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"github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ var _ = Describe("odo devfile supported tests", func() { // stopChannel <- true } - Context("odo debug support for devfile components", func() { + Context("odo debug support for devfile components", FlakeAttempts(3), func() { It("Verify output debug information for nodeJS debug works", func() { createStarterProjAndSetDebug("nodejs", "nodejs-starter") }) diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go b/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go index 6d08513ade2..9115be1cb2e 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_cmd_wrapper.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "runtime" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec" ) diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_filesystem.go b/tests/helper/helper_filesystem.go index be1150a3d98..6c299a418f8 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_filesystem.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_filesystem.go @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import ( dfutil "github.com/devfile/library/pkg/util" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_generic.go b/tests/helper/helper_generic.go index 024c5f2eeab..5d5cbece66a 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_generic.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_generic.go @@ -18,11 +18,9 @@ import ( "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/preference" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/segment" - "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper/reporter" - dfutil "github.com/devfile/library/pkg/util" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec" ) @@ -210,10 +208,10 @@ func CommonBeforeEach() CommonVar { func CommonAfterEach(commonVar CommonVar) { // Get details, including test filename, test case name, test result, and test duration for each test spec and adds it to local testResults.txt file // Ginkgo test related variables - commonVar.testFileName = strings.Replace(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName[strings.LastIndex(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName, "/")+1:strings.LastIndex(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName, ".")], "_", "-", -1) + ".go" - commonVar.testCase = CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FullTestText - commonVar.testFailed = CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed - commonVar.testDuration = CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration.Seconds() + commonVar.testFileName = CurrentSpecReport().ContainerHierarchyLocations[0].FileName + commonVar.testCase = CurrentSpecReport().FullText() + commonVar.testFailed = CurrentSpecReport().Failed() + commonVar.testDuration = CurrentSpecReport().RunTime.Seconds() var prNum string var resultsRow string @@ -284,9 +282,10 @@ func JsonPathContentIsValidUserPort(json string, path string) { // SetProjectName sets projectNames based on the name of the test file name (without path and replacing _ with -), line number of current ginkgo execution, and a random string of 3 letters func SetProjectName() string { - // Get current test filename and remove file path, file extension and replace undescores with hyphens - currGinkgoTestFileName := strings.Replace(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName[strings.LastIndex(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName, "/")+1:strings.LastIndex(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().FileName, ".")], "_", "-", -1) - currGinkgoTestLineNum := strconv.Itoa(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().LineNumber) + //Get current test filename and remove file path, file extension and replace undescores with hyphens + currGinkgoTestFileName := strings.Replace(strings.Split(strings.Split(CurrentSpecReport(). + ContainerHierarchyLocations[0].FileName, "/")[len(strings.Split(CurrentSpecReport().ContainerHierarchyLocations[0].FileName, "/"))-1], ".")[0], "_", "-", -1) + currGinkgoTestLineNum := fmt.Sprint(CurrentSpecReport().LineNumber()) projectName := currGinkgoTestFileName + currGinkgoTestLineNum + RandString(3) return projectName } @@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ func SetProjectName() string { func RunTestSpecs(t *testing.T, description string) { os.Setenv(segment.DisableTelemetryEnv, "true") RegisterFailHandler(Fail) - RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, description, []Reporter{reporter.JunitReport("../../reports/")}) + RunSpecs(t, description) } func IsKubernetesCluster() bool { diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_http.go b/tests/helper/helper_http.go index 6fde62489fa..b04981402f5 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_http.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_http.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" ) // HttpWaitForWithStatus periodically (every interval) calls GET to given url diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_interactive.go b/tests/helper/helper_interactive.go index c5fb332b1d9..feccd82e258 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_interactive.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_interactive.go @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import ( "github.com/Netflix/go-expect" "github.com/hinshun/vt10x" "github.com/kr/pty" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go b/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go index 54720e08110..98018243ed3 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec" diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_oc.go b/tests/helper/helper_oc.go index 4d3761d8aef..2c6ae0b9155 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_oc.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_oc.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec" diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_run.go b/tests/helper/helper_run.go index ab4bf78c7b2..f86b8d9c931 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_run.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_run.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/labels" diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_telemetry.go b/tests/helper/helper_telemetry.go index 3fa78976e3f..8c57c2eb605 100644 --- a/tests/helper/helper_telemetry.go +++ b/tests/helper/helper_telemetry.go @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ package helper import ( "encoding/json" - _ "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + + _ "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/preference" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/segment" - "io/ioutil" - "os" ) func setDebugTelemetryFile(value string) error { diff --git a/tests/helper/kubernetes_utils.go b/tests/helper/kubernetes_utils.go index d7ba10e067e..9f5c45e84ea 100644 --- a/tests/helper/kubernetes_utils.go +++ b/tests/helper/kubernetes_utils.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "os" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" dfutil "github.com/devfile/library/pkg/util" diff --git a/tests/helper/odo_utils.go b/tests/helper/odo_utils.go index 1bbaeaf13d5..f497a33cae7 100644 --- a/tests/helper/odo_utils.go +++ b/tests/helper/odo_utils.go @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import ( "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/devfile" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go index ec217c8cb34..5bb276a0d70 100644 --- a/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ ComponentSettings: }) }) - Describe("list "+commandName, func() { + Describe("list "+commandName, FlakeAttempts(3), func() { It(fmt.Sprintf("should successfully list all the %ss", commandName), func() { out := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", commandName).ShouldPass().Out() Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring(commonVar.Project)) diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go index 3fd700d45ef..4270f1eb242 100644 --- a/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "os" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_add_binding_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_add_binding_test.go index cc2a8689fd9..c269c4907a9 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_add_binding_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_add_binding_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_analyze_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_analyze_test.go index e7cd0a13f5d..ad88cd38c9e 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_analyze_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_analyze_test.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package devfile import ( "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_delete_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_delete_test.go index e824e0bdabf..718dc6d504d 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_delete_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_delete_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_describe_component_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_describe_component_test.go index 01a0bf95e5d..daa426c04bd 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_describe_component_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_describe_component_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "os" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_debug_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_debug_test.go index 2741a354ffd..fd6c2705860 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_debug_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_debug_test.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go index 50dcfc9aa1f..31f18aae95c 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_dev_test.go @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/devfile/adapters/common" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go index c49b2537de5..b61dffef841 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go index 5216107273b..dc41b349020 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_deploy_test.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( segment "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/segment/context" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go index 5d6a4ff5a7f..702e81ad6db 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_init_test.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( segment "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/segment/context" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go index ec52c8df466..4d73d3bfc2f 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_list_test.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go index 0f52357384a..fd6184a2681 100644 --- a/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/devfile/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ package devfile import ( - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/integration/generic_test.go b/tests/integration/generic_test.go index 96a9e8d3c6d..44f94743478 100644 --- a/tests/integration/generic_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/generic_test.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package integration import ( "regexp" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/loginlogout/cmd_login_logout_test.go b/tests/integration/loginlogout/cmd_login_logout_test.go index ffea3114938..3401b3f1b52 100644 --- a/tests/integration/loginlogout/cmd_login_logout_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/loginlogout/cmd_login_logout_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "os" "time" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" ) diff --git a/tests/integration/plugin_handler_test.go b/tests/integration/plugin_handler_test.go index d2727971537..cdd5e16e224 100644 --- a/tests/integration/plugin_handler_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/plugin_handler_test.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "path/filepath" "runtime" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/odo/cli/plugins" diff --git a/tests/integration/project/cmd_project_test.go b/tests/integration/project/cmd_project_test.go index f8b25d9df5e..33bf5b10b48 100644 --- a/tests/integration/project/cmd_project_test.go +++ b/tests/integration/project/cmd_project_test.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "os" "strings" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" ) diff --git a/tests/interactive/cmd_deploy_test.go b/tests/interactive/cmd_deploy_test.go index dd5adec75e5..21856fad883 100644 --- a/tests/interactive/cmd_deploy_test.go +++ b/tests/interactive/cmd_deploy_test.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/interactive/cmd_dev_test.go b/tests/interactive/cmd_dev_test.go index 5876393a9fa..b7811210303 100644 --- a/tests/interactive/cmd_dev_test.go +++ b/tests/interactive/cmd_dev_test.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/tests/helper" diff --git a/tests/interactive/cmd_init_test.go b/tests/interactive/cmd_init_test.go index 7d2293bf7c9..41d20514634 100644 --- a/tests/interactive/cmd_init_test.go +++ b/tests/interactive/cmd_init_test.go @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ( odolog "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/log" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/odo/cli/messages" - . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo" + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" . "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/redhat-developer/odo/pkg/version" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 72e8ccf0be9..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -language: go -go: - - 1.10.x - - 1.11.x - - 1.12.x - - tip - -install: - - go get -v -t ./... - - go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover - - go get github.com/onsi/gomega - - go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo - - export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/gopath/bin - -script: $HOME/gopath/bin/ginkgo -r --randomizeAllSpecs --randomizeSuites --race --trace && go vet diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/README.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index cdf8d054a16..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -![Ginkgo: A Go BDD Testing Framework](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/images/ginkgo.png) - -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/onsi/ginkgo.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/onsi/ginkgo) - -Jump to the [docs](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/) to learn more. To start rolling your Ginkgo tests *now* [keep reading](#set-me-up)! - -If you have a question, comment, bug report, feature request, etc. please open a GitHub issue. - -## Feature List - -- Ginkgo uses Go's `testing` package and can live alongside your existing `testing` tests. It's easy to [bootstrap](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#bootstrapping-a-suite) and start writing your [first tests](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#adding-specs-to-a-suite) - -- Structure your BDD-style tests expressively: - - Nestable [`Describe`, `Context` and `When` container blocks](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#organizing-specs-with-containers-describe-and-context) - - [`BeforeEach` and `AfterEach` blocks](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#extracting-common-setup-beforeeach) for setup and teardown - - [`It` and `Specify` blocks](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#individual-specs-) that hold your assertions - - [`JustBeforeEach` blocks](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#separating-creation-and-configuration-justbeforeeach) that separate creation from configuration (also known as the subject action pattern). - - [`BeforeSuite` and `AfterSuite` blocks](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#global-setup-and-teardown-beforesuite-and-aftersuite) to prep for and cleanup after a suite. - -- A comprehensive test runner that lets you: - - Mark specs as [pending](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#pending-specs) - - [Focus](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#focused-specs) individual specs, and groups of specs, either programmatically or on the command line - - Run your tests in [random order](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-permutation), and then reuse random seeds to replicate the same order. - - Break up your test suite into parallel processes for straightforward [test parallelization](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#parallel-specs) - -- `ginkgo`: a command line interface with plenty of handy command line arguments for [running your tests](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#running-tests) and [generating](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generators) test files. Here are a few choice examples: - - `ginkgo -nodes=N` runs your tests in `N` parallel processes and print out coherent output in realtime - - `ginkgo -cover` runs your tests using Go's code coverage tool - - `ginkgo convert` converts an XUnit-style `testing` package to a Ginkgo-style package - - `ginkgo -focus="REGEXP"` and `ginkgo -skip="REGEXP"` allow you to specify a subset of tests to run via regular expression - - `ginkgo -r` runs all tests suites under the current directory - - `ginkgo -v` prints out identifying information for each tests just before it runs - - And much more: run `ginkgo help` for details! - - The `ginkgo` CLI is convenient, but purely optional -- Ginkgo works just fine with `go test` - -- `ginkgo watch` [watches](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#watching-for-changes) packages *and their dependencies* for changes, then reruns tests. Run tests immediately as you develop! - -- Built-in support for testing [asynchronicity](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#asynchronous-tests) - -- Built-in support for [benchmarking](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#benchmark-tests) your code. Control the number of benchmark samples as you gather runtimes and other, arbitrary, bits of numerical information about your code. - -- [Completions for Sublime Text](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo-sublime-completions): just use [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/) to install `Ginkgo Completions`. - -- [Completions for VSCode](https://github.com/onsi/vscode-ginkgo): just use VSCode's extension installer to install `vscode-ginkgo`. - -- Straightforward support for third-party testing libraries such as [Gomock](https://code.google.com/p/gomock/) and [Testify](https://github.com/stretchr/testify). Check out the [docs](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#third-party-integrations) for details. - -- A modular architecture that lets you easily: - - Write [custom reporters](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#writing-custom-reporters) (for example, Ginkgo comes with a [JUnit XML reporter](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-junit-xml-output) and a TeamCity reporter). - - [Adapt an existing matcher library (or write your own!)](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#using-other-matcher-libraries) to work with Ginkgo - -## [Gomega](http://github.com/onsi/gomega): Ginkgo's Preferred Matcher Library - -Ginkgo is best paired with Gomega. Learn more about Gomega [here](http://onsi.github.io/gomega/) - -## [Agouti](http://github.com/sclevine/agouti): A Go Acceptance Testing Framework - -Agouti allows you run WebDriver integration tests. Learn more about Agouti [here](http://agouti.org) - -## Set Me Up! - -You'll need the Go command-line tools. Ginkgo is tested with Go 1.6+, but preferably you should get the latest. Follow the [installation instructions](https://golang.org/doc/install) if you don't have it installed. - -```bash - -go get -u github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo # installs the ginkgo CLI -go get -u github.com/onsi/gomega/... # fetches the matcher library - -cd path/to/package/you/want/to/test - -ginkgo bootstrap # set up a new ginkgo suite -ginkgo generate # will create a sample test file. edit this file and add your tests then... - -go test # to run your tests - -ginkgo # also runs your tests - -``` - -## I'm new to Go: What are my testing options? - -Of course, I heartily recommend [Ginkgo](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo) and [Gomega](https://github.com/onsi/gomega). Both packages are seeing heavy, daily, production use on a number of projects and boast a mature and comprehensive feature-set. - -With that said, it's great to know what your options are :) - -### What Go gives you out of the box - -Testing is a first class citizen in Go, however Go's built-in testing primitives are somewhat limited: The [testing](http://golang.org/pkg/testing) package provides basic XUnit style tests and no assertion library. - -### Matcher libraries for Go's XUnit style tests - -A number of matcher libraries have been written to augment Go's built-in XUnit style tests. Here are two that have gained traction: - -- [testify](https://github.com/stretchr/testify) -- [gocheck](http://labix.org/gocheck) - -You can also use Ginkgo's matcher library [Gomega](https://github.com/onsi/gomega) in [XUnit style tests](http://onsi.github.io/gomega/#using-gomega-with-golangs-xunitstyle-tests) - -### BDD style testing frameworks - -There are a handful of BDD-style testing frameworks written for Go. Here are a few: - -- [Ginkgo](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo) ;) -- [GoConvey](https://github.com/smartystreets/goconvey) -- [Goblin](https://github.com/franela/goblin) -- [Mao](https://github.com/azer/mao) -- [Zen](https://github.com/pranavraja/zen) - -Finally, @shageman has [put together](https://github.com/shageman/gotestit) a comprehensive comparison of Go testing libraries. - -Go explore! - -## License - -Ginkgo is MIT-Licensed - -## Contributing - -See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/extension.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/extension.go deleted file mode 100644 index fd188ce1fb3..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/extension.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -package ginkgo - -import ( - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types" -) - -func GlobalSuite() *suite.Suite { - return globalSuite -} - -func GinkgoWriterType() *writer.Writer { - return GinkgoWriter.(*writer.Writer) -} - -func WalkTests(fn func(name, parentName string, node types.TestNode)) { - globalSuite.WalkTests(fn) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo_dsl.go deleted file mode 100644 index b732937cdfa..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo_dsl.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,619 +0,0 @@ -/* -Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang - -The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API. More comprehensive documentation (with examples!) is available at http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/ - -Ginkgo's preferred matcher library is [Gomega](http://github.com/onsi/gomega) - -Ginkgo on Github: http://github.com/onsi/ginkgo - -Ginkgo is MIT-Licensed -*/ -package ginkgo - -import ( - "flag" - "fmt" - "io" - "net/http" - "os" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/config" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/codelocation" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/failer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/remote" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/testingtproxy" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters/stenographer" - colorable "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters/stenographer/support/go-colorable" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types" -) - -const GINKGO_VERSION = config.VERSION -const GINKGO_PANIC = ` -Your test failed. -Ginkgo panics to prevent subsequent assertions from running. -Normally Ginkgo rescues this panic so you shouldn't see it. - -But, if you make an assertion in a goroutine, Ginkgo can't capture the panic. -To circumvent this, you should call - - defer GinkgoRecover() - -at the top of the goroutine that caused this panic. -` -const defaultTimeout = 1 - -var globalSuite *suite.Suite -var globalFailer *failer.Failer - -func init() { - config.Flags(flag.CommandLine, "ginkgo", true) - GinkgoWriter = writer.New(os.Stdout) - globalFailer = failer.New() - globalSuite = suite.New(globalFailer) -} - -//GinkgoWriter implements an io.Writer -//When running in verbose mode any writes to GinkgoWriter will be immediately printed -//to stdout. Otherwise, GinkgoWriter will buffer any writes produced during the current test and flush them to screen -//only if the current test fails. -var GinkgoWriter io.Writer - -//The interface by which Ginkgo receives *testing.T -type GinkgoTestingT interface { - Fail() -} - -//GinkgoRandomSeed returns the seed used to randomize spec execution order. It is -//useful for seeding your own pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) to ensure -//consistent executions from run to run, where your tests contain variability (for -//example, when selecting random test data). -func GinkgoRandomSeed() int64 { - return config.GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed -} - -//GinkgoParallelNode returns the parallel node number for the current ginkgo process -//The node number is 1-indexed -func GinkgoParallelNode() int { - return config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode -} - -//Some matcher libraries or legacy codebases require a *testing.T -//GinkgoT implements an interface analogous to *testing.T and can be used if -//the library in question accepts *testing.T through an interface -// -// For example, with testify: -// assert.Equal(GinkgoT(), 123, 123, "they should be equal") -// -// Or with gomock: -// gomock.NewController(GinkgoT()) -// -// GinkgoT() takes an optional offset argument that can be used to get the -// correct line number associated with the failure. -func GinkgoT(optionalOffset ...int) GinkgoTInterface { - offset := 3 - if len(optionalOffset) > 0 { - offset = optionalOffset[0] - } - return testingtproxy.New(GinkgoWriter, Fail, offset) -} - -//The interface returned by GinkgoT(). This covers most of the methods -//in the testing package's T. -type GinkgoTInterface interface { - Fail() - Error(args ...interface{}) - Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) - FailNow() - Fatal(args ...interface{}) - Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) - Log(args ...interface{}) - Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) - Failed() bool - Parallel() - Skip(args ...interface{}) - Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) - SkipNow() - Skipped() bool -} - -//Custom Ginkgo test reporters must implement the Reporter interface. -// -//The custom reporter is passed in a SuiteSummary when the suite begins and ends, -//and a SpecSummary just before a spec begins and just after a spec ends -type Reporter reporters.Reporter - -//Asynchronous specs are given a channel of the Done type. You must close or write to the channel -//to tell Ginkgo that your async test is done. -type Done chan<- interface{} - -//GinkgoTestDescription represents the information about the current running test returned by CurrentGinkgoTestDescription -// FullTestText: a concatenation of ComponentTexts and the TestText -// ComponentTexts: a list of all texts for the Describes & Contexts leading up to the current test -// TestText: the text in the actual It or Measure node -// IsMeasurement: true if the current test is a measurement -// FileName: the name of the file containing the current test -// LineNumber: the line number for the current test -// Failed: if the current test has failed, this will be true (useful in an AfterEach) -type GinkgoTestDescription struct { - FullTestText string - ComponentTexts []string - TestText string - - IsMeasurement bool - - FileName string - LineNumber int - - Failed bool - Duration time.Duration -} - -//CurrentGinkgoTestDescripton returns information about the current running test. -func CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() GinkgoTestDescription { - summary, ok := globalSuite.CurrentRunningSpecSummary() - if !ok { - return GinkgoTestDescription{} - } - - subjectCodeLocation := summary.ComponentCodeLocations[len(summary.ComponentCodeLocations)-1] - - return GinkgoTestDescription{ - ComponentTexts: summary.ComponentTexts[1:], - FullTestText: strings.Join(summary.ComponentTexts[1:], " "), - TestText: summary.ComponentTexts[len(summary.ComponentTexts)-1], - IsMeasurement: summary.IsMeasurement, - FileName: subjectCodeLocation.FileName, - LineNumber: subjectCodeLocation.LineNumber, - Failed: summary.HasFailureState(), - Duration: summary.RunTime, - } -} - -//Measurement tests receive a Benchmarker. -// -//You use the Time() function to time how long the passed in body function takes to run -//You use the RecordValue() function to track arbitrary numerical measurements. -//The RecordValueWithPrecision() function can be used alternatively to provide the unit -//and resolution of the numeric measurement. -//The optional info argument is passed to the test reporter and can be used to -// provide the measurement data to a custom reporter with context. -// -//See http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#benchmark_tests for more details -type Benchmarker interface { - Time(name string, body func(), info ...interface{}) (elapsedTime time.Duration) - RecordValue(name string, value float64, info ...interface{}) - RecordValueWithPrecision(name string, value float64, units string, precision int, info ...interface{}) -} - -//RunSpecs is the entry point for the Ginkgo test runner. -//You must call this within a Golang testing TestX(t *testing.T) function. -// -//To bootstrap a test suite you can use the Ginkgo CLI: -// -// ginkgo bootstrap -func RunSpecs(t GinkgoTestingT, description string) bool { - specReporters := []Reporter{buildDefaultReporter()} - return RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t, description, specReporters) -} - -//To run your tests with Ginkgo's default reporter and your custom reporter(s), replace -//RunSpecs() with this method. -func RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, specReporters []Reporter) bool { - specReporters = append(specReporters, buildDefaultReporter()) - return RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t, description, specReporters) -} - -//To run your tests with your custom reporter(s) (and *not* Ginkgo's default reporter), replace -//RunSpecs() with this method. Note that parallel tests will not work correctly without the default reporter -func RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, specReporters []Reporter) bool { - writer := GinkgoWriter.(*writer.Writer) - writer.SetStream(config.DefaultReporterConfig.Verbose) - reporters := make([]reporters.Reporter, len(specReporters)) - for i, reporter := range specReporters { - reporters[i] = reporter - } - passed, hasFocusedTests := globalSuite.Run(t, description, reporters, writer, config.GinkgoConfig) - if passed && hasFocusedTests && strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv("GINKGO_EDITOR_INTEGRATION")) == "" { - fmt.Println("PASS | FOCUSED") - os.Exit(types.GINKGO_FOCUS_EXIT_CODE) - } - return passed -} - -func buildDefaultReporter() Reporter { - remoteReportingServer := config.GinkgoConfig.StreamHost - if remoteReportingServer == "" { - stenographer := stenographer.New(!config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor, config.GinkgoConfig.FlakeAttempts > 1, colorable.NewColorableStdout()) - return reporters.NewDefaultReporter(config.DefaultReporterConfig, stenographer) - } else { - debugFile := "" - if config.GinkgoConfig.DebugParallel { - debugFile = fmt.Sprintf("ginkgo-node-%d.log", config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode) - } - return remote.NewForwardingReporter(config.DefaultReporterConfig, remoteReportingServer, &http.Client{}, remote.NewOutputInterceptor(), GinkgoWriter.(*writer.Writer), debugFile) - } -} - -//Skip notifies Ginkgo that the current spec was skipped. -func Skip(message string, callerSkip ...int) { - skip := 0 - if len(callerSkip) > 0 { - skip = callerSkip[0] - } - - globalFailer.Skip(message, codelocation.New(skip+1)) - panic(GINKGO_PANIC) -} - -//Fail notifies Ginkgo that the current spec has failed. (Gomega will call Fail for you automatically when an assertion fails.) -func Fail(message string, callerSkip ...int) { - skip := 0 - if len(callerSkip) > 0 { - skip = callerSkip[0] - } - - globalFailer.Fail(message, codelocation.NewWithStack(skip+1)) - panic(GINKGO_PANIC) -} - -//GinkgoRecover should be deferred at the top of any spawned goroutine that (may) call `Fail` -//Since Gomega assertions call fail, you should throw a `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of any goroutine that -//calls out to Gomega -// -//Here's why: Ginkgo's `Fail` method records the failure and then panics to prevent -//further assertions from running. This panic must be recovered. Ginkgo does this for you -//if the panic originates in a Ginkgo node (an It, BeforeEach, etc...) -// -//Unfortunately, if a panic originates on a goroutine *launched* from one of these nodes there's no -//way for Ginkgo to rescue the panic. To do this, you must remember to `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of such a goroutine. -func GinkgoRecover() { - e := recover() - if e != nil { - globalFailer.Panic(codelocation.NewWithStack(1), e) - } -} - -//Describe blocks allow you to organize your specs. A Describe block can contain any number of -//BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, It, and Measurement blocks. -// -//In addition you can nest Describe, Context and When blocks. Describe, Context and When blocks are functionally -//equivalent. The difference is purely semantic -- you typical Describe the behavior of an object -//or method and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts and Whens. -func Describe(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can focus the tests within a describe block using FDescribe -func FDescribe(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using PDescribe -func PDescribe(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using XDescribe -func XDescribe(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//Context blocks allow you to organize your specs. A Context block can contain any number of -//BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, It, and Measurement blocks. -// -//In addition you can nest Describe, Context and When blocks. Describe, Context and When blocks are functionally -//equivalent. The difference is purely semantic -- you typical Describe the behavior of an object -//or method and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts and Whens. -func Context(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can focus the tests within a describe block using FContext -func FContext(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using PContext -func PContext(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using XContext -func XContext(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode(text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//When blocks allow you to organize your specs. A When block can contain any number of -//BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, It, and Measurement blocks. -// -//In addition you can nest Describe, Context and When blocks. Describe, Context and When blocks are functionally -//equivalent. The difference is purely semantic -- you typical Describe the behavior of an object -//or method and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts and Whens. -func When(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode("when "+text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can focus the tests within a describe block using FWhen -func FWhen(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode("when "+text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using PWhen -func PWhen(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode("when "+text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//You can mark the tests within a describe block as pending using XWhen -func XWhen(text string, body func()) bool { - globalSuite.PushContainerNode("when "+text, body, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1)) - return true -} - -//It blocks contain your test code and assertions. You cannot nest any other Ginkgo blocks -//within an It block. -// -//Ginkgo will normally run It blocks synchronously. To perform asynchronous tests, pass a -//function that accepts a Done channel. When you do this, you can also provide an optional timeout. -func It(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//You can focus individual Its using FIt -func FIt(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//You can mark Its as pending using PIt -func PIt(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//You can mark Its as pending using XIt -func XIt(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//Specify blocks are aliases for It blocks and allow for more natural wording in situations -//which "It" does not fit into a natural sentence flow. All the same protocols apply for Specify blocks -//which apply to It blocks. -func Specify(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//You can focus individual Specifys using FSpecify -func FSpecify(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//You can mark Specifys as pending using PSpecify -func PSpecify(text string, is ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//You can mark Specifys as pending using XSpecify -func XSpecify(text string, is ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushItNode(text, func() {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//By allows you to better document large Its. -// -//Generally you should try to keep your Its short and to the point. This is not always possible, however, -//especially in the context of integration tests that capture a particular workflow. -// -//By allows you to document such flows. By must be called within a runnable node (It, BeforeEach, Measure, etc...) -//By will simply log the passed in text to the GinkgoWriter. If By is handed a function it will immediately run the function. -func By(text string, callbacks ...func()) { - preamble := "\x1b[1mSTEP\x1b[0m" - if config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor { - preamble = "STEP" - } - fmt.Fprintln(GinkgoWriter, preamble+": "+text) - if len(callbacks) == 1 { - callbacks[0]() - } - if len(callbacks) > 1 { - panic("just one callback per By, please") - } -} - -//Measure blocks run the passed in body function repeatedly (determined by the samples argument) -//and accumulate metrics provided to the Benchmarker by the body function. -// -//The body function must have the signature: -// func(b Benchmarker) -func Measure(text string, body interface{}, samples int) bool { - globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(1), samples) - return true -} - -//You can focus individual Measures using FMeasure -func FMeasure(text string, body interface{}, samples int) bool { - globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, body, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(1), samples) - return true -} - -//You can mark Measurements as pending using PMeasure -func PMeasure(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, func(b Benchmarker) {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//You can mark Measurements as pending using XMeasure -func XMeasure(text string, _ ...interface{}) bool { - globalSuite.PushMeasureNode(text, func(b Benchmarker) {}, types.FlagTypePending, codelocation.New(1), 0) - return true -} - -//BeforeSuite blocks are run just once before any specs are run. When running in parallel, each -//parallel node process will call BeforeSuite. -// -//BeforeSuite blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts a Done channel -// -//You may only register *one* BeforeSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level. -func BeforeSuite(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.SetBeforeSuiteNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//AfterSuite blocks are *always* run after all the specs regardless of whether specs have passed or failed. -//Moreover, if Ginkgo receives an interrupt signal (^C) it will attempt to run the AfterSuite before exiting. -// -//When running in parallel, each parallel node process will call AfterSuite. -// -//AfterSuite blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts a Done channel -// -//You may only register *one* AfterSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level. -func AfterSuite(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.SetAfterSuiteNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//SynchronizedBeforeSuite blocks are primarily meant to solve the problem of setting up singleton external resources shared across -//nodes when running tests in parallel. For example, say you have a shared database that you can only start one instance of that -//must be used in your tests. When running in parallel, only one node should set up the database and all other nodes should wait -//until that node is done before running. -// -//SynchronizedBeforeSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments. The first is only run on parallel node #1. The second is -//run on all nodes, but *only* after the first function completes succesfully. Ginkgo also makes it possible to send data from the first function (on Node 1) -//to the second function (on all the other nodes). -// -//The functions have the following signatures. The first function (which only runs on node 1) has the signature: -// -// func() []byte -// -//or, to run asynchronously: -// -// func(done Done) []byte -// -//The byte array returned by the first function is then passed to the second function, which has the signature: -// -// func(data []byte) -// -//or, to run asynchronously: -// -// func(data []byte, done Done) -// -//Here's a simple pseudo-code example that starts a shared database on Node 1 and shares the database's address with the other nodes: -// -// var dbClient db.Client -// var dbRunner db.Runner -// -// var _ = SynchronizedBeforeSuite(func() []byte { -// dbRunner = db.NewRunner() -// err := dbRunner.Start() -// Ξ©(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) -// return []byte(dbRunner.URL) -// }, func(data []byte) { -// dbClient = db.NewClient() -// err := dbClient.Connect(string(data)) -// Ξ©(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) -// }) -func SynchronizedBeforeSuite(node1Body interface{}, allNodesBody interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.SetSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode( - node1Body, - allNodesBody, - codelocation.New(1), - parseTimeout(timeout...), - ) - return true -} - -//SynchronizedAfterSuite blocks complement the SynchronizedBeforeSuite blocks in solving the problem of setting up -//external singleton resources shared across nodes when running tests in parallel. -// -//SynchronizedAfterSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments. The first runs on all nodes. The second runs only on parallel node #1 -//and *only* after all other nodes have finished and exited. This ensures that node 1, and any resources it is running, remain alive until -//all other nodes are finished. -// -//Both functions have the same signature: either func() or func(done Done) to run asynchronously. -// -//Here's a pseudo-code example that complements that given in SynchronizedBeforeSuite. Here, SynchronizedAfterSuite is used to tear down the shared database -//only after all nodes have finished: -// -// var _ = SynchronizedAfterSuite(func() { -// dbClient.Cleanup() -// }, func() { -// dbRunner.Stop() -// }) -func SynchronizedAfterSuite(allNodesBody interface{}, node1Body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.SetSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode( - allNodesBody, - node1Body, - codelocation.New(1), - parseTimeout(timeout...), - ) - return true -} - -//BeforeEach blocks are run before It blocks. When multiple BeforeEach blocks are defined in nested -//Describe and Context blocks the outermost BeforeEach blocks are run first. -// -//Like It blocks, BeforeEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts -//a Done channel -func BeforeEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//JustBeforeEach blocks are run before It blocks but *after* all BeforeEach blocks. For more details, -//read the [documentation](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#separating_creation_and_configuration_) -// -//Like It blocks, BeforeEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts -//a Done channel -func JustBeforeEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushJustBeforeEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//JustAfterEach blocks are run after It blocks but *before* all AfterEach blocks. For more details, -//read the [documentation](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#separating_creation_and_configuration_) -// -//Like It blocks, JustAfterEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts -//a Done channel -func JustAfterEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushJustAfterEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -//AfterEach blocks are run after It blocks. When multiple AfterEach blocks are defined in nested -//Describe and Context blocks the innermost AfterEach blocks are run first. -// -//Like It blocks, AfterEach blocks can be made asynchronous by providing a body function that accepts -//a Done channel -func AfterEach(body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool { - globalSuite.PushAfterEachNode(body, codelocation.New(1), parseTimeout(timeout...)) - return true -} - -func parseTimeout(timeout ...float64) time.Duration { - if len(timeout) == 0 { - return time.Duration(defaultTimeout * int64(time.Second)) - } else { - return time.Duration(timeout[0] * float64(time.Second)) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/random_id.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/random_id.go deleted file mode 100644 index a0b8b62d525..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/random_id.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -package specrunner - -import ( - "crypto/rand" - "fmt" -) - -func randomID() string { - b := make([]byte, 8) - _, err := rand.Read(b) - if err != nil { - return "" - } - return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%x-%x-%x", b[0:2], b[2:4], b[4:6], b[6:8]) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2c683cb8b94..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,411 +0,0 @@ -package specrunner - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "os/signal" - "sync" - "syscall" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec_iterator" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/config" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/leafnodes" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec" - Writer "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types" - - "time" -) - -type SpecRunner struct { - description string - beforeSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode - iterator spec_iterator.SpecIterator - afterSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode - reporters []reporters.Reporter - startTime time.Time - suiteID string - runningSpec *spec.Spec - writer Writer.WriterInterface - config config.GinkgoConfigType - interrupted bool - processedSpecs []*spec.Spec - lock *sync.Mutex -} - -func New(description string, beforeSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode, iterator spec_iterator.SpecIterator, afterSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode, reporters []reporters.Reporter, writer Writer.WriterInterface, config config.GinkgoConfigType) *SpecRunner { - return &SpecRunner{ - description: description, - beforeSuiteNode: beforeSuiteNode, - iterator: iterator, - afterSuiteNode: afterSuiteNode, - reporters: reporters, - writer: writer, - config: config, - suiteID: randomID(), - lock: &sync.Mutex{}, - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) Run() bool { - if runner.config.DryRun { - runner.performDryRun() - return true - } - - runner.reportSuiteWillBegin() - signalRegistered := make(chan struct{}) - go runner.registerForInterrupts(signalRegistered) - <-signalRegistered - - suitePassed := runner.runBeforeSuite() - - if suitePassed { - suitePassed = runner.runSpecs() - } - - runner.blockForeverIfInterrupted() - - suitePassed = runner.runAfterSuite() && suitePassed - - runner.reportSuiteDidEnd(suitePassed) - - return suitePassed -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) performDryRun() { - runner.reportSuiteWillBegin() - - if runner.beforeSuiteNode != nil { - summary := runner.beforeSuiteNode.Summary() - summary.State = types.SpecStatePassed - runner.reportBeforeSuite(summary) - } - - for { - spec, err := runner.iterator.Next() - if err == spec_iterator.ErrClosed { - break - } - if err != nil { - fmt.Println("failed to iterate over tests:\n" + err.Error()) - break - } - - runner.processedSpecs = append(runner.processedSpecs, spec) - - summary := spec.Summary(runner.suiteID) - runner.reportSpecWillRun(summary) - if summary.State == types.SpecStateInvalid { - summary.State = types.SpecStatePassed - } - runner.reportSpecDidComplete(summary, false) - } - - if runner.afterSuiteNode != nil { - summary := runner.afterSuiteNode.Summary() - summary.State = types.SpecStatePassed - runner.reportAfterSuite(summary) - } - - runner.reportSuiteDidEnd(true) -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) runBeforeSuite() bool { - if runner.beforeSuiteNode == nil || runner.wasInterrupted() { - return true - } - - runner.writer.Truncate() - conf := runner.config - passed := runner.beforeSuiteNode.Run(conf.ParallelNode, conf.ParallelTotal, conf.SyncHost) - if !passed { - runner.writer.DumpOut() - } - runner.reportBeforeSuite(runner.beforeSuiteNode.Summary()) - return passed -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) runAfterSuite() bool { - if runner.afterSuiteNode == nil { - return true - } - - runner.writer.Truncate() - conf := runner.config - passed := runner.afterSuiteNode.Run(conf.ParallelNode, conf.ParallelTotal, conf.SyncHost) - if !passed { - runner.writer.DumpOut() - } - runner.reportAfterSuite(runner.afterSuiteNode.Summary()) - return passed -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) runSpecs() bool { - suiteFailed := false - skipRemainingSpecs := false - for { - spec, err := runner.iterator.Next() - if err == spec_iterator.ErrClosed { - break - } - if err != nil { - fmt.Println("failed to iterate over tests:\n" + err.Error()) - suiteFailed = true - break - } - - runner.processedSpecs = append(runner.processedSpecs, spec) - - if runner.wasInterrupted() { - break - } - if skipRemainingSpecs { - spec.Skip() - } - - if !spec.Skipped() && !spec.Pending() { - if passed := runner.runSpec(spec); !passed { - suiteFailed = true - } - } else if spec.Pending() && runner.config.FailOnPending { - runner.reportSpecWillRun(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID)) - suiteFailed = true - runner.reportSpecDidComplete(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID), spec.Failed()) - } else { - runner.reportSpecWillRun(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID)) - runner.reportSpecDidComplete(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID), spec.Failed()) - } - - if spec.Failed() && runner.config.FailFast { - skipRemainingSpecs = true - } - } - - return !suiteFailed -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) runSpec(spec *spec.Spec) (passed bool) { - maxAttempts := 1 - if runner.config.FlakeAttempts > 0 { - // uninitialized configs count as 1 - maxAttempts = runner.config.FlakeAttempts - } - - for i := 0; i < maxAttempts; i++ { - runner.reportSpecWillRun(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID)) - runner.runningSpec = spec - spec.Run(runner.writer) - runner.runningSpec = nil - runner.reportSpecDidComplete(spec.Summary(runner.suiteID), spec.Failed()) - if !spec.Failed() { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) CurrentSpecSummary() (*types.SpecSummary, bool) { - if runner.runningSpec == nil { - return nil, false - } - - return runner.runningSpec.Summary(runner.suiteID), true -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) registerForInterrupts(signalRegistered chan struct{}) { - c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) - signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) - close(signalRegistered) - - <-c - signal.Stop(c) - runner.markInterrupted() - go runner.registerForHardInterrupts() - runner.writer.DumpOutWithHeader(` -Received interrupt. Emitting contents of GinkgoWriter... ---------------------------------------------------------- -`) - if runner.afterSuiteNode != nil { - fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, ` ---------------------------------------------------------- -Received interrupt. Running AfterSuite... -^C again to terminate immediately -`) - runner.runAfterSuite() - } - runner.reportSuiteDidEnd(false) - os.Exit(1) -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) registerForHardInterrupts() { - c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) - signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) - - <-c - fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\nReceived second interrupt. Shutting down.") - os.Exit(1) -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) blockForeverIfInterrupted() { - runner.lock.Lock() - interrupted := runner.interrupted - runner.lock.Unlock() - - if interrupted { - select {} - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) markInterrupted() { - runner.lock.Lock() - defer runner.lock.Unlock() - runner.interrupted = true -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) wasInterrupted() bool { - runner.lock.Lock() - defer runner.lock.Unlock() - return runner.interrupted -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportSuiteWillBegin() { - runner.startTime = time.Now() - summary := runner.suiteWillBeginSummary() - for _, reporter := range runner.reporters { - reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin(runner.config, summary) - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportBeforeSuite(summary *types.SetupSummary) { - for _, reporter := range runner.reporters { - reporter.BeforeSuiteDidRun(summary) - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportAfterSuite(summary *types.SetupSummary) { - for _, reporter := range runner.reporters { - reporter.AfterSuiteDidRun(summary) - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportSpecWillRun(summary *types.SpecSummary) { - runner.writer.Truncate() - - for _, reporter := range runner.reporters { - reporter.SpecWillRun(summary) - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportSpecDidComplete(summary *types.SpecSummary, failed bool) { - if failed && len(summary.CapturedOutput) == 0 { - summary.CapturedOutput = string(runner.writer.Bytes()) - } - for i := len(runner.reporters) - 1; i >= 1; i-- { - runner.reporters[i].SpecDidComplete(summary) - } - - if failed { - runner.writer.DumpOut() - } - - runner.reporters[0].SpecDidComplete(summary) -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) reportSuiteDidEnd(success bool) { - summary := runner.suiteDidEndSummary(success) - summary.RunTime = time.Since(runner.startTime) - for _, reporter := range runner.reporters { - reporter.SpecSuiteDidEnd(summary) - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(filter func(ex *spec.Spec) bool) (count int) { - count = 0 - - for _, spec := range runner.processedSpecs { - if filter(spec) { - count++ - } - } - - return count -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) suiteDidEndSummary(success bool) *types.SuiteSummary { - numberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return !ex.Skipped() && !ex.Pending() - }) - - numberOfPendingSpecs := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return ex.Pending() - }) - - numberOfSkippedSpecs := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return ex.Skipped() - }) - - numberOfPassedSpecs := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return ex.Passed() - }) - - numberOfFlakedSpecs := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return ex.Flaked() - }) - - numberOfFailedSpecs := runner.countSpecsThatRanSatisfying(func(ex *spec.Spec) bool { - return ex.Failed() - }) - - if runner.beforeSuiteNode != nil && !runner.beforeSuiteNode.Passed() && !runner.config.DryRun { - var known bool - numberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun, known = runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRunIfKnown() - if !known { - numberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun = runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsPriorToIteration() - } - numberOfFailedSpecs = numberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun - } - - return &types.SuiteSummary{ - SuiteDescription: runner.description, - SuiteSucceeded: success, - SuiteID: runner.suiteID, - - NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization: runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsPriorToIteration(), - NumberOfTotalSpecs: len(runner.processedSpecs), - NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun: numberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun, - NumberOfPendingSpecs: numberOfPendingSpecs, - NumberOfSkippedSpecs: numberOfSkippedSpecs, - NumberOfPassedSpecs: numberOfPassedSpecs, - NumberOfFailedSpecs: numberOfFailedSpecs, - NumberOfFlakedSpecs: numberOfFlakedSpecs, - } -} - -func (runner *SpecRunner) suiteWillBeginSummary() *types.SuiteSummary { - numTotal, known := runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsToProcessIfKnown() - if !known { - numTotal = -1 - } - - numToRun, known := runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRunIfKnown() - if !known { - numToRun = -1 - } - - return &types.SuiteSummary{ - SuiteDescription: runner.description, - SuiteID: runner.suiteID, - - NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization: runner.iterator.NumberOfSpecsPriorToIteration(), - NumberOfTotalSpecs: numTotal, - NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun: numToRun, - NumberOfPendingSpecs: -1, - NumberOfSkippedSpecs: -1, - NumberOfPassedSpecs: -1, - NumberOfFailedSpecs: -1, - NumberOfFlakedSpecs: -1, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3104bbc88c7..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -package suite - -import ( - "math/rand" - "net/http" - "time" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec_iterator" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/config" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/containernode" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/failer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/leafnodes" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types" -) - -type ginkgoTestingT interface { - Fail() -} - -type Suite struct { - topLevelContainer *containernode.ContainerNode - currentContainer *containernode.ContainerNode - containerIndex int - beforeSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode - afterSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode - runner *specrunner.SpecRunner - failer *failer.Failer - running bool -} - -func New(failer *failer.Failer) *Suite { - topLevelContainer := containernode.New("[Top Level]", types.FlagTypeNone, types.CodeLocation{}) - - return &Suite{ - topLevelContainer: topLevelContainer, - currentContainer: topLevelContainer, - failer: failer, - containerIndex: 1, - } -} - -func (suite *Suite) Run(t ginkgoTestingT, description string, reporters []reporters.Reporter, writer writer.WriterInterface, config config.GinkgoConfigType) (bool, bool) { - if config.ParallelTotal < 1 { - panic("ginkgo.parallel.total must be >= 1") - } - - if config.ParallelNode > config.ParallelTotal || config.ParallelNode < 1 { - panic("ginkgo.parallel.node is one-indexed and must be <= ginkgo.parallel.total") - } - - r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.RandomSeed)) - suite.topLevelContainer.Shuffle(r) - iterator, hasProgrammaticFocus := suite.generateSpecsIterator(description, config) - suite.runner = specrunner.New(description, suite.beforeSuiteNode, iterator, suite.afterSuiteNode, reporters, writer, config) - - suite.running = true - success := suite.runner.Run() - if !success { - t.Fail() - } - return success, hasProgrammaticFocus -} - -func (suite *Suite) generateSpecsIterator(description string, config config.GinkgoConfigType) (spec_iterator.SpecIterator, bool) { - specsSlice := []*spec.Spec{} - suite.topLevelContainer.BackPropagateProgrammaticFocus() - for _, collatedNodes := range suite.topLevelContainer.Collate() { - specsSlice = append(specsSlice, spec.New(collatedNodes.Subject, collatedNodes.Containers, config.EmitSpecProgress)) - } - - specs := spec.NewSpecs(specsSlice) - specs.RegexScansFilePath = config.RegexScansFilePath - - if config.RandomizeAllSpecs { - specs.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.RandomSeed))) - } - - specs.ApplyFocus(description, config.FocusString, config.SkipString) - - if config.SkipMeasurements { - specs.SkipMeasurements() - } - - var iterator spec_iterator.SpecIterator - - if config.ParallelTotal > 1 { - iterator = spec_iterator.NewParallelIterator(specs.Specs(), config.SyncHost) - resp, err := http.Get(config.SyncHost + "/has-counter") - if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { - iterator = spec_iterator.NewShardedParallelIterator(specs.Specs(), config.ParallelTotal, config.ParallelNode) - } - } else { - iterator = spec_iterator.NewSerialIterator(specs.Specs()) - } - - return iterator, specs.HasProgrammaticFocus() -} - -func (suite *Suite) CurrentRunningSpecSummary() (*types.SpecSummary, bool) { - return suite.runner.CurrentSpecSummary() -} - -func (suite *Suite) SetBeforeSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.beforeSuiteNode != nil { - panic("You may only call BeforeSuite once!") - } - suite.beforeSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewBeforeSuiteNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer) -} - -func (suite *Suite) SetAfterSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.afterSuiteNode != nil { - panic("You may only call AfterSuite once!") - } - suite.afterSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewAfterSuiteNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer) -} - -func (suite *Suite) SetSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.beforeSuiteNode != nil { - panic("You may only call BeforeSuite once!") - } - suite.beforeSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(bodyA, bodyB, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer) -} - -func (suite *Suite) SetSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.afterSuiteNode != nil { - panic("You may only call AfterSuite once!") - } - suite.afterSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(bodyA, bodyB, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushContainerNode(text string, body func(), flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation) { - container := containernode.New(text, flag, codeLocation) - suite.currentContainer.PushContainerNode(container) - - previousContainer := suite.currentContainer - suite.currentContainer = container - suite.containerIndex++ - - body() - - suite.containerIndex-- - suite.currentContainer = previousContainer -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushItNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call It from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSubjectNode(leafnodes.NewItNode(text, body, flag, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushMeasureNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, samples int) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call Measure from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSubjectNode(leafnodes.NewMeasureNode(text, body, flag, codeLocation, samples, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call BeforeEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewBeforeEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushJustBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call JustBeforeEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewJustBeforeEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushJustAfterEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call JustAfterEach from within a Describe or Context", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewJustAfterEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} - -func (suite *Suite) PushAfterEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) { - if suite.running { - suite.failer.Fail("You may only call AfterEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation) - } - suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewAfterEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex)) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite_extension.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite_extension.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3e00ea945e5..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite/suite_extension.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -package suite - -import ( - "math/rand" - "strings" - - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/config" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/containernode" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/leafnodes" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec_iterator" - "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types" -) - -func (suite *Suite) Iterator(config config.GinkgoConfigType) spec_iterator.SpecIterator { - specsSlice := []*spec.Spec{} - for _, collatedNodes := range suite.topLevelContainer.Collate() { - specsSlice = append(specsSlice, spec.New(collatedNodes.Subject, collatedNodes.Containers, config.EmitSpecProgress)) - } - - specs := spec.NewSpecs(specsSlice) - - if config.RandomizeAllSpecs { - specs.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.RandomSeed))) - } - - if config.SkipMeasurements { - specs.SkipMeasurements() - } - return spec_iterator.NewSerialIterator(specs.Specs()) -} - -func (suite *Suite) WalkTests(fn func(testName, parentName string, test types.TestNode)) { - suite.topLevelContainer.BackPropagateProgrammaticFocus() - for _, collatedNodes := range suite.topLevelContainer.Collate() { - itNode, ok := collatedNodes.Subject.(*leafnodes.ItNode) - if !ok { - continue - } - fn(collatedNodes.Subject.Text(), containerName(collatedNodes.Containers), itNode) - } -} - -func containerName(containers []*containernode.ContainerNode) string { - var b strings.Builder - b.Grow(len(containers) * 20) - for i, container := range containers { - if i > 0 { - b.WriteRune(' ') - } - b.WriteString(container.Text()) - } - return b.String() -} - -func (suite *Suite) ClearBeforeSuiteNode() { - suite.beforeSuiteNode = nil -} - -func (suite *Suite) ClearAfterSuiteNode() { - suite.afterSuiteNode = nil -} - -func (suite *Suite) GetBeforeSuiteNode() leafnodes.SuiteNode { - return suite.beforeSuiteNode -} - -func (suite *Suite) GetAfterSuiteNode() leafnodes.SuiteNode { - return suite.afterSuiteNode -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go deleted file mode 100644 index 090445d084b..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -package testingtproxy - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" -) - -type failFunc func(message string, callerSkip ...int) - -func New(writer io.Writer, fail failFunc, offset int) *ginkgoTestingTProxy { - return &ginkgoTestingTProxy{ - fail: fail, - offset: offset, - writer: writer, - } -} - -type ginkgoTestingTProxy struct { - fail failFunc - offset int - writer io.Writer -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Error(args ...interface{}) { - t.fail(fmt.Sprintln(args...), t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { - t.fail(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fail() { - t.fail("failed", t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) FailNow() { - t.fail("failed", t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fatal(args ...interface{}) { - t.fail(fmt.Sprintln(args...), t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) { - t.fail(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), t.offset) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Log(args ...interface{}) { - fmt.Fprintln(t.writer, args...) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { - t.Log(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Failed() bool { - return false -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Parallel() { -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skip(args ...interface{}) { - fmt.Println(args...) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) { - t.Skip(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) SkipNow() { -} - -func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skipped() bool { - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/.gitignore similarity index 79% rename from vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.gitignore rename to vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/.gitignore index b9f9659d29a..edf0231cdf1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/.gitignore @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ .DS_Store -TODO +TODO.md tmp/**/* *.coverprofile .vscode .idea/ -*.log +*.log \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CHANGELOG.md similarity index 59% rename from vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CHANGELOG.md rename to vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CHANGELOG.md index 4920406aeb8..66e313d07ec 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,223 @@ +## 2.1.4 + +### Fixes +- Numerous documentation typos +- Prepend `when` when using `When` (this behavior was in 1.x but unintentionally lost during the 2.0 rewrite) [efce903] +- improve error message when a parallel process fails to report back [a7bd1fe] +- guard against concurrent map writes in DeprecationTracker [0976569] +- Invoke reporting nodes during dry-run (fixes #956 and #935) [aae4480] +- Fix ginkgo import circle [f779385] + +## 2.1.3 + +See [https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2) for details on V2. + +### Fixes +- Calling By in a container node now emits a useful error. [ff12cee] + +## 2.1.2 + +### Fixes + +- Track location of focused specs correctly in `ginkgo unfocus` [a612ff1] +- Profiling suites with focused specs no longer generates an erroneous failure message [8fbfa02] +- Several documentation typos fixed. Big thanks to everyone who helped catch them and report/fix them! + +## 2.1.1 + +See [https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2) for details on V2. + +### Fixes +- Suites that only import the new dsl packages are now correctly identified as Ginkgo suites [ec17e17] + +## 2.1.0 + +See [https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2) for details on V2. + +2.1.0 is a minor release with a few tweaks: + +- Introduce new DSL packages to enable users to pick-and-choose which portions of the DSL to dot-import. [90868e2] More details [here](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#alternatives-to-dot-importing-ginkgo). +- Add error check for invalid/nil parameters to DescribeTable [6f8577e] +- Myriad docs typos fixed (thanks everyone!) [718542a, ecb7098, 146654c, a8f9913, 6bdffde, 03dcd7e] + +## 2.0.0 + +See [https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2) + +## 1.16.5 + +Ginkgo 2.0 now has a Release Candidate. 1.16.5 advertises the existence of the RC. +1.16.5 deprecates GinkgoParallelNode in favor of GinkgoParallelProcess + +You can silence the RC advertisement by setting an `ACK_GINKG_RC=true` environment variable or creating a file in your home directory called `.ack-ginkgo-rc` + +## 1.16.4 + +### Fixes +1.16.4 retracts 1.16.3. There are no code changes. The 1.16.3 tag was associated with the wrong commit and an attempt to change it after-the-fact has proven problematic. 1.16.4 retracts 1.16.3 in Ginkgo's go.mod and creates a new, correctly tagged, release. + +## 1.16.3 + +### Features +- Measure is now deprecated and emits a deprecation warning. + +## 1.16.2 + +### Fixes +- Deprecations can be suppressed by setting an `ACK_GINKGO_DEPRECATIONS=` environment variable. + +## 1.16.1 + +### Fixes +- Suppress --stream deprecation warning on windows (#793) + +## 1.16.0 + +### Features +- Advertise Ginkgo 2.0. Introduce deprecations. [9ef1913] + - Update README.md to advertise that Ginkgo 2.0 is coming. + - Backport the 2.0 DeprecationTracker and start alerting users + about upcoming deprecations. + +- Add slim-sprig template functions to bootstrap/generate (#775) [9162b86] + +- Fix accidental reference to 1488 (#784) [9fb7fe4] + +## 1.15.2 + +### Fixes +- ignore blank `-focus` and `-skip` flags (#780) [e90a4a0] + +## 1.15.1 + +### Fixes +- reporters/junit: Use `system-out` element instead of `passed` (#769) [9eda305] + +## 1.15.0 + +### Features +- Adds 'outline' command to print the outline of specs/containers in a file (#754) [071c369] [6803cc3] [935b538] [06744e8] [0c40583] +- Add support for using template to generate tests (#752) [efb9e69] +- Add a Chinese Doc #755 (#756) [5207632] +- cli: allow multiple -focus and -skip flags (#736) [9a782fb] + +### Fixes +- Add _internal to filename of tests created with internal flag (#751) [43c12da] + +## 1.14.2 + +### Fixes +- correct handling windows backslash in import path (#721) [97f3d51] +- Add additional methods to GinkgoT() to improve compatibility with the testing.TB interface [b5fe44d] + +## 1.14.1 + +### Fixes +- Discard exported method declaration when running ginkgo bootstrap (#558) [f4b0240] + +## 1.14.0 + +### Features +- Defer running top-level container nodes until RunSpecs is called [d44dedf] +- [Document Ginkgo lifecycle](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#understanding-ginkgos-lifecycle) +- Add `extensions/globals` package (#692) [3295c8f] - this can be helpful in contexts where you are test-driving your test-generation code (see [#692](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/pull/692)) +- Print Skip reason in JUnit reporter if one was provided [820dfab] + +## 1.13.0 + +### Features +- Add a version of table.Entry that allows dumping the entry parameters. (#689) [21eaef2] + +### Fixes +- Ensure integration tests pass in an environment sans GOPATH [606fba2] +- Add books package (#568) [fc0e44e] +- doc(readme): installation via "tools package" (#677) [83bb20e] +- Solve the undefined: unix.Dup2 compile error on mips64le (#680) [0624f75] +- Import package without dot (#687) [6321024] +- Fix integration tests to stop require GOPATH (#686) [a912ec5] + +## 1.12.3 + +### Fixes +- Print correct code location of failing table test (#666) [c6d7afb] + +## 1.12.2 + +### Fixes +- Update dependencies [ea4a036] + +## 1.12.1 + +### Fixes +- Make unfocus ("blur") much faster (#674) [8b18061] +- Fix typo (#673) [7fdcbe8] +- Test against 1.14 and remove 1.12 [d5c2ad6] +- Test if a coverprofile content is empty before checking its latest character (#670) [14d9fa2] +- replace tail package with maintained one. this fixes go get errors (#667) [4ba33d4] +- improve ginkgo performance - makes progress on #644 [a14f98e] +- fix convert integration tests [1f8ba69] +- fix typo succesful -> successful (#663) [1ea49cf] +- Fix invalid link (#658) [b886136] +- convert utility : Include comments from source (#657) [1077c6d] +- Explain what BDD means [d79e7fb] +- skip race detector test on unsupported platform (#642) [f8ab89d] +- Use Dup2 from golang.org/x/sys/unix instead of syscallDup (#638) [5d53c55] +- Fix missing newline in combined coverage file (#641) [6a07ea2] +- check if a spec is run before returning SpecSummary (#645) [8850000] + +## 1.12.0 + +### Features +- Add module definition (#630) [78916ab] + +## 1.11.0 + +### Features +- Add syscall for riscv64 architecture [f66e896] +- teamcity reporter: output location of test failure as well as test definition (#626) [9869142] +- teamcity reporter: output newline after every service message (#625) [3cfa02d] +- Add support for go module when running `generate` command (#578) [9c89e3f] + +## 1.10.3 + +### Fixes +- Set go_import_path in travis.yml to allow internal packages in forks (#607) [3b721db] +- Add integration test [d90e0dc] +- Fix coverage files combining [e5dde8c] +- A new CLI option: -ginkgo.reportFile (#601) [034fd25] + +## 1.10.2 + +### Fixes +- speed up table entry generateIt() (#609) [5049dc5] +- Fix. Write errors to stderr instead of stdout (#610) [7bb3091] + +## 1.10.1 + +### Fixes +- stack backtrace: fix skipping (#600) [2a4c0bd] + +## 1.10.0 + +### Fixes +- stack backtrace: fix alignment and skipping [66915d6] +- fix typo in documentation [8f97b93] + +## 1.9.0 + +### Features +- Option to print output into report, when tests have passed [0545415] + +### Fixes +- Fixed typos in comments [0ecbc58] +- gofmt code [a7f8bfb] +- Simplify code [7454d00] +- Simplify concatenation, incrementation and function assignment [4825557] +- Avoid unnecessary conversions [9d9403c] +- JUnit: include more detailed information about panic [19cca4b] +- Print help to stdout when the user asks for help [4cb7441] + + ## 1.8.0 ### New Features @@ -27,7 +247,7 @@ - fix: for `go vet` to pass [69338ec] - docs: fix for contributing instructions [7004cb1] - consolidate and streamline contribution docs (#494) [d848015] -- Make generated Junit file compatable with "Maven Surefire" (#488) [e51bee6] +- Make generated Junit file compatible with "Maven Surefire" (#488) [e51bee6] - all: gofmt [000d317] - Increase eventually timeout to 30s [c73579c] - Clarify asynchronous test behaviour [294d8f4] @@ -139,7 +359,7 @@ Bug Fixes: - Fix incorrect failure message when a panic occurs during a parallel test run - Fixed an issue where a pending test within a focused context (or a focused test within a pending context) would skip all other tests. - Be more consistent about handling SIGTERM as well as SIGINT -- When interupted while concurrently compiling test suites in the background, Ginkgo now cleans up the compiled artifacts. +- When interrupted while concurrently compiling test suites in the background, Ginkgo now cleans up the compiled artifacts. - Fixed a long standing bug where `ginkgo -p` would hang if a process spawned by one of the Ginkgo parallel nodes does not exit. (Hooray!) ## 1.1.0 (8/2/2014) @@ -155,7 +375,7 @@ New Features: - `ginkgo -tags=TAG_LIST` passes a list of tags down to the `go build` command. - `ginkgo --failFast` aborts the test suite after the first failure. - `ginkgo generate file_1 file_2` can take multiple file arguments. -- Ginkgo now summarizes any spec failures that occured at the end of the test run. +- Ginkgo now summarizes any spec failures that occurred at the end of the test run. - `ginkgo --randomizeSuites` will run tests *suites* in random order using the generated/passed-in seed. Improvements: diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CONTRIBUTING.md similarity index 50% rename from vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CONTRIBUTING.md rename to vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CONTRIBUTING.md index 908b95c2c12..15079406ea9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -6,28 +6,8 @@ Your contributions to Ginkgo are essential for its long-term maintenance and imp - Ensure adequate test coverage: - When adding to the Ginkgo library, add unit and/or integration tests (under the `integration` folder). - When adding to the Ginkgo CLI, note that there are very few unit tests. Please add an integration test. -- Update the documentation. Ginko uses `godoc` comments and documentation on the `gh-pages` branch. - If relevant, please submit a docs PR to that branch alongside your code PR. +- Make sure all the tests succeed via `ginkgo -r -p` +- Vet your changes via `go vet ./...` +- Update the documentation. Ginko uses `godoc` comments and documentation in `docs/index.md`. You can run `bundle exec jekyll serve` in the `docs` directory to preview your changes. -Thanks for supporting Ginkgo! - -## Setup - -Fork the repo, then: - -``` -go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo -go get github.com/onsi/gomega/... -cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/onsi/ginkgo -git remote add fork git@github.com:/ginkgo.git - -ginkgo -r -p # ensure tests are green -go vet ./... # ensure linter is happy -``` - -## Making the PR - - go to a new branch `git checkout -b my-feature` - - make your changes - - run tests and linter again (see above) - - `git push fork` - - open PR πŸŽ‰ +Thanks for supporting Ginkgo! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9415ee72c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Onsi Fakhouri + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..58507c36f87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +![Ginkgo](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/images/ginkgo.png) + +[![test](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/workflows/test/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/actions?query=workflow%3Atest+branch%3Amaster) | [Ginkgo Docs](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/) + +--- + +# Ginkgo 2.0 is now Generally Available! + +You can learn more about 2.0 in the [Migration Guide](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2)! + +--- + +Ginkgo is a mature testing framework for Go designed to help you write expressive specs. Ginkgo builds on top of Go's `testing` foundation and is complemented by the [Gomega](https://github.com/onsi/gomega) matcher library. Together, Ginkgo and Gomega let you express the intent behind your specs clearly: + +```go +import ( + . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" + . "github.com/onsi/gomega" + ... +) + +Describe("Checking books out of the library", Label("library"), func() { + var library *libraries.Library + var book *books.Book + var valjean *users.User + BeforeEach(func() { + library = libraries.NewClient() + book = &books.Book{ + Title: "Les Miserables", + Author: "Victor Hugo", + } + valjean = users.NewUser("Jean Valjean") + }) + + When("the library has the book in question", func() { + BeforeEach(func() { + Expect(library.Store(book)).To(Succeed()) + }) + + Context("and the book is available", func() { + It("lends it to the reader", func() { + Expect(valjean.Checkout(library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed()) + Expect(valjean.Books()).To(ContainElement(book)) + Expect(library.UserWithBook(book)).To(Equal(valjean)) + }) + }) + + Context("but the book has already been checked out", func() { + var javert *users.User + BeforeEach(func() { + javert = users.NewUser("Javert") + Expect(javert.Checkout(library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed()) + }) + + It("tells the user", func() { + err := valjean.Checkout(library, "Les Miserables") + Expect(error).To(MatchError("Les Miserables is currently checked out")) + }) + + It("lets the user place a hold and get notified later", func() { + Expect(valjean.Hold(library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed()) + Expect(valjean.Holds()).To(ContainElement(book)) + + By("when Javert returns the book") + Expect(javert.Return(library, book)).To(Succeed()) + + By("it eventually informs Valjean") + notification := "Les Miserables is ready for pick up" + Eventually(valjean.Notifications).Should(ContainElement(notification)) + + Expect(valjean.Checkout(library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed()) + Expect(valjean.Books()).To(ContainElement(book)) + Expect(valjean.Holds()).To(BeEmpty()) + }) + }) + }) + + When("the library does not have the book in question", func() { + It("tells the reader the book is unavailable", func() { + err := valjean.Checkout(library, "Les Miserables") + Expect(error).To(MatchError("Les Miserables is not in the library catalog")) + }) + }) +}) +``` + +Jump to the [docs](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/) to learn more. It's easy to [bootstrap](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#bootstrapping-a-suite) and start writing your [first specs](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#adding-specs-to-a-suite). + +If you have a question, comment, bug report, feature request, etc. please open a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/issues/new), or visit the [Ginkgo Slack channel](https://app.slack.com/client/T029RQSE6/CQQ50BBNW). + +## Capabilities + +Whether writing basic unit specs, complex integration specs, or even performance specs - Ginkgo gives you an expressive Domain-Specific Language (DSL) that will be familiar to users coming from frameworks such as [Quick](https://github.com/Quick/Quick), [RSpec](https://rspec.info), [Jasmine](https://jasmine.github.io), and [Busted](https://olivinelabs.com/busted/). This style of testing is sometimes referred to as "Behavior-Driven Development" (BDD) though Ginkgo's utility extends beyond acceptance-level testing. + +With Ginkgo's DSL you can use nestable [`Describe`, `Context` and `When` container nodes](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#organizing-specs-with-container-nodes) to help you organize your specs. [`BeforeEach` and `AfterEach` setup nodes](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#extracting-common-setup-beforeeach) for setup and cleanup. [`It` and `Specify` subject nodes](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-subjects-it) that hold your assertions. [`BeforeSuite` and `AfterSuite` nodes](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite) to prep for and cleanup after a suite... and [much more!](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#writing-specs) + +At runtime, Ginkgo can run your specs in reproducibly [random order](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-randomization) and has sophisticated support for [spec parallelization](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-parallelization). In fact, running specs in parallel is as easy as + +```bash +ginkgo -p +``` + +By following [established patterns for writing parallel specs](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#patterns-for-parallel-integration-specs) you can build even large, complex integration suites that parallelize cleanly and run performantly. + +As your suites grow Ginkgo helps you keep your specs organized with [labels](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-labels) and lets you easily run [subsets of specs](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#filtering-specs), either [programmatically](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#focused-specs) or on the [command line](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#combining-filters). And Ginkgo's reporting infrastructure generates machine-readable output in a [variety of formats](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-machine-readable-reports) _and_ allows you to build your own [custom reporting infrastructure](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-reports-programmatically). + +Ginkgo ships with `ginkgo`, a [command line tool](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#ginkgo-cli-overview) with support for generating, running, filtering, and profiling Ginkgo suites. You can even have Ginkgo automatically run your specs when it detects a change with `ginkgo watch`, enabling rapid feedback loops during test-driven development. + +And that's just Ginkgo! [Gomega](https://onsi.github.io/gomega/) brings a rich, mature, family of [assertions and matchers](https://onsi.github.io/gomega/#provided-matchers) to your suites. With Gomega you can easily mix [synchronous and asynchronous assertions](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#patterns-for-asynchronous-testing) in your specs. You can even build your own set of expressive domain-specific matchers quickly and easily by composing Gomega's [existing building blocks](https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#building-custom-matchers). + +Happy Testing! + +## License + +Ginkgo is MIT-Licensed + +## Contributing + +See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/RELEASING.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/RELEASING.md similarity index 53% rename from vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/RELEASING.md rename to vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/RELEASING.md index 1e298c2da71..0c80f668d22 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/RELEASING.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/RELEASING.md @@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ A Ginkgo release is a tagged git sha and a GitHub release. To cut a release: - New Features (minor version) - Fixes (fix version) - Maintenance (which in general should not be mentioned in `CHANGELOG.md` as they have no user impact) -1. Update `VERSION` in `config/config.go` -1. Create a commit with the version number as the commit message (e.g. `v1.3.0`) -1. Tag the commit with the version number as the tag name (e.g. `v1.3.0`) -1. Push the commit and tag to GitHub -1. Create a new [GitHub release](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-releases/) with the version number as the tag (e.g. `v1.3.0`). List the key changes in the release notes. +1. Update `VERSION` in `types/version.go` +1. Commit, push, and release: + ``` + git commit -m "vM.m.p" + git push + gh release create "vM.m.p" + git fetch --tags origin master + ``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a61021d0889 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package config + +// GinkgoConfigType has been deprecated and its equivalent now lives in +// the types package. You can no longer access Ginkgo configuration from the config +// package. Instead use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() function to get copies of the +// current configuration +// +// GinkgoConfigType is still here so custom V1 reporters do not result in a compilation error +// It will be removed in a future minor release of Ginkgo +type GinkgoConfigType = DeprecatedGinkgoConfigType +type DeprecatedGinkgoConfigType struct { + RandomSeed int64 + RandomizeAllSpecs bool + RegexScansFilePath bool + FocusStrings []string + SkipStrings []string + SkipMeasurements bool + FailOnPending bool + FailFast bool + FlakeAttempts int + EmitSpecProgress bool + DryRun bool + DebugParallel bool + + ParallelNode int + ParallelTotal int + SyncHost string + StreamHost string +} + +// DefaultReporterConfigType has been deprecated and its equivalent now lives in +// the types package. You can no longer access Ginkgo configuration from the config +// package. Instead use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() function to get copies of the +// current configuration +// +// DefaultReporterConfigType is still here so custom V1 reporters do not result in a compilation error +// It will be removed in a future minor release of Ginkgo +type DefaultReporterConfigType = DeprecatedDefaultReporterConfigType +type DeprecatedDefaultReporterConfigType struct { + NoColor bool + SlowSpecThreshold float64 + NoisyPendings bool + NoisySkippings bool + Succinct bool + Verbose bool + FullTrace bool + ReportPassed bool + ReportFile string +} + +// Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. +// Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method +// These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails +type GinkgoConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead struct{} + +// Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. +// Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method +// These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails +var GinkgoConfig = GinkgoConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead{} + +// Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. +// Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method +// These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails +type DefaultReporterConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead struct{} + +// Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. +// Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method +// These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails +var DefaultReporterConfig = DefaultReporterConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead{} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/core_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/core_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bdb90860668 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/core_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,687 @@ +/* +Ginkgo is a testing framework for Go designed to help you write expressive tests. +https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo +MIT-Licensed + +The godoc documentation outlines Ginkgo's API. Since Ginkgo is a Domain-Specific Language it is important to +build a mental model for Ginkgo - the narrative documentation at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/ is designed to help you do that. +You should start there - even a brief skim will be helpful. At minimum you should skim through the https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#getting-started chapter. + +Ginkgo's is best paired with the Gomega matcher library: https://github.com/onsi/gomega + +You can run Ginkgo specs with go test - however we recommend using the ginkgo cli. It enables functionality +that go test does not (especially running suites in parallel). You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#ginkgo-cli-overview +or by running 'ginkgo help'. +*/ +package ginkgo + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +const GINKGO_VERSION = types.VERSION + +var flagSet types.GinkgoFlagSet +var deprecationTracker = types.NewDeprecationTracker() +var suiteConfig = types.NewDefaultSuiteConfig() +var reporterConfig = types.NewDefaultReporterConfig() +var suiteDidRun = false +var outputInterceptor internal.OutputInterceptor +var client parallel_support.Client + +func init() { + var err error + flagSet, err = types.BuildTestSuiteFlagSet(&suiteConfig, &reporterConfig) + exitIfErr(err) + GinkgoWriter = internal.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +} + +func exitIfErr(err error) { + if err != nil { + if outputInterceptor != nil { + outputInterceptor.Shutdown() + } + if client != nil { + client.Close() + } + fmt.Fprintln(formatter.ColorableStdErr, err.Error()) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +func exitIfErrors(errors []error) { + if len(errors) > 0 { + if outputInterceptor != nil { + outputInterceptor.Shutdown() + } + if client != nil { + client.Close() + } + for _, err := range errors { + fmt.Fprintln(formatter.ColorableStdErr, err.Error()) + } + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +//The interface implemented by GinkgoWriter +type GinkgoWriterInterface interface { + io.Writer + + Print(a ...interface{}) + Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) + Println(a ...interface{}) + + TeeTo(writer io.Writer) + ClearTeeWriters() +} + +/* +GinkgoWriter implements a GinkgoWriterInterface and io.Writer + +When running in verbose mode (ginkgo -v) any writes to GinkgoWriter will be immediately printed +to stdout. Otherwise, GinkgoWriter will buffer any writes produced during the current test and flush them to screen +only if the current test fails. + +GinkgoWriter also provides convenience Print, Printf and Println methods and allows you to tee to a custom writer via GinkgoWriter.TeeTo(writer). +Writes to GinkgoWriter are immediately sent to any registered TeeTo() writers. You can unregister all TeeTo() Writers with GinkgoWriter.ClearTeeWriters() + +You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#logging-output +*/ +var GinkgoWriter GinkgoWriterInterface + +//The interface by which Ginkgo receives *testing.T +type GinkgoTestingT interface { + Fail() +} + +/* +GinkgoConfiguration returns the configuration of the current suite. + +The first return value is the SuiteConfig which controls aspects of how the suite runs, +the second return value is the ReporterConfig which controls aspects of how Ginkgo's default +reporter emits output. + +Mutating the returned configurations has no effect. To reconfigure Ginkgo programmatically you need +to pass in your mutated copies into RunSpecs(). + +You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#overriding-ginkgos-command-line-configuration-in-the-suite +*/ +func GinkgoConfiguration() (types.SuiteConfig, types.ReporterConfig) { + return suiteConfig, reporterConfig +} + +/* +GinkgoRandomSeed returns the seed used to randomize spec execution order. It is +useful for seeding your own pseudorandom number generators to ensure +consistent executions from run to run, where your tests contain variability (for +example, when selecting random spec data). + +You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-randomization +*/ +func GinkgoRandomSeed() int64 { + return suiteConfig.RandomSeed +} + +/* +GinkgoParallelProcess returns the parallel process number for the current ginkgo process +The process number is 1-indexed. You can use GinkgoParallelProcess() to shard access to shared +resources across your suites. You can learn more about patterns for sharding at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#patterns-for-parallel-integration-specs + +For more on how specs are parallelized in Ginkgo, see http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-parallelization +*/ +func GinkgoParallelProcess() int { + return suiteConfig.ParallelProcess +} + +/* +PauseOutputInterception() pauses Ginkgo's output interception. This is only relevant +when running in parallel and output to stdout/stderr is being intercepted. You generally +don't need to call this function - however there are cases when Ginkgo's output interception +mechanisms can interfere with external processes launched by the test process. + +In particular, if an external process is launched that has cmd.Stdout/cmd.Stderr set to os.Stdout/os.Stderr +then Ginkgo's output interceptor will hang. To circumvent this, set cmd.Stdout/cmd.Stderr to GinkgoWriter. +If, for some reason, you aren't able to do that, you can PauseOutputInterception() before starting the process +then ResumeOutputInterception() after starting it. + +Note that PauseOutputInterception() does not cause stdout writes to print to the console - +this simply stops intercepting and storing stdout writes to an internal buffer. +*/ +func PauseOutputInterception() { + if outputInterceptor == nil { + return + } + outputInterceptor.PauseIntercepting() +} + +//ResumeOutputInterception() - see docs for PauseOutputInterception() +func ResumeOutputInterception() { + if outputInterceptor == nil { + return + } + outputInterceptor.ResumeIntercepting() +} + +/* +RunSpecs is the entry point for the Ginkgo spec runner. + +You must call this within a Golang testing TestX(t *testing.T) function. +If you bootstrapped your suite with "ginkgo bootstrap" this is already +done for you. + +Ginkgo is typically configured via command-line flags. This configuration +can be overridden, however, and passed into RunSpecs as optional arguments: + + func TestMySuite(t *testing.T) { + RegisterFailHandler(gomega.Fail) + // fetch the current config + suiteConfig, reporterConfig := GinkgoConfiguration() + // adjust it + suiteConfig.SkipStrings = []string{"NEVER-RUN"} + reporterConfig.FullTrace = true + // pass it in to RunSpecs + RunSpecs(t, "My Suite", suiteConfig, reporterConfig) + } + +Note that some configuration changes can lead to undefined behavior. For example, +you should not change ParallelProcess or ParallelTotal as the Ginkgo CLI is responsible +for setting these and orchestrating parallel specs across the parallel processes. See http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-parallelization +for more on how specs are parallelized in Ginkgo. + +You can also pass suite-level Label() decorators to RunSpecs. The passed-in labels will apply to all specs in the suite. +*/ +func RunSpecs(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if suiteDidRun { + exitIfErr(types.GinkgoErrors.RerunningSuite()) + } + suiteDidRun = true + + suiteLabels := Labels{} + configErrors := []error{} + for _, arg := range args { + switch arg := arg.(type) { + case types.SuiteConfig: + suiteConfig = arg + case types.ReporterConfig: + reporterConfig = arg + case Labels: + suiteLabels = append(suiteLabels, arg...) + default: + configErrors = append(configErrors, types.GinkgoErrors.UnknownTypePassedToRunSpecs(arg)) + } + } + exitIfErrors(configErrors) + + configErrors = types.VetConfig(flagSet, suiteConfig, reporterConfig) + if len(configErrors) > 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(formatter.ColorableStdErr, formatter.F("{{red}}Ginkgo detected configuration issues:{{/}}\n")) + for _, err := range configErrors { + fmt.Fprintf(formatter.ColorableStdErr, err.Error()) + } + os.Exit(1) + } + + var reporter reporters.Reporter + if suiteConfig.ParallelTotal == 1 { + reporter = reporters.NewDefaultReporter(reporterConfig, formatter.ColorableStdOut) + outputInterceptor = internal.NoopOutputInterceptor{} + client = nil + } else { + reporter = reporters.NoopReporter{} + switch strings.ToLower(suiteConfig.OutputInterceptorMode) { + case "swap": + outputInterceptor = internal.NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor() + case "none": + outputInterceptor = internal.NoopOutputInterceptor{} + default: + outputInterceptor = internal.NewOutputInterceptor() + } + client = parallel_support.NewClient(suiteConfig.ParallelHost) + if !client.Connect() { + client = nil + exitIfErr(types.GinkgoErrors.UnreachableParallelHost(suiteConfig.ParallelHost)) + } + defer client.Close() + } + + writer := GinkgoWriter.(*internal.Writer) + if reporterConfig.Verbose && suiteConfig.ParallelTotal == 1 { + writer.SetMode(internal.WriterModeStreamAndBuffer) + } else { + writer.SetMode(internal.WriterModeBufferOnly) + } + + if reporterConfig.WillGenerateReport() { + registerReportAfterSuiteNodeForAutogeneratedReports(reporterConfig) + } + + err := global.Suite.BuildTree() + exitIfErr(err) + + suitePath, err := os.Getwd() + exitIfErr(err) + suitePath, err = filepath.Abs(suitePath) + exitIfErr(err) + + passed, hasFocusedTests := global.Suite.Run(description, suiteLabels, suitePath, global.Failer, reporter, writer, outputInterceptor, interrupt_handler.NewInterruptHandler(suiteConfig.Timeout, client), client, suiteConfig) + outputInterceptor.Shutdown() + + flagSet.ValidateDeprecations(deprecationTracker) + if deprecationTracker.DidTrackDeprecations() { + fmt.Fprintln(formatter.ColorableStdErr, deprecationTracker.DeprecationsReport()) + } + + if !passed { + t.Fail() + } + + if passed && hasFocusedTests && strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv("GINKGO_EDITOR_INTEGRATION")) == "" { + fmt.Println("PASS | FOCUSED") + os.Exit(types.GINKGO_FOCUS_EXIT_CODE) + } + return passed +} + +/* +Skip instructs Ginkgo to skip the current spec + +You can call Skip in any Setup or Subject node closure. + +For more on how to filter specs in Ginkgo see https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#filtering-specs +*/ +func Skip(message string, callerSkip ...int) { + skip := 0 + if len(callerSkip) > 0 { + skip = callerSkip[0] + } + cl := types.NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip + 1) + global.Failer.Skip(message, cl) + panic(types.GinkgoErrors.UncaughtGinkgoPanic(cl)) +} + +/* +Fail notifies Ginkgo that the current spec has failed. (Gomega will call Fail for you automatically when an assertion fails.) + +Under the hood, Fail panics to end execution of the current spec. Ginkgo will catch this panic and proceed with +the subsequent spec. If you call Fail, or make an assertion, within a goroutine launched by your spec you must +add defer GinkgoRecover() to the goroutine to catch the panic emitted by Fail. + +You can call Fail in any Setup or Subject node closure. + +You can learn more about how Ginkgo manages failures here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#mental-model-how-ginkgo-handles-failure +*/ +func Fail(message string, callerSkip ...int) { + skip := 0 + if len(callerSkip) > 0 { + skip = callerSkip[0] + } + + cl := types.NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip + 1) + global.Failer.Fail(message, cl) + panic(types.GinkgoErrors.UncaughtGinkgoPanic(cl)) +} + +/* +AbortSuite instructs Ginkgo to fail the current spec and skip all subsequent specs, thereby aborting the suite. + +You can call AbortSuite in any Setup or Subject node closure. + +You can learn more about how Ginkgo handles suite interruptions here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#interrupting-aborting-and-timing-out-suites +*/ +func AbortSuite(message string, callerSkip ...int) { + skip := 0 + if len(callerSkip) > 0 { + skip = callerSkip[0] + } + + cl := types.NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip + 1) + global.Failer.AbortSuite(message, cl) + panic(types.GinkgoErrors.UncaughtGinkgoPanic(cl)) +} + +/* +GinkgoRecover should be deferred at the top of any spawned goroutine that (may) call `Fail` +Since Gomega assertions call fail, you should throw a `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of any goroutine that +calls out to Gomega + +Here's why: Ginkgo's `Fail` method records the failure and then panics to prevent +further assertions from running. This panic must be recovered. Normally, Ginkgo recovers the panic for you, +however if a panic originates on a goroutine *launched* from one of your specs there's no +way for Ginkgo to rescue the panic. To do this, you must remember to `defer GinkgoRecover()` at the top of such a goroutine. + +You can learn more about how Ginkgo manages failures here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#mental-model-how-ginkgo-handles-failure +*/ +func GinkgoRecover() { + e := recover() + if e != nil { + global.Failer.Panic(types.NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(1), e) + } +} + +// pushNode is used by the various test construction DSL methods to push nodes onto the suite +// it handles returned errors, emits a detailed error message to help the user learn what they may have done wrong, then exits +func pushNode(node internal.Node, errors []error) bool { + exitIfErrors(errors) + exitIfErr(global.Suite.PushNode(node)) + return true +} + +/* +Describe nodes are Container nodes that allow you to organize your specs. A Describe node's closure can contain any number of +Setup nodes (e.g. BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach), and Subject nodes (i.e. It). + +Context and When nodes are aliases for Describe - use whichever gives your suite a better narrative flow. It is idomatic +to Describe the behavior of an object or function and, within that Describe, outline a number of Contexts and Whens. + +You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#organizing-specs-with-container-nodes +In addition, container nodes can be decorated with a variety of decorators. You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +func Describe(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, text, args...)) +} + +/* +FDescribe focuses specs within the Describe block. +*/ +func FDescribe(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Focus) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, text, args...)) +} + +/* +PDescribe marks specs within the Describe block as pending. +*/ +func PDescribe(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Pending) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, text, args...)) +} + +/* +XDescribe marks specs within the Describe block as pending. + +XDescribe is an alias for PDescribe +*/ +var XDescribe = PDescribe + +/* Context is an alias for Describe - it generates the exact same kind of Container node */ +var Context, FContext, PContext, XContext = Describe, FDescribe, PDescribe, XDescribe + +/* When is an alias for Describe - it generates the exact same kind of Container node */ +func When(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, "when "+text, args...)) +} + +/* When is an alias for Describe - it generates the exact same kind of Container node */ +func FWhen(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Focus) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, "when "+text, args...)) +} + +/* When is an alias for Describe - it generates the exact same kind of Container node */ +func PWhen(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Pending) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, "when "+text, args...)) +} + +var XWhen = PWhen + +/* +It nodes are Subject nodes that contain your spec code and assertions. + +Each It node corresponds to an individual Ginkgo spec. You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an It node's closure. + +You can learn more at https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-subjects-it +In addition, subject nodes can be decorated with a variety of decorators. You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +func It(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeIt, text, args...)) +} + +/* +FIt allows you to focus an individual It. +*/ +func FIt(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Focus) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeIt, text, args...)) +} + +/* +PIt allows you to mark an individual It as pending. +*/ +func PIt(text string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Pending) + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeIt, text, args...)) +} + +/* +XIt allows you to mark an individual It as pending. + +XIt is an alias for PIt +*/ +var XIt = PIt + +/* +Specify is an alias for It - it can allow for more natural wording in some context. +*/ +var Specify, FSpecify, PSpecify, XSpecify = It, FIt, PIt, XIt + +/* +By allows you to better document complex Specs. + +Generally you should try to keep your Its short and to the point. This is not always possible, however, +especially in the context of integration tests that capture complex or lengthy workflows. + +By allows you to document such flows. By may be called within a Setup or Subject node (It, BeforeEach, etc...) +and will simply log the passed in text to the GinkgoWriter. If By is handed a function it will immediately run the function. + +By will also generate and attach a ReportEntry to the spec. This will ensure that By annotations appear in Ginkgo's machine-readable reports. + +Note that By does not generate a new Ginkgo node - rather it is simply synctactic sugar around GinkgoWriter and AddReportEntry +You can learn more about By here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#documenting-complex-specs-by +*/ +func By(text string, callback ...func()) { + if !global.Suite.InRunPhase() { + exitIfErr(types.GinkgoErrors.ByNotDuringRunPhase(types.NewCodeLocation(1))) + } + value := struct { + Text string + Duration time.Duration + }{ + Text: text, + } + t := time.Now() + AddReportEntry("By Step", ReportEntryVisibilityNever, Offset(1), &value, t) + formatter := formatter.NewWithNoColorBool(reporterConfig.NoColor) + GinkgoWriter.Println(formatter.F("{{bold}}STEP:{{/}} %s {{gray}}%s{{/}}", text, t.Format(types.GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT))) + if len(callback) == 1 { + callback[0]() + value.Duration = time.Since(t) + } + if len(callback) > 1 { + panic("just one callback per By, please") + } +} + +/* +BeforeSuite nodes are suite-level Setup nodes that run just once before any specs are run. +When running in parallel, each parallel process will call BeforeSuite. + +You may only register *one* BeforeSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a BeforeSuite node's closure. