diff --git a/.ibm/pipelines/openshift-unauth-tests.sh b/.ibm/pipelines/openshift-unauth-tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..7545855f972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.ibm/pipelines/openshift-unauth-tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+source .ibm/pipelines/functions.sh
+ibmcloud login --apikey "${API_KEY_QE}"
+ibmcloud target -r eu-de
+ibmcloud oc cluster config -c "${CLUSTER_ID}"
+ set -e
+ make install
+ make test-integration-openshift-unauth
+) |& tee "/tmp/${LOGFILE}"
+save_logs "${LOGFILE}" "OpenShift Unauthenticated Tests" ${RESULT}
+exit ${RESULT}
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5cfbf23bc69..396c29d22bd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -192,7 +192,11 @@ openshiftci-presubmit-unittests:
.PHONY: test-integration-cluster
- $(RUN_GINKGO) $(GINKGO_FLAGS) --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!nocluster && !podman" tests/integration
+ $(RUN_GINKGO) $(GINKGO_FLAGS) --junit-report="test-integration.xml" --label-filter="!unauth && !nocluster && !podman" tests/integration
+.PHONY: test-integration-openshift-unauth
+ $(RUN_GINKGO) $(GINKGO_FLAGS) --junit-report="test-integration-unauth.xml" --label-filter="unauth" tests/integration
.PHONY: test-integration-no-cluster
diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_cli.go b/tests/helper/helper_cli.go
index 58bd62f7bfc..cd1b1533912 100644
--- a/tests/helper/helper_cli.go
+++ b/tests/helper/helper_cli.go
@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ type CliRunner interface {
AssertContainsLabel(kind, namespace, componentName, appName, mode, key, value string)
AssertNoContainsLabel(kind, namespace, componentName, appName, mode, key string)
EnsurePodIsUp(namespace, podName string)
+ AssertNonAuthenticated()
diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_generic.go b/tests/helper/helper_generic.go
index a934de23f93..95ff5352aad 100644
--- a/tests/helper/helper_generic.go
+++ b/tests/helper/helper_generic.go
@@ -197,7 +197,11 @@ func CommonBeforeEach() CommonVar {
commonVar.OriginalKubeconfig = os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG")
if NeedsCluster(CurrentSpecReport().Labels()) {
- commonVar.Project = commonVar.CliRunner.CreateAndSetRandNamespaceProject()
+ if IsAuth(CurrentSpecReport().Labels()) {
+ commonVar.Project = commonVar.CliRunner.CreateAndSetRandNamespaceProject()
+ } else {
+ commonVar.CliRunner.AssertNonAuthenticated()
+ }
} else {
// Disable the use of in-cluster configuration (seen in IBM Cloud pipeline)
diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go b/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go
index dee0805eed0..3a03a051ab8 100644
--- a/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go
+++ b/tests/helper/helper_kubectl.go
@@ -431,3 +431,7 @@ func (kubectl KubectlRunner) AssertNoContainsLabel(kind, namespace, componentNam
all := Cmd(kubectl.path, "get", kind, selector, "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.labels}").ShouldPass().Out()
Expect(all).ToNot(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, key)))
+func (kubectl KubectlRunner) AssertNonAuthenticated() {
+ // Nothing to do
diff --git a/tests/helper/helper_oc.go b/tests/helper/helper_oc.go
index f9fe8ae9467..2ae7986fb6e 100644
--- a/tests/helper/helper_oc.go
+++ b/tests/helper/helper_oc.go
@@ -623,3 +623,7 @@ func (oc OcRunner) EnsurePodIsUp(namespace, podName string) {
return strings.Contains(output, podName)
+func (oc OcRunner) AssertNonAuthenticated() {
+ Cmd(oc.path, "whoami").ShouldFail()
diff --git a/tests/helper/labels.go b/tests/helper/labels.go
index e8c5b4470fb..af71d89e8f4 100644
--- a/tests/helper/labels.go
+++ b/tests/helper/labels.go
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
const (
LabelNoCluster = "nocluster"
+ LabelUnauth = "unauth"
LabelPodman = "podman"
@@ -21,6 +22,15 @@ func NeedsCluster(labels []string) bool {
return true
+func IsAuth(labels []string) bool {
+ for _, label := range labels {
+ if label == LabelUnauth {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
func LabelPodmanIf(value bool, args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
res := []interface{}{}
if value {
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_analyze_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_analyze_test.go
index 9653d2e36cf..ef9b295549d 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_analyze_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_analyze_test.go
@@ -9,45 +9,54 @@ import (
-var _ = Describe("odo analyze command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
- // This is run before every Spec (It)
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
- })
- // This is run after every Spec (It)
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
- When("source files are in the directory", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "project"), commonVar.Context)
+var _ = Describe("odo analyze command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ // This is run before every Spec (It)
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ })
+ // This is run after every Spec (It)
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
+ When("source files are in the directory", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "project"), commonVar.Context)
+ })
+ It("analyze should return correct value", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.devfile", "nodejs")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.devfileRegistry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
+ })
+ })
+ It("analyze should fail in an empty directory", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "No valid devfile found for project in")
+ })
+ It("analyze should fail without json output", func() {
+ stderr := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("this command can be run with json output only"))
+ })
- It("analyze should return correct value", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.devfile", "nodejs")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.devfileRegistry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
- })
- })
- It("analyze should fail in an empty directory", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "No valid devfile found for project in")
- })
- It("analyze should fail without json output", func() {
- stderr := helper.Cmd("odo", "analyze").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("this command can be run with json output only"))
- })
+ }
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_describe_component_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_describe_component_test.go
index f88fa7daffa..65ed144bb8a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_describe_component_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_describe_component_test.go
@@ -28,38 +28,43 @@ var _ = Describe("odo describe component command tests", func() {
- It("should fail, without cluster", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- By("running odo describe component -o json with namespace flag without name flag", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "--namespace", "default", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "--namespace can be used only with --name")
- })
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ It("should fail, without cluster", Label(label), func() {
+ By("running odo describe component -o json with namespace flag without name flag", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "--namespace", "default", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "--namespace can be used only with --name")
+ })
- By("running odo describe component -o json without name and without devfile in the current directory", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "The current directory does not represent an odo component")
- })
+ By("running odo describe component -o json without name and without devfile in the current directory", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "The current directory does not represent an odo component")
+ })
- By("running odo describe component with namespace flag without name flag", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "--namespace", "default").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("--namespace can be used only with --name"))
- })
+ By("running odo describe component with namespace flag without name flag", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component", "--namespace", "default").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("--namespace can be used only with --name"))
+ })
- By("running odo describe component without name and without devfile in the current directory", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("The current directory does not represent an odo component"))
- })
+ By("running odo describe component without name and without devfile in the current directory", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "component").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("The current directory does not represent an odo component"))
+ })
- })
+ })
+ }
It("should fail, with cluster", func() {
By("running odo describe component -o json with an unknown name", func() {
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go
index 30f5ed1aa0c..b106af3ca02 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_build_images_test.go
@@ -14,251 +14,257 @@ import (
-var _ = Describe("odo devfile build-images command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
- })
- // This is run after every Spec (It)
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
- When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
- It("should run odo build-images without push", func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f " + filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile ") + commonVar.Context))
- })
- It("should run odo build-images --push", func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f " + filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile ") + commonVar.Context))
- Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
- })
- })
- When("using a devfile.yaml with no Image component", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname",
- "--devfile-path",
- helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
- It("should not be able to run odo build-images", func() {
- stdout, stderr := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldFail().OutAndErr()
- // Make sure no "{podman,docker} build -t ..." command gets executed
- imageBuildCmd := "build -t "
- Expect(stdout).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(imageBuildCmd))
- Expect(stderr).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(imageBuildCmd))
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("no component with type \"Image\" found in Devfile"))
- })
- })
- When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with Dockerfile args", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop-args.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
+var _ = Describe("odo devfile build-images command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
- It("should use args to build image when running odo build-images", func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("--unknown-flag value"))
- })
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
- })
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ })
- When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context", func() {
+ // This is run after every Spec (It)
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname",
- "--devfile-path",
- helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
- "devfile-outerloop-project_source-in-docker-build-context.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
+ When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component", func() {
- for _, scope := range []struct {
- name string
- envvars []string
- }{
- {
- name: "Podman",
- envvars: []string{"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
- },
- {
- name: "Docker",
- envvars: []string{
- "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
- "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
- },
- },
- } {
- // this is a workaround to ensure that the for loop works with `It` blocks
- scope := scope
- It(fmt.Sprintf("should build image via %s if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var", scope.name), func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(scope.envvars...).ShouldPass().Out()
- lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- nbLines := len(lines)
- Expect(nbLines).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
- containerImage := "localhost:5000/devfile-nodejs-deploy:0.1.0" // from Devfile yaml file
- dockerfilePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile")
- buildCtx := commonVar.Context
- Expect(lines[nbLines-2]).To(BeEquivalentTo(
- fmt.Sprintf("build -t %s -f %s %s", containerImage, dockerfilePath, buildCtx)))
- })
- }
- })
- When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(
- filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
- "issue-5600-devfile-with-image-component-and-no-buildContext.yaml"),
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
+ })
+ It("should run odo build-images without push", func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f " + filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile ") + commonVar.Context))
+ })
- for _, scope := range []struct {
- name string
- envvars []string
- }{
- {
- name: "Podman",
- envvars: []string{"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
- },
- {
- name: "Docker",
- envvars: []string{
- "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
- "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
- },
- },
- } {
- // this is a workaround to ensure that the for loop works with `It` blocks
- scope := scope
- It(fmt.Sprintf("should build image via %s by defaulting build context to devfile path", scope.name), func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(scope.envvars...).ShouldPass().Out()
- lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- nbLines := len(lines)
- Expect(nbLines).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
- containerImage := "localhost:5000/devfile-nodejs-deploy:0.1.0" // from Devfile yaml file
- dockerfilePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile")
- buildCtx := commonVar.Context
- Expect(lines[nbLines-2]).To(BeEquivalentTo(
- fmt.Sprintf("build -t %s -f %s %s", containerImage, dockerfilePath, buildCtx)))
+ It("should run odo build-images --push", func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f " + filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile ") + commonVar.Context))
+ Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
+ })
- }
- })
- for _, env := range [][]string{
- {"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
- {
- "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
- "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
- },
- } {
- env := env
- Describe("using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop.yaml"),
- path.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ When("using a devfile.yaml with no Image component", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname",
+ "--devfile-path",
+ helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
+ })
+ It("should not be able to run odo build-images", func() {
+ stdout, stderr := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldFail().OutAndErr()
+ // Make sure no "{podman,docker} build -t ..." command gets executed
