# standaardtaakbeschrijving-stb Standaardtaakbeschrijving (STB) is een handige tool om de inhoud van de opdracht te omschrijven # Usage 1. Download the `STB_1_mei_2014.xls` file and put it in `data/STB_1_mei_2014.xls` 2. To build, run on the CLI `npm run build`. 3. To publish to TriplyDB, set the right token and username/dataset settings in `.env`. [An example file is provided.](.env.example). # Contents The scripts in [/scripts](/scripts/) load the Excel file, transform it to RDF and upload it. The ontology in [/ontology](/ontology/) described the STB ontology in relation to NEN 2660-2. The N3 file there describes the RDFS inference rules. # Dependencies - `@triply/triplydb`: upload and publish the dataset - `eyereasoner`: reason (RDFS) about the dataset and ontology - `n3`: general RDF tools - `node-xlsx`: general Excel file reader.