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite +*/ +func BeforeSuite(body func()) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite, "", body)) +} + +/* +AfterSuite nodes are suite-level Setup nodes run after all specs have finished - regardless of whether specs have passed or failed. +AfterSuite node closures always run, even if Ginkgo receives an interrupt signal (^C), in order to ensure cleanup occurs. + +When running in parallel, each parallel process will call AfterSuite. + +You may only register *one* AfterSuite handler per test suite. You typically do so in your bootstrap file at the top level. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an AfterSuite node's closure. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite +*/ +func AfterSuite(body func()) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeAfterSuite, "", body)) +} + +/* +SynchronizedBeforeSuite nodes allow you to perform some of the suite setup just once - on parallel process #1 - and then pass information +from that setup to the rest of the suite setup on all processes. This is useful for performing expensive or singleton setup once, then passing +information from that setup to all parallel processes. + +SynchronizedBeforeSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments and passing data between them. +The first function is only run on parallel process #1. The second is run on all processes, but *only* after the first function completes successfully. The functions have the following signatures: + +The first function (which only runs on process #1) has the signature: + + func() []byte + +The byte array returned by the first function is then passed to the second function, which has the signature: + + func(data []byte) + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an SynchronizedBeforeSuite node's closure. +You can learn more, and see some examples, here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#parallel-suite-setup-and-cleanup-synchronizedbeforesuite-and-synchronizedaftersuite +*/ +func SynchronizedBeforeSuite(process1Body func() []byte, allProcessBody func([]byte)) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(process1Body, allProcessBody, types.NewCodeLocation(1))) +} + +/* +SynchronizedAfterSuite nodes complement the SynchronizedBeforeSuite nodes in solving the problem of splitting clean up into a piece that runs on all processes +and a piece that must only run once - on process #1. + +SynchronizedAfterSuite accomplishes this by taking *two* function arguments. The first runs on all processes. The second runs only on parallel process #1 +and *only* after all other processes have finished and exited. This ensures that process #1, and any resources it is managing, remain alive until +all other processes are finished. + +Note that you can also use DeferCleanup() in SynchronizedBeforeSuite to accomplish similar results. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an SynchronizedAfterSuite node's closure. +You can learn more, and see some examples, here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#parallel-suite-setup-and-cleanup-synchronizedbeforesuite-and-synchronizedaftersuite +*/ +func SynchronizedAfterSuite(allProcessBody func(), process1Body func()) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(allProcessBody, process1Body, types.NewCodeLocation(1))) +} + +/* +BeforeEach nodes are Setup nodes whose closures run before It node closures. When multiple BeforeEach nodes +are defined in nested Container nodes the outermost BeforeEach node closures are run first. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a BeforeEach node's closure. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#extracting-common-setup-beforeeach +*/ +func BeforeEach(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeBeforeEach, "", args...)) +} + +/* +JustBeforeEach nodes are similar to BeforeEach nodes, however they are guaranteed to run *after* all BeforeEach node closures - just before the It node closure. +This can allow you to separate configuration from creation of resources for a spec. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a JustBeforeEach node's closure. +You can learn more and see some examples here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#separating-creation-and-configuration-justbeforeeach +*/ +func JustBeforeEach(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach, "", args...)) +} + +/* +AfterEach nodes are Setup nodes whose closures run after It node closures. When multiple AfterEach nodes +are defined in nested Container nodes the innermost AfterEach node closures are run first. + +Note that you can also use DeferCleanup() in other Setup or Subject nodes to accomplish similar results. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an AfterEach node's closure. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-cleanup-aftereach-and-defercleanup +*/ +func AfterEach(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeAfterEach, "", args...)) +} + +/* +JustAfterEach nodes are similar to AfterEach nodes, however they are guaranteed to run *before* all AfterEach node closures - just after the It node closure. This can allow you to separate diagnostics collection from teardown for a spec. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a JustAfterEach node's closure. +You can learn more and see some examples here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#separating-diagnostics-collection-and-teardown-justaftereach +*/ +func JustAfterEach(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach, "", args...)) +} + +/* +BeforeAll nodes are Setup nodes that can occur inside Ordered contaienrs. They run just once before any specs in the Ordered container run. + +Multiple BeforeAll nodes can be defined in a given Ordered container however they cannot be nested inside any other container. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a BeforeAll node's closure. +You can learn more about Ordered Containers at: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#ordered-containers +And you can learn more about BeforeAll at: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#setup-in-ordered-containers-beforeall-and-afterall +*/ +func BeforeAll(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeBeforeAll, "", args...)) +} + +/* +AfterAll nodes are Setup nodes that can occur inside Ordered contaienrs. They run just once after all specs in the Ordered container have run. + +Multiple AfterAll nodes can be defined in a given Ordered container however they cannot be nested inside any other container. + +Note that you can also use DeferCleanup() in a BeforeAll node to accomplish similar behavior. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within an AfterAll node's closure. +You can learn more about Ordered Containers at: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#ordered-containers +And you can learn more about AfterAll at: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#setup-in-ordered-containers-beforeall-and-afterall +*/ +func AfterAll(args ...interface{}) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeAfterAll, "", args...)) +} + +/* +DeferCleanup can be called within any Setup or Subject node to register a cleanup callback that Ginkgo will call at the appropriate time to cleanup after the spec. + +DeferCleanup can be passed: +1. A function that takes no arguments and returns no values. +2. A function that returns an error (in which case it will assert that the returned error was nil, or it will fail the spec). +3. A function that takes arguments (and optionally returns an error) followed by a list of arguments to passe to the function. For example: + + BeforeEach(func() { + DeferCleanup(os.SetEnv, "FOO", os.GetEnv("FOO")) + os.SetEnv("FOO", "BAR") + }) + +will register a cleanup handler that will set the environment variable "FOO" to it's current value (obtained by os.GetEnv("FOO")) after the spec runs and then sets the environment variable "FOO" to "BAR" for the current spec. + +When DeferCleanup is called in BeforeEach, JustBeforeEach, It, AfterEach, or JustAfterEach the registered callback will be invoked when the spec completes (i.e. it will behave like an AfterEach node) +When DeferCleanup is called in BeforeAll or AfterAll the registered callback will be invoked when the ordered container completes (i.e. it will behave like an AfterAll node) +When DeferCleanup is called in BeforeSuite, SynchronizedBeforeSuite, AfterSuite, or SynchronizedAfterSuite the registered callback will be invoked when the suite completes (i.e. it will behave like an AfterSuite node) + +Note that DeferCleanup does not represent a node but rather dynamically generates the appropriate type of cleanup node based on the context in which it is called. As such you must call DeferCleanup within a Setup or Subject node, and not within a Container node. +You can learn more about DeferCleanup here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#cleaning-up-our-cleanup-code-defercleanup +*/ +func DeferCleanup(args ...interface{}) { + fail := func(message string, cl types.CodeLocation) { + global.Failer.Fail(message, cl) + } + pushNode(internal.NewCleanupNode(fail, args...)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/decorator_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/decorator_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f23e526f35e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/decorator_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +package ginkgo + +import ( + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" +) + +/* +Offset(uint) is a decorator that allows you to change the stack-frame offset used when computing the line number of the node in question. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#the-offset-decorator +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +type Offset = internal.Offset + +/* +FlakeAttempts(uint N) is a decorator that allows you to mark individual specs or spec containers as flaky. Ginkgo will run them up to `N` times until they pass. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#repeating-spec-runs-and-managing-flaky-specs +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +type FlakeAttempts = internal.FlakeAttempts + +/* +Focus is a decorator that allows you to mark a spec or container as focused. Identical to FIt and FDescribe. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#filtering-specs +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +const Focus = internal.Focus + +/* +Pending is a decorator that allows you to mark a spec or container as pending. Identical to PIt and PDescribe. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#filtering-specs +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +const Pending = internal.Pending + +/* +Serial is a decorator that allows you to mark a spec or container as serial. These specs will never run in parallel with other specs. +Tests in ordered containers cannot be marked as serial - mark the ordered container instead. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#serial-specs +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +const Serial = internal.Serial + +/* +Ordered is a decorator that allows you to mark a container as ordered. Tests in the container will always run in the order they appear. +They will never be randomized and they will never run in parallel with one another, though they may run in parallel with other specs. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#ordered-containers +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +const Ordered = internal.Ordered + +/* +OncePerOrdered is a decorator that allows you to mark outer BeforeEach, AfterEach, JustBeforeEach, and JustAfterEach setup nodes to run once +per ordered context. Normally these setup nodes run around each individual spec, with OncePerOrdered they will run once around the set of specs in an ordered container. +The behavior for non-Ordered containers/specs is unchanged. + +You can learh more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#setup-around-ordered-containers-the-onceperordered-decorator +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +const OncePerOrdered = internal.OncePerOrdered + +/* +Label decorates specs with Labels. Multiple labels can be passed to Label and these can be arbitrary strings but must not include the following characters: "&|!,()/". +Labels can be applied to container and subject nodes, but not setup nodes. You can provide multiple Labels to a given node and a spec's labels is the union of all labels in its node hierarchy. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-labels +You can learn more about decorators here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#decorator-reference +*/ +func Label(labels ...string) Labels { + return Labels(labels) +} + +/* +Labels are the type for spec Label decorators. Use Label(...) to construct Labels. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#spec-labels +*/ +type Labels = internal.Labels diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/deprecated_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/deprecated_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d20e5a8ce43 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/deprecated_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +package ginkgo + +import ( + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +/* +Deprecated: Done Channel for asynchronous testing + +The Done channel pattern is no longer supported in Ginkgo 2.0. +See here for better patterns for asynchronouse testing: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#patterns-for-asynchronous-testing + +For a migration guide see: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#removed-async-testing +*/ +type Done = internal.Done + +/* +Deprecated: Custom Ginkgo test reporters are deprecated in Ginkgo 2.0. + +Use Ginkgo's reporting nodes instead and 2.0 reporting infrastructure instead. You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#reporting-infrastructure +For a migration guide see: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#removed-custom-reporters +*/ +type Reporter = reporters.DeprecatedReporter + +/* +Deprecated: Custom Reporters have been removed in Ginkgo 2.0. RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters will simply call RunSpecs() + +Use Ginkgo's reporting nodes instead and 2.0 reporting infrastructure instead. You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#reporting-infrastructure +For a migration guide see: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#removed-custom-reporters +*/ +func RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, _ []Reporter) bool { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation(types.Deprecations.CustomReporter()) + return RunSpecs(t, description) +} + +/* +Deprecated: Custom Reporters have been removed in Ginkgo 2.0. RunSpecsWithCustomReporters will simply call RunSpecs() + +Use Ginkgo's reporting nodes instead and 2.0 reporting infrastructure instead. You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#reporting-infrastructure +For a migration guide see: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#removed-custom-reporters +*/ +func RunSpecsWithCustomReporters(t GinkgoTestingT, description string, _ []Reporter) bool { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation(types.Deprecations.CustomReporter()) + return RunSpecs(t, description) +} + +/* +Deprecated: GinkgoTestDescription has been replaced with SpecReport. + +Use CurrentSpecReport() instead. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#getting-a-report-for-the-current-spec +The SpecReport type is documented here: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types#SpecReport +*/ +type DeprecatedGinkgoTestDescription struct { + FullTestText string + ComponentTexts []string + TestText string + + FileName string + LineNumber int + + Failed bool + Duration time.Duration +} +type GinkgoTestDescription = DeprecatedGinkgoTestDescription + +/* +Deprecated: CurrentGinkgoTestDescription has been replaced with CurrentSpecReport. + +Use CurrentSpecReport() instead. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#getting-a-report-for-the-current-spec +The SpecReport type is documented here: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types#SpecReport +*/ +func CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() DeprecatedGinkgoTestDescription { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation( + types.Deprecations.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription(), + types.NewCodeLocation(1), + ) + report := global.Suite.CurrentSpecReport() + if report.State == types.SpecStateInvalid { + return GinkgoTestDescription{} + } + componentTexts := []string{} + componentTexts = append(componentTexts, report.ContainerHierarchyTexts...) + componentTexts = append(componentTexts, report.LeafNodeText) + + return DeprecatedGinkgoTestDescription{ + ComponentTexts: componentTexts, + FullTestText: report.FullText(), + TestText: report.LeafNodeText, + FileName: report.LeafNodeLocation.FileName, + LineNumber: report.LeafNodeLocation.LineNumber, + Failed: report.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates), + Duration: report.RunTime, + } +} + +/* +Deprecated: GinkgoParallelNode() has been renamed to GinkgoParallelProcess() +*/ +func GinkgoParallelNode() int { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation( + types.Deprecations.ParallelNode(), + types.NewCodeLocation(1), + ) + return GinkgoParallelProcess() +} + +/* +Deprecated: Benchmarker has been removed from Ginkgo 2.0 + +Use Gomega's gmeasure package instead. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#benchmarking-code +*/ +type Benchmarker interface { + Time(name string, body func(), info ...interface{}) (elapsedTime time.Duration) + RecordValue(name string, value float64, info ...interface{}) + RecordValueWithPrecision(name string, value float64, units string, precision int, info ...interface{}) +} + +/* +Deprecated: Measure() has been removed from Ginkgo 2.0 + +Use Gomega's gmeasure package instead. +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#benchmarking-code +*/ +func Measure(_ ...interface{}) bool { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation(types.Deprecations.Measure(), types.NewCodeLocation(1)) + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_others.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_others.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..778bfd7c7ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_others.go @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +// +build !windows + +/* +These packages are used for colorize on Windows and contributed by mattn.jp@gmail.com + + * go-colorable: + * go-isatty: + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2016 Yasuhiro Matsumoto + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +package formatter + +import ( + "io" + "os" +) + +func newColorable(file *os.File) io.Writer { + return file +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dd1d143cc20 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/colorable_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,809 @@ +/* +These packages are used for colorize on Windows and contributed by mattn.jp@gmail.com + + * go-colorable: + * go-isatty: + +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2016 Yasuhiro Matsumoto + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +package formatter + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +var ( + kernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll") + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo") + procSetConsoleTextAttribute = kernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleTextAttribute") + procSetConsoleCursorPosition = kernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorPosition") + procFillConsoleOutputCharacter = kernel32.NewProc("FillConsoleOutputCharacterW") + procFillConsoleOutputAttribute = kernel32.NewProc("FillConsoleOutputAttribute") + procGetConsoleMode = kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleMode") +) + +func isTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { + var st uint32 + r, _, e := syscall.Syscall(procGetConsoleMode.Addr(), 2, fd, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&st)), 0) + return r != 0 && e == 0 +} + +const ( + foregroundBlue = 0x1 + foregroundGreen = 0x2 + foregroundRed = 0x4 + foregroundIntensity = 0x8 + foregroundMask = (foregroundRed | foregroundBlue | foregroundGreen | foregroundIntensity) + backgroundBlue = 0x10 + backgroundGreen = 0x20 + backgroundRed = 0x40 + backgroundIntensity = 0x80 + backgroundMask = (backgroundRed | backgroundBlue | backgroundGreen | backgroundIntensity) +) + +type wchar uint16 +type short int16 +type dword uint32 +type word uint16 + +type coord struct { + x short + y short +} + +type smallRect struct { + left short + top short + right short + bottom short +} + +type consoleScreenBufferInfo struct { + size coord + cursorPosition coord + attributes word + window smallRect + maximumWindowSize coord +} + +type writer struct { + out io.Writer + handle syscall.Handle + lastbuf bytes.Buffer + oldattr word +} + +func newColorable(file *os.File) io.Writer { + if file == nil { + panic("nil passed instead of *os.File to NewColorable()") + } + + if isTerminal(file.Fd()) { + var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo + handle := syscall.Handle(file.Fd()) + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + return &writer{out: file, handle: handle, oldattr: csbi.attributes} + } else { + return file + } +} + +var color256 = map[int]int{ + 0: 0x000000, + 1: 0x800000, + 2: 0x008000, + 3: 0x808000, + 4: 0x000080, + 5: 0x800080, + 6: 0x008080, + 7: 0xc0c0c0, + 8: 0x808080, + 9: 0xff0000, + 10: 0x00ff00, + 11: 0xffff00, + 12: 0x0000ff, + 13: 0xff00ff, + 14: 0x00ffff, + 15: 0xffffff, + 16: 0x000000, + 17: 0x00005f, + 18: 0x000087, + 19: 0x0000af, + 20: 0x0000d7, + 21: 0x0000ff, + 22: 0x005f00, + 23: 0x005f5f, + 24: 0x005f87, + 25: 0x005faf, + 26: 0x005fd7, + 27: 0x005fff, + 28: 0x008700, + 29: 0x00875f, + 30: 0x008787, + 31: 0x0087af, + 32: 0x0087d7, + 33: 0x0087ff, + 34: 0x00af00, + 35: 0x00af5f, + 36: 0x00af87, + 37: 0x00afaf, + 38: 0x00afd7, + 39: 0x00afff, + 40: 0x00d700, + 41: 0x00d75f, + 42: 0x00d787, + 43: 0x00d7af, + 44: 0x00d7d7, + 45: 0x00d7ff, + 46: 0x00ff00, + 47: 0x00ff5f, + 48: 0x00ff87, + 49: 0x00ffaf, + 50: 0x00ffd7, + 51: 0x00ffff, + 52: 0x5f0000, + 53: 0x5f005f, + 54: 0x5f0087, + 55: 0x5f00af, + 56: 0x5f00d7, + 57: 0x5f00ff, + 58: 0x5f5f00, + 59: 0x5f5f5f, + 60: 0x5f5f87, + 61: 0x5f5faf, + 62: 0x5f5fd7, + 63: 0x5f5fff, + 64: 0x5f8700, + 65: 0x5f875f, + 66: 0x5f8787, + 67: 0x5f87af, + 68: 0x5f87d7, + 69: 0x5f87ff, + 70: 0x5faf00, + 71: 0x5faf5f, + 72: 0x5faf87, + 73: 0x5fafaf, + 74: 0x5fafd7, + 75: 0x5fafff, + 76: 0x5fd700, + 77: 0x5fd75f, + 78: 0x5fd787, + 79: 0x5fd7af, + 80: 0x5fd7d7, + 81: 0x5fd7ff, + 82: 0x5fff00, + 83: 0x5fff5f, + 84: 0x5fff87, + 85: 0x5fffaf, + 86: 0x5fffd7, + 87: 0x5fffff, + 88: 0x870000, + 89: 0x87005f, + 90: 0x870087, + 91: 0x8700af, + 92: 0x8700d7, + 93: 0x8700ff, + 94: 0x875f00, + 95: 0x875f5f, + 96: 0x875f87, + 97: 0x875faf, + 98: 0x875fd7, + 99: 0x875fff, + 100: 0x878700, + 101: 0x87875f, + 102: 0x878787, + 103: 0x8787af, + 104: 0x8787d7, + 105: 0x8787ff, + 106: 0x87af00, + 107: 0x87af5f, + 108: 0x87af87, + 109: 0x87afaf, + 110: 0x87afd7, + 111: 0x87afff, + 112: 0x87d700, + 113: 0x87d75f, + 114: 0x87d787, + 115: 0x87d7af, + 116: 0x87d7d7, + 117: 0x87d7ff, + 118: 0x87ff00, + 119: 0x87ff5f, + 120: 0x87ff87, + 121: 0x87ffaf, + 122: 0x87ffd7, + 123: 0x87ffff, + 124: 0xaf0000, + 125: 0xaf005f, + 126: 0xaf0087, + 127: 0xaf00af, + 128: 0xaf00d7, + 129: 0xaf00ff, + 130: 0xaf5f00, + 131: 0xaf5f5f, + 132: 0xaf5f87, + 133: 0xaf5faf, + 134: 0xaf5fd7, + 135: 0xaf5fff, + 136: 0xaf8700, + 137: 0xaf875f, + 138: 0xaf8787, + 139: 0xaf87af, + 140: 0xaf87d7, + 141: 0xaf87ff, + 142: 0xafaf00, + 143: 0xafaf5f, + 144: 0xafaf87, + 145: 0xafafaf, + 146: 0xafafd7, + 147: 0xafafff, + 148: 0xafd700, + 149: 0xafd75f, + 150: 0xafd787, + 151: 0xafd7af, + 152: 0xafd7d7, + 153: 0xafd7ff, + 154: 0xafff00, + 155: 0xafff5f, + 156: 0xafff87, + 157: 0xafffaf, + 158: 0xafffd7, + 159: 0xafffff, + 160: 0xd70000, + 161: 0xd7005f, + 162: 0xd70087, + 163: 0xd700af, + 164: 0xd700d7, + 165: 0xd700ff, + 166: 0xd75f00, + 167: 0xd75f5f, + 168: 0xd75f87, + 169: 0xd75faf, + 170: 0xd75fd7, + 171: 0xd75fff, + 172: 0xd78700, + 173: 0xd7875f, + 174: 0xd78787, + 175: 0xd787af, + 176: 0xd787d7, + 177: 0xd787ff, + 178: 0xd7af00, + 179: 0xd7af5f, + 180: 0xd7af87, + 181: 0xd7afaf, + 182: 0xd7afd7, + 183: 0xd7afff, + 184: 0xd7d700, + 185: 0xd7d75f, + 186: 0xd7d787, + 187: 0xd7d7af, + 188: 0xd7d7d7, + 189: 0xd7d7ff, + 190: 0xd7ff00, + 191: 0xd7ff5f, + 192: 0xd7ff87, + 193: 0xd7ffaf, + 194: 0xd7ffd7, + 195: 0xd7ffff, + 196: 0xff0000, + 197: 0xff005f, + 198: 0xff0087, + 199: 0xff00af, + 200: 0xff00d7, + 201: 0xff00ff, + 202: 0xff5f00, + 203: 0xff5f5f, + 204: 0xff5f87, + 205: 0xff5faf, + 206: 0xff5fd7, + 207: 0xff5fff, + 208: 0xff8700, + 209: 0xff875f, + 210: 0xff8787, + 211: 0xff87af, + 212: 0xff87d7, + 213: 0xff87ff, + 214: 0xffaf00, + 215: 0xffaf5f, + 216: 0xffaf87, + 217: 0xffafaf, + 218: 0xffafd7, + 219: 0xffafff, + 220: 0xffd700, + 221: 0xffd75f, + 222: 0xffd787, + 223: 0xffd7af, + 224: 0xffd7d7, + 225: 0xffd7ff, + 226: 0xffff00, + 227: 0xffff5f, + 228: 0xffff87, + 229: 0xffffaf, + 230: 0xffffd7, + 231: 0xffffff, + 232: 0x080808, + 233: 0x121212, + 234: 0x1c1c1c, + 235: 0x262626, + 236: 0x303030, + 237: 0x3a3a3a, + 238: 0x444444, + 239: 0x4e4e4e, + 240: 0x585858, + 241: 0x626262, + 242: 0x6c6c6c, + 243: 0x767676, + 244: 0x808080, + 245: 0x8a8a8a, + 246: 0x949494, + 247: 0x9e9e9e, + 248: 0xa8a8a8, + 249: 0xb2b2b2, + 250: 0xbcbcbc, + 251: 0xc6c6c6, + 252: 0xd0d0d0, + 253: 0xdadada, + 254: 0xe4e4e4, + 255: 0xeeeeee, +} + +func (w *writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { + var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + + er := bytes.NewBuffer(data) +loop: + for { + r1, _, err := procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + if r1 == 0 { + break loop + } + + c1, _, err := er.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + break loop + } + if c1 != 0x1b { + fmt.Fprint(w.out, string(c1)) + continue + } + c2, _, err := er.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + w.lastbuf.WriteRune(c1) + break loop + } + if c2 != 0x5b { + w.lastbuf.WriteRune(c1) + w.lastbuf.WriteRune(c2) + continue + } + + var buf bytes.Buffer + var m rune + for { + c, _, err := er.ReadRune() + if err != nil { + w.lastbuf.WriteRune(c1) + w.lastbuf.WriteRune(c2) + w.lastbuf.Write(buf.Bytes()) + break loop + } + if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '@' { + m = c + break + } + buf.Write([]byte(string(c))) + } + + var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo + switch m { + case 'A': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.y -= short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'B': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.y += short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'C': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.x -= short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'D': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + if n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()); err == nil { + var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.x += short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + } + case 'E': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.x = 0 + csbi.cursorPosition.y += short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'F': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.x = 0 + csbi.cursorPosition.y -= short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'G': + n, err = strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) + csbi.cursorPosition.x = short(n) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'H': + token := strings.Split(buf.String(), ";") + if len(token) != 2 { + continue + } + n1, err := strconv.Atoi(token[0]) + if err != nil { + continue + } + n2, err := strconv.Atoi(token[1]) + if err != nil { + continue + } + csbi.cursorPosition.x = short(n2) + csbi.cursorPosition.x = short(n1) + procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(uintptr(w.handle), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi.cursorPosition))) + case 'J': + n, err := strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + var cursor coord + switch n { + case 0: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.cursorPosition.x, y: csbi.cursorPosition.y} + case 1: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.window.left, y: csbi.window.top} + case 2: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.window.left, y: csbi.window.top} + } + var count, written dword + count = dword(csbi.size.x - csbi.cursorPosition.x + (csbi.size.y-csbi.cursorPosition.y)*csbi.size.x) + procFillConsoleOutputCharacter.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(' '), uintptr(count), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&cursor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written))) + procFillConsoleOutputAttribute.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(csbi.attributes), uintptr(count), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&cursor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written))) + case 'K': + n, err := strconv.Atoi(buf.String()) + if err != nil { + continue + } + var cursor coord + switch n { + case 0: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.cursorPosition.x, y: csbi.cursorPosition.y} + case 1: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.window.left, y: csbi.window.top + csbi.cursorPosition.y} + case 2: + cursor = coord{x: csbi.window.left, y: csbi.window.top + csbi.cursorPosition.y} + } + var count, written dword + count = dword(csbi.size.x - csbi.cursorPosition.x) + procFillConsoleOutputCharacter.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(' '), uintptr(count), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&cursor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written))) + procFillConsoleOutputAttribute.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(csbi.attributes), uintptr(count), *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&cursor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&written))) + case 'm': + attr := csbi.attributes + cs := buf.String() + if cs == "" { + procSetConsoleTextAttribute.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(w.oldattr)) + continue + } + token := strings.Split(cs, ";") + for i := 0; i < len(token); i += 1 { + ns := token[i] + if n, err = strconv.Atoi(ns); err == nil { + switch { + case n == 0 || n == 100: + attr = w.oldattr + case 1 <= n && n <= 5: + attr |= foregroundIntensity + case n == 7: + attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) + case 22 == n || n == 25 || n == 25: + attr |= foregroundIntensity + case n == 27: + attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) + case 30 <= n && n <= 37: + attr = (attr & backgroundMask) + if (n-30)&1 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundRed + } + if (n-30)&2 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundGreen + } + if (n-30)&4 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundBlue + } + case n == 38: // set foreground color. + if i < len(token)-2 && (token[i+1] == "5" || token[i+1] == "05") { + if n256, err := strconv.Atoi(token[i+2]); err == nil { + if n256foreAttr == nil { + n256setup() + } + attr &= backgroundMask + attr |= n256foreAttr[n256] + i += 2 + } + } else { + attr = attr & (w.oldattr & backgroundMask) + } + case n == 39: // reset foreground color. + attr &= backgroundMask + attr |= w.oldattr & foregroundMask + case 40 <= n && n <= 47: + attr = (attr & foregroundMask) + if (n-40)&1 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundRed + } + if (n-40)&2 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundGreen + } + if (n-40)&4 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundBlue + } + case n == 48: // set background color. + if i < len(token)-2 && token[i+1] == "5" { + if n256, err := strconv.Atoi(token[i+2]); err == nil { + if n256backAttr == nil { + n256setup() + } + attr &= foregroundMask + attr |= n256backAttr[n256] + i += 2 + } + } else { + attr = attr & (w.oldattr & foregroundMask) + } + case n == 49: // reset foreground color. + attr &= foregroundMask + attr |= w.oldattr & backgroundMask + case 90 <= n && n <= 97: + attr = (attr & backgroundMask) + attr |= foregroundIntensity + if (n-90)&1 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundRed + } + if (n-90)&2 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundGreen + } + if (n-90)&4 != 0 { + attr |= foregroundBlue + } + case 100 <= n && n <= 107: + attr = (attr & foregroundMask) + attr |= backgroundIntensity + if (n-100)&1 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundRed + } + if (n-100)&2 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundGreen + } + if (n-100)&4 != 0 { + attr |= backgroundBlue + } + } + procSetConsoleTextAttribute.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(attr)) + } + } + } + } + return len(data) - w.lastbuf.Len(), nil +} + +type consoleColor struct { + rgb int + red bool + green bool + blue bool + intensity bool +} + +func (c consoleColor) foregroundAttr() (attr word) { + if c.red { + attr |= foregroundRed + } + if c.green { + attr |= foregroundGreen + } + if c.blue { + attr |= foregroundBlue + } + if c.intensity { + attr |= foregroundIntensity + } + return +} + +func (c consoleColor) backgroundAttr() (attr word) { + if c.red { + attr |= backgroundRed + } + if c.green { + attr |= backgroundGreen + } + if c.blue { + attr |= backgroundBlue + } + if c.intensity { + attr |= backgroundIntensity + } + return +} + +var color16 = []consoleColor{ + consoleColor{0x000000, false, false, false, false}, + consoleColor{0x000080, false, false, true, false}, + consoleColor{0x008000, false, true, false, false}, + consoleColor{0x008080, false, true, true, false}, + consoleColor{0x800000, true, false, false, false}, + consoleColor{0x800080, true, false, true, false}, + consoleColor{0x808000, true, true, false, false}, + consoleColor{0xc0c0c0, true, true, true, false}, + consoleColor{0x808080, false, false, false, true}, + consoleColor{0x0000ff, false, false, true, true}, + consoleColor{0x00ff00, false, true, false, true}, + consoleColor{0x00ffff, false, true, true, true}, + consoleColor{0xff0000, true, false, false, true}, + consoleColor{0xff00ff, true, false, true, true}, + consoleColor{0xffff00, true, true, false, true}, + consoleColor{0xffffff, true, true, true, true}, +} + +type hsv struct { + h, s, v float32 +} + +func (a hsv) dist(b hsv) float32 { + dh := a.h - b.h + switch { + case dh > 0.5: + dh = 1 - dh + case dh < -0.5: + dh = -1 - dh + } + ds := a.s - b.s + dv := a.v - b.v + return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(dh*dh + ds*ds + dv*dv))) +} + +func toHSV(rgb int) hsv { + r, g, b := float32((rgb&0xFF0000)>>16)/256.0, + float32((rgb&0x00FF00)>>8)/256.0, + float32(rgb&0x0000FF)/256.0 + min, max := minmax3f(r, g, b) + h := max - min + if h > 0 { + if max == r { + h = (g - b) / h + if h < 0 { + h += 6 + } + } else if max == g { + h = 2 + (b-r)/h + } else { + h = 4 + (r-g)/h + } + } + h /= 6.0 + s := max - min + if max != 0 { + s /= max + } + v := max + return hsv{h: h, s: s, v: v} +} + +type hsvTable []hsv + +func toHSVTable(rgbTable []consoleColor) hsvTable { + t := make(hsvTable, len(rgbTable)) + for i, c := range rgbTable { + t[i] = toHSV(c.rgb) + } + return t +} + +func (t hsvTable) find(rgb int) consoleColor { + hsv := toHSV(rgb) + n := 7 + l := float32(5.0) + for i, p := range t { + d := hsv.dist(p) + if d < l { + l, n = d, i + } + } + return color16[n] +} + +func minmax3f(a, b, c float32) (min, max float32) { + if a < b { + if b < c { + return a, c + } else if a < c { + return a, b + } else { + return c, b + } + } else { + if a < c { + return b, c + } else if b < c { + return b, a + } else { + return c, a + } + } +} + +var n256foreAttr []word +var n256backAttr []word + +func n256setup() { + n256foreAttr = make([]word, 256) + n256backAttr = make([]word, 256) + t := toHSVTable(color16) + for i, rgb := range color256 { + c := t.find(rgb) + n256foreAttr[i] = c.foregroundAttr() + n256backAttr[i] = c.backgroundAttr() + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/formatter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/formatter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..43b16211d8d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter/formatter.go @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +package formatter + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +// ColorableStdOut and ColorableStdErr enable color output support on Windows +var ColorableStdOut = newColorable(os.Stdout) +var ColorableStdErr = newColorable(os.Stderr) + +const COLS = 80 + +type ColorMode uint8 + +const ( + ColorModeNone ColorMode = iota + ColorModeTerminal + ColorModePassthrough +) + +var SingletonFormatter = New(ColorModeTerminal) + +func F(format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return SingletonFormatter.F(format, args...) +} + +func Fi(indentation uint, format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return SingletonFormatter.Fi(indentation, format, args...) +} + +func Fiw(indentation uint, maxWidth uint, format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return SingletonFormatter.Fiw(indentation, maxWidth, format, args...) +} + +type Formatter struct { + ColorMode ColorMode + colors map[string]string + styleRe *regexp.Regexp + preserveColorStylingTags bool +} + +func NewWithNoColorBool(noColor bool) Formatter { + if noColor { + return New(ColorModeNone) + } + return New(ColorModeTerminal) +} + +func New(colorMode ColorMode) Formatter { + f := Formatter{ + ColorMode: colorMode, + colors: map[string]string{ + "/": "\x1b[0m", + "bold": "\x1b[1m", + "underline": "\x1b[4m", + + "red": "\x1b[38;5;9m", + "orange": "\x1b[38;5;214m", + "coral": "\x1b[38;5;204m", + "magenta": "\x1b[38;5;13m", + "green": "\x1b[38;5;10m", + "dark-green": "\x1b[38;5;28m", + "yellow": "\x1b[38;5;11m", + "light-yellow": "\x1b[38;5;228m", + "cyan": "\x1b[38;5;14m", + "gray": "\x1b[38;5;243m", + "light-gray": "\x1b[38;5;246m", + "blue": "\x1b[38;5;12m", + }, + } + colors := []string{} + for color := range f.colors { + colors = append(colors, color) + } + f.styleRe = regexp.MustCompile("{{(" + strings.Join(colors, "|") + ")}}") + return f +} + +func (f Formatter) F(format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return f.Fi(0, format, args...) +} + +func (f Formatter) Fi(indentation uint, format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return f.Fiw(indentation, 0, format, args...) +} + +func (f Formatter) Fiw(indentation uint, maxWidth uint, format string, args ...interface{}) string { + out := fmt.Sprintf(f.style(format), args...) + + if indentation == 0 && maxWidth == 0 { + return out + } + + lines := strings.Split(out, "\n") + + if maxWidth != 0 { + outLines := []string{} + + maxWidth = maxWidth - indentation*2 + for _, line := range lines { + if f.length(line) <= maxWidth { + outLines = append(outLines, line) + continue + } + words := strings.Split(line, " ") + outWords := []string{words[0]} + length := uint(f.length(words[0])) + for _, word := range words[1:] { + wordLength := f.length(word) + if length+wordLength+1 <= maxWidth { + length += wordLength + 1 + outWords = append(outWords, word) + continue + } + outLines = append(outLines, strings.Join(outWords, " ")) + outWords = []string{word} + length = wordLength + } + if len(outWords) > 0 { + outLines = append(outLines, strings.Join(outWords, " ")) + } + } + + lines = outLines + } + + if indentation == 0 { + return strings.Join(lines, "\n") + } + + padding := strings.Repeat(" ", int(indentation)) + for i := range lines { + if lines[i] != "" { + lines[i] = padding + lines[i] + } + } + + return strings.Join(lines, "\n") +} + +func (f Formatter) length(styled string) uint { + n := uint(0) + inStyle := false + for _, b := range styled { + if inStyle { + if b == 'm' { + inStyle = false + } + continue + } + if b == '\x1b' { + inStyle = true + continue + } + n += 1 + } + return n +} + +func (f Formatter) CycleJoin(elements []string, joiner string, cycle []string) string { + if len(elements) == 0 { + return "" + } + n := len(cycle) + out := "" + for i, text := range elements { + out += cycle[i%n] + text + if i < len(elements)-1 { + out += joiner + } + } + out += "{{/}}" + return f.style(out) +} + +func (f Formatter) style(s string) string { + switch f.ColorMode { + case ColorModeNone: + return f.styleRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "") + case ColorModePassthrough: + return s + case ColorModeTerminal: + return f.styleRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(match string) string { + if out, ok := f.colors[strings.Trim(match, "{}")]; ok { + return out + } + return match + }) + } + + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo_t_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo_t_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1beeb114461 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo_t_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package ginkgo + +import "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/testingtproxy" + +/* +GinkgoT() implements an interface analogous to *testing.T and can be used with +third-party libraries that accept *testing.T through an interface. + +GinkgoT() takes an optional offset argument that can be used to get the +correct line number associated with the failure. + +You can learn more here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#using-third-party-libraries +*/ +func GinkgoT(optionalOffset ...int) GinkgoTInterface { + offset := 3 + if len(optionalOffset) > 0 { + offset = optionalOffset[0] + } + return testingtproxy.New(GinkgoWriter, Fail, Skip, DeferCleanup, CurrentSpecReport, offset) +} + +/* +The interface returned by GinkgoT(). This covers most of the methods in the testing package's T. +*/ +type GinkgoTInterface interface { + Cleanup(func()) + Setenv(kev, value string) + Error(args ...interface{}) + Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) + Fail() + FailNow() + Failed() bool + Fatal(args ...interface{}) + Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) + Helper() + Log(args ...interface{}) + Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) + Name() string + Parallel() + Skip(args ...interface{}) + SkipNow() + Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) + Skipped() bool + TempDir() string +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/counter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/counter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..712d85afb0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/counter.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +package internal + +func MakeIncrementingIndexCounter() func() (int, error) { + idx := -1 + return func() (int, error) { + idx += 1 + return idx, nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/failer.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/failer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e9bd9565fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/failer.go @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "fmt" + "sync" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type Failer struct { + lock *sync.Mutex + failure types.Failure + state types.SpecState +} + +func NewFailer() *Failer { + return &Failer{ + lock: &sync.Mutex{}, + state: types.SpecStatePassed, + } +} + +func (f *Failer) GetState() types.SpecState { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + return f.state +} + +func (f *Failer) GetFailure() types.Failure { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + return f.failure +} + +func (f *Failer) Panic(location types.CodeLocation, forwardedPanic interface{}) { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + + if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed { + f.state = types.SpecStatePanicked + f.failure = types.Failure{ + Message: "Test Panicked", + Location: location, + ForwardedPanic: fmt.Sprintf("%v", forwardedPanic), + } + } +} + +func (f *Failer) Fail(message string, location types.CodeLocation) { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + + if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed { + f.state = types.SpecStateFailed + f.failure = types.Failure{ + Message: message, + Location: location, + } + } +} + +func (f *Failer) Skip(message string, location types.CodeLocation) { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + + if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed { + f.state = types.SpecStateSkipped + f.failure = types.Failure{ + Message: message, + Location: location, + } + } +} + +func (f *Failer) AbortSuite(message string, location types.CodeLocation) { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + + if f.state == types.SpecStatePassed { + f.state = types.SpecStateAborted + f.failure = types.Failure{ + Message: message, + Location: location, + } + } +} + +func (f *Failer) Drain() (types.SpecState, types.Failure) { + f.lock.Lock() + defer f.lock.Unlock() + + failure := f.failure + outcome := f.state + + f.state = types.SpecStatePassed + f.failure = types.Failure{} + + return outcome, failure +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/focus.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/focus.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..966ea0c1a27 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/focus.go @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "regexp" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +/* + If a container marked as focus has a descendant that is also marked as focus, Ginkgo's policy is to + unmark the container's focus. This gives developers a more intuitive experience when debugging specs. + It is common to focus a container to just run a subset of specs, then identify the specific specs within the container to focus - + this policy allows the developer to simply focus those specific specs and not need to go back and turn the focus off of the container: + + As a common example, consider: + + FDescribe("something to debug", function() { + It("works", function() {...}) + It("works", function() {...}) + FIt("doesn't work", function() {...}) + It("works", function() {...}) + }) + + here the developer's intent is to focus in on the `"doesn't work"` spec and not to run the adjacent specs in the focused `"something to debug"`Β container. + The nested policy applied by this function enables this behavior. +*/ +func ApplyNestedFocusPolicyToTree(tree *TreeNode) { + var walkTree func(tree *TreeNode) bool + walkTree = func(tree *TreeNode) bool { + if tree.Node.MarkedPending { + return false + } + hasFocusedDescendant := false + for _, child := range tree.Children { + childHasFocus := walkTree(child) + hasFocusedDescendant = hasFocusedDescendant || childHasFocus + } + tree.Node.MarkedFocus = tree.Node.MarkedFocus && !hasFocusedDescendant + return tree.Node.MarkedFocus || hasFocusedDescendant + } + + walkTree(tree) +} + +/* + Ginkgo supports focussing specs using `FIt`, `FDescribe`, etc. - this is called "programmatic focus" + It also supports focussing specs using regular expressions on the command line (`-focus=`, `-skip=`) that match against spec text + and file filters (`-focus-files=`, `-skip-files=`) that match against code locations for nodes in specs. + + If any of the CLI flags are provided they take precedence. The file filters run first followed by the regex filters. + + This function sets the `Skip` property on specs by applying Ginkgo's focus policy: + - If there are no CLI arguments and no programmatic focus, do nothing. + - If there are no CLI arguments but a spec somewhere has programmatic focus, skip any specs that have no programmatic focus. + - If there are CLI arguments parse them and skip any specs that either don't match the focus filters or do match the skip filters. + + *Note:* specs with pending nodes are Skipped when created by NewSpec. +*/ +func ApplyFocusToSpecs(specs Specs, description string, suiteLabels Labels, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (Specs, bool) { + focusString := strings.Join(suiteConfig.FocusStrings, "|") + skipString := strings.Join(suiteConfig.SkipStrings, "|") + + hasFocusCLIFlags := focusString != "" || skipString != "" || len(suiteConfig.SkipFiles) > 0 || len(suiteConfig.FocusFiles) > 0 || suiteConfig.LabelFilter != "" + + type SkipCheck func(spec Spec) bool + + // by default, skip any specs marked pending + skipChecks := []SkipCheck{func(spec Spec) bool { return spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() }} + hasProgrammaticFocus := false + + if !hasFocusCLIFlags { + // check for programmatic focus + for _, spec := range specs { + if spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedFocus() && !spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() { + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { return !spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedFocus() }) + hasProgrammaticFocus = true + break + } + } + } + + if suiteConfig.LabelFilter != "" { + labelFilter, _ := types.ParseLabelFilter(suiteConfig.LabelFilter) + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { + return !labelFilter(UnionOfLabels(suiteLabels, spec.Nodes.UnionOfLabels())) + }) + } + + if len(suiteConfig.FocusFiles) > 0 { + focusFilters, _ := types.ParseFileFilters(suiteConfig.FocusFiles) + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { return !focusFilters.Matches(spec.Nodes.CodeLocations()) }) + } + + if len(suiteConfig.SkipFiles) > 0 { + skipFilters, _ := types.ParseFileFilters(suiteConfig.SkipFiles) + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { return skipFilters.Matches(spec.Nodes.CodeLocations()) }) + } + + if focusString != "" { + // skip specs that don't match the focus string + re := regexp.MustCompile(focusString) + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { return !re.MatchString(description + " " + spec.Text()) }) + } + + if skipString != "" { + // skip specs that match the skip string + re := regexp.MustCompile(skipString) + skipChecks = append(skipChecks, func(spec Spec) bool { return re.MatchString(description + " " + spec.Text()) }) + } + + // skip specs if shouldSkip() is true. note that we do nothing if shouldSkip() is false to avoid overwriting skip status established by the node's pending status + processedSpecs := Specs{} + for _, spec := range specs { + for _, skipCheck := range skipChecks { + if skipCheck(spec) { + spec.Skip = true + break + } + } + processedSpecs = append(processedSpecs, spec) + } + + return processedSpecs, hasProgrammaticFocus +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global/init.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global/init.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f2c0fd89c0d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global/init.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package global + +import ( + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" +) + +var Suite *internal.Suite +var Failer *internal.Failer + +func init() { + InitializeGlobals() +} + +func InitializeGlobals() { + Failer = internal.NewFailer() + Suite = internal.NewSuite() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/group.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/group.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c6546bba4cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/group.go @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type runOncePair struct { + //nodeId should only run once... + nodeID uint + nodeType types.NodeType + //...for specs in a hierarchy that includes this context + containerID uint +} + +func (pair runOncePair) isZero() bool { + return pair.nodeID == 0 +} + +func runOncePairForNode(node Node, containerID uint) runOncePair { + return runOncePair{ + nodeID: node.ID, + nodeType: node.NodeType, + containerID: containerID, + } +} + +type runOncePairs []runOncePair + +func runOncePairsForSpec(spec Spec) runOncePairs { + pairs := runOncePairs{} + + containers := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer) + for _, node := range spec.Nodes { + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeAfterAll) { + pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, containers.FirstWithNestingLevel(node.NestingLevel-1).ID)) + } else if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeAfterEach|types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach) && node.MarkedOncePerOrdered { + passedIntoAnOrderedContainer := false + firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode := containers.FirstSatisfying(func(container Node) bool { + passedIntoAnOrderedContainer = passedIntoAnOrderedContainer || container.MarkedOrdered + return container.NestingLevel >= node.NestingLevel && passedIntoAnOrderedContainer + }) + if firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.IsZero() { + continue + } + pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.ID)) + } + } + + return pairs +} + +func (pairs runOncePairs) runOncePairFor(nodeID uint) runOncePair { + for i := range pairs { + if pairs[i].nodeID == nodeID { + return pairs[i] + } + } + return runOncePair{} +} + +func (pairs runOncePairs) hasRunOncePair(pair runOncePair) bool { + for i := range pairs { + if pairs[i] == pair { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (pairs runOncePairs) withType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) runOncePairs { + count := 0 + for i := range pairs { + if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + count++ + } + } + + out, j := make(runOncePairs, count), 0 + for i := range pairs { + if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + out[j] = pairs[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +type group struct { + suite *Suite + specs Specs + runOncePairs map[uint]runOncePairs + runOnceTracker map[runOncePair]types.SpecState + + succeeded bool +} + +func newGroup(suite *Suite) *group { + return &group{ + suite: suite, + runOncePairs: map[uint]runOncePairs{}, + runOnceTracker: map[runOncePair]types.SpecState{}, + succeeded: true, + } +} + +func (g *group) initialReportForSpec(spec Spec) types.SpecReport { + return types.SpecReport{ + ContainerHierarchyTexts: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Texts(), + ContainerHierarchyLocations: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).CodeLocations(), + ContainerHierarchyLabels: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Labels(), + LeafNodeLocation: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).CodeLocation, + LeafNodeType: types.NodeTypeIt, + LeafNodeText: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Text, + LeafNodeLabels: []string(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Labels), + ParallelProcess: g.suite.config.ParallelProcess, + IsSerial: spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedSerial(), + IsInOrderedContainer: !spec.Nodes.FirstNodeMarkedOrdered().IsZero(), + } +} + +func (g *group) evaluateSkipStatus(spec Spec) (types.SpecState, types.Failure) { + if spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() { + return types.SpecStatePending, types.Failure{} + } + if spec.Skip { + return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{} + } + if g.suite.interruptHandler.Status().Interrupted || g.suite.skipAll { + return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{} + } + if !g.succeeded { + return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt), + "Spec skipped because an earlier spec in an ordered container failed") + } + beforeOncePairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()].withType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeBeforeEach | types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach) + for _, pair := range beforeOncePairs { + if g.runOnceTracker[pair].Is(types.SpecStateSkipped) { + return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt), + fmt.Sprintf("Spec skipped because Skip() was called in %s", pair.nodeType)) + } + } + if g.suite.config.DryRun { + return types.SpecStatePassed, types.Failure{} + } + return g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure +} + +func (g *group) isLastSpecWithPair(specID uint, pair runOncePair) bool { + lastSpecID := uint(0) + for idx := range g.specs { + if g.specs[idx].Skip { + continue + } + sID := g.specs[idx].SubjectID() + if g.runOncePairs[sID].hasRunOncePair(pair) { + lastSpecID = sID + } + } + return lastSpecID == specID +} + +func (g *group) attemptSpec(isFinalAttempt bool, spec Spec) { + interruptStatus := g.suite.interruptHandler.Status() + + pairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()] + + nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll) + nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach)...).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() + nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()...) + nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt)) + terminatingNode, terminatingPair := Node{}, runOncePair{} + + for _, node := range nodes { + oncePair := pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID) + if !oncePair.isZero() && g.runOnceTracker[oncePair].Is(types.SpecStatePassed) { + continue + } + g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.suite.runNode(node, interruptStatus.Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node)) + g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + if !oncePair.isZero() { + g.runOnceTracker[oncePair] = g.suite.currentSpecReport.State + } + if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State != types.SpecStatePassed { + terminatingNode, terminatingPair = node, oncePair + break + } + } + + afterNodeWasRun := map[uint]bool{} + includeDeferCleanups := false + for { + nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterEach) + nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll)...).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() + nodes = append(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel(), nodes...) + if !terminatingNode.IsZero() { + nodes = nodes.WithinNestingLevel(terminatingNode.NestingLevel) + } + if includeDeferCleanups { + nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach).Reverse()...) + nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll).Reverse()...) + } + nodes = nodes.Filter(func(node Node) bool { + if afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] { + //this node has already been run on this attempt, don't rerun it + return false + } + pair := runOncePair{} + switch node.NodeType { + case types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll: + // check if we were generated in an AfterNode that has already run + if afterNodeWasRun[node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated] { + return true // we were, so we should definitely run this cleanup now + } + // looks like this cleanup nodes was generated by a before node or it. + // the run-once status of a cleanup node is governed by the run-once status of its generator + pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated) + default: + pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID) + } + if pair.isZero() { + // this node is not governed by any run-once policy, we should run it + return true + } + // it's our last chance to run if we're the last spec for our oncePair + isLastSpecWithPair := g.isLastSpecWithPair(spec.SubjectID(), pair) + + switch g.suite.currentSpecReport.State { + case types.SpecStatePassed: //this attempt is passing... + return isLastSpecWithPair //...we should run-once if we'this is our last chance + case types.SpecStateSkipped: //the spec was skipped by the user... + if isLastSpecWithPair { + return true //...we're the last spec, so we should run the AfterNode + } + if !terminatingPair.isZero() && terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel { + return true //...or, a run-once node at our nesting level was skipped which means this is our last chance to run + } + case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked: // the spec has failed... + if isFinalAttempt { + return true //...if this was the last attempt then we're the last spec to run and so the AfterNode should run + } + if !terminatingPair.isZero() { // ...and it failed in a run-once. which will be running again + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) { + return terminatingNode.ID == node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated // we should run this node if we're a clean-up generated by it + } else { + return terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel // ...or if we're at the same nesting level + } + } + case types.SpecStateInterrupted, types.SpecStateAborted: // ...we've been interrupted and/or aborted + return true //...that means the test run is over and we should clean up the stack. Run the AfterNode + } + return false + }) + + if len(nodes) == 0 && includeDeferCleanups { + break + } + + for _, node := range nodes { + afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] = true + state, failure := g.suite.runNode(node, g.suite.interruptHandler.Status().Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node)) + g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State == types.SpecStatePassed || state == types.SpecStateAborted { + g.suite.currentSpecReport.State = state + g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = failure + } + } + includeDeferCleanups = true + } + +} + +func (g *group) run(specs Specs) { + g.specs = specs + for _, spec := range g.specs { + g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()] = runOncePairsForSpec(spec) + } + + for _, spec := range g.specs { + g.suite.currentSpecReport = g.initialReportForSpec(spec) + g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.evaluateSkipStatus(spec) + g.suite.reporter.WillRun(g.suite.currentSpecReport) + g.suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach) + + skip := g.suite.config.DryRun || g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates|types.SpecStateSkipped|types.SpecStatePending) + + g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now() + if !skip { + maxAttempts := max(1, spec.FlakeAttempts()) + if g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts > 0 { + maxAttempts = g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts + } + for attempt := 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++ { + g.suite.currentSpecReport.NumAttempts = attempt + 1 + g.suite.writer.Truncate() + g.suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + if attempt > 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(g.suite.writer, "\nGinkgo: Attempt #%d Failed. Retrying...\n", attempt) + } + + g.attemptSpec(attempt == maxAttempts-1, spec) + + g.suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime = time.Now() + g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = g.suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime.Sub(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + g.suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput += string(g.suite.writer.Bytes()) + g.suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += g.suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + + if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed | types.SpecStateSkipped | types.SpecStateAborted | types.SpecStateInterrupted) { + break + } + } + } + + g.suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach) + g.suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) { + g.succeeded = false + } + g.suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{} + } +} + +func (g *group) oldRun(specs Specs) { + var suite = g.suite + nodeState := map[uint]types.SpecState{} + groupSucceeded := true + + indexOfLastSpecContainingNodeID := func(id uint) int { + lastIdx := -1 + for idx := range specs { + if specs[idx].Nodes.ContainsNodeID(id) && !specs[idx].Skip { + lastIdx = idx + } + } + return lastIdx + } + + for i, spec := range specs { + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{ + ContainerHierarchyTexts: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Texts(), + ContainerHierarchyLocations: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).CodeLocations(), + ContainerHierarchyLabels: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Labels(), + LeafNodeLocation: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).CodeLocation, + LeafNodeType: types.NodeTypeIt, + LeafNodeText: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Text, + LeafNodeLabels: []string(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Labels), + ParallelProcess: suite.config.ParallelProcess, + IsSerial: spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedSerial(), + IsInOrderedContainer: !spec.Nodes.FirstNodeMarkedOrdered().IsZero(), + } + + skip := spec.Skip + if spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() { + skip = true + suite.currentSpecReport.State = types.SpecStatePending + } else { + if suite.interruptHandler.Status().Interrupted || suite.skipAll { + skip = true + } + if !groupSucceeded { + skip = true + suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt), + "Spec skipped because an earlier spec in an ordered container failed") + } + for _, node := range spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll) { + if nodeState[node.ID] == types.SpecStateSkipped { + skip = true + suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt), + "Spec skipped because Skip() was called in BeforeAll") + break + } + } + if skip { + suite.currentSpecReport.State = types.SpecStateSkipped + } + } + + if suite.config.DryRun && !skip { + skip = true + suite.currentSpecReport.State = types.SpecStatePassed + } + + suite.reporter.WillRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + //send the spec report to any attached ReportBeforeEach blocks - this will update suite.currentSpecReport if failures occur in these blocks + suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach) + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) { + //the reportEach failed, skip this spec + skip = true + } + + suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now() + maxAttempts := max(1, spec.FlakeAttempts()) + if suite.config.FlakeAttempts > 0 { + maxAttempts = suite.config.FlakeAttempts + } + + for attempt := 0; !skip && (attempt < maxAttempts); attempt++ { + suite.currentSpecReport.NumAttempts = attempt + 1 + suite.writer.Truncate() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + if attempt > 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(suite.writer, "\nGinkgo: Attempt #%d Failed. Retrying...\n", attempt) + } + isFinalAttempt := (attempt == maxAttempts-1) + + interruptStatus := suite.interruptHandler.Status() + deepestNestingLevelAttained := -1 + var nodes = spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll).Filter(func(n Node) bool { + return nodeState[n.ID] != types.SpecStatePassed + }) + nodes = nodes.CopyAppend(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach)...).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() + nodes = nodes.CopyAppend(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()...) + nodes = nodes.CopyAppend(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeIt)...) + + var terminatingNode Node + for j := range nodes { + deepestNestingLevelAttained = max(deepestNestingLevelAttained, nodes[j].NestingLevel) + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(nodes[j], interruptStatus.Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(nodes[j])) + suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + nodeState[nodes[j].ID] = suite.currentSpecReport.State + if suite.currentSpecReport.State != types.SpecStatePassed { + terminatingNode = nodes[j] + break + } + } + + afterAllNodesThatRan := map[uint]bool{} + // pull out some shared code so we aren't repeating ourselves down below. this just runs after and cleanup nodes + runAfterAndCleanupNodes := func(nodes Nodes) { + for j := range nodes { + state, failure := suite.runNode(nodes[j], suite.interruptHandler.Status().Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(nodes[j])) + suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + nodeState[nodes[j].ID] = state + if suite.currentSpecReport.State == types.SpecStatePassed || state == types.SpecStateAborted { + suite.currentSpecReport.State = state + suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = failure + if state != types.SpecStatePassed { + terminatingNode = nodes[j] + } + } + if nodes[j].NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeAfterAll) { + afterAllNodesThatRan[nodes[j].ID] = true + } + } + } + + // pull out a helper that captures the logic of whether or not we should run a given After node. + // there is complexity here stemming from the fact that we allow nested ordered contexts and flakey retries + shouldRunAfterNode := func(n Node) bool { + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeAfterEach | types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach) { + return true + } + var id uint + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeAfterAll) { + id = n.ID + if afterAllNodesThatRan[id] { //we've already run on this attempt. don't run again. + return false + } + } + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) { + id = n.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated + } + isLastSpecWithNode := indexOfLastSpecContainingNodeID(id) == i + + switch suite.currentSpecReport.State { + case types.SpecStatePassed: //we've passed so far... + return isLastSpecWithNode //... and we're the last spec with this AfterNode, so we should run it + case types.SpecStateSkipped: //the spec was skipped by the user... + if isLastSpecWithNode { + return true //...we're the last spec, so we should run the AfterNode + } + if terminatingNode.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll) && terminatingNode.NestingLevel == n.NestingLevel { + return true //...or, a BeforeAll was skipped and it's at our nesting level, so our subgroup is going to skip + } + case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked: // the spec has failed... + if isFinalAttempt { + return true //...if this was the last attempt then we're the last spec to run and so the AfterNode should run + } + if terminatingNode.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll) { + //...we'll be rerunning a BeforeAll so we should cleanup after it if... + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeAfterAll) && terminatingNode.NestingLevel == n.NestingLevel { + return true //we're at the same nesting level + } + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) && terminatingNode.ID == n.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated { + return true //we're a DeferCleanup generated by it + } + } + if terminatingNode.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeAfterAll) { + //...we'll be rerunning an AfterAll so we should cleanup after it if... + if n.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) && terminatingNode.ID == n.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated { + return true //we're a DeferCleanup generated by it + } + } + case types.SpecStateInterrupted, types.SpecStateAborted: // ...we've been interrupted and/or aborted + return true //...that means the test run is over and we should clean up the stack. Run the AfterNode + } + return false + } + + // first pass - run all the JustAfterEach, Aftereach, and AfterAlls. Our shoudlRunAfterNode filter function will clean up the AfterAlls for us. + afterNodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() + afterNodes = afterNodes.CopyAppend(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterEach).CopyAppend(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll)...).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel()...) + afterNodes = afterNodes.WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevelAttained) + afterNodes = afterNodes.Filter(shouldRunAfterNode) + runAfterAndCleanupNodes(afterNodes) + + // second-pass perhaps we didn't run the AfterAlls but a state change due to an AfterEach now requires us to run the AfterAlls: + afterNodes = spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll).WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevelAttained).Filter(shouldRunAfterNode) + runAfterAndCleanupNodes(afterNodes) + + // now we run any DeferCleanups + afterNodes = suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach).Reverse() + afterNodes = append(afterNodes, suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll).Filter(shouldRunAfterNode).Reverse()...) + runAfterAndCleanupNodes(afterNodes) + + // third-pass, perhaps a DeferCleanup failed and now we need to run the AfterAlls. + afterNodes = spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll).WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevelAttained).Filter(shouldRunAfterNode) + runAfterAndCleanupNodes(afterNodes) + + // and finally - running AfterAlls may have generated some new DeferCleanup nodes, let's run them to finish up + afterNodes = suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll).Reverse().Filter(shouldRunAfterNode) + runAfterAndCleanupNodes(afterNodes) + + suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime = time.Now() + suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime.Sub(suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput += string(suite.writer.Bytes()) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed | types.SpecStateSkipped | types.SpecStateAborted | types.SpecStateInterrupted) { + break + } + } + + //send the spec report to any attached ReportAfterEach blocks - this will update suite.currentSpecReport if failures occur in these blocks + suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach) + suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) { + groupSucceeded = false + } + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{} + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/interrupt_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/interrupt_handler.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aca7d1c4337 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/interrupt_handler.go @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +package interrupt_handler + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "os/signal" + "runtime" + "sync" + "syscall" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support" +) + +const TIMEOUT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_MAXIMUM_DURATION = 30 * time.Second +const TIMEOUT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_FRACTION_OF_TIMEOUT = 10 +const ABORT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 500 * time.Millisecond +const ABORT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_DURATION = 30 * time.Second + +type InterruptCause uint + +const ( + InterruptCauseInvalid InterruptCause = iota + + InterruptCauseSignal + InterruptCauseTimeout + InterruptCauseAbortByOtherProcess +) + +func (ic InterruptCause) String() string { + switch ic { + case InterruptCauseSignal: + return "Interrupted by User" + case InterruptCauseTimeout: + return "Interrupted by Timeout" + case InterruptCauseAbortByOtherProcess: + return "Interrupted by Other Ginkgo Process" + } + return "INVALID_INTERRUPT_CAUSE" +} + +type InterruptStatus struct { + Interrupted bool + Channel chan interface{} + Cause InterruptCause +} + +type InterruptHandlerInterface interface { + Status() InterruptStatus + SetInterruptPlaceholderMessage(string) + ClearInterruptPlaceholderMessage() + InterruptMessageWithStackTraces() string +} + +type InterruptHandler struct { + c chan interface{} + lock *sync.Mutex + interrupted bool + interruptPlaceholderMessage string + interruptCause InterruptCause + client parallel_support.Client + stop chan interface{} +} + +func NewInterruptHandler(timeout time.Duration, client parallel_support.Client) *InterruptHandler { + handler := &InterruptHandler{ + c: make(chan interface{}), + lock: &sync.Mutex{}, + interrupted: false, + stop: make(chan interface{}), + client: client, + } + handler.registerForInterrupts(timeout) + return handler +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) Stop() { + close(handler.stop) +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) registerForInterrupts(timeout time.Duration) { + // os signal handling + signalChannel := make(chan os.Signal, 1) + signal.Notify(signalChannel, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) + + // timeout handling + var timeoutChannel <-chan time.Time + var timeoutTimer *time.Timer + if timeout > 0 { + timeoutTimer = time.NewTimer(timeout) + timeoutChannel = timeoutTimer.C + } + + // cross-process abort handling + var abortChannel chan bool + if handler.client != nil { + abortChannel = make(chan bool) + go func() { + pollTicker := time.NewTicker(ABORT_POLLING_INTERVAL) + for { + select { + case <-pollTicker.C: + if handler.client.ShouldAbort() { + abortChannel <- true + pollTicker.Stop() + return + } + case <-handler.stop: + pollTicker.Stop() + return + } + } + }() + } + + // listen for any interrupt signals + // note that some (timeouts, cross-process aborts) will only trigger once + // for these we set up a ticker to keep interrupting the suite until it ends + // this ensures any `AfterEach` or `AfterSuite`s that get stuck cleaning up + // get interrupted eventually + go func() { + var interruptCause InterruptCause + var repeatChannel <-chan time.Time + var repeatTicker *time.Ticker + for { + select { + case <-signalChannel: + interruptCause = InterruptCauseSignal + case <-timeoutChannel: + interruptCause = InterruptCauseTimeout + repeatInterruptTimeout := timeout / time.Duration(TIMEOUT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_FRACTION_OF_TIMEOUT) + if repeatInterruptTimeout > TIMEOUT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_MAXIMUM_DURATION { + repeatInterruptTimeout = TIMEOUT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_MAXIMUM_DURATION + } + timeoutTimer.Stop() + repeatTicker = time.NewTicker(repeatInterruptTimeout) + repeatChannel = repeatTicker.C + case <-abortChannel: + interruptCause = InterruptCauseAbortByOtherProcess + repeatTicker = time.NewTicker(ABORT_REPEAT_INTERRUPT_DURATION) + repeatChannel = repeatTicker.C + case <-repeatChannel: + //do nothing, just interrupt again using the same interruptCause + case <-handler.stop: + if timeoutTimer != nil { + timeoutTimer.Stop() + } + if repeatTicker != nil { + repeatTicker.Stop() + } + signal.Stop(signalChannel) + return + } + handler.lock.Lock() + handler.interruptCause = interruptCause + if handler.interruptPlaceholderMessage != "" { + fmt.Println(handler.interruptPlaceholderMessage) + } + handler.interrupted = true + close(handler.c) + handler.c = make(chan interface{}) + handler.lock.Unlock() + } + }() +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) Status() InterruptStatus { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + return InterruptStatus{ + Interrupted: handler.interrupted, + Channel: handler.c, + Cause: handler.interruptCause, + } +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) SetInterruptPlaceholderMessage(message string) { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + handler.interruptPlaceholderMessage = message +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) ClearInterruptPlaceholderMessage() { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + handler.interruptPlaceholderMessage = "" +} + +func (handler *InterruptHandler) InterruptMessageWithStackTraces() string { + handler.lock.Lock() + out := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n", handler.interruptCause.String()) + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + if handler.interruptCause == InterruptCauseAbortByOtherProcess { + return out + } + out += "Here's a stack trace of all running goroutines:\n" + buf := make([]byte, 8192) + for { + n := runtime.Stack(buf, true) + if n < len(buf) { + buf = buf[:n] + break + } + buf = make([]byte, 2*len(buf)) + } + out += formatter.Fi(1, "%s", string(buf)) + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bf0de496dc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//go:build freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly || darwin || linux || solaris +// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly darwin linux solaris + +package interrupt_handler + +import ( + "os" + "os/signal" + "syscall" +) + +func SwallowSigQuit() { + c := make(chan os.Signal, 1024) + signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGQUIT) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fcf8da8335f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler/sigquit_swallower_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +//go:build windows +// +build windows + +package interrupt_handler + +func SwallowSigQuit() { + //noop +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/node.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/node.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..289e4dde2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/node.go @@ -0,0 +1,660 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sort" + + "sync" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +var _global_node_id_counter = uint(0) +var _global_id_mutex = &sync.Mutex{} + +func UniqueNodeID() uint { + //There's a reace in the internal integration tests if we don't make + //accessing _global_node_id_counter safe across goroutines. + _global_id_mutex.Lock() + defer _global_id_mutex.Unlock() + _global_node_id_counter += 1 + return _global_node_id_counter +} + +type Node struct { + ID uint + NodeType types.NodeType + + Text string + Body func() + CodeLocation types.CodeLocation + NestingLevel int + + SynchronizedBeforeSuiteProc1Body func() []byte + SynchronizedBeforeSuiteAllProcsBody func([]byte) + + SynchronizedAfterSuiteAllProcsBody func() + SynchronizedAfterSuiteProc1Body func() + + ReportEachBody func(types.SpecReport) + ReportAfterSuiteBody func(types.Report) + + MarkedFocus bool + MarkedPending bool + MarkedSerial bool + MarkedOrdered bool + MarkedOncePerOrdered bool + FlakeAttempts int + Labels Labels + + NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated uint +} + +// Decoration Types +type focusType bool +type pendingType bool +type serialType bool +type orderedType bool +type honorsOrderedType bool + +const Focus = focusType(true) +const Pending = pendingType(true) +const Serial = serialType(true) +const Ordered = orderedType(true) +const OncePerOrdered = honorsOrderedType(true) + +type FlakeAttempts uint +type Offset uint +type Done chan<- interface{} // Deprecated Done Channel for asynchronous testing +type Labels []string + +func UnionOfLabels(labels ...Labels) Labels { + out := Labels{} + seen := map[string]bool{} + for _, labelSet := range labels { + for _, label := range labelSet { + if !seen[label] { + seen[label] = true + out = append(out, label) + } + } + } + return out +} + +func PartitionDecorations(args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, []interface{}) { + decorations := []interface{}{} + remainingArgs := []interface{}{} + for _, arg := range args { + if isDecoration(arg) { + decorations = append(decorations, arg) + } else { + remainingArgs = append(remainingArgs, arg) + } + } + return decorations, remainingArgs +} + +func isDecoration(arg interface{}) bool { + switch t := reflect.TypeOf(arg); { + case t == nil: + return false + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Offset(0)): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(types.CodeLocation{}): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Focus): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Pending): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Serial): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Ordered): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(OncePerOrdered): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(FlakeAttempts(0)): + return true + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Labels{}): + return true + case t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && isSliceOfDecorations(arg): + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +func isSliceOfDecorations(slice interface{}) bool { + vSlice := reflect.ValueOf(slice) + if vSlice.Len() == 0 { + return false + } + for i := 0; i < vSlice.Len(); i++ { + if !isDecoration(vSlice.Index(i).Interface()) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func NewNode(deprecationTracker *types.DeprecationTracker, nodeType types.NodeType, text string, args ...interface{}) (Node, []error) { + baseOffset := 2 + node := Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: nodeType, + Text: text, + Labels: Labels{}, + CodeLocation: types.NewCodeLocation(baseOffset), + NestingLevel: -1, + } + errors := []error{} + appendError := func(err error) { + if err != nil { + errors = append(errors, err) + } + } + + args = unrollInterfaceSlice(args) + + remainingArgs := []interface{}{} + //First get the CodeLocation up-to-date + for _, arg := range args { + switch v := arg.(type) { + case Offset: + node.CodeLocation = types.NewCodeLocation(baseOffset + int(v)) + case types.CodeLocation: + node.CodeLocation = v + default: + remainingArgs = append(remainingArgs, arg) + } + } + + labelsSeen := map[string]bool{} + trackedFunctionError := false + args = remainingArgs + remainingArgs = []interface{}{} + //now process the rest of the args + for _, arg := range args { + + switch t := reflect.TypeOf(arg); { + case t == reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): + break //ignore deprecated timeouts + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Focus): + node.MarkedFocus = bool(arg.(focusType)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "Focus")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Pending): + node.MarkedPending = bool(arg.(pendingType)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "Pending")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Serial): + node.MarkedSerial = bool(arg.(serialType)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "Serial")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Ordered): + node.MarkedOrdered = bool(arg.(orderedType)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeContainer) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "Ordered")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(OncePerOrdered): + node.MarkedOncePerOrdered = bool(arg.(honorsOrderedType)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach | types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach | types.NodeTypeAfterEach | types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "OncePerOrdered")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(FlakeAttempts(0)): + node.FlakeAttempts = int(arg.(FlakeAttempts)) + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "FlakeAttempts")) + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Labels{}): + if !nodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, "Label")) + } + for _, label := range arg.(Labels) { + if !labelsSeen[label] { + labelsSeen[label] = true + label, err := types.ValidateAndCleanupLabel(label, node.CodeLocation) + node.Labels = append(node.Labels, label) + appendError(err) + } + } + case t.Kind() == reflect.Func: + if node.Body != nil { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.MultipleBodyFunctions(node.CodeLocation, nodeType)) + trackedFunctionError = true + break + } + isValid := (t.NumOut() == 0) && (t.NumIn() <= 1) && (t.NumIn() == 0 || t.In(0) == reflect.TypeOf(make(Done))) + if !isValid { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidBodyType(t, node.CodeLocation, nodeType)) + trackedFunctionError = true + break + } + if t.NumIn() == 0 { + node.Body = arg.(func()) + } else { + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation(types.Deprecations.Async(), node.CodeLocation) + deprecatedAsyncBody := arg.(func(Done)) + node.Body = func() { deprecatedAsyncBody(make(Done)) } + } + default: + remainingArgs = append(remainingArgs, arg) + } + } + + //validations + if node.MarkedPending && node.MarkedFocus { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidDeclarationOfFocusedAndPending(node.CodeLocation, nodeType)) + } + + if node.Body == nil && !node.MarkedPending && !trackedFunctionError { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.MissingBodyFunction(node.CodeLocation, nodeType)) + } + for _, arg := range remainingArgs { + appendError(types.GinkgoErrors.UnknownDecorator(node.CodeLocation, nodeType, arg)) + } + + if len(errors) > 0 { + return Node{}, errors + } + + return node, errors +} + +func NewSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(proc1Body func() []byte, allProcsBody func([]byte), codeLocation types.CodeLocation) (Node, []error) { + return Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite, + SynchronizedBeforeSuiteProc1Body: proc1Body, + SynchronizedBeforeSuiteAllProcsBody: allProcsBody, + CodeLocation: codeLocation, + }, nil +} + +func NewSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(allProcsBody func(), proc1Body func(), codeLocation types.CodeLocation) (Node, []error) { + return Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite, + SynchronizedAfterSuiteAllProcsBody: allProcsBody, + SynchronizedAfterSuiteProc1Body: proc1Body, + CodeLocation: codeLocation, + }, nil +} + +func NewReportBeforeEachNode(body func(types.SpecReport), codeLocation types.CodeLocation) (Node, []error) { + return Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach, + ReportEachBody: body, + CodeLocation: codeLocation, + NestingLevel: -1, + }, nil +} + +func NewReportAfterEachNode(body func(types.SpecReport), codeLocation types.CodeLocation) (Node, []error) { + return Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach, + ReportEachBody: body, + CodeLocation: codeLocation, + NestingLevel: -1, + }, nil +} + +func NewReportAfterSuiteNode(text string, body func(types.Report), codeLocation types.CodeLocation) (Node, []error) { + return Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + Text: text, + NodeType: types.NodeTypeReportAfterSuite, + ReportAfterSuiteBody: body, + CodeLocation: codeLocation, + }, nil +} + +func NewCleanupNode(fail func(string, types.CodeLocation), args ...interface{}) (Node, []error) { + baseOffset := 2 + node := Node{ + ID: UniqueNodeID(), + NodeType: types.NodeTypeCleanupInvalid, + CodeLocation: types.NewCodeLocation(baseOffset), + NestingLevel: -1, + } + remainingArgs := []interface{}{} + for _, arg := range args { + switch t := reflect.TypeOf(arg); { + case t == reflect.TypeOf(Offset(0)): + node.CodeLocation = types.NewCodeLocation(baseOffset + int(arg.(Offset))) + case t == reflect.TypeOf(types.CodeLocation{}): + node.CodeLocation = arg.(types.CodeLocation) + default: + remainingArgs = append(remainingArgs, arg) + } + } + + if len(remainingArgs) == 0 { + return Node{}, []error{types.GinkgoErrors.DeferCleanupInvalidFunction(node.CodeLocation)} + } + callback := reflect.ValueOf(remainingArgs[0]) + if !(callback.Kind() == reflect.Func && callback.Type().NumOut() <= 1) { + return Node{}, []error{types.GinkgoErrors.DeferCleanupInvalidFunction(node.CodeLocation)} + } + callArgs := []reflect.Value{} + for _, arg := range remainingArgs[1:] { + callArgs = append(callArgs, reflect.ValueOf(arg)) + } + cl := node.CodeLocation + node.Body = func() { + out := callback.Call(callArgs) + if len(out) == 1 && !out[0].IsNil() { + fail(fmt.Sprintf("DeferCleanup callback returned error: %v", out[0]), cl) + } + } + + return node, nil +} + +func (n Node) IsZero() bool { + return n.ID == 0 +} + +/* Nodes */ +type Nodes []Node + +func (n Nodes) CopyAppend(nodes ...Node) Nodes { + numN := len(n) + out := make(Nodes, numN+len(nodes)) + for i, node := range n { + out[i] = node + } + for j, node := range nodes { + out[numN+j] = node + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) SplitAround(pivot Node) (Nodes, Nodes) { + pivotIdx := len(n) + for i := range n { + if n[i].ID == pivot.ID { + pivotIdx = i + break + } + } + left := n[:pivotIdx] + right := Nodes{} + if pivotIdx+1 < len(n) { + right = n[pivotIdx+1:] + } + + return left, right +} + +func (n Nodes) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node { + for i := range n { + if n[i].NodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + return n[i] + } + } + return Node{} +} + +func (n Nodes) WithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes { + count := 0 + for i := range n { + if n[i].NodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + count++ + } + } + + out, j := make(Nodes, count), 0 + for i := range n { + if n[i].NodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + out[j] = n[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) WithoutType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes { + count := 0 + for i := range n { + if !n[i].NodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + count++ + } + } + + out, j := make(Nodes, count), 0 + for i := range n { + if !n[i].NodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + out[j] = n[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) WithoutNode(nodeToExclude Node) Nodes { + idxToExclude := len(n) + for i := range n { + if n[i].ID == nodeToExclude.ID { + idxToExclude = i + break + } + } + if idxToExclude == len(n) { + return n + } + out, j := make(Nodes, len(n)-1), 0 + for i := range n { + if i == idxToExclude { + continue + } + out[j] = n[i] + j++ + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) Filter(filter func(Node) bool) Nodes { + trufa, count := make([]bool, len(n)), 0 + for i := range n { + if filter(n[i]) { + trufa[i] = true + count += 1 + } + } + out, j := make(Nodes, count), 0 + for i := range n { + if trufa[i] { + out[j] = n[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) FirstSatisfying(filter func(Node) bool) Node { + for i := range n { + if filter(n[i]) { + return n[i] + } + } + return Node{} +} + +func (n Nodes) WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevel int) Nodes { + count := 0 + for i := range n { + if n[i].NestingLevel <= deepestNestingLevel { + count++ + } + } + out, j := make(Nodes, count), 0 + for i := range n { + if n[i].NestingLevel <= deepestNestingLevel { + out[j] = n[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() Nodes { + out := make(Nodes, len(n)) + copy(out, n) + sort.SliceStable(out, func(i int, j int) bool { + return out[i].NestingLevel > out[j].NestingLevel + }) + + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() Nodes { + out := make(Nodes, len(n)) + copy(out, n) + sort.SliceStable(out, func(i int, j int) bool { + return out[i].NestingLevel < out[j].NestingLevel + }) + + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) FirstWithNestingLevel(level int) Node { + for i := range n { + if n[i].NestingLevel == level { + return n[i] + } + } + return Node{} +} + +func (n Nodes) Reverse() Nodes { + out := make(Nodes, len(n)) + for i := range n { + out[len(n)-1-i] = n[i] + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) Texts() []string { + out := make([]string, len(n)) + for i := range n { + out[i] = n[i].Text + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) Labels() [][]string { + out := make([][]string, len(n)) + for i := range n { + if n[i].Labels == nil { + out[i] = []string{} + } else { + out[i] = []string(n[i].Labels) + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) UnionOfLabels() []string { + out := []string{} + seen := map[string]bool{} + for i := range n { + for _, label := range n[i].Labels { + if !seen[label] { + seen[label] = true + out = append(out, label) + } + } + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) CodeLocations() []types.CodeLocation { + out := make([]types.CodeLocation, len(n)) + for i := range n { + out[i] = n[i].CodeLocation + } + return out +} + +func (n Nodes) BestTextFor(node Node) string { + if node.Text != "" { + return node.Text + } + parentNestingLevel := node.NestingLevel - 1 + for i := range n { + if n[i].Text != "" && n[i].NestingLevel == parentNestingLevel { + return n[i].Text + } + } + + return "" +} + +func (n Nodes) ContainsNodeID(id uint) bool { + for i := range n { + if n[i].ID == id { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedPending() bool { + for i := range n { + if n[i].MarkedPending { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedFocus() bool { + for i := range n { + if n[i].MarkedFocus { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedSerial() bool { + for i := range n { + if n[i].MarkedSerial { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (n Nodes) FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() Node { + for i := range n { + if n[i].MarkedOrdered { + return n[i] + } + } + return Node{} +} + +func unrollInterfaceSlice(args interface{}) []interface{} { + v := reflect.ValueOf(args) + if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + return []interface{}{args} + } + out := []interface{}{} + for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { + el := reflect.ValueOf(v.Index(i).Interface()) + if el.Kind() == reflect.Slice && el.Type() != reflect.TypeOf(Labels{}) { + out = append(out, unrollInterfaceSlice(el.Interface())...) + } else { + out = append(out, v.Index(i).Interface()) + } + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/ordering.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/ordering.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..161be820cce --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/ordering.go @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "math/rand" + "sort" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type GroupedSpecIndices []SpecIndices +type SpecIndices []int + +func OrderSpecs(specs Specs, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (GroupedSpecIndices, GroupedSpecIndices) { + /* + Ginkgo has sophisticated support for randomizing specs. Specs are guaranteed to have the same + order for a given seed across test runs. + + By default only top-level containers and specs are shuffled - this makes for a more intuitive debugging + experience - specs within a given container run in the order they appear in the file. + + Developers can set -randomizeAllSpecs to shuffle _all_ specs. + + In addition, spec containers can be marked as Ordered. Specs within an Ordered container are never shuffled. + + Finally, specs and spec containers can be marked as Serial. When running in parallel, serial specs run on Process #1 _after_ all other processes have finished. + */ + + // Seed a new random source based on thee configured random seed. + r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(suiteConfig.RandomSeed)) + + // first break things into execution groups + // a group represents a single unit of execution and is a collection of SpecIndices + // usually a group is just a single spec, however ordered containers must be preserved as a single group + executionGroupIDs := []uint{} + executionGroups := map[uint]SpecIndices{} + for idx, spec := range specs { + groupNode := spec.Nodes.FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() + if groupNode.IsZero() { + groupNode = spec.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt) + } + executionGroups[groupNode.ID] = append(executionGroups[groupNode.ID], idx) + if len(executionGroups[groupNode.ID]) == 1 { + executionGroupIDs = append(executionGroupIDs, groupNode.ID) + } + } + + // now, we only shuffle all the execution groups if we're randomizing all specs, otherwise + // we shuffle outermost containers. so we need to form shufflable groupings of GroupIDs + shufflableGroupingIDs := []uint{} + shufflableGroupingIDToGroupIDs := map[uint][]uint{} + shufflableGroupingsIDToSortKeys := map[uint]string{} + + // for each execution group we're going to have to pick a node to represent how the + // execution group is grouped for shuffling: + nodeTypesToShuffle := types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt + if suiteConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs { + nodeTypesToShuffle = types.NodeTypeIt + } + + //so, fo reach execution group: + for _, groupID := range executionGroupIDs { + // pick out a representative spec + representativeSpec := specs[executionGroups[groupID][0]] + + // and grab the node on the spec that will represent which shufflable group this execution group belongs tu + shufflableGroupingNode := representativeSpec.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypesToShuffle) + + //add the execution group to its shufflable group + shufflableGroupingIDToGroupIDs[shufflableGroupingNode.ID] = append(shufflableGroupingIDToGroupIDs[shufflableGroupingNode.ID], groupID) + + //and if it's the first one in + if len(shufflableGroupingIDToGroupIDs[shufflableGroupingNode.ID]) == 1 { + // record the shuffleable group ID + shufflableGroupingIDs = append(shufflableGroupingIDs, shufflableGroupingNode.ID) + // and record the sort key to use + shufflableGroupingsIDToSortKeys[shufflableGroupingNode.ID] = shufflableGroupingNode.CodeLocation.String() + } + } + + // now we sort the shufflable groups by the sort key. We use the shufflable group nodes code location and break ties using its node id + sort.SliceStable(shufflableGroupingIDs, func(i, j int) bool { + keyA := shufflableGroupingsIDToSortKeys[shufflableGroupingIDs[i]] + keyB := shufflableGroupingsIDToSortKeys[shufflableGroupingIDs[j]] + if keyA == keyB { + return shufflableGroupingIDs[i] < shufflableGroupingIDs[j] + } else { + return keyA < keyB + } + }) + + // now we permute the sorted shufflable grouping IDs and build the ordered Groups + orderedGroups := GroupedSpecIndices{} + permutation := r.Perm(len(shufflableGroupingIDs)) + for _, j := range permutation { + //let's get the execution group IDs for this shufflable group: + executionGroupIDsForJ := shufflableGroupingIDToGroupIDs[shufflableGroupingIDs[j]] + // and we'll add their associated specindices to the orderedGroups slice: + for _, executionGroupID := range executionGroupIDsForJ { + orderedGroups = append(orderedGroups, executionGroups[executionGroupID]) + } + } + + // If we're running in series, we're done. + if suiteConfig.ParallelTotal == 1 { + return orderedGroups, GroupedSpecIndices{} + } + + // We're running in parallel so we need to partition the ordered groups into a parallelizable set and a serialized set. + // The parallelizable groups will run across all Ginkgo processes... + // ...the serial groups will only run on Process #1 after all other processes have exited. + parallelizableGroups, serialGroups := GroupedSpecIndices{}, GroupedSpecIndices{} + for _, specIndices := range orderedGroups { + if specs[specIndices[0]].Nodes.HasNodeMarkedSerial() { + serialGroups = append(serialGroups, specIndices) + } else { + parallelizableGroups = append(parallelizableGroups, specIndices) + } + } + + return parallelizableGroups, serialGroups +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b59918a81b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor.go @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "bytes" + "io" + "os" + "time" +) + +const BAILOUT_TIME = 1 * time.Second +const BAILOUT_MESSAGE = `Ginkgo detected an issue while intercepting output. + +When running in parallel, Ginkgo captures stdout and stderr output +and attaches it to the running spec. It looks like that process is getting +stuck for this suite. + +This usually happens if you, or a library you are using, spin up an external +process and set cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout and/or cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr. This +causes the external process to keep Ginkgo's output interceptor pipe open and +causes output interception to hang. + +Ginkgo has detected this and shortcircuited the capture process. The specs +will continue running after this message however output from the external +process that caused this issue will not be captured. + +You have several options to fix this. In preferred order they are: + +1. Pass GinkgoWriter instead of os.Stdout or os.Stderr to your process. +2. Ensure your process exits before the current spec completes. If your +process is long-lived and must cross spec boundaries, this option won't +work for you. +3. Pause Ginkgo's output interceptor before starting your process and then +resume it after. Use PauseOutputInterception() and ResumeOutputInterception() +to do this. +4. Set --output-interceptor-mode=none when running your Ginkgo suite. This will +turn off all output interception but allow specs to run in parallel without this +issue. You may miss important output if you do this including output from Go's +race detector. + +More details on issue #851 - https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/issues/851 +` + +/* +The OutputInterceptor is used by to +intercept and capture all stdin and stderr output during a test run. +*/ +type OutputInterceptor interface { + StartInterceptingOutput() + StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Writer) + StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string + + PauseIntercepting() + ResumeIntercepting() + + Shutdown() +} + +type NoopOutputInterceptor struct{} + +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput() {} +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Writer) {} +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string { return "" } +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) PauseIntercepting() {} +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting() {} +func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) Shutdown() {} + +type pipePair struct { + reader *os.File + writer *os.File +} + +func startPipeFactory(pipeChannel chan pipePair, shutdown chan interface{}) { + for { + //make the next pipe... + pair := pipePair{} + pair.reader, pair.writer, _ = os.Pipe() + select { + //...and provide it to the next consumer (they are responsible for closing the files) + case pipeChannel <- pair: + continue + //...or close the files if we were told to shutdown + case <-shutdown: + pair.reader.Close() + pair.writer.Close() + return + } + } +} + +type interceptorImplementation interface { + CreateStdoutStderrClones() (*os.File, *os.File) + ConnectPipeToStdoutStderr(*os.File) + RestoreStdoutStderrFromClones(*os.File, *os.File) + ShutdownClones(*os.File, *os.File) +} + +type genericOutputInterceptor struct { + intercepting bool + + stdoutClone *os.File + stderrClone *os.File + pipe pipePair + + shutdown chan interface{} + emergencyBailout chan interface{} + pipeChannel chan pipePair + interceptedContent chan string + + forwardTo io.Writer + accumulatedOutput string + + implementation interceptorImplementation +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput() { + interceptor.StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Discard) +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(w io.Writer) { + if interceptor.intercepting { + return + } + interceptor.accumulatedOutput = "" + interceptor.forwardTo = w + interceptor.ResumeIntercepting() +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string { + if interceptor.intercepting { + interceptor.PauseIntercepting() + } + return interceptor.accumulatedOutput +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting() { + if interceptor.intercepting { + return + } + interceptor.intercepting = true + if interceptor.stdoutClone == nil { + interceptor.stdoutClone, interceptor.stderrClone = interceptor.implementation.CreateStdoutStderrClones() + interceptor.shutdown = make(chan interface{}) + go startPipeFactory(interceptor.pipeChannel, interceptor.shutdown) + } + + // Now we make a pipe, we'll use this to redirect the input to the 1 and 2 file descriptors (this is how everything else in the world is tring to log to stdout and stderr) + // we get the pipe from our pipe factory. it runs in the background so we can request the next pipe while the spec being intercepted is running + interceptor.pipe = <-interceptor.pipeChannel + + interceptor.emergencyBailout = make(chan interface{}) + + //Spin up a goroutine to copy data from the pipe into a buffer, this is how we capture any output the user is emitting + go func() { + buffer := &bytes.Buffer{} + destination := io.MultiWriter(buffer, interceptor.forwardTo) + copyFinished := make(chan interface{}) + reader := interceptor.pipe.reader + go func() { + io.Copy(destination, reader) + reader.Close() // close the read end of the pipe so we don't leak a file descriptor + close(copyFinished) + }() + select { + case <-copyFinished: + interceptor.interceptedContent <- buffer.String() + case <-interceptor.emergencyBailout: + interceptor.interceptedContent <- "" + } + }() + + interceptor.implementation.ConnectPipeToStdoutStderr(interceptor.pipe.writer) +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) PauseIntercepting() { + if !interceptor.intercepting { + return + } + // first we have to close the write end of the pipe. To do this we have to close all file descriptors pointing + // to the write end. So that would be the pipewriter itself, and FD #1 and FD #2 if we've Dup2'd them + interceptor.pipe.writer.Close() // the pipewriter itself + + // we also need to stop intercepting. we do that by reconnecting the stdout and stderr file descriptions back to their respective #1 and #2 file descriptors; + // this also closes #1 and #2 before it points that their original stdout and stderr file descriptions + interceptor.implementation.RestoreStdoutStderrFromClones(interceptor.stdoutClone, interceptor.stderrClone) + + var content string + select { + case content = <-interceptor.interceptedContent: + case <-time.After(BAILOUT_TIME): + /* + By closing all the pipe writer's file descriptors associated with the pipe writer's file description the io.Copy reading from the reader + should eventually receive an EOF and exit. + + **However**, if the user has spun up an external process and passed in os.Stdout/os.Stderr to cmd.Stdout/cmd.Stderr then the external process + will have a file descriptor pointing to the pipe writer's file description and it will not close until the external process exits. + + That would leave us hanging here waiting for the io.Copy to close forever. Instead we invoke this emergency escape valve. This returns whatever + content we've got but leaves the io.Copy running. This ensures the external process can continue writing without hanging at the cost of leaking a goroutine + and file descriptor (those these will be cleaned up when the process exits). + + We tack on a message to notify the user that they've hit this edgecase and encourage them to address it. + */ + close(interceptor.emergencyBailout) + content = <-interceptor.interceptedContent + BAILOUT_MESSAGE + } + + interceptor.accumulatedOutput += content + interceptor.intercepting = false +} + +func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) Shutdown() { + interceptor.PauseIntercepting() + + if interceptor.stdoutClone != nil { + close(interceptor.shutdown) + interceptor.implementation.ShutdownClones(interceptor.stdoutClone, interceptor.stderrClone) + interceptor.stdoutClone = nil + interceptor.stderrClone = nil + } +} + +/* This is used on windows builds but included here so it can be explicitly tested on unix systems too */ +func NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor { + return &genericOutputInterceptor{ + interceptedContent: make(chan string), + pipeChannel: make(chan pipePair), + shutdown: make(chan interface{}), + implementation: &osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl{}, + } +} + +type osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl struct{} + +func (impl *osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl) CreateStdoutStderrClones() (*os.File, *os.File) { + return os.Stdout, os.Stderr +} + +func (impl *osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl) ConnectPipeToStdoutStderr(pipeWriter *os.File) { + os.Stdout = pipeWriter + os.Stderr = pipeWriter +} + +func (impl *osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl) RestoreStdoutStderrFromClones(stdoutClone *os.File, stderrClone *os.File) { + os.Stdout = stdoutClone + os.Stderr = stderrClone +} + +func (impl *osGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptorImpl) ShutdownClones(_ *os.File, _ *os.File) { + //noop +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e875001c2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +//go:build freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly || darwin || linux || solaris +// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly darwin linux solaris + +package internal + +import ( + "os" + + "golang.org/x/sys/unix" +) + +func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor { + return &genericOutputInterceptor{ + interceptedContent: make(chan string), + pipeChannel: make(chan pipePair), + shutdown: make(chan interface{}), + implementation: &dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl{}, + } +} + +type dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl struct{} + +func (impl *dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl) CreateStdoutStderrClones() (*os.File, *os.File) { + // To clone stdout and stderr we: + // First, create two clone file descriptors that point to the stdout and stderr file descriptions + stdoutCloneFD, _ := unix.Dup(1) + stderrCloneFD, _ := unix.Dup(2) + + // And then wrap the clone file descriptors in files. + // One benefit of this (that we don't use yet) is that we can actually write + // to these files to emit output to the console evne though we're intercepting output + stdoutClone := os.NewFile(uintptr(stdoutCloneFD), "stdout-clone") + stderrClone := os.NewFile(uintptr(stderrCloneFD), "stderr-clone") + + //these clones remain alive throughout the lifecycle of the suite and don't need to be recreated + //this speeds things up a bit, actually. + return stdoutClone, stderrClone +} + +func (impl *dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl) ConnectPipeToStdoutStderr(pipeWriter *os.File) { + // To redirect output to our pipe we need to point the 1 and 2 file descriptors (which is how the world tries to log things) + // to the write end of the pipe. + // We do this with Dup2 (possibly Dup3 on some architectures) to have file descriptors 1 and 2 point to the same file description as the pipeWriter + // This effectively shunts data written to stdout and stderr to the write end of our pipe + unix.Dup2(int(pipeWriter.Fd()), 1) + unix.Dup2(int(pipeWriter.Fd()), 2) +} + +func (impl *dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl) RestoreStdoutStderrFromClones(stdoutClone *os.File, stderrClone *os.File) { + // To restore stdour/stderr from the clones we have the 1 and 2 file descriptors + // point to the original file descriptions that we saved off in the clones. + // This has the added benefit of closing the connection between these descriptors and the write end of the pipe + // which is important to cause the io.Copy on the pipe.Reader to end. + unix.Dup2(int(stdoutClone.Fd()), 1) + unix.Dup2(int(stderrClone.Fd()), 2) +} + +func (impl *dupSyscallOutputInterceptorImpl) ShutdownClones(stdoutClone *os.File, stderrClone *os.File) { + // We're done with the clones so we can close them to clean up after ourselves + stdoutClone.Close() + stderrClone.Close() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_win.