+ imageBuildCmd := "build -t "
+ Expect(stdout).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(imageBuildCmd))
+ Expect(stderr).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(imageBuildCmd))
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("no component with type \"Image\" found in Devfile"))
+ })
- When("remote server returns an error", func() {
- var server *httptest.Server
- var url string
+ When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with Dockerfile args", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
- server = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
- }))
- url = server.URL
- helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), "./Dockerfile", url)
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop-args.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- AfterEach(func() {
- server.Close()
+ It("should use args to build image when running odo build-images", func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv("PODMAN_CMD=echo").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("--unknown-flag value"))
- It("should not build images", func() {
- cmdWrapper := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(env...).ShouldFail()
- stderr := cmdWrapper.Err()
- stdout := cmdWrapper.Out()
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("failed to retrieve " + url))
- Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f "))
- })
+ })
+ When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with a build context", func() {
- It("should not run 'odo build-images --push'", func() {
- cmdWrapper := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv(env...).ShouldFail()
- stderr := cmdWrapper.Err()
- stdout := cmdWrapper.Out()
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("failed to retrieve " + url))
- Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f "))
- Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname",
+ "--devfile-path",
+ helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
+ "devfile-outerloop-project_source-in-docker-build-context.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
+ for _, scope := range []struct {
+ name string
+ envvars []string
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Podman",
+ envvars: []string{"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Docker",
+ envvars: []string{
+ "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
+ "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
+ },
+ },
+ } {
+ // this is a workaround to ensure that the for loop works with `It` blocks
+ scope := scope
+ It(fmt.Sprintf("should build image via %s if build context references PROJECT_SOURCE env var", scope.name), func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(scope.envvars...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ nbLines := len(lines)
+ Expect(nbLines).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
+ containerImage := "localhost:5000/devfile-nodejs-deploy:0.1.0" // from Devfile yaml file
+ dockerfilePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile")
+ buildCtx := commonVar.Context
+ Expect(lines[nbLines-2]).To(BeEquivalentTo(
+ fmt.Sprintf("build -t %s -f %s %s", containerImage, dockerfilePath, buildCtx)))
+ })
+ }
- When("remote server returns a valid file", func() {
- var buildRegexp string
- var server *httptest.Server
- var url string
+ When("using a devfile.yaml containing an Image component with no build context", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
- buildRegexp = regexp.QuoteMeta("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f ") +
- ".*\\.dockerfile " + regexp.QuoteMeta(commonVar.Context)
- server = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, `# Dockerfile
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(
+ filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
+ "issue-5600-devfile-with-image-component-and-no-buildContext.yaml"),
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
+ })
+ for _, scope := range []struct {
+ name string
+ envvars []string
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Podman",
+ envvars: []string{"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Docker",
+ envvars: []string{
+ "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
+ "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
+ },
+ },
+ } {
+ // this is a workaround to ensure that the for loop works with `It` blocks
+ scope := scope
+ It(fmt.Sprintf("should build image via %s by defaulting build context to devfile path", scope.name), func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(scope.envvars...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ nbLines := len(lines)
+ Expect(nbLines).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
+ containerImage := "localhost:5000/devfile-nodejs-deploy:0.1.0" // from Devfile yaml file
+ dockerfilePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile")
+ buildCtx := commonVar.Context
+ Expect(lines[nbLines-2]).To(BeEquivalentTo(
+ fmt.Sprintf("build -t %s -f %s %s", containerImage, dockerfilePath, buildCtx)))
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ for _, env := range [][]string{
+ {"PODMAN_CMD=echo"},
+ {
+ "PODMAN_CMD=a-command-not-found-for-podman-should-make-odo-fallback-to-docker",
+ "DOCKER_CMD=echo",
+ },
+ } {
+ env := env
+ Describe("using a Devfile with an image component using a remote Dockerfile", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-outerloop.yaml"),
+ path.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ })
+ When("remote server returns an error", func() {
+ var server *httptest.Server
+ var url string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ server = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
+ }))
+ url = server.URL
+ helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), "./Dockerfile", url)
+ })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ server.Close()
+ })
+ It("should not build images", func() {
+ cmdWrapper := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(env...).ShouldFail()
+ stderr := cmdWrapper.Err()
+ stdout := cmdWrapper.Out()
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("failed to retrieve " + url))
+ Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f "))
+ })
+ It("should not run 'odo build-images --push'", func() {
+ cmdWrapper := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv(env...).ShouldFail()
+ stderr := cmdWrapper.Err()
+ stdout := cmdWrapper.Out()
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("failed to retrieve " + url))
+ Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f "))
+ Expect(stdout).NotTo(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
+ })
+ })
+ When("remote server returns a valid file", func() {
+ var buildRegexp string
+ var server *httptest.Server
+ var url string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ buildRegexp = regexp.QuoteMeta("build -t quay.io/unknown-account/myimage -f ") +
+ ".*\\.dockerfile " + regexp.QuoteMeta(commonVar.Context)
+ server = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, `# Dockerfile
FROM node:8.11.1-alpine
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
CMD ["npm", "start"]
- }))
- url = server.URL
- helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), "./Dockerfile", url)
- })
- AfterEach(func() {
- server.Close()
+ }))
+ url = server.URL
+ helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), "./Dockerfile", url)
+ })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ server.Close()
+ })
+ It("should build images", func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(env...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ lines, _ := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
+ _, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, buildRegexp)
+ Expect(ok).To(BeTrue(), "build regexp not found in output: "+buildRegexp)
+ })
+ It("should run 'odo build-images --push'", func() {
+ stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv(env...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ lines, _ := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
+ _, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, buildRegexp)
+ Expect(ok).To(BeTrue(), "build regexp not found in output: "+buildRegexp)
+ Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
+ })
+ })
- It("should build images", func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images").AddEnv(env...).ShouldPass().Out()
- lines, _ := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
- _, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, buildRegexp)
- Expect(ok).To(BeTrue(), "build regexp not found in output: "+buildRegexp)
- })
- It("should run 'odo build-images --push'", func() {
- stdout := helper.Cmd("odo", "build-images", "--push").AddEnv(env...).ShouldPass().Out()
- lines, _ := helper.ExtractLines(stdout)
- _, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, buildRegexp)
- Expect(ok).To(BeTrue(), "build regexp not found in output: "+buildRegexp)
- Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("push quay.io/unknown-account/myimage"))
- })
- })
+ }
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go
index abfe59d1af2..9efb087e5fd 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_init_test.go
@@ -22,500 +22,507 @@ import (
-var _ = Describe("odo devfile init command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
+var _ = Describe("odo devfile init command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(helper.VerifyFileExists(".odo/env/env.yaml")).To(BeFalse())
+ })
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
- Expect(helper.VerifyFileExists(".odo/env/env.yaml")).To(BeFalse())
- })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ By("running odo init with incomplete flags", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname").ShouldFail()
+ })
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
+ By("using an invalid component name", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--devfile", "go", "--name", "123").ShouldFail()
+ })
- It("should fail", func() {
- By("running odo init with incomplete flags", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname").ShouldFail()
- })
+ By("running odo init with json and no other flags", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stderr, "message", "parameters are expected to select a devfile")
+ })
- By("using an invalid component name", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--devfile", "go", "--name", "123").ShouldFail()
- })
+ By("running odo init with incomplete flags and JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "either --devfile or --devfile-path parameter should be specified")
+ })
- By("running odo init with json and no other flags", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stderr, "message", "parameters are expected to select a devfile")
- })
+ By("keeping an empty directory when running odo init with wrong starter name", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go", "--starter", "wrongname").ShouldFail()
+ files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(len(files)).To(Equal(0))
+ })
+ By("using an invalid devfile name", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "invalid").ShouldFail()
+ })
+ By("running odo init in a directory containing a devfile.yaml", func() {
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ defer os.Remove(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
+ })
- By("running odo init with incomplete flags and JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stderr, "message", "either --devfile or --devfile-path parameter should be specified")
- })
+ By("running odo init in a directory containing a .devfile.yaml", func() {
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, ".devfile.yaml"))
+ defer helper.DeleteFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, ".devfile.yaml"))
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
+ })
- By("keeping an empty directory when running odo init with wrong starter name", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go", "--starter", "wrongname").ShouldFail()
- files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
- Expect(len(files)).To(Equal(0))
- })
- By("using an invalid devfile name", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "invalid").ShouldFail()
- })
- By("running odo init in a directory containing a devfile.yaml", func() {
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- defer os.Remove(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
- })
+ By("running odo init with wrong local file path given to --devfile-path", func() {
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "/some/path/devfile.yaml").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("unable to download devfile"))
+ })
+ By("running odo init with wrong URL path given to --devfile-path", func() {
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("unable to download devfile"))
+ })
+ By("running odo init multiple times", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldPass()
+ defer helper.DeleteFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
+ })
- By("running odo init in a directory containing a .devfile.yaml", func() {
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, ".devfile.yaml"))
- defer helper.DeleteFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, ".devfile.yaml"))
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
- })
+ By("running odo init with --devfile-path and --devfile-registry", func() {
+ errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("--devfile-registry parameter cannot be used with --devfile-path"))
+ })
+ By("running odo init with invalid --devfile-registry value", func() {
+ fakeRegistry := "fake"
+ errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml", "--devfile-registry", fakeRegistry).ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("%q not found", fakeRegistry)))
+ })
+ })
- By("running odo init with wrong local file path given to --devfile-path", func() {
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "/some/path/devfile.yaml").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("unable to download devfile"))
- })
- By("running odo init with wrong URL path given to --devfile-path", func() {
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("unable to download devfile"))
- })
- By("running odo init multiple times", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldPass()
- defer helper.DeleteFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("a devfile already exists in the current directory"))
- })
+ Context("running odo init with valid flags", func() {
+ When("using --devfile flag", func() {
+ compName := "aname"
+ var output string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ output = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", compName, "--devfile", "go").ShouldPass().Out()
+ })
- By("running odo init with --devfile-path and --devfile-registry", func() {
- errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("--devfile-registry parameter cannot be used with --devfile-path"))
- })
- By("running odo init with invalid --devfile-registry value", func() {
- fakeRegistry := "fake"
- errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://github.com/path/to/devfile.yaml", "--devfile-registry", fakeRegistry).ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("%q not found", fakeRegistry)))
- })
- })
- Context("running odo init with valid flags", func() {
- When("using --devfile flag", func() {
- compName := "aname"
- var output string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- output = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", compName, "--devfile", "go").ShouldPass().Out()
