd462e9be9a6c243ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:09:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 35/43] Removed realm use

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index f7d9ce7864..79c53f633c 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
   valueTester?: ValueTester;
   useFlexibleSync: boolean;
 }) {
-  function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed, realm: Realm) {
-    valueTester(actual, inserted, realm);
+  function performTest(actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) {
+    valueTester(actual, inserted);
   describe(`roundtrip of '${typeName}'`, () => {
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       expect(typeof obj).equals("object");
       // Test the single value
-      performTest(obj.value, this.value, this.realm);
+      performTest(obj.value, this.value);
       // Test the list of values
       const firstElement = obj.list[0];
-      performTest(firstElement, this.value, this.realm);
+      performTest(firstElement, this.value);
       // No need to keep these around
       delete this._id;
       delete this.value;

From 14e9a3276b340dc95e6f0c8e721157af3c1e0838 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:20:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 36/43] trying to improve testing

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 82 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 79c53f633c..3c9dbc640d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
-type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed);
+type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed) | ((realm: Realm) => { values: Mixed; expected: Mixed });
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
 class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
@@ -54,15 +54,20 @@ const nullValue = null;
 const data = new Uint8Array([0xd8, 0x21, 0xd6, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x57, 0xbc, 0xb2, 0x6a, 0x15]).buffer;
 function getMixedList(realm: Realm) {
-  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
+  const expectedObj = { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() };
+  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, expectedObj);
-  return [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
+  const values = [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, obj];
+  const expected = [bool, int, double, d128, string, oid, uuid, nullValue, date, data, expectedObj];
+  return { values, expected };
 function getMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
-  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() });
+  const expectedObj = { _id: new BSON.ObjectId() };
+  const obj = realm.create(MixedClass, expectedObj);
-  return {
+  const values = {
@@ -75,18 +80,53 @@ function getMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
+  const expected = {
+    bool,
+    int,
+    double,
+    d128,
+    string,
+    oid,
+    uuid,
+    nullValue,
+    date,
+    data,
+    obj: expectedObj,
+  };
+  return { values, expected };
 function getNestedMixedList(realm: Realm) {
-  return [...getMixedList(realm), getMixedList(realm), getMixedDict(realm)];
+  const mixList1 = getMixedList(realm);
+  const mixList2 = getMixedList(realm);
+  const mixDict = getMixedDict(realm);
+  const values = [...mixList1.values, mixList2.values, mixDict.values];
+  const expected = [...mixList1.expected, mixList2.expected, mixDict.expected];
+  return { values, expected };
 function getNestedMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
-  return {
-    ...getMixedDict(realm),
-    innerList: getMixedList(realm),
-    innerDict: getMixedDict(realm),
+  const mixDict1 = getMixedDict(realm);
+  const mixDict2 = getMixedDict(realm);
+  const mixList = getMixedList(realm);
+  const values = {
+    ...mixDict1.values,
+    innerDict: mixDict2.values,
+    innerList: mixList.values,
+  };
+  const expected = {
+    ...mixDict1.expected,
+    innerDict: mixDict2.expected,
+    innerList: mixList.expected,
+  return { values, expected };
 function expectJsArray(value: unknown): asserts value is unknown[] {
@@ -119,7 +159,9 @@ function defaultTester(actual: unknown, inserted: unknown) {
     actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBinaryView[index]));
   } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Object) {
-    expect(inserted).instanceOf(MixedClass);
+    const actualMixed = actual as MixedClass;
+    const insertedMixed = inserted as MixedClass;
+    defaultTester(actualMixed._id, insertedMixed._id);
   } else {
@@ -172,7 +214,15 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       await setupIfFlexiblySync(this.realm, useFlexibleSync);
       this._id = new Realm.BSON.ObjectId();
       this.realm.write(() => {
-        this.value = typeof value === "function" ? value(this.realm) : value;
+        if (typeof value === "function") {
+          const valueResult = value(this.realm);
+          if ("expected" in valueResult && "values" in valueResult) {
+            this.value = valueResult.values;
+            this.expected = valueResult.expected;
+          }
+        } else {
+          this.value = value;
+        }
         this.realm.create(MixedClass, {
           _id: this._id,
           value: this.value,
@@ -199,12 +249,14 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
       expect(typeof obj).equals("object");
+      const testVal = this.expected === undefined ? this.value : this.expected;
       // Test the single value
-      performTest(obj.value, this.value);
+      performTest(obj.value, testVal);
       // Test the list of values
       const firstElement = obj.list[0];
-      performTest(firstElement, this.value);
+      performTest(firstElement, testVal);
       // No need to keep these around
       delete this._id;
       delete this.value;
@@ -281,7 +333,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
-    describe("collections in mixed", () => {
+    describe.only("collections in mixed", () => {
         typeName: "list",
         value: getMixedList,