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_win.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..30c2851a818 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/output_interceptor_win.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// +build windows + +package internal + +func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor { + return NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/client_server.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/client_server.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7d5cb0b6310 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/client_server.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package parallel_support + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type BeforeSuiteState struct { + Data []byte + State types.SpecState +} + +type ParallelIndexCounter struct { + Index int +} + +var ErrorGone = fmt.Errorf("gone") +var ErrorFailed = fmt.Errorf("failed") +var ErrorEarly = fmt.Errorf("early") + +var POLLING_INTERVAL = 50 * time.Millisecond + +type Server interface { + Start() + Close() + Address() string + RegisterAlive(node int, alive func() bool) + GetSuiteDone() chan interface{} + GetOutputDestination() io.Writer + SetOutputDestination(io.Writer) +} + +type Client interface { + Connect() bool + Close() error + + PostSuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) error + PostDidRun(report types.SpecReport) error + PostSuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) error + PostSynchronizedBeforeSuiteCompleted(state types.SpecState, data []byte) error + BlockUntilSynchronizedBeforeSuiteData() (types.SpecState, []byte, error) + BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() error + BlockUntilAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport() (types.Report, error) + FetchNextCounter() (int, error) + PostAbort() error + ShouldAbort() bool + Write(p []byte) (int, error) +} + +func NewServer(parallelTotal int, reporter reporters.Reporter) (Server, error) { + if os.Getenv("GINKGO_PARALLEL_PROTOCOL") == "HTTP" { + return newHttpServer(parallelTotal, reporter) + } else { + return newRPCServer(parallelTotal, reporter) + } +} + +func NewClient(serverHost string) Client { + if os.Getenv("GINKGO_PARALLEL_PROTOCOL") == "HTTP" { + return newHttpClient(serverHost) + } else { + return newRPCClient(serverHost) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_client.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_client.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d076d5d1c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_client.go @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +package parallel_support + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "io" + "net/http" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type httpClient struct { + serverHost string +} + +func newHttpClient(serverHost string) *httpClient { + return &httpClient{ + serverHost: serverHost, + } +} + +func (client *httpClient) Connect() bool { + resp, err := http.Get(client.serverHost + "/up") + if err != nil { + return false + } + resp.Body.Close() + return resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK +} + +func (client *httpClient) Close() error { + return nil +} + +func (client *httpClient) post(path string, data interface{}) error { + var body io.Reader + if data != nil { + encoded, err := json.Marshal(data) + if err != nil { + return err + } + body = bytes.NewBuffer(encoded) + } + resp, err := http.Post(client.serverHost+path, "application/json", body) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return fmt.Errorf("received unexpected status code %d", resp.StatusCode) + } + return nil +} + +func (client *httpClient) poll(path string, data interface{}) error { + for { + resp, err := http.Get(client.serverHost + path) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusTooEarly { + resp.Body.Close() + time.Sleep(POLLING_INTERVAL) + continue + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusGone { + return ErrorGone + } + if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusFailedDependency { + return ErrorFailed + } + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return fmt.Errorf("received unexpected status code %d", resp.StatusCode) + } + if data != nil { + return json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(data) + } + return nil + } +} + +func (client *httpClient) PostSuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) error { + return client.post("/suite-will-begin", report) +} + +func (client *httpClient) PostDidRun(report types.SpecReport) error { + return client.post("/did-run", report) +} + +func (client *httpClient) PostSuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) error { + return client.post("/suite-did-end", report) +} + +func (client *httpClient) PostSynchronizedBeforeSuiteCompleted(state types.SpecState, data []byte) error { + beforeSuiteState := BeforeSuiteState{ + State: state, + Data: data, + } + return client.post("/before-suite-completed", beforeSuiteState) +} + +func (client *httpClient) BlockUntilSynchronizedBeforeSuiteData() (types.SpecState, []byte, error) { + var beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState + err := client.poll("/before-suite-state", &beforeSuiteState) + if err == ErrorGone { + return types.SpecStateInvalid, nil, types.GinkgoErrors.SynchronizedBeforeSuiteDisappearedOnProc1() + } + return beforeSuiteState.State, beforeSuiteState.Data, err +} + +func (client *httpClient) BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() error { + return client.poll("/have-nonprimary-procs-finished", nil) +} + +func (client *httpClient) BlockUntilAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport() (types.Report, error) { + var report types.Report + err := client.poll("/aggregated-nonprimary-procs-report", &report) + if err == ErrorGone { + return types.Report{}, types.GinkgoErrors.AggregatedReportUnavailableDueToNodeDisappearing() + } + return report, err +} + +func (client *httpClient) FetchNextCounter() (int, error) { + var counter ParallelIndexCounter + err := client.poll("/counter", &counter) + return counter.Index, err +} + +func (client *httpClient) PostAbort() error { + return client.post("/abort", nil) +} + +func (client *httpClient) ShouldAbort() bool { + err := client.poll("/abort", nil) + if err == ErrorGone { + return true + } + return false +} + +func (client *httpClient) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + resp, err := http.Post(client.serverHost+"/emit-output", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8 ", bytes.NewReader(p)) + resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to emit output") + } + return len(p), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_server.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_server.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ca1dcdca556 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/http_server.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* + +The remote package provides the pieces to allow Ginkgo test suites to report to remote listeners. +This is used, primarily, to enable streaming parallel test output but has, in principal, broader applications (e.g. streaming test output to a browser). + +*/ + +package parallel_support + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "io" + "net" + "net/http" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +/* +httpServer spins up on an automatically selected port and listens for communication from the forwarding reporter. +It then forwards that communication to attached reporters. +*/ +type httpServer struct { + listener net.Listener + handler *ServerHandler +} + +//Create a new server, automatically selecting a port +func newHttpServer(parallelTotal int, reporter reporters.Reporter) (*httpServer, error) { + listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &httpServer{ + listener: listener, + handler: newServerHandler(parallelTotal, reporter), + }, nil +} + +//Start the server. You don't need to `go s.Start()`, just `s.Start()` +func (server *httpServer) Start() { + httpServer := &http.Server{} + mux := http.NewServeMux() + httpServer.Handler = mux + + //streaming endpoints + mux.HandleFunc("/suite-will-begin", server.specSuiteWillBegin) + mux.HandleFunc("/did-run", server.didRun) + mux.HandleFunc("/suite-did-end", server.specSuiteDidEnd) + mux.HandleFunc("/emit-output", server.emitOutput) + + //synchronization endpoints + mux.HandleFunc("/before-suite-completed", server.handleBeforeSuiteCompleted) + mux.HandleFunc("/before-suite-state", server.handleBeforeSuiteState) + mux.HandleFunc("/have-nonprimary-procs-finished", server.handleHaveNonprimaryProcsFinished) + mux.HandleFunc("/aggregated-nonprimary-procs-report", server.handleAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport) + mux.HandleFunc("/counter", server.handleCounter) + mux.HandleFunc("/up", server.handleUp) + mux.HandleFunc("/abort", server.handleAbort) + + go httpServer.Serve(server.listener) +} + +//Stop the server +func (server *httpServer) Close() { + server.listener.Close() +} + +//The address the server can be reached it. Pass this into the `ForwardingReporter`. +func (server *httpServer) Address() string { + return "http://" + server.listener.Addr().String() +} + +func (server *httpServer) GetSuiteDone() chan interface{} { + return server.handler.done +} + +func (server *httpServer) GetOutputDestination() io.Writer { + return server.handler.outputDestination +} + +func (server *httpServer) SetOutputDestination(w io.Writer) { + server.handler.outputDestination = w +} + +func (server *httpServer) RegisterAlive(node int, alive func() bool) { + server.handler.registerAlive(node, alive) +} + +// +// Streaming Endpoints +// + +//The server will forward all received messages to Ginkgo reporters registered with `RegisterReporters` +func (server *httpServer) decode(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, object interface{}) bool { + defer request.Body.Close() + if json.NewDecoder(request.Body).Decode(object) != nil { + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) + return false + } + return true +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleError(err error, writer http.ResponseWriter) bool { + if err == nil { + return false + } + switch err { + case ErrorEarly: + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusTooEarly) + case ErrorGone: + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusGone) + case ErrorFailed: + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusFailedDependency) + default: + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) + } + return true +} + +func (server *httpServer) specSuiteWillBegin(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var report types.Report + if !server.decode(writer, request, &report) { + return + } + + server.handleError(server.handler.SpecSuiteWillBegin(report, voidReceiver), writer) +} + +func (server *httpServer) didRun(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var report types.SpecReport + if !server.decode(writer, request, &report) { + return + } + + server.handleError(server.handler.DidRun(report, voidReceiver), writer) +} + +func (server *httpServer) specSuiteDidEnd(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var report types.Report + if !server.decode(writer, request, &report) { + return + } + server.handleError(server.handler.SpecSuiteDidEnd(report, voidReceiver), writer) +} + +func (server *httpServer) emitOutput(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + output, err := io.ReadAll(request.Body) + if err != nil { + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) + return + } + var n int + server.handleError(server.handler.EmitOutput(output, &n), writer) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleBeforeSuiteCompleted(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState + if !server.decode(writer, request, &beforeSuiteState) { + return + } + + server.handleError(server.handler.BeforeSuiteCompleted(beforeSuiteState, voidReceiver), writer) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleBeforeSuiteState(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState + if server.handleError(server.handler.BeforeSuiteState(voidSender, &beforeSuiteState), writer) { + return + } + json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(beforeSuiteState) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleHaveNonprimaryProcsFinished(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + if server.handleError(server.handler.HaveNonprimaryProcsFinished(voidSender, voidReceiver), writer) { + return + } + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var aggregatedReport types.Report + if server.handleError(server.handler.AggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport(voidSender, &aggregatedReport), writer) { + return + } + json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(aggregatedReport) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleCounter(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + var n int + if server.handleError(server.handler.Counter(voidSender, &n), writer) { + return + } + json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(ParallelIndexCounter{Index: n}) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleUp(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) +} + +func (server *httpServer) handleAbort(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { + if request.Method == "GET" { + var shouldAbort bool + server.handler.ShouldAbort(voidSender, &shouldAbort) + if shouldAbort { + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusGone) + } else { + writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) + } + } else { + server.handler.Abort(voidSender, voidReceiver) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_client.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_client.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4e83b09703e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_client.go @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +package parallel_support + +import ( + "net/rpc" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type rpcClient struct { + serverHost string + client *rpc.Client +} + +func newRPCClient(serverHost string) *rpcClient { + return &rpcClient{ + serverHost: serverHost, + } +} + +func (client *rpcClient) Connect() bool { + var err error + if client.client != nil { + return true + } + client.client, err = rpc.DialHTTPPath("tcp", client.serverHost, "/") + if err != nil { + client.client = nil + return false + } + return true +} + +func (client *rpcClient) Close() error { + return client.client.Close() +} + +func (client *rpcClient) poll(method string, data interface{}) error { + for { + err := client.client.Call(method, voidSender, data) + if err == nil { + return nil + } + switch err.Error() { + case ErrorEarly.Error(): + time.Sleep(POLLING_INTERVAL) + case ErrorGone.Error(): + return ErrorGone + case ErrorFailed.Error(): + return ErrorFailed + default: + return err + } + } +} + +func (client *rpcClient) PostSuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) error { + return client.client.Call("Server.SpecSuiteWillBegin", report, voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) PostDidRun(report types.SpecReport) error { + return client.client.Call("Server.DidRun", report, voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) PostSuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) error { + return client.client.Call("Server.SpecSuiteDidEnd", report, voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + var n int + err := client.client.Call("Server.EmitOutput", p, &n) + return n, err +} + +func (client *rpcClient) PostSynchronizedBeforeSuiteCompleted(state types.SpecState, data []byte) error { + beforeSuiteState := BeforeSuiteState{ + State: state, + Data: data, + } + return client.client.Call("Server.BeforeSuiteCompleted", beforeSuiteState, voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) BlockUntilSynchronizedBeforeSuiteData() (types.SpecState, []byte, error) { + var beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState + err := client.poll("Server.BeforeSuiteState", &beforeSuiteState) + if err == ErrorGone { + return types.SpecStateInvalid, nil, types.GinkgoErrors.SynchronizedBeforeSuiteDisappearedOnProc1() + } + return beforeSuiteState.State, beforeSuiteState.Data, err +} + +func (client *rpcClient) BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() error { + return client.poll("Server.HaveNonprimaryProcsFinished", voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) BlockUntilAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport() (types.Report, error) { + var report types.Report + err := client.poll("Server.AggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport", &report) + if err == ErrorGone { + return types.Report{}, types.GinkgoErrors.AggregatedReportUnavailableDueToNodeDisappearing() + } + return report, err +} + +func (client *rpcClient) FetchNextCounter() (int, error) { + var counter int + err := client.client.Call("Server.Counter", voidSender, &counter) + return counter, err +} + +func (client *rpcClient) PostAbort() error { + return client.client.Call("Server.Abort", voidSender, voidReceiver) +} + +func (client *rpcClient) ShouldAbort() bool { + var shouldAbort bool + client.client.Call("Server.ShouldAbort", voidSender, &shouldAbort) + return shouldAbort +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_server.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_server.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2620fd562d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/rpc_server.go @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + +The remote package provides the pieces to allow Ginkgo test suites to report to remote listeners. +This is used, primarily, to enable streaming parallel test output but has, in principal, broader applications (e.g. streaming test output to a browser). + +*/ + +package parallel_support + +import ( + "io" + "net" + "net/http" + "net/rpc" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" +) + +/* +RPCServer spins up on an automatically selected port and listens for communication from the forwarding reporter. +It then forwards that communication to attached reporters. +*/ +type RPCServer struct { + listener net.Listener + handler *ServerHandler +} + +//Create a new server, automatically selecting a port +func newRPCServer(parallelTotal int, reporter reporters.Reporter) (*RPCServer, error) { + listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &RPCServer{ + listener: listener, + handler: newServerHandler(parallelTotal, reporter), + }, nil +} + +//Start the server. You don't need to `go s.Start()`, just `s.Start()` +func (server *RPCServer) Start() { + rpcServer := rpc.NewServer() + rpcServer.RegisterName("Server", server.handler) //register the handler's methods as the server + + httpServer := &http.Server{} + httpServer.Handler = rpcServer + + go httpServer.Serve(server.listener) +} + +//Stop the server +func (server *RPCServer) Close() { + server.listener.Close() +} + +//The address the server can be reached it. Pass this into the `ForwardingReporter`. +func (server *RPCServer) Address() string { + return server.listener.Addr().String() +} + +func (server *RPCServer) GetSuiteDone() chan interface{} { + return server.handler.done +} + +func (server *RPCServer) GetOutputDestination() io.Writer { + return server.handler.outputDestination +} + +func (server *RPCServer) SetOutputDestination(w io.Writer) { + server.handler.outputDestination = w +} + +func (server *RPCServer) RegisterAlive(node int, alive func() bool) { + server.handler.registerAlive(node, alive) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/server_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/server_handler.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ca471cf394c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support/server_handler.go @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +package parallel_support + +import ( + "io" + "os" + "sync" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type Void struct{} + +var voidReceiver *Void = &Void{} +var voidSender Void + +// ServerHandler is an RPC-compatible handler that is shared between the http server and the rpc server. +// It handles all the business logic to avoid duplication between the two servers + +type ServerHandler struct { + done chan interface{} + outputDestination io.Writer + reporter reporters.Reporter + alives []func() bool + lock *sync.Mutex + beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState + parallelTotal int + counter int + counterLock *sync.Mutex + shouldAbort bool + + numSuiteDidBegins int + numSuiteDidEnds int + aggregatedReport types.Report + reportHoldingArea []types.SpecReport +} + +func newServerHandler(parallelTotal int, reporter reporters.Reporter) *ServerHandler { + return &ServerHandler{ + reporter: reporter, + lock: &sync.Mutex{}, + counterLock: &sync.Mutex{}, + alives: make([]func() bool, parallelTotal), + beforeSuiteState: BeforeSuiteState{Data: nil, State: types.SpecStateInvalid}, + parallelTotal: parallelTotal, + outputDestination: os.Stdout, + done: make(chan interface{}), + } +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) SpecSuiteWillBegin(report types.Report, _ *Void) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + handler.numSuiteDidBegins += 1 + + // all summaries are identical, so it's fine to simply emit the last one of these + if handler.numSuiteDidBegins == handler.parallelTotal { + handler.reporter.SuiteWillBegin(report) + + for _, summary := range handler.reportHoldingArea { + handler.reporter.WillRun(summary) + handler.reporter.DidRun(summary) + } + + handler.reportHoldingArea = nil + } + + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) DidRun(report types.SpecReport, _ *Void) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + if handler.numSuiteDidBegins == handler.parallelTotal { + handler.reporter.WillRun(report) + handler.reporter.DidRun(report) + } else { + handler.reportHoldingArea = append(handler.reportHoldingArea, report) + } + + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) SpecSuiteDidEnd(report types.Report, _ *Void) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + + handler.numSuiteDidEnds += 1 + if handler.numSuiteDidEnds == 1 { + handler.aggregatedReport = report + } else { + handler.aggregatedReport = handler.aggregatedReport.Add(report) + } + + if handler.numSuiteDidEnds == handler.parallelTotal { + handler.reporter.SuiteDidEnd(handler.aggregatedReport) + close(handler.done) + } + + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) EmitOutput(output []byte, n *int) error { + var err error + *n, err = handler.outputDestination.Write(output) + return err +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) registerAlive(proc int, alive func() bool) { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + handler.alives[proc-1] = alive +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) procIsAlive(proc int) bool { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + alive := handler.alives[proc-1] + if alive == nil { + return true + } + return alive() +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) haveNonprimaryProcsFinished() bool { + for i := 2; i <= handler.parallelTotal; i++ { + if handler.procIsAlive(i) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) BeforeSuiteCompleted(beforeSuiteState BeforeSuiteState, _ *Void) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + handler.beforeSuiteState = beforeSuiteState + + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) BeforeSuiteState(_ Void, beforeSuiteState *BeforeSuiteState) error { + proc1IsAlive := handler.procIsAlive(1) + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + if handler.beforeSuiteState.State == types.SpecStateInvalid { + if proc1IsAlive { + return ErrorEarly + } else { + return ErrorGone + } + } + *beforeSuiteState = handler.beforeSuiteState + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) HaveNonprimaryProcsFinished(_ Void, _ *Void) error { + if handler.haveNonprimaryProcsFinished() { + return nil + } else { + return ErrorEarly + } +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) AggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport(_ Void, report *types.Report) error { + if handler.haveNonprimaryProcsFinished() { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + if handler.numSuiteDidEnds == handler.parallelTotal-1 { + *report = handler.aggregatedReport + return nil + } else { + return ErrorGone + } + } else { + return ErrorEarly + } +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) Counter(_ Void, counter *int) error { + handler.counterLock.Lock() + defer handler.counterLock.Unlock() + *counter = handler.counter + handler.counter++ + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) Abort(_ Void, _ *Void) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + handler.shouldAbort = true + return nil +} + +func (handler *ServerHandler) ShouldAbort(_ Void, shouldAbort *bool) error { + handler.lock.Lock() + defer handler.lock.Unlock() + *shouldAbort = handler.shouldAbort + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/report_entry.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/report_entry.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..74199f3951f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/report_entry.go @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "reflect" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type ReportEntry = types.ReportEntry + +func NewReportEntry(name string, cl types.CodeLocation, args ...interface{}) (ReportEntry, error) { + out := ReportEntry{ + Visibility: types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways, + Name: name, + Time: time.Now(), + Location: cl, + } + var didSetValue = false + for _, arg := range args { + switch reflect.TypeOf(arg) { + case reflect.TypeOf(types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways): + out.Visibility = arg.(types.ReportEntryVisibility) + case reflect.TypeOf(types.CodeLocation{}): + out.Location = arg.(types.CodeLocation) + case reflect.TypeOf(Offset(0)): + out.Location = types.NewCodeLocation(2 + int(arg.(Offset))) + case reflect.TypeOf(out.Time): + out.Time = arg.(time.Time) + default: + if didSetValue { + return ReportEntry{}, types.GinkgoErrors.TooManyReportEntryValues(out.Location, arg) + } + out.Value = types.WrapEntryValue(arg) + didSetValue = true + } + } + + return out, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/spec.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/spec.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..92072edd40a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/spec.go @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type Spec struct { + Nodes Nodes + Skip bool +} + +func (s Spec) SubjectID() uint { + return s.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).ID +} + +func (s Spec) Text() string { + texts := []string{} + for i := range s.Nodes { + if s.Nodes[i].Text != "" { + texts = append(texts, s.Nodes[i].Text) + } + } + return strings.Join(texts, " ") +} + +func (s Spec) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node { + return s.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes) +} + +func (s Spec) FlakeAttempts() int { + flakeAttempts := 0 + for i := range s.Nodes { + if s.Nodes[i].FlakeAttempts > 0 { + flakeAttempts = s.Nodes[i].FlakeAttempts + } + } + + return flakeAttempts +} + +type Specs []Spec + +func (s Specs) HasAnySpecsMarkedPending() bool { + for i := range s { + if s[i].Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() { + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +func (s Specs) CountWithoutSkip() int { + n := 0 + for i := range s { + if !s[i].Skip { + n += 1 + } + } + return n +} + +func (s Specs) AtIndices(indices SpecIndices) Specs { + out := make(Specs, len(indices)) + for i, idx := range indices { + out[i] = s[idx] + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/suite.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/suite.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a521ccbd90d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/suite.go @@ -0,0 +1,629 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type Phase uint + +const ( + PhaseBuildTopLevel Phase = iota + PhaseBuildTree + PhaseRun +) + +type Suite struct { + tree *TreeNode + topLevelContainers Nodes + + phase Phase + + suiteNodes Nodes + cleanupNodes Nodes + + failer *Failer + reporter reporters.Reporter + writer WriterInterface + outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor + interruptHandler interrupt_handler.InterruptHandlerInterface + config types.SuiteConfig + + skipAll bool + report types.Report + currentSpecReport types.SpecReport + currentNode Node + + client parallel_support.Client +} + +func NewSuite() *Suite { + return &Suite{ + tree: &TreeNode{}, + phase: PhaseBuildTopLevel, + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) BuildTree() error { + // During PhaseBuildTopLevel, the top level containers are stored in suite.topLevelCotainers and entered + // We now enter PhaseBuildTree where these top level containers are entered and added to the spec tree + suite.phase = PhaseBuildTree + for _, topLevelContainer := range suite.topLevelContainers { + err := suite.PushNode(topLevelContainer) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (suite *Suite) Run(description string, suiteLabels Labels, suitePath string, failer *Failer, reporter reporters.Reporter, writer WriterInterface, outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor, interruptHandler interrupt_handler.InterruptHandlerInterface, client parallel_support.Client, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (bool, bool) { + if suite.phase != PhaseBuildTree { + panic("cannot run before building the tree = call suite.BuildTree() first") + } + ApplyNestedFocusPolicyToTree(suite.tree) + specs := GenerateSpecsFromTreeRoot(suite.tree) + specs, hasProgrammaticFocus := ApplyFocusToSpecs(specs, description, suiteLabels, suiteConfig) + + suite.phase = PhaseRun + suite.client = client + suite.failer = failer + suite.reporter = reporter + suite.writer = writer + suite.outputInterceptor = outputInterceptor + suite.interruptHandler = interruptHandler + suite.config = suiteConfig + + success := suite.runSpecs(description, suiteLabels, suitePath, hasProgrammaticFocus, specs) + + return success, hasProgrammaticFocus +} + +func (suite *Suite) InRunPhase() bool { + return suite.phase == PhaseRun +} + +/* + Tree Construction methods + + PushNode is used during PhaseBuildTopLevel and PhaseBuildTree +*/ + +func (suite *Suite) PushNode(node Node) error { + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupInvalid | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite) { + return suite.pushCleanupNode(node) + } + + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite | types.NodeTypeAfterSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | types.NodeTypeReportAfterSuite) { + return suite.pushSuiteNode(node) + } + + if suite.phase == PhaseRun { + return types.GinkgoErrors.PushingNodeInRunPhase(node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation) + } + + if node.MarkedSerial { + firstOrderedNode := suite.tree.AncestorNodeChain().FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() + if !firstOrderedNode.IsZero() && !firstOrderedNode.MarkedSerial { + return types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidSerialNodeInNonSerialOrderedContainer(node.CodeLocation, node.NodeType) + } + } + + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeAfterAll) { + firstOrderedNode := suite.tree.AncestorNodeChain().FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() + if firstOrderedNode.IsZero() { + return types.GinkgoErrors.SetupNodeNotInOrderedContainer(node.CodeLocation, node.NodeType) + } + } + + if node.NodeType == types.NodeTypeContainer { + // During PhaseBuildTopLevel we only track the top level containers without entering them + // We only enter the top level container nodes during PhaseBuildTree + // + // This ensures the tree is only constructed after `go spec` has called `flag.Parse()` and gives + // the user an opportunity to load suiteConfiguration information in the `TestX` go spec hook just before `RunSpecs` + // is invoked. This makes the lifecycle easier to reason about and solves issues like #693. + if suite.phase == PhaseBuildTopLevel { + suite.topLevelContainers = append(suite.topLevelContainers, node) + return nil + } + if suite.phase == PhaseBuildTree { + parentTree := suite.tree + suite.tree = &TreeNode{Node: node} + parentTree.AppendChild(suite.tree) + err := func() (err error) { + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + err = types.GinkgoErrors.CaughtPanicDuringABuildPhase(e, node.CodeLocation) + } + }() + node.Body() + return err + }() + suite.tree = parentTree + return err + } + } else { + suite.tree.AppendChild(&TreeNode{Node: node}) + return nil + } + + return nil +} + +func (suite *Suite) pushSuiteNode(node Node) error { + if suite.phase == PhaseBuildTree { + return types.GinkgoErrors.SuiteNodeInNestedContext(node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation) + } + + if suite.phase == PhaseRun { + return types.GinkgoErrors.SuiteNodeDuringRunPhase(node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation) + } + + switch node.NodeType { + case types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite: + existingBefores := suite.suiteNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite) + if len(existingBefores) > 0 { + return types.GinkgoErrors.MultipleBeforeSuiteNodes(node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation, existingBefores[0].NodeType, existingBefores[0].CodeLocation) + } + case types.NodeTypeAfterSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite: + existingAfters := suite.suiteNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite) + if len(existingAfters) > 0 { + return types.GinkgoErrors.MultipleAfterSuiteNodes(node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation, existingAfters[0].NodeType, existingAfters[0].CodeLocation) + } + } + + suite.suiteNodes = append(suite.suiteNodes, node) + return nil +} + +func (suite *Suite) pushCleanupNode(node Node) error { + if suite.phase != PhaseRun || suite.currentNode.IsZero() { + return types.GinkgoErrors.PushingCleanupNodeDuringTreeConstruction(node.CodeLocation) + } + + switch suite.currentNode.NodeType { + case types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite, types.NodeTypeAfterSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite: + node.NodeType = types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite + case types.NodeTypeBeforeAll, types.NodeTypeAfterAll: + node.NodeType = types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll + case types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach, types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach, types.NodeTypeReportAfterSuite: + return types.GinkgoErrors.PushingCleanupInReportingNode(node.CodeLocation, suite.currentNode.NodeType) + case types.NodeTypeCleanupInvalid, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite: + return types.GinkgoErrors.PushingCleanupInCleanupNode(node.CodeLocation) + default: + node.NodeType = types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach + } + + node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated = suite.currentNode.ID + node.NestingLevel = suite.currentNode.NestingLevel + suite.cleanupNodes = append(suite.cleanupNodes, node) + + return nil +} + +/* + Spec Running methods - used during PhaseRun +*/ +func (suite *Suite) CurrentSpecReport() types.SpecReport { + report := suite.currentSpecReport + if suite.writer != nil { + report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput = string(suite.writer.Bytes()) + } + return report +} + +func (suite *Suite) AddReportEntry(entry ReportEntry) error { + if suite.phase != PhaseRun { + return types.GinkgoErrors.AddReportEntryNotDuringRunPhase(entry.Location) + } + suite.currentSpecReport.ReportEntries = append(suite.currentSpecReport.ReportEntries, entry) + return nil +} + +func (suite *Suite) isRunningInParallel() bool { + return suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 +} + +func (suite *Suite) processCurrentSpecReport() { + suite.reporter.DidRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + if suite.isRunningInParallel() { + suite.client.PostDidRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + } + suite.report.SpecReports = append(suite.report.SpecReports, suite.currentSpecReport) + + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) { + suite.report.SuiteSucceeded = false + if suite.config.FailFast || suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateAborted) { + suite.skipAll = true + if suite.isRunningInParallel() { + suite.client.PostAbort() + } + } + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) runSpecs(description string, suiteLabels Labels, suitePath string, hasProgrammaticFocus bool, specs Specs) bool { + numSpecsThatWillBeRun := specs.CountWithoutSkip() + + suite.report = types.Report{ + SuitePath: suitePath, + SuiteDescription: description, + SuiteLabels: suiteLabels, + SuiteConfig: suite.config, + SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus: hasProgrammaticFocus, + PreRunStats: types.PreRunStats{ + TotalSpecs: len(specs), + SpecsThatWillRun: numSpecsThatWillBeRun, + }, + StartTime: time.Now(), + } + + suite.reporter.SuiteWillBegin(suite.report) + if suite.isRunningInParallel() { + suite.client.PostSuiteWillBegin(suite.report) + } + + suite.report.SuiteSucceeded = true + suite.runBeforeSuite(numSpecsThatWillBeRun) + + if suite.report.SuiteSucceeded { + groupedSpecIndices, serialGroupedSpecIndices := OrderSpecs(specs, suite.config) + nextIndex := MakeIncrementingIndexCounter() + if suite.isRunningInParallel() { + nextIndex = suite.client.FetchNextCounter + } + + for { + groupedSpecIdx, err := nextIndex() + if err != nil { + suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to iterate over specs:\n%s", err.Error())) + suite.report.SuiteSucceeded = false + break + } + + if groupedSpecIdx >= len(groupedSpecIndices) { + if suite.config.ParallelProcess == 1 && len(serialGroupedSpecIndices) > 0 { + groupedSpecIndices, serialGroupedSpecIndices, nextIndex = serialGroupedSpecIndices, GroupedSpecIndices{}, MakeIncrementingIndexCounter() + suite.client.BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() + continue + } + break + } + + // the complexity for running groups of specs is very high because of Ordered containers and FlakeAttempts + // we encapsulate that complexity in the notion of a Group that can run + // Group is really just an extension of suite so it gets passed a suite and has access to all its internals + // Note that group is stateful and intended for single use! + newGroup(suite).run(specs.AtIndices(groupedSpecIndices[groupedSpecIdx])) + } + + if specs.HasAnySpecsMarkedPending() && suite.config.FailOnPending { + suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, "Detected pending specs and --fail-on-pending is set") + suite.report.SuiteSucceeded = false + } + } + + suite.runAfterSuiteCleanup(numSpecsThatWillBeRun) + + interruptStatus := suite.interruptHandler.Status() + if interruptStatus.Interrupted { + suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, interruptStatus.Cause.String()) + suite.report.SuiteSucceeded = false + } + suite.report.EndTime = time.Now() + suite.report.RunTime = suite.report.EndTime.Sub(suite.report.StartTime) + + if suite.config.ParallelProcess == 1 { + suite.runReportAfterSuite() + } + suite.reporter.SuiteDidEnd(suite.report) + if suite.isRunningInParallel() { + suite.client.PostSuiteDidEnd(suite.report) + } + + return suite.report.SuiteSucceeded +} + +func (suite *Suite) runBeforeSuite(numSpecsThatWillBeRun int) { + interruptStatus := suite.interruptHandler.Status() + beforeSuiteNode := suite.suiteNodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite) + if !beforeSuiteNode.IsZero() && !interruptStatus.Interrupted && numSpecsThatWillBeRun > 0 { + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{ + LeafNodeType: beforeSuiteNode.NodeType, + LeafNodeLocation: beforeSuiteNode.CodeLocation, + ParallelProcess: suite.config.ParallelProcess, + } + suite.reporter.WillRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + suite.runSuiteNode(beforeSuiteNode, interruptStatus.Channel) + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateSkipped) { + suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(suite.report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, "Suite skipped in BeforeSuite") + suite.skipAll = true + } + suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) runAfterSuiteCleanup(numSpecsThatWillBeRun int) { + afterSuiteNode := suite.suiteNodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeAfterSuite | types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite) + if !afterSuiteNode.IsZero() && numSpecsThatWillBeRun > 0 { + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{ + LeafNodeType: afterSuiteNode.NodeType, + LeafNodeLocation: afterSuiteNode.CodeLocation, + ParallelProcess: suite.config.ParallelProcess, + } + suite.reporter.WillRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + suite.runSuiteNode(afterSuiteNode, suite.interruptHandler.Status().Channel) + suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + } + + afterSuiteCleanup := suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite).Reverse() + if len(afterSuiteCleanup) > 0 { + for _, cleanupNode := range afterSuiteCleanup { + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{ + LeafNodeType: cleanupNode.NodeType, + LeafNodeLocation: cleanupNode.CodeLocation, + ParallelProcess: suite.config.ParallelProcess, + } + suite.reporter.WillRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + suite.runSuiteNode(cleanupNode, suite.interruptHandler.Status().Channel) + suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + } + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) runReportAfterSuite() { + for _, node := range suite.suiteNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeReportAfterSuite) { + suite.currentSpecReport = types.SpecReport{ + LeafNodeType: node.NodeType, + LeafNodeLocation: node.CodeLocation, + LeafNodeText: node.Text, + ParallelProcess: suite.config.ParallelProcess, + } + suite.reporter.WillRun(suite.currentSpecReport) + suite.runReportAfterSuiteNode(node, suite.report) + suite.processCurrentSpecReport() + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) reportEach(spec Spec, nodeType types.NodeType) { + nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(nodeType) + if nodeType == types.NodeTypeReportAfterEach { + nodes = nodes.SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() + } + if nodeType == types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach { + nodes = nodes.SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() + } + if len(nodes) == 0 { + return + } + + for i := range nodes { + suite.writer.Truncate() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + report := suite.currentSpecReport + nodes[i].Body = func() { + nodes[i].ReportEachBody(report) + } + suite.interruptHandler.SetInterruptPlaceholderMessage(formatter.Fiw(0, formatter.COLS, + "{{yellow}}Ginkgo received an interrupt signal but is currently running a %s node. To avoid an invalid report the %s node will not be interrupted however subsequent tests will be skipped.{{/}}\n\n{{bold}}The running %s node is at:\n%s.{{/}}", + nodeType, nodeType, nodeType, + nodes[i].CodeLocation, + )) + state, failure := suite.runNode(nodes[i], nil, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(nodes[i])) + suite.interruptHandler.ClearInterruptPlaceholderMessage() + // If the spec is not in a failure state (i.e. it's Passed/Skipped/Pending) and the reporter has failed, override the state. + // Also, if the reporter is every aborted - always override the state to propagate the abort + if (!suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) && state.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates)) || state.Is(types.SpecStateAborted) { + suite.currentSpecReport.State = state + suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = failure + } + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput += string(suite.writer.Bytes()) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) runSuiteNode(node Node, interruptChannel chan interface{}) { + if suite.config.DryRun { + suite.currentSpecReport.State = types.SpecStatePassed + return + } + + suite.writer.Truncate() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now() + + var err error + switch node.NodeType { + case types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite, types.NodeTypeAfterSuite: + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + case types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite: + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 && suite.config.ParallelProcess == 1 { + err = suite.client.BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() + } + if err == nil { + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + } + case types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite: + var data []byte + var runAllProcs bool + if suite.config.ParallelProcess == 1 { + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 { + suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(suite.client) + } + node.Body = func() { data = node.SynchronizedBeforeSuiteProc1Body() } + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 { + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed) { + err = suite.client.PostSynchronizedBeforeSuiteCompleted(types.SpecStatePassed, data) + } else { + err = suite.client.PostSynchronizedBeforeSuiteCompleted(suite.currentSpecReport.State, nil) + } + } + runAllProcs = suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed) && err == nil + } else { + var proc1State types.SpecState + proc1State, data, err = suite.client.BlockUntilSynchronizedBeforeSuiteData() + switch proc1State { + case types.SpecStatePassed: + runAllProcs = true + case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked: + err = types.GinkgoErrors.SynchronizedBeforeSuiteFailedOnProc1() + case types.SpecStateInterrupted, types.SpecStateAborted, types.SpecStateSkipped: + suite.currentSpecReport.State = proc1State + } + } + if runAllProcs { + node.Body = func() { node.SynchronizedBeforeSuiteAllProcsBody(data) } + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + } + case types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite: + node.Body = node.SynchronizedAfterSuiteAllProcsBody + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + if suite.config.ParallelProcess == 1 { + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 { + err = suite.client.BlockUntilNonprimaryProcsHaveFinished() + } + if err == nil { + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 { + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(suite.client) + } + + node.Body = node.SynchronizedAfterSuiteProc1Body + state, failure := suite.runNode(node, interruptChannel, "") + if suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStatePassed) { + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = state, failure + } + } + } + } + + if err != nil && !suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates) { + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = types.SpecStateFailed, suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(node, err.Error()) + } + + suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime = time.Now() + suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime.Sub(suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput = string(suite.writer.Bytes()) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr += suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + + return +} + +func (suite *Suite) runReportAfterSuiteNode(node Node, report types.Report) { + suite.writer.Truncate() + suite.outputInterceptor.StartInterceptingOutput() + suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now() + + if suite.config.ParallelTotal > 1 { + aggregatedReport, err := suite.client.BlockUntilAggregatedNonprimaryProcsReport() + if err != nil { + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = types.SpecStateFailed, suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(node, err.Error()) + return + } + report = report.Add(aggregatedReport) + } + + node.Body = func() { node.ReportAfterSuiteBody(report) } + suite.interruptHandler.SetInterruptPlaceholderMessage(formatter.Fiw(0, formatter.COLS, + "{{yellow}}Ginkgo received an interrupt signal but is currently running a ReportAfterSuite node. To avoid an invalid report the ReportAfterSuite node will not be interrupted.{{/}}\n\n{{bold}}The running ReportAfterSuite node is at:\n%s.{{/}}", + node.CodeLocation, + )) + suite.currentSpecReport.State, suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = suite.runNode(node, nil, "") + suite.interruptHandler.ClearInterruptPlaceholderMessage() + + suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime = time.Now() + suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = suite.currentSpecReport.EndTime.Sub(suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput = string(suite.writer.Bytes()) + suite.currentSpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr = suite.outputInterceptor.StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() + + return +} + +func (suite *Suite) runNode(node Node, interruptChannel chan interface{}, text string) (types.SpecState, types.Failure) { + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite) { + suite.cleanupNodes = suite.cleanupNodes.WithoutNode(node) + } + + suite.currentNode = node + defer func() { + suite.currentNode = Node{} + }() + + if suite.config.EmitSpecProgress { + if text == "" { + text = "TOP-LEVEL" + } + s := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s\n %s\n", node.NodeType.String(), text, node.CodeLocation.String()) + suite.writer.Write([]byte(s)) + } + + var failure types.Failure + failure.FailureNodeType, failure.FailureNodeLocation = node.NodeType, node.CodeLocation + if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeIt) || node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes) { + failure.FailureNodeContext = types.FailureNodeIsLeafNode + } else if node.NestingLevel <= 0 { + failure.FailureNodeContext = types.FailureNodeAtTopLevel + } else { + failure.FailureNodeContext, failure.FailureNodeContainerIndex = types.FailureNodeInContainer, node.NestingLevel-1 + } + + outcomeC := make(chan types.SpecState) + failureC := make(chan types.Failure) + + go func() { + finished := false + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil || !finished { + suite.failer.Panic(types.NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(2), e) + } + + outcome, failureFromRun := suite.failer.Drain() + outcomeC <- outcome + failureC <- failureFromRun + }() + + node.Body() + finished = true + }() + + select { + case outcome := <-outcomeC: + failureFromRun := <-failureC + if outcome == types.SpecStatePassed { + return outcome, types.Failure{} + } + failure.Message, failure.Location, failure.ForwardedPanic = failureFromRun.Message, failureFromRun.Location, failureFromRun.ForwardedPanic + return outcome, failure + case <-interruptChannel: + failure.Message, failure.Location = suite.interruptHandler.InterruptMessageWithStackTraces(), node.CodeLocation + return types.SpecStateInterrupted, failure + } +} + +func (suite *Suite) failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(node Node, message string) types.Failure { + return types.Failure{ + Message: message, + Location: node.CodeLocation, + FailureNodeContext: types.FailureNodeIsLeafNode, + FailureNodeType: node.NodeType, + FailureNodeLocation: node.CodeLocation, + } +} + +func max(a, b int) int { + if a > b { + return a + } + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2f42b2642b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/testingtproxy/testing_t_proxy.go @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +package testingtproxy + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type failFunc func(message string, callerSkip ...int) +type skipFunc func(message string, callerSkip ...int) +type cleanupFunc func(args ...interface{}) +type reportFunc func() types.SpecReport + +func New(writer io.Writer, fail failFunc, skip skipFunc, cleanup cleanupFunc, report reportFunc, offset int) *ginkgoTestingTProxy { + return &ginkgoTestingTProxy{ + fail: fail, + offset: offset, + writer: writer, + skip: skip, + cleanup: cleanup, + report: report, + } +} + +type ginkgoTestingTProxy struct { + fail failFunc + skip skipFunc + cleanup cleanupFunc + report reportFunc + offset int + writer io.Writer +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Cleanup(f func()) { + t.cleanup(f, internal.Offset(1)) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Setenv(key, value string) { + originalValue, exists := os.LookupEnv(key) + if exists { + t.cleanup(os.Setenv, key, originalValue, internal.Offset(1)) + } else { + t.cleanup(os.Unsetenv, key, internal.Offset(1)) + } + + err := os.Setenv(key, value) + if err != nil { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set environment variable: %v", err), 1) + } +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Error(args ...interface{}) { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintln(args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fail() { + t.fail("failed", t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) FailNow() { + t.fail("failed", t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Failed() bool { + return t.report().Failed() +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fatal(args ...interface{}) { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintln(args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Helper() { + // No-op +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Log(args ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprintln(t.writer, args...) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + t.Log(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Name() string { + return t.report().FullText() +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Parallel() { + // No-op +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skip(args ...interface{}) { + t.skip(fmt.Sprintln(args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) SkipNow() { + t.skip("skip", t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + t.skip(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), t.offset) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) Skipped() bool { + return t.report().State.Is(types.SpecStateSkipped) +} + +func (t *ginkgoTestingTProxy) TempDir() string { + tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "ginkgo") + if err != nil { + t.fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create temporary directory: %v", err), 1) + return "" + } + t.cleanup(os.RemoveAll, tmpDir) + + return tmpDir +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/tree.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/tree.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f9d1eeb8f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/tree.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package internal + +import "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" + +type TreeNode struct { + Node Node + Parent *TreeNode + Children TreeNodes +} + +func (tn *TreeNode) AppendChild(child *TreeNode) { + tn.Children = append(tn.Children, child) + child.Parent = tn +} + +func (tn *TreeNode) AncestorNodeChain() Nodes { + if tn.Parent == nil || tn.Parent.Node.IsZero() { + return Nodes{tn.Node} + } + return append(tn.Parent.AncestorNodeChain(), tn.Node) +} + +type TreeNodes []*TreeNode + +func (tn TreeNodes) Nodes() Nodes { + out := make(Nodes, len(tn)) + for i := range tn { + out[i] = tn[i].Node + } + return out +} + +func (tn TreeNodes) WithID(id uint) *TreeNode { + for i := range tn { + if tn[i].Node.ID == id { + return tn[i] + } + } + + return nil +} + +func GenerateSpecsFromTreeRoot(tree *TreeNode) Specs { + var walkTree func(nestingLevel int, lNodes Nodes, rNodes Nodes, trees TreeNodes) Specs + walkTree = func(nestingLevel int, lNodes Nodes, rNodes Nodes, trees TreeNodes) Specs { + tests := Specs{} + + nodes := make(Nodes, len(trees)) + for i := range trees { + nodes[i] = trees[i].Node + nodes[i].NestingLevel = nestingLevel + } + + for i := range nodes { + if !nodes[i].NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) { + continue + } + leftNodes, rightNodes := nodes.SplitAround(nodes[i]) + leftNodes = leftNodes.WithoutType(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) + rightNodes = rightNodes.WithoutType(types.NodeTypesForContainerAndIt) + + leftNodes = lNodes.CopyAppend(leftNodes...) + rightNodes = rightNodes.CopyAppend(rNodes...) + + if nodes[i].NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeIt) { + tests = append(tests, Spec{Nodes: leftNodes.CopyAppend(nodes[i]).CopyAppend(rightNodes...)}) + } else { + treeNode := trees.WithID(nodes[i].ID) + tests = append(tests, walkTree(nestingLevel+1, leftNodes.CopyAppend(nodes[i]), rightNodes, treeNode.Children)...) + } + } + + return tests + } + + return walkTree(0, Nodes{}, Nodes{}, tree.Children) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/writer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..70f0a41f61f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/writer.go @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "sync" +) + +type WriterMode uint + +const ( + WriterModeStreamAndBuffer WriterMode = iota + WriterModeBufferOnly +) + +type WriterInterface interface { + io.Writer + + Truncate() + Bytes() []byte +} + +//Writer implements WriterInterface and GinkgoWriterInterface +type Writer struct { + buffer *bytes.Buffer + outWriter io.Writer + lock *sync.Mutex + mode WriterMode + + teeWriters []io.Writer +} + +func NewWriter(outWriter io.Writer) *Writer { + return &Writer{ + buffer: &bytes.Buffer{}, + lock: &sync.Mutex{}, + outWriter: outWriter, + mode: WriterModeStreamAndBuffer, + } +} + +func (w *Writer) SetMode(mode WriterMode) { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + w.mode = mode +} + +func (w *Writer) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + + for _, teeWriter := range w.teeWriters { + teeWriter.Write(b) + } + + if w.mode == WriterModeStreamAndBuffer { + w.outWriter.Write(b) + } + return w.buffer.Write(b) +} + +func (w *Writer) Truncate() { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + w.buffer.Reset() +} + +func (w *Writer) Bytes() []byte { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + b := w.buffer.Bytes() + copied := make([]byte, len(b)) + copy(copied, b) + return copied +} + +//GinkgoWriterInterface +func (w *Writer) TeeTo(writer io.Writer) { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + + w.teeWriters = append(w.teeWriters, writer) +} + +func (w *Writer) ClearTeeWriters() { + w.lock.Lock() + defer w.lock.Unlock() + + w.teeWriters = []io.Writer{} +} + +func (w *Writer) Print(a ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprint(w, a...) +} + +func (w *Writer) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...) +} + +func (w *Writer) Println(a ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprintln(w, a...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/default_reporter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/default_reporter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f39802ffa42 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/default_reporter.go @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +/* +Ginkgo's Default Reporter + +A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output. + +These are documented [here](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#running_tests) +*/ +package reporters + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "runtime" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type DefaultReporter struct { + conf types.ReporterConfig + writer io.Writer + + // managing the emission stream + lastChar string + lastEmissionWasDelimiter bool + + // rendering + specDenoter string + retryDenoter string + formatter formatter.Formatter +} + +func NewDefaultReporterUnderTest(conf types.ReporterConfig, writer io.Writer) *DefaultReporter { + reporter := NewDefaultReporter(conf, writer) + reporter.formatter = formatter.New(formatter.ColorModePassthrough) + + return reporter +} + +func NewDefaultReporter(conf types.ReporterConfig, writer io.Writer) *DefaultReporter { + reporter := &DefaultReporter{ + conf: conf, + writer: writer, + + lastChar: "\n", + lastEmissionWasDelimiter: false, + + specDenoter: "β€’", + retryDenoter: "β†Ί", + formatter: formatter.NewWithNoColorBool(conf.NoColor), + } + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { + reporter.specDenoter = "+" + reporter.retryDenoter = "R" + } + + return reporter +} + +/* The Reporter Interface */ + +func (r *DefaultReporter) SuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) { + if r.conf.Verbosity().Is(types.VerbosityLevelSuccinct) { + r.emit(r.f("[%d] {{bold}}%s{{/}} ", report.SuiteConfig.RandomSeed, report.SuiteDescription)) + if len(report.SuiteLabels) > 0 { + r.emit(r.f("{{coral}}[%s]{{/}} ", strings.Join(report.SuiteLabels, ", "))) + } + r.emit(r.f("- %d/%d specs ", report.PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun, report.PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)) + if report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal > 1 { + r.emit(r.f("- %d procs ", report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal)) + } + } else { + banner := r.f("Running Suite: %s - %s", report.SuiteDescription, report.SuitePath) + r.emitBlock(banner) + bannerWidth := len(banner) + if len(report.SuiteLabels) > 0 { + labels := strings.Join(report.SuiteLabels, ", ") + r.emitBlock(r.f("{{coral}}[%s]{{/}} ", labels)) + if len(labels)+2 > bannerWidth { + bannerWidth = len(labels) + 2 + } + } + r.emitBlock(strings.Repeat("=", bannerWidth)) + + out := r.f("Random Seed: {{bold}}%d{{/}}", report.SuiteConfig.RandomSeed) + if report.SuiteConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs { + out += r.f(" - will randomize all specs") + } + r.emitBlock(out) + r.emit("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.f("Will run {{bold}}%d{{/}} of {{bold}}%d{{/}} specs", report.PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun, report.PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)) + if report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal > 1 { + r.emitBlock(r.f("Running in parallel across {{bold}}%d{{/}} processes", report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal)) + } + } +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) WillRun(report types.SpecReport) { + if r.conf.Verbosity().LT(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose) || report.State.Is(types.SpecStatePending|types.SpecStateSkipped) { + return + } + + r.emitDelimiter() + indentation := uint(0) + if report.LeafNodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes) { + r.emitBlock(r.f("{{bold}}[%s] %s{{/}}", report.LeafNodeType.String(), report.LeafNodeText)) + } else { + if len(report.ContainerHierarchyTexts) > 0 { + r.emitBlock(r.cycleJoin(report.ContainerHierarchyTexts, " ")) + indentation = 1 + } + line := r.fi(indentation, "{{bold}}%s{{/}}", report.LeafNodeText) + labels := report.Labels() + if len(labels) > 0 { + line += r.f(" {{coral}}[%s]{{/}}", strings.Join(labels, ", ")) + } + r.emitBlock(line) + } + r.emitBlock(r.fi(indentation, "{{gray}}%s{{/}}", report.LeafNodeLocation)) +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) DidRun(report types.SpecReport) { + v := r.conf.Verbosity() + var header, highlightColor string + includeRuntime, emitGinkgoWriterOutput, stream, denoter := true, true, false, r.specDenoter + succinctLocationBlock := v.Is(types.VerbosityLevelSuccinct) + + hasGW := report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput != "" + hasStd := report.CapturedStdOutErr != "" + hasEmittableReports := report.ReportEntries.HasVisibility(types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways) || (report.ReportEntries.HasVisibility(types.ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose) && (!report.Failure.IsZero() || v.GTE(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose))) + + if report.LeafNodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes) { + denoter = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", report.LeafNodeType) + } + + switch report.State { + case types.SpecStatePassed: + highlightColor, succinctLocationBlock = "{{green}}", v.LT(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose) + emitGinkgoWriterOutput = (r.conf.AlwaysEmitGinkgoWriter || v.GTE(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose)) && hasGW + if report.LeafNodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes) { + if v.GTE(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose) || hasStd || hasEmittableReports { + header = fmt.Sprintf("%s PASSED", denoter) + } else { + return + } + } else { + header, stream = denoter, true + if report.NumAttempts > 1 { + header, stream = fmt.Sprintf("%s [FLAKEY TEST - TOOK %d ATTEMPTS TO PASS]", r.retryDenoter, report.NumAttempts), false + } + if report.RunTime > r.conf.SlowSpecThreshold { + header, stream = fmt.Sprintf("%s [SLOW TEST]", header), false + } + } + if hasStd || emitGinkgoWriterOutput || hasEmittableReports { + stream = false + } + case types.SpecStatePending: + highlightColor = "{{yellow}}" + includeRuntime, emitGinkgoWriterOutput = false, false + if v.Is(types.VerbosityLevelSuccinct) { + header, stream = "P", true + } else { + header, succinctLocationBlock = "P [PENDING]", v.LT(types.VerbosityLevelVeryVerbose) + } + case types.SpecStateSkipped: + highlightColor = "{{cyan}}" + if report.Failure.Message != "" || v.Is(types.VerbosityLevelVeryVerbose) { + header = "S [SKIPPED]" + } else { + header, stream = "S", true + } + case types.SpecStateFailed: + highlightColor, header = "{{red}}", fmt.Sprintf("%s [FAILED]", denoter) + case types.SpecStatePanicked: + highlightColor, header = "{{magenta}}", fmt.Sprintf("%s! [PANICKED]", denoter) + case types.SpecStateInterrupted: + highlightColor, header = "{{orange}}", fmt.Sprintf("%s! [INTERRUPTED]", denoter) + case types.SpecStateAborted: + highlightColor, header = "{{coral}}", fmt.Sprintf("%s! [ABORTED]", denoter) + } + + // Emit stream and return + if stream { + r.emit(r.f(highlightColor + header + "{{/}}")) + return + } + + // Emit header + r.emitDelimiter() + if includeRuntime { + header = r.f("%s [%.3f seconds]", header, report.RunTime.Seconds()) + } + r.emitBlock(r.f(highlightColor + header + "{{/}}")) + + // Emit Code Location Block + r.emitBlock(r.codeLocationBlock(report, highlightColor, succinctLocationBlock, false)) + + //Emit Stdout/Stderr Output + if hasStd { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}Begin Captured StdOut/StdErr Output >>{{/}}")) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(2, "%s", report.CapturedStdOutErr)) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}<< End Captured StdOut/StdErr Output{{/}}")) + } + + //Emit Captured GinkgoWriter Output + if emitGinkgoWriterOutput && hasGW { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>{{/}}")) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(2, "%s", report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput)) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}<< End Captured GinkgoWriter Output{{/}}")) + } + + if hasEmittableReports { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}Begin Report Entries >>{{/}}")) + reportEntries := report.ReportEntries.WithVisibility(types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways) + if !report.Failure.IsZero() || v.GTE(types.VerbosityLevelVerbose) { + reportEntries = report.ReportEntries.WithVisibility(types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways, types.ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose) + } + for _, entry := range reportEntries { + r.emitBlock(r.fi(2, "{{bold}}"+entry.Name+"{{gray}} - %s @ %s{{/}}", entry.Location, entry.Time.Format(types.GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT))) + if representation := entry.StringRepresentation(); representation != "" { + r.emitBlock(r.fi(3, representation)) + } + } + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, "{{gray}}<< End Report Entries{{/}}")) + } + + // Emit Failure Message + if !report.Failure.IsZero() { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, highlightColor+"%s{{/}}", report.Failure.Message)) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, highlightColor+"In {{bold}}[%s]{{/}}"+highlightColor+" at: {{bold}}%s{{/}}\n", report.Failure.FailureNodeType, report.Failure.Location)) + if report.Failure.ForwardedPanic != "" { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, highlightColor+"%s{{/}}", report.Failure.ForwardedPanic)) + } + + if r.conf.FullTrace || report.Failure.ForwardedPanic != "" { + r.emitBlock("\n") + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, highlightColor+"Full Stack Trace{{/}}")) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(2, "%s", report.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace)) + } + } + + r.emitDelimiter() +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) SuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) { + failures := report.SpecReports.WithState(types.SpecStateFailureStates) + if len(failures) > 1 { + r.emitBlock("\n\n") + r.emitBlock(r.f("{{red}}{{bold}}Summarizing %d Failures:{{/}}", len(failures))) + for _, specReport := range failures { + highlightColor, heading := "{{red}}", "[FAIL]" + switch specReport.State { + case types.SpecStatePanicked: + highlightColor, heading = "{{magenta}}", "[PANICKED!]" + case types.SpecStateAborted: + highlightColor, heading = "{{coral}}", "[ABORTED]" + case types.SpecStateInterrupted: + highlightColor, heading = "{{orange}}", "[INTERRUPTED]" + } + locationBlock := r.codeLocationBlock(specReport, highlightColor, true, true) + r.emitBlock(r.fi(1, highlightColor+"%s{{/}} %s", heading, locationBlock)) + } + } + + //summarize the suite + if r.conf.Verbosity().Is(types.VerbosityLevelSuccinct) && report.SuiteSucceeded { + r.emit(r.f(" {{green}}SUCCESS!{{/}} %s ", report.RunTime)) + return + } + + r.emitBlock("\n") + color, status := "{{green}}{{bold}}", "SUCCESS!" + if !report.SuiteSucceeded { + color, status = "{{red}}{{bold}}", "FAIL!" + } + + specs := report.SpecReports.WithLeafNodeType(types.NodeTypeIt) //exclude any suite setup nodes + r.emitBlock(r.f(color+"Ran %d of %d Specs in %.3f seconds{{/}}", + specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStatePassed)+specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStateFailureStates), + report.PreRunStats.TotalSpecs, + report.RunTime.Seconds()), + ) + + switch len(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons) { + case 0: + r.emit(r.f(color+"%s{{/}} -- ", status)) + case 1: + r.emit(r.f(color+"%s - %s{{/}} -- ", status, report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons[0])) + default: + r.emitBlock(r.f(color+"%s - %s{{/}}\n", status, strings.Join(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, ", "))) + } + + if len(specs) == 0 && report.SpecReports.WithLeafNodeType(types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite|types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite).CountWithState(types.SpecStateFailureStates) > 0 { + r.emit(r.f("{{cyan}}{{bold}}A BeforeSuite node failed so all tests were skipped.{{/}}\n")) + } else { + r.emit(r.f("{{green}}{{bold}}%d Passed{{/}} | ", specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStatePassed))) + r.emit(r.f("{{red}}{{bold}}%d Failed{{/}} | ", specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStateFailureStates))) + if specs.CountOfFlakedSpecs() > 0 { + r.emit(r.f("{{light-yellow}}{{bold}}%d Flaked{{/}} | ", specs.CountOfFlakedSpecs())) + } + r.emit(r.f("{{yellow}}{{bold}}%d Pending{{/}} | ", specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStatePending))) + r.emit(r.f("{{cyan}}{{bold}}%d Skipped{{/}}\n", specs.CountWithState(types.SpecStateSkipped))) + } +} + +/* Emitting to the writer */ +func (r *DefaultReporter) emit(s string) { + if len(s) > 0 { + r.lastChar = s[len(s)-1:] + r.lastEmissionWasDelimiter = false + r.writer.Write([]byte(s)) + } +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) emitBlock(s string) { + if len(s) > 0 { + if r.lastChar != "\n" { + r.emit("\n") + } + r.emit(s) + if r.lastChar != "\n" { + r.emit("\n") + } + } +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) emitDelimiter() { + if r.lastEmissionWasDelimiter { + return + } + r.emitBlock(r.f("{{gray}}%s{{/}}", strings.Repeat("-", 30))) + r.lastEmissionWasDelimiter = true +} + +/* Rendering text */ +func (r *DefaultReporter) f(format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return r.formatter.F(format, args...) +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) fi(indentation uint, format string, args ...interface{}) string { + return r.formatter.Fi(indentation, format, args...) +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) cycleJoin(elements []string, joiner string) string { + return r.formatter.CycleJoin(elements, joiner, []string{"{{/}}", "{{gray}}"}) +} + +func (r *DefaultReporter) codeLocationBlock(report types.SpecReport, highlightColor string, succinct bool, usePreciseFailureLocation bool) string { + texts, locations, labels := []string{}, []types.CodeLocation{}, [][]string{} + texts, locations, labels = append(texts, report.ContainerHierarchyTexts...), append(locations, report.ContainerHierarchyLocations...), append(labels, report.ContainerHierarchyLabels...) + if report.LeafNodeType.Is(types.NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes) { + texts = append(texts, r.f("[%s] %s", report.LeafNodeType, report.LeafNodeText)) + } else { + texts = append(texts, report.LeafNodeText) + } + labels = append(labels, report.LeafNodeLabels) + locations = append(locations, report.LeafNodeLocation) + + failureLocation := report.Failure.FailureNodeLocation + if usePreciseFailureLocation { + failureLocation = report.Failure.Location + } + + switch report.Failure.FailureNodeContext { + case types.FailureNodeAtTopLevel: + texts = append([]string{r.f(highlightColor+"{{bold}}TOP-LEVEL [%s]{{/}}", report.Failure.FailureNodeType)}, texts...) + locations = append([]types.CodeLocation{failureLocation}, locations...) + labels = append([][]string{{}}, labels...) + case types.FailureNodeInContainer: + i := report.Failure.FailureNodeContainerIndex + texts[i] = r.f(highlightColor+"{{bold}}%s [%s]{{/}}", texts[i], report.Failure.FailureNodeType) + locations[i] = failureLocation + case types.FailureNodeIsLeafNode: + i := len(texts) - 1 + texts[i] = r.f(highlightColor+"{{bold}}[%s] %s{{/}}", report.LeafNodeType, report.LeafNodeText) + locations[i] = failureLocation + } + + out := "" + if succinct { + out += r.f("%s", r.cycleJoin(texts, " ")) + flattenedLabels := report.Labels() + if len(flattenedLabels) > 0 { + out += r.f(" {{coral}}[%s]{{/}}", strings.Join(flattenedLabels, ", ")) + } + out += "\n" + if usePreciseFailureLocation { + out += r.f("{{gray}}%s{{/}}", failureLocation) + } else { + out += r.f("{{gray}}%s{{/}}", locations[len(locations)-1]) + } + } else { + for i := range texts { + out += r.fi(uint(i), "%s", texts[i]) + if len(labels[i]) > 0 { + out += r.f(" {{coral}}[%s]{{/}}", strings.Join(labels[i], ", ")) + } + out += "\n" + out += r.fi(uint(i), "{{gray}}%s{{/}}\n", locations[i]) + } + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/deprecated_reporter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/deprecated_reporter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..89d30076bfa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/deprecated_reporter.go @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +package reporters + +import ( + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +// Deprecated: DeprecatedReporter was how Ginkgo V1 provided support for CustomReporters +// this has been removed in V2. +// Please read the documentation at: +// https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#removed-custom-reporters +// for Ginkgo's new behavior and for a migration path. +type DeprecatedReporter interface { + SuiteWillBegin(config config.GinkgoConfigType, summary *types.SuiteSummary) + BeforeSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) + SpecWillRun(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) + SpecDidComplete(specSummary *types.SpecSummary) + AfterSuiteDidRun(setupSummary *types.SetupSummary) + SuiteDidEnd(summary *types.SuiteSummary) +} + +// ReportViaDeprecatedReporter takes a V1 custom reporter and a V2 report and +// calls the custom reporter's methods with appropriately transformed data from the V2 report. +// +// ReportViaDeprecatedReporter should be called in a `ReportAfterSuite()` +// +// Deprecated: ReportViaDeprecatedReporter method exists to help developer bridge between deprecated V1 functionality and the new +// reporting support in V2. It will be removed in a future minor version of Ginkgo. +func ReportViaDeprecatedReporter(reporter DeprecatedReporter, report types.Report) { + conf := config.DeprecatedGinkgoConfigType{ + RandomSeed: report.SuiteConfig.RandomSeed, + RandomizeAllSpecs: report.SuiteConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs, + FocusStrings: report.SuiteConfig.FocusStrings, + SkipStrings: report.SuiteConfig.SkipStrings, + FailOnPending: report.SuiteConfig.FailOnPending, + FailFast: report.SuiteConfig.FailFast, + FlakeAttempts: report.SuiteConfig.FlakeAttempts, + EmitSpecProgress: report.SuiteConfig.EmitSpecProgress, + DryRun: report.SuiteConfig.DryRun, + ParallelNode: report.SuiteConfig.ParallelProcess, + ParallelTotal: report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal, + SyncHost: report.SuiteConfig.ParallelHost, + StreamHost: report.SuiteConfig.ParallelHost, + } + + summary := &types.DeprecatedSuiteSummary{ + SuiteDescription: report.SuiteDescription, + SuiteID: report.SuitePath, + + NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization: report.PreRunStats.TotalSpecs, + NumberOfTotalSpecs: report.PreRunStats.TotalSpecs, + NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun: report.PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun, + } + + reporter.SuiteWillBegin(conf, summary) + + for _, spec := range report.SpecReports { + switch spec.LeafNodeType { + case types.NodeTypeBeforeSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite: + setupSummary := &types.DeprecatedSetupSummary{ + ComponentType: spec.LeafNodeType, + CodeLocation: spec.LeafNodeLocation, + State: spec.State, + RunTime: spec.RunTime, + Failure: failureFor(spec), + CapturedOutput: spec.CombinedOutput(), + SuiteID: report.SuitePath, + } + reporter.BeforeSuiteDidRun(setupSummary) + case types.NodeTypeAfterSuite, types.NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite: + setupSummary := &types.DeprecatedSetupSummary{ + ComponentType: spec.LeafNodeType, + CodeLocation: spec.LeafNodeLocation, + State: spec.State, + RunTime: spec.RunTime, + Failure: failureFor(spec), + CapturedOutput: spec.CombinedOutput(), + SuiteID: report.SuitePath, + } + reporter.AfterSuiteDidRun(setupSummary) + case types.NodeTypeIt: + componentTexts, componentCodeLocations := []string{}, []types.CodeLocation{} + componentTexts = append(componentTexts, spec.ContainerHierarchyTexts...) + componentCodeLocations = append(componentCodeLocations, spec.ContainerHierarchyLocations...) + componentTexts = append(componentTexts, spec.LeafNodeText) + componentCodeLocations = append(componentCodeLocations, spec.LeafNodeLocation) + + specSummary := &types.DeprecatedSpecSummary{ + ComponentTexts: componentTexts, + ComponentCodeLocations: componentCodeLocations, + State: spec.State, + RunTime: spec.RunTime, + Failure: failureFor(spec), + NumberOfSamples: spec.NumAttempts, + CapturedOutput: spec.CombinedOutput(), + SuiteID: report.SuitePath, + } + reporter.SpecWillRun(specSummary) + reporter.SpecDidComplete(specSummary) + + switch spec.State { + case types.SpecStatePending: + summary.NumberOfPendingSpecs += 1 + case types.SpecStateSkipped: + summary.NumberOfSkippedSpecs += 1 + case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked, types.SpecStateInterrupted: + summary.NumberOfFailedSpecs += 1 + case types.SpecStatePassed: + summary.NumberOfPassedSpecs += 1 + if spec.NumAttempts > 1 { + summary.NumberOfFlakedSpecs += 1 + } + } + } + } + + summary.SuiteSucceeded = report.SuiteSucceeded + summary.RunTime = report.RunTime + + reporter.SuiteDidEnd(summary) +} + +func failureFor(spec types.SpecReport) types.DeprecatedSpecFailure { + if spec.Failure.IsZero() { + return types.DeprecatedSpecFailure{} + } + + index := 0 + switch spec.Failure.FailureNodeContext { + case types.FailureNodeInContainer: + index = spec.Failure.FailureNodeContainerIndex + case types.FailureNodeAtTopLevel: + index = -1 + case types.FailureNodeIsLeafNode: + index = len(spec.ContainerHierarchyTexts) - 1 + if spec.LeafNodeText != "" { + index += 1 + } + } + + return types.DeprecatedSpecFailure{ + Message: spec.Failure.Message, + Location: spec.Failure.Location, + ForwardedPanic: spec.Failure.ForwardedPanic, + ComponentIndex: index, + ComponentType: spec.Failure.FailureNodeType, + ComponentCodeLocation: spec.Failure.FailureNodeLocation, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/json_report.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/json_report.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7f96c450fe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/json_report.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package reporters + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "os" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +//GenerateJSONReport produces a JSON-formatted report at the passed in destination +func GenerateJSONReport(report types.Report, destination string) error { + f, err := os.Create(destination) + if err != nil { + return err + } + enc := json.NewEncoder(f) + enc.SetIndent("", " ") + err = enc.Encode([]types.Report{ + report, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return f.Close() +} + +//MergeJSONReports produces a single JSON-formatted report at the passed in destination by merging the JSON-formatted reports provided in sources +//It skips over reports that fail to decode but reports on them via the returned messages []string +func MergeAndCleanupJSONReports(sources []string, destination string) ([]string, error) { + messages := []string{} + allReports := []types.Report{} + for _, source := range sources { + reports := []types.Report{} + data, err := os.ReadFile(source) + if err != nil { + messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("Could not open %s:\n%s", source, err.Error())) + continue + } + err = json.Unmarshal(data, &reports) + if err != nil { + messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("Could not decode %s:\n%s", source, err.Error())) + continue + } + os.Remove(source) + allReports = append(allReports, reports...) + } + + f, err := os.Create(destination) + if err != nil { + return messages, err + } + enc := json.NewEncoder(f) + enc.SetIndent("", " ") + err = enc.Encode(allReports) + if err != nil { + return messages, err + } + return messages, f.Close() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/junit_report.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/junit_report.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..febcc650b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/junit_report.go @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +/* + +JUnit XML Reporter for Ginkgo + +For usage instructions: http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating_junit_xml_output + +The schema used for the generated JUnit xml file was adapted from https://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/ + +*/ + +package reporters + +import ( + "encoding/xml" + "fmt" + "os" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type JUnitTestSuites struct { + XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testsuites"` + // Tests maps onto the total number of specs in all test suites (this includes any suite nodes such as BeforeSuite) + Tests int `xml:"tests,attr"` + // Disabled maps onto specs that are pending and/or skipped + Disabled int `xml:"disabled,attr"` + // Errors maps onto specs that panicked or were interrupted + Errors int `xml:"errors,attr"` + // Failures maps onto specs that failed + Failures int `xml:"failures,attr"` + // Time is the time in seconds to execute all test suites + Time float64 `xml:"time,attr"` + + //The set of all test suites + TestSuites []JUnitTestSuite `xml:"testsuite"` +} + +type JUnitTestSuite struct { + // Name maps onto the description of the test suite - maps onto Report.SuiteDescription + Name string `xml:"name,attr"` + // Package maps onto the absolute path to the test suite - maps onto Report.SuitePath + Package string `xml:"package,attr"` + // Tests maps onto the total number of specs in the test suite (this includes any suite nodes such as BeforeSuite) + Tests int `xml:"tests,attr"` + // Disabled maps onto specs that are pending + Disabled int `xml:"disabled,attr"` + // Skiped maps onto specs that are skipped + Skipped int `xml:"skipped,attr"` + // Errors maps onto specs that panicked or were interrupted + Errors int `xml:"errors,attr"` + // Failures maps onto specs that failed + Failures int `xml:"failures,attr"` + // Time is the time in seconds to execute all the test suite - maps onto Report.RunTime + Time float64 `xml:"time,attr"` + // Timestamp is the ISO 8601 formatted start-time of the suite - maps onto Report.StartTime + Timestamp string `xml:"timestamp,attr"` + + //Properties captures the information stored in the rest of the Report type (including SuiteConfig) as key-value pairs + Properties JUnitProperties `xml:"properties"` + + //TestCases capture the individual specs + TestCases []JUnitTestCase `xml:"testcase"` +} + +type JUnitProperties struct { + Properties []JUnitProperty `xml:"property"` +} + +func (jup JUnitProperties) WithName(name string) string { + for _, property := range jup.Properties { + if property.Name == name { + return property.Value + } + } + return "" +} + +type JUnitProperty struct { + Name string `xml:"name,attr"` + Value string `xml:"value,attr"` +} + +type JUnitTestCase struct { + // Name maps onto the full text of the spec - equivalent to "[SpecReport.LeafNodeType] SpecReport.FullText()" + Name string `xml:"name,attr"` + // Classname maps onto the name of the test suite - equivalent to Report.SuiteDescription + Classname string `xml:"classname,attr"` + // Status maps onto the string representation of SpecReport.State + Status string `xml:"status,attr"` + // Time is the time in seconds to execute the spec - maps onto SpecReport.RunTime + Time float64 `xml:"time,attr"` + //Skipped is populated with a message if the test was skipped or pending + Skipped *JUnitSkipped `xml:"skipped,omitempty"` + //Error is populated if the test panicked or was interrupted + Error *JUnitError `xml:"error,omitempty"` + //Failure is populated if the test failed + Failure *JUnitFailure `xml:"failure,omitempty"` + //SystemOut maps onto any captured stdout/stderr output - maps onto SpecReport.CapturedStdOutErr + SystemOut string `xml:"system-out,omitempty"` + //SystemOut maps onto any captured GinkgoWriter output - maps onto SpecReport.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput + SystemErr string `xml:"system-err,omitempty"` +} + +type JUnitSkipped struct { + // Message maps onto "pending" if the test was marked pending, "skipped" if the test was marked skipped, and "skipped - REASON" if the user called Skip(REASON) + Message string `xml:"message,attr"` +} + +type JUnitError struct { + //Message maps onto the panic/exception thrown - equivalent to SpecReport.Failure.ForwardedPanic - or to "interrupted" + Message string `xml:"message,attr"` + //Type is one of "panicked" or "interrupted" + Type string `xml:"type,attr"` + //Description maps onto the captured stack trace for a panic, or the failure message for an interrupt which will include the dump of running goroutines + Description string `xml:",chardata"` +} + +type JUnitFailure struct { + //Message maps onto the failure message - equivalent to SpecReport.Failure.Message + Message string `xml:"message,attr"` + //Type is "failed" + Type string `xml:"type,attr"` + //Description maps onto the location and stack trace of the failure + Description string `xml:",chardata"` +} + +func GenerateJUnitReport(report types.Report, dst string) error { + suite := JUnitTestSuite{ + Name: report.SuiteDescription, + Package: report.SuitePath, + Time: report.RunTime.Seconds(), + Timestamp: report.StartTime.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05"), + Properties: JUnitProperties{ + Properties: []JUnitProperty{ + {"SuiteSucceeded", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteSucceeded)}, + {"SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus)}, + {"SpecialSuiteFailureReason", strings.Join(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, ",")}, + {"SuiteLabels", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(report.SuiteLabels, ","))}, + {"RandomSeed", fmt.Sprintf("%d", report.SuiteConfig.RandomSeed)}, + {"RandomizeAllSpecs", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteConfig.RandomizeAllSpecs)}, + {"LabelFilter", report.SuiteConfig.LabelFilter}, + {"FocusStrings", strings.Join(report.SuiteConfig.FocusStrings, ",")}, + {"SkipStrings", strings.Join(report.SuiteConfig.SkipStrings, ",")}, + {"FocusFiles", strings.Join(report.SuiteConfig.FocusFiles, ";")}, + {"SkipFiles", strings.Join(report.SuiteConfig.SkipFiles, ";")}, + {"FailOnPending", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteConfig.FailOnPending)}, + {"FailFast", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteConfig.FailFast)}, + {"FlakeAttempts", fmt.Sprintf("%d", report.SuiteConfig.FlakeAttempts)}, + {"EmitSpecProgress", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteConfig.EmitSpecProgress)}, + {"DryRun", fmt.Sprintf("%t", report.SuiteConfig.DryRun)}, + {"ParallelTotal", fmt.Sprintf("%d", report.SuiteConfig.ParallelTotal)}, + {"OutputInterceptorMode", report.SuiteConfig.OutputInterceptorMode}, + }, + }, + } + for _, spec := range report.SpecReports { + name := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", spec.LeafNodeType) + if spec.FullText() != "" { + name = name + " " + spec.FullText() + } + labels := spec.Labels() + if len(labels) > 0 { + name = name + " [" + strings.Join(labels, ", ") + "]" + } + + test := JUnitTestCase{ + Name: name, + Classname: report.SuiteDescription, + Status: spec.State.String(), + Time: spec.RunTime.Seconds(), + SystemOut: systemOutForUnstructureReporters(spec), + SystemErr: spec.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput, + } + suite.Tests += 1 + + switch spec.State { + case types.SpecStateSkipped: + message := "skipped" + if spec.Failure.Message != "" { + message += " - " + spec.Failure.Message + } + test.Skipped = &JUnitSkipped{Message: message} + suite.Skipped += 1 + case types.SpecStatePending: + test.Skipped = &JUnitSkipped{Message: "pending"} + suite.Disabled += 1 + case types.SpecStateFailed: + test.Failure = &JUnitFailure{ + Message: spec.Failure.Message, + Type: "failed", + Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace), + } + suite.Failures += 1 + case types.SpecStateInterrupted: + test.Error = &JUnitError{ + Message: "interrupted", + Type: "interrupted", + Description: spec.Failure.Message, + } + suite.Errors += 1 + case types.SpecStateAborted: + test.Failure = &JUnitFailure{ + Message: spec.Failure.Message, + Type: "aborted", + Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace), + } + suite.Errors += 1 + case types.SpecStatePanicked: + test.Error = &JUnitError{ + Message: spec.Failure.ForwardedPanic, + Type: "panicked", + Description: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace), + } + suite.Errors += 1 + } + + suite.TestCases = append(suite.TestCases, test) + } + + junitReport := JUnitTestSuites{ + Tests: suite.Tests, + Disabled: suite.Disabled + suite.Skipped, + Errors: suite.Errors, + Failures: suite.Failures, + Time: suite.Time, + TestSuites: []JUnitTestSuite{suite}, + } + + f, err := os.Create(dst) + if err != nil { + return err + } + f.WriteString(xml.Header) + encoder := xml.NewEncoder(f) + encoder.Indent(" ", " ") + encoder.Encode(junitReport) + + return f.Close() +} + +func MergeAndCleanupJUnitReports(sources []string, dst string) ([]string, error) { + messages := []string{} + mergedReport := JUnitTestSuites{} + for _, source := range sources { + report := JUnitTestSuites{} + f, err := os.Open(source) + if err != nil { + messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("Could not open %s:\n%s", source, err.Error())) + continue + } + err = xml.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&report) + if err != nil { + messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("Could not decode %s:\n%s", source, err.Error())) + continue + } + os.Remove(source) + + mergedReport.Tests += report.Tests + mergedReport.Disabled += report.Disabled + mergedReport.Errors += report.Errors + mergedReport.Failures += report.Failures + mergedReport.Time += report.Time + mergedReport.TestSuites = append(mergedReport.TestSuites, report.TestSuites...) + } + + f, err := os.Create(dst) + if err != nil { + return messages, err + } + f.WriteString(xml.Header) + encoder := xml.NewEncoder(f) + encoder.Indent(" ", " ") + encoder.Encode(mergedReport) + + return messages, f.Close() +} + +func systemOutForUnstructureReporters(spec types.SpecReport) string { + systemOut := spec.CapturedStdOutErr + if len(spec.ReportEntries) > 0 { + systemOut += "\nReport Entries:\n" + for i, entry := range spec.ReportEntries { + systemOut += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", entry.Name, entry.Location, entry.Time.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)) + if representation := entry.StringRepresentation(); representation != "" { + systemOut += representation + "\n" + } + if i+1 < len(spec.ReportEntries) { + systemOut += "--\n" + } + } + } + return systemOut +} + +// Deprecated JUnitReporter (so folks can still compile their suites) +type JUnitReporter struct{} + +func NewJUnitReporter(_ string) *JUnitReporter { return &JUnitReporter{} } +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) SuiteWillBegin(_ config.GinkgoConfigType, _ *types.SuiteSummary) {} +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) BeforeSuiteDidRun(_ *types.SetupSummary) {} +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) SpecWillRun(_ *types.SpecSummary) {} +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) SpecDidComplete(_ *types.SpecSummary) {} +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) AfterSuiteDidRun(_ *types.SetupSummary) {} +func (reporter *JUnitReporter) SuiteDidEnd(_ *types.SuiteSummary) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/reporter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/reporter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..29f84e7c1be --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/reporter.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package reporters + +import ( + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +type Reporter interface { + SuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) + WillRun(report types.SpecReport) + DidRun(report types.SpecReport) + SuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) +} + +type NoopReporter struct{} + +func (n NoopReporter) SuiteWillBegin(report types.Report) {} +func (n NoopReporter) WillRun(report types.SpecReport) {} +func (n NoopReporter) DidRun(report types.SpecReport) {} +func (n NoopReporter) SuiteDidEnd(report types.Report) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/teamcity_report.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/teamcity_report.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2aa2f1845a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters/teamcity_report.go @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* + +TeamCity Reporter for Ginkgo + +Makes use of TeamCity's support for Service Messages +http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD7/Build+Script+Interaction+with+TeamCity#BuildScriptInteractionwithTeamCity-ReportingTests +*/ + +package reporters + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +func tcEscape(s string) string { + s = strings.Replace(s, "|", "||", -1) + s = strings.Replace(s, "'", "|'", -1) + s = strings.Replace(s, "\n", "|n", -1) + s = strings.Replace(s, "\r", "|r", -1) + s = strings.Replace(s, "[", "|[", -1) + s = strings.Replace(s, "]", "|]", -1) + return s +} + +func GenerateTeamcityReport(report types.Report, dst string) error { + f, err := os.Create(dst) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + name := report.SuiteDescription + labels := report.SuiteLabels + if len(labels) > 0 { + name = name + " [" + strings.Join(labels, ", ") + "]" + } + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='%s']\n", tcEscape(name)) + for _, spec := range report.SpecReports { + name := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", spec.LeafNodeType) + if spec.FullText() != "" { + name = name + " " + spec.FullText() + } + labels := spec.Labels() + if len(labels) > 0 { + name = name + " [" + strings.Join(labels, ", ") + "]" + } + + name = tcEscape(name) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testStarted name='%s']\n", name) + switch spec.State { + case types.SpecStatePending: + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testIgnored name='%s' message='pending']\n", name) + case types.SpecStateSkipped: + message := "skipped" + if spec.Failure.Message != "" { + message += " - " + spec.Failure.Message + } + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testIgnored name='%s' message='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(message)) + case types.SpecStateFailed: + details := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='failed - %s' details='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(spec.Failure.Message), tcEscape(details)) + case types.SpecStatePanicked: + details := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='panicked - %s' details='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(spec.Failure.ForwardedPanic), tcEscape(details)) + case types.SpecStateInterrupted: + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='interrupted' details='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(spec.Failure.Message)) + case types.SpecStateAborted: + details := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", spec.Failure.Location.String(), spec.Failure.Location.FullStackTrace) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testFailed name='%s' message='aborted - %s' details='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(spec.Failure.Message), tcEscape(details)) + } + + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testStdOut name='%s' out='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(systemOutForUnstructureReporters(spec))) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testStdErr name='%s' out='%s']\n", name, tcEscape(spec.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput)) + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testFinished name='%s' duration='%d']\n", name, int(spec.RunTime.Seconds()*1000.0)) + } + fmt.Fprintf(f, "##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='%s']\n", tcEscape(report.SuiteDescription)) + + return f.Close() +} + +func MergeAndCleanupTeamcityReports(sources []string, dst string) ([]string, error) { + messages := []string{} + merged := []byte{} + for _, source := range sources { + data, err := os.ReadFile(source) + if err != nil { + messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("Could not open %s:\n%s", source, err.Error())) + continue + } + os.Remove(source) + merged = append(merged, data...) + } + return messages, os.WriteFile(dst, merged, 0666) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporting_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporting_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..07b4c6122ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporting_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +package ginkgo + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +/* +Report represents the report for a Suite. +It is documented here: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types#Report +*/ +type Report = types.Report + +/* +Report represents the report for a Spec. +It is documented here: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types#SpecReport +*/ +type SpecReport = types.SpecReport + +/* +CurrentSpecReport returns information about the current running spec. +The returned object is a types.SpecReport which includes helper methods +to make extracting information about the spec easier. + +You can learn more about SpecReport here: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types#SpecReport +You can learn more about CurrentSpecReport() here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#getting-a-report-for-the-current-spec +*/ +func CurrentSpecReport() SpecReport { + return global.Suite.CurrentSpecReport() +} + +/* + ReportEntryVisibility governs the visibility of ReportEntries in Ginkgo's console reporter + +- ReportEntryVisibilityAlways: the default behavior - the ReportEntry is always emitted. +- ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose: the ReportEntry is only emitted if the spec fails or if the tests are run with -v (similar to GinkgoWriters behavior). +- ReportEntryVisibilityNever: the ReportEntry is never emitted though it appears in any generated machine-readable reports (e.g. by setting `--json-report`). + +You can learn more about Report Entries here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#attaching-data-to-reports +*/ +type ReportEntryVisibility = types.ReportEntryVisibility + +const ReportEntryVisibilityAlways, ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose, ReportEntryVisibilityNever = types.ReportEntryVisibilityAlways, types.ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose, types.ReportEntryVisibilityNever + +/* +AddReportEntry generates and adds a new ReportEntry to the current spec's SpecReport. +It can take any of the following arguments: + - A single arbitrary object to attach as the Value of the ReportEntry. This object will be included in any generated reports and will be emitted to the console when the report is emitted. + - A ReportEntryVisibility enum to control the visibility of the ReportEntry + - An Offset or CodeLocation decoration to control the reported location of the ReportEntry + +If the Value object implements `fmt.Stringer`, it's `String()` representation is used when emitting to the console. + +AddReportEntry() must be called within a Subject or Setup node - not in a Container node. + +You can learn more about Report Entries here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#attaching-data-to-reports +*/ +func AddReportEntry(name string, args ...interface{}) { + cl := types.NewCodeLocation(1) + reportEntry, err := internal.NewReportEntry(name, cl, args...) + if err != nil { + Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate Report Entry:\n%s", err.Error()), 1) + } + err = global.Suite.AddReportEntry(reportEntry) + if err != nil { + Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add Report Entry:\n%s", err.Error()), 1) + } +} + +/* +ReportBeforeEach nodes are run for each spec, even if the spec is skipped or pending. ReportBeforeEach nodes take a function that +receives a SpecReport. They are called before the spec starts. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a ReportBeforeEach node's closure. +You can learn more about ReportBeforeEach here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-reports-programmatically +*/ +func ReportBeforeEach(body func(SpecReport)) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewReportBeforeEachNode(body, types.NewCodeLocation(1))) +} + +/* +ReportAfterEach nodes are run for each spec, even if the spec is skipped or pending. ReportAfterEach nodes take a function that +receives a SpecReport. They are called after the spec has completed and receive the final report for the spec. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a ReportAfterEach node's closure. +You can learn more about ReportAfterEach here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-reports-programmatically +*/ +func ReportAfterEach(body func(SpecReport)) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewReportAfterEachNode(body, types.NewCodeLocation(1))) +} + +/* +ReportAfterSuite nodes are run at the end of the suite. ReportAfterSuite nodes take a function that receives a suite Report. + +They are called at the end of the suite, after all specs have run and any AfterSuite or SynchronizedAfterSuite nodes, and are passed in the final report for the suite. +ReportAftersuite nodes must be created at the top-level (i.e. not nested in a Context/Describe/When node) + +When running in parallel, Ginkgo ensures that only one of the parallel nodes runs the ReportAfterSuite and that it is passed a report that is aggregated across +all parallel nodes + +In addition to using ReportAfterSuite to programmatically generate suite reports, you can also generate JSON, JUnit, and Teamcity formatted reports using the --json-report, --junit-report, and --teamcity-report ginkgo CLI flags. + +You cannot nest any other Ginkgo nodes within a ReportAfterSuite node's closure. +You can learn more about ReportAfterSuite here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-reports-programmatically +You can learn more about Ginkgo's reporting infrastructure, including generating reports with the CLI here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-machine-readable-reports +*/ +func ReportAfterSuite(text string, body func(Report)) bool { + return pushNode(internal.NewReportAfterSuiteNode(text, body, types.NewCodeLocation(1))) +} + +func registerReportAfterSuiteNodeForAutogeneratedReports(reporterConfig types.ReporterConfig) { + body := func(report Report) { + if reporterConfig.JSONReport != "" { + err := reporters.GenerateJSONReport(report, reporterConfig.JSONReport) + if err != nil { + Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate JSON report:\n%s", err.Error())) + } + } + if reporterConfig.JUnitReport != "" { + err := reporters.GenerateJUnitReport(report, reporterConfig.JUnitReport) + if err != nil { + Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate JUnit report:\n%s", err.Error())) + } + } + if reporterConfig.TeamcityReport != "" { + err := reporters.GenerateTeamcityReport(report, reporterConfig.TeamcityReport) + if err != nil { + Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate Teamcity report:\n%s", err.Error())) + } + } + } + + flags := []string{} + if reporterConfig.JSONReport != "" { + flags = append(flags, "--json-report") + } + if reporterConfig.JUnitReport != "" { + flags = append(flags, "--junit-report") + } + if reporterConfig.TeamcityReport != "" { + flags = append(flags, "--teamcity-report") + } + pushNode(internal.NewReportAfterSuiteNode( + fmt.Sprintf("Autogenerated ReportAfterSuite for %s", strings.Join(flags, " ")), + body, + types.NewCustomCodeLocation("autogenerated by Ginkgo"), + )) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/table_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/table_dsl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0db0e71804d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/table_dsl.go @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +package ginkgo + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal" + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types" +) + +/* +The EntryDescription decorator allows you to pass a format string to DescribeTable() and Entry(). This format string is used to generate entry names via: + + fmt.Sprintf(formatString, parameters...) + +where parameters are the parameters passed into the entry. + +When passed into an Entry the EntryDescription is used to generate the name or that entry. When passed to DescribeTable, the EntryDescription is used to generate the names for any entries that have `nil` descriptions. + +You can learn more about generating EntryDescriptions here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#generating-entry-descriptions +*/ +type EntryDescription string + +func (ed EntryDescription) render(args ...interface{}) string { + return fmt.Sprintf(string(ed), args...) +} + +/* +DescribeTable describes a table-driven spec. + +For example: + + DescribeTable("a simple table", + func(x int, y int, expected bool) { + Ξ©(x > y).Should(Equal(expected)) + }, + Entry("x > y", 1, 0, true), + Entry("x == y", 0, 0, false), + Entry("x < y", 0, 1, false), + ) + +You can learn more about DescribeTable here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#table-specs +And can explore some Table patterns here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#table-specs-patterns +*/ +func DescribeTable(description string, args ...interface{}) bool { + generateTable(description, args...) + return true +} + +/* +You can focus a table with `FDescribeTable`. This is equivalent to `FDescribe`. +*/ +func FDescribeTable(description string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Focus) + generateTable(description, args...) + return true +} + +/* +You can mark a table as pending with `PDescribeTable`. This is equivalent to `PDescribe`. +*/ +func PDescribeTable(description string, args ...interface{}) bool { + args = append(args, internal.Pending) + generateTable(description, args...) + return true +} + +/* +You can mark a table as pending with `XDescribeTable`. This is equivalent to `XDescribe`. +*/ +var XDescribeTable = PDescribeTable + +/* +TableEntry represents an entry in a table test. You generally use the `Entry` constructor. +*/ +type TableEntry struct { + description interface{} + decorations []interface{} + parameters []interface{} + codeLocation types.CodeLocation +} + +/* +Entry constructs a TableEntry. + +The first argument is a description. This can be a string, a function that accepts the parameters passed to the TableEntry and returns a string, an EntryDescription format string, or nil. If nil is provided then the name of the Entry is derived using the table-level entry description. +Subsequent arguments accept any Ginkgo decorators. These are filtered out and the remaining arguments are passed into the Spec function associated with the table. + +Each Entry ends up generating an individual Ginkgo It. The body of the it is the Table Body function with the Entry parameters passed in. + +You can learn more about Entry here: https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#table-specs +*/ +func Entry(description interface{}, args ...interface{}) TableEntry { + decorations, parameters := internal.PartitionDecorations(args...) + return TableEntry{description: description, decorations: decorations, parameters: parameters, codeLocation: types.NewCodeLocation(1)} +} + +/* +You can focus a particular entry with FEntry. This is equivalent to FIt. +*/ +func FEntry(description interface{}, args ...interface{}) TableEntry { + decorations, parameters := internal.PartitionDecorations(args...) + decorations = append(decorations, internal.Focus) + return TableEntry{description: description, decorations: decorations, parameters: parameters, codeLocation: types.NewCodeLocation(1)} +} + +/* +You can mark a particular entry as pending with PEntry. This is equivalent to PIt. +*/ +func PEntry(description interface{}, args ...interface{}) TableEntry { + decorations, parameters := internal.PartitionDecorations(args...) + decorations = append(decorations, internal.Pending) + return TableEntry{description: description, decorations: decorations, parameters: parameters, codeLocation: types.NewCodeLocation(1)} +} + +/* +You can mark a particular entry as pending with XEntry. This is equivalent to XIt. +*/ +var XEntry = PEntry + +func generateTable(description string, args ...interface{}) { + cl := types.NewCodeLocation(2) + containerNodeArgs := []interface{}{cl} + + entries := []TableEntry{} + var itBody interface{} + + var tableLevelEntryDescription interface{} + tableLevelEntryDescription = func(args ...interface{}) string { + out := []string{} + for _, arg := range args { + out = append(out, fmt.Sprint(arg)) + } + return "Entry: " + strings.Join(out, ", ") + } + + for i, arg := range args { + switch t := reflect.TypeOf(arg); { + case t == nil: + exitIfErr(types.GinkgoErrors.IncorrectParameterTypeForTable(i, "nil", cl)) + case t == reflect.TypeOf(TableEntry{}): + entries = append(entries, arg.(TableEntry)) + case t == reflect.TypeOf([]TableEntry{}): + entries = append(entries, arg.([]TableEntry)...) + case t == reflect.TypeOf(EntryDescription("")): + tableLevelEntryDescription = arg.(EntryDescription).render + case t.Kind() == reflect.Func && t.NumOut() == 1 && t.Out(0) == reflect.TypeOf(""): + tableLevelEntryDescription = arg + case t.Kind() == reflect.Func: + if itBody != nil { + exitIfErr(types.GinkgoErrors.MultipleEntryBodyFunctionsForTable(cl)) + } + itBody = arg + default: + containerNodeArgs = append(containerNodeArgs, arg) + } + } + + containerNodeArgs = append(containerNodeArgs, func() { + for _, entry := range entries { + var err error + entry := entry + var description string + switch t := reflect.TypeOf(entry.description); { + case t == nil: + err = validateParameters(tableLevelEntryDescription, entry.parameters, "Entry Description function", entry.codeLocation) + if err == nil { + description = invokeFunction(tableLevelEntryDescription, entry.parameters)[0].String() + } + case t == reflect.TypeOf(EntryDescription("")): + description = entry.description.(EntryDescription).render(entry.parameters...) + case t == reflect.TypeOf(""): + description = entry.description.(string) + case t.Kind() == reflect.Func && t.NumOut() == 1 && t.Out(0) == reflect.TypeOf(""): + err = validateParameters(entry.description, entry.parameters, "Entry Description function", entry.codeLocation) + if err == nil { + description = invokeFunction(entry.description, entry.parameters)[0].String() + } + default: + err = types.GinkgoErrors.InvalidEntryDescription(entry.codeLocation) + } + + if err == nil { + err = validateParameters(itBody, entry.parameters, "Table Body function", entry.codeLocation) + } + itNodeArgs := []interface{}{entry.codeLocation} + itNodeArgs = append(itNodeArgs, entry.decorations...) + itNodeArgs = append(itNodeArgs, func() { + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + invokeFunction(itBody, entry.parameters) + }) + + pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeIt, description, itNodeArgs...)) + } + }) + + pushNode(internal.NewNode(deprecationTracker, types.NodeTypeContainer, description, containerNodeArgs...)) +} + +func invokeFunction(function interface{}, parameters []interface{}) []reflect.Value { + inValues := make([]reflect.Value, len(parameters)) + + funcType := reflect.TypeOf(function) + limit := funcType.NumIn() + if funcType.IsVariadic() { + limit = limit - 1 + } + + for i := 0; i < limit && i < len(parameters); i++ { + inValues[i] = computeValue(parameters[i], funcType.In(i)) + } + + if funcType.IsVariadic() { + variadicType := funcType.In(limit).Elem() + for i := limit; i < len(parameters); i++ { + inValues[i] = computeValue(parameters[i], variadicType) + } + } + + return reflect.ValueOf(function).Call(inValues) +} + +func validateParameters(function interface{}, parameters []interface{}, kind string, cl types.CodeLocation) error { + funcType := reflect.TypeOf(function) + limit := funcType.NumIn() + if funcType.IsVariadic() { + limit = limit - 1 + } + if len(parameters) < limit { + return types.GinkgoErrors.TooFewParametersToTableFunction(limit, len(parameters), kind, cl) + } + if len(parameters) > limit && !funcType.IsVariadic() { + return types.GinkgoErrors.TooManyParametersToTableFunction(limit, len(parameters), kind, cl) + } + var i = 0 + for ; i < limit; i++ { + actual := reflect.TypeOf(parameters[i]) + expected := funcType.In(i) + if !(actual == nil) && !actual.AssignableTo(expected) { + return types.GinkgoErrors.IncorrectParameterTypeToTableFunction(i+1, expected, actual, kind, cl) + } + } + if funcType.IsVariadic() { + expected := funcType.In(limit).Elem() + for ; i < len(parameters); i++ { + actual := reflect.TypeOf(parameters[i]) + if !(actual == nil) && !actual.AssignableTo(expected) { + return types.GinkgoErrors.IncorrectVariadicParameterTypeToTableFunction(expected, actual, kind, cl) + } + } + } + + return nil +} + +func computeValue(parameter interface{}, t reflect.Type) reflect.Value { + if parameter == nil { + return reflect.Zero(t) + } else { + return reflect.ValueOf(parameter) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/code_location.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/code_location.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..00107d3adc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/code_location.go @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +package types + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "regexp" + "runtime" + "runtime/debug" + "strings" +) + +type CodeLocation struct { + FileName string `json:",omitempty"` + LineNumber int `json:",omitempty"` + FullStackTrace string `json:",omitempty"` + CustomMessage string `json:",omitempty"` +} + +func (codeLocation CodeLocation) String() string { + if codeLocation.CustomMessage != "" { + return codeLocation.CustomMessage + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", codeLocation.FileName, codeLocation.LineNumber) +} + +func (codeLocation CodeLocation) ContentsOfLine() string { + if codeLocation.CustomMessage != "" { + return "" + } + contents, err := os.ReadFile(codeLocation.FileName) + if err != nil { + return "" + } + lines := strings.Split(string(contents), "\n") + if len(lines) < codeLocation.LineNumber { + return "" + } + return lines[codeLocation.LineNumber-1] +} + +func NewCustomCodeLocation(message string) CodeLocation { + return CodeLocation{ + CustomMessage: message, + } +} + +func NewCodeLocation(skip int) CodeLocation { + _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip + 1) + return CodeLocation{FileName: file, LineNumber: line} +} + +func NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip int) CodeLocation { + _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip + 1) + stackTrace := PruneStack(string(debug.Stack()), skip+1) + return CodeLocation{FileName: file, LineNumber: line, FullStackTrace: stackTrace} +} + +// PruneStack removes references to functions that are internal to Ginkgo +// and the Go runtime from a stack string and a certain number of stack entries +// at the beginning of the stack. The stack string has the format +// as returned by runtime/debug.Stack. The leading goroutine information is +// optional and always removed if present. Beware that runtime/debug.Stack +// adds itself as first entry, so typically skip must be >= 1 to remove that +// entry. +func PruneStack(fullStackTrace string, skip int) string { + stack := strings.Split(fullStackTrace, "\n") + // Ensure that the even entries are the method names and the + // the odd entries the source code information. + if len(stack) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(stack[0], "goroutine ") { + // Ignore "goroutine 29 [running]:" line. + stack = stack[1:] + } + // The "+1" is for skipping over the initial entry, which is + // runtime/debug.Stack() itself. + if len(stack) > 2*(skip+1) { + stack = stack[2*(skip+1):] + } + prunedStack := []string{} + if os.Getenv("GINKGO_PRUNE_STACK") == "FALSE" { + prunedStack = stack + } else { + re := regexp.MustCompile(`\/ginkgo\/|\/pkg\/testing\/|\/pkg\/runtime\/`) + for i := 0; i < len(stack)/2; i++ { + // We filter out based on the source code file name. + if !re.Match([]byte(stack[i*2+1])) { + prunedStack = append(prunedStack, stack[i*2]) + prunedStack = append(prunedStack, stack[i*2+1]) + } + } + } + return strings.Join(prunedStack, "\n") +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/config.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/config.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..07ef4c3a7fc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/config.go @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +/* +Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options. +These are documented [here](http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#the-ginkgo-cli) +*/ + +package types + +import ( + "flag" + "os" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" +) + +// Configuration controlling how an individual test suite is run +type SuiteConfig struct { + RandomSeed int64 + RandomizeAllSpecs bool + FocusStrings []string + SkipStrings []string + FocusFiles []string + SkipFiles []string + LabelFilter string + FailOnPending bool + FailFast bool + FlakeAttempts int + EmitSpecProgress bool + DryRun bool + Timeout time.Duration + OutputInterceptorMode string + + ParallelProcess int + ParallelTotal int + ParallelHost string +} + +func NewDefaultSuiteConfig() SuiteConfig { + return SuiteConfig{ + RandomSeed: time.Now().Unix(), + Timeout: time.Hour, + ParallelProcess: 1, + ParallelTotal: 1, + } +} + +type VerbosityLevel uint + +const ( + VerbosityLevelSuccinct VerbosityLevel = iota + VerbosityLevelNormal + VerbosityLevelVerbose + VerbosityLevelVeryVerbose +) + +func (vl VerbosityLevel) GT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool { + return vl > comp +} + +func (vl VerbosityLevel) GTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool { + return vl >= comp +} + +func (vl VerbosityLevel) Is(comp VerbosityLevel) bool { + return vl == comp +} + +func (vl VerbosityLevel) LTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool { + return vl <= comp +} + +func (vl VerbosityLevel) LT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool { + return vl < comp +} + +// Configuration for Ginkgo's reporter +type ReporterConfig struct { + NoColor bool + SlowSpecThreshold time.Duration + Succinct bool + Verbose bool + VeryVerbose bool + FullTrace bool + AlwaysEmitGinkgoWriter bool + + JSONReport string + JUnitReport string + TeamcityReport string +} + +func (rc ReporterConfig) Verbosity() VerbosityLevel { + if rc.Succinct { + return VerbosityLevelSuccinct + } else if rc.Verbose { + return VerbosityLevelVerbose + } else if rc.VeryVerbose { + return VerbosityLevelVeryVerbose + } + return VerbosityLevelNormal +} + +func (rc ReporterConfig) WillGenerateReport() bool { + return rc.JSONReport != "" || rc.JUnitReport != "" || rc.TeamcityReport != "" +} + +func NewDefaultReporterConfig() ReporterConfig { + return ReporterConfig{ + SlowSpecThreshold: 5 * time.Second, + } +} + +// Configuration for the Ginkgo CLI +type CLIConfig struct { + //for build, run, and watch + Recurse bool + SkipPackage string + RequireSuite bool + NumCompilers int + + //for run and watch only + Procs int + Parallel bool + AfterRunHook string + OutputDir string + KeepSeparateCoverprofiles bool + KeepSeparateReports bool + + //for run only + KeepGoing bool + UntilItFails bool + Repeat int + RandomizeSuites bool + + //for watch only + Depth int + WatchRegExp string +} + +func NewDefaultCLIConfig() CLIConfig { + return CLIConfig{ + Depth: 1, + WatchRegExp: `\.go$`, + } +} + +func (g CLIConfig) ComputedProcs() int { + if g.Procs > 0 { + return g.Procs + } + + n := 1 + if g.Parallel { + n = runtime.NumCPU() + if n > 4 { + n = n - 1 + } + } + return n +} + +func (g CLIConfig) ComputedNumCompilers() int { + if g.NumCompilers > 0 { + return g.NumCompilers + } + + return runtime.NumCPU() +} + +// Configuration for the Ginkgo CLI capturing available go flags +// A subset of Go flags are exposed by Ginkgo. Some are available at compile time (e.g. ginkgo build) and others only at run time (e.g. ginkgo run - which has both build and run time flags). +// More details can be found at: +// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zkp-DS4hU4sAJl5eHh1UmgwxCPQhf3s5a8fbiOI8tJU/ +type GoFlagsConfig struct { + //build-time flags for code-and-performance analysis + Race bool + Cover bool + CoverMode string + CoverPkg string + Vet string + + //run-time flags for code-and-performance analysis + BlockProfile string + BlockProfileRate int + CoverProfile string + CPUProfile string + MemProfile string + MemProfileRate int + MutexProfile string + MutexProfileFraction int + Trace string + + //build-time flags for building + A bool + ASMFlags string + BuildMode string + Compiler string + GCCGoFlags string + GCFlags string + InstallSuffix string + LDFlags string + LinkShared bool + Mod string + N bool + ModFile string + ModCacheRW bool + MSan bool + PkgDir string + Tags string + TrimPath bool + ToolExec string + Work bool + X bool +} + +func NewDefaultGoFlagsConfig() GoFlagsConfig { + return GoFlagsConfig{} +} + +func (g GoFlagsConfig) BinaryMustBePreserved() bool { + return g.BlockProfile != "" || g.CPUProfile != "" || g.MemProfile != "" || g.MutexProfile != "" +} + +// Configuration that were deprecated in 2.0 +type deprecatedConfig struct { + DebugParallel bool + NoisySkippings bool + NoisyPendings bool + RegexScansFilePath bool + SlowSpecThresholdWithFLoatUnits float64 + Stream bool + Notify bool +} + +// Flags + +// Flags sections used by both the CLI and the Ginkgo test process +var FlagSections = GinkgoFlagSections{ + {Key: "multiple-suites", Style: "{{dark-green}}", Heading: "Running Multiple Test Suites"}, + {Key: "order", Style: "{{green}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Order"}, + {Key: "parallel", Style: "{{yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Parallelism"}, + {Key: "low-level-parallel", Style: "{{yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Parallelism", + Description: "These are set by the Ginkgo CLI, {{red}}{{bold}}do not set them manually{{/}} via go test.\nUse ginkgo -p or ginkgo -procs=N instead."}, + {Key: "filter", Style: "{{cyan}}", Heading: "Filtering Tests"}, + {Key: "failure", Style: "{{red}}", Heading: "Failure Handling"}, + {Key: "output", Style: "{{magenta}}", Heading: "Controlling Output Formatting"}, + {Key: "code-and-coverage-analysis", Style: "{{orange}}", Heading: "Code and Coverage Analysis"}, + {Key: "performance-analysis", Style: "{{coral}}", Heading: "Performance Analysis"}, + {Key: "debug", Style: "{{blue}}", Heading: "Debugging Tests", + Description: "In addition to these flags, Ginkgo supports a few debugging environment variables. To change the parallel server protocol set {{blue}}GINKGO_PARALLEL_PROTOCOL{{/}} to {{bold}}HTTP{{/}}. To avoid pruning callstacks set {{blue}}GINKGO_PRUNE_STACK{{/}} to {{bold}}FALSE{{/}}."}, + {Key: "watch", Style: "{{light-yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Ginkgo Watch"}, + {Key: "misc", Style: "{{light-gray}}", Heading: "Miscellaneous"}, + {Key: "go-build", Style: "{{light-gray}}", Heading: "Go Build Flags", Succinct: true, + Description: "These flags are inherited from go build. Run {{bold}}ginkgo help build{{/}} for more detailed flag documentation."}, +} + +// SuiteConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process, and CLI +var SuiteConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "S.RandomSeed", Name: "seed", SectionKey: "order", UsageDefaultValue: "randomly generated by Ginkgo", + Usage: "The seed used to randomize the spec suite."}, + {KeyPath: "S.RandomizeAllSpecs", Name: "randomize-all", SectionKey: "order", DeprecatedName: "randomizeAllSpecs", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will randomize all specs together. By default, ginkgo only randomizes the top level Describe, Context and When containers."}, + + {KeyPath: "S.FailOnPending", Name: "fail-on-pending", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "failOnPending", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will mark the test suite as failed if any specs are pending."}, + {KeyPath: "S.FailFast", Name: "fail-fast", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "failFast", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will stop running a test suite after a failure occurs."}, + {KeyPath: "S.FlakeAttempts", Name: "flake-attempts", SectionKey: "failure", UsageDefaultValue: "0 - failed tests are not retried", DeprecatedName: "flakeAttempts", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "Make up to this many attempts to run each spec. If any of the attempts succeed, the suite will not be failed."}, + + {KeyPath: "S.DryRun", Name: "dry-run", SectionKey: "debug", DeprecatedName: "dryRun", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will walk the test hierarchy without actually running anything. Best paired with -v."}, + {KeyPath: "S.EmitSpecProgress", Name: "progress", SectionKey: "debug", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will emit progress information as each spec runs to the GinkgoWriter."}, + {KeyPath: "S.Timeout", Name: "timeout", SectionKey: "debug", UsageDefaultValue: "1h", + Usage: "Test suite fails if it does not complete within the specified timeout."}, + {KeyPath: "S.OutputInterceptorMode", Name: "output-interceptor-mode", SectionKey: "debug", UsageArgument: "dup, swap, or none", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will use the specified output interception strategy when running in parallel. Defaults to dup on unix and swap on windows."}, + + {KeyPath: "S.LabelFilter", Name: "label-filter", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "expression", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs with labels that match the label-filter. The passed-in expression can include boolean operations (!, &&, ||, ','), groupings via '()', and regular expressions '/regexp/'. e.g. '(cat || dog) && !fruit'"}, + {KeyPath: "S.FocusStrings", Name: "focus", SectionKey: "filter", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that match this regular expression. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."}, + {KeyPath: "S.SkipStrings", Name: "skip", SectionKey: "filter", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that do not match this regular expression. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."}, + {KeyPath: "S.FocusFiles", Name: "focus-file", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs in matching files. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."}, + {KeyPath: "S.SkipFiles", Name: "skip-file", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will skip specs in matching files. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."}, + + {KeyPath: "D.RegexScansFilePath", DeprecatedName: "regexScansFilePath", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--regexscansfilepath", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, + {KeyPath: "D.DebugParallel", DeprecatedName: "debug", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--debug", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, +} + +// ParallelConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process (not the CLI) +var ParallelConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "S.ParallelProcess", Name: "parallel.process", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1", + Usage: "This worker process's (one-indexed) process number. For running specs in parallel."}, + {KeyPath: "S.ParallelTotal", Name: "parallel.total", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1", + Usage: "The total number of worker processes. For running specs in parallel."}, + {KeyPath: "S.ParallelHost", Name: "parallel.host", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "set by Ginkgo CLI", + Usage: "The address for the server that will synchronize the processes."}, +} + +// ReporterConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process, and CLI +var ReporterConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "R.NoColor", Name: "no-color", SectionKey: "output", DeprecatedName: "noColor", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, suppress color output in default reporter."}, + {KeyPath: "R.SlowSpecThreshold", Name: "slow-spec-threshold", SectionKey: "output", UsageArgument: "duration", UsageDefaultValue: "5s", + Usage: "Specs that take longer to run than this threshold are flagged as slow by the default reporter."}, + {KeyPath: "R.Verbose", Name: "v", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, emits more output including GinkgoWriter contents."}, + {KeyPath: "R.VeryVerbose", Name: "vv", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, emits with maximal verbosity - includes skipped and pending tests."}, + {KeyPath: "R.Succinct", Name: "succinct", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, default reporter prints out a very succinct report"}, + {KeyPath: "R.FullTrace", Name: "trace", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, default reporter prints out the full stack trace when a failure occurs"}, + {KeyPath: "R.AlwaysEmitGinkgoWriter", Name: "always-emit-ginkgo-writer", SectionKey: "output", DeprecatedName: "reportPassed", DeprecatedDocLink: "renamed--reportpassed", + Usage: "If set, default reporter prints out captured output of passed tests."}, + + {KeyPath: "R.JSONReport", Name: "json-report", UsageArgument: "filename.json", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a JSON-formatted test report at the specified location."}, + {KeyPath: "R.JUnitReport", Name: "junit-report", UsageArgument: "filename.xml", SectionKey: "output", DeprecatedName: "reportFile", DeprecatedDocLink: "improved-reporting-infrastructure", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a conformant junit test report in the specified file."}, + {KeyPath: "R.TeamcityReport", Name: "teamcity-report", UsageArgument: "filename", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a Teamcity-formatted test report at the specified location."}, + + {KeyPath: "D.SlowSpecThresholdWithFLoatUnits", DeprecatedName: "slowSpecThreshold", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed--slowspecthreshold", + Usage: "use --slow-spec-threshold instead and pass in a duration string (e.g. '5s', not '5.0')"}, + {KeyPath: "D.NoisyPendings", DeprecatedName: "noisyPendings", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--noisypendings-and--noisyskippings", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, + {KeyPath: "D.NoisySkippings", DeprecatedName: "noisySkippings", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--noisypendings-and--noisyskippings", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, +} + +// BuildTestSuiteFlagSet attaches to the CommandLine flagset and provides flags for the Ginkgo test process +func BuildTestSuiteFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + flags := SuiteConfigFlags.CopyAppend(ParallelConfigFlags...).CopyAppend(ReporterConfigFlags...) + flags = flags.WithPrefix("ginkgo") + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "S": suiteConfig, + "R": reporterConfig, + "D": &deprecatedConfig{}, + } + extraGoFlagsSection := GinkgoFlagSection{Style: "{{gray}}", Heading: "Go test flags"} + + return NewAttachedGinkgoFlagSet(flag.CommandLine, flags, bindings, FlagSections, extraGoFlagsSection) +} + +// VetConfig validates that the Ginkgo test process' configuration is sound +func VetConfig(flagSet GinkgoFlagSet, suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig) []error { + errors := []error{} + + if flagSet.WasSet("count") || flagSet.WasSet("test.count") { + flag := flagSet.Lookup("count") + if flag == nil { + flag = flagSet.Lookup("test.count") + } + count, err := strconv.Atoi(flag.Value.String()) + if err != nil || count != 1 { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.InvalidGoFlagCount()) + } + } + + if flagSet.WasSet("parallel") || flagSet.WasSet("test.parallel") { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.InvalidGoFlagParallel()) + } + + if suiteConfig.ParallelTotal < 1 { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.InvalidParallelTotalConfiguration()) + } + + if suiteConfig.ParallelProcess > suiteConfig.ParallelTotal || suiteConfig.ParallelProcess < 1 { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.InvalidParallelProcessConfiguration()) + } + + if suiteConfig.ParallelTotal > 1 && suiteConfig.ParallelHost == "" { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.MissingParallelHostConfiguration()) + } + + if suiteConfig.DryRun && suiteConfig.ParallelTotal > 1 { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.DryRunInParallelConfiguration()) + } + + if len(suiteConfig.FocusFiles) > 0 { + _, err := ParseFileFilters(suiteConfig.FocusFiles) + if err != nil { + errors = append(errors, err) + } + } + + if len(suiteConfig.SkipFiles) > 0 { + _, err := ParseFileFilters(suiteConfig.SkipFiles) + if err != nil { + errors = append(errors, err) + } + } + + if suiteConfig.LabelFilter != "" { + _, err := ParseLabelFilter(suiteConfig.LabelFilter) + if err != nil { + errors = append(errors, err) + } + } + + switch strings.ToLower(suiteConfig.OutputInterceptorMode) { + case "", "dup", "swap", "none": + default: + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.InvalidOutputInterceptorModeConfiguration(suiteConfig.OutputInterceptorMode)) + } + + numVerbosity := 0 + for _, v := range []bool{reporterConfig.Succinct, reporterConfig.Verbose, reporterConfig.VeryVerbose} { + if v { + numVerbosity++ + } + } + if numVerbosity > 1 { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.ConflictingVerbosityConfiguration()) + } + + return errors +} + +// GinkgoCLISharedFlags provides flags shared by the Ginkgo CLI's build, watch, and run commands +var GinkgoCLISharedFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "C.Recurse", Name: "r", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo finds and runs test suites under the current directory recursively."}, + {KeyPath: "C.SkipPackage", Name: "skip-package", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", DeprecatedName: "skipPackage", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + UsageArgument: "comma-separated list of packages", + Usage: "A comma-separated list of package names to be skipped. If any part of the package's path matches, that package is ignored."}, + {KeyPath: "C.RequireSuite", Name: "require-suite", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "requireSuite", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo fails if there are ginkgo tests in a directory but no invocation of RunSpecs."}, + {KeyPath: "C.NumCompilers", Name: "compilers", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", UsageDefaultValue: "0 (will autodetect)", + Usage: "When running multiple packages, the number of concurrent compilations to perform."}, +} + +// GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags provides flags shared by the Ginkgo CLI's build and watch commands (but not run) +var GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "C.Procs", Name: "procs", SectionKey: "parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1 (run in series)", + Usage: "The number of parallel test nodes to run."}, + {KeyPath: "C.Procs", Name: "nodes", SectionKey: "parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1 (run in series)", + Usage: "--nodes is an alias for --procs"}, + {KeyPath: "C.Parallel", Name: "p", SectionKey: "parallel", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will run in parallel with an auto-detected number of nodes."}, + {KeyPath: "C.AfterRunHook", Name: "after-run-hook", SectionKey: "misc", DeprecatedName: "afterSuiteHook", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "Command to run when a test suite completes."}, + {KeyPath: "C.OutputDir", Name: "output-dir", SectionKey: "output", UsageArgument: "directory", DeprecatedName: "outputdir", DeprecatedDocLink: "improved-profiling-support", + Usage: "A location to place all generated profiles and reports."}, + {KeyPath: "C.KeepSeparateCoverprofiles", Name: "keep-separate-coverprofiles", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo does not merge coverprofiles into one monolithic coverprofile. The coverprofiles will remain in their respective package directories or in -output-dir if set."}, + {KeyPath: "C.KeepSeparateReports", Name: "keep-separate-reports", SectionKey: "output", + Usage: "If set, Ginkgo does not merge per-suite reports (e.g. -json-report) into one monolithic report for the entire testrun. The reports will remain in their respective package directories or in -output-dir if set."}, + + {KeyPath: "D.Stream", DeprecatedName: "stream", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--stream", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, + {KeyPath: "D.Notify", DeprecatedName: "notify", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--notify", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"}, +} + +// GinkgoCLIRunFlags provides flags for Ginkgo CLI's run command that aren't shared by any other commands +var GinkgoCLIRunFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "C.KeepGoing", Name: "keep-going", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", DeprecatedName: "keepGoing", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, failures from earlier test suites do not prevent later test suites from running."}, + {KeyPath: "C.UntilItFails", Name: "until-it-fails", SectionKey: "debug", DeprecatedName: "untilItFails", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will keep rerunning test suites until a failure occurs."}, + {KeyPath: "C.Repeat", Name: "repeat", SectionKey: "debug", UsageArgument: "n", UsageDefaultValue: "0 - i.e. no repetition, run only once", + Usage: "The number of times to re-run a test-suite. Useful for debugging flaky tests. If set to N the suite will be run N+1 times and will be required to pass each time."}, + {KeyPath: "C.RandomizeSuites", Name: "randomize-suites", SectionKey: "order", DeprecatedName: "randomizeSuites", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + Usage: "If set, ginkgo will randomize the order in which test suites run."}, +} + +// GinkgoCLIRunFlags provides flags for Ginkgo CLI's watch command that aren't shared by any other commands +var GinkgoCLIWatchFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "C.Depth", Name: "depth", SectionKey: "watch", + Usage: "Ginkgo will watch dependencies down to this depth in the dependency tree."}, + {KeyPath: "C.WatchRegExp", Name: "watch-regexp", SectionKey: "watch", DeprecatedName: "watchRegExp", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags", + UsageArgument: "Regular Expression", + UsageDefaultValue: `\.go$`, + Usage: "Only files matching this regular expression will be watched for changes."}, +} + +// GoBuildFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo CLI build, run, and watch commands that capture go's build-time flags. These are passed to go test -c by the ginkgo CLI +var GoBuildFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "Go.Race", Name: "race", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: "enable data race detection. Supported only on linux/amd64, freebsd/amd64, darwin/amd64, windows/amd64, linux/ppc64le and linux/arm64 (only for 48-bit VMA)."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Vet", Name: "vet", UsageArgument: "list", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: `Configure the invocation of "go vet" during "go test" to use the comma-separated list of vet checks. If list is empty, "go test" runs "go vet" with a curated list of checks believed to be always worth addressing. If list is "off", "go test" does not run "go vet" at all. Available checks can be found by running 'go doc cmd/vet'`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Cover", Name: "cover", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: "Enable coverage analysis. Note that because coverage works by annotating the source code before compilation, compilation and test failures with coverage enabled may report line numbers that don't correspond to the original sources."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.CoverMode", Name: "covermode", UsageArgument: "set,count,atomic", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: `Set the mode for coverage analysis for the package[s] being tested. 'set': does this statement run? 'count': how many times does this statement run? 'atomic': like count, but correct in multithreaded tests and more expensive (must use atomic with -race). Sets -cover`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.CoverPkg", Name: "coverpkg", UsageArgument: "pattern1,pattern2,pattern3", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: "Apply coverage analysis in each test to packages matching the patterns. The default is for each test to analyze only the package being tested. See 'go help packages' for a description of package patterns. Sets -cover."}, + + {KeyPath: "Go.A", Name: "a", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "force rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.ASMFlags", Name: "asmflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool asm invocation."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.BuildMode", Name: "buildmode", UsageArgument: "mode", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "build mode to use. See 'go help buildmode' for more."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Compiler", Name: "compiler", UsageArgument: "name", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "name of compiler to use, as in runtime.Compiler (gccgo or gc)."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.GCCGoFlags", Name: "gccgoflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "arguments to pass on each gccgo compiler/linker invocation."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.GCFlags", Name: "gcflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.InstallSuffix", Name: "installsuffix", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory, in order to keep output separate from default builds. If using the -race flag, the install suffix is automatically set to raceor, if set explicitly, has _race appended to it. Likewise for the -msan flag. Using a -buildmode option that requires non-default compile flags has a similar effect."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.LDFlags", Name: "ldflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.LinkShared", Name: "linkshared", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "build code that will be linked against shared libraries previously created with -buildmode=shared."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Mod", Name: "mod", UsageArgument: "mode (readonly, vendor, or mod)", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "module download mode to use: readonly, vendor, or mod. See 'go help modules' for more."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.ModCacheRW", Name: "modcacherw", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "leave newly-created directories in the module cache read-write instead of making them read-only."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.ModFile", Name: "modfile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: `in module aware mode, read (and possibly write) an alternate go.mod file instead of the one in the module root directory. A file named go.mod must still be present in order to determine the module root directory, but it is not accessed. When -modfile is specified, an alternate go.sum file is also used: its path is derived from the -modfile flag by trimming the ".mod" extension and appending ".sum".`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.MSan", Name: "msan", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "enable interoperation with memory sanitizer. Supported only on linux/amd64, linux/arm64 and only with Clang/LLVM as the host C compiler. On linux/arm64, pie build mode will be used."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.N", Name: "n", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "print the commands but do not run them."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.PkgDir", Name: "pkgdir", UsageArgument: "dir", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "install and load all packages from dir instead of the usual locations. For example, when building with a non-standard configuration, use -pkgdir to keep generated packages in a separate location."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Tags", Name: "tags", UsageArgument: "tag,list", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "a comma-separated list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build. For more information about build tags, see the description of build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package. (Earlier versions of Go used a space-separated list, and that form is deprecated but still recognized.)"}, + {KeyPath: "Go.TrimPath", Name: "trimpath", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: `remove all file system paths from the resulting executable. Instead of absolute file system paths, the recorded file names will begin with either "go" (for the standard library), or a module path@version (when using modules), or a plain import path (when using GOPATH).`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.ToolExec", Name: "toolexec", UsageArgument: "'cmd args'", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "a program to use to invoke toolchain programs like vet and asm. For example, instead of running asm, the go command will run cmd args /path/to/asm '."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Work", Name: "work", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "print the name of the temporary work directory and do not delete it when exiting."}, + {KeyPath: "Go.X", Name: "x", SectionKey: "go-build", + Usage: "print the commands."}, +} + +// GoRunFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo CLI run, and watch commands that capture go's run-time flags. These are passed to the compiled test binary by the ginkgo CLI +var GoRunFlags = GinkgoFlags{ + {KeyPath: "Go.CoverProfile", Name: "coverprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis", + Usage: `Write a coverage profile to the file after all tests have passed. Sets -cover.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.BlockProfile", Name: "blockprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Write a goroutine blocking profile to the specified file when all tests are complete. Preserves test binary.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.BlockProfileRate", Name: "blockprofilerate", UsageArgument: "rate", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Control the detail provided in goroutine blocking profiles by calling runtime.SetBlockProfileRate with rate. See 'go doc runtime.SetBlockProfileRate'. The profiler aims to sample, on average, one blocking event every n nanoseconds the program spends blocked. By default, if -test.blockprofile is set without this flag, all blocking events are recorded, equivalent to -test.blockprofilerate=1.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.CPUProfile", Name: "cpuprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Write a CPU profile to the specified file before exiting. Preserves test binary.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.MemProfile", Name: "memprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Write an allocation profile to the file after all tests have passed. Preserves test binary.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.MemProfileRate", Name: "memprofilerate", UsageArgument: "rate", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Enable more precise (and expensive) memory allocation profiles by setting runtime.MemProfileRate. See 'go doc runtime.MemProfileRate'. To profile all memory allocations, use -test.memprofilerate=1.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.MutexProfile", Name: "mutexprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Write a mutex contention profile to the specified file when all tests are complete. Preserves test binary.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.MutexProfileFraction", Name: "mutexprofilefraction", UsageArgument: "n", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction() Sample 1 in n stack traces of goroutines holding a contended mutex.`}, + {KeyPath: "Go.Trace", Name: "execution-trace", UsageArgument: "file", ExportAs: "trace", SectionKey: "performance-analysis", + Usage: `Write an execution trace to the specified file before exiting.`}, +} + +// VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig validates that the Ginkgo CLI's configuration is sound +// It returns a potentially mutated copy of the config that rationalizes the configuration to ensure consistency for downstream consumers +func VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig(cliConfig CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) (CLIConfig, GoFlagsConfig, []error) { + errors := []error{} + + if cliConfig.Repeat > 0 && cliConfig.UntilItFails { + errors = append(errors, GinkgoErrors.BothRepeatAndUntilItFails()) + } + + //initialize the output directory + if cliConfig.OutputDir != "" { + err := os.MkdirAll(cliConfig.OutputDir, 0777) + if err != nil { + errors = append(errors, err) + } + } + + //ensure cover mode is configured appropriately + if goFlagsConfig.CoverMode != "" || goFlagsConfig.CoverPkg != "" || goFlagsConfig.CoverProfile != "" { + goFlagsConfig.Cover = true + } + if goFlagsConfig.Cover && goFlagsConfig.CoverProfile == "" { + goFlagsConfig.CoverProfile = "coverprofile.out" + } + + return cliConfig, goFlagsConfig, errors +} + +// GenerateGoTestCompileArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the go test -c command when compiling the test +func GenerateGoTestCompileArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig, destination string, packageToBuild string) ([]string, error) { + // if the user has set the CoverProfile run-time flag make sure to set the build-time cover flag to make sure + // the built test binary can generate a coverprofile + if goFlagsConfig.CoverProfile != "" { + goFlagsConfig.Cover = true + } + + args := []string{"test", "-c", "-o", destination, packageToBuild} + goArgs, err := GenerateFlagArgs( + GoBuildFlags, + map[string]interface{}{ + "Go": &goFlagsConfig, + }, + ) + + if err != nil { + return []string{}, err + } + args = append(args, goArgs...) + return args, nil +} + +// GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the compiled Ginkgo test binary +func GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs(suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error) { + var flags GinkgoFlags + flags = SuiteConfigFlags.WithPrefix("ginkgo") + flags = flags.CopyAppend(ParallelConfigFlags.WithPrefix("ginkgo")...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(ReporterConfigFlags.WithPrefix("ginkgo")...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoRunFlags.WithPrefix("test")...) + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "S": &suiteConfig, + "R": &reporterConfig, + "Go": &goFlagsConfig, + } + + return GenerateFlagArgs(flags, bindings) +} + +// GenerateGoTestRunArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the compiled non-Ginkgo test binary +func GenerateGoTestRunArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error) { + flags := GoRunFlags.WithPrefix("test") + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "Go": &goFlagsConfig, + } + + args, err := GenerateFlagArgs(flags, bindings) + if err != nil { + return args, err + } + args = append(args, "--test.v") + return args, nil +} + +// BuildRunCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo run` command +func BuildRunCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + flags := SuiteConfigFlags + flags = flags.CopyAppend(ReporterConfigFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLISharedFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLIRunFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoBuildFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoRunFlags...) + + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "S": suiteConfig, + "R": reporterConfig, + "C": cliConfig, + "Go": goFlagsConfig, + "D": &deprecatedConfig{}, + } + + return NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags, bindings, FlagSections) +} + +// BuildWatchCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo watch` command +func BuildWatchCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + flags := SuiteConfigFlags + flags = flags.CopyAppend(ReporterConfigFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLISharedFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GinkgoCLIWatchFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoBuildFlags...) + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoRunFlags...) + + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "S": suiteConfig, + "R": reporterConfig, + "C": cliConfig, + "Go": goFlagsConfig, + "D": &deprecatedConfig{}, + } + + return NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags, bindings, FlagSections) +} + +// BuildBuildCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo build` command +func BuildBuildCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + flags := GinkgoCLISharedFlags + flags = flags.CopyAppend(GoBuildFlags...) + + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "C": cliConfig, + "Go": goFlagsConfig, + "D": &deprecatedConfig{}, + } + + flagSections := make(GinkgoFlagSections, len(FlagSections)) + copy(flagSections, FlagSections) + for i := range flagSections { + if flagSections[i].Key == "multiple-suites" { + flagSections[i].Heading = "Building Multiple Suites" + } + if flagSections[i].Key == "go-build" { + flagSections[i] = GinkgoFlagSection{Key: "go-build", Style: "{{/}}", Heading: "Go Build Flags", + Description: "These flags are inherited from go build."} + } + } + + return NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags, bindings, flagSections) +} + +func BuildLabelsCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + flags := GinkgoCLISharedFlags.SubsetWithNames("r", "skip-package") + + bindings := map[string]interface{}{ + "C": cliConfig, + } + + flagSections := make(GinkgoFlagSections, len(FlagSections)) + copy(flagSections, FlagSections) + for i := range flagSections { + if flagSections[i].Key == "multiple-suites" { + flagSections[i].Heading = "Fetching Labels from Multiple Suites" + } + } + + return NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags, bindings, flagSections) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecated_types.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecated_types.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..17922304b63 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecated_types.go @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +package types + +import ( + "strconv" + "time" +) + +/* + A set of deprecations to make the transition from v1 to v2 easier for users who have written custom reporters. +*/ + +type SuiteSummary = DeprecatedSuiteSummary +type SetupSummary = DeprecatedSetupSummary +type SpecSummary = DeprecatedSpecSummary +type SpecMeasurement = DeprecatedSpecMeasurement +type SpecComponentType = NodeType +type SpecFailure = DeprecatedSpecFailure + +var ( + SpecComponentTypeInvalid = NodeTypeInvalid + SpecComponentTypeContainer = NodeTypeContainer + SpecComponentTypeIt = NodeTypeIt + SpecComponentTypeBeforeEach = NodeTypeBeforeEach + SpecComponentTypeJustBeforeEach = NodeTypeJustBeforeEach + SpecComponentTypeAfterEach = NodeTypeAfterEach + SpecComponentTypeJustAfterEach = NodeTypeJustAfterEach + SpecComponentTypeBeforeSuite = NodeTypeBeforeSuite + SpecComponentTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite = NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite + SpecComponentTypeAfterSuite = NodeTypeAfterSuite + SpecComponentTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite = NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite +) + +type DeprecatedSuiteSummary struct { + SuiteDescription string + SuiteSucceeded bool + SuiteID string + + NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization int + NumberOfTotalSpecs int + NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun int + NumberOfPendingSpecs int + NumberOfSkippedSpecs int + NumberOfPassedSpecs int + NumberOfFailedSpecs int + NumberOfFlakedSpecs int + RunTime time.Duration +} + +type DeprecatedSetupSummary struct { + ComponentType SpecComponentType + CodeLocation CodeLocation + + State SpecState + RunTime time.Duration + Failure SpecFailure + + CapturedOutput string + SuiteID string +} + +type DeprecatedSpecSummary struct { + ComponentTexts []string + ComponentCodeLocations []CodeLocation + + State SpecState + RunTime time.Duration + Failure SpecFailure + IsMeasurement bool + NumberOfSamples int + Measurements map[string]*DeprecatedSpecMeasurement + + CapturedOutput string + SuiteID string +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) HasFailureState() bool { + return s.State.Is(SpecStateFailureStates) +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) TimedOut() bool { + return false +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Panicked() bool { + return s.State == SpecStatePanicked +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Failed() bool { + return s.State == SpecStateFailed +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Passed() bool { + return s.State == SpecStatePassed +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Skipped() bool { + return s.State == SpecStateSkipped +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Pending() bool { + return s.State == SpecStatePending +} + +type DeprecatedSpecFailure struct { + Message string + Location CodeLocation + ForwardedPanic string + + ComponentIndex int + ComponentType SpecComponentType + ComponentCodeLocation CodeLocation +} + +type DeprecatedSpecMeasurement struct { + Name string + Info interface{} + Order int + + Results []float64 + + Smallest float64 + Largest float64 + Average float64 + StdDeviation float64 + + SmallestLabel string + LargestLabel string + AverageLabel string + Units string + Precision int +} + +func (s DeprecatedSpecMeasurement) PrecisionFmt() string { + if s.Precision == 0 { + return "%f" + } + + str := strconv.Itoa(s.Precision) + + return "%." + str + "f" +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecation_support.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecation_support.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2948dfa0c9d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/deprecation_support.go @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +package types + +import ( + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "unicode" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" +) + +type Deprecation struct { + Message string + DocLink string + Version string +} + +type deprecations struct{} + +var Deprecations = deprecations{} + +func (d deprecations) CustomReporter() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "Support for custom reporters has been removed in V2. Please read the documentation linked to below for Ginkgo's new behavior and for a migration path:", + DocLink: "removed-custom-reporters", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) Async() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "You are passing a Done channel to a test node to test asynchronous behavior. This is deprecated in Ginkgo V2. Your test will run synchronously and the timeout will be ignored.", + DocLink: "removed-async-testing", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) Measure() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "Measure is deprecated and will be removed in Ginkgo V2. Please migrate to gomega/gmeasure.", + DocLink: "removed-measure", + Version: "1.16.3", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) ParallelNode() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "GinkgoParallelNode is deprecated and will be removed in Ginkgo V2. Please use GinkgoParallelProcess instead.", + DocLink: "renamed-ginkgoparallelnode", + Version: "1.16.4", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() is deprecated in Ginkgo V2. Use CurrentSpecReport() instead.", + DocLink: "changed-currentginkgotestdescription", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) Convert() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "The convert command is deprecated in Ginkgo V2", + DocLink: "removed-ginkgo-convert", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) Blur() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "The blur command is deprecated in Ginkgo V2. Use 'ginkgo unfocus' instead.", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +func (d deprecations) Nodot() Deprecation { + return Deprecation{ + Message: "The nodot command is deprecated in Ginkgo V2. Please either dot-import Ginkgo or use the package identifier in your code to references objects and types provided by Ginkgo and Gomega.", + DocLink: "removed-ginkgo-nodot", + Version: "1.16.0", + } +} + +type DeprecationTracker struct { + deprecations map[Deprecation][]CodeLocation + lock *sync.Mutex +} + +func NewDeprecationTracker() *DeprecationTracker { + return &DeprecationTracker{ + deprecations: map[Deprecation][]CodeLocation{}, + lock: &sync.Mutex{}, + } +} + +func (d *DeprecationTracker) TrackDeprecation(deprecation Deprecation, cl ...CodeLocation) { + ackVersion := os.Getenv("ACK_GINKGO_DEPRECATIONS") + if deprecation.Version != "" && ackVersion != "" { + ack := ParseSemVer(ackVersion) + version := ParseSemVer(deprecation.Version) + if ack.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(version) { + return + } + } + + d.lock.Lock() + defer d.lock.Unlock() + if len(cl) == 1 { + d.deprecations[deprecation] = append(d.deprecations[deprecation], cl[0]) + } else { + d.deprecations[deprecation] = []CodeLocation{} + } +} + +func (d *DeprecationTracker) DidTrackDeprecations() bool { + d.lock.Lock() + defer d.lock.Unlock() + return len(d.deprecations) > 0 +} + +func (d *DeprecationTracker) DeprecationsReport() string { + d.lock.Lock() + defer d.lock.Unlock() + out := formatter.F("{{light-yellow}}You're using deprecated Ginkgo functionality:{{/}}\n") + out += formatter.F("{{light-yellow}}============================================={{/}}\n") + for deprecation, locations := range d.deprecations { + out += formatter.Fi(1, "{{yellow}}"+deprecation.Message+"{{/}}\n") + if deprecation.DocLink != "" { + out += formatter.Fi(1, "{{bold}}Learn more at:{{/}} {{cyan}}{{underline}}https://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/MIGRATING_TO_V2#%s{{/}}\n", deprecation.DocLink) + } + for _, location := range locations { + out += formatter.Fi(2, "{{gray}}%s{{/}}\n", location) + } + } + out += formatter.F("\n{{gray}}To silence deprecations that can be silenced set the following environment variable:{{/}}\n") + out += formatter.Fi(1, "{{gray}}ACK_GINKGO_DEPRECATIONS=%s{{/}}\n", VERSION) + return out +} + +type SemVer struct { + Major int + Minor int + Patch int +} + +func (s SemVer) GreaterThanOrEqualTo(o SemVer) bool { + return (s.Major > o.Major) || + (s.Major == o.Major && s.Minor > o.Minor) || + (s.Major == o.Major && s.Minor == o.Minor && s.Patch >= o.Patch) +} + +func ParseSemVer(semver string) SemVer { + out := SemVer{} + semver = strings.TrimFunc(semver, func(r rune) bool { + return !(unicode.IsNumber(r) || r == '.') + }) + components := strings.Split(semver, ".") + if len(components) > 0 { + out.Major, _ = strconv.Atoi(components[0]) + } + if len(components) > 1 { + out.Minor, _ = strconv.Atoi(components[1]) + } + if len(components) > 2 { + out.Patch, _ = strconv.Atoi(components[2]) + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/enum_support.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/enum_support.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1d96ae02800 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/enum_support.go @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package types + +import "encoding/json" + +type EnumSupport struct { + toString map[uint]string + toEnum map[string]uint + maxEnum uint +} + +func NewEnumSupport(toString map[uint]string) EnumSupport { + toEnum, maxEnum := map[string]uint{}, uint(0) + for k, v := range toString { + toEnum[v] = k + if maxEnum < k { + maxEnum = k + } + } + return EnumSupport{toString: toString, toEnum: toEnum, maxEnum: maxEnum} +} + +func (es EnumSupport) String(e uint) string { + if e > es.maxEnum { + return es.toString[0] + } + return es.toString[e] +} + +func (es EnumSupport) UnmarshJSON(b []byte) (uint, error) { + var dec string + if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &dec); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + out := es.toEnum[dec] // if we miss we get 0 which is what we want anyway + return out, nil +} + +func (es EnumSupport) MarshJSON(e uint) ([]byte, error) { + if e == 0 || e > es.maxEnum { + return json.Marshal(nil) + } + return json.Marshal(es.toString[e]) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..40331d29827 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ +package types + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" +) + +type GinkgoError struct { + Heading string + Message string + DocLink string + CodeLocation CodeLocation +} + +func (g GinkgoError) Error() string { + out := formatter.F("{{bold}}{{red}}%s{{/}}\n", g.Heading) + if (g.CodeLocation != CodeLocation{}) { + contentsOfLine := strings.TrimLeft(g.CodeLocation.ContentsOfLine(), "\t ") + if contentsOfLine != "" { + out += formatter.F("{{light-gray}}%s{{/}}\n", contentsOfLine) + } + out += formatter.F("{{gray}}%s{{/}}\n", g.CodeLocation) + } + if g.Message != "" { + out += formatter.Fiw(1, formatter.COLS, g.Message) + out += "\n\n" + } + if g.DocLink != "" { + out += formatter.Fiw(1, formatter.COLS, "{{bold}}Learn more at:{{/}} {{cyan}}{{underline}}http://onsi.github.io/ginkgo/#%s{{/}}\n", g.DocLink) + } + + return out +} + +type ginkgoErrors struct{} + +var GinkgoErrors = ginkgoErrors{} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) UncaughtGinkgoPanic(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Your Test Panicked", + Message: `When you, or your assertion library, calls Ginkgo's Fail(), +Ginkgo panics to prevent subsequent assertions from running. + +Normally Ginkgo rescues this panic so you shouldn't see it. + +However, if you make an assertion in a goroutine, Ginkgo can't capture the panic. +To circumvent this, you should call + + defer GinkgoRecover() + +at the top of the goroutine that caused this panic. + +Alternatively, you may have made an assertion outside of a Ginkgo +leaf node (e.g. in a container node or some out-of-band function) - please move your assertion to +an appropriate Ginkgo node (e.g. a BeforeSuite, BeforeEach, It, etc...).`, + DocLink: "mental-model-how-ginkgo-handles-failure", + CodeLocation: cl, + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) RerunningSuite() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Rerunning Suite", + Message: formatter.F(`It looks like you are calling RunSpecs more than once. Ginkgo does not support rerunning suites. If you want to rerun a suite try {{bold}}ginkgo --repeat=N{{/}} or {{bold}}ginkgo --until-it-fails{{/}}`), + DocLink: "repeating-spec-runs-and-managing-flaky-specs", + } +} + +/* Tree construction errors */ + +func (g ginkgoErrors) PushingNodeInRunPhase(nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F( + `It looks like you are trying to add a {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} node +to the Ginkgo spec tree in a leaf node {{bold}}after{{/}} the specs started running. + +To enable randomization and parallelization Ginkgo requires the spec tree +to be fully constructed up front. In practice, this means that you can +only create nodes like {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} at the top-level or within the +body of a {{bold}}Describe{{/}}, {{bold}}Context{{/}}, or {{bold}}When{{/}}.`, nodeType, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "mental-model-how-ginkgo-traverses-the-spec-hierarchy", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) CaughtPanicDuringABuildPhase(caughtPanic interface{}, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Assertion or Panic detected during tree construction", + Message: formatter.F( + `Ginkgo detected a panic while constructing the spec tree. +You may be trying to make an assertion in the body of a container node +(i.e. {{bold}}Describe{{/}}, {{bold}}Context{{/}}, or {{bold}}When{{/}}). + +Please ensure all assertions are inside leaf nodes such as {{bold}}BeforeEach{{/}}, +{{bold}}It{{/}}, etc. + +{{bold}}Here's the content of the panic that was caught:{{/}} +%v`, caughtPanic), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "no-assertions-in-container-nodes", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) SuiteNodeInNestedContext(nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation) error { + docLink := "suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite" + if nodeType.Is(NodeTypeReportAfterSuite) { + docLink = "reporting-nodes---reportaftersuite" + } + + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F( + `It looks like you are trying to add a {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} node within a container node. + +{{bold}}%s{{/}} can only be called at the top level.`, nodeType, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: docLink, + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) SuiteNodeDuringRunPhase(nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation) error { + docLink := "suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite" + if nodeType.Is(NodeTypeReportAfterSuite) { + docLink = "reporting-nodes---reportaftersuite" + } + + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F( + `It looks like you are trying to add a {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} node within a leaf node after the spec started running. + +{{bold}}%s{{/}} can only be called at the top level.`, nodeType, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: docLink, + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) MultipleBeforeSuiteNodes(nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation, earlierNodeType NodeType, earlierCodeLocation CodeLocation) error { + return ginkgoErrorMultipleSuiteNodes("setup", nodeType, cl, earlierNodeType, earlierCodeLocation) +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) MultipleAfterSuiteNodes(nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation, earlierNodeType NodeType, earlierCodeLocation CodeLocation) error { + return ginkgoErrorMultipleSuiteNodes("teardown", nodeType, cl, earlierNodeType, earlierCodeLocation) +} + +func ginkgoErrorMultipleSuiteNodes(setupOrTeardown string, nodeType NodeType, cl CodeLocation, earlierNodeType NodeType, earlierCodeLocation CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F( + `It looks like you are trying to add a {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} node but +you already have a {{bold}}[%s]{{/}} node defined at: {{gray}}%s{{/}}. + +Ginkgo only allows you to define one suite %s node.`, nodeType, earlierNodeType, earlierCodeLocation, setupOrTeardown), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "suite-setup-and-cleanup-beforesuite-and-aftersuite", + } +} + +/* Decorator errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidDecoratorForNodeType(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType, decorator string) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Decorator", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node cannot be passed a(n) '%s' decorator`, nodeType, decorator), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidDeclarationOfFocusedAndPending(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Combination of Decorators: Focused and Pending", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node was decorated with both Focus and Pending. At most one is allowed.`, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) UnknownDecorator(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType, decorator interface{}) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Unknown Decorator", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node was passed an unknown decorator: '%#v'`, nodeType, decorator), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidBodyType(t reflect.Type, cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Function", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node must be passed {{bold}}func(){{/}} - i.e. functions that take nothing and return nothing. +You passed {{bold}}%s{{/}} instead.`, nodeType, t), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) MultipleBodyFunctions(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Multiple Functions", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node must be passed a single {{bold}}func(){{/}} - but more than one was passed in.`, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) MissingBodyFunction(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Missing Functions", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node must be passed a single {{bold}}func(){{/}} - but none was passed in.`, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +/* Ordered Container errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidSerialNodeInNonSerialOrderedContainer(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Serial Node in Non-Serial Ordered Container", + Message: formatter.F(`[%s] node was decorated with Serial but occurs in an Ordered container that is not marked Serial. Move the Serial decorator to the outer-most Ordered container to mark all ordered specs within the container as serial.`, nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "node-decorators-overview", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) SetupNodeNotInOrderedContainer(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Setup Node not in Ordered Container", + Message: fmt.Sprintf("[%s] setup nodes must appear inside an Ordered container. They cannot be nested within other containers, even containers in an ordered container.", nodeType), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "ordered-containers", + } +} + +/* DeferCleanup errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) DeferCleanupInvalidFunction(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "DeferCleanup requires a valid function", + Message: "You must pass DeferCleanup a function to invoke. This function must return zero or one values - if it does return, it must return an error. The function can take arbitrarily many arguments and you should provide these to DeferCleanup to pass along to the function.", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "cleaning-up-our-cleanup-code-defercleanup", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) PushingCleanupNodeDuringTreeConstruction(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "DeferCleanup must be called inside a setup or subject node", + Message: "You must call DeferCleanup inside a setup node (e.g. BeforeEach, BeforeSuite, AfterAll...) or a subject node (i.e. It). You can't call DeferCleanup at the top-level or in a container node - use the After* family of setup nodes instead.", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "cleaning-up-our-cleanup-code-defercleanup", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) PushingCleanupInReportingNode(cl CodeLocation, nodeType NodeType) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("DeferCleanup cannot be called in %s", nodeType), + Message: "Please inline your cleanup code - Ginkgo won't run cleanup code after a ReportAfterEach or ReportAfterSuite.", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "cleaning-up-our-cleanup-code-defercleanup", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) PushingCleanupInCleanupNode(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "DeferCleanup cannot be called in a DeferCleanup callback", + Message: "Please inline your cleanup code - Ginkgo doesn't let you call DeferCleanup from within DeferCleanup", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "cleaning-up-our-cleanup-code-defercleanup", + } +} + +/* ReportEntry errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) TooManyReportEntryValues(cl CodeLocation, arg interface{}) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Too Many ReportEntry Values", + Message: formatter.F(`{{bold}}AddGinkgoReport{{/}} can only be given one value. Got unexpected value: %#v`, arg), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "attaching-data-to-reports", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) AddReportEntryNotDuringRunPhase(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F(`It looks like you are calling {{bold}}AddGinkgoReport{{/}} outside of a running spec. Make sure you call {{bold}}AddGinkgoReport{{/}} inside a runnable node such as It or BeforeEach and not inside the body of a container such as Describe or Context.`), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "attaching-data-to-reports", + } +} + +/* By errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) ByNotDuringRunPhase(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo detected an issue with your spec structure", + Message: formatter.F(`It looks like you are calling {{bold}}By{{/}} outside of a running spec. Make sure you call {{bold}}By{{/}} inside a runnable node such as It or BeforeEach and not inside the body of a container such as Describe or Context.`), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "documenting-complex-specs-by", + } +} + +/* FileFilter and SkipFilter errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidFileFilter(filter string) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid File Filter", + Message: fmt.Sprintf(`The provided file filter: "%s" is invalid. File filters must have the format "file", "file:lines" where "file" is a regular expression that will match against the file path and lines is a comma-separated list of integers (e.g. file:1,5,7) or line-ranges (e.g. file:1-3,5-9) or both (e.g. file:1,5-9)`, filter), + DocLink: "filtering-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidFileFilterRegularExpression(filter string, err error) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid File Filter Regular Expression", + Message: fmt.Sprintf(`The provided file filter: "%s" included an invalid regular expression. regexp.Compile error: %s`, filter, err), + DocLink: "filtering-specs", + } +} + +/* Label Errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input string, location int, error string) error { + var message string + if location >= 0 { + for i, r := range input { + if i == location { + message += "{{red}}{{bold}}{{underline}}" + } + message += string(r) + if i == location { + message += "{{/}}" + } + } + } else { + message = input + } + message += "\n" + error + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Syntax Error Parsing Label Filter", + Message: message, + DocLink: "spec-labels", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidLabel(label string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Label", + Message: fmt.Sprintf("'%s' is an invalid label. Labels cannot contain of the following characters: '&|!,()/'", label), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "spec-labels", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidEmptyLabel(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Empty Label", + Message: "Labels cannot be empty", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "spec-labels", + } +} + +/* Table errors */ +func (g ginkgoErrors) MultipleEntryBodyFunctionsForTable(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "DescribeTable passed multiple functions", + Message: "It looks like you are passing multiple functions into DescribeTable. Only one function can be passed in. This function will be called for each Entry in the table.", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidEntryDescription(cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Invalid Entry description", + Message: "Entry description functions must be a string, a function that accepts the entry parameters and returns a string, or nil.", + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) IncorrectParameterTypeForTable(i int, name string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "DescribeTable passed incorrect parameter type", + Message: fmt.Sprintf("Parameter #%d passed to DescribeTable is of incorrect type <%s>", i, name), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) TooFewParametersToTableFunction(expected, actual int, kind string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("Too few parameters passed in to %s", kind), + Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s expected %d parameters but you passed in %d", kind, expected, actual), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) TooManyParametersToTableFunction(expected, actual int, kind string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("Too many parameters passed in to %s", kind), + Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s expected %d parameters but you passed in %d", kind, expected, actual), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) IncorrectParameterTypeToTableFunction(i int, expected, actual reflect.Type, kind string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect parameters type passed to %s", kind), + Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s expected parameter #%d to be of type <%s> but you passed in <%s>", kind, i, expected, actual), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) IncorrectVariadicParameterTypeToTableFunction(expected, actual reflect.Type, kind string, cl CodeLocation) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect parameters type passed to %s", kind), + Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s expected its variadic parameters to be of type <%s> but you passed in <%s>", kind, expected, actual), + CodeLocation: cl, + DocLink: "table-specs", + } +} + +/* Parallel Synchronization errors */ + +func (g ginkgoErrors) AggregatedReportUnavailableDueToNodeDisappearing() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Test Report unavailable because a Ginkgo parallel process disappeared", + Message: "The aggregated report could not be fetched for a ReportAfterSuite node. A Ginkgo parallel process disappeared before it could finish reporting.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) SynchronizedBeforeSuiteFailedOnProc1() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "SynchronizedBeforeSuite failed on Ginkgo parallel process #1", + Message: "The first SynchronizedBeforeSuite function running on Ginkgo parallel process #1 failed. This suite will now abort.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) SynchronizedBeforeSuiteDisappearedOnProc1() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Process #1 disappeared before SynchronizedBeforeSuite could report back", + Message: "Ginkgo parallel process #1 disappeared before the first SynchronizedBeforeSuite function completed. This suite will now abort.", + } +} + +/* Configuration errors */ + +func (g ginkgoErrors) UnknownTypePassedToRunSpecs(value interface{}) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Unknown Type passed to RunSpecs", + Message: fmt.Sprintf("RunSpecs() accepts labels, and configuration of type types.SuiteConfig and/or types.ReporterConfig.\n You passed in: %v", value), + } +} + +var sharedParallelErrorMessage = "It looks like you are trying to run specs in parallel with go test.\nThis is unsupported and you should use the ginkgo CLI instead." + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidParallelTotalConfiguration() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "-ginkgo.parallel.total must be >= 1", + Message: sharedParallelErrorMessage, + DocLink: "spec-parallelization", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidParallelProcessConfiguration() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "-ginkgo.parallel.process is one-indexed and must be <= ginkgo.parallel.total", + Message: sharedParallelErrorMessage, + DocLink: "spec-parallelization", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) MissingParallelHostConfiguration() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "-ginkgo.parallel.host is missing", + Message: sharedParallelErrorMessage, + DocLink: "spec-parallelization", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) UnreachableParallelHost(host string) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Could not reach ginkgo.parallel.host:" + host, + Message: sharedParallelErrorMessage, + DocLink: "spec-parallelization", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) DryRunInParallelConfiguration() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Ginkgo only performs -dryRun in serial mode.", + Message: "Please try running ginkgo -dryRun again, but without -p or -procs to ensure the suite is running in series.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) ConflictingVerbosityConfiguration() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Conflicting reporter verbosity settings.", + Message: "You can't set more than one of -v, -vv and --succinct. Please pick one!", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidOutputInterceptorModeConfiguration(value string) error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid value '%s' for --output-interceptor-mode.", value), + Message: "You must choose one of 'dup', 'swap', or 'none'.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidGoFlagCount() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Use of go test -count", + Message: "Ginkgo does not support using go test -count to rerun suites. Only -count=1 is allowed. To repeat suite runs, please use the ginkgo cli and `ginkgo -until-it-fails` or `ginkgo -repeat=N`.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) InvalidGoFlagParallel() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "Use of go test -parallel", + Message: "Go test's implementation of parallelization does not actually parallelize Ginkgo specs. Please use the ginkgo cli and `ginkgo -p` or `ginkgo -procs=N` instead.", + } +} + +func (g ginkgoErrors) BothRepeatAndUntilItFails() error { + return GinkgoError{ + Heading: "--repeat and --until-it-fails are both set", + Message: "--until-it-fails directs Ginkgo to rerun specs indefinitely until they fail. --repeat directs Ginkgo to rerun specs a set number of times. You can't set both... which would you like?", + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/file_filter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/file_filter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cc21df71ec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/file_filter.go @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +package types + +import ( + "regexp" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +func ParseFileFilters(filters []string) (FileFilters, error) { + ffs := FileFilters{} + for _, filter := range filters { + ff := FileFilter{} + if filter == "" { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + components := strings.Split(filter, ":") + if !(len(components) == 1 || len(components) == 2) { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + + var err error + ff.Filename, err = regexp.Compile(components[0]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(components) == 2 { + lineFilters := strings.Split(components[1], ",") + for _, lineFilter := range lineFilters { + components := strings.Split(lineFilter, "-") + if len(components) == 1 { + line, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(components[0])) + if err != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + ff.LineFilters = append(ff.LineFilters, LineFilter{line, line + 1}) + } else if len(components) == 2 { + line1, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(components[0])) + if err != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + line2, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(components[1])) + if err != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + ff.LineFilters = append(ff.LineFilters, LineFilter{line1, line2}) + } else { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.InvalidFileFilter(filter) + } + } + } + ffs = append(ffs, ff) + } + return ffs, nil +} + +type FileFilter struct { + Filename *regexp.Regexp + LineFilters LineFilters +} + +func (f FileFilter) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool { + for _, location := range locations { + if f.Filename.MatchString(location.FileName) && + f.LineFilters.Matches(location.LineNumber) { + return true + } + + } + return false +} + +type FileFilters []FileFilter + +func (ffs FileFilters) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool { + for _, ff := range ffs { + if ff.Matches(locations) { + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +type LineFilter struct { + Min int + Max int +} + +func (lf LineFilter) Matches(line int) bool { + return lf.Min <= line && line < lf.Max +} + +type LineFilters []LineFilter + +func (lfs LineFilters) Matches(line int) bool { + if len(lfs) == 0 { + return true + } + + for _, lf := range lfs { + if lf.Matches(line) { + return true + } + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/flags.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/flags.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9186ae873d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/flags.go @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ +package types + +import ( + "flag" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" + "strings" + "time" + + "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter" +) + +type GinkgoFlag struct { + Name string + KeyPath string + SectionKey string + + Usage string + UsageArgument string + UsageDefaultValue string + + DeprecatedName string + DeprecatedDocLink string + DeprecatedVersion string + + ExportAs string +} + +type GinkgoFlags []GinkgoFlag + +func (f GinkgoFlags) CopyAppend(flags ...GinkgoFlag) GinkgoFlags { + out := GinkgoFlags{} + out = append(out, f...) + out = append(out, flags...) + return out +} + +func (f GinkgoFlags) WithPrefix(prefix string) GinkgoFlags { + if prefix == "" { + return f + } + out := GinkgoFlags{} + for _, flag := range f { + if flag.Name != "" { + flag.Name = prefix + "." + flag.Name + } + if flag.DeprecatedName != "" { + flag.DeprecatedName = prefix + "." + flag.DeprecatedName + } + if flag.ExportAs != "" { + flag.ExportAs = prefix + "." + flag.ExportAs + } + out = append(out, flag) + } + return out +} + +func (f GinkgoFlags) SubsetWithNames(names ...string) GinkgoFlags { + out := GinkgoFlags{} + for _, flag := range f { + for _, name := range names { + if flag.Name == name { + out = append(out, flag) + break + } + } + } + return out +} + +type GinkgoFlagSection struct { + Key string + Style string + Succinct bool + Heading string + Description string +} + +type GinkgoFlagSections []GinkgoFlagSection + +func (gfs GinkgoFlagSections) Lookup(key string) (GinkgoFlagSection, bool) { + for _, section := range gfs { + if section.Key == key { + return section, true + } + } + + return GinkgoFlagSection{}, false +} + +type GinkgoFlagSet struct { + flags GinkgoFlags + bindings interface{} + + sections GinkgoFlagSections + extraGoFlagsSection GinkgoFlagSection + + flagSet *flag.FlagSet +} + +// Call NewGinkgoFlagSet to create GinkgoFlagSet that creates and binds to it's own *flag.FlagSet +func NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + return bindFlagSet(GinkgoFlagSet{ + flags: flags, + bindings: bindings, + sections: sections, + }, nil) +} + +// Call NewGinkgoFlagSet to create GinkgoFlagSet that extends an existing *flag.FlagSet +func NewAttachedGinkgoFlagSet(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections, extraGoFlagsSection GinkgoFlagSection) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + return bindFlagSet(GinkgoFlagSet{ + flags: flags, + bindings: bindings, + sections: sections, + extraGoFlagsSection: extraGoFlagsSection, + }, flagSet) +} + +func bindFlagSet(f GinkgoFlagSet, flagSet *flag.FlagSet) (GinkgoFlagSet, error) { + if flagSet == nil { + f.flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError) + //suppress all output as Ginkgo is responsible for formatting usage + f.flagSet.SetOutput(io.Discard) + } else { + f.flagSet = flagSet + //we're piggybacking on an existing flagset (typically go test) so we have limited control + //on user feedback + f.flagSet.Usage = f.substituteUsage + } + + for _, flag := range f.flags { + name := flag.Name + + deprecatedUsage := "[DEPRECATED]" + deprecatedName := flag.DeprecatedName + if name != "" { + deprecatedUsage = fmt.Sprintf("[DEPRECATED] use --%s instead", name) + } else if flag.Usage != "" { + deprecatedUsage += " " + flag.Usage + } + + value, ok := valueAtKeyPath(f.bindings, flag.KeyPath) + if !ok { + return GinkgoFlagSet{}, fmt.Errorf("could not load KeyPath: %s", flag.KeyPath) + } + + iface, addr := value.Interface(), value.Addr().Interface() + + switch value.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(string("")): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.StringVar(addr.(*string), name, iface.(string), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.StringVar(addr.(*string), deprecatedName, iface.(string), deprecatedUsage) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.Int64Var(addr.(*int64), name, iface.(int64), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.Int64Var(addr.(*int64), deprecatedName, iface.(int64), deprecatedUsage) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.Float64Var(addr.(*float64), name, iface.(float64), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.Float64Var(addr.(*float64), deprecatedName, iface.(float64), deprecatedUsage) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(int(0)): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.IntVar(addr.(*int), name, iface.(int), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.IntVar(addr.(*int), deprecatedName, iface.(int), deprecatedUsage) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(bool(true)): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.BoolVar(addr.(*bool), name, iface.(bool), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.BoolVar(addr.(*bool), deprecatedName, iface.(bool), deprecatedUsage) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.DurationVar(addr.(*time.Duration), name, iface.(time.Duration), flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.DurationVar(addr.(*time.Duration), deprecatedName, iface.(time.Duration), deprecatedUsage) + } + + case reflect.TypeOf([]string{}): + if name != "" { + f.flagSet.Var(stringSliceVar{value}, name, flag.Usage) + } + if deprecatedName != "" { + f.flagSet.Var(stringSliceVar{value}, deprecatedName, deprecatedUsage) + } + default: + return GinkgoFlagSet{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", iface) + } + } + + return f, nil +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) IsZero() bool { + return f.flagSet == nil +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) WasSet(name string) bool { + found := false + f.flagSet.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) { + if f.Name == name { + found = true + } + }) + + return found +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Lookup(name string) *flag.Flag { + return f.flagSet.Lookup(name) +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Parse(args []string) ([]string, error) { + if f.IsZero() { + return args, nil + } + err := f.flagSet.Parse(args) + if err != nil { + return []string{}, err + } + return f.flagSet.Args(), nil +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) ValidateDeprecations(deprecationTracker *DeprecationTracker) { + if f.IsZero() { + return + } + f.flagSet.Visit(func(flag *flag.Flag) { + for _, ginkgoFlag := range f.flags { + if ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedName != "" && strings.HasSuffix(flag.Name, ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedName) { + message := fmt.Sprintf("--%s is deprecated", ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedName) + if ginkgoFlag.Name != "" { + message = fmt.Sprintf("--%s is deprecated, use --%s instead", ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedName, ginkgoFlag.Name) + } else if ginkgoFlag.Usage != "" { + message += " " + ginkgoFlag.Usage + } + + deprecationTracker.TrackDeprecation(Deprecation{ + Message: message, + DocLink: ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedDocLink, + Version: ginkgoFlag.DeprecatedVersion, + }) + } + } + }) +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Usage() string { + if f.IsZero() { + return "" + } + groupedFlags := map[GinkgoFlagSection]GinkgoFlags{} + ungroupedFlags := GinkgoFlags{} + managedFlags := map[string]bool{} + extraGoFlags := []*flag.Flag{} + + for _, flag := range f.flags { + managedFlags[flag.Name] = true + managedFlags[flag.DeprecatedName] = true + + if flag.Name == "" { + continue + } + + section, ok := f.sections.Lookup(flag.SectionKey) + if ok { + groupedFlags[section] = append(groupedFlags[section], flag) + } else { + ungroupedFlags = append(ungroupedFlags, flag) + } + } + + f.flagSet.VisitAll(func(flag *flag.Flag) { + if !managedFlags[flag.Name] { + extraGoFlags = append(extraGoFlags, flag) + } + }) + + out := "" + for _, section := range f.sections { + flags := groupedFlags[section] + if len(flags) == 0 { + continue + } + out += f.usageForSection(section) + if section.Succinct { + succinctFlags := []string{} + for _, flag := range flags { + if flag.Name != "" { + succinctFlags = append(succinctFlags, fmt.Sprintf("--%s", flag.Name)) + } + } + out += formatter.Fiw(1, formatter.COLS, section.Style+strings.Join(succinctFlags, ", ")+"{{/}}\n") + } else { + for _, flag := range flags { + out += f.usageForFlag(flag, section.Style) + } + } + out += "\n" + } + if len(ungroupedFlags) > 0 { + for _, flag := range ungroupedFlags { + out += f.usageForFlag(flag, "") + } + out += "\n" + } + if len(extraGoFlags) > 0 { + out += f.usageForSection(f.extraGoFlagsSection) + for _, goFlag := range extraGoFlags { + out += f.usageForGoFlag(goFlag) + } + } + + return out +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) substituteUsage() { + fmt.Fprintln(f.flagSet.Output(), f.Usage()) +} + +func valueAtKeyPath(root interface{}, keyPath string) (reflect.Value, bool) { + if len(keyPath) == 0 { + return reflect.Value{}, false + } + + val := reflect.ValueOf(root) + components := strings.Split(keyPath, ".") + for _, component := range components { + val = reflect.Indirect(val) + switch val.Kind() { + case reflect.Map: + val = val.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(component)) + if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + val = reflect.ValueOf(val.Interface()) + } + case reflect.Struct: + val = val.FieldByName(component) + default: + return reflect.Value{}, false + } + if (val == reflect.Value{}) { + return reflect.Value{}, false + } + } + + return val, true +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) usageForSection(section GinkgoFlagSection) string { + out := formatter.F(section.Style + "{{bold}}{{underline}}" + section.Heading + "{{/}}\n") + if section.Description != "" { + out += formatter.Fiw(0, formatter.COLS, section.Description+"\n") + } + return out +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) usageForFlag(flag GinkgoFlag, style string) string { + argument := flag.UsageArgument + defValue := flag.UsageDefaultValue + if argument == "" { + value, _ := valueAtKeyPath(f.bindings, flag.KeyPath) + switch value.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(string("")): + argument = "string" + case reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)), reflect.TypeOf(int(0)): + argument = "int" + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)): + argument = "duration" + case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): + argument = "float" + case reflect.TypeOf([]string{}): + argument = "string" + } + } + if argument != "" { + argument = "[" + argument + "] " + } + if defValue != "" { + defValue = fmt.Sprintf("(default: %s)", defValue) + } + hyphens := "--" + if len(flag.Name) == 1 { + hyphens = "-" + } + + out := formatter.Fi(1, style+"%s%s{{/}} %s{{gray}}%s{{/}}\n", hyphens, flag.Name, argument, defValue) + out += formatter.Fiw(2, formatter.COLS, "{{light-gray}}%s{{/}}\n", flag.Usage) + return out +} + +func (f GinkgoFlagSet) usageForGoFlag(goFlag *flag.Flag) string { + //Taken directly from the flag package + out := fmt.Sprintf(" -%s", goFlag.Name) + name, usage := flag.UnquoteUsage(goFlag) + if len(name) > 0 { + out += " " + name + } + if len(out) <= 4 { + out += "\t" + } else { + out += "\n \t" + } + out += strings.ReplaceAll(usage, "\n", "\n \t") + out += "\n" + return out +} + +type stringSliceVar struct { + slice reflect.Value +} + +func (ssv stringSliceVar) String() string { return "" } +func (ssv stringSliceVar) Set(s string) error { + ssv.slice.Set(reflect.AppendSlice(ssv.slice, reflect.ValueOf([]string{s}))) + return nil +} + +//given a set of GinkgoFlags and bindings, generate flag arguments suitable to be passed to an application with that set of flags configured. +func GenerateFlagArgs(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}) ([]string, error) { + result := []string{} + for _, flag := range flags { + name := flag.ExportAs + if name == "" { + name = flag.Name + } + if name == "" { + continue + } + + value, ok := valueAtKeyPath(bindings, flag.KeyPath) + if !ok { + return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("could not load KeyPath: %s", flag.KeyPath) + } + + iface := value.Interface() + switch value.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(string("")): + if iface.(string) != "" { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", name, iface)) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)): + if iface.(int64) != 0 { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%d", name, iface)) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): + if iface.(float64) != 0 { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%f", name, iface)) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(int(0)): + if iface.(int) != 0 { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%d", name, iface)) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(bool(true)): + if iface.(bool) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s", name)) + } + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)): + if iface.(time.Duration) != time.Duration(0) { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", name, iface)) + } + + case reflect.TypeOf([]string{}): + strings := iface.([]string) + for _, s := range strings { + result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", name, s)) + } + default: + return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", iface) + } + } + + return result, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/label_filter.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/label_filter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0403f9e6319 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/label_filter.go @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +package types + +import ( + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var DEBUG_LABEL_FILTER_PARSING = false + +type LabelFilter func([]string) bool + +func matchLabelAction(label string) LabelFilter { + expected := strings.ToLower(label) + return func(labels []string) bool { + for i := range labels { + if strings.ToLower(labels[i]) == expected { + return true + } + } + return false + } +} + +func matchLabelRegexAction(regex *regexp.Regexp) LabelFilter { + return func(labels []string) bool { + for i := range labels { + if regex.MatchString(labels[i]) { + return true + } + } + return false + } +} + +func notAction(filter LabelFilter) LabelFilter { + return func(labels []string) bool { return !filter(labels) } +} + +func andAction(a, b LabelFilter) LabelFilter { + return func(labels []string) bool { return a(labels) && b(labels) } +} + +func orAction(a, b LabelFilter) LabelFilter { + return func(labels []string) bool { return a(labels) || b(labels) } +} + +type lfToken uint + +const ( + lfTokenInvalid lfToken = iota + + lfTokenRoot + lfTokenOpenGroup + lfTokenCloseGroup + lfTokenNot + lfTokenAnd + lfTokenOr + lfTokenRegexp + lfTokenLabel + lfTokenEOF +) + +func (l lfToken) Precedence() int { + switch l { + case lfTokenRoot, lfTokenOpenGroup: + return 0 + case lfTokenOr: + return 1 + case lfTokenAnd: + return 2 + case lfTokenNot: + return 3 + } + return -1 +} + +func (l lfToken) String() string { + switch l { + case lfTokenRoot: + return "ROOT" + case lfTokenOpenGroup: + return "(" + case lfTokenCloseGroup: + return ")" + case lfTokenNot: + return "!" + case lfTokenAnd: + return "&&" + case lfTokenOr: + return "||" + case lfTokenRegexp: + return "/regexp/" + case lfTokenLabel: + return "label" + case lfTokenEOF: + return "EOF" + } + return "INVALID" +} + +type treeNode struct { + token lfToken + location int + value string + + parent *treeNode + leftNode *treeNode + rightNode *treeNode +} + +func (tn *treeNode) setRightNode(node *treeNode) { + tn.rightNode = node + node.parent = tn +} + +func (tn *treeNode) setLeftNode(node *treeNode) { + tn.leftNode = node + node.parent = tn +} + +func (tn *treeNode) firstAncestorWithPrecedenceLEQ(precedence int) *treeNode { + if tn.token.Precedence() <= precedence { + return tn + } + return tn.parent.firstAncestorWithPrecedenceLEQ(precedence) +} + +func (tn *treeNode) firstUnmatchedOpenNode() *treeNode { + if tn.token == lfTokenOpenGroup { + return tn + } + if tn.parent == nil { + return nil + } + return tn.parent.firstUnmatchedOpenNode() +} + +func (tn *treeNode) constructLabelFilter(input string) (LabelFilter, error) { + switch tn.token { + case lfTokenOpenGroup: + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, tn.location, "Mismatched '(' - could not find matching ')'.") + case lfTokenLabel: + return matchLabelAction(tn.value), nil + case lfTokenRegexp: + re, err := regexp.Compile(tn.value) + if err != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, tn.location, fmt.Sprintf("RegExp compilation error: %s", err)) + } + return matchLabelRegexAction(re), nil + } + + if tn.rightNode == nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, -1, "Unexpected EOF.") + } + rightLF, err := tn.rightNode.constructLabelFilter(input) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + switch tn.token { + case lfTokenRoot, lfTokenCloseGroup: + return rightLF, nil + case lfTokenNot: + return notAction(rightLF), nil + } + + if tn.leftNode == nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, tn.location, fmt.Sprintf("Malformed tree - '%s' is missing left operand.", tn.token)) + } + leftLF, err := tn.leftNode.constructLabelFilter(input) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + switch tn.token { + case lfTokenAnd: + return andAction(leftLF, rightLF), nil + case lfTokenOr: + return orAction(leftLF, rightLF), nil + } + + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, tn.location, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid token '%s'.", tn.token)) +} + +func (tn *treeNode) tokenString() string { + out := fmt.Sprintf("<%s", tn.token) + if tn.value != "" { + out += " | " + tn.value + } + out += ">" + return out +} + +func (tn *treeNode) toString(indent int) string { + out := tn.tokenString() + "\n" + if tn.leftNode != nil { + out += fmt.Sprintf("%s |_(L)_%s", strings.Repeat(" ", indent), tn.leftNode.toString(indent+1)) + } + if tn.rightNode != nil { + out += fmt.Sprintf("%s |_(R)_%s", strings.Repeat(" ", indent), tn.rightNode.toString(indent+1)) + } + return out +} + +func tokenize(input string) func() (*treeNode, error) { + runes, i := []rune(input), 0 + + peekIs := func(r rune) bool { + if i+1 < len(runes) { + return runes[i+1] == r + } + return false + } + + consumeUntil := func(cutset string) (string, int) { + j := i + for ; j < len(runes); j++ { + if strings.IndexRune(cutset, runes[j]) >= 0 { + break + } + } + return string(runes[i:j]), j - i + } + + return func() (*treeNode, error) { + for i < len(runes) && runes[i] == ' ' { + i += 1 + } + + if i >= len(runes) { + return &treeNode{token: lfTokenEOF}, nil + } + + node := &treeNode{location: i} + switch runes[i] { + case '&': + if !peekIs('&') { + return &treeNode{}, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, i, "Invalid token '&'. Did you mean '&&'?") + } + i += 2 + node.token = lfTokenAnd + case '|': + if !peekIs('|') { + return &treeNode{}, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, i, "Invalid token '|'. Did you mean '||'?") + } + i += 2 + node.token = lfTokenOr + case '!': + i += 1 + node.token = lfTokenNot + case ',': + i += 1 + node.token = lfTokenOr + case '(': + i += 1 + node.token = lfTokenOpenGroup + case ')': + i += 1 + node.token = lfTokenCloseGroup + case '/': + i += 1 + value, n := consumeUntil("/") + i += n + 1 + node.token, node.value = lfTokenRegexp, value + default: + value, n := consumeUntil("&|!,()/") + i += n + node.token, node.value = lfTokenLabel, strings.TrimSpace(value) + } + return node, nil + } +} + +func ParseLabelFilter(input string) (LabelFilter, error) { + if DEBUG_LABEL_FILTER_PARSING { + fmt.Println("\n==============") + fmt.Println("Input: ", input) + fmt.Print("Tokens: ") + } + nextToken := tokenize(input) + + root := &treeNode{token: lfTokenRoot} + current := root +LOOP: + for { + node, err := nextToken() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if DEBUG_LABEL_FILTER_PARSING { + fmt.Print(node.tokenString() + " ") + } + + switch node.token { + case lfTokenEOF: + break LOOP + case lfTokenLabel, lfTokenRegexp: + if current.rightNode != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, "Found two adjacent labels. You need an operator between them.") + } + current.setRightNode(node) + case lfTokenNot, lfTokenOpenGroup: + if current.rightNode != nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid token '%s'.", node.token)) + } + current.setRightNode(node) + current = node + case lfTokenAnd, lfTokenOr: + if current.rightNode == nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, fmt.Sprintf("Operator '%s' missing left hand operand.", node.token)) + } + nodeToStealFrom := current.firstAncestorWithPrecedenceLEQ(node.token.Precedence()) + node.setLeftNode(nodeToStealFrom.rightNode) + nodeToStealFrom.setRightNode(node) + current = node + case lfTokenCloseGroup: + firstUnmatchedOpenNode := current.firstUnmatchedOpenNode() + if firstUnmatchedOpenNode == nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, "Mismatched ')' - could not find matching '('.") + } + if firstUnmatchedOpenNode == current && current.rightNode == nil { + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, "Found empty '()' group.") + } + firstUnmatchedOpenNode.token = lfTokenCloseGroup //signify the group is now closed + current = firstUnmatchedOpenNode.parent + default: + return nil, GinkgoErrors.SyntaxErrorParsingLabelFilter(input, node.location, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown token '%s'.", node.token)) + } + } + if DEBUG_LABEL_FILTER_PARSING { + fmt.Printf("\n Tree:\n%s", root.toString(0)) + } + return root.constructLabelFilter(input) +} + +func ValidateAndCleanupLabel(label string, cl CodeLocation) (string, error) { + out := strings.TrimSpace(label) + if out == "" { + return "", GinkgoErrors.InvalidEmptyLabel(cl) + } + if strings.ContainsAny(out, "&|!,()/") { + return "", GinkgoErrors.InvalidLabel(label, cl) + } + return out, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/report_entry.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/report_entry.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c64866c602b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/report_entry.go @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +package types + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "time" +) + +//ReportEntryValue wraps a report entry's value ensuring it can be encoded and decoded safely into reports +//and across the network connection when running in parallel +type ReportEntryValue struct { + raw interface{} //unexported to prevent gob from freaking out about unregistered structs + AsJSON string + Representation string +} + +func WrapEntryValue(value interface{}) ReportEntryValue { + return ReportEntryValue{ + raw: value, + } +} + +func (rev ReportEntryValue) GetRawValue() interface{} { + return rev.raw +} + +func (rev ReportEntryValue) String() string { + if rev.raw == nil { + return "" + } + if colorableStringer, ok := rev.raw.(ColorableStringer); ok { + return colorableStringer.ColorableString() + } + + if stringer, ok := rev.raw.(fmt.Stringer); ok { + return stringer.String() + } + if rev.Representation != "" { + return rev.Representation + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", rev.raw) +} + +func (rev ReportEntryValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + //All this to capture the representation at encoding-time, not creating time + //This way users can Report on pointers and get their final values at reporting-time + out := struct { + AsJSON string + Representation string + }{ + Representation: rev.String(), + } + + asJSON, err := json.Marshal(rev.raw) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + out.AsJSON = string(asJSON) + + return json.Marshal(out) +} + +func (rev *ReportEntryValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + in := struct { + AsJSON string + Representation string + }{} + err := json.Unmarshal(data, &in) + if err != nil { + return err + } + rev.AsJSON = in.AsJSON + rev.Representation = in.Representation + return json.Unmarshal([]byte(in.AsJSON), &(rev.raw)) +} + +func (rev ReportEntryValue) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { + return rev.MarshalJSON() +} + +func (rev *ReportEntryValue) GobDecode(data []byte) error { + return rev.UnmarshalJSON(data) +} + +// ReportEntry captures information attached to `SpecReport` via `AddReportEntry` +type ReportEntry struct { + // Visibility captures the visibility policy for this ReportEntry + Visibility ReportEntryVisibility + // Time captures the time the AddReportEntry was called + Time time.Time + // Location captures the location of the AddReportEntry call + Location CodeLocation + // Name captures the name of this report + Name string + // Value captures the (optional) object passed into AddReportEntry - this can be + // anything the user wants. The value passed to AddReportEntry is wrapped in a ReportEntryValue to make + // encoding/decoding the value easier. To access the raw value call entry.GetRawValue() + Value ReportEntryValue +} + +// ColorableStringer is an interface that ReportEntry values can satisfy. If they do then ColorableStirng() is used to generate their representation. +type ColorableStringer interface { + ColorableString() string +} + +// StringRepresentation() returns the string representation of the value associated with the ReportEntry -- +// if value is nil, empty string is returned +// if value is a `ColorableStringer` then `Value.ColorableString()` is returned +// if value is a `fmt.Stringer` then `Value.String()` is returned +// otherwise the value is formatted with "%+v" +func (entry ReportEntry) StringRepresentation() string { + return entry.Value.String() +} + +// GetRawValue returns the Value object that was passed to AddReportEntry +// If called in-process this will be the same object that was passed into AddReportEntry. +// If used from a rehydrated JSON file _or_ in a ReportAfterSuite when running in parallel this will be +// a JSON-decoded {}interface. If you want to reconstitute your original object you can decode the entry.Value.AsJSON +// field yourself. +func (entry ReportEntry) GetRawValue() interface{} { + return entry.Value.GetRawValue() +} + +type ReportEntries []ReportEntry + +func (re ReportEntries) HasVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool { + for _, entry := range re { + if entry.Visibility.Is(visibilities...) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (re ReportEntries) WithVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) ReportEntries { + out := ReportEntries{} + + for _, entry := range re { + if entry.Visibility.Is(visibilities...) { + out = append(out, entry) + } + } + + return out +} + +// ReportEntryVisibility governs the visibility of ReportEntries in Ginkgo's console reporter +type ReportEntryVisibility uint + +const ( + // Always print out this ReportEntry + ReportEntryVisibilityAlways ReportEntryVisibility = iota + // Only print out this ReportEntry if the spec fails or if the test is run with -v + ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose + // Never print out this ReportEntry (note that ReportEntrys are always encoded in machine readable reports (e.g. JSON, JUnit, etc.)) + ReportEntryVisibilityNever +) + +var revEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{ + uint(ReportEntryVisibilityAlways): "always", + uint(ReportEntryVisibilityFailureOrVerbose): "failure-or-verbose", + uint(ReportEntryVisibilityNever): "never", +}) + +func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) String() string { + return revEnumSupport.String(uint(rev)) +} +func (rev *ReportEntryVisibility) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + out, err := revEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b) + *rev = ReportEntryVisibility(out) + return err +} +func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return revEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(rev)) +} + +func (v ReportEntryVisibility) Is(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool { + for _, visibility := range visibilities { + if v == visibility { + return true + } + } + + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/types.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/types.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f30d23c6671 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/types.go @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +package types + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "strings" + "time" +) + +const GINKGO_FOCUS_EXIT_CODE = 197 +const GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT = "01/02/06 15:04:05.999" + +// Report captures information about a Ginkgo test run +type Report struct { + //SuitePath captures the absolute path to the test suite + SuitePath string + + //SuiteDescription captures the description string passed to the DSL's RunSpecs() function + SuiteDescription string + + //SuiteLabels captures any labels attached to the suite by the DSL's RunSpecs() function + SuiteLabels []string + + //SuiteSucceeded captures the success or failure status of the test run + //If true, the test run is considered successful. + //If false, the test run is considered unsuccessful + SuiteSucceeded bool + + //SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus captures whether the test suite has a test or set of tests that are programmatically focused + //(i.e an `FIt` or an `FDescribe` + SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus bool + + //SpecialSuiteFailureReasons may contain special failure reasons + //For example, a test suite might be considered "failed" even if none of the individual specs + //have a failure state. For example, if the user has configured --fail-on-pending the test suite + //will have failed if there are pending tests even though all non-pending tests may have passed. In such + //cases, Ginkgo populates SpecialSuiteFailureReasons with a clear message indicating the reason for the failure. + //SpecialSuiteFailureReasons is also populated if the test suite is interrupted by the user. + //Since multiple special failure reasons can occur, this field is a slice. + SpecialSuiteFailureReasons []string + + //PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used + //by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs) + //and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters. + PreRunStats PreRunStats + + //StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the test run + StartTime time.Time + EndTime time.Time + + //RunTime captures the duration of the test run + RunTime time.Duration + + //SuiteConfig captures the Ginkgo configuration governing this test run + //SuiteConfig includes information necessary for reproducing an identical test run, + //such as the random seed and any filters applied during the test run + SuiteConfig SuiteConfig + + //SpecReports is a list of all SpecReports generated by this test run + SpecReports SpecReports +} + +//PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used +//by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs) +//and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters. +type PreRunStats struct { + TotalSpecs int + SpecsThatWillRun int +} + +//Add is ued by Ginkgo's parallel aggregation mechanisms to combine test run reports form individual parallel processes +//to form a complete final report. +func (report Report) Add(other Report) Report { + report.SuiteSucceeded = report.SuiteSucceeded && other.SuiteSucceeded + + if other.StartTime.Before(report.StartTime) { + report.StartTime = other.StartTime + } + + if other.EndTime.After(report.EndTime) { + report.EndTime = other.EndTime + } + + specialSuiteFailureReasons := []string{} + reasonsLookup := map[string]bool{} + for _, reasons := range [][]string{report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, other.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons} { + for _, reason := range reasons { + if !reasonsLookup[reason] { + reasonsLookup[reason] = true + specialSuiteFailureReasons = append(specialSuiteFailureReasons, reason) + } + } + } + report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = specialSuiteFailureReasons + report.RunTime = report.EndTime.Sub(report.StartTime) + + reports := make(SpecReports, len(report.SpecReports)+len(other.SpecReports)) + for i := range report.SpecReports { + reports[i] = report.SpecReports[i] + } + offset := len(report.SpecReports) + for i := range other.SpecReports { + reports[i+offset] = other.SpecReports[i] + } + + report.SpecReports = reports + return report +} + +// SpecReport captures information about a Ginkgo spec. +type SpecReport struct { + // ContainerHierarchyTexts is a slice containing the text strings of + // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy. + ContainerHierarchyTexts []string + + // ContainerHierarchyLocations is a slice containing the CodeLocations of + // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy. + ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation + + // ContainerHierarchyLabels is a slice containing the labels of + // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy + ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string + + // LeafNodeType, LeadNodeLocation, LeafNodeLabels and LeafNodeText capture the NodeType, CodeLocation, and text + // of the Ginkgo node being tested (typically an NodeTypeIt node, though this can also be + // one of the NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes node types) + LeafNodeType NodeType + LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation + LeafNodeLabels []string + LeafNodeText string + + // State captures whether the spec has passed, failed, etc. + State SpecState + + // IsSerial captures whether the spec has the Serial decorator + IsSerial bool + + // IsInOrderedContainer captures whether the spec appears in an Ordered container + IsInOrderedContainer bool + + // StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the spec + StartTime time.Time + EndTime time.Time + + // RunTime captures the duration of the spec + RunTime time.Duration + + // ParallelProcess captures the parallel process that this spec ran on + ParallelProcess int + + //Failure is populated if a spec has failed, panicked, been interrupted, or skipped by the user (e.g. calling Skip()) + //It includes detailed information about the Failure + Failure Failure + + // NumAttempts captures the number of times this Spec was run. Flakey specs can be retried with + // ginkgo --flake-attempts=N + NumAttempts int + + // CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput contains text printed to the GinkgoWriter + CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string + + // CapturedStdOutErr contains text printed to stdout/stderr (when running in parallel) + // This is always empty when running in series or calling CurrentSpecReport() + // It is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter + CapturedStdOutErr string + + // ReportEntries contains any reports added via `AddReportEntry` + ReportEntries ReportEntries +} + +func (report SpecReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + //All this to avoid emitting an empty Failure struct in the JSON + out := struct { + ContainerHierarchyTexts []string + ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation + ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string + LeafNodeType NodeType + LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation + LeafNodeLabels []string + LeafNodeText string + State SpecState + StartTime time.Time + EndTime time.Time + RunTime time.Duration + ParallelProcess int + Failure *Failure `json:",omitempty"` + NumAttempts int + CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string `json:",omitempty"` + CapturedStdOutErr string `json:",omitempty"` + ReportEntries ReportEntries `json:",omitempty"` + }{ + ContainerHierarchyTexts: report.ContainerHierarchyTexts, + ContainerHierarchyLocations: report.ContainerHierarchyLocations, + ContainerHierarchyLabels: report.ContainerHierarchyLabels, + LeafNodeType: report.LeafNodeType, + LeafNodeLocation: report.LeafNodeLocation, + LeafNodeLabels: report.LeafNodeLabels, + LeafNodeText: report.LeafNodeText, + State: report.State, + StartTime: report.StartTime, + EndTime: report.EndTime, + RunTime: report.RunTime, + ParallelProcess: report.ParallelProcess, + Failure: nil, + ReportEntries: nil, + NumAttempts: report.NumAttempts, + CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput: report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput, + CapturedStdOutErr: report.CapturedStdOutErr, + } + + if !report.Failure.IsZero() { + out.Failure = &(report.Failure) + } + if len(report.ReportEntries) > 0 { + out.ReportEntries = report.ReportEntries + } + + return json.Marshal(out) +} + +// CombinedOutput returns a single string representation of both CapturedStdOutErr and CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput +// Note that both are empty when using CurrentSpecReport() so CurrentSpecReport().CombinedOutput() will always be empty. +// CombinedOutput() is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter. +func (report SpecReport) CombinedOutput() string { + if report.CapturedStdOutErr == "" { + return report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput + } + if report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput == "" { + return report.CapturedStdOutErr + } + return report.CapturedStdOutErr + "\n" + report.CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput +} + +//Failed returns true if report.State is one of the SpecStateFailureStates +// (SpecStateFailed, SpecStatePanicked, SpecStateinterrupted, SpecStateAborted) +func (report SpecReport) Failed() bool { + return report.State.Is(SpecStateFailureStates) +} + +//FullText returns a concatenation of all the report.ContainerHierarchyTexts and report.LeafNodeText +func (report SpecReport) FullText() string { + texts := []string{} + texts = append(texts, report.ContainerHierarchyTexts...) + if report.LeafNodeText != "" { + texts = append(texts, report.LeafNodeText) + } + return strings.Join(texts, " ") +} + +//Labels returns a deduped set of all the spec's Labels. +func (report SpecReport) Labels() []string { + out := []string{} + seen := map[string]bool{} + for _, labels := range report.ContainerHierarchyLabels { + for _, label := range labels { + if !seen[label] { + seen[label] = true + out = append(out, label) + } + } + } + for _, label := range report.LeafNodeLabels { + if !seen[label] { + seen[label] = true + out = append(out, label) + } + } + + return out +} + +//MatchesLabelFilter returns true if the spec satisfies the passed in label filter query +func (report SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) (bool, error) { + filter, err := ParseLabelFilter(query) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + return filter(report.Labels()), nil +} + +//FileName() returns the name of the file containing the spec +func (report SpecReport) FileName() string { + return report.LeafNodeLocation.FileName +} + +//LineNumber() returns the line number of the leaf node +func (report SpecReport) LineNumber() int { + return report.LeafNodeLocation.LineNumber +} + +//FailureMessage() returns the failure message (or empty string if the test hasn't failed) +func (report SpecReport) FailureMessage() string { + return report.Failure.Message +} + +//FailureLocation() returns the location of the failure (or an empty CodeLocation if the test hasn't failed) +func (report SpecReport) FailureLocation() CodeLocation { + return report.Failure.Location +} + +type SpecReports []SpecReport + +//WithLeafNodeType returns the subset of SpecReports with LeafNodeType matching one of the requested NodeTypes +func (reports SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType(nodeTypes NodeType) SpecReports { + count := 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + count++ + } + } + + out := make(SpecReports, count) + j := 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].LeafNodeType.Is(nodeTypes) { + out[j] = reports[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +//WithState returns the subset of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates +func (reports SpecReports) WithState(states SpecState) SpecReports { + count := 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].State.Is(states) { + count++ + } + } + + out, j := make(SpecReports, count), 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].State.Is(states) { + out[j] = reports[i] + j++ + } + } + return out +} + +//CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates +func (reports SpecReports) CountWithState(states SpecState) int { + n := 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].State.Is(states) { + n += 1 + } + } + return n +} + +//CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports that passed after multiple attempts +func (reports SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs() int { + n := 0 + for i := range reports { + if reports[i].State.Is(SpecStatePassed) && reports[i].NumAttempts > 1 { + n += 1 + } + } + return n +} + +// Failure captures failure information for an individual test +type Failure struct { + // Message - the failure message passed into Fail(...). When using a matcher library + // like Gomega, this will contain the failure message generated by Gomega. + // + // Message is also populated if the user has called Skip(...). + Message string + + // Location - the CodeLocation where the failure occurred + // This CodeLocation will include a fully-populated StackTrace + Location CodeLocation + + // ForwardedPanic - if the failure represents a captured panic (i.e. Summary.State == SpecStatePanicked) + // then ForwardedPanic will be populated with a string representation of the captured panic. + ForwardedPanic string `json:",omitempty"` + + // FailureNodeContext - one of three contexts describing the node in which the failure occurred: + // FailureNodeIsLeafNode means the failure occurred in the leaf node of the associated SpecReport. None of the other FailureNode fields will be populated + // FailureNodeAtTopLevel means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined at the top-level of the spec (i.e. not in a container). FailureNodeType and FailureNodeLocation will be populated. + // FailureNodeInContainer means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined within a container. FailureNodeType, FailureNodeLocaiton, and FailureNodeContainerIndex will be populated. + // + // FailureNodeType will contain the NodeType of the node in which the failure occurred. + // FailureNodeLocation will contain the CodeLocation of the node in which the failure occurred. + // If populated, FailureNodeContainerIndex will be the index into SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyTexts and SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyLocations that represents the parent container of the node in which the failure occurred. + FailureNodeContext FailureNodeContext + FailureNodeType NodeType + FailureNodeLocation CodeLocation + FailureNodeContainerIndex int +} + +func (f Failure) IsZero() bool { + return f == Failure{} +} + +// FailureNodeContext captures the location context for the node containing the failing line of code +type FailureNodeContext uint + +const ( + FailureNodeContextInvalid FailureNodeContext = iota + + FailureNodeIsLeafNode + FailureNodeAtTopLevel + FailureNodeInContainer +) + +var fncEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{ + uint(FailureNodeContextInvalid): "INVALID FAILURE NODE CONTEXT", + uint(FailureNodeIsLeafNode): "leaf-node", + uint(FailureNodeAtTopLevel): "top-level", + uint(FailureNodeInContainer): "in-container", +}) + +func (fnc FailureNodeContext) String() string { + return fncEnumSupport.String(uint(fnc)) +} +func (fnc *FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + out, err := fncEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b) + *fnc = FailureNodeContext(out) + return err +} +func (fnc FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return fncEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(fnc)) +} + +// SpecState captures the state of a spec +// To determine if a given `state` represents a failure state, use `state.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)` +type SpecState uint + +const ( + SpecStateInvalid SpecState = 0 + + SpecStatePending SpecState = 1 << iota + SpecStateSkipped + SpecStatePassed + SpecStateFailed + SpecStateAborted + SpecStatePanicked + SpecStateInterrupted +) + +var ssEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{ + uint(SpecStateInvalid): "INVALID SPEC STATE", + uint(SpecStatePending): "pending", + uint(SpecStateSkipped): "skipped", + uint(SpecStatePassed): "passed", + uint(SpecStateFailed): "failed", + uint(SpecStateAborted): "aborted", + uint(SpecStatePanicked): "panicked", + uint(SpecStateInterrupted): "interrupted", +}) + +func (ss SpecState) String() string { + return ssEnumSupport.String(uint(ss)) +} +func (ss *SpecState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + out, err := ssEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b) + *ss = SpecState(out) + return err +} +func (ss SpecState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return ssEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(ss)) +} + +var SpecStateFailureStates = SpecStateFailed | SpecStateAborted | SpecStatePanicked | SpecStateInterrupted + +func (ss SpecState) Is(states SpecState) bool { + return ss&states != 0 +} + +// NodeType captures the type of a given Ginkgo Node +type NodeType uint + +const ( + NodeTypeInvalid NodeType = 0 + + NodeTypeContainer NodeType = 1 << iota + NodeTypeIt + + NodeTypeBeforeEach + NodeTypeJustBeforeEach + NodeTypeAfterEach + NodeTypeJustAfterEach + + NodeTypeBeforeAll + NodeTypeAfterAll + + NodeTypeBeforeSuite + NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite + NodeTypeAfterSuite + NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite + + NodeTypeReportBeforeEach + NodeTypeReportAfterEach + NodeTypeReportAfterSuite + + NodeTypeCleanupInvalid + NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach + NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll + NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite +) + +var NodeTypesForContainerAndIt = NodeTypeContainer | NodeTypeIt +var NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes = NodeTypeBeforeSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite + +var ntEnumSupport = NewEnumSupport(map[uint]string{ + uint(NodeTypeInvalid): "INVALID NODE TYPE", + uint(NodeTypeContainer): "Container", + uint(NodeTypeIt): "It", + uint(NodeTypeBeforeEach): "BeforeEach", + uint(NodeTypeJustBeforeEach): "JustBeforeEach", + uint(NodeTypeAfterEach): "AfterEach", + uint(NodeTypeJustAfterEach): "JustAfterEach", + uint(NodeTypeBeforeAll): "BeforeAll", + uint(NodeTypeAfterAll): "AfterAll", + uint(NodeTypeBeforeSuite): "BeforeSuite", + uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite): "SynchronizedBeforeSuite", + uint(NodeTypeAfterSuite): "AfterSuite", + uint(NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite): "SynchronizedAfterSuite", + uint(NodeTypeReportBeforeEach): "ReportBeforeEach", + uint(NodeTypeReportAfterEach): "ReportAfterEach", + uint(NodeTypeReportAfterSuite): "ReportAfterSuite", + uint(NodeTypeCleanupInvalid): "INVALID CLEANUP NODE", + uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach): "DeferCleanup", + uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll): "DeferCleanup (All)", + uint(NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite): "DeferCleanup (Suite)", +}) + +func (nt NodeType) String() string { + return ntEnumSupport.String(uint(nt)) +} +func (nt *NodeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { + out, err := ntEnumSupport.UnmarshJSON(b) + *nt = NodeType(out) + return err +} +func (nt NodeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return ntEnumSupport.MarshJSON(uint(nt)) +} + +func (nt NodeType) Is(nodeTypes NodeType) bool { + return nt&nodeTypes != 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/version.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f40150317ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +package types + +const VERSION = "2.1.4" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 6543dc5539e..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -language: go -arch: - - amd64 - - ppc64le - -go: - - gotip - - 1.16.x - - 1.15.x - -env: - - GO111MODULE=on - -install: skip - -script: - - go mod tidy && git diff --exit-code go.mod go.sum - - make test diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/CHANGELOG.md index 3486f358202..4375bbc6461 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,61 @@ +## 1.19.0 + +## Features +- New [`HaveEach`](https://onsi.github.io/gomega/#haveeachelement-interface) matcher to ensure that each and every element in an `array`, `slice`, or `map` satisfies the passed in matcher. (#523) [9fc2ae2] (#524) [c8ba582] +- Users can now wrap the `Gomega` interface to implement custom behavior on each assertion. (#521) [1f2e714] +- [`ContainElement`](https://onsi.github.io/gomega/#containelementelement-interface) now accepts an additional pointer argument. Elements that satisfy the matcher are stored in the pointer enabling developers to easily add subsequent, more detailed, assertions against the matching element. (#527) [1a4e27f] + +## Fixes +- update RELEASING instructions to match ginkgo [0917cde] +- Bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.0.0 to 2.1.3 (#519) [49ab4b0] +- Fix CVE-2021-38561 (#534) [f1b4456] +- Fix max number of samples in experiments on non-64-bit systems. (#528) [1c84497] +- Remove dependency on ginkgo v1.16.4 (#530) [4dea8d5] +- Fix for Go 1.18 (#532) [56d2a29] +- Document precendence of timeouts (#533) [b607941] + +## 1.18.1 + +## Fixes +- Add pointer support to HaveField matcher (#495) [79e41a3] + +## 1.18.0 + +## Features +- Docs now live on the master branch in the docs folder which will make for easier PRs. The docs also use Ginkgo 2.0's new docs html/css/js. [2570272] +- New HaveValue matcher can handle actuals that are either values (in which case they are passed on unscathed) or pointers (in which case they are indirected). [Docs here.](https://onsi.github.io/gomega/#working-with-values) (#485) [bdc087c] +- Gmeasure has been declared GA [360db9d] + +## Fixes +- Gomega now uses ioutil for Go 1.15 and lower (#492) - official support is only for the most recent two major versions of Go but this will unblock users who need to stay on older unsupported versions of Go. [c29c1c0] + +## Maintenace +- Remove Travis workflow (#491) [72e6040] +- Upgrade to Ginkgo 2.0.0 GA [f383637] +- chore: fix description of HaveField matcher (#487) [2b4b2c0] +- use tools.go to ensure Ginkgo cli dependencies are included [f58a52b] +- remove dockerfile and simplify github actions to match ginkgo's actions [3f8160d] + +## 1.17.0 + +### Features +- Add HaveField matcher [3a26311] +- add Error() assertions on the final error value of multi-return values (#480) [2f96943] +- separate out offsets and timeouts (#478) [18a4723] +- fix transformation error reporting (#479) [e001fab] +- allow transform functions to report errors (#472) [bf93408] + +### Fixes +Stop using deprecated ioutil package (#467) [07f405d] + +## 1.16.0 + +### Features +- feat: HaveHTTPStatus multiple expected values (#465) [aa69f1b] +- feat: HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue() matcher (#463) [dd83a96] +- feat: HaveHTTPBody matcher (#462) [504e1f2] +- feat: formatter for HTTP responses (#461) [e5b3157] + ## 1.15.0 ### Fixes diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Dockerfile b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index 11c7e63e753..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -FROM golang:1.15 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 1c6d107e175..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -###### Help ################################################################### - -.DEFAULT_GOAL = help - -.PHONY: help - -help: ## list Makefile targets - @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' - -###### Targets ################################################################ - -test: version download fmt vet ginkgo ## Runs all build, static analysis, and test steps - -download: ## Download dependencies - go mod download - -vet: ## Run static code analysis - go vet ./... - -ginkgo: ## Run tests using Ginkgo - go run github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo -p -r --randomizeAllSpecs --failOnPending --randomizeSuites --race - -fmt: ## Checks that the code is formatted correcty - @@if [ -n "$$(gofmt -s -e -l -d .)" ]; then \ - echo "gofmt check failed: run 'gofmt -s -e -l -w .'"; \ - exit 1; \ - fi - -docker_test: ## Run tests in a container via docker-compose - docker-compose build test && docker-compose run --rm test make test - -version: ## Display the version of Go - @@go version diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/RELEASING.md b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/RELEASING.md index 998d64ee75b..2d30d9992f3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/RELEASING.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/RELEASING.md @@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ A Gomega release is a tagged sha and a GitHub release. To cut a release: - New Features (minor version) - Fixes (fix version) - Maintenance (which in general should not be mentioned in `CHANGELOG.md` as they have no user impact) -2. Update GOMEGA_VERSION in `gomega_dsl.go` -3. Push a commit with the version number as the commit message (e.g. `v1.3.0`) -4. Create a new [GitHub release](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-releases/) with the version number as the tag (e.g. `v1.3.0`). List the key changes in the release notes. +1. Update GOMEGA_VERSION in `gomega_dsl.go` +1. Commit, push, and release: + ``` + git commit -m "vM.m.p" + git push + gh release create "vM.m.p" + git fetch --tags origin master + ``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/docker-compose.yaml b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/docker-compose.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index f37496143d5..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/docker-compose.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -version: '3.0' - -services: - test: - build: - dockerfile: Dockerfile - context: . - working_dir: /app - volumes: - - ${PWD}:/app diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec/build.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec/build.go index 576fc8ee4b0..0ddb2107691 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec/build.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec/build.go @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "go/build" - "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path" @@ -14,6 +13,8 @@ import ( "runtime" "strings" "sync" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil" ) var ( @@ -82,11 +83,11 @@ func CompileTest(packagePath string, args ...string) (compiledPath string, err e GetAndCompileTest is identical to CompileTest but `go get` the package before compiling tests. */ func GetAndCompileTest(packagePath string, args ...string) (compiledPath string, err error) { - if err := getForTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, nil); err != nil { + if err := getForTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, []string{"GO111MODULE=off"}); err != nil { return "", err } - return doCompileTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, nil, args...) + return doCompileTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, []string{"GO111MODULE=off"}, args...) } /* @@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ func CompileTestWithEnvironment(packagePath string, env []string, args ...string GetAndCompileTestWithEnvironment is identical to GetAndCompileTest but allows you to specify env vars to be set at build time. */ func GetAndCompileTestWithEnvironment(packagePath string, env []string, args ...string) (compiledPath string, err error) { - if err := getForTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, env); err != nil { + if err := getForTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, append(env, "GO111MODULE=off")); err != nil { return "", err } - return doCompileTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, env, args...) + return doCompileTest(build.Default.GOPATH, packagePath, append(env, "GO111MODULE=off"), args...) } /* @@ -118,11 +119,11 @@ func CompileTestIn(gopath string, packagePath string, args ...string) (compiledP GetAndCompileTestIn is identical to GetAndCompileTest but allows you to specify a custom $GOPATH (the first argument). */ func GetAndCompileTestIn(gopath string, packagePath string, args ...string) (compiledPath string, err error) { - if err := getForTest(gopath, packagePath, nil); err != nil { + if err := getForTest(gopath, packagePath, []string{"GO111MODULE=off"}); err != nil { return "", err } - return doCompileTest(gopath, packagePath, nil, args...) + return doCompileTest(gopath, packagePath, []string{"GO111MODULE=off"}, args...) } func isLocalPackage(packagePath string) bool { @@ -222,11 +223,11 @@ func temporaryDirectory() (string, error) { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() if tmpDir == "" { - tmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gexec_artifacts") + tmpDir, err = gutil.MkdirTemp("", "gexec_artifacts") if err != nil { return "", err } } - return ioutil.TempDir(tmpDir, "g") + return gutil.MkdirTemp(tmpDir, "g") } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gomega_dsl.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gomega_dsl.go index 6c7f1d9b7aa..dcb7e8879d3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gomega_dsl.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/gomega_dsl.go @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import ( "github.com/onsi/gomega/types" ) -const GOMEGA_VERSION = "1.15.0" +const GOMEGA_VERSION = "1.19.0" const nilGomegaPanic = `You are trying to make an assertion, but haven't registered Gomega's fail handler. If you're using Ginkgo then you probably forgot to put your assertion in an It(). @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ var Default = Gomega(internal.NewGomega(internal.FetchDefaultDurationBundle())) // rich ecosystem of matchers without causing a test to fail. For example, to aggregate a series of potential failures // or for use in a non-test setting. func NewGomega(fail types.GomegaFailHandler) Gomega { - return internal.NewGomega(Default.(*internal.Gomega).DurationBundle).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) + return internal.NewGomega(internalGomega(Default).DurationBundle).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) } // WithT wraps a *testing.T and provides `Expect`, `Eventually`, and `Consistently` methods. This allows you to leverage @@ -69,6 +69,20 @@ type WithT = internal.Gomega // GomegaWithT is deprecated in favor of gomega.WithT, which does not stutter. type GomegaWithT = WithT +// inner is an interface that allows users to provide a wrapper around Default. The wrapper +// must implement the inner interface and return either the original Default or the result of +// a call to NewGomega(). +type inner interface { + Inner() Gomega +} + +func internalGomega(g Gomega) *internal.Gomega { + if v, ok := g.(inner); ok { + return v.Inner().(*internal.Gomega) + } + return g.(*internal.Gomega) +} + // NewWithT takes a *testing.T and returngs a `gomega.WithT` allowing you to use `Expect`, `Eventually`, and `Consistently` along with // Gomega's rich ecosystem of matchers in standard `testing` test suits. // @@ -79,7 +93,7 @@ type GomegaWithT = WithT // g.Expect(f.HasCow()).To(BeTrue(), "Farm should have cow") // } func NewWithT(t types.GomegaTestingT) *WithT { - return internal.NewGomega(Default.(*internal.Gomega).DurationBundle).ConfigureWithT(t) + return internal.NewGomega(internalGomega(Default).DurationBundle).ConfigureWithT(t) } // NewGomegaWithT is deprecated in favor of gomega.NewWithT, which does not stutter. @@ -88,20 +102,20 @@ var NewGomegaWithT = NewWithT // RegisterFailHandler connects Ginkgo to Gomega. When a matcher fails // the fail handler passed into RegisterFailHandler is called. func RegisterFailHandler(fail types.GomegaFailHandler) { - Default.(*internal.Gomega).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) + internalGomega(Default).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) } // RegisterFailHandlerWithT is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. // users should use RegisterFailHandler, or RegisterTestingT func RegisterFailHandlerWithT(_ types.GomegaTestingT, fail types.GomegaFailHandler) { fmt.Println("RegisterFailHandlerWithT is deprecated. Please use RegisterFailHandler or RegisterTestingT instead.") - Default.(*internal.Gomega).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) + internalGomega(Default).ConfigureWithFailHandler(fail) } // RegisterTestingT connects Gomega to Golang's XUnit style // Testing.T tests. It is now deprecated and you should use NewWithT() instead to get a fresh instance of Gomega for each test. func RegisterTestingT(t types.GomegaTestingT) { - Default.(*internal.Gomega).ConfigureWithT(t) + internalGomega(Default).ConfigureWithT(t) } // InterceptGomegaFailures runs a given callback and returns an array of @@ -112,13 +126,13 @@ func RegisterTestingT(t types.GomegaTestingT) { // This is most useful when testing custom matchers, but can also be used to check // on a value using a Gomega assertion without causing a test failure. func InterceptGomegaFailures(f func()) []string { - originalHandler := Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail + originalHandler := internalGomega(Default).Fail failures := []string{} - Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail = func(message string, callerSkip ...int) { + internalGomega(Default).Fail = func(message string, callerSkip ...int) { failures = append(failures, message) } defer func() { - Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail = originalHandler + internalGomega(Default).Fail = originalHandler }() f() return failures @@ -131,14 +145,14 @@ func InterceptGomegaFailures(f func()) []string { // does not register a failure with the FailHandler registered via RegisterFailHandler - it is up // to the user to decide what to do with the returned error func InterceptGomegaFailure(f func()) (err error) { - originalHandler := Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail - Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail = func(message string, callerSkip ...int) { + originalHandler := internalGomega(Default).Fail + internalGomega(Default).Fail = func(message string, callerSkip ...int) { err = errors.New(message) panic("stop execution") } defer func() { - Default.(*internal.Gomega).Fail = originalHandler + internalGomega(Default).Fail = originalHandler if e := recover(); e != nil { if err == nil { panic(e) @@ -151,7 +165,7 @@ func InterceptGomegaFailure(f func()) (err error) { } func ensureDefaultGomegaIsConfigured() { - if !Default.(*internal.Gomega).IsConfigured() { + if !internalGomega(Default).IsConfigured() { panic(nilGomegaPanic) } } @@ -204,7 +218,8 @@ func Expect(actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) Assertion { // ExpectWithOffset(1, "foo").To(Equal("foo")) // // Unlike `Expect` and `Ξ©`, `ExpectWithOffset` takes an additional integer argument -// that is used to modify the call-stack offset when computing line numbers. +// that is used to modify the call-stack offset when computing line numbers. It is +// the same as `Expect(...).WithOffset`. // // This is most useful in helper functions that make assertions. If you want Gomega's // error message to refer to the calling line in the test (as opposed to the line in the helper function) @@ -300,6 +315,9 @@ For example: }).Should(Succeed()) will rerun the function until all assertions pass. + +`Eventually` specifying a timeout interval (and an optional polling interval) are +the same as `Eventually(...).WithTimeout` or `Eventually(...).WithTimeout(...).WithPolling`. */ func Eventually(actual interface{}, intervals ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion { ensureDefaultGomegaIsConfigured() @@ -309,6 +327,12 @@ func Eventually(actual interface{}, intervals ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion { // EventuallyWithOffset operates like Eventually but takes an additional // initial argument to indicate an offset in the call stack. This is useful when building helper // functions that contain matchers. To learn more, read about `ExpectWithOffset`. +// +// `EventuallyWithOffset` is the same as `Eventually(...).WithOffset`. +// +// `EventuallyWithOffset` specifying a timeout interval (and an optional polling interval) are +// the same as `Eventually(...).WithOffset(...).WithTimeout` or +// `Eventually(...).WithOffset(...).WithTimeout(...).WithPolling`. func EventuallyWithOffset(offset int, actual interface{}, intervals ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion { ensureDefaultGomegaIsConfigured() return Default.EventuallyWithOffset(offset, actual, intervals...) @@ -337,6 +361,9 @@ func Consistently(actual interface{}, intervals ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion { // ConsistentlyWithOffset operates like Consistently but takes an additional // initial argument to indicate an offset in the call stack. This is useful when building helper // functions that contain matchers. To learn more, read about `ExpectWithOffset`. +// +// `ConsistentlyWithOffset` is the same as `Consistently(...).WithOffset` and +// optional `WithTimeout` and `WithPolling`. func ConsistentlyWithOffset(offset int, actual interface{}, intervals ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion { ensureDefaultGomegaIsConfigured() return Default.ConsistentlyWithOffset(offset, actual, intervals...) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/assertion.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/assertion.go index 36b0e8345f0..b3c26889a10 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/assertion.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/assertion.go @@ -8,44 +8,64 @@ import ( ) type Assertion struct { - actualInput interface{} + actuals []interface{} // actual value plus all extra values + actualIndex int // value to pass to the matcher + vet vetinari // the vet to call before calling Gomega matcher offset int - extra []interface{} g *Gomega } +// ...obligatory discworld reference, as "vetineer" doesn't sound ... quite right. +type vetinari func(assertion *Assertion, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool + func NewAssertion(actualInput interface{}, g *Gomega, offset int, extra ...interface{}) *Assertion { return &Assertion{ - actualInput: actualInput, + actuals: append([]interface{}{actualInput}, extra...), + actualIndex: 0, + vet: (*Assertion).vetActuals, offset: offset, - extra: extra, g: g, } } +func (assertion *Assertion) WithOffset(offset int) types.Assertion { + assertion.offset = offset + return assertion +} + +func (assertion *Assertion) Error() types.Assertion { + return &Assertion{ + actuals: assertion.actuals, + actualIndex: len(assertion.actuals) - 1, + vet: (*Assertion).vetError, + offset: assertion.offset, + g: assertion.g, + } +} + func (assertion *Assertion) Should(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() - return assertion.vetExtras(optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, true, optionalDescription...) + return assertion.vet(assertion, optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, true, optionalDescription...) } func (assertion *Assertion) ShouldNot(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() - return assertion.vetExtras(optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) + return assertion.vet(assertion, optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) } func (assertion *Assertion) To(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() - return assertion.vetExtras(optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, true, optionalDescription...) + return assertion.vet(assertion, optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, true, optionalDescription...) } func (assertion *Assertion) ToNot(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() - return assertion.vetExtras(optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) + return assertion.vet(assertion, optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) } func (assertion *Assertion) NotTo(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() - return assertion.vetExtras(optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) + return assertion.vet(assertion, optionalDescription...) && assertion.match(matcher, false, optionalDescription...) } func (assertion *Assertion) buildDescription(optionalDescription ...interface{}) string { @@ -61,7 +81,8 @@ func (assertion *Assertion) buildDescription(optionalDescription ...interface{}) } func (assertion *Assertion) match(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, desiredMatch bool, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { - matches, err := matcher.Match(assertion.actualInput) + actualInput := assertion.actuals[assertion.actualIndex] + matches, err := matcher.Match(actualInput) assertion.g.THelper() if err != nil { description := assertion.buildDescription(optionalDescription...) @@ -71,9 +92,9 @@ func (assertion *Assertion) match(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, desiredMatch bool if matches != desiredMatch { var message string if desiredMatch { - message = matcher.FailureMessage(assertion.actualInput) + message = matcher.FailureMessage(actualInput) } else { - message = matcher.NegatedFailureMessage(assertion.actualInput) + message = matcher.NegatedFailureMessage(actualInput) } description := assertion.buildDescription(optionalDescription...) assertion.g.Fail(description+message, 2+assertion.offset) @@ -83,8 +104,11 @@ func (assertion *Assertion) match(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, desiredMatch bool return true } -func (assertion *Assertion) vetExtras(optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { - success, message := vetExtras(assertion.extra) +// vetActuals vets the actual values, with the (optional) exception of a +// specific value, such as the first value in case non-error assertions, or the +// last value in case of Error()-based assertions. +func (assertion *Assertion) vetActuals(optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { + success, message := vetActuals(assertion.actuals, assertion.actualIndex) if success { return true } @@ -95,12 +119,29 @@ func (assertion *Assertion) vetExtras(optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { return false } -func vetExtras(extras []interface{}) (bool, string) { - for i, extra := range extras { - if extra != nil { - zeroValue := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(extra)).Interface() - if !reflect.DeepEqual(zeroValue, extra) { - message := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected non-nil/non-zero extra argument at index %d:\n\t<%T>: %#v", i+1, extra, extra) +// vetError vets the actual values, except for the final error value, in case +// the final error value is non-zero. Otherwise, it doesn't vet the actual +// values, as these are allowed to take on any values unless there is a non-zero +// error value. +func (assertion *Assertion) vetError(optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { + if err := assertion.actuals[assertion.actualIndex]; err != nil { + // Go error result idiom: all other actual values must be zero values. + return assertion.vetActuals(optionalDescription...) + } + return true +} + +// vetActuals vets a slice of actual values, optionally skipping a particular +// value slice element, such as the first or last value slice element. +func vetActuals(actuals []interface{}, skipIndex int) (bool, string) { + for i, actual := range actuals { + if i == skipIndex { + continue + } + if actual != nil { + zeroValue := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(actual)).Interface() + if !reflect.DeepEqual(zeroValue, actual) { + message := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index %d:\n\t<%T>: %#v", i, actual, actual) return false, message } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/async_assertion.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/async_assertion.go index ae20c14b808..99f4ebcfe71 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/async_assertion.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/async_assertion.go @@ -87,6 +87,21 @@ func NewAsyncAssertion(asyncType AsyncAssertionType, actualInput interface{}, g return out } +func (assertion *AsyncAssertion) WithOffset(offset int) types.AsyncAssertion { + assertion.offset = offset + return assertion +} + +func (assertion *AsyncAssertion) WithTimeout(interval time.Duration) types.AsyncAssertion { + assertion.timeoutInterval = interval + return assertion +} + +func (assertion *AsyncAssertion) WithPolling(interval time.Duration) types.AsyncAssertion { + assertion.pollingInterval = interval + return assertion +} + func (assertion *AsyncAssertion) Should(matcher types.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool { assertion.g.THelper() return assertion.match(matcher, true, optionalDescription...) @@ -118,11 +133,11 @@ func (assertion *AsyncAssertion) pollActual() (interface{}, error) { if err != nil { return nil, err } - extras := []interface{}{} + extras := []interface{}{nil} for _, value := range values[1:] { extras = append(extras, value.Interface()) } - success, message := vetExtras(extras) + success, message := vetActuals(extras, 0) if !success { return nil, errors.New(message) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gomega.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gomega.go index f5b5c6b7a0e..d26a67485f1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gomega.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gomega.go @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ func (g *Gomega) ConfigureWithT(t types.GomegaTestingT) *Gomega { return g } -func (g *Gomega) Ξ©(atual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) types.Assertion { - return g.ExpectWithOffset(0, atual, extra...) +func (g *Gomega) Ξ©(actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) types.Assertion { + return g.ExpectWithOffset(0, actual, extra...) } -func (g *Gomega) Expect(atual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) types.Assertion { - return g.ExpectWithOffset(0, atual, extra...) +func (g *Gomega) Expect(actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) types.Assertion { + return g.ExpectWithOffset(0, actual, extra...) } func (g *Gomega) ExpectWithOffset(offset int, actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) types.Assertion { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/post_ioutil.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/post_ioutil.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6864055a5a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/post_ioutil.go @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +// Package gutil is a replacement for ioutil, which should not be used in new +// code as of Go 1.16. With Go 1.16 and higher, this implementation +// uses the ioutil replacement functions in "io" and "os" with some +// Gomega specifics. This means that we should not get deprecation warnings +// for ioutil when they are added. +package gutil + +import ( + "io" + "os" +) + +func NopCloser(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser { + return io.NopCloser(r) +} + +func ReadAll(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { + return io.ReadAll(r) +} + +func ReadDir(dirname string) ([]string, error) { + entries, err := os.ReadDir(dirname) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var names []string + for _, entry := range entries { + names = append(names, entry.Name()) + } + + return names, nil +} + +func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error) { + return os.ReadFile(filename) +} + +func MkdirTemp(dir, pattern string) (string, error) { + return os.MkdirTemp(dir, pattern) +} + +func WriteFile(filename string, data []byte) error { + return os.WriteFile(filename, data, 0644) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/using_ioutil.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/using_ioutil.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5c0ce1ee3da --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil/using_ioutil.go @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +//go:build !go1.16 +// +build !go1.16 + +// Package gutil is a replacement for ioutil, which should not be used in new +// code as of Go 1.16. With Go 1.15 and lower, this implementation +// uses the ioutil functions, meaning that although Gomega is not officially +// supported on these versions, it is still likely to work. +package gutil + +import ( + "io" + "io/ioutil" +) + +func NopCloser(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser { + return ioutil.NopCloser(r) +} + +func ReadAll(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { + return ioutil.ReadAll(r) +} + +func ReadDir(dirname string) ([]string, error) { + files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirname) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var names []string + for _, file := range files { + names = append(names, file.Name()) + } + + return names, nil +} + +func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error) { + return ioutil.ReadFile(filename) +} + +func MkdirTemp(dir, pattern string) (string, error) { + return ioutil.TempDir(dir, pattern) +} + +func WriteFile(filename string, data []byte) error { + return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, 0644) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers.go index 667160ade8a..b58dd67cb8c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers.go @@ -256,16 +256,26 @@ func BeZero() types.GomegaMatcher { return &matchers.BeZeroMatcher{} } -//ContainElement succeeds if actual contains the passed in element. -//By default ContainElement() uses Equal() to perform the match, however a -//matcher can be passed in instead: +//ContainElement succeeds if actual contains the passed in element. By default +//ContainElement() uses Equal() to perform the match, however a matcher can be +//passed in instead: // Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("Bar"))) // -//Actual must be an array, slice or map. -//For maps, ContainElement searches through the map's values. -func ContainElement(element interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { +//Actual must be an array, slice or map. For maps, ContainElement searches +//through the map's values. +// +//If you want to have a copy of the matching element(s) found you can pass a +//pointer to a variable of the appropriate type. If the variable isn't a slice +//or map, then exactly one match will be expected and returned. If the variable +//is a slice or map, then at least one match is expected and all matches will be +//stored in the variable. +// +// var findings []string +// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubString("Bar", &findings))) +func ContainElement(element interface{}, result ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { return &matchers.ContainElementMatcher{ Element: element, + Result: result, } } @@ -320,6 +330,20 @@ func ContainElements(elements ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { } } +//HaveEach succeeds if actual solely contains elements that match the passed in element. +//Please note that if actual is empty, HaveEach always will succeed. +//By default HaveEach() uses Equal() to perform the match, however a +//matcher can be passed in instead: +// Expect([]string{"Foo", "FooBar"}).Should(HaveEach(ContainSubstring("Foo"))) +// +//Actual must be an array, slice or map. +//For maps, HaveEach searches through the map's values. +func HaveEach(element interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { + return &matchers.HaveEachMatcher{ + Element: element, + } +} + //HaveKey succeeds if actual is a map with the passed in key. //By default HaveKey uses Equal() to perform the match, however a //matcher can be passed in instead: @@ -342,6 +366,54 @@ func HaveKeyWithValue(key interface{}, value interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { } } +//HaveField succeeds if actual is a struct and the value at the passed in field +//matches the passed in matcher. By default HaveField used Equal() to perform the match, +//however a matcher can be passed in in stead. +// +//The field must be a string that resolves to the name of a field in the struct. Structs can be traversed +//using the '.' delimiter. If the field ends with '()' a method named field is assumed to exist on the struct and is invoked. +//Such methods must take no arguments and return a single value: +// +// type Book struct { +// Title string +// Author Person +// } +// type Person struct { +// FirstName string +// LastName string +// DOB time.Time +// } +// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Title", "Les Miserables")) +// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Title", ContainSubstring("Les")) +// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Author.FirstName", Equal("Victor")) +// Expect(book).To(HaveField("Author.DOB.Year()", BeNumerically("<", 1900)) +func HaveField(field string, expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { + return &matchers.HaveFieldMatcher{ + Field: field, + Expected: expected, + } +} + +// HaveValue applies the given matcher to the value of actual, optionally and +// repeatedly dereferencing pointers or taking the concrete value of interfaces. +// Thus, the matcher will always be applied to non-pointer and non-interface +// values only. HaveValue will fail with an error if a pointer or interface is +// nil. It will also fail for more than 31 pointer or interface dereferences to +// guard against mistakenly applying it to arbitrarily deep linked pointers. +// +// HaveValue differs from gstruct.PointTo in that it does not expect actual to +// be a pointer (as gstruct.PointTo does) but instead also accepts non-pointer +// and even interface values. +// +// actual := 42 +// Expect(actual).To(HaveValue(42)) +// Expect(&actual).To(HaveValue(42)) +func HaveValue(matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher { + return &matchers.HaveValueMatcher{ + Matcher: matcher, + } +} + //BeNumerically performs numerical assertions in a type-agnostic way. //Actual and expected should be numbers, though the specific type of //number is irrelevant (float32, float64, uint8, etc...). @@ -423,10 +495,29 @@ func BeADirectory() types.GomegaMatcher { //Expected must be either an int or a string. // Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus(http.StatusOK)) // asserts that resp.StatusCode == 200 // Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus("404 Not Found")) // asserts that resp.Status == "404 Not Found" -func HaveHTTPStatus(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { +// Expect(resp).Should(HaveHTTPStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusNoContent)) // asserts that resp.StatusCode == 200 || resp.StatusCode == 204 +func HaveHTTPStatus(expected ...interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { return &matchers.HaveHTTPStatusMatcher{Expected: expected} } +// HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue succeeds if the header is found and the value matches. +// Actual must be either a *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder. +// Expected must be a string header name, followed by a header value which +// can be a string, or another matcher. +func HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue(header string, value interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { + return &matchers.HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher{ + Header: header, + Value: value, + } +} + +// HaveHTTPBody matches if the body matches. +// Actual must be either a *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder. +// Expected must be either a string, []byte, or other matcher +func HaveHTTPBody(expected interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { + return &matchers.HaveHTTPBodyMatcher{Expected: expected} +} + //And succeeds only if all of the given matchers succeed. //The matchers are tried in order, and will fail-fast if one doesn't succeed. // Expect("hi").To(And(HaveLen(2), Equal("hi")) @@ -466,10 +557,15 @@ func Not(matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher { } //WithTransform applies the `transform` to the actual value and matches it against `matcher`. -//The given transform must be a function of one parameter that returns one value. +//The given transform must be either a function of one parameter that returns one value or a +// function of one parameter that returns two values, where the second value must be of the +// error type. // var plus1 = func(i int) int { return i + 1 } // Expect(1).To(WithTransform(plus1, Equal(2)) // +// var failingplus1 = func(i int) (int, error) { return 42, "this does not compute" } +// Expect(1).To(WithTransform(failingplus1, Equal(2))) +// //And(), Or(), Not() and WithTransform() allow matchers to be composed into complex expressions. func WithTransform(transform interface{}, matcher types.GomegaMatcher) types.GomegaMatcher { return matchers.NewWithTransformMatcher(transform, matcher) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/contain_element_matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/contain_element_matcher.go index 8d6c44c7a10..3d45c9ebc69 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/contain_element_matcher.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/contain_element_matcher.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package matchers import ( + "errors" "fmt" "reflect" @@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import ( type ContainElementMatcher struct { Element interface{} + Result []interface{} } func (matcher *ContainElementMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { @@ -18,6 +20,49 @@ func (matcher *ContainElementMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, e return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement matcher expects an array/slice/map. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) } + var actualT reflect.Type + var result reflect.Value + switch l := len(matcher.Result); { + case l > 1: + return false, errors.New("ContainElement matcher expects at most a single optional pointer to store its findings at") + case l == 1: + if reflect.ValueOf(matcher.Result[0]).Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement matcher expects a non-nil pointer to store its findings at. Got\n%s", + format.Object(matcher.Result[0], 1)) + } + actualT = reflect.TypeOf(actual) + resultReference := matcher.Result[0] + result = reflect.ValueOf(resultReference).Elem() // what ResultReference points to, to stash away our findings + switch result.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + reflect.SliceOf(actualT.Elem()).String(), result.Type().String()) + case reflect.Slice: + if !isArrayOrSlice(actual) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + reflect.MapOf(actualT.Key(), actualT.Elem()).String(), result.Type().String()) + } + if !actualT.Elem().AssignableTo(result.Type().Elem()) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + actualT.String(), result.Type().String()) + } + case reflect.Map: + if !isMap(actual) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + actualT.String(), result.Type().String()) + } + if !actualT.AssignableTo(result.Type()) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + actualT.String(), result.Type().String()) + } + default: + if !actualT.Elem().AssignableTo(result.Type()) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + actualT.Elem().String(), result.Type().String()) + } + } + } + elemMatcher, elementIsMatcher := matcher.Element.(omegaMatcher) if !elementIsMatcher { elemMatcher = &EqualMatcher{Expected: matcher.Element} @@ -25,30 +70,99 @@ func (matcher *ContainElementMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, e value := reflect.ValueOf(actual) var valueAt func(int) interface{} + + var getFindings func() reflect.Value + var foundAt func(int) + if isMap(actual) { keys := value.MapKeys() valueAt = func(i int) interface{} { return value.MapIndex(keys[i]).Interface() } + if result.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { + fm := reflect.MakeMap(actualT) + getFindings = func() reflect.Value { + return fm + } + foundAt = func(i int) { + fm.SetMapIndex(keys[i], value.MapIndex(keys[i])) + } + } } else { valueAt = func(i int) interface{} { return value.Index(i).Interface() } + if result.Kind() != reflect.Invalid { + var f reflect.Value + if result.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + f = reflect.MakeSlice(result.Type(), 0, 0) + } else { + f = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(result.Type()), 0, 0) + } + getFindings = func() reflect.Value { + return f + } + foundAt = func(i int) { + f = reflect.Append(f, value.Index(i)) + } + } } var lastError error for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { - success, err := elemMatcher.Match(valueAt(i)) + elem := valueAt(i) + success, err := elemMatcher.Match(elem) if err != nil { lastError = err continue } if success { - return true, nil + if result.Kind() == reflect.Invalid { + return true, nil + } + foundAt(i) } } - return false, lastError + // when the expectation isn't interested in the findings except for success + // or non-success, then we're done here and return the last matcher error + // seen, if any, as well as non-success. + if result.Kind() == reflect.Invalid { + return false, lastError + } + + // pick up any findings the test is interested in as it specified a non-nil + // result reference. However, the expection always is that there are at + // least one or multiple findings. So, if a result is expected, but we had + // no findings, then this is an error. + findings := getFindings() + if findings.Len() == 0 { + return false, lastError + } + + // there's just a single finding and the result is neither a slice nor a map + // (so it's a scalar): pick the one and only finding and return it in the + // place the reference points to. + if findings.Len() == 1 && !isArrayOrSlice(result.Interface()) && !isMap(result.Interface()) { + if isMap(actual) { + miter := findings.MapRange() + miter.Next() + result.Set(miter.Value()) + } else { + result.Set(findings.Index(0)) + } + return true, nil + } + + // at least one or even multiple findings and a the result references a + // slice or a map, so all we need to do is to store our findings where the + // reference points to. + if !findings.Type().AssignableTo(result.Type()) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("ContainElement cannot return multiple findings. Need *%s, got *%s", + findings.Type().String(), result.Type().String()) + } + result.Set(findings) + return true, nil } func (matcher *ContainElementMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_each_matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_each_matcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..025b6e1ac2c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_each_matcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +package matchers + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" +) + +type HaveEachMatcher struct { + Element interface{} +} + +func (matcher *HaveEachMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { + if !isArrayOrSlice(actual) && !isMap(actual) { + return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveEach matcher expects an array/slice/map. Got:\n%s", + format.Object(actual, 1)) + } + + elemMatcher, elementIsMatcher := matcher.Element.(omegaMatcher) + if !elementIsMatcher { + elemMatcher = &EqualMatcher{Expected: matcher.Element} + } + + value := reflect.ValueOf(actual) + if value.Len() == 0 { + return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveEach matcher expects a non-empty array/slice/map. Got:\n%s", + format.Object(actual, 1)) + } + + var valueAt func(int) interface{} + if isMap(actual) { + keys := value.MapKeys() + valueAt = func(i int) interface{} { + return value.MapIndex(keys[i]).Interface() + } + } else { + valueAt = func(i int) interface{} { + return value.Index(i).Interface() + } + } + + // if there are no elements, then HaveEach will match. + for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { + success, err := elemMatcher.Match(valueAt(i)) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + if !success { + return false, nil + } + } + + return true, nil +} + +// FailureMessage returns a suitable failure message. +func (matcher *HaveEachMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + return format.Message(actual, "to contain element matching", matcher.Element) +} + +// NegatedFailureMessage returns a suitable negated failure message. +func (matcher *HaveEachMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + return format.Message(actual, "not to contain element matching", matcher.Element) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_field.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_field.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e1fe934d558 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_field.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package matchers + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" +) + +func extractField(actual interface{}, field string) (interface{}, error) { + fields := strings.SplitN(field, ".", 2) + actualValue := reflect.ValueOf(actual) + + if actualValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + actualValue = actualValue.Elem() + } + if actualValue == (reflect.Value{}) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveField encountered nil while dereferencing a pointer of type %T.", actual) + } + + if actualValue.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveField encountered:\n%s\nWhich is not a struct.", format.Object(actual, 1)) + } + + var extractedValue reflect.Value + + if strings.HasSuffix(fields[0], "()") { + extractedValue = actualValue.MethodByName(strings.TrimSuffix(fields[0], "()")) + if extractedValue == (reflect.Value{}) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveField could not find method named '%s' in struct of type %T.", fields[0], actual) + } + t := extractedValue.Type() + if t.NumIn() != 0 || t.NumOut() != 1 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveField found an invalid method named '%s' in struct of type %T.\nMethods must take no arguments and return exactly one value.", fields[0], actual) + } + extractedValue = extractedValue.Call([]reflect.Value{})[0] + } else { + extractedValue = actualValue.FieldByName(fields[0]) + if extractedValue == (reflect.Value{}) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveField could not find field named '%s' in struct:\n%s", fields[0], format.Object(actual, 1)) + } + } + + if len(fields) == 1 { + return extractedValue.Interface(), nil + } else { + return extractField(extractedValue.Interface(), fields[1]) + } +} + +type HaveFieldMatcher struct { + Field string + Expected interface{} + + extractedField interface{} + expectedMatcher omegaMatcher +} + +func (matcher *HaveFieldMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { + matcher.extractedField, err = extractField(actual, matcher.Field) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + var isMatcher bool + matcher.expectedMatcher, isMatcher = matcher.Expected.(omegaMatcher) + if !isMatcher { + matcher.expectedMatcher = &EqualMatcher{Expected: matcher.Expected} + } + + return matcher.expectedMatcher.Match(matcher.extractedField) +} + +func (matcher *HaveFieldMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + message = fmt.Sprintf("Value for field '%s' failed to satisfy matcher.\n", matcher.Field) + message += matcher.expectedMatcher.FailureMessage(matcher.extractedField) + + return message +} + +func (matcher *HaveFieldMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + message = fmt.Sprintf("Value for field '%s' satisfied matcher, but should not have.\n", matcher.Field) + message += matcher.expectedMatcher.NegatedFailureMessage(matcher.extractedField) + + return message +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_body_matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_body_matcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6a3dcdc3533 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_body_matcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +package matchers + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/http" + "net/http/httptest" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" + "github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil" + "github.com/onsi/gomega/types" +) + +type HaveHTTPBodyMatcher struct { + Expected interface{} + cachedBody []byte +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPBodyMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (bool, error) { + body, err := matcher.body(actual) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + switch e := matcher.Expected.(type) { + case string: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).Match(string(body)) + case []byte: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).Match(body) + case types.GomegaMatcher: + return e.Match(body) + default: + return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPBody matcher expects string, []byte, or GomegaMatcher. Got:\n%s", format.Object(matcher.Expected, 1)) + } +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPBodyMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + body, err := matcher.body(actual) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("failed to read body: %s", err) + } + + switch e := matcher.Expected.(type) { + case string: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).FailureMessage(string(body)) + case []byte: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).FailureMessage(body) + case types.GomegaMatcher: + return e.FailureMessage(body) + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("HaveHTTPBody matcher expects string, []byte, or GomegaMatcher. Got:\n%s", format.Object(matcher.Expected, 1)) + } +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPBodyMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + body, err := matcher.body(actual) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("failed to read body: %s", err) + } + + switch e := matcher.Expected.(type) { + case string: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).NegatedFailureMessage(string(body)) + case []byte: + return (&EqualMatcher{Expected: e}).NegatedFailureMessage(body) + case types.GomegaMatcher: + return e.NegatedFailureMessage(body) + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("HaveHTTPBody matcher expects string, []byte, or GomegaMatcher. Got:\n%s", format.Object(matcher.Expected, 1)) + } +} + +// body returns the body. It is cached because once we read it in Match() +// the Reader is closed and it is not readable again in FailureMessage() +// or NegatedFailureMessage() +func (matcher *HaveHTTPBodyMatcher) body(actual interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + if matcher.cachedBody != nil { + return matcher.cachedBody, nil + } + + body := func(a *http.Response) ([]byte, error) { + if a.Body != nil { + defer a.Body.Close() + var err error + matcher.cachedBody, err = gutil.ReadAll(a.Body) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading response body: %w", err) + } + } + return matcher.cachedBody, nil + } + + switch a := actual.(type) { + case *http.Response: + return body(a) + case *httptest.ResponseRecorder: + return body(a.Result()) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPBody matcher expects *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) + } + +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_header_with_value_matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_header_with_value_matcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c256f452e84 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_header_with_value_matcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package matchers + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/http" + "net/http/httptest" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" + "github.com/onsi/gomega/types" +) + +type HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher struct { + Header string + Value interface{} +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { + headerValue, err := matcher.extractHeader(actual) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + headerMatcher, err := matcher.getSubMatcher() + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + return headerMatcher.Match(headerValue) +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) string { + headerValue, err := matcher.extractHeader(actual) + if err != nil { + panic(err) // protected by Match() + } + + headerMatcher, err := matcher.getSubMatcher() + if err != nil { + panic(err) // protected by Match() + } + + diff := format.IndentString(headerMatcher.FailureMessage(headerValue), 1) + return fmt.Sprintf("HTTP header %q:\n%s", matcher.Header, diff) +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { + headerValue, err := matcher.extractHeader(actual) + if err != nil { + panic(err) // protected by Match() + } + + headerMatcher, err := matcher.getSubMatcher() + if err != nil { + panic(err) // protected by Match() + } + + diff := format.IndentString(headerMatcher.NegatedFailureMessage(headerValue), 1) + return fmt.Sprintf("HTTP header %q:\n%s", matcher.Header, diff) +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher) getSubMatcher() (types.GomegaMatcher, error) { + switch m := matcher.Value.(type) { + case string: + return &EqualMatcher{Expected: matcher.Value}, nil + case types.GomegaMatcher: + return m, nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue matcher must be passed a string or a GomegaMatcher. Got:\n%s", format.Object(matcher.Value, 1)) + } +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPHeaderWithValueMatcher) extractHeader(actual interface{}) (string, error) { + switch r := actual.(type) { + case *http.Response: + return r.Header.Get(matcher.Header), nil + case *httptest.ResponseRecorder: + return r.Result().Header.Get(matcher.Header), nil + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPHeaderWithValue matcher expects *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_status_matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_status_matcher.go index 3ce4800b732..0f66e46ece4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_status_matcher.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_http_status_matcher.go @@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" + "reflect" + "strings" "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" + "github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil" ) type HaveHTTPStatusMatcher struct { - Expected interface{} + Expected []interface{} } func (matcher *HaveHTTPStatusMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { @@ -23,20 +26,71 @@ func (matcher *HaveHTTPStatusMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, e return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPStatus matcher expects *http.Response or *httptest.ResponseRecorder. Got:\n%s", format.Object(actual, 1)) } - switch e := matcher.Expected.(type) { - case int: - return resp.StatusCode == e, nil - case string: - return resp.Status == e, nil + if len(matcher.Expected) == 0 { + return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPStatus matcher must be passed an int or a string. Got nothing") } - return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPStatus matcher must be passed an int or a string. Got:\n%s", format.Object(matcher.Expected, 1)) + for _, expected := range matcher.Expected { + switch e := expected.(type) { + case int: + if resp.StatusCode == e { + return true, nil + } + case string: + if resp.Status == e { + return true, nil + } + default: + return false, fmt.Errorf("HaveHTTPStatus matcher must be passed int or string types. Got:\n%s", format.Object(expected, 1)) + } + } + + return false, nil } func (matcher *HaveHTTPStatusMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { - return format.Message(actual, "to have HTTP status", matcher.Expected) + return fmt.Sprintf("Expected\n%s\n%s\n%s", formatHttpResponse(actual), "to have HTTP status", matcher.expectedString()) } func (matcher *HaveHTTPStatusMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { - return format.Message(actual, "not to have HTTP status", matcher.Expected) + return fmt.Sprintf("Expected\n%s\n%s\n%s", formatHttpResponse(actual), "not to have HTTP status", matcher.expectedString()) +} + +func (matcher *HaveHTTPStatusMatcher) expectedString() string { + var lines []string + for _, expected := range matcher.Expected { + lines = append(lines, format.Object(expected, 1)) + } + return strings.Join(lines, "\n") +} + +func formatHttpResponse(input interface{}) string { + var resp *http.Response + switch r := input.(type) { + case *http.Response: + resp = r + case *httptest.ResponseRecorder: + resp = r.Result() + default: + return "cannot format invalid HTTP response" + } + + body := "" + if resp.Body != nil { + defer resp.Body.Close() + data, err := gutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) + if err != nil { + data = []byte("") + } + body = format.Object(string(data), 0) + } + + var s strings.Builder + s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>: {\n", format.Indent, reflect.TypeOf(input))) + s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%sStatus: %s\n", format.Indent, format.Indent, format.Object(resp.Status, 0))) + s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%sStatusCode: %s\n", format.Indent, format.Indent, format.Object(resp.StatusCode, 0))) + s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%sBody: %s\n", format.Indent, format.Indent, body)) + s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}", format.Indent)) + + return s.String() } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_value.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_value.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f6725283570 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/have_value.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package matchers + +import ( + "errors" + "reflect" + + "github.com/onsi/gomega/format" + "github.com/onsi/gomega/types" +) + +const maxIndirections = 31 + +type HaveValueMatcher struct { + Matcher types.GomegaMatcher // the matcher to apply to the "resolved" actual value. + resolvedActual interface{} // the ("resolved") value. +} + +func (m *HaveValueMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (bool, error) { + val := reflect.ValueOf(actual) + for allowedIndirs := maxIndirections; allowedIndirs > 0; allowedIndirs-- { + // return an error if value isn't valid. Please note that we cannot + // check for nil here, as we might not deal with a pointer or interface + // at this point. + if !val.IsValid() { + return false, errors.New(format.Message( + actual, "not to be ")) + } + switch val.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface: + // resolve pointers and interfaces to their values, then rinse and + // repeat. + if val.IsNil() { + return false, errors.New(format.Message( + actual, "not to be ")) + } + val = val.Elem() + continue + default: + // forward the final value to the specified matcher. + m.resolvedActual = val.Interface() + return m.Matcher.Match(m.resolvedActual) + } + } + // too many indirections: extreme star gazing, indeed...? + return false, errors.New(format.Message(actual, "too many indirections")) +} + +func (m *HaveValueMatcher) FailureMessage(_ interface{}) (message string) { + return m.Matcher.FailureMessage(m.resolvedActual) +} + +func (m *HaveValueMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(_ interface{}) (message string) { + return m.Matcher.NegatedFailureMessage(m.resolvedActual) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/with_transform.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/with_transform.go index 8a06bd3840e..6f743b1b32d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/with_transform.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/with_transform.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( type WithTransformMatcher struct { // input - Transform interface{} // must be a function of one parameter that returns one value + Transform interface{} // must be a function of one parameter that returns one value and an optional error Matcher types.GomegaMatcher // cached value @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ type WithTransformMatcher struct { transformedValue interface{} } +// reflect.Type for error +var errorT = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() + func NewWithTransformMatcher(transform interface{}, matcher types.GomegaMatcher) *WithTransformMatcher { if transform == nil { panic("transform function cannot be nil") @@ -27,8 +30,10 @@ func NewWithTransformMatcher(transform interface{}, matcher types.GomegaMatcher) if txType.NumIn() != 1 { panic("transform function must have 1 argument") } - if txType.NumOut() != 1 { - panic("transform function must have 1 return value") + if numout := txType.NumOut(); numout != 1 { + if numout != 2 || !txType.Out(1).AssignableTo(errorT) { + panic("transform function must either have 1 return value, or 1 return value plus 1 error value") + } } return &WithTransformMatcher{ @@ -57,6 +62,11 @@ func (m *WithTransformMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (bool, error) { // call the Transform function with `actual` fn := reflect.ValueOf(m.Transform) result := fn.Call([]reflect.Value{param}) + if len(result) == 2 { + if !result[1].IsNil() { + return false, fmt.Errorf("Transform function failed: %s", result[1].Interface().(error).Error()) + } + } m.transformedValue = result[0].Interface() // expect exactly one value return m.Matcher.Match(m.transformedValue) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/tools b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/tools new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e4195cf362f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/tools @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +//go:build tools +// +build tools + +package main + +import ( + _ "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo" +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/types/types.go b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/types/types.go index c75fcb3cce9..c315ef06567 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/types/types.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/onsi/gomega/types/types.go @@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ func MatchMayChangeInTheFuture(matcher GomegaMatcher, value interface{}) bool { type AsyncAssertion interface { Should(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool ShouldNot(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool + + WithOffset(offset int) AsyncAssertion + WithTimeout(interval time.Duration) AsyncAssertion + WithPolling(interval time.Duration) AsyncAssertion } // Assertions are returned by Ξ© and Expect and enable assertions against Gomega matchers @@ -76,4 +80,8 @@ type Assertion interface { To(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool ToNot(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool NotTo(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool + + WithOffset(offset int) Assertion + + Error() Assertion } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/bits_compat.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/bits_compat.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/mac_noasm.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/mac_noasm.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/poly1305.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/poly1305.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/poly1305.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/poly1305.go index 9d7a6af09fe..4aaea810a26 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/poly1305.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/poly1305.go @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ // used with a fixed key in order to generate one-time keys from an nonce. // However, in this package AES isn't used and the one-time key is specified // directly. -package poly1305 // import "golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305" +package poly1305 import "crypto/subtle" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.s similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.s diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_generic.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_generic.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_generic.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_generic.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_s390x.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_s390x.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_s390x.s similarity index 99% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_s390x.s index 69c64f84217..aa9e0494c90 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305/sum_s390x.s @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ // value. These limbs are, for the most part, zero extended and // placed into 64-bit vector register elements. Each vector // register is 128-bits wide and so holds 2 of these elements. -// Using 26-bit limbs allows us plenty of headroom to accomodate +// Using 26-bit limbs allows us plenty of headroom to accommodate // accumulations before and after multiplication without // overflowing either 32-bits (before multiplication) or 64-bits // (after multiplication). diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor.go index 36a6804364c..ebc87876e6a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor/armor.go @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ // Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880. OpenPGP Armor is // very similar to PEM except that it has an additional CRC checksum. +// +// Deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes. New +// applications should consider a more focused, modern alternative to OpenPGP +// for their specific task. If you are required to interoperate with OpenPGP +// systems and need a maintained package, consider a community fork. +// See https://golang.org/issue/44226. package armor // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/elgamal/elgamal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/elgamal/elgamal.go index 72a6a739471..84396a08966 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/elgamal/elgamal.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/elgamal/elgamal.go @@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ // This form of ElGamal embeds PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, which may make it // unsuitable for other protocols. RSA should be used in preference in any // case. +// +// Deprecated: this package was only provided to support ElGamal encryption in +// OpenPGP. The golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp package is now deprecated (see +// https://golang.org/issue/44226), and ElGamal in the OpenPGP ecosystem has +// compatibility and security issues (see https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/923). +// Moreover, this package doesn't protect against side-channel attacks. package elgamal // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/elgamal" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/errors/errors.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/errors/errors.go index eb0550b2d04..1d7a0ea05ad 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/errors/errors.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/errors/errors.go @@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages. +// +// Deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes. New +// applications should consider a more focused, modern alternative to OpenPGP +// for their specific task. If you are required to interoperate with OpenPGP +// systems and need a maintained package, consider a community fork. +// See https://golang.org/issue/44226. package errors // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/errors" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet.go index 9728d61d7aa..0a19794a8e4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet/packet.go @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ // Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as // specified in RFC 4880. +// +// Deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes. New +// applications should consider a more focused, modern alternative to OpenPGP +// for their specific task. If you are required to interoperate with OpenPGP +// systems and need a maintained package, consider a community fork. +// See https://golang.org/issue/44226. package packet // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/read.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/read.go index 6ec664f44a1..48a89314685 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/read.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/read.go @@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages. +// +// Deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes. New +// applications should consider a more focused, modern alternative to OpenPGP +// for their specific task. If you are required to interoperate with OpenPGP +// systems and need a maintained package, consider a community fork. +// See https://golang.org/issue/44226. package openpgp // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k.go index 4b9a44ca26d..9de04958ead 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k/s2k.go @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ // Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as // specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1. +// +// Deprecated: this package is unmaintained except for security fixes. New +// applications should consider a more focused, modern alternative to OpenPGP +// for their specific task. If you are required to interoperate with OpenPGP +// systems and need a maintained package, consider a community fork. +// See https://golang.org/issue/44226. package s2k // import "golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k" import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/cipher.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/cipher.go index 8bd6b3daff5..bddbde5dbde 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/cipher.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/cipher.go @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import ( "io/ioutil" "golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20" - "golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305" + "golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305" ) const ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go index ca03e70ea11..ed2f31aa70e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/rule.go @@ -423,68 +423,12 @@ func (f *File) add(errs *ErrorList, block *LineBlock, line *Line, verb string, a } case "replace": - arrow := 2 - if len(args) >= 2 && args[1] == "=>" { - arrow = 1 - } - if len(args) < arrow+2 || len(args) > arrow+3 || args[arrow] != "=>" { - errorf("usage: %s module/path [v1.2.3] => other/module v1.4\n\t or %s module/path [v1.2.3] => ../local/directory", verb, verb) - return - } - s, err := parseString(&args[0]) - if err != nil { - errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err) - return - } - pathMajor, err := modulePathMajor(s) - if err != nil { - wrapModPathError(s, err) - return - } - var v string - if arrow == 2 { - v, err = parseVersion(verb, s, &args[1], fix) - if err != nil { - wrapError(err) - return - } - if err := module.CheckPathMajor(v, pathMajor); err != nil { - wrapModPathError(s, err) - return - } - } - ns, err := parseString(&args[arrow+1]) - if err != nil { - errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err) + replace, wrappederr := parseReplace(f.Syntax.Name, line, verb, args, fix) + if wrappederr != nil { + *errs = append(*errs, *wrappederr) return } - nv := "" - if len(args) == arrow+2 { - if !IsDirectoryPath(ns) { - errorf("replacement module without version must be directory path (rooted or starting with ./ or ../)") - return - } - if filepath.Separator == '/' && strings.Contains(ns, `\`) { - errorf("replacement directory appears to be Windows path (on a non-windows system)") - return - } - } - if len(args) == arrow+3 { - nv, err = parseVersion(verb, ns, &args[arrow+2], fix) - if err != nil { - wrapError(err) - return - } - if IsDirectoryPath(ns) { - errorf("replacement module directory path %q cannot have version", ns) - return - } - } - f.Replace = append(f.Replace, &Replace{ - Old: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v}, - New: module.Version{Path: ns, Version: nv}, - Syntax: line, - }) + f.Replace = append(f.Replace, replace) case "retract": rationale := parseDirectiveComment(block, line) @@ -515,6 +459,83 @@ func (f *File) add(errs *ErrorList, block *LineBlock, line *Line, verb string, a } } +func parseReplace(filename string, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer) (*Replace, *Error) { + wrapModPathError := func(modPath string, err error) *Error { + return &Error{ + Filename: filename, + Pos: line.Start, + ModPath: modPath, + Verb: verb, + Err: err, + } + } + wrapError := func(err error) *Error { + return &Error{ + Filename: filename, + Pos: line.Start, + Err: err, + } + } + errorf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) *Error { + return wrapError(fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) + } + + arrow := 2 + if len(args) >= 2 && args[1] == "=>" { + arrow = 1 + } + if len(args) < arrow+2 || len(args) > arrow+3 || args[arrow] != "=>" { + return nil, errorf("usage: %s module/path [v1.2.3] => other/module v1.4\n\t or %s module/path [v1.2.3] => ../local/directory", verb, verb) + } + s, err := parseString(&args[0]) + if err != nil { + return nil, errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err) + } + pathMajor, err := modulePathMajor(s) + if err != nil { + return nil, wrapModPathError(s, err) + + } + var v string + if arrow == 2 { + v, err = parseVersion(verb, s, &args[1], fix) + if err != nil { + return nil, wrapError(err) + } + if err := module.CheckPathMajor(v, pathMajor); err != nil { + return nil, wrapModPathError(s, err) + } + } + ns, err := parseString(&args[arrow+1]) + if err != nil { + return nil, errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err) + } + nv := "" + if len(args) == arrow+2 { + if !IsDirectoryPath(ns) { + return nil, errorf("replacement module without version must be directory path (rooted or starting with ./ or ../)") + } + if filepath.Separator == '/' && strings.Contains(ns, `\`) { + return nil, errorf("replacement directory appears to be Windows path (on a non-windows system)") + } + } + if len(args) == arrow+3 { + nv, err = parseVersion(verb, ns, &args[arrow+2], fix) + if err != nil { + return nil, wrapError(err) + } + if IsDirectoryPath(ns) { + return nil, errorf("replacement module directory path %q cannot have version", ns) + + } + } + return &Replace{ + Old: module.Version{Path: s, Version: v}, + New: module.Version{Path: ns, Version: nv}, + Syntax: line, + }, nil +} + // fixRetract applies fix to each retract directive in f, appending any errors // to errs. // @@ -556,6 +577,63 @@ func (f *File) fixRetract(fix VersionFixer, errs *ErrorList) { } } +func (f *WorkFile) add(errs *ErrorList, line *Line, verb string, args []string, fix VersionFixer) { + wrapError := func(err error) { + *errs = append(*errs, Error{ + Filename: f.Syntax.Name, + Pos: line.Start, + Err: err, + }) + } + errorf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) { + wrapError(fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) + } + + switch verb { + default: + errorf("unknown directive: %s", verb) + + case "go": + if f.Go != nil { + errorf("repeated go statement") + return + } + if len(args) != 1 { + errorf("go directive expects exactly one argument") + return + } else if !GoVersionRE.MatchString(args[0]) { + errorf("invalid go version '%s': must match format 1.23", args[0]) + return + } + + f.Go = &Go{Syntax: line} + f.Go.Version = args[0] + + case "use": + if len(args) != 1 { + errorf("usage: %s local/dir", verb) + return + } + s, err := parseString(&args[0]) + if err != nil { + errorf("invalid quoted string: %v", err) + return + } + f.Use = append(f.Use, &Use{ + Path: s, + Syntax: line, + }) + + case "replace": + replace, wrappederr := parseReplace(f.Syntax.Name, line, verb, args, fix) + if wrappederr != nil { + *errs = append(*errs, *wrappederr) + return + } + f.Replace = append(f.Replace, replace) + } +} + // IsDirectoryPath reports whether the given path should be interpreted // as a directory path. Just like on the go command line, relative paths // and rooted paths are directory paths; the rest are module paths. @@ -1212,6 +1290,10 @@ func (f *File) DropExclude(path, vers string) error { } func (f *File) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { + return addReplace(f.Syntax, &f.Replace, oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers) +} + +func addReplace(syntax *FileSyntax, replace *[]*Replace, oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { need := true old := module.Version{Path: oldPath, Version: oldVers} new := module.Version{Path: newPath, Version: newVers} @@ -1225,12 +1307,12 @@ func (f *File) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { } var hint *Line - for _, r := range f.Replace { + for _, r := range *replace { if r.Old.Path == oldPath && (oldVers == "" || r.Old.Version == oldVers) { if need { // Found replacement for old; update to use new. r.New = new - f.Syntax.updateLine(r.Syntax, tokens...) + syntax.updateLine(r.Syntax, tokens...) need = false continue } @@ -1243,7 +1325,7 @@ func (f *File) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { } } if need { - f.Replace = append(f.Replace, &Replace{Old: old, New: new, Syntax: f.Syntax.addLine(hint, tokens...)}) + *replace = append(*replace, &Replace{Old: old, New: new, Syntax: syntax.addLine(hint, tokens...)}) } return nil } @@ -1329,30 +1411,36 @@ func (f *File) SortBlocks() { // retract directives are not de-duplicated since comments are // meaningful, and versions may be retracted multiple times. func (f *File) removeDups() { + removeDups(f.Syntax, &f.Exclude, &f.Replace) +} + +func removeDups(syntax *FileSyntax, exclude *[]*Exclude, replace *[]*Replace) { kill := make(map[*Line]bool) // Remove duplicate excludes. - haveExclude := make(map[module.Version]bool) - for _, x := range f.Exclude { - if haveExclude[x.Mod] { - kill[x.Syntax] = true - continue + if exclude != nil { + haveExclude := make(map[module.Version]bool) + for _, x := range *exclude { + if haveExclude[x.Mod] { + kill[x.Syntax] = true + continue + } + haveExclude[x.Mod] = true } - haveExclude[x.Mod] = true - } - var excl []*Exclude - for _, x := range f.Exclude { - if !kill[x.Syntax] { - excl = append(excl, x) + var excl []*Exclude + for _, x := range *exclude { + if !kill[x.Syntax] { + excl = append(excl, x) + } } + *exclude = excl } - f.Exclude = excl // Remove duplicate replacements. // Later replacements take priority over earlier ones. haveReplace := make(map[module.Version]bool) - for i := len(f.Replace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - x := f.Replace[i] + for i := len(*replace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + x := (*replace)[i] if haveReplace[x.Old] { kill[x.Syntax] = true continue @@ -1360,18 +1448,18 @@ func (f *File) removeDups() { haveReplace[x.Old] = true } var repl []*Replace - for _, x := range f.Replace { + for _, x := range *replace { if !kill[x.Syntax] { repl = append(repl, x) } } - f.Replace = repl + *replace = repl // Duplicate require and retract directives are not removed. // Drop killed statements from the syntax tree. var stmts []Expr - for _, stmt := range f.Syntax.Stmt { + for _, stmt := range syntax.Stmt { switch stmt := stmt.(type) { case *Line: if kill[stmt] { @@ -1391,7 +1479,7 @@ func (f *File) removeDups() { } stmts = append(stmts, stmt) } - f.Syntax.Stmt = stmts + syntax.Stmt = stmts } // lineLess returns whether li should be sorted before lj. It sorts diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/work.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/work.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0c0e521525a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/modfile/work.go @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package modfile + +import ( + "fmt" + "sort" + "strings" +) + +// A WorkFile is the parsed, interpreted form of a go.work file. +type WorkFile struct { + Go *Go + Use []*Use + Replace []*Replace + + Syntax *FileSyntax +} + +// A Use is a single directory statement. +type Use struct { + Path string // Use path of module. + ModulePath string // Module path in the comment. + Syntax *Line +} + +// ParseWork parses and returns a go.work file. +// +// file is the name of the file, used in positions and errors. +// +// data is the content of the file. +// +// fix is an optional function that canonicalizes module versions. +// If fix is nil, all module versions must be canonical (module.CanonicalVersion +// must return the same string). +func ParseWork(file string, data []byte, fix VersionFixer) (*WorkFile, error) { + fs, err := parse(file, data) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + f := &WorkFile{ + Syntax: fs, + } + var errs ErrorList + + for _, x := range fs.Stmt { + switch x := x.(type) { + case *Line: + f.add(&errs, x, x.Token[0], x.Token[1:], fix) + + case *LineBlock: + if len(x.Token) > 1 { + errs = append(errs, Error{ + Filename: file, + Pos: x.Start, + Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown block type: %s", strings.Join(x.Token, " ")), + }) + continue + } + switch x.Token[0] { + default: + errs = append(errs, Error{ + Filename: file, + Pos: x.Start, + Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown block type: %s", strings.Join(x.Token, " ")), + }) + continue + case "use", "replace": + for _, l := range x.Line { + f.add(&errs, l, x.Token[0], l.Token, fix) + } + } + } + } + + if len(errs) > 0 { + return nil, errs + } + return f, nil +} + +// Cleanup cleans up the file f after any edit operations. +// To avoid quadratic behavior, modifications like DropRequire +// clear the entry but do not remove it from the slice. +// Cleanup cleans out all the cleared entries. +func (f *WorkFile) Cleanup() { + w := 0 + for _, r := range f.Use { + if r.Path != "" { + f.Use[w] = r + w++ + } + } + f.Use = f.Use[:w] + + w = 0 + for _, r := range f.Replace { + if r.Old.Path != "" { + f.Replace[w] = r + w++ + } + } + f.Replace = f.Replace[:w] + + f.Syntax.Cleanup() +} + +func (f *WorkFile) AddGoStmt(version string) error { + if !GoVersionRE.MatchString(version) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid language version string %q", version) + } + if f.Go == nil { + stmt := &Line{Token: []string{"go", version}} + f.Go = &Go{ + Version: version, + Syntax: stmt, + } + // Find the first non-comment-only block that's and add + // the go statement before it. That will keep file comments at the top. + i := 0 + for i = 0; i < len(f.Syntax.Stmt); i++ { + if _, ok := f.Syntax.Stmt[i].