- })
+ It("should download a devfile.yaml file and correctly set the component name in it", func() {
+ By("not showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ Expect(output).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
+ })
+ files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(2),
+ ContainElements("devfile.yaml", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
+ metadata := helper.GetMetadataFromDevfile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ Expect(metadata.Name).To(BeEquivalentTo(compName))
+ })
+ })
+ When("using --devfile flag and JSON output", func() {
+ compName := "aname"
+ var res *helper.CmdWrapper
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ res = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", compName, "--devfile", "go", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
+ })
- It("should download a devfile.yaml file and correctly set the component name in it", func() {
- By("not showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- Expect(output).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
+ It("should return correct values in output", func() {
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfilePath", filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.devfile.metadata.name", compName)
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.dev", "true")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.debug", "false")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.deploy", "false")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "managedBy", "odo")
+ })
- files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
- Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(2),
- ContainElements("devfile.yaml", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
- metadata := helper.GetMetadataFromDevfile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- Expect(metadata.Name).To(BeEquivalentTo(compName))
- })
- })
- When("using --devfile flag and JSON output", func() {
- compName := "aname"
- var res *helper.CmdWrapper
- BeforeEach(func() {
- res = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", compName, "--devfile", "go", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
- })
+ When("using --devfile-path flag with a local devfile", func() {
+ var newContext string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
+ newDevfilePath := filepath.Join(newContext, "devfile.yaml")
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), newDevfilePath)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", newDevfilePath).ShouldPass()
+ })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
+ })
+ It("should copy the devfile.yaml file", func() {
+ files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(2),
+ ContainElements(util.DotOdoDirectory, "devfile.yaml")))
+ })
+ })
+ When("using --devfile-path flag with a URL", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/odo-devfiles/registry/master/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml").ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should copy the devfile.yaml file", func() {
+ files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(2),
+ ContainElements("devfile.yaml", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
+ })
+ })
+ When("using --devfile-registry flag", func() {
+ It("should successfully run odo init if specified registry is valid", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry").ShouldPass()
+ })
- It("should return correct values in output", func() {
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfilePath", filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.devfile.metadata.name", compName)
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.dev", "true")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.debug", "false")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.deploy", "false")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "managedBy", "odo")
- })
- })
- When("using --devfile-path flag with a local devfile", func() {
- var newContext string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
- newDevfilePath := filepath.Join(newContext, "devfile.yaml")
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml"), newDevfilePath)
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", newDevfilePath).ShouldPass()
- })
- AfterEach(func() {
- helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
- })
- It("should copy the devfile.yaml file", func() {
- files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
- Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(2),
- ContainElements(util.DotOdoDirectory, "devfile.yaml")))
- })
- })
- When("using --devfile-path flag with a URL", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/odo-devfiles/registry/master/devfiles/nodejs/devfile.yaml").ShouldPass()
- })
- It("should copy the devfile.yaml file", func() {
- files := helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)
- Expect(files).To(SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(2),
- ContainElements("devfile.yaml", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
+ })
- })
- When("using --devfile-registry flag", func() {
- It("should successfully run odo init if specified registry is valid", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry").ShouldPass()
+ When("a dangling env file exists in the working directory", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
+ })
+ It("should successfully create a devfile component and remove the dangling env file", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go").ShouldPass()
+ })
- })
- })
- When("a dangling env file exists in the working directory", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CreateLocalEnv(commonVar.Context, "aname", commonVar.Project)
- })
- It("should successfully create a devfile component and remove the dangling env file", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go").ShouldPass()
- })
- })
- When("a devfile is provided which has a starter that has its own devfile", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--starter", "nodejs-starter", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-starter-with-devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- })
- It("should pass and keep the devfile in starter", func() {
- devfileContent, err := helper.ReadFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- Expect(err).To(Not(HaveOccurred()))
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(devfileContent, []string{"2.2.0", "kubernetes-deploy", "deployk8s", "image-build"})
- })
- })
- When("running odo init with a devfile that has a subDir starter project", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "springboot", "devfile-with-subDir.yaml"), "--starter", "springbootproject").ShouldPass()
- })
- It("should successfully extract the project in the specified subDir path", func() {
- var found, notToBeFound int
- pathsToValidate := map[string]bool{
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com"): true,
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example"): true,
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example", "demo"): true,
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example", "demo", "DemoApplication.java"): true,
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "resources", "application.properties"): true,
- }
- pathsNotToBePresent := map[string]bool{
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "src"): true,
- filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "main"): true,
- }
- err := filepath.Walk(commonVar.Context, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if ok := pathsToValidate[path]; ok {
- found++
- }
- if ok := pathsNotToBePresent[path]; ok {
- notToBeFound++
- }
- return nil
+ When("a devfile is provided which has a starter that has its own devfile", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--starter", "nodejs-starter", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-starter-with-devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should pass and keep the devfile in starter", func() {
+ devfileContent, err := helper.ReadFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ Expect(err).To(Not(HaveOccurred()))
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(devfileContent, []string{"2.2.0", "kubernetes-deploy", "deployk8s", "image-build"})
+ })
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(found).To(Equal(len(pathsToValidate)))
- Expect(notToBeFound).To(Equal(0))
- })
- })
- It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project from the specified branch", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-branch.yaml"), "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldPass()
- expectedFiles := []string{"package.json", "package-lock.json", "README.md", "devfile.yaml", "test"}
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements(expectedFiles))
- })
- It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project from the specified tag", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-tag.yaml"), "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldPass()
- expectedFiles := []string{"package.json", "package-lock.json", "README.md", "devfile.yaml", "app"}
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements(expectedFiles))
- })
- It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project on git with main default branch", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init",
- "--name", "vertx",
- "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "java", "devfile-with-git-main-branch.yaml"),
- "--starter", "vertx-http-example-redhat",
- ).ShouldPass()
- })
- When("running odo init from a directory with sources", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- })
- It("should work without --starter flag", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldPass()
- })
- It("should not accept --starter flag", func() {
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("--starter parameter cannot be used when the directory is not empty"))
- })
- })
- Context("checking odo init final output message", func() {
- var newContext, devfilePath string
+ When("running odo init with a devfile that has a subDir starter project", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "springboot", "devfile-with-subDir.yaml"), "--starter", "springbootproject").ShouldPass()
+ })
- BeforeEach(func() {
- newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
- devfilePath = filepath.Join(newContext, "devfile.yaml")
- })
+ It("should successfully extract the project in the specified subDir path", func() {
+ var found, notToBeFound int
+ pathsToValidate := map[string]bool{
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com"): true,
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example"): true,
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example", "demo"): true,
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "java", "com", "example", "demo", "DemoApplication.java"): true,
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "resources", "application.properties"): true,
+ }
+ pathsNotToBePresent := map[string]bool{
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "src"): true,
+ filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "main"): true,
+ }
+ err := filepath.Walk(commonVar.Context, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if ok := pathsToValidate[path]; ok {
+ found++
+ }
+ if ok := pathsNotToBePresent[path]; ok {
+ notToBeFound++
+ }
+ return nil
+ })
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- AfterEach(func() {
- helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
- })
+ Expect(found).To(Equal(len(pathsToValidate)))
+ Expect(notToBeFound).To(Equal(0))
+ })
+ })
- When("the devfile used by `odo init` does not contain a deploy command", func() {
- var out string
+ It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project from the specified branch", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-branch.yaml"), "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldPass()
+ expectedFiles := []string{"package.json", "package-lock.json", "README.md", "devfile.yaml", "test"}
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements(expectedFiles))
+ })
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile.yaml"), devfilePath)
- out = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", devfilePath).ShouldPass().Out()
+ It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project from the specified tag", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-tag.yaml"), "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldPass()
+ expectedFiles := []string{"package.json", "package-lock.json", "README.md", "devfile.yaml", "app"}
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements(expectedFiles))
- It("should only show information about `odo dev`, and not `odo deploy`", func() {
- Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo dev"))
- Expect(out).ToNot(ContainSubstring("odo deploy"))
+ It("should successfully run odo init for devfile with starter project on git with main default branch", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init",
+ "--name", "vertx",
+ "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "java", "devfile-with-git-main-branch.yaml"),
+ "--starter", "vertx-http-example-redhat",
+ ).ShouldPass()
- It("should not show the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- Expect(out).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
+ When("running odo init from a directory with sources", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ })
+ It("should work without --starter flag", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs").ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should not accept --starter flag", func() {
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--starter", "nodejs-starter").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(err).To(ContainSubstring("--starter parameter cannot be used when the directory is not empty"))
+ })
- })
+ Context("checking odo init final output message", func() {
+ var newContext, devfilePath string
- When("the devfile used by `odo init` contains a deploy command", func() {
- var out string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
+ devfilePath = filepath.Join(newContext, "devfile.yaml")
+ })
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-deploy.yaml"), devfilePath)
- out = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", devfilePath).ShouldPass().Out()
- })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
+ })
- It("should show information about both `odo dev`, and `odo deploy`", func() {
- Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo dev"))
- Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo deploy"))
- })
+ When("the devfile used by `odo init` does not contain a deploy command", func() {
+ var out string
- It("should not show the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- Expect(out).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
- })
- })
- })
- When("devfile contains parent URI", func() {
- var originalKeyList []string
- var srcDevfile string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- var err error
- srcDevfile = helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-parent.yaml")
- originalDevfileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(srcDevfile)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- var content map[string]interface{}
- Expect(yaml.Unmarshal(originalDevfileContent, &content)).To(BeNil())
- for k := range content {