From 2ec8d2503e612fd72c5d8024c2748317868a9dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:43:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 37/43] Corrected testing

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 35 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 3c9dbc640d..9796aea44d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ function getNestedMixedDict(realm: Realm) {
   return { values, expected };
-function expectJsArray(value: unknown): asserts value is unknown[] {
-  expect(value)"array");
+function expectRealmList(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.List<unknown> {
+  expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.List);
-function expectJsObject(value: unknown): asserts value is Record<string, unknown> {
-  expect(value)"object");
+function expectRealmDictionary(value: unknown): asserts value is Realm.Dictionary<unknown> {
+  expect(value).instanceOf(Realm.Dictionary);
@@ -143,21 +143,22 @@ function expectJsObject(value: unknown): asserts value is Record<string, unknown
  * @param inserted The value inserted locally before upload.
 function defaultTester(actual: unknown, inserted: unknown) {
-  if (actual instanceof Realm.List) {
-    expectJsArray(inserted);
+  if (inserted instanceof Array) {
+    expectRealmList(actual);
-    actual.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, inserted[index]));
-  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Dictionary) {
-    expectJsObject(inserted);
+    inserted.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(actual[index], item));
+  } else if (inserted != null && typeof inserted === "object" && "d128" in inserted) {
+    expectRealmDictionary(actual);
+    const insertedKeys = Object.keys(actual);
     const actualKeys = Object.keys(actual);
-    expect(actualKeys).members(Object.keys(inserted));
-    actualKeys.forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], inserted[key]));
-  } else if (actual instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
-    const actualBinaryView = new Uint8Array(actual);
+    expect(insertedKeys).members(actualKeys);
+    insertedKeys.forEach((key) => defaultTester(actual[key], (inserted as Record<string, unknown>)[key]));
+  } else if (inserted instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+    const actualBinaryView = new Uint8Array(actual as ArrayBuffer);
     const insertedBinaryView = new Uint8Array(inserted as ArrayBuffer);
-    actualBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, insertedBinaryView[index]));
-  } else if (actual instanceof Realm.Object) {
+    insertedBinaryView.forEach((item, index) => defaultTester(item, actualBinaryView[index]));
+  } else if (inserted != null && typeof inserted === "object" && "_id" in inserted) {
     const actualMixed = actual as MixedClass;
     const insertedMixed = inserted as MixedClass;
@@ -219,6 +220,8 @@ function describeRoundtrip({
           if ("expected" in valueResult && "values" in valueResult) {
             this.value = valueResult.values;
             this.expected = valueResult.expected;
+          } else {
+            this.value = valueResult;
         } else {
           this.value = value;
@@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
   if (useFlexibleSync) {
-    describe.only("collections in mixed", () => {
+    describe("collections in mixed", () => {
         typeName: "list",
         value: getMixedList,

From f7894f4fb2f348e430187256d4ba21fb00a5fb53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:51:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 38/43] Removed only

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 9796aea44d..4b050848cc 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
   describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {

From 8f81629426afc74989f43473b3ef6f32c235aa28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:09:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 39/43] Added comment

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 4b050848cc..70df1aa378 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,16 @@ import { importAppBefore, authenticateUserBefore, openRealmBefore } from "../../
 import { itUploadsDeletesAndDownloads } from "./upload-delete-download";
 import { buildAppConfig } from "../../utils/build-app-config";
-type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed) | ((realm: Realm) => { values: Mixed; expected: Mixed });
+ * A function type that generates values to inserted and expected values used with the default tester.
+ * The input realm is necessary to create and add objects to the realm before using them in the tests.
+ * The distinction between "values" and "expected" is necessary because most tests here close the realm after using
+ * the objects in "values", so they can't be used with the default tester (that happens at a later time).
+ * "expected" contains just an object instead of a RealmObject that can be used for testing.
+ */
+type ValueAndExpectedGenerator = (realm: Realm) => { values: Mixed; expected: Mixed };
+type Value = Realm.Mixed | ((realm: Realm) => Realm.Mixed) | ValueAndExpectedGenerator;
 type ValueTester = (actual: Realm.Mixed, inserted: Realm.Mixed) => void;
 class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {

From 4aeb00828aaae67da491c3d4ece7222a84fc0369 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 13:03:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 40/43] Reinstated missing