(*CommentBlock); !ok { + break + } + } + f.Syntax.Stmt = append(append(f.Syntax.Stmt[:i:i], stmt), f.Syntax.Stmt[i:]...) + } else { + f.Go.Version = version + f.Syntax.updateLine(f.Go.Syntax, "go", version) + } + return nil +} + +func (f *WorkFile) AddUse(diskPath, modulePath string) error { + need := true + for _, d := range f.Use { + if d.Path == diskPath { + if need { + d.ModulePath = modulePath + f.Syntax.updateLine(d.Syntax, "use", AutoQuote(diskPath)) + need = false + } else { + d.Syntax.markRemoved() + *d = Use{} + } + } + } + + if need { + f.AddNewUse(diskPath, modulePath) + } + return nil +} + +func (f *WorkFile) AddNewUse(diskPath, modulePath string) { + line := f.Syntax.addLine(nil, "use", AutoQuote(diskPath)) + f.Use = append(f.Use, &Use{Path: diskPath, ModulePath: modulePath, Syntax: line}) +} + +func (f *WorkFile) SetUse(dirs []*Use) { + need := make(map[string]string) + for _, d := range dirs { + need[d.Path] = d.ModulePath + } + + for _, d := range f.Use { + if modulePath, ok := need[d.Path]; ok { + d.ModulePath = modulePath + } else { + d.Syntax.markRemoved() + *d = Use{} + } + } + + // TODO(#45713): Add module path to comment. + + for diskPath, modulePath := range need { + f.AddNewUse(diskPath, modulePath) + } + f.SortBlocks() +} + +func (f *WorkFile) DropUse(path string) error { + for _, d := range f.Use { + if d.Path == path { + d.Syntax.markRemoved() + *d = Use{} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (f *WorkFile) AddReplace(oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers string) error { + return addReplace(f.Syntax, &f.Replace, oldPath, oldVers, newPath, newVers) +} + +func (f *WorkFile) DropReplace(oldPath, oldVers string) error { + for _, r := range f.Replace { + if r.Old.Path == oldPath && r.Old.Version == oldVers { + r.Syntax.markRemoved() + *r = Replace{} + } + } + return nil +} + +func (f *WorkFile) SortBlocks() { + f.removeDups() // otherwise sorting is unsafe + + for _, stmt := range f.Syntax.Stmt { + block, ok := stmt.(*LineBlock) + if !ok { + continue + } + sort.SliceStable(block.Line, func(i, j int) bool { + return lineLess(block.Line[i], block.Line[j]) + }) + } +} + +// removeDups removes duplicate replace directives. +// +// Later replace directives take priority. +// +// require directives are not de-duplicated. That's left up to higher-level +// logic (MVS). +// +// retract directives are not de-duplicated since comments are +// meaningful, and versions may be retracted multiple times. +func (f *WorkFile) removeDups() { + removeDups(f.Syntax, nil, &f.Replace) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/module/module.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/module/module.go index ba97ac356e9..355b5a45685 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/module/module.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/module/module.go @@ -286,12 +286,7 @@ func fileNameOK(r rune) bool { if '0' <= r && r <= '9' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' { return true } - for i := 0; i < len(allowed); i++ { - if rune(allowed[i]) == r { - return true - } - } - return false + return strings.ContainsRune(allowed, r) } // It may be OK to add more ASCII punctuation here, but only carefully. // For example Windows disallows < > \, and macOS disallows :, so we must not allow those. @@ -803,6 +798,7 @@ func unescapeString(escaped string) (string, bool) { // GOPRIVATE environment variable, as described by 'go help module-private'. // // It ignores any empty or malformed patterns in the list. +// Trailing slashes on patterns are ignored. func MatchPrefixPatterns(globs, target string) bool { for globs != "" { // Extract next non-empty glob in comma-separated list. @@ -812,6 +808,7 @@ func MatchPrefixPatterns(globs, target string) bool { } else { glob, globs = globs, "" } + glob = strings.TrimSuffix(glob, "/") if glob == "" { continue } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/semver/semver.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/semver/semver.go index 7be398f80d3..a30a22bf20f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/semver/semver.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/mod/semver/semver.go @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ type parsed struct { short string prerelease string build string - err string } // IsValid reports whether v is a valid semantic version string. @@ -172,12 +171,10 @@ func Sort(list []string) { func parse(v string) (p parsed, ok bool) { if v == "" || v[0] != 'v' { - p.err = "missing v prefix" return } p.major, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) if !ok { - p.err = "bad major version" return } if v == "" { @@ -187,13 +184,11 @@ func parse(v string) (p parsed, ok bool) { return } if v[0] != '.' { - p.err = "bad minor prefix" ok = false return } p.minor, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) if !ok { - p.err = "bad minor version" return } if v == "" { @@ -202,31 +197,26 @@ func parse(v string) (p parsed, ok bool) { return } if v[0] != '.' { - p.err = "bad patch prefix" ok = false return } p.patch, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:]) if !ok { - p.err = "bad patch version" return } if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '-' { p.prerelease, v, ok = parsePrerelease(v) if !ok { - p.err = "bad prerelease" return } } if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '+' { p.build, v, ok = parseBuild(v) if !ok { - p.err = "bad build" return } } if v != "" { - p.err = "junk on end" ok = false return } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/README b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/README deleted file mode 100644 index 360d5aa3790..00000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -This is a work-in-progress HTTP/2 implementation for Go. - -It will eventually live in the Go standard library and won't require -any changes to your code to use. It will just be automatic. - -Status: - -* The server support is pretty good. A few things are missing - but are being worked on. -* The client work has just started but shares a lot of code - is coming along much quicker. - -Docs are at https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/http2 - -Demo test server at https://http2.golang.org/ - -Help & bug reports welcome! - -Contributing: https://golang.org/doc/contribute.html -Bugs: https://golang.org/issue/new?title=x/net/http2:+ diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go index 0c58d727c17..17caa205869 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ package http2 import "strings" +// The HTTP protocols are defined in terms of ASCII, not Unicode. This file +// contains helper functions which may use Unicode-aware functions which would +// otherwise be unsafe and could introduce vulnerabilities if used improperly. + // asciiEqualFold is strings.EqualFold, ASCII only. It reports whether s and t // are equal, ASCII-case-insensitively. func asciiEqualFold(s, t string) bool { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go index 652bc11a029..c936843eafa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go @@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ import ( // ClientConnPool manages a pool of HTTP/2 client connections. type ClientConnPool interface { + // GetClientConn returns a specific HTTP/2 connection (usually + // a TLS-TCP connection) to an HTTP/2 server. On success, the + // returned ClientConn accounts for the upcoming RoundTrip + // call, so the caller should not omit it. If the caller needs + // to, ClientConn.RoundTrip can be called with a bogus + // new(http.Request) to release the stream reservation. GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) MarkDead(*ClientConn) } @@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ type clientConnPool struct { conns map[string][]*ClientConn // key is host:port dialing map[string]*dialCall // currently in-flight dials keys map[*ClientConn][]string - addConnCalls map[string]*addConnCall // in-flight addConnIfNeede calls + addConnCalls map[string]*addConnCall // in-flight addConnIfNeeded calls } func (p *clientConnPool) GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) { @@ -54,28 +60,8 @@ const ( noDialOnMiss = false ) -// shouldTraceGetConn reports whether getClientConn should call any -// ClientTrace.GetConn hook associated with the http.Request. -// -// This complexity is needed to avoid double calls of the GetConn hook -// during the back-and-forth between net/http and x/net/http2 (when the -// net/http.Transport is upgraded to also speak http2), as well as support -// the case where x/net/http2 is being used directly. -func (p *clientConnPool) shouldTraceGetConn(st clientConnIdleState) bool { - // If our Transport wasn't made via ConfigureTransport, always - // trace the GetConn hook if provided, because that means the - // http2 package is being used directly and it's the one - // dialing, as opposed to net/http. - if _, ok := p.t.ConnPool.(noDialClientConnPool); !ok { - return true - } - // Otherwise, only use the GetConn hook if this connection has - // been used previously for other requests. For fresh - // connections, the net/http package does the dialing. - return !st.freshConn -} - func (p *clientConnPool) getClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string, dialOnMiss bool) (*ClientConn, error) { + // TODO(dneil): Dial a new connection when t.DisableKeepAlives is set? if isConnectionCloseRequest(req) && dialOnMiss { // It gets its own connection. traceGetConn(req, addr) @@ -89,10 +75,14 @@ func (p *clientConnPool) getClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string, dialOnMis for { p.mu.Lock() for _, cc := range p.conns[addr] { - if st := cc.idleState(); st.canTakeNewRequest { - if p.shouldTraceGetConn(st) { + if cc.ReserveNewRequest() { + // When a connection is presented to us by the net/http package, + // the GetConn hook has already been called. + // Don't call it a second time here. + if !cc.getConnCalled { traceGetConn(req, addr) } + cc.getConnCalled = false p.mu.Unlock() return cc, nil } @@ -108,7 +98,13 @@ func (p *clientConnPool) getClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string, dialOnMis if shouldRetryDial(call, req) { continue } - return call.res, call.err + cc, err := call.res, call.err + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if cc.ReserveNewRequest() { + return cc, nil + } } } @@ -205,6 +201,7 @@ func (c *addConnCall) run(t *Transport, key string, tc *tls.Conn) { if err != nil { c.err = err } else { + cc.getConnCalled = true // already called by the net/http package p.addConnLocked(key, cc) } delete(p.addConnCalls, key) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go index 71f2c463178..2663e5d287e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go @@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ func (e ErrCode) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code 0x%x", uint32(e)) } +func (e ErrCode) stringToken() string { + if s, ok := errCodeName[e]; ok { + return s + } + return fmt.Sprintf("ERR_UNKNOWN_%d", uint32(e)) +} + // ConnectionError is an error that results in the termination of the // entire connection. type ConnectionError ErrCode @@ -67,6 +74,11 @@ type StreamError struct { Cause error // optional additional detail } +// errFromPeer is a sentinel error value for StreamError.Cause to +// indicate that the StreamError was sent from the peer over the wire +// and wasn't locally generated in the Transport. +var errFromPeer = errors.New("received from peer") + func streamError(id uint32, code ErrCode) StreamError { return StreamError{StreamID: id, Code: code} } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go index 514c126c5f8..96a74790524 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ var flagName = map[FrameType]map[Flags]string{ // a frameParser parses a frame given its FrameHeader and payload // bytes. The length of payload will always equal fh.Length (which // might be 0). -type frameParser func(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, error) +type frameParser func(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) var frameParsers = map[FrameType]frameParser{ FrameData: parseDataFrame, @@ -267,6 +267,11 @@ type Framer struct { lastFrame Frame errDetail error + // countError is a non-nil func that's called on a frame parse + // error with some unique error path token. It's initialized + // from Transport.CountError or Server.CountError. + countError func(errToken string) + // lastHeaderStream is non-zero if the last frame was an // unfinished HEADERS/CONTINUATION. lastHeaderStream uint32 @@ -426,6 +431,7 @@ func NewFramer(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) *Framer { fr := &Framer{ w: w, r: r, + countError: func(string) {}, logReads: logFrameReads, logWrites: logFrameWrites, debugReadLoggerf: log.Printf, @@ -500,7 +506,7 @@ func (fr *Framer) ReadFrame() (Frame, error) { if _, err := io.ReadFull(fr.r, payload); err != nil { return nil, err } - f, err := typeFrameParser(fh.Type)(fr.frameCache, fh, payload) + f, err := typeFrameParser(fh.Type)(fr.frameCache, fh, fr.countError, payload) if err != nil { if ce, ok := err.(connError); ok { return nil, fr.connError(ce.Code, ce.Reason) @@ -588,13 +594,14 @@ func (f *DataFrame) Data() []byte { return f.data } -func parseDataFrame(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseDataFrame(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { if fh.StreamID == 0 { // DATA frames MUST be associated with a stream. If a // DATA frame is received whose stream identifier // field is 0x0, the recipient MUST respond with a // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_data_stream_0") return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "DATA frame with stream ID 0"} } f := fc.getDataFrame() @@ -605,6 +612,7 @@ func parseDataFrame(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, erro var err error payload, padSize, err = readByte(payload) if err != nil { + countError("frame_data_pad_byte_short") return nil, err } } @@ -613,6 +621,7 @@ func parseDataFrame(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, erro // length of the frame payload, the recipient MUST // treat this as a connection error. // Filed: https://github.com/http2/http2-spec/issues/610 + countError("frame_data_pad_too_big") return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "pad size larger than data payload"} } f.data = payload[:len(payload)-int(padSize)] @@ -695,7 +704,7 @@ type SettingsFrame struct { p []byte } -func parseSettingsFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseSettingsFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { if fh.Flags.Has(FlagSettingsAck) && fh.Length > 0 { // When this (ACK 0x1) bit is set, the payload of the // SETTINGS frame MUST be empty. Receipt of a @@ -703,6 +712,7 @@ func parseSettingsFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) // field value other than 0 MUST be treated as a // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // FRAME_SIZE_ERROR. + countError("frame_settings_ack_with_length") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } if fh.StreamID != 0 { @@ -713,14 +723,17 @@ func parseSettingsFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) // field is anything other than 0x0, the endpoint MUST // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of // type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_settings_has_stream") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } if len(p)%6 != 0 { + countError("frame_settings_mod_6") // Expecting even number of 6 byte settings. return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } f := &SettingsFrame{FrameHeader: fh, p: p} if v, ok := f.Value(SettingInitialWindowSize); ok && v > (1<<31)-1 { + countError("frame_settings_window_size_too_big") // Values above the maximum flow control window size of 2^31 - 1 MUST // be treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR. @@ -832,11 +845,13 @@ type PingFrame struct { func (f *PingFrame) IsAck() bool { return f.Flags.Has(FlagPingAck) } -func parsePingFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parsePingFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { if len(payload) != 8 { + countError("frame_ping_length") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } if fh.StreamID != 0 { + countError("frame_ping_has_stream") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } f := &PingFrame{FrameHeader: fh} @@ -872,11 +887,13 @@ func (f *GoAwayFrame) DebugData() []byte { return f.debugData } -func parseGoAwayFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseGoAwayFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { if fh.StreamID != 0 { + countError("frame_goaway_has_stream") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } if len(p) < 8 { + countError("frame_goaway_short") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } return &GoAwayFrame{ @@ -912,7 +929,7 @@ func (f *UnknownFrame) Payload() []byte { return f.p } -func parseUnknownFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseUnknownFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { return &UnknownFrame{fh, p}, nil } @@ -923,8 +940,9 @@ type WindowUpdateFrame struct { Increment uint32 // never read with high bit set } -func parseWindowUpdateFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseWindowUpdateFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { if len(p) != 4 { + countError("frame_windowupdate_bad_len") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } inc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]) & 0x7fffffff // mask off high reserved bit @@ -936,8 +954,10 @@ func parseWindowUpdateFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, err // control window MUST be treated as a connection // error (Section 5.4.1). if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_conn") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } + countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_stream") return nil, streamError(fh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) } return &WindowUpdateFrame{ @@ -988,7 +1008,7 @@ func (f *HeadersFrame) HasPriority() bool { return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersPriority) } -func parseHeadersFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { +func parseHeadersFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { hf := &HeadersFrame{ FrameHeader: fh, } @@ -997,11 +1017,13 @@ func parseHeadersFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err er // is received whose stream identifier field is 0x0, the recipient MUST // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_headers_zero_stream") return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "HEADERS frame with stream ID 0"} } var padLength uint8 if fh.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersPadded) { if p, padLength, err = readByte(p); err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_pad_short") return } } @@ -1009,16 +1031,19 @@ func parseHeadersFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err er var v uint32 p, v, err = readUint32(p) if err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_prio_short") return nil, err } hf.Priority.StreamDep = v & 0x7fffffff hf.Priority.Exclusive = (v != hf.Priority.StreamDep) // high bit was set p, hf.Priority.Weight, err = readByte(p) if err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_prio_weight_short") return nil, err } } - if len(p)-int(padLength) <= 0 { + if len(p)-int(padLength) < 0 { + countError("frame_headers_pad_too_big") return nil, streamError(fh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) } hf.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)] @@ -1125,11 +1150,13 @@ func (p PriorityParam) IsZero() bool { return p == PriorityParam{} } -func parsePriorityFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, payload []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parsePriorityFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_priority_zero_stream") return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "PRIORITY frame with stream ID 0"} } if len(payload) != 5 { + countError("frame_priority_bad_length") return nil, connError{ErrCodeFrameSize, fmt.Sprintf("PRIORITY frame payload size was %d; want 5", len(payload))} } v := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[:4]) @@ -1172,11 +1199,13 @@ type RSTStreamFrame struct { ErrCode ErrCode } -func parseRSTStreamFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseRSTStreamFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { if len(p) != 4 { + countError("frame_rststream_bad_len") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) } if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_rststream_zero_stream") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } return &RSTStreamFrame{fh, ErrCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]))}, nil @@ -1202,8 +1231,9 @@ type ContinuationFrame struct { headerFragBuf []byte } -func parseContinuationFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (Frame, error) { +func parseContinuationFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_continuation_zero_stream") return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "CONTINUATION frame with stream ID 0"} } return &ContinuationFrame{fh, p}, nil @@ -1252,7 +1282,7 @@ func (f *PushPromiseFrame) HeadersEnded() bool { return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders) } -func parsePushPromise(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { +func parsePushPromise(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { pp := &PushPromiseFrame{ FrameHeader: fh, } @@ -1263,6 +1293,7 @@ func parsePushPromise(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err err // with. If the stream identifier field specifies the value // 0x0, a recipient MUST respond with a connection error // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_pushpromise_zero_stream") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } // The PUSH_PROMISE frame includes optional padding. @@ -1270,18 +1301,21 @@ func parsePushPromise(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, p []byte) (_ Frame, err err var padLength uint8 if fh.Flags.Has(FlagPushPromisePadded) { if p, padLength, err = readByte(p); err != nil { + countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_short") return } } p, pp.PromiseID, err = readUint32(p) if err != nil { + countError("frame_pushpromise_promiseid_short") return } pp.PromiseID = pp.PromiseID & (1<<31 - 1) if int(padLength) > len(p) { // like the DATA frame, error out if padding is longer than the body. + countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_too_big") return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } pp.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aca4b2b31ac --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package http2 + +import ( + "crypto/tls" + "net" +) + +func tlsUnderlyingConn(tc *tls.Conn) net.Conn { + return tc.NetConn() +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go index a1ab2f05679..fe0b84ccd46 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go @@ -140,25 +140,29 @@ func buildRootHuffmanNode() { panic("unexpected size") } lazyRootHuffmanNode = newInternalNode() - for i, code := range huffmanCodes { - addDecoderNode(byte(i), code, huffmanCodeLen[i]) - } -} + // allocate a leaf node for each of the 256 symbols + leaves := new([256]node) + + for sym, code := range huffmanCodes { + codeLen := huffmanCodeLen[sym] + + cur := lazyRootHuffmanNode + for codeLen > 8 { + codeLen -= 8 + i := uint8(code >> codeLen) + if cur.children[i] == nil { + cur.children[i] = newInternalNode() + } + cur = cur.children[i] + } + shift := 8 - codeLen + start, end := int(uint8(code< 8 { - codeLen -= 8 - i := uint8(code >> codeLen) - if cur.children[i] == nil { - cur.children[i] = newInternalNode() + leaves[sym].sym = byte(sym) + leaves[sym].codeLen = codeLen + for i := start; i < start+end; i++ { + cur.children[i] = &leaves[sym] } - cur = cur.children[i] - } - shift := 8 - codeLen - start, end := int(uint8(code< 0 { sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, int(diff)) @@ -860,6 +873,15 @@ func (sc *serverConn) serve() { case res := <-sc.wroteFrameCh: sc.wroteFrame(res) case res := <-sc.readFrameCh: + // Process any written frames before reading new frames from the client since a + // written frame could have triggered a new stream to be started. + if sc.writingFrameAsync { + select { + case wroteRes := <-sc.wroteFrameCh: + sc.wroteFrame(wroteRes) + default: + } + } if !sc.processFrameFromReader(res) { return } @@ -1394,7 +1416,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processFrame(f Frame) error { // First frame received must be SETTINGS. if !sc.sawFirstSettings { if _, ok := f.(*SettingsFrame); !ok { - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("first_settings", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } sc.sawFirstSettings = true } @@ -1419,7 +1441,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processFrame(f Frame) error { case *PushPromiseFrame: // A client cannot push. Thus, servers MUST treat the receipt of a PUSH_PROMISE // frame as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("push_promise", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) default: sc.vlogf("http2: server ignoring frame: %v", f.Header()) return nil @@ -1439,7 +1461,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processPing(f *PingFrame) error { // identifier field value other than 0x0, the recipient MUST // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // PROTOCOL_ERROR." - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("ping_on_stream", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } if sc.inGoAway && sc.goAwayCode != ErrCodeNo { return nil @@ -1458,7 +1480,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { // or PRIORITY on a stream in this state MUST be // treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of // type PROTOCOL_ERROR." - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("stream_idle", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } if st == nil { // "WINDOW_UPDATE can be sent by a peer that has sent a @@ -1469,7 +1491,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { return nil } if !st.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) { - return streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeFlowControl) + return sc.countError("bad_flow", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeFlowControl)) } default: // connection-level flow control if !sc.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) { @@ -1490,7 +1512,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processResetStream(f *RSTStreamFrame) error { // identifying an idle stream is received, the // recipient MUST treat this as a connection error // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("reset_idle_stream", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } if st != nil { st.cancelCtx() @@ -1542,7 +1564,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { // Why is the peer ACKing settings we never sent? // The spec doesn't mention this case, but // hang up on them anyway. - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("ack_mystery", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } return nil } @@ -1550,7 +1572,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { // This isn't actually in the spec, but hang up on // suspiciously large settings frames or those with // duplicate entries. - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("settings_big_or_dups", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } if err := f.ForeachSetting(sc.processSetting); err != nil { return err @@ -1617,7 +1639,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processSettingInitialWindowSize(val uint32) error { // control window to exceed the maximum size as a // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type // FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR." - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + return sc.countError("setting_win_size", ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl)) } } return nil @@ -1650,7 +1672,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { // or PRIORITY on a stream in this state MUST be // treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of // type PROTOCOL_ERROR." - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("data_on_idle", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } // "If a DATA frame is received whose stream is not in "open" @@ -1667,7 +1689,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { // and return any flow control bytes since we're not going // to consume them. if sc.inflow.available() < int32(f.Length) { - return streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl) + return sc.countError("data_flow", streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl)) } // Deduct the flow control from inflow, since we're // going to immediately add it back in @@ -1680,7 +1702,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { // Already have a stream error in flight. Don't send another. return nil } - return streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed) + return sc.countError("closed", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) } if st.body == nil { panic("internal error: should have a body in this state") @@ -1692,12 +1714,12 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { // RFC 7540, sec A request or response is also malformed if the // value of a content-length header field does not equal the sum of the // DATA frame payload lengths that form the body. - return streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("send_too_much", streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } if f.Length > 0 { // Check whether the client has flow control quota. if st.inflow.available() < int32(f.Length) { - return streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl) + return sc.countError("flow_on_data_length", streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl)) } st.inflow.take(int32(f.Length)) @@ -1705,7 +1727,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { wrote, err := st.body.Write(data) if err != nil { sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, int(f.Length)-wrote) - return streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed) + return sc.countError("body_write_err", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) } if wrote != len(data) { panic("internal error: bad Writer") @@ -1791,7 +1813,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { // stream identifier MUST respond with a connection error // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. if id%2 != 1 { - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("headers_even", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } // A HEADERS frame can be used to create a new stream or // send a trailer for an open one. If we already have a stream @@ -1808,7 +1830,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { // this state, it MUST respond with a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of // type STREAM_CLOSED. if st.state == stateHalfClosedRemote { - return streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed) + return sc.countError("headers_half_closed", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) } return st.processTrailerHeaders(f) } @@ -1819,7 +1841,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { // receives an unexpected stream identifier MUST respond with // a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. if id <= sc.maxClientStreamID { - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("stream_went_down", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } sc.maxClientStreamID = id @@ -1836,14 +1858,14 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { if sc.curClientStreams+1 > sc.advMaxStreams { if sc.unackedSettings == 0 { // They should know better. - return streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("over_max_streams", streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } // Assume it's a network race, where they just haven't // received our last SETTINGS update. But actually // this can't happen yet, because we don't yet provide // a way for users to adjust server parameters at // runtime. - return streamError(id, ErrCodeRefusedStream) + return sc.countError("over_max_streams_race", streamError(id, ErrCodeRefusedStream)) } initialState := stateOpen @@ -1853,7 +1875,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { st := sc.newStream(id, 0, initialState) if f.HasPriority() { - if err := checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.Priority); err != nil { + if err := sc.checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.Priority); err != nil { return err } sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(st.id, f.Priority) @@ -1897,15 +1919,15 @@ func (st *stream) processTrailerHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { sc := st.sc sc.serveG.check() if st.gotTrailerHeader { - return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("dup_trailers", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) } st.gotTrailerHeader = true if !f.StreamEnded() { - return streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("trailers_not_ended", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } if len(f.PseudoFields()) > 0 { - return streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("trailers_pseudo", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } if st.trailer != nil { for _, hf := range f.RegularFields() { @@ -1914,7 +1936,7 @@ func (st *stream) processTrailerHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { // TODO: send more details to the peer somehow. But http2 has // no way to send debug data at a stream level. Discuss with // HTTP folk. - return streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("trailers_bogus", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } st.trailer[key] = append(st.trailer[key], hf.Value) } @@ -1923,13 +1945,13 @@ func (st *stream) processTrailerHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { return nil } -func checkPriority(streamID uint32, p PriorityParam) error { +func (sc *serverConn) checkPriority(streamID uint32, p PriorityParam) error { if streamID == p.StreamDep { // Section 5.3.1: "A stream cannot depend on itself. An endpoint MUST treat // this as a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR." // Section 5.3.3 says that a stream can depend on one of its dependencies, // so it's only self-dependencies that are forbidden. - return streamError(streamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + return sc.countError("priority", streamError(streamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) } return nil } @@ -1938,7 +1960,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processPriority(f *PriorityFrame) error { if sc.inGoAway { return nil } - if err := checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.PriorityParam); err != nil { + if err := sc.checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.PriorityParam); err != nil { return err } sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(f.StreamID, f.PriorityParam) @@ -1995,7 +2017,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequest(st *stream, f *MetaHeadersFrame) (*res isConnect := rp.method == "CONNECT" if isConnect { if rp.path != "" || rp.scheme != "" || rp.authority == "" { - return nil, nil, streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_connect", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) } } else if rp.method == "" || rp.path == "" || (rp.scheme != "https" && rp.scheme != "http") { // See Malformed Requests and Responses: @@ -2008,13 +2030,13 @@ func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequest(st *stream, f *MetaHeadersFrame) (*res // "All HTTP/2 requests MUST include exactly one valid // value for the :method, :scheme, and :path // pseudo-header fields" - return nil, nil, streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_path_method", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) } bodyOpen := !f.StreamEnded() if rp.method == "HEAD" && bodyOpen { // HEAD requests can't have bodies - return nil, nil, streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + return nil, nil, sc.countError("head_body", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) } rp.header = make(http.Header) @@ -2097,7 +2119,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st *stream, rp requestParam) (*r var err error url_, err = url.ParseRequestURI(rp.path) if err != nil { - return nil, nil, streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol) + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_path", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) } requestURI = rp.path } @@ -2980,3 +3002,31 @@ func h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled(hs *http.Server) bool { } return false } + +func (sc *serverConn) countError(name string, err error) error { + if sc == nil || sc.srv == nil { + return err + } + f := sc.srv.CountError + if f == nil { + return err + } + var typ string + var code ErrCode + switch e := err.(type) { + case ConnectionError: + typ = "conn" + code = ErrCode(e) + case StreamError: + typ = "stream" + code = ErrCode(e.Code) + default: + return err + } + codeStr := errCodeName[code] + if codeStr == "" { + codeStr = strconv.Itoa(int(code)) + } + f(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", typ, codeStr, name)) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go index 7bd4b9c1971..4f098976377 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import ( "net/http" "net/http/httptrace" "net/textproto" + "os" "sort" "strconv" "strings" @@ -51,6 +52,15 @@ const ( transportDefaultStreamMinRefresh = 4 << 10 defaultUserAgent = "Go-http-client/2.0" + + // initialMaxConcurrentStreams is a connections maxConcurrentStreams until + // it's received servers initial SETTINGS frame, which corresponds with the + // spec's minimum recommended value. + initialMaxConcurrentStreams = 100 + + // defaultMaxConcurrentStreams is a connections default maxConcurrentStreams + // if the server doesn't include one in its initial SETTINGS frame. + defaultMaxConcurrentStreams = 1000 ) // Transport is an HTTP/2 Transport. @@ -121,6 +131,17 @@ type Transport struct { // Defaults to 15s. PingTimeout time.Duration + // WriteByteTimeout is the timeout after which the connection will be + // closed no data can be written to it. The timeout begins when data is + // available to write, and is extended whenever any bytes are written. + WriteByteTimeout time.Duration + + // CountError, if non-nil, is called on HTTP/2 transport errors. + // It's intended to increment a metric for monitoring, such + // as an expvar or Prometheus metric. + // The errType consists of only ASCII word characters. + CountError func(errType string) + // t1, if non-nil, is the standard library Transport using // this transport. Its settings are used (but not its // RoundTrip method, etc). @@ -227,11 +248,12 @@ func (t *Transport) initConnPool() { // ClientConn is the state of a single HTTP/2 client connection to an // HTTP/2 server. type ClientConn struct { - t *Transport - tconn net.Conn // usually *tls.Conn, except specialized impls - tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // nil only for specialized impls - reused uint32 // whether conn is being reused; atomic - singleUse bool // whether being used for a single http.Request + t *Transport + tconn net.Conn // usually *tls.Conn, except specialized impls + tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // nil only for specialized impls + reused uint32 // whether conn is being reused; atomic + singleUse bool // whether being used for a single http.Request + getConnCalled bool // used by clientConnPool // readLoop goroutine fields: readerDone chan struct{} // closed on error @@ -244,87 +266,94 @@ type ClientConn struct { cond *sync.Cond // hold mu; broadcast on flow/closed changes flow flow // our conn-level flow control quota (cs.flow is per stream) inflow flow // peer's conn-level flow control + doNotReuse bool // whether conn is marked to not be reused for any future requests closing bool closed bool + seenSettings bool // true if we've seen a settings frame, false otherwise wantSettingsAck bool // we sent a SETTINGS frame and haven't heard back goAway *GoAwayFrame // if non-nil, the GoAwayFrame we received goAwayDebug string // goAway frame's debug data, retained as a string streams map[uint32]*clientStream // client-initiated + streamsReserved int // incr by ReserveNewRequest; decr on RoundTrip nextStreamID uint32 pendingRequests int // requests blocked and waiting to be sent because len(streams) == maxConcurrentStreams pings map[[8]byte]chan struct{} // in flight ping data to notification channel - bw *bufio.Writer br *bufio.Reader - fr *Framer lastActive time.Time lastIdle time.Time // time last idle - // Settings from peer: (also guarded by mu) + // Settings from peer: (also guarded by wmu) maxFrameSize uint32 maxConcurrentStreams uint32 peerMaxHeaderListSize uint64 initialWindowSize uint32 - hbuf bytes.Buffer // HPACK encoder writes into this - henc *hpack.Encoder - freeBuf [][]byte + // reqHeaderMu is a 1-element semaphore channel controlling access to sending new requests. + // Write to reqHeaderMu to lock it, read from it to unlock. + // Lock reqmu BEFORE mu or wmu. + reqHeaderMu chan struct{} - wmu sync.Mutex // held while writing; acquire AFTER mu if holding both - werr error // first write error that has occurred + // wmu is held while writing. + // Acquire BEFORE mu when holding both, to avoid blocking mu on network writes. + // Only acquire both at the same time when changing peer settings. + wmu sync.Mutex + bw *bufio.Writer + fr *Framer + werr error // first write error that has occurred + hbuf bytes.Buffer // HPACK encoder writes into this + henc *hpack.Encoder } // clientStream is the state for a single HTTP/2 stream. One of these // is created for each Transport.RoundTrip call. type clientStream struct { - cc *ClientConn - req *http.Request + cc *ClientConn + + // Fields of Request that we may access even after the response body is closed. + ctx context.Context + reqCancel <-chan struct{} + trace *httptrace.ClientTrace // or nil ID uint32 - resc chan resAndError bufPipe pipe // buffered pipe with the flow-controlled response payload - startedWrite bool // started request body write; guarded by cc.mu requestedGzip bool - on100 func() // optional code to run if get a 100 continue response + isHead bool + + abortOnce sync.Once + abort chan struct{} // closed to signal stream should end immediately + abortErr error // set if abort is closed + + peerClosed chan struct{} // closed when the peer sends an END_STREAM flag + donec chan struct{} // closed after the stream is in the closed state + on100 chan struct{} // buffered; written to if a 100 is received + + respHeaderRecv chan struct{} // closed when headers are received + res *http.Response // set if respHeaderRecv is closed flow flow // guarded by cc.mu inflow flow // guarded by cc.mu bytesRemain int64 // -1 means unknown; owned by transportResponseBody.Read readErr error // sticky read error; owned by transportResponseBody.Read - stopReqBody error // if non-nil, stop writing req body; guarded by cc.mu - didReset bool // whether we sent a RST_STREAM to the server; guarded by cc.mu - peerReset chan struct{} // closed on peer reset - resetErr error // populated before peerReset is closed + reqBody io.ReadCloser + reqBodyContentLength int64 // -1 means unknown + reqBodyClosed bool // body has been closed; guarded by cc.mu - done chan struct{} // closed when stream remove from cc.streams map; close calls guarded by cc.mu + // owned by writeRequest: + sentEndStream bool // sent an END_STREAM flag to the peer + sentHeaders bool // owned by clientConnReadLoop: firstByte bool // got the first response byte pastHeaders bool // got first MetaHeadersFrame (actual headers) pastTrailers bool // got optional second MetaHeadersFrame (trailers) num1xx uint8 // number of 1xx responses seen + readClosed bool // peer sent an END_STREAM flag + readAborted bool // read loop reset the stream trailer http.Header // accumulated trailers resTrailer *http.Header // client's Response.Trailer } -// awaitRequestCancel waits for the user to cancel a request or for the done -// channel to be signaled. A non-nil error is returned only if the request was -// canceled. -func awaitRequestCancel(req *http.Request, done <-chan struct{}) error { - ctx := req.Context() - if req.Cancel == nil && ctx.Done() == nil { - return nil - } - select { - case <-req.Cancel: - return errRequestCanceled - case <-ctx.Done(): - return ctx.Err() - case <-done: - return nil - } -} - var got1xxFuncForTests func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error // get1xxTraceFunc returns the value of request's httptrace.ClientTrace.Got1xxResponse func, @@ -336,73 +365,65 @@ func (cs *clientStream) get1xxTraceFunc() func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error return traceGot1xxResponseFunc(cs.trace) } -// awaitRequestCancel waits for the user to cancel a request, its context to -// expire, or for the request to be done (any way it might be removed from the -// cc.streams map: peer reset, successful completion, TCP connection breakage, -// etc). If the request is canceled, then cs will be canceled and closed. -func (cs *clientStream) awaitRequestCancel(req *http.Request) { - if err := awaitRequestCancel(req, cs.done); err != nil { - cs.cancelStream() - cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) - } +func (cs *clientStream) abortStream(err error) { + cs.cc.mu.Lock() + defer cs.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) } -func (cs *clientStream) cancelStream() { - cc := cs.cc - cc.mu.Lock() - didReset := cs.didReset - cs.didReset = true - cc.mu.Unlock() - - if !didReset { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, nil) - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) +func (cs *clientStream) abortStreamLocked(err error) { + cs.abortOnce.Do(func() { + cs.abortErr = err + close(cs.abort) + }) + if cs.reqBody != nil && !cs.reqBodyClosed { + cs.reqBody.Close() + cs.reqBodyClosed = true } -} - -// checkResetOrDone reports any error sent in a RST_STREAM frame by the -// server, or errStreamClosed if the stream is complete. -func (cs *clientStream) checkResetOrDone() error { - select { - case <-cs.peerReset: - return cs.resetErr - case <-cs.done: - return errStreamClosed - default: - return nil + // TODO(dneil): Clean up tests where cs.cc.cond is nil. + if cs.cc.cond != nil { + // Wake up writeRequestBody if it is waiting on flow control. + cs.cc.cond.Broadcast() } } -func (cs *clientStream) getStartedWrite() bool { +func (cs *clientStream) abortRequestBodyWrite() { cc := cs.cc cc.mu.Lock() defer cc.mu.Unlock() - return cs.startedWrite -} - -func (cs *clientStream) abortRequestBodyWrite(err error) { - if err == nil { - panic("nil error") + if cs.reqBody != nil && !cs.reqBodyClosed { + cs.reqBody.Close() + cs.reqBodyClosed = true + cc.cond.Broadcast() } - cc := cs.cc - cc.mu.Lock() - cs.stopReqBody = err - cc.cond.Broadcast() - cc.mu.Unlock() } type stickyErrWriter struct { - w io.Writer - err *error + conn net.Conn + timeout time.Duration + err *error } func (sew stickyErrWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if *sew.err != nil { return 0, *sew.err } - n, err = sew.w.Write(p) - *sew.err = err - return + for { + if sew.timeout != 0 { + sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(sew.timeout)) + } + nn, err := sew.conn.Write(p[n:]) + n += nn + if n < len(p) && nn > 0 && errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { + // Keep extending the deadline so long as we're making progress. + continue + } + if sew.timeout != 0 { + sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + *sew.err = err + return n, err + } } // noCachedConnError is the concrete type of ErrNoCachedConn, which @@ -475,9 +496,9 @@ func (t *Transport) RoundTripOpt(req *http.Request, opt RoundTripOpt) (*http.Res } reused := !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cc.reused, 0, 1) traceGotConn(req, cc, reused) - res, gotErrAfterReqBodyWrite, err := cc.roundTrip(req) + res, err := cc.RoundTrip(req) if err != nil && retry <= 6 { - if req, err = shouldRetryRequest(req, err, gotErrAfterReqBodyWrite); err == nil { + if req, err = shouldRetryRequest(req, err); err == nil { // After the first retry, do exponential backoff with 10% jitter. if retry == 0 { continue @@ -488,7 +509,7 @@ func (t *Transport) RoundTripOpt(req *http.Request, opt RoundTripOpt) (*http.Res case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(backoff)): continue case <-req.Context().Done(): - return nil, req.Context().Err() + err = req.Context().Err() } } } @@ -519,7 +540,7 @@ var ( // response headers. It is always called with a non-nil error. // It returns either a request to retry (either the same request, or a // modified clone), or an error if the request can't be replayed. -func shouldRetryRequest(req *http.Request, err error, afterBodyWrite bool) (*http.Request, error) { +func shouldRetryRequest(req *http.Request, err error) (*http.Request, error) { if !canRetryError(err) { return nil, err } @@ -532,7 +553,6 @@ func shouldRetryRequest(req *http.Request, err error, afterBodyWrite bool) (*htt // If the request body can be reset back to its original // state via the optional req.GetBody, do that. if req.GetBody != nil { - // TODO: consider a req.Body.Close here? or audit that all caller paths do? body, err := req.GetBody() if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -544,10 +564,8 @@ func shouldRetryRequest(req *http.Request, err error, afterBodyWrite bool) (*htt // The Request.Body can't reset back to the beginning, but we // don't seem to have started to read from it yet, so reuse - // the request directly. The "afterBodyWrite" means the - // bodyWrite process has started, which becomes true before - // the first Read. - if !afterBodyWrite { + // the request directly. + if err == errClientConnUnusable { return req, nil } @@ -559,6 +577,10 @@ func canRetryError(err error) bool { return true } if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + if se.Code == ErrCodeProtocol && se.Cause == errFromPeer { + // See golang/go#47635, golang/go#42777 + return true + } return se.Code == ErrCodeRefusedStream } return false @@ -633,14 +655,15 @@ func (t *Transport) newClientConn(c net.Conn, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, erro tconn: c, readerDone: make(chan struct{}), nextStreamID: 1, - maxFrameSize: 16 << 10, // spec default - initialWindowSize: 65535, // spec default - maxConcurrentStreams: 1000, // "infinite", per spec. 1000 seems good enough. - peerMaxHeaderListSize: 0xffffffffffffffff, // "infinite", per spec. Use 2^64-1 instead. + maxFrameSize: 16 << 10, // spec default + initialWindowSize: 65535, // spec default + maxConcurrentStreams: initialMaxConcurrentStreams, // "infinite", per spec. Use a smaller value until we have received server settings. + peerMaxHeaderListSize: 0xffffffffffffffff, // "infinite", per spec. Use 2^64-1 instead. streams: make(map[uint32]*clientStream), singleUse: singleUse, wantSettingsAck: true, pings: make(map[[8]byte]chan struct{}), + reqHeaderMu: make(chan struct{}, 1), } if d := t.idleConnTimeout(); d != 0 { cc.idleTimeout = d @@ -655,9 +678,16 @@ func (t *Transport) newClientConn(c net.Conn, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, erro // TODO: adjust this writer size to account for frame size + // MTU + crypto/tls record padding. - cc.bw = bufio.NewWriter(stickyErrWriter{c, &cc.werr}) + cc.bw = bufio.NewWriter(stickyErrWriter{ + conn: c, + timeout: t.WriteByteTimeout, + err: &cc.werr, + }) cc.br = bufio.NewReader(c) cc.fr = NewFramer(cc.bw, cc.br) + if t.CountError != nil { + cc.fr.countError = t.CountError + } cc.fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, nil) cc.fr.MaxHeaderListSize = t.maxHeaderListSize() @@ -705,11 +735,17 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) healthCheck() { err := cc.Ping(ctx) if err != nil { cc.closeForLostPing() - cc.t.connPool().MarkDead(cc) return } } +// SetDoNotReuse marks cc as not reusable for future HTTP requests. +func (cc *ClientConn) SetDoNotReuse() { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + cc.doNotReuse = true +} + func (cc *ClientConn) setGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) { cc.mu.Lock() defer cc.mu.Unlock() @@ -727,27 +763,94 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) setGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) { last := f.LastStreamID for streamID, cs := range cc.streams { if streamID > last { - select { - case cs.resc <- resAndError{err: errClientConnGotGoAway}: - default: - } + cs.abortStreamLocked(errClientConnGotGoAway) } } } // CanTakeNewRequest reports whether the connection can take a new request, // meaning it has not been closed or received or sent a GOAWAY. +// +// If the caller is going to immediately make a new request on this +// connection, use ReserveNewRequest instead. func (cc *ClientConn) CanTakeNewRequest() bool { cc.mu.Lock() defer cc.mu.Unlock() return cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked() } +// ReserveNewRequest is like CanTakeNewRequest but also reserves a +// concurrent stream in cc. The reservation is decremented on the +// next call to RoundTrip. +func (cc *ClientConn) ReserveNewRequest() bool { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + if st := cc.idleStateLocked(); !st.canTakeNewRequest { + return false + } + cc.streamsReserved++ + return true +} + +// ClientConnState describes the state of a ClientConn. +type ClientConnState struct { + // Closed is whether the connection is closed. + Closed bool + + // Closing is whether the connection is in the process of + // closing. It may be closing due to shutdown, being a + // single-use connection, being marked as DoNotReuse, or + // having received a GOAWAY frame. + Closing bool + + // StreamsActive is how many streams are active. + StreamsActive int + + // StreamsReserved is how many streams have been reserved via + // ClientConn.ReserveNewRequest. + StreamsReserved int + + // StreamsPending is how many requests have been sent in excess + // of the peer's advertised MaxConcurrentStreams setting and + // are waiting for other streams to complete. + StreamsPending int + + // MaxConcurrentStreams is how many concurrent streams the + // peer advertised as acceptable. Zero means no SETTINGS + // frame has been received yet. + MaxConcurrentStreams uint32 + + // LastIdle, if non-zero, is when the connection last + // transitioned to idle state. + LastIdle time.Time +} + +// State returns a snapshot of cc's state. +func (cc *ClientConn) State() ClientConnState { + cc.wmu.Lock() + maxConcurrent := cc.maxConcurrentStreams + if !cc.seenSettings { + maxConcurrent = 0 + } + cc.wmu.Unlock() + + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return ClientConnState{ + Closed: cc.closed, + Closing: cc.closing || cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.goAway != nil, + StreamsActive: len(cc.streams), + StreamsReserved: cc.streamsReserved, + StreamsPending: cc.pendingRequests, + LastIdle: cc.lastIdle, + MaxConcurrentStreams: maxConcurrent, + } +} + // clientConnIdleState describes the suitability of a client // connection to initiate a new RoundTrip request. type clientConnIdleState struct { canTakeNewRequest bool - freshConn bool // whether it's unused by any previous request } func (cc *ClientConn) idleState() clientConnIdleState { @@ -768,13 +871,13 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) idleStateLocked() (st clientConnIdleState) { // writing it. maxConcurrentOkay = true } else { - maxConcurrentOkay = int64(len(cc.streams)+1) < int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) + maxConcurrentOkay = int64(len(cc.streams)+cc.streamsReserved+1) <= int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) } st.canTakeNewRequest = cc.goAway == nil && !cc.closed && !cc.closing && maxConcurrentOkay && + !cc.doNotReuse && int64(cc.nextStreamID)+2*int64(cc.pendingRequests) < math.MaxInt32 && !cc.tooIdleLocked() - st.freshConn = cc.nextStreamID == 1 && st.canTakeNewRequest return } @@ -803,9 +906,27 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) onIdleTimeout() { cc.closeIfIdle() } +func (cc *ClientConn) closeConn() error { + t := time.AfterFunc(250*time.Millisecond, cc.forceCloseConn) + defer t.Stop() + return cc.tconn.Close() +} + +// A tls.Conn.Close can hang for a long time if the peer is unresponsive. +// Try to shut it down more aggressively. +func (cc *ClientConn) forceCloseConn() { + tc, ok := cc.tconn.(*tls.Conn) + if !ok { + return + } + if nc := tlsUnderlyingConn(tc); nc != nil { + nc.Close() + } +} + func (cc *ClientConn) closeIfIdle() { cc.mu.Lock() - if len(cc.streams) > 0 { + if len(cc.streams) > 0 || cc.streamsReserved > 0 { cc.mu.Unlock() return } @@ -817,18 +938,24 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) closeIfIdle() { if VerboseLogs { cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", cc, cc.singleUse, nextID-2) } - cc.tconn.Close() + cc.closeConn() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) isDoNotReuseAndIdle() bool { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.doNotReuse && len(cc.streams) == 0 } var shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = func() {} -// Shutdown gracefully close the client connection, waiting for running streams to complete. +// Shutdown gracefully closes the client connection, waiting for running streams to complete. func (cc *ClientConn) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { if err := cc.sendGoAway(); err != nil { return err } // Wait for all in-flight streams to complete or connection to close - done := make(chan error, 1) + done := make(chan struct{}) cancelled := false // guarded by cc.mu go func() { cc.mu.Lock() @@ -836,7 +963,7 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { for { if len(cc.streams) == 0 || cc.closed { cc.closed = true - done <- cc.tconn.Close() + close(done) break } if cancelled { @@ -847,8 +974,8 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { }() shutdownEnterWaitStateHook() select { - case err := <-done: - return err + case <-done: + return cc.closeConn() case <-ctx.Done(): cc.mu.Lock() // Free the goroutine above @@ -861,15 +988,18 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { func (cc *ClientConn) sendGoAway() error { cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - cc.wmu.Lock() - defer cc.wmu.Unlock() - if cc.closing { + closing := cc.closing + cc.closing = true + maxStreamID := cc.nextStreamID + cc.mu.Unlock() + if closing { // GOAWAY sent already return nil } + + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() // Send a graceful shutdown frame to server - maxStreamID := cc.nextStreamID if err := cc.fr.WriteGoAway(maxStreamID, ErrCodeNo, nil); err != nil { return err } @@ -877,7 +1007,6 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) sendGoAway() error { return err } // Prevent new requests - cc.closing = true return nil } @@ -885,18 +1014,13 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) sendGoAway() error { // err is sent to streams. func (cc *ClientConn) closeForError(err error) error { cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.cond.Broadcast() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - for id, cs := range cc.streams { - select { - case cs.resc <- resAndError{err: err}: - default: - } - cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) - delete(cc.streams, id) - } cc.closed = true - return cc.tconn.Close() + for _, cs := range cc.streams { + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) + } + cc.cond.Broadcast() + cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.closeConn() } // Close closes the client connection immediately. @@ -910,47 +1034,10 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Close() error { // closes the client connection immediately. In-flight requests are interrupted. func (cc *ClientConn) closeForLostPing() error { err := errors.New("http2: client connection lost") - return cc.closeForError(err) -} - -const maxAllocFrameSize = 512 << 10 - -// frameBuffer returns a scratch buffer suitable for writing DATA frames. -// They're capped at the min of the peer's max frame size or 512KB -// (kinda arbitrarily), but definitely capped so we don't allocate 4GB -// bufers. -func (cc *ClientConn) frameScratchBuffer() []byte { - cc.mu.Lock() - size := cc.maxFrameSize - if size > maxAllocFrameSize { - size = maxAllocFrameSize - } - for i, buf := range cc.freeBuf { - if len(buf) >= int(size) { - cc.freeBuf[i] = nil - cc.mu.Unlock() - return buf[:size] - } - } - cc.mu.Unlock() - return make([]byte, size) -} - -func (cc *ClientConn) putFrameScratchBuffer(buf []byte) { - cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - const maxBufs = 4 // arbitrary; 4 concurrent requests per conn? investigate. - if len(cc.freeBuf) < maxBufs { - cc.freeBuf = append(cc.freeBuf, buf) - return - } - for i, old := range cc.freeBuf { - if old == nil { - cc.freeBuf[i] = buf - return - } + if f := cc.t.CountError; f != nil { + f("conn_close_lost_ping") } - // forget about it. + return cc.closeForError(err) } // errRequestCanceled is a copy of net/http's errRequestCanceled because it's not @@ -1014,41 +1101,158 @@ func actualContentLength(req *http.Request) int64 { return -1 } +func (cc *ClientConn) decrStreamReservations() { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) decrStreamReservationsLocked() { + if cc.streamsReserved > 0 { + cc.streamsReserved-- + } +} + func (cc *ClientConn) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - resp, _, err := cc.roundTrip(req) - return resp, err + ctx := req.Context() + cs := &clientStream{ + cc: cc, + ctx: ctx, + reqCancel: req.Cancel, + isHead: req.Method == "HEAD", + reqBody: req.Body, + reqBodyContentLength: actualContentLength(req), + trace: httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx), + peerClosed: make(chan struct{}), + abort: make(chan struct{}), + respHeaderRecv: make(chan struct{}), + donec: make(chan struct{}), + } + go cs.doRequest(req) + + waitDone := func() error { + select { + case <-cs.donec: + return nil + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + } + } + + handleResponseHeaders := func() (*http.Response, error) { + res := cs.res + if res.StatusCode > 299 { + // On error or status code 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, etc abort any + // ongoing write, assuming that the server doesn't care + // about our request body. If the server replied with 1xx or + // 2xx, however, then assume the server DOES potentially + // want our body (e.g. full-duplex streaming: + // golang.org/issue/13444). If it turns out the server + // doesn't, they'll RST_STREAM us soon enough. This is a + // heuristic to avoid adding knobs to Transport. Hopefully + // we can keep it. + cs.abortRequestBodyWrite() + } + res.Request = req + res.TLS = cc.tlsState + if res.Body == noBody && actualContentLength(req) == 0 { + // If there isn't a request or response body still being + // written, then wait for the stream to be closed before + // RoundTrip returns. + if err := waitDone(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return res, nil + } + + for { + select { + case <-cs.respHeaderRecv: + return handleResponseHeaders() + case <-cs.abort: + select { + case <-cs.respHeaderRecv: + // If both cs.respHeaderRecv and cs.abort are signaling, + // pick respHeaderRecv. The server probably wrote the + // response and immediately reset the stream. + // golang.org/issue/49645 + return handleResponseHeaders() + default: + waitDone() + return nil, cs.abortErr + } + case <-ctx.Done(): + err := ctx.Err() + cs.abortStream(err) + return nil, err + case <-cs.reqCancel: + cs.abortStream(errRequestCanceled) + return nil, errRequestCanceled + } + } } -func (cc *ClientConn) roundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, gotErrAfterReqBodyWrite bool, err error) { +// doRequest runs for the duration of the request lifetime. +// +// It sends the request and performs post-request cleanup (closing Request.Body, etc.). +func (cs *clientStream) doRequest(req *http.Request) { + err := cs.writeRequest(req) + cs.cleanupWriteRequest(err) +} + +// writeRequest sends a request. +// +// It returns nil after the request is written, the response read, +// and the request stream is half-closed by the peer. +// +// It returns non-nil if the request ends otherwise. +// If the returned error is StreamError, the error Code may be used in resetting the stream. +func (cs *clientStream) writeRequest(req *http.Request) (err error) { + cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx + if err := checkConnHeaders(req); err != nil { - return nil, false, err - } - if cc.idleTimer != nil { - cc.idleTimer.Stop() + return err } - trailers, err := commaSeparatedTrailers(req) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, err + // Acquire the new-request lock by writing to reqHeaderMu. + // This lock guards the critical section covering allocating a new stream ID + // (requires mu) and creating the stream (requires wmu). + if cc.reqHeaderMu == nil { + panic("RoundTrip on uninitialized ClientConn") // for tests + } + select { + case cc.reqHeaderMu <- struct{}{}: + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() } - hasTrailers := trailers != "" cc.mu.Lock() - if err := cc.awaitOpenSlotForRequest(req); err != nil { + if cc.idleTimer != nil { + cc.idleTimer.Stop() + } + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked() + if err := cc.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs); err != nil { cc.mu.Unlock() - return nil, false, err + <-cc.reqHeaderMu + return err } - - body := req.Body - contentLen := actualContentLength(req) - hasBody := contentLen != 0 + cc.addStreamLocked(cs) // assigns stream ID + if isConnectionCloseRequest(req) { + cc.doNotReuse = true + } + cc.mu.Unlock() // TODO(bradfitz): this is a copy of the logic in net/http. Unify somewhere? - var requestedGzip bool if !cc.t.disableCompression() && req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding") == "" && req.Header.Get("Range") == "" && - req.Method != "HEAD" { + !cs.isHead { // Request gzip only, not deflate. Deflate is ambiguous and // not as universally supported anyway. // See: https://zlib.net/zlib_faq.html#faq39 @@ -1061,195 +1265,224 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) roundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, gotErrAf // We don't request gzip if the request is for a range, since // auto-decoding a portion of a gzipped document will just fail // anyway. See https://golang.org/issue/8923 - requestedGzip = true + cs.requestedGzip = true } - // we send: HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,} + DATA{0,} (DATA is - // sent by writeRequestBody below, along with any Trailers, - // again in form HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,}) - hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(req, requestedGzip, trailers, contentLen) - if err != nil { - cc.mu.Unlock() - return nil, false, err + continueTimeout := cc.t.expectContinueTimeout() + if continueTimeout != 0 { + if !httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(req.Header["Expect"], "100-continue") { + continueTimeout = 0 + } else { + cs.on100 = make(chan struct{}, 1) + } } - cs := cc.newStream() - cs.req = req - cs.trace = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) - cs.requestedGzip = requestedGzip - bodyWriter := cc.t.getBodyWriterState(cs, body) - cs.on100 = bodyWriter.on100 + // Past this point (where we send request headers), it is possible for + // RoundTrip to return successfully. Since the RoundTrip contract permits + // the caller to "mutate or reuse" the Request after closing the Response's Body, + // we must take care when referencing the Request from here on. + err = cs.encodeAndWriteHeaders(req) + <-cc.reqHeaderMu + if err != nil { + return err + } - defer func() { - cc.wmu.Lock() - werr := cc.werr - cc.wmu.Unlock() - if werr != nil { - cc.Close() + hasBody := cs.reqBodyContentLength != 0 + if !hasBody { + cs.sentEndStream = true + } else { + if continueTimeout != 0 { + traceWait100Continue(cs.trace) + timer := time.NewTimer(continueTimeout) + select { + case <-timer.C: + err = nil + case <-cs.on100: + err = nil + case <-cs.abort: + err = cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + err = ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + err = errRequestCanceled + } + timer.Stop() + if err != nil { + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + return err + } } - }() - cc.wmu.Lock() - endStream := !hasBody && !hasTrailers - werr := cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, endStream, int(cc.maxFrameSize), hdrs) - cc.wmu.Unlock() - traceWroteHeaders(cs.trace) - cc.mu.Unlock() - - if werr != nil { - if hasBody { - req.Body.Close() // per RoundTripper contract - bodyWriter.cancel() + if err = cs.writeRequestBody(req); err != nil { + if err != errStopReqBodyWrite { + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + return err + } + } else { + cs.sentEndStream = true } - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - // Don't bother sending a RST_STREAM (our write already failed; - // no need to keep writing) - traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, werr) - return nil, false, werr } + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + var respHeaderTimer <-chan time.Time - if hasBody { - bodyWriter.scheduleBodyWrite() - } else { - traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, nil) - if d := cc.responseHeaderTimeout(); d != 0 { - timer := time.NewTimer(d) - defer timer.Stop() - respHeaderTimer = timer.C + var respHeaderRecv chan struct{} + if d := cc.responseHeaderTimeout(); d != 0 { + timer := time.NewTimer(d) + defer timer.Stop() + respHeaderTimer = timer.C + respHeaderRecv = cs.respHeaderRecv + } + // Wait until the peer half-closes its end of the stream, + // or until the request is aborted (via context, error, or otherwise), + // whichever comes first. + for { + select { + case <-cs.peerClosed: + return nil + case <-respHeaderTimer: + return errTimeout + case <-respHeaderRecv: + respHeaderRecv = nil + respHeaderTimer = nil // keep waiting for END_STREAM + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled } } +} - readLoopResCh := cs.resc - bodyWritten := false - ctx := req.Context() +func (cs *clientStream) encodeAndWriteHeaders(req *http.Request) error { + cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx - handleReadLoopResponse := func(re resAndError) (*http.Response, bool, error) { - res := re.res - if re.err != nil || res.StatusCode > 299 { - // On error or status code 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, etc abort any - // ongoing write, assuming that the server doesn't care - // about our request body. If the server replied with 1xx or - // 2xx, however, then assume the server DOES potentially - // want our body (e.g. full-duplex streaming: - // golang.org/issue/13444). If it turns out the server - // doesn't, they'll RST_STREAM us soon enough. This is a - // heuristic to avoid adding knobs to Transport. Hopefully - // we can keep it. - bodyWriter.cancel() - cs.abortRequestBodyWrite(errStopReqBodyWrite) - if hasBody && !bodyWritten { - <-bodyWriter.resc - } - } - if re.err != nil { - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), re.err - } - res.Request = req - res.TLS = cc.tlsState - return res, false, nil + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + + // If the request was canceled while waiting for cc.mu, just quit. + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + default: } - for { + // Encode headers. + // + // we send: HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,} + DATA{0,} (DATA is + // sent by writeRequestBody below, along with any Trailers, + // again in form HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,}) + trailers, err := commaSeparatedTrailers(req) + if err != nil { + return err + } + hasTrailers := trailers != "" + contentLen := actualContentLength(req) + hasBody := contentLen != 0 + hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(req, cs.requestedGzip, trailers, contentLen) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Write the request. + endStream := !hasBody && !hasTrailers + cs.sentHeaders = true + err = cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, endStream, int(cc.maxFrameSize), hdrs) + traceWroteHeaders(cs.trace) + return err +} + +// cleanupWriteRequest performs post-request tasks. +// +// If err (the result of writeRequest) is non-nil and the stream is not closed, +// cleanupWriteRequest will send a reset to the peer. +func (cs *clientStream) cleanupWriteRequest(err error) { + cc := cs.cc + + if cs.ID == 0 { + // We were canceled before creating the stream, so return our reservation. + cc.decrStreamReservations() + } + + // TODO: write h12Compare test showing whether + // Request.Body is closed by the Transport, + // and in multiple cases: server replies <=299 and >299 + // while still writing request body + cc.mu.Lock() + bodyClosed := cs.reqBodyClosed + cs.reqBodyClosed = true + cc.mu.Unlock() + if !bodyClosed && cs.reqBody != nil { + cs.reqBody.Close() + } + + if err != nil && cs.sentEndStream { + // If the connection is closed immediately after the response is read, + // we may be aborted before finishing up here. If the stream was closed + // cleanly on both sides, there is no error. select { - case re := <-readLoopResCh: - return handleReadLoopResponse(re) - case <-respHeaderTimer: - if !hasBody || bodyWritten { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, nil) - } else { - bodyWriter.cancel() - cs.abortRequestBodyWrite(errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel) - <-bodyWriter.resc - } - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), errTimeout - case <-ctx.Done(): - if !hasBody || bodyWritten { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, nil) - } else { - bodyWriter.cancel() - cs.abortRequestBodyWrite(errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel) - <-bodyWriter.resc - } - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), ctx.Err() - case <-req.Cancel: - if !hasBody || bodyWritten { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, nil) - } else { - bodyWriter.cancel() - cs.abortRequestBodyWrite(errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel) - <-bodyWriter.resc - } - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), errRequestCanceled - case <-cs.peerReset: - // processResetStream already removed the - // stream from the streams map; no need for - // forgetStreamID. - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), cs.resetErr - case err := <-bodyWriter.resc: - bodyWritten = true - // Prefer the read loop's response, if available. Issue 16102. - select { - case re := <-readLoopResCh: - return handleReadLoopResponse(re) - default: - } - if err != nil { - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return nil, cs.getStartedWrite(), err - } - if d := cc.responseHeaderTimeout(); d != 0 { - timer := time.NewTimer(d) - defer timer.Stop() - respHeaderTimer = timer.C + case <-cs.peerClosed: + err = nil + default: + } + } + if err != nil { + cs.abortStream(err) // possibly redundant, but harmless + if cs.sentHeaders { + if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + if se.Cause != errFromPeer { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, se.Code, err) + } + } else { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, err) } } + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) // no-op if already closed + } else { + if cs.sentHeaders && !cs.sentEndStream { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeNo, nil) + } + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(errRequestCanceled) + } + if cs.ID != 0 { + cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) + } + + cc.wmu.Lock() + werr := cc.werr + cc.wmu.Unlock() + if werr != nil { + cc.Close() } + + close(cs.donec) } -// awaitOpenSlotForRequest waits until len(streams) < maxConcurrentStreams. +// awaitOpenSlotForStream waits until len(streams) < maxConcurrentStreams. // Must hold cc.mu. -func (cc *ClientConn) awaitOpenSlotForRequest(req *http.Request) error { - var waitingForConn chan struct{} - var waitingForConnErr error // guarded by cc.mu +func (cc *ClientConn) awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs *clientStream) error { for { cc.lastActive = time.Now() if cc.closed || !cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked() { - if waitingForConn != nil { - close(waitingForConn) - } return errClientConnUnusable } cc.lastIdle = time.Time{} - if int64(len(cc.streams))+1 <= int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) { - if waitingForConn != nil { - close(waitingForConn) - } + if int64(len(cc.streams)) < int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) { return nil } - // Unfortunately, we cannot wait on a condition variable and channel at - // the same time, so instead, we spin up a goroutine to check if the - // request is canceled while we wait for a slot to open in the connection. - if waitingForConn == nil { - waitingForConn = make(chan struct{}) - go func() { - if err := awaitRequestCancel(req, waitingForConn); err != nil { - cc.mu.Lock() - waitingForConnErr = err - cc.cond.Broadcast() - cc.mu.Unlock() - } - }() - } cc.pendingRequests++ cc.cond.Wait() cc.pendingRequests-- - if waitingForConnErr != nil { - return waitingForConnErr + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + default: } } } @@ -1276,10 +1509,6 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) writeHeaders(streamID uint32, endStream bool, maxFrameSize cc.fr.WriteContinuation(streamID, endHeaders, chunk) } } - // TODO(bradfitz): this Flush could potentially block (as - // could the WriteHeaders call(s) above), which means they - // wouldn't respond to Request.Cancel being readable. That's - // rare, but this should probably be in a goroutine. cc.bw.Flush() return cc.werr } @@ -1295,32 +1524,59 @@ var ( errReqBodyTooLong = errors.New("http2: request body larger than specified content length") ) -func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(body io.Reader, bodyCloser io.Closer) (err error) { +// frameScratchBufferLen returns the length of a buffer to use for +// outgoing request bodies to read/write to/from. +// +// It returns max(1, min(peer's advertised max frame size, +// Request.ContentLength+1, 512KB)). +func (cs *clientStream) frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize int) int { + const max = 512 << 10 + n := int64(maxFrameSize) + if n > max { + n = max + } + if cl := cs.reqBodyContentLength; cl != -1 && cl+1 < n { + // Add an extra byte past the declared content-length to + // give the caller's Request.Body io.Reader a chance to + // give us more bytes than they declared, so we can catch it + // early. + n = cl + 1 + } + if n < 1 { + return 1 + } + return int(n) // doesn't truncate; max is 512K +} + +var bufPool sync.Pool // of *[]byte + +func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(req *http.Request) (err error) { cc := cs.cc + body := cs.reqBody sentEnd := false // whether we sent the final DATA frame w/ END_STREAM - buf := cc.frameScratchBuffer() - defer cc.putFrameScratchBuffer(buf) - - defer func() { - traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) - // TODO: write h12Compare test showing whether - // Request.Body is closed by the Transport, - // and in multiple cases: server replies <=299 and >299 - // while still writing request body - cerr := bodyCloser.Close() - if err == nil { - err = cerr - } - }() - req := cs.req hasTrailers := req.Trailer != nil - remainLen := actualContentLength(req) + remainLen := cs.reqBodyContentLength hasContentLen := remainLen != -1 + cc.mu.Lock() + maxFrameSize := int(cc.maxFrameSize) + cc.mu.Unlock() + + // Scratch buffer for reading into & writing from. + scratchLen := cs.frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize) + var buf []byte + if bp, ok := bufPool.Get().(*[]byte); ok && len(*bp) >= scratchLen { + defer bufPool.Put(bp) + buf = *bp + } else { + buf = make([]byte, scratchLen) + defer bufPool.Put(&buf) + } + var sawEOF bool for !sawEOF { - n, err := body.Read(buf[:len(buf)-1]) + n, err := body.Read(buf[:len(buf)]) if hasContentLen { remainLen -= int64(n) if remainLen == 0 && err == nil { @@ -1331,35 +1587,36 @@ func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(body io.Reader, bodyCloser io.Closer) ( // to send the END_STREAM bit early, double-check that we're actually // at EOF. Subsequent reads should return (0, EOF) at this point. // If either value is different, we return an error in one of two ways below. + var scratch [1]byte var n1 int - n1, err = body.Read(buf[n:]) + n1, err = body.Read(scratch[:]) remainLen -= int64(n1) } if remainLen < 0 { err = errReqBodyTooLong - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, err) return err } } - if err == io.EOF { - sawEOF = true - err = nil - } else if err != nil { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, err) - return err + if err != nil { + cc.mu.Lock() + bodyClosed := cs.reqBodyClosed + cc.mu.Unlock() + switch { + case bodyClosed: + return errStopReqBodyWrite + case err == io.EOF: + sawEOF = true + err = nil + default: + return err + } } remain := buf[:n] for len(remain) > 0 && err == nil { var allowed int32 allowed, err = cs.awaitFlowControl(len(remain)) - switch { - case err == errStopReqBodyWrite: - return err - case err == errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel: - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, nil) - return err - case err != nil: + if err != nil { return err } cc.wmu.Lock() @@ -1390,24 +1647,26 @@ func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(body io.Reader, bodyCloser io.Closer) ( return nil } - var trls []byte - if hasTrailers { - cc.mu.Lock() - trls, err = cc.encodeTrailers(req) - cc.mu.Unlock() - if err != nil { - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeInternal, err) - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - return err - } - } - + // Since the RoundTrip contract permits the caller to "mutate or reuse" + // a request after the Response's Body is closed, verify that this hasn't + // happened before accessing the trailers. cc.mu.Lock() - maxFrameSize := int(cc.maxFrameSize) + trailer := req.Trailer + err = cs.abortErr cc.mu.Unlock() + if err != nil { + return err + } cc.wmu.Lock() defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + var trls []byte + if len(trailer) > 0 { + trls, err = cc.encodeTrailers(trailer) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } // Two ways to send END_STREAM: either with trailers, or // with an empty DATA frame. @@ -1428,17 +1687,24 @@ func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(body io.Reader, bodyCloser io.Closer) ( // if the stream is dead. func (cs *clientStream) awaitFlowControl(maxBytes int) (taken int32, err error) { cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx cc.mu.Lock() defer cc.mu.Unlock() for { if cc.closed { return 0, errClientConnClosed } - if cs.stopReqBody != nil { - return 0, cs.stopReqBody + if cs.reqBodyClosed { + return 0, errStopReqBodyWrite } - if err := cs.checkResetOrDone(); err != nil { - return 0, err + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return 0, cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return 0, ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return 0, errRequestCanceled + default: } if a := cs.flow.available(); a > 0 { take := a @@ -1456,9 +1722,14 @@ func (cs *clientStream) awaitFlowControl(maxBytes int) (taken int32, err error) } } -// requires cc.mu be held. +var errNilRequestURL = errors.New("http2: Request.URI is nil") + +// requires cc.wmu be held. func (cc *ClientConn) encodeHeaders(req *http.Request, addGzipHeader bool, trailers string, contentLength int64) ([]byte, error) { cc.hbuf.Reset() + if req.URL == nil { + return nil, errNilRequestURL + } host := req.Host if host == "" { @@ -1644,12 +1915,12 @@ func shouldSendReqContentLength(method string, contentLength int64) bool { } } -// requires cc.mu be held. -func (cc *ClientConn) encodeTrailers(req *http.Request) ([]byte, error) { +// requires cc.wmu be held. +func (cc *ClientConn) encodeTrailers(trailer http.Header) ([]byte, error) { cc.hbuf.Reset() hlSize := uint64(0) - for k, vv := range req.Trailer { + for k, vv := range trailer { for _, v := range vv { hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: v} hlSize += uint64(hf.Size()) @@ -1659,7 +1930,7 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) encodeTrailers(req *http.Request) ([]byte, error) { return nil, errRequestHeaderListSize } - for k, vv := range req.Trailer { + for k, vv := range trailer { lowKey, ascii := asciiToLower(k) if !ascii { // Skip writing invalid headers. Per RFC 7540, Section 8.1.2, header @@ -1689,51 +1960,51 @@ type resAndError struct { } // requires cc.mu be held. -func (cc *ClientConn) newStream() *clientStream { - cs := &clientStream{ - cc: cc, - ID: cc.nextStreamID, - resc: make(chan resAndError, 1), - peerReset: make(chan struct{}), - done: make(chan struct{}), - } +func (cc *ClientConn) addStreamLocked(cs *clientStream) { cs.flow.add(int32(cc.initialWindowSize)) cs.flow.setConnFlow(&cc.flow) cs.inflow.add(transportDefaultStreamFlow) cs.inflow.setConnFlow(&cc.inflow) + cs.ID = cc.nextStreamID cc.nextStreamID += 2 cc.streams[cs.ID] = cs - return cs + if cs.ID == 0 { + panic("assigned stream ID 0") + } } func (cc *ClientConn) forgetStreamID(id uint32) { - cc.streamByID(id, true) -} - -func (cc *ClientConn) streamByID(id uint32, andRemove bool) *clientStream { cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - cs := cc.streams[id] - if andRemove && cs != nil && !cc.closed { - cc.lastActive = time.Now() - delete(cc.streams, id) - if len(cc.streams) == 0 && cc.idleTimer != nil { - cc.idleTimer.Reset(cc.idleTimeout) - cc.lastIdle = time.Now() - } - close(cs.done) - // Wake up checkResetOrDone via clientStream.awaitFlowControl and - // wake up RoundTrip if there is a pending request. - cc.cond.Broadcast() + slen := len(cc.streams) + delete(cc.streams, id) + if len(cc.streams) != slen-1 { + panic("forgetting unknown stream id") + } + cc.lastActive = time.Now() + if len(cc.streams) == 0 && cc.idleTimer != nil { + cc.idleTimer.Reset(cc.idleTimeout) + cc.lastIdle = time.Now() + } + // Wake up writeRequestBody via clientStream.awaitFlowControl and + // wake up RoundTrip if there is a pending request. + cc.cond.Broadcast() + + closeOnIdle := cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.t.disableKeepAlives() + if closeOnIdle && cc.streamsReserved == 0 && len(cc.streams) == 0 { + if VerboseLogs { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", cc, cc.singleUse, cc.nextStreamID-2) + } + cc.closed = true + defer cc.closeConn() } - return cs + + cc.mu.Unlock() } // clientConnReadLoop is the state owned by the clientConn's frame-reading readLoop. type clientConnReadLoop struct { - _ incomparable - cc *ClientConn - closeWhenIdle bool + _ incomparable + cc *ClientConn } // readLoop runs in its own goroutine and reads and dispatches frames. @@ -1771,8 +2042,8 @@ func isEOFOrNetReadError(err error) bool { func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) cleanup() { cc := rl.cc - defer cc.tconn.Close() - defer cc.t.connPool().MarkDead(cc) + cc.t.connPool().MarkDead(cc) + defer cc.closeConn() defer close(cc.readerDone) if cc.idleTimer != nil { @@ -1793,23 +2064,49 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) cleanup() { } else if err == io.EOF { err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF } + cc.closed = true for _, cs := range cc.streams { - cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) // no-op if already closed select { - case cs.resc <- resAndError{err: err}: + case <-cs.peerClosed: + // The server closed the stream before closing the conn, + // so no need to interrupt it. default: + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) } - close(cs.done) } - cc.closed = true cc.cond.Broadcast() cc.mu.Unlock() } +// countReadFrameError calls Transport.CountError with a string +// representing err. +func (cc *ClientConn) countReadFrameError(err error) { + f := cc.t.CountError + if f == nil || err == nil { + return + } + if ce, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok { + errCode := ErrCode(ce) + f(fmt.Sprintf("read_frame_conn_error_%s", errCode.stringToken())) + return + } + if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + f("read_frame_eof") + return + } + if errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) { + f("read_frame_unexpected_eof") + return + } + if errors.Is(err, ErrFrameTooLarge) { + f("read_frame_too_large") + return + } + f("read_frame_other") +} + func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { cc := rl.cc - rl.closeWhenIdle = cc.t.disableKeepAlives() || cc.singleUse - gotReply := false // ever saw a HEADERS reply gotSettings := false readIdleTimeout := cc.t.ReadIdleTimeout var t *time.Timer @@ -1826,9 +2123,7 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { cc.vlogf("http2: Transport readFrame error on conn %p: (%T) %v", cc, err, err) } if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { - if cs := cc.streamByID(se.StreamID, false); cs != nil { - cs.cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, se.Code, err) - cs.cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) + if cs := rl.streamByID(se.StreamID); cs != nil { if se.Cause == nil { se.Cause = cc.fr.errDetail } @@ -1836,6 +2131,7 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { } continue } else if err != nil { + cc.countReadFrameError(err) return err } if VerboseLogs { @@ -1848,22 +2144,16 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { } gotSettings = true } - maybeIdle := false // whether frame might transition us to idle switch f := f.(type) { case *MetaHeadersFrame: err = rl.processHeaders(f) - maybeIdle = true - gotReply = true case *DataFrame: err = rl.processData(f) - maybeIdle = true case *GoAwayFrame: err = rl.processGoAway(f) - maybeIdle = true case *RSTStreamFrame: err = rl.processResetStream(f) - maybeIdle = true case *SettingsFrame: err = rl.processSettings(f) case *PushPromiseFrame: @@ -1881,38 +2171,24 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { } return err } - if rl.closeWhenIdle && gotReply && maybeIdle { - cc.closeIfIdle() - } } } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { - cc := rl.cc - cs := cc.streamByID(f.StreamID, false) + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) if cs == nil { // We'd get here if we canceled a request while the // server had its response still in flight. So if this // was just something we canceled, ignore it. return nil } - if f.StreamEnded() { - // Issue 20521: If the stream has ended, streamByID() causes - // clientStream.done to be closed, which causes the request's bodyWriter - // to be closed with an errStreamClosed, which may be received by - // clientConn.RoundTrip before the result of processing these headers. - // Deferring stream closure allows the header processing to occur first. - // clientConn.RoundTrip may still receive the bodyWriter error first, but - // the fix for issue 16102 prioritises any response. - // - // Issue 22413: If there is no request body, we should close the - // stream before writing to cs.resc so that the stream is closed - // immediately once RoundTrip returns. - if cs.req.Body != nil { - defer cc.forgetStreamID(f.StreamID) - } else { - cc.forgetStreamID(f.StreamID) - } + if cs.readClosed { + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + Cause: errors.New("protocol error: headers after END_STREAM"), + }) + return nil } if !cs.firstByte { if cs.trace != nil { @@ -1936,9 +2212,11 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { return err } // Any other error type is a stream error. - cs.cc.writeStreamReset(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol, err) - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) - cs.resc <- resAndError{err: err} + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + Cause: err, + }) return nil // return nil from process* funcs to keep conn alive } if res == nil { @@ -1946,7 +2224,11 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { return nil } cs.resTrailer = &res.Trailer - cs.resc <- resAndError{res: res} + cs.res = res + close(cs.respHeaderRecv) + if f.StreamEnded() { + rl.endStream(cs) + } return nil } @@ -2008,6 +2290,9 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) handleResponse(cs *clientStream, f *MetaHeadersFra } if statusCode >= 100 && statusCode <= 199 { + if f.StreamEnded() { + return nil, errors.New("1xx informational response with END_STREAM flag") + } cs.num1xx++ const max1xxResponses = 5 // arbitrary bound on number of informational responses, same as net/http if cs.num1xx > max1xxResponses { @@ -2020,42 +2305,49 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) handleResponse(cs *clientStream, f *MetaHeadersFra } if statusCode == 100 { traceGot100Continue(cs.trace) - if cs.on100 != nil { - cs.on100() // forces any write delay timer to fire + select { + case cs.on100 <- struct{}{}: + default: } } cs.pastHeaders = false // do it all again return nil, nil } - streamEnded := f.StreamEnded() - isHead := cs.req.Method == "HEAD" - if !streamEnded || isHead { - res.ContentLength = -1 - if clens := res.Header["Content-Length"]; len(clens) == 1 { - if cl, err := strconv.ParseUint(clens[0], 10, 63); err == nil { - res.ContentLength = int64(cl) - } else { - // TODO: care? unlike http/1, it won't mess up our framing, so it's - // more safe smuggling-wise to ignore. - } - } else if len(clens) > 1 { + res.ContentLength = -1 + if clens := res.Header["Content-Length"]; len(clens) == 1 { + if cl, err := strconv.ParseUint(clens[0], 10, 63); err == nil { + res.ContentLength = int64(cl) + } else { // TODO: care? unlike http/1, it won't mess up our framing, so it's // more safe smuggling-wise to ignore. } + } else if len(clens) > 1 { + // TODO: care? unlike http/1, it won't mess up our framing, so it's + // more safe smuggling-wise to ignore. + } else if f.StreamEnded() && !cs.isHead { + res.ContentLength = 0 } - if streamEnded || isHead { + if cs.isHead { res.Body = noBody return res, nil } - cs.bufPipe = pipe{b: &dataBuffer{expected: res.ContentLength}} + if f.StreamEnded() { + if res.ContentLength > 0 { + res.Body = missingBody{} + } else { + res.Body = noBody + } + return res, nil + } + + cs.bufPipe.setBuffer(&dataBuffer{expected: res.ContentLength}) cs.bytesRemain = res.ContentLength res.Body = transportResponseBody{cs} - go cs.awaitRequestCancel(cs.req) - if cs.requestedGzip && res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip" { + if cs.requestedGzip && asciiEqualFold(res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"), "gzip") { res.Header.Del("Content-Encoding") res.Header.Del("Content-Length") res.ContentLength = -1 @@ -2094,8 +2386,7 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processTrailers(cs *clientStream, f *MetaHeadersFr } // transportResponseBody is the concrete type of Transport.RoundTrip's -// Response.Body. It is an io.ReadCloser. On Read, it reads from cs.body. -// On Close it sends RST_STREAM if EOF wasn't already seen. +// Response.Body. It is an io.ReadCloser. type transportResponseBody struct { cs *clientStream } @@ -2113,7 +2404,7 @@ func (b transportResponseBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { n = int(cs.bytesRemain) if err == nil { err = errors.New("net/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncated") - cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeProtocol, err) + cs.abortStream(err) } cs.readErr = err return int(cs.bytesRemain), err @@ -2131,8 +2422,6 @@ func (b transportResponseBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { } cc.mu.Lock() - defer cc.mu.Unlock() - var connAdd, streamAdd int32 // Check the conn-level first, before the stream-level. if v := cc.inflow.available(); v < transportDefaultConnFlow/2 { @@ -2149,6 +2438,8 @@ func (b transportResponseBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { cs.inflow.add(streamAdd) } } + cc.mu.Unlock() + if connAdd != 0 || streamAdd != 0 { cc.wmu.Lock() defer cc.wmu.Unlock() @@ -2169,34 +2460,45 @@ func (b transportResponseBody) Close() error { cs := b.cs cc := cs.cc - serverSentStreamEnd := cs.bufPipe.Err() == io.EOF unread := cs.bufPipe.Len() - - if unread > 0 || !serverSentStreamEnd { + if unread > 0 { cc.mu.Lock() - cc.wmu.Lock() - if !serverSentStreamEnd { - cc.fr.WriteRSTStream(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel) - cs.didReset = true - } // Return connection-level flow control. if unread > 0 { cc.inflow.add(int32(unread)) + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + // TODO(dneil): Acquiring this mutex can block indefinitely. + // Move flow control return to a goroutine? + cc.wmu.Lock() + // Return connection-level flow control. + if unread > 0 { cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, uint32(unread)) } cc.bw.Flush() cc.wmu.Unlock() - cc.mu.Unlock() } cs.bufPipe.BreakWithError(errClosedResponseBody) - cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) + cs.abortStream(errClosedResponseBody) + + select { + case <-cs.donec: + case <-cs.ctx.Done(): + // See golang/go#49366: The net/http package can cancel the + // request context after the response body is fully read. + // Don't treat this as an error. + return nil + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + } return nil } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { cc := rl.cc - cs := cc.streamByID(f.StreamID, f.StreamEnded()) + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) data := f.Data() if cs == nil { cc.mu.Lock() @@ -2225,6 +2527,14 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { } return nil } + if cs.readClosed { + cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA after END_STREAM") + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + }) + return nil + } if !cs.firstByte { cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA before a HEADERS frame") rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ @@ -2234,7 +2544,7 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { return nil } if f.Length > 0 { - if cs.req.Method == "HEAD" && len(data) > 0 { + if cs.isHead && len(data) > 0 { cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA on a HEAD request") rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ StreamID: f.StreamID, @@ -2256,30 +2566,39 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { if pad := int(f.Length) - len(data); pad > 0 { refund += pad } - // Return len(data) now if the stream is already closed, - // since data will never be read. - didReset := cs.didReset - if didReset { - refund += len(data) + + didReset := false + var err error + if len(data) > 0 { + if _, err = cs.bufPipe.Write(data); err != nil { + // Return len(data) now if the stream is already closed, + // since data will never be read. + didReset = true + refund += len(data) + } } + if refund > 0 { cc.inflow.add(int32(refund)) + if !didReset { + cs.inflow.add(int32(refund)) + } + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + if refund > 0 { cc.wmu.Lock() cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, uint32(refund)) if !didReset { - cs.inflow.add(int32(refund)) cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(cs.ID, uint32(refund)) } cc.bw.Flush() cc.wmu.Unlock() } - cc.mu.Unlock() - if len(data) > 0 && !didReset { - if _, err := cs.bufPipe.Write(data); err != nil { - rl.endStreamError(cs, err) - return err - } + if err != nil { + rl.endStreamError(cs, err) + return nil } } @@ -2292,24 +2611,32 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) endStream(cs *clientStream) { // TODO: check that any declared content-length matches, like // server.go's (*stream).endStream method. - rl.endStreamError(cs, nil) + if !cs.readClosed { + cs.readClosed = true + // Close cs.bufPipe and cs.peerClosed with cc.mu held to avoid a + // race condition: The caller can read io.EOF from Response.Body + // and close the body before we close cs.peerClosed, causing + // cleanupWriteRequest to send a RST_STREAM. + rl.cc.mu.Lock() + defer rl.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs.bufPipe.closeWithErrorAndCode(io.EOF, cs.copyTrailers) + close(cs.peerClosed) + } } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) endStreamError(cs *clientStream, err error) { - var code func() - if err == nil { - err = io.EOF - code = cs.copyTrailers - } - if isConnectionCloseRequest(cs.req) { - rl.closeWhenIdle = true - } - cs.bufPipe.closeWithErrorAndCode(err, code) + cs.readAborted = true + cs.abortStream(err) +} - select { - case cs.resc <- resAndError{err: err}: - default: +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) streamByID(id uint32) *clientStream { + rl.cc.mu.Lock() + defer rl.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs := rl.cc.streams[id] + if cs != nil && !cs.readAborted { + return cs } + return nil } func (cs *clientStream) copyTrailers() { @@ -2328,12 +2655,33 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) error { if f.ErrCode != 0 { // TODO: deal with GOAWAY more. particularly the error code cc.vlogf("transport got GOAWAY with error code = %v", f.ErrCode) + if fn := cc.t.CountError; fn != nil { + fn("recv_goaway_" + f.ErrCode.stringToken()) + } + } cc.setGoAway(f) return nil } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + // Locking both mu and wmu here allows frame encoding to read settings with only wmu held. + // Acquiring wmu when f.IsAck() is unnecessary, but convenient and mostly harmless. + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + + if err := rl.processSettingsNoWrite(f); err != nil { + return err + } + if !f.IsAck() { + cc.fr.WriteSettingsAck() + cc.bw.Flush() + } + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettingsNoWrite(f *SettingsFrame) error { cc := rl.cc cc.mu.Lock() defer cc.mu.Unlock() @@ -2346,12 +2694,14 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } + var seenMaxConcurrentStreams bool err := f.ForeachSetting(func(s Setting) error { switch s.ID { case SettingMaxFrameSize: cc.maxFrameSize = s.Val case SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: cc.maxConcurrentStreams = s.Val + seenMaxConcurrentStreams = true case SettingMaxHeaderListSize: cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize = uint64(s.Val) case SettingInitialWindowSize: @@ -2383,17 +2733,23 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { return err } - cc.wmu.Lock() - defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + if !cc.seenSettings { + if !seenMaxConcurrentStreams { + // This was the servers initial SETTINGS frame and it + // didn't contain a MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS field so + // increase the number of concurrent streams this + // connection can establish to our default. + cc.maxConcurrentStreams = defaultMaxConcurrentStreams + } + cc.seenSettings = true + } - cc.fr.WriteSettingsAck() - cc.bw.Flush() - return cc.werr + return nil } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { cc := rl.cc - cs := cc.streamByID(f.StreamID, false) + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) if f.StreamID != 0 && cs == nil { return nil } @@ -2413,24 +2769,22 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processResetStream(f *RSTStreamFrame) error { - cs := rl.cc.streamByID(f.StreamID, true) + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) if cs == nil { - // TODO: return error if server tries to RST_STEAM an idle stream + // TODO: return error if server tries to RST_STREAM an idle stream return nil } - select { - case <-cs.peerReset: - // Already reset. - // This is the only goroutine - // which closes this, so there - // isn't a race. - default: - err := streamError(cs.ID, f.ErrCode) - cs.resetErr = err - close(cs.peerReset) - cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) - cs.cc.cond.Broadcast() // wake up checkResetOrDone via clientStream.awaitFlowControl + serr := streamError(cs.ID, f.ErrCode) + serr.Cause = errFromPeer + if f.ErrCode == ErrCodeProtocol { + rl.cc.SetDoNotReuse() } + if fn := cs.cc.t.CountError; fn != nil { + fn("recv_rststream_" + f.ErrCode.stringToken()) + } + cs.abortStream(serr) + + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(serr) return nil } @@ -2452,19 +2806,24 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error { } cc.mu.Unlock() } - cc.wmu.Lock() - if err := cc.fr.WritePing(false, p); err != nil { - cc.wmu.Unlock() - return err - } - if err := cc.bw.Flush(); err != nil { - cc.wmu.Unlock() - return err - } - cc.wmu.Unlock() + errc := make(chan error, 1) + go func() { + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + if err := cc.fr.WritePing(false, p); err != nil { + errc <- err + return + } + if err := cc.bw.Flush(); err != nil { + errc <- err + return + } + }() select { case <-c: return nil + case err := <-errc: + return err case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() case <-cc.readerDone: @@ -2541,6 +2900,11 @@ func (t *Transport) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { var noBody io.ReadCloser = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil)) +type missingBody struct{} + +func (missingBody) Close() error { return nil } +func (missingBody) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF } + func strSliceContains(ss []string, s string) bool { for _, v := range ss { if v == s { @@ -2586,87 +2950,6 @@ type errorReader struct{ err error } func (r errorReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return 0, r.err } -// bodyWriterState encapsulates various state around the Transport's writing -// of the request body, particularly regarding doing delayed writes of the body -// when the request contains "Expect: 100-continue". -type bodyWriterState struct { - cs *clientStream - timer *time.Timer // if non-nil, we're doing a delayed write - fnonce *sync.Once // to call fn with - fn func() // the code to run in the goroutine, writing the body - resc chan error // result of fn's execution - delay time.Duration // how long we should delay a delayed write for -} - -func (t *Transport) getBodyWriterState(cs *clientStream, body io.Reader) (s bodyWriterState) { - s.cs = cs - if body == nil { - return - } - resc := make(chan error, 1) - s.resc = resc - s.fn = func() { - cs.cc.mu.Lock() - cs.startedWrite = true - cs.cc.mu.Unlock() - resc <- cs.writeRequestBody(body, cs.req.Body) - } - s.delay = t.expectContinueTimeout() - if s.delay == 0 || - !httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken( - cs.req.Header["Expect"], - "100-continue") { - return - } - s.fnonce = new(sync.Once) - - // Arm the timer with a very large duration, which we'll - // intentionally lower later. It has to be large now because - // we need a handle to it before writing the headers, but the - // s.delay value is defined to not start until after the - // request headers were written. - const hugeDuration = 365 * 24 * time.Hour - s.timer = time.AfterFunc(hugeDuration, func() { - s.fnonce.Do(s.fn) - }) - return -} - -func (s bodyWriterState) cancel() { - if s.timer != nil { - if s.timer.Stop() { - s.resc <- nil - } - } -} - -func (s bodyWriterState) on100() { - if s.timer == nil { - // If we didn't do a delayed write, ignore the server's - // bogus 100 continue response. - return - } - s.timer.Stop() - go func() { s.fnonce.Do(s.fn) }() -} - -// scheduleBodyWrite starts writing the body, either immediately (in -// the common case) or after the delay timeout. It should not be -// called until after the headers have been written. -func (s bodyWriterState) scheduleBodyWrite() { - if s.timer == nil { - // We're not doing a delayed write (see - // getBodyWriterState), so just start the writing - // goroutine immediately. - go s.fn() - return - } - traceWait100Continue(s.cs.trace) - if s.timer.Stop() { - s.timer.Reset(s.delay) - } -} - // isConnectionCloseRequest reports whether req should use its own // connection for a single request and then close the connection. func isConnectionCloseRequest(req *http.Request) bool { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go index f24d2b1e7d4..c7cd0017392 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ type WriteScheduler interface { // Pop dequeues the next frame to write. Returns false if no frames can // be written. Frames with a given wr.StreamID() are Pop'd in the same - // order they are Push'd. No frames should be discarded except by CloseStream. + // order they are Push'd, except RST_STREAM frames. No frames should be + // discarded except by CloseStream. Pop() (wr FrameWriteRequest, ok bool) } @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ type FrameWriteRequest struct { // stream is the stream on which this frame will be written. // nil for non-stream frames like PING and SETTINGS. + // nil for RST_STREAM streams, which use the StreamError.StreamID field instead. stream *stream // done, if non-nil, must be a buffered channel with space for diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go index 9a7b9e581c1..f2e55e05ce9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) AdjustStream(streamID uint32, priority PriorityP } func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { - id := wr.StreamID() - if id == 0 { + if wr.isControl() { ws.zero.push(wr) return } + id := wr.StreamID() q, ok := ws.sq[id] if !ok { q = ws.queuePool.get() @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { } func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) Pop() (FrameWriteRequest, bool) { - // Control frames first. + // Control and RST_STREAM frames first. if !ws.zero.empty() { return ws.zero.shift(), true } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c5c4338dbed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package idna + +// Transitional processing is disabled by default in Go 1.18. +// https://golang.org/issue/47510 +const transitionalLookup = false diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go index 5208ba6cb88..64ccf85febb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ type Option func(*options) // Transitional sets a Profile to use the Transitional mapping as defined in UTS // #46. This will cause, for example, "ß" to be mapped to "ss". Using the // transitional mapping provides a compromise between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 -// compatibility. It is used by most browsers when resolving domain names. This +// compatibility. It is used by some browsers when resolving domain names. This // option is only meaningful if combined with MapForLookup. func Transitional(transitional bool) Option { - return func(o *options) { o.transitional = true } + return func(o *options) { o.transitional = transitional } } // VerifyDNSLength sets whether a Profile should fail if any of the IDN parts @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ var ( punycode = &Profile{} lookup = &Profile{options{ - transitional: true, + transitional: transitionalLookup, useSTD3Rules: true, checkHyphens: true, checkJoiners: true, diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go index 55f718f1274..aae6aac872b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ type Option func(*options) // Transitional sets a Profile to use the Transitional mapping as defined in UTS // #46. This will cause, for example, "ß" to be mapped to "ss". Using the // transitional mapping provides a compromise between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 -// compatibility. It is used by most browsers when resolving domain names. This +// compatibility. It is used by some browsers when resolving domain names. This // option is only meaningful if combined with MapForLookup. func Transitional(transitional bool) Option { - return func(o *options) { o.transitional = true } + return func(o *options) { o.transitional = transitional } } // VerifyDNSLength sets whether a Profile should fail if any of the IDN parts diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/pre_go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/pre_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3aaccab1c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/pre_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package idna + +const transitionalLookup = true diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/punycode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/punycode.go index 02c7d59af3b..e8e3ac11a94 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/punycode.