- originalKeyList = append(originalKeyList, k)
- }
- })
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile.yaml"), devfilePath)
+ out = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", devfilePath).ShouldPass().Out()
+ })
- It("should not replace the original devfile", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", srcDevfile).ShouldPass()
- devfileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- var content map[string]interface{}
- Expect(yaml.Unmarshal(devfileContent, &content)).To(BeNil())
- for k := range content {
- Expect(k).To(BeElementOf(originalKeyList))
- }
- })
- })
+ It("should only show information about `odo dev`, and not `odo deploy`", func() {
+ Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo dev"))
+ Expect(out).ToNot(ContainSubstring("odo deploy"))
+ })
- When("source directory is empty", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(HaveLen(0))
- })
+ It("should not show the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ Expect(out).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
+ })
+ })
- It("name in devfile is personalized in non-interactive mode", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path",
- filepath.Join(helper.GetExamplePath(), "source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
- "devfile-with-starter-with-devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ When("the devfile used by `odo init` contains a deploy command", func() {
+ var out string
- metadata := helper.GetMetadataFromDevfile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
- Expect(metadata.Name).To(BeEquivalentTo("aname"))
- Expect(metadata.Language).To(BeEquivalentTo("nodejs"))
- })
- })
- Describe("telemetry", func() {
- for _, tt := range []struct {
- name string
- env map[string]string
- }{
- {
- env: map[string]string{
- //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
- segment.DisableTelemetryEnv: "true",
- segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "yes",
- },
- },
- {
- env: map[string]string{
- //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
- segment.DisableTelemetryEnv: "false",
- segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "no",
- },
- },
- } {
- tt := tt
- It("should error out if "+tt.name, func() {
- cmd := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go")
- for k, v := range tt.env {
- cmd = cmd.AddEnv(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
- }
- stderr := cmd.ShouldFail().Err()
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExampleDevFile(filepath.Join("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-deploy.yaml"), devfilePath)
+ out = helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", devfilePath).ShouldPass().Out()
+ })
- //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
- Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("%s and %s values are in conflict.", segment.DisableTelemetryEnv, segment.TrackingConsentEnv))
- })
- }
- type telemetryTest struct {
- title string
- env map[string]string
- setupFunc func(cfg preference.Client)
- callerChecker func(stdout, stderr string, data segment.TelemetryData)
- }
- allowedTelemetryCallers := []string{segmentContext.VSCode, segmentContext.IntelliJ, segmentContext.JBoss}
- telemetryTests := []telemetryTest{
- {
- title: "no caller env var",
- callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
- cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
- Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
- Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
- },
- },
- {
- title: "empty caller env var",
- env: map[string]string{
- helper.TelemetryCaller: "",
- },
- callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
- cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
- Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
- Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
- },
- },
- {
- title: "invalid caller env var",
- env: map[string]string{
- helper.TelemetryCaller: "an-invalid-caller",
- },
- callerChecker: func(stdout, stderr string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
- By("not disclosing list of allowed values", func() {
- helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(stdout, allowedTelemetryCallers)
- helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(stderr, allowedTelemetryCallers)
+ It("should show information about both `odo dev`, and `odo deploy`", func() {
+ Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo dev"))
+ Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("odo deploy"))
- By("setting the value as caller property in telemetry even if it is invalid", func() {
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(Equal("an-invalid-caller"))
+ It("should not show the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ Expect(out).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(messages.InteractiveModeEnabled))
- },
- },
- {
- title: "ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=yes env var should take precedence over ConsentTelemetry preference",
- env: map[string]string{segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "yes"},
- callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
- cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
- Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
- Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
- },
- setupFunc: func(cfg preference.Client) {
- err := cfg.SetConfiguration(preference.ConsentTelemetrySetting, "false")
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- },
- },
- }
- for _, c := range allowedTelemetryCallers {
- c := c
- telemetryTests = append(telemetryTests, telemetryTest{
- title: fmt.Sprintf("valid caller env var: %s", c),
- env: map[string]string{
- helper.TelemetryCaller: c,
- },
- callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(Equal(c))
- },
+ })
- }
- for _, tt := range telemetryTests {
- tt := tt
- When("recording telemetry data with "+tt.title, func() {
- var stdout string
- var stderr string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.EnableTelemetryDebug()
- ctx := context.Background()
- envConfig, err := config.GetConfiguration()
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- ctx = envcontext.WithEnvConfig(ctx, *envConfig)
+ When("devfile contains parent URI", func() {
+ var originalKeyList []string
+ var srcDevfile string
- cfg, err := preference.NewClient(ctx)
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- if tt.setupFunc != nil {
- tt.setupFunc(cfg)
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ var err error
+ srcDevfile = helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-parent.yaml")
+ originalDevfileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(srcDevfile)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ var content map[string]interface{}
+ Expect(yaml.Unmarshal(originalDevfileContent, &content)).To(BeNil())
+ for k := range content {
+ originalKeyList = append(originalKeyList, k)
+ })
- cmd := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go")
- for k, v := range tt.env {
- cmd = cmd.AddEnv(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
+ It("should not replace the original devfile", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", srcDevfile).ShouldPass()
+ devfileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ var content map[string]interface{}
+ Expect(yaml.Unmarshal(devfileContent, &content)).To(BeNil())
+ for k := range content {
+ Expect(k).To(BeElementOf(originalKeyList))
- stdout, stderr = cmd.ShouldPass().OutAndErr()
+ })
- AfterEach(func() {
- helper.ResetTelemetry()
+ When("source directory is empty", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(HaveLen(0))
- It("should record the telemetry data correctly", func() {
- td := helper.GetTelemetryDebugData()
- Expect(td.Event).To(ContainSubstring("odo init"))
- Expect(td.Properties.Success).To(BeTrue())
- Expect(td.Properties.Error == "").To(BeTrue())
- Expect(td.Properties.ErrorType == "").To(BeTrue())
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.DevfileName]).To(ContainSubstring("aname"))
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.ComponentType]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Language]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.ProjectType]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
- Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Flags]).To(ContainSubstring("devfile name"))
- tt.callerChecker(stdout, stderr, td)
+ It("name in devfile is personalized in non-interactive mode", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path",
+ filepath.Join(helper.GetExamplePath(), "source", "devfiles", "nodejs",
+ "devfile-with-starter-with-devfile.yaml")).ShouldPass()
+ metadata := helper.GetMetadataFromDevfile(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"))
+ Expect(metadata.Name).To(BeEquivalentTo("aname"))
+ Expect(metadata.Language).To(BeEquivalentTo("nodejs"))
+ })
+ Describe("telemetry", func() {
+ for _, tt := range []struct {
+ name string
+ env map[string]string
+ }{
+ {
+ env: map[string]string{
+ //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
+ segment.DisableTelemetryEnv: "true",
+ segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "yes",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ env: map[string]string{
+ //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
+ segment.DisableTelemetryEnv: "false",
+ segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "no",
+ },
+ },
+ } {
+ tt := tt
+ It("should error out if "+tt.name, func() {
+ cmd := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go")
+ for k, v := range tt.env {
+ cmd = cmd.AddEnv(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
+ }
+ stderr := cmd.ShouldFail().Err()
+ //lint:ignore SA1019 We deprecated this env var, but until it is removed, we still want to test it
+ Expect(stderr).To(ContainSubstring("%s and %s values are in conflict.", segment.DisableTelemetryEnv, segment.TrackingConsentEnv))
+ })
+ }
+ type telemetryTest struct {
+ title string
+ env map[string]string
+ setupFunc func(cfg preference.Client)
+ callerChecker func(stdout, stderr string, data segment.TelemetryData)
+ }
+ allowedTelemetryCallers := []string{segmentContext.VSCode, segmentContext.IntelliJ, segmentContext.JBoss}
+ telemetryTests := []telemetryTest{
+ {
+ title: "no caller env var",
+ callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
+ cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
+ Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
+ Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "empty caller env var",
+ env: map[string]string{
+ helper.TelemetryCaller: "",
+ },
+ callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
+ cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
+ Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
+ Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "invalid caller env var",
+ env: map[string]string{
+ helper.TelemetryCaller: "an-invalid-caller",
+ },
+ callerChecker: func(stdout, stderr string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
+ By("not disclosing list of allowed values", func() {
+ helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(stdout, allowedTelemetryCallers)
+ helper.DontMatchAllInOutput(stderr, allowedTelemetryCallers)
+ })
+ By("setting the value as caller property in telemetry even if it is invalid", func() {
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(Equal("an-invalid-caller"))
+ })
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "ODO_TRACKING_CONSENT=yes env var should take precedence over ConsentTelemetry preference",
+ env: map[string]string{segment.TrackingConsentEnv: "yes"},
+ callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
+ cmdProperties := td.Properties.CmdProperties
+ Expect(cmdProperties).Should(HaveKey(segmentContext.Caller))
+ Expect(cmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(BeEmpty())
+ },
+ setupFunc: func(cfg preference.Client) {
+ err := cfg.SetConfiguration(preference.ConsentTelemetrySetting, "false")
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, c := range allowedTelemetryCallers {
+ c := c
+ telemetryTests = append(telemetryTests, telemetryTest{
+ title: fmt.Sprintf("valid caller env var: %s", c),
+ env: map[string]string{
+ helper.TelemetryCaller: c,
+ },
+ callerChecker: func(_, _ string, td segment.TelemetryData) {
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Caller]).To(Equal(c))
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ for _, tt := range telemetryTests {
+ tt := tt
+ When("recording telemetry data with "+tt.title, func() {
+ var stdout string
+ var stderr string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.EnableTelemetryDebug()
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ envConfig, err := config.GetConfiguration()
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ ctx = envcontext.WithEnvConfig(ctx, *envConfig)
+ cfg, err := preference.NewClient(ctx)
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ if tt.setupFunc != nil {
+ tt.setupFunc(cfg)
+ }
+ cmd := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "go")
+ for k, v := range tt.env {
+ cmd = cmd.AddEnv(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
+ }
+ stdout, stderr = cmd.ShouldPass().OutAndErr()
+ })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.ResetTelemetry()
+ })
+ It("should record the telemetry data correctly", func() {
+ td := helper.GetTelemetryDebugData()
+ Expect(td.Event).To(ContainSubstring("odo init"))
+ Expect(td.Properties.Success).To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(td.Properties.Error == "").To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(td.Properties.ErrorType == "").To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.DevfileName]).To(ContainSubstring("aname"))
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.ComponentType]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Language]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.ProjectType]).To(ContainSubstring("Go"))
+ Expect(td.Properties.CmdProperties[segmentContext.Flags]).To(ContainSubstring("devfile name"))
+ tt.callerChecker(stdout, stderr, td)
+ })
+ })
+ }
- }
- })
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go
index 774a511e6ae..d1fdd3dd6dc 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_list_test.go
@@ -104,6 +104,27 @@ var _ = Describe("odo list with devfile", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ It("should list the local component when no authenticated", Label(label), func() {
+ By("checking the normal output", func() {
+ stdOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", "component").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(stdOut).To(ContainSubstring(componentName))
+ })
+ By("checking the JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", "component", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "componentInDevfile", componentName)
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "components.0.name", componentName)
+ })
+ })
+ }
When("dev is running on cluster", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
@@ -314,6 +335,11 @@ var _ = Describe("odo list with devfile", func() {
It("should show the language for 'Type' in odo list", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
+ It("should show the language for 'Type' in odo list", Label(helper.LabelUnauth), func() {
+ checkList(metadata.Language)
+ })
When("the component is pushed in dev mode", func() {
var devSession helper.DevSession
BeforeEach(func() {
@@ -341,6 +367,9 @@ var _ = Describe("odo list with devfile", func() {
It("should show 'Not available' for 'Type' in odo list", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