 .../tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts             | 24 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 70a3cc4124..ab2e5b2d80 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -392,18 +392,18 @@ function describeTypes(useFlexibleSync: boolean) {
-describe.only("mixed synced", () => {
-  // describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
-  //   describeTypes(false);
-  // });
-  // describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
-  //   this.longTimeout();
-  //   importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
-  //   describeTypes(true);
-  // });
+describe("mixed synced", () => {
+  describe("partition-based sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-pbs").anonAuth().partitionBasedSync());
+    describeTypes(false);
+  });
+  describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "flexible sync roundtrip", function () {
+    this.longTimeout();
+    importAppBefore(buildAppConfig("with-flx").anonAuth().flexibleSync());
+    describeTypes(true);
+  });
   describe.skipIf(environment.skipFlexibleSync, "mixed collections", function () {

From 67abfe9c02bfde0e319ca061a1c179a01c8fda71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 13:06:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 41/43] Removed unused

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts        | 17 -----------------
 1 file changed, 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index 30c7fa4c2e..b482698ab7 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -138,17 +138,6 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         throw new Error("Expected at most 1 database name in the config");
-      // const dirName = "/Users/papafe/Desktop/";
-      // const filePath = path.join(dirName, "logs.txt"); // Specify your log file path here
-      // fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => {
-      //   if (err) {
-      //     console.error("Failed to delete file:", err);
-      //   } else {
-      //     console.log("File successfully deleted.");
-      //   }
-      // });
       Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, "warn");
       // Set a default logger as Android does not forward stdout
       Realm.App.Sync.setLogger(, (level, message) => {
@@ -156,12 +145,6 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         const magentaTime = `\x1b[35m${time}`;
         const greenLogLevel = `\x1b[32m${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}`;
         const whiteMessage = `\x1b[37m${message}}`;
-        const logMessage = `${time}: ${REALM_LOG_LEVELS[level].toUpperCase()}:\t${message}\n`;
-        // fs.appendFile(filePath, logMessage, (err) => {
-        //   if (err) {
-        //     console.error("Error writing to log file:", err);
-        //   }
-        // });
         console.log(`${magentaTime}: ${greenLogLevel}:\t${whiteMessage}`);

From f0c3ffc7b688e5bc1d431688c45f0dcfca20ee6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 13:07:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 42/43] Small corrections

 .../tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts        |  2 +-
 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 17 +----------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
index b482698ab7..c3bad5017c 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/hooks/import-app-before.ts
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ export function importAppBefore(config: AppConfig | { config: AppConfig }, sdkCo
         throw new Error("Expected at most 1 database name in the config");
-      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, "warn");
+      Realm.App.Sync.setLogLevel(, syncLogLevel);
       // Set a default logger as Android does not forward stdout
       Realm.App.Sync.setLogger(, (level, message) => {
         const time = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[1].replace("Z", "");
diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index ab2e5b2d80..2df8a5f712 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -52,20 +52,6 @@ class MixedClass extends Realm.Object<MixedClass> {
-class InnerClass extends Realm.Object<InnerClass> {
-  _id!: Realm.BSON.ObjectId;
-  intValue!: number;
-  static schema: ObjectSchema = {
-    name: "InnerClass",
-    properties: {
-      _id: "objectId",
-      floatValue: "float",
-    },
-    primaryKey: "_id",
-  };
 const bool = true;
 const int = 1;
 const double = 123.456;
@@ -419,7 +405,7 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
     beforeEach(async function (this: MultiRealmContext) {
       const config = {
-        schema: [MixedClass, InnerClass],
+        schema: [MixedClass],
         sync: { flexible: true },
       } satisfies OpenRealmConfiguration;
@@ -458,7 +444,6 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
-        mutableSubs.add(realm.objects(InnerClass));
       await realm.subscriptions.waitForSynchronization();

From 3c3bde99565568bccefb7ca3c836fc733e8b9e13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ferdinando Papale <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 10:28:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 43/43] Removed comment

 integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts | 7 -------
 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
index 2df8a5f712..30f6f77d54 100644
--- a/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
+++ b/integration-tests/tests/src/tests/sync/mixed.ts
@@ -448,13 +448,6 @@ describe("mixed synced", () => {
       await realm.subscriptions.waitForSynchronization();
-      // //It seems that if I use this I don't get the same core crash, but the test doesn't complete
-      // realm.write(() => {
-      //   realm.delete(realm.objects(MixedClass));
-      // });
-      // await realm.syncSession?.uploadAllLocalChanges();
       return realm;