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/punycode.go @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ func decode(encoded string) (string, error) { } } i, n, bias := int32(0), initialN, initialBias + overflow := false for pos < len(encoded) { oldI, w := i, int32(1) for k := base; ; k += base { @@ -60,29 +61,32 @@ func decode(encoded string) (string, error) { return "", punyError(encoded) } pos++ - i += digit * w - if i < 0 { + i, overflow = madd(i, digit, w) + if overflow { return "", punyError(encoded) } t := k - bias - if t < tmin { + if k <= bias { t = tmin - } else if t > tmax { + } else if k >= bias+tmax { t = tmax } if digit < t { break } - w *= base - t - if w >= math.MaxInt32/base { + w, overflow = madd(0, w, base-t) + if overflow { return "", punyError(encoded) } } + if len(output) >= 1024 { + return "", punyError(encoded) + } x := int32(len(output) + 1) bias = adapt(i-oldI, x, oldI == 0) n += i / x i %= x - if n > utf8.MaxRune || len(output) >= 1024 { + if n < 0 || n > utf8.MaxRune { return "", punyError(encoded) } output = append(output, 0) @@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ func encode(prefix, s string) (string, error) { if b > 0 { output = append(output, '-') } + overflow := false for remaining != 0 { m := int32(0x7fffffff) for _, r := range s { @@ -122,8 +127,8 @@ func encode(prefix, s string) (string, error) { m = r } } - delta += (m - n) * (h + 1) - if delta < 0 { + delta, overflow = madd(delta, m-n, h+1) + if overflow { return "", punyError(s) } n = m @@ -141,9 +146,9 @@ func encode(prefix, s string) (string, error) { q := delta for k := base; ; k += base { t := k - bias - if t < tmin { + if k <= bias { t = tmin - } else if t > tmax { + } else if k >= bias+tmax { t = tmax } if q < t { @@ -164,6 +169,15 @@ func encode(prefix, s string) (string, error) { return string(output), nil } +// madd computes a + (b * c), detecting overflow. +func madd(a, b, c int32) (next int32, overflow bool) { + p := int64(b) * int64(c) + if p > math.MaxInt32-int64(a) { + return 0, true + } + return a + int32(p), false +} + func decodeDigit(x byte) (digit int32, ok bool) { switch { case '0' <= x && x <= '9': diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/syscall_aix_gccgo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/syscall_aix_gccgo.go index a864f24d758..96134157a10 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/syscall_aix_gccgo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/syscall_aix_gccgo.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ // Recreate a getsystemcfg syscall handler instead of // using the one provided by x/sys/unix to avoid having // the dependency between them. (See golang.org/issue/32102) -// Morever, this file will be used during the building of +// Moreover, this file will be used during the building of // gccgo's libgo and thus must not used a CGo method. //go:build aix && gccgo diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go index 1dadead21e6..884430b810c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go @@ -194,3 +194,26 @@ func ioctlIfreqData(fd int, req uint, value *ifreqData) error { // identical so pass *IfreqData directly. return ioctlPtr(fd, req, unsafe.Pointer(value)) } + +// IoctlKCMClone attaches a new file descriptor to a multiplexor by cloning an +// existing KCM socket, returning a structure containing the file descriptor of +// the new socket. +func IoctlKCMClone(fd int) (*KCMClone, error) { + var info KCMClone + if err := ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMCLONE, unsafe.Pointer(&info)); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &info, nil +} + +// IoctlKCMAttach attaches a TCP socket and associated BPF program file +// descriptor to a multiplexor. +func IoctlKCMAttach(fd int, info KCMAttach) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMATTACH, unsafe.Pointer(&info)) +} + +// IoctlKCMUnattach unattaches a TCP socket file descriptor from a multiplexor. +func IoctlKCMUnattach(fd int, info KCMUnattach) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMUNATTACH, unsafe.Pointer(&info)) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh index a47b035f9af..a037087481d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -503,6 +505,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^O?XTABS$/ || $2 ~ /^TC[IO](ON|OFF)$/ || $2 ~ /^IN_/ || + $2 ~ /^KCM/ || $2 ~ /^LANDLOCK_/ || $2 ~ /^LOCK_(SH|EX|NB|UN)$/ || $2 ~ /^LO_(KEY|NAME)_SIZE$/ || @@ -597,6 +600,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^DEVLINK_/ || $2 ~ /^ETHTOOL_/ || $2 ~ /^LWTUNNEL_IP/ || + $2 ~ /^ITIMER_/ || $2 !~ "WMESGLEN" && $2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ || $2 ~/^PPPIOC/ || diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go index 4f55c8d9996..f2a114fc27b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go @@ -215,18 +215,12 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { return } -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { // Recvmsg not implemented on AIX - sa := new(SockaddrUnix) - return -1, -1, -1, sa, ENOSYS + return -1, -1, -1, ENOSYS } -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) - return -} - -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { // SendmsgN not implemented on AIX return -1, ENOSYS } @@ -458,8 +452,8 @@ func Fsync(fd int) error { //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pread64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pwrite64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pread64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pwrite64 //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) //sys Pselect(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) //sysnb Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go index 0ce45232611..a801b1b1b84 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go @@ -325,10 +325,9 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { //sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -352,29 +351,12 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from } oobn = int(msg.Controllen) recvflags = int(msg.Flags) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } return } //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) - return -} - -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go index 0eaab91314c..ca2ae357195 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go @@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ func SysctlKinfoProcSlice(name string, args ...int) ([]KinfoProc, error) { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go index 2e37c3167f3..36c268b3525 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go @@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { } //sys extpread(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpread(fd, p, 0, offset) } //sys extpwrite(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpwrite(fd, p, 0, offset) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go index 2f650ae665c..ac3db019b59 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go @@ -638,8 +638,8 @@ func PtraceSingleStep(pid int) (err error) { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(fdat int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go index f432b0684b8..2a6affedd75 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ package unix import ( "encoding/binary" "syscall" + "time" "unsafe" ) @@ -249,6 +250,13 @@ func Getwd() (wd string, err error) { if n < 1 || n > len(buf) || buf[n-1] != 0 { return "", EINVAL } + // In some cases, Linux can return a path that starts with the + // "(unreachable)" prefix, which can potentially be a valid relative + // path. To work around that, return ENOENT if path is not absolute. + if buf[0] != '/' { + return "", ENOENT + } + return string(buf[0 : n-1]), nil } @@ -1489,10 +1497,9 @@ func KeyctlRestrictKeyring(ringid int, keyType string, restriction string) error //sys keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL //sys keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -1523,28 +1530,10 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from } oobn = int(msg.Controllen) recvflags = int(msg.Flags) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } - return -} - -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) return } -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - var err error - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(ptr) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) @@ -2308,17 +2297,63 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { //sys PidfdOpen(pid int, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_PIDFD_OPEN //sys PidfdGetfd(pidfd int, targetfd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_PIDFD_GETFD +//sys PidfdSendSignal(pidfd int, sig Signal, info *Siginfo, flags int) (err error) = SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL //sys shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) //sys shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) //sys shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) //sys shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) +//sys getitimer(which int, currValue *Itimerval) (err error) +//sys setitimer(which int, newValue *Itimerval, oldValue *Itimerval) (err error) + +// MakeItimerval creates an Itimerval from interval and value durations. +func MakeItimerval(interval, value time.Duration) Itimerval { + return Itimerval{ + Interval: NsecToTimeval(interval.Nanoseconds()), + Value: NsecToTimeval(value.Nanoseconds()), + } +} + +// A value which may be passed to the which parameter for Getitimer and +// Setitimer. +type ItimerWhich int + +// Possible which values for Getitimer and Setitimer. +const ( + ItimerReal ItimerWhich = ITIMER_REAL + ItimerVirtual ItimerWhich = ITIMER_VIRTUAL + ItimerProf ItimerWhich = ITIMER_PROF +) + +// Getitimer wraps getitimer(2) to return the current value of the timer +// specified by which. +func Getitimer(which ItimerWhich) (Itimerval, error) { + var it Itimerval + if err := getitimer(int(which), &it); err != nil { + return Itimerval{}, err + } + + return it, nil +} + +// Setitimer wraps setitimer(2) to arm or disarm the timer specified by which. +// It returns the previous value of the timer. +// +// If the Itimerval argument is the zero value, the timer will be disarmed. +func Setitimer(which ItimerWhich, it Itimerval) (Itimerval, error) { + var prev Itimerval + if err := setitimer(int(which), &it, &prev); err != nil { + return Itimerval{}, err + } + + return prev, nil +} + /* * Unimplemented */ // AfsSyscall -// Alarm // ArchPrctl // Brk // ClockNanosleep @@ -2334,7 +2369,6 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { // GetMempolicy // GetRobustList // GetThreadArea -// Getitimer // Getpmsg // IoCancel // IoDestroy diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go index 5f757e8aa77..518e476e6dd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { //sys Iopl(level int) (err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS_LCHOWN32 //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 //sys setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) = SYS_SETFSGID32 @@ -173,14 +173,6 @@ const ( _SENDMMSG = 20 ) -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - fd, e := socketcall(_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), 0, 0, 0) - if e != 0 { - err = e - } - return -} - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { fd, e := socketcall(_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e != 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..08086ac6a4c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build linux && (386 || amd64 || mips || mipsle || mips64 || mipsle || ppc64 || ppc64le || ppc || s390x || sparc64) +// +build linux +// +build 386 amd64 mips mipsle mips64 mipsle ppc64 ppc64le ppc s390x sparc64 + +package unix + +// SYS_ALARM is not defined on arm or riscv, but is available for other GOARCH +// values. + +//sys Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go index 4299125aa7c..b945ab254dd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { } //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go index 79edeb9cb14..c1a7778f105 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { return newoffset, nil } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -97,8 +96,8 @@ func Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) error { //sys utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 //sys Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) = SYS_FTRUNCATE64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go index 862890de29b..81db4833a57 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import "unsafe" //sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { return ENOSYS } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go index 8932e34ad2a..98a2660b91f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ package unix //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go index 7821c25d9f7..b8a18c0ad22 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT //sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go index c5053a0f03f..4ed9e67c6df 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import ( //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT //sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import ( //sys Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_STAT64 //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go index 25786c4216b..db63d384c5b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ package unix //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ package unix //sys Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go index 6f9f710414f..8ff7adba039 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import "unsafe" //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { return ENOSYS } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go index 6aa59cb270d..6fcf277b0d7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ import ( //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) @@ -145,15 +145,6 @@ const ( netSendMMsg = 20 ) -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (int, error) { - args := [3]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))} - fd, _, err := Syscall(SYS_SOCKETCALL, netAccept, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&args)), 0) - if err != 0 { - return 0, err - } - return int(fd), nil -} - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (int, error) { args := [4]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags)} fd, _, err := Syscall(SYS_SOCKETCALL, netAccept4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&args)), 0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go index bbe8d174f8c..02a45d9cc06 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ package unix //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ package unix //sys Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go index 696fed496f6..d9946e5f545 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go @@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ func Statvfs(path string, buf *Statvfs_t) (err error) { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go index 11b1d419da9..0d94765b1a6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ func Uname(uname *Utsname) error { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go index 5c813921e85..8c4e8006078 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go @@ -451,10 +451,9 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_recvmsg -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -476,29 +475,12 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from return } oobn = int(msg.Accrightslen) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } - return -} - -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) return } //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_sendmsg -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) @@ -661,8 +643,8 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, flags int, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Rename(from string, to string) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go index cf296a2433a..70508afc1d1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go @@ -177,6 +177,30 @@ func Write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } +func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + n, err = pread(fd, p, offset) + if raceenabled { + if n > 0 { + raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + if err == nil { + raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + } + return +} + +func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + if raceenabled { + raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + n, err = pwrite(fd, p, offset) + if raceenabled && n > 0 { + raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + return +} + // For testing: clients can set this flag to force // creation of IPv6 sockets to return EAFNOSUPPORT. var SocketDisableIPv6 bool @@ -313,6 +337,33 @@ func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) { return } +func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + n, oobn, recvflags, err = recvmsgRaw(fd, p, oob, flags, &rsa) + // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected + if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { + from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) + } + return +} + +func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { + _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) + return +} + +func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + var ptr unsafe.Pointer + var salen _Socklen + if to != nil { + ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return sendmsgN(fd, p, oob, ptr, salen, flags) +} + func Send(s int, buf []byte, flags int) (err error) { return sendto(s, buf, flags, nil, 0) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go index 6bce65803c8..bc7c9d07559 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go @@ -260,6 +260,17 @@ const ( BUS_USB = 0x3 BUS_VIRTUAL = 0x6 CAN_BCM = 0x2 + CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES = 0x4 + CAN_CTRLMODE_BERR_REPORTING = 0x10 + CAN_CTRLMODE_CC_LEN8_DLC = 0x100 + CAN_CTRLMODE_FD = 0x20 + CAN_CTRLMODE_FD_NON_ISO = 0x80 + CAN_CTRLMODE_LISTENONLY = 0x2 + CAN_CTRLMODE_LOOPBACK = 0x1 + CAN_CTRLMODE_ONE_SHOT = 0x8 + CAN_CTRLMODE_PRESUME_ACK = 0x40 + CAN_CTRLMODE_TDC_AUTO = 0x200 + CAN_CTRLMODE_TDC_MANUAL = 0x400 CAN_EFF_FLAG = 0x80000000 CAN_EFF_ID_BITS = 0x1d CAN_EFF_MASK = 0x1fffffff @@ -337,6 +348,7 @@ const ( CAN_RTR_FLAG = 0x40000000 CAN_SFF_ID_BITS = 0xb CAN_SFF_MASK = 0x7ff + CAN_TERMINATION_DISABLED = 0x0 CAN_TP16 = 0x3 CAN_TP20 = 0x4 CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL = 0x1e @@ -1268,9 +1280,14 @@ const ( IP_XFRM_POLICY = 0x11 ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x9660 ISTRIP = 0x20 + ITIMER_PROF = 0x2 + ITIMER_REAL = 0x0 + ITIMER_VIRTUAL = 0x1 IUTF8 = 0x4000 IXANY = 0x800 JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x72b6 + KCMPROTO_CONNECTED = 0x0 + KCM_RECV_DISABLE = 0x1 KEXEC_ARCH_386 = 0x30000 KEXEC_ARCH_68K = 0x40000 KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64 = 0xb70000 @@ -2443,6 +2460,9 @@ const ( SIOCGSTAMPNS = 0x8907 SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD = 0x8907 SIOCGSTAMP_OLD = 0x8906 + SIOCKCMATTACH = 0x89e0 + SIOCKCMCLONE = 0x89e2 + SIOCKCMUNATTACH = 0x89e1 SIOCOUTQNSD = 0x894b SIOCPROTOPRIVATE = 0x89e0 SIOCRTMSG = 0x890d diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go index 85e0cc38667..870215d2c47 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] @@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go index f1d4a73b089..a89b0bfa53c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] @@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go index 0ae0ed4cb8a..fbfce0204ff 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ var libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ var libc_pread_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go index cf71be3edb3..49d2225ef5a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ var libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ var libc_pread_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go index 3e9bddb7b22..e9d9997eeda 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go @@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go index c72a462b91e..edd373b1a56 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go index 530d5df90c0..82e9764b257 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go index 71e7df9e855..a6479acd1fc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go index 93edda4c493..e5299395a8a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go @@ -1992,6 +1992,16 @@ func PidfdGetfd(pidfd int, targetfd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func PidfdSendSignal(pidfd int, sig Signal, info *Siginfo, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL, uintptr(pidfd), uintptr(sig), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHMAT, uintptr(id), uintptr(addr), uintptr(flag)) ret = uintptr(r0) @@ -2032,3 +2042,23 @@ func shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getitimer(which int, currValue *Itimerval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETITIMER, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(currValue)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setitimer(which int, newValue *Itimerval, oldValue *Itimerval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETITIMER, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newValue)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldValue))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go index ff90c81e730..88af526b7e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags linux,386 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_386.go +// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags linux,386 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_386.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && 386 @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -524,3 +524,14 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go index fa7d3dbe4e9..c947a4d10e8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,amd64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_amd64.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,amd64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_amd64.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && amd64 @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -444,17 +444,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -691,3 +680,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go index 654f91530f6..4882bde3af0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go @@ -46,17 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -549,7 +538,7 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -566,7 +555,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go index e893f987f91..dd15284d84b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -389,17 +389,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go index 6d155288531..d7d6f42441b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -arm -tags linux,mips syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go +// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -arm -tags linux,mips syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mips @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -344,17 +344,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -702,3 +691,14 @@ func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go index 1e20d72df21..7f1f8e65339 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,mips64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mips64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,mips64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mips64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mips64 @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -399,17 +399,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -696,3 +685,14 @@ func stat(path string, st *stat_t) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go index 82b5e2d9eda..f933d0f51a1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -399,17 +399,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go index a0440c1d43b..297d0a99822 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags linux,mipsle syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go +// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags linux,mipsle syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mipsle @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -344,17 +344,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -702,3 +691,14 @@ func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go index 5864b9ca649..2e32e7a449f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -tags linux,ppc syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc.go +// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -tags linux,ppc syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -409,17 +409,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -707,3 +696,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go index beeb49e3421..3c531704647 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc64 @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -475,17 +475,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -753,3 +742,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go index 53139b82c7b..a00c6744ecb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64le syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64le syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc64le @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -475,17 +475,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -753,3 +742,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go index 63b393b8027..a1a9bcbbdf6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -369,17 +369,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go index 202add37d10..e0dabc60278 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,s390x syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_s390x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,s390x syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_s390x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && s390x @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -533,3 +533,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go index 2ab268c3435..368623c0f2e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,sparc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_sparc64.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,sparc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_sparc64.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && sparc64 @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -455,17 +455,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -697,3 +686,14 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go index 51d0c0742bf..4af561a48d8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go index df2efb6db3f..3b90e9448ad 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go index c8536c2c9f0..890f4ccd131 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go index 8b981bfc2eb..c79f071fc6a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go index 8f80f4ade51..a057fc5d351 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go index 3a47aca7bf7..04db8fa2fea 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go index 883a9b45e8e..69f80300674 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go index aac7fdc95e2..c96a505178f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go index 8776187462b..016d959bc66 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go index b5f926cee2a..d12f4fbfea5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ import ( //go:linkname procOpenat libc_openat //go:linkname procPathconf libc_pathconf //go:linkname procPause libc_pause -//go:linkname procPread libc_pread -//go:linkname procPwrite libc_pwrite +//go:linkname procpread libc_pread +//go:linkname procpwrite libc_pwrite //go:linkname procread libc_read //go:linkname procReadlink libc_readlink //go:linkname procRename libc_rename @@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ var ( procOpenat, procPathconf, procPause, - procPread, - procPwrite, + procpread, + procpwrite, procread, procReadlink, procRename, @@ -1380,12 +1380,12 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] } - r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procPread)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procpread)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = e1 @@ -1395,12 +1395,12 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] } - r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procPwrite)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procpwrite)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = e1 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go index 66788f15681..2c26466e07c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ type ItimerSpec struct { Value Timespec } +type Itimerval struct { + Interval Timeval + Value Timeval +} + const ( TIME_OK = 0x0 TIME_INS = 0x1 @@ -3766,6 +3771,8 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_MAX = 0x2 ) +const SPEED_UNKNOWN = -0x1 + type EthtoolDrvinfo struct { Cmd uint32 Driver [32]byte @@ -4065,3 +4072,1463 @@ const ( NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MASK = 0xc NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0xc ) + +type CANBitTiming struct { + Bitrate uint32 + Sample_point uint32 + Tq uint32 + Prop_seg uint32 + Phase_seg1 uint32 + Phase_seg2 uint32 + Sjw uint32 + Brp uint32 +} + +type CANBitTimingConst struct { + Name [16]uint8 + Tseg1_min uint32 + Tseg1_max uint32 + Tseg2_min uint32 + Tseg2_max uint32 + Sjw_max uint32 + Brp_min uint32 + Brp_max uint32 + Brp_inc uint32 +} + +type CANClock struct { + Freq uint32 +} + +type CANBusErrorCounters struct { + Txerr uint16 + Rxerr uint16 +} + +type CANCtrlMode struct { + Mask uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CANDeviceStats struct { + Bus_error uint32 + Error_warning uint32 + Error_passive uint32 + Bus_off uint32 + Arbitration_lost uint32 + Restarts uint32 +} + +const ( + CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE = 0x0 + CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING = 0x1 + CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE = 0x2 + CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF = 0x3 + CAN_STATE_STOPPED = 0x4 + CAN_STATE_SLEEPING = 0x5 + CAN_STATE_MAX = 0x6 +) + +const ( + IFLA_CAN_UNSPEC = 0x0 + IFLA_CAN_BITTIMING = 0x1 + IFLA_CAN_BITTIMING_CONST = 0x2 + IFLA_CAN_CLOCK = 0x3 + IFLA_CAN_STATE = 0x4 + IFLA_CAN_CTRLMODE = 0x5 + IFLA_CAN_RESTART_MS = 0x6 + IFLA_CAN_RESTART = 0x7 + IFLA_CAN_BERR_COUNTER = 0x8 + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITTIMING = 0x9 + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITTIMING_CONST = 0xa + IFLA_CAN_TERMINATION = 0xb + IFLA_CAN_TERMINATION_CONST = 0xc + IFLA_CAN_BITRATE_CONST = 0xd + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITRATE_CONST = 0xe + IFLA_CAN_BITRATE_MAX = 0xf +) + +type KCMAttach struct { + Fd int32 + Bpf_fd int32 +} + +type KCMUnattach struct { + Fd int32 +} + +type KCMClone struct { + Fd int32 +} + +const ( + NL80211_AC_BE = 0x2 + NL80211_AC_BK = 0x3 + NL80211_ACL_POLICY_ACCEPT_UNLESS_LISTED = 0x0 + NL80211_ACL_POLICY_DENY_UNLESS_LISTED = 0x1 + NL80211_AC_VI = 0x1 + NL80211_AC_VO = 0x0 + NL80211_ATTR_4ADDR = 0x53 + NL80211_ATTR_ACK = 0x5c + NL80211_ATTR_ACK_SIGNAL = 0x107 + NL80211_ATTR_ACL_POLICY = 0xa5 + NL80211_ATTR_ADMITTED_TIME = 0xd4 + NL80211_ATTR_AIRTIME_WEIGHT = 0x112 + NL80211_ATTR_AKM_SUITES = 0x4c + NL80211_ATTR_AP_ISOLATE = 0x60 + NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_DATA = 0x9c + NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE = 0x35 + NL80211_ATTR_BANDS = 0xef + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD = 0xe + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0xc + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL = 0xf + NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD = 0x98 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_BASIC_RATES = 0x24 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS = 0x2f + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_CTS_PROT = 0x1c + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_HT_OPMODE = 0x6d + NL80211_ATTR_BSSID = 0xf5 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SELECT = 0xe3 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x1d + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SHORT_SLOT_TIME = 0x1e + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 = 0xa0 + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1_OFFSET = 0x123 + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ2 = 0xa1 + NL80211_ATTR_CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0x9f + NL80211_ATTR_CH_SWITCH_BLOCK_TX = 0xb8 + NL80211_ATTR_CH_SWITCH_COUNT = 0xb7 + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITE_GROUP = 0x4a + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES = 0x39 + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES_PAIRWISE = 0x49 + NL80211_ATTR_CNTDWN_OFFS_BEACON = 0xba + NL80211_ATTR_CNTDWN_OFFS_PRESP = 0xbb + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE = 0xb6 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_CONDITION = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_DELAY = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_PKT_PATTERN = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_CONN_FAILED_REASON = 0x9b + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT = 0x44 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_ETHERTYPE = 0x66 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_NO_ENCRYPT = 0x67 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_NO_PREAUTH = 0x11e + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211 = 0x108 + NL80211_ATTR_COOKIE = 0x58 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_BEACON_LOSS_EVENT = 0x8 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM = 0x5e + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_MAX = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_PKT_LOSS_EVENT = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_HYST = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_LEVEL = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_THOLD = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_INTVL = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_PKTS = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_RATE = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_CRIT_PROT_ID = 0xb3 + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFF_BEACON = 0xba + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFF_PRESP = 0xbb + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFFSETS_TX = 0xcd + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_IES = 0xb9 + NL80211_ATTR_DEVICE_AP_SME = 0x8d + NL80211_ATTR_DFS_CAC_TIME = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_DFS_REGION = 0x92 + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_HE = 0x12d + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_HT = 0x93 + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_VHT = 0xaf + NL80211_ATTR_DISCONNECTED_BY_AP = 0x47 + NL80211_ATTR_DONT_WAIT_FOR_ACK = 0x8e + NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD = 0xd + NL80211_ATTR_DURATION = 0x57 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA = 0xa9 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA_MASK = 0xaa + NL80211_ATTR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_ACTION = 0x104 + NL80211_ATTR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_SUPPORT = 0x105 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES = 0xd9 + NL80211_ATTR_FEATURE_FLAGS = 0x8f + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_CACHE_ID = 0xfd + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_DISCOVERY = 0x126 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_NEXT_SEQ_NUM = 0xfb + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_REALM = 0xfa + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_RRK = 0xfc + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_USERNAME = 0xf9 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_KEK = 0xf2 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_NONCES = 0xf3 + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME = 0x33 + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_MATCH = 0x5b + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_TYPE = 0x65 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_AFTER = 0x3b + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_BEFORE = 0x3a + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_FIXED = 0x3c + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_END = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_MAX_BW = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_START = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_FTM_RESPONDER = 0x10e + NL80211_ATTR_FTM_RESPONDER_STATS = 0x10f + NL80211_ATTR_GENERATION = 0x2e + NL80211_ATTR_HANDLE_DFS = 0xbf + NL80211_ATTR_HE_6GHZ_CAPABILITY = 0x125 + NL80211_ATTR_HE_BSS_COLOR = 0x11b + NL80211_ATTR_HE_CAPABILITY = 0x10d + NL80211_ATTR_HE_OBSS_PD = 0x117 + NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID = 0x7e + NL80211_ATTR_HT_CAPABILITY = 0x1f + NL80211_ATTR_HT_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0x94 + NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP = 0x80 + NL80211_ATTR_IE = 0x2a + NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP = 0x7f + NL80211_ATTR_IE_RIC = 0xb2 + NL80211_ATTR_IFACE_SOCKET_OWNER = 0xcc + NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_IFNAME = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE_AKM_SUITES = 0x11c + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE_EXT_CAPA = 0xe6 + NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 0x96 + NL80211_ATTR_INTERFACE_COMBINATIONS = 0x78 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_CIPHER = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY = 0x50 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DATA = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT = 0xb + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT_MGMT = 0x28 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES = 0x6e + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_IDX = 0x8 + NL80211_ATTR_KEYS = 0x51 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_SEQ = 0xa + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_TYPE = 0x37 + NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_MESH_POWER_MODE = 0xa4 + NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_STATE_CHANGE = 0x5f + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_ACL_MAX = 0xa7 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_ADDRS = 0xa6 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_HINT = 0xc8 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_MASK = 0xd7 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_AP_ASSOC_STA = 0xca + NL80211_ATTR_MAX = 0x133 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CRIT_PROT_DURATION = 0xb4 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CSA_COUNTERS = 0xce + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_MATCH_SETS = 0x85 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS = 0x56 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x2b + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCHED_SCAN_PLANS = 0xde + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCHED_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x7b + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL_DURATION = 0x6f + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_IE_LEN = 0x38 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_PLAN_INTERVAL = 0xdf + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_PLAN_ITERATIONS = 0xe0 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCHED_SCAN_IE_LEN = 0x7c + NL80211_ATTR_MCAST_RATE = 0x6b + NL80211_ATTR_MDID = 0xb1 + NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION = 0xeb + NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION_MANDATORY = 0xec + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_CONFIG = 0x23 + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_ID = 0x18 + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_PEER_AID = 0xed + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_SETUP = 0x70 + NL80211_ATTR_MGMT_SUBTYPE = 0x29 + NL80211_ATTR_MNTR_FLAGS = 0x17 + NL80211_ATTR_MPATH_INFO = 0x1b + NL80211_ATTR_MPATH_NEXT_HOP = 0x1a + NL80211_ATTR_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST_ENABLED = 0xf4 + NL80211_ATTR_MU_MIMO_FOLLOW_MAC_ADDR = 0xe8 + NL80211_ATTR_MU_MIMO_GROUP_DATA = 0xe7 + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_FUNC = 0xf0 + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MASTER_PREF = 0xee + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MATCH = 0xf1 + NL80211_ATTR_NETNS_FD = 0xdb + NL80211_ATTR_NOACK_MAP = 0x95 + NL80211_ATTR_NSS = 0x106 + NL80211_ATTR_OFFCHANNEL_TX_OK = 0x6c + NL80211_ATTR_OPER_CLASS = 0xd6 + NL80211_ATTR_OPMODE_NOTIF = 0xc2 + NL80211_ATTR_P2P_CTWINDOW = 0xa2 + NL80211_ATTR_P2P_OPPPS = 0xa3 + NL80211_ATTR_PAD = 0xe5 + NL80211_ATTR_PBSS = 0xe2 + NL80211_ATTR_PEER_AID = 0xb5 + NL80211_ATTR_PEER_MEASUREMENTS = 0x111 + NL80211_ATTR_PID = 0x52 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK = 0xfe + NL80211_ATTR_PMKID = 0x55 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK_LIFETIME = 0x11f + NL80211_ATTR_PMKR0_NAME = 0x102 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK_REAUTH_THRESHOLD = 0x120 + NL80211_ATTR_PMKSA_CANDIDATE = 0x86 + NL80211_ATTR_PORT_AUTHORIZED = 0x103 + NL80211_ATTR_POWER_RULE_MAX_ANT_GAIN = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_POWER_RULE_MAX_EIRP = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_PREV_BSSID = 0x4f + NL80211_ATTR_PRIVACY = 0x46 + NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP = 0x91 + NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD = 0x90 + NL80211_ATTR_PROTOCOL_FEATURES = 0xad + NL80211_ATTR_PS_STATE = 0x5d + NL80211_ATTR_QOS_MAP = 0xc7 + NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_EVENT = 0xa8 + NL80211_ATTR_REASON_CODE = 0x36 + NL80211_ATTR_RECEIVE_MULTICAST = 0x121 + NL80211_ATTR_RECONNECT_REQUESTED = 0x12b + NL80211_ATTR_REG_ALPHA2 = 0x21 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_INDOOR = 0xdd + NL80211_ATTR_REG_INITIATOR = 0x30 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_RULE_FLAGS = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_RULES = 0x22 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_TYPE = 0x31 + NL80211_ATTR_REKEY_DATA = 0x7a + NL80211_ATTR_REQ_IE = 0x4d + NL80211_ATTR_RESP_IE = 0x4e + NL80211_ATTR_ROAM_SUPPORT = 0x83 + NL80211_ATTR_RX_FRAME_TYPES = 0x64 + NL80211_ATTR_RXMGMT_FLAGS = 0xbc + NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM = 0x97 + NL80211_ATTR_S1G_CAPABILITY = 0x128 + NL80211_ATTR_S1G_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0x129 + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_DATA = 0x9c + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_PASSWORD = 0x115 + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_PWE = 0x12a + NL80211_ATTR_SAR_SPEC = 0x12c + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FLAGS = 0x9e + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQ_KHZ = 0x124 + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES = 0x2c + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_GENERATION = 0x2e + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x2d + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_START_TIME_TSF_BSSID = 0xea + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_START_TIME_TSF = 0xe9 + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SUPP_RATES = 0x7d + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_DELAY = 0xdc + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x77 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH = 0x84 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_SSID = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MAX_REQS = 0x100 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MULTI = 0xff + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_PLANS = 0xe1 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0xf6 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RSSI_ADJUST = 0xf7 + NL80211_ATTR_SMPS_MODE = 0xd5 + NL80211_ATTR_SOCKET_OWNER = 0xcc + NL80211_ATTR_SOFTWARE_IFTYPES = 0x79 + NL80211_ATTR_SPLIT_WIPHY_DUMP = 0xae + NL80211_ATTR_SSID = 0x34 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_AID = 0x10 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_CAPABILITY = 0xab + NL80211_ATTR_STA_EXT_CAPABILITY = 0xac + NL80211_ATTR_STA_FLAGS2 = 0x43 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_FLAGS = 0x11 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_INFO = 0x15 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_LISTEN_INTERVAL = 0x12 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_PLINK_ACTION = 0x19 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_PLINK_STATE = 0x74 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS = 0xbd + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_OPER_CLASSES = 0xbe + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_RATES = 0x13 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORT_P2P_PS = 0xe4 + NL80211_ATTR_STATUS_CODE = 0x48 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_TX_POWER = 0x114 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_TX_POWER_SETTING = 0x113 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_VLAN = 0x14 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_WME = 0x81 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_10_MHZ = 0xc1 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_5_MHZ = 0xc0 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_AP_UAPSD = 0x82 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = 0x32 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_IFTYPES = 0x20 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_IBSS_RSN = 0x68 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_MESH_AUTH = 0x73 + NL80211_ATTR_SURVEY_INFO = 0x54 + NL80211_ATTR_SURVEY_RADIO_STATS = 0xda + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_ACTION = 0x88 + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_DIALOG_TOKEN = 0x89 + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_EXTERNAL_SETUP = 0x8c + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_INITIATOR = 0xcf + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_OPERATION = 0x8a + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_PEER_CAPABILITY = 0xcb + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_SUPPORT = 0x8b + NL80211_ATTR_TESTDATA = 0x45 + NL80211_ATTR_TID_CONFIG = 0x11d + NL80211_ATTR_TIMED_OUT = 0x41 + NL80211_ATTR_TIMEOUT = 0x110 + NL80211_ATTR_TIMEOUT_REASON = 0xf8 + NL80211_ATTR_TSID = 0xd2 + NL80211_ATTR_TWT_RESPONDER = 0x116 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_FRAME_TYPES = 0x63 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_NO_CCK_RATE = 0x87 + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_LIMIT = 0x10a + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_MEMORY_LIMIT = 0x10b + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM = 0x10c + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_STATS = 0x109 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_RATES = 0x5a + NL80211_ATTR_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x127 + NL80211_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_ATTR_USE_MFP = 0x42 + NL80211_ATTR_USER_PRIO = 0xd3 + NL80211_ATTR_USER_REG_HINT_TYPE = 0x9a + NL80211_ATTR_USE_RRM = 0xd0 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA = 0xc5 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_EVENTS = 0xc6 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_ID = 0xc3 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD = 0xc4 + NL80211_ATTR_VHT_CAPABILITY = 0x9d + NL80211_ATTR_VHT_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0xb0 + NL80211_ATTR_VLAN_ID = 0x11a + NL80211_ATTR_WANT_1X_4WAY_HS = 0x101 + NL80211_ATTR_WDEV = 0x99 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_AVAIL_RX = 0x72 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_AVAIL_TX = 0x71 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_RX = 0x6a + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_TX = 0x69 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_BANDS = 0x16 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_CHANNEL_TYPE = 0x27 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_COVERAGE_CLASS = 0x59 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_DYN_ACK = 0xd1 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_EDMG_BW_CONFIG = 0x119 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_EDMG_CHANNELS = 0x118 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FRAG_THRESHOLD = 0x3f + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ = 0x26 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ_HINT = 0xc9 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ_OFFSET = 0x122 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_NAME = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RETRY_LONG = 0x3e + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RETRY_SHORT = 0x3d + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RTS_THRESHOLD = 0x40 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_SELF_MANAGED_REG = 0xd8 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x62 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_SETTING = 0x61 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TXQ_PARAMS = 0x25 + NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS = 0x75 + NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS_SUPPORTED = 0x76 + NL80211_ATTR_WPA_VERSIONS = 0x4b + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC = 0x8 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_PK = 0x7 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK = 0x5 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK_PFS = 0x6 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FT = 0x2 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_NETWORK_EAP = 0x3 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM = 0x0 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SAE = 0x4 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_2GHZ = 0x0 + NL80211_BAND_5GHZ = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_60GHZ = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_6GHZ = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_EDMG_BW_CONFIG = 0xb + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_EDMG_CHANNELS = 0xa + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_FREQS = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_AMPDU_DENSITY = 0x6 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_AMPDU_FACTOR = 0x5 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_CAPA = 0x4 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_MCS_SET = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_IFTYPE_DATA = 0x9 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_MAX = 0xb + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_RATES = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_VHT_CAPA = 0x8 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_VHT_MCS_SET = 0x7 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_6GHZ_CAPA = 0x6 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_MAC = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_MCS_SET = 0x4 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PHY = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PPE = 0x5 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_IFTYPES = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ = 0x4 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_2GHZ_SHORTPREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_RATE = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_IES = 0xb + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x4 + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_TSF = 0xd + NL80211_BSS_BSSID = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_CAPABILITY = 0x5 + NL80211_BSS_CHAIN_SIGNAL = 0x13 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_10 = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_1 = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_20 = 0x0 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_2 = 0x4 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_5 = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH = 0xc + NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY_OFFSET = 0x14 + NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS = 0x6 + NL80211_BSS_LAST_SEEN_BOOTTIME = 0xf + NL80211_BSS_MAX = 0x14 + NL80211_BSS_PAD = 0x10 + NL80211_BSS_PARENT_BSSID = 0x12 + NL80211_BSS_PARENT_TSF = 0x11 + NL80211_BSS_PRESP_DATA = 0xe + NL80211_BSS_SEEN_MS_AGO = 0xa + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_BAND_PREF = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_RSSI_ADJUST = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_RSSI = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_MBM = 0x7 + NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_UNSPEC = 0x8 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_ASSOCIATED = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED = 0x0 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS = 0x9 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_IBSS_JOINED = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_TSF = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_HT20 = 0x1 + NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS = 0x2 + NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT = 0x0 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_10 = 0x7 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160 = 0x5 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_16 = 0xc + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_1 = 0x8 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_20 = 0x1 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_20_NOHT = 0x0 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_2 = 0x9 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_40 = 0x2 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_4 = 0xa + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_5 = 0x6 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_80 = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_80P80 = 0x4 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_8 = 0xb + NL80211_CMD_ABORT_SCAN = 0x72 + NL80211_CMD_ACTION = 0x3b + NL80211_CMD_ACTION_TX_STATUS = 0x3c + NL80211_CMD_ADD_NAN_FUNCTION = 0x75 + NL80211_CMD_ADD_TX_TS = 0x69 + NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE = 0x26 + NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE = 0x25 + NL80211_CMD_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 0x38 + NL80211_CMD_CHANGE_NAN_CONFIG = 0x77 + NL80211_CMD_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x66 + NL80211_CMD_CH_SWITCH_NOTIFY = 0x58 + NL80211_CMD_CH_SWITCH_STARTED_NOTIFY = 0x6e + NL80211_CMD_CONNECT = 0x2e + NL80211_CMD_CONN_FAILED = 0x5b + NL80211_CMD_CONTROL_PORT_FRAME = 0x81 + NL80211_CMD_CONTROL_PORT_FRAME_TX_STATUS = 0x8b + NL80211_CMD_CRIT_PROTOCOL_START = 0x62 + NL80211_CMD_CRIT_PROTOCOL_STOP = 0x63 + NL80211_CMD_DEAUTHENTICATE = 0x27 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON = 0x10 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_INTERFACE = 0x8 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_KEY = 0xc + NL80211_CMD_DEL_MPATH = 0x18 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_NAN_FUNCTION = 0x76 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_PMK = 0x7c + NL80211_CMD_DEL_PMKSA = 0x35 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_STATION = 0x14 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_TX_TS = 0x6a + NL80211_CMD_DEL_WIPHY = 0x4 + NL80211_CMD_DISASSOCIATE = 0x28 + NL80211_CMD_DISCONNECT = 0x30 + NL80211_CMD_EXTERNAL_AUTH = 0x7f + NL80211_CMD_FLUSH_PMKSA = 0x36 + NL80211_CMD_FRAME = 0x3b + NL80211_CMD_FRAME_TX_STATUS = 0x3c + NL80211_CMD_FRAME_WAIT_CANCEL = 0x43 + NL80211_CMD_FT_EVENT = 0x61 + NL80211_CMD_GET_BEACON = 0xd + NL80211_CMD_GET_COALESCE = 0x64 + NL80211_CMD_GET_FTM_RESPONDER_STATS = 0x82 + NL80211_CMD_GET_INTERFACE = 0x5 + NL80211_CMD_GET_KEY = 0x9 + NL80211_CMD_GET_MESH_CONFIG = 0x1c + NL80211_CMD_GET_MESH_PARAMS = 0x1c + NL80211_CMD_GET_MPATH = 0x15 + NL80211_CMD_GET_MPP = 0x6b + NL80211_CMD_GET_POWER_SAVE = 0x3e + NL80211_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES = 0x5f + NL80211_CMD_GET_REG = 0x1f + NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN = 0x20 + NL80211_CMD_GET_STATION = 0x11 + NL80211_CMD_GET_SURVEY = 0x32 + NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY = 0x1 + NL80211_CMD_GET_WOWLAN = 0x49 + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_IBSS = 0x2b + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_MESH = 0x44 + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_OCB = 0x6c + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_IBSS = 0x2c + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_MESH = 0x45 + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_OCB = 0x6d + NL80211_CMD_MAX = 0x92 + NL80211_CMD_MICHAEL_MIC_FAILURE = 0x29 + NL80211_CMD_NAN_MATCH = 0x78 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON = 0xf + NL80211_CMD_NEW_INTERFACE = 0x7 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_KEY = 0xb + NL80211_CMD_NEW_MPATH = 0x17 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_PEER_CANDIDATE = 0x48 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS = 0x22 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION = 0x13 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_SURVEY_RESULTS = 0x33 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_WIPHY = 0x3 + NL80211_CMD_NOTIFY_CQM = 0x40 + NL80211_CMD_NOTIFY_RADAR = 0x86 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_COMPLETE = 0x85 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_RESULT = 0x84 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_START = 0x83 + NL80211_CMD_PMKSA_CANDIDATE = 0x50 + NL80211_CMD_PORT_AUTHORIZED = 0x7d + NL80211_CMD_PROBE_CLIENT = 0x54 + NL80211_CMD_PROBE_MESH_LINK = 0x88 + NL80211_CMD_RADAR_DETECT = 0x5e + NL80211_CMD_REG_BEACON_HINT = 0x2a + NL80211_CMD_REG_CHANGE = 0x24 + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_ACTION = 0x3a + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_BEACONS = 0x55 + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME = 0x3a + NL80211_CMD_RELOAD_REGDB = 0x7e + NL80211_CMD_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 0x37 + NL80211_CMD_REQ_SET_REG = 0x1b + NL80211_CMD_ROAM = 0x2f + NL80211_CMD_SCAN_ABORTED = 0x23 + NL80211_CMD_SCHED_SCAN_RESULTS = 0x4d + NL80211_CMD_SCHED_SCAN_STOPPED = 0x4e + NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON = 0xe + NL80211_CMD_SET_BSS = 0x19 + NL80211_CMD_SET_CHANNEL = 0x41 + NL80211_CMD_SET_COALESCE = 0x65 + NL80211_CMD_SET_CQM = 0x3f + NL80211_CMD_SET_INTERFACE = 0x6 + NL80211_CMD_SET_KEY = 0xa + NL80211_CMD_SET_MAC_ACL = 0x5d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MCAST_RATE = 0x5c + NL80211_CMD_SET_MESH_CONFIG = 0x1d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MESH_PARAMS = 0x1d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MGMT_EXTRA_IE = 0x1e + NL80211_CMD_SET_MPATH = 0x16 + NL80211_CMD_SET_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST = 0x79 + NL80211_CMD_SET_NOACK_MAP = 0x57 + NL80211_CMD_SET_PMK = 0x7b + NL80211_CMD_SET_PMKSA = 0x34 + NL80211_CMD_SET_POWER_SAVE = 0x3d + NL80211_CMD_SET_QOS_MAP = 0x68 + NL80211_CMD_SET_REG = 0x1a + NL80211_CMD_SET_REKEY_OFFLOAD = 0x4f + NL80211_CMD_SET_SAR_SPECS = 0x8c + NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION = 0x12 + NL80211_CMD_SET_TID_CONFIG = 0x89 + NL80211_CMD_SET_TX_BITRATE_MASK = 0x39 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WDS_PEER = 0x42 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHY = 0x2 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHY_NETNS = 0x31 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN = 0x4a + NL80211_CMD_STA_OPMODE_CHANGED = 0x80 + NL80211_CMD_START_AP = 0xf + NL80211_CMD_START_NAN = 0x73 + NL80211_CMD_START_P2P_DEVICE = 0x59 + NL80211_CMD_START_SCHED_SCAN = 0x4b + NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP = 0x10 + NL80211_CMD_STOP_NAN = 0x74 + NL80211_CMD_STOP_P2P_DEVICE = 0x5a + NL80211_CMD_STOP_SCHED_SCAN = 0x4c + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_CANCEL_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x70 + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x6f + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_MGMT = 0x52 + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_OPER = 0x51 + NL80211_CMD_TESTMODE = 0x2d + NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN = 0x21 + NL80211_CMD_UNEXPECTED_4ADDR_FRAME = 0x56 + NL80211_CMD_UNEXPECTED_FRAME = 0x53 + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_BEACON = 0x8a + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_DEAUTHENTICATE = 0x46 + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_DISASSOCIATE = 0x47 + NL80211_CMD_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_CONNECT_PARAMS = 0x7a + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_FT_IES = 0x60 + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_OWE_INFO = 0x87 + NL80211_CMD_VENDOR = 0x67 + NL80211_CMD_WIPHY_REG_CHANGE = 0x71 + NL80211_COALESCE_CONDITION_MATCH = 0x0 + NL80211_COALESCE_CONDITION_NO_MATCH = 0x1 + NL80211_CONN_FAIL_BLOCKED_CLIENT = 0x1 + NL80211_CONN_FAIL_MAX_CLIENTS = 0x0 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_BEACON_LOSS_EVENT = 0x2 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT_HIGH = 0x1 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT_LOW = 0x0 + NL80211_CQM_TXE_MAX_INTVL = 0x708 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_APIPA = 0x3 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_DHCP = 0x1 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_EAPOL = 0x2 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_MAX_DURATION = 0x1388 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_DFS_AVAILABLE = 0x2 + NL80211_DFS_ETSI = 0x2 + NL80211_DFS_FCC = 0x1 + NL80211_DFS_JP = 0x3 + NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE = 0x1 + NL80211_DFS_UNSET = 0x0 + NL80211_DFS_USABLE = 0x0 + NL80211_EDMG_BW_CONFIG_MAX = 0xf + NL80211_EDMG_BW_CONFIG_MIN = 0x4 + NL80211_EDMG_CHANNELS_MAX = 0x3c + NL80211_EDMG_CHANNELS_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_EXTERNAL_AUTH_ABORT = 0x1 + NL80211_EXTERNAL_AUTH_START = 0x0 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_AP_PSK = 0x32 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_STA_1X = 0x10 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_STA_PSK = 0xf + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ACCEPT_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x12 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ACK_SIGNAL_SUPPORT = 0x1b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AIRTIME_FAIRNESS = 0x21 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AP_PMKSA_CACHING = 0x22 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AQL = 0x28 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_PROTECTION_CLIENT = 0x2e + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_PROTECTION = 0x29 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_HE = 0x36 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_HT = 0x7 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_LEGACY = 0x6 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_VHT = 0x8 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_PARENT_TSF = 0x4 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CAN_REPLACE_PTK0 = 0x1f + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_NO_PREAUTH = 0x2a + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211 = 0x1a + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211_TX_STATUS = 0x30 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CQM_RSSI_LIST = 0xd + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DATA_ACK_SIGNAL_SUPPORT = 0x1b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DEL_IBSS_STA = 0x2c + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DFS_OFFLOAD = 0x19 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ENABLE_FTM_RESPONDER = 0x20 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_EXT_KEY_ID = 0x24 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_DISCOVERY = 0x34 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x11 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_SK_OFFLOAD = 0xe + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_STA = 0x9 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_HIGH_ACCURACY_SCAN = 0x18 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_LOW_POWER_SCAN = 0x17 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_LOW_SPAN_SCAN = 0x16 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MFP_OPTIONAL = 0x15 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA = 0xa + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA_CONNECTED = 0xb + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MULTICAST_REGISTRATIONS = 0x2d + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MU_MIMO_AIR_SNIFFER = 0x2 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OCE_PROBE_REQ_DEFERRAL_SUPPRESSION = 0x14 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OCE_PROBE_REQ_HIGH_TX_RATE = 0x13 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OPERATING_CHANNEL_VALIDATION = 0x31 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_PROTECTED_TWT = 0x2b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_PROT_RANGE_NEGO_AND_MEASURE = 0x39 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RRM = 0x1 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SAE_OFFLOAD_AP = 0x33 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SAE_OFFLOAD = 0x26 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_FREQ_KHZ = 0x2f + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_MIN_PREQ_CONTENT = 0x1e + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_RANDOM_SN = 0x1d + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_START_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_BAND_SPECIFIC_RSSI_THOLD = 0x23 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0xc + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SECURE_LTF = 0x37 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SECURE_RTT = 0x38 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SET_SCAN_DWELL = 0x5 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_STA_TX_PWR = 0x25 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_TXQS = 0x1c + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x35 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_VHT_IBSS = 0x0 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_VLAN_OFFLOAD = 0x27 + NL80211_FEATURE_ACKTO_ESTIMATION = 0x800000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ACTIVE_MONITOR = 0x20000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ADVERTISE_CHAN_LIMITS = 0x4000 + NL80211_FEATURE_AP_MODE_CHAN_WIDTH_CHANGE = 0x40000 + NL80211_FEATURE_AP_SCAN = 0x100 + NL80211_FEATURE_CELL_BASE_REG_HINTS = 0x8 + NL80211_FEATURE_DS_PARAM_SET_IE_IN_PROBES = 0x80000 + NL80211_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_SMPS = 0x2000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE = 0x8000 + NL80211_FEATURE_HT_IBSS = 0x2 + NL80211_FEATURE_INACTIVITY_TIMER = 0x4 + NL80211_FEATURE_LOW_PRIORITY_SCAN = 0x40 + NL80211_FEATURE_MAC_ON_CREATE = 0x8000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ND_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x80000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_NEED_OBSS_SCAN = 0x400 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_DEVICE_NEEDS_CHANNEL = 0x10 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_GO_CTWIN = 0x800 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_GO_OPPPS = 0x1000 + NL80211_FEATURE_QUIET = 0x200000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SAE = 0x20 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCAN_FLUSH = 0x80 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCAN_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x20000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x40000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SK_TX_STATUS = 0x1 + NL80211_FEATURE_STATIC_SMPS = 0x1000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_WMM_ADMISSION = 0x4000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_TDLS_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x10000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_TX_POWER_INSERTION = 0x400000 + NL80211_FEATURE_USERSPACE_MPM = 0x10000 + NL80211_FEATURE_VIF_TXPOWER = 0x200 + NL80211_FEATURE_WFA_TPC_IE_IN_PROBES = 0x100000 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_TMPL = 0x3 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_TMPL_MIN_LEN = 0x2a + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_16MHZ = 0x19 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_1MHZ = 0x15 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_2MHZ = 0x16 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_4MHZ = 0x17 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_8MHZ = 0x18 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_CAC_TIME = 0xd + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_STATE = 0x7 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_TIME = 0x8 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DISABLED = 0x2 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ = 0x1 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_GO_CONCURRENT = 0xf + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_INDOOR_ONLY = 0xe + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_IR_CONCURRENT = 0xf + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX = 0x19 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER = 0x6 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_10MHZ = 0x11 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_160MHZ = 0xc + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_20MHZ = 0x10 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_80MHZ = 0xb + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HE = 0x13 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HT40_MINUS = 0x9 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HT40_PLUS = 0xa + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_IBSS = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_IR = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_OFFSET = 0x14 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_PASSIVE_SCAN = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_RADAR = 0x5 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_WMM = 0x12 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_CIVICLOC = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_ENABLED = 0x1 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_LCI = 0x2 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_ASAP_NUM = 0x4 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_FAILED_NUM = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_FTM_STATS_NON_ASAP_NUM = 0x5 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_OUT_OF_WINDOW_TRIGGERS_NUM = 0x9 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_PAD = 0xa + NL80211_FTM_STATS_PARTIAL_NUM = 0x2 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_RESCHEDULE_REQUESTS_NUM = 0x8 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_SUCCESS_NUM = 0x1 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_TOTAL_DURATION_MSEC = 0x6 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_UNKNOWN_TRIGGERS_NUM = 0x7 + NL80211_GENL_NAME = "nl80211" + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_COLOR = 0x1 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_DISABLED = 0x2 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_PARTIAL = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_MAX_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x36 + NL80211_HE_MIN_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_HE_NSS_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_BSS_COLOR_BITMAP = 0x4 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MAX_OFFSET = 0x2 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MIN_OFFSET = 0x1 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_NON_SRG_MAX_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_PARTIAL_BSSID_BITMAP = 0x5 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_SR_CTRL = 0x6 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE = 0x0 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_CONTENTS = 0x2 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_LEN = 0x1 + NL80211_HT_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x1a + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_BI_MIN_GCD = 0x7 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_LIMITS = 0x1 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_MAXNUM = 0x2 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_NUM_CHANNELS = 0x4 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_RADAR_DETECT_REGIONS = 0x6 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_RADAR_DETECT_WIDTHS = 0x5 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_STA_AP_BI_MATCH = 0x3 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_MAX = 0x1 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_TYPES = 0x2 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC = 0x1 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_IFTYPES = 0x1 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_SUITES = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AP = 0x3 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN = 0x4 + NL80211_IFTYPE_MAX = 0xc + NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT = 0x7 + NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR = 0x6 + NL80211_IFTYPE_NAN = 0xc + NL80211_IFTYPE_OCB = 0xb + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT = 0x8 + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_DEVICE = 0xa + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO = 0x9 + NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS = 0x5 + NL80211_KCK_EXT_LEN = 0x18 + NL80211_KCK_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_KEK_EXT_LEN = 0x20 + NL80211_KEK_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_KEY_CIPHER = 0x3 + NL80211_KEY_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_BEACON = 0xa + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT = 0x5 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_MGMT = 0x6 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPE_MULTICAST = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES = 0x8 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPE_UNICAST = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_IDX = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_KEY_MODE = 0x9 + NL80211_KEY_NO_TX = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_RX_TX = 0x0 + NL80211_KEY_SEQ = 0x4 + NL80211_KEY_SET_TX = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_TYPE = 0x7 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_GROUP = 0x0 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_PAIRWISE = 0x1 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_PEERKEY = 0x2 + NL80211_MAX_NR_AKM_SUITES = 0x2 + NL80211_MAX_NR_CIPHER_SUITES = 0x5 + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_HT_RATES = 0x4d + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES = 0x20 + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_REG_RULES = 0x80 + NL80211_MESHCONF_ATTR_MAX = 0x1f + NL80211_MESHCONF_AUTO_OPEN_PLINKS = 0x7 + NL80211_MESHCONF_AWAKE_WINDOW = 0x1b + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 0x2 + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONNECTED_TO_AS = 0x1f + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONNECTED_TO_GATE = 0x1d + NL80211_MESHCONF_ELEMENT_TTL = 0xf + NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING = 0x13 + NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS = 0x11 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HOLDING_TIMEOUT = 0x3 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HT_OPMODE = 0x16 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ACTIVE_PATH_TIMEOUT = 0xb + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_CONFIRMATION_INTERVAL = 0x19 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_MAX_PREQ_RETRIES = 0x8 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_NET_DIAM_TRVS_TIME = 0xd + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PATH_TO_ROOT_TIMEOUT = 0x17 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PERR_MIN_INTERVAL = 0x12 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PREQ_MIN_INTERVAL = 0xc + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_RANN_INTERVAL = 0x10 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ROOT_INTERVAL = 0x18 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ROOTMODE = 0xe + NL80211_MESHCONF_MAX_PEER_LINKS = 0x4 + NL80211_MESHCONF_MAX_RETRIES = 0x5 + NL80211_MESHCONF_MIN_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT = 0xa + NL80211_MESHCONF_NOLEARN = 0x1e + NL80211_MESHCONF_PATH_REFRESH_TIME = 0x9 + NL80211_MESHCONF_PLINK_TIMEOUT = 0x1c + NL80211_MESHCONF_POWER_MODE = 0x1a + NL80211_MESHCONF_RETRY_TIMEOUT = 0x1 + NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD = 0x14 + NL80211_MESHCONF_SYNC_OFFSET_MAX_NEIGHBOR = 0x15 + NL80211_MESHCONF_TTL = 0x6 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_ACTIVE = 0x1 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_DEEP_SLEEP = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_LIGHT_SLEEP = 0x2 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_UNKNOWN = 0x0 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ATTR_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_AUTH_PROTOCOL = 0x8 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_METRIC = 0x2 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_PATH_SEL = 0x1 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_SYNC = 0x6 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AMPE = 0x5 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AUTH = 0x4 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_MPM = 0x7 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_VENDOR_PATH_SEL_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_MFP_NO = 0x0 + NL80211_MFP_OPTIONAL = 0x2 + NL80211_MFP_REQUIRED = 0x1 + NL80211_MIN_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL_TIME = 0xa + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_ACTIVE = 0x6 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_CONTROL = 0x3 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_COOK_FRAMES = 0x5 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_FCSFAIL = 0x1 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_OTHER_BSS = 0x4 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_PLCPFAIL = 0x2 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_ACTIVE = 0x1 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_FIXED = 0x8 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_RESOLVED = 0x10 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_RESOLVING = 0x2 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_SN_VALID = 0x4 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_DISCOVERY_RETRIES = 0x7 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT = 0x6 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_EXPTIME = 0x4 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_FLAGS = 0x5 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_FRAME_QLEN = 0x1 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_HOP_COUNT = 0x8 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_MAX = 0x9 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_METRIC = 0x3 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_PATH_CHANGE = 0x9 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_SN = 0x2 + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_CONFIG = "config" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_MLME = "mlme" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_NAN = "nan" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_REG = "regulatory" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_SCAN = "scan" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_TESTMODE = "testmode" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_VENDOR = "vendor" + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_ATTR_MAX = 0x10 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_CLOSE_RANGE = 0x9 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_DEST = 0x8 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_ID = 0x6 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_REQ_ID = 0x7 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_INSTANCE_ID = 0xf + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_MAX_TYPE = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH_BCAST = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH = 0x0 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH_TYPE = 0x3 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_RX_MATCH_FILTER = 0xd + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_ID = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_ID_LEN = 0x6 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_INFO = 0xb + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_SPEC_INFO_MAX_LEN = 0xff + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SRF = 0xc + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SRF_MAX_LEN = 0xff + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SUBSCRIBE_ACTIVE = 0x5 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SUBSCRIBE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON = 0x10 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_ERROR = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_TTL_EXPIRED = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_USER_REQUEST = 0x0 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TTL = 0xa + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TX_MATCH_FILTER = 0xe + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TYPE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_FUNC_LOCAL = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_FUNC_PEER = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_SOLICITED_PUBLISH = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_ATTR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_BF = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_BF_IDX = 0x3 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_INCLUDE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_MAC_ADDRS = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_UNSOLICITED_PUBLISH = 0x2 + NL80211_NUM_ACS = 0x4 + NL80211_P2P_PS_SUPPORTED = 0x1 + NL80211_P2P_PS_UNSUPPORTED = 0x0 + NL80211_PKTPAT_MASK = 0x1 + NL80211_PKTPAT_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_PKTPAT_PATTERN = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_BLOCK = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_NO_ACTION = 0x0 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_OPEN = 0x1 + NL80211_PLINK_BLOCKED = 0x6 + NL80211_PLINK_CNF_RCVD = 0x3 + NL80211_PLINK_ESTAB = 0x4 + NL80211_PLINK_HOLDING = 0x5 + NL80211_PLINK_LISTEN = 0x0 + NL80211_PLINK_OPN_RCVD = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_OPN_SNT = 0x1 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_BSSID = 0x2 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_INDEX = 0x1 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_PREAUTH = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_MAX_PEERS = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_PEERS = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_RANDOMIZE_MAC_ADDR = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_REPORT_AP_TSF = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_TYPE_CAPA = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_ASAP = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_BANDWIDTHS = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX_BURSTS_EXPONENT = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_NON_ASAP = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_NON_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_PREAMBLES = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_REQ_CIVICLOC = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_REQ_LCI = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_TRIGGER_BASED = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_BAD_CHANGED_PARAMS = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_INVALID_TIMESTAMP = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_NO_RESPONSE = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_PEER_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_PEER_NOT_CAPABLE = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_REJECTED = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_WRONG_CHANNEL = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_ASAP = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_BURST_DURATION = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_BURST_PERIOD = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_LMR_FEEDBACK = 0xc + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_MAX = 0xd + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NON_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xb + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NUM_BURSTS_EXP = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_RETRIES = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_REQUEST_CIVICLOC = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_REQUEST_LCI = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BURST_DURATION = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BURST_INDEX = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BUSY_RETRY_TIME = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_CIVICLOC = 0x14 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_AVG = 0x10 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_SPREAD = 0x12 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_VARIANCE = 0x11 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_FAIL_REASON = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_LCI = 0x13 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x15 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_BURSTS_EXP = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_ATTEMPTS = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_SUCCESSES = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_PAD = 0x15 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RSSI_AVG = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RSSI_SPREAD = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_AVG = 0xd + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_SPREAD = 0xf + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_VARIANCE = 0xe + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RX_RATE = 0xc + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_TX_RATE = 0xb + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_ADDR = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_CHAN = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_REQ = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_RESP = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_GET_AP_TSF = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_AP_TSF = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_FINAL = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_HOST_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_PAD = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_STATUS = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_FAILURE = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_REFUSED = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_FTM = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_MAX = 0x1 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_DMG = 0x3 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_HE = 0x4 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_HT = 0x1 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_LEGACY = 0x0 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_VHT = 0x2 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_80211U = 0x8 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_P2P = 0x4 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS2 = 0x2 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS = 0x1 + NL80211_PROTOCOL_FEATURE_SPLIT_WIPHY_DUMP = 0x1 + NL80211_PS_DISABLED = 0x0 + NL80211_PS_ENABLED = 0x1 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED = 0x2 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED = 0x1 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED = 0x5 + NL80211_RADAR_DETECTED = 0x0 + NL80211_RADAR_NOP_FINISHED = 0x3 + NL80211_RADAR_PRE_CAC_EXPIRED = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_10_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xb + NL80211_RATE_INFO_160_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xa + NL80211_RATE_INFO_40_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x3 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_5_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xc + NL80211_RATE_INFO_80_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x8 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_80P80_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x9 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_BITRATE32 = 0x5 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_BITRATE = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_1XLTF = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_2XLTF = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_4XLTF = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_DCM = 0x10 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_0_8 = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_1_6 = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_3_2 = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI = 0xf + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_MCS = 0xd + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_NSS = 0xe + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_106 = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_242 = 0x3 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_26 = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_2x996 = 0x6 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_484 = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_52 = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_996 = 0x5 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC = 0x11 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_MAX = 0x11 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_MCS = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_SHORT_GI = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_VHT_MCS = 0x6 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_VHT_NSS = 0x7 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_CORE = 0x0 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_COUNTRY_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_DRIVER = 0x2 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_USER = 0x1 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_COUNTRY = 0x0 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_CUSTOM_WORLD = 0x2 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_INTERSECTION = 0x3 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_WORLD = 0x1 + NL80211_REG_RULE_ATTR_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_AKM = 0x4 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_KCK = 0x2 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_KEK = 0x1 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_REPLAY_CTR = 0x3 + NL80211_REPLAY_CTR_LEN = 0x8 + NL80211_RRF_AUTO_BW = 0x800 + NL80211_RRF_DFS = 0x10 + NL80211_RRF_GO_CONCURRENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_RRF_IR_CONCURRENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_160MHZ = 0x10000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_80MHZ = 0x8000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_CCK = 0x2 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HE = 0x20000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40 = 0x6000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40MINUS = 0x2000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40PLUS = 0x4000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IBSS = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_NO_INDOOR = 0x4 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IR_ALL = 0x180 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IR = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_NO_OFDM = 0x1 + NL80211_RRF_NO_OUTDOOR = 0x8 + NL80211_RRF_PASSIVE_SCAN = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_PTMP_ONLY = 0x40 + NL80211_RRF_PTP_ONLY = 0x20 + NL80211_RXMGMT_FLAG_ANSWERED = 0x1 + NL80211_RXMGMT_FLAG_EXTERNAL_AUTH = 0x2 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_BOTH = 0x3 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_HASH_TO_ELEMENT = 0x2 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_HUNT_AND_PECK = 0x1 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_END_FREQ = 0x4 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_POWER = 0x1 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_RANGE_INDEX = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_START_FREQ = 0x3 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_TYPE = 0x1 + NL80211_SAR_TYPE_POWER = 0x0 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_ACCEPT_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x20 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_AP = 0x4 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_COLOCATED_6GHZ = 0x4000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FILS_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x10 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FLUSH = 0x2 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FREQ_KHZ = 0x2000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_HIGH_ACCURACY = 0x400 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_POWER = 0x200 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY = 0x1 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_SPAN = 0x100 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_MIN_PREQ_CONTENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_OCE_PROBE_REQ_DEFERRAL_SUPPRESSION = 0x80 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_OCE_PROBE_REQ_HIGH_TX_RATE = 0x40 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_ADDR = 0x8 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_SN = 0x800 + NL80211_SCAN_RSSI_THOLD_OFF = -0x12c + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_BSSID = 0x5 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0x3 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI_ADJUST = 0x4 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI = 0x2 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_SSID = 0x1 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_PER_BAND_RSSI = 0x6 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_INTERVAL = 0x1 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_ITERATIONS = 0x2 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_OFF = 0x0 + NL80211_SMPS_STATIC = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_CTS_PROT = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_SHORT_SLOT_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_ASSOCIATED = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MAX_OLD_API = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MFP = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_TDLS_PEER = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_WME = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ACK_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x23 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ACK_SIGNAL = 0x22 + NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_LINK_METRIC = 0x29 + NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_WEIGHT = 0x28 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ASSOC_AT_BOOTTIME = 0x2a + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_LOSS = 0x12 + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_RX = 0x1d + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x1e + NL80211_STA_INFO_BSS_PARAM = 0xf + NL80211_STA_INFO_CHAIN_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x1a + NL80211_STA_INFO_CHAIN_SIGNAL = 0x19 + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TIME = 0x10 + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TO_AS = 0x2b + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TO_GATE = 0x26 + NL80211_STA_INFO_DATA_ACK_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x23 + NL80211_STA_INFO_EXPECTED_THROUGHPUT = 0x1b + NL80211_STA_INFO_FCS_ERROR_COUNT = 0x25 + NL80211_STA_INFO_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_INFO_LLID = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_INFO_LOCAL_PM = 0x14 + NL80211_STA_INFO_MAX = 0x2b + NL80211_STA_INFO_NONPEER_PM = 0x16 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PAD = 0x21 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PEER_PM = 0x15 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PLID = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PLINK_STATE = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BITRATE = 0xe + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BYTES64 = 0x17 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BYTES = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_DROP_MISC = 0x1c + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_DURATION = 0x20 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_MPDUS = 0x24 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_PACKETS = 0x9 + NL80211_STA_INFO_SIGNAL_AVG = 0xd + NL80211_STA_INFO_SIGNAL = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_INFO_STA_FLAGS = 0x11 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TID_STATS = 0x1f + NL80211_STA_INFO_T_OFFSET = 0x13 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BITRATE = 0x8 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BYTES64 = 0x18 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BYTES = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_DURATION = 0x27 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_FAILED = 0xc + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_PACKETS = 0xa + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_RETRIES = 0xb + NL80211_STA_WME_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_WME_MAX_SP = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_WME_UAPSD_QUEUES = 0x1 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_BUSY = 0x5 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x4 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_EXT_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_RX = 0x7 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_TX = 0x8 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_FREQUENCY = 0x1 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_FREQUENCY_OFFSET = 0xc + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_IN_USE = 0x3 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_MAX = 0xc + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_NOISE = 0x2 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_PAD = 0xa + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_BSS_RX = 0xb + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_BUSY = 0x5 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME = 0x4 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_EXT_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_RX = 0x7 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_SCAN = 0x9 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_TX = 0x8 + NL80211_TDLS_DISABLE_LINK = 0x4 + NL80211_TDLS_DISCOVERY_REQ = 0x0 + NL80211_TDLS_ENABLE_LINK = 0x3 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_HE = 0x8 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_HT = 0x1 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_VHT = 0x2 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_WMM = 0x4 + NL80211_TDLS_SETUP = 0x1 + NL80211_TDLS_TEARDOWN = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_AMPDU_CTRL = 0x9 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_AMSDU_CTRL = 0xb + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX = 0xd + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_NOACK = 0x6 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_OVERRIDE = 0x4 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_PAD = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_PEER_SUPP = 0x3 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RETRY_LONG = 0x8 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RETRY_SHORT = 0x7 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RTSCTS_CTRL = 0xa + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TIDS = 0x5 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_RATE = 0xd + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_RATE_TYPE = 0xc + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_VIF_SUPP = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_DISABLE = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ENABLE = 0x0 + NL80211_TID_STATS_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_TID_STATS_PAD = 0x5 + NL80211_TID_STATS_RX_MSDU = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU_FAILED = 0x4 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU_RETRIES = 0x3 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TXQ_STATS = 0x6 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_ASSOC = 0x3 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_AUTH = 0x2 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_SCAN = 0x1 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_ENCR_KEY = 0x0 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_RX_MIC_KEY = 0x18 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_TX_MIC_KEY = 0x10 + NL80211_TX_POWER_AUTOMATIC = 0x0 + NL80211_TX_POWER_FIXED = 0x2 + NL80211_TX_POWER_LIMITED = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_AC = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_AIFS = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_CWMAX = 0x4 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_CWMIN = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_QUEUE = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_TXOP = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_BE = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_BK = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_VI = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_VO = 0x0 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_BACKLOG_BYTES = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_BACKLOG_PACKETS = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_COLLISIONS = 0x8 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_DROPS = 0x4 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_ECN_MARKS = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_FLOWS = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_MAX = 0xb + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_MAX_FLOWS = 0xb + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_OVERLIMIT = 0x6 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_OVERMEMORY = 0x7 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_TX_BYTES = 0x9 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_TX_PACKETS = 0xa + NL80211_TX_RATE_AUTOMATIC = 0x0 + NL80211_TXRATE_DEFAULT_GI = 0x0 + NL80211_TX_RATE_FIXED = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_FORCE_LGI = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_FORCE_SGI = 0x1 + NL80211_TXRATE_GI = 0x4 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE = 0x5 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE_GI = 0x6 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE_LTF = 0x7 + NL80211_TXRATE_HT = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY = 0x1 + NL80211_TX_RATE_LIMITED = 0x1 + NL80211_TXRATE_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_TXRATE_MCS = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_VHT = 0x3 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_INT = 0x1 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_TMPL = 0x2 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_CELL_BASE = 0x1 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_INDOOR = 0x2 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_USER = 0x0 + NL80211_VENDOR_ID_IS_LINUX = 0x80000000 + NL80211_VHT_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0xc + NL80211_VHT_NSS_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_WIPHY_NAME_MAXLEN = 0x40 + NL80211_WMMR_AIFSN = 0x3 + NL80211_WMMR_CW_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_WMMR_CW_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_WMMR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_WMMR_TXOP = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_MASK = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_PATTERN = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_INTERVAL = 0x9 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD = 0x6 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD_SEQ = 0x7 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD_TOKEN = 0x8 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_IPV4 = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_MAC = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_PORT = 0x5 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_SRC_IPV4 = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_SRC_PORT = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_WAKE_MASK = 0xb + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_WAKE_PAYLOAD = 0xa + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_4WAY_HANDSHAKE = 0x8 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_ANY = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_DISCONNECT = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_EAP_IDENT_REQUEST = 0x7 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_GTK_REKEY_FAILURE = 0x6 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_GTK_REKEY_SUPPORTED = 0x5 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_MAGIC_PKT = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT = 0x12 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT_RESULTS = 0x13 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_PKT_PATTERN = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_RFKILL_RELEASE = 0x9 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_TCP_CONNECTION = 0xe + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211 = 0xa + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211_LEN = 0xb + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023 = 0xc + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023_LEN = 0xd + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_CONNLOST = 0x10 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_MATCH = 0xf + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_NOMORETOKENS = 0x11 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1 = 0x1 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2 = 0x2 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_3 = 0x4 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go index bea2549455e..531aefab752 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go @@ -250,6 +250,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go index b8c8f289433..727f664bb8d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go @@ -265,6 +265,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go index 4db44301632..639141b1eba 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go @@ -241,6 +241,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go index 3ebcad8a887..6cb03b1d95e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go @@ -244,6 +244,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go index 3eb33e48ab5..4a1555455d0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go @@ -246,6 +246,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go index 79a94467252..e1084926f62 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go @@ -247,6 +247,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go index 8f4b107cad3..8904ac84e5d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go @@ -247,6 +247,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go index e4eb2179811..a1a28cc7d97 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go @@ -246,6 +246,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go index d5b21f0f7da..abdc5345238 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go @@ -253,6 +253,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go index 5188d142b9f..f4afbbe002b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go @@ -254,6 +254,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go index de4dd4c736e..ea0b8406df7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -254,6 +254,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go index dccbf9b0604..85d0a0d50d8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go @@ -272,6 +272,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go index 6358806106f..81dd9c22c1c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go @@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ type PtraceFpregs struct { } type PtracePer struct { - _ [0]uint64 - _ [32]byte + Control_regs [3]uint64 + _ [8]byte Starting_addr uint64 Ending_addr uint64 Perc_atmid uint16 @@ -267,6 +267,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go index 765edc13ff2..6991b00b5b5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go @@ -249,6 +249,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index cf44e693379..ce3075c4534 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( errorspkg "errors" "fmt" "runtime" + "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" @@ -86,10 +87,8 @@ func StringToUTF16(s string) []uint16 { // s, with a terminating NUL added. If s contains a NUL byte at any // location, it returns (nil, syscall.EINVAL). func UTF16FromString(s string) ([]uint16, error) { - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - if s[i] == 0 { - return nil, syscall.EINVAL - } + if strings.IndexByte(s, 0) != -1 { + return nil, syscall.EINVAL } return utf16.Encode([]rune(s + "\x00")), nil } @@ -186,8 +185,8 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys GetNamedPipeInfo(pipe Handle, flags *uint32, outSize *uint32, inSize *uint32, maxInstances *uint32) (err error) //sys GetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe Handle, state *uint32, curInstances *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32, userName *uint16, maxUserNameSize uint32) (err error) = GetNamedPipeHandleStateW //sys SetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe Handle, state *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32) (err error) = SetNamedPipeHandleState -//sys ReadFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) -//sys WriteFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) +//sys readFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) = ReadFile +//sys writeFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) = WriteFile //sys GetOverlappedResult(handle Handle, overlapped *Overlapped, done *uint32, wait bool) (err error) //sys SetFilePointer(handle Handle, lowoffset int32, highoffsetptr *int32, whence uint32) (newlowoffset uint32, err error) [failretval==0xffffffff] //sys CloseHandle(handle Handle) (err error) @@ -549,12 +548,6 @@ func Read(fd Handle, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } return 0, e } - if raceenabled { - if done > 0 { - raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(done)) - } - raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) - } return int(done), nil } @@ -567,12 +560,31 @@ func Write(fd Handle, p []byte) (n int, err error) { if e != nil { return 0, e } - if raceenabled && done > 0 { - raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(done)) - } return int(done), nil } +func ReadFile(fd Handle, p []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) error { + err := readFile(fd, p, done, overlapped) + if raceenabled { + if *done > 0 { + raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(*done)) + } + raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + return err +} + +func WriteFile(fd Handle, p []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) error { + if raceenabled { + raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + err := writeFile(fd, p, done, overlapped) + if raceenabled && *done > 0 { + raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(*done)) + } + return err +} + var ioSync int64 func Seek(fd Handle, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go index 9ea1a44f04d..68f52c1e61e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go @@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@ func ReadDirectoryChanges(handle Handle, buf *byte, buflen uint32, watchSubTree return } -func ReadFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { +func readFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(buf) > 0 { _p0 = &buf[0] @@ -3203,7 +3203,7 @@ func WriteConsole(console Handle, buf *uint16, towrite uint32, written *uint32, return } -func WriteFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { +func writeFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(buf) > 0 { _p0 = &buf[0] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f8b14b64e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/codereview.cfg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +issuerepo: golang/go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go index 1f6a38fad2a..d5927088082 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term.go @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ // panic(err) // } // defer term.