checkList("Not available")
+ It("should show 'Not available' for 'Type' in odo list", Label(helper.LabelUnauth), func() {
+ checkList("Not available")
+ })
When("the component is pushed", func() {
var devSession helper.DevSession
BeforeEach(func() {
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go
index 87ae9848384..cdca960885f 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_devfile_registry_test.go
@@ -9,139 +9,146 @@ import (
-var _ = Describe("odo devfile registry command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- const registryName string = "RegistryName"
- // Use staging OCI-based registry for tests to avoid overload
- var addRegistryURL string = "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
- proxy := os.Getenv("DEVFILE_PROXY")
- if proxy != "" {
- addRegistryURL = "http://" + proxy
- }
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
- // This is run before every Spec (It)
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
- })
- // This is run after every Spec (It)
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
- It("Should list all default registries", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"DefaultDevfileRegistry"})
- })
- It("Should list at least one nodejs component from the default registry", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "registry").ShouldPass().Out()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"nodejs"})
- })
- It("Should list detailed information regarding nodejs", func() {
- args := []string{"registry", "--details", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry"}
- By("using human readable output", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass().Out()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"nodejs-starter", "JavaScript", "Node.js Runtime", "Dev: Y"})
- })
- By("using JSON output", func() {
- args = append(args, "-o", "json")
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.name", "nodejs")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.displayName", "Node")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.description", "Node")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.language", "JavaScript")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.projectType", "Node.js")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.starterProjects.0", "nodejs-starter")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData.devfile.metadata.name", "nodejs")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.dev", "true")
- })
- })
- It("Should list python specifically", func() {
- args := []string{"registry", "--devfile", "python", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry"}
- By("using human readable output", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass().Out()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"python"})
- })
- By("using JSON output", func() {
- args = append(args, "-o", "json")
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.name", "python")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.displayName", "Python")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.description", "Python is an interpreted")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.language", "Python")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.projectType", "Python")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.starterProjects.0", "flask-example")
- helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData", "")
- })
- })
- It("Should fail with an error with no registries", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry", "-f").ShouldPass()
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldRun().Err()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"No devfile registries added to the configuration. Refer to `odo preference add registry -h` to add one"})
- })
+var _ = Describe("odo devfile registry command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ const registryName string = "RegistryName"
+ // Use staging OCI-based registry for tests to avoid overload
+ var addRegistryURL string = "https://registry.stage.devfile.io"
+ proxy := os.Getenv("DEVFILE_PROXY")
+ if proxy != "" {
+ addRegistryURL = "http://" + proxy
+ }
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ // This is run before every Spec (It)
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ })
- It("Should fail to delete the registry, when registry is not present", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldFail()
- })
+ // This is run after every Spec (It)
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
- When("adding a registry", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", registryName, addRegistryURL).ShouldPass()
- })
+ It("Should list all default registries", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"DefaultDevfileRegistry"})
+ })
- It("should list newly added registry", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{registryName, addRegistryURL})
- })
+ It("Should list at least one nodejs component from the default registry", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "registry").ShouldPass().Out()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"nodejs"})
+ })
- It("should pass, when doing odo init with --devfile-registry flag", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--devfile-registry", registryName).ShouldPass()
- })
+ It("Should list detailed information regarding nodejs", func() {
+ args := []string{"registry", "--details", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry"}
+ By("using human readable output", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"nodejs-starter", "JavaScript", "Node.js Runtime", "Dev: Y"})
+ })
+ By("using JSON output", func() {
+ args = append(args, "-o", "json")
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.name", "nodejs")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.displayName", "Node")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.description", "Node")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.language", "JavaScript")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.projectType", "Node.js")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.starterProjects.0", "nodejs-starter")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData.devfile.metadata.name", "nodejs")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData.supportedOdoFeatures.dev", "true")
+ })
+ })
- It("should fail, when adding same registry", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", registryName, addRegistryURL).ShouldFail()
- })
+ It("Should list python specifically", func() {
+ args := []string{"registry", "--devfile", "python", "--devfile-registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry"}
+ By("using human readable output", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass().Out()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"python"})
+ })
+ By("using JSON output", func() {
+ args = append(args, "-o", "json")
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", args...).ShouldPass()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "0.name", "python")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.displayName", "Python")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.description", "Python is an interpreted")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.language", "Python")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.projectType", "Python")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.starterProjects.0", "flask-example")
+ helper.JsonPathContentContain(stdout, "0.devfileData", "")
+ })
+ })
- It("should successfully delete registry", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldPass()
- })
+ It("Should fail with an error with no registries", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", "DefaultDevfileRegistry", "-f").ShouldPass()
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldRun().Err()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"No devfile registries added to the configuration. Refer to `odo preference add registry -h` to add one"})
+ })
- It("deleting registry and creating component with registry flag ", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldPass()
- helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "java-maven", "--devfile-registry", registryName).ShouldFail()
- })
+ It("Should fail to delete the registry, when registry is not present", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldFail()
+ })
- It("should list registry with recently added registry on top", func() {
- By("for json output", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view", "-o", "json").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(output)).To(BeTrue())
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.0.name", registryName)
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.0.url", addRegistryURL)
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.1.name", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.1.url", addRegistryURL) // as we are using its updated in case of Proxy
+ When("adding a registry", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", registryName, addRegistryURL).ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should list newly added registry", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{registryName, addRegistryURL})
+ })
+ It("should pass, when doing odo init with --devfile-registry flag", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "nodejs", "--devfile-registry", registryName).ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should fail, when adding same registry", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", registryName, addRegistryURL).ShouldFail()
+ })
+ It("should successfully delete registry", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("deleting registry and creating component with registry flag ", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "remove", "registry", registryName, "-f").ShouldPass()
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile", "java-maven", "--devfile-registry", registryName).ShouldFail()
+ })
+ It("should list registry with recently added registry on top", func() {
+ By("for json output", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view", "-o", "json").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(output)).To(BeTrue())
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.0.name", registryName)
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.0.url", addRegistryURL)
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.1.name", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(output, "registries.1.url", addRegistryURL) // as we are using its updated in case of Proxy
+ })
+ })
+ It("should fail when adding a git based registry", func() {
+ err := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", "RegistryFromGitHub", "https://github.com/devfile/registry").ShouldFail().Err()
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(err, []string{"github", "no", "supported", "https://github.com/devfile/registry-support"})
+ })
- })
- It("should fail when adding a git based registry", func() {
- err := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "add", "registry", "RegistryFromGitHub", "https://github.com/devfile/registry").ShouldFail().Err()
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(err, []string{"github", "no", "supported", "https://github.com/devfile/registry-support"})
- })
+ }
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go
index aefd8a4a7c4..4af96f7d3ac 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_namespace_test.go
@@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ ComponentSettings:
Expect(out).To(ContainSubstring("Please ensure you have an active kubernetes context to your cluster."))
+ It("should fail, with unauth cluster", Label(helper.LabelUnauth), func() {
+ _ = helper.Cmd("odo", "list", commandName).ShouldFail()
+ })
It(fmt.Sprintf("should successfully list all the %ss", commandName), func() {
Eventually(func() string {
out := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", commandName).ShouldPass().Out()
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go
index 5ec072bcb55..4f61e8c585d 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_pref_config_test.go
@@ -13,118 +13,125 @@ import (
const promptMessageSubString = "Help odo improve by allowing it to collect usage data."
-var _ = Describe("odo preference and config command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- // TODO: A neater way to provide odo path. Currently we assume odo and oc in $PATH already.
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
- // This is run before every Spec (It)
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- })
- // Clean up after the test
- // This is run after every Spec (It)
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
- Context("check that help works", func() {
- It("should display help info", func() {
- helpArgs := []string{"-h", "help", "--help"}
- for _, helpArg := range helpArgs {
- appHelp := helper.Cmd("odo", helpArg).ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(appHelp).To(ContainSubstring(`Use "odo [command] --help" for more information about a command.`))
- }
- })
- })
- Context("when running help for preference command", func() {
- It("should display the help", func() {
- appHelp := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "-h").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(appHelp).To(ContainSubstring("Modifies odo specific configuration settings"))
- })
- })
- Context("When viewing global config", func() {
- var newContext string
- // ConsentTelemetry is set to false in helper.CommonBeforeEach so that it does not prompt to set a value
- // during the tests, but we want to check preference values as they would be in real time and hence
- // we set the GLOBALODOCONFIG variable to a value in new context
- var _ = JustBeforeEach(func() {
- newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
- os.Setenv("GLOBALODOCONFIG", filepath.Join(newContext, "preference.yaml"))
- })
- var _ = JustAfterEach(func() {
- helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
- })
- It("should get the default global config keys", func() {
- configOutput := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
- preferences := []string{"UpdateNotification", "Timeout", "PushTimeout", "RegistryCacheTime", "Ephemeral", "ConsentTelemetry"}
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(configOutput, preferences)
- for _, key := range preferences {
- value := helper.GetPreferenceValue(key)
- Expect(value).To(BeEmpty())
- }
- })
- It("should get the default global config keys in JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
- preferences := []string{"UpdateNotification", "Timeout", "PushTimeout", "RegistryCacheTime", "ConsentTelemetry", "Ephemeral"}
- for i, pref := range preferences {
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, fmt.Sprintf("preferences.%d.name", i), pref)
- }
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "registries.#", "1")
- helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "registries.0.name", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
- })
- })
- Context("When configuring global config values", func() {
- preferences := []struct {
- name string
- value string
- updateValue string
- invalidValue string
- firstSetWithForce bool
- }{
- {"UpdateNotification", "false", "true", "foo", false},
- {"Timeout", "5s", "6s", "foo", false},
- // !! Do not test ConsentTelemetry with true because it sends out the telemetry data and messes up the statistics !!
- {"ConsentTelemetry", "false", "false", "foo", false},
- {"PushTimeout", "4s", "6s", "foo", false},
- {"RegistryCacheTime", "4m", "6m", "foo", false},
- {"Ephemeral", "false", "true", "foo", true},
- }
- It("should successfully updated", func() {
- for _, pref := range preferences {
- // construct arguments for the first command
- firstCmdArgs := []string{"preference", "set"}
- if pref.firstSetWithForce {
- firstCmdArgs = append(firstCmdArgs, "-f")
+var _ = Describe("odo preference and config command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ // TODO: A neater way to provide odo path. Currently we assume odo and oc in $PATH already.
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ // This is run before every Spec (It)
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ })
+ // Clean up after the test
+ // This is run after every Spec (It)
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
+ Context("check that help works", func() {
+ It("should display help info", func() {
+ helpArgs := []string{"-h", "help", "--help"}
+ for _, helpArg := range helpArgs {
+ appHelp := helper.Cmd("odo", helpArg).ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(appHelp).To(ContainSubstring(`Use "odo [command] --help" for more information about a command.`))
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when running help for preference command", func() {
+ It("should display the help", func() {
+ appHelp := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "-h").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(appHelp).To(ContainSubstring("Modifies odo specific configuration settings"))
+ })
+ })
+ Context("When viewing global config", func() {
+ var newContext string
+ // ConsentTelemetry is set to false in helper.CommonBeforeEach so that it does not prompt to set a value
+ // during the tests, but we want to check preference values as they would be in real time and hence
+ // we set the GLOBALODOCONFIG variable to a value in new context
+ var _ = JustBeforeEach(func() {
+ newContext = helper.CreateNewContext()
+ os.Setenv("GLOBALODOCONFIG", filepath.Join(newContext, "preference.yaml"))
+ })
+ var _ = JustAfterEach(func() {
+ helper.DeleteDir(newContext)
+ })
+ It("should get the default global config keys", func() {
+ configOutput := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
+ preferences := []string{"UpdateNotification", "Timeout", "PushTimeout", "RegistryCacheTime", "Ephemeral", "ConsentTelemetry"}
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(configOutput, preferences)
+ for _, key := range preferences {
+ value := helper.GetPreferenceValue(key)
+ Expect(value).To(BeEmpty())
+ }
+ })
+ It("should get the default global config keys in JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view", "-o", "json").ShouldPass()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stderr).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stdout)).To(BeTrue())
+ preferences := []string{"UpdateNotification", "Timeout", "PushTimeout", "RegistryCacheTime", "ConsentTelemetry", "Ephemeral"}
+ for i, pref := range preferences {
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, fmt.Sprintf("preferences.%d.name", i), pref)
+ }
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "registries.#", "1")
+ helper.JsonPathContentIs(stdout, "registries.0.name", "DefaultDevfileRegistry")
+ })
+ })
+ Context("When configuring global config values", func() {
+ preferences := []struct {
+ name string
+ value string
+ updateValue string
+ invalidValue string
+ firstSetWithForce bool
+ }{
+ {"UpdateNotification", "false", "true", "foo", false},
+ {"Timeout", "5s", "6s", "foo", false},
+ // !! Do not test ConsentTelemetry with true because it sends out the telemetry data and messes up the statistics !!
+ {"ConsentTelemetry", "false", "false", "foo", false},
+ {"PushTimeout", "4s", "6s", "foo", false},
+ {"RegistryCacheTime", "4m", "6m", "foo", false},
+ {"Ephemeral", "false", "true", "foo", true},
- firstCmdArgs = append(firstCmdArgs, pref.name, pref.value)
- helper.Cmd("odo", firstCmdArgs...).ShouldPass()
- value := helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
- Expect(value).To(ContainSubstring(pref.value))
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "-f", pref.name, pref.updateValue).ShouldPass()
- value = helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
- Expect(value).To(ContainSubstring(pref.updateValue))
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "-f", pref.name).ShouldPass()
- value = helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
- Expect(value).To(BeEmpty())
- }
- globalConfPath := os.Getenv("HOME")
- os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(globalConfPath, ".odo"))
- })
- })
- When("when preference.yaml contains an int value for Timeout", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- preference := `
+ It("should successfully updated", func() {
+ for _, pref := range preferences {
+ // construct arguments for the first command
+ firstCmdArgs := []string{"preference", "set"}
+ if pref.firstSetWithForce {
+ firstCmdArgs = append(firstCmdArgs, "-f")
+ }
+ firstCmdArgs = append(firstCmdArgs, pref.name, pref.value)
+ helper.Cmd("odo", firstCmdArgs...).ShouldPass()
+ value := helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
+ Expect(value).To(ContainSubstring(pref.value))
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "-f", pref.name, pref.updateValue).ShouldPass()
+ value = helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
+ Expect(value).To(ContainSubstring(pref.updateValue))
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "-f", pref.name).ShouldPass()
+ value = helper.GetPreferenceValue(pref.name)
+ Expect(value).To(BeEmpty())
+ }
+ globalConfPath := os.Getenv("HOME")
+ os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(globalConfPath, ".odo"))
+ })
+ })
+ When("when preference.yaml contains an int value for Timeout", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ preference := `
kind: Preference
apiversion: odo.dev/v1alpha1
@@ -136,61 +143,62 @@ OdoSettings:
ConsentTelemetry: true
Timeout: 10
- preferencePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "preference.yaml")
- err := helper.CreateFileWithContent(preferencePath, preference)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- os.Setenv("GLOBALODOCONFIG", preferencePath)
+ preferencePath := filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "preference.yaml")
+ err := helper.CreateFileWithContent(preferencePath, preference)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ os.Setenv("GLOBALODOCONFIG", preferencePath)
+ })
+ It("should show warning about incompatible Timeout value when viewing preferences", func() {
+ errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Err()
+ Expect(helper.GetPreferenceValue("Timeout")).To(ContainSubstring("10ns"))
+ Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("Please change the preference value for Timeout"))
+ })
+ })
+ It("should fail to set an incompatible format for a preference that accepts duration", func() {
+ errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "RegistryCacheTime", "1d").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("unable to set \"registrycachetime\" to \"1d\""))
+ })
+ Context("When no ConsentTelemetry preference value is set", func() {
+ var _ = JustBeforeEach(func() {
+ // unset the preference in case it is already set
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "ConsentTelemetry", "-f").ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should not prompt when user calls for help", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--help").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
+ })
+ It("should not prompt when preference command is run", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
+ output = helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "timeout", "5s", "-f").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
+ output = helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "timeout", "-f").ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
+ })
+ })
+ Context("When ConsentTelemetry preference value is set", func() {
+ // !! Do not test with true because it sends out the telemetry data and messes up the statistics !!
+ var workingDir string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ workingDir = helper.Getwd()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ })
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.Chdir(workingDir)
+ })
+ It("should not prompt the user", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "ConsentTelemetry", "false", "-f").ShouldPass()
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml")).ShouldPass().Out()
+ Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
+ })
+ })
- It("should show warning about incompatible Timeout value when viewing preferences", func() {
- errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Err()
- Expect(helper.GetPreferenceValue("Timeout")).To(ContainSubstring("10ns"))
- Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("Please change the preference value for Timeout"))
- })
- })
- It("should fail to set an incompatible format for a preference that accepts duration", func() {
- errOut := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "RegistryCacheTime", "1d").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(errOut).To(ContainSubstring("unable to set \"registrycachetime\" to \"1d\""))
- })
- Context("When no ConsentTelemetry preference value is set", func() {
- var _ = JustBeforeEach(func() {
- // unset the preference in case it is already set
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "ConsentTelemetry", "-f").ShouldPass()
- })
- It("should not prompt when user calls for help", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--help").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
- })
- It("should not prompt when preference command is run", func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "view").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
- output = helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "timeout", "5s", "-f").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
- output = helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "unset", "timeout", "-f").ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
- })
- })
- Context("When ConsentTelemetry preference value is set", func() {
- // !! Do not test with true because it sends out the telemetry data and messes up the statistics !!