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) +// +// Note that on non-Unix systems os.Stdin.Fd() may not be 0. package term // State contains the state of a terminal. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go deleted file mode 100644 index b9da29744b7..00000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_solaris.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package term - -import ( - "io" - "syscall" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// State contains the state of a terminal. -type state struct { - termios unix.Termios -} - -func isTerminal(fd int) bool { - _, err := unix.IoctlGetTermio(fd, unix.TCGETA) - return err == nil -} - -func readPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) { - // see also: http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libast/common/uwin/getpass.c - val, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - oldState := *val - - newState := oldState - newState.Lflag &^= syscall.ECHO - newState.Lflag |= syscall.ICANON | syscall.ISIG - newState.Iflag |= syscall.ICRNL - err = unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &newState) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - defer unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState) - - var buf [16]byte - var ret []byte - for { - n, err := syscall.Read(fd, buf[:]) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if n == 0 { - if len(ret) == 0 { - return nil, io.EOF - } - break - } - if buf[n-1] == '\n' { - n-- - } - ret = append(ret, buf[:n]...) - if n < len(buf) { - break - } - } - - return ret, nil -} - -func makeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) { - // see http://cr.illumos.org/~webrev/andy_js/1060/ - termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - oldState := State{state{termios: *termios}} - - termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON - termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST - termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN - termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB - termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8 - termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1 - termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0 - - if err := unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, termios); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &oldState, nil -} - -func restore(fd int, oldState *State) error { - return unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState.termios) -} - -func getState(fd int) (*State, error) { - termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return &State{state{termios: *termios}}, nil -} - -func getSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) { - ws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(fd, unix.TIOCGWINSZ) - if err != nil { - return 0, 0, err - } - return int(ws.Col), int(ws.Row), nil -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go index 6849b6ee5ba..a4e31ab1b29 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd zos +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package term diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2d5efd26ad4..00000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_aix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package term - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS -const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go similarity index 63% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go index 2d5efd26ad4..1e8955c934f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_other.go @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || linux || solaris || zos +// +build aix linux solaris zos + package term import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go deleted file mode 100644 index b85ab899893..00000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/term/term_unix_zos.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package term - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS -const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go index f41aedcfc8a..6105bc7fadc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/language.go @@ -251,6 +251,13 @@ func (t Tag) Parent() Tag { // ParseExtension parses s as an extension and returns it on success. func ParseExtension(s string) (ext string, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + ext = "" + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + scan := makeScannerString(s) var end int if n := len(scan.token); n != 1 { @@ -461,7 +468,14 @@ func (t Tag) findTypeForKey(key string) (start, sep, end int, hasExt bool) { // ParseBase parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 639 code. // It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown language identifier // or another error if another error occurred. -func ParseBase(s string) (Language, error) { +func ParseBase(s string) (l Language, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + l = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + if n := len(s); n < 2 || 3 < n { return 0, ErrSyntax } @@ -472,7 +486,14 @@ func ParseBase(s string) (Language, error) { // ParseScript parses a 4-letter ISO 15924 code. // It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown script identifier // or another error if another error occurred. -func ParseScript(s string) (Script, error) { +func ParseScript(s string) (scr Script, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + scr = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + if len(s) != 4 { return 0, ErrSyntax } @@ -489,7 +510,14 @@ func EncodeM49(r int) (Region, error) { // ParseRegion parses a 2- or 3-letter ISO 3166-1 or a UN M.49 code. // It returns a ValueError if s is a well-formed but unknown region identifier // or another error if another error occurred. -func ParseRegion(s string) (Region, error) { +func ParseRegion(s string) (r Region, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + r = 0 + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + if n := len(s); n < 2 || 3 < n { return 0, ErrSyntax } @@ -578,7 +606,14 @@ type Variant struct { // ParseVariant parses and returns a Variant. An error is returned if s is not // a valid variant. -func ParseVariant(s string) (Variant, error) { +func ParseVariant(s string) (v Variant, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + v = Variant{} + err = ErrSyntax + } + }() + s = strings.ToLower(s) if id, ok := variantIndex[s]; ok { return Variant{id, s}, nil diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go index c696fd0bd86..47ee0fed174 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/language/parse.go @@ -232,6 +232,13 @@ func Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { if s == "" { return Und, ErrSyntax } + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Und + err = ErrSyntax + return + } + }() if len(s) <= maxAltTaglen { b := [maxAltTaglen]byte{} for i, c := range s { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go index 11acfd88562..59b04100806 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/language/parse.go @@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ func Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_Language_and_Locale_Identifiers. // The resulting tag is canonicalized using the canonicalization type c. func (c CanonType) Parse(s string) (t Tag, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Tag{} + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + tt, err := language.Parse(s) if err != nil { return makeTag(tt), err @@ -79,6 +86,13 @@ func Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) { // tag is returned after canonicalizing using CanonType c. If one or more errors // are encountered, one of the errors is returned. func (c CanonType) Compose(part ...interface{}) (t Tag, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + t = Tag{} + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + var b language.Builder if err = update(&b, part...); err != nil { return und, err @@ -142,6 +156,14 @@ var errInvalidWeight = errors.New("ParseAcceptLanguage: invalid weight") // Tags with a weight of zero will be dropped. An error will be returned if the // input could not be parsed. func ParseAcceptLanguage(s string) (tag []Tag, q []float32, err error) { + defer func() { + if recover() != nil { + tag = nil + q = nil + err = language.ErrSyntax + } + }() + var entry string for s != "" { if entry, s = split(s, ','); entry == "" { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata/gcexportdata.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata/gcexportdata.go index fc8beea5d8a..cec819d6410 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata/gcexportdata.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata/gcexportdata.go @@ -50,11 +50,24 @@ func Find(importPath, srcDir string) (filename, path string) { // additional trailing data beyond the end of the export data. func NewReader(r io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) { buf := bufio.NewReader(r) - _, err := gcimporter.FindExportData(buf) - // If we ever switch to a zip-like archive format with the ToC - // at the end, we can return the correct portion of export data, - // but for now we must return the entire rest of the file. - return buf, err + _, size, err := gcimporter.FindExportData(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if size >= 0 { + // We were given an archive and found the __.PKGDEF in it. + // This tells us the size of the export data, and we don't + // need to return the entire file. + return &io.LimitedReader{ + R: buf, + N: size, + }, nil + } else { + // We were given an object file. As such, we don't know how large + // the export data is and must return the entire file. + return buf, nil + } } // Read reads export data from in, decodes it, and returns type diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bexport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bexport.go index a807d0aaa28..0a3cdb9a3b8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bexport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bexport.go @@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ import ( // (suspected) format errors, and whenever a change is made to the format. const debugFormat = false // default: false -// If trace is set, debugging output is printed to std out. -const trace = false // default: false - // Current export format version. Increase with each format change. // Note: The latest binary (non-indexed) export format is at version 6. // This exporter is still at level 4, but it doesn't matter since @@ -92,16 +89,18 @@ func internalErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { // BExportData returns binary export data for pkg. // If no file set is provided, position info will be missing. func BExportData(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) (b []byte, err error) { - defer func() { - if e := recover(); e != nil { - if ierr, ok := e.(internalError); ok { - err = ierr - return + if !debug { + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + if ierr, ok := e.(internalError); ok { + err = ierr + return + } + // Not an internal error; panic again. + panic(e) } - // Not an internal error; panic again. - panic(e) - } - }() + }() + } p := exporter{ fset: fset, diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bimport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bimport.go index e9f73d14a18..b85de014700 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bimport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/bimport.go @@ -74,9 +74,10 @@ func BImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data [] pathList: []string{""}, // empty string is mapped to 0 fake: fakeFileSet{ fset: fset, - files: make(map[string]*token.File), + files: make(map[string]*fileInfo), }, } + defer p.fake.setLines() // set lines for files in fset // read version info var versionstr string @@ -338,37 +339,49 @@ func (p *importer) pos() token.Pos { // Synthesize a token.Pos type fakeFileSet struct { fset *token.FileSet - files map[string]*token.File + files map[string]*fileInfo } +type fileInfo struct { + file *token.File + lastline int +} + +const maxlines = 64 * 1024 + func (s *fakeFileSet) pos(file string, line, column int) token.Pos { // TODO(mdempsky): Make use of column. - // Since we don't know the set of needed file positions, we - // reserve maxlines positions per file. - const maxlines = 64 * 1024 + // Since we don't know the set of needed file positions, we reserve maxlines + // positions per file. We delay calling token.File.SetLines until all + // positions have been calculated (by way of fakeFileSet.setLines), so that + // we can avoid setting unnecessary lines. See also golang/go#46586. f := s.files[file] if f == nil { - f = s.fset.AddFile(file, -1, maxlines) + f = &fileInfo{file: s.fset.AddFile(file, -1, maxlines)} s.files[file] = f - // Allocate the fake linebreak indices on first use. - // TODO(adonovan): opt: save ~512KB using a more complex scheme? - fakeLinesOnce.Do(func() { - fakeLines = make([]int, maxlines) - for i := range fakeLines { - fakeLines[i] = i - } - }) - f.SetLines(fakeLines) } - if line > maxlines { line = 1 } + if line > f.lastline { + f.lastline = line + } - // Treat the file as if it contained only newlines - // and column=1: use the line number as the offset. - return f.Pos(line - 1) + // Return a fake position assuming that f.file consists only of newlines. + return token.Pos(f.file.Base() + line - 1) +} + +func (s *fakeFileSet) setLines() { + fakeLinesOnce.Do(func() { + fakeLines = make([]int, maxlines) + for i := range fakeLines { + fakeLines[i] = i + } + }) + for _, f := range s.files { + f.file.SetLines(fakeLines[:f.lastline]) + } } var ( @@ -1029,6 +1042,7 @@ func predeclared() []types.Type { // used internally by gc; never used by this package or in .a files anyType{}, } + predecl = append(predecl, additionalPredeclared()...) }) return predecl } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/exportdata.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/exportdata.go index f33dc5613e7..f6437feb1cf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/exportdata.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/exportdata.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import ( "strings" ) -func readGopackHeader(r *bufio.Reader) (name string, size int, err error) { +func readGopackHeader(r *bufio.Reader) (name string, size int64, err error) { // See $GOROOT/include/ar.h. hdr := make([]byte, 16+12+6+6+8+10+2) _, err = io.ReadFull(r, hdr) @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ func readGopackHeader(r *bufio.Reader) (name string, size int, err error) { fmt.Printf("header: %s", hdr) } s := strings.TrimSpace(string(hdr[16+12+6+6+8:][:10])) - size, err = strconv.Atoi(s) + length, err := strconv.Atoi(s) + size = int64(length) if err != nil || hdr[len(hdr)-2] != '`' || hdr[len(hdr)-1] != '\n' { err = fmt.Errorf("invalid archive header") return @@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ func readGopackHeader(r *bufio.Reader) (name string, size int, err error) { // file by reading from it. The reader must be positioned at the // start of the file before calling this function. The hdr result // is the string before the export data, either "$$" or "$$B". -// -func FindExportData(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, err error) { +// The size result is the length of the export data in bytes, or -1 if not known. +func FindExportData(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, size int64, err error) { // Read first line to make sure this is an object file. line, err := r.ReadSlice('\n') if err != nil { @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ func FindExportData(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, err error) { if string(line) == "!\n" { // Archive file. Scan to __.PKGDEF. var name string - if name, _, err = readGopackHeader(r); err != nil { + if name, size, err = readGopackHeader(r); err != nil { return } @@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ func FindExportData(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, err error) { err = fmt.Errorf("can't find export data (%v)", err) return } + size -= int64(len(line)) } // Now at __.PKGDEF in archive or still at beginning of file. @@ -86,8 +88,12 @@ func FindExportData(r *bufio.Reader) (hdr string, err error) { err = fmt.Errorf("can't find export data (%v)", err) return } + size -= int64(len(line)) } hdr = string(line) + if size < 0 { + size = -1 + } return } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go index e8cba6b2375..3ab66830d74 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go @@ -29,8 +29,14 @@ import ( "text/scanner" ) -// debugging/development support -const debug = false +const ( + // Enable debug during development: it adds some additional checks, and + // prevents errors from being recovered. + debug = false + + // If trace is set, debugging output is printed to std out. + trace = false +) var pkgExts = [...]string{".a", ".o"} @@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ func Import(packages map[string]*types.Package, path, srcDir string, lookup func var hdr string buf := bufio.NewReader(rc) - if hdr, err = FindExportData(buf); err != nil { + if hdr, _, err = FindExportData(buf); err != nil { return } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iexport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iexport.go index d2fc8b6fa3e..209553409cb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iexport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iexport.go @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ package gcimporter import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" + "fmt" "go/ast" "go/constant" "go/token" @@ -19,11 +20,11 @@ import ( "math/big" "reflect" "sort" -) + "strconv" + "strings" -// Current indexed export format version. Increase with each format change. -// 0: Go1.11 encoding -const iexportVersion = 0 + "golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams" +) // Current bundled export format version. Increase with each format change. // 0: initial implementation @@ -35,31 +36,35 @@ const bundleVersion = 0 // The package path of the top-level package will not be recorded, // so that calls to IImportData can override with a provided package path. func IExportData(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) error { - return iexportCommon(out, fset, false, []*types.Package{pkg}) + return iexportCommon(out, fset, false, iexportVersion, []*types.Package{pkg}) } // IExportBundle writes an indexed export bundle for pkgs to out. func IExportBundle(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, pkgs []*types.Package) error { - return iexportCommon(out, fset, true, pkgs) -} - -func iexportCommon(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, bundle bool, pkgs []*types.Package) (err error) { - defer func() { - if e := recover(); e != nil { - if ierr, ok := e.(internalError); ok { - err = ierr - return + return iexportCommon(out, fset, true, iexportVersion, pkgs) +} + +func iexportCommon(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, bundle bool, version int, pkgs []*types.Package) (err error) { + if !debug { + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + if ierr, ok := e.(internalError); ok { + err = ierr + return + } + // Not an internal error; panic again. + panic(e) } - // Not an internal error; panic again. - panic(e) - } - }() + }() + } p := iexporter{ fset: fset, + version: version, allPkgs: map[*types.Package]bool{}, stringIndex: map[string]uint64{}, declIndex: map[types.Object]uint64{}, + tparamNames: map[types.Object]string{}, typIndex: map[types.Type]uint64{}, } if !bundle { @@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ func iexportCommon(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, bundle bool, pkgs []*type if bundle { hdr.uint64(bundleVersion) } - hdr.uint64(iexportVersion) + hdr.uint64(uint64(p.version)) hdr.uint64(uint64(p.strings.Len())) hdr.uint64(dataLen) @@ -136,8 +141,12 @@ func iexportCommon(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, bundle bool, pkgs []*type // non-compiler tools and includes a complete package description // (i.e., name and height). func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) { + type pkgObj struct { + obj types.Object + name string // qualified name; differs from obj.Name for type params + } // Build a map from packages to objects from that package. - pkgObjs := map[*types.Package][]types.Object{} + pkgObjs := map[*types.Package][]pkgObj{} // For the main index, make sure to include every package that // we reference, even if we're not exporting (or reexporting) @@ -150,7 +159,8 @@ func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) { } for obj := range index { - pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()] = append(pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()], obj) + name := w.p.exportName(obj) + pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()] = append(pkgObjs[obj.Pkg()], pkgObj{obj, name}) } var pkgs []*types.Package @@ -158,7 +168,7 @@ func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) { pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg) sort.Slice(objs, func(i, j int) bool { - return objs[i].Name() < objs[j].Name() + return objs[i].name < objs[j].name }) } @@ -175,15 +185,25 @@ func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) { objs := pkgObjs[pkg] w.uint64(uint64(len(objs))) for _, obj := range objs { - w.string(obj.Name()) - w.uint64(index[obj]) + w.string(obj.name) + w.uint64(index[obj.obj]) } } } +// exportName returns the 'exported' name of an object. It differs from +// obj.Name() only for type parameters (see tparamExportName for details). +func (p *iexporter) exportName(obj types.Object) (res string) { + if name := p.tparamNames[obj]; name != "" { + return name + } + return obj.Name() +} + type iexporter struct { - fset *token.FileSet - out *bytes.Buffer + fset *token.FileSet + out *bytes.Buffer + version int localpkg *types.Package @@ -197,9 +217,21 @@ type iexporter struct { strings intWriter stringIndex map[string]uint64 - data0 intWriter - declIndex map[types.Object]uint64 - typIndex map[types.Type]uint64 + data0 intWriter + declIndex map[types.Object]uint64 + tparamNames map[types.Object]string // typeparam->exported name + typIndex map[types.Type]uint64 + + indent int // for tracing support +} + +func (p *iexporter) trace(format string, args ...interface{}) { + if !trace { + // Call sites should also be guarded, but having this check here allows + // easily enabling/disabling debug trace statements. + return + } + fmt.Printf(strings.Repeat("..", p.indent)+format+"\n", args...) } // stringOff returns the offset of s within the string section. @@ -225,7 +257,7 @@ func (p *iexporter) pushDecl(obj types.Object) { return } - p.declIndex[obj] = ^uint64(0) // mark n present in work queue + p.declIndex[obj] = ^uint64(0) // mark obj present in work queue p.declTodo.pushTail(obj) } @@ -233,10 +265,11 @@ func (p *iexporter) pushDecl(obj types.Object) { type exportWriter struct { p *iexporter - data intWriter - currPkg *types.Package - prevFile string - prevLine int64 + data intWriter + currPkg *types.Package + prevFile string + prevLine int64 + prevColumn int64 } func (w *exportWriter) exportPath(pkg *types.Package) string { @@ -247,6 +280,14 @@ func (w *exportWriter) exportPath(pkg *types.Package) string { } func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) { + if trace { + p.trace("exporting decl %v (%T)", obj, obj) + p.indent++ + defer func() { + p.indent-- + p.trace("=> %s", obj) + }() + } w := p.newWriter() w.setPkg(obj.Pkg(), false) @@ -261,8 +302,24 @@ func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) { if sig.Recv() != nil { panic(internalErrorf("unexpected method: %v", sig)) } - w.tag('F') + + // Function. + if typeparams.ForSignature(sig).Len() == 0 { + w.tag('F') + } else { + w.tag('G') + } w.pos(obj.Pos()) + // The tparam list of the function type is the declaration of the type + // params. So, write out the type params right now. Then those type params + // will be referenced via their type offset (via typOff) in all other + // places in the signature and function where they are used. + // + // While importing the type parameters, tparamList computes and records + // their export name, so that it can be later used when writing the index. + if tparams := typeparams.ForSignature(sig); tparams.Len() > 0 { + w.tparamList(obj.Name(), tparams, obj.Pkg()) + } w.signature(sig) case *types.Const: @@ -271,30 +328,56 @@ func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) { w.value(obj.Type(), obj.Val()) case *types.TypeName: + t := obj.Type() + + if tparam, ok := t.(*typeparams.TypeParam); ok { + w.tag('P') + w.pos(obj.Pos()) + constraint := tparam.Constraint() + if p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 { + implicit := false + if iface, _ := constraint.(*types.Interface); iface != nil { + implicit = typeparams.IsImplicit(iface) + } + w.bool(implicit) + } + w.typ(constraint, obj.Pkg()) + break + } + if obj.IsAlias() { w.tag('A') w.pos(obj.Pos()) - w.typ(obj.Type(), obj.Pkg()) + w.typ(t, obj.Pkg()) break } // Defined type. - w.tag('T') + named, ok := t.(*types.Named) + if !ok { + panic(internalErrorf("%s is not a defined type", t)) + } + + if typeparams.ForNamed(named).Len() == 0 { + w.tag('T') + } else { + w.tag('U') + } w.pos(obj.Pos()) + if typeparams.ForNamed(named).Len() > 0 { + // While importing the type parameters, tparamList computes and records + // their export name, so that it can be later used when writing the index. + w.tparamList(obj.Name(), typeparams.ForNamed(named), obj.Pkg()) + } + underlying := obj.Type().Underlying() w.typ(underlying, obj.Pkg()) - t := obj.Type() if types.IsInterface(t) { break } - named, ok := t.(*types.Named) - if !ok { - panic(internalErrorf("%s is not a defined type", t)) - } - n := named.NumMethods() w.uint64(uint64(n)) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { @@ -302,6 +385,17 @@ func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) { w.pos(m.Pos()) w.string(m.Name()) sig, _ := m.Type().(*types.Signature) + + // Receiver type parameters are type arguments of the receiver type, so + // their name must be qualified before exporting recv. + if rparams := typeparams.RecvTypeParams(sig); rparams.Len() > 0 { + prefix := obj.Name() + "." + m.Name() + for i := 0; i < rparams.Len(); i++ { + rparam := rparams.At(i) + name := tparamExportName(prefix, rparam) + w.p.tparamNames[rparam.Obj()] = name + } + } w.param(sig.Recv()) w.signature(sig) } @@ -318,6 +412,48 @@ func (w *exportWriter) tag(tag byte) { } func (w *exportWriter) pos(pos token.Pos) { + if w.p.version >= iexportVersionPosCol { + w.posV1(pos) + } else { + w.posV0(pos) + } +} + +func (w *exportWriter) posV1(pos token.Pos) { + if w.p.fset == nil { + w.int64(0) + return + } + + p := w.p.fset.Position(pos) + file := p.Filename + line := int64(p.Line) + column := int64(p.Column) + + deltaColumn := (column - w.prevColumn) << 1 + deltaLine := (line - w.prevLine) << 1 + + if file != w.prevFile { + deltaLine |= 1 + } + if deltaLine != 0 { + deltaColumn |= 1 + } + + w.int64(deltaColumn) + if deltaColumn&1 != 0 { + w.int64(deltaLine) + if deltaLine&1 != 0 { + w.string(file) + } + } + + w.prevFile = file + w.prevLine = line + w.prevColumn = column +} + +func (w *exportWriter) posV0(pos token.Pos) { if w.p.fset == nil { w.int64(0) return @@ -359,10 +495,11 @@ func (w *exportWriter) pkg(pkg *types.Package) { } func (w *exportWriter) qualifiedIdent(obj types.Object) { + name := w.p.exportName(obj) + // Ensure any referenced declarations are written out too. w.p.pushDecl(obj) - - w.string(obj.Name()) + w.string(name) w.pkg(obj.Pkg()) } @@ -396,11 +533,32 @@ func (w *exportWriter) startType(k itag) { } func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) { + if trace { + w.p.trace("exporting type %s (%T)", t, t) + w.p.indent++ + defer func() { + w.p.indent-- + w.p.trace("=> %s", t) + }() + } switch t := t.(type) { case *types.Named: + if targs := typeparams.NamedTypeArgs(t); targs.Len() > 0 { + w.startType(instanceType) + // TODO(rfindley): investigate if this position is correct, and if it + // matters. + w.pos(t.Obj().Pos()) + w.typeList(targs, pkg) + w.typ(typeparams.NamedTypeOrigin(t), pkg) + return + } w.startType(definedType) w.qualifiedIdent(t.Obj()) + case *typeparams.TypeParam: + w.startType(typeParamType) + w.qualifiedIdent(t.Obj()) + case *types.Pointer: w.startType(pointerType) w.typ(t.Elem(), pkg) @@ -461,9 +619,14 @@ func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) { n := t.NumEmbeddeds() w.uint64(uint64(n)) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - f := t.Embedded(i) - w.pos(f.Obj().Pos()) - w.typ(f.Obj().Type(), f.Obj().Pkg()) + ft := t.EmbeddedType(i) + tPkg := pkg + if named, _ := ft.(*types.Named); named != nil { + w.pos(named.Obj().Pos()) + } else { + w.pos(token.NoPos) + } + w.typ(ft, tPkg) } n = t.NumExplicitMethods() @@ -476,6 +639,16 @@ func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) { w.signature(sig) } + case *typeparams.Union: + w.startType(unionType) + nt := t.Len() + w.uint64(uint64(nt)) + for i := 0; i < nt; i++ { + term := t.Term(i) + w.bool(term.Tilde()) + w.typ(term.Type(), pkg) + } + default: panic(internalErrorf("unexpected type: %v, %v", t, reflect.TypeOf(t))) } @@ -497,6 +670,56 @@ func (w *exportWriter) signature(sig *types.Signature) { } } +func (w *exportWriter) typeList(ts *typeparams.TypeList, pkg *types.Package) { + w.uint64(uint64(ts.Len())) + for i := 0; i < ts.Len(); i++ { + w.typ(ts.At(i), pkg) + } +} + +func (w *exportWriter) tparamList(prefix string, list *typeparams.TypeParamList, pkg *types.Package) { + ll := uint64(list.Len()) + w.uint64(ll) + for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ { + tparam := list.At(i) + // Set the type parameter exportName before exporting its type. + exportName := tparamExportName(prefix, tparam) + w.p.tparamNames[tparam.Obj()] = exportName + w.typ(list.At(i), pkg) + } +} + +const blankMarker = "$" + +// tparamExportName returns the 'exported' name of a type parameter, which +// differs from its actual object name: it is prefixed with a qualifier, and +// blank type parameter names are disambiguated by their index in the type +// parameter list. +func tparamExportName(prefix string, tparam *typeparams.TypeParam) string { + assert(prefix != "") + name := tparam.Obj().Name() + if name == "_" { + name = blankMarker + strconv.Itoa(tparam.Index()) + } + return prefix + "." + name +} + +// tparamName returns the real name of a type parameter, after stripping its +// qualifying prefix and reverting blank-name encoding. See tparamExportName +// for details. +func tparamName(exportName string) string { + // Remove the "path" from the type param name that makes it unique. + ix := strings.LastIndex(exportName, ".") + if ix < 0 { + errorf("malformed type parameter export name %s: missing prefix", exportName) + } + name := exportName[ix+1:] + if strings.HasPrefix(name, blankMarker) { + return "_" + } + return name +} + func (w *exportWriter) paramList(tup *types.Tuple) { n := tup.Len() w.uint64(uint64(n)) @@ -513,6 +736,9 @@ func (w *exportWriter) param(obj types.Object) { func (w *exportWriter) value(typ types.Type, v constant.Value) { w.typ(typ, nil) + if w.p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 { + w.int64(int64(v.Kind())) + } switch b := typ.Underlying().(*types.Basic); b.Info() & types.IsConstType { case types.IsBoolean: diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iimport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iimport.go index 8ed8bc62d68..84cfb807d73 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iimport.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/iimport.go @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import ( "go/types" "io" "sort" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams" ) type intReader struct { @@ -41,6 +44,19 @@ func (r *intReader) uint64() uint64 { return i } +// Keep this in sync with constants in iexport.go. +const ( + iexportVersionGo1_11 = 0 + iexportVersionPosCol = 1 + iexportVersionGo1_18 = 2 + iexportVersionGenerics = 2 +) + +type ident struct { + pkg string + name string +} + const predeclReserved = 32 type itag uint64 @@ -56,6 +72,9 @@ const ( signatureType structType interfaceType + typeParamType + instanceType + unionType ) // IImportData imports a package from the serialized package data @@ -78,15 +97,17 @@ func IImportBundle(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []byte, bundle bool, path string) (pkgs []*types.Package, err error) { const currentVersion = 1 version := int64(-1) - defer func() { - if e := recover(); e != nil { - if version > currentVersion { - err = fmt.Errorf("cannot import %q (%v), export data is newer version - update tool", path, e) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("cannot import %q (%v), possibly version skew - reinstall package", path, e) + if !debug { + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + if version > currentVersion { + err = fmt.Errorf("cannot import %q (%v), export data is newer version - update tool", path, e) + } else { + err = fmt.Errorf("cannot import %q (%v), possibly version skew - reinstall package", path, e) + } } - } - }() + }() + } r := &intReader{bytes.NewReader(data), path} @@ -101,9 +122,13 @@ func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data version = int64(r.uint64()) switch version { - case currentVersion, 0: + case iexportVersionGo1_18, iexportVersionPosCol, iexportVersionGo1_11: default: - errorf("unknown iexport format version %d", version) + if version > iexportVersionGo1_18 { + errorf("unstable iexport format version %d, just rebuild compiler and std library", version) + } else { + errorf("unknown iexport format version %d", version) + } } sLen := int64(r.uint64()) @@ -115,8 +140,8 @@ func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data r.Seek(sLen+dLen, io.SeekCurrent) p := iimporter{ - ipath: path, version: int(version), + ipath: path, stringData: stringData, stringCache: make(map[uint64]string), @@ -125,12 +150,16 @@ func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data declData: declData, pkgIndex: make(map[*types.Package]map[string]uint64), typCache: make(map[uint64]types.Type), + // Separate map for typeparams, keyed by their package and unique + // name. + tparamIndex: make(map[ident]types.Type), fake: fakeFileSet{ fset: fset, - files: make(map[string]*token.File), + files: make(map[string]*fileInfo), }, } + defer p.fake.setLines() // set lines for files in fset for i, pt := range predeclared() { p.typCache[uint64(i)] = pt @@ -208,6 +237,15 @@ func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data pkg.MarkComplete() } + // SetConstraint can't be called if the constraint type is not yet complete. + // When type params are created in the 'P' case of (*importReader).obj(), + // the associated constraint type may not be complete due to recursion. + // Therefore, we defer calling SetConstraint there, and call it here instead + // after all types are complete. + for _, d := range p.later { + typeparams.SetTypeParamConstraint(d.t, d.constraint) + } + for _, typ := range p.interfaceList { typ.Complete() } @@ -215,23 +253,51 @@ func iimportCommon(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data return pkgs, nil } +type setConstraintArgs struct { + t *typeparams.TypeParam + constraint types.Type +} + type iimporter struct { - ipath string version int + ipath string stringData []byte stringCache map[uint64]string pkgCache map[uint64]*types.Package - declData []byte - pkgIndex map[*types.Package]map[string]uint64 - typCache map[uint64]types.Type + declData []byte + pkgIndex map[*types.Package]map[string]uint64 + typCache map[uint64]types.Type + tparamIndex map[ident]types.Type fake fakeFileSet interfaceList []*types.Interface + + // Arguments for calls to SetConstraint that are deferred due to recursive types + later []setConstraintArgs + + indent int // for tracing support +} + +func (p *iimporter) trace(format string, args ...interface{}) { + if !trace { + // Call sites should also be guarded, but having this check here allows + // easily enabling/disabling debug trace statements. + return + } + fmt.Printf(strings.Repeat("..", p.indent)+format+"\n", args...) } func (p *iimporter) doDecl(pkg *types.Package, name string) { + if debug { + p.trace("import decl %s", name) + p.indent++ + defer func() { + p.indent-- + p.trace("=> %s", name) + }() + } // See if we've already imported this declaration. if obj := pkg.Scope().Lookup(name); obj != nil { return @@ -273,7 +339,7 @@ func (p *iimporter) pkgAt(off uint64) *types.Package { } func (p *iimporter) typAt(off uint64, base *types.Named) types.Type { - if t, ok := p.typCache[off]; ok && (base == nil || !isInterface(t)) { + if t, ok := p.typCache[off]; ok && canReuse(base, t) { return t } @@ -285,12 +351,30 @@ func (p *iimporter) typAt(off uint64, base *types.Named) types.Type { r.declReader.Reset(p.declData[off-predeclReserved:]) t := r.doType(base) - if base == nil || !isInterface(t) { + if canReuse(base, t) { p.typCache[off] = t } return t } +// canReuse reports whether the type rhs on the RHS of the declaration for def +// may be re-used. +// +// Specifically, if def is non-nil and rhs is an interface type with methods, it +// may not be re-used because we have a convention of setting the receiver type +// for interface methods to def. +func canReuse(def *types.Named, rhs types.Type) bool { + if def == nil { + return true + } + iface, _ := rhs.(*types.Interface) + if iface == nil { + return true + } + // Don't use iface.Empty() here as iface may not be complete. + return iface.NumEmbeddeds() == 0 && iface.NumExplicitMethods() == 0 +} + type importReader struct { p *iimporter declReader bytes.Reader @@ -315,17 +399,26 @@ func (r *importReader) obj(name string) { r.declare(types.NewConst(pos, r.currPkg, name, typ, val)) - case 'F': - sig := r.signature(nil) - + case 'F', 'G': + var tparams []*typeparams.TypeParam + if tag == 'G' { + tparams = r.tparamList() + } + sig := r.signature(nil, nil, tparams) r.declare(types.NewFunc(pos, r.currPkg, name, sig)) - case 'T': + case 'T', 'U': // Types can be recursive. We need to setup a stub // declaration before recursing. obj := types.NewTypeName(pos, r.currPkg, name, nil) named := types.NewNamed(obj, nil, nil) + // Declare obj before calling r.tparamList, so the new type name is recognized + // if used in the constraint of one of its own typeparams (see #48280). r.declare(obj) + if tag == 'U' { + tparams := r.tparamList() + typeparams.SetForNamed(named, tparams) + } underlying := r.p.typAt(r.uint64(), named).Underlying() named.SetUnderlying(underlying) @@ -335,12 +428,59 @@ func (r *importReader) obj(name string) { mpos := r.pos() mname := r.ident() recv := r.param() - msig := r.signature(recv) + + // If the receiver has any targs, set those as the + // rparams of the method (since those are the + // typeparams being used in the method sig/body). + base := baseType(recv.Type()) + assert(base != nil) + targs := typeparams.NamedTypeArgs(base) + var rparams []*typeparams.TypeParam + if targs.Len() > 0 { + rparams = make([]*typeparams.TypeParam, targs.Len()) + for i := range rparams { + rparams[i] = targs.At(i).(*typeparams.TypeParam) + } + } + msig := r.signature(recv, rparams, nil) named.AddMethod(types.NewFunc(mpos, r.currPkg, mname, msig)) } } + case 'P': + // We need to "declare" a typeparam in order to have a name that + // can be referenced recursively (if needed) in the type param's + // bound. + if r.p.version < iexportVersionGenerics { + errorf("unexpected type param type") + } + name0 := tparamName(name) + tn := types.NewTypeName(pos, r.currPkg, name0, nil) + t := typeparams.NewTypeParam(tn, nil) + + // To handle recursive references to the typeparam within its + // bound, save the partial type in tparamIndex before reading the bounds. + id := ident{r.currPkg.Name(), name} + r.p.tparamIndex[id] = t + var implicit bool + if r.p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 { + implicit = r.bool() + } + constraint := r.typ() + if implicit { + iface, _ := constraint.(*types.Interface) + if iface == nil { + errorf("non-interface constraint marked implicit") + } + typeparams.MarkImplicit(iface) + } + // The constraint type may not be complete, if we + // are in the middle of a type recursion involving type + // constraints. So, we defer SetConstraint until we have + // completely set up all types in ImportData. + r.p.later = append(r.p.later, setConstraintArgs{t: t, constraint: constraint}) + case 'V': typ := r.typ() @@ -357,6 +497,10 @@ func (r *importReader) declare(obj types.Object) { func (r *importReader) value() (typ types.Type, val constant.Value) { typ = r.typ() + if r.p.version >= iexportVersionGo1_18 { + // TODO: add support for using the kind. + _ = constant.Kind(r.int64()) + } switch b := typ.Underlying().(*types.Basic); b.Info() & types.IsConstType { case types.IsBoolean: @@ -499,7 +643,7 @@ func (r *importReader) qualifiedIdent() (*types.Package, string) { } func (r *importReader) pos() token.Pos { - if r.p.version >= 1 { + if r.p.version >= iexportVersionPosCol { r.posv1() } else { r.posv0() @@ -547,8 +691,17 @@ func isInterface(t types.Type) bool { func (r *importReader) pkg() *types.Package { return r.p.pkgAt(r.uint64()) } func (r *importReader) string() string { return r.p.stringAt(r.uint64()) } -func (r *importReader) doType(base *types.Named) types.Type { - switch k := r.kind(); k { +func (r *importReader) doType(base *types.Named) (res types.Type) { + k := r.kind() + if debug { + r.p.trace("importing type %d (base: %s)", k, base) + r.p.indent++ + defer func() { + r.p.indent-- + r.p.trace("=> %s", res) + }() + } + switch k { default: errorf("unexpected kind tag in %q: %v", r.p.ipath, k) return nil @@ -571,7 +724,7 @@ func (r *importReader) doType(base *types.Named) types.Type { return types.NewMap(r.typ(), r.typ()) case signatureType: r.currPkg = r.pkg() - return r.signature(nil) + return r.signature(nil, nil, nil) case structType: r.currPkg = r.pkg() @@ -611,13 +764,56 @@ func (r *importReader) doType(base *types.Named) types.Type { recv = types.NewVar(token.NoPos, r.currPkg, "", base) } - msig := r.signature(recv) + msig := r.signature(recv, nil, nil) methods[i] = types.NewFunc(mpos, r.currPkg, mname, msig) } typ := newInterface(methods, embeddeds) r.p.interfaceList = append(r.p.interfaceList, typ) return typ + + case typeParamType: + if r.p.version < iexportVersionGenerics { + errorf("unexpected type param type") + } + pkg, name := r.qualifiedIdent() + id := ident{pkg.Name(), name} + if t, ok := r.p.tparamIndex[id]; ok { + // We're already in the process of importing this typeparam. + return t + } + // Otherwise, import the definition of the typeparam now. + r.p.doDecl(pkg, name) + return r.p.tparamIndex[id] + + case instanceType: + if r.p.version < iexportVersionGenerics { + errorf("unexpected instantiation type") + } + // pos does not matter for instances: they are positioned on the original + // type. + _ = r.pos() + len := r.uint64() + targs := make([]types.Type, len) + for i := range targs { + targs[i] = r.typ() + } + baseType := r.typ() + // The imported instantiated type doesn't include any methods, so + // we must always use the methods of the base (orig) type. + // TODO provide a non-nil *Environment + t, _ := typeparams.Instantiate(nil, baseType, targs, false) + return t + + case unionType: + if r.p.version < iexportVersionGenerics { + errorf("unexpected instantiation type") + } + terms := make([]*typeparams.Term, r.uint64()) + for i := range terms { + terms[i] = typeparams.NewTerm(r.bool(), r.typ()) + } + return typeparams.NewUnion(terms) } } @@ -625,11 +821,25 @@ func (r *importReader) kind() itag { return itag(r.uint64()) } -func (r *importReader) signature(recv *types.Var) *types.Signature { +func (r *importReader) signature(recv *types.Var, rparams []*typeparams.TypeParam, tparams []*typeparams.TypeParam) *types.Signature { params := r.paramList() results := r.paramList() variadic := params.Len() > 0 && r.bool() - return types.NewSignature(recv, params, results, variadic) + return typeparams.NewSignatureType(recv, rparams, tparams, params, results, variadic) +} + +func (r *importReader) tparamList() []*typeparams.TypeParam { + n := r.uint64() + if n == 0 { + return nil + } + xs := make([]*typeparams.TypeParam, n) + for i := range xs { + // Note: the standard library importer is tolerant of nil types here, + // though would panic in SetTypeParams. + xs[i] = r.typ().(*typeparams.TypeParam) + } + return xs } func (r *importReader) paramList() *types.Tuple { @@ -674,3 +884,13 @@ func (r *importReader) byte() byte { } return x } + +func baseType(typ types.Type) *types.Named { + // pointer receivers are never types.Named types + if p, _ := typ.(*types.Pointer); p != nil { + typ = p.Elem() + } + // receiver base types are always (possibly generic) types.Named types + n, _ := typ.(*types.Named) + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go117.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go117.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d892273efb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go117.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package gcimporter + +import "go/types" + +const iexportVersion = iexportVersionGo1_11 + +func additionalPredeclared() []types.Type { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a993843230c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter/support_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package gcimporter + +import "go/types" + +const iexportVersion = iexportVersionGenerics + +// additionalPredeclared returns additional predeclared types in go.1.18. +func additionalPredeclared() []types.Type { + return []types.Type{ + // comparable + types.Universe.Lookup("comparable").Type(), + + // any + types.Universe.Lookup("any").Type(), + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go index 8a1a2d68100..1b5424e78f7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import ( "golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/packagesinternal" + "golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal" ) @@ -327,6 +328,9 @@ type Package struct { // The NeedSyntax LoadMode bit populates this field for packages matching the patterns. // If NeedDeps and NeedImports are also set, this field will also be populated // for dependencies. + // + // Syntax is kept in the same order as CompiledGoFiles, with the caveat that nils are + // removed. If parsing returned nil, Syntax may be shorter than CompiledGoFiles. Syntax []*ast.File // TypesInfo provides type information about the package's syntax trees. @@ -910,6 +914,7 @@ func (ld *loader) loadPackage(lpkg *loaderPackage) { Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope), Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection), } + typeparams.InitInstanceInfo(lpkg.TypesInfo) lpkg.TypesSizes = ld.sizes importer := importerFunc(func(path string) (*types.Package, error) { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/invoke.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/invoke.go index 8659a0c5da6..f7533683465 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/invoke.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/invoke.go @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" - exec "golang.org/x/sys/execabs" "io" "os" "regexp" @@ -18,6 +17,8 @@ import ( "sync" "time" + exec "golang.org/x/sys/execabs" + "golang.org/x/tools/internal/event" ) @@ -131,9 +132,16 @@ type Invocation struct { Verb string Args []string BuildFlags []string - ModFlag string - ModFile string - Overlay string + + // If ModFlag is set, the go command is invoked with -mod=ModFlag. + ModFlag string + + // If ModFile is set, the go command is invoked with -modfile=ModFile. + ModFile string + + // If Overlay is set, the go command is invoked with -overlay=Overlay. + Overlay string + // If CleanEnv is set, the invocation will run only with the environment // in Env, not starting with os.Environ. CleanEnv bool diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/vendor.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/vendor.go index 5e75bd6d8fa..2d3d408c0be 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/vendor.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/vendor.go @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ var modFlagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`-mod[ =](\w+)`) // with the supplied context.Context and Invocation. The Invocation can contain pre-defined fields, // of which only Verb and Args are modified to run the appropriate Go command. // Inspired by setDefaultBuildMod in modload/init.go -func VendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (*ModuleJSON, bool, error) { +func VendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (bool, *ModuleJSON, error) { mainMod, go114, err := getMainModuleAnd114(ctx, inv, r) if err != nil { - return nil, false, err + return false, nil, err } // We check the GOFLAGS to see if there is anything overridden or not. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func VendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (*ModuleJSON, inv.Args = []string{"GOFLAGS"} stdout, err := r.Run(ctx, inv) if err != nil { - return nil, false, err + return false, nil, err } goflags := string(bytes.TrimSpace(stdout.Bytes())) matches := modFlagRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(goflags) @@ -57,25 +57,27 @@ func VendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (*ModuleJSON, if len(matches) != 0 { modFlag = matches[1] } - if modFlag != "" { - // Don't override an explicit '-mod=' argument. - return mainMod, modFlag == "vendor", nil + // Don't override an explicit '-mod=' argument. + if modFlag == "vendor" { + return true, mainMod, nil + } else if modFlag != "" { + return false, nil, nil } if mainMod == nil || !go114 { - return mainMod, false, nil + return false, nil, nil } // Check 1.14's automatic vendor mode. if fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(mainMod.Dir, "vendor")); err == nil && fi.IsDir() { if mainMod.GoVersion != "" && semver.Compare("v"+mainMod.GoVersion, "v1.14") >= 0 { // The Go version is at least 1.14, and a vendor directory exists. // Set -mod=vendor by default. - return mainMod, true, nil + return true, mainMod, nil } } - return mainMod, false, nil + return false, nil, nil } -// getMainModuleAnd114 gets the main module's information and whether the +// getMainModuleAnd114 gets one of the main modules' information and whether the // go command in use is 1.14+. This is the information needed to figure out // if vendoring should be enabled. func getMainModuleAnd114(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (*ModuleJSON, bool, error) { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/version.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/version.go index 0cebac6e668..71304368020 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/version.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand/version.go @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import ( // It returns the X in Go 1.X. func GoVersion(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (int, error) { inv.Verb = "list" - inv.Args = []string{"-e", "-f", `{{context.ReleaseTags}}`} + inv.Args = []string{"-e", "-f", `{{context.ReleaseTags}}`, `--`, `unsafe`} inv.Env = append(append([]string{}, inv.Env...), "GO111MODULE=off") // Unset any unneeded flags, and remove them from BuildFlags, if they're // present. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/common.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/common.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ab6b30b83e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/common.go @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package typeparams contains common utilities for writing tools that interact +// with generic Go code, as introduced with Go 1.18. +// +// Many of the types and functions in this package are proxies for the new APIs +// introduced in the standard library with Go 1.18. For example, the +// typeparams.Union type is an alias for go/types.Union, and the ForTypeSpec +// function returns the value of the go/ast.TypeSpec.TypeParams field. At Go +// versions older than 1.18 these helpers are implemented as stubs, allowing +// users of this package to write code that handles generic constructs inline, +// even if the Go version being used to compile does not support generics. +// +// Additionally, this package contains common utilities for working with the +// new generic constructs, to supplement the standard library APIs. Notably, +// the StructuralTerms API computes a minimal representation of the structural +// restrictions on a type parameter. In the future, this API may be available +// from go/types. +// +// See the example/README.md for a more detailed guide on how to update tools +// to support generics. +package typeparams + +import ( + "go/ast" + "go/token" + "go/types" +) + +// UnpackIndexExpr extracts data from AST nodes that represent index +// expressions. +// +// For an ast.IndexExpr, the resulting indices slice will contain exactly one +// index expression. For an ast.IndexListExpr (go1.18+), it may have a variable +// number of index expressions. +// +// For nodes that don't represent index expressions, the first return value of +// UnpackIndexExpr will be nil. +func UnpackIndexExpr(n ast.Node) (x ast.Expr, lbrack token.Pos, indices []ast.Expr, rbrack token.Pos) { + switch e := n.(type) { + case *ast.IndexExpr: + return e.X, e.Lbrack, []ast.Expr{e.Index}, e.Rbrack + case *IndexListExpr: + return e.X, e.Lbrack, e.Indices, e.Rbrack + } + return nil, token.NoPos, nil, token.NoPos +} + +// PackIndexExpr returns an *ast.IndexExpr or *ast.IndexListExpr, depending on +// the cardinality of indices. Calling PackIndexExpr with len(indices) == 0 +// will panic. +func PackIndexExpr(x ast.Expr, lbrack token.Pos, indices []ast.Expr, rbrack token.Pos) ast.Expr { + switch len(indices) { + case 0: + panic("empty indices") + case 1: + return &ast.IndexExpr{ + X: x, + Lbrack: lbrack, + Index: indices[0], + Rbrack: rbrack, + } + default: + return &IndexListExpr{ + X: x, + Lbrack: lbrack, + Indices: indices, + Rbrack: rbrack, + } + } +} + +// IsTypeParam reports whether t is a type parameter. +func IsTypeParam(t types.Type) bool { + _, ok := t.(*TypeParam) + return ok +} + +// OriginMethod returns the origin method associated with the method fn. +// For methods on a non-generic receiver base type, this is just +// fn. However, for methods with a generic receiver, OriginMethod returns the +// corresponding method in the method set of the origin type. +// +// As a special case, if fn is not a method (has no receiver), OriginMethod +// returns fn. +func OriginMethod(fn *types.Func) *types.Func { + recv := fn.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv() + if recv == nil { + + return fn + } + base := recv.Type() + p, isPtr := base.(*types.Pointer) + if isPtr { + base = p.Elem() + } + named, isNamed := base.(*types.Named) + if !isNamed { + // Receiver is a *types.Interface. + return fn + } + if ForNamed(named).Len() == 0 { + // Receiver base has no type parameters, so we can avoid the lookup below. + return fn + } + orig := NamedTypeOrigin(named) + gfn, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(orig, true, fn.Pkg(), fn.Name()) + return gfn.(*types.Func) +} + +// GenericAssignableTo is a generalization of types.AssignableTo that +// implements the following rule for uninstantiated generic types: +// +// If V and T are generic named types, then V is considered assignable to T if, +// for every possible instantation of V[A_1, ..., A_N], the instantiation +// T[A_1, ..., A_N] is valid and V[A_1, ..., A_N] implements T[A_1, ..., A_N]. +// +// If T has structural constraints, they must be satisfied by V. +// +// For example, consider the following type declarations: +// +// type Interface[T any] interface { +// Accept(T) +// } +// +// type Container[T any] struct { +// Element T +// } +// +// func (c Container[T]) Accept(t T) { c.Element = t } +// +// In this case, GenericAssignableTo reports that instantiations of Container +// are assignable to the corresponding instantiation of Interface. +func GenericAssignableTo(ctxt *Context, V, T types.Type) bool { + // If V and T are not both named, or do not have matching non-empty type + // parameter lists, fall back on types.AssignableTo. + + VN, Vnamed := V.(*types.Named) + TN, Tnamed := T.(*types.Named) + if !Vnamed || !Tnamed { + return types.AssignableTo(V, T) + } + + vtparams := ForNamed(VN) + ttparams := ForNamed(TN) + if vtparams.Len() == 0 || vtparams.Len() != ttparams.Len() || NamedTypeArgs(VN).Len() != 0 || NamedTypeArgs(TN).Len() != 0 { + return types.AssignableTo(V, T) + } + + // V and T have the same (non-zero) number of type params. Instantiate both + // with the type parameters of V. This must always succeed for V, and will + // succeed for T if and only if the type set of each type parameter of V is a + // subset of the type set of the corresponding type parameter of T, meaning + // that every instantiation of V corresponds to a valid instantiation of T. + + // Minor optimization: ensure we share a context across the two + // instantiations below. + if ctxt == nil { + ctxt = NewContext() + } + + var targs []types.Type + for i := 0; i < vtparams.Len(); i++ { + targs = append(targs, vtparams.At(i)) + } + + vinst, err := Instantiate(ctxt, V, targs, true) + if err != nil { + panic("type parameters should satisfy their own constraints") + } + + tinst, err := Instantiate(ctxt, T, targs, true) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + return types.AssignableTo(vinst, tinst) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go117.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go117.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..18212390e19 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go117.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package typeparams + +// Enabled reports whether type parameters are enabled in the current build +// environment. +const Enabled = false diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d67148823c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/enabled_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package typeparams + +// Note: this constant is in a separate file as this is the only acceptable +// diff between the <1.18 API of this package and the 1.18 API. + +// Enabled reports whether type parameters are enabled in the current build +// environment. +const Enabled = true diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/normalize.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/normalize.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..090f142a5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/normalize.go @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package typeparams + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "go/types" + "os" + "strings" +) + +//go:generate go run copytermlist.go + +const debug = false + +var ErrEmptyTypeSet = errors.New("empty type set") + +// StructuralTerms returns a slice of terms representing the normalized +// structural type restrictions of a type parameter, if any. +// +// Structural type restrictions of a type parameter are created via +// non-interface types embedded in its constraint interface (directly, or via a +// chain of interface embeddings). For example, in the declaration +// type T[P interface{~int; m()}] int +// the structural restriction of the type parameter P is ~int. +// +// With interface embedding and unions, the specification of structural type +// restrictions may be arbitrarily complex. For example, consider the +// following: +// +// type A interface{ ~string|~[]byte } +// +// type B interface{ int|string } +// +// type C interface { ~string|~int } +// +// type T[P interface{ A|B; C }] int +// +// In this example, the structural type restriction of P is ~string|int: A|B +// expands to ~string|~[]byte|int|string, which reduces to ~string|~[]byte|int, +// which when intersected with C (~string|~int) yields ~string|int. +// +// StructuralTerms computes these expansions and reductions, producing a +// "normalized" form of the embeddings. A structural restriction is normalized +// if it is a single union containing no interface terms, and is minimal in the +// sense that removing any term changes the set of types satisfying the +// constraint. It is left as a proof for the reader that, modulo sorting, there +// is exactly one such normalized form. +// +// Because the minimal representation always takes this form, StructuralTerms +// returns a slice of tilde terms corresponding to the terms of the union in +// the normalized structural restriction. An error is returned if the +// constraint interface is invalid, exceeds complexity bounds, or has an empty +// type set. In the latter case, StructuralTerms returns ErrEmptyTypeSet. +// +// StructuralTerms makes no guarantees about the order of terms, except that it +// is deterministic. +func StructuralTerms(tparam *TypeParam) ([]*Term, error) { + constraint := tparam.Constraint() + if constraint == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has nil constraint", tparam) + } + iface, _ := constraint.Underlying().(*types.Interface) + if iface == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("constraint is %T, not *types.Interface", constraint.Underlying()) + } + return InterfaceTermSet(iface) +} + +// InterfaceTermSet computes the normalized terms for a constraint interface, +// returning an error if the term set cannot be computed or is empty. In the +// latter case, the error will be ErrEmptyTypeSet. +// +// See the documentation of StructuralTerms for more information on +// normalization. +func InterfaceTermSet(iface *types.Interface) ([]*Term, error) { + return computeTermSet(iface) +} + +// UnionTermSet computes the normalized terms for a union, returning an error +// if the term set cannot be computed or is empty. In the latter case, the +// error will be ErrEmptyTypeSet. +// +// See the documentation of StructuralTerms for more information on +// normalization. +func UnionTermSet(union *Union) ([]*Term, error) { + return computeTermSet(union) +} + +func computeTermSet(typ types.Type) ([]*Term, error) { + tset, err := computeTermSetInternal(typ, make(map[types.Type]*termSet), 0) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if tset.terms.isEmpty() { + return nil, ErrEmptyTypeSet + } + if tset.terms.isAll() { + return nil, nil + } + var terms []*Term + for _, term := range tset.terms { + terms = append(terms, NewTerm(term.tilde, term.typ)) + } + return terms, nil +} + +// A termSet holds the normalized set of terms for a given type. +// +// The name termSet is intentionally distinct from 'type set': a type set is +// all types that implement a type (and includes method restrictions), whereas +// a term set just represents the structural restrictions on a type. +type termSet struct { + complete bool + terms termlist +} + +func indentf(depth int, format string, args ...interface{}) { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, strings.Repeat(".", depth)+format+"\n", args...) +} + +func computeTermSetInternal(t types.Type, seen map[types.Type]*termSet, depth int) (res *termSet, err error) { + if t == nil { + panic("nil type") + } + + if debug { + indentf(depth, "%s", t.String()) + defer func() { + if err != nil { + indentf(depth, "=> %s", err) + } else { + indentf(depth, "=> %s", res.terms.String()) + } + }() + } + + const maxTermCount = 100 + if tset, ok := seen[t]; ok { + if !tset.complete { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cycle detected in the declaration of %s", t) + } + return tset, nil + } + + // Mark the current type as seen to avoid infinite recursion. + tset := new(termSet) + defer func() { + tset.complete = true + }() + seen[t] = tset + + switch u := t.Underlying().(type) { + case *types.Interface: + // The term set of an interface is the intersection of the term sets of its + // embedded types. + tset.terms = allTermlist + for i := 0; i < u.NumEmbeddeds(); i++ { + embedded := u.EmbeddedType(i) + if _, ok := embedded.Underlying().(*TypeParam); ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid embedded type %T", embedded) + } + tset2, err := computeTermSetInternal(embedded, seen, depth+1) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + tset.terms = tset.terms.intersect(tset2.terms) + } + case *Union: + // The term set of a union is the union of term sets of its terms. + tset.terms = nil + for i := 0; i < u.Len(); i++ { + t := u.Term(i) + var terms termlist + switch t.Type().Underlying().(type) { + case *types.Interface: + tset2, err := computeTermSetInternal(t.Type(), seen, depth+1) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + terms = tset2.terms + case *TypeParam, *Union: + // A stand-alone type parameter or union is not permitted as union + // term. + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid union term %T", t) + default: + if t.Type() == types.Typ[types.Invalid] { + continue + } + terms = termlist{{t.Tilde(), t.Type()}} + } + tset.terms = tset.terms.union(terms) + if len(tset.terms) > maxTermCount { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded max term count %d", maxTermCount) + } + } + case *TypeParam: + panic("unreachable") + default: + // For all other types, the term set is just a single non-tilde term + // holding the type itself. + if u != types.Typ[types.Invalid] { + tset.terms = termlist{{false, t}} + } + } + return tset, nil +} + +// under is a facade for the go/types internal function of the same name. It is +// used by typeterm.go. +func under(t types.Type) types.Type { + return t.Underlying() +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..10857d504c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/termlist.go @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by copytermlist.go DO NOT EDIT. + +package typeparams + +import ( + "bytes" + "go/types" +) + +// A termlist represents the type set represented by the union +// t1 βˆͺ y2 βˆͺ ... tn of the type sets of the terms t1 to tn. +// A termlist is in normal form if all terms are disjoint. +// termlist operations don't require the operands to be in +// normal form. +type termlist []*term + +// allTermlist represents the set of all types. +// It is in normal form. +var allTermlist = termlist{new(term)} + +// String prints the termlist exactly (without normalization). +func (xl termlist) String() string { + if len(xl) == 0 { + return "βˆ…" + } + var buf bytes.Buffer + for i, x := range xl { + if i > 0 { + buf.WriteString(" βˆͺ ") + } + buf.WriteString(x.String()) + } + return buf.String() +} + +// isEmpty reports whether the termlist xl represents the empty set of types. +func (xl termlist) isEmpty() bool { + // If there's a non-nil term, the entire list is not empty. + // If the termlist is in normal form, this requires at most + // one iteration. + for _, x := range xl { + if x != nil { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// isAll reports whether the termlist xl represents the set of all types. +func (xl termlist) isAll() bool { + // If there's a 𝓀 term, the entire list is 𝓀. + // If the termlist is in normal form, this requires at most + // one iteration. + for _, x := range xl { + if x != nil && x.typ == nil { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// norm returns the normal form of xl. +func (xl termlist) norm() termlist { + // Quadratic algorithm, but good enough for now. + // TODO(gri) fix asymptotic performance + used := make([]bool, len(xl)) + var rl termlist + for i, xi := range xl { + if xi == nil || used[i] { + continue + } + for j := i + 1; j < len(xl); j++ { + xj := xl[j] + if xj == nil || used[j] { + continue + } + if u1, u2 := xi.union(xj); u2 == nil { + // If we encounter a 𝓀 term, the entire list is 𝓀. + // Exit early. + // (Note that this is not just an optimization; + // if we continue, we may end up with a 𝓀 term + // and other terms and the result would not be + // in normal form.) + if u1.typ == nil { + return allTermlist + } + xi = u1 + used[j] = true // xj is now unioned into xi - ignore it in future iterations + } + } + rl = append(rl, xi) + } + return rl +} + +// If the type set represented by xl is specified by a single (non-𝓀) term, +// structuralType returns that type. Otherwise it returns nil. +func (xl termlist) structuralType() types.Type { + if nl := xl.norm(); len(nl) == 1 { + return nl[0].typ // if nl.isAll() then typ is nil, which is ok + } + return nil +} + +// union returns the union xl βˆͺ yl. +func (xl termlist) union(yl termlist) termlist { + return append(xl, yl...).norm() +} + +// intersect returns the intersection xl ∩ yl. +func (xl termlist) intersect(yl termlist) termlist { + if xl.isEmpty() || yl.isEmpty() { + return nil + } + + // Quadratic algorithm, but good enough for now. + // TODO(gri) fix asymptotic performance + var rl termlist + for _, x := range xl { + for _, y := range yl { + if r := x.intersect(y); r != nil { + rl = append(rl, r) + } + } + } + return rl.norm() +} + +// equal reports whether xl and yl represent the same type set. +func (xl termlist) equal(yl termlist) bool { + // TODO(gri) this should be more efficient + return xl.subsetOf(yl) && yl.subsetOf(xl) +} + +// includes reports whether t ∈ xl. +func (xl termlist) includes(t types.Type) bool { + for _, x := range xl { + if x.includes(t) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// supersetOf reports whether y βŠ† xl. +func (xl termlist) supersetOf(y *term) bool { + for _, x := range xl { + if y.subsetOf(x) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// subsetOf reports whether xl βŠ† yl. +func (xl termlist) subsetOf(yl termlist) bool { + if yl.isEmpty() { + return xl.isEmpty() + } + + // each term x of xl must be a subset of yl + for _, x := range xl { + if !yl.supersetOf(x) { + return false // x is not a subset yl + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go117.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go117.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b4788978ff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go117.go @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package typeparams + +import ( + "go/ast" + "go/token" + "go/types" +) + +func unsupported() { + panic("type parameters are unsupported at this go version") +} + +// IndexListExpr is a placeholder type, as type parameters are not supported at +// this Go version. Its methods panic on use. +type IndexListExpr struct { + ast.Expr + X ast.Expr // expression + Lbrack token.Pos // position of "[" + Indices []ast.Expr // index expressions + Rbrack token.Pos // position of "]" +} + +// ForTypeSpec returns an empty field list, as type parameters on not supported +// at this Go version. +func ForTypeSpec(*ast.TypeSpec) *ast.FieldList { + return nil +} + +// ForFuncType returns an empty field list, as type parameters are not +// supported at this Go version. +func ForFuncType(*ast.FuncType) *ast.FieldList { + return nil +} + +// TypeParam is a placeholder type, as type parameters are not supported at +// this Go version. Its methods panic on use. +type TypeParam struct{ types.Type } + +func (*TypeParam) Index() int { unsupported(); return 0 } +func (*TypeParam) Constraint() types.Type { unsupported(); return nil } +func (*TypeParam) Obj() *types.TypeName { unsupported(); return nil } + +// TypeParamList is a placeholder for an empty type parameter list. +type TypeParamList struct{} + +func (*TypeParamList) Len() int { return 0 } +func (*TypeParamList) At(int) *TypeParam { unsupported(); return nil } + +// TypeList is a placeholder for an empty type list. +type TypeList struct{} + +func (*TypeList) Len() int { return 0 } +func (*TypeList) At(int) types.Type { unsupported(); return nil } + +// NewTypeParam is unsupported at this Go version, and panics. +func NewTypeParam(name *types.TypeName, constraint types.Type) *TypeParam { + unsupported() + return nil +} + +// SetTypeParamConstraint is unsupported at this Go version, and panics. +func SetTypeParamConstraint(tparam *TypeParam, constraint types.Type) { + unsupported() +} + +// NewSignatureType calls types.NewSignature, panicking if recvTypeParams or +// typeParams is non-empty. +func NewSignatureType(recv *types.Var, recvTypeParams, typeParams []*TypeParam, params, results *types.Tuple, variadic bool) *types.Signature { + if len(recvTypeParams) != 0 || len(typeParams) != 0 { + panic("signatures cannot have type parameters at this Go version") + } + return types.NewSignature(recv, params, results, variadic) +} + +// ForSignature returns an empty slice. +func ForSignature(*types.Signature) *TypeParamList { + return nil +} + +// RecvTypeParams returns a nil slice. +func RecvTypeParams(sig *types.Signature) *TypeParamList { + return nil +} + +// IsComparable returns false, as no interfaces are type-restricted at this Go +// version. +func IsComparable(*types.Interface) bool { + return false +} + +// IsMethodSet returns true, as no interfaces are type-restricted at this Go +// version. +func IsMethodSet(*types.Interface) bool { + return true +} + +// IsImplicit returns false, as no interfaces are implicit at this Go version. +func IsImplicit(*types.Interface) bool { + return false +} + +// MarkImplicit does nothing, because this Go version does not have implicit +// interfaces. +func MarkImplicit(*types.Interface) {} + +// ForNamed returns an empty type parameter list, as type parameters are not +// supported at this Go version. +func ForNamed(*types.Named) *TypeParamList { + return nil +} + +// SetForNamed panics if tparams is non-empty. +func SetForNamed(_ *types.Named, tparams []*TypeParam) { + if len(tparams) > 0 { + unsupported() + } +} + +// NamedTypeArgs returns nil. +func NamedTypeArgs(*types.Named) *TypeList { + return nil +} + +// NamedTypeOrigin is the identity method at this Go version. +func NamedTypeOrigin(named *types.Named) types.Type { + return named +} + +// Term holds information about a structural type restriction. +type Term struct { + tilde bool + typ types.Type +} + +func (m *Term) Tilde() bool { return m.tilde } +func (m *Term) Type() types.Type { return m.typ } +func (m *Term) String() string { + pre := "" + if m.tilde { + pre = "~" + } + return pre + m.typ.String() +} + +// NewTerm is unsupported at this Go version, and panics. +func NewTerm(tilde bool, typ types.Type) *Term { + return &Term{tilde, typ} +} + +// Union is a placeholder type, as type parameters are not supported at this Go +// version. Its methods panic on use. +type Union struct{ types.Type } + +func (*Union) Len() int { return 0 } +func (*Union) Term(i int) *Term { unsupported(); return nil } + +// NewUnion is unsupported at this Go version, and panics. +func NewUnion(terms []*Term) *Union { + unsupported() + return nil +} + +// InitInstanceInfo is a noop at this Go version. +func InitInstanceInfo(*types.Info) {} + +// Instance is a placeholder type, as type parameters are not supported at this +// Go version. +type Instance struct { + TypeArgs *TypeList + Type types.Type +} + +// GetInstances returns a nil map, as type parameters are not supported at this +// Go version. +func GetInstances(info *types.Info) map[*ast.Ident]Instance { return nil } + +// Context is a placeholder type, as type parameters are not supported at +// this Go version. +type Context struct{} + +// NewContext returns a placeholder Context instance. +func NewContext() *Context { + return &Context{} +} + +// Instantiate is unsupported on this Go version, and panics. +func Instantiate(ctxt *Context, typ types.Type, targs []types.Type, validate bool) (types.Type, error) { + unsupported() + return nil, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..114a36b866b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package typeparams + +import ( + "go/ast" + "go/types" +) + +// IndexListExpr is an alias for ast.IndexListExpr. +type IndexListExpr = ast.IndexListExpr + +// ForTypeSpec returns n.TypeParams. +func ForTypeSpec(n *ast.TypeSpec) *ast.FieldList { + if n == nil { + return nil + } + return n.TypeParams +} + +// ForFuncType returns n.TypeParams. +func ForFuncType(n *ast.FuncType) *ast.FieldList { + if n == nil { + return nil + } + return n.TypeParams +} + +// TypeParam is an alias for types.TypeParam +type TypeParam = types.TypeParam + +// TypeParamList is an alias for types.TypeParamList +type TypeParamList = types.TypeParamList + +// TypeList is an alias for types.TypeList +type TypeList = types.TypeList + +// NewTypeParam calls types.NewTypeParam. +func NewTypeParam(name *types.TypeName, constraint types.Type) *TypeParam { + return types.NewTypeParam(name, constraint) +} + +// SetTypeParamConstraint calls tparam.SetConstraint(constraint). +func SetTypeParamConstraint(tparam *TypeParam, constraint types.Type) { + tparam.SetConstraint(constraint) +} + +// NewSignatureType calls types.NewSignatureType. +func NewSignatureType(recv *types.Var, recvTypeParams, typeParams []*TypeParam, params, results *types.Tuple, variadic bool) *types.Signature { + return types.NewSignatureType(recv, recvTypeParams, typeParams, params, results, variadic) +} + +// ForSignature returns sig.TypeParams() +func ForSignature(sig *types.Signature) *TypeParamList { + return sig.TypeParams() +} + +// RecvTypeParams returns sig.RecvTypeParams(). +func RecvTypeParams(sig *types.Signature) *TypeParamList { + return sig.RecvTypeParams() +} + +// IsComparable calls iface.IsComparable(). +func IsComparable(iface *types.Interface) bool { + return iface.IsComparable() +} + +// IsMethodSet calls iface.IsMethodSet(). +func IsMethodSet(iface *types.Interface) bool { + return iface.IsMethodSet() +} + +// IsImplicit calls iface.IsImplicit(). +func IsImplicit(iface *types.Interface) bool { + return iface.IsImplicit() +} + +// MarkImplicit calls iface.MarkImplicit(). +func MarkImplicit(iface *types.Interface) { + iface.MarkImplicit() +} + +// ForNamed extracts the (possibly empty) type parameter object list from +// named. +func ForNamed(named *types.Named) *TypeParamList { + return named.TypeParams() +} + +// SetForNamed sets the type params tparams on n. Each tparam must be of +// dynamic type *types.TypeParam. +func SetForNamed(n *types.Named, tparams []*TypeParam) { + n.SetTypeParams(tparams) +} + +// NamedTypeArgs returns named.TypeArgs(). +func NamedTypeArgs(named *types.Named) *TypeList { + return named.TypeArgs() +} + +// NamedTypeOrigin returns named.Orig(). +func NamedTypeOrigin(named *types.Named) types.Type { + return named.Origin() +} + +// Term is an alias for types.Term. +type Term = types.Term + +// NewTerm calls types.NewTerm. +func NewTerm(tilde bool, typ types.Type) *Term { + return types.NewTerm(tilde, typ) +} + +// Union is an alias for types.Union +type Union = types.Union + +// NewUnion calls types.NewUnion. +func NewUnion(terms []*Term) *Union { + return types.NewUnion(terms) +} + +// InitInstanceInfo initializes info to record information about type and +// function instances. +func InitInstanceInfo(info *types.Info) { + info.Instances = make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Instance) +} + +// Instance is an alias for types.Instance. +type Instance = types.Instance + +// GetInstances returns info.Instances. +func GetInstances(info *types.Info) map[*ast.Ident]Instance { + return info.Instances +} + +// Context is an alias for types.Context. +type Context = types.Context + +// NewContext calls types.NewContext. +func NewContext() *Context { + return types.NewContext() +} + +// Instantiate calls types.Instantiate. +func Instantiate(ctxt *Context, typ types.Type, targs []types.Type, validate bool) (types.Type, error) { + return types.Instantiate(ctxt, typ, targs, validate) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7ddee28d987 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams/typeterm.go @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by copytermlist.go DO NOT EDIT. + +package typeparams + +import "go/types" + +// A term describes elementary type sets: +// +// βˆ…: (*term)(nil) == βˆ… // set of no types (empty set) +// 𝓀: &term{} == 𝓀 // set of all types (𝓀niverse) +// T: &term{false, T} == {T} // set of type T +// ~t: &term{true, t} == {t' | under(t') == t} // set of types with underlying type t +// +type term struct { + tilde bool // valid if typ != nil + typ types.Type +} + +func (x *term) String() string { + switch { + case x == nil: + return "βˆ…" + case x.typ == nil: + return "𝓀" + case x.tilde: + return "~" + x.typ.String() + default: + return x.typ.String() + } +} + +// equal reports whether x and y represent the same type set. +func (x *term) equal(y *term) bool { + // easy cases + switch { + case x == nil || y == nil: + return x == y + case x.typ == nil || y.typ == nil: + return x.typ == y.typ + } + // βˆ… βŠ‚ x, y βŠ‚ 𝓀 + + return x.tilde == y.tilde && types.Identical(x.typ, y.typ) +} + +// union returns the union x βˆͺ y: zero, one, or two non-nil terms. +func (x *term) union(y *term) (_, _ *term) { + // easy cases + switch { + case x == nil && y == nil: + return nil, nil // βˆ… βˆͺ βˆ… == βˆ… + case x == nil: + return y, nil // βˆ… βˆͺ y == y + case y == nil: + return x, nil // x βˆͺ βˆ… == x + case x.typ == nil: + return x, nil // 𝓀 βˆͺ y == 𝓀 + case y.typ == nil: + return y, nil // x βˆͺ 𝓀 == 𝓀 + } + // βˆ… βŠ‚ x, y βŠ‚ 𝓀 + + if x.disjoint(y) { + return x, y // x βˆͺ y == (x, y) if x ∩ y == βˆ… + } + // x.typ == y.typ + + // ~t βˆͺ ~t == ~t + // ~t βˆͺ T == ~t + // T βˆͺ ~t == ~t + // T βˆͺ T == T + if x.tilde || !y.tilde { + return x, nil + } + return y, nil +} + +// intersect returns the intersection x ∩ y. +func (x *term) intersect(y *term) *term { + // easy cases + switch { + case x == nil || y == nil: + return nil // βˆ… ∩ y == βˆ… and ∩ βˆ… == βˆ… + case x.typ == nil: + return y // 𝓀 ∩ y == y + case y.typ == nil: + return x // x ∩ 𝓀 == x + } + // βˆ… βŠ‚ x, y βŠ‚ 𝓀 + + if x.disjoint(y) { + return nil // x ∩ y == βˆ… if x ∩ y == βˆ… + } + // x.typ == y.typ + + // ~t ∩ ~t == ~t + // ~t ∩ T == T + // T ∩ ~t == T + // T ∩ T == T + if !x.tilde || y.tilde { + return x + } + return y +} + +// includes reports whether t ∈ x. +func (x *term) includes(t types.Type) bool { + // easy cases + switch { + case x == nil: + return false // t ∈ βˆ… == false + case x.typ == nil: + return true // t ∈ 𝓀 == true + } + // βˆ… βŠ‚ x βŠ‚ 𝓀 + + u := t + if x.tilde { + u = under(u) + } + return types.Identical(x.typ, u) +} + +// subsetOf reports whether x βŠ† y. +func (x *term) subsetOf(y *term) bool { + // easy cases + switch { + case x == nil: + return true // βˆ… βŠ† y == true + case y == nil: + return false // x βŠ† βˆ… == false since x != βˆ… + case y.typ == nil: + return true // x βŠ† 𝓀 == true + case x.typ == nil: + return false // 𝓀 βŠ† y == false since y != 𝓀 + } + // βˆ… βŠ‚ x, y βŠ‚ 𝓀 + + if x.disjoint(y) { + return false // x βŠ† y == false if x ∩ y == βˆ… + } + // x.typ == y.typ + + // ~t βŠ† ~t == true + // ~t βŠ† T == false + // T βŠ† ~t == true + // T βŠ† T == true + return !x.tilde || y.tilde +} + +// disjoint reports whether x ∩ y == βˆ…. +// x.typ and y.typ must not be nil. +func (x *term) disjoint(y *term) bool { + if debug && (x.typ == nil || y.typ == nil) { + panic("invalid argument(s)") + } + ux := x.typ + if y.tilde { + ux = under(ux) + } + uy := y.typ + if x.tilde { + uy = under(uy) + } + return !types.Identical(ux, uy) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode.go index fa2834e2ab8..d38ee3c27cd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode.go @@ -1365,4 +1365,162 @@ const ( // return i // } InvalidGo + + // All codes below were added in Go 1.17. + + /* decl */ + + // BadDecl occurs when a declaration has invalid syntax. + BadDecl + + // RepeatedDecl occurs when an identifier occurs more than once on the left + // hand side of a short variable declaration. + // + // Example: + // func _() { + // x, y, y := 1, 2, 3 + // } + RepeatedDecl + + /* unsafe */ + + // InvalidUnsafeAdd occurs when unsafe.Add is called with a + // length argument that is not of integer type. + // + // Example: + // import "unsafe" + // + // var p unsafe.Pointer + // var _ = unsafe.Add(p, float64(1)) + InvalidUnsafeAdd + + // InvalidUnsafeSlice occurs when unsafe.Slice is called with a + // pointer argument that is not of pointer type or a length argument + // that is not of integer type, negative, or out of bounds. + // + // Example: + // import "unsafe" + // + // var x int + // var _ = unsafe.Slice(x, 1) + // + // Example: + // import "unsafe" + // + // var x int + // var _ = unsafe.Slice(&x, float64(1)) + // + // Example: + // import "unsafe" + // + // var x int + // var _ = unsafe.Slice(&x, -1) + // + // Example: + // import "unsafe" + // + // var x int + // var _ = unsafe.Slice(&x, uint64(1) << 63) + InvalidUnsafeSlice + + // All codes below were added in Go 1.18. + + /* features */ + + // UnsupportedFeature occurs when a language feature is used that is not + // supported at this Go version. + UnsupportedFeature + + /* type params */ + + // NotAGenericType occurs when a non-generic type is used where a generic + // type is expected: in type or function instantiation. + // + // Example: + // type T int + // + // var _ T[int] + NotAGenericType + + // WrongTypeArgCount occurs when a type or function is instantiated with an + // incorrent number of type arguments, including when a generic type or + // function is used without instantiation. + // + // Errors inolving failed type inference are assigned other error codes. + // + // Example: + // type T[p any] int + // + // var _ T[int, string] + // + // Example: + // func f[T any]() {} + // + // var x = f + WrongTypeArgCount + + // CannotInferTypeArgs occurs when type or function type argument inference + // fails to infer all type arguments. + // + // Example: + // func f[T any]() {} + // + // func _() { + // f() + // } + // + // Example: + // type N[P, Q any] struct{} + // + // var _ N[int] + CannotInferTypeArgs + + // InvalidTypeArg occurs when a type argument does not satisfy its + // corresponding type parameter constraints. + // + // Example: + // type T[P ~int] struct{} + // + // var _ T[string] + InvalidTypeArg // arguments? InferenceFailed + + // InvalidInstanceCycle occurs when an invalid cycle is detected + // within the instantiation graph. + // + // Example: + // func f[T any]() { f[*T]() } + InvalidInstanceCycle + + // InvalidUnion occurs when an embedded union or approximation element is + // not valid. + // + // Example: + // type _ interface { + // ~int | interface{ m() } + // } + InvalidUnion + + // MisplacedConstraintIface occurs when a constraint-type interface is used + // outside of constraint position. + // + // Example: + // type I interface { ~int } + // + // var _ I + MisplacedConstraintIface + + // InvalidMethodTypeParams occurs when methods have type parameters. + // + // It cannot be encountered with an AST parsed using go/parser. + InvalidMethodTypeParams + + // MisplacedTypeParam occurs when a type parameter is used in a place where + // it is not permitted. + // + // Example: + // type T[P any] P + // + // Example: + // type T[P any] struct{ *P } + MisplacedTypeParam ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode_string.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode_string.go index 3e5842a5f0f..de90e9515ae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode_string.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/errorcode_string.go @@ -138,11 +138,25 @@ func _() { _ = x[UnusedResults-128] _ = x[InvalidDefer-129] _ = x[InvalidGo-130] + _ = x[BadDecl-131] + _ = x[RepeatedDecl-132] + _ = x[InvalidUnsafeAdd-133] + _ = x[InvalidUnsafeSlice-134] + _ = x[UnsupportedFeature-135] + _ = x[NotAGenericType-136] + _ = x[WrongTypeArgCount-137] + _ = x[CannotInferTypeArgs-138] + _ = x[InvalidTypeArg-139] + _ = x[InvalidInstanceCycle-140] + _ = x[InvalidUnion-141] + _ = x[MisplacedConstraintIface-142] + _ = x[InvalidMethodTypeParams-143] + _ = x[MisplacedTypeParam-144] } -const _ErrorCode_name = "TestBlankPkgNameMismatchedPkgNameInvalidPkgUseBadImportPathBrokenImportImportCRenamedUnusedImportInvalidInitCycleDuplicateDeclInvalidDeclCycleInvalidTypeCycleInvalidConstInitInvalidConstValInvalidConstTypeUntypedNilWrongAssignCountUnassignableOperandNoNewVarMultiValAssignOpInvalidIfaceAssignInvalidChanAssignIncompatibleAssignUnaddressableFieldAssignNotATypeInvalidArrayLenBlankIfaceMethodIncomparableMapKeyInvalidIfaceEmbedInvalidPtrEmbedBadRecvInvalidRecvDuplicateFieldAndMethodDuplicateMethodInvalidBlankInvalidIotaMissingInitBodyInvalidInitSigInvalidInitDeclInvalidMainDeclTooManyValuesNotAnExprTruncatedFloatNumericOverflowUndefinedOpMismatchedTypesDivByZeroNonNumericIncDecUnaddressableOperandInvalidIndirectionNonIndexableOperandInvalidIndexSwappedSliceIndicesNonSliceableOperandInvalidSliceExprInvalidShiftCountInvalidShiftOperandInvalidReceiveInvalidSendDuplicateLitKeyMissingLitKeyInvalidLitIndexOversizeArrayLitMixedStructLitInvalidStructLitMissingLitFieldDuplicateLitFieldUnexportedLitFieldInvalidLitFieldUntypedLitInvalidLitAmbiguousSelectorUndeclaredImportedNameUnexportedNameUndeclaredNameMissingFieldOrMethodBadDotDotDotSyntaxNonVariadicDotDotDotMisplacedDotDotDotInvalidDotDotDotOperandInvalidDotDotDotUncalledBuiltinInvalidAppendInvalidCapInvalidCloseInvalidCopyInvalidComplexInvalidDeleteInvalidImagInvalidLenSwappedMakeArgsInvalidMakeInvalidRealInvalidAssertImpossibleAssertInvalidConversionInvalidUntypedConversionBadOffsetofSyntaxInvalidOffsetofUnusedExprUnusedVarMissingReturnWrongResultCountOutOfScopeResultInvalidCondInvalidPostDeclInvalidChanRangeInvalidIterVarInvalidRangeExprMisplacedBreakMisplacedContinueMisplacedFallthroughDuplicateCaseDuplicateDefaultBadTypeKeywordInvalidTypeSwitchInvalidExprSwitchInvalidSelectCaseUndeclaredLabelDuplicateLabelMisplacedLabelUnusedLabelJumpOverDeclJumpIntoBlockInvalidMethodExprWrongArgCountInvalidCallUnusedResultsInvalidDeferInvalidGo" +const _ErrorCode_name = "TestBlankPkgNameMismatchedPkgNameInvalidPkgUseBadImportPathBrokenImportImportCRenamedUnusedImportInvalidInitCycleDuplicateDeclInvalidDeclCycleInvalidTypeCycleInvalidConstInitInvalidConstValInvalidConstTypeUntypedNilWrongAssignCountUnassignableOperandNoNewVarMultiValAssignOpInvalidIfaceAssignInvalidChanAssignIncompatibleAssignUnaddressableFieldAssignNotATypeInvalidArrayLenBlankIfaceMethodIncomparableMapKeyInvalidIfaceEmbedInvalidPtrEmbedBadRecvInvalidRecvDuplicateFieldAndMethodDuplicateMethodInvalidBlankInvalidIotaMissingInitBodyInvalidInitSigInvalidInitDeclInvalidMainDeclTooManyValuesNotAnExprTruncatedFloatNumericOverflowUndefinedOpMismatchedTypesDivByZeroNonNumericIncDecUnaddressableOperandInvalidIndirectionNonIndexableOperandInvalidIndexSwappedSliceIndicesNonSliceableOperandInvalidSliceExprInvalidShiftCountInvalidShiftOperandInvalidReceiveInvalidSendDuplicateLitKeyMissingLitKeyInvalidLitIndexOversizeArrayLitMixedStructLitInvalidStructLitMissingLitFieldDuplicateLitFieldUnexportedLitFieldInvalidLitFieldUntypedLitInvalidLitAmbiguousSelectorUndeclaredImportedNameUnexportedNameUndeclaredNameMissingFieldOrMethodBadDotDotDotSyntaxNonVariadicDotDotDotMisplacedDotDotDotInvalidDotDotDotOperandInvalidDotDotDotUncalledBuiltinInvalidAppendInvalidCapInvalidCloseInvalidCopyInvalidComplexInvalidDeleteInvalidImagInvalidLenSwappedMakeArgsInvalidMakeInvalidRealInvalidAssertImpossibleAssertInvalidConversionInvalidUntypedConversionBadOffsetofSyntaxInvalidOffsetofUnusedExprUnusedVarMissingReturnWrongResultCountOutOfScopeResultInvalidCondInvalidPostDeclInvalidChanRangeInvalidIterVarInvalidRangeExprMisplacedBreakMisplacedContinueMisplacedFallthroughDuplicateCaseDuplicateDefaultBadTypeKeywordInvalidTypeSwitchInvalidExprSwitchInvalidSelectCaseUndeclaredLabelDuplicateLabelMisplacedLabelUnusedLabelJumpOverDeclJumpIntoBlockInvalidMethodExprWrongArgCountInvalidCallUnusedResultsInvalidDeferInvalidGoBadDeclRepeatedDeclInvalidUnsafeAddInvalidUnsafeSliceUnsupportedFeatureNotAGenericTypeWrongTypeArgCountCannotInferTypeArgsInvalidTypeArgInvalidInstanceCycleInvalidUnionMisplacedConstraintIfaceInvalidMethodTypeParamsMisplacedTypeParam" -var _ErrorCode_index = [...]uint16{0, 4, 16, 33, 46, 59, 71, 85, 97, 113, 126, 142, 158, 174, 189, 205, 215, 231, 250, 258, 274, 292, 309, 327, 351, 359, 374, 390, 408, 425, 440, 447, 458, 481, 496, 508, 519, 534, 548, 563, 578, 591, 600, 614, 629, 640, 655, 664, 680, 700, 718, 737, 749, 768, 787, 803, 820, 839, 853, 864, 879, 892, 907, 923, 937, 953, 968, 985, 1003, 1018, 1028, 1038, 1055, 1077, 1091, 1105, 1125, 1143, 1163, 1181, 1204, 1220, 1235, 1248, 1258, 1270, 1281, 1295, 1308, 1319, 1329, 1344, 1355, 1366, 1379, 1395, 1412, 1436, 1453, 1468, 1478, 1487, 1500, 1516, 1532, 1543, 1558, 1574, 1588, 1604, 1618, 1635, 1655, 1668, 1684, 1698, 1715, 1732, 1749, 1764, 1778, 1792, 1803, 1815, 1828, 1845, 1858, 1869, 1882, 1894, 1903} +var _ErrorCode_index = [...]uint16{0, 4, 16, 33, 46, 59, 71, 85, 97, 113, 126, 142, 158, 174, 189, 205, 215, 231, 250, 258, 274, 292, 309, 327, 351, 359, 374, 390, 408, 425, 440, 447, 458, 481, 496, 508, 519, 534, 548, 563, 578, 591, 600, 614, 629, 640, 655, 664, 680, 700, 718, 737, 749, 768, 787, 803, 820, 839, 853, 864, 879, 892, 907, 923, 937, 953, 968, 985, 1003, 1018, 1028, 1038, 1055, 1077, 1091, 1105, 1125, 1143, 1163, 1181, 1204, 1220, 1235, 1248, 1258, 1270, 1281, 1295, 1308, 1319, 1329, 1344, 1355, 1366, 1379, 1395, 1412, 1436, 1453, 1468, 1478, 1487, 1500, 1516, 1532, 1543, 1558, 1574, 1588, 1604, 1618, 1635, 1655, 1668, 1684, 1698, 1715, 1732, 1749, 1764, 1778, 1792, 1803, 1815, 1828, 1845, 1858, 1869, 1882, 1894, 1903, 1910, 1922, 1938, 1956, 1974, 1989, 2006, 2025, 2039, 2059, 2071, 2095, 2118, 2136} func (i ErrorCode) String() string { i -= 1 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go index c3e1a397dbf..ce7d4351b22 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types.go @@ -30,10 +30,15 @@ func SetUsesCgo(conf *types.Config) bool { return true } -func ReadGo116ErrorData(terr types.Error) (ErrorCode, token.Pos, token.Pos, bool) { +// ReadGo116ErrorData extracts additional information from types.Error values +// generated by Go version 1.16 and later: the error code, start position, and +// end position. If all positions are valid, start <= err.Pos <= end. +// +// If the data could not be read, the final result parameter will be false. +func ReadGo116ErrorData(err types.Error) (code ErrorCode, start, end token.Pos, ok bool) { var data [3]int // By coincidence all of these fields are ints, which simplifies things. - v := reflect.ValueOf(terr) + v := reflect.ValueOf(err) for i, name := range []string{"go116code", "go116start", "go116end"} { f := v.FieldByName(name) if !f.IsValid() { @@ -43,3 +48,5 @@ func ReadGo116ErrorData(terr types.Error) (ErrorCode, token.Pos, token.Pos, bool } return ErrorCode(data[0]), token.Pos(data[1]), token.Pos(data[2]), true } + +var SetGoVersion = func(conf *types.Config, version string) bool { return false } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types_118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types_118.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a42b072a67d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal/types_118.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package typesinternal + +import ( + "go/types" +) + +func init() { + SetGoVersion = func(conf *types.Config, version string) bool { + conf.GoVersion = version + return true + } +} diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 2919639aed4..6e050e13fba 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ github.com/danieljoos/wincred # github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 ## explicit github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew -# github.com/deislabs/oras v0.8.1 -## explicit; go 1.13 # github.com/devfile/api/v2 v2.0.0-20220117162434-6e6e6a8bc14c ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/devfile/api/v2/pkg/apis/workspaces/v1alpha2 @@ -341,8 +339,6 @@ github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror # github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.4.0 ## explicit github.com/hashicorp/go-version -# github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0 -## explicit # github.com/hinshun/vt10x v0.0.0-20220127042424-3ca73d0126d7 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/hinshun/vt10x @@ -410,8 +406,6 @@ github.com/kylelemons/godebug/pretty # github.com/liggitt/tabwriter v0.0.0-20181228230101-89fcab3d43de ## explicit github.com/liggitt/tabwriter -# github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.1 -## explicit # github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.6 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer @@ -438,8 +432,6 @@ github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir # github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap -# github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2 -## explicit # github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.1 ## explicit github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk @@ -479,7 +471,6 @@ github.com/nbutton23/zxcvbn-go/utils/math github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter # github.com/onsi/ginkgo v4.7.0-origin.0+incompatible => github.com/openshift/onsi-ginkgo v4.7.0-origin.0+incompatible ## explicit -github.com/onsi/ginkgo github.com/onsi/ginkgo/config github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo/convert @@ -495,22 +486,32 @@ github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/leafnodes github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/remote github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/spec_iterator -github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner -github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/suite -github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/testingtproxy github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters/stenographer github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters/stenographer/support/go-colorable github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters/stenographer/support/go-isatty github.com/onsi/ginkgo/types -# github.com/onsi/gomega v1.15.0 -## explicit; go 1.14 +# github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 v2.1.4 +## explicit; go 1.18 +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/config +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/formatter +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/global +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/interrupt_handler +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/parallel_support +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal/testingtproxy +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/reporters +github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types +# github.com/onsi/gomega v1.19.0 +## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/onsi/gomega github.com/onsi/gomega/format github.com/onsi/gomega/gbytes github.com/onsi/gomega/gexec github.com/onsi/gomega/internal +github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/gutil github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/bipartitegraph github.com/onsi/gomega/matchers/support/goraph/edge @@ -587,8 +588,6 @@ github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/pkg/api/client/clientse # github.com/pborman/uuid v1.2.0 ## explicit github.com/pborman/uuid -# github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.8.1 -## explicit; go 1.12 # github.com/peterbourgon/diskv v2.0.1+incompatible ## explicit github.com/peterbourgon/diskv @@ -693,23 +692,15 @@ github.com/sirupsen/logrus ## explicit github.com/spf13/afero github.com/spf13/afero/mem -# github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0 -## explicit # github.com/spf13/cobra v1.1.3 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/spf13/cobra -# github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0 -## explicit # github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/spf13/pflag -# github.com/spf13/viper v1.7.1 -## explicit; go 1.12 # github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/stretchr/testify/assert -# github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.2.0 -## explicit # github.com/tidwall/gjson v1.9.3 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/tidwall/gjson @@ -759,7 +750,7 @@ go.starlark.net/resolve go.starlark.net/starlark go.starlark.net/starlarkstruct go.starlark.net/syntax -# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210513164829-c07d793c2f9a +# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish golang.org/x/crypto/cast5 @@ -768,6 +759,7 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519 golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519 golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519 +golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305 golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/armor @@ -777,18 +769,17 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/packet golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp/s2k golang.org/x/crypto/pkcs12 golang.org/x/crypto/pkcs12/internal/rc2 -golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305 golang.org/x/crypto/ssh golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/agent golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/internal/bcrypt_pbkdf golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/knownhosts -# golang.org/x/mod v0.5.1 +# golang.org/x/mod v0.6.0-dev.0.20220106191415-9b9b3d81d5e3 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/mod/internal/lazyregexp golang.org/x/mod/modfile golang.org/x/mod/module golang.org/x/mod/semver -# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20210520170846-37e1c6afe023 +# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220225172249-27dd8689420f ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/net/context golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp @@ -812,7 +803,7 @@ golang.org/x/oauth2/jwt ## explicit golang.org/x/sync/errgroup golang.org/x/sync/semaphore -# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220204135822-1c1b9b1eba6a +# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220319134239-a9b59b0215f8 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/sys/cpu golang.org/x/sys/execabs @@ -821,11 +812,11 @@ golang.org/x/sys/plan9 golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/windows golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry -# golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210317153231-de623e64d2a6 -## explicit; go 1.11 +# golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211 +## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/term -# golang.org/x/text v0.3.6 -## explicit; go 1.11 +# golang.org/x/text v0.3.7 +## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/text/encoding golang.org/x/text/encoding/charmap golang.org/x/text/encoding/htmlindex @@ -850,7 +841,7 @@ golang.org/x/text/width # golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20210723032227-1f47c861a9ac ## explicit golang.org/x/time/rate -# golang.org/x/tools v0.1.2 +# golang.org/x/tools v0.1.10 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter @@ -862,6 +853,7 @@ golang.org/x/tools/internal/event/keys golang.org/x/tools/internal/event/label golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand golang.org/x/tools/internal/packagesinternal +golang.org/x/tools/internal/typeparams golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal # golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 ## explicit; go 1.11 @@ -933,8 +925,6 @@ gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 # gopkg.in/inf.v0 v0.9.1 ## explicit gopkg.in/inf.v0 -# gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.51.0 -## explicit # gopkg.in/segmentio/analytics-go.v3 v3.1.0 ## explicit gopkg.in/segmentio/analytics-go.v3