- var workingDir string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- workingDir = helper.Getwd()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
- })
- AfterEach(func() {
- helper.Chdir(workingDir)
- })
- It("should not prompt the user", func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "preference", "set", "ConsentTelemetry", "false", "-f").ShouldPass()
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "aname", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-registry.yaml")).ShouldPass().Out()
- Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstring(promptMessageSubString))
- })
- })
+ }
diff --git a/tests/integration/cmd_remove_binding_test.go b/tests/integration/cmd_remove_binding_test.go
index 5c4959b22d4..a2a5f35e2e5 100644
--- a/tests/integration/cmd_remove_binding_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/cmd_remove_binding_test.go
@@ -29,18 +29,25 @@ var _ = Describe("odo remove binding command tests", func() {
helper.Cmd("odo", "init", "--name", "mynode", "--devfile-path", helper.GetExamplePath("source", "devfiles", "nodejs", "devfile-with-service-binding-files.yaml")).ShouldPass()
- When("removing the binding", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "remove", "binding", "--name", bindingName).ShouldPass()
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ When("removing the binding", Label(label), func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "remove", "binding", "--name", bindingName).ShouldPass()
+ })
+ It("should successfully remove binding between component and service in the devfile", func() {
+ components := helper.GetDevfileComponents(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), bindingName)
+ Expect(components).To(BeNil())
+ })
- It("should successfully remove binding between component and service in the devfile", func() {
- components := helper.GetDevfileComponents(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), bindingName)
- Expect(components).To(BeNil())
+ It("should fail to remove binding that does not exist", func() {
+ helper.Cmd("odo", "remove", "binding", "--name", "my-binding").ShouldFail()
- })
- It("should fail to remove binding that does not exist", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- helper.Cmd("odo", "remove", "binding", "--name", "my-binding").ShouldFail()
- })
+ }
When("odo dev is running", func() {
var session helper.DevSession
BeforeEach(func() {
diff --git a/tests/integration/generic_test.go b/tests/integration/generic_test.go
index 587993c7584..373aa1a3e8d 100644
--- a/tests/integration/generic_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/generic_test.go
@@ -26,66 +26,73 @@ var _ = Describe("odo generic", func() {
- When("running odo --help", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- var output string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- output = helper.Cmd("odo", "--help").ShouldPass().Out()
- })
- It("retuns full help contents including usage, examples, commands, utility commands, component shortcuts, and flags sections", func() {
- helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"Usage:", "Examples:", "Main Commands:", "OpenShift Commands:", "Utility Commands:", "Flags:"})
- })
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ When("running odo --help", func() {
+ var output string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ output = helper.Cmd("odo", "--help").ShouldPass().Out()
+ })
+ It("retuns full help contents including usage, examples, commands, utility commands, component shortcuts, and flags sections", func() {
+ helper.MatchAllInOutput(output, []string{"Usage:", "Examples:", "Main Commands:", "OpenShift Commands:", "Utility Commands:", "Flags:"})
+ })
- })
+ })
- When("running odo without subcommand and flags", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- var output string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- output = helper.Cmd("odo").ShouldPass().Out()
- })
- It("a short vesion of help contents is returned, an error is not expected", func() {
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("To see a full list of commands, run 'odo --help'"))
- })
- })
+ When("running odo without subcommand and flags", func() {
+ var output string
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ output = helper.Cmd("odo").ShouldPass().Out()
+ })
+ It("a short vesion of help contents is returned, an error is not expected", func() {
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("To see a full list of commands, run 'odo --help'"))
+ })
+ })
- It("returns error when using an invalid command", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "hello").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Invalid command - see available commands/subcommands above"))
- })
+ It("returns error when using an invalid command", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "hello").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Invalid command - see available commands/subcommands above"))
+ })
- It("returns JSON error", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- By("using an invalid command with JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "unknown-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- })
+ It("returns JSON error", func() {
+ By("using an invalid command with JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "unknown-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ })
- By("using an invalid describe sub-command with JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "unknown-sub-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- })
+ By("using an invalid describe sub-command with JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "unknown-sub-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ })
- By("using an invalid list sub-command with JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", "unknown-sub-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- })
+ By("using an invalid list sub-command with JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "list", "unknown-sub-command", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ })
- By("omitting required subcommand with JSON output", func() {
- res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
- stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
- Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
- })
- })
+ By("omitting required subcommand with JSON output", func() {
+ res := helper.Cmd("odo", "describe", "-o", "json").ShouldFail()
+ stdout, stderr := res.Out(), res.Err()
+ Expect(stdout).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(helper.IsJSON(stderr)).To(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
- It("returns error when using an invalid command with --help", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
- output := helper.Cmd("odo", "hello", "--help").ShouldFail().Err()
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("unknown command 'hello', type --help for a list of all commands"))
- })
+ It("returns error when using an invalid command with --help", func() {
+ output := helper.Cmd("odo", "hello", "--help").ShouldFail().Err()
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("unknown command 'hello', type --help for a list of all commands"))
+ })
+ })
+ }
Context("When deleting two project one after the other", func() {
It("should be able to delete sequentially", func() {
@@ -124,6 +131,10 @@ var _ = Describe("odo generic", func() {
reOdoVersion := `^odo\s*v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(?:-\w+)?\s*\(\w+\)`
+ It("should show the version of odo major components", Label(helper.LabelUnauth), func() {
+ reOdoVersion := `^odo\s*v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(?:-\w+)?\s*\(\w+\)`
+ Expect(odoVersion).Should(MatchRegexp(reOdoVersion))
+ })
Describe("Experimental Mode", func() {
diff --git a/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go b/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go
index 8245d5949b7..46ff5025853 100644
--- a/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go
+++ b/tests/integration/interactive_init_test.go
@@ -23,498 +23,504 @@ import (
-var _ = Describe("odo init interactive command tests", Label(helper.LabelNoCluster), func() {
+var _ = Describe("odo init interactive command tests", func() {
+ for _, label := range []string{
+ helper.LabelNoCluster, helper.LabelUnauth,
+ } {
+ label := label
+ var _ = Context("label "+label, Label(label), func() {
+ var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ // This is run before every Spec (It)
+ var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
+ commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
+ helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ // We make EXPLICITLY sure that we are outputting with NO COLOR
+ // this is because in some cases we are comparing the output with a colorized one
+ os.Setenv("NO_COLOR", "true")
+ })
+ // Clean up after the test
+ // This is run after every Spec (It)
+ var _ = AfterEach(func() {
+ helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
+ })
+ It("should not fail when using -v flag", func() {
+ command := []string{"odo", "init", "-v", "4"}
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ })
- var commonVar helper.CommonVar
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
- // This is run before every Spec (It)
- var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
- commonVar = helper.CommonBeforeEach()
- helper.Chdir(commonVar.Context)
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- // We make EXPLICITLY sure that we are outputting with NO COLOR
- // this is because in some cases we are comparing the output with a colorized one
- os.Setenv("NO_COLOR", "true")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- // Clean up after the test
- // This is run after every Spec (It)
- var _ = AfterEach(func() {
- helper.CommonAfterEach(commonVar)
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
- It("should not fail when using -v flag", func() {
- command := []string{"odo", "init", "-v", "4"}
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
- By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ })
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
+ It("should ask to re-enter the component name when an invalid value is passed", func() {
+ command := []string{"odo", "init"}
+ _, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "myapp-")
- })
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "name \"myapp-\" is not valid, name should conform the following requirements")
- It("should ask to re-enter the component name when an invalid value is passed", func() {
- command := []string{"odo", "init"}
- _, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ })
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
+ })
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ It("should print automation command with proper values", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ // This test fails on Windows because of terminal emulator behaviour
+ if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
+ Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
+ }
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ command := []string{"odo", "init"}
+ starter := "go-starter"
+ componentName := "my-go-app"
+ devfileName := "go"
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "myapp-")
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "name \"myapp-\" is not valid, name should conform the following requirements")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
- })
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- It("should print automation command with proper values", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, starter)
- // This test fails on Windows because of terminal emulator behaviour
- if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
- Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
- }
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, componentName)
- command := []string{"odo", "init"}
- starter := "go-starter"
- componentName := "my-go-app"
- devfileName := "go"
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ })
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("odo init --name %s --devfile %s --devfile-registry DefaultDevfileRegistry --starter %s", componentName, devfileName, starter))
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
+ })
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ It("should download correct devfile", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ command := []string{"odo", "init"}
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, starter)
+ By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ })
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, componentName)
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("odo init --name %s --devfile %s --devfile-registry DefaultDevfileRegistry --starter %s", componentName, devfileName, starter))
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
- It("should download correct devfile", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
- command := []string{"odo", "init"}
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ })
- By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Go")
+ It("should download correct devfile-starter", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ command := []string{"odo", "init"}
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ })
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "java")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-go-app")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Vert.x Java")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "vertx-cache-example-redhat")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Your new component 'my-go-app' is ready in the current directory"))
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-app")
- It("should download correct devfile-starter", func() {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-app' is ready in the current directory")
- command := []string{"odo", "init"}
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive(command, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ })
- By("showing the interactive mode notice message", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, messages.InteractiveModeEnabled)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Downloading starter project \"vertx-cache-example-redhat\""))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "java")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Vert.x Java")
+ Describe("displaying welcoming messages", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ // testFunc is a function that returns a `Tester` function (intended to be used via `helper.RunInteractive`),
+ // which first expects all messages in `welcomingMsgs` to be read from the console,
+ // then runs an `additionalTester` and finally expects the asking of a component name
+ // (based on the `language` specified)
+ testFunc := func(language string, welcomingMsgs []string, additionalTester helper.Tester) helper.Tester {
+ return func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ for _, msg := range welcomingMsgs {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, msg)
+ }
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "vertx-cache-example-redhat")
+ if additionalTester != nil {
+ additionalTester(ctx)
+ }
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-app")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("my-%s-app", language))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx,
+ fmt.Sprintf("Your new component 'my-%s-app' is ready in the current directory", language))
+ }
+ }
- })
+ assertBehavior := func(language string, output string, err error, msgs []string, additionalAsserter func()) {
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(output).To(ContainSubstring("Downloading starter project \"vertx-cache-example-redhat\""))
- })
+ lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", len(msgs)))
+ Expect(lines[0:len(msgs)]).To(Equal(msgs))
+ Expect(lines).To(
+ ContainElement(fmt.Sprintf("Your new component 'my-%s-app' is ready in the current directory", strings.ToLower(language))))
- Describe("displaying welcoming messages", func() {
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- // testFunc is a function that returns a `Tester` function (intended to be used via `helper.RunInteractive`),
- // which first expects all messages in `welcomingMsgs` to be read from the console,
- // then runs an `additionalTester` and finally expects the asking of a component name
- // (based on the `language` specified)
- testFunc := func(language string, welcomingMsgs []string, additionalTester helper.Tester) helper.Tester {
- return func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- for _, msg := range welcomingMsgs {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, msg)
+ if additionalAsserter != nil {
+ additionalAsserter()
+ }
- if additionalTester != nil {
- additionalTester(ctx)
+ testRunner := func(language string, welcomingMsgs []string, tester helper.Tester) (string, error) {
+ command := []string{"odo", "init"}
+ return helper.RunInteractive(command,
+ // Setting verbosity level to 0, because we would be asserting the welcoming message is the first
+ // message displayed to the end user. So we do not want any potential debug lines to be printed first.
+ // Using envvars here (and not via the -v flag), because of https://github.com/redhat-developer/odo/issues/5513
+ []string{"ODO_LOG_LEVEL=0"},
+ testFunc(strings.ToLower(language), welcomingMsgs, tester))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("my-%s-app", language))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx,
- fmt.Sprintf("Your new component 'my-%s-app' is ready in the current directory", language))
- }
- }
- assertBehavior := func(language string, output string, err error, msgs []string, additionalAsserter func()) {
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", len(msgs)))
- Expect(lines[0:len(msgs)]).To(Equal(msgs))
- Expect(lines).To(
- ContainElement(fmt.Sprintf("Your new component 'my-%s-app' is ready in the current directory", strings.ToLower(language))))
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- if additionalAsserter != nil {
- additionalAsserter()
- }
- }
- testRunner := func(language string, welcomingMsgs []string, tester helper.Tester) (string, error) {
- command := []string{"odo", "init"}
- return helper.RunInteractive(command,
- // Setting verbosity level to 0, because we would be asserting the welcoming message is the first
- // message displayed to the end user. So we do not want any potential debug lines to be printed first.
- // Using envvars here (and not via the -v flag), because of https://github.com/redhat-developer/odo/issues/5513
- []string{"ODO_LOG_LEVEL=0"},
- testFunc(strings.ToLower(language), welcomingMsgs, tester))
- }
- When("directory is empty", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(HaveLen(0))
- })
+ When("directory is empty", func() {
- It("should display appropriate welcoming messages", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(HaveLen(0))
+ })
- if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
- Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
- }
+ It("should display appropriate welcoming messages", func() {
- language := "java"
+ if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
+ Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
+ }
- // The first output is welcoming message / paragraph / banner output
- welcomingMsgs := strings.Split(odolog.Stitle(messages.InitializingNewComponent, messages.NoSourceCodeDetected, "odo version: "+version.VERSION), "\n")
+ language := "java"
- output, err := testRunner(language, welcomingMsgs, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, language)
+ // The first output is welcoming message / paragraph / banner output
+ welcomingMsgs := strings.Split(odolog.Stitle(messages.InitializingNewComponent, messages.NoSourceCodeDetected, "odo version: "+version.VERSION), "\n")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ output, err := testRunner(language, welcomingMsgs, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, language)
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- assertBehavior(strings.ToLower(language), output, err, welcomingMsgs, nil)
- })
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ })
- When("directory is not empty", func() {
+ assertBehavior(strings.ToLower(language), output, err, welcomingMsgs, nil)
+ })
+ })
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "python"), commonVar.Context)
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
- SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(2),
- ContainElements("requirements.txt", "wsgi.py")))
- })
+ When("directory is not empty", func() {
- It("should display appropriate welcoming messages", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "python"), commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
+ SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(2),
+ ContainElements("requirements.txt", "wsgi.py")))
+ })
- if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
- Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
- }
+ It("should display appropriate welcoming messages", func() {
- language := "Python"
- projectType := "Python"
- devfileName := "python"
- welcomingMsgs := strings.Split(odolog.Stitle(messages.InitializingNewComponent, messages.SourceCodeDetected, "odo version: "+version.VERSION), "\n")
+ if os.Getenv("SKIP_WELCOMING_MESSAGES") == "true" {
+ Skip("This is a Unix specific scenario, skipping")
+ }
- output, err := testRunner(language, welcomingMsgs, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
+ language := "Python"
+ projectType := "Python"
+ devfileName := "python"
+ welcomingMsgs := strings.Split(odolog.Stitle(messages.InitializingNewComponent, messages.SourceCodeDetected, "odo version: "+version.VERSION), "\n")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
+ output, err := testRunner(language, welcomingMsgs, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx,
- fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx,
+ fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ })
- assertBehavior(strings.ToLower(language), output, err, welcomingMsgs, func() {
- // Make sure the original source code files are still present
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
- SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(4),
- ContainElements("devfile.yaml", "requirements.txt", "wsgi.py", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
+ assertBehavior(strings.ToLower(language), output, err, welcomingMsgs, func() {
+ // Make sure the original source code files are still present
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
+ SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(4),
+ ContainElements("devfile.yaml", "requirements.txt", "wsgi.py", util.DotOdoDirectory)))
+ })
+ })
- })
- })
- When("alizer detection of javascript name", func() {
+ When("alizer detection of javascript name", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
- SatisfyAll(
- HaveLen(3),
- ContainElements("Dockerfile", "package.json", "server.js")))
- })
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(
+ SatisfyAll(
+ HaveLen(3),
+ ContainElements("Dockerfile", "package.json", "server.js")))
+ })
- It("should display node-echo name", func() {
- language := "JavaScript"
- projectType := "Node.js"
- projectName := "node-echo"
- devfileName := "nodejs"
+ It("should display node-echo name", func() {
+ language := "JavaScript"
+ projectType := "Node.js"
+ projectName := "node-echo"
+ devfileName := "nodejs"
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx,
- fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx,
+ fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName))
- })
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName))
+ })
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
- Expect(lines[len(lines)-1]).To(Equal(fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName)))
+ lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
+ Expect(lines[len(lines)-1]).To(Equal(fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName)))
- })
- It("should ask to re-enter the component name if invalid value is passed by the user", func() {
- language := "JavaScript"
- projectType := "Node.js"
- projectName := "node-echo"
- devfileName := "nodejs"
+ })
+ It("should ask to re-enter the component name if invalid value is passed by the user", func() {
+ language := "JavaScript"
+ projectType := "Node.js"
+ projectName := "node-echo"
+ devfileName := "nodejs"
- _, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
+ _, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Based on the files in the current directory odo detected")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Language: %s", language))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Project type: %s", projectType))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx,
- fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx,
+ fmt.Sprintf("The devfile \"%s\" from the registry \"DefaultDevfileRegistry\" will be downloaded.", devfileName))
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Is this correct")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "myapp-")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "myapp-")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "name \"myapp-\" is not valid, name should conform the following requirements")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "name \"myapp-\" is not valid, name should conform the following requirements")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName))
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Your new component '%s' is ready in the current directory", projectName))
+ })
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
+ })
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
- })
- It("should start downloading starter project only after all interactive questions have been asked", func() {
- output, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ It("should start downloading starter project only after all interactive questions have been asked", func() {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, ".NET")
+ output, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select language")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, ".NET")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select project type")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration?")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-dotnet-app")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Which starter project do you want to use")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-dotnet-app' is ready in the current directory")
- })
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-dotnet-app")
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-dotnet-app' is ready in the current directory")
+ })
- lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
- Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
- Expect(lines[len(lines)-1]).To(Equal("Your new component 'my-dotnet-app' is ready in the current directory"))
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
- componentNameQuestionIdx, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, ".*Enter component name:.*")
- Expect(ok).To(BeTrue())
- starterProjectDownloadActionIdx, found := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines,
- ".*Downloading starter project \"([^\\s]+)\" \\[.*")
- Expect(found).To(BeTrue())
- Expect(starterProjectDownloadActionIdx).To(SatisfyAll(
- Not(BeZero()),
- // #5495: component name question should be displayed before starter project is actually downloaded
- BeNumerically(">", componentNameQuestionIdx),
- ), "Action 'Downloading starter project' should have been displayed after the last interactive question ('Enter component name')")
+ lines, err := helper.ExtractLines(output)
+ Expect(err).To(BeNil())
+ Expect(len(lines)).To(BeNumerically(">", 2))
+ Expect(lines[len(lines)-1]).To(Equal("Your new component 'my-dotnet-app' is ready in the current directory"))
+ componentNameQuestionIdx, ok := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines, ".*Enter component name:.*")
+ Expect(ok).To(BeTrue())
+ starterProjectDownloadActionIdx, found := helper.FindFirstElementIndexMatchingRegExp(lines,
+ ".*Downloading starter project \"([^\\s]+)\" \\[.*")
+ Expect(found).To(BeTrue())
+ Expect(starterProjectDownloadActionIdx).To(SatisfyAll(
+ Not(BeZero()),
+ // #5495: component name question should be displayed before starter project is actually downloaded
+ BeNumerically(">", componentNameQuestionIdx),
+ ), "Action 'Downloading starter project' should have been displayed after the last interactive question ('Enter component name')")
- Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
- })
+ Expect(helper.ListFilesInDir(commonVar.Context)).To(ContainElements("devfile.yaml"))
+ })
- Context("Automatic port detection via Alizer", func() {
+ Context("Automatic port detection via Alizer", func() {
- When("starting with an existing project", func() {
- const appPort = 34567
+ When("starting with an existing project", func() {
+ const appPort = 34567
- BeforeEach(func() {
- helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
- helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile"), "EXPOSE 8080", fmt.Sprintf("EXPOSE %d", appPort))
- })
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ helper.CopyExample(filepath.Join("source", "nodejs"), commonVar.Context)
+ helper.ReplaceString(filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "Dockerfile"), "EXPOSE 8080", fmt.Sprintf("EXPOSE %d", appPort))
+ })
- It("should display ports detected", func() {
- _, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Application ports: %d", appPort))
+ It("should display ports detected", func() {
+ _, err := helper.RunInteractive([]string{"odo", "init"}, nil, func(ctx helper.InteractiveContext) {
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Application ports: %d", appPort))
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "Is this correct")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "Is this correct")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Select container for which you want to change configuration")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
- helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-nodejs-app-with-port-detected")
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Enter component name")
+ helper.SendLine(ctx, "my-nodejs-app-with-port-detected")
- helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-nodejs-app-with-port-detected' is ready in the current directory")
- })
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ helper.ExpectString(ctx, "Your new component 'my-nodejs-app-with-port-detected' is ready in the current directory")
+ })
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- // Now make sure the Devfile contains a single container component with the right endpoint
- d, err := parser.ParseDevfile(parser.ParserArgs{Path: filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), FlattenedDevfile: pointer.BoolPtr(false)})
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ // Now make sure the Devfile contains a single container component with the right endpoint
+ d, err := parser.ParseDevfile(parser.ParserArgs{Path: filepath.Join(commonVar.Context, "devfile.yaml"), FlattenedDevfile: pointer.BoolPtr(false)})
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- containerComponents, err := d.Data.GetDevfileContainerComponents(common.DevfileOptions{})
- Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
+ containerComponents, err := d.Data.GetDevfileContainerComponents(common.DevfileOptions{})
+ Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
- allPortsExtracter := func(comps []v1alpha2.Component) []int {
- var ports []int
- for _, c := range comps {
- for _, ep := range c.Container.Endpoints {
- ports = append(ports, ep.TargetPort)
+ allPortsExtracter := func(comps []v1alpha2.Component) []int {
+ var ports []int
+ for _, c := range comps {
+ for _, ep := range c.Container.Endpoints {
+ ports = append(ports, ep.TargetPort)
+ }
+ }
+ return ports
- }
- return ports
- }
- Expect(containerComponents).Should(WithTransform(allPortsExtracter, ContainElements(appPort)))
+ Expect(containerComponents).Should(WithTransform(allPortsExtracter, ContainElements(appPort)))
+ })
+ })
- })
+ }